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Section No.

of Questions Marks Obtained

1 - Quantitative Aptitude 15
(Numerical Reasoning)
2 – Analytical Reasoning 15
3 – English Usage 15
Total 45

Note: No Negative Marks

SECTION 1 - Quantitative Aptitude (Q1 to 15):

Q1.Three people A, B, C can complete a work in 36, 54, 48 days respectively. if they started
working in alternative days, starting with B and followed by C, A. how many days it will take to
finish the work?
A)45 B)44 ¾ C)44 ⅔ D)None
Answer: B

Q2. A father said to his son, "I was as old as you are at the present at the time of your birth". If
the father's age is 48 years now, the son's age five years ago was:
A) 29 B)19 C)24 D)48
Answer: B

Q3. A train passes a station platform in 36 seconds and a man standing on the platform in 16
seconds. If the speed of the train is 54 km/hr, what is the length of the platform in metres?
A) 300 B) 200 C) 210 D) 230
Answer: A
Q4. The average height of three students is 158, None of the heights is less than 154. What is the
greatest possible height?
A) 166 B) 162 C) 158 d) 164
Answer: A

Q5. Teja has a garden of 120 meter square. He uses 40% of the area for growing flowers. 25% of
remaining area for vegetables and the rest of the area is filled by 9 rows of the sunflower plant.
How much area is covered by each row?
A)4 B)8 C)6 D)9
Answer: C
Q6. A man bought some fruits at the rate of 6 for Rs 1. If he wants to make a profit of 20% on
whole transaction, How many should he sell for Rs 1 ?
A)6 B)4 C)5 D)None
Answer: C

Q7. If = 4, the value of is:

A) 724 B) 500 C) 752 D) 525
Answer: A

Q8. The average monthly salary paid to all employees of XYZ corporation was Rs. 2,500. If the
average monthly salaries paid to the male and the female employees are the Rs. 2,100 and Rs.
3,700 respectively. Find the number of female employed by the company as a percentage of the
total employees of the company.
A)25% B)60% C) 50% D) 75%
Answer: A

Q9. Rahul can stitch a shirt in 12 hours. After half the shirt is stitched, four more friends of
Rahul, who have the same efficiency as that of Rahul start working on the shirt. What is the time
they will take to complete the shirt?
A) 1hr 20 min B) 7hr 20 min
C) 7hr 24 min D) 7hr 12 min
Answer: D

Q10. In a 100 m race, A beats B by 15 m and B beats C by 10 m. If A beats C by 5 sec then find
the speed of C (m/sec)?
A) 4.7 B) 23.5 C) 0.9 D) None
Answer: A

Q11. Two parallel sides of a trapezium are of lengths 26 cm and 18 cm respectively, and the
distance between them is 14 cm. Find the area of the trapezium.
A) 308 B) 616 C) 154 D) None
Answer: A
Q12. Mahi can do a piece of work in 24 days. Karina is 50% more efficient than Mahi. The
number of days taken by Karina to do the same piece of work is :
A) 12 B) 22 C) 16 D) 14
Answer: C

Q13. Three sales people are paid commissions in proportion to the amount of their sales, which
total $25,000, $40,000 and $60,000 respectively. If a total of $20,000 is allocated for these three
commissions, what is the amount of the largest commission paid?
a) $8,000 b) $ 9.600 c) $10,200 d) None
Answer: B

Q14. Some amount of money was distributed among A, B and C in the ratio of 3: 5: 8. If B got
Rs.18 more than A, then the total amount distributed among A, B and C is:
A) Rs 144 B) Rs 143 C) Rs 142 D) Rs 141
Answer: A

Q15. If radius of cylinder and sphere are same and volume of sphere and cylinder are same. What
is the ratio between the radius and height of the cylinder?
A) R= H B) R= (3/4) H
C) R = (4/3) H D) R=2/3 H
Answer: B

SECTION 2 - Logical Reasoning (Q1 to 15):

Q1. Find the missing term(s) in the series given below: 3, 10, 21, ?, 65, 102, 133.
A) 36 B) 40 C) 44 D) 48
Answer: C

Q2. If in a certain code language, "APPLE" is coded as "CMUEP", then how would "CHERRY"
be coded in that code language?
Answer: D

Q3. Below is/are given statements followed by some conclusions. You have to take the given
statement/s to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the commonly known facts and
then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow/s from the given statement/s,
disregarding commonly known facts.
Statements: I. All rounds are square.
II. All squares are rectangles.
III. Some rectangles are circles.
Conclusions: I. Some rounds are circles.
II. Some Squares are Rounds
A) Only conclusion I follows B) Only conclusion II follow
C) Both conclusion I and II follows D) None
Answer: B

Q4. Pointing out to a lady, a girl said, “She is the daughter-in-law of the grandmother of my
father’s only son”. How is the lady related to the girl?
A) Sister-in-law B) Mother C) Aunt D) Can’t be determined
Answer: D

Q5. Statements: I. All ambulances are life savers.

