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Choosing A Pre-Adjusted Orthodontic Appliance Prescription For Anterior Teeth

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Choosing a pre-adjusted orthodontic appliance prescription for anterior teeth

Article  in  Journal of orthodontics · July 2007

DOI: 10.1179/146531207225021996 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Eleanor Thickett Trevor Martin Hodge

The Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust University of Leeds


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Journal of Orthodontics, Vol. 34, 2007, 95–100

CLINICAL Choosing a pre-adjusted orthodontic

appliance prescription for anterior
Eleanor Thickett
Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Bournemouth, UK

Nigel G. Taylor and Trevor Hodge

Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford, UK

A common orthodontic task is to correct anterior tooth position using brackets whose torque, tip and in-out are pre-adjusted.
Bracket prescription greatly influences final aesthetics and function. Pre-adjusted orthodontic brackets have in-built
prescriptions of torque, tip and in-out which are optimized for average cases. Refinement of tooth position can be achieved by
archwire adjustment or archwire auxiliaries. Modifications to bracket position such as inversion can also help achieve
individual tooth movements. Planning bracket position must be considered at the outset of treatment to achieve the maximum
benefit. A number of clinical scenarios will be discussed including: a Class II division 1 malocclusion with lateral incisors
palatally displaced, and another case with absent lateral incisors for space closure. Also, Class III malocclusions with
consideration given to: canine angulation; a palatally displaced canine requiring labial movement; absent upper central
incisors (space closure), and finally, a Class III case where incisor inclination requires consideration.
By using a typodont to illustrate some of the points, this article aims to (1) show how three pre-adjusted orthodontic bracket
systems (Andrews, Roth and MBT) vary significantly in their ability to influence tooth position and appearance; (2) inform
clinicians how modified bracket position can influence tooth position.
Key words: Bracket prescription, variations of bracket positioning

Received 1st April 2006; accepted 7th November 2006

Introduction the archwire to manipulate tooth position. The

buccolingual crown thickness, crown angulation
For all patients, the lower third of the face, and and crown inclination of individual teeth from 120
particularly the anterior teeth are vital for social study models were measured, taken from patients who
communication and acceptance. Orthodontic treatment had never received orthodontic treatment. These values
aims to position anterior teeth to achieve optimum were averaged and their values incorporated into a
aesthetics and function. Over the years clinicians have bracket system designed to create the six keys to
considered how bracket design can achieve this treat- occlusion.1
ment objective. From the models the average crown angulation (tip)
At the beginning of the 1970s Andrews defined six and inclination (torque) values were calculated (see
keys or characteristics of a normal occlusion:1 Table 1):
Andrews produced brackets for non-extraction and
N the molar relationship;
extraction cases. The S series were for non-extraction
N the crown angulation;
cases. His reasoning for this was that, in extraction
N crown inclination;
cases, anti-rotation and anti-tip were to be incorporated
N rotations;
into the bracket design. This was to eliminate the tip and
N spaces;
rotation of the buccal surface towards the extraction
N occlusal plane.
site. Overcompensation of the tip allows for rebound of
Andrews1–3 described a pre-adjusted orthodontic the tooth so that the net effect is to leave the tooth with
bracket designed to control tooth movement in three the correct degree of tip. Further classification of the
dimensions, which required fewer bends introduced into bracket types are listed below:

Address for correspondence: Miss E. Thickett, Orthodontic

Department, Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Castle Lane East,
Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 7DW, UK.
Email: ellie@ethickett.fsnet.co.uk
# 2007 British Orthodontic Society DOI 10.1179/146531207225021996
96 E. Thickett et al. Clinical Section JO June 2007

