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Telepatia, ESP, Podświadomość - Tech. Ang

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Clairsentience (also know as psychometry) is the ability to hold an object or touch someone and sense the energy surrounding that person, place or
thing. A clairsentient is an individual who is empathetic and senses energies. Energies can be light or heavy, smooth or abrasive, prickly or gentle,
peaceful and airy or ‘good or bad’. For example, when sensing a negative situation a clairsentient may feel sick, while a positive experience may feel
like butterflies in the stomach, or a sense of feeling safe, peaceful and light. Learning to discern positive and negative energies can make all the
difference when making decisions in life. Spiritual advisors and counselors use clairsentience to feel and sense the information and thought-
forms in energy fields. The information about the nature of energies is revealed in colors, lightness, darkness, or emotions such as joy or sadness.
Sometimes clairsentients experience a sense of movement or stillness, relaying past, present and future life events. This ability is known to be
essential for healers, counselors and therapists, or anyone who works with people - especially a psychic or spiritual advisor.
We are all born with this particular psychic ability. It’s learning to regulate and protect the gift of sensing moods and emotions that’s the tricky part!
Aside from being honest and naïve, as children we are very open and tuned into the psychic world. As we grow older and experience life, to avoid
trauma or negative experiences, we develop a ‘thick skin’, sheltering ourselves as we begin to interact with people other than the familiar circle of
family and friends. These psychic gifts are often unconsciously left on the shelf, but fortunately they can be restored later life through spiritual
development or during life-altering experiences. To use clairsentience for yourself, or improve your connection with Psychic Source
advisors who can use this gift on your behalf, it is important to ‘listen’ to your internal feelings, impressions and sensations. Be aware of and
communicate the physical and emotional responses from your ‘gut’ instincts. By using clairsentience you can make sound decisions in all facets of
life from love and relationships to career and spiritual development.
Clairsentience Introduction
Clairsentience is the discipline of extending or projecting one’s senses beyond the physical body.There are essentially only two varieties of
Clairsentience: Sense Extension and Sense Projection. In its Latent form, clairsentience manifests as brief smells, sounds, or sights. These sensations
are either just out of normal sensory range (such as just around a corner or on the other side of a door, or just over a hilltop), or are connected in some
very familiar way to the psychic. A psychic child, for example, might "overhear" his mother talking about him while she is visiting a neighbor, for
example, or might "just know" that his older brother was hiding up in the hayloft, without ever seeing or hearing him. This kind of "sixth sense" is
often confused with latent manifestations of ESP, since the two are often indistinguishable to inexperienced latent psychics. The two are very
different in actuality. ESP is an added "sense" which manifests, especially among latent psychics, as an intrusion onto the normal physical senses.
Clairsentience will not detect anything that the psychic’s normal senses would not detect if the psychic were present at another location. For
example, a blind man cannot see using Clairsentience, because he lacks the sense of sight. He could hear using Clairsentience, however, so long as
he wasn't deaf as well.
Sense Extension Sense Extension is the ability to extend one’s senses a short distance from one’s body in order to overcome some barrier to normal
sensing. In order to use Sense Extension, only barriers to sensing other than distance may limit the psychic. For example, a psychic is hiding behind a
door. By using Sense Extension, the psychic can see what is on the other side of the door, or even what is in the next room or on the next floor,
because if the intervening door, walls, or ceiling/floor were not in the way, the psychic would be able to see that far. The senses of hearing, smell, and
even touch can be similarly extended (although extending the sense of touch has a much more limited application - feeling the texture and shape of
something without removing the covering or wrapping, for example).
Sense Extension: Default Difficulty Routine (4)
Marginal Success : The psychic may extend one sense anywhere within the Primary Zone.
Complete Success : The psychic may extend one sense anywhere within the Secondary Zone.
Superior Success : The psychic may extend one sense anywhere within normal sensory distance.
Extraordinary Success : The psychic may extend up to two senses anywhere within normal sensory distance.
Mythic Success : The psychic may extend up to three senses (typically sight, hearing, and smell) anywhere within normal sensory distance.
Clairsentience Experiencing other realities or entites through one or more of the five senses.
Examples A tickling sensation on the hand or face during meditation. A pressure on the top of the head when talking or connecting with a Spirit.
Hairs on the back of the neck standing on end when a spirit is near. A sensation in the left side of the face when talking with spirit. A floral
smell...like gardenias. Funny how smokers - especially cigar smokers - can be experienced as spirits by the smell of a "good cigar"! A movement as
a flick of white, purple, or blue light. Seeing shadows in the periphery of your field of vision.
Sense Projection
Sense Projection is the ability to project one’s senses far away from one’s body. In order to do so, the psychic must meet one of two criteria. The
psychic must be very familiar with a specific location, or must be very familiar with a specific person or object. If the psychic can locate a person
using ESP, the difficulty for using Sense Projection is reduced by one for each level of success above Marginal on the ESP trial.
Once the psychic has projected her senses to a location, she can sense things as if she were actually present at that location, subject to the limits
imposed by the Degree of Success she attains. With higher degrees of success come increasing clarity of sensation and control over perception.
Use of Sense Projection requires the psychic to make a Fatigue Trial with a difficulty equal to the difficulty of the Sense Projection Trial.
Sense Projection
Default Difficulty Moderate (9)
Marginal Success : The psychic may project her senses to any familiar location, object, or person, but the resulting sensory impressions are very
vague and blurry.
Complete Success : The psychic may project her senses to any familiar location, object, or person, but the resulting sensory impressions are generally
vague and blurry. Up to one sense will be slightly clearer.
Superior Success : The psychic may project her senses to any familiar location, object, or person. The resulting sensory impressions are generally
vague, except for one sense, which will be very clear.
Extraordinary Success : The psychic may project her senses to any familiar location, object, or person. The resulting sensory impressions are
somewhat blurry, except for two senses, which will be very clear.
Mythic Success The psychic may project her senses to any familiar location, object, or person. The resulting sensory impressions are clear.
Exercise In Clairsentient New Technique
This exercise is more likely to work for people who tend to be sensitive physically and emotionally: for 'feeling people'. If you are more visual you
may not feel the energy, but you can visualize it. Likewise if you are more of an auditory person you may wish to make internal / external sounds to
accompany your exercises.
Stage 1 Center yourself. Gather your energies into your body. Feel your energy throughout your body. Collect your thoughts.
Stage 2 hold your palms as if praying, but instead of touching, hold them an inch or two apart. Stay with this. One day you will sense like a
magnetism between your hands. When you do, start to move your hands wider apart, as if clapping in slow motion but without hands touching.
Imagine a ball of light is growing in between your hands.
Stage 3 Once you can feel energy in your hands try to move your palms and fingers nearer a light object, which has little friction, so it can move
freely. eg. Psi-wheel or toothpick floating in water Experiment with different hand positions and different fingers and finger combinations.
Stage 4 Once you have attained a certain degree of success, start to move hands further and further away from the object and even put your hands
down, and attempt to move the object with only your subconscious mind / aura / will.
Your conscious mind does not do telekinesis. Have an intention, but saying internally move, spin, pull, push etc. doesn't really help. Bring your mind
home, and then place it on the object. To make it spin: if you tend to be a feeling person: feel everything spinning As much as possible stay with the
feeling of energy, as in the electro-magnetic / bio-energy / aura
Stage 5 Take a break. Do something unrelated. This aids learning as well as reduces chances of overdoing it.
Dimensional Travel
Introduction Dimensional travel is the ability to move through the dimensional plains of existence along the vertical time line via the hara line or
porthole technology and it is known by the wingmaker that the universe is made up of a twelve dimensions and it is due to universal nature of
elliptical time structure as it over laps the past and present time lines and knowing this the wingmaker can open portholes or move along the vertical
time line that runs along the human channel know as the hara line and view the events of one or all of the twelve dimensions of the universe.
Becoming Multidimensional Human Beings As we reach the exasperation point of our material societies, humanity is swinging towards a renewed
spirituality. We are recognizing how we exist on many levels of consciousness, and how we transmit and receive thoughts - the basis of all energy.
The conference will focus upon the power of thought, transmission of thought throughout the universe, thought as the fundamental energy of the
universe, and how thought manifests in matter.
The Physical Dimension The Physical Dimension of well being for an adult includes all aspects of keeping your body functioning at its maximum
capacity over the entire life span; delaying the onset of disease or dysfunction until the last stages of life is the ultimate goal. Exercise, nutrition,
weight management, self care habits, stress reduction, sleep, and prevention behaviors all contribute to keeping the body moving adequately to fulfill
its daily requirements. Physical wellness enables us to remain independent and stay fully engaged in a movement oriented, lifestyle integrating social,
vocational, and environmental tasks.
The Environmental Dimension
Environmental well being encompasses acknowledging the interdependence between man and the earth and other living beings. Maintaining and
replenishing the resources we need to support current and future life is the goal. Caring for the animals and places that are entrusted to you in a way
that ensures continued viability for all life forms demonstrates environmental maturity. Designing work and play spaces that enable full healthful
function while maximizing usability is desirable. Cultivating an appreciation for the beauty found in nature and surrounding yourself with
rejuvenating, comforting, and affirming places and people contributes to your ability to refresh and revitalize yourself and enhance full capacity
wellness capabilities.
The Intellectual Dimension
Intellectual well being for adults involves embracing lifetime learning. The realization that learning doesn't end once you have completed a formal
education is key to growing and changing in order to continually respond to the world around us. Maintaining a sense of wonder and curiosity and
staying intellectually stimulated helps sustain a vital existence long into the life span. There is a constant human need and desire to be creative and
innovative. Also, a constant need to explore new and exciting subjects to expand our collective knowledge of our environment and of the unknown.
Finding a way to express these qualities is life affirming. Using knowledge effectively in all aspects in your life, with friends or family, in work or
volunteer efforts is a never ending process. An intellectually mature person seeks to discover and understand many divergent points of view, even if
they conflict, in order to develop an informed personal point of view. Acquiring new skills, developing new ideas, having the ability to interpret and
articulate what you think about what you've learned contributes to being intellectually well.
The Social Dimension
The social dimension for adults includes being able to create and sustain relationships with, family, friends, peers, and acquaintances over time.
Developing appropriate levels of intimacy within those relationships is key for establishing mutual nurturing, feelings of support, camaraderie, and
friendship. These are the things that sustain us through life, in good times, and bad. Exhibiting an awareness that relationships are dynamic and
changing things, that many interests are involved and that successful relationships often call for compromise can help establish trust in a mutual
benefit, a ground stone of intimacy. Having the ability to communicate well, address issues that invariably arise within relationships and being able to
work through them with friends, family, or significant others represents maturing social behavior. Accepting and giving support, nurturing others as
well as letting other people support and care for you can also demonstrate social maturity. Also, realizing that there is a legitimate need for fun and
leisure time to reconnect with people, recharge the psyche, and invigorate the spirit is very important for our social well being.
The Emotional Dimension
Emotional well being for adults includes experiencing and expressing a wide range of feelings, developing abilities to cope with life's occurrences
through giving and receiving support and learning to trust and rely on ones ability to deal with any situation. Emotional maturity allows us to develop
meaningful connections with other beings and to acknowledge a level of interdependence. Emotional balance allows for diverse reactions to life
events while maintaining an ability to function within cultural societies. Emotional wellness enables us to live fully engaged lives that can be shared
intimately with others who are important to us.
The Vocational Dimension
Vocational well being for adults includes being able to identify your skills, abilities, and interests in order to incorporate them into your life's work.
Being willing to continually learn and explore many career options keeps you flexible and able to respond to different economic cycles. Becoming a
lifelong learner opens new possibilities for finding talents, interests, and passions that may develop into a career. Being able to work at a job that you
feel passionate about enables you to obtain a higher job satisfaction. Putting your skills and abilities to use, you gain a sense of purpose and meaning
and enrich your life. A vocationally mature person seeks to find a healthy balance between social and work life and has examined many different
interpretations of success to define what it may mean for him or herself. A vocationally well person sets goals and outlines ways to attain them.
The Spiritual Dimension
Spiritual well being for adults involves reflecting upon what inspires and motivates each individual intrinsically. Spiritual wellness encompasses
exploring the meanings found in life and uncovering truths, as each person knows them to be. Spirituality is highly individual and can be expressed in
many ways. The wellness journey is about discovering how you choose to explore and express your individual self. Often times this journey
involves questioning existence, connecting with people and animals in meaningful ways, developing relationships of faith, sharing ones beliefs, and
exchanging energy through thought and deed with other entities within the Universe. Spiritual maturity enables us to find a peaceful co-existence
with others who do not share our belief systems. Spiritual commitment encourages us to look for common threads in our beliefs and to celebrate
what joins us. Spiritual well being enables us to come to terms with our existence and order our experiences around our beliefs and goals.
Dimensional Travel Fourth Dimension Visual Teleportation : Vertical Time Line
STEP ONE Charge your physical body with prana energy. STEP TWO Then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of your
physical body. STEP THREE Now see your visual body filling with prana energy. STEP FOUR Then turn your visual body Invisible and place an
invisibility shield around your visual body to conceal your energy system. STEP FIVE Then focus your mind on teleporting your visual body to the
fourth dimension . STEP SIX Then in your own time see your visual body teleporting into the elliptical time line and through into the second
dimension STEP SEVEN When you arrive in the fourth dimension look around at your surroundings. Can you see any differences around you in that
dimension Can you see yourself in that dimension? If so how are you different in respect to how you are in the physical dimension Being the first
dimension? Take note and write it down when you return. STEP EIGHT When you are ready teleport your visual body back to the first dimension
(physical dimension). STEP NINE Then write down all that you have learnt about that dimension. Then try one of the other dimensions from fifth to
seven only because the eight and ninth dimensions are that of non time and non- space and you must master this technique before move onto the non
time technique or the non space technique
Third Dimension Porthole Technique Horizontal Time Line
VISUAL EXERCISE DIMENSIONAL DESTINATION: Physical Plain STEP ONE Charge your physical body with fifth force energy. STEP
TWO Then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of you. STEP THREE Then construct a porthole like you learnt in the section
on portholes in front of your visual body. STEP FOUR Then see your visual body filling with fifth force energy. STEP FIVE Next focus your mind
on traveling to the destination in the physical plain. STEP SIX Then see your visual body walking into the porthole. STEP SEVEN Next see the
porthole opening at the destination and see your visual body walking out of the porthole STEP EIGHT Look around and take notes on what you see
in that dimension while you are there. Then when you are ready walk back into the porthole and back out into your own dimension.
Dimension Of Non Time Forest Of Non Time Elliptical Time Line
STEP ONE Get comfortable and relax. STEP TWO Now close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of you. STEP THREE Then in
your own time teleport your visual body to the forest of non time. STEP FOUR When you arrive in the forest of non time look around, What can
you see Is there any movement in the forest? STEP FIVE Then answer to the last question should be no there is no movement because there is no
time in the forest. I want you to place time into the forest now using the power of telepathic thought. Then i want you to notice your surrounding
again the forest should now be moving. STEP SIX Now i want you to stop time again in the forest using telepathic. STEP SEVEN Then teleport
your visual body across the forest of non time and when you reach the other side stop and restart time in the forest using telepathic thought. STEP
EIGHT Now here's The hard part. I now want you to speed up time in the forest of non time to twice the speed of normal time. Then look around
what do you notice as you view the forest at twice the speed of normal time. STEP NINE Then using telepathic thought slow down time in the forest
of non time to that of half the speed of normal time and look around again what do you notice around you in the forest of non time now? STEP TEN
Then using telepathic thought stop time again. STEP ELEVEN In the middle of the forest there is a fallen tree truck. Teleport your visual body to
the middle of the forest where the tree trunk is resting STEP TWELVE Then in your own time levitate this tree trunk of the ground and into the air
about six feet and hold it there. STEP THIRTEEN Next focus your telepathic thoughts on dropping the tree trunk but as do so remember i want you
to stop time so that the tree truck is suspended in mid air about four feet from the ground. STEP FOURTEEN Now using telepathic thought i want
you to levitate the tree truck back down to the ground but at the same time i want you to restart time and teleport to the other side of the forest at the
same time. STEP FIFTEEN Then Teleport your visual body across the forest and as you do so stop time again and when you reach the other side
look around make sure the forest is still if it is. then teleport back to the point in front of your body and open your eyes. REMEMBER MASTER
Dimension Of Non Space Interstellar Technique Elliptical Time Line
STEP ONE Get comfortable and relax. STEP TWO Now close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of you STEP THREE Now
prepare your visual body for interstellar travel by placing an atmospheric bubble and an fifth force energy bubble around your visual body. STEP
FOUR Then in your own time teleport your visual body to the dimension of non space. Remember were the dimension of non space is not important
right now just focus your mind on that dimension and teleport there it is that simple because the wingmaker knows that he can travel anywhere he
want by the ways of mind and wisdom of all he has learnt along the way of his journey. STEP FIVE When you arrive in the dimension of non space
Look around you and be careful. What can you see around you ? STEP SIX Now i want you to remember that the wingmaker has great power and
strength and can master any task put before him and with that i want you to put using tele-visualization and telekinesis not one but two solar systems
into the dimension of non space the first is that of the meridian solar system (our System) and the other is that of the tristeka solar system at the same
time. STEP SEVEN Now i want you to notice what happens as the two solar system enter non space. The two solar system should vanish before
your eyes don't worry this is perfectly normal in this exercise and you may not under it right now but you will soon that you can count on. STEP
EIGHT Now using telepathic thought i want you to place space into non space The way you do this now that you have asked is by filling you visual
body with illusion energy, Fifth force energy and prana energy all at the same time and spreading that energy throughout non space this in turn will
fill non space with space and as you do this you will notice that the dimension expands to hold the two solar systems as they appear before you.
