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Planning Training Sessions: Written Exam)

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Tell whether en statement about CBT is true or false. Write the statement True and (F) if the
statement is False. Write your answer to a separate sheet.

_________ 1. The CBT is useful in determining the capability of the trainers to apply into the obtained
knowledge, skills and attitude from the training.
_______ 2. CBT focuses on the learning process within a specified time or duration rather than on the
expected outcome.
________ 3. The same with the traditional approach it begins with the demand/needs of the customer,
specifically the industry.
________ 4. Institutions/schools are obliged to meet the set requirement of the Authority before a
training program is implemented.
_______ 5.Evidences are used in the evaluation of obtained skills and knowledge of the trainee
according to the standard.
_______ 6. Group work/team is the main training delivery necessary in the conduct of CBT.
_______7. Various trainees could be trained for different unit of competency in one.
_______ 8. CBT concentrates on managing instructions.
_______ 9. Trainers are allowed to give little feedback to maximize the time.
_______ 10. Trainers/instructor encouraged trainees for re-evaluation.

Identification: Given the following statements, identify what dimension of is being described in the
situations. (Task Management Skills, Task Skills, Contingency Management Skills or Job/Role
Environment Skills)
1. Notification of shift availability, or non attendance for shift, is given without undue delay and
according to store policies and procedures. JOB/ROLE ENVIRONMENT SKILLS
2. Relevant safety systems information is accessed, analyzed in responding to an identified hazard.
3. Following presentation, feedback on product design is obtained from the appropriate personnel. Any
modifications are identified and incorporated into the final design. TASK MANAGEMENT SKILLS
4. Tools and equipment are cleaned and stored in accordance with workplace requirements.
5. Trainers manage unexpected circumstances happened during the actual conduct of the tasks.

Self-Check 1.1-2
Multiple Choices: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of your choice on your answer

1. The authority that is mandated to develop the Competency Standards is

2. The main basis of the assessment tools and instructional materials of competency based training and
assessment is the
A. Competency based curriculum
B. Competency standards
C. Training regulations
D. Training standards
3. This section enumerates the job titles of workers who are competent in the qualification described in
the Training Regulation.
A. Section 1. Definition of Qualification
B. Section 2. Competency Standards
C. Section 3. Training Standards

D. Section 4. National Assessment and Certification Arrangement
4. This section contains information and requirements in designing training programs for the
A. Section 1. Definition of Qualification
B. Section 2. Competency Standards
C. Section 3. Training Standards
D. Section 4. National Assessment and Certification Arrangement
5. This section gives the specifications of competencies required for effective work performance.
A. Section 1. Definition of Qualification
B. Section 2. Competency Standards
C. Section 3. Training Standards
D. Section 4. National Assessment and Certification Arrangement

Self-Check 1.1-3

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of your choice on your
answer sheet.

1. The written specification of the knowledge, skills and attitudes and values required for the
performance of a job, occupation or trade and the corresponding standard of performance required for
these in the workplace is the
A. Training Regulations
B. Competency Standards
C. Competency-Based Curriculum
D. Competency Based Learning Materials
2. The building blocks of a unit competency describes the worker is able to perform are the
A. Elements
B. Skills
C. Tasks
D. Performance criteria
3. This part of the competency standard identifies the knowledge evidence, productive evidence and
process evidence essential for successful performance of the competency.
A. Evidence plan
B. Underpinning knowledge
C. Underpinning skills
D. Critical aspects of the competency
4. This part of the competency standards defines boundaries within which the competency applies
A. Evidence Plan
B. Nominal duration
C. Range of variables
D. Critical aspects of the competency
5. Generic and industry specific skills needed to achieve the elements and performance criteria are listed
in this part of the competency standards.
A. Evidence plan
B. Underpinning knowledge
C. Underpinning skills
D. Critical aspects of the competency
6. This part of the CS describes in output terms the functions that a person who works in a particular
area of work is able to do.
A. Elements
B. Evidence plan
C. Performance criteria
D. Underpinning knowledge
7. These are the evaluative statements that specify what is to be assessed and the required
A. Elements
B. Evidence plan
C. Performance criteria

D. Underpinning knowledge


Direction: the question below carefully. Choose the correct letter which represents the best answer.
Write your answers separate sheet.

