J Fluorine Chem 106 (2000) 153-161
J Fluorine Chem 106 (2000) 153-161
J Fluorine Chem 106 (2000) 153-161
Treatment of phosphorus pentachloride with four molar equivalents of ¯uoroalcohol gave symmetrical phosphates (RFO)3PO in
isolated yields between 10±92% [RF CF3CH2, C2F5CH2, HCF2CF2CH2, C3F7CH2, (FCH2)2CH, (CF3)2CH, C2F5(CH3)CH]. The reaction
proceeded best for ¯uoroalcohols having many ¯uorine atoms. 2,2-Di¯uoroethanol HCF2CH2OH and 1,3-di¯uoroisopropanol
(FCH2)2CHOH did not react cleanly and gave product mixtures. Hexa¯uoroisopropanol produced a 3:7 mixture of symmetrical phosphate
[(CF3)2CHO]3PO and chlorophosphorane [(CF3)2CHO]4PCl. The latter reacted readily with water and alcohols. Heating the chloridates
CF3CH2OP(O)Cl2, (CF3CH2O)2P(O)Cl and (C2F5CH2O)2P(O)Cl with various ¯uoroalcohols in the presence of calcium chloride catalyst
gave unsymmetrical phosphates in isolated yields between 46±83%. The mixed phosphate (CF3CH2O)2P(O)OCH2C2F5 did not react with
butanol or propylamine in dichloromethane at room temperature. # 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
0022-1139/00/$ ± see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
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154 C.M. Timperley et al. / Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 106 (2000) 153±161
Tetra(hexa¯uoroisopropoxy)chlorophosphorane 12b is a
missing link in the hexa¯uoroisopropoxy-phosphorane
family: the related entities [(CF3)2CHO]3PCl2 and
[(CF3)2CHO]5P have already been isolated [11]. Like these,
the former is covalent, and is expected to have a trigonal
bipyramidal structure. The phosphorus chemical shift of
chlorophosphorane 12b is d 67 ppm, i.e. in the region typical
of covalent phosphoranes. It did not give a molecular ion in
the high-resolution mass spectrum, but ions of m/z 715 and
m/z 699 were prominent, corresponding respectively to loss
of F and Cl from the molecule. The high stability of 12b
compared to analogues derived from primary ¯uoroalcohols,
e.g. (C2F5CH2O)4PCl, is due to the greater electron-with-
drawing ability of the hexa¯uoroisopropoxy group and its
greater bulk which disfavours the Arbusov rearrangement:
Tetra(hexa¯uoroisopropoxy)chlorophosphorane 12b is
sensitive to moisture. Addition of water to the 3:7 phos-
phate±phosphorane mixture resulted in rapid hydrolysis of
the phosphorane, allowing the isolation of pure tris(hexa-
¯uoroisopropyl) phosphate 12a. Alternative routes to this
compound involve hydrolysis of the phosphoranes
[(CF3)2CHO]3PCl2 and [(CF3)2CHO]5P [11].
Compound 1
H NMR d, J (Hz) 13
C NMR d, J (Hz) 19
F NMR d, J (Hz) 31
P NMR d IR n (cmÿ1) HRMS analysis
7 4.43 (6H, dq, J 8, 12, OCH2) 122 (dq, J 9, 276, CF3), ÿ74.5 (9F, t, J 7, CF3) ÿ3.7 1460, 1425, 1288 (P=O), 1178, Calculated C6H6F9O4P 343.986,
64.3 (dq, J 4, 40, OCH2) 1084, 964, 899, 845 found 343.985 (error 3.4 ppm)
8 4.5 (6H, dt, J 8, 12, OCH2) 118.2 (tq, J 35, 285, CF3), ÿ124.5 (6F, t, J 12, CF2), ÿ4.0 1356, 1308 (P=O), 1205, 1163, Calculated C9H6F15O4P 493.976,
111.2 (dtq, J 10, 257, 36, ÿ83.2 (9F, m, J 12, CF3) 1113, 1068, 1032, 937, 897 found 493.975 (error 2.4 ppm)
CF2), 63.5 (dt, J 4, 28, OCH2)
9 5.92 (3H, tt, J 3, 43, CF2H), 113.3 (dtt, J 9, 30, 250, CF2), ÿ136.5 (6F, d, J 43, CF2H), ÿ3.5 1460, 1404, 1294 (P=O), 1240, Calculated C9H9F12O4P 440.005,
4.46 (6H, dt, J 5, 13, OCH2) 107 (tt, J 37, 287, CF2H), ÿ123.7 (6F, dt, J 3, 13, CF2) 1215, 1109, 1070, 951, 899, 835 found 439.999 (error 12.7 ppm)
63.6 (dt, J 6, 31, OCH2)
10 4.55 (6H, dt, J 8, 12, OCH2) 117.2 (tq, J 34, 287, CF3), ÿ127.3 (6F, m, CH2CF2), ÿ3.4 1460, 1410, 1356, 1301 (P=O), Calculated C12H6F21O4P
113.1 (ttd, J 258, 31, ÿ121.5 (6F, m, CF2CF3), 1232, 1186, 1126, 1086, 1016, 643.967, found 643.966
9, OCH2CF2), 108.4a ÿ80.7 (9F, m, CF3) 931 (error 0.7 ppm)
(t, J 265, CF2CF3),
63.7 (td, J 25, 3, OCH2)
11 5.1 (3H, complex m, OCH), 80 (ddd, J 174, 7, 7, CH2F), ÿ46.3 (6F, dt, J 18, 47, 8.6 1460, 1412, 1290 (P=O), 1088, Calculated C9H15F6O4P 332.061
4.6 and 4.8 (12H, complex m, 78.6 (dt, J 9, 21, OCH) CH2F) 1051, 999, 908 ([M±CH2F 299:047),
CH2F)b found 299.046 (error 4.7)
12a 5.1 (3H, br m, OCH) 119.7 (dq, J 10, 282, CF3), ÿ73.3 (18F, d, J 5, CF3) ÿ3.6 1379, 1355, 1290 (P=O), 1237, Calculated C9H3F18O4P 547.948,
74.4 (dsep, J 14, 35, OCH) 1115, 909, 881, 819 found 547.948 (error ÿ0.5 ppm)
18 4.87 (3H, m, OCH), 118 (tq, J 38, 285, CF3), Very complex due to the ÿ6.2 and ÿ4.7 1458, 1394, 1327, 1288 (P=O), Calculated C12H12F15O4P
1.55 (9H, br m, CH3) 112 (m, CF2), 72 (br t, OCH), existence of two 1253, 1203, 1159, 1130, 1080, 536.023, found 536.017
14.3 (s, CH3) diastereoisomers 1045, 991, 968, 843 (error 11 ppm)
Complicated by two sets of 2 JCÿF .
