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Enterobacteriaceae and Other Non-Fastidious, Gram-: Biomérieux Sa English - 1

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REF 20 100 / 20 160 07584D - GB - 2002/10

20 E IVD

Identification system for Enterobacteriaceae and other non-fastidious Gram-negative rods


API 20 E is a standardized identification system for - Pipettes or PSIpettes
Enterobacteriaceae and other non-fastidious, Gram- - Ampule protector
negative rods which uses 21 miniaturized biochemical - Ampule rack
tests and a database. The complete list of those - General microbiology laboratory equipment
organisms that it is possible to identify with this system is
given in the Identification Table at the end of this package POSSIBLE ADDITIONAL REAGENTS :
insert. - API OF Medium (Ref. 50 110) :
Test for the determination of fermentative or oxidative
PRINCIPLE metabolism.
The API 20 E strip consists of 20 microtubes containing - API M Medium (Ref. 50 120) :
dehydrated substrates. These tests are inoculated with Test for motility of facultative anaerobic bacteria.
a bacterial suspension that reconstitutes the media.
During incubation, metabolism produces color changes WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS
that are either spontaneous or revealed by the addition of • For in vitro diagnostic use and microbiological
reagents. control.
The reactions are read according to the Reading Table • For professional use only.
and the identification is obtained by referring to the • This kit contains products of animal origin. Certified
Analytical Profile Index or using the identification software. knowledge of the origin and/or sanitary state of the
animals does not totally guarantee the absence of
CONTENT OF THE KIT transmissible pathogenic agents. It is therefore
Kit for 25 tests (ref. 20 100) recommended that these products be treated as
- 25 API 20 E strips potentially infectious, and handled observing the usual
- 25 incubation boxes safety precautions (do not ingest or inhale).
- 25 result sheets • All specimens, microbial cultures and inoculated
- 1 clip seal products should be considered infectious and handled
- 1 package insert appropriately. Aseptic technique and usual precautions
for handling the bacterial group studied should be
Kit for 100 tests (ref. 20 160) observed throughout this procedure. Refer to "NCCLS
- 100 API 20 E strips (4x25 strips) M29-A, Protection of Laboratory Workers from
- 100 incubation boxes Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Disease
- 100 result sheets Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids, and Tissue;
- 1 clip seal Approved Guideline - December 1997". For additional
- 1 package insert handling precautions, refer to "Biosafety in
Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, HHS
COMPOSITION OF THE STRIP Publication No. (CDC) 93-8395, 3rd Edition (May
1993)", or to the regulations currently in use in each
The composition of the API 20 E strip is given in the
Reading Table of this package insert.
• Do not use reagents past the expiration date.
• Before use, check that the packaging of the various
PROVIDED • Do not use strips which have been damaged : cupules
Reagents : deformed, desiccant sachet open, ...
- API NaCl 0.85 % Medium, 5 ml (Ref. 20 230) or • The performance data presented were obtained using
API Suspension Medium, 5 ml (Ref. 20 150) the procedure indicated in this package insert. Any
- API 20 E reagent kit (Ref. 20 120) or change or modification in the procedure may affect the
individual reagents : TDA (Ref. 70 402) results.
JAMES (Ref. 70 542) • Interpretation of the test results should be made taking
VP 1 + VP 2 (Ref. 70 422) into consideration the patient history, the source of the
NIT 1 + NIT 2 (Ref. 70 442) specimen, colonial and microscopic morphology of the
- Zn reagent (Ref. 70 380) strain and, if necessary, the results of any other tests
- Oxidase (Ref. 55 635*) performed, particularly the antimicrobial susceptibility
* reference not sold in certain countries : use an patterns.
equivalent reagent.
- Mineral oil (Ref. 70 100)
- API 20 E Analytical Profile Index (Ref. 20 190) or
identification software (consult bioMérieux)

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STORAGE CONDITIONS Inoculation of the strip

