T REC G.988 201405 I!Amd1!PDF E
T REC G.988 201405 I!Amd1!PDF E
T REC G.988 201405 I!Amd1!PDF E
ITU-T G.988
OF ITU (05/2014)
Amendment 1
Amendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T G.988 (2012) continues the maintenance and evolution of
optical network unit (ONU) management and control interface (OMCI). A number of robustness
improvements are included, along with corrections of editorial errors. Significant feature extensions
include the alignment of xDSL services with Recommendation ITU-T G.997.1 (2012) and the addition
of managed entities (MEs) and attributes in support of Ethernet passive optical network (EPON).
Edition Recommendation Approval Study Group Unique ID*
1.0 ITU-T G.988 2010-10-07 15 11.1002/1000/10891
1.1 ITU-T G.988 (2010) Amd. 1 2011-04-13 15 11.1002/1000/11126
1.2 ITU-T G.988 (2010) Amd. 2 2012-04-22 15 11.1002/1000/11501
1.3 ITU-T G.988 (2010) Cor. 1 2012-06-13 15 11.1002/1000/11641
2.0 ITU-T G.988 2012-10-29 15 11.1002/1000/11784
2.1 ITU-T G.988 (2012) Amd. 1 2014-05-14 15 11.1002/1000/12185
* To access the Recommendation, type the URL http://handle.itu.int/ in the address field of your web
browser, followed by the Recommendation's unique ID. For example, http://handle.itu.int/11.1002/1000/11
In this Recommendation, the expression "Administration" is used for conciseness to indicate both a
telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency.
Compliance with this Recommendation is voluntary. However, the Recommendation may contain certain
mandatory provisions (to ensure, e.g., interoperability or applicability) and compliance with the
Recommendation is achieved when all of these mandatory provisions are met. The words "shall" or some other
obligatory language such as "must" and the negative equivalents are used to express requirements. The use of
such words does not suggest that compliance with the Recommendation is required of any party.
ITU 2015
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior
written permission of ITU.
Amendment 1
1) Scope
This amendment continues the maintenance and evolution of optical network unit (ONU)
management and control interface (OMCI) as defined in Recommendation ITU-T G.988 (2012) as
amended. A number of robustness improvements are included, along with corrections of editorial
errors. Significant feature extensions include the alignment of xDSL services with ITU-T G.997.1
(2012) and the addition of managed entities (MEs) and attributes in support of Ethernet passive optical
network (EPON).
NOTE – In the remainder of this amendment, the headings of clauses are the same as the corresponding headers
in Recommendation ITU-T G.988 (2012).
5..8 Reserved 0
4..8 Reserved 0
Each bit corresponds to bit 1-3 of the EPON capability extension and the
OLT may enable each bit if the capability is supported or true. If the
capability is not supported, the bit has no effect.
If the OLT does not designate configurations by the EPON setup extension,
the ONU uses the following default values unless they are not supported.
ackEnable configuration = enable,
Sleep indication configuration = disable,
Early wake-up configuration = enable
(R, W) (optional) (1 byte)
Missing consecutive bursts threshold: The Clobi attribute specifies the maximum number
of missing consecutive scheduled bursts from the ONU that the OLT is willing
to tolerate without raising an alarm. The value of this attribute defaults to 4.
(R, W) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Get, set
3..8 Reserved 0
2 Aging 0: disabled
1: enabled
3..6 Reserved 0
VLAN ID (ANI). This field specifies the VLAN carrying the multicast
group downstream. (2 bytes)
0 – Designates an untagged downstream flow.
2.17) Clause 9.7.1, Physical path termination point xDSL UNI part 1
1) Replace the xDSL line configuration profile attribute definition in clause 9.7.1 with the
following text:
xDSL line configuration profile: This attribute points to an instance of the xDSL line
configuration profiles (part 1, 2 and 3) managed entities, and if necessary, also
to VDSL2 line configuration extensions (1 and 2) MEs, also to vectoring line
configuration extension MEs. Upon ME instantiation, the ONU sets this
attribute to 0, a null pointer. (R, W) (mandatory) (2 bytes)
2) Remove the following row from the Alarm table:
17.207 Reserved
NOTE – Some entries in this table have been modified relative to earlier versions of this Recommendation.
