This article discusses the liver disease Kamala (jaundice) in Ayurveda. It describes Kamala's causes, symptoms, and pathophysiology according to Ayurvedic classics. Kamala is classified as either koshthashrita or shakhashrita depending on its location in the body. Koshthashrita Kamala is similar to hemolytic jaundice, while shakhashrita Kamala resembles obstructive jaundice. The mechanisms of Kamala are compared to different types of modern jaundice. Causes include unhealthy diet, exercise, stress, diseases like fever or anemia. Symptoms include yellowing of eyes, skin, nausea, and weakness.
This article discusses the liver disease Kamala (jaundice) in Ayurveda. It describes Kamala's causes, symptoms, and pathophysiology according to Ayurvedic classics. Kamala is classified as either koshthashrita or shakhashrita depending on its location in the body. Koshthashrita Kamala is similar to hemolytic jaundice, while shakhashrita Kamala resembles obstructive jaundice. The mechanisms of Kamala are compared to different types of modern jaundice. Causes include unhealthy diet, exercise, stress, diseases like fever or anemia. Symptoms include yellowing of eyes, skin, nausea, and weakness.
This article discusses the liver disease Kamala (jaundice) in Ayurveda. It describes Kamala's causes, symptoms, and pathophysiology according to Ayurvedic classics. Kamala is classified as either koshthashrita or shakhashrita depending on its location in the body. Koshthashrita Kamala is similar to hemolytic jaundice, while shakhashrita Kamala resembles obstructive jaundice. The mechanisms of Kamala are compared to different types of modern jaundice. Causes include unhealthy diet, exercise, stress, diseases like fever or anemia. Symptoms include yellowing of eyes, skin, nausea, and weakness.
This article discusses the liver disease Kamala (jaundice) in Ayurveda. It describes Kamala's causes, symptoms, and pathophysiology according to Ayurvedic classics. Kamala is classified as either koshthashrita or shakhashrita depending on its location in the body. Koshthashrita Kamala is similar to hemolytic jaundice, while shakhashrita Kamala resembles obstructive jaundice. The mechanisms of Kamala are compared to different types of modern jaundice. Causes include unhealthy diet, exercise, stress, diseases like fever or anemia. Symptoms include yellowing of eyes, skin, nausea, and weakness.
Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091
Singh Madhu1 Sharma Neelema2 Sharma Umesh Chander1 1 Bundelkhand Government Ayurvedic College, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India 2 Research Officer Incharge, N. V. A. R. I., Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India ABSTRACT This review article deals with the liver disease Kamala (jaundice). Liver has been clinically implicated in the pathogenesis of this disease and liver cell dysfunction is accountable for the various constitutional symptoms. Nidana (cause), Rupa (symptoms), Samprapti (pathogenesis) and sadhya-asadhyata (prognosis) has been illustrated in accordance with Ayurvedic classics. Yellow discoloration of eye, skin etc. signals the onset of this disease Kamala which in parlance is correlated with disease of biliary system in general and jaundice in particular. Unconjugated and conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia is just compatible with koshthashrita and shakhashrita Kamala respectively. Keywords: Kamala, Haridra, Shakhashrita, Koshthashrita, Liver
INTRODUCTION In modern science jaundice is classified in
