Basal Bolus Insulin Titration Ahs
Basal Bolus Insulin Titration Ahs
Basal Bolus Insulin Titration Ahs
Bolus and Correction Insulin Use the same insulin (rapid or short-acting) for bolus and correction.
Choose One Bolus/Correction Insulin
Iispro (HumaLOG®) sc with meal
aspart (Novorapid®) sc with meal
HumuLIN® R sc 30 min before meal
Bolus Insulin Home dose (consider reduction of 25-50% for hospital diet) or ½ TDD divided initially into 3 equal doses
Hold if no caloric intake, NPO or bolus feeds stopped. Continue basal and correction insulin.
Patient may determine and administer own dose and report dose to nurse (Order insulin type and acceptable dose range)
Units __________ Units __________ Units __________ Units __________
With Breakfast or feed at With Lunch or feed at With Dinner or feed at With Other _______ at
time (hh:mm) _______ time (hh:mm) _______ time (hh:mm) _______ time (hh:mm) _______
Correction for hyperglycemia: Choose one based on current Total Daily Dose (TDD)
Correction dose to be determined and administered with/before meal/feed OR at scheduled mealtime if NPO. Bedtime
dose not routinely recommended. Correction and bolus doses can be combined and administered as a single
subcutaneous injection.
TDD 15-30 units TDD 31-50 units TDD 51-80 units TDD 81 units or more Custom
BG Units BG Units BG Units BG Units BG Units
4.1-10.0 +0 4.1-9.0 +0 4.1-10.0 +0 4.1-9.0 +0
10.1-14.0 +1 9.1-12.0 +1 10.1-12.0 +2 9.1-11.0 +2
14.1-18.0 +2 12.1-15.0 +2 12.1-14.0 +3 11.1-13.0 +4
15.1-18.0 +3 14.1-16.0 +4 13.1-15.0 +6
16.1-18.0 +5 15.1-17.0 +8
17.1-18.0 +10
Prescriber Name (print) Signature Date (yyyy-Mon-dd) Time (hh:mm)
Guidelines for the completion of the BBIT Adult Inpatient Order Set
This guide does not replace clinical judgment. Refer to for further information and educational resources.
• Use home dosing of oral/injectable antihyperglycemic agents and/or insulin if safe and blood glucose targets are being met.
• Basal Bolus Insulin Therapy (BBIT) should be used if the patient is poorly controlled at home, requires oral/injectable
antihyperglycemic agents to be held, or is not achieving glycemic targets in hospital. BBIT is recommended even if therapy is
expected to be temporary, peri-procedural, or for patients not previously requiring insulin. Diabetic therapy will be
optimized to suit patient needs prior to discharge.
• Review glucose record daily. If targets of 5.0-10.0mmol/L are not achieved, consider the causes and adjust insulin doses where
Total Daily Dose (TDD): Total number of all units of basal + bolus + correction insulin used in 24 hour period
How to calculate TDD:
• If currently on BBIT in hospital and requires titration (see titration table below): TDD = all insulin doses within past 24 hour period.
• If on Basal and Bolus insulin at home with good control: TDD = all insulin doses in a usual 24 hour period.
• If patient has poor control or requires insulin (even transiently) in hospital to achieve targets of 5-10mmol/L:
Use Type 1 DM, slim Type 2 DM, history of hypoglycemia
TDD=Weight (kg) x 0.3 to
LOWER unawareness, reduced renal function (eGFR less than 30mL/min),
0.5 Units/kg/day
TDD IF liver failure, age greater than 70 with moderate/severe frailty
TDD=Weight (kg) x 0.5 to
HIGHER Insulin resistance, overweight Type 2 DM, steroid treatment, infection
1 Units/kg/day
Basal Insulin: Intermediate/long-acting insulin required to cover rising blood glucose between meals and overnight
How to calculate Basal Insulin
• If patient is well controlled on insulin at home, use pre-admission basal insulin doses and timing.
• If insulin required in hospital or patient requires titration of BBIT: Total Basal = TDD x 0.5
(glargine (Lantus®) dosed once daily OR detemir (Levemir®) OR HumuLIN® N dosed twice daily at breakfast and bedtime).
Clinical Pearls
• At optimal doses, basal insulin should never cause hypoglycemia, even if the patient is not eating.
• All patients with Type 1 Diabetes require basal insulin, even when not eating, in order to prevent rapid
development of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).
• No basal required if patient well controlled without basal at home and meeting hospital targets OR if receiving
continuous enteral feeds and achieving targets on QID timed bolus plus correction insulin alone.
Bolus Insulin: Rapid/short acting insulin, required to cover rising blood glucose after meals caused by carbohydrate intake
How to calculate Bolus Insulin
• If patient is well controlled on insulin at home, use pre-admission bolus insulin doses. Consider reducing bolus doses by 25-50% if
hospital diet less than home diet.
• If insulin required in hospital or patient requires titration of BBIT: Total Bolus = TDD x 0.5 divided by 3 (three equal doses with meals)
(lispro (HumaLOG ®), aspart (Novorapid ®), or HumuLIN ® R).
• Blood glucose testing and bolus insulin administration are to be coordinated with meal/feed.
Correction Insulin: Additional rapid/short acting insulin administered to correct blood glucose if above target
• Selection based on TDD.
• May be combined with the scheduled bolus insulin dose and administered as a single subcutaneous injection.
• If NPO, correction dose to be administered at scheduled meal/feed time, in coordination with blood glucose testing.
• Use of bedtime Correction dose is not routinely recommended. Prescriber may use discretion for STAT bedtime insulin
dose if blood glucose over 18.0mmol/L.
Titration: For most patients, the recommended target is a blood glucose range of 5.0-10.0mmol/L
If Breakfast BG is: If Lunch BG is: If Supper BG is: If Bedtime BG is: If Overnight BG is:
(below 5.0mmol/L) (above 10.0mmol/L) (below 5.0mmol/L) (above 10.0mmol/L) (below 5.0mmol/L) (above 10.0mmol/L) (below 5.0mmol/L) (above 10.0mmol/L) (below 5.0mmol/L)