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General Ledger Manual

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General Ledger

Procedures Manual
Version 7.2.1
April 1999
Document Number GLP-721UN

Lawson Software, Inc., believes that the information described in this manual is accurate and reliable, and
much care has been taken in its preparation. However, no responsibility, financial or otherwise, can be
accepted for any consequences arising out of the use of this material, including loss of profit and indirect,
special, or consequential damages. No warranties extend beyond the program specification.
The customer should exercise care to assure that use of the software and related documentation is in full
compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations of the jurisdictions in which it is used.
These materials are confidential unpublished works of Lawson Software, Inc. Contents of this publication
are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Lawson Software,
Inc. The information contained herein is subject to change. Revisions may be issued from time to time, and
Lawson Software, Inc., assumes no responsibility to advise customers of changes or additions.
All brand or product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lawson Software,
Inc., or the respective trademark owners.

© 2002 Lawson Software, Inc.

All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
General Ledger Procedures Manual


Introduction xi
Before You Start ................................................................ xiv
How This Manual Is Organized .......................................... xiv
Lawson Software Documentation .......................................xv
Documentation Short Names ...................................... xvi
LAWSON INSIGHT II Applications .............................. xvi
LAWSON INSIGHT II Environment ............................ xvii
LAWSON INSIGHT II Training Materials ................... xvii
Lawson Software Documentation Standards ................... xviii
Key Names .................................................................. xix
Terminology ................................................................ xix
Lawson Software Support .................................................. xxi
Lawson Software Help Line ........................................ xxi
Lawson Software Fax Number .................................... xxi
Lawson Software Documentation Internet Mail
Address ..................................................................... xxi

Chapter 1: Considerations Before Setup 23

General Ledger Setup Requirements ................................ 23
General Ledger Subset Requirements .............................. 24
Activity Management Subset Requirements ...................... 24
Strategic Ledger Subset Requirements ............................. 24
Currency Considerations ................................................... 25
Currency Setup ........................................................... 25
Currency Exchange ..................................................... 26
Currency Revaluation .................................................. 27
Currency Translation ................................................... 28
Report Currency .......................................................... 28
Triangulated Currency Setup ...................................... 31
Planning the General Ledger Setup .................................. 32
General Ledger Company Structure ........................... 32
Chart of Accounts Structure ........................................ 38

General Ledger Procedures Manual Contents iii

Version 7.2.1
Accounting Unit Attributes ........................................... 42
Strategic Ledger Considerations ........................................44
Average Daily Balance Considerations .............................. 45
Distributed Processing Options .......................................... 46
General Ledger on a Separate Machine ...................... 47
General Ledger on Multiple Machines ......................... 48
Consolidated Reporting for Multiple Companies ......... 49
Drill Around Security ...........................................................51

Chapter 2: Setup 53
Using the Setup Flowchart ................................................. 54
Setting Up the General Ledger Subset .............................. 54
Setting up the Activity Management Subset ....................... 55
Defining Activity Groups .............................................. 55
Defining Activities ........................................................ 56
Reporting on GL Only Activities ................................... 57
Setting up the Strategic Ledger Subset .............................. 57
Defining a User Analysis Field ..................................... 57
Defining a User Analysis Group ................................... 59
Defining a User Analysis Relation ............................... 59
Correcting Transaction Errors ...................................... 60
Loading Lawson-Defined Data ........................................... 60
Loading Attribute Definitions ........................................61
Loading System Codes and Source Codes ................. 61
Loading Subledger Attributes ...................................... 61
Loading the Data Dictionary ........................................62
Loading Country Codes ...............................................62
Defining Currency Information ............................................ 62
Defining Currency Codes .............................................63
Defining a Currency Table ........................................... 64
Defining Currency Relationships .................................64
Defining Exchange Rates ............................................ 65
Defining Translation Codes ......................................... 66
Defining Translation Rates .......................................... 66
Defining Language Codes .................................................. 68
Defining a Chart of Accounts .............................................. 69
Defining a New Chart of Accounts ............................... 70
Copying a Chart of Accounts ....................................... 74
Defining the Company Structure ........................................75
Defining a Company ....................................................76
Defining Accounting Units ............................................ 80

iv Contents General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Copying a Company .................................................... 85
Defining Chart Maps for Consolidated Reporting .............. 86
Setting Up the Posting and Reporting Companies ...... 87
Creating a Chart Map .................................................. 87
Maintaining a Chart Map ............................................. 88
Mapping Fiscal Calendars ........................................... 88
Defining a Company Group ............................................... 89
Defining Attribute Information ............................................ 90
Loading Lawson-Defined Attribute Definitions ............ 91
Defining User-Defined Attributes ................................. 92
Defining User-Defined Elements ................................. 93
Assigning Attribute Values to Accounting Units .......... 94
Defining an Accounting Unit List ................................. 97
Defining an Accounting Unit View ............................. 102
Maintaining an Accounting Unit View ........................ 106
Defining System Codes and System Control ................... 107
Defining System Codes ............................................. 107
Defining System Control ........................................... 108
Defining Source Codes .................................................... 109
Defining Journal Books .................................................... 111
Defining a Journal Book ............................................ 112
Defining Company Journal Book Options ................. 114
Defining System Code Journal Book Options ........... 115
Defining Reconciliation Codes ......................................... 116
Defining Journal Hold Codes ........................................... 116
Defining Intercompany Relationships .............................. 117
Defining Zones and Interzone Relationships ................... 118
Defining a Zone ......................................................... 119
Defining Company Zone Options .............................. 119
Defining Interzone Relationships .............................. 120
Defining a Remote Site .................................................... 121
Converting Non-Lawson Data .......................................... 122
Defining a Ledger Report ................................................. 125
Defining a Transaction Writer Report .............................. 127
Maintaining the Chart of Accounts ................................... 128
Maintaining a Chart of Accounts ............................... 128
Renaming a Summary Account ................................ 129
Moving a Summary Account ..................................... 130
Moving a Detail Account ........................................... 131
Maintaining Accounts ....................................................... 132
Copying Accounts ..................................................... 132

General Ledger Procedures Manual Contents v

Version 7.2.1
Changing Multiple Accounts ......................................133
Changing Multiple Detail Accounts ............................ 134
Maintaining a Company .................................................... 136
Copying a Company ..................................................137
Clearing Company Balances and Transactions ......... 138
Changing Company Levels ........................................ 139

Chapter 3: Procedures 145

Using the Processing Flowchart ....................................... 146
Processing Journal Entries ............................................... 146
Defining Journal Entries ................................................... 147
Defining a Journal Entry ............................................ 148
Defining Report Currency Journal Entries .................153
Copying a Journal Entry ............................................ 154
Defining Journal Entry Comments .................................... 154
Editing Unreleased Journal Entries .................................. 155
Listing Journal Entries ............................................... 155
Maintaining Control Totals ......................................... 156
Correcting an Unreleased Journal Entry .................... 157
Releasing Journal Entries ................................................ 158
Transferring Journal Entry Data from an External
Source ............................................................................159
Interface Programs .................................................... 160
Interface Files ............................................................ 160
Transferring Journal Entries from an External
Source ...................................................................... 161
Transferring Remote Site Subsystem Transactions ......... 162
Processing Recurring Journal Entries .............................. 163
Defining a Recurring Journal Entry ............................ 163
Copying a Recurring Journal Entry ............................ 166
Adding Amounts to an Auto-Zeroing Recurring
Journal Entry ............................................................ 167
Creating a Split Distribution ....................................... 167
Editing Unreleased Recurring Journal Entries ........... 170
Releasing Recurring Journal Entries ......................... 172
Transferring Recurring Journal Entries ...................... 172
Closing the Recurring Journal System ...................... 173
Maintaining Journal Entry Holds ....................................... 174
Quick-Posting a Journal Entry .......................................... 174
Posting Journal Entries .................................................... 175
Maintaining Posted Journal Entries .................................. 178

vi Contents General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Moving a Journal Entry ............................................. 178
Unposting a Journal Entry ......................................... 180
Reversing a Journal Entry ......................................... 182
Backposting a Journal Entry ..................................... 183
Running Currency Reports .............................................. 185
Revaluing Currency ................................................... 185
Exposing Nonbase Currency Amounts ..................... 186
Translating Base Currency to Report Currency ........ 186
Running Financial Statements ......................................... 187
Running a Trial Balance Report ................................ 187
Running a French Trial Balance Report .................... 188
Running a Balance Sheet Report .............................. 188
Running an Income Statement .................................. 188
Running Predefined Reports ........................................... 189
Journal Book Report ................................................. 189
Grand Livre Reports .................................................. 189
Centralization Book Report ....................................... 191
Closing an Accounting Period .......................................... 192
Consolidating General Ledger Data ................................ 194
Transferring Period Balance Data ............................. 194
Transferring Summarized Transaction Data ............. 196
Consolidating Company Balances ............................ 198
Consolidating Chart-Mapped Company Balances ........... 200
Projecting Year-End Amounts ......................................... 201
Processing Year-End Closing .......................................... 202
Reporting General Ledger Information ............................ 204
Listing Journal Entries ............................................... 205
Running a Ledger Report .......................................... 207
Running a Transaction Writer Report ........................ 208
Using Journal Analysis .................................................... 208
Using Transaction Analysis ............................................. 209
Using Daily Transaction Analysis .................................... 210
Using Account Analysis ................................................... 211
Deleting General Ledger Information ............................... 213
Deleting General Ledger History ............................... 213
Deleting a Company .................................................. 214
Deleting Unused Posting Accounts ........................... 214
Deleting Detail Accounts ........................................... 215
Deleting Journal Entries ............................................ 217
Deleting Journal Entry Log Entries ............................ 218
Deleting Currency Rate History ................................. 218

General Ledger Procedures Manual Contents vii

Version 7.2.1
Chapter 4: Fiscal Year Change Procedures 219
Changing the Fiscal Year or Period ................................. 219
Files Updated by GL500 ................................................... 221
Processing Examples ....................................................... 222
Example 1: Changing the Fiscal Year to Match
the Calendar Year .................................................... 223
Example 2: Changing the Calendar-Based Fiscal
Year to a Custom Fiscal Year .................................. 224

Chapter 5: Average Daily Balance Setup and

Procedures 225
Defining an Average Daily Balance Company .................225
Defining the Work of Date ................................................ 226
Defining Average Daily Balance Accounts ....................... 226
Using Average Daily Balance Processing ........................228
Calculating Average Daily Balances ................................ 228
Determining the Cost of Funds .................................. 229
Reporting Average Daily Balance Information .................230

Chapter 6: System Logic 231

Journal Entry Statuses ..................................................... 231
Journal Entries ........................................................... 231
Recurring Journal Entries .......................................... 232
Intercompany Processing Example .................................. 234
Interzone Processing Example ......................................... 235
Currency Processing ........................................................ 236
Currency Exchange Example .................................... 237
Currency Translation Example .................................. 238
World Currencies ....................................................... 239
Files Updated by GL110 ................................................... 242
Company Copy .......................................................... 243
Company Zero ........................................................... 244
Company Delete ........................................................ 245
Files Updated by GL300 ................................................... 247
Average Daily Balance Calculations ................................ 247
Work of Date .............................................................. 247
Average Daily Balances .............................................248
Cost of Funds ............................................................ 249
Average Daily Balance Interface ......................................250

viii Contents General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Period Structure ........................................................ 250
Average Daily Balance Accounts .............................. 250
Last Period Closing ................................................... 251
Year-End Closing ...................................................... 251

Appendix A: System Programs 253

Programs Listed by Function ........................................... 253
Flowcharts ................................................................. 253
Load Programs .......................................................... 254
Chart of Accounts Setup ........................................... 254
Company Structure Setup ......................................... 255
General Ledger Code Setup ..................................... 256
Currency Setup ......................................................... 257
Attribute Matrix Setup ................................................ 258
Conversion and Interface .......................................... 259
Reports and Listings ................................................. 260
Journal Entry ............................................................. 262
Recurring Journal Entry ............................................ 263
General Ledger Report Setup ................................... 264
Inquiry Programs ....................................................... 264
Currency Revaluation and Translation ...................... 265
Financial Reports ...................................................... 265
Complex Processing ................................................. 266
List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms ................... 266
Currency Programs ................................................... 267
Journal Book Programs ............................................. 277
List of General Ledger Subset Forms and Subforms ...... 279
General Ledger Programs ......................................... 281
Journal Book Programs ............................................. 285
List of Average Daily Balance Forms and Subforms ....... 286
Programs Listed by Function .................................... 286
System Setup ............................................................ 286
Processing ................................................................ 287
Listing Report ............................................................ 287
List of Forms and Subforms ...................................... 287

General Ledger Procedures Manual Contents ix

Version 7.2.1
Appendix B: Typical Questions 289

Glossary 299

Index 319


x Contents General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1

The LAWSON INSIGHT® II General Ledger system is the source

of financial information and reporting for your organization. The
General Ledger system provides an organizational and
accounting framework for processing transactions in the General
Ledger system, other Lawson systems, and non-Lawson
applications. This framework is made up of
• charts of accounts that contain balance sheet and income
statement accounts for posting and reporting,
• companies and accounting units that represent business units
in your organization,
• company relationships used to post transactions from one part
of your organization to another,
• currency codes that represent the currencies you conduct
business in and associated currency rates for exchange and
translation, and
• calendars that define the fiscal year, accounting periods, and
valid posting date ranges for a company.
You must define this framework before you can set up and use
other LAWSON INSIGHT II applications that update the General
Ledger system.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Introduction xi

Version 7.2.1
The following diagram shows the high level functionality of the
General Ledger system.

LAWSON INSIGHT applications and non-Lawson

Applications create transactions. The General Ledger
system framework provides controls to make sure
each posting account is valid, the appropriate
intercompany relationships exist, the posting date is
valid, the currency exchange rate is within tolerance,
the transaction is in balance, and so on.
payment invoice
expense hours
inventory variance
return cost
receipt depreciation
transfer cash receipt

Processing these transactions creates journal entries.

credit credit
debit credit

The posting process updates account balances, which

are used for financial reporting.
Balance sheet Income
report statement report

The LAWSON INSIGHT II General Ledger system includes the

following modules and tools, which you can use to extend the
capabilities of the General Ledger system:

xii Introduction General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
• The Attribute Matrix module lets you assign an unlimited
number of attributes (or categories) to an accounting unit or a
transaction to increase your reporting and inquiry capabilities.
For example, if your accounting units are retail stores, you can
assign such attributes as date opened, manager, square
footage, and average annual sales. The Attribute Matrix
features also let you automatically create posting accounts
during transaction entry.
• The LAWSON INSIGHT II Currency system lets you define
currency codes that represent the currencies you conduct
business in and related information to exchange and translate
amounts in different currencies. The currency codes and
exchange information you define in the Currency system is
available for use in all LAWSON INSIGHT II applications.
Currency translation is a function of the General Ledger
system only.
• The LAWSON INSIGHT II Budgeting system lets you define
budgets for accounts, activities, projects, and jobs. You can
define budgets based on actual activity, define multiple
budgets, and compare budget versions. Budgets are available
throughout the General Ledger and Activity Management
systems and can be accessed by all LAWSON INSIGHT II
reporting tools.
• The LAWSON INSIGHT II Allocations system lets you
disperse cost values (revenues, expenses, statistics,
budgets) in desired time frames based on user-defined rules,
allocation methods, and cost groupings.
• The LAWSON INSIGHT II Report Writer system lets you
create customized financial statements. Drill Around
capabilities are available from online reports. The Report
Writer system serves as a powerful consolidation engine that
easily handles ratios, roll-ups, consolidations, variances, and
• The LAWSON INSIGHT II Average Daily Balance system lets
you calculate period, month, and year-to-date balances. Daily
financial statements report the cost of funds on deposit or the
yield for funds on loan.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Introduction xiii

Version 7.2.1
Before You Start

• The LAWSON INSIGHT II Financial Desktop tool set includes

graphical tools that let you easily view and modify proposed
organizational changes and quickly create customized
financial statements.
• The LAWSON INSIGHT II Strategic Ledger system is a
powerful analysis and reporting system to measure
organizational profitability.

Before You Start

The LAWSON INSIGHT II Environment is the environment under
which all LAWSON INSIGHT II applications run. The Environment
provides the features you use to perform your daily tasks. The
LAWSON INSIGHT II Desktop Client provides the user interface
for the Environment and applications. You can work in a
character-based or Windows desktop environment.
If you are not familiar with the Desktop Client, read Getting Started
with the Desktop Client (Desktop Client Getting Started) for your
hardware environment. Desktop Client Getting Started offers a
simple approach to learning environment and applications
features. It introduces basic concepts, important terms, and
instructions in an easy-to-follow format.

How This Manual Is Organized

The General Ledger Procedures Manual covers presystem setup,
setup for both the General Ledger system and the General Ledger
subset, everyday processing, and general ledger procedures. For
more comprehensive learning, Lawson Software recommends
that you use the online help text along with this manual.
This manual has six Chapters, two appendixes, and a glossary.
Chapter 1, “Considerations Before Setup,” includes information
you need to know before using the General Ledger system.
Chapter 2, “Setup,” gives instructions for setting up the General
Ledger system.
Chapter 3, “Procedures,” gives instructions for General Ledger
procedures you perform on a regular basis.

xiv Introduction General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Lawson Software Documentation

Chapter 4, “Fiscal Year Change Procedures,” gives instructions

for changing the current accounting period or fiscal year for a
Chapter 5, “Average Daily Balance Setup and Procedures,” gives
you detail information on the Average Daily Balance system.
Chapter 6, “System Logic,” gives detailed information about how
the General Ledger system works.
Appendix A, “System Programs,” lists all the programs in the
General Ledger system both by function and by form ID.
Appendix B, “Typical Questions,” answers some common
questions about the General Ledger system.
To get online help for a specific form or field, press Help (F1) from
that form or field.

Lawson Software Documentation

Documentation for LAWSON INSIGHT II applications covers the
following areas:
• LAWSON INSIGHT II Applications
• LAWSON INSIGHT II Training Materials
All products can use the following documentation:
• Online help offers information about menu options, forms,
fields, and so on. Online help is available wherever you see
Help (F1). For more information, see “Getting Help” in the
Desktop Client Getting Started manual for your hardware
• Most Lawson Software documentation is available as an
online book. These books are accessible from the Desktop
Help menu. From the Help menu, choose an online book.
• Context-sensitive Windows help is available if you choose the
Help button in the dialog box that you access from the menu
bar command. These help topics provide you with information
about how to correctly use each of the options in the dialog
box. You can also access each of the context-sensitive help
categories from the pull-down help menu.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Introduction xv

Version 7.2.1
Lawson Software Documentation

Documentation Short Names

When an Environment manual is referred to from another manual,
a short name is used. For example, the Getting Started with the
Desktop Client manual is referred to in a LAWSON INSIGHT II
application procedures manual as Desktop Client Getting Started.
In this introduction, you can find the short name of each
Environment manual immediately after its full title.


• The application Procedures Manual is a how-to guide for
learning all the functions in an application. This manual covers
what to consider before you set up your application, setup
procedures, typical procedures, and system logic. Use this
manual with online help text for a complete explanation of a
• The application Conversion Workbook is a user’s guide for the
data conversion process. Conversion workbooks are written
for new Lawson clients that are converting from a non-Lawson
system to a Lawson application system. The conversion
workbooks explain considerations for data conversion,
include diagrams illustrating the conversion process, and
provide detailed instructions for converting data. Conversion
workbooks are available on the Lawson client Internet site.
Contact your account representative for the URL address.
• Application online help text gives you quick access to detailed
information about a form, a field, program file usage, or the
data files in an application. Press Help (F1) to view the help
text. See the Desktop Client Getting Started manual for your
hardware environment for more information.
• User Text gives you information on using forms and form
• Data File Text gives you information on what data files
contain and lists the updated and referenced programs by
data file.
• Technical Text lists the updated and referenced files by

xvi Introduction General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Lawson Software Documentation


• Getting Started with the Desktop Client (Desktop Client
Getting Started) explains the basic operation and standard
features of the Environment and applications. This manual
describes standard user interface components such as
menus, forms, and dialog boxes; and basic procedures for
working with online data and reports. This manual also
explains how to install the Desktop Client and describes
Desktop Tabs, a toolbar that users can customize to automate
applications that can run on the Windows desktop. If you are
new to the Desktop Client and Lawson applications, read this
manual first.
• Getting Started with the Desktop Client Quick Reference Card
(Desktop Client Getting Started Quick Reference) is an easy-
to-use reference card to guide you in your daily work. This
card explains some of the common features of the
Environment and applications.

LAWSON INSIGHT II Training Materials

• The application Training Manual includes information you
need to learn the basics of a LAWSON INSIGHT II application
system. Use this manual with the application procedures
• The Lawson Trainer Catalog contains course schedules and
descriptions for the Environment, Desktop Client, and
applications classes.
You can view the current training schedule and course catalog
at our World Wide Web site at the following address.

World Wide Web site: http://www.lawson.com

To obtain a password or request a specific password, contact


General Ledger Procedures Manual Introduction xvii

Version 7.2.1
Lawson Software Documentation Standards

Lawson Software Documentation Standards

Lawson Software uses the following character styles in its
This Represents
bold A key name or a function key name. For
example, Shift is a key name and Help (F1) is
a function key name.
A value or command that you must type exactly
as it appears. For example, if the instructions
say “Type A”, type the bolded letters exactly as
written, then press Enter.
italic A placeholder for a user-defined value. For
example, lapm productline PO20.1.
Important information that requires your
A manual title.
(F1)…(F24) A function key number. For example, if the
instructions say “Press Help (F1),” press the
key(s) mapped for the (F1) function key on your
Key1+Key2 A plus sign between key names instructs you to
press and hold down the first key, then press
the second key. For example, “Press
Shift+FndNxt (F3)” instructs you to press and
hold down the Shift key, then press the FndNxt
(F3) function key. Release both keys to
complete the action.

xviii Introduction General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Lawson Software Documentation Standards

Key Names
Because different keyboards can have different key names, your
keyboard key names might not match those used in Lawson
Software documentation. For example, if the instructions say
“Choose OK,” and your keyboard does not have an OK key, press
the key that is mapped as the OK key on your keyboard (for
example, the F12 key or the Enter key).
If you use the Desktop Client, press Alt+K to display your
keyboard mapping on the terminal screen. If you use a third-party
emulator, see the documentation for the package you use.

Lawson Software uses several terms in its documentation that
have a precise meaning. The following table defines these terms.
Term Meaning
choose Start a process, for example, open a form or a
If you use Windows-based applications, you
choose an option by pointing to the option and
double-clicking the left mouse button or pressing
the equivalent accelerator keys.
If you use character-based applications, you
choose an option by putting the light bar on the
option and pressing Mark or OK. In some cases,
you can choose an option by typing the letter next
to the option.
For complete information, see the Desktop Client
Getting Started manual for your hardware
define In a form or subform, type data in the fields
required to complete the form or subform, and
choose OK to send the data.
In some fields, you must choose Define to open
the form or subform where you can define the
field value.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Introduction xix

Version 7.2.1
Lawson Software Documentation Standards

Term Meaning
OK Accept or send the data. For example, choosing
OK after typing data on an online form saves the
data and updates the database.
In character-based applications, the key(s)
mapped for the OK key is hardware-dependent.
run Send data for processing. Depending on your
hardware, you can press different keys to perform
this task.
select Identify an item to process. Selecting an item
does not start a process.
If you use Windows-based applications, you
select an item by pointing to the item and clicking
the left mouse button or pressing the equivalent
accelerator keys. In most cases, when you select
an item, you select it from a list of valid values that
appears when you click the field select indicator
or choose Select.
If you use character-based applications, you
select an item by putting the light bar on it. In
some cases, you must also press Mark, Next, or
For complete information, see the Desktop Client
Getting Started manual for your hardware
type In a form field, type the data, then move the light
bar to the next field.
At a command line, type the letters exactly as
written, then press Enter.
use Start a form or subform.
For complete information about starting forms
and subforms, see the Desktop Client Getting
Started manual for your hardware environment.

xx Introduction General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Lawson Software Support

Lawson Software Support

If you have questions after using Lawson Software
documentation, or if you would like to suggest ways to improve a
manual, you can contact us using one of the following methods:
• Lawson Software Help Line
• Lawson Software Fax Number
• Lawson Software Documentation Internet Mail Address

Lawson Software Help Line

The Lawson Software Help Line is open Monday through Friday
from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM (central time). Emergency service is
available after 7:00 PM and on weekends.

Help Line: 1-800-695-9000

Help Line from New York State: 1-800-888-3440
Help Line in the United (0)181-754-8460

Lawson Software Fax Number

You can fax questions or suggestions about a manual to the
Documentation Production Manager using the Lawson Software
fax number.

Fax number: 612-379-8569

Lawson Software Documentation Internet Mail

You can send questions or suggestions about a manual to the
Documentation Production Manager using the Lawson Software
Internet mail address.

Internet mail address: documentation@lawson.com

General Ledger Procedures Manual Introduction xxi

Version 7.2.1
Lawson Software Support


xxii Introduction General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Chapter 1

Considerations Before Setup

This chapter contains the following topics about decisions you

must make before setting up the General Ledger system:
• General Ledger Setup Requirements
• General Ledger Subset Requirements
• Activity Management Subset Requirements
• Strategic Ledger Subset Requirements
• Currency Considerations
• Planning the General Ledger Setup
• Strategic Ledger Considerations
• Average Daily Balance Considerations
• Distributed Processing Options
• Drill Around Security

General Ledger Setup Requirements

You must set up the LAWSON INSIGHT II General Ledger system
or the General Ledger subset before you can set up and use any
other LAWSON INSIGHT II application.
All subsystems require a one-to-one correspondence between a
general ledger company and the subsystem company. For
example, before you can define an Accounts Payable company, it
must first be defined as a general ledger company. The Accounts
Payable company uses the name or description and base
currency defined for the general ledger company. Some
subsystems let you override this information.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup 23

Version 7.2.1
General Ledger Subset Requirements

The posting companies you assign to subsystem transaction lines

must be defined as general ledger companies, but not as
subsystem companies. The system makes sure an intercompany
relationship exists between the originating company and the
posting company in the General Ledger system.

General Ledger Subset Requirements

If you have a subset of the LAWSON INSIGHT II General Ledger
system (that is, you use a non-Lawson General Ledger system for
journal entry processing and financial reporting), this manual
contains the information you need to complete the required
general ledger setup.
• For instructions on completing the required general ledger
setup, see “Setting Up the General Ledger Subset” in
Chapter 2.
• For a listing of programs contained in the General Ledger
subset, see “List of General Ledger Subset Forms and
Subforms” in Appendix A.

Activity Management Subset Requirements

If you have a subset of the LAWSON INSIGHT II Activity
Management system to track activities in general ledger
transactions only, this manual contains the information you need
to complete the required Activity Management setup.
• For complete instructions on completing the activity
management subset setup, see “Setting up the Activity
Management Subset” in Chapter 2.

Strategic Ledger Subset Requirements

If you have a subset of the LAWSON INSIGHT II Strategic Ledger
system to measure profitability, this manual contains the
information you need to complete the required Strategic Ledger
• For complete instructions on completing the strategic ledger
subset setup, see “Setting up the Strategic Ledger Subset” in
Chapter 2.

24 Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Currency Considerations

Currency Considerations
This section discusses the following currency setup and
processing information you need to consider before setting up the
General Ledger system:
• Currency Setup
• Currency Exchange
• Currency Revaluation
• Currency Translation
• Report Currency
• Triangulated Currency Setup

Currency Setup
You must define currency codes and related currency information
as part of your General Ledger setup. This currency information is
available to use in all LAWSON INSIGHT II applications.
A currency code represents any currency you conduct business
in. You must define a currency code for each base, account, and
transaction currency you use. The following table describes these
Currency Description
Base The operating currency assigned to a
General Ledger company for financial
reporting. Base currency does not need to
be the same as the local currency.
Account The currency assigned to a general ledger
detail account to store nonbase currency
amounts. The account currency defaults on
general ledger transactions and is used to
calculate account amounts if the account
currency is different from the company
base currency.
Transaction The currency used for a journal entry detail

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup 25

Version 7.2.1
Currency Considerations

Currency Description
Report Currency Report currency is an additional non-base
currency that identifies a company
operating currency. This report currency is
for reports and analysis only. The report
currencies are calculated in the same
manner as the base currency.

Note You can define two report currencies.

If your organization conducts business in more than one currency

(that is, your base, account, transaction, and report currencies are
not always the same), you must complete additional setup before
you begin general ledger processing, as follows:
• Define at least one currency table. A currency table contains
currency relationships and the associated exchange and
translation rates.
• Assign a currency table to and define currency exchange and
translation options for each general ledger company.
• Assign an account currency and define translation and
revaluation options for selected detail accounts in your chart
of accounts.
• If your general ledger companies use different base
currencies and you need to create consolidated financial
statements, define a consolidation company.
Requirements for this option are discussed in the “Distributed
Processing Options” section later in this Chapter.

Currency Exchange
If you process nonbase currency transactions, you define
currency exchange information in the General Ledger system and
in the LAWSON INSIGHT II applications that originate nonbase

26 Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Currency Considerations

Currency exchange is the process of converting an amount from

one currency to another currency. When a transaction currency is
different from the company base currency and report currency, the
General Ledger system, or the originating LAWSON INSIGHT II
application, uses an exchange rate to convert the transaction
amount to the equivalent base currency and report currency
You can get the daily exchange rates from the financial section of
any major newspaper or by calling the foreign exchange desk of a
bank. Some organizations maintain their own selling spot rate.

Currency Revaluation
Currency revaluation is the process of reconverting nonbase
transaction amounts to the company base currency. Currency
revaluation occurs in the General Ledger system and in the
LAWSON INSIGHT II applications that originate nonbase
transactions for the balance sheet accounts that you mark for
For each balance sheet account that requires revaluation, the
General Ledger system uses the current exchange rate to
reconvert nonbase transaction amounts to the company base
currency. If the original and currency exchange rates are different,
a gain or loss posts to a currency gain or loss account.
Unrealized gains or losses are posted for open transactions; for
example, an invoice that has been entered but not yet paid.
Unrealized gains or losses are reversed and realized gains or
losses are posted after a transaction is closed; for example, after
you pay an invoice.
Some LAWSON INSIGHT II applications have separate currency
revaluation programs and processes. For more information, see
the Procedures Manual for each application you use.

Note You must not mark accounts payable and accounts

receivable accrual accounts for revaluation. Amounts for these
accounts are revalued in the LAWSON INSIGHT II Accounts
Payable and Accounts Receivable systems.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup 27

Version 7.2.1
Currency Considerations

Currency Translation
Currency translation is the process of translating a general ledger
account balance in one currency to another currency for reporting
and consolidation. This process lets you create consolidated
financial statements that combine the translated and base or
report currency financial results to a designated consolidation
company. Translation is a function of the General Ledger system
The General Ledger system translates period balances using the
following three kinds of translation rates:
Translation rate Description
Average The sum of the individual exchange rates
for a period divided by the number of days
in the period. Used to translate income
statement account balances.
Ending The last rate for a period. Used to translate
balance sheet account balances.
Historical The rate in effect at the time a transaction
occurred. For example, the date you
purchased an asset.

Each period, the General Ledger system posts an offsetting gain

or loss to a translation gain or loss account.

Report Currency
In addition to the company base currency, you can assign
additional report currencies to a general ledger company. Report
currencies are non-base currencies that identify and operate in the
same manner as the company base currency for reports and
analysis. Report currency amounts are exchanged, translated,
and calculated in the same manner as the company base

28 Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Currency Considerations

For example, company group LGE Corporation is based in the

United States with a base currency of US Dollars. LGE
Corporation has district offices located in France and Canada that
require separate financial reporting, but must eventually translate
amounts to US Dollars at period- or fiscal year-end. You can set
up the French Franc and the Canadian Dollar as report currencies
to track and report amounts for those offices, while continuing to
track and report amounts in US Dollars, eventually creating a
consolidated period- or fiscal year-end report for LGE Corporation
in US Dollars. For more information on a company group, see
"General Ledger Company Structure" later in this chapter or
"Defining a Company Group" in Chapter 2.
You can also create journal entries for report currencies only. For
example, to correct amounts in a closed accounting period. These
journal entries do not include base or transaction amounts. For
complete information, see “Defining Report Currency Journal
Entries” in Chapter 3.
You must define a currency relationship, exchange rates, and
translation rates between the company base and transaction
currencies and each report currency. For complete information,
see "Currency Considerations" earlier in this chapter.
You must also identify a report currency rounding adjustment
account to store gains and losses when you release a journal
entry. This account is used to keep the general ledger in balance
by preventing out-of-balance journal entries from being posted to
the General Ledger system.
For currency exchange and translation examples, see "Currency
Processing" in Chapter 6.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup 29

Version 7.2.1
Currency Considerations

The following figure shows the currency process

Lawson Currency options,
Lawson 3-Way currency combined with 3-Way to create 5-
Way currency

Transaction Account Report Report

Base Currency
Currency Currency Currency 1 Currency 2

Transaction Currency is Foreign currency is converted

converted o the Base and using the exchange rate
Report Currency using the
defined in the Lawson
exchange rate defined in the Currency system.
Lawson Currency system.

amounts will
always convert
to the Base
Base Currency Report Currency Currency. If you
The also use a report
GLAMOUNTS currency,
file only stores amounts will
Base Amounts convert to both
and the the Base and
GLAMOUNTSX Report currency.
file stores daily

You can report: Various reports are

(in no particular available to display and The
order): verify information. CUAMOUNT stores
1. Only on the
file stores summary level
Base Currency
transaction, amounts for
2. Only on a
account, and both Base and
Report Currency
report currency Report
3. Base and a
amounts; and Currency.
Report Currency
4. T h e B a s e
Currency and
file stores daily
both Report

30 Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Currency Considerations

Triangulated Currency Setup

Some currency relationships involve a triangulated conversion
process. This is the case of all the European Union (EU)
currencies which cannot have a direct exchange rate between one
another, but must instead convert to and from one another by way
of the new EU currency named the euro.
The Currency and General Ledger systems handle all the
computations involved in converting triangulated currencies.
However, setting up triangulated currencies involves the following
departures from the usual currency setup.
• When setting up a currency relationship between two
triangulated currencies A and B by way of the triangulation
currency C, you must set up six relationships:
• From A to C with an exchange rate and a translation rate
• From C to B with an exchange rate and a translation rate
• From A to B with no exchange rate or tranlation rate
• From B to C with an exchange rate and a translation rate
• From C to A with an exchange rate and a translation rate
• From B to A with no exchange rate or tranlation rate
• For each triangulated currency exchange and translation rate
you provide for euro-bound currencies, you must enter the
legal exchange rate between the euro and that currency with
the required six significant digits.
• Triangulated currency relationships must use rate override
protection. The exchange rates between the euro and EU
currencies are bound by strict rules and cannot be modified for
the sake of balancing journal entries.
• To balance nonbase triangulated currency journal entries in
company base currency without modifying the exchange
rates, you have two options:
• Let the General Ledger system create balancing entries
for you by selecting the Auto Base Balancing option in
GL10.1 (Company), in which case balancing entries are
made to a user-defined auto-balancing system account.
This is the preferred method.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup 31

Version 7.2.1
Planning the General Ledger Setup

– or –
Create manual balancing journal entries that you post to
an account of your choice.

Note Triangulation applies only if both currencies require

triangulation. Currency relationships with non-triangulated
currencies remain unchanged. For example, the French Franc
and the Deutsch Mark use triangulated conversion in relationship
to each other, but use direct conversion in relationship to the US

Planning the General Ledger Setup

Before you set up the General Ledger system, you need to
understand how the decisions you make in your system setup
affect the General Ledger system and other LAWSON INSIGHT II
By understanding the concepts covered in this section and
carefully planning the General Ledger system setup, you can take
full advantage of the General Ledger system flexibility.
This section contains the following topics:
• General Ledger Company Structure
• Chart of Accounts Structure
• Accounting Unit Attributes

General Ledger Company Structure

The general ledger company structure provides the framework for
creating financial reports, accessing general ledger information,
and processing journal entries and periodic reports. You must
consider your business needs and plans for future growth when
planning your general ledger company structure. Your business
needs will help determine whether you need to define a single
company or multiple companies for your organization, and
whether you structure the companies to match the operational or
legal structure of your business.
The general ledger company structure is made up of a company
and up to five levels of accounting units below the company.

32 Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Planning the General Ledger Setup

A general ledger company represents a business or legal entity of

an organization, such as a corporation, holding company, division,
or region. The company is the highest organizational element in
the General Ledger system. You assign a chart of accounts, base
operating currency, currency rates table, fiscal calendar, and
optional LAWSON INSIGHT II Environment security safeguards to
a company.
An accounting unit represents a location or business center in a
general ledger company, such as a division, department, region,
or store. The company structure can consist of up to five levels of
accounting units. The level size determines the maximum number
of accounting units that you can define at each level.
You define two kinds of accounting units: posting and summary.
Posting accounting units are used to post journal entries. These
accounting units are located at the lowest level in a hierarchy of
accounting units. Summary accounting units are used to
summarize the activity of lower level accounting units for
consolidation and reporting.
You assign a level address to each accounting unit to identify its
location in the general ledger company structure. The General
Ledger system uses the level address to consolidate and report
information for accounting units in the company and, optionally,
across companies with the same structure. You can change level
addresses to allow for responsibility changes and corporate
The following sections contain sample company structures and
additional information to help you determine the company
structure that works best for your organization:
• Example 1: Multiple Companies
• Example 2: Single Company
• Additional Company Structure Considerations
• Zones

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup 33

Version 7.2.1
Planning the General Ledger Setup

Example 1: Multiple Companies

The following example shows a sample company structure. The
company has two levels of accounting units. Both levels have a
size of two, which means the company structure can have up to
99 accounting units at each level. In the example, the level size is
indicated by the two digits in each portion of the level addresses.

LGE Company

Level 1 Grove Hospital Valley Hospital Accounting Unit
01 02

Level Address
Diagnostics, Diagnostics,
Grove Valley
01-01 02-01

OB-GYN, Grove OB-GYN, Valley

01-02 02-02

Level 2

Surgery, Grove Surgery, Valley Posting

01-03 02-03 Accounting Units

Internal Internal
Medicine, Grove Medicine, Valley
01-04 02-04

Outpatient Outpatient
Services, Grove Services, Valley
01-05 02-05

LGE Hospitals is a part of a larger organization, LGE Corporation,

which has four divisions: Headquarters, Hospitals, Clinics, and
Retail. Based on their business needs, LGE Corporation defined
multiple general ledger companies for their organization, one
company for each division.

34 Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Planning the General Ledger Setup

Example 2: Single Company

If their business needs were different, LGE Corporation might
have defined a single general ledger company for the entire
organization that included all four divisions. The following example
shows this company structure, with LGE Corporation as the
general ledger company and each division as an accounting unit
at the highest level in the company structure.

LGE Company

Level 1 Headquarters Hospitals Clinics Retail

01 02 03 04

Grove Valley Summary

Level 2 Hospital Hospital Accounting Units
02-01 02-02

02-01-01 02-02-01

02-01-02 02-02-02

02-01-03 02-02-03 Accounting Units

Level 3 02-01-04 02-02-04

02-01-05 02-02-05

Additional Company Structure Considerations

Consider the following questions as you review and prioritize your
business needs.
• Does your organization cross multiple geographic areas that
might require independent operations?
• Do divisions in your organization act as independent entities,
such as subsidiaries in a holding company?

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup 35

Version 7.2.1
Planning the General Ledger Setup

• Do divisions in your organization require individual periodic

processing, such as closing accounting periods on different
days of the month?
• Do divisions in your organization use different charts of
accounts to post journal entries?
• Do divisions in your organization use different rates for
currency exchange or translation?
• Does your organization require more than one base operating
• Do divisions in your organization operate with different fiscal
• Do you require major security safeguards for each of your
If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, you might
want to define multiple general ledger companies for your
organization, one for each division. If you answer no to all or most
of the questions, you can probably define a single company for
your organization and define each division as an accounting unit.
If you define multiple general ledger companies, you can define a
consolidation company to create consolidated financial
statements or use the Report Writer system to create other
customized financial reports that combine information across
companies that have the same structure. To use either of these
options, you must use the same chart of accounts and number of
levels for each company.

Note If your companies have different accounting structures, you

can use the General Ledger chart-mapping capability, which lets
you consolidate financial reports for companies with different chart
of accounts and fiscal years and periods. For more information,
see "Defining Chart Maps for Consolidated Reporting" in
Chapter 2.

Whether you define a single company or multiple companies for

your organization, carefully plan the company structure. To
optimize processing efficiency, define only the levels you need in
each company structure and carefully select each level size. Keep
in mind that after you define a level size, you cannot change it.

36 Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Planning the General Ledger Setup

Most organizations find that a level size of 2 or 3 suits their needs.

A level size of 2 means you can define up to 99 accounting units
at that level. A level size of 3 means you can define up to 999
accounting units at that level.

If you need to create multiple balance sheets for a general ledger
company, you can define zones to keep the sections of a company
in balance. A zone represents an accounting unit at the highest
level in the company structure and all associated lower level
accounting units. For each company, you select a default zone,
which is used as the default when you define interzone journal
entries for the company.
The following figure shows the four zones defined for a sample
company, LGE Corporation.


Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4

Headquarters Hospitals Clinics Retail

1-0-0 2-0-0 3-0-0 4-0-0

When you transfer transactions between posting accounting units

in different zones, the system creates interzone balancing entries
to keep each zone in balance. This lets you create balanced
balance sheets within the company. For more information, see
“Interzone Processing Example” in Chapter 6.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup 37

Version 7.2.1
Planning the General Ledger Setup

Chart of Accounts Structure

A chart of accounts is a group of balance sheet and income
statement accounts used to post journal entries and summarize
general ledger information for reports and inquiries. The balance
sheet and income statement accounts are made up of summary
and detail accounts.
A summary account represents a report heading and totaling level
in the chart of accounts, such as assets, liabilities, and equity. The
depth you assign to each summary account identifies its position
in the chart of accounts and is used to calculate subtotals and
totals. The system calculates totals for each summary account.
The following example shows summary accounts from a portion of
a sample chart of accounts. In the example, the Current Assets
account total is a summary of account balances for the Cash,
Accounts Receivable, Interzone AR-AP, Inventory, and Prepaids

Summary Account Description

ASSETS Assets Depth 1

CURASSETS Current Assets Depth 2


AR Accounts Receivable

INTERZONE Interzone AR-AP Depth 3


PREPAID Prepaids

CURASSETS Total Current Assets

Depth 2

FIXEDASSETS Total Fixed Assets

ASSETS Total Assets

38 Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Planning the General Ledger Setup

A detail account is used to post journal entries. A detail account

consists of a six-digit account number and, optionally, a four-digit
subaccount number. Subaccount numbers let you further define a
detail account. For example, if you have several checking
accounts, you can use subaccount numbers to differentiate them.
You can use the Report Writer system to define a report that
shows the subaccount detail.
The following example shows the detail accounts for the CASH
summary account used in the previous sample chart of accounts.
The example also shows how you might use subaccount numbers
to further define an account number.

Detail Account Description

11000 - 0000 Cash, Checking
11100 - 0001 Cash, Checking Acct #1
11100 - 0002 Cash, Checking Acct #2
12000 - 0000 Cash, Savings
13000 - 0000 Cash, Other
Subaccount number
Account number

For each summary and detail account, you can define account
options and restrict account usage to specific application systems.
You can override the options at the accounting unit level to fit the
needs of each posting area in a company.
You can assign the same chart of accounts to more than one
company, or assign different charts of accounts to different
companies. If you use a single chart of accounts, you force
consistent summary account usage across companies. If you
assign different charts of accounts to different companies, make
sure you name or number accounts consistently so you can more
easily report on account information across accounting units or
companies using the Report Writer system.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup 39

Version 7.2.1
Planning the General Ledger Setup

Each general ledger company can use only one chart of accounts
to create and post journal entries, but you can define different
charts of accounts to view different kinds of reports for the same
company. You can define a chart of accounts to use exclusively in
the Report Writer system. You can use the chart of accounts
instead of the row file to determine which headings, account
descriptions, and totals to print in the body of the report.

System Accounts
For each chart of accounts, you select system accounts, which are
the detail accounts you use to post error suspense, undistributed
retained earnings, retained earnings, translation gain loss
transactions, report currency rounding adjustment, and auto-
balancing adjustment transactions.
The error suspense account keeps the general ledger in balance
by preventing out-of-balance or invalid journal entries from being
posted to the General Ledger system. You can select a different
error suspense account for each subsystem that transfers
transactions to the General Ledger system.
If a LAWSON INSIGHT II or non-Lawson subsystem transfers an
out-of-balance journal entry or a journal entry with an invalid or
inactive account to the General Ledger system, GL190 (Journal
Posting) creates journal entries in the error suspense account for
the transaction in error. To prevent the journal entry from posting
to the error suspense account, you must correct the journal entry
before posting it, or back out the journal entry after posting, make
corrections, and then post the journal entry again.
The undistributed retained earnings account stores the
accumulated net amount for the income statement accounts for
each period. The undistributed retained earnings account is
updated each time you post general ledger journal entries. When
you close a fiscal year, the system uses the retained earnings
account to close the undistributed retained earnings and income
statement accounts.
The translation gain and translation loss accounts are used to post
gains or losses that result from currency translation. For more
information on currency translation, see “Defining Currency
Information” in Chapter 2.

40 Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Planning the General Ledger Setup

The report currency rounding adjustment account is used to post

gains or losses that result from out-of-balance report currency
transactions when you release a journal entry. For more
information on report currencies, see "Report Currency" earlier in
this chapter.
The auto-balancing adjustment account is used only when Auto
Base Balancing is selected for the company on GL10.1
(Company). This account has a source system of AB and is used
to post balancing transactions in base currency that do not involve
overriding an exchange rate. This option is recommended for
companies that use triangulated currencies. See "Triangulated
Currency Setup" earlier in this chapter for more information

Posting Accounts
When you create a journal entry or subsystem transaction line,
you must assign a general ledger posting account. A general
ledger posting account consists of a posting accounting unit and
detail account number.
You must either assign detail accounts to accounting units during
setup, or use the dynamic account assignment feature to
automatically assign a detail account to a posting accounting unit
when you add a transaction.

