FullIndex To Communal Societies Through 36 2 Sargent
FullIndex To Communal Societies Through 36 2 Sargent
FullIndex To Communal Societies Through 36 2 Sargent
Prepared by
The Advent of the Disappointed: Why the Millerites Joined the Shakers
and Why They Quickly Left (Clarke) 35.1 (2015): 55-79.
The Agricultural Communes of the Am Olam (Goering and Goering) 4
(1984): 74-86.
Alberta Hutterite Colonies: An Exploration Past, Present and Future
Settlement Patterns (Evans) 30.2 (2010): 27-63.
American Communes and the Holy Land (Frantzman and Kark) 28.1
(2008): 55-84.
Analysis of Health Practices among the Amish with Reference to Boundary
Maintenance (Cavan) 4 (1984): 59-73.
Analyzing Communal Life-Spans: A dynamic Structural Approach (Kitts)
20 (2000): 13-25.
Anarchy & Community at Modern Times, 1851-1863 (Spurlock) 3 (1983):
“And Be Ye Separate”: The Lopez Island Colony of Thomas Gourley
(LeWarne) 1 (Autumn 1981): 19-35.
Anglo-American Salvation Army Farm Colonies, 1890-1910 (Murdoch) 3
(1983): 111-21.
The Anthropology of Space in Harmonist and Owenite New Harmony
(Kamau) 12 (1992): 68-89.
Apprenticeship in the Moravian Settlement of Salem, North Carolina,
1766-86 (Haupert) 9 (1989): 1-9.
The Aquarian Foundation (Santucci) 9 (1989): 39-61.
Arcosanti: An American Community Looking Toward the Millennium
(Crawford) 14 (1994): 49-66.
Artists’ Colonies as Communal Societies in the Arts and Crafts Era (Miller)
16 (1996): 43-70.
The Ashram of Grafton Road: Morning Star Ranch, a California Commune
in the 1960’s (Selth) 4 (1984): 204-11.
Assessing Psychopathology in Communal Societies (Matarese and
Salmon) 15 (1995): 25-54.
Basic Sense: The More Philosophy of Victor Baranco and the Institute of
Human Abilities (Heller) 25 (2005): 29-56.
Becoming “Two-in-One:” Imaginary Space and Androgyny in Koreshan
Universology (Turner) 30.1 (2010): 31-55.
Before & After 1932: A Memoir (Schiff) 4 (1984): 161-64.
Between Zion and Babylon. The Application of the Total Institution Model
to a Christian Charismatic Community: The Case of the Jesus
Fellowship (Hunt) 22 (2002): 99-125.
Beyond Berlin Heights: The Free Lovers in History and Memory (Passat)
25 (2005): 91-112.
Bolton Hall’s Free Acres Experiment: The Single Tax and Anarchism in
New Jersey (Bierbaum) 6 (1986): 61-83.
Brazilians and Argentineans in a Kibbutz: The Difference Persists
(Ramagem) 17 (1997): 103-10.
The Brotherhood of the New Life, Brocton: Fictionalized Accounts of
Community (McAllister) 28.2 (2008): 45-58.
The Brotherhood of the Sun, 1969-1985: A Memoir (Arcudi and Meyer) 5
(1985): 82-88.
The Bruderhof’s “System of Objects”: A Case Study in Material Culture
and Christian Praxis, 1920-2001 (Howlett) 26.2 (2006): 19-41.
Building Community: The Fundamentalist Mormon Concept of Space
(Bradley) 21 (2001): 1-19.
Burden of Light: The Emissary of Divine Light Myth System as a Unifying
Community Force (Jensen) 30.2 (2010): 97-115.
Cabet’s Recruitment of Women for the Icarian Emigration to America and
Women’s Sense of Betrayal (Garno) 23 (2003): 63-73.
Camphill at Seventy-Five: Developmental Communalism in Process
(McKanan) 36.1 (2016): 25-49.
A Case Study Analysis of Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, Missouri (Beck and
Ormsby) 36.1 (2016): 1-24.
Challenge and Response: The Environmental Crisis and the Kibbutz
Movement (Bang [Bangs in the Table of Contents]) 18 (1998): 1-8.
The Challenge of Sustainability: A Cautionary Tale from Amana
(Andelson) 31.1 (2011): 29-53.
