Ar Elnusa 2020
Ar Elnusa 2020
Ar Elnusa 2020
Resilience to be Excellence
Ketangguhan Menuju Keunggulan
“Resilience to be Excellence”
Ketangguhan Menuju Keunggulan
The pressure has repeatedly hit the oil and gas industry and has
impacted the national and global economies. Prayers and efforts
following by innovation and portfolio strategy has saved the
Company. Resilience that shows the excellence of the Company to
continue contributing to the Country.
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4 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 5
APBN Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara/ ERM Enterprise Risk Management
State Budget
ESDM Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral/
APMS Agen Premium Minyak Solar/ Premium Diesel Fuel Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
ESOP Employee Stock Option Plan
ARA Annual Report Award
ETSA PT Elnusa Trans Samudera
AS/US Amerika Serikat/ United States
EWL Electric Wireline Logging
ASEAN Association of South East Asia Nation
FAME Fatty Acid Methyl Ester
AVO Amplitude Versus Offset
GCG Good Corporate Governance
AWB Accomodation Work Barge
GDL Geo Data Acquisition Land
B3 Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun/ Hazardous and
Toxic Materials GDM Geo Data Acquisition Transition Zone &
Marine Zone & Marine
BAPEPAM Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal/
Capital Market Supervisory Agency GDP Geo Data Processing
Bapepam-LK Badan Pengawasan Pasar Modal - Lembaga GGR Geology, Geophysics and Reservoir
GPS Global Positioning System
Capital Market Supervisory Agency - Financial
Institution GRI Global Reporting Initiative
BBK Bahan Bakar Khusus/ Special Fuels GMS General Meeting of Shareholders
BBM Bahan Bakar Minyak/ Oil Fuel H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
BBMK Bahan Bakar Minyak Khusus/ Special Fuels HAGI Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia/
Indonesia Association of Geophysicists
BEI/IDX PT Bursa Efek Indonesia/ Indonesia Stock
Exchange HRIS Human Resources Information System
BEST Beasiswa Terpadu/ Integrated Scholarship HSSE Health, Safety, Security & Environment
BI Bank Indonesia HWU Hydraulic Workover Unit
BNI Syariah Bank Negara Indonesia Syariah/ Indonesian State IAI Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia/
Bank-Sharia Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants
BUMN/ SOE Badan Usaha Milik Negara/ State-Owned IAGI Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia/
Enterprise Indonesian Association of Geologist
CBM Coal Bed Methane ICBC Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
CIP Contionus Improvement Program ICP Indonesia Crude Price
CMT Cementing Service ICT Information Communication Technology
CoC Standar Etika/ Code of Conduct IFRS International Financial Reporting Standard
COSO Committee of Sponsoring Organizations IHSG Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan/ IDX Composite
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility IIA The Institute of Internal Auditor
CTU Coiled Tubing Unit IMF International Monetary Fund
DFS Drilling Fluid Services IPO Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana/ Initial Public
DMS Document Management System
ISO International Organization for Standardization
DPPU Depot Pengisian Pesawat Udara/ Aircraft Filling
Depot LCT Landing Craft Tank
EBITDA Earning Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and LHA Laporan Hasil Audit/ Audit Report
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
EER Elnusa Emergency Response
LTI Lost Time Injury
EFK PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi
MEA Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN/ ASEAN Economic
ELSA Kode Saham Elnusa/ Elnusa Ticker Code Community
6 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Migas Minyak dan Gas/ Oil and Gas RUPS Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham /
General Meeting of Shareholder
MLU Mud Logging Unit
SAK Standar Akuntansi Keuangan/ Financial
MOR Marketing Operation Region Accounting Standards
MPP Masa Persiapan Pensiun/ Retirement Preparation SCU PT Sigma Cipta Utama
SDM/ HR Sumber Daya Manusia/ Human Resources
MSOP Management Stock Option Pan
SEOJK Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/
NPM Net Profit Margin Circular Letter of the Financial Services Authority
O&M Operation & Maintenance SK Surat Keputusan/ Decision Letter
OCTG Oil Country Tubular Goods SKK Migas Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan
Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi/ Special Unit
OHS Occupational Health and Safety
Taskforce of Oil and Gas
OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Assessment SPOB Self Propelled & Oil Barge
SL Slickline Services
OJK Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/ Financial Services
Authority SMBCI Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp
ONH Ongkos Naik Haji/ Pilgrimage Cost Assistance SOP Standard Operating Procedures
OPEC NGLS Organizations of the Petroleum Exporting SPBB Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Bunker/
Countries Natural Gas Liquid Bunker Fuel Filling Stations
OPM Operating Profit Margin SPBE Stasiun Pengisian Bulk LPG/ Bulk LPG Filling
P/B Price to Book
SPBU Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum/
P/E Price to EPS
Gas Station
Permen Peraturan Menteri/ Ministerial Regulation SPE Serikat Pekerja Elnusa/ Labor Unions Elnusa
Perseroan PT Elnusa Tbk/ The Company SPK Sistem Pengelolaan Kerja/ Performance
Pertamina PT Pertamina (Persero) Management System
PHE PT Pertamina Hulu Energi TBE Taman Belajar Elnusa/ Elnusa Learning Park
PHE ONWJ PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West THM Tabung Hikmah Mandiri/ Hikah Mandiri Tube
Java THR Tunjangan Hari Raya/ Religious Holiday Allowance
PHE WMO PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore TZ Transition Zone
PHM Pertamina Hulu Mahakam US$ United States Dollar/ Dolar Amerika
POMS Production and Operation Maintenance Services UU Undang-Undang/ Law
PKAT Program Kerja Audit Tahunan/ Annual Audit Work UUPT Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas/
Program Limited Liability Company Law
PNBP Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak/ Non-Tax UTD Ulang Tahun Dinas/ Service Anniversaries
VHS Vendor Held Stock
PP Peraturan Perusahaan/ Company Regulations
VICO PT Vico Indonesia
PPh Pajak Penghasilan/ Income Tax
VTMS Vessel Traffic Management and Information
PPN Pajak Pertambahan Nilai/ Value Added Tax
PSAK Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan/ WBS Whistleblowing System
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
WB Working Barge
PUMP Pumping Services
WK Wilayah Kerja/ Working Area
RJPP Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan/
The Company’s Long-term Plan WP & B Work Program and Budget
RKAP Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan/ WT Well Testing Service
Work Plan and Budget
WTI West Texas Intermediate
ROA Return on Assets
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 7
6 Glosarium
8 Daftar Isi
Table of Contents
// 01 // 02
Kilas Laporan Manajemen
Kinerja 2020 Management Report
34 Laporan Dewan Komisaris
2020 Performance Highlights Board of Commissioners Report
14 Ikhtisar Data Keuangan Penting
Key Financial Highlights 50 Laporan Direksi
Board of Directors Report
18 Ikhtisar Saham
Share Highlights 64 Lembar Pernyataan Anggota Dewan
Komisaris dan Direksi tentang
22 Informasi tentang Aksi Korporasi Tanggung Jawab atas Laporan
Information on Corporate Action Tahunan 2020 PT Elnusa Tbk
22 Informasi tentang Obligasi, Sukuk, atau Statement of the Board of Commissioners
Obligasi Konversi and Board of Directors of Responsibility for
Information on Bonds, Sukuk, or Convertible the 2020 Annual Report of PT Elnusa Tbk
23 Peristiwa Penting di 2020
Significant Events In 2020
8 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
150 Alamat Entitas Anak dan/atau Kantor 159 Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi
Cabang atau Kantor Perwakilan Awards and Certifications
Addresses of Subsidiaries and/or Branch
163 Informasi Website Perusahaan
Offices or Representative Offices
Company Website Information
152 Wilayah Operasional
165 Pendidikan dan/atau Pelatihan Dewan
Operational Area
Komisaris, Direksi, Komite-Komite,
158 Daftar Lembaga dan Profesi Sekretaris Perusahaan, dan Unit Audit
Penunjang Perusahaan Internal
List of Supporting Institutions and Education and/or Training of the Board of
Professionals of the Company Commissioners, Directors, Committees,
Corporate Secretary, and Internal Audit Unit
158 Daftar Penting Lainnya
Other Important List
// 04
Analisis dan Pembahasan 240 Ikatan yang Material untuk Investasi
Barang Modal
Manajemen Material Commitments for Investment of
Capital Goods
Management Discussion and Analysis
172 Tinjauan Perekonomian dan Industri 241 Realisasi Investasi Barang Modal
Economic and Industrial Review Investment Realization of Capital Goods
236 Kinerja Rasio Keuangan, Kolektibilitas 244 Perbandingan Antara Target Anggaran
Piutang dan Kemampuan Membayar dengan Realisasi, dan Proyeksi Usaha
Hutang Comparison Between Budget Targets with
Financial Ratios Performance, Receivable Realization, and Business Projections
Collectibility and Ability to Pay Debt
246 Informasi dan Fakta Material yang Terjadi
238 Struktur Modal dan Kebijakan Manajemen Setelah Tanggal Laporan Akuntan
atas Struktur Modal Material Information and Facts that Occurred
Capital Structure and Management Policy on After the Accountant’s Report Date
Capital Structure
246 Dampak Nilai Tukar Mata Uang Asing
Foreign Exchange Rate Impact
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 9
247 Prospek Usaha 256 Informasi Transaksi Material
Business Prospect yang Mengandung Benturan
249 Aspek Pemasaran Kepentingan dan/atau Transaksi
Marketing Aspects dengan Pihak Afiliasi/Pihak Berelasi
Information on Material Transactions
251 Kebijakan Dividen dan Containing Conflict of Interest and/or
Pembagiannya Transactions with Affiliated Parties/
Dividend Policy and Its Distribution Related Parties
253 Kontribusi terhadap Negara 260 Informasi Keuangan yang
Contribution to the State Mengandung Kejadian yang
253 Informasi tentang Program Bersifat Luar Biasa dan Jarang
Kepemilikan Saham oleh Karyawan Terjadi
Financial Information Containing
dan/atau Manajemen (ESOP/
Extraordinary and Rare Event
Information Concerning Employee 260 Perubahan Peraturan Perundang-
and/or Management Share Ownership undangan yang Berpengaruh
Program (ESOP/MSOP) Signifikan terhadap Perusahaan
Amendments to the Legislation
254 Informasi tentang
that has a Significant Effect on the
Realisasi Penggunaan Dana Hasil
Penawaran Umum
Information Concerning the Realization 261 Perubahan Kebijakan Akuntansi
of the Use of the Public Offering dan Dampaknya terhadap
Proceeds Perusahaan
Changes in Accounting Policies and Its
Impacts on the Company
262 Informasi Kelangsungan Usaha
Business Continuity Information
// 05
Tata Kelola Perusahaan 280 Struktur Organ Tata Kelola Perusahaan
yang Baik
Corporate Governance Organizational Structure of Good Corporate
266 Prinsip Dasar Tata Kelola Perusahaan Governance
yang Baik 366 Organ Pendukung Dewan Komisaris
Good Corporate Governance Basic Supporting Organs of the Board of
Principles Commissioners
267 Perkembangan Penerapan GCG di 397 Organ Pendukung Direksi
Lingkup Perseroan Supporting Organs of the Board of
Development of GCG Implementation In Directors
Company Environment
418 Unit Audit Internal
274 Infrastruktur dan Softstructure GCG Internal Audit Unit
Elnusa GCG Infrastructure and 426 Akuntan Publik
Softstructure Public Accountant
10 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
// 06
Tanggung Jawab Sosial 518 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
Bidang Ketenagakerjaan, Kesehatan dan
Perusahaan Keselamatan Kerja
Corporate Social Responsibility Towards
Corporate Social Responsibility Employment, Occupational Health and Safety
536 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
492 Tata Kelola Tanggung Jawab Sosial Bidang Pengembangan Sosial dan
Perusahaan Kemasyarakatan
Governance of Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility Towards Social
501 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Terkait Operasi and Community Development
yang Adil 545 Tanggung Jawab terhadap Konsumen
Social Responsibility Towards Fair Operations Corporate Social Responsibility in the Scope of
508 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Terkait Hak Asasi Responsibility to Customers
Manusia (HAM)
Social Responsibility Towards Human Rights
512 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
Bidang Lingkungan Hidup
Corporate Social Responsibility Towards the
// 07
554 Referensi Peraturan OJK No. 29/POJK.04/2016
Laporan Tahunan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik dan SEOJK No. 30/SEOJK.04/2016:
Bentuk dan Isi Laporan Tahunan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik
OJK Reference No. 29/POJK.04/2016 Annual Report of Public Company and SEOJK
No. 30/SEOJK.04/2016: Form and Content of Annual Report of Public Company
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 11
Performance Highlights
// 01
PT Elnusa Tbk
Performance Highlights
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Description 2019-2020
7.726.945 8.385.122 6.624.774 4.978.986 3.620.570 -8%
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik
3.786.529 4.364.089 3.695.856 2.504.832 1.585.917 -13%
Energy Distribution and Logistics
Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi
Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas 3.760.934 3.847.015 2.636.121 2.267.287 1.849.244 -2%
Jasa Penunjang Migas
1.409.031 988.663 292.797 206.867 185.409 43%
Oil and Gas Support Services
Beban Pokok Pendapatan
(6.984.472) (7.514.040) (5.972.680) (4.400.484) (3.005.985) -7%
Cost of Revenue
Laba Bruto
742.473 871.082 652.094 578.502 614.585 -15%
Gross profit
Laba (Rugi) Operasi
437.247 533.681 380.775 344.540 418.877 -19%
Profit (Loss) of Operation
1.160.509 966.064 767.220 712.473 723.098 20%
Beban Keuangan*
(132.199) (40.490) (90.092) (19.852) (24.266) 168%
Financial Costs
Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan
249.085 356.477 276.316 250.754 316.066 -30%
Profit (Loss) for the Year
Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif
Tahun Berjalan
253.048 345.625 288.075 238.473 318.798 -27%
Comprehensive Profit (Loss) for
the Year
Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan yang Dapat Diatribusikan kepada:
Profit (Loss) for the Year Attributable to:
- Pemilik Entitas Induk
253.045 345.622 276.314 247.140 310.911 -30%
- Owner of Parent Entity
- Kepentingan Non Pengendali
3 3 2 3.614 5.155 0%
- Non-controlling Interests
249.085 356.477 276.316 250.754 316.066 -30%
Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif yang Dapat Diatribusikan kepada:
Comprehensive Profit (Loss) Attributable to:
- Pemilik Entitas Induk
253.045 345.622 276.314 234.865 313.643 -30%
- Owner of Parent Entity
- Kepentingan Non Pengendali
3 3 2 3.608 5.155 0%
- Non-controlling Interests
253.045 345.622 276.316 238.473 318.798 -30%
Laba (Rugi) Bersih per Saham
Dasar (Nilai Penuh)
34,1 48,8 37,9 33,9 42,6 -30%
Net Profit (Loss) per Share (Full
* ) Beban keuangan yang tercantum dalam Laporan ini tanpa (rugi) selisih kurs atas pinjaman.
*) The financial costs stated in this report are excluded (loss) the foreign exchange difference on loans.
14 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Description 2019-2020
Aset Lancar
4.217.325 3.698.370 3.158.507 2.379.465 1.865.116 14%
Current Assets
Aset Tetap dan Properti
Investasi - Neto
1.863.738 1.871.197 1.787.847 1.621.184 1.664.747 -1%
Fixed Assets and Investment
Property - Net
Jumlah Aset
7.562.822 6.805.037 5.657.327 4.855.369 4.190.956 11%
Total Assets
Liabilitas Jangka Pendek
2.573.467 2.116.898 1.757.781 1.254.181 3%
Current Liabilities 2.504.335
Liabilitas Jangka Panjang
1.248.409 240.229 45.668 59.032 72%
Non-current Liabilities 724.004
Jumlah Liabilitas
3.821.876 3.228.339 2.357.127 1.803.449 1.313.213 19%
Total Liabilities
Utang Berbunga
1.753.456 1.127.040 821.415 697.268 549.770 56%
Interest Bearing Debt
3.740.946 3.576.698 3.300.200 3.051.920 2.877.743 4%
Modal Kerja - Neto
1.643.858 1.194.035 1.041.609 621.684 610.935 37%
Working Capital - Net
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 15
Performance Highlights
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Dalam Jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain I In million Rupiah, unless Otherwise Stated
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Description 2019-2020
Kas Bersih yang Diperoleh dari
Aktivitas Operasi
943.928 575.797 344.756 395.459 447.139 64%
Net Cash Provided by Operating
Kas Bersih yang Diperoleh dari
(Digunakan untuk) Aktivitas
Investasi (483.159) (671.113) (586.671) (358.506) (295.227) -28%
Net Cash Provided by (Used in)
Investing Activities
Kas Bersih yang Diperoleh dari
(Digunakan untuk) Aktivitas
Pendanaan (86.746) 239.286 37.374 119.698 (312.200) -136%
Net Cash Provided by (Used in)
Financing Activities
Kas dan Setara Kas pada Akhir
1.231.867 856.122 719.457 902.563 744.387 44%
Cash and Cash Equivalent at the End
of the Year
16 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Rasio-Rasio Keuangan
Financial Ratios
Dalam Jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain I In million Rupiah, unless Otherwise Stated
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Description 2019-2020
Margin Laba Bruto
9,61% 10,44% 9,84% 11,62% 16,97% -9%
Gross Profit Margin
Margin Laba Operasi
5,66% 6,36% 5,75% 6,92% 11,57% -12%
Operating Profit Margin
Margin Laba Bersih**
3,22% 4,35% 4,17% 4,96% 8,59% -26%
Net Profit Margin**
Margin Laba Bersih Tanpa Laba (Rugi)
Penjualan Aset Tetap***
3,29% 4,35% 4,19% 4,98% 8,55% -24%
Net Profit Margin Excluded Gain (Loss) Sale of
Fixed Assets***
15,02% 11,52% 11,58% 14,31% 19,97% 30%
Rasio Lancar
1,62 1,48 1,49 1,35 1,49 11%
Current Ratio
Perputaran Total Aset
102,14% 123,22% 117,10% 102,55% 86,39% -17%
Total Asset Turnover
Imbal Hasil Aset
3,29% 5,24% 4,88% 5,09% 7,42% -37%
Return on Assets
Imbal Hasil Ekuitas
6,66% 9,97% 8,37% 8,10% 10,80% -33%
Return on Equity
Utang Berbunga/Ekuitas
0,47 0,32 0,25 0,23 0,19 49%
Interest Bearing Debt/Equity
Utang Berbunga/Jumlah Aset
0,23 0,17 0,15 0,14 0,13 40%
Interest Bearing Debt/Total Assets
Utang Berbunga/EBITDA
1,51 1,17 1,07 0,98 0,76 30%
Interest Bearing Debt/EBITDA
EBITDA/Beban Keuangan
8,78 23,86 8,52 35,89 29,80 -55%
EBITDA/Interest Expense
Jumlah Liabilitas/Ekuitas
1,0 0,9 0,7 0,6 0,5 13%
Total Liabilities/Equity
Jumlah Liabilitas/Aset
0,51 0,47 0,42 0,37 0,31 7%
Total Liabilities/Assets
Kas Neto yang Diperoleh dari Aktivitas
Operasi/Laba Bersih
3,73 1,67 1,25 1,68 1,43 135%
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities/ Net
Kas Neto yang Diperoleh dari Aktivitas
Operasi/Kas dan Setara Kas pada Akhir Tahun
0,77 0,67 0,48 0,44 0,60 14%
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities/Cash
and Cash Equivalents at the End of the Year
Kas dan Setara Kas pada Akhir Tahun/Utang
0,70 0,76 0,88 1,29 1,35 -8%
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of the Year/
Interest Bearing Debt
Laba Bersih/Jumlah Karyawan
106,72 214,44 156,64 139,55 180,55 -50%
Net Profit/Number of Employees
** Perhitungan margin laba bersih yang tercantum dalam laporan ini menggunakan Laba Tahun yang Berjalan yang Dapat Diatribusikan kepada Pemilik Entitas Induk.
*** Perhitungan Margin Laba Bersih Tanpa Laba (Rugi) Penjualan Aset Tetap yang tercantum dalam laporan ini menggunakan Laba Tahun Berjalan yang dapat Diatribusikan
kepada Pemilik Entitas Induk - Tanpa Laba (Rugi) Penjualan Aset Tetap.
** Net profit margin in this reports is calculated using the Profit for the Current Year Attributable to Owners of the Parent Entity.
*** Net Profit Margin Excluded Gain (Loss) on Sale of Fixed Assets in this reports is calculated using the Profit for the Current Year Attributable to Owners of the Parent
Entity Excluded Gain (Loss) on Sale of Fixed Assets.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 17
Performance Highlights
Jumlah Saham
Harga Harga Volume
Beredar Harga Harga Harga
Kapitalisasi Pasar Tertinggi Terendah Perdagangan
(Lembar) Pembukaan Penutupan Rata-Rata
Kuartal (Rp) (Rp) (Rp) (Lembar) Valuasi
Number (Rp) (Rp) (Rp)
Quarter Market The The Trading Valuation
of Shares Opening Closing Average
Capitalization Highest Lowest Volume
Outstanding price Price Price
Price Price (Sheet)
Triwulan 1 2019
7.298.500.000 2.627.460.000.000 340 408 336 360 370 11.425.200
Quarterly 1 2019
Triwulan 2 2019
7.298.500.000 2.758.833.000.000 366 410 332 378 365 12.943.600 4.892.680.800
Quarterly 2 2019
Triwulan 3 2019
7.298.500.000 2.335.520.000.000 378 392 320 320 348 11.327.500 3.624.800.000
Quarterly 3 2019
Triwulan 4 2019
7.298.500.000 2.233.341.000.000 320 336 272 306 310 13.205.000 4.040.730.000
Quarterly 4 2019
Triwulan 1 2020
7.298.500.000 306 338 124 151 243 30.669.456 4.631.087.789
Quarterly 1 2020
Triwulan 2 2020
7.298.500.000 1.605.670.000.000 155 244 139 220 208 74.109.148 16.304.012.621
Quarterly 2 2020
Triwulan 3 2020
7.298.500.000 1.415.909.000.000 222 260 192 194 231 60.351.718 11.708.233.242
Quarterly 3 2020
Triwulan 4 2020
7.298.500.000 2.569.072.000.000 195 392 194 352 272 129.825.020 45.698.407.159
Quarterly 4 2020
18 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
450 140.000.000
400 120.000.000
250 8.0000.000
200 6.000.0000
0 0
Volume Perdagangan Harga Penutupan
Trading Volume Closing Price
Tahun 2020 mungkin bisa dikatakan sebagai salah 2020 may be one of the remembered year throughout
satu tahun yang akan diingat sepanjang peradaban modern human civilization. The Covid-19 pandemic
manusia modern. Pandemi Virus Covid-19 telah has changed almost all aspects of life, including the
merubah tatanan kehidupan dihampir seluruh aspek global economy and financial markets. This also
kehidupan termasuk ekonomi dan pasar keuangan had an impact on financial markets, which were
global. Hal ini turut berdampak kepada pasar extremely volatile throughout the year.
keuangan yang teramat fluktuatif pergerakannya
di sepanjang tahun.
