Term Paper On Mutual Fund of Bangladesh: Course Title: Investment Management Course No: FIN4705
Term Paper On Mutual Fund of Bangladesh: Course Title: Investment Management Course No: FIN4705
Term Paper On Mutual Fund of Bangladesh: Course Title: Investment Management Course No: FIN4705
Mutual Fund of Bangladesh
Submitted To:
Dr. Md. Shahidul Islam Zahid
Associate Professor
Submitted By:
Shakil Ahamed Pasha (B18231083)
Abdullah Al Amin Mubin (B18231089)
Saif Mahmud Ishtiak (B18231077)
Ali Jehad Khan (B18231054)
A S M Fahim Morshed (B18231066)
Dear Sir,
We have prepared our final term paper of “FIN4705” course on “Mutual Fund of Bangladesh”,
which we are submitting with this letter. It was an energizing experience working in such an
activity. We are confident that, this term paper will help you to understand the overall
knowledge of Mutual Fund. We have tried our best to follow your guidelines in preparing this
paper. We have presented what we do believe to be most important information to make this
term paper as specific & coherent as possible.
We expect that this report will fulfill your requirements. Thank you for your kind
consideration and guidance. We hope our effort would satisfy you.
Sincerely yours,
A mutual fund is a professionally managed investment vehicle that consists of a pool of funds
collected from a number of individuals for the purpose of investing in securities such as equities,
bonds, money market instruments, and other similar assets. The mutual fund industry in
Bangladesh is discussed in this research which includes topics like mutual fund types, situation of
mutual funds sector, and factors behind the unpleasant situation of the mutual funds of Bangladesh
etc. Finally, several recommendations are made for enhancing this sector's performance in
Chapter 1: Introduction
A mutual fund is one of the different types of investment instruments which a developed capital
market consists of. But in case of Bangladesh’s capital market, the share of mutual funds is very
low. Our market is mostly equity based and a little scope is found for introducing any type of new
financial instrument. This is the reason for which a rapid development has not occurred in the
mutual fund sector in Bangladesh at all. When it’s about an undiversified market mutual fund has
the ability to be a good investment alternative. Risk averse mentality is found in the minds of the
retail investors. We know from a financial theory that if we diversify investment, it reduces risk.
General people of Bangladesh have not have the time, resources as well as expertise to decide on
this diversification. This problem can easily be solved through mutual funds. By this process
investors can gain the access to the opportunities of investment which would not be available to
them for their limited resources and knowledge. Through mutual funds savings are pooled up for
a greater number of investors and they can they can invest in a variety of securities. So it has
emerged as one of the best in terms of variety, diversification, flexibility, tax benefits and also as
3. To lessen the gap between the theoretical and practical knowledge of it.
1.3 Methodology:
Secondary data has been used throughout the paper. All the data have been collected from
various articles, websites, journals, and published reports.
an open-end scheme. Close-end funds IFIL Islamic Mutual Fund 1 and AIBL 1st Islamic Mutual
Fund are the two names from the other Islamic MFs.
There is no predetermined maturity period for open ended funds. These are available for
subscription and can be exchanged at any time during the year. The transaction takes place at the
NAV (Net Asset Value) pricing. Because there are no constraints on the amount of shares that can
be issued, liquidity is a key aspect of these funds. Currently, there are 66 open end mutual funds
listed in the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE). All the funds and their respective asset management
companies are listed as follows:
14 IDLC Asset Management Shariah Fund 50.00 Crore
37 HFAML Unit Fund 50.00 crore
59 ICB AMCL Islamic Unit Fund 20 crore
Chapter 4: Closed-end mutual funds
Currently, there are 37 closed end mutual funds listed in the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE). These
funds are managed by 9 asset management companies, RACE and ICB AMCL asset management
companies having the most number of funds (10 each). All the funds and their respective asset
management companies are listed as follows:
Asian Tiger Sandhani Life Growth Fund Asian Tiger
Vanguard AML BD Finance Mutual Fund One VAML
Vanguard AML Rupali Bank Balanced Fund VAML
NLI First Mutual Fund VIPB
Southeast Bank 1st Mutual Fund VIPB
DBH First Mutual Fund LR Global
Chapter 5: Current situation of the mutual funds sector of
EXIM1STMF - - 2.90%
VAMLBDMF1 - 7.98% 10.50%
Chapter 6: Reasons behind the setbacks of the mutual fund sector
There are certain reasons behind the setbacks of the mutual fund sector is DSE are identified and
they are discussing below1)
6.1. Managers inefficiency
Managers are not efficient enough to facilitate better returns and there is absence of integrity. It
has been reported that managers fail to pick up the undervalued and overvalued stock at proper
time. There are 3 types of pick up style- value, growth and hybrid. Frequent changing of styles, is
a reason behind the poor performance of the mutual funds.
It has been reported that fund managers don’t provide disclosures timely. In most cases, they’re
unwilling to disclose their activities. Rules and regulations are flexible for open ended mutual
funds and here managers generally provide less disclosures. If there were little to no lack of
communication, investors would’ve pushed managers to improve their performances.
quite difficult to do well in this sector. Many fund managers don’t follow the rules and regulations
of the mutual fund operation and BSEC is not taken care of.
6.9. Unskilled Human resource
It is observed that not every fund management team is skilled enough. There are few skilled people
in the team who have good knowledge about the market and know the rule and regulations
regarding the mutual fund. Poor performing mutual funds have this problem. Unskilled human
resource is a barrier to good performance...
Chapter 7: Recommendations
The overall performance of mutual funds in Bangladesh is not satisfactory. Mutual funds have
substantial contribution tl the GDP in market capitalization of most nations of the world. But in
Bangladesh it’s not well taken care of. To improve this situation and bring back investors’
confidence, the following rules can be followed.
Chapter 8: Conclusions
Through expert asset management, investors can acquire a diverse portfolio for a low transaction or running
cost by acquiring a single unit of mutual fund. It protects them from a variety of restrictions that apply to
specific investment conditions. Not only is the fund's dividend income tax-free up to a certain point, but
investing in the fund also qualifies for an investment tax credit. They also have the advantage of buying
equities on the Primary Market by default.
Mutual funds have helped to extend the basis of the country's capital market, notwithstanding their limited
size. Growth mutual funds are supposed to provide the following benefits: Diversification, market timing,
and selectivity are all important factors to consider. However, in the long-run, mutual funds’ performance
will be closely related to the performance of the economy in general and the capital market in particular.
Lack of solid corporate governance in publicly traded corporations, accounting and auditing profession
responsibility, and fund managers' professionalism and honesty are all important obstacles to mutual funds'
success. If these challenges are resolved, Bangladesh's mutual fund business can bring value to investors
while also reducing the capital market's over-reliance on the banking sector.
Chapter 9: References