Unit-2 Sector Specific Occupational Health and Safety Issues
Unit-2 Sector Specific Occupational Health and Safety Issues
Unit-2 Sector Specific Occupational Health and Safety Issues
2.1 Introduction 4
2.7 Glossary 33
2.8 Summary 37
2.10 References 38
The most common illnesses in the workplace are cancers from exposure to hazardous substances,
musculoskeletal diseases, respiratory diseases, hearing loss, circulatory diseases and
communicable diseases caused by exposure to pathogens. The variety of the occupations is so
vast that not even experienced specialists, safety engineers, industrial hygienists, industrial
physicians, consultants and researchers are familiar with all the hazards that exist in each specific
occupation. The present Unit elaborates various occupational hazards of some of the occupations
like mining, textile industry, food processing, agriculture etc.
After completing this Unit, you should be familiar with the following concepts and issues.
Mining remains one of the most difficult, dirty and hazardous occupations; causing more
fatalities than most other occupations. Although only accounting for 0.4 per cent of the global
workforce, mining is responsible for over three per cent of fatal accidents at work (about 11,000
per year, about 30 each day) throughout the world.
Workers in mines are among those who have paid and who continue to pay a high price for
inappropriate and insufficient occupational safety, health and hygiene measures. While it is true
that there has been remarkable progress in occupational safety and health, much remains to be
done. The risks to mine workers can be generalised as follows:
The environment in underground mines is generally hot and humid because of strata temperature,
heat generated by machines, heat given off by human beings and heat produced by the oxidation
of carbonaceous matter, etc. Moreover, in underground mines, the principal source of heat is
from the rock itself. The temperature of the rock goes up about 1 C for every 100 m in depth.
With the extension of mining operations going deeper and the deployment of an increasing
number of machines, health problems are acquiring greater magnitude, resulting in more
accidents and loss of efficiency.
Poor illumination can cause stress on the visual system resulting in fatigue, which in turn leads to
production losses, inferior quality of work, increased mistakes in work, increased accident
frequency, and an eye disease known as nystagmus. Prescribed illumination levels range from
0.2 lux to 50 lux depending upon the vulnerability of locations/ operations.
Due to the nature of the work, dust has been one of the main problems in mining. The extraction
and transport of coal in mining operations can generate significant amounts of airborne
respirable coal dust. Inhalation of this dust can lead to coal workers‟ pneumoconiosis, a disabling
and potentially fatal lung disease.
In the mining of other commodities (metal, non-metal, stone, sand and gravel) and for select
occupations in coal mines, the generation of respirable silica dust is a primary concern.
Inhalation of excessive levels of silica dust can lead to silicosis, another disabling and potentially
fatal lung disease. Exposure to silica is also associated with an increased risk of tuberculosis and
some autoimmune diseases, including scleroderma.
One of the oldest occupational health diseases, silicosis, is an incurable lung disease caused by the
inhalation of dust containing free crystalline silica. Silicosis affects people or workers when they
breathe in tiny silica particles released into the air with the dust created by cutting, grinding, drilling or
blasting rocks. These particles, which are less than five thousandths of a millimeter, are so small that
they can only be seen under a microscope and they remain airborne for a long time. These particles
reach the lung‟s small air sacs and damage the lung tissue. The worst of all is that over a period of time
workers exposed to silica dust are at a high risk of getting lung cancer.
Exposure to silica containing dusts occurs while working on highway construction, loading, dumping,
hauling or crushing rock, cutting or grinding or chipping stone, demolition of concrete or masonry
structures. Some of the other high risk areas are is working in mines, quarries, foundries, construction
sites, manufacturing of glass, abrasive powders, and in masonry workshops. Sandblasting is also one
of the highest risk areas. Silicosis develops after long exposure to relatively low concentrations of
silica dust. One of the most adverse impacts of silicosis is that once the disease has begun, the disease
will continue to progress even after the worker has been removed from further exposure.
Thousands of people were exposed to silica and silica related respiratory problems during the eruption
of Mount Helens in 1980s, due to the inhalation of tridymite or cristobalite in the dust that followed
the explosions. When the twin towers or the World Trade Center collapsed in New York, a lot of
people were exposed to air borne silica.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), in 1996, has classified crystalline silica dust
as a Group 1 human lung carcinogen. Like most other dusts, initial exposure to silica causes irritation
of the eyes, nose and throat; but excessive intake into the lungs causes damage to the lung tissue. In the
initial period it leads to breathlessness during exercise, it does not show enough symptoms in the initial
10 to 20 years. It is after that its impact becomes obvious. The disease also continues to spread even
after the exposure to the source of silicosis has stopped. This is all the more dangerous and a cause for
grave concern.
China: Lung diseases are the most frequent occupational diseases in China. Between 1991 and 1995,
China recorded more than 500,000 cases of silicosis, with around 6000 new cases and more than
24000 deaths occurring each year, mostly among older workers.
India: A prevalence of 55% was found in one group of workers – many of them very young – engaged
in quarrying shale sedimentary rock and subsequent working in small, poorly ventilated sheds.
Brazil: In Brazil, in the State of Minas Gerais alone, more than 4500 workers have been diagnosed
with silicosis. The State of Rio De Janerio banned sandblasting after a quarter of the shipyard workers
were found to have silicosis.
Latin America: Silicosis affected 37% of the miners. The Colombian Government estimates that over
1.8 million workers in the country are at risk of developing the disease.
The noise level in mining areas is normally between 80 - 110 dB (A), but most frequently it is
between 90- 95 dB. The majority of noise comes from machines like loading, drilling and
personnel transport machines.
No permissible noise levels have been laid down in the statute for Indian mines. However based
on the ILO Code of Practice, permissible limits have been recommended by DGMS through a
technical circular. The recommended noise standards are:
The drilling jumbos and loading machines cause vibrations in the entire body, while hand-held
drilling machines cause hand vibrations. The spectra of whole body vibrations usually have three
different peaks between 1.6 to 2.5 Hz, 6.3 to 12.5 Hz and 20 to 30 Hz. From the point of health
risk the most important frequencies are 2-4 Hz and reducing these frequencies is very difficult.
