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CyberPunk 2027 - Adventure - Bastille Day (CP3261)

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The document provides an overview of an adventure for a roleplaying game set in a dystopian future world.

The adventure involves helping a character named Rache Bartmoss find a missing netrunner named Spider Murphy and involves investigating a federal concentration camp.

The Moshers and Trogs gangs are mentioned as new gangs the characters could encounter.

I .

, .

-- O C Y E E R S E N E R A

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 03
What's in This Book .................................................................................................................. 03
Adventure Background ....................... ......................................................... 04
About the Camp ............................................................................. ............................. 04
How To Use This Adventure .................................................................................................... 04
BuReloc ..........................................................................................
STARTING OUT .......................................................................................... ............. 06
Rache's Briefing ............ ............................................................................ 06
Dog ................................................ ............................................................................ 08
Getting There is Half the Fun ... ............................................................................ 09
Sample Encounters ........................................................ .............................................. 10
Here in M y Car ........................................................................................... ................. 10
The Busboy ................. ............................................................................................. 11
.............................................................. 12
Car Punks ............................................................................. ...................................... 12
Spare Nuts .................................................................................................. .................... 12
THIS OLD HOUSE .............................................................................................................................. 13
Ovewiew ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Surrounding Points ...................................................................................... 15
BuReloc ......................................................................................................................... 15
NAM Sentry .............................. ............................................................................. 16
Getting In ..................................................................................................................................... 17
The Empty Halls ........................................................................... ................................... 18
Spider's Lair .............................................................................. ................................... 1s
..................................................................................................................... 20
..................................................................................................................... 22
Backgroundon the Camp ......................................................................................................... 22
Filling in the Gaps ...................................................................................................................... 23
Peer Pressure ............................................................................. ................................ 23
Dataterms and the Press ...........................................
Tenants .....................................................................
locating the Camp ................................... ................................................................................. 24
Peer Pressure ............................................................
Red Tape ...................................................................
......................................................................................................................... ,25
Felonies ......................................................................................................................................... 25
Scouting the Camp ........................................ ......................................................................
We Need a Plan ................................................ ...................................................................... 26
................................................ ...................................................................... 25
.................................................................................................... 26
.................................................................................................... 27
.................................................................................................... 28
Yogangs ........................................................ ......................................................................... 28
Planning The Raid ..................................... ......................................................................... 28
TUNE IN, TURN ON, BREAK OUT ................................................................................................... 29
The Camp .................................................................................................................................... 29
The locals ................................................................................................................................... 35
........................................................................................... ... 37
Spider Murphy .............................................................................................................. ... 38
Nigel Hollison .............................................................. ...................................................... 39
The Camp Routine ......................................................................................................................
Another Plan ...............................................................................................................................
DENOUEMENT ..................................................................................................................................
NEW YOGANGS ................................................................................................................................
Moshers ......................................................................................................................................
Trogs .............................................................................................................................................


lthough the kids scenario. Night Cityand Maximum Metalare both useful,
but by no means necessary, supplements.
don't know it,
Bastille Day is
coming, and soon.
P,dventtr-e 3ackgr-c.tnd
Bastille Dayrevolves around a BuReloc camp break-out, but
The Eden Dream is in order to understand the adventure, you must first
picking up steam, understand the events that led up to the current situation.
and like any
Northern California has only recently had its Free State
revolution, there are status overturned. Up until now, there has been little
setbacks and BuReloc activity in the state. However, with the return of
defeats from which desperate Northern California into the federal fold, BuReloc activity
has increased. BuReloc vans and guards are becoming
revolutionaries must salvage some sort common sights in places, and the underground information
of victory. This is one such time, and network has gotten wind that BuReloc is building a new
camp for some of Northern California's "undesirables."
the kids end up as one such group of
desperate revolutionaries. Meanwhile, the Eden Cabal is always working, struggling
toward their goal. One of the tasks at hand is to run the Net
In Bastille Day, the kids of the Cybergeneration are on their constantly, gathering as much up-to-the-minute information
own, fighting against the corporate government for a cause as is possible. This task falls primarily to Spider Murphy
which is larger than they are. This may not be the first time and Dog, under the tireless guidance of the late Rache
in the Eden Dream that kids will have to fly without a Bartmoss.
chaperone, but it certainly won't be the last. But, as some in
the Cabal say, God is their copilot. The others prefer to The day before the adventure begins, Spider and Dog ran a
depend on a Malorian 1Omm. CorpSec data fort in Los Angeles, trying to get a line on this
rumored new BuReloc camp. Runs like this can often take
over an hour as the runners slip slowly into the system. For
security reasons, the two hackers were running the Net
Bastille Day is the first Cybergeneratiunadventure. Aside from different locations: Spider from Night City and Dog
from the pure adventure material, we give you lots of advice from Rancho Coronado. They had penetrated the data fort,
on strategy and tactics in the cold corporate cities of 2027: and while the CorpSec sysops were alerted to a security
What to do, what not to do, and what to keep in mind. The breach, the two runners had not yet been located or traced.
guidelines for the generation of tomorrow are here. Suddenly Spider Murphy dropped out of the Net in mid-raid.
Dog was surprised -no, he was shocked -and he
In addition, we have included useful source material for your jacked right out.
Cybergenerationcampaign.Aside from the generic yogang
encounters(suitable to any situation, anywhere),we've included
some information on BuReloc camps, BuReloc gear, and
BuReloc's typical method of operation. We've even added a
couple of new yogangs for when your players are
cybergeneratingtheir characters:the Moshers and the Trogs
(pages44 - 48). In short, while this book is an adventure book, we
don't want its usefulnessto end after a single play session.

To run Basti/le Day, you'll need the Cyberpunk2020

rulebook and Cybergeneration(natch!)in addition to this
The sysops were surprised themselves, and they poured P,ocut the CmlF
over the electronic transcripts of the events like cybernetic The BuReloc reeducation camp itself is typical of the
bloodhounds. They knew Spider was one of the intruders species, but it is as yet incomplete. Local Night City laborers
because of some of the trademark software she uses. They are being employed to do a lot of the basic work like
figured, correctly, that Spider Murphy had been the victim leveling the ground, installing sewer systems and power
of coincidence: that something unrelated had happened to lines, raising the guard towers, etc., but prisoner labor is
drop her out of the Net while she was in their fort. CorpSec being used to complete the camp. BuReloc finds this to be
in Night City had launched a hellhound at Spider a few more cost effective than hiring contractors to do everything.
minutes earlier in the evening, and it had gotten the three- They also like the idea of getting the undesirables to build
digit prefix of her phone number before it died at the claws their own cages.
of a killer program. After the hellhound crashed, Spider
withdrew and the sysops were unable to track her before About 10% of the camp has been largely finished, and a
she went on to L.A. Putting these facts together, the few prisoners are completing the living quarters. Another
CorpSec sysops knew Spider was in Night City and that 30% of the camp or so has been fenced off, and most of the
some event had dropped her out of the Net. If they could prisoners work here, putting up additional dormitories to
trace the event, they could possibly pinpoint her location handle more prisoners. The remainder of the area is still
and get rid of her once and for all. being leveled and prepped by the Night City workers. In
another two weeks, it will be secure enough to let prisoner
What had happened was actually very simple. The building labor take over the work.
Spider was using as a base of operations was an older
building used by the poor and disenfranchised. Since it was Fortunately for the characters, this is the most vulnerable
filled with 'undesirables' and bordered on Lake Park, the time for a BuReloc camp. They don't yet have a full
building was signed over for a new corporate housing complement of guards, not all of the security measures are
project. As soon as the papers were electronically in place, and the general confusionof ongoing construction
validated, BuReloc descended on the building like a makes everything easier for the ambitious young cyberevolved.
hammer, rounding up all the squatters and tenants and
packing them off for reeducation. It just happened that this
raid came in the midst of Spider's run, so Spider and
HCW tc Use ThiP,dvenfw-e
At the end of the characters' escape, the kids are given a
Nomad Santiago (who was acting as her real-world
choice (Cybergeneration, page 1411. They can go it alone,
bodyguard) were both captured by BuReloc.
they can sell out to the corps, or they can join the
CyberRevolution. This adventure is written assuming they
It was not difficult for CorpSec to figure that Spider could
struck a blow for idealism and joined up with Alt and the
well have been nabbed by this BuReloc raid. BuReloc
crowd. If not, you'll have to do some tweaking yourself.
records are completely open to CorpSec. The raid took place
at the right time and in an area covered by the phone prefix
If the kids opted to go it alone, then the person who
Spider was using. Finally, it was far and away the most
disappeared (you know, Spider) would have to be some sort
major event in that area at that time. So CorpSec knew
of benefactor or friend whom they'd want to spring. You'll
where Spider likely was: in BuReloc's unwitting hands.
have to design that yourself, because you know your
Unfortunately for them, CorpSec doesn't have an actual
players better than we do. Alternatively, they could be
description of Spider Murphy, let alone her fingerprints or
contacted by Rache Bartmoss and hired to spring his
DNA structure. They only know her through her busty
partner, because no one in the Eden Cabal is available to do
Japanimation Net icon and the trail of ravaged data forts
it. The fact that Rache is quietly cyberpsycho makes this
she leaves in her wake. They also know she'll be canny
concept more plausible.
enough to cover her identity once she's in the camp.
Therefore, instead of alerting BuReloc and leaving her
If the kids sold out and went the CorpSec route, they could
capture in their heavy bureaucratic hands, CorpSec
actually be used as the CorpSec mole. You could send the
immediately sends a spy into the camp, hoping to
kids to Spider's flat to gather extra evidence, and then get them
discover which of the prisoners is indeed Spider Murphy
to break themselves into the BuReloc camp without blowing
(and, if everything goes perfectly, place a mole in the
their cover. Once there, they'd have to wait for Spiderto make a
Eden Cabal).
break for it, either with or without help from the cyberevolved.
C Y 6 E R G E N E R A T . C

In short, if your players don't go with the Eden

Dream, you'll have to do some surgery to get
the bones of this adventure into a workable
format for your group, but we know you can do it.

Unlike most adventures on the market, this one

doesn't have a concrete plot line. There is no
single right path for the characters to follow;
there are no specific hoops through which they
must jump. In this adventure, almost everything
they do will be up to them; they will not be
dragged around by a nose ring.

Basically, this emdates real life much more

closely than do conventional adventures. The
characters are assigned to resolve a situation,
to wit: Spider's disappearance. It helps if they
gather evidence (page 13). talk with their
benefactor (page 20). and make a plan (page 26)
before they spring Spider from prison (page 29).
but the important thing to keep in mind is that
the only thing they must do is free Spider. They
can go about it in any fashion they like.

Since there is no direct plot line in this

adventure, we cannot possibly anticipate
everything your players might do. We have
covered the likely bases, but ultimately you'll
have to run this yourself. To help with that, we
have made this book as informative as possible.
We've packed it with details of Spider's
apartment, the BuReloc camp, and the plans
and personalities of the people involved. Odd
tangents are covered under Morgan
Blackhand's tips, which appear in sidebars
throughout the book. Although these are written
as Morgan would tell them to the cyberkids,
they also provide you, the gamemaster, with
insight on how to deal with these and similar

Finally, if you or your players develop an

interesting new tactic or come up with some
good advice, by all means, send it in. We're
planning to publish a series of Documents of the
Revolutionfor this game. Be a part of it. Help
the CyberRevolution. Get your name in print. But
most of all-


n I

he kids get organized
to discover what
happened to Spider
Murphy. They must get
across town while
avoiding yogangs and
government forces. Here they'll
discoverthefirst hurdle ofthe
CyberRevolution: it's not so easy
to get around town when you
aren't old enough to drive.. .

&xche's Br-iefing
The adventure starts with the characters
getting contacted at a safe house by a
virtuality simulation of Rache Bartmoss
(a.k.a. Ghostlord, Cybergenerationpage
169). Some suggested locations for this
relatively secure flat are (with Night City
Sourcebook reference pages and the
the approximate location on the Night
City Map in CPZOZO, pg. 219):

BurlesonTower on 4th and Rucker(pg.

70 in NCSor#22 in CP2020. ps. 219)
Good Night Rooms & Coffins,a flop
house on Commercial(pg. 88 in NCSor near
#45 on ps. 219)
Pier Three Paradise, another flop-
house on Harbor (pg. 86 or near #46 on
pg. 219 1
The Sandorf Hotel, a condemneddive
on 1st and Shirley (pg.65 or one block east
of the IndustrailPark,#27on ps. 219)
*The Widmark, a serious hell-hole on
1st and Dick (pg. 62 or one block north
of #27on pg. 219)

Of these places, Burleson Tower is the

best. It's relatively safe (unlike the
Widmark and Sandorf) and has a


Rache appears as his normal self, which is to say that at
first he looks like a boringly average short Anglo male with
long black hair and mirrorshades, then he shifts shape to
that of a toad with a clam for a head and eyes on springs,
then into what appears to be a tesseract. As you wtch, his
icon keeps changing shape, sometimesinto something
identifiable, sometimes not Youget the idea you'drathernotLE
inside his head if this is how he programs his own virtualitysims.

