Os Patterns
Os Patterns
Os Patterns
1 Fahy, Rita F, et al. Firefighter Fatalities in the United States — 2019. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 2019.
2 Campbell, R., et al. Firefighter Injuries in the United States in 2018. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 2019.
Severity of Injury
Fall 10% Injuries by severity are shown in Figure 5. Nearly two in five injuries
were classified as report only. Injuries resulting in lost work time
Struck, assaulted
6% accounted for three in ten injuries, most of which were injuries of
moderate severity. Another one-fifth of the injuries (19 percent) required
treatment by a physician without a loss of work time. It should be noted
Unclassified cause 8%
that the report only injuries included exposure to toxic substances or other
harmful agents and that any health effects from such exposures might only
0% 10% 20% 30%
be realized after repeated exposure or a prolonged latency period.
Thermal burns 9%
Overhaul 9%
Cut or laceration 6%
Other incident scene activity 8%
Exhaustion,fatigue* 5%
6% 10% 9%
4% 5%
2% 0%
As Figure 11 shows, the vast majority of fireground injuries were Figure 12. Fireground Injuries by Affiliation and Gender, 2014–2018
experienced by career firefighters (82 percent), with volunteer 100% 97%
firefighters experiencing just under one-fifth of the fireground injuries
each year. For a number of reasons, it is difficult to draw conclusions
about the respective distribution of fireground injuries between volunteer
and career firefighters. Although volunteer firefighters comprise nearly 70%
70 percent of the US fire service, they perform their duties on a part-time 60%
basis, limiting their exposure relative to their career counterparts. It 50%
should also be noted that firefighters have been found to underreport
injuries, but it is not clear whether underreporting differs between Female Male
volunteer and career firefighters and any respective impact on reported 30%
NFPA Research • pg. 9
Injuries by Age Injuries by Cause
Fireground injuries by affiliation and age are shown in Figure 13. As the The leading cause of injury for career firefighters was exposure to
figure indicates, more than two out of five volunteer injuries were hazards, which accounted for approximately three in ten injuries
experienced by those in the two youngest age groups, with over one-third (29 percent), followed by overexertion or strain (25 percent). An
of injured volunteers being 20 to 29 years old (35 percent) and 7 percent additional one-third of the career firefighter injuries were collectively
being less than 20 years old. Career firefighter injuries were most often caused by slips or trips (13 percent), contact with objects (11 percent),
experienced by those aged 30 to 39 years (30 percent) or 40 to 49 years and falls (10 percent). As Figure 14 shows, the leading causes of
(33 percent). Only 1 percent of career firefighter injury victims were volunteer injuries were generally similar to those of career firefighters,
aged 60 or older, while 6 percent of the injured volunteers were in this with the exception of a smaller share of injuries being due to exposure to
age group. One explanation for the larger share of volunteer injuries in hazards (20 percent).
the youngest age groups may be the influence of limited experience
Figure 14. Fireground Injuries by Affiliation and Cause of Injury, 2014–2018
among part-time firefighters. Career firefighters, because they are full-
time, accumulate hands-on experience much more quickly than Exposure to 20%
volunteers. The low number of injuries among career firefighters in the hazard 29%
older age groups almost certainly reflects the general absence of career
Overexertion, 26%
firefighters aged 60 or over. strain 25%
Figure 13. Fireground Injuries by Affiliation and Age, 2014–2018
40% Slip or trip 13%
30% Contact w. object 11%
Volunteer Career
Fall 10%
20% 18% Volunteer
16% Struck, assaulted 9%
14% by 6% Career
10% 7% Unclassified cause 7%
Natural vegetation fires accounted for a larger share of volunteer injuries 35%
than was the case for career firefighters, in all likelihood reflecting the 30%
predominance of volunteer firefighters in more rural areas. 25% 23%
Figure 15. Fireground Injuries by Affiliation and Type of Incident, 20% 18% 17% Volunteer Career
2014–2018 15% 11%
90% 82% 84% 10%
80% 5% 2% 1% 1% 0%
Report only, Moderately Treated by First aid Severe lost Lost time
50% including severe, lost physician, only time injury injury, life
40% exposure time not a lost- threatening
Volunteer Career
30% time injury
10% 4% 5% 4% 2% 4% 3% 1%
Injury Location
Structure fire Vehicle fire Natural Outside Mobile prop.