Electrical accidents are the fourth leading cause of death in mining and are disproportionately
fatal compared with most other types of mining accidents. Fatalities are caused by burns and
electrical shock. Half of all mine electrical injuries and fatalities occur during electrical
maintenance work; with the following electrical components most commonly involved are
circuit breakers, conductors, batteries, and meters. The wide variety of electrical injuries on-the-
job suggests that no single intervention strategy can eliminate occupational electrical fatalities
and injuries. Instead, multi-faceted research approaches that consider not only engineering
controls but also organisation of work, training, and personal protective equipment are needed to
mitigate electrical hazards.
While a lot of progress has been made in preventing explosions in mines, explosions still occur,
often producing multiple fatalities. Explosions and the resulting fires often kill or trap workers,
block avenues of escape, and rapidly generate asphyxiating gases, threatening every worker
underground. Explosions can be prevented by minimising methane concentrations through
methane drainage and ventilation, by adding sufficient rock dust to make the coal dust inert, and
by eliminating ignition sources.
Fires are a significant hazard to the safety and health of mine workers. A fire in an underground
coal mine is especially hazardous due to the unlimited fuel supply and the presence of flammable
methane gas. The leading causes of mine fires include flame cutting and welding operations,
friction, electrical short circuits, mobile equipment malfunctions, and spontaneous combustion.
Several recent large coal-mine fires have resulted in mine evacuations and the temporary sealing
of the mines.
Diesel exhaust
Inundations have also taken a
heavy toll in mines. From 1975 Can you find out more about the following?
till date there have been four Disasters due to electric sparking in mining areas
disasters in Indian mines killing include the Jitpur incident in 1973 (48 deaths) and
414 persons. Inundations take Baragolai in 1979 (16 deaths).
The Chasnala disater.
place from surface as well as
In 1965, a major disaster occurred at the Dhori mines
underground sources of water. killing 268 mine workers due to explosions.
Radiation/Radon exposure
Workers employed in uranium, hard-rock, and phosphate mining potentially are exposed to high
concentrations of radon. Uranium miners are generally believed to have the highest exposures.
Radon is formed from the radioactive decay of radium and uranium. Miners constantly exposed
to large quantities of radon have a high risk of developing lung cancer. The incidence of lung
cancer is enhanced when radon acts in combination with silica dust, diesel fumes, and typically,
cigarette smoke. Iron ore, potash, tin, fluorspar, gold, zinc, and lead mines also have significant
levels of radon.
The high rate of work-related illness in electronics is still being examined. Evidence of health
hazards in electronics has only just begun to emerge, since relatively little is known about
chemical toxicology, and because it takes months or years before an illness manifests itself from
the time of the first exposure. For example, it may take anywhere from 2 to 50 years after
exposure to a carcinogen before cancer appears, and one to five years of using a microscope
daily before permanent eye damage occurs. Chemicals can leak slowly into the air, soil and
water, leading to a host of delayed health problems in nearby communities.
Chemical hazards
The electronics industry developed the clean room where dust levels are kept very low because
the smallest bit of dust can ruin the manufacture of an expensive semiconductor. To save energy
costs and to lower dust levels to near zero, filtered air is re-circulated in the clean rooms. As a
result, workers are repeatedly and continually exposed to re-circulated mixtures of chemicals
because the fumes and vapours of many hundreds of chemicals cannot be completely removed
by air and particulate filters.
Irritation and allergic reactions are some of the more common health problems experienced by
workers exposed to chemicals in electronics manufacturing. Some of the common allergens and
irritants include organic solvents, solder flux, aldehydes, epoxy resins, curing agents, metal dusts
and fumes, acrylates, isocynates, inorganic acids, plastic resins and additives, waxes, aniline
dyes, alkali detergents, etc.
Some of the common allergic reactions prevalent in the electronics industry are conjunctivitis,
sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, asthma, alveolitis, dermatitis, and pruritis.
The ability of workers in the electronics industry to have a normal sex life and to give birth to
healthy children is threatened by three job hazards – chemicals, radiation and stress. The sex life
of both male and female workers can be affected. Some of the effects are change in sexual
behaviour, problems in the reproductive system, abnormal pregnancy, birth defects and
accumulation of mutated genes in future generations.
The cancer risk for workers in the electronics industry may be higher than for the general
population in urban industrial areas. At least 20 per cent (and perhaps up to 50 %) of electronics
and electrical workers or at least one out of every five workers face the risk of cancer-causing
substances on the job. The groups of chemicals that cause higher rates of cancer risk include
petroleum and fuel oils, heavy metals and their compounds, chlorinated hydrocarbons and other
solvents, vinyl chloride, acrylonitrile, ethylene oxide and other plastic resins, and asbestos.
Radiation hazards
Many electronic workers are exposed to radiation on the job. The most common forms of low
risk radiation in electronics are heat (radio frequency radiation) and artificial light (fluorescent
lamps). Evidence suggests that even low amounts of both ionizing (e.g. x-rays, gamma rays,
radioisotopes, neutrons) and non-ionizing radiation (e.g. radio frequency, microwaves, infrared
and ultraviolet light) can be dangerous to workers.
Most ionizing forms of radiation penetrate the skin and instantly damage or destroy the tiny cells
of the human body. The damage is almost irreversible. The amount of cell damage depends on
the dose or strength and duration of the exposure to radiation. Exposure to ionizing radiation is
more likely to occur in the wafer fabrication process, in the manufacture of PCBs (printed circuit
board) and when using radioisotopes such as krypton-85 to check for leaks after encapsulation in
the process of semiconductor assembly. Results of exposure can include cancer, genetic
mutation, aplastic anaemia, and birth defects in children, miscarriages, decreased life expectancy
and premature ageing.
