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Culminating Performance Standard:: Core Subject Title

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Grade: 11

Core Subject Title: Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Core Subject Description: This course uses insights from Anthropology, Political Science, and
sensitivity to cultural diversity; provide them with an understandin
examination of the country’s current human development goals. A
society and politics; recognize cultural relativism and social inclusiv
interactions with groups, communities, networks, and institutions
Culminating Performance Standard: Advocates how human societies should adapt to socio-cultural, pol

Most Essential
Content Content Standards

1st Quarter

1. culture and society

B. Defining Culture and Society from the as anthropological
perspectives of anthropology and sociology and sociological
1. Society as a group of people sharing a
common culture concepts
2. Culture as a “‘that complex whole which
encompasses beliefs, practices, values,
attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols,
knowledge, and everything that a person learns Defining Culture
and shares as a member of society.” (E.B. Tylor and Society from
1920 [1871]). the perspectives
3. Aspects of Culture: of anthropology
a. Dynamic, Flexible, & Adaptive
b. Shared & Contested (given the reality of social and sociology
2. perspectives
c. Learned through socialization or enculturation in/approaches to the
d. Patterned social interactions study of culture and
e. Integrated and at times unstable
f. Transmitted through socialization/enculturation society (i.e.,
g. Requires language and other forms of communication comparative,
4. Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism as historical, structural-
orientations in viewing other cultures functional,
interpretive, critical)

Performance Task
There are major socio-cultural and political problems/issues in you
needs immediate response and create a plan of action aimed at inc
initiating seminars and advocacy campaigns (i.e. exhibit, print a
plan of action, the community will be able to respond to such conc
Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)
ture, Society and Politics

Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology to develop students’ awareness of cultural, social and political dynamics, and
provide them with an understanding of how culture, human agency, society and politics work; and engage them in the
rrent human development goals. At the end of the course, students should acquire ideas about human cultures, human agency,
ultural relativism and social inclusiveness to overcome prejudices; and develop social and cultural competence to guide their
munities, networks, and institutions
s should adapt to socio-cultural, political, and economic changes.

Learning Competencies

Performance Standards
Complete Most Essential

explain anthropological and

sociological perspectives on D
1. appreciate the nature culture and society
of culture and society
Analyze the concept,
from the perspectives of describe society and culture
K aspects and changes
anthropology and as a complex whole
in/of culture and society

identify aspects of culture

and society

Explain the importance of

2. demonstrate a holistic raise questions toward a
cultural relativism in
understanding of culture holistic appreciation of D
attaining cultural
and society cultures and societies
become aware of why and
how cultural relativism U
3. values cultural heritage mitigates ethnocentrism Analyze the significance of
and express pride of cultural, social,
place without being political and economic
ethnocentric identify forms of tangible symbols and practices
and intangible heritage and K
the threats to these

and political problems/issues in your community (Situation). As a member of a research and advocacy team (Role), you were tasked by
create a plan of action aimed at increasing awareness, raise consciousness, and provide recommendations to address the problems (G
acy campaigns (i.e. exhibit, print and e-media) (Product) in your community (Audience). Through your Communication, Call To A
will be able to respond to such concerns.
Semester: Grade:
No. of Hours/SemestCore Subject

tical dynamics, and

age them in the
cultures, human agency,
etence to guide their

 Highest Enabling Strategy

to Use in Developing the
Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Highest Thinking Skill to
KUD Flexible Assessment Enabling Flexible
RBT Level Performance General Learning
Check(s) Strategy
Communication Strategies (FLS)

U Analyze 1.Venn Diagram

-comparing cultural
relativism and
2. Video analysis
evolution of culture 1. Group
culture and societies Sharing
3. Blog Post on their 2. Cooperative
U Evaluating appreciation of Reasoning Learning (round
culture and societies and Proof table sharing)
Matrix of cultural
elements of the

Philippines to other
U Analyze

am (Role), you were tasked by the municipal/city mayor to identify one that
ons to address the problems (Goal). The plan of action shall be used as basis for
our Communication, Call To Action, Tone and Focus, and Creativity and Original Ideas(Standard)

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