Aomei Backupper: User Manual
Aomei Backupper: User Manual
Aomei Backupper: User Manual
User Manual
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Table of Contents
1 Getting Started ................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Overview of AOMEI Backupper .................................................................... 1
1.2 System Requirements and Supported Operating/File Systems .................... 1
1.3 Install and Uninstall AOMEI Backupper ........................................................ 2
2 Backup.............................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Files and Folders Backup ............................................................................. 3
2.2 System Backup ............................................................................................. 4
2.3 Disk Backup .................................................................................................. 5
2.4 Partition and Volume Backup ........................................................................ 6
2.5 Schedule Backup .......................................................................................... 7
2.6 Backup (to) Network Attached Storage (NAS) ............................................ 11
2.7 Backup to Cloud Clients.............................................................................. 12
2.8 Backup Management .................................................................................. 12
2.9 Incremental and Differential Backup ........................................................... 13
2.10 Backup Scheme ........................................................................................ 15
2.11 Edit Backup ............................................................................................... 19
3 Backup Options .............................................................................................. 20
3.1 Operation Priority ........................................................................................ 21
3.2 Data Compression ...................................................................................... 21
3.3 Encryption ................................................................................................... 21
3.4 Splitting ....................................................................................................... 22
3.5 Email Notifications ...................................................................................... 22
3.6 Backup Mode .............................................................................................. 23
3.7 Command ................................................................................................... 24
3.8 Comments .................................................................................................. 24
3.9 Other ........................................................................................................... 24
4 Sync ............................................................................................................... 26
4.1 Basic Sync .................................................................................................. 26
4.2 Real-Time Sync .......................................................................................... 28
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
1 Getting Started
This Chapter describes AOMEI Backupper’s main features, the system
requirements, supported file systems, operating systems and storage media.
Please take the time to become familiar with Backupper’s powerful and
comprehensive features before using Backupper for the first time.
Additional assistance, including screenshots, can be viewed at:
A Glossary is contained in Chapter 9.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 (all editions, 32-bit and 64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and 2003 R2 (all editions, 32-bit and 64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Home Server (WHS) 2011
Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011
Supported File Systems
For ReFS, ExT2/3, ExFAT file systems and other known file systems, Backupper will
image, clone and manage each file with sector-by-sector.
Backupper supports almost all storage devices recognized by Windows, such as
IDE, SATA, SCSI, SSD, USB external disks, RAID (Redundant Array of Independent
Disks) and NAS (Network Attached Storage). Additionally, Backupper supports MBR
(Master Boot Record) and GPT (Globally unique identifier Partition Table) disk
standards and works effectively with the UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware
Interface) start-up process.
Run AOMEI Backupper setup program AOMEIBackupperSetup.exe.
When the popup window appears, select “Next” and follow the wizard
installation instructions.
After the installation process has completed, a prompt may appear to restart the
computer to complete the installation.
Backupper can be uninstalled using one of the following two methods.
1. Go to the Start Menu -> AOMEI Backupper -> Uninstall AOMEI
2. Go to the Windows Control Panel -> Uninstall Program, right-click AOMEI
Backupper and uninstall it.
To completely uninstall Backupper, a prompt may appear requesting the
computer be restarted, which can be deferred until a later time.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
2 Backup
It is essential to make regular copies of important data to ensure data is secure. If
original data becomes corrupted, the data can be recovered from a backup image
Backupper can back up files, folders, disks, partitions, volumes, applications and
system drive into a compressed image file(s) and supports full backup, incremental
backup and differential backup, all of which can be scheduled to be carried out at
configured times.
Backup guides are contained in the “Backup” menu at
In a few steps, personal files, working files and other important data can be backed
up into specified image files.
As well as being able to specify which folders to back up, filters can be set, such as
a file inclusion/exclusion mask, a folder exclusion mask and whether to exclude
hidden files/folders and system files/folders.
To back up files/folders
1. In the left tab page, select “Backup” followed by “File Backup”.
2. Enter the backup name into the “Task Name” box, such as "My File Backup
123" to distinguish this backup from previously created backups.
3. Click either “Add Folder” or “Add File” and then select the files/folders to be
backed up. Or, you can directly drag files/folders to here to add them.
4. Select or type into the destination path to store the backup image file. If
available, always select a destination storage medium that is different than
the source medium. This will ensure that if the source drive fails, the data can
be recovered from the destination medium.
5. Select “Start Backup” button to begin the backup process. And, click ”Finish”
once the process has completed.
To customize the advanced configuration for the current backup task, please see the
Backup Options in Chapter 3. And, The Backup Schedule and Backup Scheme
can be enabled as described in Section 2.6 and 2.11.
Selecting “Add Folder” will allow file inclusion/exclusion and folder exclusion masks
to be configured by expanding the “Filter Settings”: move the arrow of mouse to the
added folder, then click the icon to open Filter Settings Dialog.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Moving the arrow of mouse to the added folder/file, click the icon to delete the
folder/file when you don’t want to back up it.
After backup process starts, you can click the icon in the lower left corner to
set to check backup integrity and/or Shut down/Restart/Hibernate/Sleep PC
after backup is completed.
In order to avoid backing up temporary files, garbage files and other useless
data, we suggest you perform a data clean up first and back up later.
Files and folders in the Recycle Bin cannot be backed up.
Backupper can effectively back up files like NTFS compressed files or EFS
encrypted files, but the files will no longer have NTFS properties after
Backupper can back up NTFS files along with their security permissions
automatically, and also supports restoring each file’s security permissions
together with the file.
We suggest you first put files you plan to back up into the same folder, and then
back up this folder. To save all those files you would then only need to add one
backup source to the Backup List, rather than several (Note: every item in the
Backup list is called a backup source). This would make backup management
more convenient. We suggest you do not add too many backup sources to the
Backup list (e.g. the backup source count has reached 2000 or more).
Some files may be in use by other programs exclusively, program will prompt to
skip them.
Some files don’t have system permission (you can check permissions under
properties of files/folders), program will prompt to skip them.
2. Enter a name for the backup in the “Task Name” box to distinguish the new
backup from a previous backup.
3. Select or type into the destination path to store system backup image file. If
available, always select a destination storage medium that is different than
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
the source medium. This will ensure that if the source drive fails, the data can
be recovered from the destination medium.
4. Select “Start Backup”button to begin the backup process. And, click ”Finish”
once the process has completed.
Because System Backup is a single-select solution, the system partition and system
reserved partition will be selected as source by default.
To customize the advanced configuration for the current backup task, please see the
Backup Options in Chapter 3. And, The Backup Schedule and Backup Scheme
can be enabled as described in Section 2.6 and 2.11.
After backup process starts, you can click the icon in the lower left corner to
set to check backup integrity and/or Shut down/Restart/Hibernate/Sleep PC
after backup is completed.
Generally, system backup will back up “system” partition, “boot” partition(C:
drive) and system’s recovery partition. It will not backup factory OEM recovery
For encrypted system partitions, Backupper will use sector by sector backup
way by default.
Backupper only supports backing up windows system.
Disk backup will back up all data on the disk into a compressed image file, including
all data partitions/volumes and system partitions/volumes. If a system disk has been
backed up then after restoration, the restored disk will be used to boot the computer.
Backupper supports backing up the Master Boot Record (MBR), GUID Partition
Table (GPT), external hard drives, SSDs, USB storage and other devices that are
recognized by Microsoft Windows.
Backing up disks
1. In the left tab page, select “Backup” followed by “Disk Backup”.
2. Enter a name for the backup in the “Task Name” box, such as "My disk
backup 67" to distinguish the new backup from a previous backup.
3. Click “Add Disk”. In the popup window select source disk(s) to backup.
4. Select or type into the destination path to store system backup image file. If
available, always select a destination storage medium that is different than
the source medium. This will ensure that if the source drive fails, the data
can be recovered from the destination medium.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
5. Select the “Start Backup” button to begin the backup process. And,
click ”Finish” once the process has completed.
To customize the advanced configuration for the current backup task, please see the
Backup Options in Chapter 3. And, The Backup Schedule and Backup Scheme
can be enabled as described in Section 2.6 and 2.11.
After backup process starts, you can click the icon in the lower left corner to
set to check backup integrity and/or Shut down/Restart/Hibernate/Sleep PC
after backup is completed.
Backupper allows several disks to be backed up at a time. But, you only can
select one disk from image file to restore at a time.
Disk Backup can’t list and back up dynamic disks. To backup volumes on
dynamic disks, please use system or partition backup.
For encrypted disks, Backupper will use sector by sector mode by default.
If there are non-NTFS or FAT32 partition on the disk, Backupper will use sector
by sector mode when backing up this partition.
Backupper currently doesn’t support backing up the disk with 4096 bytes/sector.
But, you can save image file to 4096 disk.
2. Enter a name for the backup in the "Task Name" box, such as "My partition
disk backup 52" to distinguish the new backup from a previous backup.
3. Click “Add Partition or Volume”. In the popup window, select the partitions
or volumes that need to be backed up.
4. Select or type into the destination path to store system backup image file.If
available, always select a destination storage medium that is different than
the source medium. This will ensure that if the source drive fails, the data can
be recovered from the destination medium.
5. Select the “Start Backup” button to begin the backup process. And,
click ”Finish” once the process has completed.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
To customize the advanced configuration for the current backup task, please see the
Backup Options in Chapter 3. And, The Backup Schedule and Backup Scheme
can be enabled as described in Section 2.6 and 2.11.
After backup process starts, you can click the icon in the lower left corner to
set to check backup integrity and/or Shut down/Restart/Hibernate/Sleep PC
after backup is completed.
Backupper will back up in sector-by-sector mode for ExT2/3, ReFS, ExFAT and
other non-Windows file systems.
Backupper will back up encrypted partitions with sector by sector mode.
Backupper allows several partitions to be backed up at a time.
For system partitions, we doesn’t suggest that you use partition backup way.
Backupper can back up data automatically and periodically allowing data security to
be greatly enhanced.
The following four methods are available to set up a backup schedule: Daily Mode,
Weekly Mode, Monthly Mode and Event Triggers.
Set the scheduled backup
Method 1: Select the “Backup” option --> select a backup type (such as the
“System Backup”) --> check “Schedule” --> to set the scheduled backup.
Method 2: Select a backup task in the Home screen --> click the icon -->
select “Schedule Task” --> to set/edit the scheduled backup.
Schedule Settings-->General
Daily Mode
1. Set a future time point to perform the backup task once only.
2. Set a time point to perform the backup task once each day.
3. Set a time frame in a day first then choose the time interval between each
The program will perform the backup at intervals of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 hours within
the selected time frame each day.
Weekly Mode
1. Choose the day(s) for the backup task.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
2. Set a time point. The program will automatically perform the backup at a
given time point on the chosen day(s) each week.
Monthly Mode
1. Specify one day each month to perform the backup task. For example,
perform the backup on the third Tuesday of each month.
2. Choose one day from the calendar to perform the backup task each
month. Multiple days can also be selected on the calendar.