Indeks saham acuan Amerika Serikat (AS) yaitu The benchmark stock index of the United States
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) dan S&P (US), namely Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)
500 yang terus mencatatkan kenaikan sejak 2019 and the S&P 500, which has continued to record
harus terhenti di pertengahan Februari 2020 akibat increases since 2019, was stopped in mid-February
memburuknya kasus Virus Covid-19 di seluruh 2020 due to worsening cases of the Covid-19 virus
belahan dunia. Kejatuhan indeks global tersebut yang throughout the world. The free fall of the global index
terjun bebas tersebut memang hanya berlangsung only lasted for one month until the end of March
selama satu bulan hingga akhir Maret 2020. Setelah 2020. Then, the global market was able to rebound
itu pasar global mampu rebound bahkan kembali and even recorded increases before the pandemic
mencatatkan rekor kenaikan sebelum pandemi dan and closed at the level of 30.606,5 and 3.756,0 for
ditutup pada level 30,606.5 dan 3,756.0 untuk DJIA the DJIA and S&P 500 at the end of 2020.
dan S&P 500 pada akhir tahun 2020.
Perekonomian nasional termasuk pasar keuangan The national economy, including the financial market,
juga mendapatkan sentimen dan pergerakan yang also received a similar sentiment and movement
hampir sama dengan situasi global. Sentimen with the global situation. This pandemic sentiment
pandemi ini yang meluluhlantakkan IHSG ke titik hit the JCI to its lowest point of 3.937,6 on March
terendah yaitu 3,937.6 pada 24 maret 2020. Level 24, 2020. The same level with the last 7 - 8 years
yang terakhir kali disentuh pada 7 – 8 tahun silam ago, created panic for market playesr. This panic
sehingga membuat kepanikan bagi setiap pelaku was also reflected in the 10-year Government bond
pasar. Kepanikan ini juga tercermin dari yield obligasi yield which increased sharply to 8.3%, compared to
10 tahun Pemerintah yang naik tajam mencapai a month earlier which was in the range of 6.5%.
8,3%, di banding sebulan sebelumnya yang berada
pada kisaran 6,5%.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 19
Performance Highlights
Pandemi ini terus membayangi pasar modal hingga This pandemic continued to overshadow the capital
akhirnya IHSG mulai mengalami tanda perbaikan market until finally the JCI began to experience an
pada akhir kuartal ketiga tahun 2020. Tepat pada improvement at the end of the third quarter of 2020.
tanggal 1 Oktober 2020, IHSG mampu rebound dari On October 1, 2020, the JCI was able to rebound
level 4,870 dan terus mengalami rally hingga kembali from the level of 4.870 and continued to rally until it
ditutup pada level 5,979.0 di akhir Desember 2020 closed at the level of 5.979,0 at the end of December
atau turun 5% di banding posisi pembukaan pada 2020 or decreased by 5% compared to the opening
awal tahun. position at the beginning of the year.
Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sept-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20
Kondisi berbeda dialami oleh indeks saham The mining stock index (Jakmine) experienced
pertambangan (Jakmine) di sepanjang tahun 2020. different conditions throughout 2020. At the
Di awal tahun Jakmine memiliki sentiment yang beginning of the year, Jakmine had the same
sama dengan IHSG namun pada akhirnya mampu sentiment as the JCI but then, Jakmine was able to
rebound jauh lebih baik hingga akhir tahun. Baiknya rebound much better until the end of the year. The
momentum Jakmine ini tidak lepas dari membaiknya good momentum of Jakmine is inseparable from
harga komoditas global seperti batubara, nikel, the improvement in global commodity prices such
timah, emas termasuk minyak dan yang berdampak as coal, nickel, tin, gold, including oil and which have
pada naiknya saham-saham pertambangan. Indeks an impact on the increase of mining stocks. The
Jakmine ditutup pada level 1,915.5 atau tumbuh 25% Jakmine Index closed at the level of 1,915.5 or grew
di banding awal tahun 2020. 25% compared to the beginning of 2020.
Beralih ke saham ELSA, tahun 2020 ELSA Meanwhile, in 2020 ELSA stocks recorded better
membukukan hasil akhir yang lebih baik di banding final results than the previous year, even though it
tahun sebelumnya, meskipun sempat jatuh was decreased sharply at the beginning of the year
cukup dalam di awal tahun sebagai dampak dari due to the global pandemic sentiment and also the
sentiment pandemic global dan juga penurunan decline in the Company’s fundamental performance
kinerja fundamental Perusahaan di kuartal I 2020. in the first quarter of 2020. Opened 2020 trading
Membuka perdagangan 2020 pada posisi Rp306, at the position of Rp306, ELSA was still showed
ELSA masih menunjukkan sinyal negatif hingga a negative signal until reached its lowest point in
mencapai titik terendah pada Maret 2020 dengan March 2020 to the level of Rp129. The level that had
jatuhnya ELSA ke level Rp129. Level yang sebelumnya previously been recorded in the first year of going
pernah disentuh saat tahun pertama go public public, and was the time when the 2008 subprime
sekaligus tahun di mana krisis subprime mortgage mortgage crisis occurred.
2008 terjadi.
Seiring penguatan IHSG pada akhir bulan Maret As the JCI strengthened at the end of March, Elsa
Elsa juga mampu mencatatkan pembalikan arah was also able to recorded a reversal even though it
20 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
meskipun masih ditutup pada Rp151 di kuartal was still closed at Rp151 in the first quarter of 2020.
I/2020. Volume rata-rata perdagangan sejak awal The average trading volume since the beginning of
tahun 2020 ini sudah meningkat signifikan menjadi 2020 has increased significantly to 31 million shares
sebesar 31 juta lembar di banding tahun sebelumnya compared to the previous year which was only 13
yang hanya sebesar 13 juta lembar saham. million shares.
Sepanjang kuartal II dan III 2020 pergerakan saham During the second and third quarters of 2020,
ELSA relatif sideways pada range sempit Rp139 ELSA’s stock movement was relatively sideways in a
hingga Rp260. Namun volume pergerakan harian narrow range of Rp139 to Rp260. However, the daily
meningkat cukup pesat menjadi Rp67 juta lembar movement volume increased quite rapidly to Rp67
saham jika di banding kan dengan kuartal pertama million shares when compared to the first quarter
atau bahkan tahun sebelumnya. Kinerja fundamental or even the previous year. Elnusa’s fundamental
Elnusa juga menurun jika di banding kan tahun 2019 performance also decreased when compared to 2019,
di mana per September 2020 pendapatan usaha as of September 2020, the Company’s operating
dan laba Perusahaan dibukukan sebesar Rp5,7 triliun revenues and profits were recorded at Rp5.7 trillion
dan Rp187 miliar atau turun 2,6% dan 21,5%. and Rp187 billion, decreased by 2.6% and 21.5%.
Pergerakan saham ELSA baru menunjukkan The movement of ELSA stocks showed a significant
peningkatan signifikan memasuki kuartal IV/2020 increase in the fourth quarter of 2020 in line with
seiring dengan meningkatnya optimisme pasar increasing optimism on the financial market,
keuangan termasuk IHSG. Pada periode Oktober including the JCI. In October to December period,
hingga Desember ini tingkat harga terendah ELSA ELSA’s lowest price level was Rp194 and the highest
adalah Rp194 dan harga tertinggi Rp392 di bulan price was Rp392 in December, which is the highest
Desember sekaligus merupakan level harga tertinggi price level throughout the year. The average daily
sepanjang tahun. Volume pergerakan harian rata- movement volume in 2020 also increased five times
rata tahun 2020 pun meningkat lima kali lipat to 74 million shares compared to 12 million shares in
menjadi 74 juta lembar saham di banding 12 juta the previous year.
lembar saham tahun sebelumnya.
Kinerja fundamental Elnusa secara full year 2020 Elnusa’s fundamental performance in full year
menurun di banding tahun 2019 terutama pada sisi 2020 decreased compared to 2019, especially in
laba bersih yang mengalami penurunan sebesar net profit, which decreased by 30% y-o-y to Rp249
30% y-o-y menjadi Rp249 miliar. Pendapatan usaha billion. Operating revenues recorded a decrease of
mencatatkan penurunan 8% y-o-y di banding tahun 8% y-o-y compared to the previous year to Rp7.7
sebelumnya menjadi sebesar Rp7,7 triliun. Penurunan trillion. The decline in Elnusa’s performance in 2020
kinerja Elnusa di tahun 2020 ini merupakan dampak was the impact of the triple shock experienced by
dari triple shock yang dialami Perusahaan sepanjang the Company throughout the year, among others
tahun yaitu penurunan harga minyak mentah dunia, the decline in world crude oil prices, fluctuations in
fluktuasi nilai rupiah di banding US dollar dan juga the value of the rupiah compared to the US dollar
pandemic Covid-19 yang memukul demand industry. and also the Covid-19 pandemic that hit industrial
Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sept-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20
Close Volume
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 21
Performance Highlights
Secara keseluruhan kinerja saham ELSA pada Thus, ELSA’s stock performance at the close of
penutupan perdagangan tahun 2020 mengalami trading in 2020 increased by 17% closing at Rp352
peningkatan sebesar 17% sehingga ditutup pada compared to the opening price at the beginning of the
harga Rp352 di banding pembukaan awal tahun year which was Rp302. ELSA’s market capitalization
yang sebesar Rp302. Kapitalisasi pasar ELSA pada at the end of 2020 was Rp2.5 trillion compared to
akhir tahun 2020 sebesar Rp2,5 triliun di banding the previous year of Rp2.2 trillion.
Rp2,2 triliun tahun sebelumnya.
Secara valuasi multiple harga, di akhir tahun 2020 In multiple price valuations, at the end of 2020 with
dengan Earnings Per Share sebesar Rp34 per lembar Earnings Per Share of Rp34 per share, ELSA shares
maka saham ELSA memiliki nilai P/E sebesar 7 kali have a P/E value of 7 times and P/B of 0.7 times.
dan P/B sebesar 0,7 kali. Nilai yang sebetulnya sangat The very attractive value and is an undervalued for
menarik dan merupakan nilai yang undervalue bagi investors considering that ELSA is the main energy
investor mengingat ELSA merupakan Perusahaan services company in Indonesia which still has the
jasa energi utama di Indonesia yang masih memiliki potential to grow that other similar companies in
potensi pertumbuhan yang tidak dimiliki Perusahaan Indonesia does not have.
lain sejenis di Indonesia.
Tidak terdapat aksi korporasi seperti aksi pemecahan There was no corporate actions such as stock split,
saham (stock split), penggabungan saham (reverse reverse stock, bonus shares, or a decrease in the
stock), saham bonus, maupun penurunan nilai nominal value of shares in the last two years.
nominal saham, dalam dua tahun terakhir.
Perseroan menerbitkan Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan The Company issued Sustainable Sukuk Ijarah
1 Tahap ke satu 2020 (Sukuk) senilai Rp700 miliar 1 Phase I in 2020 (Sukuk) amounted to Rp700
untuk jangka waktu 5 tahun dengan cicilan imbal billion for 5 years with ijarah installment yield of
hasil ijarah sebesar 9% per tahun. Penawaran 9% per year. This Sukuk Offering was supported
Sukuk ini didukung oleh empat penjamin emisi by four underwriter as follows Mandiri Sekuritas,
yaitu Mandiri Sekuritas, Danareksa Sekuritas, Indo Danareksa Sekuritas, Indo Premier Sekuritas, and
Premier Sekuritas dan Trimegah Sekuritas. Sukuk Trimegah Sekuritas. This sukuk was officially listed in
ini secara resmi dicatatkan di Bursa Efek Indonesia Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) on August 12, 2020.
(BEI) tanggal 12 Agustus 2020.
22 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
7 Januari 2020 I January 7, 2020 20 Januari 2020 I January 20, 2020 17 Februari 2020 I February 17, 2020
Perseroan melalui Anak Usahanya PT Perseroan melalui Anak Usahanya Perseroan membukukan pendapatan
Elnusa Petrofin, Sukseskan Satgas PT Elnusa Petrofin Gelar Go Live usaha konsolidasi 2019 dengan hasil
Nataru Pertamina (Persero). Project Pemakaian H2S Scavenger & positif tumbuh 27% (year on year/
The Company, through its subsidiary, Performance Base H2S di Pertamina yoy) dibandingkan perolehan tahun
PT Elnusa Petrofin, Succeeds the EP Asset 3 Tabun Field. lalu sebesar Rp6,6 triliun.
Nataru Pertamina (Persero) Task The Company through its subsidiary The company recorded 2019
Force. PT Elnusa Petrofin Held a Go Live consolidated operating revenues
Project Utiliztion of H2S Scavenger & with positive results, grew by 27%
H2S Performance Base at Pertamina (yoy) compared to the previous year
EP Asset 3 Tabun Field. of Rp6.6 trillion.
22 Februari 2020 I February 22, 2020 1 Maret 2020 I March 1, 2020 3 Maret 2020 I March 3, 2020
Perseroan terus tingkatkan budaya Perseroan melalui Anak Usahanya Perseroan melalui Anak
keselamatan kerja pada berbagai lini PT Elnusa Petrofin menggelar GO- U s a h a n y a PT Elnusa Petrofin
kegiatan operasionalnya. Mengambil Live Vendor Held Stock (VHS) untuk mendukung Pertamina (Persero)
momen pada bulan kesehatan dan Group PT Gunung Bayan Resources. dalam Meningkatkan Ketahanan
keselamatan kerja (K3) nasional The Company, through its subsidiary, Energi Nasional dengan Menggelar
dengan menyelenggarakan Defensive PT Elnusa Petrofin, held a GO-Live Peresmian SPBE di Bima Nusa
& Responsible Driving Festival atau Vendor Held Stock (VHS) for the PT Tenggara Barat.
EDRD Festival, di Sirkuit Sentul. Gunung Bayan Resources Group. The Company through its subsidiary,
The Company continues to improve PT Elnusa Petrofin suppor ts
the work safety culture in various Pertamina (Persero) in Increasing
lines of its operational activities. At National Energy Security by Holding
the national occupational health and the Inauguration of SPBE in Bima,
safety (OHS) month the Company West Nusa Tenggara.
held the Defensive & Responsible
Driving Festival or EDRD Festival, at
the Sentul Circuit.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 23
Performance Highlights
10 Maret 2020 I March 10, 2020 22 Mei 2020 I May 22, 2020 27 Mei 2020 I May 27, 2020
Perseroan menyerahkan bantuan Perseroan menyalurkan bantuan Di tengah Pandemi, Perseroan dukung
Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) sebagai Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) juga hand Penuh Penyelesaian Survei Seismik
dukungan penanganan wabah virus sanitizer menuju deretan fasilitas KKP Jambi Merang, tengah layarkan
Corona (Covid-19) ke PT Pertamina kesehatan (faskes) yang menangani Elsa Regent, kapal survei seismik
Bina Medika (Pertamedika), di Graha pasien Covid-19 di wilayah Indonesia. terbesar berbendera Indonesia,
Elnusa, Jakarta. Penyerahan APD The Company distributed Personal untuk mendukung kegiatan eksplorasi
diberikan langsung oleh Direktur Protective Equipment (PPE) and hand Komitmen Kerja Pasti (KKP) Jambi
Keuangan Elnusa kepada Direktur sanitizers to health facilities that Merang di wilayah terbuka Indonesia
Utama Pertamedika. handle Covid-19 patients in Indonesia. sejak pertengahan November 2019.
The Company distributed Personal During the Pandemic, the Company
P ro t e c t i v e E q u i p m e n t ( P P E ) fully supports the Jambi Merang
assistance to support the handling KKP Seismic Survey Completion, to
of the Corona virus (Covid-19) deploying Elsa Regent, the largest
outbreak to PT Pertamina Bina seismic survey vessel with an
Medika (Pertamedika), at Graha Indonesian flag, to support Jambi
Elnusa, Jakarta. The PPE was given Merang’s Definite Work Commitment
directly by the Director of Finance of of the exploration activities in
Elnusa to the President Director of open areas of Indonesia since mid-
Pertamedika. November 2019.
16 Juni 2020 I June 16, 2020 16 Juni 2020 I June 16, 2020 8 Juli 2020 I July 8, 2020
Perseroan tingkatkan kewaspadaan Perseroan mencatatkan kinerja Perseroan menggelar Rapat Umum
penyebaran infeksi Covid-19 dengan positifnya dengan membukukan Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST)
melakukan tanggap darurat Covid-19 Pendapatan usaha tumbuh 8,1% year tahun buku 2019 di Ruang Udaya,
di Graha Elnusa. Tanggap darurat ini on year (yoy), dari Rp1,9 triliun pada Graha Elnusa – Jakarta dengan
merupakan mitigasi infeksi Covid-19 kuartal I 2019 menjadi Rp2,06 triliun RUPST menyetujui perubahan
atas mulai kembalinya aktivitas pada kuartal I 2020. susunan pengurus Perseroan untuk
bekerja di Graha Elnusa, Jakarta, The Company recorded a positive anggota Dewan Komisaris maupun
sejak 8 Juni 2020. performance by operating income Direksi.
The Company is increasing awareness achievement grew by 8.1% year on The Company held an Annual General
of the spread of Covid-19 by carried year (yoy), from Rp1.9 trillion in the Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) for
out an emergency response to first quarter of 2019 to Rp2.06 trillion the 2019 fiscal year in Udaya Room,
Covid-19 at Graha Elnusa. This in the first quarter of 2020. Graha Elnusa - Jakarta with the
emergency response was a mitigation resolution to approved changes in
of Covid-19 due to the resumption the composition of the Company’s
of work activities at Graha Elnusa, management for members of the
Jakarta, since June 8, 2020. Board of Commissioners and Board
of Directors.
24 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Perseroan melalui Anak Usahanya Perseroan menutup kinerja keuangan semester I 2020 dengan capaian yang
PT Elnusa Petrofin gelar kegiatan cukup menggembirakan. Triple shock yang menjadi tantangan utama kinerja
CSR dengan membagikan 31.059 Elnusa berhasil dilalui dengan baik. Pendapatan usaha meningkat 3,3% year
Buku Sebagai Wujud Syukur dalam on year (yoy), dari Rp3,8 triliun pada semester I 2019 menjadi Rp3,9 triliun pada
Peringatah HUT ke 24 PT Elnusa semester I 2020. Laba bruto tumbuh 9,6% dari Rp383 miliar menjadi Rp419
Petrofin. miliar. Sementara laba operasi naik signifikan 10% dari Rp236 miliar menjadi
The Company through its subsidiary, Rp260 miliar.
PT Elnusa Petrofin held CSR activity The Company closed its first semester in 2020 financial performance with an
by distributed 31,059 Books as a excellent achievements. The triple shock which was the main challenges for
Gratitude in Commemoration of Elnusa’s performance was successfully addressed. Operating income increased
the 24th Anniversary of PT Elnusa by 3.3% year on year (yoy), from Rp3.8 trillion in the first semester of 2019 to
Petrofin. Rp3.9 trillion in the first semester of 2020. Gross profit grew by 9.6% from Rp383
billion to Rp419 billion. Meanwhile, operating income increased significantly by
10% from Rp236 billion to Rp260 billion.
5 Agustus 2020 I August 5, 2020 11 Agustus 2020 I August 11, 2020 12 Agustus I August 12, 2020
Perseroan mendapatkan apresiasi Perseroan Dukung Riset EOR di Perseroan menerbitkan Sukuk Ijarah
dari SKK Migas dan PHE atas Tempino Field-Jambi, Berangkatkan Berkelanjutan I Tahap ke satu 2020
Dukungan Terhadap Survei Seismik Vibroseis (Sukuk) senilai Rp700 miliar untuk
KKP Jambi Merang. The Company sent Vibroseis to jangka waktu 5 tahun dengan cicilan
The Company supported by SKK support EOR Research at Tempino imbal hasil ijarah sebesar 9,00%
Migas and PHE for the Jambi Merang Field-Jambi. (Sembilan persen) per tahun. Sukuk
KKP Seismic Survey. ini secara resmi dicatatkan di Bursa
Efek Indonesia (BEI) hari ini tanggal
12 Agustus 2020.
The Company issued Sustainable
Sukuk Ijarah I Phase I 2020 (Sukuk)
worth Rp700 billion for a period of
5 years with an ijarah yield of 9.00%
(nine percent) per year. This sukuk is
officially listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange (IDX) on August 12, 2020.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 25
Performance Highlights
12 Agustus I August 12, 2020 19 Agustus I August 19, 2020 26 Agustus I August 26, 2020
Perseroan melalui Anak Usahanya Perseroan Tingkatkan Penerapan Perseroan melalui anak usahanya
PT Elnusa Petrofin Perkuat Pasokan GCG dan Raih Sertifikasi SMAP (ISO PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi
Energi di Sektor Industri dengan 37001: 2016 Sistem Manajemen Anti rampungkan fabrikasi Hydraulic
Menggelar Go Live Penyaluran Bio Penyuapan). Workover Unit terbaru untuk dukung
Solar di Kutai Timur. The Company Improved GCG produksi migas nasional. Unit dengan
The Company through its subsidiary, Implementation and Achieved SMAP nama Elnusa Hydraulic Rig 14 atau
PT Elnusa Petrofin Strengthens Certification (ISO 37001: 2016 Anti- EHR-14, merupakan unit ketiga yang
Energy Supply in the Industrial Sector Bribery Management System). sepenuhnya difabrikasi oleh anak
by held a Go Live for the Distribution bangsa. Peralatan hydraulic rig dalam
of Bio Solar in East Kutai. dunia migas biasanya digunakan
untuk kerja ulang sumur sehingga
mendukung peningkatan produksi
migas. Peralatan ini tidak hanya
bisa digunakan untuk sumur migas,
melainkan juga telah terbukti pada
sumur geotermal.
