English Scheme of Work For Year 3
English Scheme of Work For Year 3
English Scheme of Work For Year 3
/ TOPIC Functions/ Vocabulary
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Nouns
of the English Language 1.3.1 Listen to and understand the key words in stories heard. Singular and plural
WEEK 3 2. Acquire vocabulary and understand the meaning of 1.3.2 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers 21 -25
words and phrases in context. 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spoken words. Vocabulary:-
World of 3.Listen to and enjoy the rhyme , rhythm and the sound of 1.3.4 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers (26 to 39/ no in tens up to 40)
Knowledge poetry, jazz chants and songs. 1.3.5 Listen to and understand ordinal numbers ( Scope 4th- 10th) Kampong, house, long
4.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs and rhymes. house, doable –story,
5. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. condominium, terrace,
clarification. 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. bungalow, living room,
Home Sweet 6.Give relevant information politely in response to 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation bedroom, study room,
Home enquires made. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. dinning room, kitchen ,
7. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 2.2.2 Ask questions pertaining to numbers. porch, bathroom, stairs,
recognize on sight. 2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions. cushion, television,
8. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 2.3.2 Give replies pertaining to numbers 21to 25. wardrobe, bed, blanket,
9. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 2.3.3 Give replies pertaining to numbers 26to 29 and numbers in tens up to 40 bedsheet, pillow, bolster,
and whole text. 2.3.4 Give replies pertaining to numbers 4th to 10 th curtain, rug, sink, cooker,
10. Acquire a wide range of vocabulary. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds. stool, lamp, pail, toilet
11. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level The long and short vowel sound bowl,
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowels. Web, pen, coop, den,
12. Match words to linear and non linear representations 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds. burrow, stable, nest,
words to pictures. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words. hive,
13. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught.
sentences 3.2.3 Recognise and read aloud cardinal numbers 21-25 in numeral and word forms
14. Construct simple and compound sentences with 3.2.5 Use key words in sentences of their own to show meaning. Sentences:
guidance and independently. 3.2.6 Read and learn ordinal numbers fourth – tenth (4th – 10 th)
3.6.1 Read and label parts.
3.6.2 Read and group words according to categories.
3.6.3 Recognise and make words from other words.
Text book page 1- 12 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print
4.1.2 Write clearly and legibly cardinal numbers (21-30) and ordinal numbers (4th – 10
th ) in both numbers and words.
4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
4.2.2 Labeling parts.
4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions,
descriptions , rhymes, stories and other texts
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
/ TOPIC Functions/ Vocabulary
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Nouns
of the English Language 1.3.1 Listen to and understand the key words in stories heard. Singular and plural
WEEK 4 2. Acquire vocabulary and understand the meaning of 1.3.2 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers 21 -25
words and phrases in context. 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spoken words. Vocabulary:-
World of 3.Listen to and enjoy the rhyme , rhythm and the sound of 1.3.4 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers (26 to 39/ no in tens up to 40)
Knowledge poetry, jazz chants and songs. 1.3.5 Listen to and understand ordinal numbers ( Scope 4th- 10th) Kampong, house, long
4.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs and rhymes. house, doable –story,
5. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. condominium, terrace,
clarification. 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. bungalow, living room,
Home Sweet 6.Give relevant information politely in response to 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation bedroom, study room,
Home enquires made. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. dinning room, kitchen ,
7. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 2.2.2 Ask questions pertaining to numbers. porch, bathroom, stairs,
recognize on sight. 2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions. cushion, television,
8. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 2.3.2 Give replies pertaining to numbers 21to 25. wardrobe, bed, blanket,
9. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 2.3.3 Give replies pertaining to numbers 26to 29 and numbers in tens up to 40 bedsheet, pillow, bolster,
and whole text. 2.3.4 Give replies pertaining to numbers 4th to 10 th curtain, rug, sink, cooker,
10. Acquire a wide range of vocabulary. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds. stool, lamp, pail, toilet
11. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level The long and short vowel sound bowl,
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowels. Web, pen, coop, den,
12. Match words to linear and non linear representations 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds. burrow, stable, nest,
words to pictures. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words. hive,
13. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught.
sentences 3.2.3 Recognise and read aloud cardinal numbers 21-25 in numeral and word forms
14. Construct simple and compound sentences with 3.2.5 Use key words in sentences of their own to show meaning. Sentences:
guidance and independently. 3.2.6 Read and learn ordinal numbers fourth – tenth (4th – 10 th)
3.6.1 Read and label parts.
3.6.2 Read and group words according to categories.
3.6.3 Recognise and make words from other words.
Text book page 1- 12 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print
4.1.2 Write clearly and legibly cardinal numbers (21-30) and ordinal numbers (4th – 10
th ) in both numbers and words.
4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
4.2.2 Labeling parts.
4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions,
descriptions , rhymes, stories and other texts
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
/ TOPIC Functions/ Vocabulary
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Nouns
of the English Language. 1.3.1 Listen to and understand the key words in stories heard. Singular and plural
WEEK 5 2. Listen to and repeat accurately the correct 1.3.2 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers 21 -25
pronunciation of words and the correct intonation and 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spoken words. Vocabulary:-
World of words stress of phrases, expressions and sentences. 1.3.4 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers (26 to 39/ no in tens up to 40)
Knowledge 3. Acquire vocabulary and understand the meaning of 1.3.5 Listen to and understand ordinal numbers ( Scope 4th- 10th) Kampong, house, long
words and phrases in context. 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs and rhymes. house, doable –story,
4. Listen to and follow simple instructions and directions 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. condominium, terrace,
accurately. 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. bungalow, living room,
My Neighbour- 5..Listen to and enjoy the rhyme , rhythm and the sound 21.3 Repeat exclamations with the correct intonation and stress. bedroom, study room,
hood of poetry, jazz chants and songs. 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation dinning room, kitchen ,
6.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. porch, bathroom, stairs,
7. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. cushion, television,
clarification. 2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions. wardrobe, bed, blanket,
8.Give relevant information politely in response to 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend bedsheet, pillow, bolster,
enquires made. 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel. curtain, rug, sink, cooker,
9. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds. stool, lamp, pail, toilet
recognize on sight. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words. bowl,
10. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. Web, pen, coop, den,
11. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 3.2.5 Use key words in sentences of their own to show meaning. burrow, stable, nest,
and whole text. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases . hive,
12.Read aloud expressively and fluently pronouncing 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
words correctly and observing correct stress and 3.4.2 Read aloud correctly notices, annowncements, messages, letters, stories and fables.
information and sentences rhythm. 3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details. Sentences:
13. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying main ideas.