For daily, weekly and monthly mode scheduled backup tasks, Backupper
currently can wake up computer to perform. You can tick the option
“Wake the computer to run scheduled tasks” under the Schedule
Settings-->General to configure it. In this way, the program will wake your
computer from sleep or hibernate 2 minutes before running a scheduled
backup. This feature is unavailable for Event Triggers, USB plug in and
Real-time Sync scheduled tasks.
For daily, weekly and monthly mode scheduled backup tasks, Backupper
currently can set up to Shut down/Restart/Hibernate/Sleep PC after the
schedule task is completed. You can drop down the option of "Turn off the
computer after the scheduled task is completed" under the Schedule
Settings -> "General" and then tick it to configure. In this way, the
program will automatically perform Shut down/Restart/Hibernate/Sleep
operations after the scheduled task is completed and the countdown is 3
minutes. This feature is unavailable for Event Triggers, USB plug in and
Real-time Sync scheduled tasks.
Event Triggers
There are four event trigger types: User Logon, User Logoff, System Startup
and System Shutdown.
1. User Logon. Performs a backup automatically when a user logs on.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
If the Logoff backup has not been completed before the user logs on again,
the backup task continues to run in system background. If the user logs as
an administrator, then the small Backupper tray is displayed showing the
backup progress.
If the system is to be shut down before the backup has completed, then
Backupper will prevent the system from being shut down until the backup
has been completed. After the backup has been completed, the system will
automatically continue to shut down.
3. System Startup. Perform a backup automatically when the system starts
Once the system powers up, the backup task will run in background
immediately even though an administrator or user has not yet logged into
an account.
If the backup has not been completed after logging in, the backup will
continue to run. If logged into an administrator account, the small
Backupper tray is displayed showing the backup progress.
If the system is shutdown before the backup has completed, then
Backupper will prevent system shutdown until the backup has completed.
After the backup has been completed, the system will automatically
continue to shut down.
In addition, a time can be set to delay performing the backup. For instance,
if 5 minutes is set then the backup task will start 5 minutes after the system
4. System Shutdown. Perform a backup automatically when the system is
When a system begins to shut down, Backupper will prevent the shutdown
as a backup must first be performed. Backupper will display backup
information when system shutdown begins. Once the backup is completed
(the length of which is dependent upon the amount of data to be backed
up) the system will automatically continue to shut down.
If a system update is pending, the backup will run once the system update
has completed.
If “Run one time every day” is selected in the bottom left corner, then the
backup task will run only once a day.
USB plug in
When the program detects that source or target USB device of the backup task
is plugged in, it will automatically back up the data from USB device or back up
to USB device.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
If “Run one time every day” is selected, then the backup task will run only once
a day.
When you insert the USB device after USB tasks are created, it will pop up
“USB Plugged in” window with information “AOMEI Backupper has detected a
USB device plugged in and will run the following tasks associated with the USB
device. Please confirm how you would like to proceed”, you can select to run
tasks immediately or delay 15/30/60 minutes to perform or skip tasks. And, you
can check “Do not show this dialog again” so that the tasks can be performed
immediately every time.
Real-time Sync
The feature is set for a File Sync task, for more details, please see File and
Folders Sync in Section 2.5.
Schedule Settings-->Advanced
Choose a way to perform the scheduled backup: Full Backup, Incremental Backup,
Differential Backup. Incremental Backup is selected by default. For more detailed
description about the three backup ways, please refer to section 2.10.
For Daily/Weekly/Monthly mode, you can manually select use Windows Task
Scheduler or install AOMEI service to run scheduled tasks. “Install a service to run
scheduled tasks” is selected by default.
If “Run missed backup at the next system startup” is selected, when a scheduled
task doesn’t perform at schedule time point due to some reasons, for example,
computer is closed at schedule time point, the scheduled task will be perform again
when system is started up at the next time.
Tips: Run missed backup at the next system startup only is performed one time.
If the task is enabled with Event Triggers or USB plug in, it is unable to manually
specify neither Windows Task Scheduler nor AOMEI Service to perform this task.
And,”Run missed backup at the next system startup” is also unavailable.
Backupper currently can't wake up computer to perform scheduled backup. You
can set to wake up the computer before schedule time via windows: right-click
This PC-->manage-->system tools-->task scheduler-->select AOMEI backup
tasks, select to wake the computer to run this task under Conditions. For set the
option, you need to specify Windows Task Scheduler to perform this task.
If you set shutdown event backup on Windows 10, please close “Fast Startup”
under Control Panel-->Power Options-->System settings.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
NAS is often used by file servers for business users. Backing up to a NAS will save
local computer storage as well as ensuring the safety of the backup image.
Backupper also enables the backup data of NAS devices.
Backup to NAS
1. Click the destination path box in the Backup option once the source data has
been selected.
2. When the window pops up, click “Share/NAS” on the left-hand side to open
“Network Location Management” window, or open the drop down list of the
destination path to “Select a network share or NAS”.
3. Select the “Add Network Location” button in the lower-left corner in
“Network Location Management”.
Enter the “Display name” of the NAS (Optional).
Enter the IP address of the network location in “Network Path”,
“Anonymous” login is available. Or, disable “Anonymous”, then type into
NAS username and password.
4. After the NAS device has been added, all the folders in the NAS will be listed
in the right-hand side list box. Choose one folder as the destination path then
select “OK”.
Backup NAS
Only File Backup/Sync way can select NAS’s data as source.
1. Select the “Backup” tab on the left column then select “File Backup” or “File
2. Click “Add File” or “Add Folder”, when the “Open” window pops up, click
“Share/NAS” on the left-hand side to open “Network Location
Management” window.
3. Select the “Add Network Location” button in the lower-left corner in
“Network Location Management”.
Enter the “Display name” of the NAS (Optional).
Enter the IP address of the network location in “Network Path”,
“Anonymous” login is available. Or, disable “Anonymous”, then type into
NAS username and password.
4. After the NAS device has been added, all the folders in the NAS will be listed
in the right-hand side list box. Choose files/folders you want to backup/sync
then select “OK”.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Backupper currently only support NAS with using SMB protocol.
Real-Time Sync feature doesn’t support syncing NAS.
After added a network location, it will be retained under “Network Location
Management”, so you don’t need to add again when creating backup task at
next time.
Cloud drives (such as OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.) are very popular.
Backupper does support backing up/syncing files or folders to a cloud drive if the
system has installed the appropriate cloud Desktop App.
1. Select the drop-down menu of the destination path selecting box in the File
Backup/Sync option.
2. Click “Select a Cloud” to open the list of cloud clients installed in the system.
Select the required cloud client as the destination location for backups.
Before performing a backup, the desktop app of the destination cloud drive must be
installed. For Dropbox, installation instructions are located at
Backupper only can choose a cloud drive desktop app as the target path for File
Backup and File Sync.
Backupper currently supports OneDrive, Google Drive, Box, Dropbox,
SugarSync, hubiC and CloudMe.
Select “Home” on the left tab page to list backup/sync tasks with built-in shortcut
options to start or manage backups. These include Backup, Restore, Schedule
task ,Edit Backup and so on. Backups can be listed by day, week, month or any
other custom time.
Moving the mouse over any backup task you have created to select a task for
further operations.
Directly start a new backup for the selected task via clicking the icon , a wizard
will provide a guide through the process. It will create the incremental backup by
Click the icon on the selected task, then list the following options:
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
As time progresses, there will be an increasing amount of data and files stored on
the system drive, data partitions, etc. In order to ensure data integrity, it is important
to backup changed data regularly.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
There following three options are available: Full, Incremental and Differential
Backup. The following describes the differences of each option and can assist with
developing a backup plan.
For a step-by-step guide, please reference the “Incremental/Differential Backup”
tutorial located in the “Backup” menu at
Full Backup
A Full Backup takes a snapshot of all the data on the selected folders, partitions
or hard disks at the time the backup is performed and saves the backup to an
Image file.
A Full Backup is always the basis of any incremental and differential backup. A
Full Backup can be used to restore all the files and folders in its image to the
system state when the image was created.
Once a Full Backup is performed, an Incremental or Differential Backup can be
created, which are much quicker to create than a Full Backup as the images
created are normally much smaller.
Incremental Backup
An Incremental Backup takes a snapshot of only changed and/or newly added
files based on the previous related backup, be it a Full or Incremental Backup.
Data that have not changed is not backed up. Therefore, the time and image
storage space required for an Incremental backup is normally much smaller than
a full backup. A Full Backup must exist as the start point for a series of
Incremental backups. A typical Incremental in time sequence backup
progression would be as follows.
Full Backup, as basis
Incremental Backup 1
Incremental Backup 2
Incremental Backup n.
All incremental Backup series image files share a sequential relationship so If
any one of the incremental image files in the sequence is damaged or missing,
then subsequent image files cannot be used for recovery.
When restore, only need to select an incremental backup file to restore, then
data can be recovered to the state when the selected Incremental Backup was
Implementing a Full Backup with a regular Incremental Backup regime is the
most commonly-used backup scenario.
Differential Backup
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
A Differential Backup is always directly related to its originating Full Backup and
will back up all data added and/or changed since the last Full Backup was
Therefore, compared to a Full Backup, the backup time and image file storage
space required are both normally much less. If one of the Differential Backup
image files becomes damaged or lost, it will not affect the subsequent
Differential Backup image files.
When restore, only need to select a differential backup file to restore, then data
can be recovered to the state when the selected differential backup was
If data is added and/or changed significantly then each Differential Backup will
become progressively larger, because each one will contain more changes
made since the last Full Backup was performed. Compared to an Incremental
Backup, Differential Backup takes more time and requires more disk space.
The Backup Scheme (or Backup Strategy) feature automatically manages and
saves disk space usage as a result of having many image files.
The Backup Scheme feature can be enabled by using one of the following methods.
Method 1. In the process of creating a backup task in the AOMEI Backupper
paid version, select "Schedule" followed by the "Scheme" button to set it.
Method 2. Select the Home page followed by the Backup task. Then select
"Edit Backup" -> "Backup Scheme".
Detailed Introduction of the Backup Scheme
Full Backup Scheme
1. Always retain the latest xxx versions of full backup image files. When it
exceeds the number of versions, the older full backup image file will be
deleted automatically.
2. The Full Backup Scheme is like a circular queue. When the queue is
full, and as new members want to join the queue, then the oldest
members will be removed from the queue.
It is assumed “3” is set, which means to always retain the latest 3 versions
of full backup image files. When 3 versions are exceeded, the oldest
version of the backup image file will be deleted automatically. So, if there
are FULL.adi, FULL1.adi, FULL2.adi, and after creating a new full backup
FULL3.adi, the older backup FULL.adi will be deleted automatically.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
If you tick “Create a full backup and always retain it before performing the
scheme” option, it will first create a FULL backup before backup scheme
circular queue and the full backup will always be retained, the procedure is:
(delete FULL2)→FULL6 (delete FULL3)→FULL7 (delete FULL4)
If you don’t tick the option, the procedure will be:
FULL→FULL1→FULL2→FULL3(delete FULL)→FULL4 (delete FULL1)
→FULL5(delete FULL2)→FULL6 (delete FULL3)
Note: The minimum reserved version is 1, the maximum reserved version
is 10.
