A Unified Approach To Evaluate Axial Force-Moment Interaction Curves of Concrete Encased Steel Composite Columns
A Unified Approach To Evaluate Axial Force-Moment Interaction Curves of Concrete Encased Steel Composite Columns
A Unified Approach To Evaluate Axial Force-Moment Interaction Curves of Concrete Encased Steel Composite Columns
Engineering Structures
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/engstruct
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore, E1A-07-03, 1 Engineering Drive 2, 117576 Singapore, Singapore
School of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, No. 30 Puzhu Road(S), Nanjing 211816, China
Division of Construction Computation, Institute for Computational Science, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Protective Structures Centre, School of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, China
Keywords: This paper presents a unified approach to evaluate the axial force and moment interaction strength curve of
Axial force moment interaction diagram Concrete Encased Steel (CES) composite columns made of different steel and concrete grades. A database was
Concrete encased steel columns established by collecting the test results of CES composite columns in the literature covering concrete com-
High strength concrete pressive strength ranging from 20 to 104 MPa and steel yield strength from 280 to 913 MPa. A sensitivity study
High strength materials
was then carried out to investigate the effect of different design parameters on the accuracy of the current design
Strain compatibility
method EN 1994-1-1 in predicting the ultimate strength of CES composite columns. These design parameters
Unified approach
include characteristic strength of materials, steel contribution ratio, concrete cover thickness ratio, longitudinal
reinforcement ratio, and volumetric ratio of transverse reinforcement. Analytical study was performed through a
self-compiled computer program which was developed based on materials strain compatibility principle. The
comparison between the analytical results and test results confirms the validity of the proposed method to
provide reasonable prediction of cross-sectional axial-moment interaction curves for CES columns for a wide
range of steel and concrete grades. The existing EC4 method, which is based on plastic design principle, was
found to be un-conservative in predicting the cross section resistance of CES composite columns with high
strength concrete and high strength steel. Further enhancement was made to the proposed method to include
both the strain gradient effect and concrete confinement effect to achieve a better agreement with the test results
reported in literature. Finally, a simplified method was proposed to construct the axial-moment interaction
curves of CES columns, which can be used as a unified approach to design such columns with normal and high
strength steel and concrete materials.
Corresponding author at: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore, E1A-07-03, 1 Engineering Drive 2, 117576
Singapore, Singapore.
E-mail address: ceeljy@nus.edu.sg (J.Y.R. Liew).
Received 22 March 2019; Received in revised form 25 September 2019; Accepted 20 October 2019
Available online 29 October 2019
0141-0296/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Lai, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109841
CES columns, including buckling behavior [8], axial performance compressed concrete fiber at 0.003 [6]. However, no explicit equation
[9,10], beam-column resistance [11,12], seismic resistance [13,14], as is given in the ACI method, and the presence of steel profile pose ad-
well as the performance of partially encased composite columns [15], ditional difficulty for hand calculation in dealing with the complicated
more effort is still needed to gain a better understanding of the struc- stress distribution. In this paper, the strain compatibility hypothesis is
tural behavior of high strength CES columns. taken into consideration by incorporating the strain gradient effect and
As a commonly adopted design approach, EN 1994-1-1 permits the concrete confinement effect which will be discussed in the later part of
design of columns with double symmetrical and uniform cross-sections the paper.
along the column height. In order to account for the limited spread of Besides the design methods available from the codes, some nu-
plastic stress in steel section, a reduction factor αM is incorporated to merical and analytical studies have been conducted to investigate CES
reduce the moment computed based on full plastic stress distribution composite columns that are not covered by existing design codes, such
over the entire section. The value of αM is highly associated with the as the design of non-symmetrical cross-section and neglect of concrete
steel grade, it is taken as 0.9 for S235/S355 steel and 0.8 for S420/S460 confinement effect, etc. Lai et al. [17] performed numerical simulation
steel, and higher steel grade is currently not mentioned, which requires on CES columns with off-centered steel section and developed a mod-
large axial strain to achieve the yield strength [16]. As compared in ified EC4 design approach to predict the cross-section capacity of such
Fig. 2, AISC 360-16 allows for several methods to construct the inter- non-symmetric composite sections. Liu et al. [18] developed a com-
action curve, among which method 1 is based on the modification of puter program capable of generating the axial force-bending moment
pure steel column design resistance, and the degree of conservatism diagrams of composite columns with arbitrary cross-section shapes.