1. The specifications of a qualification methodologies, resources, facilities, infrastructure and other

materials required both for training and assessment strategies is the
A. Competency Standards
B. Qualification Title
C. Training Regulations
D. Competency Curriculum
2. This is a statement of one or combinations of different learning approaches, methods and techniques
to deliver learning activity/ies for the qualification which are consistent with CBT principles.
A. Conditions
B. Contents
C. Methodologies
D. Learning outcomes
3. The statement on the coverage of the course, its relevance in the industry sector, and the possible
occupations the trainee will have after completion is written in the
A. Assessment criteria
B. Course content
C. Course descriptor
D. Course title
4. This part of the CBC specifies the performance outcome the learner will be expected to demonstrate
at the conclusion of the learning outcome.
A. Assessment criteria
B. Course content
C. Learning outcome
D. Performance criteria
5. What part of the CBC specifies the context of raining, this include list of tools and equipment, access
to learning resources and equipment manuals, and types of facility?
A. Content
B. Outline
C. Condition
D. Descriptor
6. It is a statement that specifies what learner will be able to do as result of the learning process. It is
written in
A. Assessment criteria
B. Learning outcome
C. Module content
D. Module descriptor
Self Check 1.1-5

Instruction: Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following characteristics affect learning outcome?

A. Educational attainment
B. Learning styles
C. Previous experiences
D. All of the above
2. What is the learning style of a learner who has languages kills?
A. Auditory
B. Kinesthetic
C. Mixture of visual and auditory
D. Visual

3. A learner who likes manipulating devices has a ___________ learning style.
A. Auditory
B. Kinesthetic
C. Mixture of visual and auditory
D. Visual
4. Which of the following is not important in planning a session?
A. Ability level
B. Learning preferences
C. Training method
D. None of the above
5. A trainee that perceives things abstractly and process them actively and testing theories and applying
common sense is an
A. Activist
B. Pragmatist
C. Reflector
D. Theorist
6. Imaginative thinkers who believe and reflect on their experiences are
A. Activist
B. Pragmatist
C. Reflector
D. Theorist
7. A trainee who form theories and concepts by integrating his observations into what is known. He
needs to know what the experts think.
A. Activist
B. Pragmatist
C. Reflector
D. Theorist
8. A trainee who perceive information concretely and process it actively and by trial and error.
A. Activist
B. Pragmatist
C. Reflector
D. Theorist
Self-Check 1.1-6

On your answer sheet, answer the following questions:

1. Why is it necessary to determine the current competencies of your trainee before preparing
your Session Plan?
 To ensure that the current competencies of the trainee are recognized and learning
activities related to the current competencies are no longer assigned to him, trainees
current competencies has to be determined.

2. What are the three factors to be considered in using evidences submitted by a prospective
trainee as proof of his current competencies?
 a. Authenticity of the document
b. date when the competencies were acquired )
c. standing of the company/employer who issued the certificate )

3. What are the ways of determining current competencies of a trainee?

 a. Self-Assessment Checklist
b. Proof of competencies such as employment certificates, projects personally done by
the trainee, awards and other related proofs
c. Pre-assessment result

4. What is a training gap?

 A training gap is the difference between the current competencies and those required.

Self-Check 1.2-2
Matching Type:
Match the learning activities on Column B with the events of instruction in Column
A. Write the letters of your choice on your answer sheet.