Incremental Backup Scheme
1. Always retain the latest one set of backups. Specify xxx backups in this
set. When the number of backups in this set is exceeded, it will start the
next set backup. A set of backups is composed of a full backup and
multiple incremental backups.
2. The Incremental Backup Scheme is like a group queue. The former
group must be removed from the queue when the later group meets the
requirement of joining the queue.
We assume that you have set “3”, and this means it will create 3 backup
as a group. When next group is created, the older group will be deleted
automatically. So if there is a group of backup image files as FULL.adi,
INC1.adi, INC2.adi and after creating a new group of backup as
FULL1.adi, INC3.adi, INC4.adi, then the older backup group including
FULL.adi, INC1.adi, INC2.adi will be deleted automatically.
If you tick “Create a full backup and always retain it before performing
the scheme” option, it will first create a FULL backup before backup
scheme circular queue and the full backup will always be retained. The
procedure is:
FULL (original full backup)→FULL1→INC1→INC2→FULL2→INC3→
INC4(delete FULL1, INC1, INC2) →FULL3→INC5→INC6 (delete
If you don’t tick the option, the procedure will be:
FULL (original full backup)→INC1→INC2→FULL1→INC3→
INC4(delete FULL, INC1, INC2) →FULL2→INC5→INC6 (delete
Note: The minimum reserved version is 2, the maximum reserved
version is 100.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
1. Always retain xxx versions of backup image files. When it exceeds the
number of versions, the older backup image files will be deleted
2. The Differential Backup Scheme will create a full backup and multiple
differential backups as one group. It will first delete the differential
backup one by one during one group, then delete the full backup of the
We assume that you have set “3”, and this means AOMEI Backupper will
always retain the latest three versions of backup image file. When it
exceeds 3 versions, the older backup image files will be deleted one by
one. So if there are FULL1.adi, DIFF1.adi, DIFF2.adi and after creating
backup FULL2.adi, then the older differential backup DIFF1.adi will be
deleted automatically.
If you tick “Create a full backup and always retain it before performing the
scheme” option, it will first create a FULL backup before backup scheme
circular queue and the full backup will always be retained. The procedure
DIFF3(deleteDIFF2)→DIFF4 (delete FULL1)→FULL2(delete DIFF3)
If you don't tick the option, the procedure is:
DIFF3(deleteDIFF2)→DIFF4(delete FULL)→FULL2(delete DIFF3)
Note: The minimum reserved version is 2, the maximum reserved version
is 100.
Space Management Scheme
1. Please specify for the scheme that creates XXX backup versions as one
group. It will run as the differential backup way and it is the extension of
Differential Backup.
2. The Space Management Scheme will create a full backup and multiple
differential backups as one group.When backup versions exceeds one
backup group, if the program detects insufficient space when performing
the new backup, old backup image files will be deleted to free up disk
space for storing the new backup image files.
3. The scheme will first delete the differential backup one by one during
one group, then delete the full backup of the group.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
We assume you set to create 3 versions as one group. So, it will generate
FULL.adi, DIFF1.adi, DIFF2.adi, FULL1.adi, DIFF3.adi, DIFF4.adi. And
when you create a new full backup FULL3.adi, the program detects that
there is not enough space, then it will delete DIFF1.adi. And if there is still
not enough space, it will continue to delete DIFF2.adi. And if space is still
not enough, delete FULL.adi..... DIFF3.adi......until there is enough space
for new backup.
If you tick “Create a full backup and always retain it before performing the
scheme” option, it will first create a FULL backup before backup scheme
circular queue and the full backup will always be retained. The procedure
FULL (original full backup)→FULL1→DIFF1→DIFF2→FULL2→DIFF3→
DIFF4→FULL3→DIFF5→DIFF6→FULL4(If there is not enough space
when doing this backup, Backupper will delete DIFF1 and if space is
still not enough, Backupper will delete DIFF2...FULL1...DIFF3)
If you do not tick the option, the procedure is:
DIFF6→FULL3(If there is not enough space when doing this backup,
Backupper will deleteDIFF1 and if space is still not enough,
Backupper will delete DIFF2...FULL..DIFF3...)
Other Scheme
There are two ways to delete the previous versions of backup image file,
as follows.
1. By time. When it exceeds XXX Days/Weeks/Months/Years, it will create
a new full backup, and then delete all previous backup files.
For example, it is assumed you set to create a new full backup when it
exceeds “3 days”. If it has created FULL.adi, INC1.adi, INC2.adi, INC3.adi,
and INC4.adi during three days, then creating FULL2.adi automatically at
the fourth day, these previous versions (FULL1.adi, INC1.adi... INC4.adi)
will be deleted.
If you tick “Do not delete the image file of the first backup during disk space
management” option, the procedure is:
FULL(original Full Backup)→FULL1→INC1→INC2→INC3→INC4→
FULL2 (delete FULL1, INC1, INC2, INC3, INC4) →INC5→INC6...→
FULL3 (delete FULL2, INC5, INC6...)
2. By version. Automatically delete the previous XXX versions of backup
image files after the next full backup finishes.
For example, it is assumed you set to delete previous “3 versions”, so it will
create a full backup after 3 backup versions and then delete previous 3
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
older versions. If there are FULL1.adi, INC1.adi and INC2.adi, then it will
create FULL 2.adi, then delete FULL1.adi, INC1.adi and INC2.adi.
If you tick “Do not delete the image file of the first backup during disk space
management” option, the procedure is:
FULL (original Full Backup)→FULL1→INC1→INC2→FULL2 (delete
FULL1, INC1 and INC2) →INC3→INC4→FULL3 (delete FULL2, INC3
and INC4)
If you have done several backups (Full, INC, DIF)) before enabling backup
scheme via "Advanced" -> "Edit Backup" -> "Backup Scheme" on a task, these
backup files will not be deleted by the scheme.
If you use different backup way on Schedule Settings and Backup Scheme,
backup will be performed as the way in backup scheme. For example, you set
an incremental schedule backup and select differential backup scheme, so it will
create differential backups.
If you have performed some backups with a backup scheme and then you
change the backup scheme, for example, change Incremental Backup Scheme
to Space Management Scheme, it will restart the backup queue with the new
backup scheme and these backup files generated during using previous backup
scheme will not be deleted.
For Space Management Scheme, if backup versions don’t exceed one backup
group and then the storage space is insufficient, it will not delete old backup files
to free up space. So, please confirm that there is enough space to save backup
versions of one group.
“Edit Backup” allows backups to be edited by changing the task name and/or the
destination to save the image to another location.
To Edit the Backup
All the backups are listed in the Home Screen. Move the cursor to the backup task
to be modified then click the icon on the selected task, select “Edit Backup”.
1. On the top of the pop-up window, select the edit button behind the Task
Name, then type the new name into the editable box. Select “OK”.
2. If the selected backup task is a File or Folder backup, then select the Add
File/Add Folder or Edit the source. For other backups, the source cannot be
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
3. Select the destination path box to another path as the destination location to
store the backup image.
4. Select “OK” to save all the changes.
In the Edit Backup window, there is an option to enable Email notification in the
lower left corner. By selecting this option, an email will be sent containing the
backup result. To learn more about email notifications, see Chapter 3.5.
In the Edit Backup window, there is an option to enable Backup Scheme in the
lower left corner. By selecting this option, old backup files will be deleted
automatically for managing disk space. To learn more about backup scheme, see
Chapter 2.11.
In the Edit Backup window, there is an option to enable Command in the lower left
corner. By selecting this option, run the specified program or script before or after
backup or synchronization.
Only File/Folder backup tasks offer the option to edit or add source files/folders.
The source cannot be edited for system, disk and partition backups.
Backupper can’t directly change the target path from a NAS location to another
NAS path. You can first modify the target path to a local location, and then
change to new NAS path.
When change target path, all backup images will also be migrated to new path.
If there is no backup files in target path or backup task can’t detect backup files,
the target location can’t be modified. You need to recreate the task.
3 Backup Options
The menu at the top of the Main screen and backup Options in the Backup page will
allows parameters to be changed with help assistance provided.
Click at the top of the Main screen to open menu, then select “Settings”, it is
possible to individually customize the global parameters when backing up data,
including the compression level, splitting image, notifications settings, intelligent
sector, VSS, etc.
In “Options” when creating a task, it is possible to set parameters for individual task,
including the compression level, backup encryption, notification enabling, splitting
image, intelligent sector, VSS, other.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
3.3 Encryption
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
2. Type in the encryption password in the first field and then retype it into the
second field to confirm the password.
It is not possible to recover a backup if the password is lost.
Currently Backupper does not support changing the password of after the backup
has been created as the data is encrypted based on the password.
3.4 Splitting
Backup files can be split into several smaller files to fit into different smaller storage
media. Backupper can automatically create a backup file into multiple parts during
the backup process. In “Settings” or “Options”-->“Advanced” to set the way of
The splitting options available are listed below.
Automatic. The image split size depends on the file system of the destination
storage medium. For example, FAT32 partition only can save files less than
Customize size. Input the required file size value and future backup images
will be split into segments of this size. The minimum supported file size is
Choose a predetermined size. Choose the storage medium type in the
drop-down menu. Backupper will then split the image file to suit the selected
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
4. When the Custom Server is selected, the SMTP server information must
be entered.
If the free edition of Backupper is being used then only the Outlook or Gmail
servers can be selected.
Notification Settings
Specify when an email notification is sent, as follows.
1. The operation is completed successfully.
2. The operation fails.
3. User interaction is required.
Notification emails can be sent using HTML or text.
All conditions for sending email notifications are selected in the Notification Settings
by default. A report will be provided if the operation is completed successfully or not.
For verifying settings are correct, Backupper will send a test message to the
configured email address or phone number if “Send for test” is selected.
To Enable Email notifications for a Backup Task
1. When creating a backup task, select “Enable notification” in “General” of the
“Options” in the Backup page.
2. Enable email notification for an existing backup task in the Home screen by
selecting “Edit Backup” and then check “Enable notification”.
When you set email notification with Custom server, Backupper requires SMTP
authentication, it does not support anonymous access.
When you set up email notification with Gmail server, it may send the test
message failed, as far as we know, it is because Google enhanced Gmail’s
security level, you need to turn on access for less secure app in Google setting,
then retry.
Backupper doesn’t configure multiple email addresses to receive the email
notification. You can create an email group and add these email addresses, after
that, you can put the group email address as the receiver of notification, so
these email addressed under the group also will receive the email notifications.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Intelligent Sector Backup. Only backs up used file systems sector. This will reduce
the image file size and backup time.
Make an Exact Backup. Also called Sector-by-Sector Backup, this will back up all
disks or partition sectors whether used or not.
Backup Service:
VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) is a backup technique of Microsoft, which
allows the computer to continue to be used while a backup is in progress. If VSS is
not used, then Backupper will automatically use its own backup service instead of
performing a live backup. Choose one of the modes to begin the backup task.
It is highly recommended that the VSS service is used.