The proton spectrum is second order and is very complex (perhaps an AA0 BB0 CMX system; this would need a computer simulation to resolve and is not amenable to first order analysis).
C.M. Timperley et al. / Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 106 (2000) 153±161 157
ester groups are of equal con®guration (i.e. RRR or SSS Ð Bis(¯uoroethyl)phosphorodichloridate 4 also combined
two possibilities), and the other when they are of mixed with primary ¯uoroalcohols to give unsymmetrical phos-
con®guration (i.e. RSS, SSR, RSR, SRS, SRR, RRS Ð six phates 24±26 in reasonable yield (Table 3). The reaction
possibilities). The expected 1:3 mixture was observed by with penta¯uoropropanol was scaled up to provide over 50 g
phosphorus NMR spectroscopy (see Table 2). of pure bis(tri¯uoroethyl) penta¯uoropropyl phosphate 24
(see Section 4.8)
Compound 1
H NMR d, J (Hz) 13
C NMR d, J (Hz)a 19
F NMR d, J (Hz) 31
P NMR d IR n (cmÿ1) HRMS analysis
21 4.51 (4H, dt, J 4, 122 (tq, J 34, 286, CF2CF3), ÿ124.5 (4F, t, J 13, ÿ3.9 1460, 1356, 1308, 1282 (P=O), Calculated C8H6F13O4P 443.980,
12, OCH2C2F5), 121.9 (dq, J 13, 286, CF3), CF2), ÿ83.2 (6F, br m, 1207, 1074, 1034, 966, 897 found 443.978 (error 4.5 ppm)
4.51 (2H, dq, J 9, 7, 113.3 (dtq, J 9, 255, 37, CF2), CF3), ÿ75.2 (3F, t, J 8,
OCH2CF3) 64.3 (q, J 39, OCH2CF3), CH2CF3)
63.4 (t, J 30, OCH2CF2)
22 5.92 (2H, tt, J 4, 36, CF2H), 122 (dq, J 11, 278, CF3), ÿ137.3 (4F, d, J 52, ÿ3.6 1458, 1423, 1282 (P=O), 1240, Calculated C8H8F11O4P 407.998
4.46 (4H, dtt, J 8, 1, 12, 113.3 (dtt, J 9, 29, 250, CF2H), ÿ124.5 (4F, t, 1184, 1076, 964, 899, 835 ([M±F]389.000), found
OCH2CF2CF2), 4.42 (2H, dq, CH2CF2), 109 (tt, J 39, 251, J 13, CH2CF2), 388.998 (error 4.2 ppm)
methanol 20, the mixture was allowed to warm to room pressure gave the title compound as a colourless mobile
temperature and then re¯uxed for 6 h (until all the solid went liquid (51.8 g, 77%); bp 738C/5 mmHg.
into solution) to produce a very viscous oil. The oil was
distilled (bp 1348C/0.01 mmHg) and shown by multinuclear 4.9. Attempted reaction of unsymmetrical phosphate (24)
NMR analysis to contain ®ve different phosphorus com- with butanol or propylamine
pounds. No attempt was made to separate or characterise the
individual compounds. Butanol or propylamine (6 mmol) were introduced by
syringe into a solution of bis(2,2,2-tri¯uoroethyl) 2,2,3,3,3-
4.5. Methanolysis of tetra(1,1,1,3,3,3- penta¯uoropropyl phosphate 24 (6 mmol) in dichloro-
hexafluoroisopropoxy)chlorophosphorane (12b) methane (10 ml) at room temperature under argon. Analysis
by GC±MS showed no reaction to have taken place after
The 3:7 mixture of tris(hexa¯uoroisopropyl)phosphate 12 h. The starting phosphate was recovered by distillation
12a and tetra(hexa¯uoro-isopropoxy)chlorophosphorane under reduced pressure (bp 528C/1 mmHg).
12b (2 g), made according to the procedure in Section
4.2, was weighed into an oven-dried separating funnel
and methanol added by syringe (0.1 ml). The methanol Acknowledgements
formed a top layer that dissolved slowly with evolution
of HCl gas. Analysis by GC±MS and NMR spectro- Many thanks to Alison Bussey and Steve Marriott for
scopy showed the mixture to comprise phosphate 12a, providing the infrared data. We also wish to thank DERA
tetra(hexa¯uoroisopropoxy)methoxyphosphorane 13, bis- Haslar (Environmental Sciences) for funding the work.
(hexa¯uoroisopropyl) methyl phosphate 15, dimethyl hexa-
¯uoroisopropyl phosphate 16 and trimethyl phosphate.
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