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print
14. Match words to linear and non linear representations 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
words to pictures. 4.2.2 Labeling parts.
15. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
sentences 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions,
16. Construct simple and compound sentences with descriptions , rhymes, stories and other texts .
guidance and independently. 4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions,
descriptions , rhymes, stories snd other texts(with guidance)
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
/ TOPIC Functions/ Vocabulary
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Nouns
of the English Language. 1.3.1 Listen to and understand the key words in stories heard. Singular and plural
WEEK 6 2. Listen to and repeat accurately the correct 1.3.2 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers 21 -25
pronunciation of words and the correct intonation and 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spoken words. Vocabulary:-
World of words stress of phrases, expressions and sentences. 1.3.4 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers (26 to 39/ no in tens up to 40)
Knowledge 3. Acquire vocabulary and understand the meaning of 1.3.5 Listen to and understand ordinal numbers ( Scope 4th- 10th) Kampong, house, long
words and phrases in context. 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs and rhymes. house, doable –story,
4. Listen to and follow simple instructions and directions 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. condominium, terrace,
accurately. 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. bungalow, living room,
My Neighbour- 5..Listen to and enjoy the rhyme , rhythm and the sound 21.3 Repeat exclamations with the correct intonation and stress. bedroom, study room,
hood of poetry, jazz chants and songs. 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation dinning room, kitchen ,
6.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. porch, bathroom, stairs,
7. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. cushion, television,
clarification. 2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions. wardrobe, bed, blanket,
8.Give relevant information politely in response to 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend bedsheet, pillow, bolster,
enquires made. 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel. curtain, rug, sink, cooker,
9. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds. stool, lamp, pail, toilet
recognize on sight. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words. bowl,
10. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. Web, pen, coop, den,
11. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 3.2.5 Use key words in sentences of their own to show meaning. burrow, stable, nest,
and whole text. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases . hive,
12.Read aloud expressively and fluently pronouncing 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
words correctly and observing correct stress and 3.4.2 Read aloud correctly notices, annowncements, messages, letters, stories and fables.
information and sentences rhythm. 3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details. Sentences:
13. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying main ideas.
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print
14. Match words to linear and non linear representations 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
words to pictures. 4.2.2 Labeling parts.
15. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
sentences 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions,
16. Construct simple and compound sentences with descriptions , rhymes, stories and other texts .
guidance and independently. 4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions,
descriptions , rhymes, stories snd other texts(with guidance)
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
/ TOPIC Functions/ Vocabulary
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Nouns
of the English Language. 1.3.1 Listen to and understand the key words in stories heard. Singular and plural
WEEK 7 2. Listen to and repeat accurately the correct 1.3.2 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers 21 -25
pronunciation of words and the correct intonation and 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spoken words. Vocabulary:-
World of words stress of phrases, expressions and sentences. 1.3.4 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers (26 to 39/ no in tens up to 40)
Knowledge 3. Acquire vocabulary and understand the meaning of 1.3.5 Listen to and understand ordinal numbers ( Scope 4th- 10th) Kampong, house, long
words and phrases in context. 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs and rhymes. house, doable –story,
4. Listen to and follow simple instructions and directions 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. condominium, terrace,
accurately. 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. bungalow, living room,
My Neighbour- 5..Listen to and enjoy the rhyme , rhythm and the sound 21.3 Repeat exclamations with the correct intonation and stress. bedroom, study room,
hood of poetry, jazz chants and songs. 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation dinning room, kitchen ,
6.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. porch, bathroom, stairs,
7. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. cushion, television,
clarification. 2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions. wardrobe, bed, blanket,
8.Give relevant information politely in response to 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend bedsheet, pillow, bolster,
enquires made. 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel. curtain, rug, sink, cooker,
9. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds. stool, lamp, pail, toilet
recognize on sight. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words. bowl,
10. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. Web, pen, coop, den,
11. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 3.2.5 Use key words in sentences of their own to show meaning. burrow, stable, nest,
and whole text. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases . hive,
12.Read aloud expressively and fluently pronouncing 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
words correctly and observing correct stress and 3.4.2 Read aloud correctly notices, annowncements, messages, letters, stories and fables.
information and sentences rhythm. 3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details. Sentences:
13. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying main ideas.
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print
14. Match words to linear and non linear representations 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
words to pictures. 4.2.2 Labeling parts.
15. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
sentences 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions,
16. Construct simple and compound sentences with descriptions , rhymes, stories and other texts .
guidance and independently. 4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions,
descriptions , rhymes, stories snd other texts(with guidance)
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
/ TOPIC Functions/ Vocabulary
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Nouns
of the English Language. 1.3.1 Listen to and understand the key words in stories heard. Singular and plural
WEEK 8 2. Listen to and repeat accurately the correct 1.3.2 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers 21 -25
pronunciation of words and the correct intonation and 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spoken words. Vocabulary:-
World of words stress of phrases, expressions and sentences. 1.3.4 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers (26 to 39/ no in tens up to 40)
Knowledge 3. Acquire vocabulary and understand the meaning of 1.3.5 Listen to and understand ordinal numbers ( Scope 4th- 10th) Kampong, house, long
words and phrases in context. 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs and rhymes. house, doable –story,
4. Listen to and follow simple instructions and directions 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. condominium, terrace,
accurately. 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. bungalow, living room,
My Neighbour- 5..Listen to and enjoy the rhyme , rhythm and the sound 21.3 Repeat exclamations with the correct intonation and stress. bedroom, study room,
hood of poetry, jazz chants and songs. 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation dinning room, kitchen ,
6.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. porch, bathroom, stairs,
7. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. cushion, television,
clarification. 2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions. wardrobe, bed, blanket,
8.Give relevant information politely in response to 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend bedsheet, pillow, bolster,
enquires made. 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel. curtain, rug, sink, cooker,
9. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds. stool, lamp, pail, toilet
recognize on sight. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words. bowl,
10. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. Web, pen, coop, den,
11. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 3.2.5 Use key words in sentences of their own to show meaning. burrow, stable, nest,
and whole text. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases . hive,
12.Read aloud expressively and fluently pronouncing 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
words correctly and observing correct stress and 3.4.2 Read aloud correctly notices, annowncements, messages, letters, stories and fables.
information and sentences rhythm. 3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details. Sentences:
13. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying main ideas.
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print
14. Match words to linear and non linear representations 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
words to pictures. 4.2.2 Labeling parts.
15. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
sentences 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions,
16. Construct simple and compound sentences with descriptions , rhymes, stories and other texts .
guidance and independently. 4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions,
descriptions , rhymes, stories snd other texts(with guidance)
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
/ TOPIC Functions/ Vocabulary
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Comparatives
of the English Language. 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children songs and rhymes. Adjectives
WEEK 9 2. Listen to and repeat accurately the correct 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 2- syllable words.
pronunciation of words and the correct intonation and 1.2.2 Listen to and repear correctly phrases and expression. Vocabulary:-
World of words stress of phrases, expressions and sentences. 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple rhymes, song and tongue twisters paying attention to
Knowledge 3.Listen to and enjoy the rhyme , rhythm and the sound of pronunciation , stress and intonation. Creatures, snapper.
poetry, jazz chants and songs. 1.3.1 Listen to and understand the key words in stories heard. angelfish, flatfish,
4.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 1.3.2 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers 21 -25 stingray, goby, sailfish ,
5. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spoken words. seahorse, octopus,
Sea World clarification. 1.3.4 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers (26 to 39/ no in tens up to 40) porcupine fish, shark,
6.Give relevant information politely in response to 1.3.5 Listen to and understand ordinal numbers ( Scope 4th- 10th) whale, barracuda,
enquires made. 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs and rhymes. toadfish, boxfish, clown
7. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. fish, dolphins, mammals,
recognize on sight. 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. ,squids, crabs, prawns,
8. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 2.1.3 Repeat exclamations with the correct intonation and stress. turtle, teeth, fins, gills,
9. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation shell, legs, tentacles, tail,
and whole text. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. eyes, scales, claws ,
10. Acquire a wide range of vocabulary. 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. round, pretty, fisherman,
11. Read and understand simple factual text or main ideas, 2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions. fish monger, stripes, flat,
supporting details, sequence and cause and effect. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend smooth, fish curry,
12. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel.
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 3.1.3 Read and group words according to word families : the ‘sh’ family. Sentences:
13.Match words to linear and non linear representations 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds.
words to word, word to phrase, word to picture/symbol. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words. - Thers is a ……….
14. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. - It has…….
sentences 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases . - Is that round fish a
16. Construct simple and compound sentences with 3.6.1 Read and label parts. pufferfish?
guidance and independently. 3.6.2 Read and group words according to categories. -There butterfly fish is big.
17. Punctuate meaningfully 3.6.3 Recognise and make words from other words. - The snapper is begger.
3.6.4 Pick out words that show comparison. -It is bigger than ….
3.7.1 Look at pictures captions (labels) and talk about them. -The sailfish is faster than …
3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details. - A fishermsn catches fish.
Text book pages 25- 36 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying f main ideas.
4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print
4.2.2 Labeling parts.
4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions,
descriptions , rhymes, stories and other texts .
4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions,
descriptions , rhymes, stories snd other texts(with guidance)
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.6.1 Use capital letters
sentences 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases . - Is that round fish a
16. Construct simple and compound sentences with 3.6.1 Read and label parts. pufferfish?
guidance and independently. 3.6.2 Read and group words according to categories. -There butterfly fish is big.
17. Punctuate meaningfully 3.6.3 Recognise and make words from other words. - The snapper is begger.
3.6.4 Pick out words that show comparison. -It is bigger than ….
3.7.1 Look at pictures captions (labels) and talk about them. -The sailfish is faster than …
3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details. - A fishermsn catches fish.
Text book pages 25- 36 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying f main ideas.
4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print
4.2.2 Labeling parts.
4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions,
descriptions , rhymes, stories and other texts .