Charitable Trusts and Longevity in New Zealand’s Intentional
Communities (Jones) 32.2 (2012): 98-120.
Cider as a Sign: Diverse Interpretations of Shaker Spirits and Spirituality
(Madden) 23 (2003): 45-62.
City Communes in Israel: Prolegomena to a Morphology of Urban
Communalism (Horrox) 31.2 (2011): 21-44.
Cohousing: Linking Communitarianism and Sustainability (Meltzer) 19
(1999): 85-100.
Colorado Co-operative Colony: The Brook Farm of the West (Clark and
Clark) 25 (2005): 75-90.
Communal Aspects of Old Order River Brethren Life (Janzen, Scott, and
Scott) 26.2 (2006): 43-64.
Communal Bonds Between the Amana Society and Other Communal
Groups, 1843-1932 (Hoehnle) 20 (2000): 59-80.
Communal Groups and the Larger Society: Legal Dilemmas (Weisbrod) 12
(1992): 1-19.
Communal Groups: Social Laboratories or Places of Exile (Forster and
Metcalf) 20 (2000): 1-11.
Communal Ideals, Worldly Concerns, and the Moravians of North
Carolina, 1753-1772 (Mainwaring) 6 (1986): 138-62.
Communal Societies as Cyclical Phenomena (Barkun) 4 (1984): 35-48.
The Communal Studies Association at Forty: A Personal Retrospective
(Pitzer) 35.1 (2015): 81-108.
The Communal System of the Amana Colonies: Impact of Hired Labor,
1884-1932 (Tjaden) 29.1 (2009): 53-68.
The Communal Wanderings of August Jacobi (Hoehnle ) 29.1 (2009): 41-
Communalism in the Latter Day Saint Movement (Shields) 28.2 (2008):
The Commune That Didn’t Come to Town: The Love Israel Family and a
Small Town in Idaho 20 (Le Warne) (2000): 81-95.
Communes & the Outside World: Seclusion & Involvement (Oved) 3
(1983): 83-92.
Communes in the Twentieth Century (Oved) 19 (1999): 67-72.
The Communia and Sociality Colonies and Their Roots in the German
Social-Reform Movement of St. Louis, 1846-47 (Petermann) 10
(1990): 1-23.
Communitarian Connections: Josiah Warren, Robert Smith, and Peter
Kaufmann (Cress) 7 (1987): 67-81.
The Communitarian Ideal in a Rapidly Changing Political Context (Littell)
13 (1993): 99-120.
Community Sustainability: The Challenge of Intergenerational Change
(Cock) 29.1 (2009):23-34.
The Concept of Individualism in American Historical Communities
(Kruger) 26.2 (2006): 141-65.
Constrained to Afford Them Countenance and Protection: The Role of the
Philadelphia Friends in the Settlement of the Society of Separatists
of Zoar (Specht) 24 (2004): 95-107.
The Contrasting Roles of Women at Oneida Community, the Midwestern
Frontier and the Urban East in the Mid-Nineteenth Century (Cavan)
1 (Autumn 1981): 67-79.
The Contribution of Icarian, Alfred Piquenard, to Architecture in Iowa and
Illinois (Snyder) 6 (1986): 163-71.
The Contributions of Accounting to the Early Success of the Harmonists
(Flesher and Flesher) 4 (1984): 109-20.
Courtship and Moral Reasoning of Hutterian Youth (Smith and Ingoldsby)
25 (2005): 113-26.
Crisis and Transformation: The Kibbutz at the Turn of the Century (Ben-
Rafael) 17 (1997): 75-102.
Crossing the Dark River: Shaker Funerals and Cemeteries (Rotundo) 7
(1987): 36-46.
Culture, Collectivism, and Chaos: A Case Study (Favel) 14 (1994): 90-
A Cyber-Bibliographic Essay: Internet Resources for Exploring Nineteenth
Century American Utopian Communities (Johnston) 25 (2005):
Cyber-Utopias: Notes on How Historic American Communal Groups are
represented on the World Wide Web (Cooper) 22 (2002): 127-36.
Cyrus R. Teed, Koreshanity and Cellular Cosmogony [spelled Cosmogeny
in Table of Contents] (Landing) 1 (Autumn 1981): 1-17.
Damanhur: A Magical Community in Italy (Introvigne) 16 (1996): 71-84.