See [ITU-T G.997.1] for details.
2.19) Clause 9.7.16, VDSL2 line inventory and status data part 1
Replace the Actual impulse noise protection ROC downstream attribute definition in clause 9.7.16
with the following text:
Actual impulse noise protection ROC downstream: The ACTINP-ROC-ds attribute reports
the actual impulse noise protection (INP) of the robust operations channel
(ROC) in the downstream direction expressed in multiples of T4k. The INP of
this attribute is equal to the integer value multiplied by 0.1 symbols. Valid
values and usage are given in clause of [ITU-T G.997.1]. (R)
(optional) (1 byte)
2.20) Clause 9.7.17, VDSL2 line inventory and status data part 2
Replace the Actual impulse noise protection ROC upstream attribute definition in clause 9.7.17
with the following text:
Actual impulse noise protection ROC upstream: The ACTINP-ROC-us attribute reports
the actual INP of the ROC in the upstream direction expressed in multiples of
T4k. The INP of this attribute is equal to the integer value multiplied by 0.1
symbols. Valid values and usage are given in clause of
[ITU-T G.997.1]. (R) (optional) (1 byte)
2.25) Clause 9.7.31, xDSL xTU-C performance monitoring history data part 2
Add clause 9.7.31 as follows:
This managed entity collects performance monitoring data on the xTU-C to xTU-R path as seen from
the xTU-C. Instances of this managed entity are created and deleted by the OLT.
For a complete discussion of generic PM architecture, refer to clause I.4.
An instance of this managed entity is associated with an xDSL UNI.
Managed entity ID: This attribute uniquely identifies each instance of this managed entity.
Through an identical ID, this managed entity is implicitly linked to an instance
of the physical path termination point xDSL UNI part 1. (R, Set-by-create)
(mandatory) (2 bytes)
Interval end time: This attribute identifies the most recently finished 15-minute interval. (R)
(mandatory) (1 byte)
Threshold data 1/2 ID: This attribute points to an instance of the threshold data 1 and 2
managed entities that contain PM threshold values. (R, W, Set-by-create)
(mandatory) (2 bytes)
"leftr" defect seconds: If retransmission is used, this attribute is a count of the seconds with
a near-end ''leftr'' defect present - see clause of [ITU-T G.997.1].
(R) (mandatory) (2 bytes)
Error-free bits counter: If retransmission is used, this attribute is a count of the number of
error-free bits passed over the β1 reference point, divided by 216 – see
clause of [ITU-T G.997.1]. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Minimum error-free throughput (MINEFTR): If retransmission is used, this attribute is
the minimum error-free throughput in bits/sec – see clause of
[ITU-T G.997.1]. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Create, delete, get, set
2.31) Clause 9.7.37, xDSL line inventory and status data part 8
Add clause 9.7.37 as follows:
This managed entity extends the attributes defined in the xDSL line inventory and status data
parts 1..4.
This is one of the status data MEs associated with an xDSL UNI. The ONU automatically
creates or deletes an instance of this managed entity upon creation or deletion of a physical
path termination point xDSL UNI part 1 that supports these attributes.
Managed entity ID: This attribute uniquely identifies each instance of this managed entity.