The strips are supplied in an aluminum pouch with • Using the same pipette, fill both tube and cupule of
desiccant sachets. the tests CIT , VP and GEL with the bacterial
Once opened (*), the pouch should be re-sealed using the suspension.
clip seal (included in the kit) to preserve the remaining • Fill only the tube (and not the cupule) of the other tests.
strips with the desiccant sachets : place the open end of • Create anaerobiosis in the tests ADH, LDC, ODC, H2S
the pouch along the seal and carefully clamp between and URE by overlaying with mineral oil.
the two parts. The strips may then be kept for up to • Close the incubation box.
10 months after the pouch has been opened, at 2-8°C • Incubate at 36°C ± 2°C for 18-24 hours.
(or until the expiration date indicated on the packaging, if
(*) Recommended method for opening the pouches : cut Reading the strip
open the pouch just below the seal while holding the
pouch upright, in order to avoid damaging the desiccant • After the incubation period, read the strip by referring to
sachets. the Reading Table.
• If 3 or more tests (GLU test + or –) are positive, record
SPECIMENS (COLLECTION AND PREPARATION) all the spontaneous reactions on the result sheet and
then reveal the tests which require the addition of
API 20 E is not for use directly with clinical or other
reagents :
- TDA Test : add 1 drop of TDA reagent. A reddish
The microorganisms to be identified must first be iso-
brown color indicates a positive reaction to be
lated on a culture medium adapted to the culture of
recorded on the result sheet.
Enterobacteriaceae and/or non-fastidious Gram-negative
- IND Test : add 1 drop of JAMES reagent. A pink color
rods, according to standard microbiological techniques.
developed in the whole cupule indicates a positive
reaction to be recorded on the result sheet.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE - VP Test : add 1 drop each of VP 1 and VP 2 reagents.
Oxidase test Wait at least 10 minutes. A pink or red color indicates
The oxidase test must be performed according to the a positive reaction to be recorded on the result sheet.
manufacturer's instructions for use. The result should be If a slightly pink color appears after 10 minutes, the
recorded on the result sheet as it is an integral part of the reaction should be considered negative.
final profile (21st identification test). NOTE : The indole production test must be performed
last since this reaction releases gaseous products which
Preparation of the strip interfere with the interpretation of other tests on the
• Prepare an incubation box (tray and lid) and distribute strip. The plastic incubation lid should not be replaced
about 5 ml of distilled water or demineralized water after the addition of the reagent.
[or any water without additives or chemicals which may • If the number of positive tests (including the GLU test)
release gases (e.g., Cl2, CO2, etc.)] into the honey- before adding the reagents is less than 3 :
combed wells of the tray to create a humid atmosphere. - Reincubate the strip for a further 24 hours (± 2 hours)
• Record the strain reference on the elongated flap of the without adding any reagents.
tray. (Do not record the reference on the lid as it may be - Reveal the tests requiring the addition of reagents
misplaced during the procedure.) (see previous paragraph).
• Remove the strip from its packaging. - To complete the identification, it may be necessary to
• Place the strip in the incubation box. perform supplementary tests (refer to Identification
NOTE : API 20 E should only be used with paragraph).
Enterobacteriaceae and/or non-fastidious Gram-negative
rods. Fastidious organisms having demanding nutritional Interpretation
requirements and requiring appropriate handling Identification is obtained with the numerical profile.
precautions (i.e., Brucella and Francisella) are not • Determination of the numerical profile :
included in the API 20 E database. Alternative procedures On the result sheet, the tests are separated into groups
must be used to exclude or confirm their presence. of 3 and a value 1, 2 or 4 is indicated for each. By
Preparation of the inoculum adding together the values corresponding to positive
reactions within each group, a 7-digit profile number is
• Open an ampule of API NaCl 0.85 % Medium (5 ml) or obtained for the 20 tests of the API 20 E strip. The
an ampule of API Suspension Medium (5 ml) as oxidase reaction constitutes the 21st test and has a
indicated in the paragraph "Warnings and Precautions" value of 4 if it is positive.
of the package insert for these products, or use any tube
containing 5 ml of sterile saline or sterile distilled water, • Identification :
without additives. This is performed using the database (V4.0)
• Using a pipette or PSIpette, remove a single well- * with the Analytical Profile Index :
isolated colony from an isolation plate. It is - Look up the numerical profile in the list of profiles.
recommended to use young cultures (18-24 hours old). * with the identification software :
• Carefully emulsify to achieve a homogeneous bacterial - Enter the 7-digit numerical profile manually via the
suspension. keyboard.
This suspension must be used immediately after
NOTE : most Vibrio species are halophilous. If a Vibrio is
suspected, suspend the bacteria in API NaCl 0.85 %