Rache waits until everyone is more or less consciousbefore

he speaks. "You have a little job to do, kids, he says.
"Well, actually, we all have a job to do, but you don't know
what yours is. Yet. Of course, most of us don't often know
. reasonable amount of privacy (unlike the dockside
what our tasks are, but we know that we have to do them
and we have our goals set. It's like if you -"
flophouses). Being the home of the Totentantz, the sight of
Suddenly the entire image de-rezzes temporarilK then
yogangers is not uncommon here, and it's pretty safe from
rematerializes as the original human-looking Rache. As the
ISA infiltrators. Of course, the Totentanz being a bastion of
icon starts melting again, he continues. "Sorry about that.
freedom and youthful mayhem, it's only a matter of time
Spider Murphy gave this virtuality sim a reset flag in case I
before BuReloc comes and shuts this place down as well.
start rambling. I hate it. It makes me feel like my brain has
Perhaps when that camp is completed.. . been chained by a -"

Begin by familiarizing your players with the other

Again the image de-rezzes, re-rezzes, and begins to mutate
characters, if necessary, and giving some basic background
anew. "Ouch. That hurts. Spider Murphy. That's what I
on the political situation in Northern California (the lack of
came here to talk to you about. That's who, I mean. Spider
BuReloc presence, etc.). We'd give you a read-aloud here, Murphy, ace netrunner and holder of the monofilament
but you should tailor this presentation to suit your game.
reins which torture my attempt to exist in virtualitv, is
Tell them where they're hiding out (even down to the room A WOL. She of the code-wrenching resets is gone
number), and give them a sketch of the safe house (or use
gallivanting. I can ramble as long as I do it quickly. Spider
the map on Cybergenerationpage 82). Aside from all the
was running the Net, trying to get the latest news from the
standard fixtures, the apartment has to have a virtuality /SA, when she dropped out like a vortex from outer reality.
deck hooked in to the Net. It's very important that Rache be She didn't reboot, didn't return, and she hasn't called her
able to communicate with the kids.
mother, which is to say, me, even though I'm male. And l m
dead. Still the dead deservea little respect don't you think?She
At this time, Rache is unaware that Spider is in trouble. He
should have called if she was going to stay out late.
just knows that she hasn't reported in. He figures it's
probably nothing, maybe even just a down phone line or
"So she's running around, outside the Net I mean, and we
some such. He rounds up the kids and sends them over to
don't know where she is. But we do know where she was.
sort things out. You know, give them something to do other
Aside from in the Net, that is. She was running from an
than trash the apartment and order incredible amounts of apartment 70521stStreet That's the address. It's on the comer
Hot 'Za.
of2lstand Williams.Apament3M. That's 70521st #3M. Call
on her today. Don't delay. Suppliesare limited, so act now.
Read the following to your players:
It's late at night on a Thursday, or, if you prefer, agonizingly
'find out what happened. Pay her Internet bill if she forgot
early on a Friday morning. A few of you are asleep, the
to again. Boot any beaus from her bed. Tell her she's in
others practicing with your new-foundpowers or idling
deep yahoo for leaving us in the lurch. Snag her cyberdeck if
away the hours listening to some hapless BeaverBrat
she's been stupid enough to leave it lying around; that71
succumb to the CarbonPlague. Therelative quiet of the evening
give her a fit. Then return back here and let me know what
is suddenly intempted by a virtualitysim of Rache Bartmoss
kind of irresponsible indiscretions she's up to. She shouldn't
ppping up and noisily clearing his throat with a roto-rooter.
be jumping ship like this. She's critical to the Eden Cabal,

- R

because she takes my dictation. Without her. the world would
be denied the pleasure of having me. Lord only knows why I
should be so gracious as to impart my incredible knowledge,
though, since l m dead. Uh, oh, ngggh, I feel a reset coming up.
Quick, do you have any questions?"

Almost certainly the players have some questions. The most

likely ones, along with Bartmoss' answers, are given below.

*Why don't you just tun the Net and find out where she is?
"1 tried, but she's not there. In fact, the whole apartment
building appears to be off-line. Also, her modem number has
been disconnectedand there's no answer on her cellphone.
Probably someonecut through a cable somewhere. That's part of
the problemwith a fascist state. They can't do anything right."

When did she disappear?

"She dropped out of the Net at 12:03:54.0133 a.m. PST. You
can be amazingly accurate when you're a sim, but I'd kill to eat
a plate of serious Thai food."

Was she in trouble?

"We all are. I used to be the #I most wanted. Then they killed
me, and I dropped off the list. Now I'm back up to 82 again,
which shows they don't know how nasty I am. But no, Spider
was not zapped by black ice, she was not being tracked at that
time, and to my knowledge, her cover was secure." NAME IDOG I
Is she dead?
"I certainly hope not. It's no fun, and I don't think she had a
frreeezerr handy."
Was anyone else with her?
"Who knows? Probably a few fleas, a rat and maybe a squatter I S ~ WIInterface I101
or two. She was surprisingly lax with security when it came to
the homeless."
Can w e get a picture of Spider? HANDGUN
"Sure. Her icon or her meat shell? Huh, look who's talking, I'm
Mr. Cold Cuts here. Anyway, w e don't keep pictures on file for
security reasons, but 1'11 draw a virtuality image of her from L L L L S S S S I

memory. Here you go." A small slip ejects from the V-deck.
"Just tear it up if you get caught, okay?"
4 1 I
Can you give us a hard copy of the city map with her
apartment marked?
"Sure thing, meatkid." GM can refer to Night City Sourcebook
or the CPZOZOrulesbook map (pg.219).

How can w e get to her apartment?

"Beats me. I just run the Net. Use your feet. Catch the bus.
Hijack a plane. Knock on the door."

T l O N
t Y E E R G E N E R A T . O N c=> C Y E E R

Do you have a key to her place? Once there's no other questions, Rache will give his
"Nope. I'm just a sim." parting advice:
"One more things, evolutionaries. Remember, you 're kids. Don't
How do w e contact you? try to go toe-to-toe with the adults. That's playing their game,
"1'11 leave a surveillance program here, and it'll let me know and if you play it that way, you'll lose. You're kids. Be kids.
when you get back. Either that, or give a call to this Don't try to be allgrown-up and blow things apart and kill
apartment's phone. The number is 666-7734, or ask directory everyone in yourpath. Everybody thinks that's the adult way to
assistance to connect you with a Mr. Eaton Frenzy." do things, and I find it veryjuvenile. Don't do what those guys
did in Fort Worth. Kids died. Good kids. In short, act your age. "

Can w e get guns? Then, with a devilishgrin (complete with six-inch fangs), Rache
"Sure. Just lift them from any CorpSec goons you meet." rips the side of his skull open and de-rezzes, leaving a pulsating
bloodshot eyeball with a flopping optic nerve in his stead. The
Can w e get knives? eye stares impassively at you as you ready yourself for the task
"Well, you can grab some steak knives and butcher knives at hand.
from the kitchen, but I understand they don't work so great on
any opponent tougher than a hamburger patty."

How do you know all this about her disappearance?

"She was running the Net with Dog when she disappeared. He
told me all about it. Plus I have my resources. I'm the heir
Once the kids are ready to roll, it's about 3:OO a.m. on a Friday
apparent to the Supreme Being, you know."
morning. How, then, will they get to Spider's apartment?There
are several options.
Why is it so important?
"Well, there's always the chance she's stuck in a closed loop
They can walk.The most direct route takes them through the
from her deck, or fell down and knocked herself out. Or maybe
Corporate Center and along the fringe of Lake Park, both
she's been drugged by a potential suitor, or getting beat up by
dangerous places for yogangers to be in the early hours of the
the landlord. There's always a chance she's gotten herself
morning. Rest assured such a motley crew will have several
into trouble, more than usual I mean, and we just want to
encounters if traveling shank's mare.
be sure."
They can bum a ride. With a proper combination of panache,
Why aren't adults handling this?
negotiation, flattery and bribery, the kids could convince some
"This? You've got to be kidding. It's no big deal. Just tell her to
Tinkertots or GoGangers to give them a lift over to where
give me a call, okay? Or is that too many instructions for your
Spider made her run. If things get interesting, they might even
underdeveloped little brains? Here I thought you'd be happy for
hang around and give them a ride back. Many of the yogangers
a chance to get out and do something useful for a change
have heard of Spider Murphy, she having a lot of fame among
instead of toss cockroaches into the microwave, and instead
the corporate-hating youth. If the PCs can convince the
you're afraid of going across your home town to visit a mutual
yogangers that Spider needs some assistance, they'd be
friend. Sheesh."
happy to lend a hand. Another approach is to hint to some
GoGangers or Megaviolents that they know where some
Can w e talk to Alt or Morgan?
federal cops might be found. Finally, by playing the innocent
"No. I'm not good enough for you? You should get on your
child, they might convince an adult or some police to give
knees and beg for mercy, you little snot."
them a free lift. After all, it's not safe to be out after dark,
Are you really dead?
"What you are talking to is a virtuality sim, programmed to be
They can catch the bus. Route 68 (NightCity, pg. 18) runs a
as close to my insanity as is possible. The real Rache is frozen
"night owl" shuttle that swings by the safe house at around
out there somewhere, and his super-cooled brain is still
3:15 a.m. and can drop them off within a block of Spider's
hooked into the Net. He's so paranoid he won't even let me
building. While this is relativelyfast and effective, they might
know where he is, which is no surprise, since I know how very
meet someone while waiting for the bus, and there's bound to
untrustworthy I am "
be some yogangers in the back.

- R

As you debate how to get a lift over to 21st. a BMW 9018s
pulls up at the curb. The rear window rolls down smoothly,
and an attractive young woman with a cascade of red hair
leans out. She looks (whoever)in the eye and says, "Hey,
studboy, you looking for a little thrust?"

This Goldengirl has boosted her dad's car keys, and she and
several of her friends are prowling the streets looking for
suitably dumb and hormone-driven males to abduct. They
want to throw a party with the freshest hors d'oeuvres
around: they plan on taking the victim, binding him,
tourniquetting his limbs, and carving him up slowly for an
appetizer. She'll employ whatever combination of lies,
promises, sex appeal, and bribes of drugs and liquor it takes
to get the guy in the car, at which point the doors close, the
windows go up, and the victim and his friends have but a
few seconds to prevent the Goldenkids from driving away
and completing their disgusting catering plans.

The 9018s is fully-described in Chromebook 7, but suffice it

to say it's armored as much as you want, it has room for six, and
has whatever other features you'd like the Goldenkidsto have.
The Goldenkids in it all have weapons of various sorts.

They can catch a cab. It would probably cost about 10 or Stats: INT 5, REF 4, CL 8, A l l 5, TECH 3, LK 5, M A 6,
20 eb, depending on the kids, how they handle things, and EMP 4, BT 7
whether or not they tip. Most cabbies would be rather Skills: Gogo 5, Streetfighting 5, Little Angel 6
reluctant to pick up a bunch of yogangers. Further, the kids Outfit: Nice clothes, switchblade or monoblade
might attract attention waiting curbside for their taxi to
show. GoldenGirl
Stats:INT 5, REF 5, CL 8, A l l 8, TECH 3, LK 5, M A 4,
They can steal a car. There are a few junkers parked still EMP 5,BT 5
around the streets. Although many have alarms, most Skills: Wardrobe & style 6, Streetfighting 5, Seduction 4
yogangers tend to think along delinquent lines. Outfit: Nice clothes, polymer one-shot or taser

<JctripIe LnccwhterS
These are likely occurrences which can plague the kids as
they trek there and back again. Save the encounters you
don't use for later adventuring sessions.

Here in h!y Car

This incident shows how not to bum a ride. Sure, lots of
kids have wheels. GoGangers, Glitterkids. even BoardPunks
have personal transport. Many would be happy to help. But
don't take a ride with a Goldenkid. If the PCs are standing
around waiting for a ride to drop itself in their laps, give
them one. Choose one of the boys in the gang who looks
like 'fun' -that is, rough but not too rough- and read the


Skills: Berserk 7, Streetfighting 8, Fearless Leader 7,

T h e Bu-sbcy Hexite Shaping 5
If the characters catch a bus this late at night, you can use Outfit Light armor (SP 14). two Federated Arms X-9 pistols,
this encounter. whatever else he shapes himself into

You hop on the AI-controlled bus and pay your fare into the
automated till. The bus smells pretty funky, the sticky floor
rips as you walk, and the only other person on the bus is an
older kid, sprawled across the back bench like it’s his
personal throne. After a few blocks, he gets up, walks up to
(the toughest-looking PC), and says in a hoarse whisper,
“Do you know what pain really is?”

This guy is a Megaviolent Tinman. Having survived the
Carbon Plague, he has gone over the edge, hungeringfor
the pain which the nanites no longer let him feel and
glorying in his near-invulnerability. He wants to get into a
fight, and he will, whether the PCs want to or not. To the
death. By the way, the reason the bus smells funky is that
he has killed and gutted several other people and tossed
them out the door. Internal organs smell bad.

Jason Annaud (Tinman)

Stats: INT 3, REF 6, CL 6, ATT 2, TECH 4. LK 5, M A 7,
EMP 2, BT 8


Crcssing t h e S $ - e e t r i & t e r s fight if pushed. Finally, one of them is a Scanner (she has not told
IfthegrouppassesbythePark,theycanmeettheGoldEagles the others)and will shout a waming should the PCs decide to
Guardianyogang(NightCity,pg.146).If not,theycould stumble attack.
across a StreetFightergang, or a local neighborhoodterritorial
gang likethe ChinatownTigers. Decidewho they'll meet, define EcoRaiders
the gang colorsand appearance, and then read: Stats: INT 4, REF 6, CL 6, ATT 4, TECH 3, LK 4, MA 5,
EMP 7, BT 5
Suddenly, ahead of you, a lithe shape drops from (a tree, a fire Skills: Streetfighting 7, the Scanner has Interpretation 3
escape, whatever) and lands almost without a sound. As it Outfit Kevlar jacket (SP18). large knife, one has a heavy
straightens up, you notice it's a girl with closecroppedhair and pistol and one has a light pistol
(describethe uniform). She steps a little closer and says, 'Well,
what have we here?Averitable polyglot of disheveled S p z t i e kwts
ragamuffins. We will have none of that here, we care not for What's a machine without a few spare or broken parts hanging
your antics. Depart, knaves, lest we prevail upon you to concede around? Unrealistic.Likewise, although the government has
to our imperatives." As she says this last, you see other shadows made the entire nation a wind-up toy, there are still those adults
shifting in the darkness. that are not a part of the Machine.This encounter can be used
whenever the kids loiter in a single area for a while, whether it
The hardest thing here is convincing the yogang of your good be a bus stop, the lobby of their apartment building, or the park.
intentions. If the characters saythey mean no harm, this will
indicateweakness, a bad thing to do in front of a territorial gang. After a while, a short man in a heavy black armorjack
If they say they'rejust passing through, they'll be ejected wanders by, stopping about twenty meters to one side of
because they 'have no business on these blocks.' Finally, any you. He looks around, running an appraising cybereye over
yogang is going to be suspicious of a group of kids who are your cluster of kids, then pulls out a cigarette and lights up.
obviously from wildly varying walks of life. The heavy smell of narcotics drifts your way. It doesn't look
like he's watching you, but then, he's not leaving, either.
I Street Tough Give the kids the chance to panic and scram, then continue.
Stats INT5, REF 8, CL 6, A l l 4, TECH 5, LK 3, MA 5, EMP 5, BT 6
Skills: Kata or Streetfighting 7, Get A Clue 5 Ten minutes later, another adult saunters up. She's female, tall,
Outfii combat clothes, possiblya staff or other melee weawn and walks with her arms held slightly awayfrom her body. She
wears tight armored clothing, but her jacket is open, and loose
enough to hide quite an arsenal. She eyes you coldly as she

This is your typical drug deal. Narcotics have become much

more dangerous to sell than they were in 2020. a situation
made all the worse by the fact that edgerunners just can't
trust their friends anymore. In 2027, almost all illicit drug deals
Cat- ?wnks are made by solitary and very paranoid people. Perhaps your kids
The characters can encounter this group any time they're on
will interfere, perhaps nothing will happen, perhapsthe adults
the streets.
will force them to leave the area at gunpoint.
You notice, about fifty meters or so away and across the
These folks are one reason not to mess with adults.
street, a group of yogangers hanging around a car. One sits
on the hood, two lean against the side, and the last leans Drugrunners
against the wall of the building. They're talking, and either Their Stats: INT 4, REF 9, CL 9, A l l 4, TECH 6, LK 8. MA 7.
they haven't noticed you or they don't care about you. BT, i
Their Skills: Awareness 8, Melee 7, Pistol 9, Shotgun 8
Her Outfit: Kevlar jacket (SP18). Malorian 14mm pistol w/
This is a group of EcoRaiderslaying out the basics of a planned smartlink, Militech Crusher, two cyberarms w/ wolvers, any
attack on a new constructionsite (a wetland 'reclamation', not other cyber you feel the need for
the BuReloc camp).They have bigger fish to fry than the PCs, and His Outfit Kevlar jacket (SP18). a lot of drugs, no weapons,
so the only way they interact is if the PCs approachthem. They and a very large plastic explosive charge wired to a
are not beneath taking a bribe for a ride, nor are they afraid to deadman switch (referee's discretion)
ere the cyberkids actually
make their approach and
reconnoiter the apartment.
With a bit of luck and
daring, they get a good fix
on Spider's fate. Then they only
have to make it back across town
to their safe house, and probably
with BuReloc or the police on their
This part of the adventure starts when
the kids reach the apartment from which
Spider made her run. What the kids first
notice about the building depends
primarily on how they make their
approach. In other words, we can't give
you a read-aloud to cover all the bases,
but we can give you all the information you
need to wing it. Here, then, is a description
of the block and the surrounding areas (refer
to the map on pg.14).

