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Forensic Document Examination of Electronically Captured Signatures

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Forensic document examination of electronically captured signatures

Article  in  Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review · January 2012

DOI: 10.14296/deeslr.v9i0.1991


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1 author:

Heidi H. Harralson
East Tennessee State University


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examination of
signatures By Heidi H. Harralson

Biodynamic signature systems are a means by which focused on the examination of manuscript signatures.
a person provides a signature in electronic format With the increasing use of electronic signatures,
that is reproduced on the screen as a representation document examiners need to develop methods of
of their manuscript signature. These systems use analysis in order to reliably conduct examinations of
software to record measurements when a person these new technology-based signatures. Research into
uses the device to produce a digital version of their temporal handwriting features presents a new level of
handwritten signature. The measurements recorded forensic identification previously unknown in the analysis
include dynamic time-based measurements such as of manuscript signatures. While temporal features
duration, velocity, air strokes, and pressure as well add a deeper, more significant level of identification
as static form-based measurements such as slant, to handwriting, the devices used to record the
length, height and shape. The combined data recorded measurements of the manuscript signature differ widely
establishes a unique signature profile of the person at in technology. Temporal features such as the speed,
the time of writing. The temporal, time-based features pressure, and velocity are not available in all electronic
differ significantly from the static ink traces on paper signature cases – an inhibiting factor in forensic analysis.
documents that forensic document examiners typically Some biodynamic systems incorporate computer-based
analyze. Recommended procedures in forensic analysis biodynamic analysis of signatures. However, experimental
research needs to be conducted to establish whether
include the acquisition of computer files and analysis
these systems are adequate in capturing handwriting
of temporal features. Due to the varying quality of the
features that would allow forensic document examiners
data acquired by electronic signature systems, not
to recognize the possible false negatives caused by
all systems produce reliable information to support
handwriting variables (i.e., illness, disguise) or the
forensic opinions. A recent legal ruling in the U.S.
possibility of false positives resulting from system
underscores the need for forensic document examiners
attacks (simulation, forgery). The low resolution images
to examine electronic evidence in biodynamic
recorded by many biodynamic signature systems make
signature cases. Working collaboration between forensic analysis of biodynamic signatures either difficult
forensic document examiners and computer experts is or indeterminable. If these concerns are not addressed,
recommended. the increasing use of biodynamic electronic signatures
Introduction may create significant forensic problems in signature
identification cases, in that document examiners may not
The electronic capture of handwritten signatures presents have the expertise or methods to examine biodynamic
novel opportunities and challenges in forensic signature electronic signatures; and forensic analysis may not be
analysis. Biodynamic signatures allow for the analysis reliable because of the low resolution graphic images with
of temporal handwriting characteristics, characteristics limited or no temporal data.
not previously possible in the examination of traditional Because of the onset of this new signature technology,
manuscript signatures signed with an inking pen on document examiners have little in the way of published
paper. Historically, forensic document examiners have methods or procedures in the analysis of biodynamic

© Pario Communications Limited, 2012 Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 9 (2012) 67