increases with the increasing extend of concrete contribution to the Roik et al. [19,20] pointed out some special problems of unsymmetrical
overall capacity [4]. Method 2 in AISC 360-16 takes into account the cross-sections design and came up with equations for the determination
slenderness effect, and hence the ordinate of diagram moves downward of elastic centroid axis and plastic centroid axis, which are used in
based on the reduction factor calculated in pure compression scenario. elastic and plastic design, respectively. And some additional numerical
In AIJ method [5], the composite action is completely ignored. Steel techniques were employed by Chiorean [21], Papanikolaou [22] and
and reinforced concrete (RC) hold different neutral axis since they are Chen et al. [23]. El-Tawil et al. [24,25] adopted fiber element method
treated as separate component when computing the axial force and for the calculation of interaction diagrams and inelastic moment-cur-
bending moment acting on the section [5]. As illustrated in Fig. 2, AIJ- vature response of composite cross-section, based on which the ACI 318
based interaction diagram of composite section is generated by shifting and AISC (LRFD) strength provision for composite beam-columns were
the N-M curve contributed by the steel section and superimposed it on evaluated. It was evidenced that ACI method models the CES column
the N-M curve for the RC Section. ACI-310-08 adopts the same design behavior more realistically than AISC. Fenollosa et al. [26] developed a
philosophy as RC design, which is achieved through the use of strain formulation tracing the interaction diagrams based on elastic-plastic
compatibility hypothesis and fixing the maximum strain of the most stress distribution, and Rocha [27] presented a methodology to
Fig. 2. Comparison of three different design codes for composite columns: EN1994-1-1 (EC4); AISC 360-16 (AISC); AIJ-2014 (AIJ).
B. Lai, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109841
construct the N-M diagrams based on the deformation domains of re- results with available test data from literatures; (2) Perform sensitivity
inforced concrete structures. However, all of these methods cover only study to evaluate the accuracy of EC4 and the proposed method with
normal strength CES columns, and their accuracy remains unknown the variation of material strengths, concrete cover ratio, steel con-
when it comes to columns made of high strength materials. tribution ratio, reinforcement ratio and volumetric ratio of transverse
In view of the absence of a unified approach for designing CES reinforcement; and (3) Propose a unified design method to construct
columns covering wide range of different steel and concrete grades, this axial and moment interaction diagrams applicable for both normal
paper proposes a generic section-analysis method that take into account strength and high strength CES columns.
strain gradient effect and concrete confinement effect. Current EC4
method (“EC4” is commonly used term as an abbreviation of “EN 1994- 2. Experimental research on CES columns
1-1”) is carefully examined and finally a simplified design method is
proposed. Thus the contributions from the present research are: (1) A database consisting of 71 test data collected from literatures is
Develop an analytical procedure to construct interaction diagram of used for the calibration of the proposed design method and the com-
CES columns and validate its accuracy by comparing the predicted parison with the existing EC4 method. Table 1 tabulates the geometric
Table 1
Details of test specimens subject to combined axial force and bending moment.
