Group 1 Stocks: Good Afternoon!:)
Group 1 Stocks: Good Afternoon!:)
Group 1 Stocks: Good Afternoon!:)
Group 1
Vince Abrio
Kimberly Buban
Kassandra Cabas
Liecel Landicho
Nathalie Matula
Zyrelyne Medina
Maridel Panaligan
Maryzen Saldivar
Mary Salundagit
“The real key to making money in stocks
is not to get scared out of them.”
STOCK -Peter Lynch
What is Stocks?
1. Common Stock- is a stock that entitles the holder thereof to pro rata division of the profits. It is
also what the private corporations ordinarily issues.
2. Preferred Stock- this type of stock entitles the holder thereof to certain preferences over the
holders of the common stock.
1. Par value share- has a specific money value appearing in the certificate of stock for each
share of stock of the same issue.
2. No par value share– a share of stock without stated or par value stated on the certificate of
3. Voting share– is a share with right to vote.
4. Non-voting share– is a share without a right to vote.
5. Promotion shares
6. Share in escrow
7. Convertible stock
● Speculative stocks - are
● Blue chip stocks - stocks with higher-risk,
organizations with these considered as more
stocks have solid foundations aggressive stock with
and decades or centuries of uncertain prospects.
● Range bound shares -
● Growth stocks – refers to any These stocks are used by
share in a company that is investors to buy at the
anticipated to grow at a rate reduced support of the
significantly above the product range and are sold
average growth for the off by participants at the
market. higher end of the product
Stock Market
Stock markets provide a secure and regulated environment where market
participants can transact in shares and other eligible financial instruments with
confidence with zero- to low-operational risk. Operating under the defined rules
as stated by the regulator, the stock markets act as primary markets and as
secondary markets.
A. As a Primary Market - the stock market allows companies to issue and sell
their shares to the common public for the first time through the process of
initial public offerings (IPO).
B. As a Secondary Market - Following the first-time share issuance IPO
exercise called the listing process, the stock exchange also serves as the
trading platform that facilitates regular buying and selling of the listed shares.
• Provide Capital
1. Stockbrokers
2. Portfolio Managers
3. Equity Research Analysts
4. Investment Bankers
5. Custodian and Depot Service Providers
6. Market maker
How to earn
money in
Stocks carry more risk than some other investments, but also have
the potential to reap higher rewards. Stock investors earn money in
two main ways:
Dividends are regular
If the price of a stock payments to shareholders.
goes up during the time Not all stocks pay
they own it, and they sell it dividends, but those that
for more than they paid for do typically do so on a
it. quarterly basis.
Trading in Stock
Trading refers to buying and selling shares of stock for cash, not
actually trading them for other stocks. Stock trading takes place on
open markets, in which anyone can participate. Most stock markets only
allow brokers to place buy and sale orders, but anyone with access to a
broker, including automated electronic brokers that operate online, can
trade on the market. Since anyone can participate in stock trading,
buyers and sellers are free to make transactions for any price they
agree to.
Categories of Traders
Categories of Traders
Position Trader A traders style refers to the timeframe or holding
period in which stocks, commodities, or other trading
positions are held
instruments are bought and sold. Traders include:
from months to
Scalp Trader
positions are held
Swing Trader Day Trader
for seconds to
positions are held positions are held
minutes with no
from days to weeks. throughout the day
overnight positions.
only with no
overnight positions.
Traders often choose their trading style based on
factors including account size, amount of time that
can be dedicated to trading, level of trading
experience, personality, and risk tolerance.
Investments often are held for a
period of years, or even decades,
taking advantage of perks like interest,
dividends, and stock splits along the
way. While markets inevitably fluctuate,
in S
investors will "ride out" the downtrends
Ma k
with the expectation that prices will
rebound and any losses eventually will
Growth investing
Corporators Incorporators
Stockholders Members
● also called “going
● primary market for the
IPO company’s shares.
(Initial ● a place where
Public companies qualify and
Offering) register to offer their
shares in.
● Prices of stock will rise and fall
based on free market forces
which make short-term
movements of the stock STOCK
market so difficult to predict.
● Free Market System - the
price of any commodity will
rise as demand for it
increases, as long as there's a
fixed amount of the
commodity in circulation.
● Why people buy stocks?
- Earnings and profit
● If your company posted a SUPPLY &
record sales in the most
recent quarter, then it will
probably attract more
investors, pushing up the
stock price.
Key to Investing
● Buy low, sell high
- The safest way to buy low and sell high is to invest in a slow
growth stock and hold onto it for many years. This allows the stock
price to weather short-term fluctuations, but average steady growth
over time.
• A much riskier investment strategy is to try to pick the "next big thing"
and cash out quickly after the stock price skyrockets.
● Another way to safely invest in the stock market is to find a
- he/she understands your investment strategy and trades
Things You Need to Know About Taking Part in the Stock
1) Buy low and sell high.
2) There is no such thing as a sure thing.
3) Get familiar with filings.
4) Think long term.
5) Consider the dividends.
6) Mutual fund is just the collection of investment, often
7) An index fund is a specific kind of mutual fund governed by
very simple rules, the reason why management costs are
very low.
The smartest stock investment is index funds
● Passive investing
- index funds is a passive investing because follow or mimic an index in
of a stock or a bond
● Low expense Ratio
- have lower expenses and fees than actively managed funds.
● The cheapest type of funds
- it is inexpensive because the fund manager doesn't have a
need fo a research analyst and other that assists on stock
There Is No Perfect Metric
m e . D e p e n d in g on your
s are the s a
Not all brokerage n t to p u rs u e b rokerages
you may w a
investing needs, e a k n e s s e s . Some might
engths an d w
with different str e r s e rv ic e , while others
bust cu s to m
have especially ro . W h ic h b ro kerage is right
even no ) fe e s
may offer low (or in v e s ti n g goals and how
nd on y o u r
for you will depe n it c o m e s to in vesting.
ou need whe
much guidance y in v e s ti n g , s o y ou should
ize fits all in
There’s no one s
e s t s to c k b ro k e r for you.
explore the b
of A good strategy
in t h e s t o c k
a ll o f y o u r m oney for reducing risk
Investing r is k y . It c a n b e is to spread out
c o r p o r a tio n is very
a single n a p r o m is in g your
g t o g o “ a ll in” o
temptin t h in k m ig h t turn investments
c o m p a n y th at you
young a z o n . H o w e ver
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into th e in a s in gle
f y o ur mo n e y
in g a ll o
invest o s it io n.
ris k y p ro p
company is a
Pay Attention to
the Market