signatures, and little experimental research has The technology

been published about this in the field of document
There are several points that forensic document
examination. Some biodynamic handwriting research has
examiners need to consider when encountering an
been used to detect differences between genuine and
electronic signature. In understanding the technological
forged signatures or healthy handwriting compared to
aspects of electronic signatures, forensic document
handwriting that indicates the person has a movement
examiners would benefit by working with digital evidence
disorder, but biodynamic information is rarely available
specialists and obtain relevant training in areas specific to
in forensic casework. Although temporal information
understanding the technology associated with electronic
is sometimes accessible in examining biodynamic
signature technology. There is considerable variety in the
signatures, document examiners have limited information
methods used to capture electronic signatures, which
about the technology and temporal features that can be
brings into question issues concerning external factors
analyzed. Some biodynamic systems perform automatic
in signature production (such as using a stylus or mouse
computerized signature analysis and verification. These
to write the signature), the sampling rate and accuracy
types of systems are used for obtaining access or entry
to record the signature (Hertz1), tablet quality, and
and are sometimes used instead of fingerprint, iris, or
transmission of data.
facial scans, because signatures cannot be replicated and
One of the issues associated with the recording of
are more user-friendly. However, there may be limitations
the measurements of a manuscript signature is how
in automatic signature verification with respect to system
the document examiner obtains access to the computer
attacks (forgeries), handwriting variation, and data
file containing the electronic signature. Many forensic
transmission loss.
document examiners may not be aware that when a
Applications person signs their manuscript signature with such a
device, their actions are converted into measurements,
The applications for electronic signature technology as instructed by the writer of the software, and the data is
are extensive, and they are in widespread use at an then, in turn, translated into a series of digital data which
international level. Biodynamic signature software is capable of being replicated on the screen in the form
and hardware is manufactured and marketed by major of a human-readable representation of the manuscript
corporations to areas such as finance, banking, health signature. The human-readable representation of the
care, and mortgage lenders. Biodynamic signatures are manuscript signature is not the only data that the forensic
used for access control, network access control, client document examiner should be reviewing. If the forensic
identification purposes, document workflows, and document examiner is provided with a hard copy of the
electronic transaction security. Since the enactment static signature image for examination, this may not be
of electronic signature legislation, the use of digital the best evidence that should be examined or presented
and other forms of electronic signature has increased to the court. Many of these signatures are recorded at
significantly. They are used for contractual agreements, a low resolution with a pixelization effect replacing the
delivery verification, biometric security checkpoints, smooth line quality of a manuscript signature. Sometimes
bank signature cards, and point-of-sale transactions. the digital data comprising the signatures are affixed
Traditional business has incorporated them into use for or incorporated into the document on a signature line
contractual negotiations, even in conservative business in an unnatural way, or the signature’s natural size may
markets. It is inevitable that various forms of electronic be significantly reduced – or both of these effects might
signature technology will increase internationally as occur. If the forensic document examiner receives a print-
it maintains popularity over other forms of biometric out of an electronic signature, such indications will be
analysis. Because signatures are intuitively associated obvious that the signature was recorded electronically. If
with identity and are unique to the individual, they are these factors are present, the forensic document examiner
more user-friendly and less invasive than other forms of should make inquiries about how the signature was
biometric identification such as fingerprint, iris, facial, and produced and require a copy of the electronic signature
gait recognition. file, because it is the digital data that must be examined,

1 Hans-Leo Teulings and Frans J. Maarse,

‘Digital recording and processing of
handwriting movements’, Human
Movement Science, Volume 3, 1984, 193-217.

68 Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 9 (2012) © Pario Communications Limited, 2012