Dynamic Account Assignment

If you use dynamic account assignment, the General Ledger
system assigns detail accounts to posting accounting units as
needed, rather than requiring you to assign the detail accounts
manually for each posting accounting unit during setup or when
you add detail accounts to your chart of accounts.
The General Ledger system assigns detail accounts for the
accounting unit when you add a transaction using the accounting
unit list you assigned to the account and the rules defined for the
accounting unit list.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup 41

Version 7.2.1
Planning the General Ledger Setup

For example, when you create an invoice distribution in the

LAWSON INSIGHT II Accounts Payable system, the system
checks to make sure the accounting unit and detail account exist
in the General Ledger system. If the detail account exists in the
chart of accounts, but is not currently assigned to the accounting
unit, the system checks to see if the accounting unit is included in
an accounting unit list assigned to the account. If it is, the system
assigns the detail account to the accounting unit.
The dynamic account assignment feature simplifies setup for a
growing organization. For example, each time you add a new
store, you can simply add the new accounting unit (the store) to an
existing accounting unit list, rather than assigning detail accounts
when you define the accounting unit.

Accounting Unit Attributes

You can assign additional attributes, or characteristics, to an
accounting unit, general ledger transaction, activity, activity
transaction, or asset. An attribute is similar to a user-defined field,
but with more powerful tracking and reporting options.
Attributes can be Lawson-defined or user-defined. Examples of
Lawson-defined attributes are accounting unit, company, level
value, and person responsible. Examples of user-defined
attributes are city, number of employees, store type, and square
footage. Both Lawson-defined and user-defined attributes are
available for analysis, grouping, and sorting.
You can use accounting unit attributes and their values to track
information about companies and accounting units and to create
groups, or lists, of accounting units based on common attribute
values. You can use an accounting unit list for online analysis or
reporting in the General Ledger and Report Writer systems. You
can sort the report information by up to eight attribute fields.

42 Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Planning the General Ledger Setup

The following table shows the attributes you can use to track and
report information for a portion of a sample company, LGE
Corporation, company number 4321. The table column headings
represent accounting unit attributes you can use to track
information for reporting or analysis.
Accounting Level Level Level Person Nbr
unit 1 2 3 resp emp City
Headquarters 1 Miller
Corporate 1 1 Miller 12 Boston
Administratio 1 2 Brown 40 Boston
HR 1 3 Jones 24 Boston
MIS 1 4 Brown 16 Boston
LGE 2 Smith
Diagnostics- 2 1 1 Smith 7 Chicago
OB-GYN- 2 1 2 Smith 47 Chicago
Surgery- 2 1 3 Smith 39 San
Grove Jose
LGE Clinics 3 Abbott
Admin-Valley 3 1 1 Abbott 4 Boston
Diagnostics- 3 1 2 Abbott 13 San
Valley Jose
Patient Svcs- 3 1 3 Abbott 11 Boston

Using the accounting unit attributes in this example, LGE

Corporation can define an accounting unit list with the values of
City equal to Boston or Chicago and Number of Employees above
20, and sort the list by Level value.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup 43

Version 7.2.1
Strategic Ledger Considerations

The result is the following accounting unit list.

Company Accounting unit
4321 Administration
4321 HR
4321 OB-GYN-Grove

You can use an accounting unit list

• in allocations, total names, inquiries, and ratios,
• as a selection parameter in GL95.1 (Account Analysis), and
• to automatically select detail accounts for accounting units
(using the dynamic account assignment feature).
You can group several accounting unit lists with common
characteristics into an accounting unit view. A view includes
headings, subtotals, and accounting unit lists. You can use an
accounting unit view as a selection parameter in GL99.1
(Organization Query) and instead of a row file for a levels type
(style 2) Report Writer report.

Strategic Ledger Considerations

The LAWSON INSIGHT II Strategic Ledger system is a powerful
analysis and reporting system to measure organizational
profitability. This lets you make better strategic decisions by
providing detailed information that identifies where profitability
resides. For example, you can determine profitability by customer,
product, and channel. The Strategic Ledger system interfaces with
all Lawson systems that post information to the General Ledger
For example, the Strategic Ledger system lets you measure costs
to determine if it is effective to deliver your product 500 miles by
ground or plane. For all transactions, you can retrieve the
summarized balances that provide the desired product profitability

44 Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Average Daily Balance Considerations

You measure profitability by defining user analyses in the

Strategic Ledger system. Each user analysis consists of specific
values. The user analysis is a flexible, user-defined element,
much like an accounting unit and account that stores transaction
information. User analyses are interfaced with the General Ledger
system as part of the company setup.
In the chart of accounts, you assign a user analysis group. The
group is a combination of up to four user analyses. You can also
assign a user analysis relation to a summary or detail account.
The user analysis relation identifies the valid user analysis value
combinations that are available for transactions in the account
You select user analysis values in transactions wherever the
Lawson "account code" of Company, Accounting Unit, Account,
Subaccount, User Analysis, Activity, and Account Category
You can also determine whether strategic ledger information is
processed separately from your daily processing. This lets you
bypass strategic ledger to minimize the potential for increasing
daily routine performance. For more information, see “Defining
System Codes” in Chapter 2.
For complete information, see the Strategic Ledger Procedures

Average Daily Balance Considerations

The Average Daily Balance (ADB) system is a module of the
LAWSON INSIGHT II General Ledger system. The Average Daily
Balance system provides a way to calculate average daily
balances for balance sheet accounts.
ADB amounts are used to compare actual versus budgeted
amounts for specific accounts. You can also use ADB amounts to
track balances for the current period, quarter-to-date, and year-to-
Daily financial statements report the cost of funds on deposit or the
yield for funds on loan.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup 45

Version 7.2.1
Distributed Processing Options

Following are some major features of the Average Daily Balance

• You can use standard budget numbers to store ADB
information and interface with the LAWSON INSIGHT II
Budgeting system.
• You can quickly define all balance sheet accounts as ADB
accounts or choose specific accounts in an accounting unit.
• You can easily adjust the post-through date and recalculate
ADB information when you need to change the transaction
• You can report the calculated averages of specific accounts
with the LAWSON INSIGHT II Report Writer system.
• You can consolidate reporting of account balances at the
General Ledger company level for the period, quarter-to-date,
and year-to-date.

Distributed Processing Options

This section discusses additional setup or processing you might
need to perform if you run the General Ledger system in one of the
following processing scenarios:
• If your subsystems and the General Ledger system run on
separate machines or use different databases. For example,
you have a Financials machine and a Human Resources
• If you process transactions for the same general ledger
company on more than one machine. For example, if each
business unit in your organization runs a complete set of
applications on a different machine and sends just the account
balances to the corporate headquarters machine for reporting.
• If you have several general ledger companies that process
transactions and you need to create consolidated financial
reports for your organization. For example, if you consolidate
account balances from all of your business units into a single
entity for reporting.

46 Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Distributed Processing Options

General Ledger on a Separate Machine

If your subsystems and the General Ledger system run on
separate machines or use different databases on the same
machine, be sure to include the following procedures in your
General Ledger setup and periodic processing:
• Install the General Ledger subset on the machines you run
your subsystems on or in the databases you use.
• Duplicate the General Ledger setup information from the
machine or database your General Ledger system runs on or
uses to each machine your subsystems run on or in each
database you use. For more information, see Database
• On each machine or in each database that creates subsystem
transactions, define the General Ledger system as a remote
site. This causes the subsystem to create general ledger
transactions in a comma-separated value (CSV) format on the
source machine. For more information, see “Defining a
Remote Site” in Chapter 2.
• Periodically transfer the CSV files that contain the subsystem
transactions to the machine the General Ledger system runs
on so you can process the transactions and then post them to
the General Ledger system. For more information, see
“Transferring Remote Site Subsystem Transactions” in
Chapter 3.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup 47

Version 7.2.1
Distributed Processing Options

The following example shows a sample processing scenario

involving a Financial Machine, a Human Resources Machine, and
a Procurement Machine. In this scenario, you must install the
General Ledger subset and define the General Ledger system as
a remote site on the Human Resources Machine and the
Procurement Machine. To consolidate data for processing and
posting, you must transfer the CSV files containing subsystem
transactions from the Human Resources Machine and the
Procurement Machine to the Financial Machine.

Financial Machine
General Ledger
Accounts Payable

Periodically transfer CSV files

containing subsystem transactions
for processing and posting

HR Machine Procurement Machine

General Ledger subset General Ledger subset
Human Resources Inventory Control
Personnel Administration Purchase Order
Payroll Requisitions

General Ledger on Multiple Machines

If you process transactions for the same general ledger company
on more than one machine, you can transfer data from one
machine to another to consolidate financial information for the
company. To do this, be sure to include the following procedures
in your General Ledger setup and periodic processing:
• Duplicate the General Ledger setup information from the
target machine to each source machine. For more
information, see Database Administration.

48 Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Distributed Processing Options

• Periodically transfer summarized period balance data or

summarized transaction data from each source machine to
the target machine. For more information, see “Consolidating
General Ledger Data” in Chapter 3.
The following example shows a sample processing scenario
involving three machines, with the same two general ledger
companies processing transactions on each machine. In this
scenario, you must install the full General Ledger system on each
machine. To consolidate company data, you must copy
summarized balance or transaction data from the source
machines to the target machine.

Source Machine
Company A
Company B

Source Machine
Company A
Company B Periodically transfer
summarized balance or
transaction data to
create summarized
balances on the target

Target Machine
Company A
Company B

Consolidated Reporting for Multiple Companies

If you need to create consolidated financial reports for an
organization, you can copy balances from the source companies
that process journal entries to a designated consolidation
company. To do this, be sure to include the following procedures
in your General Ledger setup and periodic processing:

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup 49

Version 7.2.1
Distributed Processing Options

• Define a company to use for consolidation purposes only.

When you define the consolidation company, select
Consolidation in the Status field on the Main form tab in
GL10.1 (Company).
• If you need to preserve manual entries for the consolidation
company, define a separate general ledger company for the
manual entries.
• When you define each source company, select Yes in the
Currency Translation field on the Currency form tab in GL10.1.
This makes the company balance information available for
transfer to the consolidation company.
• Assign the same chart of accounts and define the same
number of levels for the consolidation company and each
source company.

Note If your companies require different accounting structures,

you can use the General Ledger chart-mapping capability,
which lets you consolidate financial reports for companies with
different chart of accounts and calendars. For more
information, see "Defining Chart Maps for Consolidated
Reporting" in Chapter 2.

• Periodically copy balances from the source companies to the

designated consolidation company. For more information, see
“Consolidating General Ledger Data” in Chapter 3.
For more information on defining a company, see “Defining a
Company” in Chapter 2.

Note If you run the General Ledger system on more than one
machine, you must consolidate company information to the target
machine before you can consolidate information across
companies. For more information, see “General Ledger on
Multiple Machines” earlier in this section.

50 Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Drill Around Security

The following example shows a sample processing scenario

involving three general ledger companies on the same machine.
Company A and Company B process transactions. The
Consolidation Company exists only to consolidate data from
Company A and Company B. To consolidate data for financial
reporting, you must copy balances from Company A and
Company B to the designated consolidation company.

Periodically copy balances to a

Company A designated consolidation company


Company B

Target Machine

Drill Around Security

The Lawson Software Drill Around feature gives users access to
LAWSON INSIGHT II Business Management System data. Users
can move between summary and detail information by selecting
options. Therefore, security must be defined so that confidential
information is accessible only to appropriate users. For
information about defining security for the Drill Around feature, see
“Defining Drill Around Security” in the “Lawson User
Administration” chapter of System Administration.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup 51

Version 7.2.1
Drill Around Security


52 Chapter 1 Considerations Before Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Chapter 2


This chapter contains the following instructions for setting up the

General Ledger system:
• Using the Setup Flowchart
• Setting Up the General Ledger Subset
• Setting up the Activity Management Subset
• Setting up the Strategic Ledger Subset
• Loading Lawson-Defined Data
• Defining Currency Information
• Defining a Chart of Accounts
• Defining the Company Structure
• Defining Chart Maps for Consolidated Reporting
• Defining a Company Group
• Defining Attribute Information
• Defining System Codes and System Control
• Defining Source Codes
• Defining Journal Books
• Defining Reconciliation Codes
• Defining Journal Hold Codes
• Defining Intercompany Relationships
• Defining Zones and Interzone Relationships
• Defining a Remote Site
• Converting Non-Lawson Data
• Defining a Ledger Report

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 53

Version 7.2.1
Using the Setup Flowchart

• Defining a Transaction Writer Report

• Maintaining a Chart of Accounts
• Maintaining Accounts
• Maintaining a Company

Note If you have the General Ledger subset, you must complete
all setup procedures unless otherwise noted. For a list of the
procedures, see “Setting Up the General Ledger Subset” later in
this chapter.

Using the Setup Flowchart

The General Ledger system has a flowchart program that guides
you through the General Ledger setup process.

To use the setup flowchart

• If you have the full General Ledger system, use GLFL.1
(General Ledger Flowchart) and select the Setup form tab.
– Or –
• If you have the General Ledger subset, use GLSU.1 (General
Ledger Basic Flowchart).

Setting Up the General Ledger Subset

If you have the General Ledger subset, use the following
procedures to complete the required setup. You must complete
this setup before you can set up and use any other LAWSON
INSIGHT II application.
• Loading Lawson-Defined Data
• Defining Currency Information
• Defining a Chart of Accounts
• Defining the Company Structure
• Defining a Company Group (optional)
• Defining Attribute Information (optional)
• Defining System Codes and System Control

54 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Setting up the Activity Management Subset

• Defining Source Codes

• Defining Journal Books (optional)
• Defining Journal Hold Codes (optional)
• Defining Intercompany Relationships (optional)
• Defining a Remote Site (optional)
• Converting Non-Lawson Data (optional)
• Copying a Company (optional)
• Moving an Accounting Unit (optional)
• Changing Multiple Accounts (optional)

Note At the end of each accounting period, you must run GL198
(Non-GL Period Closing). This program determines the current
period, updates the Calendar form tab in GL10.1 (Company) for
the period being closed, and, when you close the last period of the
fiscal year, rolls over the next year dates. This process is required
for processing transactions in other LAWSON INSIGHT II

Setting up the Activity Management Subset

If you have the Activity Management subset, use the following
procedures to complete the required setup. You must complete
this setup before you can use GL Only activities.
• Defining Activity Groups
• Defining Activities
• Reporting on GL Only Activities

Defining Activity Groups

An activity group represents the highest entity in the Activity
Management system. The activity group is the overall project that
lets you group individual activities (projects, tasks, or phases).
You must define an activity group before you can define activities.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 55

Version 7.2.1
Setting up the Activity Management Subset

To define activity groups

1. Use AC00.1 (Activity Group).
2. In the Activity Group field, define an activity group name and
3. In the Security field, type a security code.

Note Use a security code that is not a valid general ledger

company number. For complete information on security, see the
"Lawson User Security" chapter of System Administration.

4. Use the Process form tab to define activity group processing

a. In the Account Edit field, select Activity.
b. In the Status field, select GL Only.

Optional report
• Run AC200 (Activity Group Listing) to list the activity group

Defining Activities
Activities identify the actual tasks being performed for the activity
group, or overall project, defined in AC00.1 (Activity Group). An
activity can represent services, channels, customers, products,
and so on.
You can use these activities in all subsystems that report and post
data to the General Ledger system.

To define activities
1. Use AC10.1 (Activity).
2. In the Activity field, define an activity name and description.
3. Use the Main form tab to define required activity parameters.

Note Activity Group is the only required field.

Optional report
• Run AC210 (Activity Listing) to list activity information.

56 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Setting up the Strategic Ledger Subset

Reporting on GL Only Activities

You can create custom reports in the General Ledger system to
report on general ledger transactions that include GL Only
Activities. The following programs are available for full General
Ledger system users only.
• Use GL50.1 (Ledger Report Setup) to define and maintain a
ledger report. For complete information, see “Defining a
Ledger Report” in Chapter 2.
• Use GL55.1 (Transaction Writer) to define and maintain a
transaction writer report listing transaction detail. For
complete information, see “Defining a Transaction Writer
Report” in Chapter 2.

Setting up the Strategic Ledger Subset

If you have the Strategic Ledger subset, use the following
procedures to complete the required setup. You must complete
this setup use user analysis values to measure organizational
• Defining a User Analysis Field
• Defining a User Analysis Group
• Defining a User Analysis Relation
• Correcting Transaction Errors (optional)

Defining a User Analysis Field

A user analysis field is a flexible, user-defined element, much like
an accounting unit, account, or attribute, that stores transaction
information to measure profitability.
Defining a user analysis field consists of the following procedures:
• Defining User Analysis Values
• Defining a Blank User Analysis Value
• Defining a Class

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 57

Version 7.2.1
Setting up the Strategic Ledger Subset

Defining User Analysis Values

For each user analysis field, you can define the specific values you
want to use to measure profitability. For each user analysis field,
you must define a description of the value, the type of data used
to identify values (alpha or numeric), the value size (how long the
value identification can be), and the status.

To define user analysis values

1. Use SL00.1 (User Analysis Values).
2. Choose the New Analysis button to define a user analysis field
name, a description of the user analysis field, the data type,
and the field size.
3. In the Value field, type the valid values.

Note The value identification must meet the parameters you

select in the Define User Analysis subform.

Defining a Blank User Analysis Value

You can define “blank” as a valid user analysis value. The blank
value does not create zero balances, but serves as a placeholder.
Valid blank values must have a description, active status, and
optionally, a class. Blank values do not display in SL00.1 (User
Analysis Values), but an asterisk (*) displays next to the Blank
Value button to indicate blank values are valid.

To define a blank value

1. Access SL00.1 (User Analysis Values).
2. Choose the Blank Value button to open the Blank User
Analysis Value subform.
3. In the Allow Blank field, select Yes.
4. In the Description field, type a description of the value.
5. In the Status field, select Active.

Defining a Class
The class is a unique identifier for the user analysis value. You can
use a class to group user analysis values, and to create a user
analysis value relation.

58 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Setting up the Strategic Ledger Subset

To define a class
1. Access SL00.1 (User Analysis Values).
2. In the Class field, use Define (F6) to open the Define Value
Class subform.
3. In the User Analysis field, select the user analysis you want to
define classes for.
4. In the Class field, type an identifier of the class.

Defining a User Analysis Group

If you want to include user analysis values in transactions, you
must define a user analysis group. A user analysis group is a
combination of up to four user analysis fields defined in SL00.1
(User Analysis Values).

To define a user analysis group

1. Use SL01.1 (User Analysis Group).
2. Choose the New Group button to open the Define User
Analysis Group subform. Use this subform to define the name
and description of the user analysis group.
3. In the User Analysis field, select the user analysis fields you
want to include in the group.

Defining a User Analysis Relation

A user analysis relation is a mechanism used to define the valid
user analysis value combinations that are available in transactions
for a specific general ledger detail or summary account. You
assign a user analysis relation to a detail account in GL00.4
(Account Information) and a summary account in GL00.5
(Summary Account Options).

Note When you assign a user analysis relation to a general ledger

account, you must also assign a user analysis group to the chart
of accounts. The user analysis group you assign to the chart of
accounts must be the same group used to define the user analysis

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 59

Version 7.2.1
Loading Lawson-Defined Data

To define a user analysis relation

1. Use SL02.1 (User Analysis Value Relation).
2. Choose the New Relation button to open the Define User
Analysis Relation subform. Use this subform to define the user
analysis relation name and description, and select the user
analysis group you want to associate with the relation.
3. In the ClassX field, select the classes, associated with a user
analysis value, you want to include in the relation.

Correcting Transaction Errors

After you process transactions for the Lawson application that
include user analysis values, you can review the user analysis
transaction data for errors.
SL40.1 (Error Transaction Edit) displays the error message
identifying why the transaction resulted in error.

To correct transaction errors

1. Use SL40.1 (Error Transaction Edit).
2. In the User Analysis Group field, select the user analysis
group containing the user analysis fields you want to view
transaction errors for.

Loading Lawson-Defined Data

The first step required to set up the General Ledger system is to
load Lawson-defined attribute definitions, system codes, source
codes, subledger attribute fields, and data dictionary items. This
section contains the following procedures for loading the Lawson-
defined data:
• Loading Attribute Definitions
• Loading System Codes and Source Codes
• Loading Subledger Attributes
• Loading the Data Dictionary
• Loading Country Codes

60 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Loading Lawson-Defined Data

Loading Attribute Definitions

The Attribute, Element Load program loads more than 80
attributes and more than 100 elements (field definitions, which
consist of a field type and size). Each Lawson-defined attribute is
associated with an element and one or more objects (accounting
unit, general ledger transaction, activity, activity transaction, and

To load Lawson-defined attribute definitions

• Run MX100 (Attribute, Element Load).

Optional reports
• Run MX201 (Attribute Listing) to list attributes.
• Run MX200 (Element Listing) to list elements.

Loading System Codes and Source Codes

The System, Source Code Load program loads Lawson-defined
system codes and source codes. A system code identifies an
application. For example, GL is the system code for the General
Ledger system. A source code identifies the source of information
or a kind of transaction that creates a journal entry. For example,
ES is the Lawson-defined source code for General Ledger Error
Suspense. Both system codes and source codes can be used for

To load Lawson-defined system codes and source codes

• Run GL105 (System, Source Code Load).

Optional reports and inquiries

• Access GL01.1 (System Control) and then choose the
Systems button to display system codes.
• Run GL205 (Source Code Listing) to list source codes.

Loading Subledger Attributes

The Subledger Attribute Load program loads available subledger
attribute fields that you can link to a general ledger transaction for
a specific source code. These fields can expand your transaction
analysis and reporting capabilities.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 61

Version 7.2.1
Defining Currency Information

To load Lawson-defined subledger attributes

• Run GL106 (Subledger Attribute Load).

Optional report
• Run GL205 (Source Code Listing) with Yes selected in the
Print Attribute Options field to list subledger attributes.

Loading the Data Dictionary

Full General Ledger The Data Dictionary Load program loads data dictionary items into
system users only the database. You can use data dictionary items in compute
statements in the Allocations, Budgeting, and Report Writer
systems and in column headings in the Report Writer system.

To load the data dictionary

• Run RW590 (Data Dictionary Load).

Optional report
• Run RW205 (Data Dictionary Listing) to list data dictionary

Loading Country Codes

The Country Code Load program loads Intrastat Country Codes
according to the `The Intrastat General Guide' that is regulated by
the European Union (EU). You can use Intrastat Country Codes to
edit social security numbers. This program also standardizes the
codes, to prevent errors during setup.

To load country codes

• Run GL107 (Country Code Load).

Defining Currency Information

This section contains the following instructions for defining
currency information:
• Defining Currency Codes
• Defining a Currency Table
• Defining Currency Relationships

62 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Currency Information

• Defining Exchange Rates

• Defining Translation Codes
• Defining Translation Rates
For information you need to consider before defining currency
information, see “Currency Considerations” in Chapter 1.

Defining Currency Codes

A currency code represents any currency you conduct business
in. You assign a base currency code and optional report currency
to each general ledger company during setup and use currency
codes throughout LAWSON INSIGHT II applications. The base
currency identifies the operating currency of the general ledger
company and is used for financial reporting according to
international accounting standards.
Define a currency code for each currency you conduct business
in. If your organization conducts business in more than one
currency, you must also assign a currency table and define
currency exchange and translation options for each general ledger
company. You can also assign a currency code to detail accounts
in your chart of accounts to identify the currency used to store
account balances.
Instructions for defining currency options for a company are
included in the “Defining a Company” procedure later in this
chapter. Instructions for assigning account currencies are
included in the “Defining a New Chart of Accounts” procedure later
in this chapter.

To define currency codes

• To define a single currency code, use CU01.1 (Currency
– or –
To define multiple currency codes, choose the Multiple Entry
button on CU01.1 (Currency Code) to open CU01.2 (Currency

Optional report
• Run CU201 (Currency Codes Listing) to list currency codes.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 63

Version 7.2.1
Defining Currency Information

Defining a Currency Table

If your organization conducts business in more than one currency,
you must define one or more currency tables. A currency table
contains currency relationships, exchange rates, and translation
rates that can be used by one or more companies. You must
define currency codes before you can define a currency table.

To define a currency table

• Use CU00.1 (Currency Table).
• To define currency relationships for the currency table,
choose the Curr Relat button to open CU02.1 (Currency
For instructions, see “Defining Currency Relationships”
later in this section.
• To define exchange rates for the currency table, choose
the Exch Rates button to open CU10.1 (Exchange Rates).
For instructions, see “Defining Exchange Rates” later in
this section.
• To define translation rates for the currency table, choose
the Transl Rates button to open CU20.1 (Currency Table
Translation Rates).
For instructions, see “Defining Translation Rates” later in
this section.

Defining Currency Relationships

A currency relationship identifies rules for exchange and
translation between two currency codes in a currency table. You
must define a currency relationship between each currency code
you convert amounts from and to.

To define currency relationships

• To define a single currency relationship, use CU02.1
(Currency Relationship).
– or –

64 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Currency Information

To define multiple currency relationships, choose the

Summary button on CU02.1 (Currency Relationship) to open
the Relationship Summary form.

Important If you are defining a relationship between triangulated

currencies, you must also select rate override protection for
the relationship. For more information on setting up
triangulated currencies, see "Triangulated Currency Setup."

Optional report
• Run CU202 (Currency Relationship Listing) to list currency

Defining Exchange Rates

Exchange rates are used to convert an amount in one currency to
another currency. You must define an exchange rate for each
currency relationship you perform currency exchange for. The
currency relationship must have Active selected in the Exchange
Status field in CU02.1 (Currency Relationship). You cannot set a
direct exchange rate for triangulated currencies. For more
information, see "Triangulated Currency Setup."
You must define exchange rates for a currency relationship with a
blank system code first. This becomes the default exchange rate
between the currency codes. You can define different rates for a
specific system code.
Instructions on defining gain and loss accounts used to post gains
and losses caused by fluctuations in the currency exchange rate
are included in the “Defining a Company” procedure later in this
For an example of currency exchange, see “Currency Exchange
Example” in Chapter 6.

To define exchange rates

• To define exchange rates for a single currency relationship,
use CU10.1 (Exchange Rates).
– or –
To define exchange rates for multiple currency relationships

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 65

Version 7.2.1
Defining Currency Information

with a single effective date, choose the Daily Rate button on

CU10.1 (Exchange Rates) to open the Daily Rate Entry

Optional report
• Run CU210 (Exchange Rate Listing) to list exchange rates.

Defining Translation Codes

A translation code identifies the type of translation rate to apply to
an account balance to calculate the translation value. You must
define translation codes before you define translation rates.
You can assign a translation code to a detail account in your chart
of accounts to identify the translation rates used to translate the
account balance to a base currency or report currency. All
accounts assigned the same translation code have balances
translated using the same rate. Instructions for assigning
translation codes to accounts are included in the “Defining a New
Chart of Accounts” procedure later in this chapter.

To define translation codes

• To define a single translation code, use CU05.1 (Translation
– or –
To define multiple translation codes, choose the Multiple Entry
button from CU05.1 (Translation Code) to open CU05.2
(Translation Codes).

Optional report
• Run CU205 (Translation Code Listing) to list translation

Defining Translation Rates

Translation rates are used to translate an account balance from
the account currency to a base currency or report currency. You
can define translation rates for actual or budget amounts.

66 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Currency Information

You must assign a translation code and define translation rates for
each currency relationship you translate balances for. You can
define translation rates by currency table or by company. If you
define translation rates by currency table, the rates are used as
the default translation rates for all companies that use the
currency table. You can define different rates for a specific
company. You cannot define direct translation rates between
triangulated currencies. For more information, see "Triangulated
Currency Setup."
Each currency relationship you define translation rates for must
have Active selected in the Translation Status field in CU02.1
(Currency Relationship). Each company you translate currency for
must have Yes selected in the Translation field on the Currency
form tab in GL10.1 (Company). Instructions for defining currency
options for a company are included in the “Defining a Company”
procedure later in this chapter.
For an example of currency translation, see “Currency Translation
Example” in Chapter 6.

To define translation rates

1. To define translation rates for a currency table, access
CU20.1 (Currency Table Translation Rates).
• To define translation rates for multiple accounting periods
for a single currency relationship and translation code,
use CU20.1.
– or –
To define translation rates for a single accounting period
for multiple currency relationships and translation codes,
choose the Period button on CU20.1 (Currency Table
Translation Rates) to open the Currency Table Period
Rate Entry subform.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 67

Version 7.2.1
Defining Language Codes

2. Optional. To define translation rates for a company, access

CU20.3 (Company Translation Rates).
• To define translation rates for multiple accounting periods
for a single currency relationship and translation code,
use CU20.3 (Company Translation Rates).
– or –
To define translation rates for a single accounting period
for multiple currency relationships and translation codes,
choose the Period button on CU20.3 (Company
Translation Rates) to open the Company Period Rate
Entry subform.

Optional report
• Run CU220 (Translation Rate Listing) to list translation rates.

Defining Language Codes

If any of your vendors or customers require external documents in
a language other than the default language in use at your Lawson
site, you must define language codes for these vendors and

Note You do not need to define a language code for the base
environment language (the default language used at your site); a
language code of spaces always represents the default language.

The language codes that you define must also exist in the
Environment langdef program. If a language does not exist in
langdef, you must define it.
After you have defined language codes, use AP10.1 (Vendor) to
assign a language to a vendor; and use AR10.1 (Customer) to
assign a language code to a customer. See the Accounts Payable
Procedures Manual or the Accounts Receivable Procedures
Manual for information on generating external documents in the
language preference of the vendor or customer.

To define a language code in the langdef program

1. At the Environment command line, type langdef
2. If your language is not defined, type the new language code in
full caps at the end of the list.

68 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining a Chart of Accounts

Note langdef forces you to type the name of the language in

full caps but displays it in initial caps.

To define a language code for Lawson applications

1. Access GL19.1 (Language Code Maintenance).
2. Select the Inquire form action to display the language codes
that have already been defined.
3. If the language you need is not defined, type the language
code in full caps. The language code must be identical to the
code used for the same language in the langdef program.

Note Although langdef does not display a language code in

full caps, the value is stored in full caps in the database.

Defining a Chart of Accounts

A chart of accounts consists of a chart of balance sheet summary
and detail accounts, a chart of income statement summary and
detail accounts, and system accounts used to post undistributed
retained earnings, retained earnings, error suspense, translation
gain and loss, report currency rounding adjustments, and base
currency auto-balancing adjustments.
Summary accounts are used as headings for reporting and for
totaling and subtotaling. The depth you assign to a summary
account determines the order of account totaling. A summary
account can have detail accounts, which are used for creating and
posting journal entries.
The options you define for each summary and detail account
determine how the accounts are presented for displaying and
printing, how currency processing is affected, and, optionally,
which subsystems can use the accounts.
You can define more than one chart of accounts to accommodate
a variety of reporting requirements, but you can assign only one
functional chart of accounts to each company for posting
purposes. You can, however, assign the same chart of accounts
to more than one company.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 69

Version 7.2.1
Defining a Chart of Accounts

This section contains the following procedures for defining a chart

of accounts:
• Defining a New Chart of Accounts
• Copying a Chart of Accounts
Use the following table to locate additional information about the
chart of accounts.
For information on See
Options to consider before “Planning the General Ledger
defining a chart of accounts Setup” in Chapter 1.
Defining currency information, “Defining Currency
including account currency Information” earlier in this
codes and translation codes chapter.
Converting a chart of accounts “Converting Non-Lawson
Data” later in this chapter.
Maintaining a chart of accounts “Maintaining a Chart of
Accounts” later in this

Defining a New Chart of Accounts

When you define a new chart of accounts, you must define a chart
of accounts name and description, define summary and detail
accounts for both the balance sheet and income statement
sections of the chart, and select system accounts.

To define a new chart of accounts

1. Access GL00.1 (Chart of Accounts).
2. To define the chart of accounts name and description, choose
the New Chart button to open the Define Chart Name
a. In the Chart Name fields, type the name and description
of the new chart of accounts
In the Analysis Group field, select the user analysis group
For Strategic Ledger you want to assign to the chart of accounts. For more
system users only information, see the Strategic Ledger Procedures Manual.

70 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining a Chart of Accounts

c. Select the Add form action.

On the Define Chart Name subform, you can open a subform
to copy an existing chart. For instructions, see “Copying a
Chart of Accounts” later in this section.
3. Define a standard chart of summary accounts for either a
balance sheet or an income statement.

Important You must complete this step for each chart of accounts

a. In the Section field in GL00.1, select the section of the

chart of accounts you are defining summary accounts for.
b. Define summary accounts by typing the name and
description and selecting a depth value for each account.
The account depth indicates the order of account totaling.
For example, each account assigned a depth of 2 (such
as Current Assets) totals to the preceding account
assigned a depth of 1 (such as Assets).
c. Optional. To define additional options for a specific
summary account, choose the More button to open the
Summary Account Options subform.
Use the subform to identify whether you can assign user
analysis values to the summary account in transactions,
assign a user analysis relation, assign an accounting unit
list for dynamic account assignment, assign an activity
account category, override default financial statement
printing options, identify Financial Data Mart Options, or
restrict account usage to specific systems. For more
information on the dynamic account assignment feature
and accounting unit lists, see “Planning the General
Ledger Setup” in Chapter 1 and “Defining Attribute
Information” later in this chapter. For more information on
the user analysis relation, see the Strategic Ledger
Procedures Manual.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 71

Version 7.2.1
Defining a Chart of Accounts

To restrict account usage, select Yes in the Restrict field

in the Main form tab and then choose the Systems button
to open the Summary Account System Restriction
subform. Account usage is restricted to the system codes
you add in the subform.

Note On the Summary Account Options subform in the

Main form tab, you can open subforms used to rename a
summary account or move a summary account to a
different location in the chart of accounts section. For
instructions, see “Maintaining a Chart of Accounts” later in
this chapter.

An asterisk displays next to the More button on GL00.1 if

options or restrictions are defined for a summary account.

4. Define detail accounts for the summary accounts.

Important You must complete this step for the summary accounts in
each chart of accounts section.

a. On GL00.1, choose the Accounts button to open the

Detail Accounts subform.

Note An asterisk displays next to the Accounts button on

GL00.1 if detail accounts are defined for a summary

b. Define detail accounts by typing an account number, an

optional subaccount number, and a description for each
detail account. You can also override the default values in
the Status, Interface Posting, Allow Units, Require
Activity, and SL Tran fields.

Tip The system automatically sequences detail accounts

in order when you add or change accounts.

c. Optional. To define additional options for a specific detail

account, choose the More button to open the Account
Information subform. The detail account uses options
defined for the summary account unless you override
them on this subform.

72 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining a Chart of Accounts

Use the subform to assign a user analysis relation, an

accounting unit list for dynamic account assignment,
assign an activity account category, override default
financial statement printing options, define currency
options, identify Financial Data Mart Options, or restrict
account usage to specific systems.
• For more information on the dynamic account
assignment feature and accounting unit lists, see
“Planning the General Ledger Setup” in Chapter 1
and “Defining Attribute Information” later in this
chapter. For more information on the user analysis
relation, see the Strategic Ledger Procedures
• Use the Currency form tab to define currency options,
you can assign an account currency to store nonbase
currency amounts, set an option to restrict
transactions to the account currency, and assign a
translation code for translating nonbase currency
balances to a designated consolidation company. For
balance sheet accounts only, you can also set an
option to recalculate the base amount value for
nonbase currency transactions.
For more information on defining currency codes,
translation codes, and related currency information,
see “Defining Currency Information” earlier in this
• To restrict account usage, select Yes in the Restrict
field in the Main form tab and then choose the
Systems button to open the Detail Account System
Restriction subform. Account usage is restricted to
the system codes you add in the subform.

Note On the Account Information subform in the Main

form tab, you can open the subform to move a detail
account from one summary account to another in the
same chart of accounts section. For instructions, see
“Maintaining a Chart of Accounts” later in this chapter.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 73

Version 7.2.1
Defining a Chart of Accounts

An asterisk displays next to the More button on the

Detail Accounts subform if options or restrictions are
defined for a summary account.

5. Define system accounts.

a. On GL00.1, choose the System Accounts button to open
the System Accounts subform. Use the subform to select
detail accounts for retained earnings, undistributed
retained earnings, error suspense, and, optionally,
translation gain and translation loss, report currency
rounding adjustments, and auto-balancing adjustment

Note The detail accounts you assign to system accounts

must first be defined in step 4.

b. Optional. To select a different error suspense account

number for one or more subsystems, choose the By
System button to open the Error Suspense by System

Note An asterisk displays next to the button if error

suspense by system information exists.

6. Optional. To preview the chart of accounts, choose the

Preview button on GL00.1 to open the Preview Chart of
Accounts subform.
If you need to make changes to the chart of accounts, see
“Maintaining a Chart of Accounts” later in this chapter.

Optional report
• Run GL200 (Chart of Accounts Listing) to list the chart of
accounts. You can select the depth of detail you want to list.

Copying a Chart of Accounts

You can define a chart of accounts by copying an existing chart of
accounts. The copy process copies summary accounts, detail
accounts, and all account options.

74 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining the Company Structure

To copy a chart of accounts

1. Access GL00.1 (Chart of Accounts).
2. Type or select the Chart Name and Section you want to copy.
3. Choose the New Chart button to open the Define Chart Name
subform, and then choose the Copy button to open the Chart
Copy subform.
4. In the Chart Name fields, type the name and description of the
new chart of accounts. Verify that the Copy From Chart Name
field contains the chart name you want to copy.
5. Choose OK.
6. Optional. To preview the chart of accounts, choose the
Preview button on GL00.1 to open the Preview Chart of
Accounts subform.
7. Optional. Make changes to the new chart of accounts, as
For instructions, see “Maintaining a Chart of Accounts” later in
this chapter.

Optional reports
• Run GL200 (Chart of Accounts Listing) to list the chart of
accounts. You can select the depth of detail you want to list.
Full General Ledger • Run GL215 (Chart Compare) to list the differences between
system users only two charts of accounts.

Defining the Company Structure

Defining the company structure consists of defining a company
and the accounting units for each company.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 75

Version 7.2.1
Defining the Company Structure

This section contains the following procedures for defining a

company structure:
• Defining a Company
• Defining Accounting Units
• Copying a Company

Defining a Company
A general ledger company represents a business unit or legal
entity in your organization. The reporting, security, subsystem
processing, and accounting needs of your organization determine
the number of general ledger companies you need to define.
When you define a general ledger company, you assign a chart of
accounts and base currency, define the organizational levels, and
select company-wide general ledger processing parameters.
Use the following table to locate additional information about
defining, maintaining, and copying a general ledger company.
For information on See
Options to consider before “Planning the General Ledger
defining a company Setup” in Chapter 1.
Converting companies and “Converting Non-Lawson
accounting units Data” later in this chapter.
Defining a consolidation “Distributed Processing
company Options” in Chapter 1.
Copying a company “Copying a Company” later in
this section.
Reorganizing a company “Maintaining a Company” later
in this chapter.
Maintaining companies and “Maintaining a Company” later
accounting units in this chapter.
Defining currency information, “Defining Currency
including company base Information” earlier in this
currency code and currency chapter.

76 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining the Company Structure

To define a company
1. Access GL10.1 (Company).
2. In the Company fields, type the company number and name
or description.
3. Use the Main form tab to define required company
parameters. On this form tab, select a chart of accounts, base
currency, accounting periods, and zone balancing options.

Tip In the Base Currency field, you can choose Define to

transfer to CU01.1 (Currency Code) to define a currency code
to use as the company base currency. For more information,
see “Defining Currency Codes” earlier in this chapter.

On the Main form tab, you can also open subforms used to
select a period to use for backposting or define a company
group. For more information, see “Backposting a Journal
Entry” in Chapter 3 and “Defining a Company Group” later in
this chapter.
4. Use the Hierarchy form tab to define the company structure.
You can define up to five company levels.
The information you define on this form tab determines how
you define accounting units for the company and the
maximum number of accounting units you can define at each

Important To optimize processing efficiency, define only the number of

levels you need for your company structure and carefully
select the level size. Once you define a level size, you cannot
change it. Picking too small a size limits future growth options,
and picking too large a size unnecessarily slows reporting.

Most organizations find that a level size of 2 or 3 suits their

needs. A level size of 2 means you can define up to 99
accounting units at that level. A level size of 3 means you can
define up to 999 accounting units at that level.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 77

Version 7.2.1
Defining the Company Structure

5. Use the Calendar form tab to define your period ending dates.
For the current year, type the period ending dates. If you leave
the last year and next year date fields blank, the system uses
the month and day from the current fiscal year.

Tip If you have the Financial Desktop Tools installed, you can
use the Financial Calendar to define the period ending dates
for a company fiscal calendar.

6. Optional. If the company processes transactions in more than

one currency, use the Currency form tab to select a currency
table and define currency exchange and translation options,
indicate whether to auto-balance base currency amounts and
units when you release a journal entry, determine whether to
track journal entry amounts by transaction currency, and
define report currencies.
• If you select auto-balancing, you must also select an auto-
balancing system account.
• For more information on setting an auto-balancing system
account, see "Chart of Accounts Structure" in Chapter 1.
• For each report currency, you must define a currency
relationship, exchange rates, and translation rates with
the company base and transaction currencies.
• For more information on report currency, see "Report
Currency" in Chapter 1.

Tip In the Currency Table field, you can choose Define (F6) to
transfer to CU00.1 (Currency Table) to define a currency
table. A currency table contains currency relationships,
exchange rates, and translation rates. You can assign a
currency table to more than one company. For more
information, see “Defining a Currency Table” earlier in this

• If you select Yes in the Exchange field, choose the

Currency Accounts button to open CU03.1 (Currency
Gain Loss Accounts). Use the form to define unrealized
and realized currency gain and loss accounts for each
currency relationship the company uses.

78 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining the Company Structure

Exchange gain and loss accounts are used to post

differences between the beginning and ending currency
value of a transaction. For example, if you enter an invoice
with an exchange rate, and the rate changes by the time
you pay the invoice, the system posts the difference to a
gain or loss account.
You must define exchange gain and loss accounts for a
currency relationship with a blank system code first. This
becomes the default exchange gain and loss account
information for the company. You can define different
accounts for a specific system code.
7. Use the Journals form tab to define journal entry, journal
numbering, workflow, journal book, and sequential transaction
numbering options.
a. Optional. To define journal entry, journal numbering, entry
unrelease or backout options, the single account type
option, and workflow options, use the Options form tab.
If you select Yes in the Single Account Type field, your
company requires its accounts to be of a single type
(credits only or debits only). GL199 (Period Closing)
handles auto-reversing entries without changing the type
of the accounts. If a transaction was originally a debit,
GL199 creates an auto-reversing negative debit
transaction in the following period. If a transaction was
originally a credit, GL199 creates an auto-reversing
negative credit transaction in the following period instead
of a debit transaction.
If you use a Workflow system to approve journal entries,
select Yes in the Workflow field. In the JE Approval
Amount field, type the minimum journal entry amount that
requires approval. Upon release, journal entries that are
less than the defined approval amount are available for
posting. Journal entries with an amount greater than or
equal to the defined approval amount are routed to the
Workflow system for approval. If you leave the JE
Approval Amount field blank, all journal entries are routed
to the Workflow system for approval.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 79

Version 7.2.1
Defining the Company Structure

b. Optional. To define journal book and sequential

transaction numbering options, use the Book form tab.
Journal books let you group like transactions together. To
define journal books, use JB00.1 (Journal Book). For
more information, see “Defining Journal Books” later in
this chapter.
If you select a sequential transaction numbering option,
the system assigns a unique transaction sequence
number to each transaction line transferred to the General
Ledger system. Transaction sequence numbers are
assigned at the journal book or company level during
journal posting. You can use the sequence number to
audit the number of subsystem transactions that are
transferred to the General Ledger system.
8. Optional. To define address and communication information
for the company and specify whether the company is subject
to VAT and Intrastat reporting, use the Address form tab.
9. Optional. To define additional information for the company,
use the User Fields form tab. These fields print in GL210
(Company Listing) and can be used in the LAWSON INSIGHT
II Report Writer system.

Optional report
• Run GL210 (Company Listing) to list company parameters
defined in GL10.1 (Company).

Defining Accounting Units

An accounting unit represents a reporting or posting level in a
general ledger company. An accounting unit can represent a
division, department, business center, region, store, and so on,
depending on your organizational structure. You assign a level
address to each accounting unit to identify its location in the
company structure. The levels you define for each company in the
Hierarchy form tab in GL10.1 (Company) determine how you
define accounting units for the company.

80 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining the Company Structure

Defining accounting units from the top of your company

organizational structure to the bottom helps you assign the correct
level address to each accounting unit. You must define summary
accounting units before you define the lower-level posting
accounting units. For each posting accounting unit you define, you
must select the accounts used for posting, unless you use the
dynamic account assignment feature. You can also customize
account options.
Use the following table to locate additional information about
accounting units.
For information on See
Options to consider before “Planning the General Ledger
defining accounting units Setup” in Chapter 1.
Converting companies, “Converting Non-Lawson
accounting units, and Data” later in this chapter.
Maintaining account options “Maintaining Accounts” later in
for an accounting unit this chapter.
Moving or adding an “Maintaining a Company” later
accounting unit or reorganizing in this chapter.
company levels
Defining currency “Defining Currency
Information” later in this
Assigning accounting unit “Defining Attribute Information”
attribute values or an attribute later in this chapter.

To define an accounting unit

1. Access GL20.1 (Accounting Units-Accounts).
2. In the Company field, select the general ledger company you
want to define an accounting unit for.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 81

Version 7.2.1
Defining the Company Structure

3. In the Accounting Unit fields, type the accounting unit name

and description.

Important Consider using numeric values for your posting accounting

unit names for easier data entry in the General Ledger system
and in the subsystems.

After you define an accounting unit, you cannot change the

accounting unit name. You can, however, move the
accounting unit to a different location in the company.

4. Use the Main form tab to define general information about the
accounting unit, including the accounting unit type. You can
also identify the person responsible for the accounting unit
and assign a chart of accounts section, attribute template, or
account currency.
On the Main form tab, you can also open subforms used to
define required attribute values, select posting accounts for a
posting accounting unit, and select system accounting units.
Instructions for using these subforms are available later in this
5. Use the Levels form tab to define the level address of the
accounting unit. The level address identifies the location of the
accounting unit in the company structure.
You can also use this form tab to assign a new level address
to an accounting unit. For more information, see “Moving an
Accounting Unit” later in this chapter.
6. Optional. Use the Address form tab to define address and
communication information for the accounting unit.
7. Optional. Use the User Fields form tab to define additional
information for the accounting unit. These fields can be used
in LAWSON INSIGHT II Report Writer reports.
8. Select the Add form action.
A message displays on the Main form tab if required attribute
values are not defined, if accounts are not selected for a
posting accounting unit, or if system accounting units are not
selected or defined for the accounting unit. Instructions for
completing these options follow.