The Company through its subsidiary,
PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi,
completed the fabrication of the
newest Hydraulic Workover Unit
to support national oil and gas
production. The unit, named Elnusa
Hydraulic Rig 14 or EHR-14, is the third
fully fabricated unit by the nation.
Hydraulic rig equipment in the oil
and gas is usually used to rework
wells to support increased oil and gas
production. This equipment can not
only be used for oil and gas wells, but
has also been proven in geothermal
27 Agustus I August 27, 2020 8 September 2020 I September 8, 2020
26 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
9 September 2020 I September 9, 2020 9 September 2020 I September 9, 2020 9 September 2020 I September 9, 2020
Perseroan melalui Anak Usahanya PT Usia 51 Tahun, Perseroan Gelar Aksi Peluncuran Wajah Baru Website
Elnusa Petrofin, Sukseskan Satgas Sosial Hingga Pelestarian Alam. Perseroan.
Nataru Pertamina (Persero). At its 51th, the Company held social Launched the New Face of the
The Company through its subsidiary, actions to nature conservation. Company’s Website.
PT Elnusa Petrofin Supports
Pertamina (Persero) by holding the
Perseroan PGNCOM Lakukan Perseroan raih kembali sertifikasi International Organization for Standardization
Kesepahaman Bisnis ICT untuk (ISO) series Sistem Manajemen Terintegrasinya pada awal Oktober 2020.
Dukung Sinergi Pertamina Group. Raihan re-sertifikasi ISO series ini meliputi ISO 9001:2015 Sistem Manajemen
P G N CO M an d t h e Co mpany Mutu, ISO 14001:2015 Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan, ISO 45001:2018 Sistem
Conducted MoU of ICT Business to Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, dan ISO 55001:2014 Sistem
Support Pertamina Group Synergy. Manajemen Asset, serta sertifikasi yang baru diperoleh pada agustus 2020
yaitu ISO 37001: 2016 Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan.
The Company obtained the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) series Integrated Management System certification in early October 2020.
The ISO series re-certification achievements included ISO 9001: 2015 Quality
Management System, ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System,
ISO 45001: 2018 Management System Occupational Health and Safety, and
ISO 55001: 2014 Asset Management System, and the new certification obtained
in August 2020, namely ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Bribery Management System.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 27
Performance Highlights
Perseroan melalui Anak Usahanya Perseroan melalui Anak Usahanya PT Perseroan melalui Anak Usahanya PT
PT Elnusa Petrofin Gelar Kegiatan Elnusa Petrofin Dukung Pertamina Elnusa Petrofin Gelar Go-Live VHS
CSR dengan melakukan Pembagian dalam Menjaga Ketahanan Energi untuk PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals
Alat Kebersihan dan Santunan ke dengan Menggelar Go-Live Project (NHM) di Halmahera, Maluku Utara.
Puluhan Rumah Ibadah di Beberapa Sistem Pola Tarif di 11 Titik Wilayah The Company through its subsidiary,
Titik Wilayah Indonesia. Malirja. PT Elnusa Petrofin held Go-Live VHS
The Company, through its subsidiary The Company through its subsidiary, for PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals
PT Elnusa Petrofin, held CSR activity PT Elnusa Petrofin Supports (NHM) in Halmahera, North Maluku.
by distributed cleaning equipment Pertamina in Maintaining Energy
and compensation to worship houses Security by held a Go-Live Project for
in several points in Indonesia. the Tariff Pattern System at 11 Points
in the Malirja Region.
4 November 2020 I November 4, 2020 22 November 2020 I November 22, 2020 30 November 2020 I November 30, 2020
Perseroan di usia 51 tahun semakin Perseroan dan Pertamina EP Resilience dengan Diversifikasi
percaya diri dalam memberikan Tuntas kan Pem a s a n g a n S P M Portofolio, Perseroan Catatkan
layanan jasa energi melalui total Sukowati Field Tanpa Stop Produksi. Kinerja Positif Kuartal III 2020.
solution services. Lima puluh satu The Company and Pertamina EP Resilience with Portfolio
tahun perjalanan yang telah dilalui Completed Installation of SPM Diversification, the Company recorded
ELNUSA bukanlah perjalanan yang Sukowati Field Without Stopping a Positive Performance in the Third
monoton. Berbagai tantangan Production. Quarter of 2020.
perubahan zaman dan krisis yang
menghadang memaksa perusahaan
berubah dan bertransformasi.
At its 51th, the Company is increasingly
confident in providing energy services
through total solution services. Fifty-
one years of journey that ELNUSA has
passed is not a monotonous journey.
Various challenges of different era
and crises forced the companies to
change and transform.
28 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
4 Desember 2020 I December 4, 2020 8 Desember 2020 I December 8, 2020 10 Desember 2020 I December 10, 2020
Perseroan bersama dengan PT Perseroan terus bersinergi dalam Siap Genjot Pertumbuhan Kinerja,
Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Jambi mendukung ketahanan energi dalam Perseroan Tandatangani Kredit Bank
Merang dan Institut Teknologi negeri. Perseroan dan Litbang ICBC USD 20 Juta.
Bandung (ITB) dalam melakukan ESDM untuk Indonesia Maju. Melalui Ready to Boost Performance Growth,
survei Line Test Vibroseis 2D yang penandatanganan Memorandum the Company Signed Bank ICBC
bersifat semi riset sebagai langkah of Understanding (MoU) dengan Credit of USD 20 Million.
awal untuk menunjang pencarian badan penelitian dan pengembangan
adanya potensi minyak dan gas bumi. (Litbang) ESDM mengenai “Kegiatan
The Company with PT Pertamina Geoteknikal dengan Pemanfaatan
Hulu Energi (PHE) Jambi Merang and Kapal Milik ESDM”.
the Bandung Institute of Technology The Company continues to synergized
(ITB) conducted a semi-research in supporting domestic energy
2D Vibroseis Line Test survey as the security. The Company and Energy
first step to support the search for & Mineral Resources Research and
potential oil and gas. Development for Advanced Indonesia.
Through the signing of a Memorandum
of Understanding (MoU) with the
Energy & Mineral Resources research
and development agency (R & D)
regarding “Geotechnical Activities
through ESDM Owned Vessels
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 29
Management Report
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30 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Management Report
1 Agus Prabowo
Komisaris Utama
President Commissioner
2 Lusiaga Levi Susila
Komisaris Independen
Independent Commissioner
3 Anis Baridwan
Komisaris Independen
Independent Commissioner
4 Antonius Ratdomopurbo
*Photoshoot dilakukan dengan mengikuti Protokol Kesehatan yang ketat
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
Photoshoot held by following a strict Health Protocol
PT Elnusa Tbk
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Management Report
Agus Prabowo
Komisaris Utama
President Commissioner
34 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Para Pemegang Saham dan Pemangku Kepentingan Dear Shareholders and Stakeholders,
yang terhormat,
Puji syukur kita panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, Praise and gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT,
Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, yang telah memberikan Almighty God, for all His abundant blessing to PT
banyak karunia kepada PT Elnusa Tbk (“Perseroan”). Elnusa Tbk (“the Company”). Throughout 2020
Sepanjang tahun 2020 Perseroan mencatat kinerja the Company recorded good performance amidst
yang baik di tengah berbagai kendala yang mewarnai various challenges that occurred in the Company’s
perjalanan Perseroan di tahun 2020 ini. Selanjutnya journey in 2020. Furthermore, allow us to present
izinkan kami menyampaikan laporan pengawasan our supervisory report on the Company’s operations
terhadap operasional Perseroan di tahun buku 2020 in the 2020 fiscal year as a part of the duties and
yang merupakan bagian dari pelaksanaan tugas dan responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners.
tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris.
Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) The 2019 Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic
memberikan pengaruh yang luar biasa kepada has had a tremendous impact on the dynamics of the
dinamika perekonomian dunia 2020, termasuk 2020 global economy, including Indonesia. This not
Indonesia. Kondisi ini kemudian tidak hanya only caused a health and humanitarian crisis but also
menimbulkan krisis kesehatan dan kemanusiaan, resulted in an economic crisis and increased poverty
tetapi juga mengakibatkan krisis ekonomi dan in various countries. Economic growth contracted in
meningkatkan kemiskinan di berbagai negara. both developed and developing countries in the first
Pertumbuhan ekonomi terkontraksi dalam, baik di semester of 2020. In line with the Covid-19 handling,
negara maju maupun berkembang, pada semester increased mobility, and the impact of policy stimulus,
I 2020. Sejalan dengan kemajuan penanganan the global economic performance began to improve
Covid-19, peningkatan mobilitas, dan dampak in the second semester of 2020. Economic growth
stimulus kebijakan, kinerja perekonomian global contraction was decreased in several countries, such
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Management Report
mulai membaik pada semester II 2020. Kontraksi as the US and the European Region, even China
pertumbuhan ekonomi di beberapa negara economy began to grow positively. Thus, global
berkurang, seperti AS dan Kawasan Eropa, bahkan economic growth was contracted by 3.8% (yoy) in
ekonomi Tiongkok mulai tumbuh positif. Dengan 2020, below 2019 growth of 2.8% (yoy).
perkembangan tersebut, pertumbuhan ekonomi
global secara keseluruhan 2020 diprakirakan
terkontraksi 3,8% (yoy), di bawah pertumbuhan 2019
sebesar 2,8% (yoy).
Covid-19 yang merebak di Indonesia sejak awal The Covid-19 that has hit Indonesia since early March
Maret 2020 memberikan tekanan cukup kuat kepada 2020 has pressured the domestic economy. The
perekonomian domestik. Pengendalian penyebaran Covid-19 spreads controlled through Large-Scale
Covid-19 melalui Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar Social Restrictions (PSBB) which reduces economic
(PSBB) yang mengurangi mobilitas perekonomian, mobility, inevitably impacted the Indonesian
tidak dapat dielakkan membuat perekonomian economy in 2020 to experience a decline far below
Indonesia 2020 turun jauh di bawah lintasan the optimum trajectory of the business and financial
optimum siklus bisnis dan siklus keuangan. Menurut cycle. According to Bank Indonesia, economic growth
Bank Indonesia, pertumbuhan ekonomi tahun 2020 in 2020 was projected to weaken sharply from 5.02%
diprakirakan melemah tajam dari 5,02% (yoy) pada (yoy) in 2019 to a range of -2% to -1% (yoy).
2019 menjadi kisaran -2% hingga -1% (yoy).
Sementara untuk kondisi industri migas pada tahun Meanwhile, for the oil and gas industry in 2020,
2020 dilansir dari Laporan Kinerja Tahun 2020 Ditjen as quoted from the 2020 Performance Report of
Migas, KESDM bahwa asumsi ICP pada tahun 2020 the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Ministry
yang ditetapkan pada Undang Undang APBN tahun of Energy and Mineral Resources that the ICP
2020 yaitu sebesar US$63 per barel, lebih rendah assumption in 2020 as stipulated in the 2020 State
dibandingkan dengan asumsi ICP pada tahun 2019 Budget Law was UDS 63 per barrel, lower than
sebesar US$70 per barel. Namun untuk tahun 2020 the ICP assumption in 2019 of USD 70 per barrel.
ini asumsi ICP mengalami perubahan dikarenakan However, in 2020, the ICP assumption has changed
pandemi Covid-19, sehingga untuk menjaga stabilitas due to the Covid-19 pandemic, to maintain the
perekonomian nasional Pemerintah mengeluarkan stability of the national economy, the Government
Peraturan Presiden Nomor 72 tahun 2020 tentang issued Presidential Regulation Number 72 of 2020
perubahan postur APBN tahun anggaran 2020 di concerning changes in the posture of the 2020 State
mana asumsi ICP menjadi US$33 per barel. Realisasi Budget, and the ICP assumption changed to USD 33
ICP sampai dengan akhir tahun 2020 sangat baik per barrel. The realization of the ICP until the end of
yaitu sebesar US$40,39 per barel sehingga deviasi 2020 was very good, at USD 40.39 per barrel so that
untuk harga minyak mentah/ICP adalah sebesar the deviation for the price of crude oil/ICP was 22%
22% dari target Peraturan Presiden Nomor 72 tahun from the target of Presidential Regulation Number
2020 sebesar US$33 per barel. 72 of 2020 of USD 33 per barrel.
Dilansir dari highlight capaian Hulu Migas 2020 yang As quoted from the highlights of the 2020 Upstream
dikeluarkan oleh SKK Migas bahwa realisasi lifting Oil and Gas achievements issued by SKK Migas,
minyak bumi selama periode Januari-Desember 2020 the realization of oil lifting during the January-
adalah mencapai 706,7 ribu BOPD atau mencapai December 2020 period reached 706.7 thousand
100,2% dibandingkan target tahun 2020 sebesar BOPD or 100.2% compared to the 2020 target
705 ribu BOPD. Sementara untuk lifting gas bumi of 705 thousand BOPD. Meanwhile, gas lifting
sepanjang tahun 2020 mencapai 975,3 MBOEPD throughout 2020 reached 975.3 MBOEPD or 98.3%
atau 98,3% dari target 992 MBOEPD. Faktor yang of the target of 992 MBOEPD. This was due to a
menyebabkan rendahnya capaian realiasi gas bumi natural decline in reservoir performance which has
tahun 2020 antara lain kondisi penurunan reservoir resulted in the natural decline and the discovery of
performance secara alami yang mengakibatkan new large reserves (Directorate General of Oil and
natural decline dan belum juga ditemukannya Gas 2020 Performance Report, KESDM).
cadangan besar baru (Laporan Kinerja Tahun 2020
Ditjen Migas, KESDM).
36 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Pembentukan organ Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi The formation of the Board of Commissioners and
sebagai organ utama dalam Perusahaan merupakan the Board of Directors as the main organs of the
bagian dari kepatuhan terhadap peraturan dan Company is part of compliance with the prevailing
perundang-undangan yang berlaku, khususnya laws and regulations, in particular, Law No. 40 of
Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies. The
Perseroan Terbatas. Direksi berperan mengelola Board of Directors has the role to manage the
operasi dan bisnis Perusahaan, sedangkan Dewan operations and business of the Company, while the
Komisaris memiliki peran untuk mengawasi Board of Commissioners has the role of supervising
pengelolaan operasi dan bisnis yang dijalankan the management of operations and business carried
Direksi. out by the Board of Directors.
Hubungan kerja antara kedua organ ini dibangun Work relations between these two organs are
dengan saling menghormati antar keduanya. built with mutual respect. There are boundaries
Terdapat batasan dari tanggung jawab dan peran between the responsibilities and roles of the Board
yang dijalankan baik oleh Dewan Komisaris maupun of Commissioners and the Board of Directors. The
Direksi. Dewan Komisaris bertugas melakukan Board of Commissioners is in charge of supervising
pengawasan atas jalannya pengurusan Perusahaan the management of the Company and business
dan kelompok usaha oleh Direksi, memberi groups by the Board of Directors, advising the
nasihat kepada Direksi, serta memastikan bahwa Board of Directors, and ensuring that the Company
Perusahaan melaksanakan Tata Kelola Perusahaan implements Good Corporate Governance (GCG).
yang Baik, atau Good Corporate Governance (GCG).
Bentuk pengawasan dilakukan melalui rapat-rapat In carrying out supervisory function, the Board
yang diadakan Dewan Komisaris, baik rapat internal of Commissioners held meetings, both internal
maupun rapat gabungan dengan mengundang meetings and joint meetings by inviting the Board
Direksi atau menghadiri undangan dari Direksi. Di of Directors or attending an invitation from the
sepanjang tahun 2020, Dewan Komisaris menggelar Board of Directors. Throughout 2020, the Board of
17 (tujuh belas) kali rapat internal dan 16 (enam Commissioners held 17 (seventeen) internal meetings
belas) kali Rapat Gabungan dengan mengundang and 16 (sixteen) Joint Meetings by inviting the Board
Direksi. Rapat-rapat tersebut menjadi forum of Directors. These meetings are the forum for the
bagi Dewan Komisaris untuk melakukan evaluasi Board of Commissioners to conduct intensive and
intensif dan mendalam terhadap kemajuan in-depth evaluations of the Company’s operations
operasi dan bisnis Perusahaan, pengembangan and business, development and handling of
dan penanganan permasalahan, penerapan GCG, problems, GCG implementation, Human Resources
pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM), serta (HR) management, and information & technology
sistem informasi & teknologi. systems.
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Management Report
Dewan Komisaris melakukan penilaian terhadap The Board of Commissioners assesses the
kinerja Direksi yang meliputi aspek operasional, performance of the Board of Directors including
keuangan dan aspek lainnya yang berkaitan erat operational, financial, and other aspects related
bagi keberlanjutan kegiatan usaha Perseroan. Dasar to the sustainability of the Company’s business
penilaian Dewan Komisaris terhadap kinerja Direksi activities. The assessment basis for the Board
tentunya tidak terlepas dari tingkat keberhasilan of Commissioners of the Board of Directors’
Direksi dalam merealisir Key Performance Indicator performance is inseparable from the level of
maupun RKAP Perseroan tahun 2020 seperti yang success of the Board of Directors in realizing Key
direncanakan pada awal tahun. Performance Indicators and the Company’s RKAP in
2020 as planned at the beginning of the year.
Dewan Komisaris mengapresiasi kinerja Direksi The Board of Commissioners appreciates the Board
dalam hal pencapaian RKAP 2020 di tengah kondisi of Directors’ performance in achieving the 2020
triple shock yang dihadapi Perseroan semasa wabah RKAP amidst the triple shock conditions faced by
ini yakni pertama penurunan penjualan volume BBM the Company during the pandemic, first, the decline
karena penerapan PSBB di beberapa kota besar di in fuel volume sales due to the implementation of
Indonesia yang berdampak terhadap kinerja Bisnis PSBB in several major cities in Indonesia which has
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi Perseroan, kedua impacted the performance of the Company’s Energy
fluktuasi nilai tukar rupiah dan ketiga fluktuasi harga Distribution and Logistics Services Business; second,
minyak dunia. Merupakan hal yang patut disyukuri fluctuations in the rupiah exchange rate; and third,
bahwa Perseroan berhasil mewujudkan kinerja fluctuation in world oil prices. We are beyond grateful,
operasional dan keuangan yang cukup bagus di that the Company has succeeded in realizing a good
tahun 2020, serta mempertahankan pertumbuhan operational and financial performance in 2020, and
di tengah dinamika tersebut. maintaining growth amidst these dynamics.
Untuk aspek HSSE merupakan salah satu aspek HSSE is one of the main aspects of the Company’s
utama dari proses bisnis Perseroan. Setiap prosedur business processes. Every procedure and stage of
dan tahapan kerja di seluruh kegiatan Perseroan work in all of the Company’s activities are carried
dijalankan sesuai aturan dan pedoman HSSE yang out under the applicable HSSE rules and guidelines.
berlaku. Pada tahun 2020, jumlah manhour yang In 2019, the number of manhours achieved by the
dicapai oleh Perseroan Grup mencapai 34,6 juta Company Group reached 34.6 million manhours with
manhours dengan Zero Fatality dan Zero Lost Time zero fatality and Zero Lost Time Injury. The Company
Injury. Perseroan tetap konsisten dengan sigap remains consistent and actively raises awareness of
dan aktif meningkatkan kepeduliannya terhadap the implementation of HSSE as the work culture of
implementasi HSSE sebagai budaya kerja setiap every employee of the Company.
insan Perseroan.
Dalam aspek keuangan, pendapatan konsolidasi In the financial aspect, the Company’s consolidated
Perseroan mencapai Rp7,7 triliun dengan distribusi revenue reached Rp7.7 trillion with a contribution
kontribusi 53% Jasa Hulu Migas, 43% Jasa distribution of 53% Upstream Oil and Gas Services,
Distribusi & Logistik Energi dan 4% Jasa Penunjang 43% Energy Distribution & Logistics Services, and
Migas. Meskipun pencapaian tahun ini menurun 4% Oil and Gas Support Services. Even though
dibandingkan pencapaian tahun lalu, namun this achievement has decreased compared to the
pencapaian tahun ini lebih tinggi 8% dari target previous year’s achievement, this achievement
revisi RKAP 2020 yang merupakan catatan tersendiri was 8% higher than the revised 2020 RKAP target
di tengah keadaan yang luar biasa dengan adanya which was a separate note during extraordinary
pandemi Covid-19. Begitupun halnya dengan laba circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic. Likewise,
bersih konsolidasi dibandingkan dengan target revisi the consolidated net profit compared to the revised
RKAP 2020 juga berhasil dibukukan pertumbuhan RKAP 2020 target also grew by 11.7% or Rp249 billion.