Building A is Spider's building: 705 21st

Street. There is no address apparent on
the walls unless someone goes up to the
northeast door and looks. Next to the
door are the nails which used to hold the
wooden address numbers, and the wall
has a slightly lighter shade where the
digits used to protect the brickwork.

There are no lights on inside.The building is

four floors tall, and is taped off by yellow
and blue perimeter tape reading:

All of the windows on the ground floor

(and many of the windows on the higher
floors) are barred to prevent entry. On
the east side of the building is a small
drive-by stand which sells screamsheets
1 1 1 ,I r m , = I * I
AT 0 N




This project wil provide fctr the future prosperity of a11 corporote
employees through comfortable, affordable housing conveniently DARE TO KNOW IT ALL!
located near lake Park aind local malls. Strict requirementswil If you want more details on this area of town, you can
ensure that only the best Icross-sectionof productiveAmerica will find them in the Night Qfy Sourcebook, Section C3,
take residence. Advanced aaolications
,, mav be submitted throuah
your corporate housing office. Ask about ;our corporation's rent-
and espresso. It being early in the morning, the stand is closed
and locked. There are no valuables inside the stand (not even a people across the street will have to make a Geta Clue
screamsheet printer; the Owner carries the notebook-sizeditem check @ 15 to make out the numerals. It is four floors tall
with him), and the wooden back of the stand completely covers with an attic, and the roof is done in the classic sloped
the only ground floor window without security bars. style. Once a cyberkid gets balanced on the pinnacle of this
roof, the leap to the top of 705 is pretty easy.
Building B is 710 22nd Street. The west end of this
building is four floors tall, but it's the private penthouse Building D (2112 Varley) is a dive, even more so than
(such as it is) of a wealthy and powerful Japantown Spider's building. This is simply because the flat roof has
businessman. Anyone trying to climb this part of the allowed the acid rain to pool and eat its way through in
building to jump from rooftop to rooftop is likely to find places, so acid corrosion, water damage, and dry rot have
themselves in deep sake. The rest of the building is only three really started to take their toll here. This building is also four
stories high, and the outer edges of the third story slope down at floors tall, and the whole place smells of mildew. You can
a 45 degree angle. Leapingfrom here to a window in Spider's bet BuReloc will be visiting this place soon.
I building would be difficult at best (referee's discretion).
Building E, at 714 22nd Street, is only three floors tall.
Building C's address is 715 21st Street. The address is Considering its short height and its poor location, the
readily visible to someone standing on the sidewalk, but characters will probably ignore this place.
A dataterm and a fire plug can be found in the open area at
the north side of the block, and some cars are parked on
Williams and on Varley. No cars are parked on 21st or 22nd.
Lastly, a couple of stealthy Squats are hiding in the alleys,
waiting fora while longer until they're sure BuReloc has gone.

tStm-ctt-nding Scints
To the north and northwest of the 700 block is Lake Park,
including the bandstand and the gazebo. These structures,
as well as the wilting trees which line 21 st Street, provide
good cover for stealthy cyberkids. On the other hand, the
park is not a terribly healthy place to be at night. The Gold
Eagles guardian gang patrols the part known as the garden
(and a bit beyond), and Megaviolents, Goths, EcoRaiders,
and the infamous Breakfast Klub cannibal yogang prowl the
rest of the area. Occasionally police AVs sweep through
looking for major trouble.

Kitty-corner to the northeast is the Nichiban Mall. While

most of the stores are closed at this time of the morning,
there are still a few convenience stores, business service
establishments, and restaurants open for business.

To the east and west are more apartments, and on the far
side of the block to the west are the offices of Combat
Cabb. Finally, to the south, more apartments give way
rapidly to the Combat Zone.

There are several cars parked curbside around the block,
including one blue BuReloc car. This car is unmarked, the
lights are off, and the mirrored glass makes it difficult to
see that there's a BuReloc agent in the driver's seat. The
only possible clues to its purpose can be found in its license
plate (BR054CN-the 54th BuReloc car in Northern
California), and the fact that it is in pristine condition this
close to the Combat Zone and the park.

This sort of stake-out is standard operating procedure for a

BuReloc gentrification operation. When BuReloc comes
down on a building, they surround the place with agents
and cars, and move a well-marked bus or three (depending
on the size of the building) up to the main door to the place. GoGangers might show up to add a little spice to their lives. Who
After they clean the building of all its residents, they tape it knows what could happen in Night City at 3:30 in the morning?
off and seal it up. Then they station a car or two near the
building with up to half a dozen agents hanging around Once the characters get to the building, they only have to
trying to act innocuous. These guys keep tabs on the get in. This is not a problem if they snuck up onto the roof or
building, waiting for anyone to try to go back in, or for any fire escapes; from the roof they can enter the main
scurrilous tenants who evaded the search to try to sneak stairwell, and from the fire escapes they can open or break
out. BuReloc likes to get a 100% apprehension rate a window and crawl inside. From the ground level, life is a
whenever possible. This sort of surveillance also helps to little more difficult. The steel doors of the building are
deter looters from cleaning out the apartments until the locked, and the windows are either boarded up or barred.
BuReloc Economic Salvage & Recycling Service can get a The door lock can be picked by rolling ThiefStuffa 15,
truck over to the place and load all the miscellaneous SuburbanNinjas 18, or dissolving it with nanotech. This
housewares.And people wonder how the government last will leave evidence that might be discovered.The
outlets can afford such cheap prices. window bars can also be disintegrated or bent by nanotech,
or else pried open wide enough for children with a Jock
This is a mid-sized building, so four BuReloc agents have Stuffroll @ 21, Again, these tactics will leave evidence.
been stationed here. Two of them are gone at the moment.
They're across town processing a few careless edgerunners L
who tried to break into the abandoned building to collect
merchandise -furniture, plates, whatever might be saleable
-from former tenants who owed them money. This leaves just
two guards at this time, one in the car, and one checking out the
alleys. The othertwo will retum within an hour.

The first thing the cyberkids have to do is get into the

apartment building. This necessarily involves some
combination of stealth, deceit, and wits, to say nothing of
breaking the law by passing beyond the perimeter tape.

The kids also have to avoid the BuReloc agents (assuming

they spot them first, that is). Of course, they could do this by
entering a different building and then jumping for the target
building's roof or fire escape. If they try this, especially if
they climb another building's fire escape, they might attract
the attention of the other building's tenants. This usually
means the kids suddenly find themselves staring down the
business end of a shotgun held by a very suspicious and
slightly drunk adult. There's not much a kid can do to
convince the tenant that he was really just hanging around
this fire escape and meant no harm, so the best solution in
these cases is just to leave as quickly as possible.

If the characters sneak past the guards too easily, go ahead

and have a yogang show up. Perhaps the Gold Eagles are
changing the guard in the park and happen across the
characters. If the PCs skulk through the alleys, they might
meet some Squats or, worse yet, some Goths on the prowl.
Or if they move along the streets, some Boardhnks or

The guard is a simple AI set to
monitortraffic and help
apprehend interlopers and
tenants trying to sneak out. A
plausible explanation will allay
the AI, because BuRelcc does
allow some evicteesto retum
fortheir stuff. (These are newly-
hired corporate employees and
the like.) If the kids don't con
theirway past, or if they panic,
the AI will alert the BuRelcc
guards in the car to the
presence of trespassers.
Naturally, if the guards are
already dead, this will do no
good, and the AI doesn't have
the range to be able to contact
anyone else.

Another option is to let an ArcoRunner or a Trog lead you through Of course, if the kids forgot their
the undercity into the subbasement of this building. Finding a V-trodes, then they won't see the guard as it notifiesthe
good route requires TunnehgQ 22 or Sp/unk;ing@ 17. This authorities. Treat the AI guard as the BuReloc guards detailedon
completely bypassesthe guards and yogangs on street level. In page 15, except for the fact that it's artificial, and can only hurt
fact, all you have to worry about is alligators. them in V-Space (see C)hgenemtiun,pg. 146-147).

The f v i p t v Halls
Once inside the building, the going's easy. Few of the doors
are locked, while many of them hang ajar. There are
mailboxes by the northeast door, but there is no name
posted for the occupant of apartment 308. The kids can
move pretty quickly inside the building, although if they're
not careful with their light source, they might attract the
attention of the BuReloc agents or other passers-by.

All utilities have been shut off in this building. There's no

light, no water, no phone. The entire building is rank with
the smells of Japanese cooking. (Not that the cooking itself
is rank, but when the smells have lingered and mingled for
as long as these have, it gets pretty funky.) Trash and
graffiti litter the halls, but most of the scribbling is in
hiragana and kanji characters, and therefore unintelligible
to most of the PCs.

There is one ringer for the kids, however. On each floor, halfway
down the central hall, BuRelcc has placed a Virtualityguard.
When a life form steps within ten meters of the card, a BuReloc
guard appears to walk out of a nearby open door. He raises a gun
and says,"Freeze! What are you doing here?"
C: There are a few
rinsed dishes piled
Spider's apartment is missing the number, but the neatly in the sink, and
characters ought to be able to figure it out quickly, since it's one dirtier set on the
the unit next to 306 and 307. The apartment is rather small, counter amidst three
the whole thing being a little bigger than five meters by empty Corona bottles.
eleven and a half. In this part of town, whole families live in There is one rinsed
units like this. The front part of the apartment is a kitchen glass on the opposite
and dining area. Counters with a stove and a sink run along side of the sink as the
the east and south walls of this room, and a refrigerator sits mess. There are a few
in the southwest corner. A pile of trash fills the northwest more utensils, all in one
comer. This part of the apartment is otherwise empty. cupboardover the sink.

The bathroom and a closet split the apartment into two D The tub has not been
halves. The closet is closed, but empty. The rest of the used for some time.
apartment is a living area, and, like the kitchen, it is almost
devoid of contents. A grimy window dominates the EThe toilet seat is up.
southem wall. The outer quarters of the window can be For the alert, this means
opened, each side sliding in towards the center. that since Spider was
female, someone else
If the characters spend their time looking around, they can was here. Of course, it could have been one ofthe BuRelcc guys.
pick up the following clues, which are keyed to the map of
the apartment. Depending on how your players are doing, F:There is a cyberdeck here, still patched in to the (dead)
you could give them the clues, or force them to make phone plug. The program chips have been smashed.
Awarenessor Geta Clue rolls or role-play it all out. Although the kids don't know this, Spider stomped on her
deck. More specifically. she stomped her heel onto the
A The refrigerator has a few bullet holes in it, and some RAM portion of her deck, destroying her programs and all
spatters on the door which might be old food (or they might records of the run she was making. The CPU is fine, and the
not). The refrigerator is still rather cool inside, and holds kids could salvage parts of her deck if they wish, perhaps to
some leftover pizza and Chinese take-out, a half-empty swap with some Tinkertots.
container of mineral water, a few bottles of Corona, and
assorted scuzz as one would expect to find in a low-rent G: A sleeping pad lies partly propped against the wall. This
apartment fridge. If the characters are alert, they'll notice that was Spider's, and it's arranged to make her more
the bullet holes came from the direction of the front door. comfortable during runs. A glass next to the pad holds a
toothbrush and some dental floss.
B: There are a few dark stains on the floor. An alchemist
could sample this and determine that it's blood. Although H:A rather more smelly sleeping pad is here. This one is
there's no way for the kids to know this, it's Nomad Santiago's

Nomad Santiago's. If they search underneath the pad, the
blood. Altematively, the kids could pack a sample back for Rache cyberkids find a fighting knife (balancedfor throwing) and a
Bartmossto analyze. Rache has the technical ability to 50-round box of .44 pistol ammo with 23 rounds remaining.
deconstructthe DNA and figure out whose it was.
I There is a large pile of garbage here: Clothes, paper plates, an
old chair, empty cartons, cans, all sorts of stuff. Itwas all tossed
here when Spider rented the place. Part of her rent deal was that
the landlordwouldn't have to clean it up himself.

J If the characters search the door and hall aftersearching

the fridge, they'll find evidence that whoever got shot at the
fridge did some damage to the BuReloc guys. as well:
Blood, bullet holes, a few things like that. There's no spent
brass lying around, because all ammo in 2027 is caseless.

- R
which is a bunch more BuRelocs with AV support and
heavier weapons. The TRU is called in when boosters,
yogangs or edgerunners get out of hand, and they are not
squeamish about blowing away young kids. If any of these
cases has happened, and if one of the kids has been
standing guard at the window, he might hear sirens, see the
flashers, or notice the deployment of extra troops
(gamemaster's discretion). Othen/vise, it's likely the kids are
just going to blunder into the middle of BuReloc central.
That's okay, though. Even if they get captured, they'll get
closer to finishing their mission, because they'll have
caught up with Spider in the camp!