82 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining the Company Structure

9. Optional. To assign attribute values to an accounting unit,

choose the Main form tab, and then choose the Attributes
button to open the Attributes subform. For instructions, see
“Defining Attribute Information” later in this chapter.

Note An asterisk displays next to the Attributes button if

attribute values are defined for the accounting unit.

10. Optional. If you are defining a posting accounting unit and you
do not use dynamic account assignment, choose the
Accounts button from the Main form tab to open the Posting
Accounts subform.
The subform displays the accounts you can select for the
accounting unit. Select only the accounts needed for the
accounting unit.

Tip If you have the Financial Desktop Tools installed, you can
use the General Ledger Explorer to select individual posting

a. Use one or more of the following options to select posting

accounts. Yes displays in the Exists column next to each
account selected for the accounting unit.
• To select individual accounts, select the Add line
action next to each account you want to select, and
then choose the Change form action.
• To select a page of accounts, select the Add form
action. Page down to display additional accounts for
• To copy selected accounts from another accounting
unit or from a chart of accounts, choose the Mass Add
button to open the Mass Add Accounts subform.
Select the accounting unit or chart of accounts section
you want to copy from, and then choose OK.

Tip You can unselect individual accounts by selecting the

Delete line action next to the posting account you want to
unselect, and then choosing the Change form action.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 83

Version 7.2.1
Defining the Company Structure

Note The Chart button on the Posting Accounts subform

lets you open GL00.1 (Chart of Accounts). Use the form if
you need to define additional detail accounts. For more
information, see “Maintaining a Chart of Accounts” later in
this chapter.

b. Optional. To define options for a specific posting account,

choose the More button to open the Account Options
subform. The Chart Values box displays the options
defined for the account in GL00.1 (Chart of Accounts).
c. Optional. To restrict posting account usage to specific
systems, choose the Systems button to open the Posting
Account System Restrictions.

Note An asterisk displays next to the Systems button if

restrictions are defined for a posting account.

Note An asterisk displays next to the More button if options or

restrictions are defined for a posting account. An asterisk
displays next to the Accounts button on the Main form tab if
accounts are selected for a posting accounting unit.

11. To select or display the system accounting units for the

company, choose the System A/U button to open the System
Accounting Units subform.
Use the subform to designate the accounting unit you want to
associate with the balance sheet system accounts, and
optionally, translation gain and translation loss accounts. The
balance sheet accounting unit is used to post retained
earnings, undistributed retained earnings, and error suspense
transactions for the company. The translation gain and
translation loss accounting units are used to post gains and
losses that result from the currency translation process.
The information you define on this subform displays for all
accounting units for the company. You must complete this
step before you can post journal entries in the LAWSON
INSIGHT II General Ledger system.

84 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining the Company Structure

Optional reports
• Run GL220 (Accounting Unit Listing) to list accounting units
for a company.
• Run GL221 (Posting Accounts Listing) to list posting accounts
by accounting unit for a company.
• Run GL222 (Posting Accounts Listing by Account) to list
accounting units that have a specific posting account
assigned. You can specify a range of posting accounts for a

Copying a Company
To define a general ledger company, you can copy an existing
company, associated accounting units and accounts, and,
optionally, balances, transactions, and accounting unit attributes.
The company you copy must have Live, Test, or Inactive selected
in the Status field on the Main form tab in GL10.1 (Company).
After you copy the company information, you can maintain it. For
more information, see “Defining a Company” earlier in this section
or “Maintaining a Company” later in this chapter.

To copy a company
• Run GL110 (Company Copy Delete). Type or select the
following field data.
Field Description
Action This field determines whether to copy,
delete, or zero-out company
Company The general ledger company you want
to copy.
To Company The number to assign to the new
(number) general ledger company.
To Company The name of the new general ledger
(description) company. If you leave this field blank,
the name of the existing company is

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 85

Version 7.2.1
Defining Chart Maps for Consolidated Reporting

Field Description
Base Currency The base currency to assign to the new
general ledger company. If you leave
this field blank, the base currency of
the existing company is used.
Currency One The report currency to assign to the
new general ledger company. If you
leave this field blank, the report
currency of the existing company is
Currency Two The report currency to assign to the
new general ledger company. If you
leave this field blank, the report
currency of the existing company is
Balance, This field determines whether to copy
Transactions balances and transactions. The default
is No.
Accounting Unit This field determines whether to copy
Attributes accounting unit attributes. The default
is No.

Defining Chart Maps for Consolidated Reporting

If your corporation consists of companies that use different charts
of accounts, different currencies, or even different fiscal
calendars, you can produce consolidated financial reports with the
chart mapping feature. Chart mapping involves the following
1. Set up a reporting company from which to print consolidated
reports. For more information, see "Setting Up the Posting
and Reporting Companies" later in this section.
2. Create a chart map from each posting company to the
reporting company. For more information, see "Creating a
Chart Map" and "Maintaining a Chart Map" later in this section.
3. Optional. Create a fiscal calendar map. For more information,
see "Mapping Fiscal Calendars" later in this section.

86 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Chart Maps for Consolidated Reporting

4. At the end of a reporting period, close the period for each

posting company and post the balance of each posting
company to the reporting company. For more information, see
"Consolidating Chart-Mapped Company Balances" in
Chapter 3.

Setting Up the Posting and Reporting Companies

Before you can use chart mapping, you must set up the reporting
company and its accounting structure. For complete information
on creating charts of accounts and companies, see "Defining a
Chart of Accounts" and "Defining the Company Structure" in this

To set up the reporting company accounting structure for chart mapping

1. Set up the charts of accounts for each posting company to
report on (From Company on forms) and create the
2. Set up your reporting company chart of accounts and create
the reporting company (To Company on forms).
The reporting company should have no other function than to
produce consolidated reports for companies mapped to it.
When you set up the chart of accounts for the reporting
company, plan the level of detail you want to show in your
reports for each company that posts to the reporting company.
You can assign an accounting unit for each company or you
can assign accounting units that consolidate similar functions
across companies.

Creating a Chart Map

You must create a chart map from each posting company to
include in the reports to the reporting company.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 87

Version 7.2.1
Defining Chart Maps for Consolidated Reporting

To create a chart map

• Run GL130 (Chart Map Creation).
To create the map without updating the database records, in
the Update field, select N (Report Only). Lawson recommends
running GL130 in nonupdate mode first to avoid creating
unnecessary records in your General Ledger system.
– or –
To map each posting account in the posting company
(identified in the From Company field) to a corresponding
posting account in the reporting company (identified in the To
Company field), select Y (Update and Report).

Maintaining a Chart Map

After you create a chart map with GL130 (Chart Map Creation),
you can fine-tune the map. GL130 maps posting company
accounts to what seems the most logical counterpart accounts in
the reporting company, but you may want to modify some of the
account mappings made by GL130. For example, you may want
to consolidate several accounts in the posting company to one
account in the reporting company. You can change only the
reporting company accounts. Any account you specify must be a
valid account in the chart of accounts for the reporting company.

To maintain a chart map

• Use GL35.1 (Chart Map Maintenance).

Mapping Fiscal Calendars

If the posting company and the reporting company have different
fiscal calendars, you must map each fiscal year and period in the
posting company to a fiscal year and period in the reporting
Note If the posting company and reporting company fiscal years
and periods are the same, you are not required to create a fiscal
year map. However, GL135 (Intercompany Chart Map Posting)
produces a fiscal year map for both companies to enable you to
verify the reporting status of the posting company periods. For
more information on intercompany chart-map posting, see
"Consolidating Chart-Mapped Company Balances" in Chapter 3.

88 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining a Company Group

To map a fiscal year and period

1. Use GL36.1 (Fiscal Year Mapping).
You can use GL36.1 before or after you run GL130 (Chart
Map Creation).
2. Type the fiscal year and periods in the appropriate fields.
The Status field is a display-only field with the values Open
and Reported. The status of a posting company period
changes to Reported when you run GL135 (Intercompany
Chart Map Posting) in update mode for that period.

To maintain a fiscal year map

1. Access GL36.1 (Fiscal Year Mapping).
2. Inquire on the posting company number (From Company field)
and reporting company number (To Company field) to display
the map.
3. Change the map as required.

Note If the status of a posting company period is Reported,

you cannot change or delete that period.

Defining a Company Group

A company group is a user-defined group of general ledger
companies. You can process some batch programs by company
Consider using the company group feature if your organization
has more than one general ledger company that posts journal
entries or runs period closing at the same time. When you run
GL190 (Journal Posting) or GL199 (Period Closing) for a company
group, the individual programs process companies in numeric
order and create separate reports for each company.
You cannot run financial reports by company group.

To define a company group

• Use GL11.1 (Company Group).

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 89

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

Note You can access this form directly or by choosing the

Company Group button on GL10.1 (Company).

Optional report
• Run GL211 (Company Group Listing) to list company groups.

Defining Attribute Information

You can use the attribute feature of the General Ledger system to
• increase reporting and inquiry capabilities in the General
Ledger, Strategic Ledger, Activity Management, and Asset
Management systems;
• track and report on transaction characteristics by source code;
• automatically create posting accounts for accounting units.
This manual includes instructions for defining attribute information
for accounting units and general ledger transactions, and for
automatically creating posting accounts for accounting units. For
information on defining attribute information for activities and
activity transactions, see the Activity Management Procedures
Manual. For information on defining attribute information for
assets, see the Asset Management Procedures Manual. For
information on defining attributes for user analyses, see the
Strategic Ledger Procedures Manual.
The attribute setup process for use in the General Ledger system
consists of the following procedures:
• Loading Lawson-Defined Attribute Definitions
• Defining User-Defined Attributes
• Assigning Attribute Values to Accounting Units
• Defining an Accounting Unit List
• Setting Up for Dynamic Account Assignment
• Defining an Accounting Unit View

90 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

For more information on using accounting unit attributes, general

ledger transaction attributes, and the dynamic account
assignment feature, see “Planning the General Ledger Setup” in
Chapter 1.

Loading Lawson-Defined Attribute Definitions

One of the first steps required to set up the General Ledger system
is to load Lawson-defined data, including Lawson-defined attribute
definitions and available subledger fields for transaction analysis.
If you have not run MX100 (Attribute, Element Load) and GL106
(Subledger Attribute Load), see “Loading Lawson-Defined
Attribute Definitions” and “Loading Subledger Attributes” earlier in
this chapter for instructions.
The Attribute, Element Load program loads more than 80
attributes and more than 100 elements (field definitions, which
consist of a field type and size). Examples of Lawson-defined
attributes are accounting unit, company, and person responsible.
Each attribute is already associated with an element and one or
more objects (asset, activity, accounting unit, activity transaction,
user analysis, strategic ledger transaction, and general ledger
transaction). For example, the attribute ACCOUNT is associated
with the element ACCOUNT NUMBER, which is defined as a
Numeric 6 field, and is associated with the objects ACTRN
(Activity Transaction) and GLTRN (General Ledger Transaction).
The following Lawson-defined attribute definitions are available:
• 19 accounting unit attributes (ACCTU)
• 64 general ledger transaction attributes (GLTRN)
• 22 activity attributes (ACTVY)
• 57 activity transaction attributes (ACTRN)
• 25 asset attributes (ASSET)
• 3 user analysis attributes (ANLYS)
You can define additional user-defined attributes to track
additional information.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 91

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

Defining User-Defined Attributes

You can define user-defined attributes to track additional
information. Examples of user-defined accounting unit attributes
are city, number of employees, location, store type, and square
footage. Examples of user-defined transaction attributes are batch
number, customer number, and employee number.
To define a user-defined attribute, you define the new attribute,
assign an element (field size and type), and then associate the
attribute to an object. You assign elements to attributes based on
the field size and type that the element represents, not based on
the element name. Lawson Software recommends that you use
only Lawson-defined elements, if possible.
Use the following table to locate related information.
For instructions on defining See
A company group “Defining a Company Group”
earlier in this chapter.
A user-defined element “Defining User-Defined
Elements” later in this section.

Tip Use MXSU.1 (Attribute Setup Flowchart) to guide you through

the process of setting up attribute matrix information. The Attribute
Setup Flowchart lets you define required and optional information
as you move through the flowchart.

To define a user-defined attribute

1. Use MX00.1 (Attribute) to define an attribute name and
description, assign an element name to identify the attribute
field size and type, and, optionally, assign valid values.
2. To define object information for the attribute, choose the
Objects button to open the Associate Attribute to Objects
subform. Use the subform to assign an object, define whether
a value is required for the attribute field, and, optionally, limit
attribute usage to a specific company group (for accounting
unit and general ledger transaction attributes) or activity group
(for activity and activity transaction attributes).

92 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

Note An asterisk displays next to the button if object

information has been defined.

If you define an attribute as required for an object, the General

Ledger system does not require you to assign an attribute
value to the object. Instead, the system displays a message
indicating that a required attribute value has not been

Tip If you want to use or require different attribute fields for

different companies in the General Ledger system, assign a
company group. This limits the number of attribute fields that
display in the Attributes subform in GL20.1 (Accounting Units-

Optional report
• Run MX201 (Attribute Listing) to list attribute definitions.

Defining User-Defined Elements

The Attribute, Element Load program loads more than one
hundred Lawson-defined elements. An element represents an
attribute field size and type.
You assign elements to user-defined attributes based on the field
size and type that the element represents, not based on the
element name. If you require an attribute field size and type that is
not represented by a Lawson-defined element, you can define a
user-defined element.

To define a user-defined element

1. Access MXSU.1 (Attribute Setup Flowchart).
2. Choose the Elements button to open the Element subform.
– Or –
1. Access MX00.1 (Attribute).
2. In the Element Name field, choose Define to open the Element

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 93

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

Optional report
• Run MX200 (Element Listing) to list elements.

Assigning Attribute Values to Accounting Units

Three methods are available to assign attribute values to an
accounting unit:
• Assigning Attribute Values Manually
• Assigning Attribute Values by Running a Batch Program (can
override existing values)
• Assigning Attribute Values by Using a Template (does not
override existing values)
The General Ledger system does not require you to assign a value
to an attribute field, even if it is labeled “required.” Instead, the
system displays a message indicating that a required attribute
value has not been assigned.
If too many attribute fields display in the Attributes subform or
Values by Attribute subform, consider using company groups to
limit attribute usage to a specific company or group of companies.
For more information, see “Defining User-Defined Attributes”
earlier in this section.

Important As a rule, assign attribute values to posting accounting units only.

If you assign attribute values to both summary and posting
accounting units, balances on Report Writer reports will be

Assigning Attribute Values Manually

You can assign attribute values manually using subforms in
GL20.1 (Accounting Unit-Accounts). You can assign attribute
values to a single accounting unit, or assign values to a single
attribute field for all accounting units.

To assign attribute values manually

1. Access GL20.1 (Accounting Unit-Accounts).
2. Inquire on the accounting unit you want to assign attribute
values to.

94 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

3. On the Main form tab, choose the Attributes button to open the
Attributes subform.
• To assign attribute values to a single accounting unit, use
the Attributes subform.
– or –
To assign attribute values to a single attribute field for all
company accounting units, choose the By Attribute button
to open the Values by Attribute subform.

Assigning Attribute Values by Running a Batch Program

You can run MX500 (Attribute Value Population) to assign
attribute values to accounting units based on an account unit list.
The program provides an option to overwrite previously assigned
attribute values. For example, you can use this program to change
the attribute value assigned to a range or group of accounting

To assign attribute values by running a batch program

• Run MX500 (Attribute Value Population).

Assigning Attribute Values by Using a Template

You can assign an attribute template to an accounting unit to
automatically assign attribute values. This process does not
overwrite any previously assigned attribute values.
The process consists of the following procedures:
• Defining an Attribute Template
• Assigning an Attribute Template to an Accounting Unit

Defining an Attribute Template

An attribute template represents one or more attribute field values.
You can assign an attribute template to one or more accounting
units to quickly and consistently assign attribute values.

To define an attribute template

1. Access MX05.1 (Attribute Template).
2. In the Object Type field, select ACCTU (Accounting Unit).

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 95

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

3. To define the template name and description, choose the New

Template button to open the Define Template subform.
a. In the Template fields, type a template name and
b. Choose the Add form action.
4. Type or select the following data for each attribute field and
value you want to assign to the template.
Field Description
Line Action The Add line action.
Attribute The attribute field to assign to the
Value The value to assign to the attribute field.

5. Select the Change form action.

Optional report
• Run MX205 (Template Listing) to list attribute templates.

Assigning an Attribute Template to an Accounting Unit

You can assign an attribute template to an accounting unit to
quickly and consistently assign attribute values.

To assign an attribute template to an accounting unit

1. Access GL20.1 (Accounting Unit-Accounts).
2. Inquire on the accounting unit you want to assign an attribute
template to.
3. In the Attribute Template field on the Main form tab, type or
select the template you want to apply.
4. Select the Change form action.
The system clears the Attribute Template field and assigns the
attribute values to the accounting unit. To display the attribute
field values, choose the Attributes button.

96 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

Defining an Accounting Unit List

An accounting unit list is a group of accounting units sorted by up
to eight attribute field values. You can use accounting unit lists to
report and inquire on groups of accounting units in the General
Ledger, Report Writer, Allocations, and Budgeting systems. You
also use accounting unit lists to automatically select posting
accounts for accounting units using the dynamic account
assignment feature.
You can define automatic or manual accounting unit lists. An
automatic list groups accounting units with common attribute
values and is updated automatically. A manual list groups
accounting units that do not necessarily have common attribute
values. The following sections describe the features of each type
of list and provide related instructions:
• Defining an Automatic Accounting Unit List
• Defining a Manual Accounting Unit List
• Converting an Automatic List to a Manual List
• Copying an Accounting Unit List
• Setting Up for Dynamic Account Assignment

Defining an Automatic Accounting Unit List

An automatic accounting unit list is a group of accounting units
with common attribute values; for example, the same date
opened, or the same regional manager and store type. You must
rebuild automatic lists periodically to account for attribute value

To define an automatic accounting unit list

1. Access MX10.1 (List).
2. In the Object Type field, select ACCTU (Accounting Unit).
3. To define the list name, description, and sort options, choose
the New List button to open the Define List subform.
a. In the List fields, type the name and description of the
accounting unit list.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 97

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

b. Optional. Select up to eight attributes to sort the list. The

attributes do not have to be part of the list selection
c. Select the Add form action.
On the Define List subform, you can open a subform to copy
an existing list. For instructions, see “Copying an Accounting
Unit List” later in this section.
On the Define List subform, you can open subforms used to
build and preview the accounting unit list and to create a
manual list. Instructions for using these subforms are
available later in this section.
4. Use MX10.1 (List) to select the attributes and valid value
ranges that make up the list.
5. Select the Change form action.
6. To build and preview the accounting unit list, choose the
Preview button. The Accounting Unit List subform displays a
list of the accounting units and associated attribute values that
match the list criteria you defined.

Note Each time you preview the list by choosing the Preview
button, the system rebuilds the list. Remember to rebuild
accounting unit lists any time you change accounting unit
attribute values.

7. Optional. Make changes to the list and then repeat step 6 to

rebuild it. Repeat this process until the accounting unit list is

Optional report
• Run MX210 (List Listing) to list accounting unit lists.

Defining a Manual Accounting Unit List

A manual accounting unit list represents a group of selected
accounting units without common attribute values. You can define
a manual accounting list, or convert an automatic list to a manual
list and then maintain it. For instructions on converting a list, see
“Converting an Automatic List to a Manual List” later in this

98 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

You can use manual lists for “what if” analysis or to group
accounting units for reports and inquiries. For example, you can
use a manual accounting unit list to find out the impact that a
company reorganization will have on your financial statements.
You can also use a manual list to create a list of accounting units
that you want to assign the same attribute value to, and then run
MX500 (Attribute Value Population) to automatically assign the
value to all the accounting units in the list. For instructions on
running MX500, see “Assigning Attribute Values by Running a
Batch Program” earlier in this section.

Note You cannot rebuild manual lists to account for attribute value
changes; you must change them manually.

To define a manual accounting unit list

1. Access MX10.1 (List).
2. In the Object Type field, select ACCTU (Accounting Unit).
3. To define the list name and description, choose the New List
button to open the Define List subform.
a. In the List fields, type the name and description of the
accounting unit list.
b. Select the Add form action.
4. On the Define List subform, choose the Manual List button to
open the Manual Accounting Unit List subform.
Type or select the following field data for each accounting unit
you want to add to the list.
Field Description
Line Action The Add line action.
Company The general ledger company that has
accounting units you want to add to the
Accounting Unit The accounting unit you want to add to
the list.

5. Select the Change form action.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 99

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

Optional report
• Run MX210 (List Listing) to list accounting unit lists.

Converting an Automatic List to a Manual List

You can convert an automatic list to a manual list. You can use this
feature if the manual list you want to create is similar to an existing
list, but you want to add or delete accounting units from the list for
“what if” analysis.

Important If you convert an automatic list to a manual list, you cannot convert
it back. If you want to preserve the automatic list, you can copy an
existing automatic accounting unit list and then convert the copy
to a manual list. For instructions on copying a list, see “Copying an
Accounting Unit List” later in this section.

To convert an automatic list to a manual list

1. Access MX10.1 (List).
2. In the Object Type field, select ACCTU (Accounting Unit).
3. In the List field, select the accounting unit list you want to
4. Choose the New List button to open the Define List subform,
and then choose the Manual List button to open the Manual
Accounting Unit List subform.
Verify that you are converting the correct accounting unit list.
5. Choose the Convert to Manual button.
A message displays when the list is converted.

Optional report
• Run MX210 (List Listing) to list accounting unit lists.

Copying an Accounting Unit List

To define an accounting unit list, you can copy an existing list.

To copy an accounting unit list

1. Access MX10.1 (List).

100 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

2. In the Object Type field, select ACCTU (Accounting Unit).

3. In the List field, select the accounting unit list you want to copy.
4. Choose the New List button to open the Define List subform,
and then choose the Copy button to open the List Copy
5. In the List fields, type the name and description of the new
accounting unit list.
Verify that the Copy From List field contains the list you want
to copy.
6. Choose OK.
7. To build and preview the new list, choose the Preview button
on MX10.1 (List).
8. Optional. Make changes to the new list and then repeat step
7 to rebuild it. Repeat this process until the accounting unit list
is correct.

Optional report
• Run MX210 (List Listing) to list accounting unit lists.

Setting Up for Dynamic Account Assignment

If you want to use the dynamic account assignment feature, you
must assign an accounting unit list to selected summary or detail
accounts in a chart of accounts.
For more information on the dynamic account assignment feature,
see “Planning the General Ledger Setup” in Chapter 1.

To set up for dynamic account assignment

1. Access GL00.1 (Chart of Accounts).
2. Type or select the chart of accounts name and section you
want to maintain.
3. Select the Inquire form action.
4. For each summary account you want to assign an accounting
unit list to, complete the following steps.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 101

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

a. Choose the More button next to the summary account you

want to assign the list to. The Summary Account Options
subform appears.
b. In the Dynamic Generation List field, type or select the
accounting unit list.
c. Choose OK.
– or –
For each detail account you want to assign an accounting unit
list to, complete the following steps.
a. Choose the Accounts button next to the summary account
that contains the detail account you want to assign the list
The Detail Accounts subform appears.
b. Choose the More button next to the detail account you
want to assign the list to.
The Account Information subform appears.
c. In the Dynamic Generation List field, type or select the
accounting unit list to assign the detail account to.
d. Choose OK.

Defining an Accounting Unit View

An accounting unit view is a group of accounting unit lists arranged
hierarchically with up to nine totaling levels. A view consists of
summary and detail levels, similar to a chart of accounts.
Summary levels are used as report headings and for totaling and
subtotaling. The depth you assign to a summary level determines
the order of totaling, and the options you define determine how the
summary level displays and prints.
Detail levels represent accounting unit lists. You can insert one or
more detail levels below a summary level.
You can display information for an accounting unit view in GL99.1
(Organization Query). You can also use an accounting unit view
instead of a row file in a levels type (style 2) Report Writer report.

102 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

This section contains the following procedures:

• Defining a New Accounting Unit View
• Copying an Accounting Unit View

Defining a New Accounting Unit View

When you define a new accounting unit view, you must define a
view name and description, define summary and detail levels, and
define financial statement printing options.

To define a new accounting unit view

1. Access MX20.1 (View).
2. To define the new view name and description, choose the
New View button to open the Define View subform.
a. In the Object Type field, select ACCTU (Accounting Unit).
b. In the View fields, type the name and description of the
accounting unit view.
c. Select the Add form action.
On the Define View subform, you can also open a subform to
copy an existing view. For instructions, see “Copying an
Accounting Unit View” later in this section.
3. Use MX20.1 to define summary and detail levels in
hierarchical order.
a. Type or select the following field data for each summary
level you want to define.
Field Description
Line Action The Add line action.
Type The type of level. Select Summary.
Summary Level The summary level name.
or List
Description The summary level description.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 103

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

Field Description
Depth The depth of the summary level.
The level depth indicates the order of
totaling. For example, each level
assigned a depth of 2 (such as
Clinic 1) has its totals added to the
preceding account assigned a depth
of 1 (such as Clinics).
More Optional. To define financial
statement printing options for the
summary level, choose the More
button to open the Summary Level
Options subform.
On the Summary Level Options
subform, you can also open subforms
used to rename a summary level or
move a summary level to a different
location in the view. For instructions,
see “Maintaining an Accounting Unit
View” later in this chapter.

Note An asterisk displays next to the

More button on MX20.1 if options are
defined for a summary level.

b. Type or select the following field data for each detail level
you want to define.
Field Description
Line Action The Add line action.
Type The type of level. Select Detail.
Summary Level The accounting unit list.
or List
Description The accounting unit list name
Depth The depth of the detail level.

104 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

4. Select the Change form action.

5. To build and preview the accounting unit view, choose the
Preview button.
The system creates a total line for each summary level.

Optional report
• Run MX220 (View Listing) to list accounting unit views.

Copying an Accounting Unit View

To define an accounting unit view, you can copy an existing view.
The copy process copies summary levels, detail levels, and
printing options.

To copy an accounting unit view

1. Access MX20.1 (View).
2. In the Object Type field, select ACCTU (Accounting Unit).
3. In the View field, select the accounting unit view you want to
4. Choose the New View button to open the Define View
subform, and then choose the Copy button to open the View
Copy subform.
5. In the View fields, type the name and description of the new
accounting unit view. Verify that the Copy From View field
contains the view you want to copy.
6. Choose OK.
7. To build and preview the new accounting unit view, choose
the Preview button on MX20.1 (View).
8. Optional. Make changes to the new accounting unit view and
then repeat step 7 to rebuild it.
Repeat this process until the accounting unit view is correct.

Optional report
• Run MX220 (View Listing) to list accounting unit views.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 105

Version 7.2.1
Defining Attribute Information

Maintaining an Accounting Unit View

This section contains the following procedures for maintaining an
accounting unit view:
• Renaming a Summary Level
• Moving a Summary Level or List
For instructions on defining a new accounting unit view or copying
an existing view, see “Defining an Accounting Unit View” earlier in
this chapter.

Renaming a Summary Level

You can assign a new name to a summary account.

To rename a summary level

1. Access MX20.1 (View).
2. In the Object Type field, select ACCTU (Accounting Unit).
3. In the View field, select the accounting unit view you want to
rename a summary level for.
4. Select the Inquire form action.
5. Choose the More button next to the summary level you want
to rename.
The Summary Level Options subform appears.
6. Choose the Rename button to open the Rename Summary
Level subform.
7. In the New Name field, type the new summary level name.
8. Choose OK.
9. To build and preview the accounting unit view, choose the
Preview button on MX20.1.

Moving a Summary Level or List

You can move a summary level or list to a new location in an
accounting unit view.

To move a summary level or list

1. Access MX20.1 (View).

106 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining System Codes and System Control

2. In the Object Type field, select ACCTU (Accounting Unit).

3. In the View field, select the accounting unit view you want to
4. Select the Inquire form action.
5. Choose the More button next to the summary level you want
to maintain. The Summary Level Options subform appears.
6. Choose the Move button to open the Move Summary Level
7. In the Precede Summary Level or List field, identify the
location you want to move the summary or detail level to by
typing or selecting the summary or detail level that should
follow the level you are moving.
8. Choose OK.
9. To build and preview the accounting unit view, choose the
Preview button on MX20.1.

Defining System Codes and System Control

System codes identify the Lawson and non-Lawson systems that
generate transactions that post to the General Ledger system. For
example, GL identifies the General Ledger system and AP
identifies the Accounts Payable system.
The System Control program lets you link a system code to a
general ledger company and define options to control system
interfaces and system closing.
This section contains the following procedures:
• Defining System Codes
• Defining System Control

Defining System Codes

One of the first steps required to set up the General Ledger system
is to load Lawson-defined data, including system codes. If you
have not run GL105 (System, Source Code Load), see “Loading
System Codes and Source Codes” earlier in this chapter for

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 107

Version 7.2.1
Defining System Codes and System Control

You can define additional system codes for the non-Lawson

Software applications you use.

To define system codes

1. Access GL01.1 (System Control).
2. Choose the Systems button to open the System Codes
3. Use the System Codes subform to add a new system code.
On the System Codes subform, you can open a subform to
define the General Ledger system as a remote site. You must
do this if your subsystems and the General Ledger system run
on separate machines or use different databases. For
instructions, see “Distributed Processing Options” in
Chapter 1 and “Defining a Remote Site” later in this chapter.
On the System Codes subform you have three fields that
affect system processing.
• The AC Commit Flag field determines whether
commitments are updated in the Lawson Activity
Management and other Lawson systems when you
transfer transactions.
• The AC Bud Flag field Identifies whether budget amounts
are edited for activities that are transferred to the Activity
Management system.
• The SL Suspend Process field determines whether
strategic ledger information is processed separately from
your daily processing. If you select Yes, you must run
SL195 (Transaction Interface) to analyze information in
the Lawson Strategic Ledger information.

Defining System Control

You can define interface and closing controls for each company
and system code combination.
Interface controls determine how subsystem journal entries
transfer to the General Ledger system. Closing controls determine
whether you must close the subsystem period before the general
ledger period, the valid subsystem dates, and the number of open

108 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Source Codes

Interface controls also let you group like transactions together

using the journal book feature. You can assign a default journal
book to a system code for transactions that originate from the
associated system. For more information, see “Defining Journal
Books” later in this chapter.

To define system control

• To define system control for one system code, use GL01.1
(System Control).
– Or –
1. To define system control for multiple system codes, use
GL01.2 (System Control).

Note You can access this form directly or by choosing the

Multiple Entry button on GL01.1.

2. Optional. To define additional control options for the system

code, choose the More button to open the System Control
Options subform.

Note On GL01.1, you can also open a subform to define system

codes for non-Lawson applications or define remote site
information for any subsystems that run on separate machines or
use different databases. For instructions, see “Defining System
Codes” earlier in this section and “Defining a Remote Site” later in
this chapter.

Optional report
• Run GL201 (System Control Listing) to list system codes and
system control options.

Defining Source Codes

Source codes identify the source of information or kinds of
transactions that create general ledger journal entries. For
example, ES is the Lawson-defined source code for General
Ledger Error Suspense transactions.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 109

Version 7.2.1
Defining Source Codes

One of the first steps required to set up the General Ledger system
is to load Lawson-defined data, including source codes. If you
have not run GL105 (System, Source Code Load), see “Loading
System Codes and Source Codes” earlier in this chapter for
instructions. You can define additional source codes, if needed.
For each source code, you can select up to three attributes to
attach to transactions when they interface to the General Ledger
or Activity Management system. For more information about using
attributes for reporting and analysis, see “Planning the General
Ledger Setup” in Chapter 1 and “Defining Attribute Information”
earlier in this chapter.

To define source codes

1. To define one source code, use GL05.1 (Source Code).
– or –
To define multiple source codes, choose the Multiple Entry
button on GL05.1 (Source Code) to open the Source Codes
2. Optional. To define transaction attribute information for a
source code, complete the Transaction Attributes fields in
GL05.1 or in the Source Code Attributes subform, which you
access by choosing the Attributes button on the Source Codes
Type or select the following field values for up to three
transaction attribute fields.
Field Description
Attributes A general ledger or activity transaction
attribute to associate with the source
Option This field indicates whether to associate
the transaction attribute field to
transactions that post to the General
Ledger system, Activity Management
system, or both.

110 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Journal Books

Field Description
Originating The database field number to retrieve
System Value the transaction attribute value from. This
value must match the element name
assigned to the transaction attribute in
MX00.1 (Attributes).

Tip Choose Define to open the Attribute

Origin subform. Use the subform to
display or maintain the available field
names for the source code and
associated element names.

Note An asterisk displays next to the Attributes button if

attributes are defined for a source code.

Optional report
• Run GL205 (Source Code Listing) to list source codes for a
system code.

Defining Journal Books

A journal book is an entity that can be used to group similar
transactions. You can assign a journal book to
• a journal entry,
• a recurring journal entry,
• an allocation,
• a system code, or
• a group of Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, or Cash
Ledger transactions.
If you assign a journal book to a system code, transactions that
interface to the General Ledger system from the subsystem will
have the journal book assigned. You can then use GL45.1
(Journal Control) to filter journal entries by journal book, and then
use the Drill Around feature on the subsystem transactions.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 111

Version 7.2.1
Defining Journal Books

You can use journal books to identify journal entry operators. You
can then use GL45.1 (Journal Control) to filter journal entries by
journal book, and then review and release journal entries.
The journal book options defined for a company in the Journals
form tab in GL10.1 (Company) determine whether a journal book
is required on journal entries.
This section contains the following procedures:
• Defining a Journal Book
• Defining Company Journal Book Options
• Defining System Code Journal Book Options

Note A report is available to list the transactions associated with a

journal book. For more information, see “Listing Journal Entries” in
Chapter 3.

Defining a Journal Book

When you define a journal book, you can use it for all company
transactions or restrict its usage to specific systems, journal entry
operators, accounts, or accounting units.

To define a journal book

1. Access JB00.1 (Journal Book).
2. In the Company field, type or select the company you are
defining a journal book for.
3. In the Journal Book fields, type the journal book name and
4. Optional. If you defined your company to use transaction
numbering by journal book on GL10.1 (Company), you can
type the last transaction number used for this journal book in
the Last Transaction Seq Nbr field. The system increments
this number each time you post a transaction to this journal
book. If you do not enter a number, the system starts
numbering at 1.

112 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Journal Books

If you defined your company to use journal book sequence

numbering on GL10.1 (Company), the system also displays
the last journal book sequence number used for the journal
book. The system updates this number each time you add a
transaction to this journal book. You can use this display when
you need to add a manual journal book sequence number to
an interfaced transaction.
5. Optional. To restrict journal book usage to specific systems,
journal entry operators, accounts, or accounting units, select
Yes next to the Systems, Operators, or Accounts field.
– or –
To restrict journal book usage to specific accounting units,
select an accounting unit list in the Acct Unit List field.
6. Choose OK.
7. If you selected Yes in the Systems, Operators, or Accounts
fields, you must define journal book restrictions.
• To define system restrictions, choose the Systems button
to open the Journal Book Systems subform. Use the
subform to select the systems that can use the journal
book. The systems must first be defined in GL01.1
(System Control).
• To define operator restrictions, choose the Operator
button to open the Journal Book Operators subform. Use
the subform to select the journal entry operators who can
assign the journal book to a transaction.
• To define account restrictions, choose the Accounts
button to open the Journal Book Accounts subform. Use
the subform to select ranges of accounts that can be used
with the journal book.

Note An asterisk displays next to the Systems, Operators, or

Accounts buttons if restrictions are defined.

Optional report
• Run JB200 (Journal Book Listing) to list journal books for a

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 113

Version 7.2.1
Defining Journal Books

Defining Company Journal Book Options

The journal book options you define for a company determine
whether a journal book is required on journal entries.

To define company journal book options

1. Access GL10.1 (Company).
2. In the Company field, type or select the company you want to
define journal book options for.
3. Select the Inquire form action. The company parameters
4. On the Journals form tab, type or select the following field
Field Description
Journal Book This field determines whether a journal
Required book value must be assigned to all
journal entries for the company. Valid
values are No (default) and Yes.
If you select No, you can still assign a
journal book to a journal entry, but the
field is not required.
If you select Yes, the Error Suspense
Journal Book and Year End Closing
Journal Book fields are required.
Auto Journal Book If you select Yes, the system assigns a
Seq Nbr unique sequential number to any
internal or interfaced transaction added
for this journal book anywhere in the
Lawson system. Journal book
sequence numbers are used for
auditing purposes to track a document
to its origins.
Error Suspense The journal book value to use as the
Journal Book default on transactions when no journal
book is assigned and one is required,
or when an invalid journal book is

114 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Journal Books

Field Description
Year End Closing The journal book value assigned to
Journal Book transactions that are created by the
system at year-end.

Note The Sequential Numbering fields determine whether the

system assigns a unique sequence number to each
transaction that GL190 (Journal Posting) posts. You can
assign sequence numbers at the company or journal book
level and decide whether transaction numbers are reset or
allowed to continue at year end. Transaction sequence
numbers are used for auditing purposes to ensure that all
journal entries are accounted for.

5. Select the Change form action.

Optional report
• Run JB200 (Journal Book Listing) to list journal books for a

Defining System Code Journal Book Options

You can assign a default journal book to a system code to make
sure that all transactions that interface to the General Ledger
system have a journal book assigned.

To define system code journal book options

1. Access GL01.1 (System Control).
2. In the Company and System fields, type or select the
company and system code you want to define journal book
options for.
3. Select the Inquire form action. The system control parameters
4. In the Default Journal Book field, type or select the journal
book to use as the default on transactions that interface to the
General Ledger system with no journal book assigned.
5. Select the Change form action.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 115

Version 7.2.1
Defining Reconciliation Codes

Defining Reconciliation Codes

Full General Ledger A reconciliation code is an optional code used for auditing
system users only purposes. You can assign a reconciliation code to a transaction
when you reconcile it.

If more than one person reconciles the same expense account,

you can use reconciliation codes to identify which expenses each
individual reconciled. In this case, you might consider using the
initials of each person’s name when you define reconciliation
You assign reconciliation codes to transactions in the Reconcile
Transactions subform in GL90.1 (Transaction Analysis). For more
information, see “Using Transaction Analysis” in Chapter 3.

To define a reconciliation code

• To define one reconciliation code, use GL04.1 (Reconciliation
– or –
To define multiple reconciliation codes, choose the Multiple
Entry button on GL04.1 (Reconciliation Code) to open the
Reconciliation Codes subform.

Optional report
• Run GL204 (Reconciliation Code Listing) to list reconciliation

Defining Journal Hold Codes

A journal hold code can be assigned to a transaction to prevent it
from posting in the General Ledger system. You can assign a
journal hold code to a journal entry or to a system code. If you
assign a journal hold code to a system code, all journal entries
originating from that system are on hold until you remove the hold
codes. GL190 (Journal Posting) does not post journal entries that
have a journal hold code assigned.

116 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Intercompany Relationships

You can use journal hold codes to hold subsystem journal entries
so they are not posted during a processing cycle. For example, if
you want to review all accounts payable transactions before
posting, you can assign a journal hold code to the Accounts
Payable system code. This causes the General Ledger system to
assign the journal hold code to all accounts payable transactions
when they are transferred from the LAWSON INSIGHT II
Accounts Payable system.
For information on removing journal entries from hold, see
“Maintaining Journal Entry Holds” in Chapter 3.

To define a journal hold code

• To define one journal hold code, use GL12.1 (Journal Hold
– or –
To define multiple journal hold codes, choose the Multiple
Entry button on GL12.1 (Journal Hold Code) to open the
Journal Hold Codes subform.

Defining Intercompany Relationships

If you want to create intercompany transactions in the General
Ledger system or in other LAWSON INSIGHT II applications, you
must define intercompany relationships. An intercompany
relationship identifies the payable and receivable accounts used
to post company balancing transactions. You must define
relationships for each company that originates intercompany
The system uses intercompany relationships to create balancing
entries when you release an intercompany journal entry, or when
a subsystem intercompany transaction is transferred to the
General Ledger system.
For more information on intercompany processing, see
“Intercompany Processing Example” in Chapter 6.

To define intercompany relationships

1. Use GL25.1 (Intercompany Relationships).
2. First, define all intercompany relationships with the System
Code (Sys) field blank. This becomes the default relationship.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 117

Version 7.2.1
Defining Zones and Interzone Relationships

3. Optional. To use different accounts for intercompany

transactions that originate from a specific system code, define
additional relationships with the system code selected.

Note GL25.1 does not automatically create a reversed

relationship between the From and To companies. If the To
company also originates intercompany transactions, you must
define intercompany relationships for that company, too.

Optional report
• Run GL225 (Intercompany Relationship Listing) to list
intercompany relationships.

Defining Zones and Interzone Relationships

Full General Ledger A zone represents a group of company accounting units that stay
system users only in balance when transactions are transferred between defined
zone areas. Only organizations that require multiple balance
sheets need to define zones and interzone relationships to make
sure each company zone remains in balance.

Zones provide a level of balancing below the company level.

When an interzone transaction is posted to the General Ledger
system, the system creates balancing entries for the zone
assigned to the journal entry. These entries keep all zones in
After you define zones, you must define company zone options
and interzone relationships.
This section contains the following procedures:
• Defining a Zone
• Defining Company Zone Options
• Defining Interzone Relationships
For more information on zones, see “Planning the General Ledger
Setup” in Chapter 1 and “Interzone Processing Example” in
Chapter 6.

118 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Zones and Interzone Relationships

Note You can create a balance sheet for any company accounting
unit, whether or not you define zones. Defining and using zones
ensures that the balance sheets are balanced.

Defining a Zone
For each company that uses zone processing, you must define a
zone for each of the highest level accounting units in the company.
The zone contains all associated lower-level accounting units.
Later, you must identify one of the zones as the default company
zone and define interzone relationships. Instructions for this
process are provided in the “Defining Company Zone Options”
procedure, which follows this procedure.
When you define zones for a company, you must give each zone
the same identifier as the accounting unit level number. For
example, Zone 1 can refer to accounting unit Headquarters with a
level of 1-0-0, and Zone 3 can refer to accounting unit Clinics with
a level of 3-0-0.

To define a zone
1. Access GL30.1 (Interzone Relationships).
2. Choose the New Zone button to open the Define Zone
subform. Use the subform to define a zone and select balance
sheet posting accounting units.
3. Optional. If the company has Yes selected in the Currency
Translation field on the Currency form tab in GL10.1
(Company), define translation gain and translation loss
4. Select the Add form action.

Defining Company Zone Options

The zone options you define for a company determine whether
zones are used and identify the default zone for journal entries.

To define company zone options

1. Access GL10.1 (Company).

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 119

Version 7.2.1
Defining Zones and Interzone Relationships

2. In the Company field, type or select the company you want to

define zone options for.
3. Select the Inquire form action. The company parameters
4. Select the Main form tab.
a. In the Zone Balancing field, select Yes.
b. In the Default Zone field, type or select the zone you want
to use as the default for interzone journal entries.
5. Select the Change form action.

Note You can disable zone processing for a company by selecting

No in the Zone Balancing field and clearing the Default Zone field.

Optional report
• Run GL210 (Company Listing) to list company parameters
defined in GL10.1 (Company).

Defining Interzone Relationships

You must define a relationship from each zone that originates
interzone transactions to each zone that might be assigned to a
journal entry, including the company default zone. The system
uses the relationships to determine the interzone payable or
receivable account to post balancing journal entries to.

To define interzone relationships

1. Use GL30.1 (Interzone Relationships).
2. First, define all interzone relationships with the System Code
(Sys) field blank. This becomes the default relationship.
3. Optional. To use different accounts for interzone transactions
that originate from a specific system code, define additional
relationships with the system code selected.

Note GL30.1 does not automatically create a reversed

relationship between the From and To zones. If the To zone
also originates interzone transactions, you must define
interzone relationships for that zone, too.

120 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining a Remote Site

Optional report
• Run GL230 (Interzone Relationship Listing) to list interzone

Defining a Remote Site

If your subsystems and the General Ledger system run on
separate machines or use different databases, you must define
the General Ledger system as a remote site on the machines or in
the databases that create subsystem transactions.
When you define the General Ledger system code as a remote
site, each subsystem creates general ledger transactions in a
CSV format in the Remote General Ledger Transaction
(REMOTEGLT) file. You must transfer the transactions to the
machine or database where the General Ledger system is located
• moving the CSV files to the target machine,
• importing the CSV file data to the General Ledger Remote
Transfer (GLREMOTETX) database file, and
• running GL311 (Remote Site GL Transaction Upload) to load
the data to the General Ledger Transaction (GLTRANS) file.
After the transactions are in the General Ledger Transaction file,
you can process them in the General Ledger system. For more
information on remote site processing, see “Transferring Remote
Site Subsystem Transactions” in Chapter 3.

Note If you work in a single machine and single database

environment, you do not need to define remote site information.
Subsystems send general ledger transactions directly to the
General Ledger system.

To define a remote site

1. Access GL01.1 (System Control).
2. Choose the Systems button to open the System Codes
3. In the General Ledger row, choose the Remote Site button to
open the Remote Site Indicator subform.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 121

Version 7.2.1
Converting Non-Lawson Data

a. In the Remote Site field, select Yes.

b. In the Source Machine Code field, type a unique identifier
for the machine the subsystem runs on. This identifier is
included on each CSV file record.
The remote site information applies to all companies on the
source machine.

Note An asterisk displays next to the button if remote site

information is defined.