not only its representation. If the digital data exists, sampling rate information than the other, which affected
these need to be examined, because they provide the the performance of the signature verification system used
relevant information about the biodynamic properties of on the Tablet PC for enrollment.5
the purported signer, not the static image reproduced on Aside from the variables associated with tablets,
paper. significant changes in temporal and spatial dimensions
Aside from examining the handwriting features that occur when signatures are written with digital writing
may have been recorded, some of the first steps in implements in comparison to signatures written with
examining digital signature files is to inquire whether ink and paper. These differences are caused both by
the file has been stored and processed in a way that the writing device and the writer’s response to the
allows for forensic signature analysis. Certain computer writing device. Hardware factors such as the enlarged
processing procedures are carried out in order to facilitate tip of a digital writing pen and the lack of friction on a
the feature extraction process. For example, different digital tablet can cause changes to a writer’s natural
digital renditions of signatures, no matter how poor, may signature. The size of the writing tablet box or pad and
need to be moved, rescaled, and rotated to allow optimal other conditions associated with biodynamic electronic
comparison, thereby further cumulating the coarseness of signature capturing devices can have a varying effect on
pixilation.2 the way people respond to the device. Some web-based
Packet loss or the loss of digital data transmitted over software programs instruct the signer to use a mouse
the internet can occur in some biodynamic signature or the tip of a finger while signing their signature into a
verification systems.3 There may have been distortion or box on a computer screen. Other devices have delayed
loss of data during the transmission or processing of the visual feedback, or poor resolution (or both) when signing
data. During recording, ideally a signature is recorded at a on a signature pad. Some devices provide instructions
constant sampling rate. However, the computer processor related to writing within the parameters of a box, or
may miss sequences of samples. This implies that small require that the signature be captured within a certain
parts of the signature may be missing purely due to the time frame (or both). Frustration with rejected signatures
technology and not because the writer was omitting an and responding to annoying instructions may cause some
essential part of the signature. The limit or threshold of people to alter their natural signature in order to fit within
information recorded or maintained in a signature that the box and within specified time limits. Some devices
allows for forensic analysis has not been established in are handheld, which creates another factor pertaining to
research. With respect to biodynamic systems in general, awkward posture while signing on a device.
it has been commented that ‘prior work on quality Understanding the software and system used to
evaluation is limited’. 4 capture the biodynamic measurements is critical in the
The analysis of biodynamic electronic signatures examination. Some systems do not record biodynamic
involves an understanding of the software and hardware data, while other systems capture varying degrees
used to acquire the signature, especially in the way the of biodynamic data.6 Some systems may only record
purported signer may have interacted with the hardware. a few measurements, while others may record the
Additionally, the tablet and stylus used to produce measurements of several handwriting features that
biodynamic electronic signatures can significantly affect would allow for a comprehensive forensic analysis of
the way the signature is produced. For example, in an temporal and form-based elements. One study examined
experiment comparing two comparable brand name the reliability of digital data captured by biodynamic
Tablet PCs, one Tablet PC sensor provided less reliable verification systems and found that some measures

2 Fayyaz A. Afsar, M. Arif and U. Farrukh, Applications, pp 11-16, Vigo, Spain, March Authentication, Lecture Notes in Computer
‘Wavelet Transform Based Global Features 2004. Science, 2005, Vol. 3781/2005, pp 180-187.
for Online Signature Recognition’, 9th 4 Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Julian Fierrez 6 There are serious issues concerning data
International Multitopic Conference, IEEE and Javier Ortega-Garcia, ‘Quality Measures protection and privacy and how systems
INMIC 2005, pp 1-6, Karachi, Pakistan, in Biometric Systems’, Security & Privacy, protect signature data. To illustrate, a 2002
December 2005. IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, IEEE legal case in Canada involved the standard
3 Jonas Richiardi, Julian Fierrez-Aguilar, Computer Society, 99 (2011). practice of a courier service that published
Javier Ortega-Garcia and Andrzej Drygajlo, 5 Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Julian electronic signatures on its website without
‘On-line signature verification resilience to Fierrez-Aguilar and Javier Ortega-Garcia, the consent of the signers (Stephen Mason,
packet loss in IP networks’ IP Networks’, ‘Sensor Interoperability and Fusion in Electronic Signatures in Law (3rd edn,
2nd COST275 Workshop on Biometrics on Signature Verification: A Case Study Using Cambridge University Press, 2012) 353-355).
the Internet: Fundamentals, Advances and Tablet PC’, Advances in Biometric Person

© Pario Communications Limited, 2012 Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 9 (2012) 69