If the cyberkids manage to scatter back across town, they
get to have a debriefing with Rache Bartmoss. Oh joy! Just
the thing to settle the stomach after a harrowing evening. Read
the following as they walk back in the door of the safe house:

You walk into the apartment and shut the door quietly
behind you, breathing a sigh of relief. You notice that the
virtuality eye with the flopping optic nerve is still there,
waiting with digitized patience. It surveys yourgroup, then
falls upward and hangs suspendedin the air. Theicon of Rache
Bartmoss rezzes around the eye, then begins its slow trans-
mogrificationanew as he asks, "Weld kids, what's the scoop?"

Let the players retell the story through their eyes,

rememberingthat Rache doesn't know anything about what
happened other than what they tell him. It might help to
take notes to remind yourself of exactly what Rache does
(and doesn't) know. Have Rache prod them for additional
details, remembering that he's a vecy good interrogator.
Rache can also identify the blood found inside the
apartment as that of Nomad Santiago. He's independent but
considered reliable by the Eden Cabal. If the kids didn't get a
blood sample, though, he has no idea that Santiago was around.
Once the characters have searched the flat to their heart's
There are also certainly some questions the kids might
content, all they have to do is get back to their safe house. have. Some of the more common questions and their
If the characters have been stealthy and fast, there's be no responses are given here. By the way, Rache will react
additional problems in leaving. The only problems they'd negatively to the use of the term 'Dead guys.'
encounter would be the guards (if they didn't already take
them out), perhaps a returning edgerunner or two, and a Does BuReloc fight netrunners?Were they after her?
few more yogangers just to round things out.

"Generally not. BuReloc does coarse-grade wholesale
cattle-trucking. It was probably a coincidence. Besides, they
If they messed with or killed the two BuReloc guards, you don't know who she really is. She was never brave enough
ought to have the other two show up about now. If they've
to use her real name, which by the way. is Arabella, and-
been loitering inside the apartment building for a long time
uh, oh, now I've done it. I told you her name. If you get
or they left evidence that they're cyberevolved,the guards
caught, 1'11 have to hunt you down and wipe your brain

might have had time to call for the Tactical Response Unit,
squeaky clean. Scrub, scrub, scrub!"



What about the smashed cyberdeck? they do there, buts it's quite possible they could set up a
"That's a standard Spider tactic. Pisses me off, too. She temporary processing center in the parking garage."
used to live with me, and once she smashed one of my own
decks when I didn't knock before entering my own Could she have been moved to another state?
apartment. She does it to destroy any evidence of what she "Possible. but very unlikely. See, the ISA disperses funds to
was doing." the states for federo-corporate housing projects on a ratio
determined primarily by how many 'undesirables' the state
Did she have anyone with her? turns in to the government. In short, the state gets a bounty
"Not that I know about. Most of us like to have a meatboy for every person BuReloc rounds up. None of the states is
or two around when we're running, though." particularly willing to part with any of the vermin-infested
money they get for getting rid of their homeless. Yet
What was Nomad Santiago doing there? another sorry example of how the ISA is turning the
"Guarding her body while she ran with her mind." working-class sheep into working-class cannibals. It's so
sick. It reminds me of this time when Dog and I were -"
Do you think she's dead? Bzzt. The icon resets again.
"Probably not. BuReloc probably doesn't even know they've
got her. If they did, we'd have heard about it buy now. Could she have been moved by plane or boat?
Spider's a wanted woman." "Nah. Too expensive. They like things cheap. BuReloc is
ntithing more than a meat-packingfirm. They'd have packed
Do you think Nomad Santiago is dead? her on a boo-boo bus and sent her somewhere nearby.
"Probably not. There's nothing in the coroner's reports. Three, four hours max."
BuReloc is pretty open aboul:filing reports of transient
deaths, especiL~ ,Itransients
v with auns." 3 How can w e find out if here's a new BuReloc camp?
"Several options. You could run the ISA or CorpSec data
Has there been any other BuReloc activity? forts, which is what Spider was doing. Talk to some people
"We think there was a smaller raid in the Combat Zone last who work at the camp, if it exists. Drive all the highways in
week. We haven't been able to confirm anything, and Northern California. Break into the BuReloc processing
BuReloc isn't saying. It could have JS and follow it until it
exercise, sort of a final e, /ourself and ask God."

What does BuReloc do w iformation he can and

"The BuReloc ops manual says to colic , Rache gives them his
in a central processing center, tt iyers have stated their
nearby camp. The processing cente Jt. As an AI, he's not a
patterned after Arasaka facilities. Udlllll LII~III UULII. I I I ~ : ylt:at IUW 111611,uut IIC: 3 YUUU ai evaluating possibilities.

camps are generally situated a couple hours out of town, Finally, he adds the kicker, which generally goes as outlined
where they don't disturb the corporate toadies." below. Obviously, you'll have to adjust it to match exactly
what your players did and said.
Is there a BuReloc camp nearby?
"Not last we knew. Of course, most of our information is "Okay, folks, so it's not as badas we thought. Still, Spider's
three months out of date; that's how old info gets before been pinched by BuReloc, and that's plenty bad enough.
the ISA dumps it into a less secure mainframe. So as of That probably means there's a new BuReloc camp around,
three months ago, there wasn't. That's whv we didn't have and she's in it. I need you to find it, find her, and get her out
much BuReloc activity here in Night Ci f there. I'dgive you reinforcements, but what resources we
them to. Things might have changed. T have are already stretched thin. If there's anything I can
generally for the worse. We've he; help you with, let me know. In the meantime, here's a map
camp, and this adds \ of Northern California to start you off. Oh yeah. One more
ling. First thing you do when you find Spider, you tell her to
Is there a BuReloc processing cenier nearoy! femove this reset code I'm chained with. Tell her that if she
"Not that we know of, although BuReloc has rented a large doesn't do it, 1'11 take her and-" Blip. The image is gone,
office building at 103rd and Varley. We don't yet know what leaving only the eyeball surveillance virtual.


- v

C Y E E R! m E N E R A T . O N 0 C Y E E5 .

b C

?eel- ?i-essw-e
There may still be some unanswered questions in the
aftermath of the BuReloc raid. Many of these might be
answerable by witnesses to the incident, who can be found
in the neighboring buildings. Of course, if the characterswere
spotted by the BuRelcc guards, they'll have to be very
circumspectwhile moving around the scene of the crime.

No one likes BuReloc and the raid has everyone scared, so

the characters should have an easy time pumping yoganger
witnesses for any additional information that they missed.
They can confirm that a whole bunch of people were
packed onto two BuReloc buses. They also mention that
there were gunshots fired during the raid, and several
former tenants were treated at the scene before being
shoved into a bus as well.
Datate-visand t h e l i e G s
The press (both government-backed and independent)has
located east of Night City, which BuRelcc considers one of the things to say about the raid. This is an easy way to fill in on
most troublesome areas in the state of Northem California. any gross oversights. The underground press especially
points out that this raid indicates there's a new camp
The exact location of the camp is at the ghost town of nearby, a camp that BuReloc hasn't told anyone about.
Hernandez, in the Diablo Range (a set of large desert hills).
What little remained of the small village was razed as It's possible the kids will try to get the media do the dirty
construction began, and the family of farmers hiding there work for them. You know: Spill what they know and let the
became the camp's first detainees. Hernandez is almost professional reporters go to the wall for the whole truth.
exactly halfway between Night City and Fresno, and Unfortunately, these days the press is almost completely
although it's only fifty miles from Night City as the crow controlled by the corporate government; after all, the media
flies, it's situated up a long-abandoned unpaved road, so it corps have their share of the pie, and have no desire to
takes well over an hour to get there from Night City, even besmirch their own image. The underground press, namely
allowing for good traffic inside the metropolis. The Diablo a reporter by the name of Roberta Burns, might be able to
Range is a harsh area, and the closest potential help for an find a few more tidbits, but any stories they post are likely
escapee would be Highway 101 or Interstate 5. Neither of to be erased by the ever-watchful wire service runners.
these roads are particularly close, and few if any drivers will
stop to help a vagrant these days. Actually trying to cross Tenants
either freeway would be akin to playing Russian Roulette, If the cyberkids hang out near the building, a few people
though a lot less safe. Truckers especially are proud of the come back at around noon, driven here in a BuReloc van.
little people they have painted on their fenders. These people are allowed back into the building, where
they collect some portable stuff and leave. These are the
The main portions of the camp (parade ground, fences, few people caught in the BuReloc dragnet who, being
utility lines, etc.,) are being constructed by hired help. These gainfully employed, are allowed their freedom. They've
workers come from Fresno, Night City and Monterey, these come for their necessities, and BuReloc will ship the rest of
being the closest cities with an adequate workbase. The their stuff to wherever they move.
prisonersare left to put the finishing touches on the facilities and
housing (details like the roof and such). Headed by the original One is an undercover agent for Arasaka, Linette Stein, who won't
inmates, some prisonersare already starting to farm to talk to anyone. She was plenty pissed at being grabbed, but she
supplement the government-issue food. They've heard the didn't dare fight back for fear of blowing her cover among the
rumors about how little BuReloc detainees get. residents. She grabs some gear and heads out, talking to no one.

P T m O N

Another is a long-time resident, Ben Waite, who very

recently landed a decent job. He comes back with his two
kids to get their stuff. Since he has become part of
'productive America' per the Whindam vision, BuReloc has
located another, more acceptable residence for him. He
gets his toiletries, heads across the street to the bus stop,
and waits. The cyberkids can approach him, and, as he is
tired and in need of venting some stress, he'll be quite
talkative. The amount of information the characterscan pump
out of him should be tailoredto how well they are doing -if
your players are having a hard go of this adventure, he could
work for the constructioncompany that's building the camp.

Lcca4$g the cam?

?eel- ?ie\Swr-e
If the camp is new, someone has to be building it. The
obvious solution is that these workers can be found among
the poorer classes, who tend to hold down construction
jobs instead of managerial positions. Mind you,
construction jobs have held a lot of prestige since the
Collapse, because they're one of the few jobs left where
you can stay within the law, work hard, accomplish
something, and don't have to kiss your boss' ass every time
you turn around. On the other hand, with the commencementof
work on the new camp, even some of the constructionworkers
feel like they're prostitutingthemselves.

In any event, getting a handle on these construction

workers is a good approach to finding out where the camp
r c
Mosher: No screamin'? But there ain't no camp near here.
is, or at least getting an idea. A good start is to talk to the
kids. BoardPunks, Goths, and Moshers are the best place to Punk S'vhat I heard, so Ifigure they're making one, and -
start, since they generally come from the low end of the
income scale and, unlike GoGangers and Megaviolents, Mosher: Hey, yeah, the old man said they pulled down a
they keep up a reasonable relationship with their parents. government contract a few weeks ago. Construction work
Flattery, an understanding of yogang subculture, and a bit of all the time. He don't hang around at all any more, which is
name-dropping and bribery can all come in handy here. One, fine by me. He just yells a lot when he's not drinking.
a Mosher named "Slammer"Wills, has info that may help:
Punk Yeah? Where's the job site?
Punk Hey, great noise, who is this?
Mosher: Hang on, 1'11 see if Mom knows.
Mosher (Slammer): Like it?It's Thrudbone, they played
The Dive last night. of course, given the dysfunctionality of most families and the
secrecy agreements BuRelcc demands, the detail that can be
Punk Real dead-Chester jamming, eh? obtained is slim. The characters could probablyfindout that the
camp is east of town, that it's about an hour and a half commute,
Mosher: You know it. Anything to piss off the Machine. and the time that the employees leave for work. They might
Punk Listen, my man, you know anything about a BuReloc possibly be able to find out that the site is in the Diablo Range.
camp near here? They raided over on 21st last night and
scrummed a whole building. Hauled 'em all. Heard they Fed T'aFe
even got The Skulls' bassist. This is the most fruitless of approaches. BuReloc has not
Perhaps the best way to locate the camps is to take
advantage of any Scanners in the group. BuReloc agents
are supposed to be polite whenever they're in public, so
they're forced to talk to kids when the kids want to talk.
Public image, and all that. If the kids were to demand an
agent's time and talk to him about the good things that
BuReloc is doing, what with their vocationaleducation camps
and such, chances are a Scanner could weasel down into the
unwitting agent's mind and pull out some pertinentdata.

There are also more direct options open to the kids. They
could break into the BuReloc off ice building using
ArcoRunner tactics. They could crawl the utility lines with
the Trogs and tap the phones. They could get a Rad to try
c c
some psywar techniques.
officially announced the new camp (they never do until it's
fully operational), so they're not about to let some kids off
the street get the full scoop. Of course, this being a govern-
ment bureaucracy, they'll make it appear that they're being
cooperative. "Here, son, fill out this form and then go up to
the twenty-third floor waiting room, and someone will
speak with you shortly.. ."

There are a lot of sneaky ways thai the kids can get a fix on
the location of the BuReloc camp site. They could try to run
the data fort at the BuReloc building (good luck). They could
put a tracer on a BuReloc vehicle, or perhaps a vehicle of
the construction company. If they got an angle on a worker
(see feerfressure, above), they could put a tracer on his car
or triangulate on his mobile phone. Or perhaps they could just
ask like nice kids. You never know what adults will let slip.

The kids could also take a more direct approach. They could
stow away on top of a BuReloc bus, hide in the trunk of an
official car, or even grab the parents' car keys and go driving
around the countryside between Night City and Fresno.
There aren't that many roads out there, so this last is less
difficult than it sounds. Of course, it's also quite likely that
they'll be spotted by BuReloc and invited to stay at the
camp for a while. The kids could get out of it, but they'd
have to convince the agents that they aren't breakingthe law,
they have good parents, they actuallyhave a driver's license but
it's at home, and they really support the government.

If the kids are fast thinkers, they could go to the BuReloctransfer

and processing station on l a r d and Varley. This is where
everyonecaught in a raid gets sorted out. The last busloadof
people leaves here for the camp at around one in the afternoon.