II. No ambulances are bumper cars.
Select the option which supports the given statements.
A) No life savers are bumper cars B) No bumper cars are life savers
C) Some life savers are no bumper cars D) None of the above
Answer: C

Q6. Pointing to a photograph of a boy Suresh said, "He is the son of the son of my mother." How
is Suresh related to that boy?
A) Son B) Father
C) Uncle D) Cannot be determined
Answer: D

Q7. If M denotes “/”, K denotes “-“, T denotes “x”, and R denotes “+”, then 36 K (20 T 18) M 9
R 6 =?
A) 12 B) 2 C) 14 D) 20
Answer: B

Q8. In a row of girls, Abhi is 15th from the left and Suchi is 23rd from the right. If they
interchange their positions, Abhi becomes 18th from the left, then how many girls are there in the
A) 30 B) 40 C) 34 D)46
Answer: B
A: A B: B C: C D: D E: E

Answer: B


A: A B: B C: C D: D E: E
Answer: D

Q11. Statements: Quality has a price tag. India is allocating lots of funds to education.
Conclusions: I. Quality of education in India would improve soon.
II. Funding alone can enhance quality of education.
A. Only conclusion I follows B. Only conclusion II follows
C. Either I or II follows D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follow
Answer: A

Q12. Study the flow chart give below and the questions that follow.
What number is now in box 5?

A. 55 B. 48 C. 44 D. 34
Answer:  B

(Directions for Q13 to 14): The following chart shows the production of cars in thousands.
Production of Cars for 2002-2005 periods from the Selected Manufactures.
Q13. The ratio of TATAMotors production in 2003-2004 to Benz’s production in 2002-2003 is?
A) 0.66 B) 1.3 C) 2 D) 4
Answer: B

Q14. For how many companies has there been no decrease in production in any year from the
previous year?
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
Answer: C

Q15. What is the final value placed in Box 2?

Box 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Value 0 2 3 -5 6 0 8 9 2 13
A) 1 B) 9 C)12 D)14
Answer: D

SECTION 3 - English Usage (1-15):

1) From the following sentences, choose the sentence that contains a misspelled word.If there are no
mistakes, choose an answer as “No mistakes”.
A)On the decease of Frederick V., who died in his arms.
B)no mistakes
C)for the less health-conscious toffee apples is a traditional treat!
D)we had come to the pass for a 25km mountain bike descent into the valley.
Correct Answer : C

2.Choose the most suitable alternative in accordance with the correct use of tense
A) By tomorrow afternoon the plane will be taking off for Moscow
B)All are correct
C)By tomorrow afternoon the plane will have take off for Moscow
D) By tomorrow afternoon the plane will take off for Moscow
Correct Answer : D

3.  Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in
one part of the sentence.
A) We never thought
B) that Mahesh is
C) oldest than the other
D) players in the team.
Correct Answer : C

4.  The court has yet to serve him _________ summons for the suit med against him
D)None of the mentioned options
Correct Answer : B
5.If negotiations are to prove fruitful, there must not only be sincerity on each side, but there must also be
…… in the sincerity of the other side.
Correct Answer : A

6. For the given question, choose the alternative which best expresses the sentence in Active/Passive
voice. Did he drink the coffee?
A)Was the coffee drunk by him?
B)Was the coffee drank by him?
C)Was the coffee being drunk by him?E
D)Was the coffee being drank by him?
Correct Answer : B

7.  To cry wolf

A. To listen eagerly
B. To give false alarm
C. To turn pale
D. To keep off starvation
E. None of these
Correct Answer:  B
Directions (Q8-12): Reading comprehension
In response to recent rise in gas prices, we are once again hearing calls for the government to "do
something" to force prices lower. But no matter what the price of gasoline is, such calls are wrong. All
market fluctuations in the price of gasoline, up or down, are a good thing and none of the government's

In the realm of business, a higher price means that firms will only purchase oil or gasoline to the extent
that they can make profitable use of it at those prices. An efficient airline will still be able to offer low
prices while using high-priced jet fuel; a less efficient airline may not be able to. A company in China or
India that uses oil to run highly efficient factories can make profitable use of oil at $70 a barrel; their
laggard competitors may not be able to. There is no moral or economic justification for any politician or
consumer to declare market prices "too high," and to use the government to force lower prices. Doing so
violates both the rights of gasoline producers and their productive customers to set voluntary prices and
thus causes destructive shortages. 

The government is right in taking action if an oil company provably threatens or harms a person's
property. But to impose huge costs on oil companies and their customers in the name of preserving
untouched nature is unconscionable. What should the government do about gasoline prices? Get its hands
out of the market and keep them off

 8. How do high oil prices affect companies?

a) Efficient companies can make profitable use of these prices
b) Inefficient factories are provided subsidies by the government
c) It provides stability for the fluctuating market
d) There is a marginal effect on profits

9. What is the meaning of 'laggard'?

a) Complicate situations for one's benefit
b) Move or respond slowly         c) Respond fast in crucial circumstances
d) Increase efficiency in short period of time

10. What is the conflict regarding market fluctuation in prices?

a) Oil prices are being lowered forcefully by companies
b) Companies are making no effort to stabilize prices
c) Importance of government intervention is negligible, contrary to popular belief
d) Market is suffering with government's future plans of control

11. Why should the government not intervene in lowering prices?

a) Market prices are governed by monopolistic competition
b) Rights of producers will be violated with the intervention
c) Massive costs to companies are not advisable during financial crisis
d) Preserving oil for future generations should be in the hands of organizations

12. What is the Antonym of ENORMOUS?

A. Soft
B. Average
C. Tiny
D. Weak
Correct Answer: C

13. From the given options, Choose the word that spelled correctly.
Correct Answer: D

14.  Some regions of our country still remain …… to the average man.
A)inaccessible B)impossible C)impermeable D)impenetrable
Correct Answer: A

15. To keeps one’s temper

A. To become hungry
B. To be in good mood
C. To preserve ones energy
D. To be aloof from
E. None of these
Correct Answer:  B

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