Without an adequate understanding, background and knowledge

of the software of the device, the image of the signature provided to
an examiner cannot be accurately analyzed

provide more consistent and discriminating data than associated signature cannot be altered without changes
others. For example, it was found that speed and angle being detected. This is an example of a system where
are more reliable handwriting features. 7 affixing the signature into the document is an important
In reviewing a few of the systems that are offered process in the act of ‘signing’. Signature authentication
in the marketplace, it is evident that there is little and verification is achieved through Cyber-SIGN’s ‘four-
standardization with respect to the way a signature is dimensional dynamic signature verification algorithm
recorded. Topaz recommends software and hardware [that] examines the changes in speed, shape, pressure
guidelines for the recording of a signature. Part of and strokes (including strokes in the air).’12
Topaz’s signature recording process includes binding DocuSign, Inc. includes affixing the signature
the signature to the document using a secure hash measurements and other security features, but does
‘which forms a direct cryptographic relationship between not record a signature in a way that is a graphic
the signature and a single document or aggregated representation of the handwritten signature. The user
data message, and security data.’8 Topaz also records types in his or her name and can select a cursive-type
biodynamic signature measurements in some of its font style in order to make the name look like a signature
software packages. when it is affixed or logically associated with the
SOFTPRO GmbH software examines both static and document.13
biodynamic information from signatures including
location, pressure, and time signals.9 WonderNet’s Standardization
Penflow system requires users to enroll into the database Establishing inter-writer and intra-writer variability has
by providing a total of six signatures, three of which are always been an issue of concern in the field of forensic
for training purposes. Once a user is enrolled into the handwriting examination. With the onset of biodynamic
system, the system continues to collect signatures and electronic signatures, the issue of variability increases
increases the size of the database of the measurements due to the numerous software, tablet, and stylus types
that are recorded.10 Penflow also includes additional currently being used to produce signatures. Without an
security features such as a hash in order to invalidate the adequate understanding, background and knowledge
signature if the document is altered. Instead of writing of the software of the device, the image of the signature
a manuscript signature, the Biometric Signature ID provided to an examiner cannot be accurately analyzed.
software instructs users to sign into the system drawing This means that standardization in the methodology of
a password with a mouse. The measurements that are forensic analysis of biodynamic electronic signatures is
recorded and analyzed include speed, direction, length, necessary.
height, width, angle, and number of strokes.11 Standardization is a critical issue in terms of
Cyber-SIGN affixes biodynamic signatures into PDF handwriting examination as well as in forensic
documents with the intention that the document and its applications in the court. If manufacturers and users of the

7 Hansheng Lei and Venugopal Govindaraju, 9 http://www.softpro.de/en/signature- 12 Cyber-SIGN (a wholly owned subsidiary of
‘A comparative study on the consistency of verification/biometric-authentication.aspx. Witswell Consulting and Services, Inc., based
features in on-line signature verification’, 10 WonderNet Ltd at http://www.penflow.com/ in Japan), at http://www.cybersign.com/com/
Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 26, index.php?option=com_content&task=view CSIacrobat.html.
Issue 15, 2005, 2483-2489. &id=36&Itemid=45. 13 DocuSign, Inc., at http://www.docusign.
8 Topaz Systems, Inc., available from http:// 11 J C Lads Corporation d/b/a Biometric com/.
www.topazsystems.com/signaturecapture/ Signature ID (BSI), at http://www.biosig-id.
guidelines.htm. com/products/.

70 Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 9 (2012) © Pario Communications Limited, 2012

