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The Problems of The World of Education in The Middle of The Covid-19 Pandemic

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The Problems of the World of Education in the Middle of the

Covid-19 Pandemic
Beby Masitho Batubara
Public Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Medan Area,

Abstract Keywords
Indonesia is the number one country with the highest number of problematics; education; pandemic
Covid patients in Central Asia. This has an impact on various covid 19
sectors including the education sector. In Indonesia, approximately
45 million students in Indonesia or it can be said that 3% of the
total data globally, students who cannot take part in learning, the
government issued a learning process policy in the midst of a
pandemic, this policy determines the learning process which is
usually carried out face-to-face, changes be learning online. This
research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, with the type of
library research, which is the collection of data related to the
object of research in the form of literature or studying and
deepening the literature literature books, reports and scientific
journals, research results and other sources. The obstacles faced
in implementing this learning method, namely the unpreparedness
of students in the online teaching and learning process,Several
studies have stated that not all of the teaching staff in Indonesia in
various regions are equalized in carrying out the learning process
online based on quality, competency in the use of communication
and technology). Not only that, the weak education of the elderly to
accompany students in using online media and not supported by
facilities to carry out online learning. Dith the provision of internet
networks with requiresubstantial costs. The problems in the world
of education amid the Covid-19 pandemic must be a serious
concern of the central and local governments.

I. Introduction

The country of Indonesia is experiencing a health emergency with the emergence of

the corona virus which is a type of pandemic/global disease outbreak that is very rapidly
spreading among humans. The government determined that Indonesia was in a
conditiondisaster emergency. The forerunner of the covid outbreak in Indonesia, began in
early March 2020, the first case of corona in Indonesia, with two Indonesian citizens
detected as having contracted the covid-19 virus. The spread of the virus is so fast, causing
the number of Covid patients to increase every day and spread to all regions in
Indonesia.As of June 22, 2020, Indonesia is the highest country in Southeast Asia with
49,009 positive cases of Covid (www.kompas.com). Real data The number of corona
patients is likely to be higher than official government data. This can be seen from the high
number of PDP (patients under surveillance) and OTG (people without symptoms) in
Indonesia, who have a high risk of reactive corona. The high number of corona patients,
which continues to increase every day, has made Indonesia the number one country with
the highest number of Covid patients in Central Asia. In addition, based on WHO data, the
transmission ratethis virus in Indonesia classified as high, where each Covid patient can
transmit the virus to 2 to 5 people. It is almost four months since Indonesia has been in the
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v4i1.1626 450
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal)
Volume 4, No 1, February 2021, Page: 450-457
e-ISSN: 2615-3076 (Online), p-ISSN: 2615-1715 (Print)
email: birci.journal@gmail.com
midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the virus is growing with the number of patients
increasing every day and will not stop until a vaccine is found. According to Güçyetmez
(2020) The reconsideration and evaluation of the wars of hegemony with Covid 19 pass
through the redefinition of the world that has entered the global crisis. Nasution and
Dayu in Ekarina (2020) stated that the large number of countries that experienced the
Covid-19 case made the World Health Organization (WHO) raise the Covid-19 case from
an epidemic to a pandemic.
Story this pandemic ended differently in countries of the world (Lee, 2020), handling
and controlling the impact of covid-19 all depend on the policies created and implemented
by the government to prevent and control the spread of the virus and its impacts.
Therefore,the government applies social distancing and carries out activities at home only.
This has an impact on various sectors including the education sector. The world of
education has turned around, the covid pandemic has caused a Tsunami of online learning
to have occurred almost all over the world during the COVID-19 pandemic (Goldschmidt
& Msn, 2020). In early April, it was predicted that 91.3% or around 1.5 billion students in
various countries would not be able to participate in learning activities due to the
increasingly widespread spread of the Covid19 virus (UNESCO, 2020). Including in
Indonesia, approximately 45 million students in Indonesia or it can be said that 3% of the
total data globally, students who cannot participate in learning. (Central Statistics Agency,
The Minister of Education and Culture issued a policy in the form of Minister of
Education and Culture Circular Letter Number 3 of 2020 concerning Prevention of
COVID-19 in the Education Unit, and Number 36962/MPK.A/HK/2020, this policy
stipulates that the learning process that is usually carried out in schools is turned into
online learning to avoid an increase in the number of patients caused by Covid
19.).including infrastructure that supports online learning such as facilities and stable
networks/signals. (d) the output of learning in the form of products produced by students is
assessed qualitatively by assessing various aspects without being required to give a
quantitative score (Kemdikbud, 2020).
Based on this policy, it requires that all components in the world of education
starting from kindergarten, elementary, junior high school, high school/equivalent to
universities must fully utilize technology and the internet as a means and infrastructure in
implementing online learning. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact and change
for the world of education, including in Indonesia, the corona outbreak is like a big bomb
that suddenly causes damage to world globalization (Piliang, 2020). A very sudden change
occurred in the education sector to prevent the spread of the virus.