Ref. Specimen B×D Steel section δ Cz/h fc (MPa) fys (MPa) fyr (MPa) ρl (%) ρv (%) Nt (kN) Mt (kNm) Loading type
Mirza [28,55] RHB-1a 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.27 0.75 27.11* 293.4 565 0.57 0.49 950 64.1 A
RHB-2 a 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.27 0.75 27.11* 293.4 565 0.57 0.49 550 63.2
RHB-3 a 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.27 0.75 27.65* 293.4 565 0.57 0.49 570 78.2
RHB-4 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.29 0.75 25.59* 311.2 634 0.57 0.49 307.5 79.8
RHB-4A 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.29 0.75 24.79* 293.4 565 0.57 0.49 154.3 66
RHB-5 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.26 0.75 28.63* 293.4 565 0.57 0.49 95 65.6
RNHB-1b 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.28 0.75 27.47* 311.2 634 0.57 0.39 925 82.2
RNHB-2b 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.28 0.75 27.47* 311.2 634 0.57 0.39 775 76
RNHB-3 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.27 0.75 26.57* 293.4 565 0.57 0.39 540 82.3
RNHB-4 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.27 0.75 27.11* 293.4 565 0.57 0.39 352.5 93.8
RNHB-5 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.26 0.75 28.09* 293.4 565 0.57 0.39 107.5 73.5
RHNB-1b 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.28 0.75 27.47* 311.2 634 0.57 0.39 927 72
RHNB-2b 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.28 0.75 27.47* 311.2 634 0.57 0.39 720 69.9
RHNB-3 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.29 0.75 25.59* 311.2 634 0.57 0.39 540 83
RHNB-4 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.29 0.75 25.59* 311.2 634 0.57 0.39 296 79.9
RHNB-5 240 × 240 96 × 100 × 5.1 × 8.6 0.29 0.75 25.59* 311.2 634 0.57 0.39 100 68.7
Ricles [29,55] 1 406 × 406 W8 × 40 0.31 0.47 32.70 373.7 455.8 3.04 1.26 1490 626 C
2 406 × 406 W8 × 40 0.35 0.47 34.50 373.7 434.4 0.99 1.26 1490 593
3 406 × 406 W8 × 40 0.32 0.47 30.90 373.7 434.4 3.04 1.68 1490 784
4 406 × 406 W8 × 40 0.35 0.47 31.10 373.7 448.2 1.66 0.84 1490 670
5 406 × 406 W8 × 40 0.30 0.47 34.50 373.7 434.4 3.04 1.68 1490 776
6 406 × 406 W8 × 40 0.33 0.47 35.80 373.7 448.2 1.66 0.84 1490 667
7c 406 × 406 W8 × 40 0.22 0.47 62.90 373.7 434.4 3.04 1.68 1490 840
8c 406 × 406 W8 × 40 0.22 0.47 64.50 373.7 434.4 3.04 1.68 1490 832
Kim [11,12] C1 260 × 260 150 × 100 × 17.6 × 17.6 0.49 0.37 94.00 913 525 1.30 2.59 2120 288 B
C2 260 × 260 150 × 100 × 17.6 × 17.6 0.49 0.37 94.00 913 525 1.30 2.59 3752 264
C3 260 × 260 150 × 100 × 17.6 × 17.6 0.49 0.37 94.00 913 525 1.30 1.00 2020 270
C4 260 × 260 150 × 100 × 17.6 × 17.6 0.49 0.37 94.00 913 525 1.30 2.59 2072 281
C10 260 × 260 150 × 150 × 15 × 15 0.47 0.37 104.00 812 512 1.32 2.00 2023 276
C11 260 × 260 150 × 150 × 15 × 15 0.47 0.37 104.00 812 512 1.32 2.00 1986 288
Naka [30,55] 1d 240 × 300 180 × 120 × 4.5 × 12 0.36 0.33 25.50 344.8 461.3 2.41 0.40 1470 197.4 A
2d 240 × 300 180 × 120 × 4.5 × 12 0.36 0.33 25.50 344.8 461.3 2.41 0.40 980 235
3d 240 × 300 180 × 120 × 4.5 × 12 0.36 0.33 25.50 344.8 461.3 2.41 0.40 490 228.4
4d 240 × 300 180 × 120 × 4.5 × 12 0.36 0.33 25.50 344.8 461.3 2.41 0.40 0 214
Wakabayashi SRC 0N-M 210 × 210 150 × 100 × 6 × 9 0.48 0.20 21.50 304.6 367.6 0.76 0.28 0 69.1 A
[31,55] SRC 2N-Me 210 × 210 150 × 100 × 6 × 9 0.43 0.20 26.90 312.3 367.6 0.76 0.28 300 74
SRC 4N-Me 210 × 210 150 × 100 × 6 × 9 0.41 0.20 29.50 312.3 367.6 0.76 0.28 600 69.1
SRC 6N-Me 210 × 210 150 × 100 × 6 × 9 0.43 0.20 27.50 312.3 367.6 0.76 0.28 900 60.3
Zhao [32] SRHC-E1f 160 × 180 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 0.37 0.40 35.44* 379 358 1.16 0.54 678 42.09 B