Eye hazards
One of the saddest stories to emerge so far in the brief history of electronics manufacturing is the
permanent loss of eyesight suffered by thousands of young workers solely because of unjust and
unhealthy working conditions. Eye problems like chronic conjunctivitis, near sightedness and
astigmatism are remarkable considering that, for most jobs, only applicants with 20/20 vision
(perfect eyesight) are hired. The main causes of eye problems in these workers are stress,
radiation hazards of using scopes and TV monitors, chemical vapours, fumes, dust, and gases
that cause irritation.
Eye problems can be grouped as eyestrain, eye irritation, and eye damage. Conjunctivitis, known
as „pink eye‟ (inflammation of the mucous membrane) is caused by irritant chemicals. Near
sightedness (myopia) is perhaps the most common form of eye damage resulting from repetitive
detailed work with scopes or monitors. The toxic effects of chemicals may result in the loss of
normal colour perception, loss of peripheral vision, hallucinations, decreased ability to see in the
dark, blurred vision, loss of normal eye-hand coordination, reduced vision and blindness. In
addition, eye problems can lead to other complications like headache, dizziness, fatigue,
inattention, irritability, nervousness, insomnia, hallucinations, stress, etc.
Noise Hazards
In the electronics industry, machinery such as metal stampers, cutting equipment, motors and
packaging machines may emit excessively loud noise. High frequency noise is also emitted from
ultrasound equipment used for bonding and testing components and for other purposes. The pain
threshold of noise is about 120-140 dB. Most work related hearing loss is caused by prolonged
exposure to noise over 80 dB. Signs of stress, such as increased heart rate (rapid pulse) have
been observed in people exposed to continuous noise at levels between 60 and 70 dB.
Stress is an important, but often overlooked factor in health and safety hazards at work. In
electronics manufacturing, there are three main cause of stress - ergonomic, economic and
Ergonomic causes of stress are those that involve the worker‟s biological-mechanical (physical)
relationship to the job he/she must perform and the equipment he or she must use. This includes
body-task positioning (position of the work table, height of the chair and its hardness, poor
lighting, etc.), repetitive movements (leading to strain, irritation and possibly diseases of nerves,
tendons and muscles and), noise (high volume or frequency contributes to mental, physical as
Economic causes include inadequate wages and benefits to the workers, piece-rate or quota wage
systems (more competition among the workers), lack of job security, lack of health benefits and
the lack of decent housing and overtime, shift work and work speed-ups.
Social causes of stress include the lack of control or decision-making about one‟s job or the way
the workplace is run. The common factors are sexual, racial, class, religious and intellectual
discrimination, lack of reward or encouragement for the efforts and achievements of a worker
and poor relationship between a worker and his supervisor.
„Electronics industry is a clean industry.‟ Would you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
The food processing industry covers a series of activities directed at the processing, conversion,
preparation, preservation and packaging of foodstuffs. The raw materials used are generally of
vegetable or animal origin and produced by agriculture, farming, breeding and fishing. In spite of
the extreme diversity of the food industries, the preparation processes can be divided into
handling and storage of raw materials, extraction (extract a specific food product from fruit,
cereals or liquids), processing (general procedures used are fermentation, cooking, dehydration
and distillation), preservation (prevent any deterioration of food products by processes like
radiation sterilisation, antibiotic sterilisation, chemical action, dehydration, and refrigeration),
and packaging (by processes like canning, aseptic packaging and frozen packaging).
The food processing industry is one of the world‟s largest employment sectors. While the
industry has a below-average nonfatal injury incidence rate, awareness on the health and safety
hazards involved in the sector gains significance considering the number of people engaged.
The most common causes of injuries in the food industry are hand tools, especially knives;
operating machinery; collisions with moving or stationary objects; falls or slips; and burns.
Electrical shocks can occur in electrical installations, especially in wet or damp places. Fires and
explosions may occur in gas or oil-fired ovens or cooking processes if they are not installed,
operated or maintained correctly; provided with the essential safety devices; or if proper safety
procedures are not followed (especially in open flame operations).
Respiratory Problems
Common respiratory problems related to food processing industry are rhinitis that affects the
nasal passages; broncho-constriction in the major airways; and pneumonitis, which consists of
Among the hazards due to microbiological processes involved in the food processing,
Tricoderma and Penicillium are prominent. Penicillium is found in dairy and meat processing
plants (and various other sectors); during the maturing of cheeses and sausages, there can be
abundant surface growth. Occupational asthma cases have been associated with many of these
organisms, while some are also suspected of causing infection or carrying mycotoxins. The
enzymes trypsin, chymotrypsin and protease are associated with hypersensitivity and respiratory
Skin Disorders
The common skin problems found in the food and drink industries are dermatitis and contact
allergies (e.g., eczema). Due to sanitation requirements, workers are constantly needed to wash
their hands with soap and using hand-dip solutions that contain quaternary ammonium solutions.
This constant wetting of the hands can reduce the lipid content of the skin and lead to dermatitis.
Working with fats and oils can clog the pores of the skin and lead to acne-like symptoms. These
primary irritants account for 80 per cent of all occupational dermatitis seen. Workers may
become highly sensitised to microbial proteins and peptides generated by fermentation and
extraction, which can lead to eczema and other allergies. Occupational dermatitis is also reported
when working with enzymes, such as trypsin, chymotrypsin and protease.
Ionizing radiations sometimes used during the processing of the food or food sterilisation etc.
also pose a health hazard.
Parasitic Infection
Infectious and parasitic diseases of animal origin are the occupational diseases most specific to
the food and drink industries. The diseases are most common among meat-packing and dairy
workers as a result of direct contact with infected animals.
Hearing impairment occurs as a result of continuous and prolonged exposure to noise above
recognised threshold levels. There is also an association between exposure to high noise levels
and abnormal blood pressure, increased heartbeat, increased respiration rate/volume, stomach
and intestinal spasms and nervous disorders.
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Work in meat, poultry, fish and food processing plants tends to involve repetitive and
monotonous movement and that too at a gruelling pace, particularly in slaughterhouses and in the
manufacture of sausages and canned food. Most of the strain is exerted on the upper extremities.
Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) include inflammation of the tendon (tendinitis) and
inflammation of the tendon sheath (tenosynovitis). Tasks that repeatedly combine the bending of
the wrist with a gripping, squeezing and twisting motion can cause carpal tunnel syndrome
(CTS). Characterised by a tingling sensation in the thumb and first three index fingers, CTS is
caused by inflammation in the wrist joint creating pressure on the nerves in the wrist.
Misdiagnosis of CTS as arthritis can result in permanent numbness and severe pain in the hands,
elbows and shoulders. Vibration disorders also accompany an increased level of mechanisation.
Thermal extremes exist in the food work area. People must work in freezers with temperatures of
–180C or below. Freezer clothing helps insulate the worker from the cold, but warm break rooms
with access to warm liquids must be provided. Meat-processing plants must be kept at 7 to 10 0C.
This is below the comfort zone and workers may need to wear additional clothing layers. Heat,
often combined with high humidity in cooking and sterilising, can produce an equally intolerable
physical environment, where heat stroke and heat exhaustion are areas of concern. These
conditions are especially found in processing that entails evaporation of solutions, such as tomato
paste production, often in countries where hot conditions already prevail. It is also prevalent on
the floors of slaughterhouses. Ovens and steam cookers also emit radiant and moist heat.
Ashoka Hotel is located in the heart of South Delhi within a distance of about 12 km from the airport and the
railway station. It is one of the „Ashok Group of Hotels' in India. It has been rated as a 'five star hotel'.
Administratively, it is maintained by the Indian Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) under the guidance
of the Ministry of Tourism and Industry. A study was conducted to study and analyse and document health and
safety conditions of the workers in the hotel and also to analyse the available infrastructural facilities related to
the health and safety measures available to the workers of the 5-star hotel. The findings have been be
summarised in the following Tables.
In conclusion, infrastructure facilities available to the workers are inadequate. Lack of proper ventilation,
arduous duty hours, extreme changes in the temperature, bad disposal system of waste coupled with
poor availability of medical facilities are responsible for health hazards faced by the workers. There is an
immediate need to provide adequate and feasible health protective measures to all the workers.
Think Tank:
What are the main causes of illness/disease in the food processing industry?
List the health hazards in the meat packing and related industries.
The term textile (derived from the Latin texere, to weave) was originally applied to the weaving
of fabrics from fibres, but now it includes a broad range of other processes such as knitting,
tufting, felting and so on. It has also been extended to include the making of yarn from natural or
synthetic fibres as well as the finishing and dyeing of fabrics. Textile industries entail diverse
operations including fibre synthesis, blow room/ card room operations, weaving, spinning,
manufacturing, dyeing and finishing.
The textile manufacturing industry employs over ten million workers throughout the world. Like
any other processing industry, the workers face various health hazards. The hazards include
chemical poisoning because of exposure to solvents in the cleansing and dyeing processes, lung
and skin diseases due to exposure to dust particles and allergy to fabrics, ergonomic problems
such as back, neck and shoulder pain, joint diseases in the sewing processes, cuts, injuries and
accidents while using various machinery, long working hours and work stress and many others.
Dust is generated when cotton fibre is converted into yarn and fabric and inhalation of this dust
causes an occupational lung disease called byssinosis in about seven to eight per cent of textile
workers. It is also known as mill fever, cotton fever (brown lungs) or hemp fever. It usually takes
15 to 20 years of exposure to higher levels of dust (above 0.5 to 1.0mg/m 3) for workers to
actually start suffering from related diseases.
The dust, an airborne particulate released into the atmosphere when cotton is handled or
processed, is a heterogeneous, complex mixture of botanical trash, soil and microbiological
material (i.e., bacteria and fungi), which varies in composition and biological activity. The cotton
dust enters into the alveoli of the lungs and the continuous accumulation in the lungs reduces the
lung‟s capacity to retain oxygen and the worker develops a brown lung.
Noise is often a problem in some processes of yarn manufacturing, but in a few modern textile
mills the levels are below 90 dB, thanks to modern machinery which is quieter. Normally, the
noise levels in the textile industry range between 102-114 dB. Noise can have both auditory (like
hearing loss) and non-auditory effects (like sleep disorders, mental fatigue, and irritability and
reduced alertness).
Since spinning sometimes requires high temperatures and artificial humidification of the air, the
entire set up can cause heat stress.
Like other sectors of the textile industry, large machines with rapidly moving parts pose both
noise and mechanical injury hazards in wool units. The risk of accidents is increased if
insufficient space is allowed between the machines. Fire is a serious hazard, especially in old
multi-storey mills.
The industrial disease usually associated with woollen textiles is anthrax. Anthrax is caused by
bacteria called bacillus anthracis that can survive for long periods of time in the form of spores.
The main cause for anthrax is using wool which has not been disinfected (to kill the spores that
causes anthrax) it. Hence, at one time it posed great danger, particularly to the wool sorters. The
wool is disinfected by microwaving the wool bale for a sufficiently long period at a temperature
that will kill any spores. Besides anthrax spores, the spores of the fungus coccidioides immitis
can also be found in wool. This fungus can cause the disease known as coccidioidomycosis,
which usually has a poor prognosis like anthrax.
Chemical substances
Various chemicals are used in the wool industry for example, for degreasing (diethylene dioxide,
synthetic detergents, trichloroethylene and, in the past, carbon tetrachloride), disinfection
(formaldehyde), bleaching (sulphur dioxide, chlorine) and dyeing (potassium chlorate, anilines).
The risks include gassing, poisoning, irritation of the eyes, mucous membranes and lungs, and
skin conditions.
With all the moving parts in the machinery, particularly the looms, woollen mills are often very
noisy places. This is often due to the lack of proper lubrication of machine parts or the non-
introduction of sound baffles and other engineering solutions for reducing noise. The symptoms
are the same as in other cases.
Carbon Monoxide
The symptoms of carbon monoxide toxicity are usually headache, vertigo and sometimes nausea
and vomiting.