STEP NINE Note here that the hard part will be getting them both out. See the trick to it is the dimension of non space has an outer layer around it
though you can pull things into non space easily but pushing things out is a different ball game see we notice as we started working in non space that
if the two object don't exit non space at the same time there are destroyed by the ripple of non time on the way out and it took us a while to work out
how to bet this problem. In the end we found two ways to do it the First was by moving the two object out towards the outer lay of non space at the
same time making sure they exited at the same time. The second way is by placing an fifth force energy bubble around the two solar systems but this
takes a lot of power and the first technique that a lot of skill and that is why we need to learn all the abilities of the wingmaker because on our journey
as wingmakers this is how life can be. And with that i would like to remind you right now that the meridian system is one of those solar system and
as wingmakers we up hold a code that states that we will protect the meridian system at all cost. So with that i will wish you good luck in this test that
the council elder of meridia have set for us the wingmakers of humanity. STEP TEN This exercise only ends when you get yourself and the two
solar systems out safely so choose wisely my friend.
Televisualization is the ability of 3 dimensional visualization with its dimensions being sound, shape, and form just like the picture that we can view
with our own eyes in the physical reality and is the channel by which we can travel through interstellar space and time in the visual and physical
forms. VISUAL EXERCISE STEP ONE I want you to get comfortable and relax. STEP TWO Then I want you to close your eyes and visualize
that you are in a beautiful forest with trees and plant life all around you. Listen to the forest, Can you hear the sounds of the forest all around you?
STEP THREE If you listen carefully you will hear the sounds of the meridian river flowing through the forest I want you to walk to the river in the
distance and when you have reached the river stop. STEP FOUR I want you to notice which way the river is flowing and once you have determined
which way the river is flowing I want you to follow the river up stream. STEP FIVE After a while, you hear a waterfall in the distance keep walking
up stream until you reach the waterfall. STEP SIX Once you have reached the waterfall stop, Look up at the waterfall and listen. STEP SEVEN I
want you to visualize that the waterfall is talking to you, Have the waterfall say your name three times then stop. STEP EIGHT That is the end of
this exercise. If you wish spend some time in the forest of meridia and have some fun.
STEP ONE Get comfortable and relax. STEP TWO Now close your eyes and visualize that you are in a beautiful forest with trees and plant life all
around you. Listen to sounds of the forest. Can you hear the trees swaying in the light breeze all around you? STEP THREE Do you hear the birds
singing in the tree tops? STEP FOUR Now go for a walk in the forest you have created. Can you see the animals of the forest all around you? STEP
FIVE As you are walking through the forest you come across a beautiful stream with sandy shores and small rapids. Sit by the stream and just listen
to the rapids. Can you hear the fish playing in the water as the stream flows past you? STEP SIX After a while you get up and walk deeper into the
forest. A short time later you come across a clearing you see wildflowers in the clearing. While you are playing in the clearing you see some wild
horses chewing on some tall storks of grass. Can you hear the horses chewing on the grass? When you are ready open your eyes.
ESP - Extra Sensory Perception How to Develop Your ESP
Introduction If you think you have ESP and want to develop it, there are several resources on the Web that can help you test and strengthen your
psychic skills. Included are some links to some of the latest scientific findings about extrasensory perception. It's happened to you. For some reason,
thoughts about a person you know pop into your head. The phone rings. Amazingly, it's that very person you were thinking of who is calling. Or
you're driving in your car and begin humming a song. You turn on the radio, and that same song is playing. Or perhaps you're at work and are
suddenly overcome with a sense of dread. You're compelled to call home, only to learn that a family member has been stricken with an illness.
Unexplainable events like these happen to all of us at one time or another. Are they merely coincidences, or are they evidence of a human
sense - the sixth sense - that we do not yet fully understand? Is there such a thing as ESP - extrasensory perception? And if so, can any person
develop and strengthen it? Many believers say yes.
ESP, according to the Association for Research and Enlightenment, is "the ability to receive or send information not using the five senses of sight,
sound, taste, touch and smell." Hence, the term, "sixth sense." And it generally consists of five categories: Telepathy Mind-to-mind communication
Clairvoyance Seeing events or objects through an inner sight Precognition The ability to view events before they occur Retrocognition The ability
to view past events Psychometry The ability to learn the history of an object by touching it
These capabilities are generally thought to be the sole province of psychics, people - like famed clairvoyant Sylvia Browne - supposedly born with
these abilities, or who have acquired the gift through some paranormal or traumatic event. Yet renowned psychics like Edgar Cayce believed that
everyone is psychic to some degree because, as he said, it was a "natural ability of the soul." The folks at The Science of the Paranormal agree,
saying, "All people have what are called 'psychic abilities,' but in most of us, these abilities are too 'weak' to be detected, much less be of any use."
Fortunately, there are exercises, even devices that you can construct and tools you can use, to help you develop your latent psychic powers.
One of them are Zener cards - five cards each imprinted with distinctive symbol. Originated by the parapsychology lab at Duke University, Zener
cards were developed specifically for telepathic experiments. Simply put, you test your ESP by "guessing" which symbol is on a chosen card.
At The Science of the Paranormal you'll learn how to tap into the subconscious mind through various techniques and tools - what they call
"psychic levers" that stimulate the "Ideo-Motor Response (IMR)." IMR, they say, are small changes in muscle tension in response to subconscious
stimuli. You can test them and perhaps even learn to control these levers using a pendulum, a Ouija board or a "random field" device, which they
show you how to construct.
Using The Energy Wheel, a simple device you can make at home, the makers say you can cause a lightweight rotor "to spin and, on your mental
command, you can stop the rotor rotation and reverse the direction of the rotor's spin." They even claim that with practice, you can mentally control
the rotor from several feet away. The key to getting your psychic juices flowing, it seems, is lots of practice. The more you work on it,
concentrate on it, and experiment, the better you get at it. Whether you're a beginner or you've been trying to develop your ESP for some time, you
might want to check out the Web-based ESP Tester. (You'll need the Shockwave plug-in.) In the test (which takes a while to download), you're asked
to guess which of 10 colors the random generator will choose. You're given 20 chances, and receive many points for a dead-on guess and fewer
points just for getting close to the right answer. At the end you're given a score. This is the kind of test you might want to try many times and over a
long time period to see if your score - and your ESP powers - improve. (I scored a paltry 70 out of a possible 400 points in my first attempt.)
What does the scientific world have to say about ESP? Naturally, it's skeptical. According to the Psychological Bulletin in its article, "Does
PSI Exist?", "most academic psychologists do not yet accept the existence of psi" - another term for ESP, or what they call "anomalous processes of
information or energy transfer." (Sheesh! Scientists!) Yet, remarkably, they cite that 55 percent of natural scientists and 77 percent of academics in
the arts, humanities and education believe that ESP is either an established fact or a likely possibility! Psychologists, by and large, remain the most
skeptical, according to Thinking Critically About ESP, because they know "how easily people are deceived" and because of the lack of reproducible
results. Scientific evidence for ESP might be close at hand, however, thanks to studies conducted by such organizations as the Society for
Psychical Research. Quite interesting is a press release from the Society for Scientific Exploration entitled "A Possible Discovery Regarding ESP,"
which relates how data gathered by James Spottiswoode of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory in Palo Alto, Calif. shows a mysterious correlation
between the "effect size" in 2,500 laboratory ESP experiments and sidereal time. In other words, ESP experiments were demonstrated to be much
more successful at a certain time of day. "I've checked my data carefully," Spottiswoode says. "Don't ask me what it is, but it's real."
On the other end of the spectrum, there are those who are primarily interested in communicating psychically with their pets. At Interspecies
Telepathic Communication, you'll read about ESP encounters with Dancer, the Hot Dog Eating Llama and Messages from Mamma Kitty among
others. Oh, well. Extra Sensory Perception
What is it? Extra Sensory Perception, the ability to pick up thoughts, impressions, hunches and energy patterns, brings awareness of more than the
eyes can see, the ears can hear, the nose can smell, fingers can feel or the tongue can taste. In some circles it is referred to as the sixth sense.
Who Possesses ESP? Every person. The fact that some have developed this ability to a very high degree has created the impression that only certain
people have ESP. Yet we all fit into the category of the sensitive. Everyday in all circumstances we constantly respond to it. This is the most
important of all senses for it is the response to life. How Does It Work? Basically, man is spirit, soul, or electro-magnetic energy. His soul gives
energy to the body. Because man is soul or electro-magnetic energy, he creates by thought or energy. Every thought we think is like a radio wave
being transmitted, available for anyone in the universe to pickup. Just as we transmit, or send out these thought waves, so we receive thought
transmissions of other souls. We receive them like a radio and respond to them unconsciously as though they were our own thoughts.
There are men and women rising to great heights of creative leadership because they have "tuned in" to the higher thought perception or creative
intelligence of the universe.
Mastery of life must find it's greatest challenge in learning the fine art of discernment of what thoughts are initiated from oneself and what thoughts
have been picked up from sources outside oneself. One of the objectives of the IPM program is to help man find mastery of life through
understanding the atmosphere and environment in which he moves. Do We All Perceive A Like? There are basically four ways that we interpret an
incoming thought pattern or energy. There is the intuitive person who will pick up a thought and hear it. He is sometimes considered to be
"mental" or "intellectual." Understanding is very important to him. There is the visionary who will pick up a thought and see it. He sees
visions, symbols, colors, etc. in the mind's eye transforming the thought into an image. He is sometimes considered to be clairvoyant.
There is the prophetic person who receives a thought as a knowing. He quickly grasps the "total" concept or idea and has no interest in breaking it
down intellectually. He is usually sensitive to precognition and his hunches, dreams and knowings have much to do not only with the future or the
present, but how it effects others.
There is the one who picks up a thought and translates it into a feeling. His whole response to life depends upon how it feels to him. His sense of
touch is extremely well-developed and he knows people by feeling what they feel.
Each of us lives primarily by one of these personality types and partially by the other three. Once we understand this, we can begin to understand
ourselves and those around us to a greater extent. Is E.S.P Religious? It is neither religious nor non-religious. It is the common experience of all
men. In the religious field, Man has talked about prayer and the reality of hearing the answer to prayer. We read of "the still small voice," "the Father
speaking from within," or inner guidance. This reality can be developed so that from a religious sense man can, through meditation, develop a two-
way communication. We also read of visions, prophecies and healings.
From the psychological sense we hear this reality referred to as communication or impressions from the "higher self" or "unconscious."
From the medical we hear of psychosomatic influences. From the scientific field we hear reference made to energy transmitted and received. From
the layman's point of view we hear of hunches, feeling premonitions and intuitions. From Industry we hear of creative inspiration.
All of these refer to the same basic reality; Extra Sensory Perception
Extrasensory Perception
ESP is the knowledge of external objects or events without the aid of the senses. Since ancient times, people have wondered about various so-called
psychic experiences that seem to defy scientific explanation. Often these phenomena have been associated with communication with the dead.
Mediums, who purport to mediate between the living and the dead, were particularly popular in the 19th century. Often mediums deliver utterances
while in a trance like state and their followers believe that they can deliver messages from the deceased.
In 1882, a group of scholars in London founded the Society for Psychical Research to study such mysterious events. In the United States,
philosopher and psychologist William James discovered a woman in Boston, Massachusetts, named Mrs. Piper, who reportedly had the ability to
disclose information about events of which she could not have had personal knowledge. James first began investigating Mrs. Piper's trance
phenomena in 1885, and he and others continued these investigations for 30 years. No adequate explanation was ever offered to explain Mrs. Piper's
seeming ability to communicate with the dead.
In 1930, Joseph Banks Rhine,a psychology professor at Duke University, founded a parapsychology laboratory at the school. The
laboratory became a famous center for investigating ESP. Rhine's investigations focused on what he called psi, or psychic phenomena. He believed
that there might be natural, although unknown, causes for mysterious occurrences, and he attempted to establish their existence by use of
experimental and mathematical techniques. These techniques included testing people who seemed to possess an unusual ability for ESP.
As part of these tests, Rhine developed a deck of 25 cards, each bearing one of five different symbols, and had his subjects attempt to guess
the right symbol when the cards were concealed. Certain individuals guessed correctly more often than the law of averages would predict, and Rhine
concluded those individuals possessed ESP. Rhine's investigations led him to believe that ESP underlies clairvoyance (the perception of external
things without sensing them), telepathy (the perception of another person's thoughts) and precognition (the ability to predict events). However, later
scientists criticized the methodology of Rhine's studies, noting some subjects could identify the symbols by physical marks on the cards.
More recently, computers and other instruments have been used in the study of ESP. However, most scientists do not believe that ESP exists. These
scientists note that thousands of controlled studies have failed to show any evidence of psychical phenomena, and that no person has ever
successfully demonstrated ESP for independent investigators. Despite these findings, surveys indicate that a substantial portion of the public believes
in ESP. Telepathy and ESP ESP is short for Extra Sensory Perception. The term covers several different abilities, of a so called "paranormal"
nature, that are attributed to the "Powers of the Mind". Most common of these is "Telepathy" which is the apparent ability to send and receive
"thoughts" and other mental data directly from one mind to another. Another ability is called "Precognition" which is the ability to be able to foretell
future events. "Clairvoyance" is to be able to mentally "see" or "Know" things in the present, but not within the sensor range or environment of the
individual. "Psychometery" is the ability to "sense" information about objects one has physical contact with. "Psychokenisis" is the ability to move or
otherwise affect physical matter with the mind. Most so called "Psychics" are alleged to have some of these abilities, especially Precognition,
Psychometery and Clairvoyance. The least reliable of these abilities is said to be Precognition, owing to the "mutability" of the future based upon our
actions in the present. Precognition is one of the most "tested of these abilities however. More common and Most tested is Telepathy. Psychokenisis
is one of the rarest of the ESP abilities.
Telepathy Telepathy is the most common of the ESP abilities and deserves its own section. As stated above , it is the direct "transference" of
thought and "mental imagery" from mind to mind. A fun "test" of this ability can be done by two persons with notebooks and pencils. They simply
take turns drawing an image or doodle and having the other attempt to copy it "telepathically". This process not only will work, but will give insights
into the true nature of Telepathy. In my direct experiments with telepathy, where I used such drawings, I have noticed that the information
received is very consistent of what one would expect from a VERBAL communication of the image data, rather than if images were being
transmitted and imperfectly received. This seems to hold true even if the participants are actually trying to transmit "images". This suggests that the
"channel" that carries the message is of a SERIAL rather than "Parallel" in nature. Also there appears to be a subconscious "conversion" of image
type data to verbal type "signals" prior to transmission and a subconscious "RE-conversion" of the "words", upon reception, into an "Image" based
upon the receiver's interpretation of the verbal data.
At left are several examples of telepathically transmitted drawings. Note that the result (response) appears to be a what one would expect from
a"verbal" description of the target object.--This despite the "transmitter" consciously transmitting images. Note also that the "words" received may
only describe lines and their angular relationships and not "higher" concepts such as "square" , etc.
As an ARTIST(one of my skills), I can see a direct parallel between the simple "verbal commands" I give my hand, in order to reproduce a visual
image on a canvas--one small line at a time---I actually have "names" for different kinds of lines and their orientations. The process is "semi-
subconscious" by now and may be entirely subconscious in other artists, but the parallel between the image building process used by an artist and that
apparently used in telepathy is amazing. I have also found that only certain "verbal word/concepts" are involved in the telepathic process.--These
seem to be of the "most basic" or "first order" of concepts and /or their word equivalents in the brain--such as "horizontal line", "Vertical line",
"slanted line", "right", "left" , etc. Word concepts that are derivatives of these "basal" words such as square or triangle, do NOT come through. Often
the result is a series of "L" shapes in various orientations--that are received when a "square", for example, is transmitted and "/" and "V" like marks in
the case of triangles--- The occasional "reception" of an actual "square" or any other Image/word of a higher "heirachy" than the basal, might simply
be a "lucky guess" derived from the transmitted informational "clues" Thus telepathy appears not only to use a "verbal" type signal, the words
themselves are limited to what I call the "basal vocabulary". A Theory of Telepathy The most common assumption is that Telepathy depends upon a
system similar to "radio", in that some sort of "wave carrier" emanates from the brain of the "transmitter" person and is thus "received" by virtue of
some sort of "organ" in the brain of another person. But there are several problems with this theory, and those like it.
First of all, It would be assumed that such a "radio-like" wave would be of an electromagnetic nature. The problem with this is that any EM waves
detected thus far that emanate from the brain are so weak as to have a range limited to mere inches. Another problem is that Telepathy has been
observed to work with at least one of the participants enclosed in a "faraday cage", an enclosure that blocks ALL EM radiation. Indeed, that telepathy
is transmitted by ANY kind of "Carrier wave" emanating from the brain or body is doubtful, as there is no apparent loss of signal strength with
distance. It has even been said that the telepathic "signal" seems to be "instantaneous", regardless of distance--that is, it appears to travel faster than
light (I do NOT know how THIS last claim was "backed up" however)
So we have a problem---We know telepathy exists, because we can demonstrate it and it has recognizable characteristics. At the same time, we
cannot detect any medium or carrier of the information, Not only that, the strength of the signal does not decrease with distance, which is contrary to
any characteristics of data transmitted across space.----There is, however, ONE example of a similar situation that is supported by
CONVENTIONAL Science. It might give us at least a clue as to what may be going on.
