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Analysis of Contemporary Advertising: in Reference To AIDA Model

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In reference to AIDA Model
Table of Contents
Introduction into Advertising...................................................................................................................3
AIDA Model...............................................................................................................................................4
Analysis on the contemporary advertisements........................................................................................6
The sacred games Advertisements.......................................................................................................6
Reliance India Mobile advertisement...................................................................................................8
Francesco Group advertisement.........................................................................................................10

Table of Figures

Figure 1: AIDA model.................................................................................................................................5

Figure 2: ad campaign of Sacred games on social media.............................................................................6
Figure 3: Sacred games advertisement........................................................................................................7
Figure 4: Mukesh Ambani of Reliance India...............................................................................................8
Figure 5: Francesco Group: our stylists.....................................................................................................10
Executive Summary

Advertising is crucial in marketing function of a business. It is a medium of communication

between business and the consumers about their products and services. Advertising has the
power of attracting people towards products and potential to influence on people and their
attitudes and dreams. It nourishes the consuming power of the human. For a successful
marketing it is essential to adopt an effective advertising strategy. Many businesses get the
support of advertising to position their brand as well as sometimes ineffective advertising
negatively impact on the brand name of the product.

Advertising emphasizes and utilizes various models to decide and develop strategies and among
such the AIDA model is of great importance to the marketers. It is one of the simple and basic
yet highly effective models that can be used to develop an advertising strategy. This report
presents a critical analysis on advertisements and their success on promoting the brand name that
have designed their advertisements based on the AIDA model.
Introduction into Advertising

According to Advertising Standards Authority, advertising is any paid media used to persuade
people to take a course of action to reach a point of view. Advertising is the non-personal contact
of typically paid and typically compelling information about goods, services, or thoughts via the
different media through specified sponsors. [ CITATION Bov92 \l 1033 ]

In the ancient and medieval world such attention occurred by word of mouth. The first step
towards modern advertising was in the 15th and 16th centuries with printing innovations.
Moreover, advertising agencies in the early 20th century were involved in creating advertising
message itself, including copy and artworks. Advertising has been developed across several
media. Perhaps the most fundamental one was the newspaper, which give advertisers a wide
circulation, readership near the place of business of the advertiser and the possibility of changing
their ads periodically. Magazines, other key print media, may be of public interest, or may be
addressed to specific audiences and give those people the opportunity to contact producers of the
items of particular interest. Other promotional media include direct mail, outdoor signage, and
posters. With a highly competitive consumer market in the 21st century, advertisers increasingly
employed digital technologies to concentrate more attention on goods such as social media.

It is the best way to communicate with customers. It increases the awareness of the customers
about the available products and services in the market. It plays a prominent role in the world of
competition. From the perspective of customer advertising helps to aware about the products and
services and support in rational decision making by providing required information. And from
the perspective of traders it helps to boost the sales and to position their brand. There are
different types of advertising according to the nature of the audience and the content of the
message. Advertising motivate customer preferences towards brands, build brand awareness,
create a brand image, and provide customers with required brand information. In order to capture
the minds of people and to convey the message effectively advertising method and the strategy
should be appropriate. In our daily life we come across thousands of different types of
advertisement and not all of them attract our minds and this report provides insights into such
AIDA Model

Many models such as DAGMAR model, DRIP model, AIDA model, VIPS check list model,
decision making process models can be identified that are used in advertising. However
irrespective of the difference, they strive to map the cognitive and behavioral process that
consumers are undertaking in pursuit of a product or service that suits their needs. Perhaps the
best-known model of all classic marketing models is the AIDA model that monuments the
consumer journey through awareness, interest, desire, and action. Many marketers find AIDA
useful because, consciously or unconsciously, many of us tend to apply this model every day
when we prepare our marketing communication strategy. The AIDA Model describes the
cognitive stages a person passes for a product or service during the purchasing process. It is a
purchase funnel where customers go every step of the way to help them make their final
purchase. It also can be referred to as a communication model rather than as a decision-making
model, since it describes businesses in each of these stages how and when they communicate as
customers use various channels, participate in different touch points and need different
information from different sources at different stages. This model comprises of 04 distinctive
stages which gets narrowed down as in a funnel.