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In some cases, the 7-digit profile is not discriminatory - Motility (MOB) : Inoculate an ampule of API M Medium
enough and the following supplementary tests need to be (see package insert).
carried out : - Growth on MacConkey agar medium (McC) : Streak a
- Reduction of nitrates to nitrites (NO2) and N2 gas (N2) : MacConkey agar plate (see package insert).
add 1 drop each of NIT 1 and NIT 2 reagents to the GLU - Oxidation of glucose (OF-O) : Inoculate an ampule of
tube. Wait 2 to 5 minutes. A red color indicates a API OF Medium (see package insert).
positive reaction (NO2). A negative reaction (yellow) - Fermentation of glucose (OF-F) : Inoculate an ampule of
may be due to the reduction to nitrogen (as sometimes API OF Medium (see package insert).
evidenced by gas bubbles) : add 2 to 3 mg of Zn These supplementary tests, indicated in the introduction
reagent to the GLU tube. After 5 minutes, if the tube section (Profile coding) of the Analytical Profile Index, may
remains yellow this indicates a positive reaction (N2) to be used to form a 9-digit profile. Identification is then
be recorded on the result sheet. If the test turns orange- obtained using the identification software.
red, this is a negative reaction : the nitrates still present
in the tube have been reduced by the Zinc.
This reaction is useful when testing Gram-negative,
oxidase positive rods.
NOTE : For the same reason as the indole test (see the 5 315 173 (57) Enterobacter gergoviae
note in the paragraph "Reading the strip"), the nitrate
reduction test must be performed last. Further tests may be proposed in case of low
discrimination. Refer to the identification software or
Analytical Profile Index.

The media, strips, and reagents are systematically quality controlled at various stages of their manufacture.
For those users who wish to perform their own quality control tests with the strip, it is preferable to use the strain
1. Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 or else one of the following strains :
2. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia ATCC 51331 4. Proteus mirabilis ATCC 35659
3. Enterobacter cloacae ATCC 13047 5. Klebsiella pneumoniae ssp pneumoniae ATCC 35657
ATCC : American Type Culture Collection, 10801 University Boulevard, Manassas, VA 20110-2209, USA.

1. + – + + – – – – + – – + + – + + – + – + + –
2. + – V – V – – – – – + – – – – – – – – – – –
3. + + – + + – – – – + – + + – + + + + + + + –
4. – – – + V + + + – – V + – – – – V – – – + –
5. + – + – + – V – – V – + + + + + + + + + + –
* The N2 (+) state may be observed for the strain ATCC 13047 and the strain ATCC 25922.
• Profile obtained after 24-48 hours of incubation for the strain ATCC 51331, using colonies grown on Trypticase Soy agar + blood.
• Profiles obtained after 18-24 hours of incubation for the other strains, using colonies grown on Trypticase Soy agar + blood.
• Bacterial suspensions prepared in API NaCl 0.85 % Medium.
It is the responsibility of the user to perform Quality Control in accordance with any local applicable regulations.


• The API 20 E system is intended uniquely for the Consult the Identification Table at the end of this package
identification of Enterobacteriaceae and those non- insert for the range of expected results for the various
fastidious, Gram-negative rods included in the database biochemical reactions.
(see Identification Table at the end of this package
insert). It cannot be used to identify any other PERFORMANCE
microorganisms or to exclude their presence. • Enterobacteriaceae :
• Discrepancies with respect to conventional methods 5514 collection strains and strains of various origins
may be observed. They are due to the different belonging to species included in the database were
principles of the reactions used in the API technique. In tested:
addition, substrate variations exist that also account for - 92.80 % of the strains were correctly identified
percentage differences. (with or without supplementary tests).
• On rare occasions, the glucose reactions for organisms - 4.61 % of the strains were not identified.
such as Klebsiella or Proteus may revert from positive - 2.59 % of the strains were misidentified.
to negative, in which instance a bluish-green color is
seen. This reaction will be recorded as a negative • Other non-fastidious Gram-negative rods :
reaction. Such occurrences are reflected in the 2386 collection strains and strains of various origins
percentages indicated in the Identification Table. belonging to species included in the database were
• If Salmonella or Shigella are identified, serological tested :
identification must be performed to confirm the bacterial - 90.32 % of the strains were correctly identified
identification. (with or without supplementary tests).
• Only pure cultures of a single organism should be used. - 6.16 % of the strains were not identified.
- 3.52 % of the strains were misidentified.