Another course of action involves blackmail. Perhaps some Perhaps the best approach involves a little deception and a
female cybergenners (we don't recommend Tinmen for this) lot of youthful innocence, so it's best to use a twelve- or
can use false accusations of molestation and statutory rape fourteen-year-old punk for this: Go to the camp gate,
against specific BuReloc agents. Leonard Fenton, a petty walking. Tell the guards a tale of a boyfriend or girlfriend
official at the local BuReloc off ice, is a good target for this who, denied the physical attention they desired, dumped
tactic. Along with some falsified video and computer you in the middle of nowhere. Ask to use the phone.Wander
evidence cooked up by the Vidiots and/or the Wizards of the around and ask a lot of questions. Then have an older teammate,
group, these threats could be quite effective, especially in posing as a sibling, come pick you up an hour later.
the new air of moral rigidity being pushed by the CEP. And,
if you're good enough at scanning, you might get what you W e keed a Stan
need just by grilling the nervous target agent face-to-face. Once the cyberkids have
gotten all the information
tf these subtle approaches they can, they need to do
don't work, there's always a something with it. Spider
more direct approach: torture. needs to be broken out,
This is the favored tactic of preferably with Nomad
Goths, Megaviolents, and Santiago and all the other
Trogs. It's a very tricky prisoners as well. How to
proposition, though, and do it?Good question.
certain to involve combat.
This in turn will attract There are as many ways
unwanted attention, and to break out of a camp as
eventually BuReloc AVs. there are cyberkids with
imagination. Tunnels
could be dug, fences
stormed, even airlift
operations with a
hijacked AV could work.
Getting a look at the actual We don't know what your
camp and learning its players will come up
layout is difficult at best. with, but whatever their
There is only one road that plans are, there are
passes by the camp: It's several obstacles that
unpaved and barely two might need to be hurdled.
lanes wide. Worse yet, the
only traffic on the road is
BuReloc-sanctioned,so any
interlopers will not be dealt
with very nicely. This
T here
leaves the players with the options of a fast hit-and-run VCzahgs
reconnaissanceor trekking in overland for twenty miles The first big problem is getting to the camp and, hopefully,
under the hot California sun. Not fun, either choice. getting away again. Two yogangs can be especially helpful
here; the GoGangers and the Tribals.
More mature kids could try to hire on to the construction
company. Sawy kids without a job could probably manage The GoGangers all have bikes, or, in some of the gangs,
to drive in surreptitiously with the rest of the construction cars. They also like to use them, especially in high-speed
personnel, parking the car or bikes among the crowd. If they chases on narrow roads evading the ISA. Carefully balanced
failed, though, they'd be in a much worse situation, what approaches of bribes, promises, and a good sales hype
with BuRelocs and workers all around. Of course, should could garner the cooperation of a GoGang. Of course,
they succeed, they'll have a map of the camp, which could GoGangers being who they are, they might insistthe characters'
make planning a breakout much easier. spokeskidfight their leader, just to prove the raid is a worthwhile


investment of time and fuel. Once convinced, the GoGangers are would say, "That's such an adult approach. Be kids. It's
useful both as transport and extra muscle. supposed to be what you're best at."

The Tribals are another potential asset. This BuReloc camp fsFicnage
is being built in the middle of the Diablo Range, which has As mentioned above, driving along with the morning
been abandoned since the Collapse. Noone even takesthe commute is one good way to get there. So is joining the
roads through there any more, because they are in such ill repair construction company, or stowing away on a BuReloc bus.
(until lately). Now a large, sprawling BuReloc facility threatens to Another option that might be open to the kids is borrowing
plaster itself all over the remains of this wilderness. TheTribals the parents' car. Sure, you've run off and you're out of
are likelyto be displeased.They can help get the characters in touch, but surely you know how to break into your own
towards or away from the camp, using their outdoor survival and house and where your parents keep their keys, right?
orienteering skills. Tribals also make good allies in an attack.
They are all practicedwith bows and coup sticks, which are T h e c;iwick W a y
pretty dam silent in this cybernetic genius-gunage.
The easiest way to get to the camp (and the methodfavored by
the playtest teams) is simply to approach a BuReloc agent, tell
=e Icnies him that you're homeless and need a job, and you'd like to apply
Hijacking and grand theft auto are other popular methods of for the governmentvocational reeducation program. Before you
getting transportation. These unfortunately attract the know it,you'll be on a van headingfor the camp to learn a new
attention of the authorities and are therefore frowned upon trade as a pack mule, hauling boards and nails to your fellow
by the members of the Eden Cabal. As Rache Bartmoss prisoners who have more carpentry experiencethan wu do.
waiting to transport them to safety. The rest of the
cyberkids and the other allies steal a bunch of cars for their
Ilcgangs own getaway, and, if they have time, set up a BuReloc bus
Acquaintances are worth more than just transport. or two as a roadblock to deter pursuit.
Tinkertots and MallBrats can provide needed gear to help
climb over the fences, defeat the electric wire, or who Plan 2 The Quiet Way Out Recruit some GoGangers and
knows what else. Glitterkids and Goldenkids can provide EcoRaiders as mentioned above. Have a cyberkid or two
some cash or manpower (through their groupies). Rocker incarcerated in the camp to find Spider. Send the
Glitterkids or Moshers could provide a great distraction by EcoRaiders in to make a few hideaways in the Diablo
playinga brief gig on a nearby hillock. GoGangers, Megaviolents, Range. Have the GoGangers zoom up the road towards the
Trogs, or others could provide extra kidpower to overcome BuReloc camp and drop the cyberkids as close to the
specific obstacles. Basically,there's a whole city of disaffected camp as possible. At the designated time, the insider kids
youth out there waiting to be employed against the state. take down the generator and the outer team breaks in using
their nanotech abilities -the easiest approachwould be
to have the Tinmen form human ladders, but other options
are available. Gather Spider, Santiago, and anyone else,
As any good BeaverBrat can tell you, a good raid does not and make off into the night. Lie low with the EcoRaiders for
lean too heavily on one aspect. Such dependency makes the a few days before leaving the area.
entire plan much more susceptible to being trashed by a
single mistake. Balance is very important to any plan, and Plan 3: And The Band Played On. Arrange with the
combined arms is the key to a successful assault. One Moshers to hold a gig near the camp, something loud and
strong suggestion, however: Plans based primarily on out- anti-establishment, with some GoGangers on hand to
fighting the BuReloc guards will probablyfail. Get the kids provide a rapid retreat when needed. Send all the
to use their heads, not their adrenaline. Here are four well- characters into the camp, getting themselves arrested one
balanced plans for springing Spider thatcould succeed. by one. Have everyone move through the camp, arranging a
mass break-out. Time the gig so that it goes down at the
Plan 1: Get loud. Recruit some determined EcoRaiders end of the day, when the guards and construction workers
with the promise of being able to strike a blow for freedom are tired from a long day. Once the guards are all distracted
and the defense of nature. Likewise, lure some free-wheeling by the music, have all the inmates hit the fences and hijack
GoGangerswith the promise of a rumble and a fast getaway, the construction workers' cars (or have their own ready
and ma@ some Megaviolents or Streetfighterswith the hidden in the hills) to make their escapes.
opportunityfor a good battle for a great cause.
Plan 4 The Trojan Bus. Infiltrate some cyberkids into the
One innocent-looking cyberkid goes into the camp to seek camp. Recruit some BoardPunks for use later. Recruit some
out Spider Murphy. A snatch team (made up of the StreetFighters, hijack a bus, and send the whole
EcoRaiders and most of the rest of the team) moves in StreetFighter dojang to the front gate in broad daylight as a
stealthily through the Diablo Range with the EcoRaiders sort of Trojan horse. While they're being processed and
leading the way. When they're in position, the GoGangers admitted, the StreetFighters create an incident to distract
(with one or two cyberkids and whatever front-line grunts the guards' attention. At this time, the cyberkids on the
you've scrounged) hit the front gate of the prison with outside pass needed weapons and support equipment
massive mayhem, lobbing Molotovs and doing acrobatics through the back fence to the kids on the inside, perhaps
over the workers' cars. even just raw materials for the Alchemists to transmute.
The kids on the outside wait for a day, and then sneak up to
When the guards are all distracted by the incident out front the camp and start breaking into cars so they'll be ready for
and all the workers are panicking, the snatch team takes a grand exit. Just at closing time, have BoardPunks with
down the fence on the other side of the compound. The kid airboards buzz the guard towers, dropping stun grenades or
inside the camp assists. If he's done his job, he'll also have what have you. When they've got the guards' attention, the
I garnered the help of some of the prisoners inside the camp. fully-armed mob of cyberkids, streetfighters and

The cyberkids gather up Spider and Santiago and zip out the edgerunners on the inside make their break, run to the cars,
front end of the camp to where some GoGangers are

and make a hasty getaway.


there's a kind of invisible perimeter about ten meters BuReloc is so confident that none of the serving utensils
around each bath house where opposite genders are not could be used for mischief that they don't even do more than
allowed. If one ofthe player characters crosses this unmarked cursory accounting. It's possiblethat an inmate could stash away
line, have a guard rough him up and give him or her a hardtime a fair number of these items over the course of a week, though
about security, promiscuity, and the fact that the Carbon Plague the usefulness of such a venture is not obvious.
is an STD. ("Thisis the second and last warning you will receive,
detainee. You are disrupting camp life. If you cannot control your Dormitories: Like the bath houses, the dormitories are split
hormones, we shall control them for you.") by gender. Further, the guards are even more watchful of
opposite-gender inmates straying too near the dormitories
The bath houses are simple latrines and showers, and are than they are about the bath houses. Actually getting caught
not designedfor privacy. There are only the smallest of inside an opposite-gender dorm is grounds for severe
dividers between the toilets, and the shower room is discipline. This of course means that families are split apart,
simply one big open area. This is all a part of BuReloc's a problem BuReloc overcomes by playing on familial ties
program to strip the inmates of their essential humanity. ("Mr. Johnson, if you keep breaking the rules by seeing your
Having to sit on a toilet where everyone heading into or out daughter, we'll have to put you in solitary. And if that
of the showers can see robs a person of their dignity and doesn't stop you, we'll have to put your daughter in solitary,
pride, and without these, an inmate is a lot less likely to instead.") and, later, the Relaxation Booths.
have the energy to escape.
The dorms are open, military-styleonemom affairs, with bunk
The water for the bath houses comes from the water tower beds running along each wall. Like the bath houses, there is no
through underground piping. The waste water drains down privacy. The bunk beds themselves are put together rather well,
through the floorboards and into a large septic tank. The and are made entirely of wood and plastic. The fasteners used
pipelines might be large enough for a young ArcoRunner, are not nails, but wooden dowels and plastic plugs.
but they don't connect to anything else. On the other hand,
they sure wouldn't think you'd hide down there.. . Dumpsters:What can you say? These are typical steel
dumpsters. They're full of garbage, they smell bad, and kids
Dining Hall: This is a shabbily-built building where the love to play in them.
detainees eat. The tables and chairs are made of plastic,
strong enough to hold the prisoners but lightweight enough Front Gate: Made of the same material as the perimeter
that they offer no threat to the guards. The serving bowls fence, this entrance has two independentgates for greater
and plates are likewise light plastic, and the only utensil security. The gate is controlled from inside the nearby guard
the inmates are given to eat with is a spoon with small house. Two guards (sometimesthree or four) are here at all
fork-like tines. These, too, are plastic, and can't cut times. The controls for the gate are not obvious; there's no
anything stronger than the gruel the BuReloc serves. big red button that says, "TO OPEN GATE PRESS THIS."
Thus, to figure out how to open the gate requires a roll of
Electrical Security@ 10, hsic Tech@ 13, or SuburbanNinja
16. Alternatively, you could hot-wire it with Kitbash@ 13, or a
Netrunner or Wizard could do it with Amneor Interface8 10.

Garden: This is where some of the inmates have started

growing their own food. The authorities surreptitiously
endorse this, because it's a focus for creative energies, it
keeps the cost of running the camp down, it lets the inmates
think they're helping themselves, and it puts down roots in
the camp (no pun intended).

Generator: A small brick building housing the emergency

generator, this well-lit little edifice is difficult to break into
(ThiefStuff@ 20 or Suburban Ninja@ 23 to pick the lock on
the steel door). This small power plant is fired up wheneverthe
-3wer supply from the city grids is interrupted.There is a tank of


I t




1 ccBmmlN


CHOOH, in here, enough to power the generatorfor a full day(or
twelve hours with the perimeterfence on full charge).

While the camp is on emergency power, a Bolter could try

to blow the generator by giving it an electrical surge. The
Bolter needs to find some place to zap for this to work. The
most obvious place is the fence, although the Bolter could
even stick his finger in a socket in the headquarters. Roll
six-sided dice equal to the power the Bolter uses to
overcharge the line, and count the number of sixes rolled. If
the number of sixes exceeds three, the emergency power
system goes down.

Guard Barracks: These are typical higher-end barracks,

Infirmary: BuReloc guards who are sick or injured are
each guard sharing a room with one other guard. Each room
medevacked into town. Inmates are sent here. This is a
has two dressers and desks, plus there are a few other
reasonably nice hospital area, considering it's in a
amenities like a small fridge located in the common area of
concentration camp. There are only two patients here at
each floor. Inmates are not allowed in here for any reason.
this time. One is Nomad Santiago, who is finally being
Guards are allowed to fraternize with the inmates in the
campgrounds, but it is a carefully controlled and trained sort of given the rest and care he needs to recover from his several
fraternizing, designed expressly to give the inmatesthe illusion gunshot wounds. The other is a young kid, who is very ill.
that the guards care about them. The barracks have simple locks; Although he only has a bad flu, BuReloc (and Capt. Kaprow)
ThiefStuff@ 15or Suburban Ninja@ 18will break them. is watching him carefully in case he has the Carbon Plague.
Behind a locked door at the far end of the infirmary is the
Guard Towers: These are concrete towers, each equipped nurses' station. The lock can be picked by rolling ThiefStuff
with one guard during daylight hours, or two guards at
@ 18 or Suburban Ninja @ 20. The camp officers and the
night. There is a locked steel door ( ThiefStufia 17 or health staff all have keys. Inside here are a wide variety of
Suburban Ninja@ 20) on the inside wall of the compound. drugs, artificial blood plasma, and assorted medical gear.
Each tower has a searchlight, a net gun to bring down This is one of the few places that sharp steel objects
AeroboardPunks, and a machine gun loaded with rubber (scalpels) can be found. Characters can easily get in here
bullets (fires as Assault rifle on full auto with +I WA). An just by being sick or injured or by escorting someone else
ammo box of real ordnance is stashed in each tower, and the who is. Characters with scrapes and such will be treated
guards can change from rubberto lethal in three rounds. Like all and released. To get admitted as an in-patient requires rolls
the security measures, these are here ostensiblyto protect the of Acting@ 10 or Litt/eAnge/@ 15. Failure to be
detainees-in-trainingfrom maraudingbands of nomads, and in convincing is not good. ("Isee. Your wrist hurts. Can't do
fact, they are used in this capacityfrom time to time. any work. Perhaps a little heat will help. Guard, solitary
confinement for this patient, please.")
Headquarters:This is the nerve center for the BuReloc
guards. Here enterprising characters can find dossiers on all
the inmates, full rules and regulations, plans for the
completion of the camp, personnel files for the BuReloc
guards, inventory lists, and possibly even the payroll. In
addition, there are plenty of personal computers and phone
lines that can be used, and even a personal liquor cabinet in
the CO's office. The front door of the headquarters is
unlocked, and a secretary (with a hidden alarm switch) sits
at the front desk. Her job, aside from typical secretarial
functions, is to take requests and complaints from the
inmates and route them to the appropriate trash can. The
other doors are locked, requiring a key from a guard, or a
roll against Thief Stuff@ 18 or Suburban Ninja @ 20.