Through an identical ID, this managed entity is implicitly linked to an instance
of the physical path termination point xDSL UNI part 1 managed entity. (R)
(mandatory) (2 bytes)
Retransmission used downstream (RTX_USEDds): This parameter specifies whether
[ITU-T G.998.4] retransmission is used (i.e., active in showtime) in the
downstream transmit direction. The valid range of values is given in
clause of [ITU-T G.997.1]. (R) (mandatory) (1 byte)
Retransmission used upstream (RTX_USEDus): This parameter specifies whether [ITU-
T G.998.4] retransmission is used (i.e., active in showtime) in the upstream
transmit direction. The valid range of values is given in clause of
[ITU-T G.997.1]. (R) (mandatory) (1 byte)
Date/time-stamping of near-end test parameters (STAMP-TEST-NE): This parameter
indicates the date/time when the near-end test parameters that can change
during showtime were last updated. See clause of
[ITU-T G.997.1]. The format of this parameter is as follows:
Year 2 bytes
Month 1 byte (1..12)
Day 1 byte (1..31)
Hour 1 byte (0..23)
Minute 1 byte (0..59)
Second 1 byte (0..59)
(R) (optional) (7 bytes)
Date/time-stamping of far-end test parameters (STAMP-TEST-FE): This parameter
indicates the date/time when the far-end test parameters that can change
during showtime were last updated. See clause of
2.32) Clause 9.7.38, VDSL2 line inventory and status data part 4
Add clause 9.7.38 as follows:
This managed entity extends the other xDSL line inventory and status data MEs with attributes
specific to VDSL2.
This is one of the status data MEs associated with an xDSL UNI. It is required only if VDSL2
is supported by the PPTP. The ONU automatically creates or deletes an instance of this
managed entity upon creation or deletion of a PPTP xDSL UNI part 1 that supports these
Managed entity ID: This attribute uniquely identifies each instance of this managed entity.
Through an identical ID, this managed entity is implicitly linked to an instance
of the physical path termination point xDSL UNI part 1 managed entity. (R)
(mandatory) (2 bytes)
VTU-O estimated upstream power back-off electrical length per band (UPBOKLE-pb):
This parameter is a vector of UPBO electrical length per-band estimates for
each supported upstream band except US0, calculated by the VTU-O, based
on separate measurements in the supported upstream bands excluding US0.
This parameter is required for the alternative electrical length estimation
method (ELE-M1). Each per-band estimate is represented by two bytes, where
the estimate is defined as the integer value multiplied by 0.1dB. The valid
range of values is given in clause of [ITU-T G.997.1] (R) (optional)
(4 bands x 2 bytes)
VTU-R estimated upstream power back-off electrical length per band (UPBOKLE-R-
pb): This parameter is a vector of UPBO electrical length per-band estimates
for each supported downstream band, calculated by the VTU-R, based on
separate measurements in the supported downstream bands. This parameter is
required for the alternative electrical length estimation method (ELE-M1).
Each per-band estimate is represented by two bytes, where the estimate is
2.34) Clause 9.7.40, Data gathering line test, diagnostic and status
Add clause 9.7.40 as follows:
This managed entity contains xDSL data gathering line test, diagnostic and status parameters.
An instance of this managed entity is created and deleted by the OLT.
An instance of this managed entity may be associated with zero or more instances of the
physical path termination point xDSL UNI part 1.
Managed entity ID: This attribute uniquely identifies each instance of this managed entity.
Through an identical ID, this managed entity is implicitly linked to an instance
of the physical path termination point xDSL UNI part 1 managed entity. (R,
Set-by-create) (mandatory) (2 bytes)
Logging depth – VTU-O (LOGGING_DEPTH_O): This parameter is the maximum
depth of the entire data gathering event buffer at the VTU-O, in number of
6-byte data gathering records. See clause of [ITU-T G.997.1] (R)
(optional) (4 bytes)
Logging depth – VTU-R (LOGGING_DEPTH_R): This parameter is the maximum depth
of the entire data gathering event buffer at the VTU-R, in number of 6-byte
data gathering records. See clause of [ITU-T G.997.1] (R) (optional)
(4 bytes)
Actual logging depth for reporting – VTU-O (ACT_logging_depth_reporting_O): This
parameter is the actual logging depth that is used for reporting the VTU-O
event trace buffer in the CO-MIB, in number of 6-byte data gathering
records. See clause of [ITU-T G.997.1] (R) (optional) (4 bytes)
Actual logging depth for reporting – VTU-R (ACT_logging_depth_reporting_R): This
parameter is actual logging depth that is used for reporting the VTU-R event
trace buffer over the eoc channel, in number of 6-byte data gathering records.
