Basic Similarity and Different Between BAUM
Basic Similarity and Different Between BAUM
Basic Similarity and Different Between BAUM
1. identification of opportunity
2. preparation for the project
3. appraisal of the project
4. negotiations related to the project
5. implementation and supervision of the project and
6. ex-post evaluation
B. UNIDO - The UNIDO model features three major stages which are also
broken down into various steps.
Pre-investment phase
This phase is further divided into:
2. Investment phase
This stage is further broken down into:
Project design stage: At this stage, the criteria for success, and key
deliverables are spelt out.
Construction stage (For engineering or building projects)
Pre-production marketing stage
Pre-investment phase
Investment and
The DEPSA stage is very similar to the UNIDO project life cycle. Both are
defined according to an Investment Cycle paradigm and that's the reason why
you have pre-investment, investment and operations phase for both
Whilst the UNIDO model is more 'universal' in that it speaks to a wide range of
businesses including engineering projects, DEPSA seems a little skewed
towards engineering projects.
This is evident in the terminologies used in the investment phases. With
DEPSA you would notice terms like 'detailed engineering design'
'construction', and 'erection'. The UNIDO the investment phase contains
engineering terms but also speaks to 'marketing' and 'training'
While the BAUM project lifecycle contains all the basic stages in the DEPSA
and UNIDO life cycles, it holds a universal outlook and seems applicable to
both business and engineering projects.