4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions,
descriptions , rhymes, stories snd other texts(with guidance)
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.6.1 Use capital letters
/ TOPIC Functions/ Vocabulary
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Comparatives
of the English Language. 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children songs and rhymes. Adjectives
WEEK 12 2. Listen to and repeat accurately the correct 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 2- syllable words.
pronunciation of words and the correct intonation and 1.2.2 Listen to and repear correctly phrases and expression. Vocabulary:-
World of words stress of phrases, expressions and sentences. 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple rhymes, song and tongue twisters paying attention to
Knowledge 3.Listen to and enjoy the rhyme , rhythm and the sound of pronunciation , stress and intonation. Creatures, snapper.
poetry, jazz chants and songs. 1.3.1 Listen to and understand the key words in stories heard. angelfish, flatfish,
4.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 1.3.2 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers 21 -25 stingray, goby, sailfish ,
5. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spoken words. seahorse, octopus,
Sea World clarification. 1.3.4 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers (26 to 39/ no in tens up to 40) porcupine fish, shark,
6.Give relevant information politely in response to 1.3.5 Listen to and understand ordinal numbers ( Scope 4th- 10th) whale, barracuda,
enquires made. 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs and rhymes. toadfish, boxfish, clown
7. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. fish, dolphins, mammals,
recognize on sight. 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. ,squids, crabs, prawns,
8. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 2.1.3 Repeat exclamations with the correct intonation and stress. turtle, teeth, fins, gills,
9. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation shell, legs, tentacles, tail,
and whole text. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. eyes, scales, claws ,
10. Acquire a wide range of vocabulary. 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. round, pretty, fisherman,
11. Read and understand simple factual text or main ideas, 2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions. fish monger, stripes, flat,
supporting details, sequence and cause and effect. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend smooth, fish curry,
12. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel.
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 3.1.3 Read and group words according to word families : the ‘sh’ family. Sentences:
13.Match words to linear and non linear representations 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds.
words to word, word to phrase, word to picture/symbol. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words. - Thers is a ……….
14. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. - It has…….
sentences 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases . - Is that round fish a
16. Construct simple and compound sentences with 3.6.1 Read and label parts. pufferfish?
guidance and independently. 3.6.2 Read and group words according to categories. -There butterfly fish is
17. Punctuate meaningfully 3.6.3 Recognise and make words from other words. big.
3.6.4 Pick out words that show comparison. - The snapper is begger.
3.7.1 Look at pictures captions (labels) and talk about them. -It is bigger than ….
3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details. -The sailfish is faster
Text book pages 25- 36 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying f main ideas. than …
4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print - A fishermsn catches
4.2.2 Labeling parts. fish.
4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions,
descriptions , rhymes, stories and other texts .
4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions,
descriptions , rhymes, stories snd other texts(with guidance)
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.6.1 Use capital letters
values in the story, poem and relate it to one’s life. 3.5.3 Understand the meaning of words by looking at picture clues.
14. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 3.7.1 Look at pictures and captions ( labels) and talk about them.
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details.
15. Match words to linear and non linear representations 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying main ideas.
words to pictures. 3.9.1 Read and understand simple poems, stories and tables.
16. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print
sentences. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
17. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
guidance and independently. 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions ,
18. Punctuate meaningfully. rhymes, stories and other texts .
4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions, descriptions
, rhymes, stories snd other texts(with guidance)
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.7.1 Use capital letters
Text book pages 37- 48 4.7.2 Use full stop at the end of a sentences.
4.7.3 Use question marks.
4.7.4 Use comma for list
4.7.5 Use exclamation marks.
/ TOPIC Functions/ Vocabulary
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Nouns
of the English Language. 1.5.2 Listen to and understand simple messages. Singular and plural
WEEK 14 2. Obtain information from texts listened to in relation to 1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple factual texts on pets.
main ideas, specific ideas and sequence. 1.7.1 Listen to simple stories and fables and respond non-verbally and verbally. Vocabulary:-
World of Personal 3.Listen to and enjoy stories, fables, and other tales of 1.7.2 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals in the stories.
Relationship imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes and draw 1.7.3 Listen to simple stories /fables and tell what the people and animals did in the story. Kampong, house, long
conclusion at level suited to the pupils ability. 1.7.4 Listen to simple stories and fables and retell the stories. house, doable –story,
Animals and Pets 4.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. condominium, terrace,
5.. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. bungalow, living
clarification. 2.1.3 Repeat exclamations with the correct intonation and stress. room, bedroom, study
6. Give relevant information politely in response to 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation room, dinning room,
enquires made. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. kitchen , porch,
7. Tell stories based on pictures and other stimuli and 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. bathroom, stairs,
recite poems. 2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions. cushion, television,
8. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 2.4.1 Recite simple poems and sing songs by joining words and phrases. wardrobe, bed,
recognize on sight. 2.4.2 Complete parts of a story heard or read before. blanket, bedsheet,
9. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 2.4.3 Recite simple poems and sing songs with appropriate gestures. pillow, bolster, curtain,
10. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 2.4.4 Retell stories read before. rug, sink, cooker,
and whole text. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend stool, lamp, pail, toilet
11. Read and understand the meaning of words by 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel. bowl,
guessing their meaning through the use of contextual 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds. Web, pen, coop, den,
clues. 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. burrow, stable, nest,
12.Read and understand simple factual texts for main 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases . hive,
ideas , supporting details, sequence and cause and effect. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
13. Read and enjoy simple poems and stories and 3.5.1 Understand meaning of words buy looking at pictures clues.
response to them by talking about the people, and moral 3.5.2 Understand the meaning of words by looking at picture clues.(fact sheet) Sentences:
values in the story, poem and relate it to one’s life. 3.5.3 Understand the meaning of words by looking at picture clues.
14. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 3.7.1 Look at pictures and captions ( labels) and talk about them.
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details.
15. Match words to linear and non linear representations 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying main ideas.
words to pictures. 3.9.1 Read and understand simple poems, stories and tables.
16. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print
sentences. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
17. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
guidance and independently. 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions ,
18. Punctuate meaningfully. rhymes, stories and other texts .
4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions, descriptions
, rhymes, stories snd other texts(with guidance)
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.7.1 Use capital letters
Text book pages 37- 48 4.7.2 Use full stop at the end of a sentences.
4.7.3 Use question marks.
4.7.4 Use comma for list
4.7.5 Use exclamation marks.
/ TOPIC Functions/ Vocabulary
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Nouns
of the English Language. 1.5.2 Listen to and understand simple messages. Singular and plural
WEEK 15 2. Obtain information from texts listened to in relation to 1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple factual texts on pets.
main ideas, specific ideas and sequence. 1.7.1 Listen to simple stories and fables and respond non-verbally and verbally. Vocabulary:-
World of Personal 3.Listen to and enjoy stories, fables, and other tales of 1.7.2 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals in the stories.