SRHC-E2 160 × 180 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 0.38 0.40 32.96* 379 358 1.16 0.54 820 40.70
SRHC-1 160 × 180 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 0.33 0.40 42.48* 379 361 1.16 0.54 654 48.17
SRHC-2f 160 × 180 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 0.36 0.40 36.56* 379 361 1.16 0.54 486 40.06
SHC-E1 160 × 180 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 0.36 0.40 38.32* 400 350 1.16 0.54 490 52.69
SHC-E2 160 × 180 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 0.34 0.40 43.28* 400 350 1.16 0.54 282 46.29
SHC-E3 160 × 180 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 0.37 0.40 38.00* 400 350 1.16 0.54 441 49.52
SHC-E4 160 × 180 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 0.31 0.40 49.52* 400 350 1.16 0.54 249 43.52
SHC-E5 160 × 180 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 0.40 0.40 32.64* 400 350 1.16 0.54 330 40.65
SHC-E6 160 × 180 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 0.35 0.40 41.20* 400 350 1.16 0.54 210 38.37
Yu [33] SRC1.4-40-1 200 × 200 126 × 74 × 5 × 8.4 0.28 0.29 34.08* 280.5 380.3 1.20 0.78 1300 57.60 B
SRC1.8-40-1 200 × 200 126 × 74 × 5 × 8.4 0.28 0.29 34.08* 280.5 380.3 1.20 0.78 1200 56.80
SRC1.4-40-2g 200 × 200 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 0.25 0.50 34.08* 280.5 360.3 0.82 0.78 865 37.18
SRC1.8-40-2 g 200 × 200 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 0.25 0.50 34.08* 280.5 360.3 0.82 0.78 811 36.21
SRC1.4-80-2 g 200 × 200 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 0.25 0.50 34.08* 280.5 360.3 0.82 0.78 538 45.47
SRC1.8-80-2g 200 × 200 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 0.25 0.50 34.08* 280.5 360.3 0.82 0.78 557 48.64
SRC1.4-100-1 200 × 200 126 × 74 × 5 × 8.4 0.28 0.29 34.08* 280.5 380.3 1.20 0.78 710 75.27
SRC1.8-100-1 200 × 200 126 × 74 × 5 × 8.4 0.28 0.29 34.08* 280.5 380.3 1.20 0.78 654 71.29
(continued on next page)
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Table 1 (continued)
Ref. Specimen B×D Steel section δ Cz/h fc (MPa) fys (MPa) fyr (MPa) ρl (%) ρv (%) Nt (kN) Mt (kNm) Loading type
Han [34] AH2-E2-80 160 × 160 100 × 100 × 6 × 8 0.56 0.30 21.70 316 280 1.36 0.76 1222 26.88 B
AH2-E4-80 160 × 160 100 × 100 × 6 × 8 0.56 0.30 21.70 316 280 1.36 0.76 840 36.96
AH2-E8-80 160 × 160 100 × 100 × 6 × 8 0.56 0.30 21.70 316 280 1.36 0.76 537 43.75
BH2-E2-80h 160 × 160 100 × 100 × 6 × 8 0.56 0.30 20.60 294 280 1.36 0.76 990 21.42
BH2-E4-80h 160 × 160 100 × 100 × 6 × 8 0.56 0.30 20.60 294 280 1.36 0.76 764 33.52
BH2-E8-80h 160 × 160 100 × 100 × 6 × 8 0.56 0.30 20.60 294 280 1.36 0.76 509 44.28
CH1-E2-80 160 × 160 100 × 100 × 3.2 × 4.5 0.42 0.30 20.60 310 280 1.30 0.76 894 22.42
CH1-E4-80 160 × 160 100 × 100 × 3.2 × 4.5 0.42 0.30 20.60 310 280 1.30 0.76 574 24.79
CH1-E8-80 160 × 160 100 × 100 × 3.2 × 4.5 0.42 0.30 20.60 310 280 1.30 0.76 352 31.68
CH2-E2-80h 160 × 160 100 × 100 × 6 × 8 0.56 0.30 20.60 294 280 1.36 0.76 1003 24.57
CH2-E4-80h 160 × 160 100 × 100 × 6 × 8 0.56 0.30 20.60 294 280 1.36 0.76 698 30.63
CH2-E8-80h 160 × 160 100 × 100 × 6 × 8 0.56 0.30 20.60 294 280 1.36 0.76 486 44.71
DH2-E2-80h 160 × 160 100 × 100 × 6 × 8 0.56 0.30 20.60 294 280 1.36 0.76 864 22.25
DH2-E4-80h 160 × 160 100 × 100 × 6 × 8 0.56 0.30 20.60 294 280 1.36 0.76 624 32.94
DH2-E8-80h 160 × 160 100 × 100 × 6 × 8 0.56 0.30 20.60 294 280 1.36 0.76 489 44.94
δ, Cz/h, ρl, ρv refer to steel contribution ratio, concrete cover thickness ratio, reinforcement ratio and volumetric ratio of transverse reinforcement.
fc, fys and fyr refer to concrete compressive strength and the yield strength of structural steel and longitudinal reinforcement bars.
