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Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi: Mid Exam / Spring 2021 (Paper Duration 12 Hours) To Be Filled by Teacher

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Pir Meher Ali Shah

Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi

Office of the controller of Examinations
Mid Exam / Spring 2021 (Paper Duration 12 hours)
To be filled by Teacher

Course No.: CS-552 Course Title: Software Engineering-2

Total Marks: 18 Date of Exam: 30th April, 2021
Degree: BSCS/SE/IT Semester: Extra Section: A,B,C

Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Obtained/
Total Marks in Words:
Name of the Teacher:Sarfraz bibi
Who taught the course:Signature of teacher / Examiner:

To be filled by Student

Registration No.: ………………………………………….……… Name:……………………………………………………..

Important Note: Attempt all questions. Use tools to draw diagrams, handmade diagrams are not
acceptable. Any copied material and mean of plagiarism may lead to cancelation of paper and
strict action will be taken according to university guidelines. Duration to submit solved answer
sheet is 12hrs.

The new software organization requires a new point of sale and stock control system for their
many stores throughout Pakistan to replace their aging mini-based systems.
A sales assistant will be able to process an order by entering product numbers and required
quantities into the system. The system will display a description, price, and available stock. In-
stock products will normally be collected immediately by the customer from the store but may
be selected for delivery to the customer's home address for which there will be a charge. If
stock is not available, the sales assistant will be able to create a backorder for the product from
a regional warehouse. The products will then either be delivered directly from the regional
warehouse to the customer's home address, or the store for collection by the customer. The
system will allow products to be paid for by cash or credit card. Credit card transactions will be
validated via an online card transaction system. The system will produce a receipt. Order details
for in-stock products will be printed in the warehouse including the bin reference, quantity,
product number, and description. These will be collected by the sales assistant and given to the
customer. The sales assistant will be able to make refunds, provided a valid receipt is produced.
The sales assistant will also be able to check stock and pricing without creating an order and
progress orders that have been created for delivery.

You need to answer the following questions. (Marks 8)

1. Design a detailed Domain model for the Sale and Stock Control system.
2. List down classes and abstract classes in the above system.
3. Give any one scenario of inheritance of classes.