N Class I cases with Angle’s Class I molars; canines has also been introduced in the MBT prescrip-
N Class II cases with Angle’s Class II molars, but tion to reduce the risk of cuspid and bicuspid roots
with lower arch length problems (lower crowding/ coming in close proximity, and to allow the crowns to be
protrusion); placed in a slightly more upright position, thus reducing
N Class II Classic cases with Class II molars with no the anchorage demand. The tip on the upper posterior
lower arch length problems and lower anterior teeth teeth is also reduced in the MBT system further reducing
in good relationship to the face. anchorage demands.
This was further subdivided into ‘types’ depending on Variations in torque with the MBT system are
the amount of crowding in the lower arch: recommendations based on the personal observations
of its founders. Palatal root torque has been increased in
N Type A: 7 mm of crowding the upper arch to account for the loss of torque that
N Type B: 10 mm of crowding commonly occurs when using other pre-adjusted appli-
N Type C: 14 mm of crowding ances during overjet reduction and space closure. This
Roth4 introduced further modifications in an attempt to can occur as a result of excessive forces due to the 10u
reduce the number of bracket types required using of slop of a 019625-inch archwire in a 0226028-inch
Andrews’ prescription. Roth introduced a prescription slot. Conversely, in the lower arch the labial root torque
for a set of brackets that would be applicable to most has been increased to prevent the tendency of the lower
cases, so reducing the bracket inventory was required. incisors to procline, which can occur during levelling of
Roth found that a large percentage of his cases could be the curve of Spee and elimination of lower incisor
treated with a prescription selected from Andrews’ Set C crowding.7
upper incisor brackets, Set S lower brackets, minimum Pre-adjusted brackets have been developed with
translation brackets in the upper posterior buccal different prescriptions designed to reduce or avoid the
segments/lower canines, and maximum translation series need for first, second and third order adjustments of the
brackets on the upper canines and lower posterior wire during treatment:
segments. This then became the Roth prescription. N Incorporation of first order or in-out adjustment:
However, Roth also proposed increasing the tip for the Variation of the base bracket thickness around the arch
canine brackets to facilitate canine guidance and added reduces the need for compensating in-out bends.
distal crown tip on the lower buccal segments because he N Incorporation of second order or tip adjustment:
felt his prescription would be more anchorage demand- Angulation of the bracket slot reduces the need for tip
ing. Finally, the Roth prescription, in addition to having bends in the archwire.
more tip and torque in the anterior region, was also N Incorporation of third order or torque adjustment:
intended to increase upper molar torque to prevent the Bracket slots are inclined to compensate for the
palatal cusps dropping. inclination of the facial surfaces of the tooth therefore
The variations proposed by McLaughlin, Bennett and reducing the need for torque in the archwire.
Trevisi (MBT) aim to further improve the results of The angulation and torque values (second and third
completed cases.5,6 These clinicians suggested a reduc- order bends) built into the bracket are often referred to
tion in the anterior tip found in the Andrews and Roth as the appliance/bracket prescription. Prescriptions for
prescriptions to values much closer to Andrews’ original Andrews, Roth, and MBT straight wire appliances
data. The aim was to reduce the strain on molar systems are presented in Tables 2 and 3.
anchorage and to avoid arch length increases that can
occur in treatment. In addition, a reduction in tip of the

Table 2 Tip values for the three bracket prescriptions (degrees).

Table 1 Andrews prescription values for tip and torque.
Tip or second order
Upper 3.59 8.04 8.4 2.7 2.8 5.7 0.4 Upper MBT 4 8 8 0 0 0 0
Teeth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Roth 5 9 13 0 0 0 0
Lower 0.53 0.38 2.5 1.3 1.54 2.0 2.9 Andrews 5 9 11 2 2 5 5
Torqueu TEETH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Upper 6.11 4.42 27.3 28.5 28.9 211.5 28.1 Lower Andrews 2 2 5 2 2 2 2
Teeth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Roth 2 2 7 21 21 21 21
Lower 21.71 23.24 212.7 219.0 223.6 230.7 236.0 MBT 4 8 8 0 0 0 0
JO June 2007 Clinical Section Pre-adjusted appliance prescriptions 97


N To show how three pre-adjusted orthodontic bracket

systems (Andrews, Roth and MBT) vary significantly
in their ability to influence tooth position and
N To inform clinicians how modified bracket position
can influence tooth position.