Nt and Mt are the ma × imum a × ial force and corresponding bending moment reported in literatures.
*Cubic strength of concrete is reported in literature, and converted to cylinder strength by multiplying 0.8.
these test data were plotted in Fig. 6 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h), respectively.
and material properties of the test specimens. Only the specimens with
double symmetric cross-section with I or H-shape steel profiles encased
by concrete are studied. This database covers a wide range of concrete
cylinder strength fc, steel yield strength fys, reinforcement bar yield
strength fyr, concrete cover thickness ratio Cz/h, steel contribution ratio
δ, longitudinal reinforcement ratio ρl, as well as volumetric ratio of
transvers reinforcement ρv. Among these parameters, only δ and ρl fulfill
the requirements in EC4, with 0.2 ≤ δ ≤ 0.9 and ρl ≤ 6%. As for con-
crete cover thickness ratio Cz/h, it can be as high as 0.75, which is
beyond the limit in EC4.
Although high strength CES column test data are available, there is
still a research gap for concrete strength within 60–90 MPa and steel
yield strength within 400–800 MPa. All the tested specimens reported
herein were subjected to a combined action of axial compression and
bending moment. Depending on the different manners bending moment
is applied, the test data are categorized into three types: Type A, Type B,
and Type C. As illustrated in Fig. 3, Type A refers to members subjected
to axial compression accompanied with transverse loading, and Type B
indicates eccentric compression which leads to single curvature
bending. Both Types A and B have their critical sections located at mid-
span or mid-height of the column. However, for Type C, the column is
cantilevered from the fixed base and it is subject to an axial compres-
sion and a horizontal cyclic load at the top causing maximum moment
at the base.
Mirza et al. [28] performed 16 tests on CES beam-columns with Fig. 3. Three different loading types: Type A: Combing compression with
large concrete cover, and the external axial force and bending moment transverse loading; Type B: Eccentric compression; Type C: Cyclic loading.
covers the entire practical range of interaction diagrams. It was found
that both EC4 and ACI 318 method gives fairly good prediction of ul- volumetric ratio of 1.99% and 2.59%. The comparison between test
timate strength, and the bond between concrete and steel section has results and various design codes indicated that ACI-318-08 method
negligible effect on the load-carry capacity. Ricles & Paboojian [29] underestimates the load-carrying capacity while EC4 method over-
tested 8 CES columns with 406 mm × 406 mm dimension and re- predicted the test results indicating that the full plastic capacity of steel
inforced with W80x40 steel section. All specimens were tested under section cannot be achieved when high strength steel is used. Naka et al.
seismic loading and the test results revealed that both ACI and AISC- [30] tested a series of rectangular CES members using combining axial
LRFD methods were conservative in predicting the failure loads, while force and transverse loading condition. The axial force ranging from 0
the AIJ superposition method gives quite good prediction. Besides, it to 1470 kN with 490 kN interval. The test result reveals that AIJ
also concluded that shear studs have small effect on the flexural stiff- method could estimate the flexural resistance of CES columns at first
ness and strength, which was consistent with the research finding by yield, but it underestimated the maximum flexural resistance. Waka-
Mirza [28]. bayashi et al. [31] performed experimental and theoretical study on the
Kim et al. [11,12] carried out experimental investigation on CES moment (M)-curvature (Ф)-axial force (N) relation of CES members. By
beam-columns with high strength concrete 94/104 MPa and ultra-high using the nonlinear constitutive law of concrete and elastic-perfectly
strength steel with yield strength 812–913 MPa. Most of their speci- plastic model of steel section, the analytical M-Ф-N turned out to be in
mens were heavily reinforced with closely-spaced stirrups with the good agreement with test result. A considerable volume of experimental
B. Lai, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109841
research was conducted by Zhao et al. [32] and Yu & Lu [33]. All these diagrams from pure compression to pure bending can thus be traced
normal strength composite columns were tested under eccentric com- through the computer-assisted program compiled in MATLAB.
