EDF2: A Density Functional For Predicting Molecular Vibrational Frequencies
EDF2: A Density Functional For Predicting Molecular Vibrational Frequencies
EDF2: A Density Functional For Predicting Molecular Vibrational Frequencies
The majority of calculations of molecular vibrational spectra are based on the harmonic approximation but are com-
pared (usually after empirical scaling) with experimental anharmonic frequencies. Any agreement that is observed
in such cases must be attributable to fortuitous cancellation of errors and it would certainly be preferable to develop
a more rigorous computational approach. In this paper, we introduce a new density functional model (EDF2) that
is explicitly designed to yield accurate harmonic frequencies, and we present numerical results for a wide variety
of molecules whose experimental harmonic frequencies are known. The EDF2 model is found to be significantly
more accurate than other DFT models and competitive with the computationally expensive CCSD(T) method.
Spectroscopy has had an enormous influence on the under- measurement of isotopic variants but, of course, there is
standing of all aspects of chemistry. In particular, by provid- a catch. Although quantum mechanics provides a formally
ing direct information about the curvature of the potential exact theoretical basis for the whole of chemistry, all of the
energy surface (PES) near the minimum in which a molecule computationally tractable quantum chemical models involve
resides, vibrational spectroscopy provides a powerful probe approximations that introduce errors into the resulting predic-
of the structural and bonding characteristics of solids, liquids, tions. Whether such errors are acceptably small depends on
and gases. the model employed and the nature of the chemical question
The infrared or Raman spectrum of a medium-size being asked. The most accurate models usually agree very
molecule contains a wealth of information but, regrettably, well with experiment but, unfortunately, consume impracti-
this treasure trove is normally regarded as a liability, not an cally large amounts of computer time. Less accurate, less
asset. Normally, analysis focuses on a small subset of famil- time-consuming models, such as the various flavours of
iar bands (e.g. carbonyl stretches) and largely neglects the density functional theory (DFT), mirror reality rather less
rest of the information. Why is such a profligate approach faithfully but have nonetheless found widespread use in all
the established norm? Simply because it is difficult to branches of chemistry.
assign the majority of the peaks in a vibrational spectrum The ideal theoretical procedure is to solve the vibrational
unless one performs a sophisticated normal-mode analy- Schrödinger equation directly in a fully coupled, anharmonic
sis requiring the synthesis of several isotopomers. Sadly, basis.[1] This can be done but the approach is limited by its
the time required for such synthetic excursions is usually complexity to small systems. Alternatively, one can first cal-
prohibitive. culate normal-mode (harmonic) frequencies and then apply
There is, however, another way forward. As the speed the necessary corrections for anharmonicity but, whereas the
of desktop computers continues to rise exponentially, it is first of these steps is now routine, current approaches to
becoming increasingly practical to apply quantum mechan- the second step remain computationally demanding.[2] Much
ics to make first-principles predictions of chemical behaviour, more commonly, harmonic calculations are performed and
and it is now possible to calculate the vibrational spectra of the resulting frequencies scaled by empirical scale factors[3]
twenty-atom molecules in a few hours using a standard PC which account (it is hoped) for the neglect of anharmonic-
and an efficient quantum chemistry package. Armed with ity. However, when this works, it obviously gives the right
this combination of hardware and software, it is straightfor- answers for the wrong reasons. Moreover, calculated har-
ward to predict the infrared spectrum of a newly synthesized monic frequencies are often found to deviate significantly
molecule and gain significant insights by comparing the result from experimental harmonic frequencies, in cases where the
to an experimental measurement. latter are known, implying that the theoretical method is
Performing theoretical calculations of vibrational yielding a PES with the wrong curvature (namely, second
spectra is much more cost-effective than the synthesis and derivatives) at the bottom of the well.