In so called "Quantum Physics" there is a peculiarity called the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) Paradox. Quantum mechanics predicts that once two
particles have been near each other, they continue to instantaiously affect each other no matter how far apart they become separated. (sound
somewhat familiar?) No explanation is offered, however, why this is happens, but it might have something to do with the nature of the "Parallel
worlds" described it the article about the same. Here is where we get speculative---It has been suggested that perhaps, the MIND itself is independent
of the brain. Such a Mind would exist as a "field of energy" in space and the brain functions by simply "tuning in" to this field--not unlike a Radio
tuning into the energy signal from the station. This being the case, EACH mind has its own separate field---while existing in the same space, are
effectively separated from other minds, by virtue of it having a different frequency--one unique to itself. But such "mind fields" have not been
detected. No problem--for reasons to be explained below, the fields may exist in what we call a "parallel universe". From such a parallel world ALL
points in THIS world are accessible from one location in it and vice-versa. In effect, the mind field can be said to be "all pervasive" relative to this
universe. The "connections" between particles as in the EPR Paradox, also probably use such a "parallel world" type link. But what does this have to
do with telepathy?---Easy, It explains how telepathy may be possible and how it may work. The reason that "transmission waves" for telepathy have
not been detected, is because there ARE NONE---Telepathy could very well be a "Passive" rather than active ability--something other researchers
have not thought of. To receive a telepathic message the "receiver" simply "re-tunes a PART of his brain to match the MIND frequency of that of
another. Thus a person may be in "mental contact" with another, no matter their respective locations in the universe. Signal strength will be always
the same and communication TRANS luminal. Easy enough, in cases, such as tests, where both participants are knowingly passing telepathic
messages to each other, but what about cases where it appears that a "distress signal" was SENT to a "receiver" who was NOT consciously "tuning
in" to the sender?----If there is NO transmitted signal, then how can this most common manifestation of telepathy take place?
It is THIS ability that suggests how the telepathic "organ" works. Apparently we have a part of the brain that is tunable to all mind frequencies. This
PART also has a "memory" for "mind frequencies" of certain people who we have close interactions with. The mysterious "bond" between friends
and relatives may simply be represented by the fact that we have stored their mind frequency in this Brain component. We will call this component
"the Scanner". This "Scanner" is thus ALWAYS "tuned in" to the "scanner" of all brains that have their frequency stored in the scanner memory. No
thought processes take place in the Scanner region of the brain, so the minds thus "linked" do not interfere with each other. An "alert signal" however
is sent to a person's own scanner when he is under some forms of extreme emotional duress. Any other scanners TUNED to this scanner will pick up
on this and the rest of the brain will tune itself to the "activated frequency"---thus the appearance of a transmitted telepathic distress call--when really
the receivers scanner had been always tuned into the "transmitter's' scanner all along--and only picked up the "alert" sent to the brain of the scanner it
was tuned in to. The Idea of a "frequency memory scanner" is what makes telepathy practical and possible. Sure, there could be an "open frequency
tuner" set to receive the "alert signal" of ALL brains--but it would not be practical---someone, somewhere would always be having a crisis and the
system always would be "triggered"--and even then there is no way to find the correct "mind frequency " to tune into. A memory based frequency
storage system, on the other hand will limit the number of "monitored minds" to a manageable number.
This system perhaps, could have evolved during a "pre-vocal" stage of evolution, where it was important for "the pack" or "heard" to know when a
member of it was in distress. Being "tuned in" only to pack members would prevent "interference" from distress signals from other packs.
Thus we have an explanation why telepathy exists, why no carrier waves have been detected, why signal strength remains constant with distance and
why "friends" and relatives seem to have the best "telepathic links".
Psychic Amplification
All people have what are called "Psychic abilities", but in most of us, these abilities are too "weak" to be detected, much less to be of any use. There
are, however simple devices, which can effectively AMPLIFY what latent psychic ability we do have, just as a physical Lever can Amplify physical
strength.. I Call these devices "Psychic levers" . Most "psychic levers" are ancient in origin and a few are of relatively recent times. They all rely
upon "tapping into" the "subconscious mind" where the so called "psychic abilities" reside. The primary reason most people cannot demonstrate any
of these abilities is because of the "mental interference" that may block or otherwise alter the "psychic" stuff before it reaches the upper "Conscious
levels" of the brain. Psychic levers access the sub conscious mind directly, and convert the "signal" into a form that is immune to most "brain
interference" and is able to be "READ" by the conscious mind. Those individuals claiming "little to no psychic ability" may be able to "squeeze"
enough out of the system, using a psychic lever, to at least experience some ESP ability, perhaps to a useful degree. Those with better developed
abilities may increase both their "Power" and accuracy many fold. Most Psychic levers function by exploiting what is called the Ideo-Motor
Response (IMR) . The IMR are small changes in muscle tension and "micro movements" of the voluntary motor muscles, in response to
subconscious stimuli. IMR devices include the De Chevrul Pendulum, The tension and "L" rods used in dowsing, "Table tipping" and "OUIJA board"
devices. Other Psychic levers work on "sensory feedback" principles and can be quite dramatic in effect. these include the so called "crystal ball",
White noise generators (or their natural equivalents), Ganzfelds and what I call the "Random Field". Finally, things like "RUNES" and Tarot cards,
can also be considered Levers in a sense, as they are alleged to function by exploiting "synchronicity" principles--resulting from the recognized
"interconnectiveness of the universe"
The Pendulum
The Pendulum is considered to be the most common Psychic lever. It has been used since ancient times--The Oracle of Delphi was said to have used
one. Its modern use can be traced to the early decades of this century when De Chevrul, a French Psychologist used it to probe the subconscious
minds of his patients. There is nothing really "spooky" about the pendulum. It has been known for some time now that thoughts in the subconscious
mind affect the motor muscles. The effect, called the Ideo Motor Response, usually consists of small movements or shakes, that while meaningful,
are too minute to be observed directly. The Pendulum, with its long string (about 18 ") amplifies these movements enough to make them visible--as
changes in the swing of the pendulum bob. Now, according to conventional Science, the Subconscious mind can be accessed using this device. It can
swing in 4 ways--left to right, front to back, clockwise circle and counterclockwise circle. These 4 movements can be used to designate 4 "responses
from the subconscious---YES, NO, I DON'T KNOW and I DON'T WISH TO ANSWER. The first time one uses a pendulum, one must determine
what swing direction designates one's OWN responses. This is done by holding the pendulum string between the thumb and index finger and
"concentrating" on the word "YES". Usually the pendulum will want to swing front to back, but it might swing differently for different people. Next,
the user concentrates on the word "NO" and observes the result--which is usually a left to right swing. Next the swings for "I don't know" and "I don't
wish to answer" are determined. From THIS point the user can "ask" questions and the pendulum will respond with the answer--from the
subconscious mind----THIS IS ALL LEGIT SCIENCE ! This is NOT paranormal. We get into the "Paranormal" aspect when we ask questions that
our own subconscious mind has NO way of knowing. Here, the theory is, we are using the "Psychic" mechanism that is ALSO located in the
subconscious mind. We may ask questions about the present, future or past, contact the dead, find treasure, etc---So long as we ask the questions in a
way that is compatible with the responses of the pendulum. Does it work? Sometimes---and often enough to indicate that what you are getting may
not be entirely bogus. Ouija Boards and Table Tipping
Ouija boards and the technique of table tipping, is also an IMR principled lever. The advantage here is that more than one person's subconscious
mind is driving the system. This tends to have an "equalizing" or "filtering" effect that tends to let only that data COMMON to the psychic centers of
all the users come through. This tends to "filter out" any subconscious pre conceptions or wishful thinking on the part of any one individual and thus
results in more accurate information. There is a lot of literature on these devices, if you are interested in using them--I will not go into that here.
The Random Field
The most remarkable of the Psychic levers are the "Random Field" devices. With them, nearly anyone can actually see clear IMAGES directly from
the subconscious mind. They are very simple to construct and the effect is quite dramatic. These devices operate on the same principle of the "crystal
ball" the "black mirrors" or blank walls that "seers" have used in their work for millennia. This principle is called "Retnal feedback". In normal
vision, the eyes focus images on the retina, which conveys the data along the optic nerve to the visual cortex. Subconscious imagery, however will
also flow the other way along the optic nerves, to the retina--This is always happening, but the effect is so slight, that it is easily overwhelmed by the
normal visual function. These images can be seen, however, provided that the subject is gazing a viewing surface that is sufficiently "blank" and
featureless so as to negate the effects of the normal vision. Mirrors, crystal balls, pools of ink, white walls and the like tend to do the job nicely. A
recent development, called the "Gansfeld", a blank viewing area device also works. That the images actually are seen is NOT disputed by
conventional Science. The controversy (Paranormal) is to whether or not these images are or can be of a "Psychic" nature. As the Images are coming
from the subconscious, they answer CAN be yes--in some cases at least. The problem with using these devices, however is that, unless one is
particularly gifted, it will take many hours of practice and pain before one can see any imagery. and then only about 10 percent are successful. With
the random field device, however, better than 90 percent of those who try it can see astounding imagery on the first try.
A random field is a viewing area consisting of a random scatter of light and dark dots, not unlike the "snow" on a TV screen, where there is
no station. I have found that the light and dark mottled pattern of fibers seen on a sheet of white paper when illuminated from behind, to be an
excellent random field. If we fold the paper into a "L" shape so that most of the page will stand upright, and put a light BEHIND it, then we will be
well on our way to making a random field (RF) viewing device. This device, like this, will not work much better than staring at the plaster dots on the
ceiling, however. To increase its power, the random spots must form a 3 Dimensional field. This is accomplished by filling a smooth sided
cylindrical container,( a water glass, beaker, or jar ) with water and placing it directly in front of the illuminated paper screen--so that you have to
look through it to see the random spots. From about 6 to 8 feet away, each eye will see a different dot pattern, thus creating the 3-D effect that makes
the device so effective. You might want to place the water container upon the "lap" of the "L" fold of the paper--This will help hold up the paper and
keep it against the water container The first time you use the device, it will take about 10 minutes to get results. It is all a matter of figuring out
just "how" (by trial and error) to use your eyes to look at it. In future sessions, you will be able to see images. almost immediately. The process is as
follows. Seat yourself in a darkened room, about 6 to 8 feet from the device. Look at the pattern through the glass and actually try to "see" the visual
answer to a question such as "what will my future wife look like"---The question doesn’t matter it helps "prime the pump" by creating a focus. (it is
OK to blink your eyes). IT helps also to hold your head in a somewhat downward position so your eyes have to roll upward a bit to see the device.
Soon you will notice a kind of white "fog" or "haze" and some crude, face like images. At this stage it will seem like you are simply consciously
"making up" pictures from the dots--not unlike making pictures from bathroom tiles. A little later you will suddenly see a picture that looks like a
"grainy" low contrast black and white photo. It may not be recognizable at first, but then it will suddenly snap into focus---The first time this happens
IT IS MIND BLOWING. Keep looking you will now see "The slide show" a series of images that "fade in" and fade out in about 5 second intervals.
Some of the images are incredibly clear., I once saw a airport and could even see the logos on the planes and the lines on the tarmac. Soon the slide
show will end and it will be time to end the session.
What was seen?---actual images from the subconscious. Are they from the "future"--ala "crystal ball"?---Not necessarily, but I must admit I did see
some of MY imagery on TV later on during the week.----The Subconscious DOES have access to our psychic centers, so it makes sense that some of
this stuff can get through.---By the way, the Question you might ask at the beginning of the session, usually is not answered--it just serves to start the
process up. Why is the Random field so effective? It seems to reduce the "effort" needed by the visual system to "see" subconscious imagery. By co-
incidence, some "dark" spots on the paper will correspond with dark spots on the subconscious image (the same situation holds for light spots). The
brain systems then need only "suppress" the dark spots that do not correspond with the imagery or "enhance" non matching white spots. This takes
less "effort" than constructing a visible image from a blank viewing surface-- enough less "effort" so as to permit MOST people to see the imagery.
Auditory Random Field
The only historical account of random fields appear to be of the "auditory" variety. The oracle of Delphi, in addition to using a pendulum, could "hear
spirit voices" in the rustling sound made by the wind blowing through the leaves of trees. Other "oracles" were said to commune with "spirits" at
"sacred waterfalls" It is obvious that they were using "white noise", A "natural" version the rushing sound often heard when a radio is tuned between
stations. White noise is actually "random sound" composed of many frequencies. In theory (and fact) white noise can permit one to "listen" to
"Voices" from the "subconscious"-----And possibly "spirit or telepathic entities" as the subconscious IS hooked up directly to the "psychic centers".
In order to make an auditory device as effective as the Visual device described above, a 3-D auditory field must be created.----To my knowledge no
one has done this yet, I plan to build one but I haven't gotten around to it yet myself. It would not be very hard to make however. Any reader
somewhat knowledgeable in electronics can make a simple "white noise" generator. The only difference is that an auditory random field will require
TWO separate white noise generators. The output should be fed into a stereo headphone where one generator goes to the left and the other to the right
ear. Lower frequencies should predominate. such a device should be "Highly effective". If any reader tries this please let me know what happens.
Esp Test with Symbols -1
The purpose of Symbols: The symbols are letters A,B,C,D,E. They help the mind to develop a focus on receiving information regarding events and
factual things that happen in everyday life. One's telepathic perception increases over time with continued practice. Copying the symbols. Print this
page and cut out the symbols that are shown at the bottom. There are five symbols and the deck of cards must contain 25 cards. Five of each symbol.
Reprint the page or make copies of it so that you have the 25 cutouts. Be sure that only the white of the paper and the symbols show. Remove any
border color if it prints out. Preparing the cards. Get dark colored poster paper and cut out 25 cards 3" x 5". The exact size is not important but they
should all be fairly close to the same size. You need to use dark poster paper so that the symbols do not show through the backside. Glue the 25
cutouts onto the 25, 3"x 5" blank cards so that the symbols are facing out. Be certain that the cutouts are not loose because it will interfere with
shuffling the deck. Esp Test - Combination Symbols
Purpose of the Combo Symbols. The colors are related to emotions and intellectual knowledge and the symbols are related to factual and real events
that occur. Practice with a combination of the two, helps the mind to develop a focus on perceiving information containing both of these elements.
One's perception of these two elements increases over time with continued practice. Copying the colored symbols. Print this page and cut out the
color circles that are shown at the bottom. There are five colors and the deck of cards must contain 25 cards. Five of each color. Reprint the page or
make copies of it so that you have the 25 cutouts. Be sure that only the white of the paper and the colors show. Remove any border color if it prints
out. Preparing the cards. Get dark colored poster paper and cut out 25 cards 3" x 5". The exact size is not important but they should all be fairly
close to the same size. You need to use dark poster paper so that the colors do not show through the backside. Glue the 25 cutouts onto the 25, 3"x 5"
blank cards so that the colors are facing out. Be certain that the cutouts are not loose because it will interfere with shuffling the deck
Interstellar Sliding Technique
Introduction Sliding is the most advanced form of interstellar travel Sliding is the ability of traveling to a destanation with the use of an image or
picture the way this is done firstly we must choose an image after we have selected the image then we visualize the image using tele-visualization and
the we project the visual upon a surface ie. like a wall or floor. The reason for this technology is because while mapping the galaxies and
planetary systems we found that teleportation had a time delay of around 5 to 10 seconds per 40 thousand light years and that teleportation was a
matter of hit and miss in alot of cases This is not to say that teleportation is messy it is my opinion that teleportation is the best form of travel but for
mapping we need a system that makes it easy the flow that is why we have made the planetary data file system and the interstellar galaxy id card
system Like the image below You will find these cards throughout the constellation section of the site And as you can see the Name, Type, distance,
size, and Magnitude are all on the card but on some of the older cards you will need to place your constellation upon the cards the newer card and
cards in the future will carry the constellation information on the detail side of the card.
Interstellar Sliding Technique VISUAL EXERCISE 1
STEP ONE Get Comfortable and relax. STEP TWO Now i want you to focus on the image below and in your own time close your eyes and
visualize this card with your minds eye. STEP THREE Now when you have a clear image of the interstellar card i want you to project the image
upon the surface of a wall or floor. STEP FOUR Then i want you to visualize that your visual body is standing in front of the image upon the wall or
floor and prepare your visual body for interstellar travel with an interstellar protection shield. STEP FIVE Then i want you to project energy from
the right hand on your visual body and see that energy blending with the image and till the image is covered with a thin layer of energy. STEP SIX
Now i want you to focus on the red arrow on the image this red arrow is your destination in galaxy M88 in the virgo constellation. Now at this point i
would like to remind you that this is an image of this galaxy but when you teleport into the image you will be in that galaxy. So make sure if you end
up in the way of a planetary body orbiting around in that galaxy teleport to safety. STEP SEVEN Then i your own time teleport into the image and
take care and when you arrive cloak the doorway of the sliding technique with an energy cloak from the porthole section. STEP EIGHT Then
perform an interstellar planetary detection rapid to check to see if there are any planets in this galaxy and if there are then teleport to the nearest
planetary destination to you in that planetary system. STEP NINE Once you arrive on the surface of the planet perform an atmospheric composition
Scan and a Core Comparison Scan and when you have contemplated your datafile move on to the next planetary body in that planetary system.