Relationship imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes and draw 1.7.3 Listen to simple stories /fables and tell what the people and animals did in the story. Kampong, house, long
conclusion at level suited to the pupils ability. 1.7.4 Listen to simple stories and fables and retell the stories. house, doable –story,
Animals and Pets 4.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. condominium, terrace,
5.. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. bungalow, living
clarification. 2.1.3 Repeat exclamations with the correct intonation and stress. room, bedroom, study
6. Give relevant information politely in response to 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation room, dinning room,
enquires made. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. kitchen , porch,
7. Tell stories based on pictures and other stimuli and 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. bathroom, stairs,
recite poems. 2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions. cushion, television,
8. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 2.4.1 Recite simple poems and sing songs by joining words and phrases. wardrobe, bed,
recognize on sight. 2.4.2 Complete parts of a story heard or read before. blanket, bedsheet,
9. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 2.4.3 Recite simple poems and sing songs with appropriate gestures. pillow, bolster, curtain,
10. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 2.4.4 Retell stories read before. rug, sink, cooker,
and whole text. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend stool, lamp, pail, toilet
11. Read and understand the meaning of words by 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel. bowl,
guessing their meaning through the use of contextual 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds. Web, pen, coop, den,
clues. 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. burrow, stable, nest,
12.Read and understand simple factual texts for main 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases . hive,
ideas , supporting details, sequence and cause and effect. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
13. Read and enjoy simple poems and stories and 3.5.1 Understand meaning of words buy looking at pictures clues.
response to them by talking about the people, and moral 3.5.2 Understand the meaning of words by looking at picture clues.(fact sheet) Sentences:
values in the story, poem and relate it to one’s life. 3.5.3 Understand the meaning of words by looking at picture clues.
14. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 3.7.1 Look at pictures and captions ( labels) and talk about them.
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details.
15. Match words to linear and non linear representations 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying main ideas.
words to pictures. 3.9.1 Read and understand simple poems, stories and tables.
16. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print
sentences. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
17. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
guidance and independently. 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions ,
18. Punctuate meaningfully. rhymes, stories and other texts .
4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions, descriptions
, rhymes, stories snd other texts(with guidance)
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.7.1 Use capital letters
Text book pages 37- 48 4.7.2 Use full stop at the end of a sentences.
4.7.3 Use question marks.
4.7.4 Use comma for list
4.7.5 Use exclamation marks.
/ TOPIC Functions/ Vocabulary
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Nouns
of the English Language. 1.5.2 Listen to and understand simple messages. Singular and plural
WEEK 16 2. Obtain information from texts listened to in relation to 1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple factual texts on pets.
main ideas, specific ideas and sequence. 1.7.1 Listen to simple stories and fables and respond non-verbally and verbally. Vocabulary:-
World of Personal 3.Listen to and enjoy stories, fables, and other tales of 1.7.2 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals in the stories.
Relationship imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes and draw 1.7.3 Listen to simple stories /fables and tell what the people and animals did in the story. Kampong, house, long
conclusion at level suited to the pupils ability. 1.7.4 Listen to simple stories and fables and retell the stories. house, doable –story,
Animals and Pets 4.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. condominium, terrace,
5.. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. bungalow, living
clarification. 2.1.3 Repeat exclamations with the correct intonation and stress. room, bedroom, study
6. Give relevant information politely in response to 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation room, dinning room,
enquires made. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. kitchen , porch,
7. Tell stories based on pictures and other stimuli and 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. bathroom, stairs,
recite poems. 2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions. cushion, television,
8. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 2.4.1 Recite simple poems and sing songs by joining words and phrases. wardrobe, bed,
recognize on sight. 2.4.2 Complete parts of a story heard or read before. blanket, bedsheet,
9. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 2.4.3 Recite simple poems and sing songs with appropriate gestures. pillow, bolster, curtain,
10. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 2.4.4 Retell stories read before. rug, sink, cooker,
and whole text. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend stool, lamp, pail, toilet
11. Read and understand the meaning of words by 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel. bowl,
guessing their meaning through the use of contextual 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds. Web, pen, coop, den,
clues. 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. burrow, stable, nest,
12.Read and understand simple factual texts for main 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases . hive,
ideas , supporting details, sequence and cause and effect. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
13. Read and enjoy simple poems and stories and 3.5.1 Understand meaning of words buy looking at pictures clues.
response to them by talking about the people, and moral 3.5.2 Understand the meaning of words by looking at picture clues.(fact sheet) Sentences:
values in the story, poem and relate it to one’s life. 3.5.3 Understand the meaning of words by looking at picture clues.
14. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 3.7.1 Look at pictures and captions ( labels) and talk about them.
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details.
15. Match words to linear and non linear representations 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying main ideas.
words to pictures. 3.9.1 Read and understand simple poems, stories and tables.
16. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print
sentences. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
17. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
guidance and independently. 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions ,
18. Punctuate meaningfully. rhymes, stories and other texts .
4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions, descriptions
, rhymes, stories snd other texts(with guidance)
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
4.7.1 Use capital letters
Text book pages 37- 48 4.7.2 Use full stop at the end of a sentences.
4.7.3 Use question marks.
4.7.4 Use comma for list
4.7.5 Use exclamation marks.
recognize on sight. 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds.
12. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases .
and whole text. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
13 .Read and understand simple factual texts for main 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs.
ideas , supporting details, sequence and cause and effect. 3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details.
14. Read and enjoy simple poems and stories and 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying main ideas.
response to them by talking about the people, and moral 3.8.2 Locate the word in the dictionary.
values in the story, poem and relate it to one’s life. 3.9.1 Read and understand simple poems, stories and tables.