technology do not comply with the minimum standards obtained from biodynamic features could help facilitate or
established within the industry, the signature produced validate static observations. For example, characteristics
by this type of technology could be deemed to be typical of forgery include pen lifts and slow drawn
unreliable. Even when manufacturers state that they meet line quality.16 These can be recorded, measured, and
the requirements established by the Electronic Signatures recovered through biodynamic methods. Pen speed
in Global and National Commerce Act14 or ISO/IEC is measured, but only guessed at when analyzing
27001:2005,15 these standards or minimum requirements manuscript signatures on paper. Biodynamic methods
for compliance apply to all forms of electronic signatures not only enhance, but are superior to analysis of physical
and may mean little to the handwriting expert examining signature characteristics because of the temporal
a static or biodynamic signature. From a practical information that can be calculated and recorded.
standpoint, the level of awareness that the legal system, There has been considerable research on the use
and even forensic examiners have regarding the minimum of biodynamic signatures for identity validation and
standards and procedures required for capturing and verification.17 Some studies have shown that current
authenticating an electronic signature is questionable. signature verification systems may have weaknesses
This is a critical point, because in establishing procedures that allow for devices to be subject to successful forgery
for handwriting examiners in evaluating these types of attacks.18 A comparison of biodynamic and manuscript
signatures, it may be necessary to first establish whether signature verification system methods showed that the
the signature recording procedure was reliable. In this performance between both approaches was small, which
sense, it may be necessary for legal professionals to is surprising considering how much temporal information
consult with both a digital evidence specialist and a can be extracted from biodynamic data.19
document examiner. Review of temporal handwriting feature extraction
studies can be used as a starting point in establishing
Forensic analysis what can be forensically analyzed from biodynamic
It would seem that forensic analysis of electronic signature analysis. From a practical perspective, however,
signatures would only be necessary in examining many biodynamic electronic signatures encountered in
important financial documents such as loan transactions. document examination cases are static images rather
In reality, from a forensic perspective, every signature that than the original digital data which means that the best
is signed may have forensic relevance. A poorly recorded evidence available may not be provided to the document
electronic signature taken on a point-of-sale device at a examiner.
retail store may place a suspect at the scene of a crime.
Or a signature recorded on the device of a courier service
Legal implications
connected to a package containing illegal materials also For both document examiners and lawyers, it is important
has forensic relevance. This means that the corresponding to understand that electronically-captured signatures use
deterioration or complications involved with recording processes that materially alter the dynamic movement
electronic signatures compounds issues involved in of handwriting. These differences occur at the beginning
forensic handwriting identification both in civil and of the process (when the purported signer is using the
criminal proceedings. equipment such as a stylus or tablet), as well as the
Most document examination casework involves static method in which the measurements of the signature
analysis of manuscript signatures. The features examined are recorded and processed in accordance with the
for signatures committed to a piece of paper differ instructions set out in the software. A proper analysis of
from biodynamic methods of signature, yet information the signature must not only examine the printed version

14 (E-SIGN), 15 U.S.C. §§ 7001-7003. using improved online signature verification biometrics’, Tenth International Workshop
15 ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Information technology method’ Pattern Recognition Letters, on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition,
– Security techniques – Information security Volume 26, Issue 15, 2005, 2400-2408. http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~lucas/papers/iwfhr.
management systems – Requirements. 18 Daniel P. Lopresti and Jarret D. Raim, ‘The pdf.
16 American Standards for Testing and effectiveness of generative attacks on an 19 Gerhard Rigoll and Andreas Kosmala, ‘A
Materials International, ASTM E2290 - online handwriting biometric’, in Takeo systematic comparison between on-line and
07a Standard Guide for Examination of Kanade, Anil Jain and Nalini K. Ratha, off-line methods for signature verification
Handwritten Items. editors, Audio- and Video-Based Biometric with hidden Markov values’, Proceedings of
17 Anil K. Jain, Friederike D. Griess and Scott Person Authentication, Lecture Notes in the Fourteenth International Conference on
D. Connell, ‘On-line signature verification’, Computer Science, Volume 3546 (Berlin: Pattern Recognition, Volume 2, 1998, 1755-
Pattern Recognition, Volume 35, Issue 12, Springer, 2005) 1090-1099; Lucas Ballard, 1757.
2002, 2963-2972; Alisher Kholmatov and Daniel Lopresti and Fabian Monrose, (2006)
Berrin A. Yanikoglu, ‘Identity authentication ‘Evaluating the security of handwriting