STEP TEN When you have finished with the mapping of that planetary system teleport back to the doorway and remove the cloak and teleport back
through to your planetary system in the meridian system. STEP ELEVEN Then in your own time open your eyes and take notes of your planetary
datafile and write them down.
Interstellar Sliding Technique VISUAL EXERCISE 2
STEP ONE Get Comfortable and relax. STEP TWO Now i want you to focus and in your own time close your eyes and visualize that there is a
class disk in front of you with your minds eye. STEP THREE Now when you have a clear image of the disk i want you to project the image upon
the surface of a wall or floor. STEP FOUR Then i want you to visualize that your visual body is standing in front of the image upon the wall or floor
and prepare your visual body for interstellar travel with an interstellar protection shield. STEP FIVE Then i want you to project energy from the
right hand on your visual body and see that energy blending with the image and till the image is covered with a thin layer of energy. STEP SIX Now
i want you to focus on your destination in galaxy _ in the __ constellation. Make sure if you end up in the way of a planetary body orbiting around in
that galaxy teleport to safety. STEP SEVEN Then i your own time teleport into the image and take care and when you arrive cloak the doorway of
the sliding technique with an energy cloak from the porthole section. STEP EIGHT Then perform an interstellar planetary detection rapid to check
to see if there are any planets in this galaxy and if there are then teleport to the nearest planetary destination to you in that planetary system. STEP
NINE Once you arrive on the surface of the planet perform an atmospheric composition Scan and a Core Comparison Scan and when you have
contemplated your datafile move on to the next planetary body in that planetary system. STEP TEN When you have finished with the mapping of
that planetary system teleport back to the doorway and remove the cloak and teleport back through to your planetary system in the meridian system.
STEP ELEVEN Then in your own time open your eyes and take notes of your planetary datafile and write them down.
Intelsellar Travel
IntroductionThe universe is filled with natural beauty and wonder and as we look to the heavens spread your wings and fly for we are all
wingmakers and the universe is our home and we shall move throughout the heavens were ever we wish to roam. But first we should start here in our
own solar system for there is no place like home out there anywhere. So learn more about your own backyard before traveling to other galaxies and
solar systems Interstellar travel is the most advanced form of space exploration known to the human race and the Wingmakers are the masters
when it comes to Interstellar Travel. Interstellar travel is possible by traveling through the elliptical time line or as it is known the grand porthole
network, it is the universal time line. It is elliptical in nature because there is no beginning or end. Which means we can travel hundreds or thousands
of light years a in a couple of minutes. The Wingmaker uses two different types of space travel. The first technique is teleportation of the Visual body
and the second technique is teleportation of the physical body. But before we can use physical teleportation we must find an atmospheric match with
the earths atmosphere. The way we do this is by using the first technique teleportation of the visual body. But first we must prepare our visual body
for interstellar travel. The First Preparation is that of turning the visual body invisible so that no alien race can see our visual body. The Second
Preparation is that of placing an invisibility shield around our energy system so that we can not be detected by another telepathic alien race. The third
preparation is that of placing an atmospheric bubble shield around the visual body. So that you will be protected from any harmful energies or
atmospheres out there in the universe that you may encounter along your journey through interstellar space and the atmospheric bubble shield must
be worn while performing interstellar travel. Interstellar Galaxy Cards
Introduction The interstellar galaxy cards used in this site are used in interstellar travel as a reference system to where a galaxy or planetary system
is and how far away that system is, we can also view the status of a galaxy or planetary system and you will find these cards throughout the
constellation section of this site. Planetary Data Files
Introduction We use planetary data files with interstellar travel to record all of the planetary information that we have gathered while visiting a
planet or moon in a galaxy, Solar or star system, and planetary nebula because of their detail file system. When we have finished the planetary data
file we can place it with an image of the planet or moon that we have visited so in the future we have all the planetary data on that galaxy, solar or
star system, or planetary nebula. Interstellar protection shield & Atmospheric Scanner
Introduction The atmospheric and Protection Bubble is used in interstellar travel to protect us when we are travelling to far and distant Galaxies and
worlds in our solar system so that we do not bring back any harmful energies or dangerous atmospheres on both physical plane of existence and the
visual plane of existence. and you should master this technique before travelling through interstellar space because the atmospheres of other worlds
maybe harmful to you and your energy system. Planetary Detection Rapid
Introduction The interstellar detection rapid is a technique that we can use to help detect new planets and moons when travelling through interstellar
space. The way that the detection system works is by sending out an energy rapid and when it hits a planet or moon the way that we sense this is by
waiting for the rapid to send back a ripple the ripple then tell us the position of the planet or moon and once we know the position we can teleport to
that position and map that part of that solar system.
Core Comparison Crystal Technique
Introduction The core comparison crystal technique is used during interstellar travel techniques To determine the make up of a planet, moon, star, or
sun. See by pushing energy through the crystal and down into the core of a planet, moon, star, or sun once we have reached the centre we can gather
information from the inner core to the exterior of the planet, moon, star, or sun. Here's how we do this and this two person exercise will help you on
your way. This technique can also be used as a single person technique but you are best when starting out to work in a team. That way you can check
your reading in this technique with others. Interstellar Mapping & Travel Techniques
Introduction Interstellar travel is the fastest form of travel known to the wingmaker today.
We have proven through using the technology of light energy and interstellar we can travel at an approximate rate of 2 seconds for every 5000 light
years. But before we can travel at these great speeds we need to map the constellation or galaxy first.
Meridian Solar System
Introduction Our solar system is one of natural beauty and the home of the human race as wingmakers. We should start here in our solar system for
there is no place like home out there anywhere. Learn more about your own backyard before travelling to other galaxies and solar systems.
Advanced Technique : Telekinesis
Introduction Interstellar travel is about to change forever with this new interstellar technique in physical telekinesis and teleportation as we all
known finding images to match what we all see as we are traveling through interstellar space can be hard. But what if we could take the hard work
out of finding images of planetary systems and galaxies with this technology we can but first we must learn telekinesis and once we have mastered
telekinesis and mastered the art of blending our telekinic energy with physical objects then we should focus our attension on teleporting objects with
our telekineic energy. for we all have the abilities of telekinesis and teleportation and it is our choice if we wish to obtain these abilities and master
them. For we all known that the visual body (astral Body) can move through interstellar space so why cant we take physical objects with us in our
travels well now we can with this new technology. and together we can bring interstellar travel into a new era in space exploration and show the
world how beautiful the universe is and we could all show the experts how interstellar travel should be done. and the era in space exploration would
begin for we are the ture leaders in space exploration and no body maps the universe better that the wingmakers for we are not limited by the distance
of the teleascope and as wingmakers we known there are no limitations to how far we can travel through the universe and interstellar space.
IMPORTANT Once we have found a star system we should map that star system. Make sure you make a note of how many planets you find and
which one if any will support human life forms?
Communicating with your Subconscious
Introduction All of the exercises presented on PsiPog are great for accomplishing tasks and getting better using psi, but your subconscious is the
gatekeeper. Basically, all the exercises are instructions to your subconscious to do something. Visualizations, anchoring, associations, and any other
trick we can pull out of our sleeves are all geared at telling your subconscious what you want to do. You don't move the psi, you don't make the psi
ball, you don't spin the pinwheel; your subconscious does. This is a scary concept for some people. Some of us have the power to do some
amazing things with our mind - what if our subconscious just decided to do these things without our permission?* I've been mad enough at a person
to think "I'm gonna kill you!" but of course I didn't mean it - what if my subconscious misunderstood? What if it thought I was giving it a command?
Or what if my subconscious develops an attitude of it's own and decides by itself to hurt someone? It is a scary concept - but that's just more of a
reason why we need to be able to communicate clearly with our subconscious and tell it what we really want. The subconscious mind is like a
computer - it doesn't make decisions on it's own unless we program it to. Your subconscious is your responsibility, and the only way to know what is
programmed in your head is to develop a link and check it out yourself. "You're nuts - I control my body - my subconscious doesn't
play that big of a role." Oh really? What do you do in life without first asking for something from your subconscious? You move your fingers, but do
you send the electrical signals to your muscles? You walk to the store, but do you process the air you breath to give your legs energy? Even
something as simple as thinking requires electricity and a specific balance of chemicals. It seems this "subconscious" isn't just a handy tool to
manipulate for psionics - it's a part of everything you do. Communicating with your subconscious is vital for success in controlling your body and
mind. Not many people are comfortable with the idea of talking to themselves. I hear voices in my head, don't you ? Society has branded us as
crazy, but since we're already talking about moving things with our minds and reading another's mind, why let the immature labels stop you from
learning about your own body? After all, this is your body, not society's, so it's good to keep tabs on what's going on inside of it. Not only that, but
your subconscious is a part of you. It's not some external object or entity.** Nothing is wrong with exploring your own mind.
Right Now The first thing to realize is that your subconscious is talking to you right now. It could be spattering off information you've requested
without even realizing it, giving you a status report on a cut you have on your leg, or telling you to "scratch that itch". Ever think about how you
know certain things? How do you know when you're hungry? How do you know when you have to go to the bathroom? How do you remember
things? We take a lot of things for granted and have learned through bad habits to ignore messages that aren't vital to our existence. That song on the
radio or that TV show is more important than how much water is in our system - let "someone else" take care of that, right? Oh hell no !
Unfortunately, there are a lot of useful messages that aren't vital that we learn to ignore. Not only that, but the link goes both ways - once you get the
hang of it, you're free to ask your subconscious questions along with receive these handy messages. If your subconscious is talking right now,
why don't you hear it? Most likely because you're thinking about ten thousand useless things at once and you drown it out. You won't hear it like you
hear normal noises; it "talks" to you with flashes of emotion and thought concepts. It's talking to you right now, maybe if you listened you'd hear
something. Ever notice meditation is aimed at getting your conscious mind shut up? Sylvia Boorstein is quoted saying, "Don't just do something. Sit
there." We don't think it's great just because we're cruel and want you to sit in your room alone. Keep your mind still for five minutes and listen!
How I Started
What got me hooked? Quite frankly, I read this: http://www.robertpeterson.org/chap10.html. (if that link doesn't work for some reason, e-mail me
and I can send you what's on that page at the time I'm writing this). You start by asking yourself questions in your head and waiting for the
answer. Start simple: "Am I hungry?". Or, how about something suggested on the link above: "What is love?". Now just wait for the answer. Don't
create the answer - just listen for one to emerge. Chances are you won't hear anything, but you might feel something. You have a feeling for what
"hungry" means and you intuitively know what "love" is, listen for these feelings and try to translate them into words. This is how I started, so this is
the only way I know for someone else to do it. Get in the habit of talking to yourself and asking yourself questions, then learn to shut up and listen for
the answer. After a while you'll notice a difference between thinking and sending information to your subconscious. At first you'll just have to
try asking yourself mentally and waiting for an answer, but eventually you'll pick up on the different kinds of thoughts in your head and which ones
are messages to your subconscious, which ones are messages from your subconscious, and which ones are just normal thoughts.
How to Hear the Answers
As mentioned above, meditation is pretty useful for building a link with your subconscious. Meditation by itself doesn't create the verbal link most
are looking for though. Most people aren't happy with the way the subconscious delivers the messages so they create a mental device to translate the
messages into words and sentences. If you combine this mental translator with the ability to listen without butting in, you'll easily be able to speak
with your subconscious. The only way to develop this mental device is to practice, as far as I know. Be in tune with your emotions and work on
translating what you feel into words. Work on translating thought concepts as well. Some people think in words, some people think in emotion.
Think in both. If you want your subconscious to speak to you in English, you need to give it the information to do so. What does "happy" feel like,
and can you translate freely between "happy" and its emotion state? You'll notice while doing this that "happy" and many other words can have a lot
of different emotions associated with it. The context of the word is generally what dictates the emotion. Don't just work on single word translations,
but try to translate entire sentences into a single emotion. Work on translating a single emotion into sentences and paragraphs as well. You need to be
able to rip an emotion apart and analyze every section of it. The downside of this translation is that you lose some of the meaning. I've had
conversations with my subconscious where I couldn't translate the emotion sent to me. It was too complex. I could feel it in a millisecond, but I
couldn't put it into words without writing a book. The translator is nice, but don't force every emotion to go through it, because some just can't be
understood with the English language. Also, don't blame your subconscious for shitty translation. Your subconscious will send you the emotion, and
if you suck at translating and get the wrong message, that's your fault. When I first started talking with my subconscious, it would tell me "wrong"
things and I got pissed. Eventually I found out that it was telling me the right things, I just sucked at translating it. Use your translator wisely - don't
be dependant on it. Benefits of the Link
What's so great about talking with your subconscious anyways? First, it has a great memory. My subconscious will speak up sometimes and say stuff
like "Don't forget you have to call Kim about your job interview". Oh yeah! I can also program it to remind me of something at a specific time: "Hey,
can you remind me I need to feed the dog at five o'clock?", "Sure". I've also programmed it to wake me up at certain times when I was first
communicating with it just to fool around. What about psionic applications? Empathy and Telepathy rely heavily on translating images and emotions
into words and the ability to think in different states and understand different thought formats. Learning new skills are a lot easier when you can tell
your subconscious exactly what you need: "Rainsong was telling me about these things called 'force bubbles'. She says to create a psi ball with a
shield around it that exerts force outwards. Let's try that". There are a thousand examples where my subconscious has helped me achieve something
faster because I could tell it exactly what I wanted. By far though, the best thing that has resulted from my link is the deal I made with my
subconscious. The Deal
Honestly, one of the most useful things I've done my entire life is made a deal with my subconscious. It's pretty simple: I take care of "him", and "he"
takes care of me. I suggest everyone make a similar deal with theirs. I can credit my college GPA to my subconscious' ability to take care of me. I've
gone into tests knowing 20% of the material, and come out with a 90% grade. This past semester I got a B in both Biology and Asian Literature
courtesy of my subconscious. I should have failed Biology and gotten at most a C in Asian Literature, but somehow I got one point over the grade
cutoff in Biology and 0.2 points over the grade cutoff in Asian Lit. What's that mean? Had I missed one more question on any of the tests (in either
class), I would have gotten a C. Coincidence? The semester I took Calculus based Physics, I went into the final exam knowing about 20% of the
material, and it just so happens that the professor scheduled the final exam on a day that wasn't allowed by the University, so he was forced to make it
optional. A professor whose been teaching for over 30 years makes a mistake like that on his own? I don't think so. These are just a few examples of
grade-enhancement using the subconscious - I've got about a dozen others. What else has the deal given me? Perfect timing. I walk to the busiest
intersections and never have to wait for cars to clear out. I bump into a girl I've been thinking about on a campus with 30,000 students. I've forgotten
to set my alarm for final exams and woken up when I'm supposed to, only to notice then that the alarm isn't set. Not just once either. Things just seem
to work out in my favor all the time as well. I find eleven dollars on the ground in the middle of a city. I go get a drink at a bar and the bartender
gives it to me for free. Why? "It's on the house". Ok ! That's only half the deal. What do I have to trade for this good fortune? Well, I have to
help my subconscious out. I've gotten a lot of strange requests, but I do what I'm told. Nothing bad, and I suggest seeing a psychiatrist if your
subconscious starts telling you to do bad things, but just weird. Commands like "walk faster", or "turn left", or "don't eat that, get this instead". Easy
enough to perform, just might get you strange looks from someone watching you. "Bring that with you", "What am I going to need that for?", "Just
bring it". Things that, as far as I know, have little to no affect, but it keeps my subconscious happy. Who knows, maybe I'm helping someone else
who has a deal with their subconscious. I get anywhere from ten to twenty requests a day. My subconscious has even played a roll in this article:
"Don't write that - write about this". Ok. After a while you stop asking "why" and just do it. Before you know it you have a successful website,
healthy body, and good grades to show the parents . Any last tips?
Meditate. I know it sucks. I know it's boring. But it does help a lot. You need to learn to shut your mind up - it is essential. The translator doesn't do
you any good if you can't hear the messages in the first place.
Also, try manually translating your questions into emotions, and send the emotions to your subconscious. Your subconscious can get the wrong
messages from your poor translation, so if you have a serious question that's pretty complex, translate it manually and make sure you have the right
emotion before you send it to your subconscious. Don't be afraid to use images and other senses along with your emotions. Don't describe what
something looks like, send an image. If you get good, you can start sending animations or three-dimensional areas.
I hope this article has helped those of you that wish to get some more control over your body and mind. The subconscious is like a computer - it will
do exactly what you tell it to do. If you program it to alert you of simple things, then you'll get simple things. If you take more control and program it
to send you complex data, then you'll get complex data. Don't be a lazy ass - things take time and effort, and this one is well worth it.
Linking refers to the act of creating and maintaining an immaterial bond between two minds. It’s either a conscious choice or an unconscious act. I
believe they are largely created spontaneously through continuous sending back and forth between two people in a greater degree than they are being
consciously created. Although perhaps not entirely the case in the psionic scene, the world of nons are filled with unspecific, unconscious linkage
based mostly on emotional desires. People who fancy each other create a link between each other, but they rarely seem to serve any greater purpose
than the novelty of feeling the other person. In short – a lot of junk is transferred back and forth.
