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CIB World Building Congress, April 2001, Wellington, New Zealand Page 1 of 1

Paper number: 259




Division of Building and Construction Technology
P.O. Box 395
Pretoria 0001
South Africa
e-mail: lchege@csir.co.za

Graduate School of Business Leadership
University of South Africa
P O Box 392, Unisa 0003
South Africa


Budgetary constraints in several countries have led governments to seek alternative methods of
financing infrastructure provision. Public private partnerships (PPP) have received widespread
attention in several countries in recent years. These PPP initiatives have enabled the public sector to
utilize private sector finance and expertise for the provision of public infrastructure through various
schemes such as Design Build Finance and Operate (DBFO), Build Own Operate (BOO) and Build
Operate and Transfer (BOT). This paper reviews these procurement systems and examines the
relationship between these procurement systems and the financing of the project.

One of the aims of utilizing these alternative procurement routes is to enable the client to obtain value
for money and it is suggested that selection of an appropriate procurement system for a project would
assist clients to attain their objectives regarding the financing of the project. This paper presents
various PPP initiatives and utilizes the South African experience of the procurement of prison facilities
through PPP as a case study reflecting the financing of these types of projects. This paper forms part
of a broader study geared at developing a methodology for the selection of appropriate procurement
systems within Southern Africa.

Keywords: Project financing; procurement systems; Public Private Partnerships; value for money


The private sector is playing an increasingly crucial role in the financing and provision of services that
were traditionally the domain of the public sector. The reasons for this are multifarious. One of the key
reasons is that governments are unable to cope with the ever-increasing demands on their budgets.
Most infrastructure expenditures in developing countries have been funded directly from fiscal
budgets but several factors such as macroeconomic instability and growing investment requirements
(particularly following the debt crisis of the 1980s), have shown that public financing is volatile and,
in many countries, rarely meets crucial infrastructure expenditure requirements in a timely and
adequate manner (Ferreira and Khatami, 1996). Furthermore, there are efficiency gains arising from
innovation, management and marketing skills offered by the private sector and greater incentives for
the control of construction, operating and maintenance costs; the provision of additional finance for
infrastructure projects, enabling economically justifiable projects to be freed from public-expenditure
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Paper number: 259

constraints and brought forward in time, thus generating earlier economic benefits; and where foreign
finance is involved, the overall level of investment in the economy can exceed the country’s savings
rate (Haley, 1996).

Procurement systems have played an important role in this respect due to the fact that most of the
privately financed projects have been procured through public private partnerships involving various
forms of private sector participation. Confoy et al. (1999) state that to decrease expenditure, deficit
reduction programs to control government debt have stimulated the use of innovative procurement and
financing methods. This paper does not aim to go into details about the different financing instruments
available for financing the project but rather it aims at reviewing different procurement systems
involving public private partnerships and the linkage to the overall client objectives regarding the
financing of the project.


In order to perceive the linkage between procurement systems and the financing of the project, it is
imperative to review the various procurement arrangements involving private sector participation.
There is a range of options for involving private sector participation that vary with regards to
ownership, operations and maintenance, financing, risk allocation and duration. A summary of these
options can be viewed in Table 1. For purposes of brevity, only a short description of each of these
options is provided hereafter.

Table 1: Allocation of key responsibilities under the main private sector participation options

Option Asset Operations and Capital Commercial Duration

ownership maintenance investment risk
Service Public Public and Public Public 1-2 years
contract private
Management Public Private Public Public 3-5 years
Lease Public Private Public Shared 8-15 years
Concession Public Private Private Private 25-30 years
Build Operate Private and Private Private Private 20-30 years
Transfer public
Divestiture Private or Private Private Private Indefinite
private and (may be
public limited by

Source: World Bank (1997)

Service contract
Under this option, the private sector performs a specific operational service for a fee, for example
meter reading, billing and collection.

Management contract
In this option, the private sector is paid a fee for operating and maintaining a government-owned
business and making management decisions.