15. Read widely and independently. 3.9.2 Read and give details about the people and the animals in the story.
16.. Match words to linear and non linear representations 3.9.3 Read and talk about the action of people and animals in the story.
words to pictures. 3.9.4 Tell why a person or animal in the story is good or bad.
16. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 3.10 Read according to one’s interest.
sentences. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
17. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.2.2 Labeling parts.
guidance and independently. 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions ,
18. Spell correctly and take dictation.. rhymes, stories and other texts .
4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions, descriptions
, rhymes, stories snd other texts(with guidance)
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
Text book pages 49 - 60 4.6.1.Use capital letters
12. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases .
and whole text. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
13 .Read and understand simple factual texts for main 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs.
ideas , supporting details, sequence and cause and effect. 3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details.
14. Read and enjoy simple poems and stories and 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying main ideas.
response to them by talking about the people, and moral 3.8.2 Locate the word in the dictionary.
values in the story, poem and relate it to one’s life. 3.9.1 Read and understand simple poems, stories and tables.
15. Read widely and independently. 3.9.2 Read and give details about the people and the animals in the story.
16.. Match words to linear and non linear representations 3.9.3 Read and talk about the action of people and animals in the story.
words to pictures. 3.9.4 Tell why a person or animal in the story is good or bad.
16. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 3.10 Read according to one’s interest.
sentences. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
17. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.2.2 Labeling parts.
guidance and independently. 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions ,
18. Spell correctly and take dictation.. rhymes, stories and other texts .
4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions, descriptions
, rhymes, stories snd other texts(with guidance)
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
Text book pages 49 - 60 4.6.1.Use capital letters
Week 20 Ujian
Penilaian Pertengahan
Tahun 2008
/ TOPIC Functions/ Vocabulary
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Possessive adjectives
of the English Language. 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spoken word. Personal pronouns
WEEK 21 2. Acquire vocabulary and understand the meaning of 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s songs and rhymes.
words and phrases in context.. 1.7.1 Listen to simple stories and fables and respond non-verbally and verbally. Vocabulary:-
World of Stories 3.Listen to and enjoy stories, fables, and other tales of 1.7.2 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals in the stories. Famous, tables,
imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes and draw 1.7.3 Listen to simple stories fables and tell what the people and animals did in the story. interesting, backdrop,
conclusion at level suited to the pupils ability. 1.7.4 Listen to simple stories and fables and retell the stories. microphone, master of
4. Listen to and enjoy rhyme , rhythm and the sounds of 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. ceremony, stage,
Once Upon A poetry, jazz chants and songs. 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. rostrum, judges,
Time 5.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation audience, flamingo,
6. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. dizzy, properly,
clarification. 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. sideways, strange,
7. Give relevant information politely in response to 2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions. honourable , back
enquires made. 2.5.1 Give details about the people and animal of a story heard or read. cover, hunter.
8. Tell stories based on pictures and other stimuli and 2.5.2 Talk about the actions of the people and the animals in a story .
recite poems. 2.5.3 Name the good and bad characters and talk about them.
9. Talk about people ,places and moral values of the 2.6.1Give non-verbal response to the story heard or read. Sentences:
stories heard, read and viewed in simple language. 2.6.2 State whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read.
10. Express thought and feelings and give opinions on 2.6.3 Give reason why one likes or does not like the story.
things read, seen, heard and viewed in simple language. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend
11. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel.
recognize on sight. 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds.
12. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases .
and whole text. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
13 .Read and understand simple factual texts for main 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs.
ideas , supporting details, sequence and cause and effect. 3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details.
14. Read and enjoy simple poems and stories and 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying main ideas.
response to them by talking about the people, and moral 3.8.2 Locate the word in the dictionary.
values in the story, poem and relate it to one’s life. 3.9.1 Read and understand simple poems, stories and tables.
15. Read widely and independently. 3.9.2 Read and give details about the people and the animals in the story.
16.. Match words to linear and non linear representations 3.9.3 Read and talk about the action of people and animals in the story.
words to pictures. 3.9.4 Tell why a person or animal in the story is good or bad.
16. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 3.10 Read according to one’s interest.
sentences. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
17. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.2.2 Labeling parts.
guidance and independently. 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions ,
18. Spell correctly and take dictation.. rhymes, stories and other texts .
4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions, descriptions
, rhymes, stories snd other texts(with guidance)
4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
Text book pages 49 - 60 4.6.1.Use capital letters
14. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently. flute, audience, honest,
guidance and independently. 4.5.1.Spell seen words honourable
15. Spell correctly and take dictation.
and observing stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. cycling , , computer
9. Read and understand the meaning of words by guessing 3.5.1 Understand meaning of words buy looking at pictures clues. activities, playing,
their meaning through the use of contextual clues. 3.6.2 Read and group words according categories. scrabble, camping,
10. Acquire a wide range of vocabulary. 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print bounce, futsal,
11. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures. journey, puppet,
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions , scarves, t6raditional,
12. Match words to linear and non linear representations . rhymes, stories and other texts .( with guidance in form of words and pictures) bamboo, sticks,
13. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions, descriptions leather, puppeteer,
sentences. , rhymes, stories and other texts(with guidance) screen, gong, drum,
14. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently. flute, audience, honest,
guidance and independently. 4.5.1.Spell seen words honourable
15. Spell correctly and take dictation.
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Verbs
of the English Language. 1.5.2 Listen to and understand simple messages. -Regular verbs ending
WEEK 25 2. Obtain information from texts listened to in relation to 1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple factual texts on pets. with –d, ed
main ideas, specific ideas and sequence. 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. - Regular words
World of 3.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. change of one vowel
Personal 4. Give relevant information politely in response to 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation - Simple Past Tense
relationship enquires made. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. Regular/irregular
5. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions.
recognize on sight. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend Vocabulary:-
6. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel. Hobby, pastime.