I encourage you to read my sensitivity article, and tie these two together. They are more closely related than you may at first think. Sometimes in
very drastic reaches. If by comparison we have a TV with an antenna you have to manually play with in order to see something else than grain – this
is you without a link sending and receiving to someone else. If you configure the antenna well enough you can get a very clear picture but naturally it
does take practice. On the other hand, if we have a TV with a cable we do not have to configure anything. The picture is more or less perfect. This
represents the information being transferred between you and your target through a link. Now don’t go all crazy and misread what I just wrote,
linking will not effortlessly make you a competent telepath. It’s not a shortcut and it’s probably dangerous to think of it as such. Links have tendency
to stick once they are created and it’s very easy to make them stronger, even though your intention is to make it go away. Like bad company, they are
harder to get rid off than to attract. In short – you will need to acquire a basic understanding of psionics before you even attempt this simply because
the link can become stronger than what you can handle. I advise you, no I urge you to get this psionic foundation down before even considering
linking. Don’t bet on the admins and people of equal experience to come to your rescue and sever the link.
Basic psionic understanding includes, but is not limited to: Basic Telepathy skills (locating sigs, fair sending and receiving ability) ,Basic
construct building (shield programming, creating and deleting shields) ,A fair scanning ability ,These are the requirements for creating the link,
varying it’s control and use, and ultimately cutting it, a task that usually proves harder than creating the link in the first place. Practice due caution.
This minor introduction is part of the disclaimer that reads as follows: I am in no shape or form responsible for your link and hence the potential
discomfort it can bring. Neither is anyone else on PsiPog responsible for it. It is your creation and as such your responsibility. If you feel that you
might be working over your head – consider yourself warned. Why the warning? Because of the nature of a link. A link is like having a person in
you, just behind your head like the sun, but without the heat. You can feel it there at any time. They feel like vague extensions of yourself, tendrils
with the unique texture proclaimed by the target’s sig. Linked people will always “feel” closer to you than other people and they are not limited by
geographical range. Halfway across the world I could still feel the person I linked to just as clearly as I could feel the people around me. The
difference is that I felt him inside of me. So when you are linked, your immediate field does not feel like it’s only inhibitor is you – it is now
stretched out to incorporate another being. And why is this so bad? Well, you might not always be up for it. Some days you just want to be on your
own and not constantly being vaguely “hugged” by the other person. This can sometimes be hard to shut out. Furthermore, if you are not careful with
your programming and reduce the amount of information you want to receive and send, there really is no restriction of what doesn’t go through.
Private occurring thoughts can easily be transferred over the link, as well as bodily sensations – pain, pleasure and everything in between. Are you
ready to share this with your link buddy in case your programming skills fall short? And as I mentioned earlier, links are tricky to cut and
inexperienced people might not be able to cut it at all, leaving them only to wait until it eventually fades away. Which happens if you ignore it and
shut it out, something that might prove a challenge when you are hit by a steady flow of information you do not wish to take part of.
With that said – let us begin. As I was saying before, there are two general branches of linking. The conscious ones and the unconscious ones; the
controlled and the spontaneous. The latter has most likely happened to you before, if not by prolonged telepathy sessions with the same partner, then
with certain people you’ve meet, people that made such an impression on you that you unconsciously linked to them so you could have them by you.
These links vary in strength, but are not very hard to sever once taken conscious control over. In my opinion, it is best to let these primitive links
dissolve on their own; or if you care enough, reprogram them to not let through so much garbage. By garbage I am referring to physical pains and
discomforts such as itches, adaptations to temperature, physical tiredness, unspecific feelings such as anxiety, anger, etc. These are all bits of
information you can live without. Conscious links are probably preferred by most and hence I’ll try to take you through it to the best of my
ability. Creating them is a relatively easy task and seeing how links are in essence constructs, it’s all about the programming – the intention you hold
while creating them. It is very important that the programming makes sense to you or it will either not work at all or work in ways you did not
consciously wish it would. An example of this may be in order. Great Sheep King and I were working through one of our sending sessions when
we noticed (I can’t vouch for him as there were minor pauses but I noticed fairly early) something immaterial, tangible and attracting was building up
between us. From my perspective, it was as if the dark pathway from me to Sheep had been illuminated without making a light, it had somehow been
made much clearer and the adjoining, immaterial, dark walls were made firmer. It just became easier to travel along the pathway to Sheep and deliver
the message. For the sake of experimenting, we let the link stay for about a week and due to prior experiences, I programmed the link as soon as I
was consciously made aware of it being manifested. I did this by perceiving the link to Sheep in this way:
I am standing on a patch, an endless patch of darkness not unlike space. My sensitivity, my field, is visible and represented as a lightly golden
shimmer around me. There are countless other such lights around me, stretching out endlessly but they are all relatively far away from me. I then call
out Sheep’s sig to come to me and I feel it in front of me, his sig, with his yellow field around it. I let some of my field intermingle briefly with his to
mark that we are “the same”, then I place “him” a substantial distance in front of all the other lights, but still some distance away from me. I then feel
a shimmering but distinct and hard purple line in front of me, representing the boundary between what I receive and what I do not hear. Because
Sheep is now closer to me than other people are his sending will have a shorter distance to travel to the “crossing line”, hence his thoughts will much
easier be received than others, especially when consciously sending.
This works because I picture the sent material radiating from each individual sphere to have a decay rate and after some distance the message will
dissolve. Unfocused garbage sendings, being the garbage that they are, also have a more foul feel to them and therefore decay faster than conscious
sending. This is a mental aid that made sense for me, please do not make the assumption that telepathy works this way as in reality,
telepathic sendings are rarely, if at all, restricted by geographical space. Now what was the meaning of this? Well, as I was saying, Sheep sent
to me with ease and other people were pretty effectively hampered. The problem we encountered was Sheep’s unconscious programming of his side
of the link, which more closely resembled a plug cord from him to me with the subconscious programming that since there was an outlet, things are
bound to flow along the cord. And they sure did. At a very frequent rate I received pings and low stimuli sendings, and since I receive
mostly through my head and my face I suspect some people might have though I had lice seeing how often I scratched my head those days. Not only
did I feel echoes of physical pain and discomfort through the link, but due to Sheep’s programming, it successfully absorbed much conscious
sendings and projections and other psi activity and transferred it all to me. Naturally feeling slightly frustrated that his experiments didn’t go quite so
well, he went on quite extensively, unknowing I got hit by all of it, even though it was thankfully in a slightly faded form. This lead of course to me
being more or less constantly disturbed throughout the day with pings, and not all of them felt like Sheep’s. Either it is my inability to differ between
sendings origins or somehow the “reflected” projection also influenced the feel of the sending, since I got it second handedly. Not knowing what had
happened I assumed I was called by psipog people as not many people I meet everyday send those kind of pings to me.
For the sake of the experiment I let the link continue for about two days until we met, discussed what had happened and decided to cut the link
altogether as he wasn’t getting any work done and it started to get very uncomfortable for me.
Also, this may just be in my experience, but I find it harder to reprogram a construct, especially an unconsciously made one, than a manually made
one because with the latter you know what programming has gone into it while with the former, you can’t be totally sure of what your subconscious
has planned for it. I find original programming done as the construct is being manifested to nestle itself pretty hard, so I try not to screw up the first
time around. I highly suspect this is my subconscious take on it, that once the command is imprinted, it’s hard to go back and remake it. It makes
sense to me and it makes it easier to see the programming as “real” if it’s edged in stone rather than being changeable if I just wish it to be different.
My attitude when working on a construct is similar to people working with glass – I try to keep the session “running”, working smoothly and swiftly,
keeping an open channel to it. Once it’s done, it’s done and I’ll let it go knowing it will do as I programmed it to do. This is one way to establishing
a link. The key factor is once again that the programming must make sense to you. Other visualization scenarios I can think of are:
Feeding a connection to the target through tactile visualization ,Visualizing thousand little wispy threads that catch into the target’s field
Locating your field, attaching a construct to the target’s field, let it stretch over to you, and then molding it so it has the same feel all over as your
field has. Visualization people having unique variations of colors and patterns and letting the target get the same “coloring” as you have. Visualizing
a thick fog around people but keeping an illuminated path between you and the target. As you see, it’s easy to come up with creative visualizations.
The hard part is to program it correctly and make it feel right for you.
Now that we got that covered, let’s move on to severing a link. A very important step indeed. Severing a link varies in difficulty depending on how
strong the link in question is. If you’re relatively familiar with constructs and energy manipulation in general, with some practice this won’t be too
hard. The easiest method for severing a link, and cleaning up old fuzz for that matter, is the Rattle. Now I won’t take credit for this one as Rainsong
introduced me to it. Basically, all you do is imagine a rattle shaking all around you. Feel the weight of it and the vibrations the rattle-filling is
making. It’s a surprisingly useful tool and can easily sever quick session links. Other ways to sever a link is making a shield but cutting out a square
hole in it where you imagine the link coming in from. Then you attach one of those futuristic space doors that automatically open and close to the
side to the square hole, making the door sharp and cutting the link. That’s a method I use on and off and it works very well. You can cut it with a
small bladed construct too if you wish, or just locate the link around your field, take conscious control over it and turn it to dust. It’s easy with
patience and practice, just keep your socks on if the link won’t sever on the first try. If you’re still having problem after several tries, just shutdown
for a couple of days. An easy way to do this is making a very tight shield around you, set it to last a few days and while you create it let a feeling of
relief, as if you put down a very heavy backpack come over you. Locate your field and draw it into the shield, fold the shield into and over your field
while grounding. If you did it correctly you should be feeling very centered, as if a former illumination around you has been extinguished. This is not
permanent, so don’t sweat. You’re just taking a break for a couple of days. Reverse the process when you don’t want it anymore, if the shield didn’t
fade away as you programmed it to; but this time you stretch mentally instead of grounding.
Broadcasting and Pinging
I decided to group broadcasting and pinging into one little article, as there isn't a terrible amount to write on either subject and they both loosely fall
into the same "sending" category. The definition, from PsiPog's Telepathy Manual is: 5) Broadcasting: Very much what it sounds, broadcasting is
the relaying of a telepathic message to an area or group. Much like a radio tower, in most cases broadcasting is performed by simply tossing thoughts
out into the air for anyone sensitive (or close) enough to listen. I don't have a great amount to add to that. We speak of our "mental voices" or your
own voice inside your head. Broadcasting is just using this voice much, much louder. If you have ever had the pleasure to drive a car on a Friday in
Los Angeles, you are well-accustomed to just how loud the voice inside your head can get. You are also well-accustomed to the flexibility of a
certain finger, but that's an entire other article. I mostly use broadcasting in crowds, because I'm a petite female who people tend to run over. I
generally just broadcast something mean sounding like "Outta my way!". I also reinforce this broadcasting by elbowing people who don't get it.
A few years ago, I had gotten myself into a pretty traumatic situation. There was no way to physically communicate with me (phone, cell, whatever)
but my father started freaking out 3000 miles away. He was on a business trip at the time, but I had apparently been broadcasting so loudly
(unintentionally, I believe) that he called everyone he knew and sent someone to get me out of the mentioned traumatic situation. I don't understand
the how, but broadcasting has been a survival technique for me more than any other psi skill. You can also use this to send one piece of information
to several people. This is how the shapes and colors game is done (usually) in the #projection practice chat room.
Now to discuss Pinging.
The ping is about as useful as a psiball. But like a psiball, it can be entertaining for the whole fam. Its' how-to is about the same as broadcasting, but
on a smaller scale. You just want to grab the attention (or send the primitive thought pattern, or grunt) of your target, not knock their socks off. If
you're still confused, you're overthinking. It is probably just communication on a more subtle level than you're used to. Practice practice practice. If
you have questions on how to know if you're being pinged, I direct you to Gnome's Sensitivity Manual. It's an excellent article and explains how to
be able to receive better than I could sum up any of it up here.
Increased Sending Through Pinging
Are you having trouble pinging even the most sensitive people? Then maybe I can help. This lesson will assume you haven’t read anything on
pinging before, although, it couldn’t hurt to get a more global scope on its procedure. Considering this paper’s own scope, starting at square one
seems appropriate. The idea behind pinging isn’t hard at all. It’s the delivery that’s the problem. Hopefully I can shed light on the harder part. The
easy part is simply understanding that a ping is a quick but effective telepathic announcement of your presence. It can obviously be more complex
than that but for now just practice with “Hey” in mind. Why not “Hello” or “What’s up?” you ask? Simply put, “Hey” is just more assertive and will
get more results from a wide range of people if done right. Well, let’s dive right in. The Gritty Details:

PsiPog acknowledges a wide variety of places to pull psi from. I’ve heard or read everything from your abdomen to your tongue to (wherever this
absurdity came from I’ll never know) earth itself. Despite this plethora of places to pull from, no one actually stresses the importance of where you
decide to pull from. Let me be as blunt as possible - it’s essential. There are three core spots that seem to resonate with the most energy. This appears
universal but more feedback would be appreciated. These spots are: the abdomen, the solar plexus, and the head. As you may know, PsiPog does
stress the abdomen most, as do many New-age books and Eastern religions. However, if you’re practicing often with minimal results, the perhaps
you might want to reconsider pulling from a different spot. That’s enough on what nerve cluster to pull from for a while. Let me step back and
explain myself so this doesn’t all sound like half-baked tripe. My Epiphany: I spend roughly 40 hours a week working at a store in a mall in
Colorado. Now, a week or so ago I was just like many of you. Constantly aspiring to find some way to prove to myself that these psionic ideas were
real and not some crack pot dissociation with reality. I’ve read all the essays, papers, guides, manifestos, rants, ad-infinitum and nothing was
working. Well, of course it works…or does it? It’s just so hard to tell in the beginning isn’t it? Anyway, one day I decided it was time to pull from
other places; a rather elementary concept in retrospect. Bingo! People were consistently turning around in surprise. Stronger Sending Exercise:
Since for me it was more of a tactile visualization, I’ll describe the activation method in that sense. This will, of course, require a bit of trial and error.
First, get comfortable. Throw some music on, take your shoes off and relax. Do whatever it is you do to get as comfortable as possible. Now that
you’re relaxed, start at your abdomen and pull psi from there to your hands to make a psiball. Don’t move the psi from your abdomen through your
arms to the ball. Instead, move it straight from the source to your hand and pay attention to how it feels. Do this for each spot and see what feels most
pronounced. Once you’ve decided that, you only want to work from there. It may take minutes, hours, days, weeks but be patient. When you get a
pulse, or buzz, or tingle stronger than any other spot you try, you know that’s the one to use. As soon as you’re confident in your skill at getting your
spot of choice to activate so to speak, it’s time to start trying to ping. Pinging (Whew…finally): This was quite a lot for just pinging, but that’s not
all you learned. You’re now louder than ever at this point. Assuming you practiced of course. Anyway, let’s ping shall we? As I said before, only use
“Hey” for now. First step is to go to a public place. You need the numbers at first. A mall really is a great place to do this at. Sit at a bench or
something at your public spot of choice and try to ping people walking by. Note any quick movements, jerky head turns, complete turn around and
from there try to refine your method. Ok, here’s how. It’s quite simple after all, well it is now at least. Preliminaries can never be skipped. It just
doesn’t work well otherwise. All you do is concentrate to get that humming, buzzing, or tingling as nicely as possible and then roll it off you toward
your target while thinking “Hey” at its crescendo. Unseen people are the same. You just get a signature first and then send it to them. You might
realize after practicing this for a while, you are much clearer and louder in TP games. People might actually report hearing your voice instead of
pictures and such. I hope this helps your sending ability considerably and keep practicing.
I'm told every good article starts with a joke. Yep, a joke. Upon spending the past few days with my eight month old nephew, I have a great joke that
works every time. OK. Ready? Peek-a-boo! No, wait, it goes like this. PEEK-A-BOO! Tough crowd, tough crowd. I'm actually here, today, to
discuss a number of subjects, the first one being scanning. For those of you who've been around a while, this article basically combines the last two
articles (no longer available) and adds some more information. It is part one of a very cool series. I'm often asked by the Internet folk how to scan.
These are the following questions I am going to answer on scanning: What is scanning? How do I create the 'link' in which to scan someone? What
should I visualize? How do I get the kind of information am I looking for once I've created this link? Will you scan me? Is scanning ethical? How do
you read someone's mind? I still can't locate my target, what can I do? Does your target have to know you're scanning them? How do I know if I'm
being scanned? Can I prevent scanning? Will you scan me? So, here we go. One question at a time. 1. What is scanning? Scanning is defined in the
Telepathy Manual. But, because you're special, I'll paste it again here for you: 6) Scanning: Scanning, as far as telepathy goes, is a method of finding
information about a target via telepathic means. Scans vary in depth and accuracy. While a surface scan may turn up very little, for example, a shield
shape and possibly surface thoughts, an in depth scan can uncover basically anything any one individual is thinking or has thought, without them
necessarily having to be thinking it at the time. 2. How do I create the 'link' in which to scan someone? What should I visualize? This is where
you start to OVER think. (At least, those of you capable of thinking.) You're the ones who have printed out this article and are waiting for a step-by-
step instruction scanning ritual. Sorry, suckers, ain't happening. While telepathy may be a science of it's sort, I like to think there's still a bit of art to
it. So just chill the heck out and go with it, dammit! Still, I'm going to relay a couple of popular visualizations. My favorite is the Utility Belt Link.