The first level of response is the customers' cognitive stage which is denoted by the awareness
stage. This is the thought about the commodity. At this point, consumers become knowledgeable
of the product and begin to gain awareness of the attributes and benefits of the product. The stage
of focus is typically activated by ads. All products or brands known to consumers are part of the
so-called 'sensitivity collection.' This is a smaller part of the 'complete package' of products and
brands available in a particular product category. Traditional promotional strategies cannot
differentiate the product bid, so innovative disorders are only useful to make the existence of the
product noticeable. In addition, graphic features, color, and scale are very critical in deciding
what the viewer is looking at. Intelligent targeting, personalized messaging and captivating ads
are some of the ways that consumer awareness can be enhanced.

After the congnitive process, the consumers enter the affective process which is referred as
interest phase. At this stage, consumers have gone beyond mere product awareness and have
started to build behaviors, desires, and likely even interest in the product. All products or brands
of interest to customers can become a part of the so-called 'consideration package.' This means
that consumers will ultimately seriously consider buying the product. If the customer thinks that
the product is useless or does not find it captivating enough, he never enters the shopping level.
It is therefore necessary to convey the product message to the intended audience in a
personalized and narrow fashion. The focus of the product contact should be on the needs of the
customer. This causes the customer to look up the product for an additional move to see if it
affects him.

The Desire phase of the AIDA Model remains part of the customers' cognitive level. However,
the initial curiosity of the customers grew even further into a real need. The product is already
pictured by consumers. At the same time, curiosity and desire can be fulfilled. Hence, it is
necessary to remind the audience immediately after interest is generated why they need it. If a
client does not really need the product, the brand will try to build the WANT for it. Typically,
the desire stage is reached when a customer compares the product with the offering of other
rivals. In this situation, the brand must stress the excellent characteristics that the customer
would not receive in other goods.

The last stage is the stage of behavior in which the customers take action. A customer who has
developed a positive disposition towards the products being offered, is compelled to actually
purchase it to experience the promise of the product. These acts could, of course, eventually
ideally contribute to the purchase of the product. As a consequence, goods or brands that have
entered this stage form part of the 'option package' or purchase set.

Figure 1: AIDA model

Analysis on the contemporary advertisements

The sacred games Advertisements

The Sacred Games was an Indian Television series produced based on the best- selling novel of
Vikram Chandra. It was released on the OTT platform, Netflix and had garnered love from many
of the online users irrespective of comparatively low online penetration in India. Since the Indian
society is not into the online on demand platforms as that of American or European community,
the marketing team of the tv series had put an extra effort into making a buzz for the series and to
make it a well sought-after series. Their efforts can be analyzed using the AIDA model which
emphasizes on the customer journey via four phases.

As an initial action to raise awareness among the potential customer base that are already using
the online platforms, the marketing team had initiated a series of awareness programs through
social media platforms. The announcement regarding the tv series itself made fans curious and
go infatuated so that it grabbed attention all over the social media. The campaign had designed a
slogan “25 days mein kuch bada honey wala ha” to grab the local customer base.

Figure 2: ad campaign of Sacred games on social media

Further, this initial awareness was developed into an interest through generating interest in the tv
series itself and the intriguing cinematic experience that it will offer, and this gradually led
towards creation of sufficient interest to encourage the potential customers to start to research
further. Twitter is indeed a great platform for brands to engage with audience and during these 25
days, Netflix was super active on Twitter with witty tweets. This was further intensified when
the release date was delayed whereby the online users began trolling and mimicking the
producers by preparing posts and memes which ultimately enhanced the popularity of the series
even before the release.

Later at the desire stage, a want was created for the Sacred Games series through an 'emotional
connection', showing the brand personality as well as that of the characters of the show. This had
enabled the marketers to shift the potential customers from liking the show to wanting the show.
The marketers had launched a post indicating the resume of the main lead in their official page to
further enhance the desire for the show.Not only online marketing, Netflix even opted for offline
methods. To create more & more buzz, billboards were placed over Western Express Highway,
Juhu circle, etc.