Column A Column B
1. Trainer Demonstration of a skill A. Gaining attention
2. Video presentation
3. Introduction of the topic B. Informing the learner of the objective
4. Self-check
5. Evaluation of the performance C. Stimulating recall of prior learning by the trainer
6. On-the-Job training
7. Review of the previous topic D. Presenting the stimulus
8. Explaining the performance
objectives of the Job Sheet. E. Providing learner guidance
9. Discussing the steps of a task
10. Discussing the result of the F. Eliciting performance
evaluation with the trainee
G. Providing Feedback

H. Assessing performance

I. Enhancing retention and transfer

II. Enumeration:
Enumerate 5 adult learning Principles and explain each in relation to how you will design your training
 Adults learn by comparing past experience with new experience
Provide activities for sharing their experiences

 Adults will learn only what they feel they need to learn
Keep learning activities relevant to what they need to learn. Make sure you look at issues, and
how to work through them, and keep on track

 Adults must want to learn

Motivate trainees before giving learning activities

 Adults need immediate feedback concerning their progress

Providing self assessment questionnaires or check lists and quizzes are useful techniques for
learners to track their progress. Make sure answers are readily available

 Adults want their learning to be practical

Try to provide opportunities for learners to ir learning with people, issues or activities in their
 Adults try to avoid failure
Ensure the ‘real’ consequences of failure are low. Begin with easy learning activities and build
complexity once learners have experienced success.

 Adults do not all learn the same way

Provide learning materials that cater to varied learning preference

Self-Check 1.2-2
Multiple Choices
Instructions: Choose the letter best answer. Write the letter of your choice on your answer sheet

1. This method allows immediate practice and feedback.

A. Case study
B. Equipment simulation

C. Demonstration
D. Role playing
2. This is one of the trainer’s s when selecting training methods.
A. Ready availability
B. Trainers’ capability
C. Level of difficulty of the techniques to be used
D. Number of participants
3. A training method that is used for presenting factual topics is ___.
A. Demonstration method
B. Discussion method
C. Lecture method
D. Role playing
4. A training method wherein all groups are given, orally or in writing, a specific situation, event, or
incident and are asked to analyze and solve it.
A. Case study
B. Equipment simulation
C. Demonstration
D. Role playing
5. A training method that can help participants improve skills, attitudes, and perceptions in real
situations is ___.
A. Case study
B. Equipment simulation
C. Demonstration
D. Role playing
Self-Check 1.2-3
Multiple Choice:
Choose the best answer. Write the letter of your choice to your answer sheet.

1. This is a clearly stated trainer aid in conducting CBT.

A. Lesson plan
B. Session plan
C. Training activity matrix
D. Workshop layout
2. The main basis in planning a training session is the Competency standard. What part of the
competency standards dictates the evaluating a skill or a competency?
A. Assessment criteria
B. Performance criteria
C. Underpinning skills
D. Critical aspect of competency
3. The learning units of a module which is termed as the elements in the CS are called
_________________ in the CBC.
A. Learning outcome
B. Performance objective
C. Learning content
D. Dimension of competency
4. In the hierarchy of learning the following is the simplest?
A. Attitudes
B. Cognitive strategies
C. Intellectual skills
D. Verbal information

III. Enumeration
Enumerate the 9 events of Instruction order.
1. Gain Attention
2. Inform Learners of Objectives
3. Stimulate Recall of Prior Knowledge
4. Present the stimulus/material

5. Provide guidance for learning
6. Elicit performance
7. Provide feedback
8. Assess performance
9. Enhance retention and transfer
Self-Check 1.2-4
Multiple Choices
Instruction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Type of human resource for presenting instruction.

A. Customer
B. Instructor
C. Patrons
D. All of the above
2. Example of a print material as resource used for practice and feedback.
A. Mock-ups
B. Casette tape
C. Job sheet
D. None of the above
3. A flip chart is what type of a non-print material?
A. Still visuals
B. Language machine
C. Motion visuals
D. All of the above
4. Contains a step-by-step for performing task using specific make or model of duct tool or equipment.
A. Journal
B. References
C. Manufacturer’s manual
D. All of the above
5. Contains a recording of specialized sounds or noises.
A. Film strip
B. Records
C. Simulations
D. All of the above
Self-Check 1.3-1
I. Enumeration
1. 1-5 of CBT that have to be considered in developing the CBLM
1. Learning is based on competency required in a workplace;
2. Training materials are directly related to the competency standards and the curriculum;
3. Training is geared toward performance activities;
4. Criteria for assessing is based on workplace standard;
5. Assessment uses actual performance or evidence related to work requirement;
Learning is done by the learner at own pace.