This led us to pursue a two-stage approach. First, build (4) EDF1,[26] an empirical functional that includes the mod-
a DFT model that yields PESs with correct curvatures and, ified Becke exchange functional EX EDF1 and a modified
thus, correct harmonic frequencies. Second, develop compu- Lee–Yang–Parr correlation functional ECEDF1 ,
tationally efficient schemes for the inclusion of anharmonic
and three widely used wavefunction methods:
corrections. The present manuscript describes our progress
on the first stage. (1) HF,[27,28] which uses the Fock exchange functional EX F30 ;
We began by assembling a large set of experimental har- (2) MP2, [29] which uses second-order Møller–Plesset per-
monic frequency data. These are available for a wide variety turbation theory;
of diatomics and a smaller number of larger systems. The (3) CCSD(T),[30] which uses coupled-cluster theory with
diatomic data come primarily from Huber and Herzberg[4] single, double, and perturbative triple substitutions.
but the polyatomic data that we have used are drawn from a
Because coupled-cluster calculations are computationally
variety of sources.[5–19] The complete set of 315 molecules
expensive for large systems, we split the full dataset into 296
is listed in Table 1, and they possess 612 distinct normal
modes. As Fig. 1 indicates, the dataset covers approximately
two-thirds of the elements. H
We then calculated the harmonic vibrational frequencies Li Be B C N O F
of each molecule at a variety of levels of theory. These Na Mg Al Si P S Cl
included four popular DFT methods: K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br
‘small’ and 19 ‘large’ molecules (see footnote Q of Table 1) Table 2. Errors [cm−1 ] in calculated harmonic frequencies for
and did not attempt CCSD(T) calculations on any of the some small molecules
‘large’ molecules. Molecule Expt BLYP EDF1 B3LYP EDF2 HF MP2 CCSD(T)
All of the DFT, HF, and MP2 geometry optimization H2 4401 −54 −26 19 2 186 125 8
and frequency calculations were performed using Q-Chem HF 4138 −206 −120 −48 −33 344 57 39
−69 −18 −2
2.0.[31] Coupled-cluster calculations were carried out using CO2 2397
1354 −48 −25
167 42
157 −11 −8
Molpro.[32] The Dunning cc-pVTZ basis set[33] was used for 673 −40 −30 −2 −1 100 −12 −13
light atoms, and CRENBL[34] and SRSC[35] pseudopotential H2 O 3943 −188 −107 −42 −24 284 50 2
3832 −176 −98 −31 −15 295 40 8
basis sets for heavy atoms (Fig. 1). In the DFT calcula- 1649 −38 −25 −10 −18 104 2 19
tions, we employed an Euler–Maclaurin–Lebedev quadrature SO2 1381 −135 −91 −30 −20 195 −45 −28
scheme[36–38] to integrate the exchange–correlation func- 1167 −98 −60 −2 6 212 −47 −19
526 −45 −33 −9 −8 82 −22 −13
tional and used 100 radial and 194 angular grid points on NH3 3577 −118 −53 1 20 230 99 20
each atom to ensure that low-frequency modes are treated 3506 −158 −102 −44 −30 179 31 −35
−46 −38 −13 −20 −3
satisfactorily.[39] Every frequency calculation was preceded 1691
1022 46 54 46 31
55 87
by an optimization—it is not physically meaningful to discuss SO3 1409 −131 −80 −34 −19 168 6 −14
vibrations about non-stationary points on a PES. 1048 −82 −42 3 13 193 6 9
539 −60 −48 −26 −24 60 −21 −21
Following the construction philosophy of the EDF1 504 −61 −45 −24 −21 79 −14 −17
functional[26] (the acronym stands for ‘Empirical Density CH2 Cl2 3182 −58 −30 17 18 182 56 24
Functional 1’), we sought to develop a new DFT functional 3123 −75 −47 −1 1 162 54 7