In Ayurveda, the renowned three types:7 Ayurvedic physician and surgeon Acharya Haemolytic Charak and Acharya Sushruta obviously Obstructive recognized the condition like Kamala which Hepatocellular has great resemblance with the jaundice of Koshthasrita Kamala which occurs modern medical sciences. Disease Kamala is as a result of pitta vridhi in Rakta dhatu related to Liver. The liver plays a major role after the use of its aggravating causes has in the maintenance of metabolic similarity with the mechanism of pre hepatic homeostasis. The development of clinically jaundice or Haemolytic jaundice in which important liver disease is accompanied by more bilirubin is found in blood due to diverse manifestation of disordered excessive destruction of R.B.C and is not 6 metabolism . One of such disorders that is excreted. Adequately by liver resulting in characterized by yellow staining of all the hyperbilirubinaemia responsible for various tissues due to increased level of bile pigment symptoms like yellow discoloration of eye, in circulation. Kamala is considered a purely skin etc. paittik rog caused by Rakta dushti due to Shakhashrita Kamala is produced vitiated pitta and vise-versa1. due to the obstruction of normal pittavaha Classification of Kamala: srtotas by kapha and vata, resulting in pitta Kamala has been classified as: vridhi in the rakta dhatu. In obstructive Koshthashrita jaundice, there is same mechanism in which Shakhashrita the bile ducts are obstructed by gall stone or Madhu Singh et al: Conceptual Study of Kamala (Jaundice) other causes and bile is accumulated in liver, koshthashrita Kamala. Therefore the resulting in elevation of blood bilirubin level mechanism of Hepatocellular jaundice can responsible for yellowness of eye, skin, be compared to koshthashrita Kamala or mucous membrane and stool become clay shakhashrita Kamala in different individuals colored due to lack of bile in the intestine. depending upon the severity of the disease. In Hepatocellular jaundice, when Nidana (causes) of Kamala: there is complete obstruction of all the bile Nidana of koshthashrita Kamala:1,2,4,5 canaliculi due to their compression by 1. Aharaj nidana (unwholesome diet) oedematous hepatocytes, jaundice is 2. Viharaj nidana (unwholesome regimen) produced just like shakhasrita Kamala. 3. Mansika nidana (psychological factor) When there is incomplete obstruction or 4. Nidanarthakar Rog (Disease causing when all the bile canaliculi are not diseases) obstructed then it is produced like that of 5. Other nidana (miscellaneous ) Table 1: Nidana of Kamala Mansika Aharaj nidana Vihara nidana Nidanarthkar roga Other nidana nidana Excessive intake of amla lavan, katu, kshar ushna, Ati vyayam Garvisha (slow Kama Pandu Roga (anaemia) tikshna (intake of hot, (excessive exercise) poision) spicy and junk food) Some types of fever Atimaithun Krodha i.e. pitttaj javar, Intake of sneha in Til, sarshap, alsi tail (excessive coitus) (anger) visham javar, Rakta contrary peroid dhatugat jawar Diwasvapana Chinta Prtikaramritu Pinyak paittik gulam (sleeping at day time) (stress) vaishmya Vega vidharan Bhay Prakrit pitta prakop Nishpav (stoppage of natural paittik visarp (fear) kala urge) Irshya Mans Plihodar (jealousy) Shoka Vidagdha anna Yakritodar (sorrow) Virudha anna Hridrog Madya Kulath etc.
Nidana of shakhastita Kamala:4,5 Haridra twak Yellowness of Skin
Haridra nakh Yellowness of nails 1. Excessive intake of Ruksha, Shita, Guru Yellowness of buccal and Madhur Ahar.(unwholesome diet) Haridra anan cavity 2. Ati vyayam ( excessive exercise) Peet sakrita,urine Yellow stool and urine Greenish yellow tinge of 3. Vega nigrah (stoppage of natural urges) Bhenk varna body Table 2: Rupa of Kamala (symptoms) Burning sensation of the Daha Kamala Rog Jaundice body Haridra netra Yellowness of conjunctiva Avipak Indigestion IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 3; May – June 2013
2 Madhu Singh et al: Conceptual Study of Kamala (Jaundice) Daurbalya Weakness Sadhya-Asadhyata of Kamala (prognosis of Hrillas Nausea the disease)1,4,5 Chardi Vomitting Shotha Edema When Kamala becomes chronic and Jawar Fever their appearance of ruksha (dryness) in Bhinna varcha Diarrhoea sharir dhatu, it is called another stage of Tilpishta varcha Clay coloured stool Hikka and shwas Hiccough And Bodyache Kamala kumbha kamala. This stage is Angmarda Bodyache krichyasadhya on the appearance of Shotha (oedema) and parvabheda (joint pain) due to Samprapti of Kamala: (pathophysiology of negligence in the treatment of