II. Review of Literature

This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, with the type of library
research, which is the collection of data related to the object of research in the form of
literature or examining and deepening the literature literature books, reports and scientific
journals, research results and other sources that are related to the problems involved.
researched. Basically, the critical research conducted by researchersstarting from
determining the focus of research, the theory used and in-depth information from various
literature studies.

III. Research Methods

Online teaching and learning policies using technology that occur suddenly, without
preparation or online learning technology preparation before the outbreak occur, must be
implemented in all regions in Indonesia. The COVID-19 outbreak prompted testing of
distance education almost as never before (Sun et al., 2020). Online learning is also a
tangible form of technological development that is not limited to the current 4.0 industrial
revolution. Although educators and students cannot meet directly, howeverThe online
teaching and learning process is an effective method (Verawardina et al., 2020). If you
want it or not, all important elements in the world of education must prepare themselves
and technological facilities as the main requirements for online learning.
Teacher or teaching staff is the main part in the implementation of pursuit, a massive
change from the traditional/face-to-face teaching and learning process without any
preparation to learning that is carried out online (Bao, 2020; Basilaia & Kvavadze, 2020).
The world of campus also experiences the same thing, students who come from various
regions, and live temporarily in locations close to the campus to carry out face-to-face
academic activities, no longer happen. Since the outbreak appeared in Indonesia and the
implementation of online learning policies, all students from the regions who studied at
various universities in Indonesia returned to their hometowns. Online learning is the only
alternative as a solution to the continued implementation of teaching and learning activities
without reducing the time and period of education set out in the previous policy for each
student, for example, online lectures are not an obstacle for a student to graduate on time.
Online learning is the only alternative as a solution to keep teaching and learning
activities carried out amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The problem is that the government
implements an online learning policy as the best solution to prevent the spread of covid-19
and the transfer of knowledge to students can continue. At present, the development of
technology is so fast in various countries in the world, online learning does not appear
suddenly because of Covid, but has been implemented in several countries even though its
implementation is supported by face-to-face learning. So when the pandemic occurs,
several countries already have readiness to implement policies online learning such as
technology tools, internet, readiness of educational elements (students, teachers/lecturers,
parents). This is in contrast to Indonesia's readiness to implement online learning policies.
The policy issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture, namely "equitable distribution
of technological facilities for the world of education in Indonesia", the Industrial
Revolution 4.0 was only felt by the majority of urban communities. Many areas in
Indonesia have not yet reached the technology facilities to support the implementation of
the online teaching and learning process.
Internet access is one of the main problems of various online learning regions in
Indonesia. Apart from that, online learning is also not supported by the readiness of various
elements such as teachers/lecturers, students/students, and parents, because this policy is a
new thing and there is no technical preparation for the implementation and use of
technology in the application of online learning. The government implements social
disatncing and physical distancing policies to prevent the prevention of the spread of the
Covid-19 pandemic. The world of education as a place of activity for students at every
level of education,follow PBM from home through online learning as a solution to the
systemeducation is implemented based on standards in effect during a pandemic. Online
learning is defined as the experience of transferring knowledge through various media such
as images, videos, online communication and other media that support online
learning.knowledge of using video, audio, images, text communication, software (Basilaia