Dark Error’s Night Will Soon Be Gone! Dynamics of Participation in New
Harmony (Hohn) 28.2 (2008): 67-92.
Darkness into Light: Laurence Oliphant’s Experience of Communal
Discipline in the United States & Palestine (Taylor) 4 (1984): 87-96.
“Das Depot and the Post Office”: Language Contact and Social
Perspectives Among the Early Inspirationists (Webber) 15 (1995):
Dating and Educational Behaviors of Hutterian Youth; see Courtship and
Moral Reasoning of Hutterian Youth
“Dear Friend and Brother”: Ernest F. McGregor and the Shakers
(Goodwillie) 31.1 (2011): 55-82.
The Decline of the Shakers: Evidence from the United States Census
(Bainbridge) 4 (1984): 19-34.
A Demographic Analysis of Shaker Mortality Trends (Murray) 13 (1993):
Discord in Utopia: Reconciling Perfectionism with Human Nature in the
Oneida Community (Gialanella ) 35.2 (2015): 185-211.
Disharmony in Utopia: Social Categories in Robert Owen’s New Harmony
(Botscharow) 9 (1989): 76-90.
Dissolution as an Act of Creation: The Koreshan Unity (Rainard) 30.2
(2010): 1-25.
Document: Henri Lévi’s The Perilous Voyage to Icaria (1848) (Begos, ed.
and trans.) 3 (1983): 147-57.
Donald Vose: Home Grown Traitor (Balzer) 8 (1988): 90-103.
The Dreams of Christian Metz, Amana’s Charismatic Founding Leader
(Webber) 22 (2002): 9-25.
Dress in American Communal Societies (Gordon) 5 (1985): 122-36.
Dressing to Please God: Pants-Wearing Women in Mid-Nineteenth
Century Religious Communities (Fischer) 15 (1995): 55-74.
Eberhard Ludwig Gruber & Johann Adam Gruber: A Father & Son as Early
Inspirationist Leaders (Durnbaugh) 4 (1984): 150-60.
Education for Cooperating in the Histadrut Labour Federation and Israeli
National Frameworks, 1940-1960: Theory, Partial Success and
Causes of Failure (Dror) 13 (1993): 121-35.
“Ehereligion”: The Moravian Theory and Practice of Marriage as Point of
Contention in the Conflict between Ephrata and Bethlehem (Vogt)
21 (2001): 37-48.
The Emancipation of Shakerism (Chavance) 36.1 (2016): 51-81.
Ephrata and Moravian Relations: The View from Ephrata (Bach) 21
(2001): 49-60.
Etienne Cabet: Icaria’s Paradoxical “Papa” (Sutton) 22 (2002): 1-8.
The European Origins of the True Inspired of Amana [“European” not in
Table of Contents] (Grossmann) 4 (1984): 133-49.
The Evolution of Religion in Wilhelm Keil’s Community: A New Reading of
Old Testimony (Duke) 13 (1993): 84-98.
Evolution of The Family International/Children of God in the Direction of a
Responsive Communitarian Religion (Shepherd and Shepherd) 28.1
(2008): 27-53.
Families in Contemporary Intentional Communities: Diversity and Purpose
(Smith) 21 (2001): 79-93.
Fanny Wright: Rebel & Communitarian Reformer (Eckhardt) 4 (1984):
Federative Home (Metcalf) 24 (2004): 25-46.
Fictional Intentional Communities in Literature (Metcalf) 25 (2005): 185-
Findhorn: The Routinization of Charisma (Metcalf) 13 (1993): 1-21.
“The Food Suitor” (Hill) 24 (2004): 142.
Foreign Volunteers in the Kibbutz: The Dilemma of Ideology vs. The Work
Force (Endleman) 8 (1988): 54-66.
From Developmental Communalism to Transformative Utopianism: An
Imagined Conversation with Donald Pitzer (Lockyer) 29.1 (2009):
From Individual to Community: Becoming a Shaker at New Lebanon
1780-1947 [Dates not in Table of Contents] (Paterwic) 11 (1991):
From “Sensual Attraction” to “A Malady of the Mind”: How Hervey Elkins
Loved and Left the Shakers (Woo) 24 (2004): 65-94.
From the Editor (Janzen) 21 (2001): unpaged.