pression with the load eccentricity ratio ranging from 0.167 to 0.833. Several assumptions are made to in strip element method: (1). Steel-
Both the deformability and bearing capacity of CES column improved concrete interface is perfectly bonded without slippage so that strain
with the increase of steel ratio, while concrete strength did not affect compatibility criterion can be satisfied. This assumption was justified
much on the capacity of slender columns. According to the experi- through the experimental research done by Chen et al. [35] and Mirza
mental investigation by Han et al. [34], the N-M curve generated using et al. [28], which implies the adhesion and friction at the interface of
full plastic capacity can conservatively estimate the beam-column steel section and surrounding concrete is able to provide sufficient
strength despite the variation of load eccentricity, slenderness ratio and bond; (2). Plane section remains plane after deformation; (3). Concrete
steel ratio. The CES column specimens from Han et al. [34] were made tensile strength is small and can be neglected; (4). Initial residual
of normal strength materials with concrete compressive strength of stresses of steel are neglected as they do not affect the cross section
20 MPa and steel yield strength of about 300 MPa resistance; (5). Shear deformation is small for CES and is neglected. (6)
Concrete confinement effect is carefully evaluated and included in the
analysis for well-confined composite columns. (7) Failure is assumed
3. Numerical investigation
when the most compressed concrete fibre reaches the crushing strain.
Fig. 5. Concrete model used in Strip Element Method: (a). Stress strain curve of unconfined and confined concrete; (b). Different maximum strain used under
different strain gradient.
B. Lai, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109841
Fig. 6. Comparison of axial force-bending moment interaction diagrams between SEM and EC4 method for normal strength CES columns.
B. Lai, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109841
Fig. 6. (continued)
columns with normal strength materials, i.e. concrete cylinder strength observed that the EC4 N-M curves match the SEM estimation quite well
between 20 MPa and 60 MPa, and steel yield strength between 280 MPa when the axial force interacts with a large bending moment, revealing
and 400 MPa, most test data fall onto the envelope with minor devia- that the reduction factor αM is able to account for the difference be-
tion, indicating good accuracy of both SEM and EC4 method. It is tween full plastic stress distribution and actual elastic-plastic stress
Fig. 7. Comparison of axial force-bending moment interaction diagrams between SEM and EC4 method for high strength CES columns.
B. Lai, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109841
Table 2
Variation range of each parameter in parametric study.
Parameters Variation range
B. Lai, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109841
Fig. 11. Influence of different parameters on the accuracy of EC4 and SEM prediction.
requirement stipulated in EC4 as below: transverse reinforcement ρv is defined as the ratio of stirrups volume
within a link spacing to the volume of concrete core enclosed by the
Cz 0.3h (7)
stirrups. All the parameters selected in this study span a wide range of
where Cz and h are defined in Fig. 10. variation as summarized in Table 2.
As detailed in Table 1, many specimens are encased with large “Ranalysis” values computed from EC4 and Strip Element Method
concrete cover beyond the limit in EC4, especially the ones tested by (SEM) are compared with the test results as shown Fig. 11. It is ob-
Mirza [28]. However, from Fig. 6(a) & (b), it appears that EC4 is still served that SEM can predict the test results with higher accuracy de-
applicable to predict the capacity of such columns. Volumetric ratio of spite the variation of all design parameters discussed above. However,
B. Lai, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109841
Fig. 12. N-M curved obtained from Strip Element Method (SEM) with and without concrete confinement effect.
Table 3
Details of specimens under pure compression.