© Pario Communications Limited, 2012 Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 9 (2012) 71

of the signature measurements, but must include the especially given the considerable variables involved
digital data and software that causes the measurements in handwriting examination. While proficiency among
to be recorded, such as speed and pressure. forensic document examiners in signature examination
One of the potential problems that can occur in the has been established in the academic literature, not
analysis of biodynamic electronic signatures involves all handwriting variables have been independently
the comparison of an electronically-recorded signature tested.21 Computerized handwriting analysis has also
with traditional manuscript signatures. Forensic cases received academic recognition, but again, not all variables
involving this type of analysis have begun to occur, and have been tested.22 Certain variables that need further
present several problems. First, writing with a stylus on research in the field include health factors, effect of
a tablet in a box or onto a computer screen is a different medications, whether a person is left-handed or right-
writing environment compared to writing on paper with handed, and intentional disguise on the part of the signer,
a pen. Experimental studies have shown significant to name a few. It is difficult to imagine that commercially
differences in the way a person writes his or her signature available handwriting verification systems have taken the
electronically in comparison to writing a manuscript considerable research time necessary to account for all
signature. For example, handwriting measurements or handwriting variables, let alone the problems inherent
characteristics that changed between electronic signing in a writer’s natural range of variation. For example, if
and manuscript signing included the writers, velocity a handwriting verification system recorded a minimum
and size.20 Additionally, a detailed analysis of the form number of base comparison signatures (such as five), this
characteristics between the two conditions showed number may not be sufficient for verification, especially
differences. The differences were significant, in that since most forensic document examiners require more
the form details that changed between the signature than five signatures for the purposes of comparison.
conditions could be attributed to either an altered writing Additionally, there may be an unintended training effect
environment or could be mistakenly attributed to the associated with the collection of signatures for verification
effect of forgery. in a signature security system. In order to pass the ‘test’,
There are many limiting factors to consider when the person signing may adapt to an unnaturally consistent
comparing an electronic signature to samples of version of his or her signature. This could have potential
manuscript signatures. These limiting factors include implications, because it might assist in the ease of
the differences in writing surface and writing instrument forgery, rather than hindering forgery.
as well as the quality in which the signature was
electronically recorded in comparison to manuscript
A recent Daubert ruling
signatures. While some qualified opinions may be A 2011 Daubert23 ruling in a U.S. district court underscores
possible, unqualified opinions are probably not advisable, the need for document examiners to define the best
and inconclusive opinions are probably the safest evidence available when handling biodynamic electronic
approach for these types of comparisons. signature cases. In American Family Life Assurance
For other types of examination, such as the comparison Company of Columbus (AFLAC) v. Glenda Biles,24 the
of an electronic signature that is disputed to a set of defendant Biles claimed that signatures of the deceased
recorded electronic signature samples, the analysis is had been forged on an insurance application and
dependent upon the sophistication of the biodynamic arbitration acknowledgement forms. The defendant
data captured and available for analysis. Some retained a document examiner expert who was provided
handwriting verification systems perform an automated with a hard copy of the documents. The plaintiff, AFLAC,
analysis of the signature. Others provide biodynamic retained an expert who was provided with the digital data
data that can be independently examined. There are of the biodynamic electronic signature associated with
verification systems that advertise varying claims, such the disputed documents. Motions to dismiss the affidavits
as ‘forgery proof’, which are questionable claims at best, produced by both experts were filed by the respective

20 Heidi H. Harralson, H.-L. Teulings and L. S. examiners in expressing handwriting and Lee, ‘Individuality of handwriting’, Journal of
Miller, ‘Temporal and spatial differences signature authorship and production process Forensic Sciences, Volume 47, Issue 4, 2002,
between online and offline signatures’, in opinions’, Journal of Forensic Document 1-17.
Elana Grassi and José L. Contreras-Vidal, Examination, Volume 14, 2001, 15-30; M. 23 Daubert v Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,
editors, Proceedings of the 15th International Kam, K. Gummadidala, G. Fielding and R. 509 U.S. 579 (1993).
Graphonomics Society Conference, (2011) Conn, ‘Signature authentication by forensic 24 2011 WL 5325622 (S.D.Miss.), also
34-37. document examiners’, Journal of Forensic available at http://law.justia.com/cases/
21 Bryan Found, Doug Rogers and Allan Sciences, 46, 2001, 884-888. federal/district-courts/mississippi/
Herkt, ‘The skill of a group of document 22 Sargur N. Srihari, S.-H. Cha, H. Arora and S. mssdce/3:2010cv00667/73831/80.

