1 Role of Business in Social and Economic Ethics and Business
1 Role of Business in Social and Economic Ethics and Business
1 Role of Business in Social and Economic Ethics and Business
Business is part of human society. And since it is part of the complex web
of interaction among institutions and people, its activities must be viewed and examined
from the perspective of morality. Business without ethics threatens the survival of
human society and in some cases, destroys the fiduciary relationship of people. The
study of Business Ethics paves the way for our common understanding of the
fundamental concepts of what is right and wrong in our human conduct and its
implications to business as an important human activity.
The study of Business Ethics paves the way for a common ground in our
understanding of the fundamental idea of what is good and what is bad in our human
conduct. Without ethics, people especially businessmen, will set their own moral
standards, moral rules and moral principles. This would result into a kind of subjective
morality, in which case, what is good for one may be bad for another and vice versa.
With this subjective ethical paradigm, business people will consider some of their
actions good but unacceptable to others, e.g. cheating the customers to gain profit may
be acceptable to some businessmen but bad for others. Abortion may be correct for
one person but evil for another person. Ethics as a science does not only evaluate the
morality of our human conduct but also provides us with a common understanding of
the universal, objective and irreversible moral principles that should govern our human
behavior and guide our moral decisions.
In business, as in any other human endeavor, “what is legal may not necessarily
be moral”. People tend to confuse legality with morality. An action may be legal
but not necessary moral, e.g. capital punishment (death by lethal injection). For
some, this is legal but in truth, this is immoral. Ethics provides us with a clear
distinction between morality and legality.
Ethics is the unwritten law, written in the hearts of men. In the absence of the
law, Ethics will help us discern the correct conduct to follow based on the dictates
of conscience and reason.
Business organizations should not just look after their own interests but also the
interest of the common good.
Moral Reasoning in Business:
The author William H. Shaw, in his book Business Ethics (1999, pp. 163-165),
came up with three meaning of moral responsibility.
Business Ethics is the study of what is the right and wrong human behavior and conduct in business.
Business Ethics is the study, evaluation, analysis and questioning of ethical standards, policies, moral norms an
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Discuss why Ethics is important in business.
2. Explain the phase: “Not all that is legal is moral, but what is moral in worth
3. Define Business Ethics. What is your own personal definition of Business
4. Explain the phrase: “Ethics is the unwritten law written in the heart of men.”
5. What is your personal view of Profit-Motive?
The chief executive officer is disturbed by the survey findings, in his opinion, the
company cannot condone such behavior. He concludes that the company should do
something about this problem.
1. What are the ethical problems mentioned in this particular case and what are
the probable causes of these problems?
2. Is it all right to do something illegal or unethical to maintain the company’s
image and profitability?
3. If you are the CEO of the company, what would you do and why?