& Kvavadze, 2020) and supported by internet networks (Zhu & Liu, 2020). This is part of
the modification of the provision of knowledge to students usingwebsite forum (Basilaia &
Kvavadze, 2020), besides that the entry of the world into the 4.0 industrial revolution
makes science inseparable from technology as the main support for online learning during
this pandemic by creating various learning innovations that are synergized with
technology. (Banggur et al., 2018).
Indonesia as a country affected by the corona outbreak, implements learning
activities through an online system. The word online stands for “online”. The word
network indicates that online learning activities are being carried outn through the use of
technology and the internet application of systems The learning system using the online
method is a system developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture through the Open
and Integrated Indonesian Online Lecture Program (KDITT). KDITT is a program
implemented for the implementation of online learning on a national scale (Ministry of
Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, 2014: 1).Not only in school, the ranks
at higher education also implement an online learning process. According to the Ministry
of Education and Culture, online lectures are very beneficial for students and tertiary
institutions (2014: 16) including 1. Increasing affordable and available academic services
besides improving the quality and quality of service and ensuring equality and ensuring
good quality for the entire academic community.
There is three indicators that greatly influence success online, namely content,
channels, infrastructure or information technology (Tl) (http://fri.or.id). Online teaching
and learning activities to run properly must fulfill three components as the main
requirements, namely the existence of an internet connection, the existence of technology
facilities as a tool and the use of online media, the readiness of teachers/lecturers in
providing online teaching. There are other things as additional requirements including,
parties who organize online activities, positive thoughts both educators and students about
the main benefits of the internet for the learning process, learning process methods that can
be understood by all students. As well as monev, a follow-up mechanism for organizers,
educators and students. According to Siahaan et al (2020) Educators have a very big role,
in addition to being facilitators in student learning, as well as guiding and directing
students so that they become human beings who have broad knowledge of both religious
knowledge, intelligence, life skills, skills, noble character and good personality and can
build themselves to be better than before and have a big responsibility in nation building.
Therefore, online learning that runs smoothly is very much determined by the
network (Internet, LAN, WAN) as the main support for supporting educators and students
in interacting virtually and the learning process runs well.
(http://eyepopping.manilasites.com/profiles/). The benefits of online learning according to
Bates and Wulf consist of 4 things, namely: 1) Increasing the level of learning interaction
between students and teachers or instructors (enhance interactivity), 2) Enabling learning
interactions from where and when (time and place flexibility), 3) Reaching out to students
in a broad range (potential to reach a global audience), 4) Facilitating the improvement and
storage of learning materials (easy updating of content as well as archivable capabilities)
(Bates, 1997: 15). The implementation of the online learning process must provide benefits
including improving the quality of both universities and the quality of online learning
graduates, thereby providing benefits, including: 1) There is an increase in the quality of
higher education and graduate quality graphics, 2) the creation of study groups that are
constantly building and sharing knowledge without being limited to the same location, 3)
increasing active communication between educators and students, 4) wide range of
learning resources, 5) increasing the quality of educators due to the easier get information.

Adapting Khoe Yao Tung, the characteristics of online learning, include: 1) the
material in this learning is in the form of graphics, text and various forms of multimedia
elements, 2) the communication formed is carried out simultaneously or not
simultaneously depending on the media used, such as virtual video conferencing, forums
discussion and discussion room, 3) learning is adjusted to the specified time virtually, 4)
besides that learning is also carried out with various elements based on CD-ROOM, which
is very useful for creating active communication between students when learning takes
place. 5) educators find it easier to update teaching materials, 6) increase interaction
between educators and students, 7) form informal and formal communication, 8) the
teaching material is wider because it can be obtained from various references on the
internet (Tung, 2000: 15). According to Khan BH, there are several things that must be
done in online learning including: 1) learning can increase the attention or response of
students, 2) students understand the objectives of online learning, 3) Encourage students to
know more deeply from the information obtained during the learning process, 4) Provide a
stimulus for students, 5) educators provide instructions during online learning, 6) students
can perform well, 7) there is an information feedback process, 8) students can provide
performance assessments for participants students, 9) increased retention and knowledge
transfer. (Khan, 1997: 102).
Infrastructure that supports online learning for free through various discussion spaces
such as Google Classroom, Whatsapp, Smart Class, Zenius, Quipper and Microsoft
(Abidah et al., 2020). Whatsapp features include Whatsapp Group which can be used to
send text messages, images, videos and files in various formats to all members (Kusuma &
Hamidah, 2020). Google Clasroom also allows educators and teachers to develop creative
learning.Online discussion by doing face-to-face online is an alternative that really helps
the implementation of a quality learning process, many media support face-to-face
implementation such as Zoom, Google Meet, CloudX. It is very helpful for students/
students to do percentages online, because they can interact directly face-to-face with
teachers/lecturers virtually, this is also one of the variations in online learning.
From the explanation above, it cannot be denied that online learning can be
successful, if the education elements have prepared properly the main components in the
form of a smooth and stable internet network, technological facilities, the readiness of
students and teachers/lecturers as well as learning resources during it online teaching and
learning activities.
Online learning policy in Indonesia, which is considered to be the best solution for
teaching and learning process withit does not reduce the essence of education amid the
covid-19 pandemic, raises problems for the world of education, there is no preparation for
fulfilling the main components of online success causing new problems to emerge in the
world of education. The unequal use of internet networks and technology facilities causes
the ineffectiveness of online learning in most regions in Indonesia. based on datafrom the
Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association In 2019, the comparison of data from
2018 to 2019, Java is still the island of Java which is very contributing to the increase in
the number of users. from 171.17 million users in 2018, only 55% increased users outside
Java Island which later,Followed by Sumatra Island 21 percent, Sulawesi-MalukuPapua
(10%), Bali-Nusa Tenggara (5%), (APJII, 2019). In the survey, computer ownership was
also uneven. Because based on data Kominfo consists of from Java (11.04 percent),
Sumatra (7.63 percent), Kalimantan (8.01 percent), Sulawesi (5.98 percent), MalukuPapua
(4.13 percent) and Bali-Nusa Tenggara (5.78 percent ) (Kominfo, 2017). While the 2G
network smartphone ownership survey consisted of Java (51.22 percent), Sumatra (58.13
percent), Kalimantan (57.73 percent), Sulawesi (15.6 percent), Maluku-Papua (39.62