Converting Non-Lawson Data

This section provides a list of the programs and files you can use
to convert charts of accounts, accounting units, accounting unit
attributes, transactions, balances, and budgets from your non-
Lawson system to the LAWSON INSIGHT II General Ledger
system. Use the information in this section to identify the
conversion programs you need to use, the files you must load
conversion data into, and the files the programs update in the
conversion process.
For complete information on the conversion process, use the
General Ledger documentation listed in the following table.
Document Description
Conversion User guides for the data conversion process.
Workbook Specifically, the conversion workbooks
provide considerations for data conversion,
diagrams that illustrate the conversion
process, and detailed instructions for
converting your data.
Conversion workbooks are available on the
Lawson client Internet site; contact your
account representative for information.
Data File Text Online help text for application data files. See
the data file text for each conversion file for
more information about the fields in each file,
the kind of information each field should
include, and the programs that update each

122 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Converting Non-Lawson Data

Document Description
User Text Online help text for application programs. See
the form and field text for each conversion
program for more information about how to run
the conversion programs.

Conversion Relationships
Programs GL08.1 (Organization Relationship)
GL09.1 (Account Relationship)
GL208 (Organization Relationship Listing)
GL209 (Account Relationship Listing)
Conversion General Ledger Organization Relationships
General Ledger Account Relationships
Updated files None

Chart of Accounts
Programs GL60.1 (Chart Interface Maintenance)
GL160 (Chart of Accounts Interface)
GL260 (Chart Interface Listing)
Conversion file General Ledger Interface Chart (GLICHART)
Updated files General Ledger Chart (GLCHART)
General Ledger Chart Summary
General Ledger Chart Detail (GLCHARTDTL)

Accounting Units
Programs GL61.1 (Acct Unit Interface Maint)
GL161 (Accounting Unit Interface)
GL261 (Accounting Unit Interface Listing)
Conversion file General Ledger Interface Names (GLINAMES)
Updated files General Ledger Names (GLNAMES)
Accounting Unit Attribute Value (AUMXVALUE)

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 123

Version 7.2.1
Converting Non-Lawson Data

Accounting Unit Attribute Values

Programs GL62.1 (AU Attribute Interface Maint)
GL162 (AU Attribute Interface)
GL262 (AU Attribute Interface Listing)
Conversion file Accounting Unit Attribute Conversion
Updated files Accounting Unit Attribute Value (AUMXVALUE)
Attribute Object (MXOBJCAT)

Full General Ledger Programs GL65.1 (Transaction Interface Maintenance)
system users only GL165 (Transaction Interface)
GL265 (Transaction Interface Listing)
Conversion file General Ledger Transaction Conversion
Updated file General Ledger Transaction (GLTRANS)

Full General Ledger Programs GL67.1 (Balance Interface Maintenance)
system users only GL167 (Balance Interface)
GL267 (Balance Interface Listing)
Conversion file General Ledger Balance Conversion
Updated files General Ledger Amounts, Period
General Ledger Units, Period (GLUNITS)
General Ledger Consolidation (GLCONSOL)

124 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining a Ledger Report

Full General Ledger Programs FB65.1 (Budget Interface Maintenance)
system users only FB165 (Budget Interface)
FB265 (Budget Interface Listing)
Conversion file Budget Conversion (FBUDGETREL)
General Ledger Consolidation (GLCONSOL)
Updated files Budget Header (FBHEADER)
Budget Detail (FBDETAIL)

Defining a Ledger Report

Full General Ledger The Ledger Report Setup program lets you create user-defined
system users only transaction reports for a general ledger company. The options you
define for a ledger report determine

• which transactions are selected for the report,

• what transaction fields print, and
• how selected transactions are sorted, totaled, and printed.
The report prints one 78-character detail line for each transaction
based on the fields you select for printing and the sequence
number you assign to each field. You can select totaling and page
breaking options and define limiting values to include or exclude
transactions with a specific report field value.
You need to define the report only once, but you can change the
report layout at any time. After you define the report, run the report
using GL290 (General Ledger Report).

To define a ledger report

1. Access GL50.1 (Ledger Report Setup).
2. Choose the New Report button to open the Define Ledger
Report subform. Use the subform to define transaction report
header information.

Note On the Define Ledger Report subform, you can also open
a subform to copy an existing report.

3. Select the Add form action.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 125

Version 7.2.1
Defining a Ledger Report

4. Use GL50.1 to select transaction detail fields. The value you

type in the Select field determines the order the field prints in
the transaction detail line.
5. Select the Change form action.
The form displays the report layout above the transaction
fields and the number of unused characters in the Available
Characters field.
6. Choose the Totals button to open the Totals subform. Use the
subform to select additional sorting, totaling, and page break
7. Optional. Choose the Filter button to open the Filters subform.
Use the subform to define limiting values to include or exclude
transactions with a specific report field value.
You can use the Item and Group fields together to create
conditional value statements. The following table shows the
kinds of conditional statements you can create depending on
the values in these fields.
Item number Group number Statement
same same or
different different or
same different or
different same and

Optional reports
• Run GL250 (Ledger Report Listing) to list report parameters.
• Run GL290 (General Ledger Report) to create a general
ledger transaction report.

126 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining a Transaction Writer Report

Defining a Transaction Writer Report

Full General Ledger The Transaction Writer program lets you create user-defined
system users only transaction reports. The options you define for a transaction writer
report determine

• which transactions are selected for the report,

• what transaction and transaction attribute fields print,
• how selected transactions are sorted, totaled, and printed.
The report prints up to two 132-character detail lines for each
transaction. You can define primary values used to select
transactions, optional limiting values to include or exclude
transactions, detailed report layout options, and optional
transaction sorting options.
You need to define a report only once, but you can change the
report parameters at any time. After you define the report, run the
report using GL256 (Transaction Writer Report).

To define a transaction writer report

1. Access GL55.1 (Transaction Writer).
2. In the Transaction Writer fields, type the report name and
3. Use the Basic form tab to define basic transaction writer report

Note On the Basic form tab, you can open a subform to copy
an existing report.

4. Use the Primary Values form tab to define company and

account related parameters for the report.
5. Optional. Use the Secondary Values form tab to define
additional criteria used to select transactions.
6. Use the Layout form tab to define the report format.
The form tab displays the column headings and format you
7. Optional. Use the Sort form tab to select up to eight attribute
fields used for sorting transactions.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 127

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining the Chart of Accounts

Optional reports
• Run GL255 (Transaction Writer Listing) to list transaction
writer parameters.
• Run GL256 (Transaction Writer Report) to create a
transaction writer report.

Maintaining the Chart of Accounts

This section contains the following procedures for maintaining a
chart of accounts:
• Maintaining a Chart of Accounts
• Renaming a Summary Account
• Moving a Summary Account
• Moving a Detail Account
For instructions on defining a new chart of accounts or copying an
existing chart, see “Defining a Chart of Accounts” earlier in this

Maintaining a Chart of Accounts

Use the following procedure to guide you through the process of
maintaining a chart of accounts using GL00.1 (Chart of Accounts).

To maintain a chart of accounts

1. Access GL00.1 (Chart of Accounts).
2. Type or select the Chart Name and Section you want to
3. Select the Inquire form action.
4. Make changes to the chart of accounts, as needed. Use the
following table as a guide to locate instructions.
To See
Rename a summary account “Renaming a Summary
Account” later in this

128 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining the Chart of Accounts

To See
Move a summary account to a “Moving a Summary
different location in the chart Account” later in this
Move a detail account from “Moving a Detail Account”
one summary account to later in this section.
Define additional summary Step 3 in “Defining a New
accounts or maintain summary Chart of Accounts” earlier
account options or restrictions in this Chapter.
Define additional detail Step 4 in “Defining a New
accounts or maintain detail Chart of Accounts” earlier
account options or restrictions in this Chapter.
Define additional system Step 5 in “Defining a New
accounts or maintain system Chart of Accounts” earlier
account restrictions in this chapter.
Assign a user analysis group The Strategic Ledger
and user analysis relation Procedures Manual.

5. Optional. To preview the chart of accounts, choose the

Preview button on GL00.1 to open the Preview Chart of
Accounts subform.

Optional report
• Run GL200 (Chart of Accounts Listing) to list the chart of
summary accounts. You can select the depth of detail you
want to list.

Renaming a Summary Account

You can assign a new name to a summary account.

To rename a summary account

1. Access GL00.1 (Chart of Accounts).
2. Type or select the Chart Name and Section you want to
rename a summary account for.
3. Select the Inquire form action.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 129

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining the Chart of Accounts

4. Choose the More button next to the summary account you

want to rename. The Summary Account Options subform
5. Choose the Rename button to open the Rename Summary
Account Subform.
6. In the New Name field, type the new summary account name.
7. Choose OK.

Moving a Summary Account

You can move a summary account to a new location in a chart of
accounts within the same chart of accounts section.

To move a summary account

1. Access GL00.1 (Chart of Accounts).
2. Type or select the Chart Name and Section you want to
3. Select the Inquire form action.
4. Choose the More button next to the summary account you
want to move.
The Summary Account Options subform appears.
5. Choose the Move button to open the Move Summary Account
6. In the Precede Summary Account field, identify the location
you want to move the summary account to by typing or
selecting the summary account that should follow the account
you are moving.
7. Choose OK.
8. Optional. To preview the chart of accounts, choose the
Preview button on GL00.1 to open the Preview Chart of
Accounts subform.

130 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining the Chart of Accounts

If you need to make changes to the chart of accounts, see one

of the following procedures for instructions.
• To rename a summary account, see “Renaming a
Summary Account” earlier in this section.
• To move a detail account from one summary account to
another, see “Moving a Detail Account” later in this

Moving a Detail Account

You can move a detail account from one summary account to
another within the same chart of accounts section.

To move a detail account

1. Access GL00.1 (Chart of Accounts).
2. Type or select the Chart Name and Section you want to
3. Select the Inquire form action.
4. Choose the Accounts button next to the summary account you
want to move a detail account from.
The Detail Accounts subform appears.
5. Choose the More button next to the detail account you want to
The Account Information subform appears.
6. Choose the Move button to open the Move Detail Account
7. In the Move To Summary Account field, type or select the
summary account you want to move the detail account to.
8. Choose OK.
9. Optional. To preview the chart of accounts, choose the
Preview button on GL00.1 to open the Preview Chart of
Accounts subform.
If you need to make changes to the chart of accounts, see one
of the following procedures for instructions.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 131

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining Accounts

• To rename a summary account, see “Renaming a

Summary Account” earlier in this section.
• To move a summary account to a different location in the
chart, see “Moving a Summary Account” earlier in this

Maintaining Accounts
This section contains the following procedures for maintaining
posting accounts for an accounting unit. It also contains
procedures for maintaining detail accounts for a chart of accounts.
• Copying Accounts
• Changing Multiple Accounts for an Accounting Unit
• Changing Multiple Detail Accounts for a Chart of Accounts
For instructions on defining the company structure or defining
accounting units, see “Defining the Company Structure” earlier in
this chapter.

Copying Accounts
The Mass Account Addition program lets you copy a range of
accounts from one chart of accounts section, summary account,
or accounting unit to selected accounting units for a company.
Accounts are copied to posting accounting units only. The
program does not copy over existing accounts.

To copy accounts
• Run GL121 (Mass Account Addition).

Note Use the Add If Account field on the Copy To form tab to
copy an account or range of accounts to accounting units that
already have a specific account number assigned. For
example, if you want to add the account Overtime Pay to all
departments that have a salary expense account, select the
overtime pay account in the Major Account field on the Copy
From form tab, and select the salary expense account in the
Add If Account field on the Copy To form tab. The program
copies the overtime pay account to all accounting units that
have a salary expense account.

132 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining Accounts

Changing Multiple Accounts

Full General Ledger The Mass Account Change Delete program lets you make the
system users only same changes to more than one account. The program changes
account options for company accounting units in the Posting
Accounts subform, which is located on the Account Options
subform in GL20.1 (Accounting Units-Accounts).

To change multiple accounts

• Run GL122 (Mass Account Change Delete).
a. On the Action form tab, type or select the following field
Field Description
Action This field determines whether to
change or delete selected
companies, accounting units, or
accounts. Select Change.
Company The company or range of
companies to change accounts for.
Accounting Units For each company level, the
accounting unit or range of
accounting units to change accounts
for. If you leave these fields blank,
all company accounting units are
Major Account The range of accounts and,
and Subaccount optionally, subaccounts to change.
To change all accounts for the
selected company accounting units,
leave the From field blank and type
9999 in the To field.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 133

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining Accounts

b. On the Change Options and User Field Options form tabs,

type or select the following field data.
Field Description
Select This field identifies whether to
change the specified account field
value. If you select X, the Old field is
optional and the New field is
Old The old field value to replace. Leave
this field blank to assign the New
field value regardless of the Old
value assigned.
New The new field value to assign.

Changing Multiple Detail Accounts

The Mass Chart Acct Change Delete program lets you change
detail accounts options within a chart of accounts. This program
overrides detail account options defined in the Detail Accounts
(GL00.3) subform and the Additional Information (GL00.4)
subform within GL00.1 (Chart of Accounts).
For example, you select account range 1000 through 2000 in the
Action form tab. In the Detail Account Change form tab, you
choose to change all Inactive accounts to Active and select to
Allow Units for all accounts. Account 1100 may already be active,
so that change option is ignored. However, if account 1100 does
not allow units, that change is made.
This program also lets you delete detail accounts. For information
on deleting accounts, see “Deleting Detail Accounts” in Chapter 3.

To change multiple detail accounts

• Run GL100 (Mass Chart Acct Change Delete).

134 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining Accounts

a. On the Action form tab, type or select the following field

Field Description
Action This field determines whether to
change or delete accounts. Select
Chart Select the chart of accounts you
want to change detail accounts for.
Section This field determines whether you
change detail accounts for a
Balance Sheet, Income Statement,
or both.
Update This field determines whether the
change are made in the system or
a report only showing changes is
Summary This field determines if you only
change detail accounts for a
specific summary account.
Affect This field determines the account
level included.
All includes detail accounts
according to the parameters you
Children includes detail accounts
for a specific summary account.
Descendant includes detail
accounts for a range of summary
accounts. For example, you select
a summary account with a level
depth of 2. Detail accounts for
summary accounts with a depth of
2 or lower are included until the
system reaches a summary
account with the same level or

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 135

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining a Company

Field Description
Major Account You can change a specific range of
and Subaccount detail accounts and, optionally,
subaccounts. To change all the
selected chart, section, and
summary account, leave the From
field blank and type 9999 in the To

b. On the Detail Account Change and Additional Account

Change form tabs, type or select the following data:
Field Description
Old Column To change the account options,
you must select the old (or current)
option assigned in the chart of
New Column The new value to assign to the

Maintaining a Company
This section contains the following procedures to copy and
maintain a general ledger company:
• Copying a Company
• Clearing Company Balances and Transactions
• Changing Company Levels
Use the following table to locate related information.
For information on See
Defining companies and “Defining the Company
accounting units Structure” earlier in this
The files that are affected “Files Updated by GL110” in
when you copy a company or Chapter 6.
clear balances and

136 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining a Company

For information on See

Deleting a general ledger “Deleting General Ledger
company and associated data Information” in Chapter 3.

Copying a Company
You can copy a general ledger company, associated accounting
units and accounts, and, optionally, balances, transactions,
accounting unit attributes, and budgets. The company must have
Live, Test, or Inactive selected in the Status field in GL10.1
After you copy the company information, you can maintain it. For
more information, see “Defining the Company Structure” earlier in
this chapter.

To copy a company
• Run GL110 (Company Copy Delete).
Type or select the following field data.
Field Description
Action This field determines whether to copy,
delete, or zero-out company
information. Select Copy.
Company The general ledger company you want
to copy.
To Company The number to assign to the new
number general ledger company.
To Company The name of the new general ledger
description company. If you leave this field blank,
the name of the existing company is
Base Currency The base currency to assign to the new
general ledger company. If you leave
this field blank, the base currency of
the existing company is used.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 137

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining a Company

Field Description
Currency One The report currency to assign to the
new general ledger company. If you
leave this field blank, the report
currency of the existing company is
Currency Two The report currency to assign to the
new general ledger company. If you
leave this field blank, the report
currency of the existing company is
Balance, This field determines whether to copy
Transactions balances and transactions. The default
is No.
Accounting Unit This field determines whether to copy
Attributes accounting unit attributes. The default
is No.
Copy Budgets This field determines whether to copy
budgets defined for the company in the
Budgeting system. The default is No.
Budget Version If you select Yes in the Copy Budgets
field, this field identifies whether to
copy the current budget or all budgets.
The default is Current.

Clearing Company Balances and Transactions

You can clear balances and transactions for a general ledger
company for a single period or for a range of periods within a fiscal
year. The company must have Test selected in the Status field in
GL10.1 (Company).

To clear company balances and transactions

• Run GL110 (Company Copy Delete).

138 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining a Company

Type or select the following field data.

Field Description
Action This field determines whether to copy,
delete, or zero-out company
information. Select Zero.
Company The general ledger company you want
to clear balances and transactions for.
Period The period or range of periods you
want to clear balances and
transactions for.
Fiscal Year The fiscal year you want to clear
balances and transactions for.

Note To completely clear company

balances, run this program for each
fiscal year.

Beginning This field determines whether to clear

Balances beginning balances for the fiscal year.
The default is No.

Changing Company Levels

This section contains procedures for changing a company
• Moving an Accounting Unit
• Adding a Level to the Company Structure
Consider planning your structural changes on paper before
making them online.

Note If the company uses zones, you must change the company
Zone Balancing field on the Main form tab in GL10.1 (Company)
to No before changing the company level structure. After
completing the change process, change the field back to Yes and
define new zone relationships. For instructions, see “Defining a
Zone” earlier in this chapter.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 139

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining a Company

Moving an Accounting Unit

If you need to move an accounting unit to a new location in the
company structure, you must assign a new level address and
effective date to the accounting unit, and then run GL120 (Level
Reorganization) to update the change. This process lets you
update your company structure to account for responsibility
changes and corporate reorganizations.
In the following example, LGE Corporation needs to move the
Marketing accounting unit from the current reporting position in the
Retail division to a new position in the Headquarters division.
Marketing is a posting accounting unit, so this move requires only
one level change.


Headquarters Hospitals Clinics Retail

01 02 03 04

Administration Restaurant
01-01 04-01

Accounting Marketing
01-02 04-02

Sales Sales
01-03 04-03


To move an accounting unit

1. Assign a new level address to the accounting unit you want to
move by completing the following steps.

140 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining a Company

a. Access GL20.1 (Accounting Units - Accounts).

b. Inquire on the accounting unit you want to move.
c. On the Levels form tab, assign a new level address and
effective date.
d. Choose the Change form action.

Tip If you have the Financial Desktop Tools installed, you can
use the GL Explorer to complete step 1 by dragging and
dropping the accounting unit to the new location in the
company structure.

2. Run GL120 (Level Reorganization) to update the level

The program moves the accounting unit and accounting unit
history to the new levels assigned in GL20.1.

Adding a Level to the Company Structure

If you need to change a company structure by adding a new level,
you must
• add levels to the company hierarchy,
• define the new accounting units,
• assign a new level value to accounting units that have a lower
level on the company hierarchy, and then
• run GL120 (Level Reorganization) to update the changes.

Note If you have more than one general ledger company and you
transfer your general ledger data for consolidation, add the new
level to all companies to ensure consistent consolidation

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 141

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining a Company

In the following example, LGE Hospitals has a flat company

structure with two hospitals at the top level of the company. Due
to business expansion, LGE Hospitals purchased another
hospital. Because the new hospital is located in another part of the
country, LGE Hospitals adds a Region level to the company
structure to help future growth. To create the new structure, LGE
Hospitals defines new accounting units at the first level, moves the
Hospital summary accounting units to level two, and moves the
posting accounting units to level three.

Old structure New structure

Hospitals Hospitals

Grove Valley East Region West Region

Hospital Hospital 01 02
01 02

Grove Valley Highland

01-01 02-01
Hospital Hospital Hospital
01-01 01-02 02-01
01-02 02-02

01-01-01 01-02-01 02-01-01

01-03 02-03

01-01-02 01-02-02 02-01-02

01-04 02-04

01-01-03 01-02-03 02-01-03

01-05 02-05

01-01-04 01-02-04 02-01-04

01-01-05 01-02-05 02-01-05

142 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining a Company

To add a new level

1. Access GL10.1 (Company).
2. In the Company field, select the company you want to add a
new level to.
3. Select the Inquire form action.
4. Use the Hierarchy form tab to the new level and to change the
description of existing levels, if needed (for example, change
level two from Hospitals to Regions).

Note You cannot change the size of existing levels.

5. Use GL20.1 (Accounting Units - Accounts) to define

accounting units for the new level (for example, to define the
new Region summary accounting units at level one, and
define new summary and posting accounting units for the
acquired hospital in Region 2). For more information, see
“Defining Accounting Units” earlier in this chapter.
6. Use the Levels form tab in GL20.1 to move each existing
accounting unit to a lower level by assigning a new, lower level
address (for example, to assign new level addresses to the
Grove and Valley Hospital summary accounting units and all
lower level posting accounting units). If needed, select
additional posting accounts for posting accounting units.
7. Run GL120 (Level Reorganization) to update the new level
The program moves the accounting unit and accounting unit
history to the new levels assigned in GL20.1.
8. Run GL320 (Consolidation File Creation) to rebuild the
consolidation file.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 2 Setup 143

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining a Company


144 Chapter 2 Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Chapter 3


This chapter gives instructions for the following General Ledger

procedures you perform on a routine basis:
• Using the Processing Flowchart
• Processing Journal Entries
• Defining Journal Entries
• Defining Journal Entry Comments
• Editing Unreleased Journal Entries
• Releasing Journal Entries
• Transferring Journal Entry Data from an External Source
• Transferring Remote Site Subsystem Transactions
• Processing Recurring Journal Entries
• Maintaining Journal Entry Holds
• Quick-Posting a Journal Entry
• Posting Journal Entries
• Maintaining Posted Journal Entries
• Running Currency Reports
• Running Financial Statements
• Running Predefined Reports
• Closing an Accounting Period
• Consolidating General Ledger Data
• Consolidating Chart-Mapped Company Balances
• Projecting Year-End Amounts
• Processing Year-End Closing

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 145

Version 7.2.1
Using the Processing Flowchart

• Reporting General Ledger Information

• Using Journal Analysis
• Using Transaction Analysis
• Using Daily Transaction Analysis
• Using Account Analysis
• Deleting General Ledger Information

Using the Processing Flowchart

The General Ledger system has a flowchart program you can use
to guide you through the basic General Ledger processing cycle.
The Processing flowchart lets you open forms that you can use to
perform basic journal entry processing and to inquire and report
on general ledger transactions as you move through the flowchart.

To use the processing flowcharts

• Use GLFL.1 (General Ledger Flowchart) and select the
Processing form tab.

Note The General Ledger Flowchart also contains flowcharts for

the LAWSON INSIGHT II Report Writer, Allocations, and
Budgeting processing cycles. For more information, see the
Report Writer Procedures Manual, the Allocations Procedures
Manual, and the Budgeting Procedures Manual.

Processing Journal Entries

Journal entries are created in the General Ledger system to
record and post transactions. Both Lawson and non-Lawson
subsystems also create and transfer journal entries for posting in
the General Ledger system.

146 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Journal Entries

The period processing cycle for journal entries consists of the

following procedures:
1. Defining Journal Entries
2. Editing Unreleased Journal Entries
3. Releasing Journal Entries
4. Posting Journal Entries
5. Closing an Accounting Period (if required)
Other procedures contained in this chapter are required or
optional, depending on your processing needs. See each
procedure for more information.

Defining Journal Entries

The Journal Entry program lets you define and maintain
unreleased journal entries. The program has several subforms
you can use to define journal entry transaction lines. The subform
you use depends on your preference, but your choice might be
influenced by the number of transaction lines you need to define
for a journal entry, the transaction line fields you need to add
information to, and so on. Many fields use default values that you
can override on the journal entry forms and subforms.
This section contains the following procedures for defining journal
• Defining a Journal Entry
• Defining Report Currency Journal Entries
• Copying a Journal Entry
Interface programs are also available to transfer journal entry data
from a source external to the General Ledger system, such as a
desktop application or non-Lawson system, to the LAWSON
INSIGHT II General Ledger system. For more information, see
“Transferring Journal Entry Data from an External Source” later in
this chapter.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 147

Version 7.2.1
Defining Journal Entries

Defining a Journal Entry

GL40.1 (Journal Entry) lets you define journal entries. The journal
entry header information applies to all transaction lines you define
for the journal entry. On the Journal Entry form, you can inquire on
journal entry totals and define journal comments.
You can define a Normal or Intercompany journal entry. A Normal
journal entry lets you manually balance the journal entry by
defining both the credit and debit transactions. An Intercompany
journal entry lets the system automatically creates balancing
journal entries by defining one transaction line. You can also use
an intercompany journal entry to create a journal entry between
different companies. For intercompany journal entry processing
examples, see “Intercompany Processing Example” in Chapter 6.
For each type of journal entry, you can inlcude amount and unit
totals for the:
• Base currency only
• Base currency, transaction currency, report currency one, and
report currency two
• Only report currencies (see “Defining Report Currency
Journal Entries” later in this section)
• Base currency and transaction currencies
• When you post a journal entry, the journal entry base
currency, report currency one, and report currency two debit
and credit amounts and units must balance.

Note You can automatically balance totals for the base currency
by selecting Yes in the Auto Base Balance field on the Currency
form tab in GL10.1 (Company).

148 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Journal Entries

If amounts and units are not in balance when you release the
journal entry, adjustments are made in the system accounts you
defined during your chart of accounts setup. For information on
defining system accounts, see “Defining a New Chart of Accounts”
in Chapter 2.
If you defined a
journal entry using The system account
Only base Balancing adjustments are made in the
currency amounts Error Suspense account for base currency
and units. and transaction currency amounts and
Base currency, Balancing adjustments are made in the
transaction Report Currency Rounding Adjustment
currency, and account for report currency amounts.
report currency Balancing adjustments are made in the
amounts and units Error Suspense account for base currency
and transaction currency amounts and
Only report Make manual adjustments before release.
currency amounts
and units
Base currency Balancing adjustments are made in the
and transaction Error Suspense account for the base
currency codes currency and transaction currency.

Note Balancing adjustments are only made

for the transaction currency if you selected
Yes in the Balance by Transaction
Currency on Journals form tab in GL10.1

To define a journal entry

1. Access GL40.1 (Journal Entry).
2. To define journal entry header information, choose the New
JE button to open the Define Journal subform.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 149

Version 7.2.1
Defining Journal Entries

If you selected Yes in the Auto Journal Numbering field in the

Journals form tab in GL10.1 (Company), leave the Journal
number field blank.
a. Use the Main form tab to define required information for
the journal entry, including information that defaults on
transaction lines.
On the Main form tab, you can assign user analysis
values, a hold code to prevent the journal entry from
posting, mark the journal entry as auto-reversing in the
next period, override the company default zone, or assign
a journal book. You can also open a subform to copy a
journal entry. For instructions, see “Copying a Journal
Entry” later in this section.
If you selected Yes in the Journal Book Required field on
the Journals form tab in GL10.1, the Journal Book field is
b. Use the Dates, Currency form tab to define dates
associated with the journal entry, including a posting date,
and to define currency information for a nonbase currency
journal entry.
c. Optional. If attribute information is required, use the
Attributes form tab to define attribute values. The system
assigns the default values to transaction lines with the
same source code.
d. Select the Add form action.
3. Define journal entry transaction lines. The following options
are available:
a. To add up to six transaction lines at a time for the journal
entry, use GL40.1. On this form, you can assign an
account, user analysis values, an amount, a units value,
an activity, and a description.
To include user analysis values in the transaction, press
For Strategic Ledger Define (F6) in the User Analysis field to open the User
system users only Analysis Entry subform. For complete information, see the
Strategic Ledger Procedures Manual.

150 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Journal Entries

b. Optional. To define additional information for a transaction

line or override the default information from the journal
entry header, choose the More button to open the
Additional Information subform.

Note An asterisk displays next to the button if additional

information is defined for a transaction line.

– or –
a. To add up to 12 transaction lines at a time for the journal
entry, choose the Speed Entry button on GL40.1 to open
the Speed Entry subform. On this form, you can assign an
account, user analysis values, an amount, and a
description, and set the reversal flag.
b. Optional. To define additional information for a transaction
line or override the default information from the journal
entry header, choose the More button to open the
Additional Information subform.
– or –
a. To define a single transaction line, choose the Single Line
button on GL40.1 to open GL40.9 (Journal Entry Line).
b. Use the Main, Attributes, and Amounts form tabs to define
journal entry transaction information.

Tip If you create multiple transaction lines, you can press

Copy (F2) to copy a field value from the previous transaction
line. To copy and reverse the amount from the previous
transaction line, press Shift+Copy (F2) in the transaction
Amount field.

On the Additional Information or Journal Entry Line subforms,

you can also open a subform to create a split distribution. For
instructions, see “Creating a Split Distribution” later in this
4. Optional. To define a journal entry that only includes report
currency amounts or to override report currency transaction
amounts, choose the Rpt Curr Entry button. For complete
information, see “Defining Report Currency Journal Entries“
later in this section.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 151

Version 7.2.1
Defining Journal Entries

5. Optional. To display totals for the journal entry, choose the

Totals button on GL40.1 (Journal Entry) to open the Totals
subform. Use the subform to determine whether you need to
make transaction line adjustments to eliminate differences
between transaction amounts and base currency amounts or
between debit amounts and credit amounts.
You can also use this subform to determine whether you need
to make transaction line adjustments to eliminate differences
between report currency amounts.
If you have selected auto-balancing for the company on
GL10.1 (Company), the system prompts you to click OK to
generate auto-balancing entries in the auto-balancing system
account you selected on GL00.7 (System Accounts). If you did
not select auto-balancing, you must return to GL40.1 and
make manual adjusting entries that you can post to an
account of your choice.

Note If your company uses triangulated currency transactions

the preferred method for balancing journal entries would be to
use the auto-balancing option. This option ensures that your
currency transactions are balanced in conformance with
European Union banking regulations that prohibit the
modification of exchange rates for euro-bound currencies.

To display totals for a different currency, posting company, or

zone, choose the Filter button to open the Filter subform.
6. Optional. To define comments for a journal entry, choose the
Comments button on GL40.1 to open the Comments subform.
For more information, see “Defining Journal Entry Comments”
later in this chapter.

Note An asterisk displays next to the button if comments exist

for the journal entry.

152 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Defining Journal Entries

Defining Report Currency Journal Entries

You can override or define journal entries for report currencies
only. For example, you can create a report currency only journal
entry to correct report currency amounts in a closed accounting
period due to exchange rate fluctuations. If the journal entry was
released and posted at the beginning of the month, the exchange
rate defined for the report currency and company base currency
may have changed by the end of the month.

Note If you posted the journal entry, you must reverse it before you
can override or define report currency only journal entries,. For
instructions, see “Reversing a Journal Entry” later in this chapter.

You can override the report currency amount and exchange rate.
If you modify the exchange rate, you must clear the report
currency amount. If you use triangulation, report currency
overrides follow triangulation parameters.

Important These journal entries do not include base and transaction

amounts and units. When you change the report currency amount,
base and transaction amounts and units do not change.

You must manually balance report currency only journal entries

before the journal entry is released.

To define a report currency journal entry

1. Access GL40.1 (Journal Entry).
2. Use the Inquire form action for the journal entry you want to
3. Choose the Rpt Curr Entry button to open the Report
Currency Entry subform. Use this subform to maintain report
currency amounts.
4. Optional. Choose the asterisk (*) button to open the Additional
Information subform. Use this subform to define additional
information for a transaction line or override the default
information from the journal entry header.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 153

Version 7.2.1
Defining Journal Entry Comments

Copying a Journal Entry

If you want to define a journal entry similar to an existing journal
entry, you can quickly copy the existing journal entry, and then
make necessary changes.
You can also use the copy process to easily create a reversing
journal entry. For more information, see “Reversing a Journal
Entry” later in this chapter.

To copy a journal entry

1. Access GL40.1 (Journal Entry).
2. Inquire on the journal entry you want to copy.
3. Choose the New JE button to open the Define Journal
4. Choose the Copy button to open the Journal Copy subform.
Use the subform to select options for copying the journal
entry. The New Entry fields use the default values from the
Existing Entry fields unless you override the values.
• If you selected Yes in the Auto Journal Numbering field in
the Journals form tab in GL10.1 (Company), leave the
Journal number field blank.
• If you select Yes in the Journal Book Required field in the
Journals form tab in GL10.1, the Journal Book field is
• If you are creating a reversing entry, select Yes in the
Reverse Values field. For more information, see
“Reversing a Journal Entry” later in this chapter.
5. Select the Add form action.

Defining Journal Entry Comments

You can define comments for a journal entry. You can display and
print comments on various inquiries and reports, including GL240
(Journal Entry Edit Listing), GL270 (Recurring Journal Edit
Listing), and GL190 (Journal Posting).

154 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Editing Unreleased Journal Entries

To define journal entry comments

1. To define comments for a journal entry, access GL40.1
(Journal Entry) or GL41.1 (Journal Analysis).
– or –
To define comments for a recurring journal entry, access
GL70.1 (Recurring Journal).
2. Inquire on the journal entry you want to define comments for.
3. Choose the Comments button to open the Comments subform
and define the comments.

Note An asterisk displays next to the Comments button if

comments exist for the journal entry.

Editing Unreleased Journal Entries

Before you release and post journal entries, you can review the
journal entries for errors and make corrections. For companies
that use journal control, you can also review control totals and
make corrections.

Note If you included user analysis values in the transaction, use

SL40.1 (Error Transaction Analysis) to display transaction
information. For complete information, see the Strategic Ledger
Procedures Manual.

This section contains the following procedures for editing

unreleased journal entries:
• Listing Journal Entries
• Maintaining Control Totals
• Correcting an Unreleased Journal Entry

Listing Journal Entries

Several reports are available to list journal entries. The kind of
journal entries that appear on the reports depends on the journal
status you select. You can use the reports to review journal entries
for errors before you release and post the journal entries.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 155

Version 7.2.1
Editing Unreleased Journal Entries

To list journal entries

To create Run
A detailed edit listing of all GL240 (Journal Edit Listing)
journal entry transaction
A listing of all journal entry GL241 (Period Transaction
transactions in journal entry Listing)
A summary edit listing of the GL245 (Journal Control Report)
journal entry heading
information. The listing
includes the status, journal
entry operator, and
originating subsystems.
A listing of journal entry JB240 (Journal Book Report)
transactions for a journal
book in transaction
sequence order

Maintaining Control Totals

For a company that has Yes selected in the Control Totals field on
the Journals form tab in GL10.1 (Company), make sure the control
amount and system amount match before you release a journal
entry. If the amounts do not match, you must either change the
control amount or change the journal entry so the system-
calculated amounts are correct.

To maintain control totals

1. Access GL45.1 (Journal Control).
2. In the Company, Year, and Period fields, select the company,
fiscal year, and period you want to maintain control totals for.
3. Optional. To select criteria to limit the journal entries that
display, choose the Filter button to open the Filter subform.

Note An asterisk displays next to the button if filter information


156 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Editing Unreleased Journal Entries

4. For each journal entry, make sure the value in the Control
Amount field equals the actual (system-calculated) amount,
which displays below the control amount.
If the amounts are not the same, complete one or both of the
following steps:
a. Optional. To change the control amount for a journal
entry, complete the following steps.
1) Select the Change line action next to the journal entry.
2) In the Control Amount field, type a new value so it
matches the actual total.
3) Choose the Change form action.
b. Optional. To change the actual amount for a journal entry,
correct the journal entry.
For instructions, see “Correcting an Unreleased Journal
Entry” later in this section.

Correcting an Unreleased Journal Entry

Two programs are available to correct journal entry errors. The
program you use depends on the information you need to correct.

Tip Use the following procedure to correct unreleased error

suspense entries that originate from the subsystems.

To correct a journal entry

• To correct an unreleased journal entry, use GL40.1 (Journal
Entry). You can change journal entry header and transaction
information and correct out-of-balance conditions.
For more information on using GL40.1, see “Defining a
Journal Entry” earlier in this chapter.
– Or –
• To correct multiple journal entries, use GL45.1 (Journal
Control). You can change journal entry header information

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 157

Version 7.2.1
Releasing Journal Entries

• Optional. To select criteria to limit the journal entries that

display, choose the Filter button to open the Filter

Note An asterisk displays next to the button if filter

information exists.

• Optional. To maintain additional journal entry header

information, choose the More button next to the entry to
open the Additional Information subform.
To make additional changes to a released or posted journal
entry, you must first back out or reverse the entry. For
instructions, see “Maintaining Posted Journal Entries” later in
this chapter.

Optional inquiry
• Use GL42.1 (Journal Entry Log) to display journal entry
transaction information for a period or range of dates for a
Log records display for each journal entry, including a
message about journal entry errors.
• To correct an error for an unreleased journal entry,
choose the Maintain button next to the entry to open
GL40.1 (Journal Entry).
• To display journal entry details (including status), totals, or
transaction lines, use the Drill Around feature.

Releasing Journal Entries

After you review unreleased journal entries and make necessary
corrections, you can release the journal entries. A journal entry
must be in balance and, for a company that uses journal control
(Yes selected in the Control Totals field on the Journals form tab
in GL10.1 (Company)), must have matching control and system
amounts before you release the journal entry.
Releasing a journal entry changes the journal entry status to
Released, makes the journal entry transaction lines available for
posting, and, for an intercompany journal entry, creates the
intercompany balancing entries.

158 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Transferring Journal Entry Data from an External Source

If you use a Workflow system to approve journal entries, journal

entries that are greater than or equal to the approval amount
defined for the company on the Journals form tab in GL10.1
(Company) are routed to the Workflow system for approval. These
journal entries must be approved before they become available for
posting. For more information on company workflow options, see
“Defining a Company” in Chapter 2.

Note If you included user analysis values in the transaction, use

SL90.1 (Strategic Ledger Transaction Analysis) to analyze
profitability. For complete information, see the Strategic Ledger
Procedures Manual.

To release journal entries

• To release an individual journal entry, use GL40.1 (Journal
– or –
To release one or more selected journal entries for a
company, use GL45.1 (Journal Control).

Optional reports
• Run GL240 (Journal Edit Listing) to list detailed journal entry
transaction information.
• Run GL241 (Period Transaction Listing) to list all journal entry
transactions in journal entry order.
• Run GL245 (Journal Control Report) to list journal entry
heading information.
The listing includes the status, journal entry operator, and
originating subsystems.
• Run JB240 (Journal Book Report) to list journal entry
transactions for a journal book in transaction sequence order.

Transferring Journal Entry Data from an External

This section provides information about the ongoing process of
transferring data from an external source, such as a desktop
application or a non-Lawson system, to the LAWSON INSIGHT II
General Ledger system.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 159

Version 7.2.1
Transferring Journal Entry Data from an External Source

Interface Programs
Two interface programs are available to transfer journal entry
data: GL165 (Transaction Interface) and GL65.1 (Transactions
Interface Maintenance).
GL165 lets you transfer journal entries and transaction lines from
an external source to the General Ledger system. GL165 edits the
information that you load in the interface file, creates records into
the General Ledger database file, and purges corresponding
records from the interface file.
GL65.1 lets you maintain records in the interface files. You can
use GL65.1 to maintain records before you transfer them, or to
correct to records that do not transfer before running GL165 again
to process the corrected records.
For more information about how to use the interface programs,
see the form and field help text for each program.

Interface Files
Following is the interface file that you need to load and the
database file that GL165 (Transaction Interface) updates.

Input File
Load external journal entry data into the following file. For
information about each field in each file, the kind of information
each field should include, and the programs that update each field,
see the data file help text for the interface file.
File COBOL name
General Ledger Transaction GLTRANSREL

Output File
GL165 (Transaction Interface) updates the following database file.
For information about the file, see the data file help text for the file.
File COBOL name
General Ledger Transaction GLTRANS

160 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Transferring Journal Entry Data from an External Source

Transferring Journal Entries from an External

Use the following procedure to transfer journal entries and
transaction lines from an external source to the General Ledger
system. The transferred journal entries have a Released status.
For more information on journal entry statuses, see “Journal Entry
Statuses” in Chapter 6.

To transfer journal entries from an external source

1. Load the external journal entry data into the General Ledger
Transaction Conversion file.
The preferred method for loading the file is to first load a flat
file (export file) with your external data, then use the Import
(IMPORTDB) command to automatically load the data into the
appropriate General Ledger Transaction file.
For instructions on using the Import command, see Database
2. Run GL165 (Transaction Interface).
In the Update field, select one of the following options:
Select To
No Report Only Create a report only. Use this option to
check for errors before transferring
Partial Edit records in the interface file and
transfer records that do not contain
All Edit records in the interface file and
transfer all records, if no errors exist. If
errors exist, the program creates a list of
the records that contain errors and an
error description that identifies the kind
of error.

3. Optional. To correct records that did not transfer, use GL65.1

(Transactions Interface Maintenance).
4. Optional. To transfer the corrected records, run GL165 again.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 161

Version 7.2.1
Transferring Remote Site Subsystem Transactions

5. Optional. Verify that the transferred data is correct.

Optional report
• Run GL265 (Transaction Interface Listing) to list the data
contained in the General Ledger Transaction Conversion file.

Transferring Remote Site Subsystem Transactions

If you defined the General Ledger system as a remote site, each
subsystem creates General Ledger transactions in a CSV
transaction file. You must move the CSV files to the target
machine, import the data, and upload the data to the General
Ledger Transaction file in the General Ledger system. After the
transactions are uploaded to the General Ledger Transaction file,
you can post them to the General Ledger system.
Use the following table as a guide to locate additional information.
For information on See
Defining the General Ledger “Defining a Remote Site” in
system as a remote site Chapter 2.
Removing subsystem “Maintaining Journal Entry
journal entries from hold Holds” later in this chapter.
Posting journal entries “Posting Journal Entries” later in
this chapter.

To transfer remote site subsystem transactions

1. If your subsystems and the General Ledger system run on
different machines, you must move the CSV Remote
Transaction (REMOTEGLT) files to the target machine. The
files are located in the $LAWDIR/productline/work/remoteglt
directory on the source machine.
This step is not required if your subsystems and the General
Ledger system use different databases on the same machine.

Note Because each subsystem program that creates general

ledger transactions creates a Remote Transaction file, more
than one REMOTEGLT file might exist on the subsystem site.
The system assigns a suffix number to each additional
REMOTEGLT file it creates.

162 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Processing Recurring Journal Entries

2. Use the Import (IMPORTDB) command to load the CSV file

data into the General Ledger Remote Transfer
(GLREMOTETX) database file.
The import process creates a file called REMOTEGLT.imp. If
the data loads successfully, the file is empty. Otherwise, the
file contains records that did not import.
For instructions on using the Import command, see Database
3. Run GL311 (Remote Site GL Transaction Upload) to create
transactions in the General Ledger Transaction (GLTRANS)
database file. The transactions have a Released status.

Processing Recurring Journal Entries

A recurring journal entry is a journal entry that occurs more than
once, such as a journal entry for a monthly rent payment, quarterly
payroll tax, or semiannual real estate tax.
Recurring journal entries are similar to regular journal entries;
however, you must release and transfer recurring journal entries
to the General Ledger system for posting.
The processing cycle for recurring journal entries consists of the
following procedures:
1. Defining a Recurring Journal Entry
2. Editing Unreleased Recurring Journal Entries
3. Releasing Recurring Journal Entries
4. Transferring Recurring Journal Entries
5. Closing the Recurring Journal System (optional)
All other procedures contained in this section are required or
optional, depending on your processing needs. See each
procedure for more information.

Defining a Recurring Journal Entry

GL70.1 (Recurring Journal) lets you define recurring journal
entries. When you define a recurring journal entry, you select the
periods the journal entry recurs in and define the range of dates to
start and stop creating the recurring journal entry.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 163

Version 7.2.1
Processing Recurring Journal Entries

Each recurring journal entry must have at least one transaction

line. The recurring journal entry header information you define
defaults on transaction lines that you create for the recurring
journal entry. You can inquire on recurring journal entry totals and
define journal comments, which you can print on many general
ledger reports.
If recurring journal entry amounts or units change for each
recurrence, you can create an auto-zeroing recurring journal
entry. This causes the system to clear the Amount and Units fields
on the recurring journal entry each time you process it. You must
type in new amount and units values for the next occurrence.
When you create a recurring journal entry, the status is Ready and
the detail status is Unreleased. For more information on journal
entry statuses, see “Journal Entry Statuses” in Chapter 6.

Note You can also use GL70.1 during year-end closing to change
the Ending Period and Year fields to show the new year.

To define a recurring journal entry

1. Access GL70.1 (Recurring Journal).
2. Choose the New Entry button to open the Define Recurring
Journal subform. Use the subform to define recurring journal
entry header information.
The Journal number field is required. Recurring journal entry
numbers are not automatically assigned for a company that
has Yes selected in the Auto Journal Numbering field in the
Journals form tab in GL10.1 (Company).
a. Use the Main form tab to define required information for
the recurring journal entry, including information that
defaults on transaction lines.
You can also mark the recurring journal entry as auto-
reversing the next period, override the company default
zone, or assign a journal book. If you selected Yes in the
Journal Book Required field on the Journals form tab in
GL10.1, the Journal Book field is required.

164 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Processing Recurring Journal Entries

To clear the amount and units values each time the

recurring journal entry is processed, select Yes in the
Auto Zero field. For additional information, see “Adding
Amounts to an Auto-Zeroing Recurring Journal Entry”
later in this section.
On the Main form tab, you can also open a subform to
copy a recurring journal entry. For instructions, see
“Copying a Recurring Journal Entry” later in this section.

Tip If you have a recurring journal entry that occurs twice

in the same period, you can create a single recurring
journal entry, and then copy it and assign a different
posting day to the copy.

b. Use the Valid Periods form tab to define the date range
and periods in which the recurring journal entry occurs.
c. Optional. If you use the transaction attribute feature, use
the Attributes form tab to define attribute values. The
default values are assigned to transaction lines with the
same source code.
d. Select the Add form action.
3. Use GL70.1 to create recurring journal entry transaction lines.
On this form, you can assign user analysis values, amount
and unit values, an activity, and a description.
To include user analysis values in the transaction, press
For Strategic Ledger Define (F6) in the User Analysis field to open the User
system users only Analysis Entry subform. For complete information, see the
Strategic Ledger Procedures Manual.
To define additional information for a transaction line, override
information that defaults from the recurring journal entry
header, or calculate the amount based on volume and rate
information, choose the More button to open the Additional
Information subform.