See clause of [ITU-T G.997.1] (R) (optional) (4 bytes)
Event trace buffer – VTU-O (EVENT_TRACE_BUFFER_O) table: This parameter is
the event trace buffer containing the event records that originated at the
VTU-O. See clause of [ITU-T G.997.1] (R) (optional) (N bytes)
Event trace buffer – VTU-R (EVENT_TRACE_BUFFER_R) table: This parameter is
the event trace buffer containing the event records that originated at the
VTU-R. See clause of [ITU-T G.997.1] (R) (optional) (N bytes)
Get, get next
2.37) Clause 9.7.43, EFM bonding group performance monitoring history data
Add clause 9.7.43 as follows:
This managed entity collects performance monitoring data as seen at the xTU-C. Instances of this
managed entity are created and deleted by the OLT.
An instance of this managed entity is associated with an xDSL UNI.
Managed entity ID: This attribute uniquely identifies each instance of this managed entity.
Through an identical ID, this managed entity is implicitly linked to an instance
of the EFM bonding group. (R, Set-by-create) (mandatory) (2 bytes)
Interval end time: This attribute identifies the most recently finished 15-minute interval. (R)
(mandatory) (1 byte)
Threshold data 1/2 ID: This attribute points to an instance of the threshold data 1 and 2
managed entities that contain PM threshold values. (R, W, Set-by-create)
(mandatory) (2 bytes)
Rx bad fragments: Clause of [IEEE 802.3]. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Rx lost fragments: Clause of [IEEE 802.3]. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Rx lost starts: Clause of [IEEE 802.3]. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Rx lost ends: Clause of [IEEE 802.3]. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Rx frames: Number of Ethernet frames received over this group. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Tx frames: Number of Ethernet frames transmitted over this group. (R) (mandatory)
(4 bytes)
Rx bytes: Number of bytes contained in the Ethernet frames received over this group. (R)
(mandatory) (8 bytes)
Tx bytes: Number of bytes contained in the Ethernet frames transmitted over this group. (R)
(mandatory) (8 bytes)
Tx discarded frames: Number of Ethernet frames discarded by the group transmit function.
(R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Tx discarded bytes: Number of bytes contained in the Ethernet frames discarded by the
group transmit function. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Create, delete, get, set
2.38) Clause 9.7.44, EFM bonding group performance monitoring history data part 2
Add clause 9.7.44 as follows:
This managed entity collects performance monitoring data as seen at the xTU-C. Instances of this
managed entity are created and deleted by the OLT.
An instance of this managed entity is associated with an xDSL UNI.
Managed entity ID: This attribute uniquely identifies each instance of this managed entity.
Through an identical ID, this managed entity is implicitly linked to an instance
of the EFM bonding group. (R, Set-by-create) (mandatory) (2 bytes)
Interval end time: This attribute identifies the most recently finished 15-minute interval. (R)
(mandatory) (1 byte)
Threshold data 1/2 ID: This attribute points to an instance of the threshold data 1 and 2
managed entities that contain PM threshold values. (R, W, Set-by-create)
(mandatory) (2 bytes)
Rx unicast frames: Number of unicast Ethernet frames received over this group. (R)
(mandatory) (4 bytes)
Tx unicast frames: Number of unicast Ethernet frames transmitted over this group. (R)
(mandatory) (4 bytes)
Rx unicast bytes: Number of bytes contained in the unicast Ethernet frames received over
this group. (R) (mandatory) (8 bytes)
Tx unicast bytes: Number of bytes contained in the unicast Ethernet frames transmitted
over this group. (R) (mandatory) (8 bytes)
Rx broadcast frames: Number of broadcast Ethernet frames received over this group. (R)
(mandatory) (4 bytes)
Tx broadcast frames: Number of broadcast Ethernet frames transmitted over this group.
(R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Rx broadcast bytes: Number of bytes contained in the broadcast Ethernet frames received
over this group. (R) (mandatory) (8 bytes)
2.39) Clause 9.7.45, EFM bonding link performance monitoring history data
Add clause 9.7.45 as follows:
This managed entity collects performance monitoring data as seen at the xTU-C. Instances of this
managed entity are created and deleted by the OLT.
