College of Engineering and Food Science
College of Engineering and Food Science
College of Engineering and Food Science
NAME: __________________________________________________________________________
1. The two sides of a rectangular lot were measured with certain estimated probable
errors as follows: 253.36±0.06 m and 624.15±0.08 m. Determine the area of the lot and
the probable error in the resulting calculation.
2. The distances travelled by a person are as follows: 156.20±0.03 m, 624.87±0.09 m, and
278.54±0.05 m. Determine the most probable value and the probable error of the total
distance travelled.
3. If for particular measurement the probable error of the mean is 0.09m and the most
probable value of the measurement is 362.70m. What is the relative precision?
4. Five measurement were made to determine the length of a line and record as follows:
350.33, 350.22, 350.30, 350.27, and 350.30 meters. If these measurements were given
weights of 4, 5, 1, 4 and 6, respectively, what is the most probable value of the length
5. The three sides of a triangular-shaped tract of land is given by the following
measurements and corresponding probable errors: 162.54±0.03 m, 234.25±0.05 m, and
195.70±0.04 m. Determine the most probable error of the sum and the most probable
value of the perimeter.