Bba III&IVsem 19
Bba III&IVsem 19
Bba III&IVsem 19
Part A: Languages
English 3hr/2Cr 3hr/2Cr - - - -
Language 3hr/2Cr 3hr/2Cr - - - -
I 4 Cr 4 Cr - - - - 8
Part B: Core Subjects
•Business Ethics
• Quantitative
Management Development
•Project - •Strategic
Behaviour Resource
Management Techniques
•Production Management management
and Operations
Allied •Micro •Macro • Fundamentals •Research - -
Required -Economics Economics & Applications methodology
4hr/3Cr of E-commerce
& Statistics
NA NA NA NA • Elective • Elective
4hr/4Cr • Paper-1
Elective • Elective
Paper-2 Paper-4
Open NA NA # 4hr/3Cr # 4hr/3Cr - -
Electives (as per list given (as per list given
4hr/3Cr below) below)
Skill Elective Skill
based based paper
II 12 Cr 12 Cr 18 Cr 18 Cr 21 Cr 20Cr 101
Part C: Foundation, skill development, interdisciplinary & Sports
HRD 1 Cr 1 Cr - - - -
IC - 2 Cr - - - -
EVS - - - 2 Cr - -
Internship - - - - - 1 Cr
III 1 Cr 5 Cr 1 Cr 3 Cr - 1 Cr 11
Part: D Extension and extracurricular activities
Extension - 1 Cr - - - 1 Cr
& Extra
IV - 1 Cr - - - 1 Cr 02
Total 17 Cr 22 Cr 19 Cr 21 Cr 21 Cr 22 Cr 122
Subject Total
Title of the Paper Hrs per Marks Credits
Code Marks
M115MC401 Cost Accounting 4 30 70 100 03
M115MC402 Business Law 4 30 70 100 03
M115MC403 Entrepreneurship 4 30 70 100 03
M115MC404 Project Management 4 30 70 100 03
M115AR405 Research Methodology 4 30 70 100 03
** Open Electives ** 4 30 70 100 03
Total 24 180 420 600 18
Lecture Grade/
Sem Subject Code Title of the Paper Hrs per
No Credits
III FSD 15 402 Excel 1 1
IV FSD 15 401 Environment and Public Health 1 2
IV FSD 15 501 Advanced Excel 1 1
To acquaint the students with the basic financial functions of a
firm and importance of various financial decisions.
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
Objective :
The objective of the course is to teach the basic principles of
Human Resource Management—how an organization acquires,
rewards, motivates, uses, and generally manages its people
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
Production/operations management deals with the integration
of numerous activities and processes to produce products and
services in a highly competitive global environment. At the end
of the course students will have a fair understanding of the role
Production Management plays in business processes. Emphasis
is given both to familiarization of various production processes
and service systems.
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1. Visit any factory and list out the physical facilities and
protection measures taken for employees.
2. List out the functions of materials management in an
3. Visit a company and draw a chart on plant layout.
4. Describe the functions of quality circles in an industry.
5. Visit any industry and list out the various waste management
methods used.
6. Draw a ISO specification chart.
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1. Familiarize themselves with the security and ethical challenges
of ecommerce websites.
2. Analyze ecommerce websites design, technology used, and
security and user friendliness.
3. List down the challenges faced to start an ecommerce venture.
4. Identify any four popular B2C websites and examine their
user friendliness and various marketing strategies adopted.
To familiarize the students with the basic cost concepts required for
effective decision making in firms.
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1. Draft a ‗rent agreement‘ incorporating all the essential features
of a valid agreement.
2. Draft the Memorandum of Association of a company.
3. Case laws ‗involving points of law of contracts‘.
4. Draft a complaint against ‗unfair trade practice‘ adapted by a
businessman – to the consumer forum.
5. List out the latest cases of both High Court and Supreme
Courton Environmental issues with both facts and judgements.
[Atleast 2 cases]
This course gives an introduction to the basic concepts of
enterprise building and equips the students with the skills and
competency to create a successful enterprise. It also emphasizes
the role and importance of business opportunity identification
and assessment – business planning process and funding issues.
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1. Convert your business ideas by drafting a business plan
and carefully evaluate the possible business opportunities.
2. Prepare a brief case study based on any successful local
entrepreneur by analyzing the failures and success factors.
3. List out and analyze the profiles of any three new age
4. Visit the DIC and make list of the various existing
institutions supporting Entrepreneurs in Karnataka and
analyze the facilities provided by them.
5. Arrange for a guest lecture by an entrepreneur of your
6. Analyze the scope of Angel Investing and Venture Capital
in India.
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1. Prepare a Project Life Cycle.
2. Prepare a Project Life Cycle Chart.
3. Project analysis – Identify a major project and conduct its
feasibility study.
4. Download a free application software for project evaluation
and monitoring on open source and conduct a basic project
evaluation on the same.
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1. Choose an area of interest, review a minimum of 4 literature
on the same and formulate a topic for prospective research.
