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ULTRA-750/1100/1500 750kW To 1560kW: ABB Central Inverters

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Solar inverters

ABB central inverters

750kW to 1560kW

ABB’s utility-scale ULTRA inverters ULTRA inverters are rugged. Highlights:

combine high efficiency with a wide The liquid-cooled, corrosion-resistant − − The ULTRA inverter operates at high
input-voltage range and multiple ULTRA inverters are certified by CSA efficiency (98.4 percent peak, up to
maximum power point trackers to UL50E type 4X (meets NEMA 4X) 98 percent CEC)
(MPPT). and ideally suited for any environmental − − The wide input voltage range
condition. maximizes energy production
The inverters can be configured with − − Liquid cooling increases reliability of
up to four independent, high-speed ULTRA inverters are durable for long critical components
MPPT. life. − − ULTRA inverters are compatible with
Each precise MPPT accommodates one ABB ULTRA inverters utilize an all types of PV technologies
of the widest input-voltage ranges in advanced closed-loop liquid cooling − − The enclosure is certified to UL50E
the market (470 to 900Vdc) to generate system that limits both component type 4X (NEMA 4X)
more energy and maximize the return temperatures and temperature cycling. − − The inverter output is 690 Vac, three-
on investment. ULTRA inverter film capacitors have phase, DELTA configuration
longer life expectancy than traditional − − The ULTRA inverter operates with up
The ULTRA inverter is a flexible and electrolytic capacitors. Generous to four MPPT connections
efficient platform. component derating guidelines are − − ULTRA inverters are certified by CSA
Modular design increases uptime and followed. The combination of design to UL 1741
reduces service and maintenance and ABB commitment to service
costs. The low cost of ownership, ensures the inverter will provide a long-
higher energy production and ease term return on investment.
of maintenance combine to make the
ULTRA inverter the ideal choice for
utility-scale solar projects.
Technical data and types
Type code ULTRA-750-TL-OUTD-X-US-690 ULTRA-1100-TL-OUTD-X-US-690 ULTRA-1500-TL-OUTD-X-US-690

X= -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4
Rated output power (Pac) 780kW 750kW 780kW 750kW 1170kW 1000kW 1170kW 1000kW 1560kW 1500kW 1560kW 1500kW
1170 1115 1170 1115
Rated output power (apparent) 780kVA 1560kVA
Input side (DC)
Absolute maximum voltage 1000Vdc
MPPT voltage range 470-900Vdc
MPPT range at full power 585-850 540-850 585-850 540-850
585-850Vdc 585-850Vdc
(89°F/ 30°C) Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc
MPPT range at full power 650-850Vdc
Maximum current per 390kW 700A
inverter module
Maximum combined current 1400A 2100A 2800A
Number of independent MPPT 2 3 4
(fused input version only)
Number of independent MPPT 1 1 1
Maximum number of DC inputs 10 15 20
DC connections (Cu or Al) Cu; 1 x1000 MCM or 2 x 300 MCM, max. Al; 1 x 1000 MCM or 2 x 400 MCM, max.
Array grounding Negative or positive
DC cable entry Bottom
Inverter output side (AC)
Rated voltage 690Vac (3 Phase / 3 Wire)
Operating range1 607-759Vac (3 Phase / 3 Wire)
Grid frequency 59.3-60.5Hz (57-63Hz)
(adjustment range)
Maximum output current 655A 983A 932A 983A 932A 1310A
Power factor control range 1.0 Nominal (adjust ±0.90 to ±0.99)
Total harmonic distortion <3%
(@ rated output power)
AC cable size (Cu or Al) bottom Up to 6 cables per phase (maximum 1000 MCM), 90°C terminals, 3/8“ threaded stud
AC busbar (option) Side entry
Input protection devices
Reverse polarity protection Yes
Overvoltage protection type SPD (Class II)
DC switch per 390kW inverter
module (fused input option 1000A / 1000V
Fuse size on each input (fused (125-400A) / 1000V
input option only)
DC breaker max size (breaker 400A / 1000V
input option only)
PV array isolation control According to NEC
Output protection devices
Anti-islanding protection IEEE 1547
Overvoltage protection SPD (Class II)
AC fuse per 390kW inverter Yes
AC circuit breaker (adjustable) 800 1200 1600
Nighttime disconnect Automatic
1. The active / reactive power output varies as a function of output voltage