38 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
sebesar 11,7% atau Rp249 miliar. Pencapaian ini This achievement shows the ability of the Board
menunjukkan kemampuan Direksi yang baik dalam of Directors to carry out the necessary strategic
membuat perubahan-perubahan strategi yang changes to respond quickly to the challenges.
diperlukan untuk merespon cepat tantangan yang
Dari sisi aspek operasional sebagaimana kita From the operational aspect, as we all know, in
ketahui bersama bahwa pada tahun 2020 fluktuasi 2020 oil price fluctuations are still homework for
harga minyak masih menjadi pekerjaan rumah bagi the upstream oil and gas industry. The average oil
industri hulu migas. Rerata harga minyak tahun price in 2020 did not improve from 2019. In terms
2020 tidak lebih baik dibandingkan tahun 2019. of the Upstream Oil and Gas Services business,
Dari sisi bisnis Jasa Hulu Migas diantaranya Elnusa Elnusa has reached 32,000 km of the Jambi Merang
berhasil mencapai 32.000 km survei seismik 2D Definite Work Commitment (KKP) 2D seismic survey,
Komitmen Kerja Pasti (KKP) Jambi Merang yang which was the largest seismic survey in Asia Pacific
merupakan survei seismik terbesar se-Asia Pasifik in the last 10 years. Another achievement was
dalam 10 tahun terakhir. Pencapaian lainnya adalah carrying out HWU Drilling (1,215 m) in Mahakam
melakukan HWU Drilling (1.215 m) di Mahakam yang which was the first HWU Drilling in Indonesia. The
merupakan HWU Drilling pertama di Indonesia. achievement in the Energy Distribution & Logistics
Pada bisnis Jasa Distribusi & Logistik Energi, Services business, among others, the management
pencapaian diantaranya pengelolaan 5 depo baru of 5 new depots and the completion of the first EOR
dan penyelesaian EOR injeksi polymer chemical polymer chemical injection in Indonesia. While, the
pertama di Indonesia. Sedangkan untuk kinerja Anak performance achievement of Subsidiaries engaged
Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Jasa Penunjang in Oil and Gas Support Services, including 100%
Migas pencapaian yang diraih antara lain 100% support from M/V Elsa Regent in the 2D seismic
dukungan M/V Elsa Regent dalam survei seismik survey of the Jambi Merang KKP and fabricating
2D KKP Jambi Merang dan melakukan fabrikasi heavy equipment such as Hydraulic Rig, Triplex Pump,
alat berat seperti Hydraulic Rig, Triplex Pump dan Air and Air Receiver Tank and occupancy reached 100%
Receiver Tank serta okupansi yang mencapai 100% for document storage, core, and general assets. In
untuk penyimpanan dokumen, core maupun general the Continues Improvement program (CIP), Elnusa
aset. Dalam hal Continues Improvement Program Group innovations was able to resulted 200 CIP
(CIP), inovasi Elnusa Group mampu menghasilkan treatises with the estimation of value creation
200 risalah CIP dengan estimasi value creation reached Rp549 billion. From the overall treatises, 3
mencapai Rp549 miliar. Dari keseluruhan risalah, 13 best innovations of Elnusa has included in UIIA 2020
inovasi terbaik Elnusa masuk dalam UIIA 2020 dan and 3 innovations obtained Platinum category.
3 inovasi mendapatkan kategori Platinum.
Dalam pandangan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi telah The Board of Commissioners believes, the Board of
melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik. Dewan Directors has carried out its duties very well. The
Komisaris menilai bahwa di tengah guncangan Board of Commissioners considers that amidst
dahsyat akibat pandemi Covid-19, Direksi tetap the devastating shocks caused by the Covid-19
mampu melakukan penyesuaian dan transformasi pandemic, the Board of Directors was still able
yang flexible dan adaptif dengan mempercepat to make flexible and adaptive adjustments and
perubahan budaya kerja baru, automasi dan transformations by accelerating changes in new
digitalisasi senantiasa dapat dieksekusi dengan apik. work cultures, automation, and digitalization can
Meskipun seiring berjalannya waktu tantangan yang always be executed properly. Although the challenges
muncul di sepanjang tahun senantiasa berubah, hal throughout the year continue to change, the Board
ini mampu disikapi dengan baik oleh Direksi dengan of Directors was able to overcome by formulated
merumuskan dan menerapkan terobosan yang tepat and implemented the right breakthroughs.
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Management Report
Kunci utama dari keberhasilan manajemen untuk The main key to the success of management in
memenuhi target dan evaluasi kinerja adalah achieving targets and performance evaluation is
kolaborasi yang harmonis antara Dewan Komisaris a harmonious collaboration between the Board of
dan Direksi. Dewan Komisaris senantiasa Commissioners and the Board of Directors. The
memberikan perhatian penting pada pengawasan Board of Commissioners always pays high attention
pelaksanaan strategi yang disusun oleh Direksi. to supervise the implementation of the strategies
Hal ini sejalan dengan peran Dewan Komisaris by the Board of Directors. This is in line with the role
untuk memastikan bahwa pelaksanaan strategi of the Board of Commissioners to ensure that the
Perseroan berada di jalur yang tepat tanpa implementation of the Company’s strategy is on the
mengesampingkan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan right track without compromising compliance with
yang berlaku. Kewenangan Dewan Komisaris applicable regulations. The authority of the Board
dalam melakukan pengawasan atas aktivitas of Commissioners in supervising the Company’s
operasional Perseroan didasarkan pada Undang- operational activities is based on the Law, Articles
Undang, Anggaran Dasar, Code of Conduct GCG, of Association, GCG Code of Conduct, and the
serta pedoman kerja yang dimiliki Perseroan. Company’s work guidelines.
Dalam menyikapi kondisi industri migas yang masih In responding to the dynamic conditions of the
dinamis sepanjang tahun 2020 ditambah dengan oil and gas industry throughout 2020, with the
adanya pandemi Covid-19, Dewan Komisaris Covid-19 pandemic, the Board of Commissioners
memberikan apresiasi atas langkah-langkah appreciates the strategic steps by the Board of
strategis yang dijalankan oleh Direksi. Strategi Directors. The operation excellence strategy through
operation excellence melalui strategi sourcing the procurement sourcing strategy by opening
pengadaan dengan membuka peluang pemasok baru opportunities for new suppliers, especially producers,
utamanya produsen serta strategi productivity and and the productivity and asset optimization strategy
asset optimization dinilai baik oleh Dewan Komisaris is considered good by the Board of Commissioners
karena mampu meningkatkan efisiensi operasional due to its ability to increase operational efficiency
dan pengelolaan risiko yang cukup efektif. Strategi and effective risk management. The portfolio
diversifikasi portofolio masih tetap dijalankan karena diversification strategy implementation was still
strategi ini yang menjadi kunci utama peningkatan running because this strategy is the key to improve
kinerja sejak tiga tahun terakhir. Strategi ini juga performance for the last three years. This strategy
berhasil menguatkan Elnusa kembali sebagai has also succeeded in strengthening Elnusa as an
entitas dan juga sebagai perusahaan yang menjadi entity and also as a part of the Pertamina Group. The
bagian dari Pertamina Group. Kinerja segmen Jasa performance of the Energy Distribution & Logistics
Distribusi & Logistik Energi tetap kokoh, Jasa Hulu Services segment remains strong, Upstream Oil and
Migas semakin membaik dan Jasa Penunjang Migas Gas Services are getting better, and Oil and Gas
membuat Elnusa utuh sebagai perusahaan jasa Support Services has completed Elnusa as an energy
energi yang memberikan solusi total. services company that provides total solutions.
Atas dasar ini, selama tahun 2020, Dewan Komisaris Therefore, throughout 2020, the Board of
telah berupaya sebaik-baiknya untuk memastikan Commissioners was fully strived to ensure that the
pengawasan terhadap strategi tersebut agar supervision of this strategy runs properly. Periodically,
dapat berjalan dengan baik. Secara berkala, Dewan the Board of Commissioners attends Joint Meetings
Komisaris menghadiri Rapat Gabungan Dewan of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of
Komisaris dan Direksi dengan agenda pemaparan Directors with an agenda of disclosing information
informasi terkait kinerja Perseroan. Selain itu, related to the Company’s performance. Besides,
Dewan Komisaris juga melakukan pertemuan dalam the Board of Commissioners also holds meetings to
hal terdapat pembahasan yang bersifat penting dan discuss any important and emergency matters that
darurat atau hal yang membutuhkan persetujuan require the approval of the Board of Commissioners.
Dewan Komisaris. Dewan Komisaris juga melakukan The Board of Commissioners also conducts factual
kunjungan faktual baik secara langsung maupun visits to the Subsidiaries to directly verify the reports
virtual ke Anak Perusahaan sebagai upaya verifikasi presented by the Board of Directors holistically. In
secara langsung atas laporan yang dipaparkan Direksi particular, the supervisory function of the Board of
40 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
secara holistik. Pada khususnya, fungsi pengawasan Commissioners has been significantly enhanced. In
Dewan Komisaris senantiasa ditingkatkan secara practice, the Board of Commissioners also strives to
signifikan. Dalam praktiknya, Dewan Komisaris maintain intensive communication with the Board
juga berupaya menjaga komunikasi yang intensif of Directors so that the supervision of operational
dengan Direksi agar pengawasan terhadap aspek aspects can be more focused and prepared.
operasional dapat berjalan lebih terfokus dan
Berdasarkan pencapaian yang diraih pada tahun Based on the achievements in 2020, the Board of
2020, Dewan Komisaris menilai Direksi telah Commissioners assesses that the Board of Directors
melakukan strategi usaha yang tepat dan sesuai has implemented a business strategy appropriately
dengan yang telah ditetapkan dalam rencana and in line with the Company’s plan and is adaptive
Perseroan serta cukup adaptif menghadapi to overcome the challenges throughout 2020,
tantangan yang terjadi sepanajng tahun 2020 especially those caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
terutama yang diakibatkan pandemi Covid-19.
Selain menjalankan peran pengawasan, Dewan Besides carrying out their supervisory role, the Board
Komisaris maupun Komite Penunjang Dewan of Commissioners and the Supporting Committees
Komisaris berkewajiban menyelenggarakan rapat are obliged to hold regular meetings to provide
rutin untuk memberikan saran kepada Direksi advice to the Board of Directors regarding the
terkait implementasi bisnis dan strategi Perseroan. implementation of the Company’s business and
Mekanisme untuk memberikan saran secara strategy. The mechanism for providing normative
normatif diadakan melalui penyelenggaraan rapat advice is carried out through the joint meetings
gabungan Dewan Komisaris bersama Direksi yang of the Board of Commissioners and the Board
diselenggarakan secara berkala. Sedangkan secara of Directors, periodically. Meanwhile, the Board
fungsional, Dewan Komisaris melalui Komite Audit of Commissioners through the Audit Committee
menyelenggarakan rapat rutin untuk membahas holds regular meetings to discuss findings and get
temuan dan mencapai kesimpulan dalam bentuk conclusions in the form of suggestions which are
saran yang kemudian disampaikan kepada Direksi. then submitted to the Board of Directors. Besides,
Selain itu, Dewan Komisaris juga melakukan diskusi the Board of Commissioners also conducts informal
informal dengan Direksi di mana Dewan Komisaris discussions with the Board of Directors in which the
meminta Direksi untuk memberikan penjelasan Board of Commissioners asks the Board of Directors
terkait segala isu yang memerlukan perhatian khusus. to explain all issues that require special attention.
Dewan Komisaris kemudian memberikan saran The Board of Commissioners then provides direct
secara langsung kepada Direksi atas isu tersebut, advice to the Board of Directors and asks the
serta meminta Direksi untuk menindaklanjuti dan Board of Directors to follow up and implement the
mengimplementasikan dari saran yang diberikan. suggestions.
Sepanjang tahun 2020, Dewan Komisaris Throughout 2020, the Board of Commissioners
memberikan nasihat dan arahan kepada Direksi provided advice and suggestions to the Board of
antara lain: Directors, as follows:
1. Menghadapi situasi yang luar biasa sebagai 1. To overcome extraordinary situations due to
dampak dari adanya pandemi Covid-19, Direksi the Covid-19 pandemic, the Board of Directors
agar senantiasa mampu beradaptasi dan flexible should always be able to adapt and be flexible
dalam perubahan budaya kerja baru, automasi in changing new work cultures, automation, and
dan digitalisasi. digitalization.
2. Transparansi Supply Chain Management sebagai 2. Transparency of Supply Chain Management as
value added bagi Perseroan. added value for the Company.
3. Perseroan sebagai perusahaan terbuka dalam 3. The Company as a public company in running
menjalankan Perusahaan sedapat mungkin sesuai the Company must comply with the applicable
dengan peraturan dan perundang-undangan laws and regulations and also good corporate
yang berlaku serta tata kelola perusahaan yang governance (Good Corporate Governance).
baik (Good Corporate Governance).
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4. Health, Safety, Security and Environment 4. Health, Safety, Security, and Environment
merupakan aspek mendasar dalam operasional are fundamental aspects of the Company’s
Perseroan. Seluruh entitas Perseroan dari mulai operations. All Company entities, from
pekerja di lapangan hingga pihak manajemen, field workers to management, and third-
serta kontraktor pihak ketiga yang terlibat party contractors involved in the Company’s
dengan kegiatan Perseroan diwajibkan mematuhi activities are required to comply with the HSSE
implementasi HSSE. implementation.
Perekonomian Indonesia 2021 diprakirakan terus The Indonesian economy is predicted to continue to
membaik didukung kemajuan penanganan Covid-19 improve in 2021, supported by progress in the handling
termasuk vaksinasi, pemulihan ekonomi global, serta of Covid-19, including vaccinations, global economic
stimulus dan penguatan kebijakan. Perkembangan recovery, and policy stimulus and strengthening.
sejumlah indikator dini hingga akhir Desember The development of several early indicators until
2020 mengonfirmasi optimisme perbaikan ekonomi the end of December 2020 confirmed the optimism
global, yang didukung peningkatan mobilitas dan for global economic recovery, which is supported
stimulus kebijakan di berbagai negara. Perekonomian by increased mobility and policy stimulus in various
global pada 2021 diprakirakan tumbuh di kisaran countries. The global economy is predicted to grow in
5%, meningkat setelah terkontraksi sekitar 3,8% the range of 5% in 2021, increasing after contracting
pada 2020. Perbaikan ekonomi dunia mendukung by around 3.8% in 2020. The improvement in the
peningkatan volume perdagangan dan harga global economy has supported an increase in trade
komoditas. Ketidakpastian pasar keuangan volume and commodity prices. Global financial
global juga mereda sehingga mendorong aliran market uncertainty has also eased, encourage
modal kembali masuk ke negara berkembang dan capital flows back into developing countries, and
menopang penguatan mata uangnya. sustained the strengthening of their currencies.
Perekonomian domestik yang mulai membaik The domestic economy, which was started to
pada semester II 2020 diprakirakan terus menguat improve in semester II 2020, is predicted to continue
pada 2021. Perkembangan sejumlah indikator dini strengthening in 2021. Developments in several early
hingga akhir Desember 2020 mengonfirmasi arah indicators until the end of December 2020 confirmed
pemulihan tersebut, seperti perbaikan Purchasing the direction of the recovery, such as improvements
Manager’s Index (PMI) manufaktur, dan keyakinan in the manufacturing Purchasing Manager’s Index
serta ekspektasi konsumen yang menguat terhadap (PMI), and strengthening consumer confidence
penghasilan, ketersediaan lapangan kerja, dan and expectations regarding income, availability of
kegiatan usaha. Prospek kecepatan pemulihan employment, and business activities. The prospect
akan banyak dipengaruhi vaksinasi dan disiplin of speed recovery will be mainly impacted by
masyarakat dalam penerapan protokol Covid-19, vaccinations and public discipline in implementing
yang menjadi prasyarat pemulihan ekonomi the Covid-19 protocol, which is a requirement for
nasional tersebut. Selain itu, berbagai kebijakan national economic recovery. Besides, various policies
untuk mendorong pemulihan ekonomi pun sudah to promote economic recovery have also been
dicanangkan yaitu (i) pembukaan sektor-sektor launched, namely (i) the opening of national and
produktif dan aman secara nasional maupun di regional productive and safe sectors; (ii) accelerating
masing-masing daerah, (ii) percepatan realisasi fiscal realization; (iii) increasing demand and
fiskal, (iii) peningkatan kredit perbankan dari sisi supply of the bank credit; (iv) the continuation of
permintaan dan penawaran, (iv) keberlanjutan monetary and macroprudential stimulus; and (v) the
stimulus moneter dan makroprudensial, serta (v) acceleration of economic and financial digitalization,
percepatan digitalisasi ekonomi dan keuangan, especially related to the development of MSMEs,
khususnya terkait pengembangan UMKM, juga are also factors that influence the prospects for
menjadi faktor yang memengaruhi prospek domestic economic recovery. With these various
pemulihan perekonomian domestik. Dengan supporting factors, Indonesia’s economic growth in
berbagai faktor pendukung tersebut, pertumbuhan 2021 is projected to increase in the range of 4.8-
ekonomi Indonesia 2021 diperkirakan meningkat di 5.8%.
kisaran 4,8-5,8%.
42 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Peluang industri migas di Tanah Air masih prospektif The opportunities for the oil and gas industry in the
meski saat ini dunia tengah mengutamakan country are still prospective even though the world
pemenuhan energi bersih dari energi baru dan is currently prioritizing the fulfillment of clean energy
terbarukan. Peran subsektor migas tidak hanya from new and renewable energy. The role of the oil
dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan energi untuk and gas sub-sector is not only in providing energy
transportasi maupun kelistrikan, namun juga needs for transportation and electricity but also as
berperan sebagai bahan baku dalam pengembangan a raw material for industrial development. Based
industri. Berdasarkan Rencana Umum Energi on the National Energy General Plan (RUEN), oil
Nasional (RUEN) konsumsi minyak diperkirakan consumption is estimated to increase from 1.66 million
akan meningkat dari 1,66 juta BOPD menjadi 3,97 BOPD to 3.97 million BOPD in 2050, or an increase
juta BOPD di tahun 2050 atau naik sebesar 139%. of 139%. Gas consumption has increased even more,
Konsumsi gas meningkat lebih besar lagi yakni dari 6 from 6 thousand MMSCFD to 26 thousand MMSCFD
ribu MMSCFD menjadi 26 ribu MMSCFD pada tahun in 2050 or an increase of 298%. To meet these energy
2050 atau naik 298%. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan needs, Indonesia’s upstream oil and gas potential
energi tersebut, sesungguhnya potensi hulu migas is still very adequate, of the 128 oil and gas basins
Indonesia masih sangat besar karena dari 128 owned, only 20 were already produced and 68 basins
cekungan migas yang dimiliki, baru 20 cekungan have not been explored. Optimism in the oil and gas
yang sudah berproduksi dan masih terdapat 68 industry was also presented by the Special Task
cekungan yang belum dieksplorasi. Optimisme Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities
industri migas juga disampaikan oleh Satuan Kerja (SKK Migas), which targets 14 upstream oil and gas
Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan projects to operate or onstream this year. According
Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) yang menargetkan akan ada to the WP&B (Work Plan and Budgeting), there will
14 proyek hulu migas yang akan beroperasi atau be 2 PSN (National Strategic Projects) projects and
onstream pada tahun ini. Sesuai WP&B (Work Plan 12 non-PSN upstream oil and gas projects which are
and Budgetting) akan ada 2 proyek PSN (Proyek targeted to operate.
Strategis Nasional) dan 12 proyek non-PSN hulu
migas yang ditargetkan akan beroperasi.
Langkah strategis yang disiapkan oleh Pemerintah The 2021 strategic steps prepared by the Government
tahun 2021 untuk dibidang minyak antara lain for the oil sector are among others, first, optimization
pertama adalah optimalisasi existing production of existing production with primary recovery and
dengan primary recovery maupun secondary recovery secondary recovery, and second, resources to
dan kedua adalah resources to reserve (mengubah reserve (turning resources into reserves), reserves
sumber daya menjadi cadangan), reserve to to production (turning reserves into production),
production (mengubah cadangan menjadi produksi), accelerating the approval of Plan of Development
percepatan proses persetujuan Plan of Development and acceleration of Enhanced Oil Recovery.
dan percepatan Enhanced Oil Recovery.
Berdasarkan target dan langkah strategis yang Based on the targets and strategic steps by the
disampaikan oleh Pemerintah baik oleh KESDM Government by both the Ministry of Energy and
maupun SKK Migas ditambah dengan sinergi yang Mineral Resources and SKK Migas and with a solid
solid antar Pertamina Group, kami yakin menjadi synergy between Pertamina Group, we believe it
potensi besar bagi Perseroan. Terlebih dalam rangka has great potential for the Company. Moreover,
optimalisasi produksi blok-blok migas yang dimiliki to optimize the production of oil and gas blocks
Pertamina dan eksplorasi cekungan migas yang owned by Pertamina and exploration of oil and gas
ada di Indonesia dibutuhkan aktivitas jasa untuk basins in Indonesia, service activities are needed to
meningkatkan jumlah produksi dan cadangan increase the production and oil reserves, this is a new
minyak yang semakin dibutuhkan, hal ini menambah opportunity for the Company to overcome business
peluang bagi Perseroan dalam menghadapi prospek prospects in 2021.
usaha di tahun 2021.