Interior Partition: This is just a simple roll of razor-wire basic supervisory stuff and making sure the workers don't
spread across the ground to keep the inmates separate smuggle things to the inmates or talk to them overmuch.
from the construction workers. All the construction workers
have company photo IDS.and a pair of guards at the gap in Parade Ground: This is simply a large, flat, open area
the wire check them as people come and go. A character covered with packed dirt. The inmates are formed up here
could leap over the razor wire by rolling Jock Stuff@ 15 every morning and evening for roll call. Once the inmates are
(suffering one wound for a miss), but they'd likely be broken down, roll call will only occur once per day.
spotted by the guards. Moshers can simply run through the
wire (gettinQa wound) by rollinQ Mush@ 10 (if they miss, Perimeter Fence: This is a large chain-link fence topped
they trip). with razor wire (banned by'the Geneva convention, but
cards hunt perfectly okay for those
(see the Peri
I! pesky civil disputes). The
fence cannot be cut with
but they ai any tools the prisoners
enough that there may have at their disposal,
be gaps. When the although given time and
construction workes go equipment an Alchemist
home, a second roll of or a Tinkertot could make
razor wire is stretched a pair of wire cutters
across here, more sentry (Manipulation@ 12 or
cards are added, and a a
Kitbash 15).
few guards patrol this Alternatively, a Tinman
area regularly. could reform his arms into
cutters (HexiteShapinga
Kitchen: This building is 15 followed by a Strength
not directly connected to Feat @ 10 to cut). The
the dining hall. Instead, fence is electrified,
there is a conveyor (an although to save on
old-fashioned roller kind, power it only carries a
not a mechanized kind) nominal charge most of
onto which the cooks the time (Resist Torture@
load the food and move 10, Mosh @ 12, or
it to the serving line in Berserk or Deathwalk@
the prisoners' dining 15 to ignore). When
hall. The guards, on the problems arise, the fence
other hand, eat in the can be set to full power
kitchen at a small table. from the headquarters or
Since the guards rotate the guardhouse at the
THE "RELAXATION' CENTER front gate. At these times,
their chow times, only a
few are in here at a it is very advisable not to
time. The camp officers are fed in their quarters. They don't touch the wires. If the power is not at full, it takes a roll
usually eat standard camp fare, so poisoning them will be against Jock Stuff@ 18 to get over the coils of razor wire at
more difficult than poisoning the guards. The kitchen, like the top of the fence. Finally, the fence can be battered down.
the other official buildings, is locked (Thief Stuff@ 15 or Each section takes 15 SDP before it goes down.
Suburban Ninja@ 20). The staff and the officers have keys. Alternatively, a press of about twenty people in close ranks
can push over one section. The guards can not be expected
New Construction: These are the areas where the hired to stand by at such moments, however.
help is leveling the earth, setting concrete posts for
building foundations, laying new plumbing lines, and The perimeter fence has Sentry Cards hung on it at 20-meter
erecting additional towers and perimeter fence posts. intervals: V-cards with sensory grid capabilities. Sentry cards
There are a couple of guards in these areas, just doing project an invisible static grid five meters outside the fence;
AT 0 N

they are basically nothing more than over-sized keyboards The Relaxation Center is almost finished. Workers (the hired
designed to detect anyone passing through (JockStuff@ guys, not inmates) are putting in the final touches right
20 to crawl under the static field without setting it off) and now. At the moment, though, the doorknobs have not yet
set off an alarm. Wizards can see the static field if they roll been installed on the heavy steel doors.
Arcane@ 20. In addition, two virtuality guards constantly
patrol the perimeter of the fence. These two guards are
nothing more than an animation passed baton-style from
sentry card to sentry card. They look alert, and they walk
within the static field so that any intruder trying to attack
them activates the sensory grid.

Relaxation Center: This is the most hideous and nefarious

of the BuReloc installations at their retraining camps: a
small warehouse of Relaxation Booths. The building is
equipped with serious security doors between the outside
and the foyer. Half of the interior of the building is filled
with the booths themselves, the other half with coff in-style
sleep mats. Although the booths are designed to look
relaxing, they still look too much like electric chairs for
suspicious cyberpunks.

Each Relaxation Booth is equippedwith neural interface

slap trodes (the type you press on your temples), although
some have regular jacks to take advantage of cyber plugs.
The booths are used for reward; they stimulate the pleasure
center of the inmate's brain. ("We appreciate your Solitary Confinement:These reinforced cells are
mentioningthe escape plans to us, Mr. Saduj. We'll give designed for maximal punishment. They are regular sweat
you an extra half hour in the booths tonight.") boxes in the California sun. There's not quite enough room
to stretch out laying down, so you just have to lean against
A few seconds of this sort of bliss can make a whole day of the wall and bear it. Once they've endured solitary, few
abuse seem worthwhile. Although the inmates are told that 'prisoners ever cause enough problems to go back.
they get an hour of this each day -assuming they work
hard and obey all the rules -they only get about a Supply Building:This houses all the non-tactical supplies
minute's worth. Then the machine sends a narcosis cue, needed by the camp. Soap, linen, dry foods, toilet paper,
and the inmate spends the other 59 minutes sound asleep pens, boot polish, all sorts of merchandise is avaiable here.
as workers pull him out to a mattress. Aside from cutting Some stuff is actually stored, but most is produced by the
costs and allowing greater throughput, this sleep gap also microfactories here. This is also where the camp laundry is
makes it easier for the inmates to adjust from pure pleasure located, but although it's called a laundry, it's more of a
back into the real world. recycling center. Prisonersturn in their old uniforms and get
new ones once a month or so. Since most prisoners have
As can be imagined, this device is very addicting, especially only the clothes they're wearing, they need a new set by
once the controlling computer has learned its way around that time. Of course, until the construction workers are
the inmate's brain a bit and adds extra little impulses and finished, the inmates are allowed to continue wearing their
images to further enhance the experience for the inmate. street clothes. The door has a simple lock (Thief Stuff@ 13
Also, and unknown to all but the camp officers, the or Suburban Ninja@ 16). The cleaning staff and the officers
computer also splices in some subliminal suggestion, have keys, as does the sergeant of the watch each shift.

training a susceptibility into the inmate which can later be
used as a sort of Pav!yvian riot control. One of these Tool House: This is where the construction tools are
associations is made with the color red, and when problems stored. It is securely locked ( ThiefStuffa 18 or Suburban
occur, red lights go on all about the compound, and all the Ninja@ 201, and when the front gate is opened, there are
inmates start slowly calming down. always two people on duty here. The guards here check out
one single tool to each inmate, taking a reading of their bar
code tattoo for each tool checked out. This is stored in a The Lccal~
small computer, which does regular data dumps to the main There are a lot of people around this camp. Some are
computer in the headquarters. Nails and screws are prisoners, others are guards, and the rest are the
produced by microfactories, and only in the exact amount construction workers hired to finish the base work on the
each inmate needs. ("Detainee Phillips, you are to install remainder of the camp. Many workers and guards can be
the paneling on dorm 12. You will need 96 nails every 90 considered cookie-cutter characters. There is little
minutes; come back when you need more. Do not bend the difference between one example and the next, because
nails. Scan here. Next!") BuReloc ensures that this is the case.

Finally, there is a powered The inmates are more

exoskeleton here, which is varied, but there are a lot
used for heavy lifting when of constants between
needed. It's essentially a them, as well. BuReloc
forklift based on the He- has searched each and
Man Linear Frame [STR 27, every one of them for
Dam. Mod. DlC+5, Lift/Cap: drugs and weapons. Full
1350 kg., Carry: 405 kg., -2 cybernetics scans have
to REF while using, also been done, and
Toughness Mod (treat as cyberweapons have all
SP) -7, SDP 25; see been disabled, usually by
Maxiumum Metal if you removing a critical chip or
wish more details]. While wire. Without adequate
designed for manual use, it tools, few if any of these
can also be controlled via accessories can be
neural links, or by your local returned to use, even by a
Wizard (an Arcane Do Your skilled technician.
Thing instruction roll @ 12 I BuReloc has allowed the
every other round to cyberlimbs to retain their
maintain remote control). In basic functionality,
the hands of the kids, it is however. Even though
sure to see some use other this is a little dangerous,
than simple lifting and it allows the inmates to
carrying.. . do their work with
greater efficiency.
There are a variety of tools
which may be checked out. The inmates still wear
Hammers, saws, shovels,
POSITIVE U5E 0IF A N EXO-FRAME their street clothes, and
picks, hoes, and other typical construction and farming tools each one has had a bar
are available. There are no wire cutters available. Electrical code tattooed into (or etched onto) the palm of their right
wires which need trimming (like during the finishing of a hand. They are, as a general rule, beaten down, hopeless,
dormitory) are trimmed by a guard acting as site foreman. and bewildered. Most were poor and struggling when the
Of course, most of the tools available here could be used as hammer fell, and now they've been swept into an entirely
weapons, so BuReloc insists that every one be checked new and bleak existence. Fear is a major factor among most
back in at the end of the day. Failure to do so results in of the inmates, although anger is there as well. If the
solitary confinement for the miscreant, and a full search of cyberkids can tap this anger, so much the better.
the camp until the tool is found. (By the way, inmates who
narc on another inmate's indiscretion are rewarded.) BuReloc Guard
Stats: INT 6, REF 7, TECH 4. CL 6, A l l 5, LK 5, MA 7,
Water Tower: Hey, it's big, it's tall, and it looks like a BODY 7, EMP 5
Martian walker in the dark. Skills: Authority 3, Athletics 3, Awareness 5, Handgun 4,
Human Perception 5, Intimidate 5, Melee: Nightstick 6
Cyber: cyberhand with taser grip, cyberaudio (amplified
hearing, voice stress analyzer, sound editing)
Oulfit: Nelspot Wombat or Militech taser, nightstick,
mirrorshades, sometimes a helmet with a radio link. In
emergencies, they carry Sternmeyer Stakeout 1Os loaded
with rubber bullets and heavy pistols with real ordnance,
and they wear riot armor if they have the time to get it on.

Michael Hughes
Most of the guards are your typical cannon fodder, but there
are exceptions. Take Michael Hughes: A new BuReloc
recruit, this job has been tough on him as he's had to watch
all these people being put through the psychological meat-
grinder. Quicklygrowing disillusioned, Mike has found himself
siding with the prisoners in arguments with his watch supervisor
which has resulted in reprimands and even violent threats from
his fellow guards. Now fearing for his and his family's safety,
Mike will only help the detainess in small ways (no point in
becomingone of them) by getting them some special medicines
and deliveringmessages forthem to the outside world, but he
will not take any obvious chances. A good man caught in a bad
situation, he is worth getting to know since his cooperation could
be vital during any escape attempt. He works the night watch
from 2402- 1COO hours.

Camp Supervisor Teresa Kaprow

Born on the Street, Capt. Kaprow has very little sympathyfor
those who haven't managedto get themselves out of the hole,
and thus she monitors her wards with a fair amount of disdain, if
not outright hatred. She is fascinated by the Cyberevolved,
however, seeing enormous potential in them. If any of the party
are captured or revealed to be Evolved, she will have a well-
monitored talk with them, trying to see if she can recruit them for
BuRelcc or the Raptors (she is bucking for a transfer to CorpSec
and would see such a recruitment as a real feather in her cap). If
they refuse to cooperate, she will regretfully order their deaths. A
cool and handsome older mman, Capt. Kaprow's manner is
always quiet and controlled. She is ordinarily quite efficient, but
the chaos of the new camp has preventedher from getting it
properlyorganized, a fact that irritates her no end. The longer the fie IS theMAN when it comes to getting stuff that they 1
players wait to make a break, however, the more effective camp shouldn't have, like drugs, clothes or medicines, in trade
security will become as she gets things together. from any valuables that they may have left (he has one of
the guards that works with him to smuggle in stuff). This
Steve Negru guy is strictly small-time and would probably be dead in a
The minute you get more than ten people together in prison, minute on the street, but he can be usefull for getting any
you get a Black Market. Well, Steve Negru is the Market in unsual materials the players may need. The bad part is that
this camp (and he insures this by creating trumped up he is also a snitch, and will report whatever he overhearsto the
offenses for any competitors). He is in his mid-thirties, with guards (discreetly, of course).If this ever gets out, his days in the
scraggly hair and a wicked grin. He will approach all the camp will be numbered. Play him as an annoying little power-
characters at one time or the other, letting them know that broker who is due to overplay his hand any day now.


Bill Cole
Once a solo of some repute, Bill has seen it all. In fact, he's
probably seen too much. Failing reflexes and a long streak
of bad luck put him on the street, and BuReloc scooped him
up from there. This last indignity has put him over the edge,
and he now shambles around the camp, a broken and
listless man; the very model of what BuReloc wants from its
detainees. There may still be a spark of fight left in him,
however, if the players can find it. Skilled at unarmed
combat and stealth techniques, Bill only lacks the moti-
vation to become a vital member of any escape attempt. It's
up to the players to find the lever needed to move him;
pehaps appealing to his Edgerunner roots or to some dormant
paternal instinct (GM's call). Use the Exceptional Edgerunner
template on page 189 ofCybergenerationforhim, but make his
REF 7, his Stealth 9, and he will not have any weapons.