The final stage of the model which refers to the action phase was identified with the gradual
increase of the new Netflix accounts and increase of the penetration of Netflix as an online
platform into the Indian community. If the consumer is linked to the deal, Netflix makes it into a
real paying customer. This is accomplished by providing a variety of subscription plans and an
opportunity at any time to stop subscription. The series was well received by the local audience
whereby the second installment of the Sacred Games Tv series became the highest anticipated tv
series in India of the Netflix platform.

Figure 3: Sacred games advertisement

Reliance India Mobile advertisement

The Relience India company was co-founded by Dhirubhai Ambani and Champaklal Damani in
1960's as Reliance Commercial Corporation and whereby the Damani left the company by
making Ambani in the senior managing position. The organization operates in diversified sectors
such as textiles, petroleum and gas, information and communication technology, financial
services etc. The advertisement generated for the Reliance India mobile can be analyzed using
the AIDA model as described below.

As per the initial stage of awareness, the advertisement which features the current managing
director can be presented. At this advertisement, Mukesh Ambhani elaborates on the new project
that is expected to be taken on the 70th birthday of his father, Mr. Dhirubhai Ambhani. This
advertisement which was telecasted in the television during the prime air times garnered
attention of the many as the organization and Ambhani himself is known for revolutionary
business ideas that bring dramatic change.

Figure 4: Mukesh Ambani of Reliance India

As per the subsequent phase of the AIDA model, interest was created among the Indian society
as they have selected the widely used mass media of India and the prestigious prime time of the
broadcasting stations to create a buzz among the potential customers. In addition, the presence of
the company spokes person himself in the advertisement instead of a celebrity or a sport star that
work as endorsers intensified the interest among the community. Moreover, the fact that
Ambhani is a representative of the company image and that he himself is popular as that of a
celebrity and that he is respected in the Indian community for his perseverance and dedication
and overall positive characteristics had influenced positively in creation of an interest among the
crowd. In addition, since he had elaborated on introduction of new technology, specifically that
of the CDMA technology had contributed towards heightened levels of interest.

This creation of interest was simultaneously equipped with desire phase by the Reliance India
organization. A sharp wanting or a desire was generated through lucrative offers such as 40 paise
STD calls, free SMS, easy payment schemes as well as through provision of discount coupons to
its customers. All of this phases and the necessary actions taken to influence and positively
impact people led towards Indians being compelled to purchase the product offering of Reliance
India Organization.
Francesco Group advertisement

Francesco Group is one of the biggest and award-winning hairdressers that operate in United
Kingdom. It is an organization which was established and operated by the Dellicompagni family
from Italy. The brand is recognized for its sleek nature and luxury similar to that of other Italian
brands. The Francesco Group is specialized in all types of hair dressing, bridal dressing,
coloring, treatments etc. The organization possesses 38 salons scattered in every nook of United
Kingdom. The advertisement program that had followed when initiating their new salon can be
utilized to explain the use of AIDA model in contemporary business arena.

As per the initial stage of awareness, the Francesco Group had taken initiative to run a
comprehensive PR campaign. This was conducted four months before the launch of the launch of
their new salon. This program has promoted the services, awards they had won so far, the stylists
and their qualifications etc. moreover, this was reinforced and was reinforced with a direct
mailing campaign which was aimed towards the target customer group that the marketing team
had identified prior.

Figure 5: Francesco Group: our stylists

Followed by the awareness phase, Francesco Group took charge in execution of a direct mail
campaign that indicated the offers for free consultation as well as har cuts and settings. The
target group was focused on the females of the geographic region.
With regard to the desire phase of the AIDA model, the organization executed an exclusive local
launch events at the threshold of the opening of the new salon. This was advertised through
traditional ways like that of the local press and through social media to target millennials who are
curious about being beautiful. This initiative was successful in creating a local buzz among the
people whereby people were thrilled to receive an invitation as well as to have a look at the new
salon in their neighborhood. As per the subsequent phase of action, clear call to action were
placed on social media platforms such as Facebook site which denoted on call to reserve and on
their official website which emphasized to call to book.

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