Fum Time 7. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words. Indoor. Activities,
and whole text. 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. musical instruments,
8. Read aloud expressively and fluently words correctly 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases . jungle trekking,
and observing stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. cycling , , computer
9. Read and understand the meaning of words by guessing 3.5.1 Understand meaning of words buy looking at pictures clues. activities, playing,
their meaning through the use of contextual clues. 3.6.2 Read and group words according categories. scrabble, camping,
10. Acquire a wide range of vocabulary. 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print bounce, futsal,
11. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures. journey, puppet,
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions , scarves, t6raditional,
12. Match words to linear and non linear representations . rhymes, stories and other texts .( with guidance in form of words and pictures) bamboo, sticks,
13. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.3.3 Completing missing words in simple texts such as instruction, directions, descriptions leather, puppeteer,
sentences. , rhymes, stories and other texts(with guidance) screen, gong, drum,
14. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently. flute, audience, honest,
guidance and independently. 4.5.1.Spell seen words honourable
15. Spell correctly and take dictation.
/ TOPIC Language
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Positive question
of the English Language. 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spoken word. and response
WEEK 26 2. Acquire vocabulary and understand meaning of words 1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple factual texts on pets.
and phrases in context. 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. Vocabulary:-
World of 3. Obtain information from texts listened to in relation to 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. Occupation, painter,
Knowledge main ideas, specific ideas and sequence. 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation grocer , post man ,
4.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. cashier , florist ,
Working People 5.. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. sweeper , doctor,
clarification. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend nurse, carpenter,
6. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel. furniture , newspaper
recognize on sight. 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds. vendor, electrician,
7. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words. butcher, tailor, tractor ,
8. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. mask, stethoscope,
and whole text. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases . microscope, pilot,
9. Read and understand the meaning of words by guessing 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. astronaut,
their meaning through the use of contextual clues. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs. actor/actress, creates,
10. Read and understand simple factual text for main 3.5.1 Understand meaning of words buy looking at pictures clues. illustrator, racwquet ,
details, sequence and cause and effect. 3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details. Surgeon , architect ,
11. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print champion , curator ,
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures. magician , dietician
12. Match words to linear and non linear representations 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions ,
words to pictures. rhymes, stories and other texts .
13. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.4.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
sentences. 4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently. Sentences:
14. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.5.1 Spell seen words.
guidance and independently.
15. Spell correctly and take dictation.
/ TOPIC Language
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Positive question
of the English Language. 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spoken word. and response
WEEK 27 2. Acquire vocabulary and understand meaning of words 1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple factual texts on pets.
and phrases in context. 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. Vocabulary:-
World of 3. Obtain information from texts listened to in relation to 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. Occupation, painter,
Knowledge main ideas, specific ideas and sequence. 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation grocer , post man ,
4.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. cashier , florist ,
Working People 5.. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. sweeper , doctor,
clarification. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend nurse, carpenter,
6. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel. furniture , newspaper
recognize on sight. 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds. vendor, electrician,
7. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words. butcher, tailor, tractor ,
8. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. mask, stethoscope,
and whole text. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases . microscope, pilot,
9. Read and understand the meaning of words by guessing 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. astronaut,
their meaning through the use of contextual clues. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs. actor/actress, creates,
10. Read and understand simple factual text for main 3.5.1 Understand meaning of words buy looking at pictures clues. illustrator, racwquet ,
details, sequence and cause and effect. 3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details. Surgeon , architect ,
11. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print champion , curator ,
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures. magician , dietician
12. Match words to linear and non linear representations 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions ,
words to pictures. rhymes, stories and other texts .
13. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.4.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
sentences. 4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently. Sentences:
14. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.5.1 Spell seen words.
guidance and independently.
15. Spell correctly and take dictation.
/ TOPIC Language
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Positive question
of the English Language. 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spoken word. and response
WEEK 28 2. Acquire vocabulary and understand meaning of words 1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple factual texts on pets.
and phrases in context. 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. Vocabulary:-
World of 3. Obtain information from texts listened to in relation to 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. Occupation, painter,
Knowledge main ideas, specific ideas and sequence. 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation grocer , post man ,
4.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. cashier , florist ,
Working People 5.. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. sweeper , doctor,
clarification. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend nurse, carpenter,
6. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel. furniture , newspaper
recognize on sight. 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds. vendor, electrician,
7. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words. butcher, tailor, tractor ,
8. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. mask, stethoscope,
and whole text. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases . microscope, pilot,
9. Read and understand the meaning of words by guessing 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. astronaut,
their meaning through the use of contextual clues. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs. actor/actress, creates,
10. Read and understand simple factual text for main 3.5.1 Understand meaning of words buy looking at pictures clues. illustrator, racwquet ,
details, sequence and cause and effect. 3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details. Surgeon , architect ,
11. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print champion , curator ,
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures. magician , dietician
12. Match words to linear and non linear representations 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions ,
words to pictures. rhymes, stories and other texts .
13. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.4.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
sentences. 4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently. Sentences:
14. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.5.1 Spell seen words.
guidance and independently.
