H.R Project
H.R Project
H.R Project
There is no organization where employees do not have grievances against their
different authorities. These grievances may be real or imaginary, valid or
invalid. A disconnected workforce is sure sign of potential turmoil affecting
adversely the interests of the organizations. It may also be known as
dissatisfaction or complaint.
Abhi Sarkar (BBA/08/13) BBA 6th Semester JIS College of Engineering (CMS)
Human Resource Management-III 2
Assignment on Grievance Procedure
A manager lends to deal each problem with more human touch when he knows
that some of these actions are subject to challenges and review in a grievance
system. Every worker has an equal right to present his grievances so are well
settled to the satisfaction of the workers.
Meaning of Grievance
Employees have got certain expectations which he thinks must be fulfilled by
the employer for which is working. But when his organization fails to do this,
he develops a feeling of discontent or dissatisfaction. An employ feels that
something is unfair in the organization he is said to have a “Grievance”. If an
individual’s grievances are unattended and unresolved they will become
Collective Disputes.
Hence, manager should try to reach causes and then try to reach causes and then
try to resolve the grievance as they come to their knowledge. The detection of
grievances and their proper handling is must for a healthy organizational
In employment law, a grievance is a formal, itemized complaint to management
that it has treated one or more employees unfairly or has violated the contract or
collective bargaining agreement.
Abhi Sarkar (BBA/08/13) BBA 6th Semester JIS College of Engineering (CMS)
Human Resource Management-III 3
Assignment on Grievance Procedure
—R. P. Calhoon
—Prof. M. J. Jucius
—Dale Yoder
—Edwin B Flippo
Features of Grievances
Abhi Sarkar (BBA/08/13) BBA 6th Semester JIS College of Engineering (CMS)
Human Resource Management-III 4
Assignment on Grievance Procedure
Pigros and Myers observe that the three terms “dissatisfaction” and analysis of
various definitions covered above reveal that:
Grievance is a word which covers dissatisfaction and which has one or more of
the following characteristics:
Effects of Grievances
Abhi Sarkar (BBA/08/13) BBA 6th Semester JIS College of Engineering (CMS)
Human Resource Management-III 5
Assignment on Grievance Procedure
Grievances, if they are not identified and redressed, may affect adversely the
managers and their organisation. The effects include:
On Production :
Low quality of production
Low quality of production and productivity
Increase in the wastage of material, spoilage/leakage of machinery.
Increase in the cost of production per unit.
On Employees:
Increase in the rate of absenteeism and turnover
Reduces the level of commitment, sincerity and punctuality.
Increases the incidence of accidents.
Reduces the level of employee morale.
On managers:
Strains the superior-subordinate relations.
Increases the degree of supervision, control and follow up.
Increases in disciplinary action cases.
Increases in unrest and, thereby, machinery to maintain industrial
Breach also refers to several reasons why there should be a formal procedure to
handle grievances:
All employee complaints and grievances are in actual practice not settled
satisfactorily by the first level supervisor, due to lack of necessary human
relations skills or authority to act.
Abhi Sarkar (BBA/08/13) BBA 6th Semester JIS College of Engineering (CMS)
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Assignment on Grievance Procedure
The very fact that employees have a right to be heard-and actually are heard-
helps to improve morale.
The benefits of a Grievance
Handling Procedure
According to Jackson, further benefits that will accrue to both the employer and
employees are—
Abhi Sarkar (BBA/08/13) BBA 6th Semester JIS College of Engineering (CMS)
Human Resource Management-III 7
Assignment on Grievance Procedure
Fairness is needed not only to be just but also to keep the procedure viable, for
if employees develop the belief that the procedure is only a sham, then its value
will be lost, and the other means sought to deal with the grievances. This also
involves following the principles of natural justice, as in the case of a
disciplinary procedure.
Procedural Steps
Steps should be limited to three. There no value in having more just because
there are more levels in management hierarchy. This will only lengthen the time
taken to deal with matters and will soon bring the procedure into disrepute.
Promptness is needed to avoid the bitterness and frustration that can come from
delay. When an employee goes into procedure, it is like pulling the
communication cord in the train. The action is not taken lightly and it is in
anticipation of a swift resolution. Furthermore, the manager whose decision is
being questioned will have a difficult time until the matter is settled.
Discovery of Grievances
Grievances can be uncovered in a number of ways. Gossip and grapevine offer
vital clues about employee grievances. Gripe boxes, open door policies,
periodic interviews, exit surveys could also be undertaken to cover the mystery
surrounding grievances. These methods are discussed below;
Abhi Sarkar (BBA/08/13) BBA 6th Semester JIS College of Engineering (CMS)
Human Resource Management-III 8
Assignment on Grievance Procedure
Gripe boxes: A gripe box may be kept at prominent locations in the factory for
lodging anonymous complaints pertaining to any aspect relating to work. Since
the complainant need not reveal his identity, he can express his feelings of
injustice or discontent frankly and without any fear of victimization.
Open door policy: This is a kind of walk-in-meeting with the manager when
the employee can express his feelings openly about any work-related grievance.
The Manager can cross-check the details of the complaint through various
means at his disposal.
Abhi Sarkar (BBA/08/13) BBA 6th Semester JIS College of Engineering (CMS)
Human Resource Management-III 9
Assignment on Grievance Procedure
Follow up: The Personnel Department should keep track of the effectiveness
and the functioning of grievance handling procedure and make necessary
changes to improve it from time to time.
Define correctly: The management has to define the problem properly and
accurately after it is identified/ acknowledged.
Collect Data: Complete information should be collected from all the parties
relating to the grievance. Information should be classified as facts, data,
opinions, etc.
Implement and follow up: The Implementation of the solution must be followed
up at every stage in order to ensure effective and speedy implementation.
Abhi Sarkar (BBA/08/13) BBA 6th Semester JIS College of Engineering (CMS)
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Assignment on Grievance Procedure
The worker can make an appeal against the manager’s decision and such an
appeal has to be decided within a week. A Union official may accompany the
worker to the manager for discussion and if no decision is arrived at this stage,
both the union and management may refer the grievance to voluntary arbitration
within a week of receipt of the management’s decision. The worker in actual
practice may not resort to all the above mentioned steps. For example, if the
grievance is piqued because of his dismissal or discharge he can resort to the
second step directly and he can make an appeal against dismissal or discharge.
Abhi Sarkar (BBA/08/13) BBA 6th Semester JIS College of Engineering (CMS)
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Assignment on Grievance Procedure
Work with Grievance
Verbal Referring
T Immediate Superior
S Time limit for
F answering 48 hrs
I Department Head
D Time limit for
answering 3days
Grievance Committee
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Assignment on Grievance Procedure
In unionized context, two nominees each from the management and the union
(union representative should be from the same department as the aggrieved
Abhi Sarkar (BBA/08/13) BBA 6th Semester JIS College of Engineering (CMS)
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Assignment on Grievance Procedure
sector, which should set up an example for the private sector, has not been
implementing labour laws properly.
Human Resource Management-III by Sahni & Bharara
ID: BBA/08/13
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Assignment on Grievance Procedure
Date: ____/____/2011
Teachers Sign
Abhi Sarkar (BBA/08/13) BBA 6th Semester JIS College of Engineering (CMS)