2. 6-10 Factors to be considered when developing the CBLM

6. Principles of CBT
7. Training regulations
8. Trainees characteristics
9. Characteristics of Adult Learners
10. Learning styles
* Nine events of instruction
* Dimensions of Competency

3. 11-15 Characteristics of Adult Learners

Adult learners desire that learning be:
• Relevant;
• Task Oriented;

• Participatory (two-way communication);
• Friendly (controlled stress, positive feedback);
• Varied (demonstrations, case-studies, role play; not just lectures); and
• Built on past experience.

4. 16–20 Principles of Adult Learning

• Learning is most productive when the student is ready to learn.
Although motivation is internal, it is up to the clinical trainer to create a climate that will nurture
• Learning is most effective when it builds on what the student already knows or has
• Learning is most effective when students are aware of what they need to learn.
• Learning is made easier by using a variety of training methods and techniques.
• Opportunities to practice skills initially in controlled or simulated situations (e.g., through role
play or use of anatomic models) are essential for skill acquisition and for development of skill
• Repetition is necessary to become competent or proficient in a skill.
• The more realistic the learning situation, the more effective the learning.
• To be effective, feedback should be immediate, positive and nonjudgmental

Self- check 1.3-2

Multiple Choices: Choose the correct letter that best describes the statement. Write your answer in
capital letter on your sheet.

1. This page has the Learning Outcome number and title and a table of all the activities for presentation,
practice and feedback the trainee can undergo to attain the required competence this term refers to:
A. Learning Experiences
B. Learning Outcome summary
C. Module content
D. Module title
2. This is a page that contains the content, assessment criteria and assessment method
A. List of competencies
B. Learning Outcome summary
C. Module content
D. Module title
3. This page contains the Qualification Title on top of the page and a competency number, unit of
competencies, module title and the code in each
A. Front cover
B. List of competencies
C. Learning outcome summary
D. Module
E. Unit of competencies
4. This page reflects the contents and the skills to be discussed as stated in the unit descriptor.
A. Front cover
B. List of competencies
C. Learning outcome summary
D. Module
E. Unit of competencies

Self Check 1.3-3

Multiple Choice:
Choose the best answer. Write the letter of your choice on your answer sheet.

1. Learning Objectives of the information sheets should be SMART. S stand for Specific A specific
A. is clear and detailed
B. relates to the objective or skill to be mastered
C. observable and measurable

D. Attainnable
2. Which of the following verbs is a good action word for a SMART objective?
A. Identify
B. Know
C. Learn
D. Understand
3. Which of the following action words is in knowledge level?
A. Develop
B. Explain
C. Package
D. Weld
4. Which of the following is contained in the body of the Information sheet?
A. Introduction
B. Objectives
C. Title
D. Development of the content/topic
5. Which part of the Information sheet covers the review of the previous lesson?
A. Introductory paragraph
B. Learning objectives
C. Title
D. Body/text

Self Check 1.3-4

Matching type
Direction: Match the descriptor from the column I against to the terminologies in the column II. Write
only the letter on your answer sheet.

1. The page in your CBLM that is used to practice a particular A. Performance
2. The observable behavior that a student will do to B. Performance Objective
demonstrate that the lesson is learned
3. Statement which identify the specific knowledge, skill or C. Task Sheet
attitude that the trainee should gain.
4. These are the external factors, prerequisite for completing D. Performance Criteria Checklist
the action described in a performance objective
5. The element of the performance objective which is the E. Condition
basis for evaluating the performance of the trainee.
6. The page in the CBLM that is used by the trainee to practice F. Criterion
how to use an equipment or machine essential in the
performance of a skill.
7. The page that is used to train or practice a combination of G. Steps/Procedure
tasks and operations and produce a product or a service
8. The page that contains the list of criteria in evaluating the H. Assessment Method
performance or a product in a task/job/operation sheet.
I. Job Sheet
J. Operation Sheet

Self-Check 1.4-1
K. Multiple Choices:
Choose the letter of the best answer the letter of your choice on your answer sheet.