72 Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 9 (2012) © Pario Communications Limited, 2012

parties and a Daubert hearing was conducted of each Recommendations

side’s expert. The evidence provided by defendant’s
expert was deemed to be unreliable by the court. Clearly, the challenges faced by documents examiners
In the court’s memorandum, it was noted that the concerning biodynamic signatures require collaboration
plaintiff’s insurance agent had witnessed the deceased with computer forensics. The problems involved in the
sign the contested signatures on a Topaz electronic forensic analysis of biodynamic electronic signatures
signature pad. AFLAC contested that the defendant’s highlights the need to work within a framework such
expert had relied on a low resolution static image as computational forensics. Computational forensics is
of the disputed signatures that was not an accurate the application of a methodology to help quantify and
representation of the data recorded. The defendant’s standardize forensic analysis.25 Other standardized
expert admitted that he had not realized that he was guidelines for forensic collection and analysis of
examining a biodynamic electronic signature initially, nor electronic evidence are outlined by Mason.26 These types
did he subsequently examine the digital data that was of guidelines would be useful for forensic document
available. The court found that defendant’s expert did not examiners to incorporate when handling electronic
rely on the best evidence available, while the document evidence in biodynamic electronic signature cases.
examination expert for AFLAC relied on the digital data of Further, forensic document examiner research in
the disputed signatures. The court granted the motion to conjunction with computer forensics is necessary to more
strike the affidavit of defendant’s expert, and granted the clearly define thresholds related to minimum levels of
plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment. forensically reliable data. In working with biodynamic
The AFLAC ruling clearly demonstrates that static electronic signature technology, forensic document
images of electronic signatures are not considered the examiners need more than access to the best evidence
best evidence available, and that testimony based on available; they also need an understanding concerning
such evidence may be considered unreliable. In the the limitations of signatures captured with too little
court’s memorandum, it was stated that the plaintiff’s information.
expert compared the recorded signature data to known © Heidi H. Harralson, 2012
exemplars of the deceased’s signatures. The court did not
mention in its ruling whether these comparison samples
were also electronically-recorded signatures. Nor does
the court’s ruling state the reasons for the defendant’s Heidi H. Harralson MA, CDE, D-BFDE is a court-qualified, board-
certified forensic document examiner maintaining a document
motion to dismiss the plaintiff expert’s affidavit. The court
examination practice in the US. Her research on document
was justified in its finding that plaintiff’s expert relied on and handwriting examination, including electronic signatures,
the best evidence available. However, if the plaintiff’s has been published in books and journal articles. She is an
expert was comparing biodynamic electronic signatures to associate professor at East Tennessee State University where
manuscript signatures, the question remains whether the she teaches forensic document examination.
best evidence available was forensically reliable evidence harralson@spectrumforensic.com
to make claims regarding authenticity.

25 Katrin Franke and Sargur N. Srihari, Society, 2007), 383–386; Sargur N. Srihari, beyond-csi-the-rise-of-computational-
‘Computational forensics: Towards hybrid- ‘Beyond C.S.I.: The Rise of Computational forensics/0.
intelligent crime investigation’, Third Forensics’, IEEE Spectrum, December 2010, 26 Stephen Mason, general editor, Electronic
International Symposium on Information December, 38-43, available on-line at http:// Evidence (2nd edn, LexisNexis Butterworths,
Assurance and Security, (IEEE Computer spectrum.ieee.org/computing/software/ 2010), chapter 4.

© Pario Communications Limited, 2012 Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 9 (2012) 73

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