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Dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi perekonomian By considering the global economic conditions that
global yang akan berdampak juga terhadap will also impact the economy in Indonesia, world oil
perekonomian di Indonesia, harga minyak dunia prices, and the handling management of Covid-19,
dan upaya-upaya penanggulangan Covid-19, while still considering the opportunities and efforts
serta dengan tetap mempertimbangkan peluang that have been prepared and also supported by the
dan upaya-upaya yang telah disusun dan juga Company’s experience of more than 51 years, The
didukung dengan pengalaman Perseroan selama Board of Commissioners of the Company believes
lebih dari 51 tahun, Dewan Komisaris Perseroan that 2021 will be a year full of optimism for the
memandang bahwa tahun 2021 akan menjadi tahun Company, though, the Company should always be
yang penuh optimisme bagi Perseroan meskipun prepared for all the challenges. Therefore, the Board
harus selalu siap dengan segala tantangan yang of Commissioners constantly reminds the Board of
ada. Karenanya, tidak hentinya Dewan Komisaris Directors to continue to strive to provide the best
selalu mengingatkan Direksi untuk terus berupaya results for stakeholders. With continuous innovation
memberikan hasil terbaik bagi para stakeholders. and improvements to more effective and efficient
Dengan inovasi berkelanjutan dan perbaikan metode work methods and competence of qualified human
kerja yang lebih efektif dan efisien serta kompetensi resources, we are optimistic that the Company has
sumber daya manusia yang mumpuni, kami optimis a promising long-term business prospect and can
Perseroan memiliki prospek usaha jangka panjang provide satisfactory returns for Shareholders and
yang menjanjikan serta mampu memberikan imbal other Stakeholders.
jasa yang memuaskan bagi Pemegang Saham dan
Para Pemangku Kepentingan lainnya.
Implementasi tata kelola yang baik merupakan tugas The implementation of good governance is the duty
dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris bersama and responsibility of the Board of Commissioners
dengan Direksi. Dalam menjalankan tugas dan along with the Board of Directors. In carrying
tanggung jawab tersebut, Dewan Komisaris tidak out their duties and responsibilities, the Board of
hanya bertanggung jawab pada hasil akhir tetapi Commissioners is not only responsible for the final
juga senantiasa memantau proses untuk mencapai results but also constantly monitors the process
hasil yang diharapkan. Dewan Komisaris bersama to achieve the expected results. The Board of
dengan Direksi berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan Commissioners and the Board of Directors are
implementasi tata kelola perusahaan yang committed to realizing the implementation of
melebihi ekspektasi (beyond governance), sehingga corporate governance that beyond expectations
dapat menghasilkan nilai yang berkelanjutan. Di (beyond governance), to achieve sustainable value.
tahun 2020, komitmen ini diwujudkan antara lain In 2020, this commitment was realized, among
melakukan pengukuran terhadap penerapan GCG others, by measuring the implementation of GCG
melalui penilaian atas penerapan ASEAN CG through an assessment of the ASEAN CG Scorecard
Scorecard yang dilakukan oleh lembaga independen implementation by an independent institution
dengan pencapaian skor sebesar 87,75 (kategori with a score of 87.75 (“Good” category). GCG
“Baik”). Dengan menyelenggarakan penilaian GCG assessment facilitates the Board of Commissioners,
maka Dewan Komisaris merasa sangat terbantu especially in carrying out its supervisory role in the
terutama dalam menjalankan peran pengawasan implementation of GCG in the Company. Besides,
terhadap implementasi GCG di Perseroan. Selain as a form of strengthening GCG implementation,
itu, sebagai bentuk penguatan implementasi GCG, the Company has successfully obtained ISO 37001:
Perseroan berhasil memperoleh sertifikasi ISO 2016 certification for the Anti-Bribery Management
37001:2016 Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan System.
(Anti Bribery Management System).
Di sisi lain, penerapan sistem pelaporan pelanggaran Besides, the implementation of a whistleblowing
(whistleblowing system) di Perseroan juga sudah system in the Company has also been carried
berjalan cukup baik. Di sepanjang tahun 2020, Dewan out properly. Throughout 2020, the Board of
44 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Komisaris menerima 1 (satu) laporan pelanggaran Commissioners received 1 (one) violation report
yang berkaitan dengan masalah internal di Anak related to internal problems in the Company’s
Perusahaan Perseroan. Sehubungan dengan hal subsidiaries. Several corrective steps have been taken
tersebut, telah dilakukan langkah-langkah korektif involving the Audit Committee and the Company’s
yang melibatkan Komite Audit maupun Fungsi Internal Audit Function. The Board of Commissioners
Internal Audit Perseroan. Dewan Komisaris menilai, considers that the WBS handling functions are
sejauh ini para fungsi yang menangani WBS increasingly important for stakeholders as part of
semakin penting keberadaannya oleh stakeholder internal control and the Board of Commissioners and
sebagai bagian dari pengendalian internal dan the Board of Directors’ organs are very responsive in
sejauh ini Organ Dewan Komisaris dan Organ responding to complaints. In ensuring the accuracy
Direksi sangat responsif menanggapi pengaduan of the complaint, the Board of Commissioners
tersebut. Dalam memastikan kebenaran laporan considers that the WBS Team is quite careful by
pengaduan, Dewan Komisaris menilai bahwa Tim involving the Internal Auditor or by conducting a
WBS cukup berhati-hati dengan melibatkan Internal special audit, if necessary. To get WBS closer to the
Auditor atau dengan melakukan audit khusus, jika employees of ELNUSA Group, the socialization of
memang diperlukan. Untuk lebih mendekatkan GCG and WBS was introduced through the WBS
WBS kepada karyawan ELNUSA Group, sosialisasi Campaign (BroadCast/Email blast), socialization in
GCG dan WBS dikenalkan melalui WBS Campaign the Vendor Annual Meeting, WBS Center through the
(BroadCast/ Email blast), sosialisasi dalam Vendor link or via mail
Annual Meeting, WBS Center dengan link https:// addressed to the ELNUSA office. ELNUSA always atau melalui surat prioritizes the confidentiality of the Reporting Party.
yang ditujukan ke kantor ELNUSA. ELNUSA selalu
mengedepankan kerahasiaan Pelapor.
Dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya, In carrying out its duties and responsibilities, the
Dewan Komisaris dibantu oleh tiga komite, yakni Board of Commissioners is assisted by three
Komite Audit, Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi committees, namely the Audit Committee, the
serta Komite Pemantau Risiko dan dalam Nomination and Remuneration Committee, and
pelaksanaan kerjanya Direksi merupakan mitra the Risk Monitoring Committee and in carrying
kerja Dewan Komisaris, demikian juga dengan out its duties, the Board of Directors is a working
BOD-1 (satu level di bawah Direksi) tertentu adalah partner of the Board of Commissioners, and also
merupakan mitra kerja Komite yang relevan. Komite BOD-1 (one level below the Board of Directors), is
Audit bermitra utama dengan Internal Audit di level the relevant partner of the Committees. The Audit
manajemen, demikan juga dengan Komite Nominasi Committee is the main partner of the Internal
dan Remunerasi mitra utamanya adalah Divisi Audit at the management level, the Nomination
Human Capital, sedangkan Komite Pemantau Risiko and Remuneration Committee is the main partner
bermitra utama dengan Divisi Risk Management. of the Human Capital Division, while the Risk
Selama tahun 2020, ketiga komite tersebut Monitoring Committee is the main partner of the
telah menunjukkan kinerja yang baik dengan Risk Management Division. Throughout 2020, the
mengimplementasikan banyak inisiatif baru untuk three committees performed good performances
menunjang kegiatan Dewan Komisaris. by implementing several new initiatives to support
the Board of Commissioners’ activities.
Komite Audit dibentuk dalam rangka membantu The Audit Committee was established to assist the
tugas Dewan Komisaris untuk mendorong duties of the Board of Commissioners in encouraging
diterapkannya tata kelola perusahaan, terbentuknya the implementation of corporate governance, the
struktur pengendalian internal yang memadai, establishment of an adequate internal control
meningkatkan kualitas keterbukaan dan pelaporan structure, improving the quality of financial disclosure
keuangan, serta mengkaji ruang lingkup, ketepatan, and reporting, and reviewing the scope, accuracy,
kemandirian dan objektivitas akuntan publik. Di independence, and objectivity of public accountants.
tahun 2020, Komite Audit telah melakukan perannya In 2020, the Audit Committee has performed its role
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dengan optimal sehingga sangat mendukung fungsi optimally in supporting the supervisory function of
pengawasan Dewan Komisaris terhadap jalannya the Board of Commissioners towards the Company.
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi merupakan The Nomination and Remuneration Committee was
komite yang dibentuk dalam rangka membantu established to assist the Board of Commissioners
Dewan Komisaris dalam hal mengusulkan nominasi in proposing nominations for succession and
suksesi dan remunerasi Direksi. Komite Nominasi dan remuneration for the Board of Directors. The
Remunerasi merupakan sub organ Dewan Komisaris Nomination and Remuneration Committee is a sub-
yang memiliki tugas utama untuk membantu organ of the Board of Commissioners whose main
efektifnya fungsi pengawasan yang dijalankan oleh task is to assist the effectiveness of the supervisory
Dewan Komisaris terhadap tugas Direksi dalam function of the Board of Commissioners on the
mengelola Perseroan. Board of Directors’ duties in managing the Company.
Komite Pemantau Risiko dibentuk untuk membantu The Risk Monitoring Committee was established
tugas Dewan Komisaris dalam upaya melakukan to assist the duties of the Board of Commissioners
identifikasi, pemetaan, analisis, dan mitigasi risiko to identify, map, analyze, and mitigate risks for all
atas seluruh proses bisnis Perseroan yang ditujukan of the Company’s business processes to prevent
untuk mencegah dan meminimalisasi risiko. Selain and minimize risks. Besides, the Risk Monitoring
itu, Komite Pemantau Risiko membuat laporan Committee prepares a written report on each
secara tertulis atas setiap penugasan yang diberikan assignment by the Board of Commissioners.
oleh Dewan Komisaris.
Selain pelaksanaan program kerja yang tepat, Besides the implementation of a proper work
peran dari masing-masing komite juga senantiasa program, the role of each committee has also been
ditingkatkan secara signifikan untuk dapat significantly enhanced to support the duties and
mendukung tugas dan kewajiban Dewan Komisaris. responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners.
Berbekal dukungan ketiga komite tersebut, Dewan With the support of these three committees, the
Komisaris senantiasa mendorong penerapan standar Board of Commissioners continues to encourage the
tata kelola yang baik di semua aspek operasional implementation of good governance standards in all
Perseroan. aspects of the Company’s operations.
Saya selaku Komisaris Utama yang ditugaskan I am as the President Commissioner assigned
melalui RUPS Tahunan Tanggal 8 Juli 2020 through Annual GMS on July 8, 2020, would like to
sebagaimana di atas, mengucapkan terima kasih express my gratitude for the trust, and promised to
atas amanat yang diberikan, dan berjanji akan carried out these duties properly and wholeheartedly.
menjalankan tugas tersebut dengan sebaik-baiknya
dan sepenuh hati.
Di sisi lain, kami juga ingin menyampaikan apresiasi Besides, we would also express our appreciation to
kepada Bapak Narendra Widjajanto dan Bapak Mr. Narendra Widjajanto and Mr. Eman Salman Arief
Eman Salman Arief atas kontribusi yang telah for their contributions while serving as a member of
diberikan selama menjabat sebagai anggota Dewan the Board of Commissioners.
Dengan demikian per 31 Desember 2020, komposisi Thus, as of December 31, 2020, the composition
Dewan Komisaris Perseroan sebagai berikut: of the Company’s Board of Commissioners are as
46 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Nama Jabatan
Name Position
Komisaris Utama
1. Agus Prabowo
President Commissioner
Komisaris Independen
2. Lusiaga Levi Susila
Independent Commissioner
Komisaris Independen
3. Anis Baridwan
Independent Commissioner
4. Antonius Ratdomopurbo
Kami ingin menyampaikan apresiasi kami kepada We would like to express our appreciation to
pemegang saham dan pemangku kepentingan atas shareholders and stakeholders for their continuous
kepercayaan dan dukungan yang diberikan selama trust and support. Our deepest appreciation also
ini. Apresiasi dan penghargaan terdalam juga kami goes to all members of the Board of Directors,
tujukan kepada segenap Direksi, jajaran Manajamen Management, and all Company Officers for their
dan seluruh Perwira Perseroan atas kerja keras serta hard work and dedication to develop the Company.
dedikasi dalam upaya pengembangan Perseroan Last but not the least, we would like to extend our
menjadi lebih baik lagi. Tak luput, apresiasi kami appreciation to our customers, business partners,
sampaikan kepada para pelanggan, mitra bisnis and other stakeholders for their support and trust
maupun pemangku kepenting lainnya atas dukungan in the Company.
dan kepercayaan kepada Perseroan.
Sebagai penutup, mari kita berusaha dengan In a conclusion, let’s do our best and pray. Hopefully,
maksimal dan berdoa. Semoga segala upaya yang all the efforts that have been carried out in 2020
telah dilakukan di tahun 2020 ini maupun tantangan and the future challenges in 2021 can be addressed
yang menanti pada tahun 2021 dapat dihadapi oleh by the Company properly. May the Company always
Perseroan dengan baik. Semoga Perseroan selalu receive blessings and grace from Allah SWT, aamiin.
mendapat berkah dan rahmat dari Allah SWT,
Komisaris Utama
President Commissioner
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Management Report
1 Ali Mundakir
Direktur Utama
President Director
2 Tenny Elfrida
Direktur SDM & Umum
Director of Human Resources & General Affairs
3 Hery Setiawan
Direktur Keuangan
Director of Finance
4 Arief Riyanto
Direktur Pengembangan Usaha
merangkap Direktur Operasi
Director of Business Development concurrently as
Director of Operation
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PT Elnusa Tbk
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L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 49
Management Report
Ali Mundakir
Direktur Utama
President Director
50 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Para Pemegang Saham dan Pemangku Kepentingan Dear Shareholders and Stakeholders,
yang terhormat,
Dengan memanjatkan puja dan puji syukur kehadirat Praise and gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT,
Allah SWT, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, izinkan kami God Almighty, allow us to represent the entire
mewakili segenap manajemen PT Elnusa Tbk untuk management of PT Elnusa Tbk to present the Annual
menyampaikan Laporan Tahunan tahun buku 2020 Report for the 2020 fiscal year as accountability to
sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban kepada the Shareholders and all other Stakeholders.
Para Pemegang Saham dan seluruh Pemangku
Kepentingan lainnya.
Pencapaian usaha Perseroan di tahun 2020, The Company’s business achievements in 2020,
seperti yang tertuang dalam laporan tahunan ini, as stated in this annual report, are a reflection of
merupakan gambaran dari upaya-upaya adapatif adaptive efforts to the prevailing conditions and
terhadap kondisi yang terjadi dan inisiasi strategis strategic initiatives that have been carried out by
yang telah dilakukan manajemen. Daya upaya yang management. The efforts were expected to have a
diharapkan mampu memberikan dampak yang positive impact on Elnusa’s sustainable performance.
positif terhadap kinerja Elnusa secara berkelanjutan.
Selanjutnya perkenankanlah kami selaku Direksi Then, please allow us as the Board of Directors of
Elnusa untuk menyampaikan pengelolaan Perseroan Elnusa to present the management of the Company
di tahun buku 2020. in the 2020 fiscal year.
Seluruh sektor industri mengalami goncangan All industrial sectors experienced a devastating shock
dahsyat akibat pandemi Covid-19. Pertumbuhan due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Indonesia’s economic
ekonomi Indonesia mengalami kontraksi growth experienced a contraction of 2.07 compared
pertumbuhan sebesar 2,07 dibandingkan tahun to the previous year. The growth rate is still positive
sebelumnya. Angka pertumbuhan yang masih compared to the slowdown in the global economic
positif dibandingkan dengan kinerja perekonomian performance. The Central Bureau of Statistics
dunia yang melambat. Badan Pusat Statistik issued a report that the 2020 Indonesian Economy
mengeluarkan laporan bahwa Perekonomian as measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at
Indonesia 2020 yang diukur berdasarkan Produk current prices reached Rp15,434.2 trillion and GDP
Domestik Bruto (PDB) atas dasar harga berlaku per capita reached Rp56.9 million or USD 3,911.7.
mencapai Rp15.434,2 triliun dan PDB per kapita
mencapai Rp56,9 Juta atau US$3.911,7.
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Management Report
Perjalanan iklim usaha Perseroan sepanjang tahun The journey of the Company’s business climate
2020 memang dihadapkan kondisi yang di luar throughout 2020 was unexpected and challenging.
dugaan dan penuh tantangan. Setidaknya ada lima There are at least five big challenges that have
tantangan besar yang telah dan masih akan dihadapi been and will still be faced by Elnusa, management
oleh Elnusa, manajemen telah merancang kebijakan has arranged a strategic policy to address these
strategis menyingkapi hal tersebut, sebagai berikut: challenges, as follows:
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PT Elnusa Tbk
5. Kebutuhan Pelanggan dan Cost Leadership 5. Customer Needs and Cost Leadership
Pelanggan dengan kondisi perekonomian saat Customers with current economic conditions
ini, melakukan efisiensi untuk dapat tetap are more efficient to survive. This efficiency
bertahan. Efisiensi tersebut berdampak pada has impacted the sale price of the company’s
harga jual jasa layanan perseroan. Hal tersebut services. This also affected the company’s
juga mempengaruhi kinerja perseroan. Perseroan performance. The company still faces great
masih mendapatkan tantangan besar dalam 3 challenges in the last 3 years to increase the net
tahun terakhir ini bagaimana menaikkan net profit margin, one of the efforts is to reduce the
profit margin. Salah satu upaya adalah dengan cost of revenue. Therefore, the Company also
menurunkan biaya pokok penjualan. Oleh reduced imports of equipment by fabricating
karenanya, upaya pengurangan impor peralatan independently. The procurement strategy is also
dengan melakukan fabrikasi secara mandiri juga revitalized by carrying out strategic procurement,
dilakukan. Strategi pengadaan juga revitalisasi strategic sourcing including opportunities for new
dengan melaksanakan pengadaan strategis, suppliers, especially manufacturers, to become
strategic sourcing termasuk membuka peluang approved vendor lists.
pemasok baru utamanya produsen menjadi
perusahaan rekanan.
Semua tantangan di atas telah berhasil dilalui All of the challenges above have been successfully
Elnusa dengan pencapaian yang gemilang. Tentu passed by Elnusa with excellent achievements. While
saja, strategi diversifikasi portofolio masih akan portfolio diversification strategy implementation
tetap dijalankan. Karena stretagi ini yang menjadi was still running because this strategy is the key to
kunci utama peningkatan kinerja sejak tiga tahun improve performance for the last three years. This
terakhir. Strategi ini juga berhasil menguatkan strategy has also succeeded in strengthening Elnusa
Elnusa kembali sebagai entitas dan juga sebagai as an entity and also as a part of the Pertamina
perusahaan yang menjadi bagian dari Pertamina Group. The performance of the Energy Distribution
Group. Kinerja segmen jasa distribusi dan logistik & Logistics Services segment remains strong,
energi tetap kokoh, jasa hulu migas semakin Upstream Oil and Gas Services are getting better,
membaik dan jasa penunjang membuat Elnusa utuh and Oil and Gas Support Services has completed
sebagai perusahaan jasa energi yang memberikan Elnusa as an energy services company that provides
solusi total. total solutions.
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Management Report
Pandemi Covid-19 di awal tahun telah mengubah The Covid-19 pandemic at the beginning of the
banyak hal terutama dari sisi bisnis disamping year has changed many things, especially from the
tekanan pada menurunnya harga minyak, business side, besides the pressure on the decline in
berkurangnya konsumsi BBM, dan juga melemahnya oil prices, reduced fuel consumption, and also the
kurs rupiah. Namun, keberagaman portofolio jasa weakening of the rupiah exchange rate. However,
yang dimiliki perseroan, dinilai mampu saling the diversity of the company’s service portfolios
menopang satu sama lain dalam mendukung is considered capable of supporting each other in
capaian konsolidasi di tahun 2020. Berbekal the consolidation achievements in 2020. With the
keyakinan bahwa setiap kesulitan ada kemudahan belief that every difficulty comes with ease and the
ditambah upaya keras semua fungsi, tahun 2020 hard work of all functions, 2020 can be passed with
dapat dilalui dengan kesyukuran. Kebahagiaan juga gratitude. It was a blessing to succeed in continuing
karena berhasil melanjutkan estafet perjalanan Elnusa’s long journey until now. Elnusa’s journey in
panjang Elnusa hingga saat ini. Perjalanan Elnusa 2020, resulted in many significant events.
di tahun 2020, memberi banyak peristiwa penting.
Atas kerja keras bersama sepanjang tahun yang For the cooperation throughout the year, we conclude
telah kita lakukan, tahun buku 2020 ini akan kita the 2020 fiscal year with the following achievements:
tutup dengan pencapaian sebagai berikut:
1. Pendapatan usaha konsolidasi diperoleh Rp7,73 1. Consolidated operating income recorded at
Triliun. Segmen Jasa Hulu Migas berkontribusi Rp7.73 trillion. The Upstream Oil and Gas Services
53% dari pendapatan usaha. Segmen Jasa segment contributes 53% of operating income.
Distribusi & Logistik berkontribusi sebesar The Distribution & Logistics Services segment
43%. Sedangkan, Segmen Jsa Penunjang Bisnis contributed 43%. Meanwhile, the Business
memberikan kontribusi 4%. Capaian ini 8% lebih Supporting Services segment contributed 4%.
rendah dari pencapaian tahun 2020. Namun, This achievement was lower by 8% than the
lebih tinggi 8% dibandingkan RKAP 2020 hasil achievement in 2020. However, it was higher by
revisi sebagai dampak Pandemi Covid-19. 8% than the revised 2020 Budget Plan due to the
Covid-19 Pandemic.
2. Marjin laba bersih konsolidasi masih perlu usaha 2. The consolidated net profit margin still needs to
keras agar memenuhi harapan pemegang saham improve to meet shareholders’ expectations. Net
telah mulai dapat diperbaiki. Marjin laba bersih profit margin recorded at 3.1%.
pada 3,1%.