From the Tree House to the 2001 Center: The Renaissance Movement in
the United States (Borowski) 4 (1984): 121-30.
From Utopian Communities to Utopian Writings: A Change in Form &
Purpose (Segal) 3 (1983): 93-100.
A General Typology of Communalism (Graber and Barrow)) 23 (2003): 1-
George Rapp and the Harmony Society. Trans. Robin White and Joe White
(Lenz) 30.1 (2010): 83-91. Originally published in Les Comptes-
Rendu de L’Athénée Louisianais (New Orleans) (1883).
The German Pietists: Spiritual Mentors of the German Communal
Settlements in America (Peters) 1 (Autumn 1981): 55-66.
The Gift To Be Single: Celibacy and Religious Enthusiasm in the
Community of True Inspiration (Andelson) 5 (1985): 1-32.
God and Gender: Structures of Opportunity in an American, Yogic
Community (Brown) 24 (2004): 1-24.
“A Good Borderland”: Cohousing Communities and Social Change
(Sullivan-Catlin) 24 (2004): 119-39.
Group Conformity and the Amplification of Deviance; A Comparison of
Hutterite and Mormon Dress Codes (Ingoldsby) 22 (2002): 87-97.
A Guide to the Literature on the Hutterites (Miller) 10 (1990): 68-86.
Gustav Landauer and the Bruderhof Communities (Tyldesley) 16 (1996):
Harmonist Demography and Town Planning in New Harmony, Indiana
(Strezewski) 35.1 (2015): 1-27.
Harmonist Music Between 1827 [1927 in Table of Contents] and 1832: A
Reappraisal (Wetzel) 2 (Autumn 1982): 65-84.
Harmony Hills: A Twentieth Century Mormon Cooperative (Embry and
Johnson) 23 (2003): 75-94.
Henri Lévi’s The Perilous Voyage to Icaria (1848) (Begos, ed. and trans.)
3 (1983): 147-57.
“Ho! for Drakes Creek:” Something Ventured, Nothing Gained (Parker) 14
(1994): 113-22.
How Women Worker in the Oneida Community during the 1870s
(Wonderley) 30.2 (2010): 65-85.
The Hungry Orphan, Conrad Beissel (Tussing) 10 (1990): 87-101.
Hymnody in the Religious Communal Societies of Early America (Marini) 2
(Autumn 1982): 1-25.
“I am, dear Sir, your grateful disciple, Margaret Chappellsmith”
(Kimberling) 20 (2000): 26-44.
“Icaria”, a Footnote to the Peters Colony (Begos) 6 (1986): 84-92.
The Impact of Owenism on Japan (Shirai) 5 (1985): 59-64.
In All the Papers: Newspaper Accounts of Communal Amana, 1867-1924
(Haldy) 14 (1994): 20-35.
Index to Communal Societies, Volumes 1-15 (1981-1995) (Sargent) 16
(1996): 85-104.
Individual Experience, Community Control, and Gender: The Harvard
Shaker Community During the Era of Manifestations (Sasson) 13
(1993): 45-70.
Inspirational Imprints in America, 1849-1929: A Bibliography of German-
Language Books Produced by the Community of True Inspiration
(Haldy) 29.1 (2009): 69-88.
The Intellectual Dilemma of Socialist Communitarian Thought: The
Communal Settlements of Equality and Burley in Washington
(Schaefer) 10 (1990): 24-38.
Intentional Communities and Sustainability (Lockyer) 30.1 (2010): 17-30.
The Intentional Community--National Community Interface: An Approach
to the Study of Communal Societies [Study of left out and hyphen
rather than dash in Table of Contents] (Janzen) 1 (Autumn 1981):
Intentional Individuals: Growing Up in Radical Christian Communities
(McKanan) 23 (2003): 129-44.
Intercommunal Relationships among Nineteenth-century Communal
Societies in America (Okugawa) 3 (1983): 68-82.
Intergenerational Discontinuity in the Israeli Kibbutz (Quarter) 6 (1986):
Internet Technology's Impact on Intentional Communities: A Case Study
of Acorn Community (Aguilar) 29.2 (2009): 17-24.
Introduction: Boundaries in Communal Amana (Andelson) 14 (1994): 1-
Introduction to George Rapp and the Harmony Society (White and White)
30.1 (2010): 81-83.
