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SAP® Customer Success Story

Suzlon Energy

“SAP has been instrumental in

managing Suzlon’s dramatic
growth - it has provided the strong
back end support that gave the
company the confidence to go public
and meet stringent compliance needs.”

Rao, Head-IT, Suzlon Energy


Company Suzlon Energy

n Name : Suzlon Energy SAP® Solutions & Services Global footprint. Large scale projects. Growing
n Location : Ahmedabad, India SAP® ERP application
n Industry : Energy market demand. Asia’s largest and world’s leading
n Products &
Implementation Highlights player. Need for better systems and visibility into
Services : Wind Energy n 850 users leverage SAP ERP
systems and operations? Undoubtedly. Solution - SAP® ERP.
solutions n Implemented modules include
n Revenue : Rs 1548 crores FI/CO, MM,PP,PM, QM This, in short, is the story of Suzlon Energy, Asia’s largest
n Employees : 1500

n Web Site : www.suzlon.com integrated wind energy company and among the world’s
n Implementation leading players in the renewable energy industry. Suzlon’s
n Comprehensive solution
Partner : IBM, PwC India n World class company and cutting edge research, high quality products and solutions
product and reliable services have seen it grow, in a short span of
Challenges & Opportunities n Suitability to process industry
n Proper control of operations time, into a world leader. The company has the distinction
and activities across locations of having set up a one of its kind wind park with a capacity
n Integrate business processes Benefits
across departments n Faster book closure of 250 MW. The company has a presence in four continents
n Better preparedness for future n Improved operations control and has projects across nearly forty locations.
n Better inventory management
n Faster order processing and

Objectives improved customer satisfaction The happy challenge of managing growth

n Integrating all its business areas As a player in the renewable energy space, Suzlon was
and improve decision making experiencing great market traction. Business opportunities
n Help company go public

were pouring in from across the globe, and the company

was also bolstering its research and operations capabilities
by setting up offices globally. Given the nature of its
business, the size of projects it handled and ambitious
growth plans, the company realized very soon that it needed needs and processes. The vendors were asked to present their
robust systems to make available reliable information on solution for Suzlon in their response. This, along with customer
operations in the right place and at the right time. The references, led the company to choose SAP ERP.
management felt that to focus on growing their business, they
would need to be confident of the quality of their decisions, Given the company’s global vision and thinking, they preferred
which in turn depended on the information that they had at a solution from a world class organization that would handle
their disposal. the rigors of their remote operations. Moreover, they found
the TCO offered by SAP to be optimal and its suitability to their
At the time, however, the reality was quite different. Elaborates business the best.
Rao, Head-IT, Suzlon Energy, “The total disconnect between
factories, corporate head quarters and branches became a big Last, the maintenance and manageability
hassle for the management. This problem manifested across of SAP’s solution, including bandwidth
different functions and resulted in delays. Closing of books and requirements, was easily better than
generation of financial statements took unacceptably long. The competing products including Oracle,
management did not have current information on inventory or according to Rao.
cash flows. If left unattended, this situation was sure to impact
Suzlon’s ability to service its customers better.” The scope of implementation covered materials management,
financial control, sales and distribution, project management,
Need for integration plant maintenance and quality management.
The expectations from the IT system were straight forward - it
had to support operations that were spread across geographies, IBM Global Services was Suzlon’s implementation partner. The
and a business that was growing at a furious pace. The system company chose IBM owing to their reputation and track record
should provide management with the much needed visibility in handling complex implementations spanning multiple
into key business parameters and also help expedite MIS locations.
reporting as well as financial book closure.
The implementation began with an ‘AS IS’ study and
Having decided on the broad objectives of the system, the progressed to an articulation of the “To be” processes. The
company went about the process of selecting the right solution. company preferred to implement SAP ERP without too much
Suzlon released an RFP with a clear articulation of their business
customization for two reasons- to take advantage of best positive. Order processing now recorded a score of 7.5 against
practices and to ensure manageability of the solution in the long a pre implementation 4.4. The customer service process
run. The implementation took nine months, which was quite has matured considerably with a score of 8.8 and project
remarkable given that it covered 47 remote locations. management processes are all at a maturity level of 8 compared
to an average of 6 pre implementation.
There were many factors that contributed to the success - “Total
support from the management, motivated internal team and “SAP has been instrumental in managing
competent implementation partner were the key. Above all, Suzlon’s dramatic growth - it has provided
we realized that there was no way we could grow without an the strong back-end support that gave the
integrated system, and that gave sufficient impetus and drive to company the confidence to go public and
all concerned,” says Rao. meet stringent compliance needs.”

In another league Says Rao

The SAP implementation has transformed the business
processes at Suzlon and given the company a great platform In short, SAP has been the strong backbone that has allowed the
for growth. An internal exercise to evaluate the benefits from company to sprint ahead.
the implementation reveals the following - In the area of
financial and controls, there has been a three fold improvement
in maturity across key processes such as financial reporting,
product costing and invoicing. Periodic reporting, for instance,
improved to a score of 9 from a poor 3.2, while invoice
verification got a perfect 10 post implementation from a below
par 4 pre implementation.
Improvements in sales and dispatch were less dramatic but



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