Kamala. Kamala): Here the factors which are taking When there is too much vitiation of part in the pathophysiology of Kamala are the doshas in kumbha Kamala, the patient Agni, Ama, Dosha, Dushya, Srotas. suffers from yellowish black coloured of his In koshthashrita Kamala, the stool and urine, oedema, red colouration of excessive pitta vridhi due to all the above eyes, mouth, vomited matter, drowziness, mentioned nidana, produces abnormality in loss of appetite, unconsciousness. A patient the Raktavaha srotas and Raktvaha sroto of Kamala who develops these symptoms mula, liver in which dosh dushya becomes asadhya in treatment. sammurchana olso occurs. Then ati pravriti Thus it is obvious from the above (excessive flow) of pitta occurs through description that Kamala Roga is sukha- pitta vaha srotas into the koshtha, resulting sadhya in the beginning and becomes in the dark yellow colouration of urine and krichyasadhya with the appearance of some stool. Vitiated vata also causes ati-pravriti other symptoms like oedema, joint pain etc. of pitta in Rasa-Rakta etc. Dhatus4,5. So DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION when this vridha pitta reaches the sites of Kamala is a condition where the the clinical manifestation of Kamala disease skin, eye and mucous membrane take yellow via Rasa-Rakta Dhatus, it produces yellow discoloration. In modern science jaundice is coloration just like that of Haridra in these considered as symptom of liver disorder sites i.e. in eyes skin, face nail, urine etc. whereas in Ayurveda Kamala is taken as which is the cardinal signs of Kamala.1,3 disease. In Ayurveda, increased intake of In shakhasrita Kamala, due to oily, spicy, hot and alkaline food, are excessive intake of shkhashrita nidana depicted for aggravation of pitta dosha. The srotas sangha of pittavaha srotas occurs. aggravated Pitta then impairs the blood and Therefore pitta cannot reach into the koshtha the muscle tissue of the liver, causing through its normal pathway and the stool is blockage in the channels of the liver and not colored there due to absence of pitta, so thus Pitta is thrown back into the blood the patient excretes tilpishtha (clay) colored leading to discoloration of the eyes and skin. stool. Due to obstruction of srotas, pitta Sleeping in the daytime, excessive physical begins to accumulate in liver, from where it work, overindulgence in sexual activity, is sent to the eyes, skin, nails and buccal suppressing the natural urges of the body, cavity etc. for yellow discoloration of these and psychological factors like fear, anger, sites. and stress can also be causative factors for IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 3; May – June 2013
3 Madhu Singh et al: Conceptual Study of Kamala (Jaundice) Kamala. This disease is pitta dosha 4. Shastri S; madhav nidana with dominating disease so persons those are madhukosh vyakhya 25ed. chukhambha having pitta prakriti are more prone for Sanskrit series office Varanasi 1995. getting this disease. So we can escape 5. Shastri A. D; Sushruta samhita, 8ed. ourselves from many diseases by taking Chaukhambha Sanskrit series office pathya (wholesome) ahar vihar according Varanasi 1993. our prakriti. Types of Kamala and jaundice 6. Cortton; Kumar; Robbins; pathologic have great resemblance. basic of disease 5ed.W.B. Sanders company REFERENCES 1994. 1. Shastri K.N; Chaturvedi G.N; Charak 7. Fauci; Braunald; Harrisons principle of samhita 8 ed. Chaukhambha bharti academy internal medicine 14ed. MC grew hill book Varanasi 1981. Scompany 1998. 2. Shukla G. D; Bhel samhita1ed. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR chaukhambha vidya bhawan Varanasi 1969. Dr. Madhu Singh 3. Singh R.H; Ayurveda nidana chikitsa ke Lecturer, sidhant1ed. Chaukhambha amar bharti Bundelkhand Govt. Ayurvedic College, prakashan varanasi1983. Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India Email:
Source of support: Nil
Conflict of interest: None Declared IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 3; May – June 2013