(Now, in the past I have been made fun of for naming names of superheros who didn't actually wear utility belts. But don't you worry, readers, I made
sure those nerds knew who was boss.) I'm pretty sure Batman had one, because of that one scene with Kim Basinger... nevermind. So Batman is our
example. When Batman needs to climb a wall, he unleashes that anchor-looking thing with a rope attached, and up he climbs. This is the general
beginners method, as it's that "climbing" feeling and practice which increases your familiarity, comfort zone, speed, and in such, your accuracy.
Acquire target. Shield. Do not proceed before until you've done both. After you've acquired your target, visualize your utility belt. And if you're the
type of person who has to manipulate from the sternum, a utility sports bra. Take a moment to gather, program, and then send towards the target. This
anchor is just an extension of you. Navigate around your target and see what you see. This is basically the same as the tendril technique described in
the Telepathy Manual. The tendril technique seems to work best for people who are more often heavily shielded and have the awareness and control
to just plum extend themselves into a target's mind. 3. How do I get the kind of information am I looking for once I've created this link?
This might be an anti-climactic answer, but look for it. Poke around (gently!) and find the information you seek. Also, a programming of your
extension (anchor, tendril, whatever) can be crucial. 4. Will you scan me? No. 5. Is scanning ethical? Neither PsiPog nor I are the appropriate
people to ask this. Ethics are a personal thing. Decide your own and go from there. But don't lecture me; it makes me grumpy. If it is a matter of
religion, speak to your spiritual advisor. 6. How do you read someone's mind? First of all, if you're seriously asking me this question: I hate you.
Second, "mind reading" and "scanning" are somewhat interchangable, in a slang situation. 7. I still can't locate my target, what can I do?
If you haven't been practicing this for at least a month, do not ask me this. Practice. Keep practicing. Baby steps, people, baby steps. You can also
read Gnome's Sensitivity Manual and practice being in tune with the feelings that occur during change and even during moments of stillness. If all
else fails, I hear golf is a good game. 8. Does your target have to know you're scanning them? No. Although some scanners can feel like a bull in
a china shop no matter how "subtle" they try to be. This, too, comes with practice and being comfortable with the navigation. 9. How do I know if
I'm being scanned? Can I prevent scanning? I don't know. How do you know when your foot itches? How do you know when someone behind
you is staring at the back of your head? It's just a matter of sensitivity. And yes, you can shield against scanning. Use the same visualizations you
would to keep all other probe types out. 10. Will you scan me? Again, no. I am not a circus act, nor do I wish to be watched like two mating monkies
at the zoo. If you have a legitimate need and know how to find me, I'll try to be accomodating. But the default answer is still no.
The Telepathy Manual
I. Introduction A. Definition of Terms Throughout this manual you will find many terms which will more than likely seem very foreign to you. This
is because they are very foreign to most of the human population. This manual was written by a group of telepaths with very little input from the
outside world. That said, the terms and slang used inside are that which is considered slang terms or only known to telepaths. In this first section, we
will go over these terms, and their definitions.1) Navigation: The tracking down or maneuvering through a mind on the telepathic level. In this
manual, Navigation is the name of a Section that discusses tracking one down based on their mental signature, gathering information about a target
by use of items related to the target, and the use of the visulaization method to acquire a target (III A). It also discusses various methods of tracking
down the source of an incoming signal. (III B) 2) Pinging: A ping is a very simple telepathic communication. It is more often than not simply a push
or mental "bop". This article discusses some of its uses (IV A), as well as its performance (IV B) 3) visulaization: visulaization, unlike the
connotations it's gotten from all those silly "Ki" web sites, is not the practice of guiding or controlling anything, it is simply picturing an image in
ones mind. This is used for a few methods discussed in this article, most likely for targeting. 4) Pulse Sending: A method used by the Russians, pulse
sending involves sending a message on a beat or pulse, normally tied in to ones heartbeat. If I were to want to send the color red, I would think "red"
at the target each time my heart beat. This will be discussed in greater detail in the Pulse Sending section (V) 5) Broadcasting: Very much what it
sounds, broadcasting is the relaying of a telepathic message to an area or group. Much like a radio tower, in most cases broadcasting is performed by
simply tossing thoughts out into the air for anyone sensitive (or close) enough to listen. This is discussed in greater detail in section (VI)
6) Scanning: Scanning, as far as telepathy goes, is a method of finding information about a target via telepathic means. Scans vary in depth and
accuracy. While a surface scan may turn up very little, for example, a shield shape and possibly surface thoughts, an in depth scan can uncover
basically anything any one individual is thinking or has thought, without them necessarily having to be thinking it at the time. (VII)
7) Probes: Probes are a more advanced, so to speak, method of Scanning (see 6). Probes involve either energetic constructs, or low level "Hacking"
(discussed later). They are usually for longer term monitoring of a target. (VII) 8) Suggestion: Telepathic Suggestion is the act of sending
instructional information to a target, such as "get up and walk outside" or "don't see me." Discussed in VIII A. 9) Projection: Telepathic Projection is
a method of projecting an image, thought, sound, or so forth into an area. For example, one would project the image of a person sitting on a bus.
Discussed in VIII B. 10) Forced Hallucination: As the name states, the forcing of a hallucination upon a target. VIII C. 11) Hacking: Telepathic
Hacking is a practice of accessing information from a targets mind, intercepting information being sent from one mind to another, interfering with
said information, or distorting, destroying, or otherwise corrupting mental files. 12) Psionic Signature: A Psionic Signature (Psi-Sig) is a person's
mental fingerprint. All people have different psi-sigs, but some sigs are similar, and information can be derived from them.
B. Disclaimer/Warnings This manual is not a joke. The material contained within is fully functional. Some of this information could be used to
harm yourself or others. Therefore, the authors are NOT responsible for what you do with this information.Those suffering of mental disorders or
lapses should not use this manual. Mental disorders include, but are not limited to, MPD, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Debilitating Legal Insanity,
Psychopathic Tendencies, Downright Stupidity, and so forth.This manual, while functional, does not guarantee results. We hope it is successful in
training telepathy, however we are not liable for failure. This manual is being provided free of charge, and therefore the authors cannot be expected to
guarantee delivery, however, again, we hope it does. lI. Preliminary Preparations
A. Clearing Your Mind1) Breathing-Counting method Close your eyes and take a nice, deep breath. Release the breath slowly. Continue this, and
begin to count the exhalation. Take nice, easy, slow breaths. Continue counting to 20. Disregard sensory data, thoughts, emotions, and the like.
Repeat as necessary. This method is good because it gives your conscious mind something to do while calming your subconscious mind.
2) Bob Peterson Lightning Method "So here's an exercise for focusing your consciousness down to a quiesced[sic] state: Have you ever seen a flash
of lightning, and stopped to listen for the thunder? Or perhaps you heard someone knocking at your door or the telephone ringing from several rooms
away? At those times, you tend to stop thinking and listen. And your mind is quiesced[sic] for a second or two. Well, pretend that some sound will
occur in the future, and just listen for it. For a short time, your consciousness will stop all processing and go into a quiesced[sic] state. As you
practice, increase the length of time that you listen." 3) Coloring Coloring, yes, like little kids do, is a very good method for clearing ones mind.
Doodling with a pencil is always a good, relaxing act, however, better than that is coloring or drawing with crayons or colored pencils. Blues and
teals will create a calming effect, while red excites. Green alone is a soothing color. Yellow and orange are both cheering. These colors should help
clear the mind, as they create effects like so, and the act of coloring distracts the analytical mind. B. Grounding and Centering The ever-famous
methods for psychoenergetics taught on just about every credible site. This is a pretty common practice, and could be adapted to telepathic use.
Therefore, it is wise to understand the mechanisms of grounding and centering, however, it will not be discussed here as it is outside the scope of this
article. III. Navigation
A. Finding Your Targets Mind 1) Recalling information about your target.The first method we will discuss for finding your target is by recalling
information about your target. To do so, you could remember the feeling that person gave you upon meeting. If you spoke to the person, you could
remember their voice or vocal tones, and Send to the person with that particular voice, intending them. You could also recall their physical
appearance. One method the Russians were fond of in their experiments was mentally visualizing (IA3) the targets face or physical body.
2) Target Related ItemsAnother method of tracking a target is by the use of items related to the target. The first step to this is, obviously, acquire an
object that is in some way or another related to the target. Then, using your non-dominant hand (do NOT use your dominant hand), run your fingers
or your hand's energy field over the field of the object. Target the feeling of the pattern you get from the object.
B. Backtrailing an incoming signal 1) Tagging the route source The first step to tagging the route source of an incoming signal is to find an
incoming signal. Easy enough. One method of back-trailing it is to make a small construct that follows the signal back to the source. This is an easy
enough task, and can be performed like any other constructs, however constructs are outside the scope of this manual.Another construct method is the
Hunter-Tracker constructs. These are semi-intelligent constructs designed to follow the signal. However, one should be warned that armed or hostile
variations of these are considered attacks, and these can be traced.The third and probably most simple method of tracking a signal is observing the
psionic signature of an incoming signal, and comparing it to known signals.
IV. Pinging
A. Usage 1) Fun. Pings can be used for many things, one of which would be for fun. For instance, if you wanted to entertain yourself, you could send
a ping in the form of an impact feeling at someone.2) Primitive Communication. Pings, while very simple, are quite capable of sending small one
thought communications.3) Greetings/Expressions. Popular amongst natural psychics, now you can be "in." Pings are excellent for "let 'em know
you're here" things. They are also very effective shows of expressions, such as the infamous "middle finger." B. HowThe most common and simple
way to ping a person is thinking at them. This is a very simple process. The first step is acquiring the target (III A). The second step is thinking while
directing your thoughts at this person. One method of this is sub-vocalization. Sub-vocalization is thinking with the intent to speak, or thinking JUST
below the vocal level. To send a simple ping, one would simply think a concept at a person. In order to add strength to a ping, it is common to send a
burst of energy towards the target at the same time as the ping.Another variation of a ping is a use of the infamous Psi-Ball. This is be done by
formulating a psi-ball with a particular concept, and then sending it towards the topic.
V. Pulse Sending A. Usage
1) Sending short messages. Pulse Sending as a process is very simple, however, the process is such that it can only send very short, simple concepts,
in order to do so in rate with the heartbeat. 2) Communicating over long distances with minimum distortion. The Russians, as mentioned before (IA)
used this to communicate with submarines deep under pack ice. The result was a clear message, due to both the simplicity of the concept and the
repetitive sending of such.3) Emphasis/Emergency Sendings. The nature of Pulse Sending is such that it can be done quickly and efficiently, with
very little preparation or skill. B. How There is only one real way to go about Pulse Sending, and that can be detailed in steps. The first step is, as in
all telepathic applications, to identify a target. Once you have identified the target, you should focus on what you want to Send. For instructional
purposes, we will use the example of the color Red. Once you have identified both a target and a signal to send, begin thinking, like in pinging, at the
target. Mentally "push forward" at the target, while visualizing the target's face. Push forward each time your heart beats, for 20 seconds. Wait 5
seconds, and repeat. VI. Broadcasting A. Usage 1) Propagandizing/Influencing Crowds. Broadcasting can be used to influence large crowds,
because it can send information in a "field" around someone. This would be done the same way as Suggesting, discussed later (VIII A).
2) Releasing information to Groups. This method is extremely useful for releasing information to an area or a group, as it is much more efficient
than Sending to each person. 3) Panicked Communication. Although this is not usually the purpose, even Nons have an easy time broadcasting, as
it is a natural survival method. Humans instinctively broadcast emergencies, whether they like it or not, which can be a good or bad thing.
B. How One method for Broadcasting is very simply "mentally shouting." If you're familiar with your mental voice, and we all should be, because it
is the fundamental basis of human thought, this is simply changing that voice from a normal talk to a LOUD SHOUTING. If done properly, there
should be a pressure or rising feeling at or moving to the top of the head. This may take a while to develop, but shouldn't be longer than a matter of
seconds. Another method of Broadcasting is something we do very often. Stewing, or thinking single mindedly about a single thing, is a form of
broadcasting, and should be picked up by various sensitives and even semi-sensitive Nons in the area.The third and final method is one you've been
expecting is simply Sending at a region. VII. Scanning and Probes
A. Usage 1) Espionage. This is the primary use for Scanning and Probing. Scanning and Probing, as defined before (IA) are both methods of getting
information from a target, potentially an enemy, without their immediate consent.2) Assessing an Individuals Energetic Information. Another
primary use of Scanning, not as much so Probing, is determining energetic information of another individual, be it friend or foe.3) Mind Reading.
This is the general concept understood when one says Mind Reading, specifically, this is how a person gains unchecked access to information from
an individual, whether the person is presently thinking it or not. B. How Of course, the first step here is acquiring the target. For this particular
exercise, you should begin by extending a tendril from the edge of your mind or shields. This process is difficult to describe, but can be done using
the "visulaization" method amongst those who have programmed their subconscious properly, to manipulate Psi and perform acts based on
biofeedback.Reach the tendril towards the target, gently, because a forceful scan/probe can be extremely painful…and less than covert. For a cursory
scan of surface thoughts, simply brush the tendril against the edge of the targets mind, or energy field. For a probe, push the tendril into the mind,
rooting around and navigating to find what you want. VIII. Suggestion, Projection, and Forced Hallucination
A. Suggestion Suggestion is a simple application of telepathic Sending. Suggesting can be performed by use of the Pulse Sending method (V). The
difference is, in Suggestion, the object is to have the target perform an action, summarily, basic mind control. The Russians performed several
experiments suggesting the target to go to sleep. They will be used for exemplary purposes.The first step, as always, is to acquire the target. Once you
have acquired the target, begin pulse-sending the concept of the action. In this case "sleep!" While doing this, vividly picture the target falling asleep.
Another method of doing this would be Sending "You wish to sleep" or, mimicking their mental voice, "I'm getting tired, and I'm going to go to
sleep."If you wish to Send complex instructions to the target, walk them through the process step by step, or if the action includes several logical
steps, suggest to them that they want the result, while visualizing them performing the steps.B. Projection Projection is the "Broadcasting" of
Suggestion. While suggestion is suggesting to a single person to perform an action, Projection is the Sending of sensory input to a region. For this
example, we will project the illusion of a man on a bus. To do this, a target person is not necessary, but rather a target location, in this case, a seat on
a school bus. Once you have determined a location broadcast the image or thought of a person sitting at the seat. Actually see the person, while
broadcasting the image of it to the bus. While people may not see it immediately, people will act as if they see it. As another example, if someone
were to project a gun-wielding terrorist, the people in the area may move to avoid that area (consciously or subconsciously, depending on their level
of sensitivity to telepathic Sending), or even act afraid of it. C. Forced Hallucination This is a demonstration of both the prior skills. Forced
Hallucination is forcing a single person to see a location. Again, their responsiveness to it is directly proportionate to your skill and their sensitivity.
A natural telepath who's not expecting it may respond at the offhand thought, while a non might not respond without expert skill. To perform this,
one would Suggest sensory input to a single individual, directly affecting them to see something that isn't there. This could be accomplished by
yourself pretending to see, or hear, a person on a bench, or a gun-wielding terrorist, and Suggest what you're seeing to the target.
IX. Hacking
It is necessary to make note that this section begins to discuss more of an application phase. This section will discuss more advanced methodologies
while applying formerly taught concepts. A. Intercepting This is an application of telepathy to intercepting other telepathic communication. The
primary method of this is an energetic wiretap. The first step is to locate a signal line. A signal line is a line of communication between two
individuals. It's more than likely simply a straight line. Of course, it's not really a line, but more of a wave of telepathic energy, which ironically is
outside the scope of this article. The basic idea is attaching a construct to that line, which reroutes the communication to you.This can also be done by
applying the principles of Probing. However, instead of Probing a mind, probe the telepathic link. Literally a "wiretap." B. Interfering
There are many ways to interfere with a communication. Two of them are patently obvious. The first is simple: rerouting or otherwise preventing the
signal from arriving at its destination. This can be easily done by shielding one or more of the parties involved, or by telepathically influencing
(suggesting) the Sender to fail to Send. Another method for this would be to create a depatternizing field on the signal, literally scrambling it.
The second, more devious way is to alter the contents of the message. This can be done by directly Suggesting to either the Sender or the signal line.
Suggesting to the Sender simply involves Suggesting that he or she send something other than the original method. Suggesting to the signal line
would simply be a matter of Sending along the "wiretap"/ tendril to the line. C. Distorting/Destroying Mental Files The most devious of telepathic
hacking applications is the deliberate destruction or distortion of mental files. A mental file is basically anything that a person remembers, or has
stored in their mind. Destruction or Distortion of such is simple. While forcing the target to recall events, through telepathic suggestion, suggest to
them that they remember it differently. Have them do so for a short while, long enough that they can convince themselves that the "new" memory is
the correct one. This works best with vivid detail, as the human mind does not question its own accuracy. This works best after having induced a
trance, which is not covered within the scope of this manual. Simply overwriting the old with new would destroy files, and distorting would involve
simply changing details. This can, surprisingly, be done without them ever knowing. The trick is, instead of Suggesting to the surface mind, you
would need to Suggest to the subconscious. By doing so, you avoid the risk of being discovered, except by telepaths who may know what you're
doing. X. Conclusion
That's the Telepathy Manual, so here I'd like to discuss briefly a list of thanks. I'd like to thank Adam and Rainsong who both aided me greatly in the
creation of this. I'd like to thank Sean, who is both sponsoring this on PsiPog (http://www.psipog.net/), and also provided counsel for the creation.