Dermatitis of the hands of female workers reeling raw silk is quite common, particularly in
Japan. The skin lesions, localised mainly on the fingers, wrists and forearms, are characterised by
erythema covered with small vesicles, which become chronic, pustular or eczematous and
extremely painful. This is usually attributed to the decomposition products of the dead chrysalis
and to a parasite in the cocoon.
A kind of tonsillitis often occurs among silk spinners due to a bacterial infection from the silk
cocoons. Sometimes, workers in the natural silk industry may develop respiratory allergy
featuring bronchial asthma, asthmatiform bronchitis and/or allergic rhinitis.
Noise exposure can reach harmful levels for the workers at the machines spinning and winding
the silk threads, and at looms where the fabric is woven.
The principal hazards in the viscose process are exposure to carbon disulphide and hydrogen
sulphide. Both have a variety of toxic effects depending on the intensity and duration of the
exposure and the organ(s) affected; they range from fatigue and giddiness, respiratory irritation
and gastrointestinal symptoms to profound neuropsychiatric disturbances, auditory and visual
disorders, deep unconsciousness and death.
Exposure to toxic and inflammable chemicals, accidents and injuries due to machine parts etc.,
slips and falls due to dirty and slippery floors and passages, and noise are some of the
occupational hazards in this industry. Mill fever is also associated with this industry.
Largely a cottage industry, carpet weaving is fraught with the hazards because of impoverished
homes with small, crowded rooms that have poor lighting and inadequate ventilation. The
equipment and processes are passed along from generation to generation with little or no
opportunity for the education and training that might give them a break from traditional methods.
Carpet weavers are subject to skeletal deformations, eyesight disorders and mechanical and toxic
Skeletal deformation
Vision disorders
The constant close focus on the point of weaving or knotting may cause considerable eyestrain,
particularly when the lighting is inadequate. It should be noted that electric lighting is not
available in many home workplaces, and the work, which is often continued into the night, must
be performed by the light of oil lamps. There have been cases of almost total blindness occurring
after long years of work.
The constant tying of small knots and the threading of the weft yarn through the warp threads
may result in swollen finger joints, arthritis and neuralgia causing permanent disabilities of the
The high degree of skill and constant attention to detail over long hours are potent psychosocial
stressors, which may be compounded by exploitation and harsh discipline. Children are often
“robbed of their childhood”, while adults, who often lack the social contacts essential for
emotional balance, may develop nervous illnesses manifested by trembling of the hands (which
may hamper their work performance) and sometimes mental disorders.
Chemical hazards
The dyestuffs used, particularly those that contain potassium or sodium bichromate, may cause
skin infections or dermatitis. The use of ammonia, strong acids and alkalis also pose a risk. Lead
pigments sometimes used by designers, cause lead poisoning due to the practice of smoothing
the tip of the paintbrush between the lips.
Biological hazards
There is a danger of anthrax infection from contaminated raw wool from areas where the bacillus
is endemic.
Think Tank:
Throughout the world, over 90 per cent of the construction workers are male. Although it has
been seen that the proportion of women is higher in some developing countries, they are usually
concentrated in the unskilled jobs where as in some countries the work is left to migrant workers.
For many unskilled workers, the construction industry is their entry into the paid labour force.
There is little doubt that many developing countries like India and China have seen a dramatic
increase in output and employment in the construction industry in the past 30 years. For example
in China, in the year 2002, the output of the construction industry was around US$ 100 billion.
Numerous studies have shown that construction output is growing rapidly often exceeding the
overall economic growth rate. The industry employed more than 36 million people, doubling its
share of the total workforce from 2.3 per cent to 5.2 per cent. The construction industry plays a
major role in combating the high levels of unemployment and in absorbing surplus labour from
rural areas.
In India the construction sector has been steadily growing since Independence. It is the prime
mover for the growth of the nation‟s infrastructure and produces goods and services worth Rs.2.1
trillion. The industry is also the second largest employer, as it employs 31 million persons round
the year (Source: Construction Industry Development Council, New Delhi).
Construction workers are exposed to a wide variety of health hazards on the job. As in other
jobs, the hazards faced by the can be chemical, physical, and social.
Chemical Hazards
Chemical hazards are often airborne and can appear as dust, fumes, mists, vapours or gasses,
thus, exposure usually occurs by inhalation, although some airborne hazards may settle on and be
absorbed through the skin (e.g. pesticides and some organic solvents). Chemical hazards also
occur in liquid or semi liquid state (e.g. glues or adhesives, tar) or as powders (e.g. dry cement).
Skin contact with chemicals in this state can occur in addition to the possible inhalation of the
vapour resulting in systemic poisoning or contact dermatitis. Chemicals might also be ingested
with food or water, or might also be inhaled by smoking. Hazards caused through:
- Inhalation of respirable dust and fumes, various respiratory problems occur due to the
inhalation of dust fumes like cement or sand dust, which ultimately blocks the respiratory
tract and results in an increase in the breathing rate. Similarly, the constant inhalation of
Several illnesses have been linked to the construction trade, among them are:
Silicosis among sand blasters, tunnel builders and rock drill operators
Bronchitis among welders
Skin allergies among masons and others who work with cement
Neurologic disorders among painters and others exposed to organic solvents and lead.
Elevated death rates from cancer of the lungs and the respiratory tract have been found among
insulation workers, roofers, welders and some woodworkers. Lead poisoning occurs among
bridge rehabilitation workers and painters, and heat stress (from wearing full-body protective
suits) among workers who clean hazardous waste and in roofers.
Physical Hazards
Workers in the construction industry face various types of physical hazards which have been
listed below.
- Extreme temperatures - Workers have to work in extreme hot or cold environments and
even in foggy, snowy, rainy, or windy weather and even at night. Hazards from heat and cold
are primarily caused, because a large portion of construction work is done while exposed to
the weather. Heavy equipment operators may sit beside a hot engine and in an enclosed cab
with no roof and without any protection from the sun. Workers in protective gear, such as
that needed for the removal of hazardous waste, may generate metabolic heat from hard
physical labour and get little relief since the suit is usually airtight. Construction workers also
work in especially cold conditions during the winter, with the danger of frostbite and
hypothermia and the risk of slipping on ice.