3. Laba bersih konsolidasi Rp249 Miliar. Memang 3. Consolidated net profit recorded at Rp249 billion.
menurun 30% dibandingkan pencapaian tahun Decreased by 30% compared to the last year.
lalu. Namun, 10% di atas target RKAP 2020 revisi. However, it was higher by 10% from the revised
2020 Budget Plan target.
4. Kas bersih yang dihasilkan dari operasi mencapai 4. Net cash from operating activities reached Rp563
Rp563 Miliar, dengan kas dan setara kas mencapai billion, with cash and cash equivalents of Rp1.32
Rp1,32 Triliun. trillion.
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PT Elnusa Tbk
Sementara dari sisi penjajakan peluang-peluang Meanwhile, in exploring new business opportunities,
usaha baru, beberapa peluang yang telah berhasil several opportunities that have been successfully
direalisasikan adalah sebagai berikut: realized are as follows:
2. Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi 2. Energy Distribution and Logistics Services
a. Pengelolaan terminal BBM berbasis aset a. Asset-based fuel terminal management has
telah mulai dilakukan. Depot LPG Amurang, been started. Amurang LPG depot, North
Sulawesi Utara, merupakan yang pertama. Sulawesi, was the first project. In the future,
Ke depan, melalui Elnusa Petrofin, dengan through Elnusa Petrofin, with the trust of
kepercayaan yang diberikan Pertamina Pertamina, the acquisition of infrastructure
akan dilanjutkan akuisisi infrastruktur untuk will continue to support energy distribution
mendukung distribusi energi di Nusantara ini. in Indonesia.
b. Ekspansi pada bisnis chemical untuk b. Expansion in the chemical business to support
mendukung EOR injeksi polymer di Field polymer injection EOR in Tanjung Field,
Tanjung, Kabupaten Tabalong, Kalimantan Tabalong Regency, South Kalimantan.
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Management Report
56 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
14. Anugerah Inovasi Indonesia 2020 Kategori 14. Anugerah Inovasi Indonesia 2020 Category
Produk dan Model Bisnis untuk FIN OSD untuk Product and Business Model for FIN OSD for PT
PT Elnusa Petrofin (IDX Channel) Elnusa Petrofin (IDX Channel)
15. 1st Winner Defensive Driving untuk PT Elnusa 15. 1st Winner Defensive Driving for PT Elnusa
Petrofin (PT Hino Indonesia) Petrofin (PT Hino Indonesia)
Pencapaian ini adalah kerja bersama semua This achievement is the collaborative work of all
komponen seperti Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan components such as the Board of Commissioners,
keluarga besar Elnusa, disertai dukungan tim office the Board of Directors, and the Elnusa family,
services maupun support. Keberhasilan ini juga atas supported by the office services and support teams.
berkat Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa. This success is also due to the blessing of Allah, the
Almighty God.
Analisis Tantangan dan Peluang Analysis of Challenges and Opportunities
Bank Dunia memproyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi The World Bank projects global economic growth
global pada tahun 2021 ini sebesar 4 persen. in 2021 at 4 percent. Strengthen compared to
Angka tersebut menguat bila dibandingkan the global economy in 2020 which experienced
dengan laju perekonomian global pada tahun 2020 a contraction of 4.3%. Despite the recovery, the
yang mengalami kontraksi sebesar 4,3%. Meski global economic outlook is still full of uncertainty,
mengalami pemulihan, prospek perekonomian global the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic is still a
ke depan masih diliputi ketidakpastian, penanganan determining factor. However, the vaccination
pandemi Covid-19 masih menjadi faktor penentu. process and effective pandemic management are
Namun proses vaksinasi serta pengelolaan pandemi the main keys to future economic recovery.
yang efektif menjadi kunci utama dalam pemulihan
ekonomi ke depan.
Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Keuangan The government, through the Ministry of Finance,
memproyeksikan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia projects that Indonesia’s economic growth this year
pada tahun ini hanya mencapai 5,3%. Proyeksi will only reach 5.3%. This is lower than the previous
ini lebih rendah dari yang ditetapkan pemerintah projection government, which was in the range of
sebelumnya, yakni berada di kisaran 4,5% sampai 4.5% to 5.5% in 2021.
dengan 5,5% di 2021.
Di lain pihak, Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Besides, the Special Task Force for Implementing
Kegiatan Usaha Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) stated
menyatakan 14 proyek migas ditargetkan beroperasi that 14 oil and gas projects are targeted to operate
(onstream) pada 2020. Dua dari 14 proyek tersebut (onstream) by 2020. Two of the 14 projects are
masuk dalam Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN), included in the National Strategic Project (PSN),
yakni Proyek Jambaran Tiung Biru (JTB) di Blok namely the Jambaran Tiung Biru Project ( JTB) in
Cepu dan Proyek LNG Tangguh Train-3 di Papua. the Cepu Block and the Tangguh Train-3 LNG Project
in Papua.
Sementara 12 proyek non-PSN antara lain Proyek Meanwhile, 12 non-PSN projects include the Seng
Seng Segat di Blok Bentu oleh EMP Bentu Ltd, Segat Project in the Bentu Block by EMP Bentu Ltd,
Proyek Bambu Besar, Akasia Bagus, Pengurasan Bambu Besar Project, Akasia Bagus, Jirak Field
Minyak Tahap Lanjut (Enhanced Oil Recovery/ Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) by PT Pertamina EP.
EOR) Lapangan Jirak oleh PT Pertamina EP. and the KLD project in the Offshore North West
serta proyek KLD di Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) Block by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
Java (ONWJ) oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ. ONWJ.
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Management Report
Kondisi perekonomian pada tahun 2021 disambut The Company is optimistic about facing the
dengan optimisme. Meski sebagai perseroan economic condition in 2021. Even though as a
yang bergerak di bidang layanan energi, dampak company engaged in energy services, the impact of
pandemik masih dirasakan secara langsung. al the pandemic directly affected the Company. RJPP is
itu tetap membuat kami lebih bersemangat, oleh being reviewed in 2021 as an adaptive effort to every
karenanya RJPP ditinjau ulang pada tahun 2021 change. This is an effort to achieve goals. Because,
sebagai upaya adaptif terhadap perubahan. Hal in 2021, there will be more challenges that will push
ini merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mencapai Elnusa to grow stronger, develop, and resulted in
tujuan. Karena tahun 2021 akan banyak tantangan more achievement.
dan menjadi pertaruhan Elnusa untuk tumbuh
menjadi lebih kuat, berkembang, dan berbuah lebih
banyak lagi.
Elnusa akan tetap berkerja lebih keras lagi, fokus dan Elnusa will continue to work even harder, focus and
disiplin, konsisten serta gigih secara terus menerus discipline, be consistent and persistent in every
dalam setiap bidangnya memberikan yang terbaik business field to produce the best result. Because
dari yang dimiliki. Karena hanya dengan kemauan only with the will and ability to improve continuously,
dan kemampuan meningkatkan diri scara terus Elnusa will become even better.
menerus, Elnusa akan menjadi lebih baik lagi.
Beberapa tantangan yang akan dihadapi ke depan Some of the challenges that will be faced in the
adalah: future are as follows:
1. Sinergi dan penyelarasan bisnis anak usaha 1. Synergy and business alignment of Pertamina’s
Pertamina dan juga anak usaha Elnusa subsidiaries and Elnusa’s subsidiaries
Tantangan ini merupakan momen pembuktian This challenge is to prove the excellence of
untuk menunjukkan keunggulan solusi total yang the Elnusa total solution. This is how we able
Elnusa miliki. Bagaimana kami bias memberikan to provide solutions at competitive prices. A
memberikan solusi dengan harga yang kompetitif. wide product range can also be an option.
Jangkauan produk yang luas juga bias menjadi Especially by increasing the synergy between
pilihan. Terlebih dengan meningkatkan Sinergi Elnusa’s subsidiaries. Through the motto: one
antar anak usaha Elnusa. Dengan moto: satu determination, one goal, one Elnusa, Elnusa can
tekad, satu tujuan, satu Elnusa, Elnusa bisa provide more competitive services and gain trust
memberikan layanan yang lebih kompetitif from the market and especially shareholders to
dan mendapatkan kepercayaan dari pasar dan succeed in important projects.
terutama shareholder untuk menyukseskan
proyek-proyek penting.
2. Memperbesar pangsa pasar luar negeri 2. Enlarge foreign market share
Keberhasilan yang telah dilalui dengan perluasan Elnusa needs to strengthen the success by
pangsa pasar di luar negeri perlu terus kita expanding its foreign market share. With the
kuatkan. Berbekal kompetensi dan pengalaman competence and experiences we have, I believe
panjang yang dimiliki, saya meyakini hal ini dapat we can achieve this.
kita raih.
3. Memperkuat kapabilitas serta kapasitas 3. Strengthening capabilities and capacities
Investasi terpilih akan tetap kita jalankan untuk We will continue to carry out selected investments
meningkatkan kapabilitas dan kapasitas Elnusa to improve Elnusa’s capabilities and capacities,
namun hal penting lain yang akan dilakukan but another important thing that will be
adalah melakukan kolaborasi dengan berbagai carried out is collaborating with various parties,
pihak terlebih lagi dengan penyedia teknologi especially with superior technology providers as
unggul sebagai jawaban jangka waktu pendek a short-term solution for major clients.
bagi para klien utama.
58 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Di samping itu kerja sama dengan pemasok Besides, collaboration with suppliers is also
juga dibuka sangat luas dengan mengedepankan opened widely by promoting the spirit of mutual
semangat saling menguntungkan, simbiosis benefit, symbiotic mutualism. Especially strategic
mutualisme. Terlebih pengadaan strategis procurement related to manufacturer suppliers.
terkait pemasok yang sebagai produsen.
Perseroan berkomitmen secara penuh untuk The Company is fully committed to implementing
menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate the principles of Good Corporate Governance as a
Governance sebagai landasan dalam menciptakan foundation in creating sustainable added value for
nilai tambah yang berkelanjutan bagi kepentingan the interests of shareholders, communities, and other
para pemegang saham, masyarakat secara luas, dan stakeholders (employees, consumers, regulators,
berbagai pemangku kepentingan lainnya (pegawai, work partners, and others) both in the short- and
konsumen, regulator, mitra kerja, dan lain-lain) baik long-term. Especially as a listed company on the
dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Indonesia Stock Exchange as a public company.
Terlabih sebagai perusahaan yang tercatat pada
Bursa Efek Indonesia sebagai perusahaan publik.
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Management Report
Tata Kelola yang dijalankan Perseroan didasari The Company governance is based on the principles
oleh prinsip-prinsip GCG, yaitu Transparency, of GCG, namely Transparency, Accountability,
Accountability, Responsibility, Independency dan Responsibility, Independence, and Fairness which
Fairness yang merupakan komitmen kuat bagi are a strong commitment for the Company to
Perseroan untuk selalu menjaga dan meningkatkan always maintain and increase the corporate value,
nilai Perusahaan (corporate value), mendorong encourage professional, transparent, and efficient
pengelolaan Perusahaan yang profesional, management of the Company to strengthen the
transparan dan efisien sehingga fundamental dan Company’s fundamentals and competitiveness.
daya saing Perseroan semakin kuat dan terjaga
dengan baik.
Perseroan memiliki komitmen untuk selalu The Company is committed to always implement
menerapkan standar tata kelola yang terbaik the best governance standards by always
dengan selalu berusaha menerapkan praktik tata trying to implement good governance practices
kelola yang baik melalui berbagai usaha perbaikan through various improvements and enhancement,
dan peningkatan, serta merujuk pada standar and referring to the minimum standards and
minimal maupun rekomendasi yang harus dipenuhi. recommendations.
Sesuai Peraturan OJK (POJK) No. 21/POJK.04/2015 Following FSA Regulation (FSAR) No. 21/
tentang Pedoman Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka, POJK.04/2015 concerning Guidelines for Governance
Perseroan sebagai perusahaan terbuka wajib untuk of Public Companies, the Company as a public
melakukan pengukuran terhadap penerapan GCG company is obliged to measure the implementation
yang dilakukan melalui penilaian (assessment). of GCG which is carried out through an assessment.
Perseroan melakukan penilaian penerapan GCG The Company evaluates the implementation of GCG
secara konsisten setiap tahunnya untuk mengetahui consistently every year to determine the adequacy
tingkat kecukupan penerapan GCG di lingkungan level of GCG implementation within the Company.
Perseroan. Penilaian yang dilakukan oleh Perseroan The assessment carried out by the Company uses
menggunakan berbagai acuan standar praktik various applicable best-practice standard references.
terbaik (best practices) yang berlaku. Perseroan The Company assesses the implementation of GCG
melakukan penilaian penerapan GCG dengan using the best practice standards applicable in
menggunakan standar praktik-praktik terbaik yang Indonesia and abroad, namely the ASEAN Corporate
berlaku di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri, yaitu Governance Scorecard.
ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard.
Perseroan berkomitmen untuk terus berupaya The Company is committed to continuing to improve
meningkatkan penerapan praktik Tata Kelola the implementation of Good Corporate Governance
Perusahaan yang baik ke level yang lebih tinggi practices to a higher level by implementing the
dengan menerapkan ASEAN CG Scorecard. Seperti ASEAN CG Scorecard. As in the previous year, the
tahun sebelumnya, penilaian atas penerapan ASEAN assessment of the implementation of the ASEAN CG
CG Scorecard dilakukan oleh pihak independen, Scorecard was carried out by an independent party,
Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship
(IICD). Hasil tahun 2020 menunjukkan pencapaian (IICD). The score for the 2020 assessment was
skor sebesar 87,75. Skor ini masuk dalam kategori 87.75 or determined as “GOOD” category. The
“BAIK”. Peningkatan kualitas penerapan praktik quality improvement of the implementation of
terbaik GCG dengan secara terus menerus GCG best practices is continuously carried out. The
dilakukan. Perseroan juga melakukan pemutakhiran Company also updates various policies, standards,
berbagai kebijakan, standar, pedoman, prosedur guidelines, and procedures following the changes in
yang disesuaikan dengan perubahan peraturan the prevailing laws and regulations, the condition of
perundang-undangan yang berlaku, keadaan the business environment, and the development of
lingkungan bisnis, dan juga perkembangan usaha the Company’s business and performance.
dan kinerja Perseroan.
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PT Elnusa Tbk
Selain itu untuk lebih menguatkan implementasi Besides, to strengthen the implementation of
GCG, Perseroan telah mendapatkan pengakuan GCG, the Company has obtained recognition of the
penerapan Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan (Anti implementation of the Anti-Bribery Management
Bribery Management System) berbasis ISO 37001. System (Anti-Bribery Management System)
Dokumen dan proses penerapan sistem manajemen based on ISO 37001. Documents and processes
anti penyuapan telah dilakukan audit oleh SGS for implementing the anti-bribery management
International dan mendapatkan pengakuan pada system have been audited by SGS International and
tanggal 12 Agustus 2020. obtained recognition on August 12, 2020.
Pada tahun 2020, komposisi Direksi Elnusa In 2020, there was a change in the Board of Directors
mengalami perubahan dalam rangka menciptakan composition, to create a more aggressive business
iklim usaha yang lebih agresif. Pengangkatan climate. The appointment of the new members
komposisi anggota Direksi Elnusa yang baru of the Board of Directors of Elnusa is carried out
dilakukan melalui RUPS Tahunan. through the Annual GMS.
Berikut adalah komposisi Direksi per 31 Desember The following is the composition of the Board of
2020 berdasarkan hasil RUPS pada tanggal 11 April Directors as of December 31, 2020, based on the
2020: GMS resolution on April 11, 2020:
Nama Jabatan
Name Position
Direktur Utama
Ali Mundakir
President Director
Direktur Keuangan
Hery Setiawan
Director of Finance
Direktur SDM & Umum
Tenny Elfrida
Director of HR & General
Direktur Pengembangan Usaha merangkap Direktur Operasi
Arief Riyanto
Director of Business Development concurrently Director of Operations
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 61
Management Report
Perubahan komposisi Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris The change in the composition of the Board of
tersebut merupakan penyesuaian organisasi terkait Directors and the Board of Commissioners is an
masa purna tugas dan juga strategi menghadapi organizational adjustment related to retirement and
perubahan dan tantangan industri yang dihadapi strategies to face future changes and challenges.
Segenap jajaran Direksi berkomitmen untuk The entire Board of Directors is committed to
menjalankan amanah ini dengan senantiasa carrying out this mandate by always prioritizing
mengedepankan prinsip tata kelola perusahaan the principles of good corporate governance for the
yang baik untuk kepentingan Para Pemegang Saham interests of Shareholders and Other Stakeholders.
dan Para Pemangku Kepentingan Lainnya.
62 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Kepada seluruh Perwira Perseroan, Direksi To all the Company Employees, the Board
menyampaikan apresiasi setinggi-tingginya atas of Directors would like to express its highest
kerja keras yang telah ditunjukkan, baik di holding appreciation for the hard work, both in holding
maupun anak perusahaan, di kantor pusat maupun and subsidiary companies, at the head office and
di daerah operasi. Marilah kita kembali meneguhkan in the operational area. Let us reaffirm the spirit
semangat berkarya dengan satu tekad dan of work with one determination and one goal, so
satu tujuan, agar Elnusa terus dapat berkiprah, that Elnusa can continue to participate, contribute,
berkontribusi, membangun kapasitas, kapabilitas improve capacity, capability, and create innovation
serta inovasi untuk negeri. Elnusa menjadi for the country. Elnusa is the company of choice for
perusahaan pilihan investor. Semoga pencapaian investors. Hopefully, this achievement will inspire all
ini akan menginspirasi seluruh pihak untuk dapat parties to continue to optimize their capabilities and
terus mengoptimalkan kemampuannya dan menjadi become the foundation for the Company to be able
pondasi bagi Perseroan untuk dapat tumbuh di to grow in the future.
masa yang akan datang.
Direktur Utama
President Director
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Management Report
Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, menyatakan bahwa semua informasi dalam Laporan Tahunan
PT Elnusa Tbk tahun 2020 telah dimuat secara lengkap dan bertanggung jawab penuh atas kebenaran
Laporan Tahunan Perseroan.
Agus Prabowo
Komisaris Utama
President Commissioner
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
We the undersigned hereby declare that all the information contained within the 2020 Annual Report
of PT Elnusa Tbk has been presented completely. We are fully responsible for the truthfulness of the
content of the Annual Report.
Ali Mundakir
Direktur Utama
President Director
Tenny Elfrida
Direktur SDM & Umum
Director of Human Resources & General Affairs
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
66 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
// 03
Memasuki usia emasnya, Perseroan membuktikan
kemampuannya untuk turut membangun kapasitas
nasional sebagai perusahaan jasa energi dengan
mengusung Total Solution Services guna memberikan
jasa yang lebih baik, cepat dan kompetitif.
Entering its golden age, the Company proved its ability to contribute in
developing national capacity as energy services company through Total
Solution Services to provide better, faster, and competitive services.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 67
Company Profile
Nama Perusahaan
: PT Elnusa Tbk
Company Name
Dasar Hukum Pendirian Akta Pendirian No. 18 tanggal 25 Januari 1969 yang di buat di hadapan Tan Thong Kie, Notaris, di Jakarta,
Legal Basis of Establishment sebagaimana di ubah melalui Akta No. 10 tanggal 13 Februari 1969 dari notaris yang sama. Akta pendirian ini,
telah mendapat pengesahan dari Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia melalui Surat Keputusan No. J.A.5/18/24
tanggal 19 Februari 1969, serta telah diumumkan dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia No. 35, Tambahan No.
: 58 tanggal 2 Mei 1969.
Deed of Establishment No. 18 dated January 25, 1969 made before Tan Thong Kie, Notary, in Jakarta, as amended
by Deed No. 10 dated February 13, 1969 made before the same notary. This deed of establishment was approved
by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia through Decree No. J.A.5/18/24 dated February 19, 1969, and
has been published in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 35, Supplement No. 58 dated 2 May, 1969.
Maksud dan Tujuan Pendirian Berusaha dalam bidang Jasa (aktivitas profesional; informasi dan komunikasi; real estat; aktivitas ketenagakerjaan
Purpose of Establishment dan usaha penunjang lainnya); Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran; Pertambangan dan Penggalian; Pembangunan
(konstruksi); Perindustrian; dan Pengelolaan Air; Pengelolaan Air Limbah.
Engaging in services (professional activities; information and communication; real estate; labor activities, and other
supporting businesses); Wholesale and Retail Trade; Mining and excavation; Building (construction); Industrial; Water
Management; Wastewater Management.
Kegiatan Bisnis Utama Sesuai 1. Bidang Jasa (aktivitas profesional; informasi dan komunikasi; real estat; aktivitas ketenagakerjaan dan usaha
Anggaran Dasar penunjang lainnya), antara lain:
Core Business Activities based on • reparasi kapal, perahu, dan bangunan terapung;
Articles of Association • aktivitas keinsinyuran dan konsultasi teknis yang berhubungan dengan itu;
• aktivitas pengolahan data;
• aktivitas konsultasi komputer dan manajemen fasilitas komputer lainnya;
• aktivitas teknologi informasi dan jasa komputer lainnya;
• aktivitas konsultasi manajemen lainnya;
• aktivitas penyeleksian dan penempatan tenaga kerja;
• real estat yang dimiliki sendiri atau disewa;
• aktivitas penyedia gabungan jasa penunjang fasilitas.
2. Bidang Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran, antara lain:
• perdagangan besar bahan bakar padat, cair, dan gas dan produk yang berhubungan dengan itu;
• perdagangan besar atau balas jasa (fee) atau kontrak;
• perdagangan besar peralatan telekomunikasi.
3. Bidang Pertambangan dan Penggalian yang antara lain:
• aktivitas penunjang pertambangan minyak bumi dan gas;
• aktivitas penunjang pertambangan dan penggalian lainnya.
4. Menjalankan usaha dalam bidang Pembangunan (konstruksi) antara lain:
• konstruksi bangunan dan pengolahan dan penampungan barang minyak dan gas;
• instalasi minyak dan gas;
• konstruksi sentral telekomunikasi.