Ref. Specimen B×D Steel shape fc (MPa) fys (MPa) fyr (MPa) δ ρl (%) ρv (%) Nt (kN) NEC4 (kN) Nt /NEC4
Zhu [9] C-I-M40 200 × 200 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 93 254 427 0.10 2.50 2.87 3862 3738 1.03
C-I-M60 200 × 200 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 93 254 427 0.10 2.50 1.91 3789 3738 1.01
C-I-R40 200 × 200 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 93 254 427 0.10 2.50 1.95 3809 3738 1.02
C-I-R60 200 × 200 100 × 68 × 4.5 × 7.6 93 254 427 0.10 2.50 1.30 3838 3738 1.03
Soliman [50] C4 200 × 200 S.I.B No.10 18.48* 240 400 0.24 1.18 0.72 1050 1040 1.01
C9 200 × 200 S.I.B No.10 18.48* 240 400 0.24 1.18 1.44 1170 1040 1.13
Chen & Yeh [51,52] SRC1 280 × 280 150 × 150 × 7 × 10 29.5 296 350 0.30 3.35 0.68 4220 3809 1.11
SRC2 280 × 280 150 × 150 × 7 × 10 28.1 296 350 0.31 3.35 1.26 4228 3723 1.14
SRC3 280 × 280 150 × 150 × 7 × 10 29.8 296 350 0.30 3.35 2.71 4399 3828 1.15
SRC7 280 × 280 150 × 75 × 5 × 7 28.1 303 350 0.17 3.25 0.68 3788 3142 1.21
SRC8 280 × 280 150 × 75 × 5 × 7 26.4 303 350 0.17 3.25 1.26 3683 3035 1.21
SRC9 280 × 280 150 × 75 × 5 × 7 28.1 303 350 0.17 3.25 0.68 3630 3142 1.16
SRC10 280 × 280 150 × 75 × 5 × 7 29.8 303 350 0.16 3.25 1.26 3893 3250 1.20
Liu [53] CSRC1 400 × 400 150 × 150 × 7 × 10 26.88* 301.7 356.7 0.21 1.57 1.00 5950 5551 1.07
CSRC2 400 × 400 150 × 150 × 7 × 10 35.2* 301.7 356.7 0.18 1.57 1.00 6664 6638 1.00
CSRC3 400 × 400 150 × 150 × 7 × 10 35.2* 301.7 356.7 0.18 1.57 0.50 7009 6638 1.06
CSRC4 400 × 400 175 × 175 × 7.5 × 11 26.88* 296.7 356.7 0.25 1.58 1.00 6517 5830 1.12
CSRC5 400 × 400 175 × 175 × 7.5 × 11 35.2* 296.7 356.7 0.21 1.58 1.00 6771 6909 0.98
Mean 1.09
St.dev 0.07
*Cubic strength of concrete is reported in literature, and converted to cylinder strength by multiplying 0.8 as recommend in EC2.
B. Lai, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109841
Fig. 16. Position of neutral axis and the corresponding strain distribution.
B. Lai, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109841
Fig. 17. Neutral axis at the mid height and the corresponding stress distribution.
Fig. 18. Flow chart to construct N-M diagrams using the proposed design method.
4.1. Pure compression out by Awati & Khadiranaikar [47], or the consideration of premature
spalling failure of concrete cover, especially for high strength concrete
Following the similar formula in EC4, the capacity of CES sections [42–44]. In EN1994-1-1, αc is taken as 0.85 regardless of material
under pure compression is taken as the superposition of plastic re- strength for CES columns. Table 3 summarize the specimen details of
sistance of each material component as shown below: axially compressed CES stub columns reported in literatures. According
to the evaluation on αc as plotted in Fig. 14, αc = 0.85 seems to be
Npl = c fc A c + f ys As + f yr Ar (8) conservative for concrete cylinder strength within the range of
where Npl is the plastic resistance of cross-section. Ac, As, Ar are the area 20–100 MPa. The average ratio of test result to EC4 prediction is 1.09
of concrete, steel section and longitudinal reinforcement bar, respec- with standard deviation 0.07. Therefore, it is proposed that αc = 0.85
tively. can be extended to concrete with cylinder strength up to 100 MPa.
It shall be noted the concrete strength is carefully treated by in- To account for the material compatibility issue, an effective strength
corporating a coefficient αc, which is an important factor to account for of steel is used for computing axial resistance of CES columns. As
the difference between concrete in a cylinder specimen versus a re- plotted in Fig. 15, the effective strength of the steel section, fy , is de-
inforced column, and the variation of concrete strength along the fined as the stress corresponding to the peak strain εco of concrete. For
column length due to non-uniform concrete compaction and curing high strength steel, fy may be in the elastic stage, and thus can be
condition [25]. Another source of αc may be the size effect as pointed formulated as below:
B. Lai, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109841
Fig. 19. Comparison between SEM and hand-calculation method prediction of interaction diagrams.