3.7 Command
3.9 Other
Automatically create a folder with the same name as the task in the target
location. It is ticked by default. So, it will create a folder with the task name under
target path to save backup files or synced content. For example, you create a
backup task named as Disk Backup, it will first create a Disk Backup folder under
the target drive you selected and save backup images to here.
Automatically check the backup on completion. Backupper will check each
backup upon completion automatically to verify the backup has been properly
Enable Large Windows Mode. This should enable large windows mode
automatically when the monitor uses high resolution, such as 1920x1080,
2048x1536 or 2560x1440 pixels.
Don’t show tray icon next time. Generally, schedule task will show a tray on task
bar when performing. If you check the option, the tray icon will not appear when
schedule task is performing automatically.
Join the User Experience Improvement Program. It is beneficial to help us
improve the software.
Choose Language. Change the program language.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
4 Sync
In AOMEI Backupper, there are a variety of sync modes available. According to
personal needs, you can choose basic sync, real-time sync, and mirror sync to
better synchronize files or folders. You can also synchronize regularly by setting up
scheduled sync tasks.
With basic sync, you can synchronize the changed files of the source directory to
the target directory. By default, only newly added and updated files are
synchronized. The option of sync deletion is available to you so that deleted files
and folders could be synchronized to the target directory.
Sync folders
1. Enter the name of the sync in the "Task Name" box to distinguish the new sync
from other sync tasks.
2. Click “Add Folder” button and then select the folders to be synced. In this
section, you can use the feature “Filter Settings” to filter files and folders as
your needs.
3. Select or type into the destination path that syncs to. You can choose to
synchronize to local, NAS, or cloud disk clients.
4. Select the “Start Sync” button to begin the sync process. And, click “Finish”
button once the process is completed.
Sync Settings
Click the “Option” button to enter into the “Sync Settings” interface so you can
customize the advanced configuration for the current sync task.
Comments. Allow a comment to be entered for the current operation in the
comment box.
Notifications. After enabling this option, email notification emails will be
sent containing sync results.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Schedule sync
Select the “Schedule” option upon which a dialog box will appear. Schedule the
required sync task to sync files Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc. Also, Event triggers or
USB plug in can also be used as a sync method.
After sync process starts, you can click the icon in the lower left corner to
set to Shut down/Restart/Hibernate/Sleep PC after sync is completed.
Basic sync only supports one-way sync. That’s to say, it only can sync from
source to target
File Sync supports VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service), therefore, it can
normally synchronize files that are being used or occupied by other programs.
but, you need to make sure that the "Volume Shadow Copy" service in your
computer is enabled status. However, if some files are in use by other programs
exclusively, they are not synchronized.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
If there are some special system files or folders with special security attributes in
source folders, they are not synchronized, and program will prompt to skip them.
After synchronizing file, any changes on target files and folder such as delete,
add or rename one of them, will cause that target files or folder are inconsistent
with source ones. This situation will not benefit for file management.
If the target path was located in FAT/FAT32 partition, files larger than 4GB will
not be synced to the target path. Because a single file larger than 4GB cannot
be stored on FAT/FAT32 partition.
Synchronize the changed files of the source directory to the target directory in real
time, and synchronize the add, update and delete operations to the directory
directory. Monitor the source directory in real time. When the source directory
changes, it will synchronize the changes to the target directory in time.
Sync folders
1. Enter the name of the sync in the "Task Name" box to distinguish the new sync
from other sync tasks.
2. Click “Add Folder” button and then select the folders to be synced. In this
section, you can use the feature “Filter Settings” to filter files and folders as
your needs.
3. Select or type into the destination path that syncs to. You can choose to
synchronize to local, NAS, or cloud disk clients.
4. Select the “Start Sync” button to begin the sync process. And, click “Finish”
button once the process is completed.
Sync Settings
Click the “Option” button to enter into the “Sync Settings” interface so you can
customize the advanced configuration for the current sync task.
Comments. Allow a comment to be entered for the current operation in the
comment box.
Notifications. After enabling this option, email notification emails will be
sent containing sync results.
After sync process starts, you can click the icon in the lower left corner to
set to Shut down/Restart/Hibernate/Sleep PC after sync is completed.
Backupper only supports one-way sync. That’s to say, it only can sync from
source to target
File Sync supports VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service), therefore, it can
normally synchronize files that are being used or occupied by other programs.
but, you need to make sure that the "Volume Shadow Copy" service in your
computer is enabled status. However, if some files are in use by other programs
exclusively, they are not synchronized.
If there are some special system files or folders with special security attributes in
source folders, they are not synchronized, and program will prompt to skip them.
After synchronizing file, any changes on target files and folder such as delete,
add or rename one of them, will cause that target files or folder are inconsistent
with source ones. This situation will not benefit for file management.
If the target path was located in FAT/FAT32 partition, files larger than 4GB will
not be synced to the target path. Because a single file larger than 4GB cannot
be stored on FAT/FAT32 partition.
Real-time sync temporarily has not yet used an executing interface or a tray
notification to show sync progress. You only can check the status of files in the
target path or the log.
When the mirror sync task is executed, the newly added and modified files in the
source directory will be synchronized to the target directory, and the files in the
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
target directory will always be exactly the same as the files in the source directory.
Files in the target directory that are inconsistent with those in the source directory
will be deleted or overwritten.
Sync folders
1. Enter the name of the sync in the "Task Name" box to distinguish the new sync
from other sync tasks.
2. Click “Add Folder” button and then select the folders to be synced.
3. Select or type into the destination path that syncs to. You can choose to
synchronize to local, NAS, or cloud disk clients.
4. Select the “Start Sync” button to begin the sync process. And, click “Finish”
button once the process is completed.
Sync Settings
Click the “Option” button to enter into the “Sync Settings” interface so you can
customize the advanced configuration for the current sync task.
Comments. Allow a comment to be entered for the current operation in the
comment box.
Notifications. After enabling this option, email notification emails will be
sent containing sync results.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
After checking this option, when the sync task is executed, a folder with the same
name as the task will be automatically created under the target location and the
synchronized files will be stored under this folder
Schedule sync
Select the “Schedule” option upon which a dialog box will appear. Schedule the
required sync task to sync files Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc. Also, Event triggers or
USB plug in can also be used as a sync method.
After sync process starts, you can click the icon in the lower left corner to
set to Shut down/Restart/Hibernate/Sleep PC after sync is completed.
Basic sync only supports one-way sync. That’s to say, it only can sync from
source to target
File Sync supports VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service), therefore, it can
normally synchronize files that are being used or occupied by other programs.
but, you need to make sure that the "Volume Shadow Copy" service in your
computer is enabled status. However, if some files are in use by other programs
exclusively, they are not synchronized.
If there are some special system files or folders with special security attributes in
source folders, they are not synchronized, and program will prompt to skip them.
After synchronizing file, any changes on target files and folder such as delete,
add or rename one of them, will cause that target files or folder are inconsistent
with source ones. This situation will not benefit for file management.
If the target path was located in FAT/FAT32 partition, files larger than 4GB will
not be synced to the target path. Because a single file larger than 4GB cannot
be stored on FAT/FAT32 partition.
After the two-way sync is successful, the files in the source directory and the target
directory will remain exactly the same, that is, the addition, modification and deletion
operations in the source directory will be synchronized to the target directory, and
the addition, modification and deletion operations in the target directory will also be
synchronized to the source directory.
Sync folders
1. Enter the name of the sync in the "Task Name" box to distinguish the new sync
from other sync tasks.Click “Add Folder” button and then select the folders to
be synced.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
2. Select or type into the destination path that syncs to. You can choose to
synchronize to local, NAS, or cloud disk clients.
3. Select the “Start Sync” button to begin the sync process. And, click “Finish”
button once the process is completed.
Sync Settings
Click the “Option” button to enter into the “Sync Settings” interface so you can
customize the advanced configuration for the current sync task.
Comments. Allow a comment to be entered for the current operation in the
comment box.
Notifications. After enabling this option, email notification emails will be
sent containing sync results.
Run the specified program or script before or after synchronization.
Operation Priority
Please select the operation priority of the task. The higher the priority it is, the faster
the task execution speed will be.
“Automatically create a folder with the same name as the task in the target
location” option is available.
After checking this option, when the sync task is executed, a folder with the same
name as the task will be automatically created under the target location and the
synchronized files will be stored under this folder
Schedule sync
Select the “Schedule” option upon which a dialog box will appear. Schedule the
required sync task to sync files Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc. And, Event triggers or
USB plug in can also be used as a sync method.
The source directory and the target directory cannot have an inclusion
After sync process starts, you can click the icon in the lower left corner to
set to Shut down/Restart/Hibernate/Sleep PC after sync is completed.
File Sync supports VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service), therefore, it can
normally synchronize files that are being used or occupied by other programs.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
but, you need to make sure that the "Volume Shadow Copy" service in your
computer is enabled status. However, if some files are in use by other programs
exclusively, they are not synchronized.
If there are some special system files or folders with special security attributes in
source or destination folders, they are not synchronized, and program will
prompt to skip them.
If the target path was located in FAT/FAT32 partition, files larger than 4GB will
not be synced to the target path. Because a single file larger than 4GB cannot
be stored on FAT/FAT32 partition.
5 Restore
If unexpected problems occur (such as a system crash, data loss, disk corruption or
failure) then Backupper will recover all data from a backup.
If original files and/or folders are lost or damaged, Backupper can use the File
Restore feature to restore lost data back to their original state at the time they were
backed up.
To restore files/folders
1. In the left tab page, select “Restore”, then select a backup task or image file
to continue.
2. Select Task: all backup tasks are listed. Select a File Backup Task that want
to restore, click “Next” button.
Select Image File: in popup window, browse the drive that saved backup
files to select an image file, click “Open” button.
3. Select a backup point based on the created time and backup type. Then,
select the files and/or folders to be restored, click “Next”.
4. Select a destination path to save the files and/or folders. Choose either to
“Restore to original location” or “Restore to a new location”.
Tips: there are several restore options in Settings:
“Restore NTFS Permissions” to maintain the original permission rights for
the files or folders. Note: NTFS Permissions can only be restored to NTFS
formatted drives.
“Replace existing files” to overwrite existing files with the same name.
“Restore only files” to only restore those selected files not included in the
original path.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
5. Select “Start Restore” to begin the restoration process. Click “Finish” once
the process has completed.
For a step-by-step guide, please reference the “Files/Folder Restore” tutorial
located in the “Restore” menu at
Some files in destination may be in use by other programs exclusively that
cannot be overwritten. In this event, Backupper will provide a prompt to resolve
the problem and may result in restoring to a new location.
When backing up files, Backupper automatically backs up the NTFS file
permissions. Check the "Restore NTFS Permissions" option to make it easier
to set file permissions during the restore process.
If there are multiple backup versions, in step 3, you can select the appropriate
backup point based on the the backup type and created time.
After restore process starts, you can click the icon in the lower left corner to
set to Shut down/Restart/Hibernate/Sleep PC after backup completion.
If the system has crashed or cannot boot, restoring the system from a system
backup is a better solution than reinstalling the operating system.
To Restore the System
1. In the left tab page, select “Restore”, then select a backup task or image file
to continue.