Under the lease option, the private sector leases facilities and is responsible for operation and
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Paper number: 259

Under concessions, the private sector finances the project and also has full responsibility for
operations and maintenance. The government owns the asset and all full use rights must revert to the
government after the specified period of time.

Build own transfer (BOT) /Build own operate (BOO)

These are similar to concessions but they are normally used for new greenfield projects. The private
sector receives a fee for the service from the users.

This option can take two forms – partial or complete divestiture. A complete divestiture, like a
concession, gives the private sector full responsibility for operations, maintenance and investment, but
unlike a concession, a divestiture transfers ownership of the assets to the private sector (World Bank,

After looking at these various procurement arrangements, the next section seeks to provide a more
detailed discussion on how these different arrangements have important implications with regards to
the financing of the project.


Several authors have discussed the importance of the selection of the most suitable procurement
system (Latham, 1994; Love et al., 1998; Rwelamila, 2000). Central to this debate has been the issue
of selection criteria to be used in determining the most appropriate procurement method. NEDO
(1985), Skitmore and Marsden (1988) and Singh (1990) have suggested certain criteria in this respect.
One of the criteria they have suggested is price completion – covering critical issues such as value for
money. One of the main aims of PPP approaches is to achieve value for money and it has been widely
recognized that by using private sector finance, skills and expertise, services can be procured at a
cheaper cost and value for money can be attained.

Confoy et al. (1998) referring to Woodward (1995) state that the major difference between financing
projects of the BOOT/BOO type and the more conventional approaches is that lenders have only the
project’s expected cashflows to indicate its economic viability. These projects are mainly funded
through the technique known as project finance. Project finance helps finance new investment by
structuring the financing around the project’s own operating cash flow and assets, without additional
sponsor guarantees (IFC, 1999). Further, the technique is able to alleviate investment risk and raise
finance at a relatively low cost, to the benefit of sponsor and investor alike. The project finance
technique has been used for several years in mining and natural resource projects, but in construction
projects it is a relatively new concept in several countries.

It can be seen from Table 1, that under concessions, Build Own Transfer (BOT) and Divestiture
methods, the private sector is responsible for the financing and the commercial risk. In these three
options, the private sector takes full responsibility for the financing of the projects. On the contrary,
under service contract, management contract and lease the public sector is responsible for the

The BOT model and its variants will be discussed in more detail because the South African case study
discussed in this paper has applied the Design Build Finance Operate (DBFO) model which has
characteristics similar to the Build Own Transfer (BOT) model. Table 2 reviews the BOT option and
its variants, describes some characteristics of these different procurement arrangements and depicts the
relationship between these different procurement methods and the financing of the project.

It can be viewed from Table 2 that under BOT and its variants, the private sector is responsible for
financing of the project. The DBFO model that has been applied in South Africa is similar to the
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BOOT model described in Table 2 hence the private sector is fully responsible for providing the
capital investment of the project, design, construction, operations and maintenance.

Table 2: BOT project procurement structures

Contract type Characteristics

Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT) • The service provider is responsible for design
and construction, finance, operations,
maintenance and commercial risks associated
with the project.
• The service provider owns the project
throughout the concession period
• The asset is transferred back to the
government at the end of the term, often at no
Build Own Operate (BOO) • Similar to BOOT projects, but the service
provider retains ownership of the asset in
• The government only agrees to purchase the
services produced for a fixed length of time
Design Build Operate (DBO) • A design and construction contract linked to
an operation and maintenance contract.
• The service provider is usually responsible
for financing the project during construction.
• The government purchases the asset from the
developer for a pre-agreed price prior to (or
immediately after) commissioning and takes
all ownership risks from that time.
Lease Own Operate (LOO) • Similar to a BOO project but an existing asset
is leased from the government for a specified
• The asset may require refurbishment or

Source: Arndt (1999)


South Africa like many other countries is faced with the problem of infrastructure backlogs and budget
constraints. The Government of the Republic of South Africa through its Department of Finance
recognized the need to cooperate with the private sector in order to address this problem.
Consequently various PPP initiatives in various sectors were considered as an alternative way of
delivering services. This paper will look at one initiative that has been implemented for the provision
of public services by the private sector through Asset Procurement and Operating Partnership Systems
(APOPS). The Department of Public Works (DPW) engaged in the APOPS programme in 1996. This
programme lies within the broader PPP framework.