2 ABB solar inverters | Product flyer for ULTRA-750/1100/1500

Block diagram of ULTRA-1500-TL-OUTD with DC circuit breakers

Negatively grounded PV arrays

PV Sub-array 1

PV Sub-array 5 filter

PV Sub-array 1 Main AC
EMI 3-phase, 690V
PV Sub-array 5 filter to step-up
PV Sub-array 1 power
PV Sub-array 5 filter
PV Sub-array 1

PV Sub-array 5
SPD Inverter
control SPD
GFDI power

Technical data and types

Type code ULTRA-750-TL-OUTD-X-US-690 ULTRA-1100-TL-OUTD-X-US-690 ULTRA-1500-TL-OUTD-X-US-690

X= -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4
CEC efficiency 97.5% 97.5% 98.0% 98.0% 97.5% 97.5% 98.0% 98.0% 97.5% 97.5% 98.0% 98.0%
Maximum efficiency 98.4%
Operating performance
Stand-by consumption/nighttime power loss 302W 302W 347W 347W 329W 329W 382W 382W 374W 374W 430W 430W
Auxiliary power supply connection type 690Vac / 3 Phase
Inverter internal power consumption <0.50% <0.40% <0.50%
Ambient air operating temperature range -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C) with derating above 122°F (50°C)
Noise emission level at 1m (EN62109) <78dBA
Maximum operating altitude without derating 6560ft (2000m)
Relative humidity 0-100%, condensing
Communication protocol RS-485, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP (optional), Ethernet IP (optional)
User interface 5.7” touchscreen LCD
AURORA Universal,
Monitoring system PVI-AEC-EVO
Mechanical specifications
Environmental protection rating UL50E Type 4X (NEMA 4X)
Seismic IBC 2012 ( ASCE 7-10), Sds = 2.0g, Risk Category I and II
Cooling Liquid cooled with on-board heat exchanger
115in x 118in x 58in 115in x 146in x 58in 115in x 173in x 58in
Dimension H x W x D (2912mm x 3003mm x 1470mm) (2912mm x 3703mm x 1470mm) (2912mm x 4403mm x 1470mm)
Approximate unit weight 9000lb (4100kg) 10500lb (4800kg) 12000lb (5500kg)
Swappable 390kW power conversion >121lb (55kg)
module weight
Marking C
Safety and EMC standards UL1741
Utility interconnect standards IEEE 1547, IEEE1547.1, NERC PRC-024-1, WECC, BDEW
Standard warranty 5 years
Extended warranty 5 years
1. The active / reactive power output varies as a function of output voltage