An instance of this managed entity is associated with an xDSL UNI.
Managed entity ID: This attribute uniquely identifies each instance of this managed entity.
Through an identical ID, this managed entity is implicitly linked to an instance
of the EFM bonding link. (R, Set-by-create) (mandatory) (2 bytes)
Interval end time: This attribute identifies the most recently finished 15-minute interval. (R)
(mandatory) (1 byte)
Threshold data 1/2 ID: This attribute points to an instance of the threshold data 1 and 2
managed entities that contain PM threshold values. (R, W, Set-by-create)
(mandatory) (2 bytes)
Rx errored fragments: Clause of [IEEE 802.3]. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Rx small fragments: Clause of [IEEE 802.3]. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Rx large fragments: Clause of [IEEE 802.3]. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Rx discarded fragments: Clause of [IEEE 802.3]. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Rx FCS errors: Clause of [IEEE 802.3]. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Rx coding errors: Clause of [IEEE 802.3]. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Rx fragments: Number of fragments received over this link. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Tx fragments: Number of fragments transmitted over this link. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
2.40) Clause 9.7.46, EFM bonding port performance monitoring history data
Add clause 9.7.46 as follows:
This managed entity collects performance monitoring data as seen at the xTU-C. Instances of this
managed entity are created and deleted by the OLT.
An instance of this managed entity is associated with an xDSL UNI.
Managed entity ID: This attribute uniquely identifies each instance of this managed entity.
The two most significant bits of the first byte are the bearer channel ID.
Excluding the first two bits of the first byte, the remaining part of the managed
entity ID is identical to that of this ME's parent physical path termination point
xDSL UNI part 1. (R, Set-by-create) (mandatory) (2 bytes)
Interval end time: This attribute identifies the most recently finished 15-minute interval. (R)
(mandatory) (1 byte)
Threshold data 1/2 ID: This attribute points to an instance of the threshold data 1 and 2
managed entities that contain PM threshold values. (R, W, Set-by-create)
(mandatory) (2 bytes)
Rx frames: Number of Ethernet frames received over this port. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Tx frames: Number of Ethernet frames transmitted over this port. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Rx bytes: Number of bytes contained in the Ethernet frames received over this port. (R)
(mandatory) (4 bytes)
Tx bytes: Number of bytes contained in the Ethernet frames transmitted over this port. (R)
(mandatory) (4 bytes)
Tx discarded frames: Number of Ethernet frames discarded by the port transmit function.
(R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
2.41) Clause 9.7.47, EFM bonding port performance monitoring history data part 2
Add clause 9.7.47 as follows:
This managed entity collects performance monitoring data as seen at the xTU-C. Instances of this
managed entity are created and deleted by the OLT.
An instance of this managed entity is associated with an xDSL UNI.
Managed entity ID: This attribute uniquely identifies each instance of this managed entity.
The two most significant bits of the first byte are the bearer channel ID.
Excluding the first two bits of the first byte, the remaining part of the managed
entity ID is identical to that of this ME's parent physical path termination point
xDSL UNI part 1. (R, Set-by-create) (mandatory) (2 bytes)
Interval end time: This attribute identifies the most recently finished 15-minute interval. (R)
(mandatory) (1 byte)
Threshold data 1/2 ID: This attribute points to an instance of the threshold data 1 and 2
managed entities that contain PM threshold values. (R, W, Set-by-create)
(mandatory) (2 bytes)
Rx unicast frames: Number of unicast Ethernet frames received over this port. (R)
(mandatory) (4 bytes)
Tx unicast frames: Number of unicast Ethernet frames transmitted over this port. (R)
(mandatory) (4 bytes)
Rx unicast bytes: Number of bytes contained in the unicast Ethernet frames received over
this port. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
Tx unicast bytes: Number of bytes contained in the unicast Ethernet frames transmitted
over this port. (R) (mandatory) (4 bytes)
2.51) Bibliography
Delete the entry for IEEE P1904.1 from the Bibliography as it was moved to clause 2.
Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors
Series F Non-telephone telecommunication services
Printed in Switzerland
Geneva, 2015