The Department of Public Works – APOPS Directorate is currently engaged in pilot projects for the
procurement of correctional facilities structured along the design, build, finance and operate (DBFO)
approach. Two of the contracts for the pilot projects were signed off this year and are currently under
construction. The two pilot projects are: Bloemfontein maximum-security prison for R1.7 billion
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Rands1 and the Louis Trichardt maximum-security prison for R1.8 billion Rands. The private sector
consortium is responsible for the design, build, finance and operation of the facility and at the end of
the concession period which is 25 years, the facility will be transferred back to the State. The
government pays the private sector (referred to as the concessionaire) periodically for the services

In the APOPS programme, the three main objectives to be considered are to secure value for money,
optimal risk allocation and affordability and these objectives have important implications with regards
to the financing of the projects.

Value for money

This is an important criterion and the private sector must be able to ensure that they deliver the
services required at a lower cost than the public sector would have delivered the same level of service.
In the current ongoing APOPS pilot projects for the procurement of prison facilities, the private sector
is expected to provide a higher level of service or same level of service at lower costs than the
government would have provided these services. Dick and Akintoye (1996) reiterate this in their
discussion of Private Finance Initiative (PFI) of the UK and state interalia that the benefits of PFI to
the public sector include improvements in the quality of service to the taxpayer and achievement of
value for money. The Public Sector Comparator (PSC) was used to ascertain whether value for money
has been attained. The PSC has been defined by the Treasury Taskforce (1999) as a hypothetical risk-
adjusted costing, by the public sector as a supplier, to an output specification produced as part of a PFI
procurement exercise.

APOPS projects have adopted a similar definition of the public sector comparator. The details on how
to calculate the PSC number is detailed by the Treasury Taskforce (1999) and therefore this paper will
not go into details of the calculation but instead will highlight some important factors in this respect.
In the APOPS pilot projects this process of deriving a PSC was complex due to the fact that the new
Correctional Services Act specifies a higher level of service than was previously provided in public
sector prisons. The aim of the PSC number was to compare and illustrate the operating costs for
private and public sector operation of the facility under the level of service stipulated in the Request
for Proposals (RFP). The PSC number was used to evaluate the bids offered by the private sector. The
private sector consortium had to be able to structure the financing of the project in order to be able to
meet these levels of service whilst at the same time ensuring that value for money is attained and
maintaining affordability.

Risk allocation

Risk allocation is very important aspect of PPP approaches and the APOPS approach is no exception.
This relationship between risk and different procurement approaches has been discussed by several
authors (Chege and Rwelamila, 2000; CUP, 1993; Lowe and Whitworth, 1996) and the Figure 1 seeks
to illustrate the relationship between risk and different procurement approaches.

From Figure 1, we can see that when making the decisions regarding the choice of procurement
approach as we move towards fully private, more risk is transferred to the private sector and vice

The currency exchange rate at the close of business on 1st October 2000 was 1 US Dollar = 7.3121 Rands
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Public Private
Sector Sector


Build own transfer

Build own operate

Build own operate

Traditional (lump
sum fixed price)

finance operate

Design build

Design build
Operate and


not fixed)



Procurement method

Figure 1 The degree of risk allocated to public and private sectors in different procurement methods

In APOPS, the principle is to transfer the risks to the party that is most able to manage them. It can be
viewed in figure 1 that in the DBFO approach more risk is borne by the private sector. The risk matrix
was used for the allocation and sharing of risks between the parties. The issue of risk transfer was an
important aspect when considering the financing of the project because the private sector consortium
had to consider the associated costs due to large amounts of risks transferred to them. The public
sector on the other hand had to be careful in their risk allocation because transfer of too much risk to
the private sector would have made the project unaffordable. It was therefore crucial to develop a
model for optimum risk sharing between the parties bearing in mind affordability and value for money