2. Select Task: all backup tasks are listed. Select a System Backup Task that
want to restore, click “Next” button.
Select Image File: in popup window, browse the drive that saved backup
files to select an system backup file, click “Open” button.
3. Select a backup point based on the created time and backup type and click
the “Next” button.
If system backup file include multiple partitions, select “Restore a partition in
this system backup” to restore only data of single partition. Note: the
operation can’t ensure the restored system will be bootable.
4. Specify the destination drive to restore if selecting “Restore system to other
location” in previous step. Generally, the program will directly select the
original location as destination by default. But, if the size or location of the
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
original system drive has changed, you also need to specify the destination
system drive manually.
5. In the "Operation Summary" page, preview the operation that will be
executed and set desired advanced settings as follows:
The “SSD Alignment” option can also be selected to optimize the
performance if the destination is an SSD.
When only one system drive is restored, there is "Edit Partition" option,
which allows to change drive letter, partition type and edit the size of the
If restore to dissimilar hardware, the “Universal Restore” should be selected.
6. Select “Start Restore” to begin the restore. Click “Finish” once the process
has completed.
For a step-by-step guide, please reference the “System Restore” tutorial located
in the “Restore” menu at
If the system is regularly backed up, then each backup will generate an image at
the time of backup so there may be multiple backup time points to select.
The destination disk/partition will be totally overwritten. If the destination
contains any essential data, it should first be copied or moved to another
During a system restore, the program will prompt for the computer to be
restarted which then enters "Restart Mode" for the restore operation.
If you can’t boot into windows to run the program for the restore, you can create
WinPE bootable media of AOMEI Backupper in advance, and then boot from
WinPE media to do restore.
If your system is in "EFI partition + system partition + recovery partition" layout,
there may be more than one EFI partitions after restore to original disk. In this
situation the restored system may not be bootable, you could try to delete the
extra EFI partitions and only keep one. Then, it will boot up normally. Or, you
can delete original system partitions on the disk and then restore.
If system restore to original location by default, it will can’t select “SSD
Alignment” and “Edit Partitions”.
After restore process starts, you can click the icon in the lower left corner to
set Shutdown/Restart/Hibernate/Sleep PC after backup completion.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
If a disk is damaged or faulty resulting in data or partitions loss, then the (possibly
replacement) disk can be fully restored to the state of the last backup.
To restore the disk
1. In the left tab page, select “Restore”, then select a backup task or image file
to continue.
2. Select Task: all backup tasks are listed. Select a Disk Backup Task that want
to restore, click “Next” button.
Select Image File: in popup window, browse the drive that saved backup
files to select an disk backup file, click “Open” button.
3. Select a backup point based on the created time and backup type and click
the “Next” button.
4. Select the disks/partitions in the image file that will be restored, as follows.
Restore the entire disk will list the disks contained in the selected
image. Select one of the disks to restore followed by the “Next”
button to continue.
Restore a partition in the disk will list the partitions that are
contained in the image. Select one of the partitions followed by the
“Next” button to continue.
5. Select the Destination to restore the selected disk/partition to followed by the
“Next” button.
6. Enter the “Operation Summary” page to preview the restore operation to be
executed and set desired advanced settings as follows.
a. Edit Partitions. To adjust the partitions size or location on the
destination disk. The following options are available.
Copy without resizing partitions. Does not perform any
Add unused space to all partitions. The destination disk
partitions will be automatically resized to the entire disk,
appropriate for the disk size.
Manually adjust partition size. Manually adjust the partition size
and location by dragging a slider bar.
b. SSD Alignment. If the destination disk is an SSD then it is highly
recommended that this option is selected to optimize SSD performance.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
After restore process starts, you can click the icon in the lower left corner to
set Shutdown/Restart/Hibernate/Sleep PC after backup completion.
This feature is used to restore a partition or volume. If the data on the partition is
damaged, then the backed-up image file can be used for restoration.
To restore a partition/volume
1. In the left tab page, select “Restore”, then select a backup task or image file
to continue.
2. Select Task: all backup tasks are listed. Select a Partition Backup Task that
want to restore, click “Next” button.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Select Image File: in popup window, browse the drive that saved backup
files to select an partition backup file, click “Open” button.
3. Select a backup point based on the created time and backup type and click
the “Next” button.
4. The list or partitions or volumes contained in this image file are displayed.
Select the partitions to be restored followed by the “Next” button to continue.
5. Select a destination partition, or an unallocated space, to which to restore the
partition selected in the previous step. Click “Next” button.
6. Enter the "Operation Summary" page to preview the restore operation to be
executed and set desired advanced settings as follows:
The “SSD Alignment” option can also be selected to optimize the
performance if the destination is an SSD.
The "Edit Partition" option allows to change drive letter, partition type and
edit the size of the partition..
8. Select ”Start Restore” to begin the restore. Click ”Finish” once the process
has completed.
For a step-by-step guide, please reference the “Partition/Volume Restore”
tutorial located in the “Restore” menu at
Each backup will generate an image at a given time, so there will be multiple
time points to choose from.
The destination disk/partition will be totally overwritten. If the destination
contains any essential data, then it should first be copied or moved to another
location first.
If any applications are running on the destination partition/disk, Backupper will
require computer is restarted then will execute the restore operation in “Restart
After restore process starts, you can click the icon in the lower left corner to
set Shutdown/Restart/Hibernate/Sleep PC after backup completion.
Universal Restore allows the operating system (such as Windows 10) to be restored
to a computer with dissimilar hardware. This allows the operating system to be
recovered instantly in the case of a hardware failure and deploy the same operating
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
system to many computers. It can also be used for other purposes, such as
physical-to-virtual or virtual-to-physical migration.
To restore system to dissimilar hardware
Before restoring a system/disk image, please do the following.
1. Create a bootable media of AOMEI Backupper (see Or, use PXE Boot Tool to
perform the restoration (see
2. If a system/disk backup image is available then use Backupper to locate the
image file otherwise make a system/disk backup (see
Restore to dissimilar hardware following the steps below.
1. Boot the target computer from bootable media or boot the target computers
into the operation system BIOS then set PXE network boot mode. Using
either method can boot into the Backupper WinPE or Linux system.
2. In the left tab page, select “Restore” and then locate the system/disk image
3. A pop-up window will be displayed. Select “Yes” to confirm a system restore
will be performed.
4. If there are multiple backup versions, select a backup point based on the
created time and backup type, then select the “Next” button.
5. Select a destination location to restore the image followed by “Next”.
6. Review the Operation Summary Window. Make sure that the option
“Universal Restore” in the lower left corner is checked to restore the system
image to dissimilar hardware otherwise the computer might be unable to boot
after restoring.
7. Select “Start Restore” to perform the operation.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Universal Restore is available for system disk restore only. So, for disk backup
image, it must be created for a running system disk.
If system, disks or partitions backup was performed in sector by sector mode, which
will back up all disks or partitions sectors including unused sectors and some
deleted files.When restore in sector by sector mode, Backupper will copy all used
and unused sectors to the destination disks or partitions. In a non-sector by sector
restore, only used sectors will be restored with unused sectors ignored.
For a step-by-step guide, please reference the “Sector by Sector Restore” tutorial
located in the “Restore” menu at
When using sector by sector mode restore, the destination partition or disk size
must be equal to or larger than the source.
For encrypted partitions or non-NTFS/FAT32 partitions, Backupper will back up
them with sector by sector mode by default. When restore, it will also use sector
by sector restore by default.
The partitions size or location on the destination disk can be adjusted in disk
restore/clone mode by opening the "Operation Summary" page and select "Edit
Partitions" button.
In the Edit Partitions dialog, the following three options are available.
Copy without resizing partitions. Does not make any changes.
Add unused space to all partitions. The destination disk partitions will be
automatically resized to the entire disk, as appropriate for the disk size.
Manually adjust partition size. Manually adjust the partition size and
location by dragging the slider bar.
Select the "Edit Partition" button in the Operation Summary page when a system
drive or a partition is restored/clone. A popup window enables a drive letter to be
assigned and set primary/logical to the partition. The graphical Partition Bar can be
dragged and moved to change the size or location of the partition.
For a step-by-step guide, please reference the “Edit Partitions” tutorial located in
the “Restore” menu at
Restore system/partition image includes multiple partitions, Backupper can’t
support editing partitions on Operation Summary page.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Clone system with multiple partitions, Backupper can’t support editing partitions
on Operation Summary page.
Select sector by sector mode in disk restore/clone, "Edit partitions on the
destination disk" button is unavailable.
6 Clone
Clone will migrate or transfer data directly to enable an exact and complete copy of
a disk or partition to be made from one storage medium to another.
To change a new drive for better speed and performance (such as an SSD), or just
want to migrate the operating system to another drive, System Clone can be used to
clone all the related partitions which are necessary for transferring an operating
system to another drive.
To Clone an Operating System
1. In the Home Screen, select “Clone” on the left column then select “System
2. Select a destination location to migrate the system to the location then select
“Next”. If the selected location is a used partition, a window will pop up to
prompt that this partition will be deleted or overwritten. Select “Yes” to
3. There are two optional functions within the Operation Summary Window.
Select the “Sector by sector clone” option to copy all system partition
sectors, which may take some time to complete.
The “SSD Alignment” option can also be selected to optimize the
performance if the destination is an SSD.
Tips: when only one system drive is cloned, there is "Edit Partition" option,
which allows to change drive letter, partition type and edit the size of the
4. Select “Start Clone” to perform the operation. Wait for the process to
complete and then select ”Finish”.
For a step-by-step guide, please reference the “System Clone” tutorial located in
the “Clone” menu at
The system partitions do not need to be selected manually as Backupper will
select the related system partitions by default.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
The destination location cannot be the source disk. Also, make sure the selected
drive is large enough to contain the system partitions.
For encrypted system drives, Backupper will use sector by sector clone way by
After cloning successfully, shutdown the computer, remove the source drive from
the computer then restart the computer to enter BIOS to set the cloned system
disk as the first boot device. Boot from the destination disk.
System clone only clone dynamic system volumes to basic disk.
Disk Clone copies a hard disk drive to another disk drive. All data on the disk,
including the operating system, applications, configuration settings and all partitions,
etc., will be transferred to the destination disk.
This capability is especially useful when a system disk is about to run out of space
and a larger capacity disk needs to be installed as a replacement. Disk Clone can
also be used to migrate from HDD to SSD or for making a duplicate disk.
To Clone a Disk
2. In the left tab page, select the “Clone” option followed by “Disk Clone”.
4. Select the destination disk to which the source disk will be cloned,
Select “Next”.
5. Preview the information of the source and destination disk. In the wizard
page, set desired advanced settings as follows.
a. To adjust the partitions size or location on the destination disk, select the
"Edit Partitions" button. The following options are available.
Copy without resizing partitions. Does not perform any
Add unused space to all partitions. The destination disk
partitions will be automatically resized to the entire disk,
appropriate for the disk size.
Manually adjust partition size. Manually adjust the partition size
and location by dragging a slider bar.
b. Sector by sector clone. Copies all sectors of the disk to the destination
disk whether in use or not. The destination disk size must be equal to, or
larger than, the source disk.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Backupper provides a feature to clone a single partition rather than the whole disk.