1. The systematic collection and analysis of data needed to make decision whether a trainee is
competent or not yet competent is the
A. Competency Evaluation
B. Demonstration Method
C. Interview/Questioning
D. Performance Test

2. A test that discriminates trainees who learned the training and those who did not learn is
A. Difficult
B. Objective
C. Reliable
D. Valid
3. A test package that measures what it intends to measure is
A. Difficult
B. Objective
C. Reliable
D. Valid
4. The tool that ensures validity of your written test is the
A. Evidence plan
B. Item analysis
C. Table of specification
D. Performance Criteria Checklist
5. The tool that ensures reliability written test is the
A. Evidence plan
B. Item analysis
C. Table of specification
D. Performance Criteria Checklist

IV. Enumeration
Characteristics of a good Evaluation Tools
1. Reliable
2. Valid
3. Objective
4. Discriminates poor trainees from good trainees
5. Easy to administer

Self-Check 1.4-2
Multiple Choice:
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of your choice on your answer sheet.

1. The planning tool for institutional competency evaluation is the

A. Evidence Plan
B. Rating Sheets
C. Table of Specification
D. Evaluation Tool Templates
2. The source of the evidence requirements for institutional competency evaluation is the
A. Critical aspects of competency
B. Performance criteria
C. Underpinning knowledge and skills
D. All of the above.
3. Which of the following evidence gathering methods is most appropriately used to evaluation the
acquisition of skills when doing institutional evaluation within a training program?
A. Demonstration method
B. Written Test
C. Observation method
D. Interview/Questioning
4. What evidence gathering method is used when the is observed as he is doing his job in an actual job
A. Demonstration method
B. Written Test
C. Observation method
D. Interview/Questioning



1. When is it appropriate to construct a table of specifications?

A. Before you write the test questions
B. After you write the test questions
C. After the students have taken the test
D. ONLY when you have to create the test
2. Are tests from book publishers better than those you
A. Yes, because they wrote the textbook
B. Yes, because they have professionals who write the questions
C. No, because they don't know what you have taught and what has been emphasized
D. No, because they don’t know your teaching style
3. When should the publisher be used?
A. When you don't have time to construct one
B. Any time
C. None of the time
D. When they correspond to your table of specifications
4. What is the first information entered into the table of specifications?
A. Number of questions per cell
B. Objectives or topics
C. Percentage of test per topic/content
D. Total number of questions on the test
5. What is the primary consideration when selecting types of questions to use?
A. How many questions can the students complete in a given amount of time?
B. Are the students average, above or below average?
C. Can the accomplishment of objectives best be measured?
D. How old are the students?
Self-Check 1.4-6
Enumerate the 5 qualifications of questions required in a questioning tool
Questions that will evaluate:
1. Task Skills
2. Task Management Skills
3. Job Role and Environment Management Skills
4. Contingency Management Skills

Questions that will evaluate knowledge and application of:

1. OHS practices
2. Laws, rules and regulations


Directions: Select the correct answer from the choices listed below each item. Write your answer on
your answer sheet.

1. A competency-based workshop component that enables learning provision outside the training
institution is ___.
A. Computer laboratory
B. Distance Learning Area
C. Learning Resource Area
D. Support Service Area
2. This area provides the learner with the knowledge requirements in the various modules responding to
A. Computer Laboratory

B. Contextual Learning Area
C. Learning Resource Area
D. Trainers Resource Area
3. The area where in the learners acquires the skills and knowledge components of the competencies
prescribed by the standard is ___.
A. Contextual Learning Area
B. Learning Resource Area
C. Trainers Resource Area
D. Practical Work Area
4. This area provides the mechanism for assessing the completion of competencies of a learner.
A. Computer Laboratory Area
B. Institutional Assessment Area
C. Quality Control Area
D. Port Service Area
5. This area ensures that the underpinning knowledge, the science, mathematics and communication
principles as applied to the technology are provided to the learner.
A. Contextual Learning Area
B. Learning Resource Area
C. Trainers Resource Area
D. Port Service Area


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