- Noise, prolonged exposure to noise that is caused by different machines leads to hearing loss.
- Radiation, radiation from the machines used to gauge the pipes; welding, etc has a
detrimental effect on the body. The principal sources of non-ionizing ultraviolet (UV)
radiation are the sun and electric arc welding.
- Vibration, the continuous use of drilling machines, etc., adversely affects either the entire
body or the parts of the body like hands or arms of the workers. The machines that have
today made construction an increasingly mechanised activity have also made it increasingly
noisy. Pneumatic hammers, various hand tools and earth moving machines and other large
mobile machines also subject workers to segmental and entire body vibrations.
- Barometric pressure - Those who work under water or in pressurised tunnels, such as divers
are exposed to high barometric pressure. Such workers are at risk of developing a variety of
conditions associated with high pressure, such as decompression sickness, inert gas narcosis,
aseptic bone necrosis and other disorders.
- Strains and sprains are among the most common injuries among construction workers.
These, and many chronically disabling musculoskeletal disorders (such as tendonitis, carpal
Biological Hazards
Diseases and illnesses can occur from biological sources. The exposure to biological sources can
occur during demolitions, renovations, sewer repairs, etc and these biological sources are:
- Soil
- Water
- Insects and animal bites.
Psychological Hazards
The construction industry covers a large proportion of working population; hence it becomes
necessary to study their social life. There is a lot of instability in their lives, which affects their
health and psychological conditions along with their social as well as economic life as explained
a) Social Life
Construction workers are normally migrants and unorganized workers and because of this they
constantly move from one place to another or from one site to another or from one state to
another, because of which they are unable to develop a normal social life or are unable to build a
relationship with their neighbours because they have to keep adjusting to new surroundings. In
India the female workforce involved in construction is quite large. They are victims of a dual
workload as well malnourishment. Most of the women workers involved in heavy jobs and are
paid less than their male counterparts.
b) Economic Life
The jobs in the industry are casual, temporary and irregular which leaves the workers feeling
insecure. The majority of the workers are employed on a contract basis through petty contractors,
hence there is no relationship between the employer and the employee, which leads to lack of
welfare facilities and the absence of social security measures.
A majority of the workers employed are poor migrants from drought prone villages. As they are
usually uneducated, landless and unemployed, they are easily absorbed in the construction
industry as unskilled workers and are given minimum wages. Construction workers lead a hand
to mouth existence.
Each trade is listed below with an indication of the primary hazards to which a worker in that
trade might be exposed. Exposure may occur to either supervisors or to wage earners. Hazards
that are common to nearly all construction workers i.e., heat, musculoskeletal disorders and
The classification of construction trades given here is the same as that used in the United States
and includes the construction trades as classified in the Standard Occupational Classification
system developed by the US Department of Commerce. This system classifies the trades by the
principal skills inherent in the trade.
Occupations Hazards
Brick masons Cement dermatitis, awkward postures, heavy loads
Stonemasons Cement dermatitis, awkward postures, heavy loads
Hard tile setters Vapour from bonding agents, dermatitis, awkward postures
Carpenters Wood dust, heavy loads, repetitive motion
Drywall installers Plaster dust, walking on stilts, heavy loads, awkward postures
Electricians Heavy metals in solder fumes, awkward posture, heavy loads,
asbestos dust.
Electrical power installers and Heavy metals in solder fumes, heavy loads
Painters Solvent vapours, toxic metals in pigments, paint additives
Paperhangers Vapours from glue, awkward postures
Plasterers Dermatitis, awkward postures
Plumbers Lead fumes and particles, welding fumes
Pipe fitters Lead fumes and particles, welding fumes
Steamfitters Welding fumes, asbestos dust
Carpet layers Knee trauma, awkward postures, glue and glue vapour
Soft tile installers Bonding agents
Concrete and terrazzo finishers Awkward postures
Glaziers Awkward postures
Insulation workers Asbestos, synthetic fibres, awkward postures
Paving, surfacing and tamping Asphalt emissions, gasoline and diesel engine exhaust, heat
equipment operators
Rail-and track-laying equipment Silica dust, heat
Roofers Roofing tar, heat, working at heights
Sheet metal duct installers Awkward postures, heavy loads, noise
Structural metal installers Awkward postures, heavy loads, working at heights
Welders Welding emissions
Solderers Metal fumes, lead, cadmium
Drillers, earth, rock Silica dust, whole-body vibration, noise
Air hammer operators Noise, whole-body vibration, silica dust
Pile driving operators Noise, whole-body vibration
Hoist and winch operators Noise, lubricating oil
Crane and tower operators Stress, isolation
Excavating and loading machine Silica dust, histoplasmosis, whole-body vibration, heat stress, noise
Grader, dozer and scraper Silica dust, whole-body vibration, heat noise
Highway and street construction Asphalt emissions, heat, diesel engine exhaust
Truck and tractor equipment Whole-body vibration, diesel engine exhaust.