1464 −46 −38 −2 −7 131 31 10
by linearly combining several existing functionals. However, 1295 −53 −40 −8 −12 119 14 −2
whereas EDF1 was optimized to yield accurate thermochem- 1177 −51 −33 −7 −8 106 26 3
917 −46 −36 −17 −17 64 2 −11
istry when used with the 6–31+G* basis set, our new target 771 −109 −72 −53 −41 55 33 3
(EDF2) was optimized to give accurate harmonic frequencies 724 −70 −34 −24 −15 40 22 −4
when used with the basis sets indicated in Fig. 1. 284 −19 −12 −6 −4 20 7 −2
CH3 Cl 3166 −74 −40 1 7 149 62 15
To begin, we wrote an initial approximation to the new 3074 −73 −45 −2 2 143 60 6
functional as Equation (1) 1482 −36 −32 1 −5 120 34 12
1383 −49 −38 −6 −10 119 22 1
1038 −48 −35 −14 −15 77 10 −6
EEDF2 = a1 EHF + a2 ELSDA + a3 EBLYP 740 −74 −34 −31 −17 29 37 2
+ a4 EB3LYP + a5 EEDF1 (1) CH4 3158 −97 −48 −24 −11 88 60 −5
3026 −63 −32 3 9 122 −17 8
1567 −36 −32 −3 −9 99 33 4
and determined the five unknown ai coefficients by a simple 1357 −43 −46 −13 −21 97 −174 −14
least-squares fit of the HF, LSDA, BLYP, B3LYP, and EDF1
harmonic frequencies to the experimental ones. This strat- Table 3. RMS errors [cm−1 ] of the harmonic frequencies of
egy was termed ‘external optimization’ by Adamson et al.[26] small and large molecules
Then, since each of the five functionals is itself a sum of sim-
pler components, we could write the exchange–correlation
part of the new functional as Equation (2) ‘Small’ 65 53 40 34 108 67 35
‘Large’ 67 54 34 33 133 55 –
= b1 EX
+ b 2 EX
+ b 3 EX
+ b 4 EX
EDF1 All 66 54 38 34 117 64 35
+ b5 ECVWN + b6 ECLYP + b7 ECEDF1 (2) Table 4. RMS errors [%] of the harmonic frequencies of small
and large molecules
Since external optimization leads to a linear combination of
model chemistries, not a linear combination of functionals, Molecules BLYP EDF1 B3LYP EDF2 HF MP2 CCSD(T)
the bi coefficients at this stage were not optimal. There- ‘Small’ 7.0 5.8 4.5 3.9 9.8 6.4 4.1
fore, in a second step, we performed an internal optimization ‘Large’ 4.7 4.4 2.4 2.3 9.0 3.6 –
of the coefficients using the downhill simplex minimiza- All 6.3 5.4 3.7 3.3 9.5 5.6 4.1
tion algorithm.[40] On each iteration of this (each time the
coefficients were refined), we re-optimized the geometries errors in the harmonic frequencies of ten familiar molecules,
of all of the molecules in Table 1, re-computed their har- as calculated by four DFT methods and three wavefunction
monic frequencies at these geometries, and determined the methods. The HF method is clearly the least accurate, fol-
resulting root-mean-square (RMS) error between these and lowed by BLYP and then EDF1. The most accurate methods
the experimental values. After a few months of this, the opti- are B3LYP, EDF2, and CCSD(T). Our results reveal that the
mal coefficients were found to be b1 = 0.1695, b2 = 0.2811, poor accuracy of B3LYP observed in previous studies[41,42]
b3 = 0.6227, b4 = −0.0551, b5 = 0.3029, b6 = 0.5998, and for the H2 and HF molecules is largely an artefact of the
b7 = −0.0053. neglect of anharmonicity: the harmonic frequencies from
There are several different ways in which the accuracies B3LYP agree well with the harmonic experimental results.
of different functionals can be compared and Tables 2–4 and Moreover, the new EDF2 functional is even better in this
Fig. 2 provide different perspectives on this. Table 2 shows the respect.
368 C. Y. Lin, M. W. George and P. M. W. Gill