For example, the (D:) drive could be cloned to (E:) or an unallocated space.
To clone Partition or Volume
1. In the left Tab page, select the “Clone” option, and then select “Partition
2. Select a partition or volume to be cloned as the source partition.
Select “Next”.
3. Choose an appropriate unallocated space or an existing partition as
destination partition. Select “Next”.
4. Preview the source and destination drive information. In the wizard page, set
the desired advanced settings as follows.
a. Edit Partition. Enables a drive letter to be assigned and set
primary/logical to the partition. The graphical Partition Bar can be
dragged and moved to change the size or location of the partition.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
7 Tools
Tools are provided to enhance Backupper, as described in this Chapter.
With the Disk Wipe tool, you can wipe the disk to wipe data and remove the virus
Click "Tools" in the left tab, and then select the "Disk Wipe" tool under "Common
Select wiping type
Select a desired wiping type, including partitions or unallocated space on a disk, or
the whole disk.
Wipe Partitions or unallocated space on the disk
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
After selecting this option, you will be able to delete the selected partition or
unallocated space on the disk and wipe all its sectors. The data will not be restored
after wiping.
Wipe Disk
After selecting this option, you will be able to delete all partitions on the disk and
wipe all its sectors. The data will not be restored after wiping.
After the selection is complete, click "Next" at the bottom right corner of the page to
enter the page for selecting the data to be wiped.
Select wiping data
Select a desired wiping type, including partitions or unallocated space on a disk, or
the whole disk.
Select the partition or unallocated space to be wiped
According to the selection on the previous page, you can choose to wipe any
partition or unallocated space of any disk on this page, and you can select multiple
ones at the same time.
Click the partition with the mouse and it will be selected. Click the same
partition again to deselect the partition.
Select the disk to be wiped
According to the selection on the previous page, you can choose to wipe any
disk on this page, and you can choose multiple ones at the same time.
Click the disk with the mouse and it will be selected. Click the same disk again
to uncheck the disk.
After the selection is complete, click "Next" at the bottom right corner of the page to
enter the page for selecting the wiping method.
Select wiping method
Choose a method you want to wipe the selected data. There are four methods
available that represent different degrees of overwriting, and the final wiping effect
will be different. The more thorough the wipe is, the more difficult it will be to recover
so that it is securer.
Fill sectors with Zero (Safe, Quick)
Fill sectors with random data (Safe, Quick)
DoD 52220.22-M (Very safe, Slow)
Gutmann (35 passes, Very Safe, Very Slow)
After selecting the wiping method, click "Start" at the bottom right corner of the page
to enter the wiping process page.
Wiping process
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
This page will show the progress of the wiping and specific information about the
wiping process.
You can click "Cancel" in the lower right corner to stop the wiping process.
The wiped data can no longer be restored. It is recommended to back up
important data in advance.
The tool currently does not support wiping dynamic disks.
With the Recovery Environment tool, you can easily perform system backup restore
or other backups restore operations when the system crashes.
Click "Tools" in the left tab, and then select the "Recovery Environment" tool under
"Common Tools".
Recovery Environment Settings
On this page, choose whether to enable the boot option of AOMEI Backupper
recovery environment, and set how long the standing page stays on the Windows
boot options menu.
1. Enable the boot option of AOMEI Backupper recovery environment
After ticking, the "AOMEI Backupper Recovery Environment" option will be
added to the system boot menu page, so that you can select to start the system
from the recovery environment.
2. Standing time of the system boot menu page
Set the standing time for the selection page of system boot menu to facilitate
selection on this page.
After the setting is complete, click "Next" in the lower right corner of the page to
enter the page for creating a recovery environment.
Create recovery environment
This page will show the progress of creating the recovery environment and specific
process information.
You can click "Cancel" in the lower right corner to stop the process of creating a
recovery environment.
After the creation is successful, the settings will be saved. The AOMEI Backupper
system boot option will take effect the next time the system starts.
The tool currently does not support systems before Windows 7.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Through share and NAS management, you can add NAS to the storage list in
advance. You can view, edit, or manage the NAS, and you can also directly select
the NAS as the destination path when creating a task.
Click the "Tools" button in the left tab, then select the "Share/NAS Management"
tool in "Common Tools".
Add Network Location
Click the "Add Network Location" button in the lower left corner of the page and
enter the "Display Name" of the NAS (optional). Enter the IP address of the network
location in the "Network Path", and you can use "Anonymous" login. Or, disable
"Anonymous" and enter the NAS username and password.
Manage Share/NAS Devices
Move the mouse to the NAS, and the menu button and refresh button will appear on
the right. Click the “Menu” button to pop up the drop-down list.
1. Edit NAS
Click the "Edit" button in the drop-down list to display the "Edit Storage Path" page,
where you can edit the display name, username, and password.
2. Delete NAS
Click the "Delete" button in the drop-down list to directly delete the NAS path from
the list.
3. Space Management
Click the "Space Management" button in the drop-down list to display the "Space
Management" page. You can set an alert when the space is below a certain value,
that is, the NAS management page and the NAS selection page prompt that there is
insufficient space.
4. Locate Path
Click the "Locate Path" button in the drop-down list to directly open the shared
5. Add Subdirectory
Click the "Add Subdirectory" button in the drop-down list to display the "Add
Subdirectory" page. You can fill in the subdirectory after the original path to add a
new subdirectory as the storage path without filling in the permissions again.
The Check Image Tool tests the backup image data integrity to confirm the image
can be used to successfully recover data.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
2. Select the backup to test. If the list box does not show the image to be
checked then select “Browse” to locate the image.
3. Select a point-in-time and select the “Next” button to start the test. The
Backup type and Created time will assist to determine the proper point-in-
time to be tested.
4. When the process completes, select ”Finish”.
For a step-by-step guide, please reference the “Check Image” tutorial located in
the “Utilities” menu at
Tips: Using “Automatically check the backup on completion” under
Menu(click the button on the upper right side of the main window)-
->Settings-->Other to check each backup upon completion automatically to verify
the backup has been properly created.
2. Select the backup to explore from the list box. Select ”Next” to continue.
3. Select a point-in-time and select the ”Next” button to explore the image.
4. Assign a drive letter for the image partition and select ”Next” to mount the
5. Wait for the process to complete and then select ”Finish”.
The data in the created virtual partitions can be explored using either "Windows
Explorer" or "My Computer".
To detach the image
After mounting the image, Backupper will create virtual drives accessible in
Windows Explorer. Once the necessary operations have been completed, it is
advisable to detach the virtual drives by doing the following.
1. In the “Home” page, select ”Tools” followed by ”Explore Image”.
2. All current virtual drives will be listed. Select the appropriate virtual drives
followed by ”Detach” for the virtual drives to be removed.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Virtual drives are automatically detached when the computer shuts down.
For File Backup image file, it is not supported to mount it as a virtual drive, you
can only use this feature to restore the contents to other location.
For a step-by-step guide, please reference the “Explore Image” tutorial located in
the “Utilities” menu at
files, click the icon , then click “Merge Images” under “Advanced”.
2. All image files in the backup task can now be viewed, which are about to be
merged into one. Select ”Next” to continue.
3. Select a location to save the new, merged image file, which may be the
original directory or another specified directory.
4. Select the ”Proceed” button to begin the image files merger and wait for the
process to complete.
For a step-by-step guide, please reference the “Merge Images” tutorial located
in the “Utilities” menu at
It is suggested “Create a task item for this merging operation” is selected. Then,
after merging, in the left tab, select “Home” to view the new backup item. When
create incremental/differential backup on the new backup item, it will be based on
the merged backup to create incremental/differential.
"Merge Images" can only merge all correctly sequenced incremental backup
images. If this backup task contains any version of a differential backup, then
Backupper will advise it is not possible to merge the images.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
If a backup task comprises only one image file, then Backupper will take no
Backupper does not delete the old image files or the merged backup task during
the merging. You need to delete them manually.
AOMEI PXE Boot Tool can boot many computers from one micro-system in the
network by creating a Windows PE micro system with a third-party tool, also, a
bootable Linux image or Windows PE image file created by Backupper.
AOMEI PXE Boot Tool can be used to make other clients or target computers boot
from these micro systems. After booting, backup, restore or maintain system using
tools offered with the image file.
Using the AOMEI PXE Boot Tool
Step 1. Install AOMEI Backupper in a server or PC that can be booted normally
and launch it. In “Home” page, select “Tools” followed by “AOMEI PXE
Boot Tool”.
Step 2. Choose the environment to load the system and start the computer. There
are three options.
1. Boot the computer from AOMEI Windows system. This is the
recommended option allowing the tool to directly create a Windows PE
system for a network boot.
2. Boot from AOMEI Linux system. This option will make other clients load
a Linux system image in the network.
3. Boot from custom image file. Loads the special micro-system image
created by AOMEI PE Builder ( or
other third-party tools.
Step 3. After selecting “Start Service”, AOMEI PXE Boot Tool will configure related
data automatically and start the service to wait for the target computers.
Step 4. Set client computers within LAN for network boot by setting the “Network
Boot” option in each client computer.
If a computer boots with UEFI mode enabled, then it is suggested setting
the computer to traditionally boot mode in the BIOS (“Legacy boot
For a step-by-step guide, please reference the “Create Bootable Disk” tutorial
located in the “Utilities” menu at
It may take a few minutes for the PXE boot process to complete.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
All computers where PXE is applied will be under the same network segment.
If there are many computers, the speed of network may be slow. It may be
advisable to divide the network into a group(s) to boost network loading.
AOMEI PXE Boot Tool can support booting UEFI machines currently but only
the WIM file can be used for UEFI (not the ISO file). If the file is an ISO file, then
it is suggested the computer boot mode is changed to “Legacy Boot Mode”.
AOMEI PXE Tool contains a DHCP server that can be used if an existing DHCP
server is not available. DHCP is offered by the LAN router.
Backupper allows the creation of both Windows PE (WinPE) and Linux kernel based
bootable disc that can be used as rescue media for emergency usage.
To create a bootable disc, first prepare a blank CD/DVD-R/RW disc, USB media or
external hard disk, then select the "Tools" on “Home” screen, then click "Create
Bootable Media". In the pop-up window, there are two bootable disc types:
Windows PE and Linux.
Creating a Windows PE Bootable Disc
1. If a USB device or CD/DVD is to be used as the bootable media, then insert it
into the computer. "Explore ISO File" can also be chosen which enables the
creation of an ISO image file.
2. After selecting "Windows PE", the “Download Windows Creating
Environment from internet” option will be displayed. If the option is ticked,
the Windows Creating Environment will be downloaded before making
Window PE. When there is a network connection and it is detected that the
system does not have a WinPE creating environment, this option will be
ticked automatically. Select “Next” , Backupper will check whether the system
meets the corresponding requirements. If not, the Windows Creating
Environment may need to be downloaded. Or, Windows AIK/ADK may need
to be installed.