15. Spell correctly and take dictation.
/ TOPIC Language
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Positive question
of the English Language. 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spoken word. and response
WEEK 29 2. Acquire vocabulary and understand meaning of words 1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple factual texts on pets.
and phrases in context. 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. Vocabulary:-
World of 3. Obtain information from texts listened to in relation to 2.1.2 Pronounce 2 syllable words correctly. Occupation, painter,
Knowledge main ideas, specific ideas and sequence. 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation grocer , post man ,
4.Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly. cashier , florist ,
Working People 5.. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. sweeper , doctor,
clarification. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend nurse, carpenter,
6. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel. furniture , newspaper
recognize on sight. 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds. vendor, electrician,
7. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words. butcher, tailor, tractor ,
8. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. mask, stethoscope,
and whole text. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases . microscope, pilot,
9. Read and understand the meaning of words by guessing 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. astronaut,
their meaning through the use of contextual clues. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs. actor/actress, creates,
10. Read and understand simple factual text for main 3.5.1 Understand meaning of words buy looking at pictures clues. illustrator, racwquet ,
details, sequence and cause and effect. 3.7.2 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying details. Surgeon , architect ,
11. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print champion , curator ,
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures. magician , dietician
12. Match words to linear and non linear representations 4.3.2 Complete missing words in simple texts such as instructions, directions, descriptions ,
words to pictures. rhymes, stories and other texts .
13. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.4.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.
sentences. 4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently. Sentences:
14. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.5.1 Spell seen words.
guidance and independently.
15. Spell correctly and take dictation.
/ TOPIC Language
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Conjunctions
of the English Language. 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spoken word.
WEEK 41 2. Listen to and repeat accurately the correct 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. Vocabulary:-
pronunciation of words and the correct intonation and 1.6.1Listen to and enjoy children’s songs and rhymes
World of words stress of phrases, expressions and sentences. 1.4.1 Listen to and learn the vocabulary it instructions to do or make something and directions. Customs , culture,
Personal 3. Acquire vocabulary and understand the meaning of 1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple instructions to do something or make something. celebrations ,
Relationship words and phrases in context. 1.5.1 Listen to and understand simple message. citizen , multi-
4. Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple factual texts. racial, peaceful,
Beautiful 5. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. ceremony , open
Malaysia clarification. 2.1.2 Pronounce 2- syllable words correctly. house, celebrate ,
6. Give relevant information politely in response to 2.1.4 Ask questions with correct intonation. traditional , loyal
enquires made. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly.
7. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. Sentences:
recognize on sight. 2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions.
8. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend
9. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel.
and whole text. 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds.
10. Acquire a wide range of vocabulary. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words.
11. Read and understand simple factual texts for main 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught.
ides, supporting details, sequence and ,cause and effect. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases .
13. Use the dictionary. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
14. Read and enjoy simple poems and stories and 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs
response to them by talking about the people, and moral 3.6.2 Read and group words according to categories.
values in the story, poem and relate it to one’s life. 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying main details.
15 Read widely and independently. 3.8.2 Locate the word in the dictionary.
16. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 3.8.3 Choose the correct word according to the meaning in context.
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print
17. Match words to linear and non linear representations 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
words to pictures. 4.2.2. Labeling parts
18. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
sentences. 4.4.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
19. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
guidance and independently. 4.6.4 Use comma for lists
20. Spell correctly and take dictation. 4.6.5 Use exclamation marks.
21. Punctute meaningfully 4.7.3 Write short messages, instructions, directions and descriptions with little or no guidance.
22. Give accurate information when writing messages ,
instructions, simple reports and when filling out forms.
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat (a) short and long vowels.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound. Grammar :
1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Conjunctions
of the English Language. 1.3.3 Listen and match the meaning of words to pictures and the spoken word.
WEEK 42 2. Listen to and repeat accurately the correct 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. Vocabulary:-
pronunciation of words and the correct intonation and 1.6.1Listen to and enjoy children’s songs and rhymes
World of words stress of phrases, expressions and sentences. 1.4.1 Listen to and learn the vocabulary it instructions to do or make something and directions. Customs , culture,
Personal 3. Acquire vocabulary and understand the meaning of 1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple instructions to do something or make something. celebrations ,
Relationship words and phrases in context. 1.5.1 Listen to and understand simple message. citizen , multi-
4. Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple factual texts. racial, peaceful,
Beautiful 5. Ask questions politely and obtain information and 2.1.1 Pronounce words with the following sounds: short and long vowels. ceremony , open
Malaysia clarification. 2.1.2 Pronounce 2- syllable words correctly. house, celebrate ,
6. Give relevant information politely in response to 2.1.4 Ask questions with correct intonation. traditional , loyal
enquires made. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes and sing song – pronouncing words clearly.
7. Acquire words recognition and word attack skills to 2.2.1 Ask simple ‘Wh’ questions. Sentences:
recognize on sight. 2.3.1 Responding to ‘wh’ questions.
8. Acquire key words at various stages of development. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound- Initial blend
9. Read and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs 3.1.2 Read aloud words with long and short vowel.
and whole text. 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds.
10. Acquire a wide range of vocabulary. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words.
11. Read and understand simple factual texts for main 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught.
ides, supporting details, sequence and ,cause and effect. 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases .
13. Use the dictionary. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences.
14. Read and enjoy simple poems and stories and 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs
response to them by talking about the people, and moral 3.6.2 Read and group words according to categories.
values in the story, poem and relate it to one’s life. 3.7.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by identifying main details.
15 Read widely and independently. 3.8.2 Locate the word in the dictionary.
16. Write at word, phrase, sentences and paragraphs level 3.8.3 Choose the correct word according to the meaning in context.
in clear legible print and cursive writing. 4.1.1 Write words , phrases and sentences in clear, legible print
17. Match words to linear and non linear representations 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.
words to pictures. 4.2.2. Labeling parts
18. Complete texts with missing words, phrases or 4.3.1 Complete missing letters in words.
sentences. 4.4.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts.
19. Construct simple and compound sentences with 4.4.3 Construct simple sentences independently.
guidance and independently. 4.6.4 Use comma for lists
20. Spell correctly and take dictation. 4.6.5 Use exclamation marks.
21. Punctute meaningfully 4.7.3 Write short messages, instructions, directions and descriptions with little or no guidance.
22. Give accurate information when writing messages ,
instructions, simple reports and when filling out forms.