Synopsis The Elements of Radio
Synopsis The Elements of Radio
Synopsis The Elements of Radio
AC31- BAComm
The main set of elements involved in the creation of a radio scripts are:
Human Voice – an important element, that gives life to the script. It is very essential to have a
clear speaking voice, to let the listeners know and understand the content of the program.
Music – music gives life to the whole production. It establishes appropriate atmosphere to given
situations. Music transmits feelings and emotions to the listeners.
Sound Effects – is the extension of music. However, sound effects are used to specific instances
in a program or production. This gives thrill and adds up flavor to a scene. Sound effects are
considered a descriptive element in radio scripts.
Silence – is also important. This element is also one that gives an establishing
Radio is a powerful media tool. Its reach is extending as the platforms for its distribution expand.
As one of the earliest forms of widespread communication, radio has a long tradition of introducing and
developing a new talent and new programme formats and genres.
Radio Production is the art and science of writing, recording and producing the commercial elements,
programming elements and pretty much everything you here on the radio.
Acoustics – The audible (sound) scenery in which the voice is placed. (Dead Acoustic and Bright
Perspective - Relationship of the microphone (and therefore to the listener) to the sound of the
voice that you are putting out or simply the position of the mic.
Sound Effects – is the extension of music. However, sound effects are used to specific instances
in a program or production. This gives thrill and adds up flavor to a scene. Sound effects are
considered a descriptive element in radio scripts.
Human Voice – an important element, that gives life to the script. It is very essential to have a
clear speaking voice, to let the listeners know and understand the content of the program.
Music – music gives life to the whole production. It establishes appropriate atmosphere to given
situations. Music transmits feelings and emotions to the listeners.
Distort/Filter- Cuts away certain frequencies of the voice.
Artificial Echo – Reverberation of sound.
Silence – is also important. This element is also one that gives an establishing atmosphere or
Synopsis of Examples
Seen in the videos were examples of radio productions, the preproduction, the actual and the
postproduction. All of the videos included the importance of Elements in Radio and Tv Productions. The
people behind the scenes and the actual scenes are both important personas in productions, notice that
audio really gives power and life in a production. Human voice, is very important especially in radio
production. It gives life to the script. Music, sound effects, filters, and the likes, are essential in radio
productions. These elements establishes mood and atmosphere in a scene or a spiel.
Instructions: Differentiate Radio Production and Television Production based from the exercises given
last time and the activity/readings this time.
There are actually 2 things that differentiate Radio Production and Television Production. The
first one is audio, in radio production, they give emphasis and focus on the audio, basically because they
produce only the audio, there will be no visuals in the making and the output. On the other hand, TV
Production focuses on both visuals and audio. Second is, TV gives life in the visuals, characters are seen,
basically everything on the script are seen. In scripts, they both written with different formats. For
Radio, since it is more focused on the audio, labels will be for the characters or voices, and music that
are used. On the other hand, TV Productions includes audio and visual format, which is very detailed in
both areas, what ever is happening in the visuals should be seen on the script.