2. Given a topic – collect data through primary and secondary
3. For a given data, analyze data using various statistical
4. For a given case study, prepare a research report in the
required format.
To make the students understand how Non- profit organisations
are setup, taxation regulations and to prepare financial statements
for NPOs.
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1. Analyse the various forms of Non-profit organisations (
Trust, Societies, Sec 8 companies)
2. Collect the brochure of a non -profit and understand
the structure and analyse the preparation of financial
3. Make a chart to give the differences between Governmental
Non-profit and Non- governmental non-profit
SJCC/B.B.A./3 & 4 Sem/2019-20/P-39
Book for Reference:
v Hand book for NGOs & NPOs – Sandeep Garg & Tarun Rohatgi –
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1. Students are expected to study any five CSR initiatives by
Indian organizations and submit a report for the same.
2. A group assignment on ―The relationship between Business
houses and Society in Indian Context and relating the same
with respect to the models studied.
3. Mini Project: Collect details of unethical practices by
businesses in today‘s context in the areas of Production,
Marketing, HRM, and Financial services and make a report.
4. Case studies/Role plays related ethical issues in business
with respect to Indian context.
Book for Reference:
v Fernando. A.S, Business Ethics, An Indian Perspective, Pearson,
7th Ed,2012
v Manuel G. Velasquez, Business Ethics, Concepts and Cases,
5th Ed PHI, 2002
This paper introduces the basic aspects of Organizations and
Institutions of Public Relations. In doing this course, the students
are exposed to the basic concepts of Public Relations and can
establish grip over the practice of Public Relations, contemporary
concepts and techniques of Public Relations (PR).
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
To familiarize the students with the financial markets and the
fund based and non-fund based services provided by commercial
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1. To collect information regarding the various services
offered by banks.
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1. Conduct a survey of 25 Accountants to study the importance
of implementation of IFRS in India.
2. Conduct a survey of any 20 companies to analyse the
challenges faced by them in implementing the IFRS in their
3. Create a Statement of Financial Position, Comprehensive
Income statement and a Statement ofChanges in Equity
with imaginary figures.
4. Visit any 5 manufacturing companies and study the
methods of maintaining books of Inventory and its
valuation (Raw materials, Work-in-progress and Finished
goods) and make a report on it.
This course aims to develop an understanding of the importance
of various business alliances, their valuation and their pricing.
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
To provide a good foundation in the mathematics of Operation
Research and appreciation of its potential application. To enable
student to grasp the importance of conversion of business
problems into mathematical problems and its application in
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
Poverty, its form and extent- Financial needs of the poor- Role of credit
in poverty alleviation- State intervention in Rural Credit in India-
Poverty eradication measures of Central and State Governments-
Emergence of Microfinance- -scope-importance-assumptions of
Microfinance-Lessons from International experience.
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1. Visit any factory and list out the physical facilities and
protection measures taken for employees.
2. List out the functions of materials management in an
3. Visit a company and draw a chart on plant layout.
4. Describe the functions of quality circles in an industry.
5. Visit any industry and list out the various waste
management methods used.
6. Draw a ISO specification chart.
• This course examines the fundamentals of real estate
management and development from a legal perspective.
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1. Collect a set of parent deeds, analyze the same and give an
opinion for purchase of property.
2. Evaluate the complete process for procuring a commercial
space on rent.
3. Preparation of a chart showing intermediaries and their
duties in the real estate market.
4. Prepare a report on the trends of real estate sector for the
last five year in a city of your choice.
5. Analyze the process of purchasing an agricultural property
in a rural belt.
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
To understand the growing trend of service industry and to
study the difference of services marketing from tangible
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1. Visit Various Tourism Boards and Prepare a Presentation.
2. Prepare a Tour itinerary keeping all points in mind required
for a Tour.
3. Make a Presentation on Incredible India.
4. Visit Travel Agencies/ Tour operator to gain information
on operations of Travel Agent and prepare a project report.
5. Arrange for a Guest Lecture from a Tour operator.
Skill development:
1. Analyse the reasons for different interest rates structure
2. To help students understand the latest banking tools initiated
by commercial Banks
3. Awareness of the latest trend in e banking
4. Create awareness on the linkage between money, interest
rates and its impact on economic development
Additional Reading:
v Melissa A Schilling, Strategic Management of Technological
Innovation, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd edition
v V. Govindrajan and C. Trimble, Ten Rules for Strategic Innovators:
From idea to Execution, Harvard Business School Press, 2005
v C.K. Prahalad and M. S. Krishnan, The new age of innovation:
driving Co-created Value through Global Networks, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2008, 1st edition
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1 Participate in simulations, case studies and quizzes on
partnership taxation, taxation for foreign corporations and
individual taxation
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1. Participate in simulations, case studies and quizzes on
different topics in corporate taxation.
2. Lab sessions on SQL, Power BI and SharePoint.
Skill Development:
Skill Development:
(These activities are only indicative, the Faculty member can innovate)
1. Examining local cuisines for dietary diversity.