J.C. Müller & W.C. Peters at Economy: A Reappraisal (Wetzel) 3 (1983):
The Jasper Colony: A German Utopia on the Iowa Prairie (Hoehnle) 30.2
(2010): 87-95.
Jakob Sylvan’s Preface to the Zoarite Anthology Die Wahre Separation,
oder die Widergeburt as an introduction to un(der)studied
separatist principles (Webber) 19 (1999): 101-28.
Job Harriman and Llano del Rio: The Chimerical Quest for a Secular
Utopia (Mellon) 5 (1985): 194-206.
John Affolter: Co-op Activist and Community Builder (Whisenhunt) 25
(2005): 15-28.
Jonestown and Bishop Hill: Continuities and Disjunctures in Religious
Conflict (Hall) 8 (1988): 77-89.
“A Journal Entry . . . 1999” (Hill) 24 (2004): 143-45.
The Joyfulness of Death in Eighteenth-Century Moravian Communities
(Atwood) 17 (1997): 39-58.
Just to Breathe: Personal Recollections of Synanon founder, Charles E.
Dederich (Broslovsky) 20 (2000): 95-108.
The Kibbutz and the American Communes (Oved) 28.1 (2008): 85-98.
The Kibbutz As an Alternative Living Community and the Role of
Education (Fölling-Albers) 5 (1985): 33-40.
The Kibbitzim’s Attitude toward Institutions of Higher Education: From
Rejection and Reservation to Integration (Timor and Cohen) 35.1
(2015): 29-53.
Kibbutz Dress in Dan’s 1950s Caricatures (Helman) 27 (2007): 1-25.
Koinonia Partners: An Intentional Community Since 1942 (Day) 10
(1990): 114-23.
The Labadists of Colonial Maryland (1683-1722) (Green) 8 (1988): 104-
Leonard Montefiore: A Jew among the Utopian Gentiles (Fogarty) 27
(2007): 83-94. Includes Montefiore, Leonard A. The Socialists of
Oneida. Rpt. from The Times (London) August 16, 1879) (87-94).
The Limits of Gender Equality in 19th Century American Jewish Colonies
(Eisenberg) 13 (1993): 71-83.
Lindisfarne: Change and Development in a Utopian Community
(Redenius) 9 (1989): 62-75.
Liturgical and Social Change in Moravian Communities, 1750-1823
(Caldwell) 9 (1989): 23-38.
Louise Michel, the Paris Commune, and Icaria: Europe’s Social Question
and the Legacy of French Communalism (Harison) 35.2
Lust, “Snare of Satan to Beguile the Soul”: New Light on Shaker Celibacy
(Wergland) 15 (1995): 1-23.
Madame Marie Fretageot: Communitarian Educator (Elliott) 4 (1984):
“The Male Work Ethic Was Busted”: Manhood, Feminism, and the Sexual
Division of Labor at Black Bear Ranch, 1968-1974 (Hodgson) 23
(2003): 95-120.
Marie Ogden and the Home Of Truth: A Millennial Prophet and the Life
and Decline of her Community (Whitsel) 29.2 (2009): 25-61.
Market Integration and Agricultural Efficiency in Communal Amana
(Cosgel) 14 (1994): 36-48.
Mary Baker Eddy’s Households: Community Experiments in early
Christian Science History (Hamilton) 28.2 (2008): 59-66.
A Matter of Definition: Just What is an Intentional Community? (Miller)
Communal Societies 30.1 (2010): 1-15.
The Medium of Grace: Mutual Criticism in the Oneida Community
(McCarthy) 18 (1998): 92-106.
Memoirs of the 60s Communes, Just in Time (Miller) 25 (2005): 189-94.
Michael Hofer: A Communitarian in Two Worlds (Hoehnle) 22 (2002): 83-
The Moravian Dead Houses of Labrador, Canada (Jarvis) 21 (2001): 61-
Music in American Moravian Communities: Transplanted Traditions in
Indigenous Practices (Ingram) 2 (Autumn 1982): 39-51.
Music in the Ephrata Cloister (Getz) 2 (Autumn 1982): 27-38.
Musical Treasures of the Snow Hill Cloister: Manuscripts, Monographs,
and Monastical Mysteries (Seachrist) 18 (1998): 53-61.