5. Menjalankan usaha dalam bidang Perindustrian antara lain:
• industri mesin penambangan, penggalian, dan konstruksi;
• industri bahan bakar dari pemurnian dan pengilangan minyak bumi;
• industri produk dari hasil kilang minyak bumi;
• pembangkitan tenaga listrik (termasuk juga energi alternatif);
• industri kapal dan perahu.
1. Services sector (professional activities; information and communication; real estate; labor activities, and other
supporting businesses), among others:
• Ships, boats and floating structures repairment;
• engineering and technical consulting activities related;
• data processing activities;
• computer consulting activities and other computer facility management activities;
• information technology activities and other computer services;
• other management consulting activities;
• workforce selection and placement activities;
• self-owned or leased real estate;
• facility support service provider activity.
2. Wholesale and Retail Trade, among others:
• wholesale trade in solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels andrelated products;
• wholesale trade or fees or contracts;
• Wholesale trade of telecommunication equipment.
3. Mining and Excavation, among others:
• supporting activities for oil and gas mining;
• supporting activities for other mining and excavation.
4. Building construction, among others:
• building construction and processing, and storage of oil and gas;
• oil and gas installations;
• telecommunication central construction.
5. Industrial sector, among others:
• Mining, excavation, and construction machinery industries;
• Fuel from petroleum refining industry;
• Petroleum refineries industry;
• electric power generation (including alternative energy);
• ship and boat industry.
68 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Kegiatan Bisnis Penunjang sesuai 1. Jasa (aktivitas penunjang pertambangan minyak bumi dan gas)
Ketentuan Anggaran Dasar 2. Pengelolaan air, pengelolaan air limbah (aktivitas penunjang pengelolaan air, pengelolaan dan pembuangan
Supporting Business Activities air limbah tidak berbahaya, pengelolaan dan pembuangan air limbah berbahaya)
based on Articles of Association 3. Perdagangan (perdagangan eceran bahan bakar kendaraan di stasiun pengisian bahan bakar umum (SPBU))
4. Pertambangan (aktivitas penunjang pertambangan dan penggalian lainnya)
5. Pembangunan (konstruksi bangunan pengolahan dan penampungan barang minyak dan gas)
6. Perindustrian lainnya (industri mesin penambangan, penggalian dan konstruksi)
1. Services (supporting activities for oil and gas mining)
2. Water management, wastewater management (supporting activities for water management, management
and disposal of non-hazardous waste water, management and disposal of hazardous waste water)
3. Trade (retail trade in vehicle fuels at public refueling stations (SPBU))
4. Mining (mining and other excavation support activities)
5. Construction (construction of processing buildings and storage for oil and gas)
6. Other industries (mining, excavation, and construction machinery industry)
Modal Dasar
Authorized Capital : Rp2.
Kode Saham
Ticker Code ELSA
Area Operasi 2020
: Indonesia
Operation Area 2020
Alamat Perusahaan
Company Address
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai
Graha Elnusa, Lantai 16
Perseroan dapat menghubungi:
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B
Jakarta 12560, Indonesia
For further information about the Company
please contact:
(+62 21) 78830850
Sekretaris Perusahaan
(+62 21) 78830907 Corporate Secretary
Ari Wijaya,
Graha Elnusa, Lantai 16 Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B
Jakarta 12560, Indonesia
@elnusaofficial Telepon | Telephone:
(+62 21) 78830850
Elnusa Faksimili | Facsmile: (+62 21) 78830907
Surel | Email:
PT Elnusa Tbk
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 69
Company Profile
PT Elnusa Tbk (“Perseroan”) didirikan dengan nama PT Elnusa Tbk (the “Company”) was established
PT Elektronika Nusantara berdasarkan Akta Notaris under the name PT Electronika Nusantara based
No. 18 tanggal 25 Januari 1969 dari Tan Thong Kie, on the Notary Deed No. 18 dated January 25, 1969
S.H., sebagaimana di ubah melalui Akta Notaris from Tan Thong Kie, S.H., as amended by Notary
No. 10 tanggal 13 Februari 1969 dari notaris yang Deed No. 10 dated February 13, 1969 from the same
sama. Akta pendirian ini, yang merupakan Anggaran notary. This deed of establishment, which is the
Dasar Perseroan, telah mendapat pengesahan dari Company’s Articles of Association, was approved
Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia melalui Surat by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia
Keputusan No. J.A.5/18/24 tanggal 19 Februari through Decree No. J.A.5/18/24 dated February 19,
1969, serta telah diumumkan dalam Berita Negara 1969, and has been published in the State Gazette
Republik Indonesia No. 35, Tambahan No. 58 tanggal of the Republic of Indonesia No. 35, Supplement No.
2 Mei 1969. 58 dated May 2, 1969.
Entitas induk Perseroan adalah PT Pertamina The Company’s parent entity is PT Pertamina
(Persero) dan entitas induk terakhirnya adalah (Persero) and the ultimate parent entity is the
Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Perseroan mengawali Government of the Republic of Indonesia. The
70 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
kiprahnya sebagai pendukung operasi PT Pertamina Company started its business as a supporting
(Persero), terutama dalam memberikan pelayanan operations of PT Pertamina (Persero), especially
termasuk pemeliharaan dan perbaikan, di bidang in providing services including maintenance and
peralatan komunikasi elektronik, peralatan navigasi repairment of electronic communication equipment,
dan sistem radar yang digunakan oleh kapal-kapal navigation equipment, and radar systems used by
milik Pertamina maupun kapal-kapal minyak asing Pertamina-owned vessels and foreign oil vessels that
yang memiliki perjanjian kerja sama dengan Badan have cooperation agreements. with State Owned
Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) di bidang Migas. Enterprises (SOE) in the Oil and Gas sector.
Pada tahun 1984, nama Perseroan berubah menjadi In 1984, the Company’s name was changed to PT
PT Elnusa berdasarkan Akta Notaris No. 23 tanggal Elnusa based on Notarial Deed No. 23 June 8, 1984
8 Juni 1984 yang di buat di hadapan Sinta Susikto, which was made before Sinta Susikto, Notary, in
Notaris, di Jakarta. Hingga akhirnya pada tahun Jakarta. Until finally in 2008, the Company was
2008, Perseroan secara resmi terdaftar di Bursa officially listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Efek Indonesia (Kode saham: ELSA) pada 6 Februari (Ticker code: ELSA) on February 6, 2008 and used
2008 dan menggunakan nama PT Elnusa Tbk the name PT Elnusa Tbk The Company now not only
Perseroan kini tidak hanya melayani jasa migas, serves oil and gas services, but also energy services
namun Perseroan juga melayani jasa energi dan siap and is ready to become a credible company trusted
menjadi kepercayaan dari klien nasional maupun by national and international clients.
Perseroan membuktikan kemampuannya untuk Entering its 50th year anniversary the Company has
turut membangun kapasitas nasional sebagai proven its ability to contribute to building national
perusahaan jasa energi yang melalui Total capacity as an energy service company that carries
Solution di Usianya yang telah menginjak 51 tahun. Total Solutions. This is evidenced by Elsa Regent
Pembuktian tersebut ditunjukkan Perseroan dengan which is the most sophisticated seismic ship in
melayarkan Elsa Regent yang merupakan kapal Indonesia to support the exploration activities of
seismik tercanggih di Indonesia untuk mendukung the Jambi Merang Commitment (KKP) in the open
aktivitas eksplorasi Komitmen Kerja Pasti (KKP) areas of Indonesia, and this survey will be the largest
Jambi Merang di wilayah terbuka Indonesia, dan survey in the last decade in Asia Pasific. Besides,
survei ini akan menjadi survei terbesar dalam satu the Company, for the first time succeed to support
dekade terakhir se Asia Pasifik . Selain itu Perseroan the completion of decommissioning platform YYA
untuk pertama kalinya berhasil mendukung Removal. The Company also managed to carried
penyelesaian pekerjaan decommissioning platform out drilling innovation using HWU EHR-12 wich was
YYA Removal. Perseroan juga berhasil melakukan independently fabricated to be one of the alternative
inovasi pengeboran menggunakan HWU EHR-12 tools to drill new wells using Hydraulic Workover
yang difabrikasi secara mandiri sehingga mampu Drilling (HWD)
menjadi salah satu alternatif alat untuk melakukan
pengeboran sumur baru menggunakan Hydraulic
Workover Drilling (HWD).
Perseroan juga melebarkan sayapnya dengan The Company is also expanding by becoming a
menjadi operator distribusi BBM termasuk fuel distribution operator including supporting the
mendukung tercapainya BBM satu harga di wilayah achievement of one price fuel in Sulawesi, Sumatra,
Sulawesi, Sumatera, Bali, Nusa Tenggara dan Bali, Nusa Tenggara, and other eastern Indonesia
Indonesia timur lainnya dan mengelola sebanyak 49 and managing 49 fuel terminals, 1,629 managed tank
fuel terminal, 1.629 Mobil Tangki Kelola dan 5 Depo cars, and 5 new depots. Carrying out Independently
baru. Melakukan fabrikasi tiga alat secara mandiri fabricated three tools, namely Hydraulic Rig-14,
yaitu Hydraulic Rig-14, Triple Pump serta Air Receiver Triple Pump, and Air Receiver Tank.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 71
Company Profile
Perseroan juga membuktikan pencapaian terbaiknya The Company has also proven its best achievements
dengan meraih 20 penghargaan bergengsi dari by obtaining 20 prestigious awards from various
berbagai institusi. Selain itu, Perseroan juga meraih institutions. Besides, the Company also achieved
re-sertifikasi ISO Series meliputi ISO 9001:2015 ISO Series re-certification including, ISO 9001:
Sistem Manajemen Mutu, ISO 14001:2015 Sistem 2015 Quality Management System, ISO 14001: 2015
Manajemen Lingkungan, ISO 45001:2018 Sistem Environmental Management System, ISO 45001:
Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, 2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management
dan ISO 55001:2014 Sistem Manajemen Asset. System, and ISO 55001: 2014 Asset Management
Sedangkan ISO 37001: 2016 Sistem Manajemen Anti System. Meanwhile, ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Bribery
Penyuapan telah diraih Elnusa untuk pertama kali Management System has been achieved for the first
pada semester I 2020. Perseroan juga melakukan time in the first semester of 2020. The company
aksi korporasi dengan penerbitan sukuk ijarah also carried out corporate action by issuing the first
berkelanjutan I Tahap ke satu untuk jangka waktu sustainable sukuk ijarah Phase I for five years period.
lima tahun. Tidak hanya itu saja, Perseroan di Besides, the Company during a pandemic remains
tengah pandemic tetap berkomitmen dengan tidak committed to not terminating the employee contract
melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja karena due to the pandemic and the employee turnover rate
pandemic dan angka turnover karyawan hanya pada is only around 2.5%. In innovation side, the Company
kisaran 2,5%. Dalam inovasi, Perseroan berhasil managed to collect 200 CIP treatises and the 13
mengumpulkan 200 risalah CIP dan 13 Inovasi best innovations were included in the 2020 UIIA and
terbaik masuk dalam UIIA 2020 dan 3 Inovasi terbaik succeeded in obtaining the platinum category.
tersebut berhasil memperoleh kategori platinum.
Dalam mengantisipasi distrupsi, Perseroan berhasil To anticipate the disruption, the Company
melakukan pencapaian dengan membuat sistem succeeded in creating a business process system
business process yang dihasilkan secara mandiri, that was produced independently, and from the
dan dari Laboratorium inovasi yang Agni, perseroan Agni innovation laboratory, the company managed
berhasil menghasilkan 15 inkubasi Agni dengan 2 to produce 15 Agni incubations with 2 business model
business model valuation (BMV), 7 Product Valuation valuations (BMV), 7 Product Valuations (PV) and 6
(PV) dan 6 Customer Validation (CV). Selain itu, Customer Validations (CV). Besides, the achievement
Pencapaian pun ditunjukan melalui harga saham was also shown through ELSA’s stock price at the
ELSA pada penutupan perdagangan 2020, ELSA close of trading in 2020, ELSA had rebounded from
telah rebound dari kondisi bearish (Level 126) Maret the bearish conditions (Level 126) in March 2020.
Sebagaimana yang telah diuraikan dalam riwayat As explained in the Company’s brief history, that
singkat Perseroan, bahwa pada tahun 1984, nama in 1984, the Company’s name was changed from
Perseroan berubah dari PT Elektronika Nusantara PT Elektronika Nusantara to PT Elnusa based on
menjadi PT Elnusa berdasarkan Akta Notaris No 18 Notarial Deed No. 18 dated June 8, 1984 made
tanggal 8 Juni 1984 yang di buat di hadapan Sinta before Sinta Susikto, Notary, in Jakarta. This
Susikto, Notaris, di Jakarta. Perubahan tersebut change has a strong foundation, namely by the
memiliki landasan yang kuat yaitu dengan nama name of Elnusa, the Company has the ability to not
Elnusa, Perseroan telah memiliki kemampuan yang only be a service company in the largest oil and gas
tidak hanya menjadi perusahaan jasa di bidang migas sector in Indonesia, its human resources also meet
terbesar di Indonesia, sumber daya manusia yang international standards in the field they are involved
dimiliki pun telah memenuhi standar internasional in.
di bidang yang digeluti.
72 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Berdasarkan Akta Perubahan terakhir Perseroan Based on the Company’s latest Amendment Deed
Nomor 31 tanggal 11 April 2019 dibuat di hadapan Number 31 dated April 11, 2019 made before Aulia
Aulia Taufani, S.H., Notaris di Jakarta yang telah Taufani, S.H., Notary in Jakarta who had received
mendapat persetujuan Menteri Hukum dan Hak the approval from the Minister of Law and Human
Asasi Manusia RI dengan Surat Keputusan Nomor Rights of the Republic of Indonesia with Decree
AHU0022730.AH.01.02 Tahun 2019 tanggal 26 Number AHU0022730.AH.01.02 of 2019 dated April
April 2019, terdapat penyusunan kembali Pasal 3 26, 2019, there are the restructuring of Article 3 of
Anggaran Dasar Perseroan yaitu: the Company’s Articles of Association, namely:
1. Maksud dan tujuan Perseroan ini berusaha 1. The aims and objectives of the Company are
dalam bidang Jasa (aktivitas profesional; to engage in Services (professional activities,
informasi dan komunikasi; real estat; aktivitas information and communication, real estate,
ketenagakerjaan dan usaha penunjang lainnya); labor activities, and other supporting businesses),
Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran; Pertambangan Wholesale and retail trade, Mining and excavation,
dan Penggalian; Pembangunan (konstruksi); Building (construction), Industrial, and Water and
Perindustrian; dan Pengelolaan Air, Pengelolaan Wastewater Management.
Air Limbah.
2. Untuk mencapai maksud dan tujuan tersebut di 2. To achieve the aims and objectives above, the
atas, Perseroan dapat melaksanakan kegiatan Company can carry out business activities as
usaha sebagai berikut: follows:
a. Jasa (aktivitas profesional; ilmiah dan teknis; a. Services sector (professional activities;
informasi dan komunikasi; real estat; aktivitas information and communication; real
ketenagakerjaan dan usaha penunjang estate; labor activities, and other supporting
lainnya), antara lain: businesses), among others:
• Reparasi kapal, perahu, dan bangunan • Ships, boats and floating structures
terapung; repairment;
• Aktivitas keinsinyuran dan konsultasi teknis • Engineering and technical consulting
yang sehubungan dengan itu; activities related;
• Aktivitas pengolahan data; • Data processing activities;
• Aktivitas konsultasi komputer dan • Computer consulting activities and other
manajemen fasilitas komputer lainnya; computer facility management activities;
• Aktivitas teknologi informasi dan jasa • Information technology activities and other
komputer lainnya; computer services;
• Aktivitas konsultasi manajemen lainnya. • Other management consulting activities;
• Aktivitas penyeleksian dan penempatan • Workforce selection and placement
tenaga kerja; activities;
• Real estat yang dimiliki sendiri atau disewa; • Self-owned or leased real estate;
• Aktivitas penyedia gabungan jasa • Facility support service provider activity.
penunjang fasilitas.
b. Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran, antara lain: b. Wholesale and Retail Trade, among others:
• Perdagangan besar bahan bakar padat, • Wholesale trade in solid, liquid, and gaseous
cair, dan gas dan produk yang berhubungan fuels andrelated products;
dengan itu;
• Perdagangan besar atau balas jasa (fee) • Wholesale trade or fees or contracts;
atau kontrak;
• P e r d a g a n g a n besar peralatan • Wholesale trade of telecommunication
telekomunikasi. equipment.
c. Pertambangan dan Penggalian antara lain: c. Mining and Excavation, among others:
• Aktivitas penunjang pertambangan minyak • Supporting activities for oil and gas mining;
bumi dan gas;
• Aktivitas penunjang pertambangan dan • Supporting activities for other mining and
penggalian lainnya. excavation.
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Company Profile
74 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Berdasarkan maksud dan tujuan serta kegiatan Based on the aims and objectives and the business
usaha yang dilakukan, Perseroan mengembangkan activities carried out, the Company develops
produk dan jasa melalui 3 (tiga) segmen usaha, yang products and services through 3 (three) business
juga dijalankan oleh kelompok usaha Perseroan, segments, which are also run by the Company’s
dengan penjelasan sebagai berikut: business groups, with the following information:
Jasa Hulu Migas Divisi: Jasa Akuisisi Data 1. Seismic Data Acquisition (Land, Marine Jenis Aktivitas Bisnis DIvisi GRS,
Upstream Oil Division Geofisika/Survei Seismik and Transition Zone/ TZ) masih sama, adapun adanya
and Gas Services Divisi Geoscience & Migas 2. Non-Seismic Data Acquisition peningkatan utilisasi di tahun 2020
Reservoir Services 3. Seismic Data Processing disemua aktivitas Bisnis
(GRS) Geophysical Data 4. Geology, Geophysics & Reservoir The types of business activities in the
Acquisition/Oil and Gas GRS division are still the same, there
Entitas Anak/ Seismic Survey Services is an increase in utilization in 2020 in
Subsidiary: all business activities
PT Elnusa Geosains
Indonesia (EGI)
Divisi: Jasa Pengeboran dan 1. Drilling Services Jenis Aktivitas Bisnis DIvisi OFS,
Divisi Oilfield Services Pemeliharaan Lapangan 2. Hydraulic Workover & Snubbing Services realatif masih sama, baik utilisasi
(OFS) Migas 3. Coiled Tubbing Services maupun productivity di tahun 2020
4. Electric Wireline Logging Services Types of Business Activities in the
Entitas Anak: Oil and Gas Field Drilling 5. Well Testing Services OFS Division, are still relatively
Subsidiary: and Maintenance 6. Cementing & Pumping Services the same, both utilization and
PT Elnusa Oilfield Services 7. Drilling Fluid Services productivity in 2020
Services (EOS) 8. Surface Testing & Drill Steam Testing
9. Mud Logging & H2S Services
10. Enhance Oil Recovery
11. Well Plug & Abandonment
12. Artificial Lift
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 75
Company Profile
Divisi: J a s a O p e ra t i o n & Engineering, Procurement, & Construction Jenis Aktivitas Bisnis DIvisi EPC OM
Division: maintenance (O&M) Operation & Maintenance , relatif masih sama .
Divisi EPC-OM dan Engineering, The types of business activities in the
(Engineering, Procurement, & EPC OM division are still relatively
Production and Construction (EPC) the same.
Cosntruction Operation &
– Operation & maintenance (O&M)
Maintenance) and Engineering,
Procurement, &
Construction (EPC)
Jasa Distribusi & Entitas Anak: Jasa penyimpanan 1. Manajemen depot BBM milik swasta, Jenis Aktivitas Bisnis EPN, relatif
Logistik Energi Subsidiary: BBM, pendistribusian mulai dari kegiatan administrasi masih sama. Penurunan volume
Energy PT Elnusa Petrofin B B M , p e rd a g a n g a n pembelian BBM, pengangkutan BBM, t r u p u t d i s e b a b ka n d a m p a k
Distribution (EPN) BBM Industri & Marine, penyimpanan BBM dan penyaluran BBM dari pemberlakukan PSBB yang
& Logistics perdagangan chemicals, di lokasi pelanggan. EPN juga memiliki menyebabkan penurunan kebutuhan
Services perdagangan pelumas & depot BBM sendiri dengan kapasitas BBM baik di masyarakat maupun
aspal, serta pengelolaan 4.400 KL di Plumpang-Semper, Jakarta sektor industry.
SPBU & SPBE Utara untuk menyimpan Pertadex The types of EPN business activities
Pertamina. are relatively the same. The decrease
Fuel storage services, 2. Manajemen distribusi BBM, distribusi in volume of truput was due to the
fuel distribution, BBM dari depot Pertamina ke SPBU, impact of the PSBB implementation
Industrial & Marine Agen Premium Minyak Solar (APMS) dan which caused a decrease in fuel
fuel trading, chemicals stasiun pengisian bahan bakar bunker demand both in the community and
t ra d i n g , l u b r i c a n t s (SPBB) in the industrial sector.
& asphalt trading, 3. Pengelolaan SPBU dan SPBE
and SPBU & SPBE 4. Perdagangan Bahan Kimia
management 5. Perdagangan BBM Industri – Marine
6. Perdagangan Pelumas dan Aspal
76 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Jasa Penunjang Entitas Anak: Jasa fabrikasi, penguliran 1. Pengolahan bahan mentah dan bahan Jenis Aktivitas Bisnis EFK, masih
Migas Subsidiary: dan perdagangan pipa baku sama, peningkatan aktivitas di tahun
Oil and Gas PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Oil Country Tubular 2. Pembuatan serta perbaikan alat-alat 2020 khusunya kegiatan di fabrikasi.