Demolition workers Asbestos, lead, dust, noise
Hazardous waste workers Heat, stress
Source: Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Fourth Edition, Volume III
Underground construction work includes tunnelling for roads, highways and railroads and laying
pipelines for sewers, hot water, steam, electrical conduits, and telephone lines. The construction
of tunnels requires a great deal of physical effort. The heart rate reaches 150 to 160 per minute
when working with compressed-air drills and pneumatic hammers. Underground machinery
generates dust, noise, vibration and diesel exhaust. Respirable silica dust is generated whenever
silica-bearing rock is crushed, drilled or ground. Blasting generates flying debris and also
nitrogen oxide. In underwater work, when workers in a hyperbaric environment make too rapid a
transition to normal air pressure, they risk decompression sickness and related disorders. Oxygen
deficiency may occur in tunnels when other gases displace oxygen and form hazardous gas
In recent years, a lot of research has been conducted to understand the effects of exposure to cement
dust, which could be a major occupational health hazard. Cement as a substance is extremely
polluting and cement dust could result in severe respiratory problems. For those working in cement
plants on a daily basis, cement dust could lead to serious health problems such as lung cancer. It is not
only employees working within factories who are directly impacted by cement dust, but also the
people residing very close to the cement plants. Cement dust contains heavy metals like nickel, cobalt,
lead, and chromium, which are pollutants hazardous to the biotic environment, which could adversely
affect not only human, but also animal health and the ecosystem. Research has shown linkages
between cement dust exposure; chronic impairment of lung function and respiratory symptoms.
Cement dust also causes irritation in the skin and the mucous membrane of the eyes. It is also
associated with an increased risk of liver abnormalities, pulmonary disorders and carcinogenesis.
The impact of cement dust is felt not only in human beings but on the environment as a whole. When
cement dust comes in contact with water in wells and ponds, a fine layer of cement forms above the
surface of the water. It results in the formation of hydroxides that impair the water‟s natural alkalinity.
This results in the addition of salts such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium and aluminum as
hydroxides, sulfates and silicates that affect the hardness of water and thereby result in respiratory and
gastro-intestinal diseases in the area (Mishra 1991).
The Climate Change and CDM Cell of the Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board suggested the
following preventive measures to minimise the human health risk due to exposure to cement dust.
1) Using the latest technology, management systems, continuous online monitoring and
implementation of activities that facilitate adherence to the norms prescribed under the pollution
control legislation.
2) Implementing technological and managerial measures to control dust and other emissions.
3) For the chronically exposed people, it is vital to provide personal respiratory protective
4) Ensuring transparency and accountability. State agencies such as the government, media and
social activists responsible for the enforcement of pollution control must ensure that business
houses become accountable for the socio-economic and environmental consequences of their
industrial operations.
5) Continuous and real time online emission monitoring systems should be installed in the
factories for the benefit of workers and family members living in staff houses located within
factory premises.
6) Schools and houses located close to the cement plant should try to achieve zero in-house dust
exposure. Dust capturing devices should also be installed as a preventive measure.
Health hazards associated with pharmaceuticals or exposure to drugs include: dust, noise,
repetitive motion disorders, exposure to ultra violet radiation and exposure to formaldehyde.
Dust: During the process of manufacturing pharmaceuticals, dust becomes air borne and causes
or creates problems for those who are associated with it or working in the industry/ exposed to
the industry. Filling and packaging of the finished product may cause dust related allergies.
In addition to dust, employees are often exposed to formaldehyde and ultraviolet radiation,
especially when precautions are taken to ensure the sterility of the finished product.
Formaldehyde causes lung cancer, Hodgkins disease, prostate cancer and allergic dermatitis.
Also acute exposure could cause pulmonary oedema (lungs fill with fluid, making breathing
impossible) and pneumonia that can cause death.
Note Bank
What is Formaldehyde: Formaldehyde is a colourless, strong smelling gas often found in aqueous
(water-based) solutions. Commonly used as a preservative in medical laboratories and mortuaries,
formaldehyde is also found in many products such as chemicals, particle board, household products,
glues, permanent press fabrics, paper product coatings, fibreboard, and plywood. It is also widely used
as an industrial fungicide, germicide and disinfectant.
Exposure to Formaldehyde: Workers can inhale formaldehyde as a gas or vapour or absorb it through
the skin as a liquid. They can be exposed during the treatment of textiles and the production of resins.
Healthcare professionals and medical lab technicians, including mortuary workers as well as teachers
and students are groups at potentially high risk.
Impact on Workers: Formaldehyde is a sensitising agent that can cause an immune system response
upon initial exposure. It is also a cancer hazard. Acute exposure is highly irritating to the eyes, nose, and
throat and can make anyone exposed cough and wheeze. Subsequent exposure may cause severe allergic
reactions of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Ingestion of formaldehyde can be fatal, and long-term
exposure to low levels in the air or on the skin can cause asthma-like respiratory problems and skin
irritation such as dermatitis and itching. Concentrations of 100 ppm are immediately dangerous to life
and health (IDLH).
(Source: FactSheet, Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), 2011. Retrieved from
Repetitive Motion: The process of packaging and filling of the finished product could result in
carpal tunnel syndrome or tendinitis, which is cause as result of repetitive and twisting hand
motions. Some of its symptoms are pain and tenderness in the affected area such as the hand,
wrist or the forearm.
Specific Hazards
Within the pharmaceutical industry health hazards are caused because of the exposure to drugs.
This mainly occurs during the last stage of the production process.
Hormonal Disorders: Increased exposure to drugs could impact the oestrogen levels, which
may cause the growth of breasts in men, menstrual problems in women, abnormal growth of the
endometrium and excessive bleeding or blood loss during menopause. Also excessive exposure
of progestogen among male workers may cause a reduction in their sexual drive and lead to
testicular pain. Among female workers exposure to androgens could result in disorders of the
menstrual and ovarian functions, reduction in fertility, increased frequency of spontaneous
abortions and symptoms of masculinity.
Antibiotics: Antibiotics are chemical substances that destroy micro-organisms such as bacteria
which cause infection in humans and animals. The effects of occupational exposure to antibiotics
could include:
Allergic reactions: itching and redness of the eyes, running nose, skin rashes, asthma,
and occasional shock due to an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).
Fungal infections: Daily exposure to antibiotic dust could result in fungal infections of
the skin and nails. Female workers exposed to antibiotics may develop vaginal yeast
Toxic effects: Exposure to certain antibiotics may lead to the development of some toxic
side effects that occur when that drug is given as a medicine.
Penicillin: Because of the highly allergenic nature of the penicillins and their extensive
use, many people have become allergic to them. The most serious reaction is “shock”.