Note An asterisk displays next to the button if additional

information is defined for a transaction line.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 165

Version 7.2.1
Processing Recurring Journal Entries

4. Optional. To display totals for the journal entry, choose the

Totals button to open the Journal Totals subform. Use the
subform to determine whether you need to make transaction
line adjustments to eliminate differences between transaction
currency and base currency amounts or between debit
amounts and credit amounts.
To display totals for a different posting company or zone,
choose the Filter button to open the Filter subform.
5. Optional. To define comments for a recurring journal entry,
choose the Comments button on GL70.1 to open the
Comments subform. For more information, see “Defining
Journal Entry Comments” earlier in this chapter.

Note An asterisk displays next to the button if comments exist

for the recurring journal entry.

Copying a Recurring Journal Entry

You can create a recurring journal entry similar to an existing one
by copying the existing entry and then making changes. You can
copy the recurring journal entry with or without amounts.
You can also use the copy process to easily create a reversing
recurring journal entry. For more information, see “Reversing a
Journal Entry” later in this chapter.

Tip If you have a recurring journal entry that occurs twice in the
same period, you can create a single recurring journal entry, and
then copy it and assign a different posting day to the copy.

To copy a recurring journal entry

1. Access GL70.1 (Recurring Journal Entry).
2. Inquire on the recurring journal entry you want to copy.
3. Choose the New Entry button to open the Define Recurring
Journal subform.
4. Choose the Copy button to open the Recurring Copy subform.
Use the subform to select options for copying the recurring
journal entry.

166 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Processing Recurring Journal Entries

If you selected Yes in the Auto Journal Numbering field in the

Journals form tab in GL10.1 (Company), leave the Journal
number field blank.
If you selected Yes in the Journal Book Required field in the
Journals form tab in GL10.1, the Journal Book field is
To create a reversing entry, select Yes in the Reverse Values
field. For more information, see “Reversing a Journal Entry”
later in this chapter.
5. Select the Add form action.

Adding Amounts to an Auto-Zeroing Recurring

Journal Entry
Each time you transfer an auto-zeroing recurring journal entry to
the General Ledger system, the system clears transaction amount
and units values. Before you can process the recurring journal
entry again, you must add a new amount or units value to each
transaction line.
For more information on defining an auto-zeroing recurring journal
entry, see “Defining a Recurring Journal Entry” earlier in this

To add amounts to an auto-zeroing recurring journal entry

1. Access GL70.1 (Recurring Journal Entry).
2. Inquire on the recurring journal entry you want to add amount
or units values to.
3. Choose the Amts Only button to open the Amounts Only
subform. Use the subform to type the amount or units value for
each transaction line.
4. Select the Change form action.

Creating a Split Distribution

When you define a journal entry in GL40.1 (Journal Entry) or enter
an invoice in the LAWSON INSIGHT II Accounts Payable system,
you can define a recurring journal entry to distribute a transaction
line amount to another account over several periods.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 167

Version 7.2.1
Processing Recurring Journal Entries

For example, if you pay rent or services in advance for one year,
you can use the split distribution feature to post part of the prepaid
amount from your prepaid expense account to the actual expense
account for each period.
When you define a recurring journal entry to split a distribution, the
system distributes the transaction line amount evenly to each
period you select. You can then adjust the scheduled amounts.
After you create a split distribution, you must release, transfer, and
post the recurring journal entry.

To create a split distribution

1. To create a split distribution for a journal entry transaction line,
complete the following steps.
a. Access GL40.1 (Journal Entry).
b. Inquire on the journal entry you want to create a split
distribution for.
c. Choose the More button next to the transaction line you
want to split to open the Additional Information subform.
d. Choose the Recurring button to open the Recurring
Journal Interface subform.
– or –
To create a split distribution for an invoice distribution,
complete the following steps.
a. Access AP20.1 (Basic Invoice) or AP20.2 (Taxed
b. Inquire on the invoice you want to create a split
distribution for.
c. Choose the More button next to the distribution you want
to split to open the Distribution Options subform.
d. Choose the Recurring Journal button to open the
Recurring Journal Interface subform.

168 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Processing Recurring Journal Entries

2. In the Recurring Journal Interface subform, type or select the

following field data.
Field Description
Recurring (type) This field identifies whether the
recurring journal entry is normal or
Recurring The recurring journal entry number.
To Account The accounting unit and account
number to post the split amounts to.
Source Code The kind of transaction being created.
Begin Period and The year and period to start creating
Year the recurring journal entry.
End Period and The year and period to stop creating
Year the recurring journal entry.
Select Periods The periods the recurring journal
occurs in.

Other form fields are optional.

3. Choose OK.
The system distributes the transaction line amount equally
over each period selected.

Note An asterisk displays next to the Recurring button if

recurring journal entry information is defined.

4. Release the journal entry. For instructions, see “Releasing

Journal Entries” earlier in this chapter.
– or –
Release the invoice, complete the payment cycle, and post
invoice distributions. For instructions, see the Accounts
Payable Procedures Manual.
5. Optional. To view or change the system-created recurring
journal entry schedule, complete the following steps.
a. Access GL70.1 (Recurring Journal).

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 169

Version 7.2.1
Processing Recurring Journal Entries

b. Inquire on the recurring journal entry.

c. Choose the Schedule button to open the Recurring
Journal Schedule subform. Use the subform to adjust
amount and units values for each period.
You can change only unprocessed transactions. The total
detail amount cannot exceed the original transaction
No transaction lines display in GL70.1.

Note An asterisk displays next to the button if split

distribution schedule information exists.

6. Release the recurring journal entry. For instructions, see

“Releasing Recurring Journal Entries” later in this section.
7. Transfer the recurring journal entry to the General Ledger
system. For instructions, see “Transferring Recurring Journal
Entries” later in this section.
8. Post the journal entry. For instructions, see “Posting Journal
Entries” later in this chapter.

Editing Unreleased Recurring Journal Entries

Before you release and transfer recurring journal entries to the
General Ledger system, you can review the recurring journal
entries for errors and make corrections.

Note If you included user analysis values in the transaction, use

SL40.1 (Error Transaction Analysis) to display transaction
information. For complete information, see the Strategic Ledger
Procedures Manual.

• Listing Recurring Journal Entries

• Correcting an Unreleased Recurring Journal Entry

170 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Processing Recurring Journal Entries

Listing Recurring Journal Entries

Two reports are available to list recurring journal entries. The kind
of journal entries that appear on the reports depends on the report
options you select. You can use the reports to review recurring
journal entries for errors before you release and transfer the
recurring journal entries.

To list recurring journal entries

• To create a detailed edit listing of all recurring journal entry
transaction information, run GL270 (Recurring Journal Edit
– or –
To create a summary edit listing of recurring journal entry
heading information, run GL275 (Recurring Journal Control
This listing includes the status and operator.

Correcting an Unreleased Recurring Journal Entry

Use GL70.1 (Recurring Journal Entry) to correct an unreleased
recurring journal entry. You can change recurring journal entry
header and transaction information, correct out-of-balance
conditions, and add amounts and units.
If you need to make additional changes to an unreleased recurring
journal entry, you must first reverse the entry. For instructions, see
“Reversing a Journal Entry” later in this chapter. If you need to
change a released recurring journal entry, you must first unrelease
the entry, and then make changes (the company must have Yes
selected in the Allow Unrelease of Released Entries field in the
Journals form tab in GL10.1 (Company)).

To correct a recurring journal entry

1. Access GL70.1 (Recurring Journal).
2. Inquire on the recurring journal entry you want to correct.
3. Optional. If the recurring journal entry status is Released,
select the Unrelease form action.
4. Make corrections to the fields that are incorrect.
5. Select the Change form action.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 171

Version 7.2.1
Processing Recurring Journal Entries

For more information on using GL70.1, see “Defining a

Recurring Journal Entry” earlier in this section.

Releasing Recurring Journal Entries

After you review recurring journal entries for accuracy and make
necessary corrections, you can release the recurring journal
entries. Before you can release a recurring journal entry, however,
the debit amounts must equal the credit amounts. You must
release recurring journal entries before you can transfer them to
the General Ledger system.
Releasing a recurring journal entry changes the recurring journal
entry status to Ready and the detail status to Released. For more
information on journal entry status codes, see “Journal Entry
Statuses” in Chapter 6.

Note If you included user analysis values in the transaction, use

SL90.1 (Strategic Ledger Transaction Analysis) to analyze
profitability. For complete information, see the Strategic Ledger
Procedures Manual.

To release a recurring journal entry

• To release an individual recurring journal entry, use GL70.1
(Recurring Journal).
– or –
To release one or more selected recurring journal entries for
a company, use GL75.1 (Recurring Journal Control).

Transferring Recurring Journal Entries

You must transfer released recurring journal entries to the General
Ledger system before GL190 (Journal Posting) can post them.
You must transfer recurring journal entries at least once in an
accounting period.
When you transfer a recurring journal entry to the General Ledger
system, the system copies the record from the Recurring Journal
Transaction (RJTRANS) file to the General Ledger Transaction
(GLTRANS) file. The recurring entry is then treated the same as a
journal entry originating in GL40.1 (Journal Entry) with a system
code of RJ (Recurring Journal).

172 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Processing Recurring Journal Entries

If you use a Workflow system to approve journal entries, recurring

journal entries that are greater than or equal to the approval
amount defined for the company on the Journals form tab in
GL10.1 (Company) are routed to the Workflow system for
approval. These recurring journal entries must be approved before
you can post them to the general ledger. For more information on
company workflow options, see “Defining a Company” in
Chapter 2.
For instructions on releasing recurring journal entries, see
“Releasing Recurring Journal Entries” earlier in this section.

To transfer recurring journal entries

• To transfer all released recurring journal entries for the current
period, run GL170 (Recurring Journal Interface).
– Or –
1. To transfer one or more released recurring journal entries, use
GL75.1 (Recurring Journal Control).
2. Inquire on the company you want to transfer recurring journal
entries for.
3. Select the Journalize line action next to the recurring journal
entries you want to transfer.
4. Select the Change form action.

Closing the Recurring Journal System

After you transfer all recurring journal entries to the General
Ledger system for a period, you can close the Recurring Journal
subsystem. The closing program checks to make sure that all
recurring journal entries for the current period are processed.
If you have closing control selected for the Recurring Journal
subsystem, you must close the Recurring Journal subsystem
before you can run GL199 (Period Closing) to close the
accounting period. For more information on system control
options, see “Defining System Codes and System Control” in
Chapter 2.

To close the recurring journal system

• Run GL179 (Recurring Journal Closing).

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 173

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining Journal Entry Holds

Maintaining Journal Entry Holds

You cannot post journal entries that have a journal hold code
assigned until you remove the journal hold code. You can assign
a journal hold code to an individual journal entry to prevent GL190
(Journal Posting) from posting the journal entry. When you
remove a journal hold code from a journal entry, the journal entry
transaction lines become available for posting.
You can assign a journal hold code to a system code to prevent
subsystem transactions from posting until you review them. For
instructions, see “Defining Journal Hold Codes” in Chapter 2.

To list journal entries on hold

• Run GL240 (Journal Edit Listing) to list journal entries
assigned a specific hold code. In the Hold Code field, select a
journal hold code.

To maintain journal entry holds

• To add a journal hold code to or remove a journal hold code
from an unreleased or released journal entry, use GL45.1
(Journal Control).
– or –
To add a journal hold code to or remove a journal hold code
from an unreleased journal entry, use the Define Journal
subform in GL40.1 (Journal Entry).
– or –
To remove the journal hold code from journal entries that were
transferred from a specific subsystem, run GL145 (Journal
Entry Hold Release).

Quick-Posting a Journal Entry

You can quick-post a journal entry to update account balances for
reports and inquiries. Quick-posting only simulates posting; you
must still run GL190 (Journal Posting) to post the journal entry
before you close the period.
When you quick-post a journal entry, the following events occur:
• Account balances are updated. The changes appear on
General Ledger and Report Writer reports and online

174 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Posting Journal Entries

• The journal entry status changes to Quick Post. For more

information on journal entry status codes, see “Journal Entry
Statuses” in Chapter 6.
• Sequential transaction numbers, if used, are assigned to the
journal entry at the journal book or company level.
If needed, you can back out and change a quick-posted journal
entry to correct errors before posting. For instructions on backing
out a journal entry, see “Unposting a Journal Entry” later in this
chapter. Quick-posting to a previous period is allowed only if the
period is open for backposting. For more information, see
“Backposting a Journal Entry” later in this chapter.

Important You cannot quick-post intercompany journal entries. You must run
GL190 (Journal Posting) to post them.

To quick-post a journal entry

1. Access GL45.1 (Journal Control).
2. In the Company field, type or select the company you want to
quick-post a journal entry for.
3. Select the Inquire form action to display journal entries for the
current period and fiscal year.
4. Select the Quick Post line action next to each released journal
entry you want to quick-post.
5. Select the Change form action.

Posting Journal Entries

You must post journal entries at least once in an accounting period
to update account balances. GL190 (Journal Posting) posts
released journal entries created in the General Ledger system,
transferred from a non-Lawson application, or transferred from
other LAWSON INSIGHT II application systems. If you use a
Workflow system to approve journal entries, journal entries that
require approval must be approved before you can post them to
the General Ledger system.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 175

Version 7.2.1
Posting Journal Entries

GL190 (Journal Posting)

• posts released journal entries with a posting date less than or
equal to the Through Posting Date you define,
• creates balancing entries for interzone journal entries,
• creates auto-balancing entries for recurring journal entries
that were created in currencies other than the company base
currency and posts them either to the auto-balancing system
account (if the company uses the auto-balancing option) or
the error suspense account (if the company does not use
• creates balancing entries for base currency amount
• creates error suspense records in the Undistributed Retained
Earnings account for transaction currency amounts that are
out of balance,
• updates account balances,
• changes the journal entries to a Posted status, and
• changes journal entry transaction lines to Historical status.
Before updating company account balances, the program
converts nonbase currency amounts to the company base
currency or report currency.
The program does not post journal entries that have a journal hold
code assigned or journal entries that require approval in a
Workflow system and are not yet approved.
For each posting account that has the summary interface posting
option selected in the Detail Accounts subform in GL00.1 (Chart of
Accounts), the posting program summarizes subsystem journal
entries with the same posting date, accounting unit, account
number, subaccount number, activity, journal book, and attribute
You can run the journal posting program any time after you
release a journal entry. However, if you want to summarize all
journal entries for an accounting period, run the program only
once at the end of each general ledger accounting period. You can
quick-post journal entries to update account balances for reports
and inquiries without running the posting program.

176 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Posting Journal Entries

Use the following table to locate additional information about the

procedures you might need to complete before posting journal
For information on See
Releasing journal entries “Releasing Journal Entries”
earlier in this chapter.
Quick-posting journal entries “Quick-Posting a Journal
Entry” earlier in this chapter.
Moving, unposting, or “Maintaining Posted Journal
reversing a posted journal Entries” later in this chapter.
Removing subsystem journal “Maintaining Journal Entry
entries from hold or assigning Holds” earlier in this chapter.
a hold code to prevent a
journal entry from posting
Transferring recurring journal “Transferring Recurring
entries to the General Ledger Journal Entries” earlier in this
system for posting chapter.
Revaluing currency “Revaluing Currency” later in
this chapter.
Translating currency “Consolidating General Ledger
Data” later in this chapter.
Defining system control “Defining System Codes and
options System Control” in Chapter 2.
Defining company workflow “Defining a Company” in
options Chapter 2.

To post a journal entry

• Run GL190 (Journal Posting).

Important If you are posting intercompany journal entries, run GL190

(Journal Posting) for both the originating (“from”) company
and the posting (“to”) company.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 177

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining Posted Journal Entries

Maintaining Posted Journal Entries

This section contains the following procedures for maintaining
posted journal entries:
• Moving a Journal Entry
• Unposting a Journal Entry
• Reversing a Journal Entry
• Backposting a Journal Entry

Moving a Journal Entry

If you release or post a journal entry to the wrong period, you can
move the journal entry to the correct period by changing the status
to Unreleased and changing the posting date.
The company you are moving a journal entry for must have Yes
selected in the Allow Unrelease of Released Entries field and in
the Allow Backout of Posted Entries field (for mis-posted entries)
on the Journals form tab in GL10.1 (Company).

To move a journal entry

1. Optional. If you are moving a journal entry to a closed period,
open the accounting period by completing the following steps.
a. Access GL10.1 (Company).
b. In the Company field, select the company you want to
move a journal entry for.
c. Select the Inquire form action.
d. On the Main form tab, choose the Backpost button to open
the Backposting Control subform.
e. Select Backposting Allowed in the Status field of the
period you want to move the journal entry to.
f. Select the Change form action.
2. Access GL45.1 (Journal Control).
3. In the Company, Year, and Period fields, select the company,
fiscal year, and period you want to move the journal entry

178 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining Posted Journal Entries

4. Optional. To select criteria to limit the journal entries that

display in GL45.1, choose the Filter button to open the Filter

Note An asterisk displays next to the button if filter information


5. Select the Inquire form action.

6. If the status of the journal entry you want to move is Posted or
Quick Post, select the Backout line action next to the journal
entry, and then select the Change form action. The status
changes to Released.
– or –
If the status of the journal entry you want to move is Released,
select the Unrelease line action next to the journal entry you
want to move, and then select the Change form action. The
status changes to Unreleased.
7. Move the unreleased journal entry by completing the following
a. Select the Change line action next to the journal entry you
want to move.
b. In the Post Date field, type the posting date for the period
you are moving the entry to.
c. Select the Change form action.
8. Optional. To inquire on the journal entry in the period you
moved the entry to, use GL45.1.
9. Release the journal entry. For instructions, see “Releasing
Journal Entries” earlier in this chapter.
10. Post the journal entry. For instructions, see “Posting Journal
Entries” later in this chapter.
11. Optional. If you opened an accounting period in step 1, close
the open accounting periods.
• If you opened a period in the current year, close the period
you opened.
– or –
If you opened a period in the previous year, close the
period you opened and close the last period of last year.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 179

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining Posted Journal Entries

For instructions, see “Closing an Accounting Period” later in

this chapter.

Unposting a Journal Entry

You can unpost an incorrect journal entry from the current period
by backing out the journal entry. After you back out the journal
entry, you can correct, release, and repost it. You cannot back out
intercompany journal entries.
The company you are unposting a journal entry for must have Yes
selected in the Allow Unrelease of Released Entries field and the
Allow Backout of Posted Entries field on the Journals form tab in
GL10.1 (Company).
To correct a posted journal entry for a previous period or for a
company that does not allow unposting, you must reverse the
incorrect journal entry and define a new one. For instructions, see
“Reversing a Journal Entry” later in this section.

To unpost a journal entry

1. To unpost a single journal entry, use GL45.1 (Journal
a. In the Company field, select the company you want to
unpost a journal entry for. The current Year and Period
b. Optional. To select criteria to limit the journal entries that
display in GL45.1, choose the Filter button to open the
Filter subform.

Note An asterisk displays next to the button if filter

information exists.

c. Select the Inquire form action.

d. Select the Backout line action next to the Posted or Quick
Post journal entry you want to unpost, and then select the
Change form action.
This process changes the journal entry status to Released
and removes the effect of the journal entry on current
period account balances.

180 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining Posted Journal Entries

e. Select the Unrelease line action next to the journal entry

you want to unpost, and then select the Change form
The status changes to Unreleased.
– or –
To unpost a group of journal entries, run GL146 (Batch
Journal Control).
a. In the Company, Fiscal Year, and Period fields, type or
select the company number, year, and period you want to
unpost a group of journal entries for.
b. In the Action field, select Backout.
c. Type or select values in the System, Journal Entries, Post
Thru Date, and Journal Book fields to limit the journal
entries GL146 unposts.
If you leave these fields blank, all journal entries are
unposted for the period within the other report options you
See online field help text for more information about your
options for each field.
This process changes the journal entry status to Released
and removes the effect of the journal entry on current
period account balances.
d. Run GL146 again.
1. In the Action field, select Unrelease.
2. In the Company, Fiscal Year, Period, System, Journal
Entries, Post Thru Date, and Journal Book fields, use
the values from step 1.
The status of the journal entries changes to Unreleased.
2. Use GL40.1 (Journal Entry) or GL45.1 to change the journal
3. Release the journal entry.
For instructions, see “Releasing Journal Entries” earlier in this

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 181

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining Posted Journal Entries

4. Post the journal entry.

For instructions, see “Posting Journal Entries” earlier in this

Reversing a Journal Entry

You can define a reversing journal entry to reverse an incorrect
journal entry that has been posted to the General Ledger system.
You can then define a new, correct journal entry, if needed. For
instructions, see “Defining a Journal Entry” earlier in this chapter.
If you are posting the reversing journal entry or a new journal entry
to a previous period, you must open the period for backposting.

Note For instructions on reversing a subsystem journal entry in the

originating subsystem, see the documentation for the subsystem.

To reverse a journal entry

1. Optional. To reverse a journal entry for a closed period, open
the period for backposting by completing the following steps.
a. Access GL10.1 (Company).
b. In the Company field, select the company you want to
reverse a journal entry for.
c. Select the Inquire form action.
d. On the Main form tab, choose the Backpost button to open
the Backposting Control subform.
e. In the Status field of the period you want to reverse a
journal entry in, select Backposting Allowed.
f. Select the Change form action.
2. Create a reversing journal entry by copying the journal entry
you want to reverse with Yes selected in the Reverse Values
field. You can assign a new post date to the reversing entry.
For more information, see “Copying a Journal Entry” or
“Copying a Recurring Journal Entry” earlier in this chapter.

182 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining Posted Journal Entries

3. Release the journal entry. For instructions, see “Releasing

Journal Entries” earlier in this chapter.
– or –
Release and transfer the recurring journal entry. For
instructions, see “Releasing Recurring Journal Entries” and
“Transferring Recurring Journal Entries” earlier in this chapter.
4. Post the journal entry.
For instructions, see “Posting Journal Entries” earlier in this
5. Close the open accounting periods.
• If you opened a period for backposting in the current year,
close the period you opened.
– or –
If you opened a period for backposting in the previous
year, close the period you opened and close the last
period of last year.
For instructions, see “Closing an Accounting Period” later in
this chapter.

Backposting a Journal Entry

You can post journal entries to a previous accounting period as
long as the period status is not Final Close. You can use the
backposting feature to correct financial statements or entry errors
• creating additional journal entries in a previous period,
• creating journal entries to correct previous entries, or
• reversing incorrect journal entries.
For more information about period closing options, see “Closing
an Accounting Period” later in this chapter.

To backpost a journal entry

1. Open the accounting period you want to backpost to by
completing the following steps.
a. Access GL10.1 (Company).

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 183

Version 7.2.1
Maintaining Posted Journal Entries

b. In the Company field, select the company you want to

backpost transactions for.
c. Select the Inquire form action.
d. On the Main form tab, choose the Backpost button to open
the Backposting Control subform.
e. In the Status field of the period you want to backpost to,
select Backposting Allowed.
f. Select the Change form action.

Note You can backpost a subledger journal entry by opening

the period in the General Ledger system.

2. Make additions and corrections to the period you opened for

backposting. Use the following table to locate instructions.
For information on See
Creating and releasing “Defining a Journal Entry”
additional journal entries and “Releasing Journal
Entries” earlier in this
Moving a posted journal “Moving a Journal Entry”
entry to another period earlier in this section.
Reversing a posted journal “Reversing a Journal Entry”
entry earlier in this section.
Reversing or creating and Allocations Procedures
releasing allocations Manual

3. Post the additions and corrections.

For instructions, see “Posting Journal Entries” earlier in this
4. Close the open accounting periods.
• If you backposted the journal entry to the current year,
close the period you opened.
– or –
If you backposted the journal entry to last year, close the
period you opened and close the last period of last year.

184 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Running Currency Reports

For instructions, see “Closing an Accounting Period” later in

this chapter.

Running Currency Reports

Three programs are available to process and report on nonbase
currency transactions and account totals. This section contains
the following procedures for running these programs:
• Revaluing Currency
• Exposing Nonbase Currency Amounts
• Translating Base Currency to Report Currency
Revaluation options are defined for a company in the Currency
form tab in GL10.1 (Company). Revaluation options are defined
for a posting account in the Account Information subform, which is
accessed from the Detail Accounts subform in GL00.1 (Chart of
For instructions on translating currency, see “Consolidating
General Ledger Data” later in this chapter. For more information
on defining currency information, see “Defining Currency
Information” in chapter 2.

Revaluing Currency
Currency revaluation is the process of calculating new values for
nonbase currency amounts. At least once in an accounting period,
you must run GL191 (Currency Revaluation) for each general
ledger company that processes nonbase currency transactions.
GL191 revalues nonbase amounts for all posting accounts that
are defined for revaluation, based on the currency exchange rate
in effect and creates journal entries for the currency gain and loss
accounts assigned to the company to track realized gains and
losses. You need to post these journal entries before you close the
accounting period. For instructions, see “Posting Journal Entries”
earlier in this chapter.

To revalue currency
• Run GL191 (Currency Revaluation).

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 185

Version 7.2.1
Running Currency Reports

Exposing Nonbase Currency Amounts

GL296 (Currency Exposure Report) calculates account totals for
each nonbase currency and creates a report that “exposes” the
totals for each currency. You can run the report for a specific level
or accounting unit or for an entire general ledger company.
For example, you can run GL296 for a company with a base
currency of US dollars, several accounts with a currency of French
francs, and several accounts with a currency of Canadian dollars.
The report calculates a total amount for the French franc accounts
and a total amount for the Canadian dollar accounts.

To expose nonbase currency amounts

• Run GL296 (Currency Exposure Report).

Translating Base Currency to Report Currency

GL196 (Report Currency Translation) translates the company
base currency amounts into report currency amounts based on
the translation table rates defined in CU20.1 (Currency Table
Translation Rates) and the translation code defined in CU05.1
(Translation Code).
Note The rate type you select for the translation code in CU05.1
affects how the base currency and report currency amounts are
translated. If you select a rate type of Ending or Historical, the
year-to-date amounts are updated. If you select a rate type of
Average, the amount for the period you select in this form is
If your company uses zone balancing, adjusting transactions are
generated in your transaction gain and loss accounts. Adjusting
transactions is the difference between the translated base amount
and the report currency amount. For more information, see
"Defining Zones and Interzone Relationships" in Chapter 2.
The system creates a journal entry to record the adjustments.
These entries have a source code of CU. For complete
information, see "Defining Journal Entries" and "Editing
Unreleased Journal Entries" earlier in this chapter.

186 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Running Financial Statements

To translate base currency to report currency

1. Run GL196 (Report Currency Translation).
2. In the Company field, select the company you want to
translate the base currency for.
3. In the To Currency field, select the report currency you want
to translate to.

Running Financial Statements

After posting journal entries, you can run a trial balance, balance
sheet, or income statement report. This section contains the
following procedures for running these optional reports:
• Running a Trial Balance Report
• Running a French Trial Balance Report
• Running a Balance Sheet Report
• Running an Income Statement

Tip The LAWSON INSIGHT II Report Writer system lets you

create consolidated or customized financial statements. For more
information, see the Report Writer Procedures Manual.

Running a Trial Balance Report

GL291 (Trial Balance) creates a trial balance report of units and
amounts for a company. You can create a consolidated trial
balance report for specific levels or accounting units or for an
entire general ledger company. The report shows if the company
or level is in balance. You can inlcude amount and unit totals in the
report for the company base currency; report currency one; report
currency two; base currency, report currency one, and report
currency two; or transaction currency.

To run a trial balance report

• Run GL291 (Trial Balance).
Lawson Software recommends running this report at the
company level.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 187

Version 7.2.1
Running Financial Statements

Running a French Trial Balance Report

GL281 (French Trial Balance) is a variation of GL291 (Trial
Balance) with the same basic options. It creates a slightly less
detailed trial balance report than GL291 and lets you produce the
report only in company base currency. In addition, it lets you
create an ETAFI interface file. See the online help for a description
of each report.

To create a print file version of the French trial balance report

• Run GL281 (French Trial Balance) with the Etafi File field set
to No.

To create an ETAFI file version of the French trial balance report

• Run GL281 (French Trial Balance) with the Etafi File field set
to Yes.
The program creates a file named etafi in the
$LAWDIR/productline/work/etafi directory.

Running a Balance Sheet Report

GL292 (Balance Sheet) creates a balance sheet report showing
the current year and last year data for a company or section of a
company for a specified period. The report uses Chart Section 1
(balance sheet) accounts and creates headings and totals based
on the chart of accounts setup. You can create a consolidated
balance sheet for specific levels or accounting units or for an entire
general ledger company.

To run a balance sheet

• Run GL292 (Balance Sheet).

Running an Income Statement

GL293 (Income Statement) creates an income statement report
for a company or section of a company for a specified period. The
report uses Chart Section 2 (income statement) accounts and
creates headings and totals based on the chart of accounts setup.
You can create a consolidated income statement for specific
levels or accounting units or for an entire general ledger company.

188 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Running Predefined Reports

To run an income statement

• Run GL293 (Income Statement).

Running Predefined Reports

The General Ledger system provides the following reports to meet
specific international auditing requirements. These reports are
predefined and cannot be customized or changed in any way.
• Journal Book Report
• Grand Livre Reports
• Centralization Book Report

Note You can produce similar reports, or reports containing the

same information but customized to meet your needs, using the
process described in " Defining a Ledger Report" and "Defining a
Transaction Writer Report" in Chapter 2. The reports described in
this section are a convenience for users who have predefined
auditing requirements.

Journal Book Report

JB240 (Journal Book Report) lists transactions for a company by
journal-book sequence number order and actual posting date and
time. The journal book sequence number lets you trace an
external document to its origins. This report is meaningful only if
your company is set up to use journal book sequence numbering
on GL10.1 (Company).

Grand Livre Reports

The following reports let you meet Grand Livre auditing
requirements. To produce these reports, you must set up your
company on GL10.1 (Company) to use journal books and
sequential transaction numbering (by company or by journal
book). Grand Livre reports use the journal books, sequential
transaction numbers, system codes, and transaction posting
dates as common points of reference to ensure that all journal
entries are accounted for.
There are six Grand Livre reports.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 189

Version 7.2.1
Running Predefined Reports

• GL284 (AP Grand Livre Report - Period) produces a Grand

Livre report based on transactions sent to the General Ledger
system from the Accounts Payable system. GL284 lists
transactions for the fiscal period or range of periods specified,
sorted by vendor number and General Ledger posting date.

Important Before you run this report, you must use GL05.1 (Source
Code) to attach the VENDOR attribute to all the source codes
assigned to the AP system code. For more information on
setting up source codes and source code attributes, see
"Defining Source Codes" in Chapter 2.

• GL285 (AP Grand Livre Report - Date) produces a Grand

Livre report based on transactions sent to the General Ledger
system from the Accounts Payable system. GL285 lists
transactions for the date or range of dates specified, sorted by
vendor number and General Ledger posting date.

Important Before you run this report, you must use GL05.1 (Source
Code) to attach the VENDOR attribute to all the source codes
assigned to the AP system code. For more information on
setting up source codes and source code attributes, see
"Defining Source Codes" in Chapter 2.

• GL286 (AR Grand Livre Report - Period) produces a Grand

Livre report based on transactions sent to the General Ledger
system from the Accounts Receivable system. GL286 lists
transactions for the fiscal period or range of periods specified,
sorted by customer number and General Ledger posting date.

Important Before you run this report, you must use GL05.1 (Source
Code) to attach the CUSTOMER attribute to all the source
codes assigned to the AR system code. For more information
on setting up source codes and source code attributes, see
"Defining Source Codes" in Chapter 2.

190 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Running Predefined Reports

• GL287 (AR Grand Livre Report - Date) produces a Grand

Livre report based on transactions sent to the General Ledger
system from the Accounts Receivable system. GL287 lists
transactions for the date or range of dates specified, sorted by
customer number and General Ledger posting date.

Important Before you run this report, you must use GL05.1 (Source Code) to
attach the CUSTOMER attribute to all the source codes assigned
to the AR system code. For more information on setting up source
codes and source code attributes, see "Defining Source Codes" in
Chapter 2.

• GL288 (GL Grand Livre Report - Period) produces a Grand

Livre report based on transactions posted to the General
Ledger system. GL288 lists transactions for the fiscal period
or range of periods specified, sorted by account, subaccount,
and General Ledger posting date, with debit, credit, and net
totals for each period, account, and company.
• GL289 (GL Grand Livre Report - Date) produces a Grand
Livre report based on transactions posted to the General
Ledger system. GL289 lists transactions for the date or range
of dates specified, sorted by accounting unit, account,
subaccount, and General Ledger posting date.

Centralization Book Report

GL247 (Centralization Book Report) produces
• a report of journal book totals sorted by reporting period,
• a report of period totals sorted by journal book, or
• both a report of journal book totals sorted by reporting period
and a report of period totals sorted by journal book (the
Before you can run GL247, you must first set up your company to
use journal books on GL10.1 (Company).

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 191

Version 7.2.1
Closing an Accounting Period

Closing an Accounting Period

After you post all the journal entries for a period, you must close
the accounting period for each general ledger company or
company group.
When you run GL199 (Period Closing) to close an accounting
period, the program
• creates automatic reversing journal entries,
• labels the period as closed,
• increments the current period number by one, and
• changes processed journal entries to Historical status.
When you close the last accounting period of the fiscal year, the
closing program performs additional steps. For more information,
see “Processing Year-End Closing” later in this chapter.

Important You can close a period with a Limited Close or Final Close status.
Closing a period with a Limited Close status allows future
backposting. Closing a period with a Final Close status prohibits
future backposting.

Before closing a period, make sure that you release all unreleased
journal entries and post all released journal entries. No open
transactions can exist in the period you are closing, including
quick-posted journal entries and journal entries created by GL191
(Currency Revaluation) and GL195 (Transaction Calculation) for
currency gains and losses, and GL196 (Report Currency
If you have closing control selected for a subsystem, you must
close the subsystem before you can close the general ledger
accounting period. If you translate currency, you must close the
period for the consolidation company before or concurrently with
each company you translate amounts and units from.

192 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Closing an Accounting Period

Use the following table to locate additional information about the

procedures you might need to complete before closing an
accounting period, and related information.
For information on See
Posting journal entries “Posting Journal Entries” earlier in
this chapter.
Correcting posted “Maintaining Posted Journal Entries”
journal entries earlier in this chapter.
Revaluing nonbase “Revaluing Currency” earlier in this
currency amounts chapter.
Consolidating currency “Consolidating General Ledger Data”
later in this chapter.
Translating currency "Translating Base Currency to
Report Currency" earlier in this
Running financial “Running Financial Statements”
reports earlier in this chapter.
Defining system control “Defining System Codes and System
options Control” in Chapter 2.
Closing a fiscal year “Processing Year-End Closing” later
in this chapter.

To close an accounting period

• Run GL199 (Period Closing).

Tip You can calculate next year beginning balances at any time
during the current fiscal year by running GL199 with Next Year
Beginning Balance selected in the Closing Option field. This
option updates balances only and does not perform any closing
activities. For example, use this option if you want to run financial
statements for the first period of a new year, but you are not yet
ready to close the last period of last year.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 193

Version 7.2.1
Consolidating General Ledger Data

Consolidating General Ledger Data

If you process transactions for the same general ledger company
on more than one machine, you can transfer data from one
machine to another to consolidate financial information for the
company. You can transfer period balance data, which creates
summarized balance information for each posting account for a
fiscal year, or you can transfer summarized transaction data,
which creates summarized balance information for each posting
account for each period of a fiscal year.
You can also transfer balances from one or more general ledger
companies to a designated consolidation company to consolidate
financial information for an organization.
This section contains the following procedures for consolidating
general ledger data:
• Transferring Period Balance Data
• Transferring Summarized Transaction Data
• Consolidating Company Balances
If your subsystems and the General Ledger system run on
separate machines or use different databases, see “Defining a
Remote Site” in Chapter 2 and “Transferring Remote Site
Subsystem Transactions” earlier in this chapter for instructions on
transferring subsystem transactions to the General Ledger

Transferring Period Balance Data

You can consolidate financial information for a general ledger
company that processes transactions on more than one machine
by transferring period balance data. This process creates
summarized balance information on the target machine for each
posting account for a fiscal year.

194 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Consolidating General Ledger Data

If you want to transfer company period balances, you must copy

the period balance data from the General Ledger Consolidation
(GLCONSOL) file on the source machine to update the General
Ledger Amounts (GLAMOUNTS), General Ledger Units
(GLUNITS), Currency Amount (CUAMOUNT), and General
Ledger Consolidation (GLCONSOL) files on the target machine.
You can transfer amounts, units, or both.

To transfer period balance data

1. Run GL141 (Consolidation Unload) to create a work file of
balance data from the General Ledger Consolidation
(GLCONSOL) file. In the Interface Option field, select
Balance. The program creates the following work file:

Note The program always assigns the same work file name.
Make sure you process work files created by previous GL141
runs before running the program again.

2. Move the work file to the target machine.

3. Use the Import (importdb) command to load the balance data
into the General Ledger Balance Conversion (GLMASTREL)
database file.
For instructions on using the Import command, see Database
4. Optional. To edit records in the General Ledger Balance
Conversion file, use GL67.1 (Conversion Balance).
5. Optional. To check records in the General Ledger Balance
Conversion file for errors, run GL167 (Balance Conversion)
with No selected in the Update field.
GL167 creates a list of records that contain errors and a
description of each error.
6. Optional. To correct errors identified in step 5, use GL67.1
(Conversion Balance).
7. Run GL167 (Balance Conversion) with All selected in the
Update field.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 195

Version 7.2.1
Consolidating General Ledger Data

GL167 converts the records in the General Ledger Balance

Conversion (GLMASTREL) file and creates records in the
General Ledger Amounts (GLAMOUNTS), General Ledger
Units (GLUNITS), and General Ledger Consolidation
(GLCONSOL) files, and Currency Amount (CUAMOUNT)

Optional report
• Run GL267 (Balance Conversion Listing) to list data in the
General Ledger Balance Conversion file before running

Transferring Summarized Transaction Data

You can consolidate financial information for a general ledger
company that processes transactions on more than one machine
by transferring summarized transaction data. This process creates
summarized balance information on the target machine for each
posting account for each period of a fiscal year.
If you want to transfer transaction data, you must copy the
transaction data from the General Ledger Amounts
(GLAMOUNTS) file, General Ledger Units (GLUNITS) file, or both
on the source machine to update the General Ledger Transaction
(GLTRANS) file on the target machine. You must then post the
transaction data to update the General Ledger Amounts
(GLAMOUNTS), General Ledger Units (GLUNITS), and General
Ledger Consolidation (GLCONSOL) files on the target machine.

To transfer summarized transaction data

1. Run GL141 (Consolidation Unload) to create a work file of
balance data from the General Ledger Amounts
(GLAMOUNTS) file, General Ledger Units (GLUNITS) file, or
both. In the Interface Option field, select Transaction.
GL141 creates the following work file:

Note GL141 always assigns the same work file name. Make
sure you process work files created by previous GL141 runs
before running GL141 again.

196 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Consolidating General Ledger Data

2. Move the work file to the target machine.

3. Use the Import (importdb) command to load the transaction
data into the General Ledger Transaction Conversion
(GLTRANSREL) database file. This process creates a run
group called GL141.
For instructions on using the Import command, see Database
4. Optional. To edit records in the General Ledger Transaction
Conversion file, use GL65.1 (Conversion Transactions). In the
Run Group field, type or select GL141
5. Optional. To convert transaction data, run GL165
(Transaction Conversion) for Run Group GL141.
In the Update field, select one of the following options:
Option Description
No Create a report only. Use this option to
check for errors before converting
transactions. Use GL65.1 to correct
errors, and then run GL165 again to
convert the transactions.
Partial Edit records in the conversion file and
convert records that do not contain
errors. GL165 creates a list of records
that contain errors and an error
description that identifies the kind of
error. Use GL65.1 to correct errors, and
then run GL165 again to convert correct
All Edit records in the conversion file and
convert all records if no errors exist. If
errors exist, GL165 creates a list of
records that contain errors and an error
description that identifies the kind of
error. Use GL65.1 to correct errors, and
then run GL165 again.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 197

Version 7.2.1
Consolidating General Ledger Data

The program converts records contained in the General

Ledger Transaction Conversion (GLTRANSREL) file and
creates records in the General Ledger Transaction
(GLTRANS) file.
6. Run GL190 (Journal Posting) to post converted transactions.
This process updates the General Ledger Amounts
(GLAMOUNTS), General Ledger Units (GLUNITS), and
General Ledger Consolidation (GLCONSOL) files for the
company on the target machine.
For more information on the posting process, see “Posting
Journal Entries” earlier in this chapter.

Optional report
• Run GL265 (Transaction Conversion Listing) to list data in the
General Ledger Transaction Conversion file before running

Consolidating Company Balances

You can transfer balances from more than one general ledger
company to a designated consolidation company to consolidate
financial information for an organization.
The consolidation process copies balances from the source
companies that process journal entries to the designated
consolidation company. If the company base currencies are
different, the account balances are translated to the consolidation
company’s base currency based on the translation rate in effect
for the period. For instructions on defining translation codes and
rates, see the “Defining Currency Information” in Chapter 2.
GL195 (Translation Calculation) creates
• journal entries for balance sheet account ending balances,
• journal entries for income statement account period balances,
• a balancing translation gain or loss journal entry if the base
currencies are different and the translated amounts do not net
to zero.

198 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Consolidating General Ledger Data

GL190 (Journal Posting) reverses the balance sheet ending

balance journal entries in the next period (except for the last period
of the fiscal year when GL199 (Period Closing) performs this
At the end of a fiscal year, GL195 also creates reversing journal
entries for any manual journal entries created for the consolidation
company. If you want to preserve manual journal entries, use the
consolidation company for consolidation purposes only. Define a
separate general ledger company for the manual entries, and then
consolidate the balance information to the consolidation company.
If you run GL195 for a range of periods, the resulting journal
entries are created for the last period in the range, or to the current
period if the last period is closed. The journal entries have a “CT”
source code and a Released status. You must post these journal
entries before you close the accounting period for the
consolidation company. For instructions, see “Posting Journal
Entries” earlier in this chapter.
For predictable results, make sure you assign the same chart of
accounts and define the same number of levels for the
consolidation company and each source company. The
consolidation company must have Consolidation selected in the
Status field on the Main form tab in GL10.1 (Company). Each
source company must have Yes selected in the Currency
Translation field on the Currency form tab in GL10.1.

To consolidate company balances

• Run GL195 (Translation Calculation) for each general ledger
company you want to transfer balances from to the general
ledger company designated for consolidation.
If you want to consolidate at a level below company, select the
consolidation level in the Translation Level field.

Important If you need to run GL195 again for the same period, you must
run GL110 (Company Copy Delete) to zero-out the period for
the consolidation company, and then run GL195 again for
each source company. For instructions, see “Maintaining a
Company” in Chapter 2.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 199

Version 7.2.1
Consolidating Chart-Mapped Company Balances

Consolidating Chart-Mapped Company Balances

After you create the appropriate chart maps and fiscal year maps
for each posting company to include in the reports of the reporting
company, you can post the balance for each posting or mapped
company to the reporting company. The balance is converted, if
necessary, to the base currency of the reporting company and
posted in the base currency of the reporting company.
For information on setting up chart maps and fiscal year maps, see
"Defining Chart Maps for Consolidated Reporting" in Chapter 2.

To post transactions to the reporting company

1. Run GL199 (Period Closing) for the fiscal year and period you
want to post on each company mapped to your reporting
• To allow backposting, in the Closing Option field, select L
(Limited Close).
– or –
To close the period, in the Closing Option field, select F
(Final Close). This option does not allow backposting.
2. Run GL135 (Intercompany Chart Map Posting), one company
at a time, to post the balances of each mapped company to a
specific fiscal year and period of the reporting company.
A chart map must exist between each posting and reporting
company. If the posting company and the reporting company
have different fiscal years and periods, a fiscal year map must
also exist between the two companies. If no fiscal year map
exists, GL135 assumes the same year and period for the
reporting and the posting company.
a. In the From Company Fiscal Year and Period fields, type
the year and period to post to the reporting company. The
posting company fiscal year and period must have a
Limited Close or Final Close status, as described in
step 1.

200 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Projecting Year-End Amounts

Note If you used GL36.1 (Fiscal Year Mapping) to map

your posting company fiscal year and periods to the
reporting company fiscal year and period, you might want
to check your fiscal year map before you run GL135
(Intercompany Chart Map Posting) to verify that your
posting company balances will be posted to the correct
year and period.

b. To print the subaccount detail information, in the Account

Detail field, select S (Subaccount).
– or –
To summarize the subaccounts at the account level,
select A (Account).
c. To produce a report without updating the general ledger
accounts, in the Update field, select N (No).
– or –
To produce a report and update the general ledger
accounts, select Y (Yes).
3. After running GL135 (Intercompany Chart Map Posting) for
the same reporting company period on each posting
company, run GL190 (Journal Posting) on the reporting
company for that period.

Projecting Year-End Amounts

Two reports are available to project the financial amounts for the
fiscal year-end. These reports use actual period balances for
closed periods and use budget amounts for the remainder of the
year to calculate projected actual amounts. The reports contain
the same information, but sort the data differently.

To project year-end amounts

• Run GL294 (Projection By Level) to sort the data in level or
accounting unit order.
– or –
Run GL295 (Projection By Account) to sort the data in account
and subaccount order.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 201

Version 7.2.1
Processing Year-End Closing

Processing Year-End Closing

You must perform several steps at the end of a fiscal year. Some
of the steps in the following procedure are optional, depending on
your organization’s needs.
As part of the year-end closing process, you must run GL199
(Period Closing) for the last accounting period of the fiscal year.
GL199 performs the following year-end functions:
• Transfers account balances from the current fiscal year to last
• Calculates beginning balances for the new year for all balance
sheet accounts.
• Closes undistributed retained earnings to the retained
earnings account.
• Clears income statement account balances for the new year.
• Creates consolidation records for the new year.
• Stores last-year balances.
• Moves current year period ending dates to last year.
• Calculates new period ending dates using the current year
dates plus one year.
• Creates a journal entry of all closing transactions (normal
journal entry type, assigned number 1 and period 99).
• Creates a list of closing transactions (any adjusting entries on
subsequent year-end closes are marked with an asterisk).
When current year balances are moved to last year, the last year
balances become available by using the previous year data
dictionary names in the Report Writer system. If you want to delete
consolidation balances but still want to access historical balances,
you can store the fiscal year amount or unit balances in budgets.
For more information on balance reporting, see the Report Writer
Procedures Manual.