Bracket variations
Various suggestions have been made regarding bracket
choice and positioning to optimize tooth position when
Figure 1 Typical bracket set-up for upper anterior teeth. It is
teeth are absent or where an attempt is made to relevant to note that variability in tooth morphology influences the
overcome a local problem of tooth position. The aim root positions of these anatomically correct typodont teeth. This is
is to reduce the need for archwire adjustments or especially visible for the lateral incisors in this example
auxiliaries. Careful bracket selection and positioning
simplifies the treatment of localized anomalies in the
A simpler solution, however, is to invert the lateral
following situations:
bracket. At the start of treatment bracket inversion
N Class II division 1 malocclusion with lateral incisors maintains the crown angulation, but boosts labial
palatally displaced; torque by reversing slot inclination. This approach
N absent lateral incisor: space closure; may also increase patient comfort by gradual introduc-
N Class III malocclusions: canine angulation; tion of labiolingual torque. The effect of different
N palatally displaced canine: labial movement; bracket prescriptions will now be discussed.
N absent upper central incisors: space closure; In the Andrews prescription a lateral incisor bracket
N Class III: incisor inclination. with a 3u of torque when inverted delivers an inclination,
which was increased by 6u (from –3 to 3u with the
standard bracket prescription). Effective torque how-
ever, depends on the bracket prescription. Before
Class II division 1 malocclusion with
bracket positions are modified the prescription of the
lateral incisors palatally displaced brackets must be known. For instance, inverted Roth
In Class II division 1 malocclusions, the upper lateral lateral incisor brackets produce a difference of 16u
incisors may be palatally displaced. Orthodontic treat- compared with 6u with Andrews prescription as
ment aims to align both crown and root; however, a normally positioned Roth lateral brackets have 8u of
standard lateral incisor bracket may provide insufficient palatal root torque incorporated into their design. An
labial root torque to position the lateral incisor root MBT bracket inverted on a lateral incisor changes
correctly. Labial root torque may be introduced into the torque by 20u as 10u changes to 210u. Full bracket
archwire with torquing pliers (e.g. Rose torquing pliers) expression is unlikely with the archwire dimensions used
or by a single tooth torquing auxiliary. in clinical practice. This may be further compounded by
the slot size being larger than manufacturers’ state.7,8
The pure effects are best demonstrated on a typodont
Table 3 Torque values for the three bracket prescriptions (degrees).
(Figures 1 and 2).
Torque or third order
Absent lateral incisors: space closure
Upper MBT 17 10 27 27 27 214 214
Roth 12 8 22 27 27 214 214 When maxillary lateral incisors are absent and space
Andrews 7 3 27 27 27 29 29 closure is planned, which bracket is best placed on the
TEETH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
canine? The standard MBT canine bracket has 7u of
Lower Andrews 21 21 211 217 222 230 233
labial root torque, which is appropriate for a canine in
Roth 21 21 211 217 222 230 230
MBT 26 26 26 212 217 220 210
its usual position in the line of the arch. This is
inappropriate, however, if this tooth is to replace a
98 E. Thickett et al. Clinical Section JO June 2007

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)
Figure 2 Inverted upper lateral incisor bracket applying additional root torque to an instanding left lateral incisor. The right-side bracket
is placed in the normal position. Note the more labial position of the root apex when the bracket is inverted, reversing the torque. (a)
Apical view. (b) Lateral view (c) Incisal view. (d) Clinical view start. (e) Clinical view finish