This type of acute reaction usually occurs minutes after exposure to it. Symptoms are
tightness in the chest; asthmatic breathing; dizziness; swelling of the lips, tongue, or face,
oedema of the lungs; heart failure and in some cases, also death. Other reactions are
hives, "black hairy tongue," fungal infection, and rectal itch.
Drugs for Heart Disease: Nitro-glycerine, commonly used in dynamite, is also the basis
of several medicines for heart patients - isosorbide dinitrate, pentaerythritol tetranitrate,
and mannitol hexanitrate. Nitrates act on the blood vessels of the body and their effects
are felt in several ways. Almost everyone exposed to nitro dust experiences a severe
pounding headache, which is caused by the relaxation of the blood vessels within the
skull. Headaches may be accompanied by a rapid heartbeat and a flushed face.
Nitrates dilate the blood vessels and make the blood pressure fall. As a result, dizziness
and even fainting may occur. Other more serious effects are pain in the heart, heart
attacks, and sudden death following "withdrawal" from exposure.
(Source: Hazards in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers
International Union, 1993, retrieved from
It has been observed2 that the discharges from the steel industry cause contamination in various
ways. The emission of toxic gases, liquids, solids or a combination of these, results in
psychological, toxic and allergic reactions. Dust, which gets absorbed into the blood stream of
human beings and other living organisms, is one of the major sources of contamination.
The following gases, which are injurious to health, are produced within the iron and steel
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2): A poisonous gas that causes the destruction of tissues of the respiratory
system and oedema of the lungs; headache, dizziness, arterial dilation, fall in the blood pressure,
and the corrosion of teeth.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2): Prolonged exposure to carbon dioxide causes giddiness and can lead to
Carbon Monoxide (CO): It is a poisonous and asphyxiating gas. The presence of substantial
quantities of carbon monoxide gas could lead to an explosion. Its inhalation causes headache and
Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S): Causes irritation and nausea. It affects the eyes, lungs and breathing.
Ammonia (NH2): It is pungent and asphyxiating and causes pain in the eyes, giddiness, nausea
and oedema of the lungs.
Benzol: It is a poisonous vapour that affects the blood and the nervous system.
Carbon Disulphide (CS2): Inhalation of its fumes causes headache, nausea, giddiness, slight
intoxication and irregular breathing.
Phenolic Acid: Results in heaviness in the head, weakness, difficulty in breathing, giddiness,
hoarseness, nausea, insomnia and respiratory irritation.
Pyride: A poisonous and toxic fume. It causes problems in the nervous system and digestive
Kant, S. 2006, Safety in Steel Plant Maintenance, In Chaturvedi, P (ed.) 2006, Challenges of Occupational Safety and Health,
Safety and Quality Forum (IEI), Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi
Bhatia, Suresh Chandra 2, Emissions and Discharges in Integrated Steel Plants, Health Hazards and Role of Engineers, In
Chaturvedi, Pradeep 2006, Challenges of Occupational Safety and Health, Safety and Quality Forum (IEI). Concept Publishing
Company. New Delhi
Naphthalene: Inhalation of naphthalene gas causes headache, nausea, retching, and coughing,
irritation in the mucous membrane, eyes and the respiratory organs.
High Temperatures and Molten Metals: High temperatures could be harmful for the body
tissue. It could cause blindness. The splashing of molten metals could lead to severe burns.
Electricity: In a steel plant, workers are often exposed to electrocution. The main reason could
be the lack of knowledge about electrical safety measures or about how to handle equipment.
Steam: Workers are exposed to high temperature and pressure, and the operations are hazardous
in nature.
Oxygen: In steel plants liquid oxygen at very low temperatures is used which could be
hazardous and cause fires.
Chemical and Radioactive Substances: In steel plants workers are also exposed to chemical
and radioactive substances, which could have an adverse effect on their health. Radiation could
cause the water inside the human body to become iodized and result in deformity of the limbs.
Moving Machinery and Material Handling: Moving machinery could be dangerous and
workers have to be alert to keep themselves safe and secure.
Dust, Noise and Vibration: As cited above large quantities of dust are produced in iron and
steel plants. One of the most dangerous forms is silica dust, which causes silicosis. Prolonged
inhalation of carbon could result in the workers absorbing it, which may further cause it to mix
with the body fluid. This in turn results in the formation of fibrous growths around the lungs.
Noise as well vibrations result in uneasiness and adversely affects normal hearing.
In the iron and steel industry, large amounts of material are processed, transported and conveyed
by huge, fast moving equipment. Steel works typically have sophisticated safety and health
programmes to address hazards in an environment that can be unforgiving. An integrated
approach combining good engineering and maintenance practices, safe job procedures, worker
training and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is usually required to control hazards.
Maintenance is particularly important for accident prevention. Its purpose is to ensure the
efficiency of the equipment and maintain fully operative guards, because failure may cause
accidents. Adhering to safe operating practices and safety rules is also very important because of
the complexity, size and speed of process equipment and machinery3.
Kant, S. 2006. Safety in Steel Plant Maintenance, In Chaturvedi, P (ed.) 2006, Challenges of Occupational Safety and Health.
Safety and Quality Forum (IEI), Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi
2.8 Summary
Brune, D., Eds.; Gerhardsson, Crockford, G.W. and Auria, D.D. 1997, The Workplace-
Volume 1 & 2: Fundamentals of Health, Safety and Welfare. International Occupational
Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS), International Labour Office, Geneva and
Scandinavian Science Publisher, Oslo.
Gassert, Thomas, 1985. Health Hazards in Electronics: A Handbook. Asia Monitor Resource
Centre, Hong Kong
National Safety Council,1991, Industrial Safety and Pollution Control Handbook, National
Safety Council & Associate (Data) Pvt. Ltd, Secunderabad
Ontario Federation of Labour,1982, Occupational Health and Safety: A Training Manual,
Copp Clark Pitman, Toronto
Pandey, Rajesh; Kanhere, Vijay; July 1993, Activists‟ Handbook of Occupational Health and
Safety, PRIA, New Delhi