Prior to embarking on an APOPS project, the public sector client had be sure that the project was
affordable and that they will be able to manage the payment streams. This is extremely crucial due to
the long duration of the projects (25 years). The affordability considerations began right at the
preliminary stages when the public sector advisors were preparing the business case. Due to the fact
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that the public sector can borrow at lower rates than the private sector, the advisors had to develop
models incorporating innovative ways of financing, design and construction of the projects in order to
prove that the projects were affordable and justify the need to use the APOPS - DBFO approach as
opposed to the traditional procurement method.

PPP projects can be complex in terms of implementation. There are indications that certain challenges
have been faced in the South African case study discussed above. These challenges relate to issues
such as the costs of the process, the need for a clear consistent definition on the various private sector
participation options, organisational differences between public and private sectors teams, the issue of
stakeholders and forming empowerment partners.


This paper has demonstrated that the use of PPP approaches has resulted in a deviation from the
traditional procurement method with regards to the financing of the project. In the traditional method,
projects were financed mainly with public sector funds but with increased use of PPP models, private
sector financing is playing an important role in this respect. The increased need to use the PPP
approach cannot be overemphasized and as a result decision makers need to be clear about how their
needs surrounding financing of the project can be best met with the differing procurement approaches.

The South African case study presented in the paper has illustrated that due to the fact that it was
necessary to use alternative financing besides the fiscal budget, an appropriate procurement method
had to be utilized in order to achieve financing objectives of the client. The traditional procurement
method would not have been a suitable procurement method for utilizing private finance mechanisms.
One the main aims of selecting amongst the different procurement approaches is to balance the clients
objectives of cost, scope, time and quality, in order to derive an optimal agreement between the
parties. It is now evident that for public private partnership arrangements, this choice of procurement
system becomes even more crucial because of the necessity to clearly state which party will be
responsible for important aspects such as financing involving capital investment in the project.


As discussed above, the fact that the use of PPP approaches in South Africa, like in other countries,
offers the benefits of additional finance for infrastructure and efficiency gains in construction and
operation while allowing the public sector to retain long-term strategic control of infrastructure cannot
be debated. However, the emergence of PPP should not be heralded as a panacea for all previous
procurement problems. It is important that government and private sector experts should not ‘jump’ on
PPP approaches without understanding their potential merits and demerits; and requirements for their
success. Essentially, it is important that researchers and practitioners in the South African construction
industry should understand the theoretical framework on which to derive either an ideal or an optimum
PPP approach. They should avoid reactive evolution of modus operandi of procurement practices
which have caused many problems and which are still affecting construction project efficiency in the
South African construction industry.

There is enough evidence on PPP projects around the world to suggest that a variety of interrelated
factors combine to bring about the success or failure of any project. It is important, therefore, to note a
few practical ways to improve a project’s chances of success by those experts and practitioners. These
include: sound organisational planning – technical and financial ability on the part of investor;
promoters must be evident and their commitment to carry out the project must be unquestionable;
thorough analysis of the project’s economic and financial viability; appraisal of the political and
economic outlook of the host country; consideration of the relative strength of the financial markets;
ascertainment of political will and promoting good relations with the host government; avoiding
unreasonable risk allocation; establishing an effective project – management structure; and learning
from past experience.
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PPP projects are also being implemented in other SADC countries such as Tanzania, Mauritius,
Zambia and Mozambique. The discussion in this paper has highlighted some of the issues the
practitioners in these SADC countries are facing or are likely to face as they seek to utilize these
different procurement routes to achieve their financing objectives.


The authors wish to convey sincere appreciation to Mr. Eric Manchidi, Director of APOPS in the
Department of Public Works South Africa for his valuable comments and suggestions throughout this


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