Creating a Linux Bootable Disc
Creating a Linux bootable disc is like the above steps for creating a Windows PE
bootable disc where the only difference is that the bootable disc is created
without meeting any requirement so there is no need to download and install
Windows AIK/ADK. However, a Linux bootable CD might be less compatible and
features, which only support Restore and Clone.
Backupper allows additional drivers to be manually added when creating a Windows
PE bootable disc via ADD Drivers on Select Bootable Media page.
After the ISO file has been created, it can be burned to a CD/DVD by using the
Windows 7 (and later) integrated burning utility by right selecting the .iso file, then
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
select -> Open With -> Windows Disc Image Burner. The file can also be burned via
third-party burning tools to a CD/DVD or USB device.
Backupper doesn’t creating WinPE/Linux environment to GPT USB media or
external drive.
Bootable disks made by 32-bit systems only support the traditional legacy boot
mode. If you need to support UEFI boot mode, please first tick the “Download
Windows Creating Environment from internet” option and then recreate the
bootable disk.
The View Logs function displays the operations log information of what has been
occurred. The information includes the operation type, the operation result, error
code etc., to help determine what the error is, if any. The logs can be supplied to
AOMEI to aid assistance.
To view the logs
1. In the “Home” page, select ”Tools” followed by ”View Logs”.
The configuration file records all valid backup tasks and are normally listed within
Backupper’s Home page. The configuration can be exported to a safe place so If the
backup history is later lost then the configuration data can be imported to recover all
Backupper backup tasks.
To export/import the configuration file
1. In the “Home” page, select ”Tools” followed by ”Export/Import
2. There are two options available.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
For more advanced users, Backupper can be controlled from the Command Line
instead of using the Windows interface by doing the following.
1. Run the command line prompt as administrator. To open the Command prompt,
a) Click Start, right click Command Prompt and select “Run as Administrator”
b) Press WIN+R to open “Run” window and type “cmd” to open it.
2. Navigate to the of AOMEI Backupper installation directory by typing the following
command line.
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\ AOMEI\AOMEI Backupper\6.5.1
This means open the path “C:\Program Files (x86)\ AOMEI\AOMEI Backupper
\6.5.1” which is the installation directory of AOMEI Backupper.
If you installed the program in a different location, enter that location instead.
Note: the path must match the installation directory of the program you installed.
3. The options below specify all the Command line parameters that can be used to
constitute a fully functional command, e.g:
AMBackup.exe /b new /t disk /s 0 /d "d:\disk" /n "Backup Disk0"
This commands AMBackup.exe to start a new disk backup and backup disk 0,
next save the backup into the folder named “D:\disk backup” and name the
backup file as “Backup file within as Disk0”.
Backupper’s Command Line Syntax
{} are the Required parameters
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Input Description
Output Description
Parameters Description
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
For incremental and differential backup, the required parameters are as follows.
Parameters Description
Parameters Description
0 No compression
[/c] 1 Fast standard compression
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Parameters Description
System Backup
1. Perform a System backup and assign a backup name.
AMBackup.exe /b new /t system /d “d:\sys” /n “Backup System”
2. Perform a System backup with no user specified backup name.
AMBackup.exe /b new /t system /d “d:\sys”
Disk Backup
1. Backup disk 0
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Partition Backup
1. Backup partition E
AMBackup.exe /b new /t part /s E /d “d:\part” /n “Backup Part E”
2. Backup partition E, F and G
AMBackup.exe /b new /t part /s E /s F /s G /d “d:\part” /n “Backup Parts”
Backup to Network
1. Backup to the shared network
AMBackup.exe /b new /t part /s E /d “\\\Share\Imgfile.adi” /n
“BackupToShare” /u “admin” /p “123456”
2. Backup to NAS
AMBackup.exe /b new /t part /s E /d “\\\NAS\Imgfile.adi” /n
“BackupToNAS” /u “admin” /p “123456”
Sector-by-Sector backup
AMBackup.exe /b new /t part /s f /d “d:\part” /n “Backup F Drive” /r 1
Encrypted Backup
AMBackup.exe /b new /t system /d “d:\sys” /e “mypassword”
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Parameters Description
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
[/u] ["admin"] Specify the user's name to access the NAS share.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
System Restore
1. Restore the system image named "backup.adi" on an NAS share to the
original location using partition alignment to optimize for an SSD.
AMBackup /r /t system /s "\\\system backup\system
backup.adi" /u "admin" /p "admin" /a
2. Restore the system from the image named "system backup10.adi" to the
partition 0 on disk 0 and perform a universal restore.
AMBackup /r /t system /s "D:\system backup\system backup10.adi" /d 0:0
3. Restore the system image named "system backup.adi" to the original location
and prevent the interactive prompt.
AMBackup /r /t system /s "D:\system backup\system backup.adi" /o yes
4. Restore the system image named "system backup.adi" to the original location
and terminate the operation when an interactive prompt occurs.
AMBackup /r /t system /s "D:\system backup\system backup.adi" /o no
Disk Restore
Restore the disk image named "disk backup.adi" to disk 2.
AMBackup /r /t disk /s “D:\disk backup\disk backup.adi” /i 1 /d 2
Partition Restore
Restore the partition image named "my backup.adi" to partition E where the
image password is"123".
AMBackup /r /t part /s "F:\my backup.adi" /i 1:1 /d E /e "123"
Parameters Description
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
System Clone
1. Clone system to partition D and using partition alignment to optimize for an
AMBackup /c /t System /d /a
2. Clone system to partition 1 on disk 2.
Disk Clone
Clone disk 1 to disk 2 and use partition alignment to optimize for an SSD
AMBackup /c /t Disk /s 1 /d 2 /a
Partition Clone
1. Clone partition E to partition D and use partition alignment to optimize for an
SSD as well as Sector by sector clone.
AMBackup /c /t Part /s E /d /k /a
2. Clone partition 1 on disk 0 to partition 1 on disk 2. The new partition will be
assigned a drive letter as X.
AMBackup /c /t part /s 0:1 /d 2:1 /l X
Parameters Description
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
You cannot back up data to disc (CD/DVD) by using command line. If you want
to back up data to disc, please use AOMEI Backupper GUI.
When you back up dynamic volume(s), but the dynamic volume has no drive
letter, you should assign a drive letter for it first.
If your partition has no drive letter, you can use its partition number on the disk
to specify it. For example, the partition is the second on the first disk, then you
can use “1:2” to replace the drive letter. You can find the numbers of disks and
partitions by using the command “AMBackup /L”.
AOMEI Backupper command line program must be run with administrator
privileges. If you are a non-administrator user, a window will pop up, in which
you need to enter the correct account information to finish the backup process.
When you back up data to a NAS, you must provide a valid IP address, such as
"\\\foldername", in order to identify the network path.
The command line implementation of AOMEI does not yet support file level
backup operations.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
8 Technical Support
Before seeking technical support, please first refer to our tutorials
If further assistance is required, then please send an email to
To assist with a problem, please compress (zip) the “log” folder located in the
Backupper installation directory, attach the compressed file to an email and send it
AOMEI Backupper FAQs are located at the “Support” area of and
Part FAQs are as follows:
Backup FAQs:
Q: Why Outlook OST and PST file not being backed up?
A: By default, AOMEI Backupper uses Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service
(VSS), in this way, Outlook OST file is excluded by VSS. To solve this problem:
Press Win+R, then Run “regedit” to open Registry
Navigate to
Delete the key value OutlookOST
Restart PC
For PST file, AOMEI Backupper currently doesn’t support backup. We will improve
the problem in later versions.
Q: AOMEI Backupper shows error “Failed to enable backup service. Please retry or
reinstall the software…” when doing backup/sync.
A: Please check if you install AOMEI Backupper to a path contains semicolon (;).
The installation path that contains semicolon will lead to AOMEI Backupper Service
startup failure, please reinstall AOMEI Backupper into a path without semicolon.
Please check if the ABservice.exe is not running, please manually start it in
Windows Services: press Win+R, then run “services.msc” to open the Windows
Services Manager, if the status of AOMEI Backupper Schedule Service is not
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
running, please double click it, then manually click “Start” and make sure startup
type is Automatic.
Q: Why task schedules weren’t actually executed as the backup type you set full
backup, incremental backup or differential backup in schedule settings?
A: It may because you set scheduled task and backup scheme at the same time, but
you select different backup type. For example, you select incremental backup in
schedule setting while using differential backup scheme. If so, the program will
ignore the backup type you set in schedule, but take backup operation according to
the setting of backup scheme.
Q: Why cannot you run backup task again when you back up to CD/DVD?
A: AOMEI Backupper doesn’t support to run backup task again when the destination
is CD/DVD.
Q: Why can’t see the small tray of AOMEI Backupper when the scheduled backup is
performed with standard account?
A: AOMEI Backupper needs to acquire the administrator’s permission to run the
interface program, while only use system permission to run backup. The small tray is
a part of the interface program. Under the standard account, AOMEI Backupper
can’t get the administrator’s permission to run the interface program and so the
scheduled backup will be performed without the small tray.
Q: The shutdown event backup doesn’t run after you shut down the computer?
A: If you are using Windows 10, please check if you turn on Fast Startup under
Control Panel-->Power Options-->System settings. If yes, please close it and then
check if shutdown event backup will run.
Q: The event backup doesn’t run on this day after you check “Run one time every
day” in event triggers.
A: If the backup task has been executed on this day, the event backup will not run
again when the event occurs this day.
on FAT/FAT32 partition. Please re-select another target path and try again. If the
partition where the target path was located is not FAT/FAT32, please contact our
technical support and send the log folder in the installation directory.
Q: After real-time sync, why some files or folders in the target path cannot be
A: The possible reason is that the character of files or folders path exceeds the
maximum path character allowed by Windows when these files or folders are
synced to target path. Although the files or folders cannot be accessed, they are not
damaged. You can access the files or folders by cutting the parent directory of them
to another path with less character. If they are still inaccessible after cutting
operation, please contact our technical support and send the log folder in the
installation directory.
Q: In real-time sync, why some source files cannot be synced to the target path?
A: The possible reason is that these source files don’t have system permission,
while real-time sync operate is based on SYSTEM permission. At this point, you can
add SYSTEM permission into the security attribute of the file and then try real-time
sync again. If it still fails, please contact our technical support and send the log
folder in the installation directory.
Q: In a real-time sync task, why source files cannot be immediately synced to the
target path after the files have been deleted from the target path?
A: Real-time sync temporarily only supports one-way monitoring and one-way sync
which mean it monitors the changes in the source files and sync them to the target
path, but not to monitor the changes in the target path. Therefore, it will not perform
a sync operation when any change occurs in the target path.
Note: Real-time sync tasks only support one-way sync. For example, sync from A to
B. Do not create a real-time sync task from A to B, and then create another task
from B to A. Otherwise, it may cause circulating sync which will increase CPU
usage, make system running slow, and even lead to the source files corruption.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Q: After Word and Excel documents real-time sync, why there are many temporary
files in the target path which are created when modifying Word and Excel
A: Because real-time sync will monitor all subfolders and files (include temporary
files) in the source folder, temporary files will also be synced when performing real-
time sync.