percent) and Bali-Nusa Tenggara (57.84 percent) (Kominfo, 2017). This indicates the
unequal aspects of facilities that can support online learning. The biggest problem in
implementing online learning is felt by students who live in rural areas with pre-empire
category family economic conditions.
Before the corona outbreak occurred and online learning was implemented, the
problem of education in disadvantaged areas had become a never-ending circle. The
traditional education system, which has been implemented alone, raises various problems,
plus the pandemic condition which requires the use of technology and internet networks
creates problems that are very difficult to solve. The topography of Indonesia, which is an
archipelago and mountainous country, must be supported by online learning facilities, both
cellular telecommunications and the internet. Because the internet with 4G facilities is still
centralized in various areas on the island of Java, besides the high market demands in
urban areas in the use of cellular telecommunications, these facilities are also prioritized in
urban areas rather than rural areas.(Khatri, 2019). In addition, the problem of online
learning has encountered problems in various regions in Indonesia because not all regions
have facilities that support this learning, the main factor is the problem of internet
networks/signals which suddenly disappear when online learning is taking place (Khasanah
et al., 2020)
One of the problems of technological inequality and access to online learning media
in various regions in Indonesia, can be proven from the results of research on Innovation
for Indonesian School Children (INOVASI), based on the results of a survey of about 300
parents in various districts in the province including NTB, NTT, Kaltara and East Java.
The survey results stated that there were problems in online learning that were felt by
students who came from families whose economic conditions were below average / group.
This has an impact that only 28% of students are taking online learning. The
unpreparedness of students in the online teaching and learning process is due to the various
obstacles faced, requiring an increase in the ability and quality of the teaching force as one
of the factors that determine the learning process goes well and the achievement of
learning objectives for students.Several studies have stated that not all of the teaching staff
in Indonesia in various regions are equalized in carrying out the learning process online
based on quality, competency in the use of communication and technology (Widodo &
Riandi, 2013 quoted from Koh et al, 2018). Not only technology issues and teacher
readiness, parental factors also affect the success of online learning.
In addition, the problem is the lack of education for parents to accompany students in
using online media and not supported by facilities to carry out online learning.. (Obiakor &
Adeniran,2020). By providing an internet network with needsubstantial costs. The
problems in the world of education amid the Covid-19 pandemic must be a serious concern
of the central and local governments. To provide technological facilities and infrastructure,
especially in underdeveloped areas and still apply the traditional education system, because
the key to online learning is adjustment to the conditions of various regions without
eliminating the essence of learning and knowledge transfer for all students.

IV. Conclusion

The government policy to implement online learning actually provides a solution to

keep teaching and learning activities and knowledge transfer to every student amid the
conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic. So that the essence of education and the time taken
can still be achieved in accordance with the applicable system. Online learning is a
problem in the world of education due to the government's unpreparedness in fulfilling the

main components for the success of the policy. The unequal distribution of facilities and
infrastructure with the use of technology occurs in most regions in Indonesia, not only in
facilities, the readiness of teachers and parents to support the implementation of online
learning is still very minimal. The problem in this world of educationbe the top priority
government in equitable education before and in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The
government must find alternative solutions so that problems in the world of education can
be resolved amid the corona outbreak.


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