lateral incisor where palatal root torque is indicated, additional tip beyond the norm for a lateral incisor
rather than labial torque. One suggestion is to place a (Figure 3).
lateral incisor bracket on the canine crown. However,
the height of the bracket stem and the labiolingual
thickness may be too great, and may position the tooth Canine angulation in Class III cases
palatally in the line of the arch unless first order bends Orthodontic camouflage is carried out when a Class III
are also incorporated. Also there may be insufficient malocclusion is treated by accepting the skeletal pattern;
torque in view of the greater crown-root angle found in orthodontic appliances tilt the upper and lower incisors
canines. Bracket fit creates a further problem as canine to compensate for the skeletal discrepancy. Camouflage
crown labial convexity is greater than that of the lateral effectively retroclines the lower labial segment. It has
incisor. been suggested that contra-lateral canine brackets on
One solution is to place a lateral incisor bracket after the lower canines encourage the crowns to tip distally.
recontouring of the canine to mimic the lateral incisor.
Potential obstacles are the wide range of canine crown
anatomies and unfavourable crown-root angulations.
An alternative is to invert the canine bracket on the
canine tooth. This achieves a crown angulation of 11u,
but 7u labial root torque becomes 7u of palatal root
torque for both MBT and Andrews prescription, but
slightly less for Roth brackets due to the prescription.
The canine bracket is compound contoured to fit the
crown surface; the bracket stem height is unchanged.
Tip may be excessive where a canine is replacing a
lateral incisor. Canine tip varies between different
prescriptions (Table 1). In the MBT prescription, the
tip value is identical for both the lateral incisor and the
canine. In the Roth prescription there is a 4u difference
and with the Andrews there is a difference of 2u. Figure 3 The effect of inverting canine brackets in case with
Therefore, a Roth bracket (with 13u of tip when inverted absent lateral incisors and where the canines are to replace the
onto a canine replacing a lateral incisor) delivers 4u of absent teeth
JO June 2007 Clinical Section Pre-adjusted appliance prescriptions 99

(a) (b)
Figure 4 (a) Contra-lateral brackets placed upon the lower canines. The crowns are tipped distally. (b) Clinical photograph with lower
canine brackets transposed to achieve dental camouflage in a Class III malocclusion

Dentoalveolar compensation is facilitated and ancho- that it is useful to bond the contra-lateral central incisor
rage requirements are reduced. Transposed MBT bracket to tilt the tooth so its distal crown aspect
brackets attached to mandibular canines are shown in approaches vertical.
Figure 4. The outcome of bracket transposition will Figure 6 shows a single absent central incisor using
depend on the bracket prescription. In the Andrews typodont teeth; Figure 7 shows both central incisors
prescription 5u tip becomes a 10u difference; with MBT have been lost with both lateral incisors planned for
8u becomes a 16u difference. mesial movement and restorative build up.

Labial movement of a palatal canine Incisor inclination in Class III

When a palatally displaced canine is moved labially,
movement of the crown may occur in advance of the When Class III malocclusions are treated orthodonti-
root leaving it unattractively tipped. Increased labial cally the upper incisors tend to be proclined as the
root torque overcomes this. One option is to invert the malocclusion is camouflaged. Subtelny9 and Catania10
lower contra-lateral canine bracket onto the upper advocated the use of labial root torque and tying the
canine. The MBT prescription in this case would archwire forward to advance ‘A’ point and boost
provide no benefit as the torque values are similar for anteroposterior arch length. The possibility exists to
the upper and lower canines. Roth and Andrews invert incisor brackets and use these to provide labial
prescriptions, however, would provide a small benefit, root torque, which may be useful in some selected cases.
as there is a difference of 9 and 4u, respectively. The
additional labial root torque may, therefore, help to
correct tooth position (Figure 5).

Absent upper central incisor: space

Following loss of an upper central incisor, space closure
may involve moving the lateral incisor mesially. The
lateral then abuts the adjacent central incisor. As the
lateral moves mesially, its root should move further
mesially than its crown; the mesial surface is then
vertical. This permits the restorative phase to build up
the distal surface with an optimal emergence profile.
This avoids the problem of retention from a mesio-
gingival margin on the restoration. It has been suggested Figure 5 Canine bracket inverted on the upper right canine
100 E. Thickett et al. Clinical Section JO June 2007

Figure 6 Contra-lateral central incisor bracket placed on the Figure 7 Clinical photograph with absent central incisors. Upper
upper left lateral incisor. Note the exaggerated tip, which brings canine brackets are inverted to provide additional palatal root
the mesial surfaces together and allows build up of the distal torque. The lateral incisor brackets are transposed to achieve
emergence profile improved root paralleling prior to mesial movement and restorative

For the central incisors this would effectively change the

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8. Kusy RP, Whitley JQ. Assessment of second-order clear-
N bracket inversion;
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N placement of the contralateral bracket on the tooth;
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9. Subtelny JD. Oral respiration: facial maldevelopment and
It is important for those users of a single prescription corrective dentofacial orthopedics. Angle Orthod 1980;
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finishing bends to be placed in the archwires to achieve crepancy. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1990; 98(1): 12–
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