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It is the responsibility of each laboratory to handle waste bioMérieux disclaims all warranties, express or implied,
and effluents produced according to their type and degree including any implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY
of hazardousness and to treat and dispose of them (or AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE. bioMérieux
have them treated and disposed of) in accordance with shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential
any applicable regulations. damages. IN NO EVENT SHALL BIOMERIEUX’S

ONPG 0.223 (Ortho NitroPhenyl-ßD- colorless yellow (1)
ADH L-arginine 1.9 Arginine DiHydrolase yellow red / orange (2)
LDC L-lysine 1.9 Lysine DeCarboxylase yellow red / orange (2)
ODC L-ornithine 1.9 Ornithine DeCarboxylase yellow red / orange (2)

CIT trisodium citrate 0.756 CITrate utilization pale green / yellow blue-green / blue (3)
H2S sodium thiosulfate 0.075 H2S production colorless / greyish black deposit / thin line
URE urea 0.76 UREase yellow red / orange (2)
TDA / immediate
TDA L-tryptophane 0.38 Tryptophane DeAminase yellow reddish brown

JAMES / immediate
IND L-tryptophane 0.19 INDole production pink
pale green / yellow
VP 1 + VP 2 / 10 min
acetoin production
VP sodium pyruvate 1.9 colorless pink / red (5)
(Voges Proskauer)

GEL Gelatin
0.6 GELatinase no diffusion diffusion of black pigment
(bovine origin)
fermentation / oxidation
GLU D-glucose 1.9 blue / blue-green yellow / greyish yellow
(GLUcose) (4)
fermentation / oxidation
MAN D-mannitol 1.9 blue / blue-green yellow
(MANnitol) (4)
fermentation / oxidation
INO inositol 1.9 blue / blue-green yellow
(INOsitol) (4)
fermentation / oxidation
SOR D-sorbitol 1.9 blue / blue-green yellow
(SORbitol) (4)
fermentation / oxidation
RHA L-rhamnose 1.9 blue / blue-green yellow
(RHAmnose) (4)
fermentation / oxidation
SAC D-sucrose 1.9 blue / blue-green yellow
(SACcharose) (4)
fermentation / oxidation
MEL D-melibiose 1.9 blue / blue-green yellow
(MELibiose) (4)
fermentation / oxidation
AMY amygdalin 0.57 blue / blue-green yellow
(AMYgdalin) (4)
fermentation / oxidation
ARA L-arabinose 1.9 blue / blue-green yellow
(ARAbinose) (4)

OX (see oxidase test package insert) cytochrome-OXidase (see oxidase test package insert)
(1) A very pale yellow should also be considered positive.
(2) An orange color after 36-48 hours incubation must be considered negative.
(3) Reading made in the cupule (aerobic).
(4) Fermentation begins in the lower portion of the tubes, oxidation begins in the cupule.
(5) A slightly pink color after 10 minutes should be considered negative.
• The quantities indicated may be adjusted depending on the titer of the raw materials used.
• Certain cupules contain products of animal origin, notably peptones.
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NIT 1 + NIT 2 / 2-5 min

reduction NO2 production yellow red
potassium nitrate 0.076
GLU tube Zn / 5 min
reduction to N2 gas orange-red yellow
API M Medium or
MOB - motility non-motile motile
McC MacConkey medium - growth absence presence
OF-F - fermentation : under green yellow
mineral oil
glucose (API OF Medium)
OF-O - oxidation : exposed to the green yellow


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