Q: In the sync, why files aren’t deleted from target path when they have been
deleted from source?
A: For common/schedule sync, Backupper currently doesn’t support delete files from
the target location when deleting from the source. You can try to use Rea-time sync
and check ”target files will be deleted when deleting the source files” option in the
real-time sync setting.
Restore FAQs
Q: When you restore the disk image from GPT disk with 5 (or more) partitions to an
MBR disk, you get the message said that system refuses to restore/clone more than
3 partitions because the destination drive not UEFI.
A: MBR disk only supports 4 primary partitions, however, AOMEI Backupper can’t
convert primary partition to logic automatically. So, it can’t directly restore the GPT
disk image with 5 (or more) partitions to MBR disk. In this case, you can convert the
target MBR disk to GPT with Windows Disk Management or AOMEI Partition
Assistant and then restore or clone.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Make a WinPE bootable disc by clicking "Utilities" -> "Create Bootable Media"
and boot from the WinPE to restore/clone.
Create WinPE iso (ampe.iso) via Utilities-->Create Bootable Media, and then
put the iso to the installation directory of AOMEI Backupper. After that, please
try to restore/clone again.
Q: You received the message: “Because the system partition exists in a dynamic
disk or the image file exists in a dynamic volume. You can go to Utilities -> Create
Bootable Media and make a Windows PE bootable CD (not Linux Bootable CD) and
try again.” when you do restore.
A: If there are programs still running on the destination partition during the restore
process, the program will automatically restart the computer and run Backupper
from the Linux or WinPE mode to complete restore process. This problem arises
because an image file in a dynamic partition cannot be recognized by Linux
environment. To solve the problem with the following methods:
Copy this image file to a basic partition and then restore again.
Click Utilities -> Create Bootable Media to create a WinPE Bootable media. A
WinPE Bootable media is able to recognize image files in a dynamic volume.
After that, please boot from WinPE bootable media to do restore.
Q: You received the message: “Because the image file exists in a share/NAS
network, you need to make a bootable CD...” when you do a restore operation.
A: If the image file is saved in a shared folder or a NAS device, you will receive the
above message if there are programs still running in the target partition which
cannot close. To solve the problem, you only need to click Utilities -> Create
Bootable Media to create a bootable media. Then, boot your computer from the
bootable media to complete the restore process.
Q: You get the message: “Unable to get the backup information because the image
file does not exist, or it can’t be accessed...” when you click Restore or Advanced
button on a backup task of Home screen.
A: The problem might be that the task can’t locate the backup files due to unknown
reason. You need to delete the task and then re-import the backup task by browsing
the backup files under Utilities-->Import/Export Configuration. After that, the task will
be listed on Home screen again.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Q: About problem that activation overdue is prompted by computer that applied with
universal restore while it booting.
After restoring legitimate Windows from one computer to others, it is normal that
system prompted that system need to be activated again after it boots. Due to the
fact that there is limitation to use activation code, therefore, you may need to
activate system again with your activation code.
Q: About the problem that some applications need to be activated again after using
universal restore.
A: After restoring Windows from one computer to others, it is normal that billing
applications prompted activation again after it boots. Due to the fact that there is
limitation to use activation code, therefore, you may need to reactivate those billing
application or software again.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Q: About the problem that computer need to install graphics card, network card, and
sound card drivers etc.
A: Universal Restore just makes sure system can boot normally after restoring
system from one computer to others. For some drivers that are not relevant to
system booting, such as graphic card, network card, and sound card drivers, etc,
they need you to install manually.
Clone FAQs:
Q: When you clone the disk image from GPT disk with 5 (or more) partitions to an
MBR disk, you get the message said that system refuses to clone more than 3
partitions because the destination drive not UEFI.
A: MBR disk only supports 4 primary partitions, however, AOMEI Backupper can’t
convert primary partition to logic automatically. So, it can’t directly clone the GPT
disk image with 5 (or more) partitions to MBR disk. In this case, you can convert the
target MBR disk to GPT with Windows Disk Management or AOMEI Partition
Assistant and then clone.
Other FAQs:
Q: Does AOMEI Backupper support backup, restore and clone dynamic volumes?
A: For MBR dynamic volumes, you can use System Backup and Partition Backup
way (System/Partition Clone). Disk Backup/Disk Clone function is not supported yet.
When restore, you can only restore to the original location or a basic disk.
For GPT Dynamic Disk, Backupper currently doesn't support backing up or cloning
dynamic volumes on GPT disk. We will add this function in later versions.
Q: Does AOMEI Backupper support backing up and restoring a system drive based
on UEFI?
A: Yes, it completely supports backup and restore for UEFI system drive.
Q: AOMEI Backupper can’t find system partitions or can’t list disks when running
under Windows.
A: Please check the type of this drive. Backupper currently doesn’t support eMMC
storage device completely.
Or, please check whether or not the drive is 4096 bytes per sector. You can press
Win+R, type “msinfo32” in the Run box, then open Components-->Storage-->Disks,
then check the Bytes/sector of the drive. Backupper currently doesn’t support
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
backing up or cloning drives with 4096 bytes per sector. But you can save backup
files to 4096 drive.
Q: Why need to register again when running the portable version of AOMEI
Backupper Technician that has been registered already?
A: The possible reason is that other edition of AOMEI Backupper has been installed
in the current system. Two different editions cannot coexist in a system.
Q: When you connect your network drive via AOMEI Backupper, you get the
message: “Failed to access the network path, please check if your username,
password, and network path are correct.” or “A specified logon session does not
exist. Please detect if there is a directory name behind the network path, such as
"\\\directory_name", not "\\". If the error still exists, you
can reboot and try again.......”
A: Please check if the devices or programs connected to NAS have reached the
ceiling of NAS. If yes, you need to disconnect some devices or programs so that the
AOMEI Backupper can connect the NAS to do the backup. If not, please delete the
"NAS.xml" file under the path C:\ProgramData\AomeiBR. After that, please connect
your NAS again.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
3) The interactive window shows that you need to make more space available
when there is not enough space to save backup in destination.
In the four situations, the interactive window is waiting for response until you do it.
1) The interactive window shows that you need to insert a new CD/DVD after the
last CD/DVD is used up when you back up to CD/DVD.
2) The interactive window shows that the CD/DVD will be erased after you insert
the CD-RW/DVD-RW when you back up to CD/DVD.
3) The interactive window shows that you need to register when the backup starts
to run if the software is not registered or the trail has expired.
4) The interactive window shows that you need to confirm the operation when the
program needs to reboot into WinPE environment to complete backup.
Q: Why does it send test email failed with message “Sorry, failed to send text
A: For Gmail Server: When you set up email notification with Gmail server, you may
encounter this issue, as far as we know, it is because Google enhanced Gmail’s
security level, you need to turn on access for less secure app in Google setting, then
For Custom SMTP Server: AOMEI Backupper requires SMTP authentication, it does
not support anonymous access. If you set up it without credentials, you will
encounter this error.
Q: You received the message: “Create WinPE ISO file failed…” when you click
"Utilities" -> "Create Bootable Media" to create WinPE bootable media.
A: It might that there are some unknown errors in your recovery environment. You
can try to recreate the WinPE with checking “Download WinPE Creating
Environment from the internet”. Or, you can download and install Windows AIK or
ADK from Microsoft site, and then create WinPE again.
Q: Why does it fail to create a Windows PE bootable image file when using PXE?
A: It causes may be:
1) The environment required to create a Windows PE bootable image file is not
present in the current system. In such case, the program will prompt you to
install Windows AIK or ADK, and then restart program to try again.
2) The program is installed in the directory which includes non-English characters.
In such case, the program will prompt you that it failed to create Windows PE
bootable image file. Please use the "Create Bootable Media" function in AOMEI
Backupper to create Windows PE bootable ISO image file, and then store it to
the program installation directory. Alternatively, reinstall the program into English
3) A bug has occurred. Please use "Create Bootable Media" function in AOMEI
Backupper to create a Windows PE bootable ISO image file, and then store it to
the program installation directory. Or, using “Boot from custom image file” option
then select the bootable ISO image file manually.
4) If the "Create Bootable Media" function in server-side program is running,
creating Windows PE bootable image file in the PXE function will fail. Please
wait until the progress of "Create Bootable Media" in server-side program is
completed, and then continue with the operation in the PXE function.
Q: Why does the client-side fail to boot from the network even after they have
finished configuring PXE service in the server-side?
A: It causes may be:
1) If the server-side and client-side do not exist in the same network segment, the
server-side neither receives the request from client-side nor sends data to the
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
Q: Why does system startup fail when using PXE function to boot from the network?
A: It causes may be:
1) The selected bootable image file might have a problem. Please re-create a
bootable image file via using AOMEI Backupper or AOMEI PE Builder.
2) If the selected bootable image file is too large, or the computer’s memory too
small, boot failure may occur because of insufficient memory. Please select a
smaller bootable image file.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
5) Please make sure that you hook your external disks up or your network is in
good condition when you fail to do the back up to external disks or NAS/Share.
8.Information code 4107: Failed to complete the operation / element not found or the
image file not found
Solution: Please check items below:
1) If you get the error message during the backup process, please reinstall the
software and then rerun the backup.
2) If you get the error message during the restore process, please select the image
manually to restore. Click here to learn more details.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
and you can restore it. Maybe you can try to restore to other location to see if it is
13.Information code 4140: The backup driver works improperly, you could restart the
computer to solve the problem.
Solution: Please restart the computer and retry to do the operation. If the error still
appears, please uninstall the program manually and then reboot the computer to
reinstall the software.
14. Information code 4161: The destination path is not writable, please select a new
Solution: Generally the error appears in file sync process. If you are syncing files to
NAS, please reconnect NAS and sync again. If you are syncing files to an external
disk, please check if the external disk is hooked up or drive letter has been changed.
In addition, please note that the account you login must have access permission for
the destination location. Click here to learn more details.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
16. Information code 4164: The destination path is too long, please restore to the
original location or change a shorter path and try again.
Solution: Generally the error appears when you do the file sync or file restore.
Please check if the destination is greater than 256 bytes. If yes, please restore the
original location or change a shorter path. Please note that the program counts the
path bytes which include the bytes of the source path you backup/sync and the
destination path.
17. Information code 4177: The destination path is too long, please change a shorter
path and try again.
Solution: Generally the error appears when you do the file sync or file restore.
Please check if the destination path is greater than 256 bytes. If yes, please change
a shorter path. Please note that the program counts the path bytes which include the
bytes of the source path you backup/sync and the destination path.
19.Information code 33/34: Failed to read sector (with bad sector)/Failed to write
sector (with bad sector)
Solution: Please check if the disk has the bad sector with professional disk tool
(such as HDTune or MHDD). If bad sectors are not detected, please send AOMEI
Support Team the log files under installation directory of the software so that we can
better analyze the problem. If you detect the bad sectors on the disk, you can try to
fix it with disk tool or change a new disk. In addition, if you get the error during clone,
maybe you can try to do the backup, not clone operation.
User Manual AOMEI Backupper
9 Glossary
Term Meaning
User Manual AOMEI Backupper