Natural Limits on the Size and Duration of Utopian Communities
(Latimore) 11 (1991): 34-61.
The Nature of Chinese People’s Communes During the Cultural
Revolution, 1966-1976 (Don) 4 (1984): 197-203.
New Harmony, the Owen Brothers, and the Origin of the Smithsonian
(Kamau) 29.2 (2009): 1-15.
The New Kibbutzim: Case Study Overview of the Structure, Organization,
and Management of a Kibbutz of Kvutzot (Horrox) 32.2 (2012):
“The New Life is Here”: The Koreshan Unity and its Commercial
Enterprises in South Florida, 1894-1961 (Solomon) 22 (2002): 45-
“No idle hands are seen”: The Social Construction of Work in Shaker
Communities (Thurman) 18 (1998): 36-52.
No Place Like Home: The Settling of Jersey Homesteads, New Jersey
(Friedman) 19 (1999): 23-48.
Not a Lifestyle (Moore) 23 (2003): 145-49.
“Numbers Are Not the Thing for Us to Glory In”: Demographic
Perspectives on the Decline of the Shakers (Brewer) 7 (1987): 25-
Objinka: Thanksgiving on a Hutterite Colony (Maendel) 28.1 (2008): 99-
Occupational Changes among the Old Order Amish in the Holmes County
Vicinity of Ohio (Nethers) 3 (1983): 122-39.
The Ohu Movement in New Zealand: An Experiment in Government
Sponsorship of Communal Living in the 1970s (Sargent) 19 (1999):
The Oneida Community Family (Klee-Hartzell) 16 (1996): 15-22.
The Ongoing Shaker Covenant (Paterwic) 29.2 (2009): 63-71.
“Only a Signature”: A Pioneer Religious Woman’s Contribution to
Community (Siegfried) 22 (2002): 67-81.
Oppenheimer’s [misspelled in the Table of Contents] Contributions to the
Theory of Co-operation (Haselbach) 17 (1997): 15-37.
Our Land: Rodger McAfee and His Life-Long Quest for Community in
America (Bowen) 29.2 (2009): 81-114.
“Our spiritual ancestors”: Alonzo Hollister’s Record of Shaker “Pioneers”
in the West (Medlicott) 31.2 (2011): 45-59.
The Outlaws of Kalalau, the Aloha Spirit, and Threats to the Commune
(Rasley) 26.2 (2006): 167-77.
Owenite Communitarianism in Britain and America (Harrison) 4 (1984):
Painting the Living Scenery of Amana: A Case Study of a Rhetoric of
Containment (Smith) 27 (2007): 27-46.
Paradise in Japanese Literature (Uemichi) 4 (1984): 1-18.
Pensions on the Kibbutz: The Implications of the Undermining of Social
Security for the Aged in Communal Societies (Gal) 18 (1998): 9-20.
The Perilous Voyage to Icaria (1848) (Lévi/Ed. & trans. Begos) 3 (1983):
Philosophical Reflections on “The Communitarian Vision: (Connell) 27
(2007): 71-81.
The Pilgrimage of Ralph Albertson (Kallman) 26.2 (2006): 79-98.
The Pinery Saints: Mormon Communalism at Black River Falls, Wisconsin
(Grow and Whitney) 36.2 (2016): 153-70.
Planned Communities of the New Deal (Friedman) 26.2 (2006): 99-120.
“A Pleasant & Peaceful Village”: Mid-Nineteenth-Century Letters Relating
to the Economy, Snow Hill, and Ephrata Societies (Durnbaugh) 21
(2001): 21-35.
Post Civil War American Communes: A Millenarian Utopian Commune
Linking Chicago and Nås, Sweden, to Jerusalem 15 (1995): 75-113.
The Prairieleut: A Forgotten Hutterite People (Janzen) 14 (1994): 67-89.
A Preliminary Examination of the Shaker Attitude toward Work (Gooden)
3 (1983): 1-15.
Property and the Management of Culture: The Construction of Community
at Hopedale (Stone) 27 (2007): 47-70.
Radical Living (Storbakken) 30.2 (2010): 117-20. Christian cohousing
community in Brooklyn, NY.
The Rajneesh Experience: A Report (Androes) 6 (1986): 101-17.