Product flyer for ULTRA-750/1100/1500 | ABB solar inverters 3

Maximize yields with high efficiency and advanced grid support

Inverter efficiency = 98%

Efficiency, %

% Rated output power

Maximum energy and return on Multi-stage modular design Advanced grid support features
investment ULTRA inverters have a two-stage ABB ULTRA inverters include all the
ABB ULTRA inverters have industry- modular architecture for maximum latest grid support and monitoring
leading peak and weighted efficiencies. design flexibility. The two-stage features including active/reactive
Optimized and accurate system control, topology results in a wide MPPT power curtailment, low/high voltage
an industry-leading MPPT algorithm, window and a high (690Vac) output ride through, power factor and reactive
and a high-efficiency power converter voltage. The modular design (390kW power control.
design ensure that maximum energy blocks) enables the integrator to choose All these features can be accessed
is delivered to the power distribution an inverter with a master-slave or through a supervisory control and data
network from the PV modules. For plant multimaster configuration. This enables acquisition (SCADA) system. Voltage
owners this translates into a high rate of integrators to optimize production for and frequency droop functions can be
return. each site and reduces installation and enabled for specific applications.
service times.
Proven components
The inverters comprise proven and Effective connectivity to the power
reliable components, with a long track distribution network
record of performance in demanding ABB’s transformerless ULTRA inverters
applications and harsh environments. enable system integrators to design
Equipped with extensive electrical and a PV power plant using the optimum
mechanical protection, the inverters combination of different inverter power
operate reliably for the life of the plant. ratings. Inverters are connected
to the medium voltage (MV) power
distribution network either centrally or in
a distributed architecture, depending on
the plant design and size.

4 ABB solar inverters | Product flyer for ULTRA-750/1100/1500

High total performance Modular architecture
−− High efficiency (CEC listed) −− Higher up time
−− Wide MPPT operating range −− Compact and easy to service
−− Efficient maximum power point tracking −− All front-accessible components
−− Liquid-cooled design for a 20-year life −− Integrated and flexible DC input cabinet with DC fuses or
− − Integrated station design available

Full grid support functionality Extensive protection

−− Power factor operation, Q priority mode − − AC output circuit breaker with remote operation
−− Voltage regulation, active power curtailment − − DC fuses or circuit breakers for redundant protection
−− Droop control functions, VRT, FRT − − DC and AC surge protection standard
−− Rule 21 ready and HECO compliant

Grid code compatibility Proven technology

−− IEEE1547 and NERC PRC-024-1 (CSA-approved) − − Based on ABB‘s market-leading ULTRA technology
−− Country-specific grid code compliance designed for utility-scale PV
−− Adjustable to various local utility requirements − − NEMA 4X design with closed-loop liquid cooling
−− Meets international utility requirements − − Zone 4 seismic design

Life cycle service and support Communication

−− ABB‘s extensive global service network − − Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, Ethernet IP communication
−− Extended warranties interfaces available
−− Service contracts − − Optional remote monitoring and SCADA reporting
−− Technical support throughout the product life

Product flyer for ULTRA-750/1100/1500 | ABB solar inverters 5

Model configurations
No isolation North American 690Vac 3-Phase
Product line Model transformer For outdoor use Power option model* delta Standard options

9AKK106103A5770 REV E EN 09.12.2015 #16634

-1100 -2
-1500 -3
Model Description Power option Description

-750 750 or 780kW active power -1 active power = apparent power

-1100 1100 or 1170kW active power -2 reduced active power compared to apparent power
-1500 1500 or 1560kW active power -3 increased efficiency, active power = apparent power
increased efficiency, reduced active power compared to
-4 apparent power

Standard options Description Available options

A MPPT S = Single Master/Slave M = Multiple MPPT**

B Grounding S = Solid R = Resistive
C Array configuration N = Negative gnd P = Positive gnd
D DC input protection type 2 = 200 A fuse box 4 = 400 A fuse box D = DC circuit breakers
E Communication R = Modbus RTU T = Modbus TCP I = Ethernet IP
F Zone level monitoring 1=Yes 0 = No
G Programmable MPPT sweep 1=Yes 0 = No
H IR window 1=Yes 0 = No
J Leakage current monitor 1=Yes 0 = No
Array ground insulation
K 1=Yes 0 = No
L Cable glands 1=Yes 0 = No
*CE-marked, 50Hz inverter also available
**Resistive grounding only. DC fuse models only

Support and service For more information please contact © Copyright 2015 ABB. All rights
ABB supports its customers with a your local ABB representative or visit: reserved. Specifications subject to
dedicated, global service organization change without notice.
in more than 60 countries, with strong www.abb.com/solarinverters
regional and national technical partner
networks providing a complete range of www.abb.com
life cycle services.

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