202 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Processing Year-End Closing

To process year-end closing

1. Run GL199 (Period Closing) for each previous period of the
year you are closing. You can select a Limited Close or Final
Close closing option. Periods with a Limited Close status can
be opened for future backposting.
GL199 verifies that all posting is completed and that retained
earnings, undistributed retained earnings, and balance sheet
balances update correctly.
For more information on closing a period, see “Closing an
Accounting Period” earlier in this chapter.

Note You can have up to two years, or 24 periods, with an

Open or Limited Close status. After that, you must final close
the fiscal year by closing each period, in order, with a Final
Close status.

2. Release and post all journal entries for the last period of the
fiscal year.
For instructions, see “Releasing Journal Entries” and “Posting
Journal Entries” earlier in this chapter.
3. Optional. Revalue currency and post currency gain and loss
For instructions, see “Revaluing Currency” and “Posting
Journal Entries” earlier in this chapter.
4. Optional. Translate currency and post translation gain and
loss transactions.
For instructions, see “Consolidating General Ledger Data,”
"Translating Base Currency to Report Currency," and “Posting
Journal Entries” earlier in this chapter.
5. Run GL199 (Period Closing) to close the last period of the
fiscal year. You can select a Limited Close or Final Close
closing option.
For more information, see “Closing an Accounting Period”
earlier in this chapter.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 203

Version 7.2.1
Reporting General Ledger Information

6. Optional. Use the Define Recurring Journal subform in GL70.1

(Recurring Journal) to adjust ending dates of unreleased
recurring journal entries to include the new year.
For more information on recurring journal entries, see
“Processing Recurring Journal Entries” earlier in this chapter.
7. Optional. Use the Define Allocation subform in CA10.1
(Allocation) to adjust ending dates of unreleased allocations to
include the new year.
For more information on allocations, see the Allocations
Procedures Manual.
8. Optional. Delete general ledger history and unused posting
For instructions, see “Deleting General Ledger Information”
later in this chapter.

Reporting General Ledger Information

Several informational reports are available in the General Ledger
system. You can run these reports at any time.
The following sections describe the reports and give instructions
for running them:
• Listing Journal Entries
• Running a Ledger Report
• Running a Transaction Writer Report
Use the following table as a guide to locate information about
additional general ledger reports.
For information on See
Running financial reports “Running Financial Statements”
earlier in this chapter.
All reports available in the “Programs Listed by Function” in
General Ledger system appendix A.

204 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Reporting General Ledger Information

Listing Journal Entries

Several reports are available to list journal entries. The kind of
journal entries that appear on the reports depends on the journal
status you select.
To list journal entries
Run To create
GL240 (Journal A listing of journal entries with journal
Edit Listing) detail, transaction lines, and, optionally,
comments and attributes.
GL240 lets you
• list journal entries for a single period or
a range of periods for a company,
• select up to eight journal entries, or list
all journal entries within the other report
options you select, and
• limit the report to single journal entry
type, status, journal hold code, and
journal entry operator.
GL241 (Period A listing of all journal entry transactions in
Transaction journal entry order.
Listing) GL241 lets you
• list journal entries for a company
accounting period, and
• limit the report to a single journal entry
status and posting date or range of
posting dates.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 205

Version 7.2.1
Reporting General Ledger Information

Run To create
GL243 (Daily A listing of posting account totals for a
Transaction posting date or range of posting date. The
Listing) accounts must have Yes selected in the
Account Daily Balance field in the
Summary Account Options subform or the
Account Information subform in GL00.1
(Chart of Accounts).
GL243 lets you
• list journal entry totals by posting date
for a company, all accounting units for
the company or up to four select
accounting units, and a range of
accounts and subaccounts,
• list amount or units, and
• sequence transactions by accounting
unit, account, or posting date.
GL245 (Journal A listing of journal entries by system code in
Control Report) summarized for. The listing includes journal
entry status, dates, journal entry operator,
and amounts.
GL245 lets you
• list information for a single period or a
range of periods for a company and
• limit the report to a single journal entry
You can use GL45.1 (Journal Control) to
view and maintain the information that
GL245 lists. For more information, see
“Maintaining Posted Journal Entries” earlier
in this chapter.

206 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Reporting General Ledger Information

Run To create
GL297 (Posting A listing of general ledger transactions in
Sequence the order they were posted. GL297 is
Number Report) available only for companies that have
Company or Journal Book selected in the
Transaction Numbering field on the
Journals form tab in GL10.1 (Company).
GL297 lets you list transactions by the
transaction sequence number
automatically assigned when the
transaction was posted.
JB240 (Journal A listing of journal entries for a journal book
Book Report) in journal book sequence number and
transaction posting date order.
JB240 lists both detail and summary
records for a company and lets you limit the
report to a single journal book, year and
period or range of periods.

Running a Ledger Report

GL290 (General Ledger Report) lets you run transaction reports
defined for a company in GL50.1 (Ledger Report Setup). The
options you define for a ledger report determine
• which transactions are selected for the report,
• which transaction fields print, and
• how selected transactions are sorted, totaled, and printed.
The report prints one detail line for each transaction.
For instructions on defining a report, see “Defining a Ledger
Report” in Chapter 2.

To run a ledger report

• Run GL290 (General Ledger Report).

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 207

Version 7.2.1
Using Journal Analysis

Running a Transaction Writer Report

GL256 (Transaction Writer Report) lets you run transaction
reports defined in GL55.1 (Transaction Writer). The options you
define for a transaction writer report determine
• which transactions are selected for the report,
• which transaction and transaction attribute fields print, and
• how selected transactions are sorted, totaled, and printed.
The report prints up to two transaction lines for each transaction.
For instructions on defining a transaction writer report, see
“Defining a Transaction Writer Report” in Chapter 2.

To run a transaction writer report

• Run GL256 (Transaction Writer Report).

Using Journal Analysis

GL41.1 (Journal Analysis) lets you display a journal entry with its
associated detail, totals, and comments.
You can use the Drill Around feature to display additional
information for a transaction line. For instructions on using the Drill
Around feature, see Desktop Client Getting Started .

To inquire on a journal entry

1. Access GL41.1 (Journal Analysis).
2. Inquire on the company, year, period, system, and journal
entry number you want to display journal entry detail for.
3. Optional. To display journal totals, choose the Totals button to
open the Journal Totals subform.
• Optional. To display totals for a different currency, posting
company, or zone, choose the Filter button to open the
Filter subform.
4. Optional. To display or define journal comments, choose the
Comments button to open the Comments subform.
For more information, see “Defining Journal Entry Comments”
earlier in this chapter.

208 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Using Transaction Analysis

Note An asterisk displays next to the button if comments exist.

Optional report
• On GL41.1, choose the Print button to open GL240 (Journal
Edit Listing). Run GL240 to create a detailed listing of journal
entry transactions.

Using Transaction Analysis

GL90.1 (Transaction Analysis) lets you display transactions for a
posting account, and then use the Drill Around feature to display
additional transaction detail. The program also lets you
• display transaction amounts and detail,
• track transaction attributes by source code,
• mark posted transactions as reconciled, and
• view transaction totals.
For instructions on using the Drill Around feature, see Desktop
Client Getting Started.

To use transaction inquiry

1. Access GL90.1 (Transaction Analysis).
2. Inquire on the company, accounting unit, account, year, and
range of periods you want to display transactions for.

Note You can select the Next or Previous form action to

display transactions for the next or previous account number
for the company accounting unit. Select the Backward or
Forward form action to display transactions for the last or next
period for the account number.

3. Optional. To select criteria to limit the transactions that

display, choose the Filter button to open the Filter subform.

Note An asterisk displays next to the button if the filter is

enabled. To access attribute information assigned to the
transactions, select a value in the Source Code field. This lets
you Drill Around on attribute information.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 209

Version 7.2.1
Using Daily Transaction Analysis

4. Optional. To display transaction detail, transaction amounts,

associated journal transactions, journal header, or posting
account information for a transaction, position the cursor in the
line action field and then use the Drill Around feature.
5. Optional. To mark a posted transaction as reconciled, choose
the Reconcile button on GL90.1 to open the Reconcile
Transactions subform.
a. Optional. To display journal detail, journal totals, journal
transactions, transaction detail, transaction amounts,
associated journal transactions, journal header, or posting
account information for a transaction, position the cursor
in the line action field and then use the Drill Around
b. Select the Change line action next to the transaction you
want to reconcile.
c. In the Recon Code field, select a reconciliation code.
d. Select the Change form action.
6. Optional. To display transaction totals for the account number,
choose the Total button on GL90.1 to open the Transaction
Totals subform.
Select the transaction Type and Status you want to display
totals for, and then choose OK. The total number of
transactions and total amount displays.
7. Optional. To create a comma-separated value (CSV) file of
the transactions that display, choose the CSV Export button
on GL90.1.
A message displays on the GL90.1 form indicating the file has
been created and identifying the file location.

Using Daily Transaction Analysis

GL43.1 (Daily Transaction Analysis) lets you display the
transaction total for a posting account for a specific posting date
or range of posting dates, and then use the Drill Around feature to
display transaction detail.

210 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Using Account Analysis

You can view transactions only for accounts that have Yes
selected in the Account Daily Balance field in the Summary
Account Options subform or the Account Information subform in
GL00.1 (Chart of Accounts).
For instructions on using the Drill Around feature, see Desktop
Client Getting Started.

To use daily transaction analysis

1. Access GL43.1 (Daily Transaction Analysis).
2. Inquire on the company, accounting unit, account, and range
of posting dates you want to display transactions for.

Note You can select the Next or Previous form action to

display transactions for the next or previous account number
for the company accounting unit.

3. Optional. To display transaction detail, transaction amounts,

associated journal transactions, journal header, or posting
account information for a transaction total, position the cursor
in the line action field and then use the Drill Around feature.

Optional report
• Run GL243 (Daily Transaction Listing) to list transactions that
display in GL43.1.

Using Account Analysis

GL95.1 (Account Analysis) lets you display a wide range of
account information. You can select organization, account, and
period inquiry criteria, and then use the Drill Around feature to
display additional information.
For instructions on using the Drill Around feature, see Desktop
Client Getting Started.

To use account analysis

1. Access GL95.1 (Account Analysis).
2. Select the organization, account, and period data you want to
display account information for, and then choose OK.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 211

Version 7.2.1
Using Account Analysis

3. Choose one of the buttons in GL95.1 to open a subform. Use

the subforms to display a variety of account information.
Use the following table to help you navigate from the main
To display Choose
Account period and year-to-date Account
totals and detail
Accounting unit period and year-to- AcctUnit
date totals and detail
Company period and year-to-date Company
totals and detail
Period totals, year-to-date totals, and Annual
beginning balances for the current
year and last year
Beginning balances, period totals, Totals
ending balances, and percent
change for the current year and last
Chart detail (on this subform, you can Chart
override the organization, account,
and period data you selected in
Accounting unit view detail (on this Org View
subform, you can select various
level, account, and period options)

On many of the subforms, you can choose additional buttons

to display more information. To display additional information
for a line entry, select the Select for Transfer (“X”) line action,
and then choose the appropriate button. You can also use the
Drill Around feature to display more detail about a value or line

212 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Deleting General Ledger Information

Deleting General Ledger Information

This section contains the following procedures for deleting
historical transactions and records from General Ledger files:
• Deleting General Ledger History
• Deleting a Company
• Deleting Unused Posting Accounts
• Deleting Detail Accounts
• Deleting Journal Entries
• Deleting Journal Entry Log Entries
• Deleting Currency Rate History

Note You cannot inquire or report on the information you delete.

Deleting General Ledger History

GL300 (General Ledger History Delete) lets you delete historical
journal entry transactions, comments, consolidation records, and
budgets for a fiscal year. GL300 deletes records from General
Ledger database files and archives the records to a comma-
separated value (CSV) file.
General ledger history must be at least two years old before
GL300 deletes it. You can delete all record types at the same time
or delete each record type separately.
For information on the files that are affected when you delete
general ledger history, see “Files Updated by GL300” in
Chapter 6.

To historical general ledger information

• Run GL300 (General Ledger History Delete).
GL300 creates a report showing the total number of header,
transaction, and budget lines deleted.

Note For faster report run times, run GL300 with only one
delete option at a time.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 213

Version 7.2.1
Deleting General Ledger Information

Deleting a Company
GL100 (Company Copy Delete) lets you delete a general ledger
company and all of its associated data. The company must have
Delete selected in the Status field in GL10.1 (Company).
For information on the files that are affected when you delete a
general ledger company and associated data, see “Files Updated
by GL110” in Chapter 6.

To delete a company
• Run GL110 (Company Copy Delete).
• Type or select the following field data.
Field Description
Action Delete
Company The company you want to delete.

Deleting Unused Posting Accounts

GL122 (Mass Account Change Delete) lets you delete unused
posting accounts for a company. GL122 deletes both active and
inactive accounts for selected accounting units from the General
Ledger Account Master (GLMASTER) file. You can delete an
account if the account balance is zero and no transaction or
budget activity has occurred for the last two fiscal years. GL122
does not delete intercompany accounts, accounts with budgets,
and accounts with activity.

Important If you delete accounts for a range of companies, make sure the
company level structure is the same for all companies or
unpredictable results occur.

To delete unused accounts

• Run GL122 (Mass Account Change Delete).

214 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Deleting General Ledger Information

• On the Action form tab, type or select the following field

Field Description
Action This field determines whether
selected companies, accounting
units, or accounts are changed or
deleted. Select Delete.
Company The company or range of companies
to delete unused accounts from.
Accounting For each company level, the
Units accounting unit or range of
accounting units to delete unused
accounts from.
Major Account The range of accounts and,
and optionally, subaccounts to delete. To
Subaccount delete all accounts for the selected
company accounting units, leave the
From field blank and type 9999 in the
To field.

Deleting Detail Accounts

GL100 (Mass Chart Acct Change Delete) lets you delete unused
detail accounts for a chart of accounts. GL100 lets you delete
Active and Inactive accounts for a chart of accounts, chart section,
and summary account from the General Ledger Chart Detail
GL100 does not delete intercompany accounts, accounts with
budgets, accounts with activity, or accounts associated with active
accounting units.
This program includes error messages that identify why an
account cannot be deleted.

To delete detail accounts

• Run GL100 (Mass Chart Acct Change Delete).

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 215

Version 7.2.1
Deleting General Ledger Information

• On the Action form tab, type or select the following field

Field Description
Action This field determines whether to
change or delete accounts. Select
Chart Select the chart of accounts you
want to delete detail accounts
Section This field determines whether you
delete detail accounts for a
Balance Sheet, Income Statement,
or both.
Summary This field determines if you only
delete detail accounts from a
specific summary account.
Affect This field determines the account
level included.
All includes detail accounts
according to the parameters you
Children includes detail accounts
for a specific summary account.
Descendant includes detail
accounts for a range of summary
accounts. For example, you select
a summary account with a level
depth of 2. Detail accounts for
summary accounts with a depth of
2 or lower are included until the
system reaches a summary
account with the same level or

216 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Deleting General Ledger Information

Field Description
Major Accounts You can delete a specific range of
and Subaccounts detail accounts and, optionally,
subaccounts. To change all the
selected chart, section, and
summary account, leave the From
field blank and type 9999 in the To

Deleting Journal Entries

GL146 (Batch Journal Control) lets you delete journal entries for a
company for a specific period. The program deletes journal entries
for the system, journal entry range, post through date, and journal
book you specify.
Use this program to delete a group of journal entries that were
added in error; for example, a batch of journal entries you entered
twice. You cannot inquire on the journal entries this program
deletes, and you cannot “undo” the deletion process.

To delete journal entries

• Run GL146 (Batch Journal Control).
a. In the Company, Fiscal Year, and Period fields, type or
select the company number, year, and period you want to
delete a group of journal entries for.
b. In the Action field, select Delete.
c. Type or select values in the System, Journal Entries, Post
Thru Date, and Journal Book fields to limit the journal
entries GL146 deletes.
If you leave these fields blank, all journal entries are
deleted for the period within the other report options you
See online field help text for more information about your
options for each field.
This process removes the effect of the journal entries on
current period account balances.
GL146 creates a list of the journal entries it deletes.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 3 Procedures 217

Version 7.2.1
Deleting General Ledger Information

Deleting Journal Entry Log Entries

GL342 (Journal Entry Log Mass Delete) lets you delete journal
entry log entries for a company. The program deletes records from
the General Ledger Journal Entry Log (GLJELOG) file. The entries
must be at least two years older than the current date before the
program deletes them.

To delete journal book log entries

• Run GL342 (Journal Entry Log Mass Delete).

Optional inquiry
• Use GL42.1 (Journal Entry Log) to display journal entry log

Deleting Currency Rate History

CU300 (Currency Rate History Delete) lets you can delete
currency exchange and translation rate history for a date or date
range. The rates must be at least one year older than the current
date before the program deletes them.

To delete currency rate history

• Run CU300 (Currency Rate History Delete).
• To delete exchange rates, define a date range.
The exchange rate is used to calculate currency
exchange transactions on non-base currency amounts.
• To delete translation rates, define the fiscal year,
company, and budget number.
The translation rate is applied to accounts during the
currency translation process.


218 Chapter 3 Procedures General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Chapter 4

Fiscal Year Change Procedures

This chapter contains the following procedures for and related

information about changing the current accounting period or fiscal
year for a general ledger company:
• Changing the Fiscal Year or Period
• Files Updated by GL500
• Processing Examples

Changing the Fiscal Year or Period

GL500 (Fiscal Year Change) lets you change the current
accounting period, fiscal year, or both for a general ledger
• adjusts all account balances, transaction history, and budget
information to correspond to the new accounting period and
fiscal year,
• updates company information that displays on the Calendar
form tab in GL10.1 (Company),
• recalculates retained earnings for the new year-end period,
• calculates beginning balances for actuals.
GL500 does not
• calculate beginning balances for budgets,
• recalculate any period data stored in the LAWSON INSIGHT
II Activity Management system,
• adjust for a thirteenth period, consisting of a single day, used
for audit adjustments, or

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 4 Fiscal Year Change 219

Version 7.2.1 Procedures
Changing the Fiscal Year or Period

• update currency translation rates defined in CU20.1

(Currency Table Translation Rates) for a currency table that is
assigned to a company.
After you run GL500, you must rebuild consolidated account
balances and then verify the updated information.

To change the fiscal year or period

1. Back up your general ledger data.
If you encounter a problem or need to recover any
unintentional loss of data, you can restore your data from this
backup and continue running your General Ledger
2. Run and print all financial statements. You will compare the
results of these statements with the results of the same
statements created after you run GL500 (Fiscal Year Change)
in step 6.
For instructions, see “Running Financial Statements” in
Chapter 3.
3. Suspend processing.
You must suspend all General Ledger, Allocations, Report
Writer, Currency, Budgeting, and Average Daily Balance
processing before you run GL500 (Fiscal Year Change). Do
not resume processing until you complete step 6.
4. Run GL500 (Fiscal Year Change). On the GL500 form, type or
select the following field data.
Field Description
Company The general ledger company number
whose fiscal year you want to
New Fiscal Year The new fiscal year. If you leave this
field blank, the current fiscal year for
the company defaults.

220 Chapter 4 Fiscal Year Change General Ledger Procedures Manual

Procedures Version 7.2.1
Files Updated by GL500

Field Description
New Current Period The new current period. Leave this
field blank if you are changing only
the fiscal year and want the current
period value to remain the same.
Update Budgets This field determines whether to
update budget period amounts. Valid
values are Yes (default) and No.

Note If you select No, you cannot

automatically adjust budgets later.
You must reassign budget period
amounts individually.

5. Run GL320 (Consolidation File Creation) to rebuild

consolidated account balances, which are stored in the
General Ledger Consolidation file.
6. Verify that the information updated correctly.
a. Run and print new financial statements. Compare them
with the statements you created in step 2.
b. In GL10.1 (Company), select the Calendar form tab and
verify that the period-end dates are correct. If you
changed the fiscal year, select the Main form tab and
verify that the fiscal year is correct.

Files Updated by GL500

The following table lists the database files that GL500 (Fiscal Year
Change) updates. For more detailed information, see the online
technical text for GL500.
File COBOL name
Allocation Header CAHEADER
Allocation Transactions CATRANS
Checkpoint Restart CKPOINT
Currency Amount CUAMOUNT

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 4 Fiscal Year Change 221

Version 7.2.1 Procedures
Processing Examples

File COBOL name

Budgeting Detail FBDETAIL
Budgeting Header FBHEADER
General Ledger Amounts GLAMOUNTS
General Ledger Comments GLCOMMENT
General Ledger Control GLCONTROL
General Ledger Account Master GLMASTER
General Ledger Company Journal GLSYSJE
General Ledger Company GLSYSTEM
General Ledger Transactions GLTRANS
General Ledger Units GLUNITS
Recurring Journal Control RJCONTROL

Processing Examples
The following examples show how the system reassigns values to
your current calendar when you run GL500 (Fiscal Year Change).
• Example 1: Changing the Fiscal Year to Match the Calendar
• Example 2: Changing the Calendar-Based Fiscal Year to a
Custom Fiscal Year

222 Chapter 4 Fiscal Year Change General Ledger Procedures Manual

Procedures Version 7.2.1
Processing Examples

Example 1: Changing the Fiscal Year to Match the

Calendar Year
The example in this section shows the results of changing the
fiscal year to match the calendar year. In the original calendar, the
current period is 7, ending on 12/31/97, in fiscal year 1998. In the
new calendar, the current period is 12, ending on 12/31/97, in
fiscal year 1997. If you type 1997 in the New Fiscal Year field and
12 in the New Current Period field, the system rolls all period
balances forward five periods. The balances assigned to the
original calendar period 7 now reside in the new calendar
period 12. The original calendar balances in periods 8 through 12
of last year now reside in the new calendar periods 1 through 5 of
this year. The system adjusts the current year beginning balances
to reflect this change.
Last Year (Original Calendar) Current Year (Original Calendar) Next Year (Original Calendar)
Fiscal Year 1997 Fiscal Year 1998 Fiscal Year 1999
(June 1996 Through May 1997) (June 1997 Through May 1998) (June 1998 Through May 1999)

8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Period ending: 12/31/97

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5

Last Year (New Calendar) Current Year (New Calendar) Next Year (New Calendar)
Fiscal Year 1996 Fiscal Year 1997 Fiscal Year 1998
(January Through December 1996) (January Through December 1997) (January Through December 1998)

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 4 Fiscal Year Change 223

Version 7.2.1 Procedures
Processing Examples

Example 2: Changing the Calendar-Based Fiscal

Year to a Custom Fiscal Year
The example in this section shows the results of changing a
calendar-based fiscal year to a custom fiscal year. In the original
calendar, the current period is 12, ending on 12/31/97, in fiscal
year 1997. In the new calendar, the current period is 6, ending on
12/31/97, in fiscal year 1998. The system rolls all period balances
back six periods. The balances assigned to the original calendar
period 12 now reside in the new calendar period 6. In the new
calendar, the current year balances in periods 7 through 12 are
now zero. The system adjusts the beginning balances for the
current year and last year to reflect this change.
Last Year (Original Calendar) Current Year (Original Calendar) Next Year (Original Calendar)
Fiscal Year 1996 Fiscal Year 1997 Fiscal Year 1998
(January Through December 1996) (January Through December 1997) (January Through December 1998)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6

Period ending: 12/31/97

7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Last Year (New Calendar) Current Year (New Calendar) Next Year (New Calendar)
Fiscal Year 1997 Fiscal Year 1998 Fiscal Year 1999
(July 1996 Through June 1997) (July 1997 Through June 1998) (July 1998 Through June 1999)


224 Chapter 4 Fiscal Year Change General Ledger Procedures Manual

Procedures Version 7.2.1
Chapter 5

Average Daily Balance Setup and


This chapter provides the following instructions for setting up the

Average Daily Balance system:
• Defining an Average Daily Balance Company
• Defining the Work of Date
• Defining Average Daily Balance Accounts
• Using Average Daily Balance Processing
• Reporting Average Daily Balance Information

Defining an Average Daily Balance Company

Before defining a company in the ADB system, the company,
accounting units, and posting accounts must exist in the LAWSON
INSIGHT II General Ledger system. For more information about
setting up the General Ledger system, see the General Ledger
Procedures Manual.

To define an average daily balance company

1. Use AD00.1 (ADB Company) to define a company.
In the Company field, select a company number. You can
select from a list of all General Ledger companies.
2. In the Balancing Account field, select an inactive equity
account. You can select from a list of all posting accounting
units, accounts, and subaccounts that exist in the General
Ledger system for the company number selected.
The balancing account enables the creation of an ADB
Balance Sheet.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 5 Average Daily Balance Setup 225
Version 7.2.1 and Procedures
Defining the Work of Date

3. In the Period, Quarter to Date, and Year to Date fields, select

average daily balance and cost of funds budget numbers. You
must select a different budget number for each field.
Use budget numbers that represent ADB-specific budgets. A
budget number uniquely identifies an existing budget. For
more information about defining budgets, see the Budgeting
Procedures Manual.

Defining the Work of Date

The Work of Date is used to calculate and update the average
daily balance of an account. You can limit the transactions that
affect your ADB calculations by adjusting this date.
The Work of Date applies to all calculations for all ADB accounts
for every ADB company.

To define the work of date

• Use AD01.1 (Work of Date).
In the Work of Date field, type the date that reflects the number
of days from the beginning of the period up to and including
the work of date. The current date defaults.

Note You can reset the Work of Date during the ADB processing
cycle after you run AD190 (Transaction Posting) and AD191 (Cost
of Funds).

Defining Average Daily Balance Accounts

You must define the balance sheet accounts that require an
average daily balance to be calculated.

To define average daily balance accounts

1. Use AD20.1 (Accounts) to specify the average daily balance
The system displays all balance sheet accounts for the
company and posting accounting unit selected.

226 Chapter 5 Average Daily Balance Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual
and Procedures Version 7.2.1
Defining Average Daily Balance Accounts

2. In the ADB Y/N field, select Yes next to each balance sheet
account that requires an average daily balance to be
– or –
Choose the Mass Add button to open the Mass Add Entry
subform. This subform lets you define all balance sheet
accounts as average daily balance accounts.
3. Optional. In the Days per period and Days per year fields, type
the number of days in the period and the year.
Values from the company fiscal calendar default.
These values are used to calculate the cost of funds or yield
for an account.
4. Select an interest account (accounting unit, account, and
subaccount number) or ratio total name for each average daily
balance account.
Interest accounts or ratio total names are used to calculate the
cost of funds or yield for an ADB account.

Note If you want to identify multiple accounts or ranges of

accounts for interest calculations, select a ratio total name.

Optional report
• Run AD220 (Account Listing) to list the average daily balance
accounts and options you selected in AD20.1 (Accounts). The
Account Listing report includes
• the account number and description of each ADB
• the number of days in the period and year, and
• the interest account number or ratio total name
associated with an ADB account.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 5 Average Daily Balance Setup 227
Version 7.2.1 and Procedures
Using Average Daily Balance Processing

Using Average Daily Balance Processing

The Average Daily Balance programs calculate the average daily
balance and the cost of funds (or yield) for the accounts you select
in AD20.1 (Accounts).

Steps in average daily balance processing

1. Process General Ledger transactions for the period (post
journal entries and verify the trial balance). For more
information, see the General Ledger Procedures Manual.
2. Run AD190 (Transaction Posting) to generate an average
daily balance for each ADB account. For instructions, see
“Calculating Average Daily Balances.”
3. Run AD191 (Cost of Funds) to show the cost of funds or yield
for the company. For instructions, see “Determining the Cost
of Funds.”
4. Optional. Verify the calculations, and use AD01.1 (Work of
Date) to reset the work of date. For instructions, see “Defining
the Work of Date,” in Chapter 2.
5. Run AD190 (Transaction Posting) and AD191 (Cost of Funds)
in Update mode to interface with the General Ledger
Budgeting and Consolidation files.
6. Run daily ADB General Ledger reports.

Calculating Average Daily Balances

You can choose various options when you calculate the average
daily balances for ADB accounts. The post-through date and
account range limit the transactions that are used to calculate the

To calculate average daily balances

• Run AD190 (Transaction Posting) to calculate average daily
account balances.
• Select the company number, period, and fiscal year. The
period and year selected must be open in the General
Ledger system. The current period and year default.

228 Chapter 5 Average Daily Balance Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual
and Procedures Version 7.2.1
Calculating Average Daily Balances

• Optional. In the Post Through field, type a date if you want

to use the post-through date override option. The Work of
Date from AD01.1 (Work of Date) defaults.
• Optional. In the Account Range field, type a beginning
and ending account and subaccount number.
You can perform partial processing by limiting the account
number range.
• Optional. In the Update Budgets field, select Yes if you
want to update the budget interface. If you select Yes,
leave the Post Through field blank.
If you leave the Update Budgets field blank, No is used as
the default.

Important You can run AD190 repeatedly to recalculate average daily

balances; however, once a period is closed in the General
Ledger system, you cannot process the period in the Average
Daily Balance system.

Determining the Cost of Funds

After average daily balances have been calculated during
transaction posting, the system calculates the cost of funds on
deposit or the yield for funds on loan for the ADB company.

Note The AD191 (Cost of Funds) program uses the average daily
balances calculated in AD190 (Transaction Posting). Only ADB
accounts with an interest account or ratio total name specified in
AD20.1 (Accounts) are included when the system calculates the
cost of funds.

To determine the cost of funds

• Run AD191 (Cost of Funds).
• Select the company number, period, and fiscal year. The
period and year selected must be open in the General
Ledger. The current period and year default.
• Optional. In the Update Budgets field, select Yes if you
want to update the budget interface. The default value is

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 5 Average Daily Balance Setup 229
Version 7.2.1 and Procedures
Reporting Average Daily Balance Information

This program creates a report that contains summary

information for each ADB account for the period, quarter-to-
date, and year-to-date. For more information, see “Cost of
Funds,” in Chapter 6.

Reporting Average Daily Balance Information

Because budgets are defined for each ADB company, you can
use data names in the LAWSON INSIGHT II Report Writer system
to create reports listing average daily balance account
information. You can also use General Ledger programs to list
budget information. For more information, see the Report Writer
Procedures Manual.


230 Chapter 5 Average Daily Balance Setup General Ledger Procedures Manual
and Procedures Version 7.2.1
Chapter 6

System Logic

This chapter contains the following topics:

• Journal Entry Statuses
• Intercompany Processing Example
• Interzone Processing Example
• Currency Processing
• Files Updated by GL110
• Files Updated by GL300
• Average Daily Balance Calculations
• Average Daily Balance Interface

Journal Entry Statuses

The system assigns a status to each journal entry, journal entry
transaction line, and recurring journal entry to identify where the
transaction is in the processing cycle. This section contains the
following topics which identify these statuses:
• Journal Entries
• Recurring Journal Entries

Journal Entries
The following tables list the valid journal entry and transaction line
statuses. For journal entries, this information is stored in the
Status field in the General Ledger Control (GLCONTROL) file. For
transaction lines, this information is stored in the Status field in the
General Ledger Transaction (GLTRANS) file. You can view the
status of a journal entry online using GL45.1 (Journal Control) or
GL41.1 (Journal Analysis).

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 6 System Logic 231

Version 7.2.1
Journal Entry Statuses

Journal Entry Statuses

Status Description
Unreleased The journal entry is not available for posting.
Released (1) The journal entry has been released and is
available for posting.
Quick Post (4) The journal entry has been processed to
update account balances and is available for
Posted (5) The journal entry has been posted.
History (9) The journal entry has been processed by
GL199 (Period Closing). You cannot back out
the journal entry.

Transaction Line Statuses

Status Description
Unreleased The transaction line is not available for posting.
Released (1) The transaction line is available for posting.
History (9) The transaction line has been posted.

Recurring Journal Entries

The following tables list the valid recurring journal entry and period
statuses. When you transfer the recurring entry to the General
Ledger system, the system creates a Released status journal
entry. You can view the statuses online using GL75.1 (Recurring
Journal Control).

232 Chapter 6 System Logic General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Journal Entry Statuses

Recurring Journal Statuses

Status Description
Unreleased The recurring journal entry for the current
period is not yet available for transfer to the
General Ledger system.
Released The recurring journal entry for the current
period is in balance and ready to be transferred
to the General Ledger system for posting, or the
recurring journal entry has already been
transferred to the General Ledger system.

Period Statuses
Status Description
Ready The recurring journal entry for the current
period has not been transferred to the General
Ledger system for posting.
Out of Range The current period and year are not within the
valid period and year range defined for the
recurring journal entry.
No Select The recurring journal entry is not scheduled to
occur in the current period.
Processed The recurring journal entry for the current
period has been transferred to the General
Ledger system.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 6 System Logic 233

Version 7.2.1
Intercompany Processing Example

Intercompany Processing Example

You can create intercompany journal entries for companies that
have a relationship defined in GL25.1 (Intercompany
Relationships). An intercompany journal entry is an entry from one
company with at least one transaction to a different company. The
system creates intercompany payable and receivable journal
entries to keep each company in balance.
The following example shows the detail lines for an intercompany
journal entry. In the example, company 4321 is transferring
inventory to company 4325.
Company Accounting Unit Account Amount Type
4321 Corporate 15400 2000- JE
4325 Region1 15400 2000 JE

When you release an intercompany journal entry, the system

creates balancing entries to the intercompany payable and
intercompany receivable accounts defined for each company in
GL25.1 (Intercompany Relationships).
Company Accounting Unit Account Amount Type
4321 Corporate 12300 2000 CB
4325 Region1 12300 2000- CB

The following example shows the detail lines when you release an
Intercompany journal entry that includes transaction currency
amounts. (Currency Ledger set to Yes in the Currency form tab in
GL10.1 (Company).
Tran Tran Exch Base Base
Co Acct Unit Acct Curr Amount Rate Curr Amount Type
4321 Corporate 11000 FFR 250- 0.18 USD 45- JE
4321 Corporate 12000 GBP 1000- 1.67 USD 1676- JE
4325 Region 12500 GBP 1000 1.67 USD 1676 JE
4325 Region 13000 FFR 250 0.18 USD 45 JE

234 Chapter 6 System Logic General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Interzone Processing Example

When you release the transaction, the following balancing entries

are made in the system accounts.
Tran Tran Exch Base Base
Co Acct Unit Acct Curr Amount Rate Curr Amount Type
4321 West 37000 FFR 250 0.18 USD 45 CB
4321 West 37500 GBP 1000 1.67 USD 1676 CB
4325 East 40000 GBP 1000- 1.67 USD 1676- CB
4325 East 45000 FFR 250- 0.18 USD 45- CB

Interzone Processing Example

You can create interzone journal entries for zones that have a
relationship defined in GL30.1 (Interzone Relationships). An
interzone journal entry is one that is transferred from one area in
a company to another area in the same company. The system
creates interzone payable and interzone receivable journal entries
to keep all areas of a company in balance.
In the following example, a transaction passes from a posting
accounting unit in Zone 2 to posting accounting units in Zones 3
and 4. The company default zone is Zone 1, which is used as the
base zone for the journal entry.


Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4

Headquarters Hospitals Clinics Retail

1-0-0 2-0-0 3-0-0 4-0-0

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 6 System Logic 235

Version 7.2.1
Currency Processing

The following detail lines are created for the sample interzone
journal entry.
Zone Account Amount Type
2 Sales - Prescription Drugs 100- JE
3 Sales - Prescription Drugs 50 JE
4 Sales - Prescription Drugs 50 JE

When you run GL190 (Journal Posting) for LGE Corporation, the
system creates the following balancing entries to the interzone
payable and interzone receivable accounts defined in GL30.1
(Interzone Relationships).
Zone Account Amount Type
1 Interzone Payable 100 ZB
1 Interzone Receivable 100 ZB
2 Interzone Payable 100 ZB
3 Interzone Receivable 50- ZB
4 Interzone Receivable 50- ZB

Note If you assign Zone 2 to this sample interzone journal entry

instead of using Zone 1 (the company default zone), the system
does not create the balancing entries to Zone 1.

Currency Processing
This section contains the following topics related to currency
• Currency Exchange Example
• Currency Translation Example
• World Currencies

236 Chapter 6 System Logic General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Currency Processing

Currency Exchange Example

This section contains a currency exchange processing example.
LGE Corporation is a United States company with a base currency
of US dollars. Their supplier, Hors D’oeuvres Du Jour, is in Paris
and has a base currency of French francs (FFR). Following are
several transactions between these companies and the resulting
journal entries.

January 5, 1998
Hors D’oeuvres Du Jour sends LGE Corporation 100 pounds of
truffles. LGE Corporation receives an invoice for the amount of
FFR 7,500. The daily rate for French francs is 0.1747. The
equivalent is FFR 5.72 to 1.00 US dollars. LGE Corporation uses
the invoice date to begin the exchange process.
Journal entry
5 January 98 Food Expense 1,310.25
Accounts Payable 1,310.25

January 31, 1998

LGE Corporation has not paid the invoice to Hors D’oeuvres Du
Jour. The daily rate for French francs is 0.1983. The equivalent is
FFR 5.04 to 1.00 US dollars. The invoice that was 1,310.25 is now
1,487.25. To account for the difference in the daily rate, LGE
Corporation creates the following journal entry.
Journal entry
31 January 98 Unrealized Loss 177.00
Accounts Payable 177.00

February 1, 1998
The Currency program has LGE Corporation reverse the
unrealized loss from the preceding period.
Journal entry
1 February 98 Accounts Payable 177.00
Unrealized Loss 177.00

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 6 System Logic 237

Version 7.2.1
Currency Processing

February 5, 1998
LGE Corporation marks the invoice for payment. The daily rate for
French francs is 0.1789. The equivalent is FFR 5.59 to 1.00 US
dollars. When LGE Corporation processes the payment, it is
1,341.75 (0.1789 * 7500 FFR). LGE Corporation creates the
following journal entry to show the invoice cash amount, relieve
the liability, and show any changes from the first invoice exchange
Journal entry
5 February 98 Accounts Payable 1,310.25
Realized Loss 31.50
Cash 1,341.75

Currency Translation Example

LGE Corporation is a United States company with a base currency
of US dollars. Their subsidiary is LGE Corporation UK, which has
a base currency of pound sterling. Each month LGE Corporation
UK translates their financial activity to US dollars to create
consolidated financial statements. Following is the balance sheet
for LGE Corporation UK on March 31, 1998
Balance sheet
Cash £100,000 Accounts £ 75,000
Building £ 75,000 Payable
Receivable £ 25,000 Owners Equity £125,000
Total Assets £200,000 Total Liabilities £200,000

Most balance sheet items are translated on an ending rate basis.

Fixed assets are translated on a historical rate basis. On March
31, 1998, the ending rate is 1.5950, and the historical rate applied
to LGE Corporation UK fixed assets is 1.472.

238 Chapter 6 System Logic General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Currency Processing

The following shows how the system applies each rate to the
balance sheet for LGE Corporation UK.
Balance sheet
Cash 159,500 Accounts Payable 119,625
(£100,00*1.5950) (£75,000*1.5950)
Building 110,400
Accounts 39,875 Owner’s Equity 199,375
Receivable (£125,00*1.5950)
Total Assets 309,775 Total Liabilities 319,000

The system applies the difference of 9,225 to the translation gain

or loss account to create a balance sheet.

World Currencies
The following table shows the currencies most commonly listed in
the business section of most national newspapers. Some currency
names do not reflect the current political situation of the country
(for example, the former Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavian

Note European Currency Unit (ECU) represents a group of

European currencies. It is a rate combination of 10 currencies. It
is not a paper currency. A real currency, the euro, is being phased
in to replace the ECU as the official common currency of the
European Union (EU). The euro will progressively phase out all
the other currencies of the EU.

Symbol Currency Decimals expression
ADP Andorran Peseta 0 AN Peseta
AED United Arab Emirate 2 UAE Dirham
ANG Netherlands Antillean 2 NA Guilder

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 6 System Logic 239

Version 7.2.1
Currency Processing

Symbol Currency Decimals expression
ARS Argentine Peso 2 A Peso
ATS Austrian Shilling 2 Shilling
AUD Australian Dollar 2 A Dollar
BEF Belgian Franc 0 B Franc
BGL Bulgarian Lev 2 Lev
BMD Bermudan Dollar 2 Berm Dollar
BRE Brazilian New Cruzeiro 2 Nuovo
CAD Canadian Dollar 2 C Dollar
CHF Swiss Franc 2 Swiss Franc
CLP Chilean Peso 2 Chilean Peso
CNY Chinese Yuan 2 Yuan
COP Colombian Peso 2 Colombian
DEM German Mark 2 D Mark
DKK Danish Krone 2 D Krone
ECS Ecuador Sucre 2 Sucre
EGP Egyptian Pound 3 Egyptian
ESP Spanish Peseta 0 Peseta
EUR Euro 2 Euro
ECU European Currency Unit ECU
FIM Finnish Markka 2 Markka
FRF French Franc 2 French Franc
GBP British Pound Sterling 2 Pound
GRD Greek Drachma 0 Drachma

240 Chapter 6 System Logic General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Currency Processing

Symbol Currency Decimals expression
HKD Hong Kong Dollar 2 HK Dollar
HRD Croatian Dinar 0 C Dinar
HUF Hungarian Forint 2 Forint
IDR Indonesian Rupiah 2 Rupiah
IEP Irish Pound 2 I Pound
ILS Israeli Shekel 2 Shekel
INR Indian Rupee 2 Rupee
ITL Italian Lira 0 Lira
JOD Jordanian Dinar 3 Jordan Dinar
JPY Japanese Yen 0 Yen
KRW Republic of Korea Won 0 Won
LBP Lebanese Pound 2 Lebanese
LUF Luxembourg Franc 0 L Franc
MXN Mexican New Peso 2 New Peso
MYR Malaysian Ringgit 2 Ringgit
NLG Netherlands Guilder 2 Guilder
NOK Norwegian Krone 2 N Krone
NZD New Zealand Dollar 2 NZ Dollar
PEN Peruvian New Sol 2 New Sol
PHP Philippine Peso 2 Philippine
PKR Pakistani Rupee 2 P Rupee
PLZ Polish Zloty 2 Zloty
PTE Portuguese Escudo 0 Escudo
RUR Russian Ruble 2 Ruble

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 6 System Logic 241

Version 7.2.1
Files Updated by GL110

Symbol Currency Decimals expression
SAR Saudi Arabian Riyal 2 Riyal
SEK Swedish Krona 2 S Krona
SOD Singapore Dollar 2 Singapore
THB Thailand Baht 2 Baht
TRL Turkish Lira 2 Turkish Lira
TWD New Taiwan Dollar 2 Taiwan Dollar
USD United States Dollar 2 Dollar
UYU Uruguay Peso 2 Uruguay Peso
VEB Venezuelan Bolivar 2 Bolivar
YUN Yugoslavian Dinar 2 Dinar
ZAR South African Rand 2 Rand

Files Updated by GL110

This section contains the following topics that list the files that
GL110 (Company Copy Delete) updates, depending on the
program action you select:
• Company Copy
• Company Zero
• Company Delete
For instructions on running GL110, see “Maintaining a Company”
in Chapter 2 and “Deleting General Ledger Information” in
Chapter 3.

242 Chapter 6 System Logic General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Files Updated by GL110

Company Copy
The following files are updated when you copy a general ledger
company using GL110 (Company Copy Delete).
File COBOL name
Accounting Unit Attribute Value AUMXVALUE
Allocation Comments CACOMMENT
Allocation Detail CADETAIL
Allocation Header CAHEADER
Allocation Transaction CATRANS
Currency Gain and Loss Account CUACCT
Currency Amount CUAMOUNT
Currency Translation CUTRANSL
Budget Detail FBDETAIL
Budget Header FBHEADER
Daily Report Currency CUAMOUNTX
General Ledger Address GLADDRESS
General Ledger Amounts GLAMOUNTS
General Ledger Audit GLAUDIT
General Ledger Closing Audit GLCLSAUDIT
General Ledger Codes GLCODES
General Ledger Comments GLCOMMENT
General Ledger Consolidation GLCONSOL
General Ledger Control GLCONTROL
General Ledger Intercompany GLINTCO
General Ledger Journal Entry Log GLJELOG
General Ledger Account Master GLMASTER
General Ledger Names GLNAMES

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 6 System Logic 243

Version 7.2.1
Files Updated by GL110

File COBOL name

General Ledger Report Definition GLRPTDEF
General Ledger Report Selection GLRPTSEL
General Ledger Company Journal GLSYSJE
General Ledger Company GLSYSTEM
General Ledger Transaction GLTRANS
General Ledger Units GLUNITS
General Ledger Zone GLZONE
Attribute Template Value GTMXVALUE
Journal Book Account JBKACCT
Journal Book Operator Code JBKOPCODE
Journal Book Sequence Number JBKSEQNBR
Journal Book System JBKSYSCODE
Journal Book Header JBOOKHDR
Attribute Object MXOBJCAT
Recurring Journal Bridge RJBRIDGE
Recurring Journal Control RJCONTROL
Recurring Journal Attribute Value RJMXVALUE
Recurring Journal Schedule RJSCHEDULE
Recurring Journal Transaction RJTRANS

Company Zero
The following files are updated when you clear general ledger
company balances and transactions using GL110 (Company
Copy Delete).
File COBOL name
Currency Amount CUAMOUNT
Daily Report Currency CUAMOUNTX

244 Chapter 6 System Logic General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Files Updated by GL110

File COBOL name

General Ledger Consolidation GLCONSOL
General Ledger Control GLCONTROL
General Ledger Account Master GLMASTER
General Ledger Transaction GLTRANS
General Ledger Units GLUNITS
General Ledger Amounts GLAMOUNTS

Company Delete
The following files are updated when you delete a general ledger
company and its associated data using GL110 (Company Copy
File COBOL name
Accounting Unit Attribute Value AUMXVALUE
Allocation Comments CACOMMENT
Allocation Detail CADETAIL
Allocation Header CAHEADER
Allocation Transaction CATRANS
Currency Amount CUAMOUNT
Currency Gain and Loss Account CUACCT
Currency Translation CUTRANSL
Budget Detail FBDETAIL
Budget Header FBHEADER
Daily Report Currency CUAMOUNTX
General Ledger Address GLADDRESS
General Ledger Amounts GLAMOUNTS
General Ledger Audit GLAUDIT
General Ledger Closing Audit GLCLSAUDIT

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 6 System Logic 245

Version 7.2.1
Files Updated by GL110

File COBOL name

General Ledger Codes GLCODES
General Ledger Comments GLCOMMENT
General Ledger Consolidation GLCONSOL
General Ledger Control GLCONTROL
General Ledger Intercompany GLINTCO
General Ledger Journal Entry Log GLJELOG
General Ledger Names GLNAMES
General Ledger Report Definition GLRPTDEF
General Ledger Report Selection GLRPTSEL
General Ledger Company Journal GLSYSJE
General Ledger Company GLSYSTEM
General Ledger Transaction GLTRANS
General Ledger Units GLUNITS
General Ledger Zone GLZONE
Attribute Template Value GLMXVALUE
Journal Book Account JBKACCT
Journal Book Operator Code JBKOPCODE
Journal Book Sequence Number JBKSEQNBR
Journal Book System JBKSYSCODE
Journal Book Header JBOOKHDR
Recurring Journal Bridge RJBRIDGE
Recurring Journal Control RJCONTROL
Recurring Journal Attribute Value RJMXVALUE
Recurring Journal Schedule RJSCHEDULE
Recurring Journal Transaction RJTRANS

246 Chapter 6 System Logic General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Files Updated by GL300

Files Updated by GL300

The following files are updated when you delete general ledger
history using GL300 (General Ledger History Delete).
File COBOL name
Currency Amount CUAMOUNT
Budget Header FBHEADER
Budget Detail FBDETAIL
Daily Report Currency CUAMOUNTX
General Ledger Amounts GLAMOUNTS
General Ledger Comments GLCOMMENT
General Ledger Consolidation GLCONSOL
General Ledger Control GLCONTROL
General Ledger Transaction GLTRANS
General Ledger Units GLUNITS
Attribute Template Value GTMXVALUE
Attribute Object MXOBJCAT

Average Daily Balance Calculations

The Average Daily Balance system calculates
• the work of date (post-through date),
• average daily balances, and
• the cost of funds.