Rachel Barson
A complete red herring, Rachel Barson has nothing to do
with anyone. Of course, the similarity of her name to that of
Rache Bartmoss might lead cyberkids to think otherwise.
She's very nice, very compassionate, and very helpful. She
always seems a little flustered, and, horribly enough, she
still believes the BuReloc propaganda. She's homeless,
untrained, and genuinely believes that the only hope she
has is to get some BuReloc vocational training and be able
to land a job and a home somewhere -just like President S.ABILITY IFarnily 8
Whindam says she can on those public service spots on TV.
In short, she's going to backfire on the kids, and even if they
do pull a jailbreak, she'll stay in the camp like a horse returningto DRIVE
a burning bam. Butthat's the price you pay when those in power
and those in the media are one and the same.

There are plenty of other people around of every color and
age. Toss off a few extras whenever you need them, and
give them cursory personalities. Arnold Benes, who seeks
to get himself released by being an informant. Suzie Chong,
a six-year-old rapscallion. Jorge Adrianopolous, going
quietly insane with flashbacks to his incarceration in a
CentAmer POW camp. Shep Ovina, too scared to break the
rules. Chandra Ross, always voicing her objections loudly
and clearly, yet never actually causing troubles.
lVU1 all UI 1IIC pII>Ullclb I l C l r : dlr: I l U l l l aplucl b UUllUlllIJ,

Similarly, the contract workers have a variety of standard folks On top of t'7at, there's a bunch of workers and
personalities available, from the bigot who hates the guards Could be bad if some kid's Final Quarantine
barnacles of society, to the compassionate guy who thinks neighbor fingered her as a runaway wlth the Carbon
the inmates are being helped, to the objector who doesn't Plague On that note: It is unllkely that there are any other
dare try to intervene too much. All of these cameo parts can Cyberevolvedin the camp slnce so few people have been
be drummed up and used as needed, and they help to flesh interned so far Also, any obvious Evolvedwwld have been
out the camp. taken away or killed by now The kids are on their own

T l O N
N a C Y E E R G E N E R

Weapons are not a problem at the front gate, since the

detainees' possessionswere already inventoried at the
processing center and certain items were confiscated "until
their release." New admissions to the camp are given a full
scan for cybernetics (nanotechnologyis not detected by these
scans). In addition, everyone is required to roll up their sleeves
to make sure they are not Tinmen. Of course, this is a new
camp, and most of the guards don't yet really understand the
full implications of the Carbon Plague, so this examination is
easy to fudge your way through. There are even a few guards
at the camp who think the purpose of rolling up the sleeves is
to spot IV drug users. The test can be avoided by rolling a
check against Blend@ 13.

If the guards locate a Tinman with the examination, the victim

will be quarantined in the infirmary. If he persists in being a
troublemaker, he'll be sent to solitary. Regardless, a day or two
after discovery, a CorpSec security van will arrive to take the
kid away. Sure hope they've broken out by then.

Once the kids are inside the gate, they are given a bar code
identification tattoo on the palm of their right hand. Then they
are fed a battery of medicines designed to rid them of any
parasites or communicable diseases. It also makes the inmate
feel somewhat sedated (gee, I wonder why). Then they are
assigned a bunk in one of the dormitories. They are told the
camp rules, which amount to 'do your work and don't cause

Every morning at 0630 hours, the inmates are formed up on the

parade ground for roll. The guards count heads, and if the
numbers don't tally, they go around with portable bar code
scanners and do a person-by-person inventory. Once they find
out who's missing, they pull a typical search while everyone
else sweats out on the parade ground with their stomach
growling. If everyone is accounted for, the CO or his Executive
read the orders of the day, work assignments, and any other
items of interest. Then follows the pledge of allegiance (which
Nigel Hollison does not participate in) and everyone is
dismissed for breakfast.

T l O N
Breakfast generally runs from 0645 to 0720 or so. By 0730, everyone They always move in pairs. The advantages of moving in pairs
is supposed to be at his assignedwork post. Although there are are twofold: It makes it harder to ambush a guard, and it makes
specific orders as to who's supposed to workwhere,the guards it easy for the guards to use the good cop/bad cop routine on
don't much care as long as every job gets its share of workers and the inmates. To further expedite this psywar technique, the
all the projects get completed. Job trading is common among the guards never move too close together, so inmates can always
inmates, and helps to keep the grapevinesand rumor mills approach the 'good' guard without the 'bad' guard overhearing
flourishing. . . . at first.

There is a lunch break, split into

two shifts, one from 1300 to 1330,
and the other from 1330 to 1400. Whether they're inside the camp,
Work continues until 1900, at outside, or both, the characters
which time dinner is served. Once need to come up with a plan of
dinner is over (2000 hours), there's escape. You have the information
a second roll call, after which the now, so turn the characters loose
inmates can work on their gardens and see what they do with it. It's
or relax. Once the camp is in full their show. It's up to you how well
swing, the second roll call may be it works in practice. After all, they'll
canceled and the evening time probably only get one shot.
will be dominated by the
Relaxation Center and a politically Keep in mind, whatever happens,
correct V-Space show. that Nigel Hollison (Don 'Ace'
McLeod)will do everything he can
At this stage in the camp's to try to get Spider. He figures that
development, the inmates are put outside help, possibly kids, will try
to work finishing the additional to spring her. He'll do everything he
dormitories. The hired hands have can to assist and foment unrest, in
poured the foundations and put up hopes of getting near her. He'll
the main structural timbers, watch any kids that show a special
leaving the rest for the prisoners interest in the women of the camp,
to complete. The prisoners have to because he knows Spider's female.
finish the frame, string the He's an intelligent and capdble guy,
electrical lines, do the plumbing, and a worthy addition to any
attach the siding, and finish the escape team. Make sure the
roof. Some are also put to work characters come to this conclusion
making furniture, mainly bunk on their own, so that they'll want to
beds. Still others are ordered to include him.
make adobe bricks for further
housing projects.

Of course, all of these tasks require some skill at carpentry and

such. Inmates without any useful skills are either put to work
digging septic tanks or ditches for the utility lines, or else are
given some rudimentary vocational instruction on the parade
ground during work hours. The authorities are rather intolerant
of those who seem to be slow in learning; they suspect them

Guards are also a regular sight. While patrolling inside the

compound, the guards use the tried-and-true buddy system:
A. T . O N

AT l O N

Bartmoss especially is paranoid of outsiders and will insist gun he's managed to scrounge. That'll toss the whole
that any newcomers be watched. If the players locate and situation right into the fan.
remove Ace's transmitter implant (requires a First Aidroll @
15 to avoid injuring Ace, although they may not care by that If one of the kids fires, or displays a nanotech power, the
point), they can ID it as a nonstandard transmitter. If they guards open up with everything. Their reaction is totally out
destroy it, they will automatically trigger the CorpSec raid of line with any acceptable police norm. This is especially
described below, which will hit within 15 minutes. true if they notice that one of the kids is "an inhuman
mutant subanimal," because they will deliberately hunt
In either of these last two cases, CorpSec sends a team to down the kids and kill them ruthlessly. Ace immediately
arrest Spider and pull Ace out of trouble. These guys fall ducks out and makes his escape as soon as gunfire starts.
like a hammer, but they don't understand that there's more
than a netrunner to be arrested; there's a whole room full of Can Ace Mcleod be turned? It's possible, but it won't be
cyberevolved. easy. He's a lifetime cop, dedicating his entire existence to
fighting wrongs. He supports law and order, and to him
The raid might take place something like this: these are embodied by the ISA. Granted, the cops are, as a
general rule, slowly being disillusioned by the state of the
You're back in the safe house, winding down. Spider and union. More and more are realizing that the ISA is a fascist
Nigel are talking animatedly at the table, discussing the state, with no regard for human rights. These people can be
legal implications of Virtuality. Bartmoss vanished after the turned. With luck and perseverance, perhaps Ace could be
debriefing, and Nomad Santiago lies on the most one of these. It may take years, and it'll be dangerous, but
comfortable matress, snoring quietly. As the adrenaline it's the right thing to do.
starts to wash away entirely, it seems like you've gotten
away clean. Then, just as you begin to joke around, the door And that's what the revolution is all about.
bursts open, splintering on its hinges.

"FREEZE!" bellows an enhanced voice. "CorpSec! No one

move!" Several cyber-enhancedcorporate police slip
through the door and deploy themselves, silenced
submachine guns at the ready.

CorpSec SnatchTeam (number depends on patty size)

Stats: INT 6, REF 9, TECH 5, CL 7, A l l 6, LK 5, M A 9,
Skills: Athletics 7, Authority 5, Awareness 7, Dodge &
Escape 5, First Aid 4, Intimidate 6, Melee: Wolvers 6, SMG
Cyber: Cyberoptics (with infrared, lowlite, smartlink, anti-
dazzle, camera, telescopics, and Times Square), wolvers
Outfit: Metal Gear armor, medium SMGs (one has a
Crusher automatic subshotgun, see Chromebook 1, pg.42),
helmets with voice amplifiers and coaxial microspotlights,
gas masks, assorted gas grenades, striptape binders, one
has a first aid kit, one has a tracker cued to Ace's

What happens? They just want to arrest Spider Murphy and

get Ace back. They don't care about anyone else. They'll
even ask for Don Mcleod by his real name, since they don't
know what he looks like. If no one moves, they grab Spider
and Ace and leave. Of course, if everyone is indecisive,
you can have Nomad Santiago open up viith * f i r h - + n * * n r

R G E N E AI A T m O N

Everyone, it seems, has their own escape from the harsh realities
of the twenty-first century. 'Facers live others' lives, Trogs run
and hide, and Megaviolentsgrab the basest of kicks. But not you.
You experience life in all its harshness, with music as the vehicle.
You are the party animals of 2027, thronging to hear the latest in
head-banging chromatic rock in back alley clubs, abandoned
warehouses, and junkyards. You don't do discos; it's got to be live
music, and it's got to be loud, and it's got to drip with angst and
anger and frustration. You get together, dance and yell and pogo
and scream until the sweat rolls freely down your face, and then
you start to get a little wild.

Your gdboys are generally from the middle- and lower-class ends
of the social spectrum: those Americans who have stress to cope
with, pain to name. Kids from the upper-class and wealthy
families don't have to deal with privation, just boredom and
isolation. They don't even have to toe the line; that 'privilege' falls
to the lower end of the social ladder, your end, and it is to deal
with this that you party so hard. You also have less to lose than
the rich, which makes you much more willing to risk what you
have for the simple pleasures of stage-diving and drinking so
much that you crawl through your own vomit in the gutter. Others
say it's escapism, but you know you're wrestling with your pain
and abuse, facing it down night after night and living life to the
fullest. Just feel the music and listen to the lyrics; they tell it

A,,c1c e a i a n c e
You wear clothes that are rugged and easy to wash (which you
often have to do after a concert, just to get the unidentifiable
matter out). The entire concept behind Mosher fashion is to get
as ugly as possible. Some think this stems from a statement
against modern society, but you know the rule came from the
vileness of modern adult society. Get ugly. They treat you like
misshapen guttersnipes, so you dress the part and give them
what they want. In their face.

Your common outfits include boots (forwading through broken constantly disrupting the corporate drones, and the police have
glass), heavy jeans or fatigues, and a couple of the new Reacti- no grounds to arrest you unless they catch you panhandling. You
meshTMshirts, which you wear open. The Reacti-meshTMshirts bring your music out into the streets with you as well, playing
are perfect for your lifestyle; when out in the cold of the street, bootleg tapes of your favorite groups on your boomboxes as
the mesh closes up for warmth, but it opens up for ventiliation in you move through the crowds. You'd feel isolated without
the compressed heat of a gig. Fortunately, they are available in a your music
variety of bizarre colors and patterns, and their loose fit makes it
easy to hide weapons and drinks. You also wear headbands of Mosher yogangs tend to be geographically organized, simply
various sorts, but the most common type among your goboys is a because it's easier to get together with your friends if they live
cotton mesh band pulled tight, covered with cloisonne pins of within walking distance. Mosher gangs also tend to focus around
your favorite band insignia (yeah, the pins dig into your scalp, but one or two music groups whom they consider the best. This
who the frack cares?).To top it all off, you wear the mandatory championing of bands can lead, in downtown areas where
denim duster or long coat ( but not armored or leather; they're too several Mosher gangs get together, to vicarious wars between
heavy). the gangs, with each playing tapes as loud as possible and
kicking and punching to further their arguments. Despite all the
You're fond of accessories, especially if they clash. The girls wear infighting, you all look on each other as kinfolk, and you'll drop
sickly paisley miniskirts or shredded lingerie over their tights and any pretense of animosity to team up against any outside
combat boots, guys might wear oversized silk boxers over their interference, be it frcm another yogang or from adults.
pants, and everyone wears patches, pins, and other memorabilia
from his favorite bands. Exclusive concert T-shirts can command a 3etcnging
high price among Moshers, but you'd never sell yours. Tattoos Most new Moshers get in by being friends of current Moshers,
(both temporary and permanent)are common as well, with the but you, having just moved here, didn't have it so easy. You
more obvious ones bequeathing the most prestiege. Facial tatoos looked and searched late at night, and you eventually found a
in particular have come to be signs of true dedication to the club and started frequenting it. You went to the gigs, hung out,
Mosher lifestyle, an on-my-face-in-your-face statement, but it pushed a few people around, and slung a stage diver up by his
takes a real hard-core Mosher to get one. heels just to teach him a lesson. You got ugly. raiding your
family's rag bin for some really cranked clothes. Once you
SrrDculto-re blended in, you bought someone a can of Smash, and got the
You are the proud heirs of the head-bangers. punks, and grungers lowdown on a hot new band playing in an abandoned tenement.
of the previous century, a post-modern primitive culture, clannish You showed up to that gig, and you were already in the Moshers.
in nature. Your social life centers around hole-in-the-wall clubs
and basement bars where energetic bands bash out cutting edge Staying involved doesn't require tasks that need to be met or
rock- chromatic, retropunk. and duster. The bands might not be skills that you need to possess; you just have to have contacts. If
skilled, but they have imagination and lots of energy, and they another Mosher will tell you of upcoming gigs, you're in. If not,
speak to your needs. The group identity built by your yogang is keep trying; keep frequenting the clubs. Or carry a boombox in
based heavily on a primal sort of bonding engendered by the public and bang your head against the wall a few times to get
close, sweaty, groping, and often painful physical contact each of their attention. Anyone who really wants to can, and eventually
you undergoes for several hours at each concert, with stage will, be a Mosher.
divers leaping out into the heads of the throng anda few full-blown
brawlsto add a link excitement. It's a very physicalintimacy,fueled by Allies b fcnetvie\S
mob psychologyand driven by the music, and you love it. You have your closest ties with the BoardPunks, who share a
common desire to have fun and get physical. Your two yogangs
You don't pay attention to physical pain. Having someone land on often hang out together; you provide the music and an audience,
your head with combat boots is all just a part of the gig. On the and they give you something to watch and make jokes about. You
other hand, as a stage diver you expect that, on occasion, you also have decent relations with Goths, because they also have an
won't be caught and you'll crash to the floor, possibly breaking appreciation for 'real music', which is to say anything under-
something in the process and having people step on your kidneys ground. (The Goths, by the way. refer to you as 'Frankies', a
until you can crawl out of the crowd. Empty bottles of Smash fly referenceto your 'clumsy Frankenstein physicality.' Fat lot they
into and out of the throng regularly, getting glass underfootand know.) You have no taste for Glitterkids, Mallbrats, or 'Facers, all
keepingthe &hour clinics in business.And it's not a good night unless of whom are too trendy, too upscale, and too wimpy. Although
there are a few good-naturedfist fights to keepthe energy level high. you are generally friendly and gregarious, you give members
of these yogangs a hard time whenever possible. These are
Even outside the concert, you look at life as a big laugh. You'll get the few times that you'll get into a fight and really mean it.
in a scrum at the drop of a hat, sling your fists for a few minutes, Although you annoy the police and corporations, these
and then laugh it off. Since 'personal combat' is legal in the authorities largely ignore you as mostly harmless. They have
States, you can do this repeatedly, getting some practice and bigger fish to fry.
Base: sober
Chester: as a verb, projectilevomiting; as a noun, a social faux
pas, a nerd
Cranked really ugly or disgusting (generally a compliment)
Grainy: exceptionally emotional or loud
P i t cool, hard-core, popular
Serum: fight
Throw down: to play music, to have sex
White: horribly drunk or under the influence