vegetation fire rubbish or used as fixed
Figure 17 shows that almost four in five of the career firefighter injuries
unclassified structure occurred outside at grade level (39 percent) or inside a structure other
fire than an attic (39 percent). Nearly half of the volunteer firefighter injuries
Severity of Injury occurred while outside at grade level, while more than one-quarter
Injuries by severity are shown in Figure 16. As indicated, career occurred inside a structure somewhere other than an attic. A possible
firefighters were much more likely than volunteer firefighters to explanation for the differences in injury location is that volunteer
experience fireground injuries that were report only or moderately firefighters may be more likely to fight fires from the exterior due to
severe, while volunteer firefighters were more likely to experience longer response times in rural locations or delays in having sufficient
injuries that either required treatment by a physician without lost work crew members on-scene to observe two-in, two-out policies. Injuries
time or were first aid only. There were few severe lost-time injuries in occurring on a roof, in an attic or other confined structural space, or on a
either group. One percent of the volunteer injuries and fewer than ground ladder accounted for small shares of the fireground injuries.
1 percent of the career firefighter injuries were classified as life-
Table C shows that almost three in ten career firefighter injuries on the Primary Symptom of Injury Volunteer Career
fireground were strain or sprain injuries, with smoke inhalation, pain-
Strain or sprain (15%) (29%)
only injuries, and thermal burns also acting as leading primary symptoms
of injury. Cuts or lacerations, contusions or bruises, and exhaustion or Smoke inhalation (6%) (14%)
fatigue accounted for smaller shares of primary injury symptoms among Pain-only (8%) (13%)
career firefighters.
Thermal burns (9%) (8%)
Strains and sprains were also the primary injury symptom of volunteer Cut or laceration (9%) (5%)
firefighter injuries, followed by exhaustion or fatigue, cuts or lacerations,
Contusion or bruise, minor trauma (5%) (4%)
thermal burns, and pain-only symptoms. Dizziness, fainting, or weakness
Exhaustion, fatigue (including heat
and breathing difficulties were more prevalent symptoms among exhaustion) (10%) (4%)
volunteer than career firefighters.
Dizziness, fainting, or weakness (5%) (2%)
Volunteer firefighters were substantially less likely to sustain smoke
Breathing difficulty, shortness of breath (4%) (1%)
inhalation injuries than career firefighters, potentially reflecting the
greater likelihood of volunteers to engage with a fire from outside a Primary Body Part
structure. In addition, a higher prevalence of exhaustion and fatigue
injuries among volunteer firefighters may reflect fewer opportunities to Nearly two in five injuries among career and volunteer firefighters
participate in physical fitness programs, as well as reduced access to involved either the lower or upper extremities, as indicated in Table D.
nutrition and wellness programs. Internal injuries were more prevalent among career firefighters than
volunteers. Head injuries accounted for slightly more than one in ten
The disparity of strain and sprain injuries between career and volunteer career firefighter injuries and 15 percent of volunteer injuries. Injuries to
firefighters may merit further investigation. the neck and shoulders accounted for one in ten volunteer injuries and 13
percent of career injuries.
A crew with an officer and two firefighters located access to the attic and The sector officer issued a mayday call and a rapid intervention team was
the three entered the space to place a ventilation fan. Seven minutes later, deployed. Several firefighters in the immediate vicinity helped extricate
a mayday was called by one of the firefighters in the attic. The officer the buried firefighters.
fell through a ceiling, landing in the baptismal font below. All eight firefighters were transported to the emergency room, treated for
The 52-year-old captain fractured his leg in the fall and has not been their injuries, and released.
cleared to resume firefighting activities. ***
2005 41,950
2006 44,210
2007 38,340
2008 36,590
2009 32,200
2010 32,680
2011 30,500
2012 31,490
2013 29,760
2014 27,020
2015 29,130
2016 24,330
2017 24,500
2018 22,970
Note: These are national estimates of firefighter injuries reported to US municipal fire departments and so
exclude firefighter injuries reported only to federal or state agencies or industrial fire brigades. National
estimates of total fireground injuries are made based on data reported by fire departments to NFPA in its
annual fire experience survey. Detailed firefighter casualty information is based on data reported by fire
departments participating in NFIRS 5.0. Fireground injuries are rounded to the nearest ten.
Totals might not equal sums because of rounding. Source: NFIRS and NFPA fire experience survey.