Reacquisition of Citizenship - Denaturalization
Reacquisition of Citizenship - Denaturalization
Reacquisition of Citizenship - Denaturalization
- CA 63 provides that citizenship lost may Person who becomes a filipino thru
be reacquired by naturalization by naturalization can be denaturalized
direct act of congress or repatriation. (Cancellation of Cert of Naturalization)on the ffl
- Naturalization applied for former PH grounds:
citizen who lost its citizenship under the
1. If it was obtained fraudulently or
aforesaid ways
- Congress by means of law
2. Withing 5 years upon issuance he
- Repatriation is accomplished by taking
returned to his native country and
necessary oat of allegiance to the PH
resided there. Provided, that his stay
and registering the same in the civil
there for one year shall be considered
registry and bureau of Immigration
prima facie evidence of his intention of
(available to women who lost their
taking up permanent residence.
citizenship through marriage or on
3. Made on an invalid declaration of
account of economic and political
necessity, not disqualified by law and
4. Minor children of the naturalized
deserters of the AFP)
person fails to graduate from a school
ACQUISITION OF PH CITIZENSHIP BY ALIEN recognized by DECS through fault of the
WIFE MARRIED TO A FILIPINO parents either by neglecting to support
them or transferring them to a different
- Can acquire through Judicial Nat. (CA
Certified copy of the decree be
forwarded to DILG and OSG
- Administrative Nat. ( RA 9139)
- Or Derivative Naturalization (available
5. If he allowed himself to be a dummy in
to alien wife with PH husband)
violation of the constitutional or legal
- (CA 473) alien women married to PH
provision req. PH citizenship as a req.
men may be deemed ipso facto PH
for the exercise, use or enjoyment of a
Citizens and not necessary to prove that
right, franchise or privilege.
they posses the qualification.