Ralahine: Ireland’s Lost Utopia (Geoghegan) 9 (1989): 91-104.
Redemptory Intimacy: The Family Culture of The Unification Church
(Parsons) 5 (1985): 137-75.
Reflections on the Life and Passing of Father David (Borowik) 27 (2007):
95-133. Includes a reprint of Good News! God Is Love! (November
1994) on the death of Father David (David Berg) (1919-94) of the
Children of God (The Family) (98-133).
Regional Differences in the Size and Composition of Communal
Membership: The Shakers, 1850-1870 (Andrew and Cosgel) 20
(2000): 45-58.
Regional Specialization in Communal Agricultural: The Shakers, 1850-
1880 (Murray and Cosgel) 19 (1999): 73-84.
Relocation of the German Bruderhof to England, South America, and
North America (Durnbaugh) 11 (1991): 62-77.
Research Note: Rufus Rockwell Wilson’s Tour of Five Utopian
Communities in 1888 (Wisbey) 3 (1983): 140-46.
Response to Lockyer’s “From Developmental Communalism to
Transformative Utopianism” (Pitzer) 29.1 (2009): 15-21.
The Rise and Fall of Utopia: The Oneida Community Crises of 1852 and
1879 (Foster) 8 (1988): 1-17.
The Road of No Return: Notes on a Spiritual Journey (Rhodes) 21 (2001):
Roots of Zoar, Ohio, in early 19th Century Württemberg: The Separatist
group in Rottenacker and its Circle, Part One (Fritz) 22 (2002): 27-
Roots of Zoar, Ohio, in early 19th Century Württemberg: The Separatist
group in Rottenacker and its Circle, Part II (Fritz) 23 (2003): 29-44.
Rufus Rockwell Wilson’s Tour of Five Utopian Communities in 1888
(Wisbey) 3 (1983): 140-46.
Russian Israel (Clay) 18 (1998): 81-91.
Searching for Solidarity in Uncharted Territory (Schein and Schein) 24
(2004): 109-18.
Seeing the Faces (Johnston) 29.2 (2009): 73-80. Jonestown from a
Seeking Prosperity and Freedom on the Oregon Coast: The Bellamy
Colony, Lincoln County, Oregon (1897-1899) (Kopp and Ginter) 25
(2005): 57-74.
Self-Unfolding as Communitarian Vision: Brook Farm’s Challenge to
Contemporary Communities (McKanan) 26.2 (2006): 1-17.
The Seventh Elect Church in Israel: Seattle’s ‘Long-Haired Preachers’
(Hainley with Epilogue LeWarne) 35.2 (2015): 131-57.
Sex Roles in Nineteenth-century American Communal Societies (Lauer
and Lauer) 3 (1983): 16-28.
Sexual Divisions and Anarchist Collectivization in Civil War Spain
(Ackelsberg) 5 (1985): 101-21.
Sexuality and Gender Roles in Utopian Communities: A Critical Survey of
Scholarly Work (Wagner) 6 (1986): 172-88.
Shaker Gift and Shaker Order: A Study of Religious Tension in
Nineteenth-Century America (Stein) 10 (1990): 102-13.
Shaker Music (Patterson) 2 (Autumn 1982): 53-64.
Shaker Spiritualism and Salem Witchcraft: Perspectives on Trance and
Possession Phenomena (Foster) 5 (1985): 176-93.
Shakers and the Landscape of Stewardship (Straub) 35.2 (2015): 213-
“Simple Gifts”: The Discovery and Popularity of a Shaker Dance Song
(Hall) 36.2 (2016): 99-123.
Single-Sex, Secular Intentional Communities in Australia (Metcalf) 32.2
(2012): 146-78.
A Sister to Oneida: The Missionary Community at Mount Holyoake
(Porterfield) 16 (1996): 1-13.
“So Much They have Got For Their Folly”: Shaker Apostates and the Tale
of Woe (De Wolfe) 18 (1998): 21-35.
The Socialists of Oneida. Rpt. from The Times (London) (August 16,
1879) (Montefiore) 27 (2007): 87-94.
Soul To Keep (Israel) 30.1 (2010): 93-97. Love Israel community.
The Spirit Drawings of Hannah Cohoon: Window On the Shakers and
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Guest, Tim, My Life in Orange: Growing Up with the Guru (Janzen) 28.1
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