Telepathic Linking and Scanning
The intent of this article is to discuss Telepathic Linking and Scanning: methods, uses, and what to expect. Further questions may be directed towards
myself or any of the moderators at the PsiPog forums or the PsiPog chat. What is telepathic linking? The name is pretty self-explanatory. It is a psi
link between two persons for purposes such as but not limited to: telepathic conversation, empathic knowledge, scanning for psi signatures, empathy
scanning, sending/receiving random information, discerning if someone is telling the truth, planting telepathic suggestion or programming (Note: Do
NOT ask me about planting programming in someone else. You will receive a rude, yet witty reply), the list goes on and on. What does it feel like?
That’s a tougher one to answer. It’s similar to trying to explain to a blind person what the sky looks like. And while I hate to sound cliché, all I can
really say on this one is – if you have to ask what it feels like, you aren’t doing it. You’ll know you’ve done it successfully, once you’ve done it
successfully. So, how do I accomplish a telepathic link with someone? Ah, I thought you’d never ask. While visualization is not the answer, it is a
helpful tool to your subconscious. So, I’m going to go over some popular visualization techniques that have either been useful for myself or someone
I know. First I will cover the “tendril” technique. This is the most common visualization of which I’m aware. For those of you who aren’t familiar
with it, it goes something like this: Relax, as with all first time practices this is important. Meditate, if that’s your cup of tea – whatever
it takes to put you in the relaxed state of mind. Once you’re there, do some basic energy manipulation. Put up a wall up psi around your body; jump
some energy between your hands or fingers. Basically get comfortable moving psi around. Now that you’ve done this for about five minutes, it’s time
for the visualization to come into play. Visualize the psi you’re been playing with for the past five minutes shooting out from you. Some people
visualize it shooting out from their sternum, some who use chakras as a tool picture it coming from where they think the third eye to be, others don’t
pinpoint the spot but rather just shoot it out from wherever it will shoot. You should know at least a little about your practice partner/target, as this
appears to help your subconscious find the goal with more ease. I don’t know why this is; ask your subconscious, not me. So, have your target in
mind and shoot that stream of psi towards him/her. Imagine it sticking right to them, like sticky slime. Send more energy through the link you’ve
made. Think you’ve sent enough? Send more. Got enough now? Send MORE. Triple the amount you’ve already sent. Then send more. Think you’re
out of psi to send? SEND MORE. Ok Ok. By this time you should be feeling the link. Sit back for a minute and just become acquainted with the
feeling. Know it, love it, be able to do it again. You may even be smart to just practice doing this a few times for the first run. Then let your partner
give it a turn. The other technique that is gaining popularity is the Utility Belt method. It’s pretty similar to the Tendril method, but you imagine
wearing a psionic Utility Belt. It’s been pointed out to me that Superman, does indeed not have a Utility Belt, but well… quite frankly he should.
Batman, now THERE’S a superhero. Good looking rich man by day, crime fighting utility belt wearing superhero by night. Oh yeah… Oh, right, the
method. So there’s that thing, the grappling hook, which comes out of all the good superhero’s belts. It’s the one that allows the superhero to walk
sideways on a wall to get out of a sticky situation. You know the one. He unleashes the rope with the hook on the end, grabs the pretty girl, and walks
sideways up the building and hides on the roof laughing as the bad guys scratch their heads in wonder. So the method goes like this. After you’ve
spent some time moving psi around, you can imagine yourself with your psionic utility belt. Imagine your grappling hook harnessing all the energy
you’ve just played with and hooking on to your partner/target. Imagine your psi running down your rope and hitting its target dead on. Send more.
And more. Keep going. When you’re done, send more. After you’re done with that, SEND MORE. I hope you get the emphasis on how freaking
much you should send. And when you think you get the emphasis, SEND MORE. Once you have truly sent enough you should notice the change in
the way you feel. Spend a few minutes getting comfortable with this feeling. It’s now time to start trying to do some scanning. To start
we’ll do some basic psi signature scanning. I’m going to cover some of the same material as in the other article I’ve written – “What is a psi signature
and how do I scan for one?” -- But I ask that you read both articles before you begin practice. Since you’ve gotten comfortable creating a telepathic
link already, scanning someone should be relatively easy. Start by creating that link. Sit with the link for 2-3 minutes before trying to scan. Make sure
it’s steady and strong – a constant flow of psi between you and your target. Now, start trying to pull information down the rope. It doesn’t matter
what kind of information. Anything that comes to you. It can come in the form of images, symbols, audio, emotions/feelings, and color to name a
few. Try not to stick too much with color, though, as I’ve found this tends to get people hung up and stuck. I usually go for the feelings and emotions
first. Pull them down the link. I do this, as I find getting their state of mind beforehand helps me to better interpret the other random information I
may receive. Next I poke around for symbols or archetypes. [Note: Please see Myriad’s Empathy Seminars (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) for more in depth
explanation of archetypes.] Once you’ve accomplished getting a state of mind and a few archetypes under your belt, just relax and let any other
random information that they may be sending come to you. This takes practice. Don’t get discouraged if after three tries you don’t receive much or
any information. Keep at it, and find me in the chat if you have more specific questions. At this point, I think it’s necessary to discuss
shielding. There are many excellent articles here at PsiPog on the subject, so I won’t rewrite them here. If you don’t want yourself scanned by
random strangers, though, I suggest looking into the Hedge Shield. Or perhaps the Reflective Shield. Bounce their link right off of you. Most smart
psychics/psions/whatever won’t go probing into someone who is shielded. Expect no mercy from your shielded target if you do so.
Articles I recommend on the subject: An Introduction to Psionic Shielding – by Rainsong General Outline to Shielding – by Unknown
To close this article, we’ll talk about disconnecting or breaking the telepathic link. I often hear people say they don’t know how. It’s really very easy.
Take the “tendril” and shake it off of them. Bring the energy that you created back to you. If you can control it enough to send out, you can certainly
control it enough to bring home.
Remote Viewing Manual
Section 1: a. Introduction: Remote Viewing is the ability to gain information which lies beyond the range of our ordinary sense and beyond the
conventional constraints of time and space. Currently there are no concrete facts explaining how and why Remote Viewing exists and works the way
it does. We only have theories which are supported by evidence. The information gathered only helps to motivate us into developing and
experimenting with the remote viewing methods. This manual will not describe every detail as to how Remote Viewing works, as it is not necessary
to know when performing. Perhaps the best way to understand and learn remote viewing, is to practice and decide for yourself, what works and what
doesn’t work. b. Warning/disclaimer: This manual is to be taken seriously. The material below is fully functional, people who are suffering from
mental diseases, or severe physical disabilities are not encouraged to practice remote viewing. Sometimes practice can become very strenuous and
physical ailments may result. If at any time you begin to feel uncomfortable you are encouraged to stop practicing and take a break until you recover.
c. Preparation methods: To prepare for remote viewing one must calm themselves and ‘clear their minds’ so to speak. This is a very important step
when performing remote viewing. It is inconvenient when present thoughts become confused with the information that is being obtained. There are
many different ways to relax your body and to clear your mind. Any method is good as long as it does those two things. I Relaxation Technique
One technique that can be used is as follows: Close your eyes and count backwards from 10 to 0. Focus on slowing down your heart rate and
breathing rate. Starting with the toes and working your way up, tense and relax all the muscles in your body. While relaxing your muscles, try
focusing only on breathing. This will help to clear your mind and enhance the results. Perform.
II. Coloring Another technique comes from coloring, or doodling. Although this sounds very primary it is a useful tool to calm the subconscious
and help the mind focus. Drawing complex pictures (such as faces) upside down force the mind even more to concentrate, which allows greater
results. Section 2: a. Analytical Overlay and how to avoid it:
Analytical Overlay (A.O.L.) is a term often used to describe when thoughts, ideas and/or information become cross-wired or confused. When
information is collected, the human brain decides to look for similar information within its memory banks. For Example: When remote viewing, the
receiver describes the color Yellow. The brain will relate many yellow objects that it has previously experienced (bananas, the sun, canaries). This
link of information happens subconsciously and cannot be fully stopped but there are ways to avoid it. One way is to only use descriptive words
(adjectives) when describing an object. Do not use nouns as they can sometimes spoil results. For example: If I see something that is long, yellow and
cylindrical, I may believe it to be a pencil, but in reality it is a garbage can. With this problem luckily there also come other solutions. One solution
which works is known as ‘Scribbling’. Yes you will be reverted back to your read K-1 skills of drawing those great lines that everyone saw
themselves in, except a bit more advanced this time. Basically how this works is you need a pad and paper and as you receive stuff you either draw it
or make out a key, maybe one line for an adjective or two lines for nouns, and when you receive either, jot it down accordingly. The fundamentals
behind this are that it helps you make a connection between physical actions and the information you receive. In doing so, this allows you to let your
mind know that you are receiving and understanding what type of information you are receiving, so it can go ahead and do away with it. What
happens to this new found space? Well, it fills up with more information about the target, in a continuous cycle of dumping and receiving
information. Scribbling is very helpful in dumping those unwanted AOL nouns. b. Matrix Theory to Remote viewing The matrix theory is based
on the fact that everything is intertwined in a series of lines and connections. Each line is connected to something or someone by means of personal
connection or merely the fact that it contains your name, therefore linking you to anything which might contain a part of you, such as simply your
name on a sheet of paper. When someone creates a "signal" line to a target through use of coordinates, it allows the Remote viewer to connect to the
target easier by traveling through the newly opened gateway than blindly searching for the signal to the target to make a connection. In laymen’s
terms you create a detour to the target, only instead of like the original route, you know the directions to this new route. c. Coordinate Remote
Viewing So to break the ice on this expansive subject we start with probably the most widely known version of Remote Viewing, CRV, or
Coordinate RV. Although it is also know by some as Controlled RV, you will see later it is easier understood as Coordinate RV.
First select a Viewer and Assigner/Monitor(one who will assign coordinates) and gather together some pictures...or refer to Psipog’s database of
pictures found here (www.psipog.net/images). Once you have enough pictures you will be ready to assign some coordinates to them. The normal
coordinate format is 0000-0000, but anything that you think guarantees the least amount of interference from outside number combinations will do.
Personally I stick to the 0000-0000 format for simplicity. You will form any number combination within this format, such as 8732-3123, and then
you will need to associate in a way these coordinates with the picture you want your friend to RV. To do this you can mentally overlay coordinates
on the picture (while this process works for pictures, it works best for 3d objects in everyday life) in your head and hold it in your mind or you can
physically draw them on the sheet of paper, either yield pretty similar results. By doing so, in theory, you establish a connection line between the
coordinates and the picture/object you chose, and anyone can tap the line. It is also best to start with smaller objects first then move up later on when
both are more advanced in assigning and receiving. Next is the process of receiving, which is a bit more advanced than the job of the Assigner. The
sender should sit in a comfortable position so their as little as possible interruption, and maybe in a room that is quiet and cut off the sounds of the
normal day. Once comfortable and both, Receiver and Monitor are ready, the Monitor will select an object and assign it coordinates, then relay the
coordinates to you. This is where all the action begins. Once you receive the coordinates you can choose to repeat them, stare at them, or just read
them once and sit peacefully. Just as long as you acknowledge them for what they are, and that is, coordinates to the object you are Remote Viewing.
According to a popular theory of RV, know as the Matrix theory, by reciting or taking notice of the coordinates in some way you are creating a
connection to the line (also part of the Matrix theory) made earlier between the target and coordinates, and now you must wait to receive information
via this cord. At first, information comes in spurts, sometimes in pictures, or you may even for a second be transferred to the source of the object, but
that borders the line of Remote Presence (RP), so we will not deal with that here Start off with simple adjectives, explain the information you get
with as simple of adjectives as you can muster from that lack-luster vocabulary. If nouns do come, push them out and mentally tell yourself you only
want to receive adjectives, and maybe feelings concerning the target. If you can’t stop the nouns...Try describing them in as many adjectives as
possible instead wasting time trying to push them out. The following is an example for an ideal RVing of a red wagon. “Red rectangular
shape....Circles....maybe black....long line with handle like end.....open space....maybe rectangular” then it go even further if it had side supports
“Brown line patterns above each side”. After a while of practicing this routine you will be less prone to use nouns, and use adjectives more and more,
maybe further influencing the information you receive via the Signal line. Once you have become better at weeding out A.O.L. and controlling the
spurts of information, you can move up in difficulty in targets, such as more complex pictures or whole areas. This is where you can reach the
problem of being transferred accidentally to the location, and even though achieved my RVing it is mainly RPing....so I will leave that to the RP
articles. This basically sums it for the technical part of using RV, so now I will leave you to the rest. d. Advanced Remote Viewing Once you are a
little more advanced in Remote Viewing, and can hit most of your targets, you might want to move on to this method of RVing. It requires no
coordinates, nor does it require an extra person. With this, it allows a broader range of possibilities within scope of this method of RVing.
Basically this method requires a place, preferably one you have never seen before, and your Remote Viewing skills. (You can also have a friend pick
an object at their house or place in his house if you don’t want to do this alone.) It would also be helpful if you had a Subconscious link as described
in the article here and your mind was relaxed. Once you have most of the previous you should be ready to continue on..... While you can always
pick your own place, it is easier if you first have your friend pick an object, whether it is a whole room or an object in that room and keep it in mind.
This helps make the association between who you are working with and what object you need to find, and makes a more defined pattern in the, if you
will, Matrix (From the theory of CRV). It may help if your friend thinks about this object in its every detail to further the association, or you may find
this interferes, due to ways in Telepathy and such. Find which works best for you and stick with it. Once the object has been established it is
now your turn to take part in the Remote Viewing. So get relaxed, using your favorite method...music...dance...kill....or the method mentioned
previously in Section 1 of this manual. Once relaxed you need to let yourself know your objectives, and as always your objective is to receive
information on your target object. This is where your subconscious link, if you have one, will come in handy because you can simply tell yourself
what you are looking for. But what about those who don’t have a subconscious link? Simple. Think the same thoughts with the emotion of needing to
find something. If successful, you should begin to receive correct information pertaining to the object you are Remote Viewing.
e. Precognitive Remote Viewing This following methods are a bit different in that they combine the branches of Precognition and Remote Viewing
into one. You will be using Remote Viewing techniques to observe a future event, place, or outcome.
I. Multiple Targets Technique This method requires more than just two people, and more than likely at least a small group of friends. You will
need to select someone who will be picking the two targets needed for this process, one target for yes and the other target for no, and the rest of the
group will do the Remote Viewing. After this person is selected, they will then proceed to select the targets such as, a "Bird" for yes and a "Dog" for
no. They can draw little pictures on paper or overlap the thoughts of each in your mind, whichever they feel more comfortable with and whichever
brings the most favorable results. After the controls are set, you will need to pose a question, for example “Will it rain tomorrow?’ Once you have
your question comes the tricky part.....and by now most of you should know which method of RV you are best at using and incorporate it into the
following. If you are best at CRV, write the question on paper, and then draw the coordinates on the same sheet of paper, or if you are better with
ARV, then run the target question through your mind with the intention that it is what the Remote Viewers are going to see. Now have the group
have a go at trying to RV the target. The descriptions of the images are crucial at this point, so choosing targets that are similar (cat, dog) are not
beneficial. When the group members finish describing what they have seen, choose the answer which is supported with the majority of feedback.
II. An Individual's Technique This is probably the simplest of the techniques, but not always the most successful. It consists of yourself, and
questions you have mixed up previously that you need answered or want to see the outcome of. Gather a list of questions you need answered or
future things such as "Future home", and then write them on 5-7 sheets of paper, and then fold them nicely. Grab 5-7 envelops, and place each sheet
into an individual envelope. Now comes the hardest part, mixing them up...Toss them in the air.....scatter them about....just mix. Once mixed, write a
set of coordinates on one, and begin to RV. Record what you receive and then later open the envelope to see if it could even remotely correspond to
what was written on the sheet of paper. Section 3: Review Animation Here is an animation reviewing the steps to take when practicing with a
friend. Section 4 a. Ethics/Protection: Although the choice is completely yours to make, Remote Viewing can be used for many purposes. This
manual has not been composed to tell you when and how to use remote viewing, it is an individual choice. Since Remote Viewing can be practiced
any place and time, it is useful to know how to protect oneself from spies. The easiest and most effective way to block out remote viewing spies is
with shielding. Simply create a shield and program it to deflect remote viewing attempts. b. Helpful Tips: Here are some helpful tips to help you
practice and develop Remote Viewing: Keep a pen and paper handy at all times. Sometimes it is easier to draw a picture of what you are viewing,
than to describe it with words. Coloring is not a big concern, but shading may help the results. Use adjectives when describing the objects being
viewed. Using only adjectives (such as fluffy, smooth, yellow) will help to avoid Analytical Overlay. Do not relate all of the images that are seen.