Work of Date
The system uses the Work of Date defined in AD01.1 (Work of
Date) as a cutoff date when calculating average daily balances.
You must choose a date within the period that you are running
AD190 (Transaction Posting).

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 6 System Logic 247

Version 7.2.1
Average Daily Balance Calculations

The General Ledger Transaction file processes transactions in

account and transaction date order. Any transactions after the
Work of Date are not included in average daily balance
processing. This limits the time in an accounting period that
transactions are considered for calculating average daily
If you need to override the date during average daily balance
processing, you can type a different date in the Post Through field
in AD190.

Average Daily Balances

During transaction posting, the system calculates average daily
balances using data from the General Ledger Transaction file with
the beginning balances pulled from the General Ledger Amounts
file for each average daily balance account.
The system summarizes transactions for each account for the
period and fiscal year. All transactions in the period up to and
including the post-through date are included. The system
calculates a weighted total for each date in the period and
summarizes all weighted totals to capture a combined total of the
After processing the transactions, the system calculates the
average daily balances for each ADB account.
The formula used to calculate average daily balance is
(ending account balance*post-through days) + weighted total of
post-through days
The formula used to calculate the weighted total of transactions is
transaction amount * (post-through date - transaction date + 1)
A total average daily balance amount is placed in the balancing
account defined for the average daily balance company in AD00.1
(Company). This reciprocal amount prevents an out-of-balance

248 Chapter 6 System Logic General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Average Daily Balance Calculations

Average daily balances for each account are stored in the ADB
Amounts file. When you run AD190 (Transaction Posting) in
Update mode, average daily balance information for the period,
quarter-to-date, and year-to-date are transferred to the LAWSON
INSIGHT II Budgeting system and the General Ledger
Consolidation file.

Cost of Funds
You must run AD190 (Transaction Posting) before you can
determine the cost of funds or yield for average daily balance
accounts. The system uses the average daily balances calculated
by AD190.
To calculate the cost of funds in a period, the system
• accumulates all interest account amounts (interest) for all
ADB accounts,
• accumulates all average daily balance amounts (principal) for
all ADB accounts, and
• uses the number of days per period and days per year defined
for ADB accounts.
The formula used to calculate the cost of funds is
interest / principal
period days / year days
For quarter-to-date and year-to-date calculations, the interest,
principal, and day values are accumulated for the respective time
The system updates the cost of funds budgets defined for the
average daily balance company with the calculated rates and
yields for the month, quarter, and year-to-date.
AD191 (Cost of Funds) generates a Cost of Funds report that
contains the following information for the period, quarter-to-date,
and year-to-date:
• Averages based on the period accumulation of the average
daily balance for each account defined for the ratio total. If
interest accounts without ratio total names are used, only
numeric totals print.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 6 System Logic 249

Version 7.2.1
Average Daily Balance Interface

• Revenues or expenses based on the period accumulation of

the balances for all interest accounts (defined for each ADB
• A percentage that represents the cost of funds or yield
(comparing the funds on deposit to the funds on loan).

Note To be included on the Cost of Funds report, ADB accounts

must have an interest account or ratio total name defined.

Average Daily Balance Interface

This section describes how average daily balances and average
daily balance accounts interface with the LAWSON INSIGHT II
General Ledger system.

Period Structure
The system calculates average daily balances on a month-to-
date, quarter-to-date, and year-to-date basis. The General Ledger
Company file defines the period structure for the current, next, and
last fiscal years. To calculate average daily balances, you must
select a period with an Open or Open for Backposting status.

Average Daily Balance Accounts

After you define an average daily balance company, the AD20.1
(Accounts) program loads all the balance sheet accounts from the
General Ledger chart of accounts for the company and accounting
unit selected.
You can flag each account that displays as an ADB account. Each
account you select for ADB has a record written to the ADB Master
file and the General Ledger Master file. You can define only
balance sheet accounts as ADB accounts.

250 Chapter 6 System Logic General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Average Daily Balance Interface

Last Period Closing

The first time you run GL199 (Period Closing) you have the option
of using a budget number to save the last year amounts. Once you
close a period in the General Ledger system, you cannot process
it in the Average Daily Balance system because transactions
posted in a previous period would distort the average daily
balances for the current period.
The system does not adjust the average daily account balances
for the previous period, but the backdating of the effective date of
an entry corrects itself in the year-to-date averages of ADB

Important Because the period and fiscal year must be open in the General
Ledger system to permit ADB processing, schedule the running of
this program carefully.

Year-End Closing
The system stores average daily balance amounts by fiscal year.
To prepare for the next fiscal year, the Average Daily Balance
system does not require any additional program to clear the last,
current, and next year balances.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Chapter 6 System Logic 251

Version 7.2.1
Average Daily Balance Interface


252 Chapter 6 System Logic General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Appendix A

System Programs

This appendix contains the following sections that list the

programs for the General Ledger system:
• Programs Listed by Function
• List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms
• List of General Ledger Subset Forms and Subforms
• List of Average Daily Balance Forms and Subforms

Programs Listed by Function

The programs listed in this section are grouped by function.

The following flowcharts are available to guide you through the
process of setting up and using the General Ledger system.
Form ID Name
GLFL.1 General Ledger Flowchart
Setup form tab
Processing form tab
Report Writer form tab
Allocation form tab
Budget form tab
GLFL.2* Reporting
GLFL.3* Analysis
GLFL.4* Recurring Flowchart
GLFL.5* Mass Maintenance
GLFL.6* Reports

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 253

Version 7.2.1
Programs Listed by Function

Form ID Name
GLFL.7* Miscellaneous
GLFL.8* Prerequisite Load Programs
GLFL.9* Import and Export
GLSU.1 General Ledger Subset Flowchart
GLSU.2* Miscellaneous
MXSU.1 Attribute Setup Flowchart
MXSU.2* Business Objects

MXSU.3* Listings

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

Load Programs
Use the following programs to load Lawson-defined information
before setting up the General Ledger system.
Form ID Name
GL105 System, Source Code Load
GL106 Subledger Attribute Load
MX100 Attribute, Element Load
RW590 Data Dictionary Load

Chart of Accounts Setup

Use the following programs to define and update a chart of
Form ID Name
GL00.1 Chart of Accounts
GL00.2* Define Chart Name
GL00.3* Detail Accounts
GL00.4* Account Information

254 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Programs Listed by Function

Form ID Name
GL00.5* Summary Account Options
GL00.6* Move Detail Account
GL00.7* System Accounts
GL00.8* Rename Summary Account
GL00.9* Chart Copy
GL03.1* Preview Chart of Accounts
GL03.2* Move Summary Account
GL03.3* Error Suspense by System
GL03.4* Summary Account System Restriction
GL03.5* Detail Account System Restriction
GL03.6* Posting Account System Restriction

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

Company Structure Setup

Use the following programs to define and update general ledger
companies, accounting units, and related information.
Form ID Name
GL10.1 Company
Main form tab
Hierarchy form tab
Calendar form tab
Currency form tab
Journals form tab
Address form tab
User Fields form tab
GL10.2* Backposting Control
GL11.1 Company Group

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 255

Version 7.2.1
Programs Listed by Function

Form ID Name
GL20.1 Accounting Units-Accounts
Main form tab
Levels form tab
Address form tab
User Fields form tab
GL20.2* Posting Accounts
GL20.3* Account Options
GL20.4* Mass Add Accounts
GL20.5* Values By Attribute
GL20.6* System Accounting Units
GL20.7* Attributes
GL25.1 Intercompany Relationships
GL30.1 Interzone Relationships
GL30.2* Define Zone
GL35.1 Chart Map Maintenance
GL36.1 Fiscal Year Mapping
GL130 Chart Map Creation

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

General Ledger Code Setup

Use the following programs to define and update system codes,
system control options, source codes, language codes, and,
optionally, reconciliation codes, journal hold codes, and journal
Form ID Name
GL01.1 System Control
GL01.2* System Control
GL01.3* System Control Options
GL01.4* System Codes

256 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Programs Listed by Function

Form ID Name
GL01.5* System Remote Indicator
GL04.1 Reconciliation Code
GL04.2 Reconciliation Codes
GL05.1 Source Code
GL05.2* Source Codes
GL05.3* Attribute Origin
GL05.4* Source Code Attributes
GL12.1 Journal Hold Code
GL12.2* Journal Hold Codes
GL19.1 Language Code Maintenance
JB00.1 Journal Book
JB00.2* Journal Book Systems
JB00.3* Journal Book Operators
JB00.4 Journal Book Accounts

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

Currency Setup
Use the following programs to set up the Currency system.
Form ID Name
CU00.1 Currency Table
CU01.1 Currency Code
CU01.2 Currency Codes
CU02.1 Currency Relationship
CU02.2 Relationship Summary
CU03.1 Currency Gain Loss Accounts
CU05.1 Translation Code

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 257

Version 7.2.1
Programs Listed by Function

Form ID Name
CU05.2 Translation Codes
CU10.1 Exchange Rates
CU10.2* Daily Rate Entry
CU20.1 Currency Table Translation Rates
CU20.2* Currency Table Period Rate Entry
CU20.3 Company Translation Rates
CU20.4* Company Period Rate Entry

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

Attribute Matrix Setup

Use the following programs to define and maintain attribute
Form ID Name
GL21.1* Accounting Unit List
GL21.2* Manual Accounting Unit List
GL21.3* Accounting Unit View Preview
MX00.1 Attribute
MX00.2* Element
MX00.3* Associate Attribute to Objects
MX00.4* Object Group Define
MX05.1 Attribute Template
MX05.2* Define Template
MX10.1 List
MX10.2* Define List
MX10.3* List Copy
MX20.1 View
MX20.2* Define View

258 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Programs Listed by Function

Form ID Name
MX20.3* Summary Level Options
MX20.4* Rename Summary Level
MX20.5* View Copy
MX20.6* Move Summary Level
MX200 Element Listing
MX201 Attribute Listing
MX205 Template Listing
MX210 List Listing
MX220 View Listing
MX500 Attribute Value Population
MXSU.1 Attribute Setup Flowchart
MXSU.2* Business Objects

MXSU.3* Listings

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

Conversion and Interface

Use the following programs to convert or interface data from a
non-Lawson system.
Form ID Name
GL08.1 Organization Relationship
GL08.2* Organization Relationships
GL09.1 Account Relationship
GL09.2* Account Relationships
GL60.1 Chart Interface Maintenance
GL61.1 Acct Unit Interface Maint
GL62.1 AU Attribute Interface Maint
GL65.1 Transaction Interface Maintenance

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 259

Version 7.2.1
Programs Listed by Function

Form ID Name
GL65.2* Additional Transaction Attributes
GL65.3* Report Currency Entry
GL67.1 Balance Interface Maintenance
GL160 Chart of Accounts Interface
GL161 Accounting Unit Interface
GL162 AU Attribute Interface
GL165 Transaction Interface
GL167 Balance Interface
GL260 Chart Interface Listing
GL261 Acct Unit Interface Listing
GL262 AU Attribute Interface Listing
GL265 Transaction Interface Listing
GL267 Balance Interface Listing

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

Reports and Listings

The following reports and listings are available.
Form ID Name
CU201 Currency Codes Listing
CU202 Currency Relationship Listing
CU203 Company Currency Gain/loss Accounts Listing
CU205 Translation Code Listing
CU210 Exchange Rate Listing
CU220 Translation Rate Listing
GL200 Chart of Accounts Listing
GL201 System Control Listing

260 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Programs Listed by Function

Form ID Name
GL204 Reconciliation Code Listing
GL205 Source Code Listing
GL208 Organization Relationship Listing
GL209 Account Relationship Listing
GL210 Company Listing
GL211 Company Group Listing
GL215 Chart Compare
GL220 Accounting Unit Listing
GL221 Posting Accounts Listing
GL222 Posting Accounts Listing by Account
GL225 Intercompany Relationship Listing
GL230 Interzone Relationship Listing
GL240 Journal Edit Listing
GL241 Period Transaction Listing
GL243 Daily Transaction Listing
GL245 Journal Control Report
GL247 Centralized Book Report
GL250 Ledger Report Listing
GL255 Transaction Writer Listing
GL256 Transaction Writer Report
GL270 Recurring Journal Edit Listing
GL275 Recurring Journal Control Report
GL284 AP Grand Livre Report - Period
GL285 AP Grand Livre Report - Date
GL286 AR Grand Livre Report - Period
GL287 AR Grand Livre Report - Date

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 261

Version 7.2.1
Programs Listed by Function

Form ID Name
GL288 GL Grand Livre Report - Period
GL289 GL Grand Livre Report - Date
GL297 Posting Sequence Number Report
JB200 Journal Book Listing
JB240 Journal Book Report

Journal Entry
Use the following programs to create, release, post, and maintain
journal entries in the General Ledger system.
Form ID Name
GL40.1 Journal Entry
GL40.2* Define Journal
Main form tab
Dates, Currency form tab
Attributes form tab
GL40.3* Speed Entry
GL40.4* Additional Information
GL40.5* Comments
GL40.6* Filter
GL40.7* Journal Copy
GL40.8* Totals
GL40.9* Journal Entry Line
Main form tab
Attributes form tab
Amounts form tab
GL42.1 Journal Entry Log
GL44.1 Report Currency Entry
GL45.1 Journal Control
GL45.2* Additional Information

262 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Programs Listed by Function

Form ID Name
GL45.3* Filter
GL135 Intercompany Chart Map Posting
GL145 Journal Entry Hold Release
GL146 Batch Journal Control
GL190 Journal Posting
GL199 Period Closing

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

Recurring Journal Entry

Use the following programs to create, release, transfer, and
maintain recurring journal entries.
Form ID Name
GL38.1* Recurring Journal Interface
GL38.2 Recurring Journal Schedule
GL70.1 Recurring Journal
GL70.2* Define Recurring Journal
Main form tab
Valid Periods form tab
Attributes form tab
GL70.3* Amounts Only
GL70.4* Additional Information
GL75.1 Recurring Journal Control
GL170 Recurring Journal Interface
GL179 Recurring Journal Closing

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 263

Version 7.2.1
Programs Listed by Function

General Ledger Report Setup

Use the following program to define and maintain ledger reports
and transaction writer reports.
Form ID Name
GL50.1 Ledger Report Setup
GL50.2* Define Ledger Report
GL50.3* Totals
GL50.4* Filters
GL50.5* Copy
GL55.1 Transaction Writer
GL55.2* Copy

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

Inquiry Programs
Use the following programs to inquire on data in the General
Ledger system.
Form ID Name
GL41.1 Journal Analysis
GL41.2* Journal Totals
GL41.3* Filter
GL43.1 Daily Transaction Analysis
GL85.1* Ratio Analysis
GL90.1 Transaction Analysis
GL90.2* Transaction Totals
GL90.3* Filter
GL90.4* Reconcile Transactions
GL95.1 Account Analysis
GL96.1* Accounting Units

264 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Programs Listed by Function

Form ID Name
GL97.1* Accounts
GL98.1* Companies
GL99.1 Organization Query

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

Currency Revaluation and Translation

Use the following programs to perform currency revaluation and
translation in the General Ledger system.
Form ID Name
GL191 Currency Revaluation
GL195 Translation Calculation
GL196 Report Currency Translation

Financial Reports
The following financial reports are available.
Form ID Name
GL281 French Trial Balance
GL290 General Ledger Report
GL291 Trial Balance
GL292 Balance Sheet
GL293 Income Statement
GL294 Projection By Level
GL295 Projection By Account
GL296 Currency Exposure Report

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 265

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms

Complex Processing
Use the following programs to perform complex procedures and
mass changes in the General Ledger system.
Form ID Name
CU300 Currency Rate History Delete
GL110 Company Copy Delete
GL120 Level Reorganization
GL121 Mass Account Addition
GL122 Mass Account Change Delete
Action form tab
Change Options form tab
User Field Options form tab
GL141 Consolidation Unload
GL198 Non-GL Period Closing
GL300 General Ledger History Delete
GL311 Remote Site GL Transaction Upload
GL320 Consolidation File Creation
GL327 Report Currency Rebuild
GL328 Daily Report Currency Rebuild
GL330 Undistributed RE Rebuild
GL342 Journal Entry Log Mass Delete

List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms

The following forms and subforms are included with the full
General Ledger system:
• Currency Programs
• General Ledger Programs
• Journal Book Programs
• Attribute Matrix Programs

266 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms

Currency Programs
Form ID Type Name
CU00.1 Form Currency Table
CU01.1 Form Currency Code
CU01.2 Form Currency Codes
CU02.1 Form Currency Relationship
CU02.2 Form Relationship Summary
CU03.1 Form Currency Gain Loss Accounts
CU05.1 Form Translation Code
CU05.2 Form Translation Codes
CU10.1 Form Exchange Rates
CU10.2* Subform Daily Rate Entry
CU20.1 Form Currency Table Translation Rates
CU20.2* Subform Currency Table Period Rate Entry
CU20.3 Form Company Translation Rates
CU20.4* Subform Company Period Rate Entry
CU60.1 Form Currency Rate Interface
CU160 Report Currency Rate Interface
CU201 Report Currency Codes Listing
CU202 Report Currency Relationship Listing
CU203 Report Company Currency Gain/loss
Accounts Listing
CU205 Report Translation Code Listing
CU210 Report Exchange Rate Listing
CU220 Report Translation Rate Listing
CU260 Report Currency Rate Interface Listing
CU300 Report Currency Rate History Delete

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 267

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms

General Ledger Programs

Form ID Type Name
GL00.1 Form Chart of Accounts
GL00.2* Subform Define Chart Name
GL00.3* Subform Detail Accounts
GL00.4* Subform Account Information
GL00.5* Subform Summary Account Options
GL00.6* Subform Move Detail Account
GL00.7* Subform System Accounts
GL00.8* Subform Rename Summary Account
GL00.9* Subform Chart Copy
GL01.1 Form System Control
GL01.2* Subform System Control
GL01.3* Subform System Control Options
GL01.4* Subform System Codes
GL01.5* Subform System Remote Indicator
GL03.1* Subform Preview Chart of Accounts
GL03.2* Subform Move Summary Account
GL03.3* Subform Error Suspense by System
GL03.4* Subform Summary Account System
GL03.5* Subform Detail Account System
GL03.6* Subform Posting Account System
GL04.1 Form Reconciliation Code
GL04.2 Subform Reconciliation Codes
GL05.1 Form Source Code

268 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms

Form ID Type Name

GL05.2* Subform Source Codes
GL05.3* Subform Attribute Origin
GL05.4* Subform Source Code Attributes
GL08.1 Form Organization Relationship
GL08.2* Subform Organization Relationships
GL09.1 Form Account Relationship
GL09.2* Subform Account Relationships
GL10.1 Form Company
Form tab Main
Form tab Hierarchy
Form tab Calendar
Form tab Currency
Form tab Journals
Form tab Address
Form tab User Fields

GL10.2* Subform Backposting Control

GL11.1 Form Company Group
GL12.1 Form Journal Hold Code
GL12.2* Subform Journal Hold Codes
GL19.1 Form Language Code Maintenance
GL20.1 Form Accounting Units-Accounts
Form tab Main
Form tab Levels
Form tab Address
Form tab User Fields

GL20.2* Subform Posting Accounts

GL20.3* Subform Account Options
GL20.4* Subform Mass Add Accounts
GL20.5* Subform Values By Attribute
GL20.6* Subform System Accounting Units

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 269

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms

Form ID Type Name

GL20.7* Subform Attributes
GL21.1* Subform Accounting Unit List
GL21.2* Subform Manual Accounting Unit List
GL21.3* Subform Accounting Unit View Preview
GL25.1 Form Intercompany Relationships
GL30.1 Form Interzone Relationships
GL30.2* Subform Define Zone
GL35.1 Form Chart Map Maintenance
GL36.1 Form Fiscal Year Mapping
GL38.1* Subform Recurring Journal Interface
GL38.2 Form Recurring Journal Schedule
GL40.1 Form Journal Entry
GL40.2* Subform Define Journal
Form tab Main
Form tab Dates, Currency
Form tab Attributes

GL40.3* Subform Speed Entry

GL40.4* Subform Additional Information
GL40.5* Subform Comments
GL40.6* Subform Filter
GL40.7* Subform Journal Copy
GL40.8* Subform Totals
GL40.9* Subform Journal Entry Line
Form tab Main
Form tab Attributes
Form tab Amounts

GL41.1 Form Journal Analysis

GL41.2* Subform Journal Totals

270 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms

Form ID Type Name

GL41.3* Subform Filter
GL42.1 Form Journal Entry Log
GL43.1 Form Daily Transaction Analysis
GL44.1 Form Report Currency Entry
GL45.1 Form Journal Control
GL45.2* Subform Additional Information
GL45.3* Subform Filter
GL50.1 Form Ledger Report Setup
GL50.2* Subform Define Ledger Report
GL50.3* Subform Totals
GL50.4* Subform Filters
GL50.5* Subform Copy
GL55.1 Form Transaction Writer
GL55.2* Subform Copy
GL60.1 Form Chart Interface Maintenance
GL61.1 Form Acct Unit Interface Maint
GL62.1 Form AU Attribute Interface Maint
GL65.1 Form Transaction Interface
GL65.2* Subform Additional Transaction Attributes
GL65.3* Subform Report Currency Entry
GL67.1 Form Balance Interface Maintenance
GL70.1 Form Recurring Journal
GL70.2* Subform Define Recurring Journal
Form tab Main
Form tab Valid Periods
Form tab Attributes

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 271

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms

Form ID Type Name

GL70.3* Subform Amounts Only
GL70.4* Subform Additional Information
GL70.5* Subform Comments
GL70.6* Subform Filter
GL70.7* Subform Recurring Copy
GL70.8* Subform Journal Totals
GL75.1 Form Recurring Journal Control
GL85.1 Form Ratio Analysis
GL90.1 Form Transaction Analysis
GL90.2* Subform Transaction Totals
GL90.3* Subform Filter
GL90.4* Subform Reconcile Transactions
GL95.1 Form Account Analysis
GL95.2* Subform Fiscal Year Summary
GL95.3* Subform Totals
GL95.4* Subform Chart Query
GL95.5* Subform Periods vs. YTD
GL95.6* Subform YTD Current Year vs. Last Year
GL95.7* Subform Periods Current Year vs. Last
GL95.8* Subform YTD Actual vs. Budget
GL95.9* Subform Periods Actual vs. Budget
GL96.1* Subform Accounting Units
GL96.2* Subform YTD Current Year vs. Last Year
GL96.3* Subform Periods Current Year vs. Last
GL96.4* Subform YTD Actual vs. Budget

272 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms

Form ID Type Name

GL96.5* Subform Periods Actual vs. Budget
GL97.1* Subform Accounts
GL97.2* Subform YTD Current Year vs. Last Year
GL97.3* Subform Periods Current Year vs. Last
GL97.4* Subform YTD Actual vs. Budget
GL97.5* Subform Periods Actual vs. Budget
GL97.6* Subform YTD Account Currencies
GL97.7* Subform Periods Account Currencies
GL97.8* Subform Fiscal Year Summary
GL97.9* Subform Totals
GL98.1* Subform Companies
GL98.2* Subform YTD Current Year vs. Last Year
GL98.3* Subform Periods Current Year vs. Last
GL98.4* Subform YTD Actual vs. Budget
GL98.5* Subform Periods Actual vs. Budget
GL99.1 Form Organization Query
GL99.2* Subform Periods vs. YTD
GL99.3* Subform YTD Current Year vs. Last Year
GL99.4* Subform Periods Current Year vs. Last
GL99.5* Subform YTD Actual vs. Budget
GL99.6* Subform Periods Actual vs. Budget
GL105 Report System, Source Code Load
GL106 Report Subledger Attribute Load
GL110 Report Company Copy Delete

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 273

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms

Form ID Type Name

GL120 Report Level Reorganization
GL121 Report Mass Account Addition
GL122 Report Mass Account Change Delete
GL130 Form Chart Map Creation
GL135 Form Intercompany Chart Map
GL141 Report Consolidation Unload
GL145 Report Journal Entry Hold Release
GL146 Report Batch Journal Control
GL160 Conversion Chart of Accounts Interface
GL161 Conversion Accounting Unit Interface
GL162 Conversion AU Attribute Interface
GL165 Conversion Transaction Interface
GL167 Conversion Balance Interface
GL170 Report Recurring Journal Interface
GL179 Report Recurring Journal Closing
GL190 Report Journal Posting
GL191 Report Currency Revaluation
GL195 Report Translation Calculation
GL196 Report Report Currency Translation
GL198 Report Non-GL Period Closing
GL199 Report Period Closing
GL200 Report Chart of Accounts Listing
GL201 Report System Control Listing
GL204 Report Reconciliation Code Listing
GL205 Report Source Code Listing

274 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms

Form ID Type Name

GL208 Report Organization Relationship
GL209 Report Account Relationship Listing
GL210 Report Company Listing
GL211 Report Company Group Listing
GL215 Report Chart Compare
GL220 Report Accounting Unit Listing
GL221 Report Posting Accounts Listing
GL222 Report Posting Accounts Listing by
GL223 Report Accounting Unit List Listing
GL225 Report Intercompany Relationship
GL230 Report Interzone Relationship Listing
GL240 Report Journal Edit Listing
GL241 Report Period Transaction Listing
GL243 Report Daily Transaction Listing
GL245 Report Journal Control Report
GL247 Report Centralization Book Report
GL250 Report Ledger Report Listing
GL255 Report Transaction Writer Listing
GL256 Report Transaction Writer Report
GL260 Report Chart Interface Listing
GL261 Report Acct Unit Interface Listing
GL262 Report AU Attribute Interface Listing
GL265 Report Transaction Interface Listing
GL267 Report Balance Interface Listing

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 275

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms

Form ID Type Name

GL270 Report Recurring Journal Edit Listing
GL275 Report Recurring Journal Control
GL281 Report French Trial Balance
GL284 Report AP Grand Livre Report - Period
GL285 Report AP Grand Livre Report - Date
GL286 Report AR Grand Livre Report - Period
GL287 Report AR Grand Livre Report - Date
GL288 Report GL Grand Livre Report - Period
GL289 Report GL Grand Livre Report - Date
GL290 Report General Ledger Report
GL291 Report Trial Balance
GL292 Report Balance Sheet
GL293 Report Income Statement
GL294 Report Projection By Level
GL295 Report Projection By Account
GL296 Report Currency Exposure Report
GL297 Report Posting Sequence Number
GL300 Report General Ledger History Delete
GL311 Report Remote Site GL Transaction
GL320 Report Consolidation File Creation
GL327 Report Report Currency Rebuild
GL328 Report Daily Report Currency Rebuild
GL330 Report Undistributed RE Rebuild
GL342 Report Journal Entry Log Mass Delete

276 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms

Form ID Type Name

GLFL.1 Flowchart General Ledger Flowchart
Form tab Setup
Form tab Processing
Form tab Report Writer
Form tab Allocation
Form tab Budget

GLFL.2* Flowchart Reporting

GLFL.3* Flowchart Analysis
GLFL.4* Flowchart Recurring Flowchart
GLFL.5* Flowchart Mass Maintenance
GLFL.6* Flowchart Reports
GLFL.7* Flowchart Miscellaneous
GLFL.8* Flowchart Prerequisite Load Programs
GLFL.9* Flowchart Import and Export
GLSU.1 Flowchart General Ledger Basic Flowchart
GLSU.2* Flowchart Miscellaneous

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

Journal Book Programs

Form ID Type Name
JB00.1 Form Journal Book
JB00.2* Subform Journal Book Systems
JB00.3* Subform Journal Book Operators
JB00.4 Form Journal Book Accounts
JB200 Report Journal Book Listing
JB240 Report Journal Book Report

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 277

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Forms and Subforms

Attribute Matrix Programs

Form ID Type Name
MX00.1 Form Attribute
MX00.2* Subform Element
MX00.3* Subform Associate Attribute to Objects
MX00.4* Subform Object Group Define
MX05.1 Form Attribute Template
MX05.2* Subform Define Template
MX10.1 Form List
MX10.2* Subform Define List
MX10.3* Subform List Copy
MX20.1 Form View
MX20.2* Subform Define View
MX20.3* Subform Summary Level Options
MX20.4* Subform Rename Summary Level
MX20.5* Subform View Copy
MX20.6* Subform Move Summary Level
MX100 Report Attribute, Element Load
MX200 Report Element Listing
MX201 Report Attribute Listing
MX205 Report Template Listing
MX210 Report List Listing
MX220 Report View Listing
MX500 Report Attribute Value Population
MXSU.1 Flowchart Attribute Setup Flowchart
MXSU.2* Flowchart Business Objects

MXSU.3* Flowchart Listings

278 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Subset Forms and Subforms

List of General Ledger Subset Forms and Subforms

The following forms and subforms are included with the General
Ledger subset:
• Currency Programs
• General Ledger Programs
• Journal Book Programs
• Attribute Matrix Programs
Currency Programs
Form ID Type Name
CU00.1 Form Currency Table
CU01.1 Form Currency Code
CU01.2 Form Currency Codes
CU02.1 Form Currency Relationship
CU02.2 Form Relationship Summary
CU03.1 Form Currency Gain Loss Accounts
CU05.1 Form Translation Code
CU05.2 Form Translation Codes
CU10.1 Form Exchange Rates
CU10.2* Subform Daily Rate Entry
CU20.1 Form Currency Table Translation Rates
CU20.2* Subform Currency Table Period Rate Entry
CU20.3 Form Company Translation Rates
CU20.4* Subform Company Period Rate Entry
CU60.1 Form Currency Rate Interface
CU160 Report Currency Rate Interface
CU201 Report Currency Codes Listing
CU202 Report Currency Relationship Listing

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 279

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Subset Forms and Subforms

Form ID Type Name

CU203 Report Company Currency Gain/loss
Accounts Listing
CU205 Report Translation Code Listing
CU210 Report Exchange Rate Listing
CU220 Report Translation Rate Listing
CU260 Report Currency Rate Interface Listing
CU300 Report Currency Rate History Delete

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

280 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Subset Forms and Subforms

General Ledger Programs

Form ID Type Name
GL00.1 Form Chart of Accounts
GL00.2* Subform Define Chart Name
GL00.3* Subform Detail Accounts
GL00.4* Subform Account Information
GL00.5* Subform Summary Account Options
GL00.6* Subform Move Detail Account
GL00.7* Subform System Accounts
GL00.8* Subform Rename Summary Account
GL00.9* Subform Chart Copy
GL01.1 Form System Control
GL01.2* Subform System Control
GL01.3* Subform System Control Options
GL01.4* Subform System Codes
GL01.5* Subform System Remote Indicator
GL03.1* Subform Preview Chart of Accounts
GL03.2* Subform Move Summary Account
GL03.3* Subform Error Suspense by System
GL03.4* Subform Summary Account System
GL03.5* Subform Detail Account System
GL03.6* Subform Posting Account System
GL05.1 Form Source Code
GL05.2* Subform Source Codes
GL05.3* Subform Attribute Origin

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 281

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Subset Forms and Subforms

Form ID Type Name

GL05.4* Subform Source Code Attributes
GL08.1 Form Organization Relationship
GL08.2* Subform Organization Relationships
GL09.1 Form Account Relationship
GL09.2* Subform Account Relationships
GL10.1 Form Company
Form tab Main
Form tab Hierarchy
Form tab Calendar
Form tab Currency
Form tab Journals
Form tab Address
Form tab User Fields

GL10.2* Subform Backposting Control

GL11.1 Form Company Group
GL12.1 Form Journal Hold Code
GL12.2* Subform Journal Hold Codes
GL20.1 Form Accounting Units-Accounts
Form tab Main
Form tab Levels
Form tab Address
Form tab User Fields

GL20.2* Subform Posting Accounts

GL20.3* Subform Account Options
GL20.4* Subform Mass Add Accounts
GL20.5* Subform Values By Attribute
GL20.6* Subform System Accounting Units
GL20.7* Subform Attributes
GL21.1* Subform Accounting Unit List
GL21.2* Subform Manual Accounting Unit List

282 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Subset Forms and Subforms

Form ID Type Name

GL21.3* Subform Accounting Unit View Preview
GL25.1 Form Intercompany Relationships
GL38.1* Subform Recurring Journal Interface
GL38.2 Form Recurring Journal Schedule
GL42.1 Form Journal Entry Log
GL60.1 Form Chart Interface Maintenance
GL61.1 Form Acct Unit Interface Maint
GL62.1 Form AU Attribute Interface Maint
GL105 Report System, Source Code Load
GL106 Report Subledger Attribute Load
GL110 Report Company Copy Delete
GL121 Report Mass Account Addition
GL120 Report Level Reorganization
GL122 Report Mass Account Change Delete
GL160 Conversion Chart of Accounts Interface
GL161 Conversion Accounting Unit Interface
GL162 Conversion AU Attribute Interface
GL196 Report Report Currency Translation
GL198 Report Non-GL Period Closing
GL200 Report Chart of Accounts Listing
GL201 Report System Control Listing
GL205 Report Source Code Listing
GL208 Report Organization Relationship
GL209 Report Account Relationship Listing
GL210 Report Company Listing

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 283

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Subset Forms and Subforms

Form ID Type Name

GL211 Report Company Group Listing
GL220 Report Accounting Unit Listing
GL221 Report Posting Accounts Listing
GL222 Report Posting Accounts Listing by
GL223 Report Accounting Unit List Listing
GL225 Report Intercompany Relationship
GL260 Report Chart Interface Listing
GL261 Report Acct Unit Interface Listing
GL262 Report AU Attribute Interface Listing
GL311 Report Remote Site GL Transaction
GL327 Report Report Currency Rebuild
GL328 Report Daily Report Currency Rebuild
GL342 Report Journal Entry Log Mass Delete
GLSU.1 Flowchart General Ledger Subset
GLSU.2* Flowchart Miscellaneous

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

284 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
List of General Ledger Subset Forms and Subforms

Journal Book Programs

Form ID Type Name
JB00.1 Form Journal Book
JB00.2* Subform Journal Book Systems
JB00.3* Subform Journal Book Operators
JB00.4 Form Journal Book Accounts
JB200 Report Journal Book Listing
JB240 Report Journal Book Report

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

Attribute Matrix Programs
Form ID Type Name
MX00.1 Form Attribute
MX00.2* Subform Element
MX00.3* Subform Associate Attribute to Objects
MX00.4* Subform Object Group Define
MX05.1 Form Attribute Template
MX05.2* Subform Define Template
MX10.1 Form List
MX10.2* Subform Define List
MX10.3* Subform List Copy
MX20.1 Form View
MX20.2* Subform Define View
MX20.3* Subform Summary Level Options
MX20.4* Subform Rename Summary Level
MX20.5* Subform View Copy
MX20.6* Subform Move Summary Level
MX100 Report Attribute, Element Load

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 285

Version 7.2.1
List of Average Daily Balance Forms and Subforms

Form ID Type Name

MX200 Report Element Listing
MX201 Report Attribute Listing
MX205 Report Template Listing
MX210 Report List Listing
MX220 Report View Listing
MX500 Report Attribute Value Population
MXSU.1 Flowchart Attribute Setup Flowchart
MXSU.2* Flowchart Business Objects

MXSU.3* Flowchart Listings

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

List of Average Daily Balance Forms and Subforms

This section contains the following programs for the Average Daily
Balance system:
• Programs Listed by Function
• List of Forms and Subforms

Programs Listed by Function

The programs listed in this section are grouped by function.

System Setup
Use the following programs to set up the Average Daily Balance
(ADB) system.
Form ID Name
AD00.1 ADB Company
AD01.1 Work of Date
AD20.1 Accounts
AD20.2* Mass Add Accounts

286 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
List of Average Daily Balance Forms and Subforms

Use the following programs to process average daily balances.
Form ID Name
AD190 Transaction Posting
AD191 Cost of Funds

Listing Report
The following program creates a listing of accounts in the Average
Daily Balance system.
Form ID Name
AD220 Account Listing

List of Forms and Subforms

Form ID Type Name
AD00.1 Form ADB Company
AD01.1 Form Work of Date
AD20.1 Form Accounts
AD20.2* Subform Mass Add Accounts
AD190 Report Transaction Posting
AD191 Report Cost of Funds
AD220 Listing Account Listing

* A subform, which you cannot access directly by its form ID.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix A System Programs 287

Version 7.2.1
List of Average Daily Balance Forms and Subforms


288 Appendix A System Programs General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Appendix B

Typical Questions

After I define a chart of accounts, can I assign the same

chart of accounts to different companies?
Yes. Once you define a chart of accounts you can assign the chart
of accounts to as many companies as you want. You can also
change the chart of accounts at the accounting unit level. You
cannot change the chart of accounts description. For more
information, see “Planning the General Ledger Setup” in
Chapter 1 and “Defining a Chart of Accounts” in Chapter 2.

Can I change the name of an existing summary

Yes. For instructions, see “Maintaining a Chart of Accounts” in
Chapter 2.

Can I move a detail account from one summary account

to another?
Yes. For instructions, see “Maintaining a Chart of Accounts” in
Chapter 2.

What is the relationship between the accounting unit

level address and the accounting unit?
The accounting unit level address identifies the location of an
accounting unit in the company structure. The company structure
can consist of up to five levels of accounting units. For more
information, see “Planning the General Ledger Setup” in
Chapter 1 and “Defining the Company Structure” in Chapter 2.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix B Typical Questions 289

Version 7.2.1
Do I have to define accounting units in a specific order?
Yes. You must define high-level accounting units before defining
the low-level accounting units. The lower level units must have a
higher level unit to roll up to. For more information, see “Planning
the General Ledger Setup” in Chapter 1 and “Defining the
Company Structure” in Chapter 2.

How can I copy information from one accounting unit to

You can copy information from one accounting unit to another
using GL121 (Mass Account Addition). You can copy all accounts,
a range of accounts, inactive accounts, and budgets within an
accounting unit. You can copy the information to all levels or to a
specific accounting unit in the company. For instructions, see
“Maintaining the Chart of Accounts” in Chapter 2.

How can I assign accounts to an accounting unit?

Several methods are available to assign accounts to an
accounting unit.
• You can assign accounts manually using the Posting
Accounts subform in GL20.1 (Accounting Unit - Accounts).
For instructions, see “Defining Accounting Units” in Chapter 2.
• You can copy selected accounts from another accounting unit
or from a chart of accounts by choosing the Mass Add button
from the Posting Accounts subform in GL20.1.
For instructions, see “Defining Accounting Units” in Chapter 2.
• You can use the dynamic account assignment feature, which
lets the General Ledger system assign detail accounts to
posting accounting units as needed, rather than requiring you
to assign accounts manually during setup or each time you
add detail accounts to your chart of accounts.
For more information, see “Planning the General Ledger
Setup” in Chapter 1 and “Defining Attribute Information” in
Chapter 2.

290 Appendix B Typical Questions General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
• If you have the Financial Desktop Tools installed, you can use
the General Ledger Explorer to select individual posting
For more information, see online help text for the General
Ledger Explorer.

What is dynamic account assignment?

The dynamic account assignment feature lets the General Ledger
system assign detail accounts to posting accounting units as
needed, rather than requiring you to assign the detail accounts
manually for each posting accounting unit during setup or when
you add detail accounts to your chart of accounts.
To use the dynamic account assignment feature, you must assign
an accounting unit list to selected summary or detail accounts in
the chart of accounts.
For more information on dynamic account assignment, see
“Planning the General Ledger Setup” in Chapter 1. For
instructions on defining accounting unit lists and setting up for
dynamic account assignment, see “Defining Attribute Information”
in Chapter 2.

Can I track information about an accounting unit that is

not defined in the General Ledger system?
You can define your own accounting unit attributes using MX00.1
(Attribute) and then associate the attribute to the accounting unit
object type. You can apply values to the attribute using the
Attribute button in GL20.1 (Accounting Units-Accounts). For more
information, see “Defining Attribute Information” in Chapter 2.

How can I assign attribute values to an accounting unit?

Three methods are available. You can
• assigning attribute values manually,
• assigning attribute values by using a template (does not
override existing values), or
• assigning attribute values by running a batch program (option
to override existing values).

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix B Typical Questions 291

Version 7.2.1
For more information, see “Assigning Attribute Values to
Accounting Units” in Chapter 2.

What is the difference between the Ledger Report and

the Transaction Writer Report?
The Ledger Report is a customized transaction listing that prints
one 78-character detail line for each transaction based on the
transaction fields you select for the report. This report lists basic
information about a transaction. For more information, see
“Defining a Ledger Report” in Chapter 2.
The Transaction Writer Report is a customized transaction listing
that prints up to two 132-character detail lines for each transaction
based on the attribute fields you select for the report. This report
lists a wider range of information than the Ledger Report, uses
attribute fields to select and sort transactions, and contains many
formatting options. For more information, see “Defining a
Transaction Writer Report” in Chapter 2.

What is the difference between the form action and the

line action?
The form action controls the action of an entire form. The line
action controls the action of a specific line or record on the form.
The form and line actions work together. For example, the Change
form action indicates that you want to change one or more records
on the form. For example, the Add line action indicates that you
want to add a record on a blank line.

What is currency exchange and when do I use it?

Currency exchange lets you define a transaction in a nonbase
currency and lets the system use a spot exchange rate to change
the amount to either the company base currency or the account
currency. For more information, see “Currency Considerations” in
Chapter 1 and “Defining Currency Information” in Chapter 2.

292 Appendix B Typical Questions General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
What is currency translation and when do I use it?
Currency translation is the process of translating the company
base currency balances for all accounts to a common base
currency so that you can consolidate balances with other
companies. You usually perform currency translation once each
period, after the individual companies complete their period
closing cycles. For more information, see “Currency
Considerations” and “Distributed Processing Options” in
Chapter 1, “Defining Currency Information” in Chapter 2, and
“Consolidating General Ledger Data” in Chapter 3.

How does the currency revaluation process work, and

when do I use it?
The currency revaluation process uses the current exchange rate
to revalue all balance sheet accounts defined for revaluation to the
company base currency. When you run GL191 (Currency
Revaluation), it creates journal entries for any changes to the
realized gain or loss accounts. Typically, you revalue accounts
once each period; however, you can run revaluation at any time
during an accounting period. For more information, see “Currency
Considerations” in Chapter 1 and “Running Currency Reports” in
Chapter 3.

What is the difference between exchange rates and

translation rates?
Exchange rates are used to convert an amount in one currency to
another currency. The system is able to update exchange rates
daily. Exchange rates are unique by effective date.
Translation rates are used to translate an account balance from
one currency to another currency for consolidation. The system is
able to update translation rates monthly. Translation rates are
unique by period and fiscal year.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix B Typical Questions 293

Version 7.2.1
If I define a currency relationship in the currency table,
do I also have to define currency gain and loss accounts
for this currency relationship for each company
associated with the currency table?
Yes. In order for each company to enter transactions involving the
currency relationship, you must define each company’s currency
gain and loss accounts for the currency relationship. For more
information, see “Defining a Company” in Chapter 2.

What is the difference between the gain and loss

accounts in CU03.1 (Currency Gain Loss Accounts) and
the translation gain and loss accounts defined in
GL00.2 (Define Chart Name)?
There is a timing difference in the completion of a transaction. An
example is the difference between the entry and the payment of
an invoice when calculating a gain or loss. This is when the system
uses the gain and loss accounts defined in CU03.1. The system
uses the translation gain and loss accounts defined in GL00.2
(Define Chart Name) when calculating a gain or loss because of
translation and consolidation of multiple companies in multiple

Can I assign a nonbase currency to a specific account?

Yes. You can assign account currencies in GL00.1 (Chart of
Accounts). You can revalue accounts with a currency different
from the company base currency by running GL191 (Currency
Revaluation). For more information, see “Defining a Chart of
Accounts” in Chapter 2 and “Running Currency Reports” in
Chapter 3.

Can I unrelease a journal entry?

You can unrelease journal entries by using the Unrelease line
action in GL45.1 (Journal Control) or by running GL146 (Journal
Backout and Unrelease) using the Unrelease action. The
company must allow journals to be unreleased, and the journal
entries must not be system-generated (for example, intercompany
balancing entries). For more information, see “Defining a
Company” in Chapter 2 and “Maintaining Posted Journal Entries”
in Chapter 3.