Z \!csh !SOD?!
G A ~Ski'/:
In Mosher parlance, to mosh is to do something really daring or
reckless. Your parents would probably refer to it as being stupid
or suicidal, but hey, they're punchinga clock and you're having
fun down in the old junkyard, right? Stage-diving is moshing. So is
banging your head against the wall, drinking until you're blind,
and leaping onto a moving semi. Basically, moshing is any act
which proves you don't really care. Live, die, it's all the same,
right? I mean, what have your corporate-suckingparents given
you to live for, anyway?With yaur Mosh skill, you can ignore the
fears and hesitationsthat plague most normal boring people. You
can ignore the shrieks of pain of your bones and tendons. After
all, that's what you do, night after night at the gigs. Wanna
stage-dive?Piece of cake (Average) Open that bottle with your
teeth? No problem (Easy). Need to leap from the tenement roof to
catch that hot-water pipe one floor down and twelve feet out?
What the heck (Very Difficult). Ignore your fractured jaw while
you try to talk your way out of an arrest?It's second natureto you
(Difficult). Some yogangers say the things you do seem
impossible, but that's just because they let themselves believe it.

Some examples of using the Mosh skill:

Combat Dance: using the head butt (1D6)and body smash (103)
as a martial art (can subsitute for Streetfighting skill in a brawl).
Ignore impact damage. blunt trauma damage halved on a
successful roll.
Stay awake for days (equal to 1/2 Moshskill level).
Eat almost anything non-fatal(but not necssarily posionous)
without puking on a successful roll.
Ignore Stun/Shock rolls on a successful roll.

f "cu'ie a \!csher,
1) Tell me your age, name, and sex.
2) Describe what you look like.
3) Besides the V-trodes you miraculously haven't lost, pick four
different things from the list below that you are currentlycarrying:
A portablemusic chip player with earphones.
A beat-up compact disk boom box radio.

A dozen bootleg chips, tapes, or CDs (your choice of music),
Mega-WMspikedleathergloves (1D6).
A first aid kit.
A small bottle of your favorite libation in a hip flask,
Heavy peacoat, trenchcoat, or duster (SP5).


ArcoRunnersare Trogs who don't have the guts to give up their

feather bed or the courage to spend the night alone in a cold
sewer line. Trog subculture is geared expressly to survival outside
of society. Not away from society like the EcoRaiders, but
outside, looking in. You live like parasites, bleeding the surface
world of the birthright your parents sold away. Living as you do
among the leeches and mosquitoes, one might think you wouldn't
The corporations are the America of tomorrow, or at least that's be proud to be a parasite, but you recognizethe nobility of
what they tell you. You believe they are the dawn of the bleakest sapping the strength of a corrupt system, getting your perks
days since the Collapse.They are the future, and you want to without selling yourself. You constantly train to survive in the
have no part of it. In fact, you want no part of the present, either. worst of situations, because you know when everyone else has
That's why you're a Trog. You've abandonedthe corporate- fallen before the corporate juggernaut, the Trogs will still be
controlled streets and sought refuge underground, biding your there, underground where adults fear to tread. They will never
time among the storm drains and sewer lines beneath the city eliminate you.
streets. Sometimes you even launch raids above ground, just to
keep the enemy on their toes. Darkness is your blanket and fear is Some of the Trogs still maintain contact with the surface world.
your ally, becausethe deadguys and zombie girls don't like trying You realize that this is a necessity; you can't be a true parasite
to chase you through your natural habitat. You have too many without knowledge of your host. This keeps you informed of the
surprises waiting goings-on on the surface world, and gives you advanced notice of
any potential threats or allies. There are other advantages to
scamming the surface world, too. It's the only place to get a good
WhatYcu L c c k Like education, it keeps you up-to-date on technology, and it makes it
As a Trog, you believe functionality is more important than much easier to garner supplies for the rest of the Trogs. The other
appearance, although you'll try to get both. Jungle boots and tabi Trogs, the ones who don't put on the facade of living within adult
boots are common amongst your goboys, although some older society, also occasionally make raids into the streets, either to
Trogs go in bare feet. Sneakersand boots without adequate assassinate someone, kidnap someone, steal something, or just
drainage are never seen. Your clothes tend towards the nylon and cause some destruction. You make these raids almost always at
polyester. because those hold less water than cotton. Other Trogs night, because darkness is your friend.
wear plastic or wool, but most agree that plastic is too hot and
wool too heavywhen it gets soaked. Trog subculture is woven around the concepts of individuality and
dedication, and you wouldn't have it any other way. You're
You wear long pants and a long-sleevedshirt like most of the expected to be able to go it on your own, but at the same time
other Trogs. Some Trogs wear shorts or tank tops, but they're you expect to be able to rely unfailingly on the other Trogs. There
usually the older ones that have become acclimated to the colder is no theft of any sort, not even borrowing without asking, within
temperature below ground and whose skin is covered by a Trog subculture. Neither is there lying, evasion, or other unethical
uniform layer of subcutaneous fat. Whatever you wear, it's sure activity. The Trog Code is stricter than it is for any other yogang.
to be loose-fitting, both to allow you some freedom of movement and any Trog who breaks it will find himself at the business end
should you get hung up on a protruding spike and to give you a of your boot with his face underwater. Trogs are survivors, and
more nebulous appearance. And, of course, you've got your there is no place for envy, jealousy, or infighting in your world.
duster, pea coat, or rain jacket to top it all off. The best coats are The flip side of this is that Trogs are colder (emotionally speaking)
the over-sizedones that reach almost to the ground. than most other yogang subcultures. This is a necessav
byproduct of being survivors, because in your mind emotional
All your clothes are in darker colors: blood red, black, brown, or attachments are a weakness that can be exploited by those who

deep blue. The colors blend in well with the lines, and stand out crawl on the surface world depending on the sun to give them the
in stark contrast to your pale Trog skin. And hair? Who needs energy they cannot find within themselves.
hair? It gets in your eyes and itches when it gets too dirty, so you
just shave it all off. All the better that it helps give you the image You do have dealingswith the otheryogangs, however.They bringyou
of a subterranean monster. So does your scarcity of gizmos. You suppliesand information, and you lendthem your expertise in the
carry some gear to be sure, but as a general rule, you know you underworld.You knowyour way through the sewers andthe
should be able to survive underground with nothing to help you. subbasementsof the office buildingsandapartments,andyou can
No crutch. Crutches are for the weak, which is why society sold smuggleanythingyou want for dozensof mileswithout ever seeing
itself out to the corporations. the light of day. Drugs,weapons, bootlegCDs, even the kids
themselves, you've smuggled it all. The other yogangers mighttreat
LSrrDcrrttw-e you like the livingdead, but when they needp u r services.they come
Many people view your yogang as a degenerate offshoot of the crawling, and if they're going to crawl, you makesure they do it
ArcoRunners. Personally,you think that's a load of drek. through the sleaziest, smelliest linesyou know.
gefcnging Gang Skill: SFelunking <!LT.l
You take pride in the fact that being a Trog was not something Despite the name you and your goboys give to your lifestyle,
you learned, but something you were born. With Trog society you have more in common with the Tunnel Rats of Viet Nam
almost exclusively underground, you knew there was no way to and Central America than with any candy-assed nature-pining
walk up and ask to join. You had to prove yourself to them, and cave hobblers. You know how the sewer lines and catacombs
you wouldn't have it any other way. First you figured olit how to run, you know the network of tunnels and how and where they
lever up one of the manhole covers scattered about town, or else connect with the hated surface world. You know a bit about
how to slither your way down a storm drain. You learned quickly how to dig, reinforce, and collapse tunnels. You know how to
what to wear, how to move, and what smells meant what. You survive, even if the deadboys pump nerve gas into the lines. But
explored the lines near your house, working ever deeper into the most important, as a Trog, you just know. Spending most of
stygian tunnels. your time under-ground, you just have that sense, that feeling
when someone's there in the darkness, when a corporate
Perhaps you met some Trogs running the lines; perhaps you even assassin has snuck in and is about to open up with his genie
laid a mock ambush for them, adding a little zest to their day with gun. You don't know what it is: maybe your hearing, maybe
bottle rockets or firecrackers. Perhapsthey found you, leaping out ESP, maybe the hairs on your skin, maybe even the tunnels
of the darkness while you felt your way by hand down the lines. themselves talking to you. You just know that inside the sewers
Or perhaps you found one of their lairs, large roomy areas where (and, rarely, in small rooms or hallways), it works. In these
the Trogs rendezvous: the Spa, Primal Rex, the Warbasin. Many dangerous times, that's reason enough to avoid the streets.
Trog lairs are even well known above ground. However you found Orienteering below the city streets is Easy for you, digging new
the Trogs, they took you in. Just the fact that you were down lines is Average difficulty, and finding a way into a
there on your own was good enough for them. They spent the subbasement is Difficult at best. Sensing an enemy lurking in
time teaching you the ropes, the feel of the lines, and their the dark might be Difficult if it's a typical guard, but Arasaka
philosophy of survival. And then, when everyone thought you operatives and inanimate booby-traps are Very Difficult to
knew what was going on, they left you alone. You wouldn't have detect on the best of days.
it any other way.
Some examplesof using your Spelunking skill:
Allies f Enemies Danaer Sense: know if there is someone in the room or tunnel
You have contacts with the ArcoRunners, who are at least of within 25 meters on successful roll.
similar mind. You keep in touch with the Vidiots, because some Detect gas or other airborne poisons on a successful roll.
interestingthings find their way into the sewers, and also with Hear things or sense vibrations through floors and walls on a
the BoardPunks, who sometimes have need of you to help successful roll.
transport goods. On the other hand, there are a lot of yogangs on Stare down rats and large sewer alligators on a successful roll.
your black list. Goldenkids,Glitterkids, BeaverBrats, Rads, 'Facers, Orient yourself to aboveground landmarks and streets while in
and anyone else who has sold out is absolutely not trusted, and tunnels with a successful roll.
the most visible members of these gangs are the targets of your Track others through tunnels (Spelunkingvs. Stealth skill).
above ground attacks. Of course, your most hated enemies are
the corporations and politicians. The feeling is mutual, since the !F Ycu're a TI-ca:
powers that be don't like the creepy feeling they get knowing that 1) Tell me your name, age, and sex.
borderline psychotic kids are crawling through the sewers and 2) Describe what you look like.
subbasements of the city. The only yogang you have good 3) Besides the V-trodes you pulled off a victim, pick four different
relations with are the Goths, but since you are both pale, cold- things from the list below that you are currently carrying:
hearted monster-types, your relationship could hardly be called High-power slingshot with 50 lead slugs (does 106).
friendly. It's just not strained. Barbedforked spear (for catching rats; does 206 because of the
extra ripping damage done by the barbs).
~ SlCWIg Light leather armor (SP 10).
Burk as a noun, Trog who breaks the rules; as a verb, to double- Acetylene lamp with 8 hours' fuel.
cross or do severe damage Pack of 10 microflashes (toothpick-sized flashlights).
Creeze: general purpose expletive Combat harness with miscellaneous suwival gear (hammock,
Flyrunning: going up into the streets on a raid or recon pocket knife, etc.).
line: any tunnel Breather maskwith ten minutes' air.
Muffin: surface-dweller, so named for their tan and their squishy Snorkel and goggles.
Scumming: living in the surface world as one of the muffins
Troghole: manhole
Whindam: corpse found in the lines; corporate security or police


Ace netrunnerspider Murphy is missing, and Rache
Bartmoss, the schizophrenic spiritual leader of the

D a p t h e liberation of the disenfranchised from

the clutches of the Cdrporate State.


Bastille Day is an introductory adventure for ,

Cybergeneration. Inside is everything you need

to let your characters help bring light to a dark
future, including:
0 A full free-form adventure putting the kids toe- I
to-toe with an oppressive federal government
0 A full, detailed map of your friendly neighbor-
hood concentration camp. I ,
0 Two new yogangs, the Moshers and the Trogs. 1

(Betcha can't wait to party with 'em!)

0 Loads of hints, advice and tactical no
players and gamemasters alike. i
4 0 Spider Murphy's real name! (Ooooh!)

. N . D V E N T U R E F O R
' CP 3261
ISBN# 0-93721s-141-2 I
.. (CaPydgW19q R. T a d n &mas Al Rg i hts flesewed. Bastille Day
& cyhr_gcnrrafiino are R. Tatmian's tmdemadi name fur its gmr
4th darkfutum. Cytmgmmtio~~~ is a tmdemah of R.Tdsarkn
Games Inc. Al Rights Rasamd.All incidents, sbtions, and penem
I portrayed within am ficfiond andany rimikrhy,withw d d c
. i-ta Ehurctmt IMngordmd isrMctlycoiaddrRM.

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