Although they may relate in some way, they also may have no relation to one another at all. Relating two objects can often bring upon Analytical
Overlay or destroy somewhat perfect results. Performing Remote Viewing while in a trance can help to reduce Analytical Overlay.
c. Final Warning: Please keep in mind that over exertion and exhaustion can become serious medical problems. If at any time you start to feel
nauseous, dizzy or feel any pain, stop immediately and rest. If the pain persists seek medical attention.
Remote Viewing
What are the different "types" of remote viewing?
In this case we’re using the official term remote viewing, so this describes different ‘types’ of RV as commonly known in the science community.
The Ganzfeld approach to remote viewing uses a mild form of sensory deprivation, in the hope that minimizing input from the world around the
psychic or remote viewer will maximize their ability to sense subtle input from their subconscious/psi. Usually the psychic is reclining or lying down.
Halved ping-pong balls are placed over the eyes, and the room has a dim red light. White noise is usually played through a speaker. Ganzfeld RV
data often seems a bit 'dreamy'. This may be due to the rather hypnagogic nature of the methodology.
"Outbounder" or "Beacon"
The Outbounder approach to remote viewing uses a second person as a 'beacon' for the psychic or remote viewer. The viewer sits in one location, and
the outbounder leaves the building, gets in a car and drives around randomly for a specified period of time. Then the outbounder opens a sealed
envelope with directions to the target site. At an appointed time, the outbounder is to be standing at the target site taking note of his surroundings.
The viewer's job is to describe the surroundings of the outbounder. Eventually it was found that (a) it’s pretty much impossible to separate ‘telepathy’
from ‘clairvoyance’ in testing, and (b) outbounder sessions are no better than regular RV and sometimes can be worse (based on viewer AOL), so
this is seldom if ever done in formal RV science nowdays. "Associative"
Associative remote viewing is a protocol based on a revised tasking for a given RV project. It is used for binary targets (where there is a
choice of two outcomes (plus ‘other’), and these types of targets are usually also a form of precognitive psi. The tasker "associates" three specific
targets with the outcomes in question. When tasked, the Viewer's description will (it is hoped) match one of those targets clearly enough for the
tasker to conclude an answer. For example, if the target is the rise or fall of the price of sugar on the commodities market tomorrow, the tasker may
assign "Niagara Falls" to a "fall" answer, "the Eiffel Tower" to a "rise" answer, and "the grand canyon" to "other" (such as, stays the same, the stock
market is closed that day, or any other potential). The viewer is tasked with, "Describe the target." If the Viewer's description can be
correlated with one of the predefined associated targets, that is what the analyst or tasker would take as the psi-derived "answer." When the outcome
is learned, the viewer is given the feedback of the target correlated with the actual outcome. They are not given feedback on the other options or on
what they may have described, even if it is clearly one of the other selected targets.
Coordinate RV is a standard RV protocol but used with the initial "tasking" of geographical coordinates (or ‘encrypted’ coordinates) for the target.
The initial RV research had a very serious question to answer about how you could direct a psychic to describe a given thing if you could not tell
them what it was they were supposed to be describing. Ingo Swann is credited with coming up with the geographical coordinates concept, which was
used for some time. Some scientists proposed that a viewer might have memorized all the millions of planetary coordinates and what was at their
location (in detail), so this eventually caused the science to ‘encrypt’ the coordinates. This later changed to simply being a string of random numbers,
and then sequential numbers mostly used for proper tracking/databasing of sessions. It was found that a simple "describe the target" tasking was
sufficient for ‘direction’. Note: In the case of Coordinate, Outbounder and Associative remote viewing, these approaches could be used in
conjunction with most any psychic methodology. Ganzfeld is more limited to use in conjunction with methods due to its altered state/visually
secluded environment. Psychic Methodologies often used in conjunction with Remote Viewing Protocol
Be aware that a methodology does not ‘make’ a process remote viewing. A method used within a proper remote viewing protocol makes it
remote viewing. "Controlled" Remote Viewing (CRV) In the early 1980's, psychic/author/artist Ingo Swann began compiling a set of psychic
methods which he felt addressed the important aspects of psychic work. These methods were designed to be used within an RV protocol, and as such,
were referred to as as form of remote viewing. Based heavily on the work of French researcher Rene Warcollier, and combining theories from his
own interests in a wide variety of fields, Swann’s methods were a how-to for communicating data one receives via psi. The methods are utilized
while sitting at a table and writing or sketching data. They are notable in that they are done in a far more "alert" state than many other approaches to
collecting psi information. In a historical sense, these methods are considered by some to have been Swann’s attempt to teach people to pay
attention to how they processed data, and as such were training methods -- NOT viewing methods, and according to documentation even at the time,
were not designed to be used outside a proper RV protocol even in training after Stage III. However, historical revision has now gone so far in
"RV Methods" and their origins, values, intents etc., that it’s a subject best left alone. There are a variety of people teaching a variety of versions of
these methods. Swann denies all credit or blame for their current incarnations.
"Extended" remote viewing (ERV)
One of the more common means of "getting in touch with a target" is similar to the Ganzfeld approach, but without the technology. In this instance,
usually the psychic reclines or lies down comfortably in a dim or darkened room, and another individual (an 'interviewer' or 'monitor') asks them
questions and records the data they verbally provide, or they use a tape recorder. Prior to finishing their session they generally attempt to sketch their
impressions. This has probably been a method used by psychics throughout time. In the later years of the DIA intelligence unit that utilized remote
viewing, once CRV (above) had become a standard methodology, the "natural psychic" way of going about things was coined the term ERV, mostly
to separate it from CRV (and as such, it encompassed most anything CRV was not). Over time, as the viewers had been bred into the concept of
‘methods’, various methods were imposed upon this approach as well, until it was a slightly different creature. At this point, there is no
legitimate claim by anybody to know ‘what ERV really is’, but there are a variety of people who have done something like this, at some time, some
of them in the intell unit, some initially and some after CRV came along and caused the ERV-term to be coined-- and they are probably all doing
something different-yet-similar. There are people who ‘teach’ ERV methods in the public now, based on what they think they know about the intell
Unit’s use of ERV. It probably doesn’t matter. In the end, methods are just methods -- if you work within protocol and get accurate data, you’re
doing alright. Other Methods
Mostly thanks to the internet and remote viewing being a money-making opportunity, there is now a wide variety of ‘training’ available for
what many people call ‘remote viewing’. Whether it works within the real RV protocol, you’d have to investigate. Whether it is a derivative of
Swann’s CRV, you’d have to ask. Whether its form is worthy of study let alone payment, is something I can’t answer. There are other individuals
from the military who have some experience with psi work there, such as David Morehouse, Ed Dames, and Glenn Wheaton, who do not teach CRV
but teach their own version of either CRV, ERV, or in Glenn’s case something else entirely.
Blank Slate Technology
Introduction Blank slate technology or BST as some have called it is the ability of removing a thought from the thought process of a subject and
replacing it with a passive thought. This is done by using telepathy and empathy and on occasion the abilities of Invisibility, Teleportation , Time
Travel ,and or Interstellar Travel may be used as well and it's sole purpose is to protect humanity from an hostile enemy should the need arise. and is
not be used for any other propose. In other words Blank slate technology can not be used for personal gain. So if that was what you were hoping to
use it for then sorry to disappoint you and just so we are clear on this matter the ability of Blank slate technology can only be granted by the prime
creator or the council elders of the temple of meridia after you have passed the morals test set by both the prime creator and the temple of meridia.
Telepathy Technique
VISUAL TECHNIQUE: Two person Exercise STEP ONE First thing both of you get comfortable and relax. STEP TWO Then close your eyes
and visualize that your physical body is filling with energy. STEP THREE Then i want you to work out who will perform the exercise and who will
be the subject for this exercise once you have work out who's who then and only then can you move on with this exercise. STEP FOUR Now i want
the person who is performing this exercise to see their visual body standing in front of them STEP FIVE Then visualize that your energy is
blending with your physical body. STEP SIX Next you need to focus your mind on the person in front of you. STEP SEVEN Very cautiously
approach the person in front of you. STEP EIGHT Next you need to channel energy from your core star (soul) up into your eyes. STEP NINE Then
push that energy out of your eyes and into the eyes of the person in front of you. STEP TEN Now spread that energy through out the persons mind
and seek out their thought process. STEP ELEVEN Next you need to telepathically stretch out your feelings and link your mind with the other
persons thought process. STEP TWELVE Then using this mind link seek out the thought that you wish to replace. REMEMBER They should look
like little pulses of light in the persons mind. STEP THIRTEEN When you've found the thought that you wish to replace visualize a blank slate of
fifth force energy forming around the thought. As the blank slate forms see the old thought clearing from the persons thought process. STEP
FOURTEEN Now using telepathy place the new thought onto the blank slate and fill the new thought with fifth force energy. STEP FIFTEEN
Then very carefully remove the blank slate from the persons thought process leaving the new thought in its place. STEP SIXTEEN Now using
telepathy and your feelings check to see that the new thought has taken into the persons thought process. STEP SEVENTEEN If you have been
successful break the telepathic link and draw your core star energy back out of the persons mind and eyes and back into your visual body. STEP
EIGHTEEN Now teleport your visual body back to your physical body. STEP NINETEEN Then open your eyes. Write down the persons name
and the new thought that you have entered into their thought process. REMEMBER If you are not successful the first time try steps fourteen to
seventeen again. Blank Slate Technology / Time Travel
The hara laser line runs vertical along the human body down through the base chakra into the earth it is this line that grounds us to the
physical plain and our place in time and space the other end of the laser line passes through the crown chakra and out into infinite time and space and
is our inherent link to the prime creator and the grand porthole network. The hara laser line is a link into every part of our being from the chakras to
the dan tiens and out into the auric field and it is the Main Vertical energy Current that runs along the center of the body. In most contemporary
humans, only a small portion of the Kundalini is used in the Hara Line but with training in hara development we can increase this energy flow. The
hara line meditation is a good way of developing hara energy flow. BST uses the hara line through drawing our connection out of the earth and
physical plain and drawing the laser line back into the base chakra before trying this technique you should open and charge the chakras and charge
your body with prana energy and activate the light body and opening of wings. This technique is dangerous so visual bodies only at this time and i
suggest you study the hara line development and get to know the hara line well before moving into this technique. STEP ONE After you have
charged the bodies chakras and prana energy flow see your visual body in front of you and hold it there. STEP TWO Now see the hara line runing
through your visual body from the core of the earth up through the the dan teins and chakras and out through the crown chakra and see it link into the
grand porthole network of the prime creator. if you have done this correctly you will feel your universal link with the network. STEP THREE Now
in your own time open your wings and spin the core star on you visual body and see that light expanding through your entire being as your visual
body transforms into the wingmaker. STEP FOUR Then I want you the feel your inherent link with the earth and the physical plain within your
visual body feel your link with the earth and the earth star. STEP FIVE In your own time draw that link and your earth star out of the earth and into
back your visual body and hold it at the base chakra. STEP SIX Now in your own time focus on a destination of your choice and teleport your visual
body along the hara laser line and when you arrive at your destination drop the hara line and earth star back down into the earth feel this ground as
you link back into the physical plain and wait for the hara line to stablize. be very careful and make sure you are grounded properly. STEP SEVEN
Then into your own time draw your earth star and laser line back into the base chakra and teleport your visual body along the laser line and back to
the point in front of your physical body and drop the laser line and earth star back down into the earth and physical plain and wait for it to stablize
before drawing your visual body back into your physical body and in your own time open your eyes. REMEMBER Write down all your sensations
and experiences while you were traveling for future reference. If you wish post your findings on the message board and helps us make this technique
better. Hara Laser Line Used In Time Travel
Subtle Subconscious Ripples
(If some things in this article don't make sense, you might want to start with my earlier article, Communicating with your Subconscious).
I Hear Voices in My Head
The voices do not tell me to burn things, or anything like that. I'm not crazy, I promise . But hey, you're reading this document on the internet, so maybe it's just better
if you assume the worst anyways .
On the plus side - the voices do tell me about how people around me are truly feeling, how to best help my friends with their problems, and sometimes I even get handy
warnings that save me from doing something foolish. I get structured "lessons" that help me better myself and help me to understand my own internal thinking and
incorrect assumptions. The voices deal with me on a personal level that makes learning very effective.
For example, just recently I was having issues with my ego. I knew something was wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it, so I asked my subconscious to help me out.
I went about my life like normal, but every once in a while, my subconscious would butt in and say, "You know, that experience you just had relates to the lesson you
want to learn." This would really confuse me, because the experiences my subconscious pointed out seemed unrelated. This happened over a period of a month, and I
accumulated a lot of experiences that were all linked to this issue I was having with my ego.
Finally, I figured it out. I had become proud of helping people, which actually causes problems in the long run. My subconscious confirmed that it was the lesson I was
searching for, and all my past experiences now made sense. This type of personal learning is very helpful - my subconscious knows exactly what I'm thinking, and can
instantly identify thoughts that are unhealthy. It can then alert me of them.
(Please be aware: I have the freedom to remain stubborn and think whatever I want - my subconscious is not policing my thoughts and punishing me for thinking
"incorrectly". But if I want a lesson, and I'm open to it, then my subconscious is willing to help me achieve my goal of learning a lesson.)
How to Get Started
The first step is learning the difference between your voice, and the voice of your subconscious. This separation isn't always definite - in fact, sometimes my thoughts
blur between my own, and my subconscious. But a lot of times, there is a distinct difference.
To do this, you need to learn to not think of anything, damper your emotions, and remove all expectation. Picture your mind as a pool of water - every time you think,
you create ripples. Every emotion you feel, you create larger waves. Expectation also forms ripples, which is why you need to sit back and relax without expecting
anything. You need to have a perfectly calm pool of water. When you can achieve that, you'll notice that ripples start to form on their own. This is your subconscious.
A good way to do that is to pose yourself a question, and wait to hear an answer. For example, think about a friend, and ask, "How does Sally feel today?" Then wait to
hear something. This act of waiting will put your mind in a nice receptive state. If you aren't emotionally attached to the outcome, and you just sit there waiting for an
answer, it will make your mind very quiet and ready to receive.
When you first start to do this, you might notice a ripple here or there, and then get very excited. Excitement is like dropping a boulder into your pool of water. It's great
that you heard something, but you need to stay calm, and keep your mind in a receptive state of mind. If you posed yourself a question, usually the answer will come in
a flash.
If you aren't receiving anything, ask the same question over again. Some questions I've sat down and asked for ten minutes or longer, until I received an answer that I
was satisfied with. To do that, I ask my question, then wait maybe 20 seconds. If I don't hear any reply, I will ask again, and wait another 20 seconds. I will keep doing
this until I get an answer. Be determined! You'd be surprised the sorts of answers you'll come up with after annoying the crap out of your subconscious with the same
question over and over again. Don't stop until you are satisfied.
Subconscious or Imagination?
When you first start doing this, you might be very suspicious that you're creating these answers with your imagination. You just might be - at first it's hard to know for
sure. The only way to ensure that your answers aren't from your imagination is to have confidence in your ability to make your conscious mind quiet. If your conscious
mind is perfectly quiet, and you are waiting for an answer to your question, then your imagination is also waiting.
What usually happens when you first start is that you begin to hear an answer, and then your imagination kicks in, and starts trying to create an answer based on the first
few fragments that you correctly received. So you end up with some good information, and some information that might make sense to you, but is incorrect.
This happens because you can't keep your mind quiet. For example, let's say you have a little crush on a girl, and you want to know if she's into you. You ask, "Does
Jessica Alba like me?" Your subconscious starts to reply with, "Jessica Alba doesn't know you exist," but since you are all dreamy and emotional about it, you only
hear, "Blah Alba blah know blah blah." You start to get emotional, and your imagination starts to fill in the blanks... and you incorrectly receive "Jessica Alba needs to
know you love her". Congratulations - you've just screwed everything up.
But don't worry, it happens to the best of us. It just takes some practice in understanding what you are emotional about, and the ability to recognize when you are being
emotional about something. There are some questions I can't get answers to because I am too emotional when I think about the question. Emotions mean that I have
waves splashing around in my pool of water - and the subtle ripples from the subconscious get lost in the furry.
You Are Not Ready
I really hate to sound cliché - but this is true. You will only hear what you are ready to hear. If you don't believe that precognition is possible, then when you receive
precognitive information from your subconscious, your beliefs start to create ripples that interfere with it. You analyze the information, and say, "That can't be true",
and in a flash the information becomes corrupted by your own limitations.
For example, you might have read my story in the introduction about my ego, and thought, "Why doesn't Sean's subconscious just tell him the lesson he wanted to
learn? If you can ask anything, and hear anything, then why not ask for the answer, and be done with it?" The reason is that my conscious mind wasn't ready to hear the
answer. Certain things need to be understood. What good is it if I'm trying to teach you Calculus, and I give you all the answers on the test? The only thing I taught you
was how to pass the test - when you get a job at NASA where you need to apply Calculus, you'll fail. You are not your subconscious. You need to be able to make
decisions on your own without sitting around waiting for your subconscious to reply. To do that, you need understanding, not just superficial knowledge.
Use your subconscious as a learning tool. A way to understand reality from a different perspective, and challenge yourself. Don't use your subconscious as a
replacement for logic, or decision making. Use it in addition to logic, and use it to help you make decisions. Keep your expectations, emotions, and thoughts still - and
you will be able to pick up on the subtle useful ripples from the depths of your subconscious.

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