294 Appendix B Typical Questions General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
What happens if I accidentally post journal entries to
the wrong period?
If you incorrectly post a journal entry to the current period, you can
use the Backout line action in GL45.1 (Journal Control) to correct
the mistake, or you can run GL146 (Journal Backout and
Unrelease) using the Backout action. The company must allow
journals to be backed out, and the period must be available for
backposting. If you post the journal entry incorrectly and close the
period, you must create a reversing entry. For more information,
see “Defining a Company” in Chapter 2 and “Maintaining Posted
Journal Entries” in Chapter 3.

What is the difference between backposting to the

current year and backposting to last year?
If you backpost to the current year, you must close the period you
opened. If you backpost to last year, you must close the period you
opened and the last period of last year to update the beginning
balances for the current year. For more information, see
“Maintaining Posted Journal Entries” in Chapter 3.

How do you determine the posting period for the “To”

company in an intercompany transaction when the “To”
and “From” companies use different calendars?
The transaction posting date determines the posting period for the
“To” company. The system determines which period in the “To”
company to associate with the transaction posting date. If the
posting period is the current period or a closed period, the
transaction is assigned to the current period. Otherwise, the
transaction is assigned to the open period (a future or previous
period if the period is open for backposting).

When are the “To” company intercompany transactions

available to post?
You can post “To” company transactions after you release the
journal entry.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix B Typical Questions 295

Version 7.2.1
If I suspend Strategic Ledger processing, how do I
measure and analyze profitability?
You must periodically run SL195 (Transaction Interface) to
analyze profitability in the Strategic Ledger system.

How do I prevent subledger entries from posting before

I review them?
You can prevent subledger entries from posting by applying a
journal hold code to the system control record in GL01.1 (System
Control). You can then run GL240 (Journal Edit Listing) to review
the subledger journal entries. You can remove the hold code using
GL45.1 (Journal Control) or GL145 (Journal Entry Hold Release).
For more information, see “Defining Journal Hold Codes” in
Chapter 2 and “Maintaining Journal Entry Holds” in Chapter 3.

Should I set up all my General Ledger companies as

Average Daily Balance (ADB) companies?
No. It is not necessary to do so for any general ledger company
that does not require ADB reporting. Remember, you can add an
ADB company at any time.

Can I flag all balance sheet accounts for all accounting

units as ADB accounts?
Yes. Use AD20.1 (Accounts). In the Accounting Unit field, type
*ALL. Use the Mass Add button to define all balance sheet
accounts as ADB accounts.

How can I view average daily balances online?

Because the average daily balances are stored in budgets, both
GL95.1 (Account Analysis) and FB20.1 (Budget) let you view
budget information online.

Will the Work of Date defined in AD01.1 (Work of Date)

automatically coincide with the system date?
No. If you do not maintain this date on a daily basis, you need to
update the Post Through field of AD190 (Transaction Posting)
each time you run AD190.

296 Appendix B Typical Questions General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Does Average Daily Balance (ADB) have a front-end
editing process that checks transactions before they
reach the General Ledger system?
ADB has no front-end editing process to edit bad transactions sent
to the General Ledger system. You must reconcile error suspense
entries daily.

If Average Daily Balance reports are not run daily in the

General Ledger system, can I retroactively create
reports for previous days?
No. Because AD190 (Transaction Posting) updates average daily
balances each time it runs, if you do not run the reports on a
specific day, the necessary data cannot be reproduced.

Can I run AD190 (Transaction Posting) to calculate the

average daily balance multiple times before running
AD191 (Cost of Funds)?
Yes. You can run AD190 repeatedly before calculating the cost of
funds or yield for the ADB accounts.

Is there an error report that lists transactions posted

from a previous period during Average Daily Balance
processing of AD190?
Yes. AD190 (Transaction Posting) prints an error report when you
try to process ADB for a period closed in the General Ledger

How can I use the Report Writer system to access

additional Average Daily Balance information?
You can group ADB accounts into a level group or account group,
or use budget data names defined at the ADB company level.

Does Average Daily Balance processing create ratio

totals in the new fiscal year if they existed in the
previous fiscal year?
Yes. As a result of year-end processing, ratio totals carry over to
the new fiscal year.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Appendix B Typical Questions 297

Version 7.2.1

298 Appendix B Typical Questions General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1

Account number
The required part of a detail account number. This term frequently
refers to the entire detail account, which consists of the account
number and an optional subaccount number. See also Detail
account; Subaccount number.
Account group
A group of sequential or nonsequential account ranges combined
for reports and inquiries. You define account groups in the Report
Writer system for use in the Report Writer, General Ledger,
Allocations, and Budgeting systems.
Account relationship
A relationship between a non-Lawson account number and the
corresponding General Ledger account number and subaccount
number. The relationship is used when you convert balances,
transactions, or budgets from a non-Lawson general ledger
system to the LAWSON INSIGHT II General Ledger system.
Accounting unit
A reporting or posting level in a general ledger company, such as
a store, region, division, or department. The company structure
can consist of up to five levels of accounting units. See also
Posting accounting unit; Summary accounting unit.
Accounting unit list
A group of accounting units sorted by up to eight attribute field
values. You can use accounting unit lists to report and inquire on
accounting unit attribute information in the General Ledger, Report
Writer, Allocations, and Budgeting systems. You can also use
accounting unit lists to automatically select detail accounts for
accounting units using the dynamic account assignment feature.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Glossary 299

Version 7.2.1
Accounting unit view
A group of accounting unit lists arranged hierarchically with up to
nine totaling levels. A view consists of summary and detail levels,
similar to a chart of accounts.
A single character or a menu choice that indicates to a program
what action to perform on a database record. The most common
actions are inquiring on a record in a file, adding a record to a file,
changing fields in a record, and deleting a record from a file.
Action code
A code that automatically disperses the amount you define in the
first period across all accounting periods, rather than defining
budget values in each period. See also Spread code.
A status that indicates that an object (for example, item, invoice,
journal entry, and so on) can be used in LAWSON INSIGHT II
Application systems.
A process that transfers amounts from multiple accounting units,
a range of accounts, or a range of subaccounts to accounting unit
and account combinations.
Allocation code
A user-defined code that lets you allocate amounts to more than
one accounting unit.
Allocation group
A user-defined group of allocations. See also Allocation.
A software package containing a group of programs that combine
to perform similar functions.
A category used to track additional information for an asset, an
activity, an accounting unit, an activity transaction, or a general
ledger transaction. Attributes are either Lawson- or user-defined.
Attribute element
A Lawson- or user-defined field definition that represents an
attribute field type and size. Valid element types are
alphanumeric, numeric, and date.

300 Glossary General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Attribute template
A user-defined group of one or more attribute field values. You can
assign an attribute template to one or more accounting units to
quickly and consistently assign attribute values.
Auto-reverse journal entry
A system-created journal entry that automatically reverses the
associated journal entries in the next period.
Auto-zero journal entry
A recurring journal entry in which the amounts zero-out after the
recurring entry is processed for the month.
Back out
See Unposting.
The process of posting a journal entry to a previous accounting
period. You can backpost a journal entry to correct financial
statements or entry errors.
Base currency
The operating currency of a General Ledger company.
Base zone
The zone assigned to an interzone journal entry. See also
Interzone journal entry.
A group of transactions joined by a common batch number for
controlled entry.
Batch program
A program that prints a report, updates a record, or both. See also
Batch report program; Batch update program.
Batch release
The process of updating a batch of transactions to a released
Batch report program
A batch program that retrieves data from the database and writes
it to a file, a printer, or an online screen. It does not update the
database. Contrast with Batch update program.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Glossary 301

Version 7.2.1
Batch update program
A batch program that retrieves data from the database, modifies
the data, then writes the data back to the database. Batch update
programs can also include a report. Contrast with Batch report
A control on some forms, subforms, and dialog boxes that
executes a command or opens a form, subform, or dialog box.
Chart of accounts
A group of balance sheet and income statement accounts used to
post journal entries and summarize general ledger information for
reports and inquiries. See also Summary account; Detail
Chart Mapping
A process for creating chart maps from the charts of accounts of
posting companies with different charts of accounts and,
optionally, different fiscal calendars, to the chart of account of a
single reporting company to produce consolidated reports.
Start a process; for example, access a form or open a subform.
You choose an option by putting the light bar on the option and
pressing Mark or OK. In some cases, you can choose an option
by typing the letter next to the option.
A unique identifier for a user analysis value used to create a user
analysis relation or to group user analysis values. See also User
analysis relation; User analysis.
Command button
A field on selected online forms that represents a subform to which
you can transfer. Also, a term for an option in a Windows dialog
A business or legal entity of an organization, such as a region,
division, corporation, or holding company. The company is the
highest organizational element in the General Ledger system.
Company base currency
See Base currency.

302 Glossary General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Company group
A user-defined group of General Ledger companies. You can
process some batch programs by company group.
Company hierarchy
See Company structure.
Company structure
The hierarchy of accounting units in a general ledger company.
The company structure is determined by the number of levels you
define for the company and the size you assign to each level. You
can define up to five levels of accounting units for a general ledger
Compute statement
An arithmetic equation consisting of data dictionary items,
operation symbols, and numbers. You define compute statements
in the Report Writer system to make calculations in the Report
Writer, Allocations, Budgeting, and Activity Management systems.
Contra account
A general ledger account that you can use to retain the integrity of
the data posted to the original account.
Control total
A user-defined total of amounts in a batch that must be matched
to entry totals if batch control totals are required for the company.
The process of converting non-Lawson data to Lawson data.
Conversion program
An online program that converts data from a non-Lawson system
to a Lawson system.
Currency code
A user-defined code that represents a specific currency.
Currency exchange
The process of converting an amount from one currency to
another currency.
Currency exchange rate
The rate used to convert an amount in one currency to another

General Ledger Procedures Manual Glossary 303

Version 7.2.1
Currency relationship
A relationship that identifies rules for exchange and translation
between two currency codes in a currency table. For each
currency relationship, you can define the associated currency
exchange and translation rates. See also Currency exchange
rate; Currency translation rate.
Currency revaluation
The process of calculating new values for nonbase currency
amounts. The system creates journal entries for gains and losses
that result from changes in the currency exchange rate.
Currency table
A user-defined table of currency relationships, exchange rates,
and translation rates that can be used by one or more companies.
Currency translation
The process of translating an account balance in one currency to
another currency for reporting and consolidation.
Currency translation rate
The rate used to translate an account balance from one currency
to another currency for consolidation.
Data dictionary
A set of Lawson-defined names that can be used to access
general ledger account information.
A collection of data. A storage area for information. The database
includes the files of data grouped in a product line, and the
associated dictionary file.
Default value
The value used by a system when the user does not specify a
Default parameters
Parameters that provide a default value when data is not entered
in a field.
Default zone
The zone used as the default on journal entries for a company.
The default zone is used to keep all zones in balance when an
interzone transaction occurs. See also Base zone; Zone.

304 Glossary General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Detail account
A six-digit account number and, optionally, a four-digit subaccount
number used to post journal entries. See also Summary account;
Subaccount number; Chart of accounts.
Detail posting
The process of posting subsystem transactions as individual
journal entries in the General Ledger system. Contrast with
Summary posting.
Drill Around feature
A feature that lets you view additional detail about a field or record
on the form, subform, or window. The Drill Around process lets you
focus your information search while expanding the information
displayed about an object.
Dynamic account assignment
The process of using an accounting unit list to automatically
assign detail accounts to a posting accounting unit during
transaction entry. See also Accounting unit list.
Entry total
The system-calculated entry amounts and counts in a batch.
Error suspense account
An account that contains journal entries with invalid or inactive
information. The account keeps the general ledger in balance by
preventing invalid or out-of-balance journal entries from posting in
the General Ledger system.
Transfer an object from the current medium to another medium.
A unit of data in a file or on a form, subform, window, or dialog box.
A logical grouping of elements (fields) for a specific use. A file
holds records of a particular kind of information. For example, an
Employee file holds records of information concerning employees,
such as first name, middle initial, last name, home telephone
number, and home address.
Final close
The process of closing an accounting period with a Final Close
status so that backposting is not allowed.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Glossary 305

Version 7.2.1
Flip allocation
An allocation that lets you post to multiple accounting units without
using an allocation code. See also Allocation code; Allocation.
A diagram that uses symbols and interconnecting lines to show
the logic and sequence of program usage in a LAWSON INSIGHT
II application system. Flowcharts have buttons that let you access
menus or forms to do the work.
A user-defined entity used to group, organize, and assign security
to all components of a Report Writer report.
An online program that lets you view or update records on a
computer terminal.
Form action
An action for a primary process on a form or subform. Some
commonly used actions are: Add, Change, Delete, and Inquire.
See also Action. Contrast with Line action.
Form ID
A unique identifier for an object, such as a form, a menu, or a
report program. Form IDs let you quickly transfer to an object.
Form tab
A section of an online program that lets you view or update records
on a computer terminal screen. Form tabs are attached to a form
and are accessed from their associated form by selecting a tab.
See also Form.
Function keys
The F1 through F24 keys on the keyboard. The value of each
function key appears at the bottom of a character-based form in
F1 through F24 order.
Ghost column
A column in a Report Writer report that does not print but can be
referenced in a calculation and can display on a form.
Global factor
A universal value that commonly affects budget amounts. For
example, the inflation rate.

306 Glossary General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Help text
Information that improves your understanding of an object. Help
text appears when you press Help (F1).
The status of a journal entry that has been posted to the General
Transfer an object from another medium to the current medium.
A status that indicates that a system can no longer use an object
(for example, an item).
Inquiry program
A program that lets you view records online.
Intercompany journal entry
A journal entry that originates in one company and is posted to
another company.
Intercompany relationship
A relationship between two companies. This relationship lets one
company post transactions to another company. The system
creates intercompany payable and receivable journal entries to
keep the companies in balance.
Interface program
An online program that brings in data from a source external to the
LAWSON INSIGHT II application system.
The process of transferring data from an external source to a
LAWSON INSIGHT II application system.
Interzone journal entry
A journal entry that is transferred between posting accounting
units in different company zones. See also Zone.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Glossary 307

Version 7.2.1
Interzone relationship
A relationship between two zones in a general ledger company.
This relationship lets you post journal entries from an accounting
unit in one zone to a posting accounting unit in a different zone
within the same company. The system creates interzone payable
and receivable journal entries to keep each zone in balance, which
lets you create balanced balance sheets within the company. See
also Zone; Interzone journal entry.
Intracompany journal entry
See Interzone journal entry.
The system for collecting statistics on the trade of goods between
European Union (EU) countries. Intrastat came into operation in
1993 to replace customs declarations as the source of trade
statistics within the community. Because Intrastat is a community-
wide system, requirements are similar in all EU countries.
Job name
A name that identifies a set of batch parameters used to execute
a job.
Journal book
A user-defined entity that can be used to group like transactions
together. You can assign a journal book to a journal entry, a
recurring journal entry, an allocation, a system code, or a group of
Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, or Cash Ledger
Journal hold code
A user-defined code that you can assign to a journal entry or a
system code to prevent a journal entry from posting in the General
Ledger system.
The process of transferring a recurring journal entry to the General
Ledger system without creating an audit trail.
Key field
A required form field that is part of an index or is used to access a
specific record.
A utility that lets you view files and output online.

308 Glossary General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Ledger report
A user-defined transaction report for a general ledger company.
The report prints one 78-character detail line for each transaction
based on the fields you select to print and the sequence number
you assign to each field.
Level address
A numeric identifier that identifies the location of an accounting
unit in the general ledger company structure. The system uses the
level address to consolidate and report on information for
accounting units in the company and across companies that have
the same structure.
Level group
A group of sequential or nonsequential level ranges combined for
reports and inquiries. You define level groups in the Report Writer
system for use in the Report Writer, General Ledger, Allocations,
and Budgeting systems.
Limited close
The process of closing an accounting period with a Limited Close
status so that backposting is allowed.
Line action
An action for a detail process on a form or subform. Some
commonly used line actions are: Add, Change, Delete, and Select.
See also Action. Contrast with Form action.
Listing program
Same as Batch report program.
A group of assets, activities, or accounting units sorted by up to
eight attribute field values. A list is used to retrieve information
based on assigned attribute values and to take advantage of the
dynamic account assignment feature. See also Attribute;
Accounting unit list; Dynamic account assignment.
A form containing a list of programs or commands you can

General Ledger Procedures Manual Glossary 309

Version 7.2.1
Object type
An alphanumeric identifier that identifies a data file that can have
an attribute assigned. Valid object types are asset, activity,
accounting unit, activity transaction, and general ledger
Direct interaction on the computer form. For example, an online
program is one that displays data on, and receives data from, a
computer terminal screen.
Online program
A program that lets you view or update records on a computer
Organization relationship
A relationship between a non-Lawson company identification and
the corresponding General Ledger company and accounting unit.
The relationship is used when you convert balances, transactions,
or budgets from a non-Lawson general ledger system to the
LAWSON INSIGHT II General Ledger system.
The information the computer produces.
A value typed by the user when running a program. Programs use
parameters to specify how to process the data.
Penny clean-up
A method to allocate missing amounts into a specific account
because of rounding differences that occur during calculations.
Post date
The date that you assign to a transaction or journal entry for
posting. The post date can be different than the date the
transaction actually posts in the General Ledger system. Contrast
with Posting date.
Postal code
Part of an address that helps facilitate mail delivery. In the United
States, the postal code is the zip code.

310 Glossary General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
A final status update for applications and distributions. The
General Ledger system processes for further general ledger
transaction update processing.
The process that updates journal entry transactions to general
ledger account balances.
Posting account
A posting accounting unit and detail account number in a valid
combination You must assign a posting account to every journal
entry and subsystem transaction line.
Posting accounting unit
An accounting unit used to post journal entries. These accounting
units are located at the lowest level in a hierarchy of accounting
units. See also Accounting unit. Contrast with Summary
accounting unit.
Posting date
The date that the system uses to post a transaction or journal entry
in the General Ledger system.
Print file
The output from a batch program.
Process group
A user-defined group of Report Writer report names. You can run
Report Writer reports by process group.
Product line
A name associated with a set of integrated application systems. A
database is structured like a pyramid, with the product line at the
top and the system codes and files beneath it. It is the largest
grouping of information defined in Lawson Software products. A
product line has one dictionary file.
A group of related functions that access data, update data, or both.
A method of processing a released journal entry to update account
balances for reports and inquiries but does not post the journal
entry. system assigns a Quick-Post status to a journal entry that
has been quick-posted.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Glossary 311

Version 7.2.1
A user-defined value that represents calculated amounts to
produce a total value.
Realized gain or loss accounts
An account used to post the difference between the beginning and
ending transaction exchange rates.
Reconciliation code
An optional code used for auditing purposes. You can assign a
reconciliation code to a transaction to mark it as reconciled.
Related fields forming a logical unit, often retrieved together.
Recurring journal entry
A journal entry that occurs more than once, such as a journal entry
for a monthly rent payment, quarterly payroll tax, or semiannual
real estate tax.
The status of a journal entry that is available for posting in the
General Ledger system.
Remote site
An option you must define for the General Ledger system code if
you work in a multiple machine or multiple database environment.
Remote consolidation
The process of transferring general ledger period balances or
transactions from one machine to another for consolidation and
Report format
A group of fields and text that prints as a unit on a report.
Report program
Same as Batch update program.
Retained earnings account
An account that contains the net income balance for all previous
years. This account is used to close the undistributed retained
earnings and income statement accounts at year-end. See also
Undistributed retained earnings account.

312 Glossary General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Identify an item to process. Selecting an item does not start a
process. You select an item by putting the light bar on the item
and, in some cases, pressing Mark, Next, or OK.
Source code
A two-character code that identifies the source of information or
the kind of transaction that creates general ledger journal entries.
Spread code
A user-defined code that lets you disperse annual budget amounts
to all the periods defined for a general ledger company in a fiscal
year based on the weighted values defined in each period.
Subaccount number
An optional part of a detail account number that you can use to
further define the account. For example, if you have several
checking accounts, you can use subaccount numbers to
differentiate between them. See also Account number; Detail
Subaccount group
A group of sequential or nonsequential subaccount ranges
combined for reports and inquiries. You define subaccount groups
in the Report Writer system for use in the Report Writer, General
Ledger, Allocations, and Budgeting systems.
An online program that lets you view or update records on a
computer terminal. Subforms are attached to a form and are
accessed from their associated form by choosing the button
representing the subform.
Same as Subsystem.
Send a request to the operating system for processing.
Any application system, other than the General Ledger system,
that creates general ledger transactions.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Glossary 313

Version 7.2.1
Subsystem transactions
Journal entries that are transferred from a subsystem to the
General Ledger system for posting. You cannot change or delete
subsystem transactions after they are in the General Ledger
Summary account
A report heading and totaling level in a chart of accounts, such as
assets, equity, and liabilities. The depth you assign to a summary
account identifies its position in the chart of accounts and is used
to calculate subtotals and totals. See also Chart of accounts.
Contrast with Detail account.
Summary accounting unit
An accounting unit used to summarize the activity of lower level
accounting units for consolidation and reporting. See also
Accounting unit. Contrast with Posting accounting unit.
Summary posting
The process of summarizing similar subsystem transactions for
posting in the General Ledger system. Contrast with Detail
System usually refers to an application system. See also
Application. System can also refer to the computer, its operating
system, or its environmental software.
System accounts
Detail accounts that are used to post error suspense, retained
earnings, undistributed retained earnings, translation gain, and
translation loss transactions. See also Chart of accounts; Detail
account; Error suspense account; Retained earnings
account; Undistributed retained earnings account;
Translation gain or loss account.
System code
A two-character label (for example, GL, AP, and HR) that identifies
a Lawson or non-Lawson systems that generates transactions
that post to the General Ledger system.

314 Glossary General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
System control
A set of interface and closing controls for a company and system
code combination. Interface controls determine how subsystem
journal entries transfer to the General Ledger system. Closing
controls determine valid subsystem dates, the number of open
periods, and whether the subsystem period must be closed before
the general ledger period.
Total name
A user-defined value that identifies any combination of company,
accounting unit, account, or subaccount balances, as if they were
one amount.
Total range
A group of company ranges, level ranges, account ranges,
subaccount ranges, account groups, level groups, or subaccount
A record of activity that affects the general ledger.
Transaction sequence number
A unique number the system assigns to each subsystem
transaction that transfers to the General Ledger system for
general ledger companies that use the transaction numbering
option. Transaction sequence numbers are assigned at the journal
book or company level during journal posting. You can use the
sequence number to audit the number of subsystem transactions
that transfer to the General Ledger system.
Transaction writer report
A user-defined transaction report for a general ledger company.
The report prints up to two 132-character detail lines for each
transaction. You can define primary transaction attribute values
used to select transactions, optional limiting values to include or
exclude transactions, detailed report layout options, and optional
transaction sorting options.
The process of converting the operating results of one or more
general ledger companies to a designated consolidation company
that uses a common base reporting currency.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Glossary 315

Version 7.2.1
Translation code
A user-defined code that identifies the translation rate to apply to
an account balance.
Translation gain or loss account
An account used to post the gain or loss amount that results from
translating the operating results of one company to a common
base reporting currency.
Triangulated currencies
Currencies that cannot be converted directly to one another, but
must instead be converted by way of a third currency. For
example, European Union (EU) currency rates are bound to the
euro and can be converted to one another only by converting to
and from the euro.
Undistributed retained earnings account
An account that contains year-to-date net profit or loss. The
account stores the accumulated net amount for income statement
accounts for each period and is updated each time you post
general ledger journal entries.
The process of backing out a posted journal entry from the current
period. The process subtracts the transaction amount from the
period balance and changes the journal entry status to Released.
Unrealized gain or loss account
An account used to post the difference between the beginning and
ending transaction exchange rates.
The status of a journal entry that is not available for posting to the
General Ledger system.
User analysis
A flexible, user-defined element, similar to an accounting unit,
account, or attribute, that stores Strategic Ledger transaction
information. A user analysis consists of specific values. See also
Accounting unit; Account; Attribute.
User analysis group
A combination of up to four user analysis fields. See also User

316 Glossary General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
User analysis relation
A mechanism used to define the valid user analysis value
combinations available in transactions. See also Class; User
User class
A user-defined group of system users who have authority to add
or update files contained in a Report Writer folder.
User ID
The name or number a user types to log on to the system.
User name
A unique identifier for a user. The LAWSON INSIGHT II
Environment organizes all batch jobs and print files under a user
Value list
A group of values and value ranges, and their translations. A value
list defines the possible values a field can have. See also
Variable level
See Level address.
A group of attribute lists, such as an accounting unit list, arranged
hierarchically with up to nine totaling levels. A view consists of
summary and detail levels, similar to a chart of accounts.
A section of a general ledger company that consists of one
accounting unit at the highest level in the company structure and
all associated lower level accounting units. When a transaction
transfers between posting accounting units in different zones, the
system creates interzone balancing entries to keep each zone in
balance. This lets you create balanced balance sheets within the
company. See also Base zone; Default zone.

General Ledger Procedures Manual Glossary 317

Version 7.2.1

318 Glossary General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Symbols displaying balance detail, 211
information about, 42
(, 215 listing, 103
moving, 106
A renaming, 106
Accounting units
Account analysis, 211 address, defining, 76, 80
Account currency, defining, 73 attributes, assigning, 94, 95
Account Listing report, 226 balances, displaying detail, 211
Accounting periods converting, 123
changing, 219 defining, 80
closing, 192, 202 example, 32
defining, 76 kinds of, 32
displaying detail for, 211 listing, 80
opening for backposting, 183 posting accounts
Accounting unit attributes, 90 changing, 133
converting, 124 copying, 132
defining, 92 deleting, 214
example, 42 maintaining, 132
information about, 42 setup considerations for, 32
limiting use of, 92 Accounts, See Chart of accounts
listing, 92 Activity Management Subset
loading, 61, 91 setting up, 55
Accounting unit lists Activity Management subset, 24
assigning to chart of accounts, 70, 101 Address information
converting to manual, 100 accounting units, 80
copying, 100 companies, 76
defining, 97 Attribute elements
automatic, 97 defining, 93
manual, 98 listing, 93
example, 42 loading, 61, 91
information about, 42 Attribute lists, 97
listing, 97 See also Accounting unit lists
rebuilding, 97 Attribute templates
using for dynamic account assignment, assigning, 95
101 defining, 95
Accounting unit views listing, 95
building, 103 Attribute views, 102
copying, 105 displaying balance detail for, 211
defining, 102, 103 See also Accounting unit views

General Ledger Procedures Manual Index 319

Version 7.2.1
Attributes Balance sheet accounts, See Chart of
assigning to accounts
accounting units, 94, 95 Balances
journal entries, 148 clearing, 138
recurring journal entries, 163 consolidating, 194, 196, 198
converting, 124 converting, 124
defining, 90, 92 displaying detail, 211
defining reports, 127 exposing nonbase amounts, 186
displaying by source code, 209 revaluing nonbase amounts, 185
examples, 42 transferring, 194
information about, 42 updating, 174, 175, 202
limiting use of, 92 beginning, 192
listing, 92 Balances, adjusting, 251
loading, 61, 91 Balancing account, selecting, 225
running report, 208 Base currency, assigning, 76
setup considerations for, 42 Blank values
transaction attributes defining, 58
See Transaction attributes Budget numbers, selecting, 226
Budgets, converting, 125
assigning, 109
Auditing, See Reconciliation codes
Auto balancing adjustment account C
assigning, 78
Centralized book report
Auto-balancing adjustment account
running, 191
information about, 40
Chart mapping
Auto-zeroing recurring journal entries
account posting, 200
creating, 163
defining a chart map, 87
updating, 167 maintaining a chart map, 88
Average Daily Balance mapping a fiscal year and period, 88
accounts, 250 setup requirements, 87
Amounts file, 249 Chart of accounts
defining accounts, 226 assigning to a company, 76
formula for calculating, 248 balance sheet, defining, 70
Master file, 250 balances, displaying detail, 211
overview, 45 converting, 123
processing steps, 228 copying, 74
reporting, 230 defining, 69
Average daily balances depth
calculating, 228 assigning, 69
setup considerations for, 38
B detail accounts
changing, 134
Backing out journal entries, 180 defining, 70
Backposting, 183 deleting, 215
Balance sheet moving, 128, 131
defining zones for balancing within a example, 38
company, 118 income statement, defining, 70
running, 188 kinds of accounts, 38

320 Index General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Chart of accounts (continued) Company (continued)
listing, 70 history, deleting, 213, 247
maintaining, 128 intercompany example, 234
planning, 38 interzone example, 235
previewing, 70 journal book options, 114
restricting account use for, 70 journal entries, deleting, 217
setting up for dynamic account assignment, level size
101 defining, 76
setup considerations for, 38 setup considerations for, 32
summary accounts levels
defining, 70 adding, 141
moving, 128, 130 changing, 139
renaming, 128, 129 moving, 140
system accounts setup considerations for, 32
defining, 70 listing, 76
information about, 40 log records
Class deleting, 218
defining, 58 displaying, 157
Clearing maintaining, 136
balances, 138 posting accounts
company data, 138, 244 changing, 133
recurring journal entry amounts, 163 copying, 132
Closing deleting, 214
accounting period, 192 maintaining, 132
control, defining, 108 relationships
recurring journal system, 173 defining, 117
year-end, 202 listing, 117
Closing control, defining, 108 setup considerations for, 32
Cluster node, See Remote site zeroing out, 244
Comments zones
defining, 154 defining, 118, 119
listing, 205 listing, 120
Company relationships, defining, 120
balances Company groups
clearing, 138, 244 defining, 89
displaying detail, 211 listing, 89
consolidation Company structure
processing, 198 changing, 139
setup considerations for, 49 defining, 75
copying, 85, 137, 243 example, 32
defining, 76 planning, 32
deleting, 214, 245 Company, defining, 225
example, 32 Consolidating data, 49, 194, 198
fiscal year Consolidation company
changing, 219, 221 copying balances to, 198
defining, 76 defining, 76
group, defining, 89 setup considerations for, 49

General Ledger Procedures Manual Index 321

Version 7.2.1
Control totals Currency (continued)
maintaining, 156 setup considerations for, 27
Conversion relationships, defining, 123 setting up, 62
Converting setup considerations for, 25
accounting unit attributes, 124 tables
accounting units, 123 defining, 64
balances, 124 setup considerations for, 25
budgets, 125 translating, 198
chart of accounts, 123 base to report, 186
non-Lawson data, 122 defining company option, 78
transactions, 124 example, 238
Copying setup considerations for, 28
accounting unit lists, 100 translation codes
accounting unit views, 105 defining, 66
chart of accounts, 74 listing, 66
companies, 85, 137, 243 translation rates
journal entries, 154 defining, 66
recurring journal entries, 166 listing, 66
Cost of Funds
world listing, 239
budgets, 249
Currency types
determining, 229
triangulated currencies, 31
formula for calculating, 249
report, 229, 249
values used to calculate, 226 D
Cost of funds
Data dictionary, loading, 62
calculating, 249
Data, converting, See Converting
Country codes
Default zone, defining for a company, 119
loading, 62
Defining Language Codes, 68
Defining language codes
account options, defining, 70
in langdef, 68
assigning to detail account, 73 in Lawson applications, 68
defining, 63 Deleting
listing, 61, 63 company, 214, 245
setup considerations for, 25 data, 213
company options, defining, 76 detail accounts, 215
exchange history, 213, 247
example, 237 journal entries, 217
setup considerations for, 26 journal entry logs, 218
exchange gain and loss accounts, 78 posting accounts, 214
exchange rates Detail accounts
defining, 65 assigning currency, 73
listing, 65 changing, 134
exposing nonbase amounts, 186 defining, 69
rate history, deleting, 218 deleting, 215
relationships, defining, 64 example, 38
reports, 185 moving, 128, 131
revaluing, 185 restricting use of, 70

322 Index General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Detail accounts ( continued) Forms, list of (continued)
setting up for dynamic account assignment, General Ledger system, 266
101 French trial balance report
setup considerations for, 38 running, 188
Distributed processing options, 46
multiple companies, 49, 198 G
multiple machines, 48, 194, 196
separate machines, 47 Gain and loss accounts, defining, 78
processing, 162 General Ledger
setting up, 121 Amounts file, 248
Drill Around Company file, 250
account detail, 211 Consolidation file, 249
journal entry detail, 157, 208 period closing, 251
journal entry transaction detail, 209, 210 period structure, 250
security, 51 Transactions file, 248
Dynamic account assignment General ledger reports
defining lists for, 97 by transaction number, 189
information about, 41 centralized book report, 191
setting up, 101 Grand livre, 189
using, 70 running,predefined, 189
General Ledger subset, 24
E list of programs, 266
setting up, 54
Elements, See Attribute elements General Ledger system
Error suspense account list of programs, 279
assigning, 80 planning the setup, 32
correcting entries, 157 setup requirements for, 23
defining, 69 GL110, files updated by, 242
information about, 40 GL300, files updated by, 247
Errors GL500, files updated by, 221
maintaining transaction errors, 60 Grand livre reports, 189

Financial statements History, deleting, 213
printing options, defining, 70 Hold code, See Journal hold codes
running, 187
Fiscal year I
changing, 219, 221
examples, 222 Income statement accounts, See Chart of
defining, 76 accounts
Flowcharts Income statement, running, 188
attribute setup, 92 Intercompany
processing, 146 balancing entries, creating, 158
setup, 54 processing example, 234
Forms, list of relationships
General Ledger subset, 279 defining, 117

General Ledger Procedures Manual Index 323

Version 7.2.1
Intercompany (continued) Journal entries (continued)
relationships (continued) inquiring on, 208, 209, 210
listing, 117 interfacing, 159
Interest account, selecting, 226 journal book options, 114, 115
Interface control, defining, 108 listing, 205
Interfacing by journal book, 205
journal entries, non-Lawson, 159 by operator, 205
recurring journal entries, 172 by status, 205
Interzone, See Zones on hold, 174
Intracompany, See Zones released, 158, 205
Intrastat reporting unreleased, 155
defining GL company for, 80 log entries
deleting, 218
J displaying, 157
moving from a period, 178
Journal analysis, 208 numbering options, defining, 76
Journal books posting, 175
assigning to processing procedures, 146
journal entries, 148
quick-posting, 174
recurring journal entries, 163
recurring, 163
company options, defining, 114
releasing, 158
defining, 111, 112
releasing from hold, 174
listing, 112
report currency only, 153
restricting use of, 112
reversing entries, creating, 182
system code options, defining, 115
statuses, 231
transaction listings, 205
totals, 148, 208, 209, 210
Journal entries
approval process, 158 types of, 148
auto-reverse, defining, 148, 192 unposting, 180
backing out, 180 Journal entry
backposting, 183 balancing, 149
comments Journal hold codes
defining, 154 assigning to
deleting history, 213 journal entries, 148, 174
displaying, 208 system codes, 108
company options, defining, 76 defining, 116
control totals, maintaining, 156 removing, 174
copying, 154
correcting L
posted, 178, 180, 182, 183
unreleased, 155, 157 langdef
currency, 148 defining language codes in, 68
defining, 147, 148 Language codes
deleting, 217 defining, 68
deleting history, 213 Ledger reports
detail, displaying, 209, 210 defining, 125
detail, listing, 210 listing parameters for, 125
holding, 116, 174 running, 207

324 Index General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Levels Posting accounts (continued)
adding, 141 selecting, 80
assigning address to, 80 setup considerations for, 41
changing, 139 using dynamic account assignment to
setup considerations for, 32 create, 41
Loading data, 60 Predefined reports
attributes, 61 running, 189
country codes, 62 Processing flowchart, 146
data dictionary items, 62 Programs
source codes, 61 Account Analysis (GL95.1), 211
subledger attributes, 61 Account Information (GL00.4), 59
system codes, 61 Account Relationship (GL09.1), 123
Log records Account Relationship Listing (GL209), 123
deleting, 218 Accounting Unit Interface (GL161), 123
displaying, 157 Accounting Unit Interface Listing (GL261),
M Accounting Unit Listing (GL220), 80
Accounting Unit-Accounts (GL20.1), 80,
Mass add entry, function, 226 94
Multiple companies Acct Unit Interface Maint (GL61.1), 123
consolidating data for, 198
Attribute (MX00.1), 92
setup considerations for, 32, 49
Attribute Listing (MX201), 61, 92
Multiple machines
Attribute Setup Flowchart (MXSU.1), 92
consolidating data, 194, 196
Attribute Template (MX05.1), 95
setup considerations for, 47, 48
Attribute Value Population (MX500), 95
Attribute, Element Load (MX100), 61
O AU Attribute Interface (GL162), 124
Out of balance condition, correcting, 157, 171 AU Attribute Interface Listing (GL262), 124
AU Attribute Interface Maint (GL62.1), 124
Balance Conversion (GL167), 194
P Balance Conversion Listing (GL267), 194
Planning the General Ledger setup, 32 Balance Interface (GL167), 124
Posting Balance Interface Listing (GL267), 124
journal entries, 175 Balance Interface Maintenance (GL67.1),
preventing, 116, 174 124
quick-posting, 174 Balance Sheet (GL292), 188
to a closed period, 183 Basic Invoice (AP20.1), 167
Posting accounts Batch Journal Control (GL146), 180, 217
changing, 133 Blank User Analysis Value (SL00.3), 58
copying, 132 Budget Interface (FB165), 125
defining account currency for, 80 Budget Interface Listing (FB265), 125
deleting, 214 Budget Interface Maintenance (FB65.1),
information about, 41 125
listing, 80 by function, 253
maintaining, 132 Chart Compare (GL215), 74
restricting use of, 80 Chart Interface Listing (GL260), 123

General Ledger Procedures Manual Index 325

Version 7.2.1
Programs (continued) Programs (continued)
Chart Interface Maintenance (GL60.1), Interzone Relationships (GL30.1), 119,
123 120
Chart of Accounts (GL00.1), 70, 74, 128 Journal Analysis (GL41.1), 154, 208
Chart of Accounts Interface (GL160), 123 Journal Book (JB00.1), 112
Chart of Accounts Listing (GL200), 70, 74 Journal Book Listing (JB200), 112
Company (GL10.1), 76, 114, 119, 178, Journal Book Report (JB240), 155, 158,
182, 183 205
Company Copy Delete (GL110), 85, 137, Journal Control (GL45.1), 156, 157, 158,
138, 214, 242 174, 178, 180, 182
Company Group (GL11.1), 89 Journal Control Report (GL245), 155, 158,
Company Group Listing (GL211), 89 205
Company Listing (GL210), 76 Journal Edit Listing (GL240), 155, 158,
Consolidation File Creation (GL320), 141 174, 205
Consolidation Unload (GL141), 194, 196 Journal Entry (GL40.1), 148, 154, 157,
Conversion Balance (GL67.1), 194 158, 167, 174, 182
Conversion Transactions (GL65.1), 196 Journal Entry Hold Release (GL145), 174
Country Code Load (GL107), 62 Journal Entry Log (GL42.1), 157
Currency Exposure Report (GL296), 186 Journal Entry Log Mass Delete (GL342),
Currency Rate History Delete (CU300), 218
218 Journal Hold Code (GL12.1), 116
Currency Revaluation (GL191), 185 Journal Posting (GL190), 175
Daily Transaction Analysis (GL43.1), 210 Ledger Report Listing (GL250), 125
Daily Transaction Listing (GL243), 210 Ledger Report Setup (GL50.1), 125
Data Dictionary Listing (RW205), 62 Level Reorganization (GL120), 140
Data Dictionary Load (RW590), 62 List (MX10.1), 97
Define User Analysis (SL00.2), 58 List Listing (MX210), 97
Define Value Class (SL00.4), 58 Mass Account Addition (GL121), 132
Element Listing (MX200), 61, 93 Mass Account Change Delete (GL122),
Error Transaction Edit (SL40.1), 60 133, 214
Fiscal Year Change (GL500), 219, 221 Mass Chart Acct Change Delete (GL100),
for full General Ledger system, 266 134, 215
for General Ledger subset, 279 Organization Relationship (GL08.1), 123
French Trial Balance (GL281), 188 Organization Relationship Listing (GL208),
General Ledger Flowchart (GLFL.1), 54, 123
146 Period Closing (GL199), 192, 202
General Ledger History Delete (GL300), Period Transaction Listing (GL241), 155,
213, 247 158, 205
General Ledger Report (GL290), 125, 207 Posting Accounts Listing (GL221), 80
General Ledger Subset Flowchart Posting Accounts Listing by Account
(GLSU.1), 54 (GL222), 80
Income Statement (GL293), 188 Posting Sequence Number Report
Intercompany Relationship Listing (GL297), 205
(GL225), 117 Projection By Account (GL295), 201
Intercompany Relationships (GL25.1), 117 Projection By Level (GL294), 201
Interzone Relationship Listing (GL230), Reconciliation Code (GL04.1), 116
120 Reconciliation Code Listing (GL204), 116

326 Index General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Programs (continued) Q
Recurring Journal (GL70.1), 163, 166,
167, 171, 172 Quick-posting, 174
Recurring Journal Closing (GL179), 173
Recurring Journal Control (GL75.1), 172 R
Recurring Journal Control Report (GL275),
171 Ratio total name, 226
Recurring Journal Edit Listing (GL270), Reconciliation codes
171 assigning, 209
Recurring Journal Interface (GL170), 172 defining, 116
Remote Site GL Transaction Upload listing, 116
(GL311), 162 Reconciling posted transactions, 209
Report Currency Entry (GL44.1), 153 Recurring journal entries
Source Code (GL05.1), 109 approval process for, 172
Source Code Listing (GL205), 61, 109 auto-zeroing
Subledger Attribute Load (GL106), 61 creating, 163
Summary Account Options (GL00.5), 59 updating, 167
System Control (GL01.1), 107, 108, 115, closing the system, 173
121 copying, 166
correcting, 170, 171
System Control Listing (GL201), 108
creating split distributions for, 167
System Source Code Load (GL105), 61
defining, 163
Taxed Invoice (AP20.2), 167
listing, 171
Template Listing (MX205), 95
processing procedures, 163
Transaction Analysis (GL90.1), 209
releasing, 172
Transaction Conversion (GL165), 196
statuses, 232
Transaction Conversion Listing (GL265),
totals, 163
transferring, 172
Transaction Interface (GL165), 124, 159 Releasing
Transaction Interface Listing (GL265), journal entries, 158
124, 159 recurring journal entries, 172
Transaction Interface Maintenance Remote site
(GL65.1), 124 defining, 121
Transaction Writer (GL55.1), 127 transferring transactions to target machine,
Transaction Writer Listing (GL255), 127 162
Transaction Writer Report (GL256), 127, Remoteglt file, 162
208 Report currency
Transactions Interface Maintenance assigning, 78
(GL65.1), 159 information about, 28
Translation Calculation (GL195), 198 journal entries, 153
Trial Balance (GL291), 187 Report currency account
User Analysis Group (SL01.1), 59 information about, 40
User Analysis Value Relation (SL02.1), 59 Restricting account use for
User Analysis Values (SL00.1), 58 chart of accounts, 70
View (MX20.1), 102 posting accounts, 80
View Listing (MX220), 102 Retained earnings account
Programs Listed by Function, 286 assigning, 80

General Ledger Procedures Manual Index 327

Version 7.2.1
Retained earnings account (continued) Subsystem transactions
defining, 69 holding, 116
information about, 40 releasing from hold, 174
Revaluing currency, 185 Summary accounts
Reversing entries, creating, 182 defining, 69, 70
example, 38
S moving, 128, 130
renaming, 128, 129
Setup considerations restricting use of, 70
account depth, 38 setting up for dynamic account assignment,
accounting unit attributes, 42 101
accounting units, 32 setup considerations for, 38
business needs, 32, 38 System accounts
chart of accounts, 38 assigning, 80
companies, 32 defining, 69
currency, 25 kinds of, 40
detail accounts, 38 setup considerations for, 40
distributed processing, 46 System calculations, 247
dynamic account assignment, 41 System codes
level addresses, 32 defining, 107
defining journal book options for, 115
level size, 32
listing, 108
multiple companies, 32
loading, 61
posting accounts, 41
System control, defining, 107, 108
Strategic Ledger system, 44
subaccounts, 38
summary accounts, 38 T
system accounts, 40
Templates, See Attribute templates
zones, 37
Transaction analysis, 209
Setup flowchart, 54
daily, 210
Source codes Transaction attributes
assigning attribute values to, 109 assigning to
defining, 109 journal entries, 148
listing, 109 recurring journal entries, 163
loading, 61 source codes, 109
Split distributions, creating, 167 subsystem transactions, 109
Statuses information about, 90
journal entry, 231 loading, 61, 91
recurring journal entry, 232 Transaction errors
Strategic Ledger subset, 24 maintaining, 60
setting up, 57 Transaction lines
Subaccounts correcting, 157, 171
defining, 69 creating, 148, 163
setup considerations for, 38 Transaction numbering options, defining, 76
Subforms, list of Transaction Posting, running, 228, 297
General Ledger subset, 279 Transaction writer report
General Ledger system, 266 defining, 127
Subledger attributes, loading, 61 listing parameters for, 127

328 Index General Ledger Procedures Manual

Version 7.2.1
Transaction writer report ( continued) V
running, 208
Transactions VAT reporting
clearing, 138 defining GL company for, 80
converting, 124
creating CSV files for, 209 W
transferring data, 196
Weighted total of transactions
transferring to a target machine, 162
formula for calculating, 248
year-end, 202
Work of date
defining, 226
company balances, 198
purpose, 247
period balances, 194 Workflow
recurring journal entries, 172 defining company options, 76
summarized transactions, 196 requirements before posting, 175
Translation, 186, 198 requirements before releasing, 158, 172
assigning, 80 Y
defining, 69
information about, 40 Year-end
selecting, 76 closing, 202
codes projecting amounts, 201
assigning to detail account, 73
codes, defining, 66 Z
rates, defining, 66
Zeroing, See Clearing
Trial balance report, running, 187
Triangulated currencies
company default, 119
setup, 31
creating balancing entries for, 175
defining, 118, 119
U example, 37, 235
Undistributed retained earnings account defining, 118, 120
assigning, 80 listing, 120
defining, 69 setup considerations for, 37
information about, 40
Unposting journal entries, 180
User analysis
defining, 57
defining a class, 58
defining blank values, 58
defining values, 58
information about, 57
User analysis group
defining, 59
User analysis relation
defining, 59

General Ledger Procedures Manual Index 329

Version 7.2.1

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