Online ordering system (different from your regular website). These usually provide HTML code for
"order buttons" that you can attach to pages on your regular website. Your customer is looking at your
website to select products, but when they click the order button, they are taken to the order system
(usually hosted on a completely different website) to complete the transaction.
The store-building program, on the other hand, manages your web pages and orders in the same place.
If you only sell a few products, an online ordering system will do just fine. But if you are trying to
show and sell 50 or 100 different products or a thousand or 100,000, you will need a store-building
system, a catalog management system, which produces and manages the product pages for each of
your products.
The term "shopping cart" is not enough to describe all the functions of a variety of modern e-
commerce systems. Storefront Software might be a better time. However, whether you like it or not,
the word "shopping cart" is sticky, so that's the word I'm going to use throughout the book - "cart" for
short - as a common term to refer to both types of programs. To distinguish between the two I would
refer to the "online order system" or "store building program."
In this chapter, I will describe the features that are commonly included in all carts - the order system.
In the following, I will discuss additional features included in the store building plans. As you read
these chapters, I hope it will help you to decide which features you need and which ones are not
essential to your needs.
There is no magic car that will meet all your needs, but perhaps a lot that will meet your specific
Basic Tasks
Sally Shopper does not care about the internal functioning of your store, she only looks at the
convenience, safety, and good management of her order. Take a look at the purchase first from his
point of view.
shopping cart
He wants Sally Shopper to feel free to look around without having to worry about making decisions
until later. Online stores quickly create a shopping cart metaphor or a shopping cart ( in Britain) in
which customers enter a selection. Business-to-business (B2B) sites such as WW Grainger
(www.grainger.com) use the term which best suits the business purchase model.
This product selection feature requires allowing Sally Shopper to add or remove products to her cart
and display quantity. Almost all carts these days allow here to feature two or three options for each
product, such as a large (large) flannel shirt. Consider choosing shoes (size, width, color) or window
blinds (color, height, width). A few carts allow the sale of parts for something, such as when buying
fabric or lumber.
An increasing number of store building plans reflect the items on the cart and the total running per
page. This helps customers remember where they are in the order process.
Tax Calculation
All order plans keep track of the number of items Sally has put in her shopping cart. Once Sally logs
into her local address, the program can calculate taxes.
When you need to calculate only consumer taxes in the seller's country or city, a simple check table
with tax authority indicates the percentage of sales tax you can add. All carts do this enough. Better
carts allow for a tax calculation with a ZIP code, which allows you to manage collections from
provinces (such as New York) that require retailers in the province to collect taxes on an average in
each region or region.
But what happens when you own real estate in 15 states? Complex software now allows plug-ins such
as TaxWare's Sales / Use Tax System (www.taxware.com) or CertiTax
(www.esalestax.com/products.htm) calculating real-time US and Canadian taxes.
Currently, the federation of about 35 states wants to simplify the collection of sales taxes and make
the US Congress pass a law requiring all supermarkets (more than $ 1 million, one proposal) to collect
and distribute sales tax in all participating states. If you do a lot of business online, make sure your
software allows for a tax plug-in. As the law is currently proposed, small businesses will be exempt
from that requirement, so it is likely that any vehicle will do tax calculations.
If you are exporting to Europe, however, be aware that the EU requires foreign exporters to collect
and pay VAT. So far, it is unclear how this will affect small retailers outside the EU.
Posting Statistics
Shipping statistics have become more complex in the last few years. All modern carts include two
types of shipping calculations:
Statistics from viewing tables set by the merchant.
Real-time statistics that draw information from major senders and messengers.
If you find a cart that does not offer at least UPS shipping statistics, you may find a cart that is not
stored properly. Even if you don't need UPS shipping, this is a very accurate "up-to-dateness" cart.
Avoid carts that do not offer this, even if they look cheap.
Having said that, counting ships from the merchant watch tables you set can work very well. Of
course, shipping costs may be more or less than your table setting, but it should all be in the long run.
Trailers usually include various shipping statistics, such as:
For a full sale
By weight
Number of items in order
By weight and location
Fixed shipping price for all products
Generally, you should choose one application that works for all of your products, unless multiple carts
allow you to add shipping fees to selected products that are larger or require special boxes or shipping
containers. Many retailers are finding a system that is "very weighty" very flexible, especially if they
have a wide variety of products in different sizes and shapes.
If you make multiple submissions, however, you will find it easier to use the plug-ins provided by
some of the major senders. Each of the following provides a service to online retailers that estimate
shipping costs, depending on the type of service the customer chooses (such as next day, second day,
ground, etc.). Usually, the seller must sign up for each shipping service through this free service.
Vendors often limit the shipping options they show to customers, even if the sender offers other
Secure transactions
When it's time to test, Sally Shopper wants to complete the transaction safely and successfully. These
include four things to prevent hackers from stealing sensitive credit card information:
An SSL secure connection between your shopper and your website to prevent hackers from stealing
sensitive personal information. The current standard here is called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), which
encrypts the connection. In most cases, you can return the piggyback at no additional cost to the
digital certificate and secure server provided by your web hosting service or to order a reseller
program. Without a secure server, don't expect to sell more.
Payment gateway to provide secure connection between your website and credit card processor.
Protection of credit card numbers stored on the website. The best way to protect yourself is not to
store credit card numbers on your server. Some carts, however, offer careful encryption of these
numbers which can provide protection to your customers.
Secure order retrieval that allows merchants to receive orders without disclosing credit card details to
attackers. This usually achieves merchant views and downloads orders from the site through a web
browser using a secure SSL connection. Other methods include XML, secure FTP, or encrypted
Almost all vehicles have these built-in types of protection.
Payment Methods
However, to get real-time credit card authorization, you will also need to secure the payment gateway
with an additional monthly fee. (Excludes this include: PayPal, Yahoo !, and third-party services that
handle credit card transactions themselves: 2CheckOut.com, CCNow, DigiBuy, Kagi, and others.)
You can often find a payment gateway that is well integrated with your credit card account. of the
Make sure you do not secure your payment gateway before deciding which shopping cart system best
meets your needs because most payment gates do not fit all shopping carts.
The most common payment methods available - with US-based carriages however - are
Authorize.Net, VeriSign PayFlow Pro, LinkPoint, and WorldPay. PayPal is also offered as an
alternative to payment on most shopping carts, although PayPal's Instant Payment Notification (IPN)
is only available in a few cases.
Is real-time credit card authorization really needed? Can't authorize your orders with a desktop
authorization program you use for real store, trade, or market? You can, perhaps. Some credit card
merchants do not allow online transactions, because they offer a lower discount rate for "current card"
transactions than they do for a CAR or "non-card" online transaction - a full percentage point, in
If you make a lot of online sales, you will find that real credit card authorization is a cost-saving tool
because it saves you:
Time to rewrite orders and credit card numbers
Errors made in re-ordering
Time to place orders, because the authorization step has already been completed.
Email Order Confirmation
Almost all carts provide the customer with on-screen and e-mail receipts to confirm the purchase.
Only a few carts offer email confirmation for shipping, but we’ll discuss that below under order
Keeping Specific Orders
Have you ever shopped at your local store and never found your shopping cart? Someone took a
mistake on your cart and left you with 20 boxes of gourmet fortune cookies. In an online store, the
shopping cart system should differentiate between buyers - before it can tell you who the check-in
time is. Apps use several systems to track shopping carts:

Q.No.2 (Marks 5)
Consider an online shopping portal that allows a customer to browse and purchase different
products. There are distributed stores and customers are of different countries and religions.
The products are arranged under different categories like Books, Computers, and Electronics,
etc. Only a registered customer can order a product from this portal. Each registered customer
will have his own shopping cart. He can view, add or remove products in his shopping cart and
view his total bill. The final cart is submitted for payment and details like shipment address are
confirmed by the customer. The customer is confirmed with a shipment id and delivery of goods
within 15 days. Once the customer finishes selecting the product/s, he can view the cart and
then place the order by providing details like postal address, number of items, etc. The website
is managed by an Administrator. An administrator can add, remove and update categories,
products under each category, their price, and quantity. He can also remove or verify the
Draw a sequence diagram for online shopping portal scenario.

i. Draw a use case diagram for “Get a Cab” application. (5
‘Get a Cab’ is a smartphone application. It will search cabs for the passenger, provide them with
security by reminding them about their luggage and it will also allow the user to inform the police
with the help of a one-click button. This application facilitates the guardians to trace the location of
their loved ones. It also lets passengers locate a driver at any instance to overcome all time related
issues. If the passenger wants to avail the services of the same driver in future, he/she can add the
driver to the favorite list, stored in the application.
ii. Write a detail use case for “Search a Cab” function

For searching a cab, the passenger would enter his/her source and destination information and the
application would list down all the available cabs in a 1km radius. If application unable to find cab
within 1km radius passenger can increase the radius up to 3 km. The passenger would send pickup
request to the driver and the driver would come to pick the passenger from the source address.

HomePage Activity class is the main activity of the application. It launches the home page of the
application from where the user can either schedule a new pickup or view all the pickups that
he has made through the application. Lines of Code in this class are 98.

Pickup Activity class takes the pickup date, time, pickup place and drop off place of the user. The
user can either manually enter the location from where he wants to be picked up or he can directly
access the current location in this screen. The user is also given the facility of choosing GPS or
internet to get his current location. The user is also warned that GPS gives a more accurate location
when compared to internet.

Pay Activity class displays the estimated time, distance and the fare for the ride. This screen also
shows the route taken by the cab in order to remove the user of all doubts. This could help the user
shows the places via which he could travel through the ride. This also makes the reservation more
reliable. The user is then asked for his personal details like name, email id, phone number, if at all
there would be children travelling, or any further notes to the driver. From this screen, the user can
choose between paying through card now and paying to the driver..

Route Activity class shows the route taken by the cab. It is shortest time and shortest distance based.
This activity uses Google Maps Directions API and Overlay classes to draw the route from the pickup
place to the dropoff place.

PayNow Activity class is called if the user selects the option to pay for the ride through the
application, either through is credit or debit card. In such a case, the user is shown a screen where
he can enter his details like card number, expiry date, month, name on card , card type.

Confirm Activity class shows the confirmation number generated through the application to the
user. This screen tells the user that he has had himself reserved a cab from his pickup place. From
this screen, the user can email the confirmation and booking details to his emails id or send himself
an SMS. Further, the can set a notification reminder to remind him of his cab at least 15 minutes
before its pickup time. The user can also check the cab status from this screen.

CabStatus Activity class shows the current status of the cab to the user. The customer is notified if
the cab has been reserved for the customer, if it has been dispatched from the taxi station, if the
user has been picked up or if the cab is available for a pickup

iii. Write all functional requirements which are required to implement “Search a cab” use
The main objective of the ToGo Cabs application is to provide an easy to use interface for scheduling
a pickup by the user and to view all the pickups that the user made using the application.
Additionally, the other main features of the app include:
 Obtaining the current location
 Showing the estimated duration, distance of the ride
 Showing the route map
 Send details to Emai
l  Send details to phone via SMS
 Check cab status
 Set a reminder notification
 Canceling a cab The Android application is developed using the Eclipse Helios IDE.
The ADT plug-in for eclipse is the most important tool for this application. Android SDK Version 2.3.3
has been installed for this application. The business logic is written in Java. The user interface is
developed using XML. The user interface is made as simple as possible with no technical details. The
user requires no manual or guidance to access the app. Every screen or layout is based upon a
common and consistent theme with uniformly sized letters and buttons. The following sections
discuss the implementation and user interface each screen in more detail

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