fy = min(Es co, f y ) (9) compression part, the concrete ultimate strain, εcu, is used as discussed
forgoing, which can be taken as 0.003 as validated by Khadiranaikar
where Es refers to elastic modulus of steel, which is taken as 210 GPa for et al. [39] and Mertol et al. [54].
structural steel section [48] and 200 GPa [49] for reinforcing steel bars. Fig. 17 gives an example of stress distribution of each material
Therefore, the axial compression resistance of CES composite sec- component when the neutral axis passes through the geometric centroid
tion can be computed as: of CES section (Point “C” in the N-M interaction curve), and it is as-
Npl = 0.85fc Ac + f ys As + fyr Ar sumed the entire steel section remains in elastic stage. The nonlinear
stress-strain relationship of concrete is represented by a rectangular
The axial resistance obtained from the above equation is plotted as stress block. The effective strength parameter α and the effective height
Point “A” in the N-M interaction curve as shown in Fig. 13. parameter β is calculated using the equation developed by Khadir-
anaikar et al. [39] as below, which is valid for both normal strength and
4.2. Compression and bending. high strength concrete.
= 0.85 1/1000(fc 20)0.85 0.75 (11)
The proposed simplified method uses three additional points “B”,
“C” and “D” to trace the N-M envelop by assuming different positions of = 0.85 1/500(fc 20)0.85 0.67 (12)
neutral axis which corresponds to the respective strain gradient. As il-
lustrated in Fig. 16, these three anchor points corresponds to three For the ease of calculation, the steel section is divided as steel flange
positions of neutral axis, which shift upward from the centroid of and steel web. The strain of steel flange centroid, the tip of steel web
bottom layer reinforcement bars to the centroid axis of CES section, and and reinforcement bar are computed based on the linear strain dis-
the pure bending point is approximated by locating the neutral axis tribution:
away from the section centroid axis with the distance at a quarter of the df × cu
steel web height (at 0.5d from the centroid in Fig. 16). If it is necessary =
x (13)
to get the pure bending point, only fine tuning is needed by moving the
neutral axis upward or downward until the desired approximation is dw × cu
achieved. Since all the three strain profiles consist of both tension and
x (14)
B. Lai, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109841
dr × cu shows that the entire steel section may remain at elastic stage when
x (15) the failure load is reached. This observation is especially valid when
where df , dw and dr are the distance between concrete surface to the very high strength steel section such as S800 is used in concrete
centroid of steel flange, tip of steel web, and centroid of reinforcement encased steel composite columns. This suggests that high strength
bars, respectively. X refers to the depth of neutral axis. steel section shall be used in combination with high strength con-
Based on the longitudinal strain calculated from Eqs. (13)–(15), the crete or well-confined concrete to allow economical use of full
corresponding stress can be obtained based on the elastic-perfectly material strengths. Otherwise the steel section remains in elastic or
plastic model, and the axial force and bending moment acting on the partially plastic state, which is the main short coming of the plastic
cross-section can thus be obtained accordingly. For the ease of calcu- design method, such as EC4, in over-predicting the resistance of
lation, the stress on steel web can be separated into elastic and plastic high strength CES composite columns.
portion if any. Details of the calculations are illustrated in the flow 4. A new design method is proposed based on an extensive evaluation
chart shown in Fig. 18. of CES column behavior under different loading conditions. This
The interactional diagrams predicted by SEM and the proposed method can approximate the N-M interaction diagrams with good
method are compared and plotted in Fig. 19. The proposed method accuracy and it serves as a unified method for designing normal
reasonably represents the cross-section N-M capacity, and high accu- strength and high strength CES columns.
racy can be achieved for CES beam columns with normal strength and
high strength materials. Thus, the proposed method functions as a Declaration of Competing Interest
unified approach to generate N-M interaction diagrams for CES columns
with concrete compressive strength within 20–100 MPa and steel yield The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.
strength ranging from 280 to 900 MPa.
It is noteworthy that the proposed method applies to CES columns Acknowledgement
with double symmetric cross-section. The arbitrary sections inclusive of
off-center steel section, non-symmetric rebar placement, arbitrary The authors would like to acknowledge the support provided by
shape of concrete, and even openings require advanced analysis Building & Construction Authority in Singapore under project grant R-
methods to study the ultimate strength behaviour. Since these irregular 302-000-168-490.
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