The Benefits of Hydrotherapy Are A Result of The Principles of Buoyancy, Hydrostatic Pressure and Water Temperature
The Benefits of Hydrotherapy Are A Result of The Principles of Buoyancy, Hydrostatic Pressure and Water Temperature
The Benefits of Hydrotherapy Are A Result of The Principles of Buoyancy, Hydrostatic Pressure and Water Temperature
The principle of buoyancy of water comes into play when treating muscular or joint
injuries. Being in water reduces body weight by up to 90%. Physically this relieves the
pressure of weight on our joints and muscles, and, the feeling of weightlessness proves to
be very relaxing mentally as well as physically The weightless effect of water is also
recommended for arthritis sufferers, as it eases joint stiffness and improves the mobility
of the joints.
Water temperature has a great deal to do with hydrotherapy. Hot water raises your
body temperature and causes your blood vessels to dilate. This increases circulation and
greater circulation can speed up the body's healing processes.This high temperature
increases the number of white blood cells, which help to fight infection.
We know from personal experience that water is not just for cleansing, but for making
us feel better. When you plop into that tub of hot water, after a strenuous day, you know
you'll feel much better when you're done, for hot water relieves fatigue and prevents
Halliwick method - It is designed to teach balance and postural control. The patient is
made to do series of activities which require more sophisticated rotational control in an
attempt to teach him to control movement in unstable environment. The Halliwick
Method combines the unique qualities of the water with rotational control patterns.
Watsu - Based on the principles of Zen Shiatsu [massage]. The therapist stabilises or
moves one segment of the body, resulting in a stretch of another segment due to the drag
effect. The patient remains completely passive while the therapist combines the unique
qualities of the water with rhythmic flow patterns.
Apart from various above techniques, simple exercises such as floating, general body
movements, stretches, and walking in water is beneficial, as water's natural buoyancy
allows freedom of movement without jarring or straining the body. Its natural resistance
encourages strengthening of the muscles, and its unique properties alleviate pain and
facilitate ambulation skills.
Temperatura apei are o mare de a face cu hidroterapia. Apa fierbinte ridică temperatura
corpului şi determină dilatarea vaselor de sange . Acest lucru creste circulatia sangelui şi
circulaţia mai buna poate accelera procesul de vindecare al corpului. Temperatură ridicată
creşte numărul de celule albe din sânge, care contribuie la lupta împotriva infecţiilor.
Ştim din experienţă personală că apa nu este doar pentru curăţare, dar si pentru a ne face
sa ne simtim mai bine. Când intrati în cada cu apa fierbinte, dupa o zi obositoare, ştiţi că
vă veţi simţi mult mai bine atunci când ve-ti termina, deoarece apa caldă ameliorează
oboseala si previne rigiditate.
Metoda Halliwick - Acesta este conceputa pentru a invata echilibrul şi controlul postural.
Pacientul este pus să facă o serie de activităţi care necesită un control mai sofisticat al
rotaţiei într-o încercare de a-l invata cum sa controleze mişcarea într-un mediu instabil.
Metoda Halliwick combina calitatile unice ale apei cu modelele de control ale rotaţiei.
Watsu - Bazat pe principiile Zen Shiatsu. Terapeutul stabilizeaza sau misca un segment al
corpului, rezultand o intindere a unui alt segment din cauza efectului de tragere. Pacientul
rămâne complet pasiv, în timp ce terapeutul combina calitatile unice ale apei cu fluxul de
modele ritmice.
În afara diverselor tehnici de mai sus, exercitii simple cum ar fi mişcările plutitoare,
miscarile generale ale corpului, intinderi şi mersul în apă este benefic, flotabilitatea
naturala in apă permite o libertate de mişcare fără discordanta sau tensionarea corpului.
Rezistenţa sa naturala încurajează consolidarea muşchilor, şi este o proprietate unica de a
atenua durerea si a facilita abilitatile mersului.