Support Services Konstruksi (EFK) Goods (OCTG), proyek perminyakan EFK's type of business activity is still
EPC dan Maintenance 3. Perdagangan umum, termasuk ekspor, the same, increasing activity in 2020,
Services impor, regional dan lokal. especially activities in fabrication.
4. Penyediaan jasa untuk bidang minyak
Fabrication, threading dan gas bumi, yaitu OCTG dan penguliran
and trading services pipa. Berperan sebagai agen dari
for Oil Country Tubular perusahaan dari dalam maupun luar
Goods (OCTG) pipes, negeri.
E P C p ro j e c t s a n d 5. Jasa pemeliharaan mesin dan peralatan
Maintenance Services migas
6. Layanan jasa desain, engineering,
pengawasan, dan pelaksanaan konstruksi.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 77
Company Profile
Entitas Anak: Jasa Pengelolaan 1. Pengelolaan data migas (fisik & digital) Terhitung sejak maret 2018 kontrak
Subsidiary: Data Migas Meliputi, nasional untuk menarik investasi migas pengelolaan data migas nasional
PT Patra Nusa Data D a t a Fi s i k ( Re p o r t / nasional. yang semula berkontrak dengan
(PND) Paper, Media Simpan 2. Bisnis Farm in Farm out Pusdatin ESDM kemudian beralih
Data, Fluida, Batuan) 3. Bisnis pengelolaan data migas korporat ke Pertamina (PUDC:Pertamina
Dan Data Digital, (Corporate Data Repository) Upstream Data Center) hingga
Jasa Alih Media , Jasa 4. Bisnis pengelolaan data non migas saat ini.
Remastering, Jasa 5. Pembangunan System Digital Oilfield Dalam hal ini, perseroan telah
Prospect Evaluation, Management kembali mendapatkan kepercayaan
Jasa Aplikasi IT Data 6. Pembangunan, pengembangan untuk mengelola data migas
Management, dan pengelolaan Advance well data nasional sebagai National
Bisnis Design & m a n a g e m e n t (O n l i n e We l l d a t a Data Repository dalam rangka
I m p l e m e nt a s i D a t a monitoring) mendukung upaya pemerintah
Governance, Data 7. Design & implementasi data governance dalam meningkatkan investasi migas
Wa re h o u s e D i g i t a l , 8. Bisnis datawarehouse digital dan nasional dan penemuan cadangan
Advance Well Data Corporate Dashboard System baru lewat ketersediaan data dan
Management nilai tambah data yang dihasilkan
1. National oil and gas data management oleh system berikut infrastruktur
Oil and Gas Data (physical & digital) to attract national oil yang dimiliki serta didukung oleh
Management Services and gas investment. Sumber Daya Manusia dengan
Include, Physical Data 2. Farm in Farm out Business knowledge yang kuat dalam data
(Report/Paper, Data 3. The business of managing corporate management. Selain itu, selama
Storage Media, Fluid, oil and gas data (Corporate Data tahun 2020, perseroan mendapat
Rocks) And Digital Repository) kepercayaan untuk mengelola
Data, Media Transfer 4. Non-oil and gas data management Corporate Data Repository untuk
Services, Remastering business data E&P baik, teknis, operasional
Ser vices, Prospect 5. Development of a Digital Oilfield maupun support untuk Pertamina
Evaluation Services, Management System group. Untuk meningkatkan layanan
IT Data Management 6. Development, development and dan kompetensi, maka dilakukan
Application Services, management of Advance well data penerapan teknologi advance well
Business Design & management (Online Welldata data sehingga menjadi added
Implementation of monitoring) value khusus yang berkontribusi
Data Governance, 7. Design & implementation of data pada branding perseroan maupun
Digital Data Warehouse, governance terhadap pendapatan perseroan
Advance Well Data 8. Digital warehouse data business and
Management Corporate Dashboard System St a r t i n g fro m M a rc h 2 0 1 8 ,
the national oil and gas data
management contract that originally
coolaborated with the ESDM Center
for Data and Information has then
shifted to Pertamina (PUDC:
Pertamina Upstream Data Center)
to date.
In this case, the company has
regained the confidence to manage
national oil and gas data as the
National Data Repository in order
to support the government's
efforts to increase national oil and
gas investment and discover new
reserves through data availability
and value added data generated
by the system and infrastructure
that is owned and supported by
Human Resources with strong
knowledge in data management. In
addition, during 2020, the company
was entrusted with managing the
Corporate Data Repository for E&P
data, both technical, operational and
support for the Pertamina group. To
improve service and competence,
advanced well data technology is
implemented so that it becomes a
special added value that contributes
to the company's branding and to
the company's revenue.
78 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Entitas Anak: Jasa penyimpanan data 1. Penyimpanan dan pengelolaan berbagai Jenis Aktivitas Bisnis SCU, masih
Subsidiary: fisik, pengelolaan data jenis dokumen meliputi Magnetic Tape sama.
PT Sigma Cipta elektronik & sistem Storage, Document Hardcopy Storage, SCU's type of business activity is still
Utama (SCU) informasi, penyimpanan Geological Sample Storage, General the same.
contoh batuan migas, Warehousing, Geological Sample
telekomunikasi radio, Maintenance Services, Data Assesment,
jasa aplikasi sistem IT Data Storage & Library Servicing,
Physical data storage Magnetic Media Transferring, Hardcopy
s e r v i ce s , e l e c t ro n i c Scanning.
data management & 2. Information & Communication
information systems, Technology (ICT), meliputi Data
storage of oil and Center & Disaster Recovery Services, IT
gas samples, radio Solution, IT Service Management (ITSM),
telecommunications, Knowledge Management System (KMS),
IT system application Radio (Trunking and Conventional)
services Telecommunication Solution, Equipment
Monitoring Control, Vessel Tracking
Monitoring System, GPS Tracking.
3. Pembuatan duplikat data master dalam
berbagai media dan mengubah format
4. Proses perlindungan data untuk
kepentingan backup dan recovery data
Entitas Anak: Jasa pendukung layanan 1. Jasa penyewaan kapal untuk keperluan Jenis Aktivitas Bisnis ETSA, masih
Subsidiary: marine migas operasional lapangan minyak, seperti sama, peningkatan aktivitas di tahun
PT Elnusa Trans Supporting services for penyewaan kapal tug boat, crew boat, 2020 khusunya kegiatan di Support
Samudera (ETSA) marine oil and gas AWB dan, multipurpose barges kegiatan hulu migas pada seismic
2. Jasa penyewaan kapal untuk keperluan dan divisi OFS.
seismik survei The types of ETSA business activities
3. Jasa penyewaan kapal untuk keperluan are still the same, increasing
operasional bisnis lain selain migas activities in 2020, especially
activities in the support of upstream
1. Boat rental services for oil field oil and gas activities in seismic and
operations, such as tug boat rental, crew OFS divisions.
boat, AWB and multipurpose barges.
2. Ship charter services for seismic survey
3. Ship charter services for business
operations other than oil and gas
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 79
Company Profile
Arief Riyanto
Direktur Operasi merangkap Direktur Pengembangan Usaha
Director of Operations concurrently Director of Business
Ali Mundakir
Direktur Utama
President Director
Hery Setiawan
Direktur Keuangan
Asmal Salam Director of Finance
Ramon Arias Pili
Chief of Legal &
80 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Hera Handayani Yogi Faratodi VP of Engineering
VP of Business VP of Marketing Centre & Quality
Development Management
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 81
Company Profile
Visi, Misi, Nilai, dan Budaya Perusahaan senantiasa di The Company Vision, Mission, Values, and Culture
kaji secara berkala untuk memastikan kesesuaiannya are regularly reviewed to ensure its suitability with
dengan perkembangan lingkungan bisnis Perseroan. the development of the Company’s business. The
Perumusan Visi, Misi, Nilai, dan Budaya Perusahaan formulation of the Company Vision, Mission, Values,
dilakukan dengan melibatkan seluruh pihak and Culture is carried out by involving all related
yang terkait yaitu Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, dan parties, among others, the Board of Commissioners,
Karyawan, serta memperhatikan kepentingan dari Board of Directors, and Employees, and considering
para Pemangku Kepentingan lainnya. the Stakeholders and other Stakeholders’ interest.
Sejalan dengan perkembangan lingkungan bisnis In line with the development of the business
dan tantangan yang dihadapi, Perseroan mengubah environment and the challenges faced, the Company
visi-misi yang menjadi tujuan selama ini. Perubahan has changed its vision and mission. The changes
visi, misi ini adalah untuk menguatkan keyakinan was aims to strengthen confidence in facing future
dalam menghadapi dinamika dan tantangan bisnis business dynamics and challenges. these has been
ke depan. Perubahan visi dan misi ini telah disetujui approved by the Board of Commissioners and the
oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi serta disahkan Board of Directors and ratified at the same time as
bersamaan dengan pengesahan RJPP 2017-2021. the 2017-2021 RJPP. This change in vision and mission
Perubahan visi misi ini tersaji sebagai berikut: are presented as follows:
Meningkatkan kelangsungan bisnis yang berkelanjutan dan
Perusahaan Jasa menguntungkan dalam industri energi dalam negeri dan
internasional untuk memenuhi harapan pemegang saham.
Energi Terkemuka Improve business sustainability and profitability in local
and international energy industries to meet shareholders’
yang Memberikan expectations.
PT Elnusa Tbk
Perseroan memiliki nilai dan budaya Perusahaan The Company has the following values and culture:
sebagai berikut:
: Memiliki integritas, komitmen tinggi, dan dapat Have integrity, high commitment, and reliable in
diandalkan dalam menjalankan setiap aktivitas carrying out every company business activity.
bisnis perusahaan.
: Terpercaya di dalam komunitas bisnis dan Trusted in the business community and
lingkungan karena memiliki keahlian dan semangat environment by the expertise and high enthusiasm
yang tinggi di bidangnya dalam menyelesaikan in its business fields in completing work quickly
pekerjaan secara cepat dan akurat, memahami and accurately, understand customer needs,
kebutuhan pelanggan, memberikan pelayanan provide the best service to achieve customer
Respectful terbaik untuk mencapai kepuasan pelanggan satisfaction, and prioritize work safety in carrying
serta menjadikan keselamatan kerja sebagai out every activity.
prioritas utama dalam melaksanakan setiap
: Bersikap proaktif menjalin kerja sama dengan Proactive in collaborating with customers,
Synergy pelanggan, mitra usaha, masyarakat, karyawan business partners, communities, employees, and
dan pemegang saham. shareholders.
Namun pada akhir 2020, Perseroan melakukan However, at the end of 2020, the Company aligned
penyelarasan Value Elnusa dengan tata nilai AKHLAK the Elnusa Value with the AKHLAK values which are
yang merupakan turunan dari nilai-nilai utama atau derived from the main values or core values of
core value Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang dijadikan Owned Enterprises which serve as the corporate
sebagai budaya perusahaan dari Induk Perseroan PT culture of the parent entity, PT Pertamina (Persero).
Pertamina (Persero).
Adaptif Terus berinovasi dan antusias dalam menggerakan ataupun menghadapi perubahan
Adaptive Continue to innovate and be enthusiastic in making and facing the changes
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 83
Company Profile
Dijabarkan sebagai sifat yang harus dimiliki oleh seluruh karyawan sebagai individu meliputi
Personal Ethos : Described as a trait that the employees must have as an individual including
“Working with Passion, Working with Love & Working Smart”.
Dijabarkan sebagai budaya yang harus dimiliki dalam melakukan pekerjaan meliputi
: Described as a culture that the employees must have in carrying out their job work including
“HSE is My Culture, Equipment is My Life & Cost Awareness is My Attitude”.
Dijabarkan sebagai sifat yang harus dimiliki oleh para manajemen di Perseroan meliputi
: Described as a traits that the management must have in the Company including
“Manage with Knowledge, Manage with Speed, and Manage with Gut”.
84 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Tulisan ‘Elnusa’ menggunakan huruf Frutiger sain Bd v.1 dengan format huruf kecil (lowercase)
dan tebal (bold), hal ini memberi kesan Elnusa ramah dan tegas.
Logotype :
The typography of 'Elnusa' uses the font Frutiger sain Bd v.1 in lowercase and bold, this gives the
impression of Elnusa as friendly and decisive.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 85
Company Profile
Agus Prabowo
Komisaris Utama
President Commisisoner
Usia | Tempat & Tanggal Lahir 62 tahun per 31 Desember 2020 | Yogyakarta, 15 Oktober 1958
Age | Place & Date of Birth 62 years old as of December 31, 2020 I Yogyakarta, 15 October 1958
• S1 Arsitektur, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (1984)
• Master of Engineering, Urban & Regional Planning, Hokkaido University, Jepang
Riwayat Pendidikan • Doctor of Engineering, Urban Redevelopment, Hokkaido University, Jepang
Education Background (1996)
• Bachelor of Architecture, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (1984)
• Master of Engineering, Urban & Regional Planning, Hokkaido University, Japan
• Doctor of Engineering, Urban Redevelopment, Hokkaido University, Japan (1996)
Riwayat Jabatan
Occupational Position History
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Akta Berita Acara RUPS Nomor 15 tanggal 8 Juli 2020
Legal Basis of Appointment Deed of GMS Minutes Number 15 dated July 8, 2020
• Komite Audit PT Pertamina (Persero) (2020)
• Kepala Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (2015-2018)
• Deputi Bidang Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Sumber Daya Manusia,
Pengalaman Kerja Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (2011-2015)
Work Experience • Audit Committee of PT Pertamina (Persero) (2020)
• Head of the Government Procurement Policy Institution (2015-2018)
• Deputy for Human Resources Development, Government Procurement Policy
Institution (2011-2015)
• Komisaris PT Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (2020-sekarang)
• Staf Khusus Menteri PUPR Bidang Pengadaan (2019-sekarang)
• Senior Management Advisor for Environment, United Nations Development
Jabatan Rangkap Programme (2019-sekarang)
Concurrent Position • Commissioner of PT Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (2020-present)
• Special Staff of the Minister of PUPR for Procurement (2019-present)
• Senior Management Advisor for Environment, United Nations Development
Program (2019-present)
Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya, Direksi
Hubungan Afiliasi dan Pemegang Saham Utama
Affiliation Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of
Directors and Major Shareholders
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA
ELSA Share Ownership
Domisili Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta
Domicile South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
86 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Usia | Tempat & Tanggal Lahir 64 tahun per 31 Desember 2020 | Cianjur, 21 April 1956
Age | Place & Date of Birth 64 years old as of December 31, 2020 | Cianjur, April, 21, 1956
Riwayat Pendidikan • S1 Fisika, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (1976)
Education Background • Bachelor in Physics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (1976)
Riwayat Jabatan
Occupational Position History
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Akta Berita Acara RUPS Nomor 25 tanggal 14 Mei 2018
Legal Basis of Appointment Deed of GMS Minutes Number 25 dated May 14, 2018
• Direktur Operasi PT Elnusa Tbk (2013-2015)
• Direktur Operasi PT Pilar Anggaraksa (2010-2013)
• Direktur Operasi PT Permata Drilling International (2008-2010)
• Direktur Operasi PT Saripari Pertiwi Abadi (2005-2008)
Pengalaman Kerja • Field Engineer di Schlumberger (1981-2005)
Work Experience • Operation Director of PT Elnusa Tbk (2013-2015)
• Operation Director of PT Pilar Anggaraksa (2010-2013)
• Operation Director of PT Permata Drilling International (2008-2010)
• Operation Director of PT Saripari Pertiwi Abadi (2005-2008)
• Field Engineer of Schlumberger (1981-2005)
Jabatan Rangkap Tidak memiliki jabatan rangkap pada Perusahaan lain
Concurrent Position Does not have any concurrent position at other companies
Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya,
Hubungan Afiliasi Direksi dan Pemegang Saham Utama
Affiliation Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of
Directors and Major Shareholders
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA
ELSA Share Ownership
Domisili Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Domicile South Tangerang City, Banten
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 87
Company Profile
Anis Baridwan
Komisaris Independen
Independent Commissioner
Usia | Tempat & Tanggal Lahir 65 tahun per 31 Desember 2020 | Solo, 21 Februari 1955
Age | Place & Date of Birth 65 years old as of December 31, 2020 I Solo, February 21, 1955
• S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (1976)
• Master of Business Administration, Accounting & Finance, Saint Louis
Riwayat Pendidikan
University, USA (1986)
Education Background
• Bachelor of Accounting Economics, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta,
Indonesia (1976)
Riwayat Jabatan
Occupational Position History
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Akta Berita Acara RUPS Nomor 30 tanggal 11 April 2019
Legal Basis of Appointment Deed of GMS Minutes Number 30 dated April 11, 2019
• Deputi Komisioner Audit Internal, Manajemen Risiko dan Pengendalian
Kualitas, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (2013 – 2015)
Pengalaman Kerja • Anggota Dewan Audit, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (2015 – 2017)
Work Experience • Deputy Commissioner for Internal Audit, Risk Management and Quality
Control, Financial Services Authority (2013 - 2015)
• Member of the Audit Board, Financial Services Authority (2015 - 2017)
• Dosen Magister Management Universitas Gadjah Mada (2002-sekarang)
• Komite Audit PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (2015-sekarang)
• Komisaris Independen PT Nikko Sekuritas Indonesia (2018-sekarang)
Jabatan Rangkap
• Lecturer in Management at Gadjah Mada University (2002-present)
Concurrent Position
• Audit Committee of the Indonesian Central Securities Depository
• Independent Commissioner of PT Nikko Sekuritas Indonesia (2018-present)
Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya,
Hubungan Afiliasi Direksi dan Pemegang Saham Utama
Affiliation Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of
Directors and Major Shareholders
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA
ELSA Share Ownership
Domisili Jakarta Timur, D.K.I. Jakarta
Domicile East Jakarta, D.K.I. Jakarta
88 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Antonius Ratdomopurbo
Usia | Tempat & Tanggal Lahir 59 tahun per 31 Desember 2020 | Wonosari, 5 Februari 1961
Age | Place & Date of Birth 59 years old as of December 31, 2020 I Wonosari, February 5, 1961
• S1 Fisika Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (1979)
• S2 Geofisika & Geokimia di Universite Joseph Fourier Grenoble, Perancis (1991)
• S3 Geofisika & Geokimia di Universite Joseph Fourier Grenoble, Perancis (1992)
Riwayat Pendidikan • Bachelor of Physics at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (1979)
Education Background • Masters in Geophysics & Geochemistry at Universite Joseph Fourier Grenoble,
France (1991)
• Doctor of Geophysics & Geochemistry at Universite Joseph Fourier Grenoble,
France (1992)
Riwayat Jabatan
Occupational Position History
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Akta Berita Acara RUPS Nomor 30 tanggal 11 April 2019
Legal Basis of Appointment Deed of GMS Minutes Number 30 dated April 11, 2019
• Ketua Program World Organization of Volcano Observatories Database,
Senior Research Fellow, Universitas Teknologi Nanyang, Singapore (2009-2013)
• Kepala Pusat Survei Geologi, Badan Geologi, Kementerian ESDM (2007-2008)
• Kepala Balai Penyelidikan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kegunungapian,
Kementerian ESDM (2001-2006)
Pengalaman Kerja • Chairman of the World Organization of Volcano Observatories Database
Work Experience Program, Senior Research Fellow, Nanyang University of Technology, Singapore
• Head of the Center for Geological Survey, Geological Agency, Ministry of
Energy and Mineral Resources (2007-2008)
• Head of the Center for Investigation and Development of Volcano Technology,
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (2001-2006)
Sekretaris Badan Geologi, Kementerian ESDM (2017-2021)
Jabatan Rangkap
Secretary of the Geology Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (2017-
Concurrent Position
Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya,
Hubungan Afiliasi Direksi dan Pemegang Saham Utama
Affiliation Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of
Directors and Major Shareholders
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA
ELSA Share Ownership
Domisili Bantul, D.I. Yogyakarta
Domicile Bantul, D.I. Yogyakarta
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 89
Company Profile
Ali Mundakir
Direktur Utama
President Director
Usia 51 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 51 years old as of December 31, 2020
• S1 - Teknik Mesin Universitas Brawijaya (1987)
• S2 - Teknologi Energi, Geotermal Institute (1997)
Riwayat Pendidikan • S2 - Teknik Mesin University of Auckland (1999)
Education Background • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Brawijaya University (1987)
• Master of Energy Technology, Geothermal Institute (1997)
• Master of Mechanical Engineering University of Auckland (1999)
Riwayat Jabatan
Occupational Position History
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Akta Berita Acara RUPS tanggal 8 Juli 2020
Legal Basis of Appointment Deed of GMS Minutes dated July 8, 2020
• Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (2018 - 2020)
• Direktur Operasi PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (2015 - 2018)
• VP Corporate Communication Pertamina (2012-2015)
• Corporate Secretary PT Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia (2011- 2012)
• Manager Relation & Administrasi Korporat PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (2008-
Pengalaman Kerja 2011)
Work Experience • President Director of PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (2018 - 2020)
• Director of Operation of PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (2015 - 2018)
• VP of Corporate Communication of Pertamina (2012 - 2015)
• Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia (2011-2012)
• Manager of Corporate Relations & Administration of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
(2008 - 2011)
Jabatan Rangkap Tidak memiliki jabatan rangkap pada Perusahaan lain
Concurrent Position Has no concurrent position at other companies
Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya,
Hubungan Afiliasi Direksi dan Pemegang Saham Utama
Affiliation Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of
Directors and Major Shareholders
Domisili Bogor, Jawa Barat
Domicile Bogor, West Java
90 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Arief Riyanto
Direktur Operasi merangkap
Direktur Pengembangan Usaha
Director of Operation concurrently as
Director of Business Development
Usia 58 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 58 years old as of December 31, 2020
Riwayat Pendidikan Sarjana Teknik Mesin, Universitas Gadjah Mada-Yogyakarta (1987)
Education Background Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Gadjah Mada University-Yogyakarta (1987)
Riwayat Jabatan
Occupational Position History
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Akta Berita Acara RUPS tanggal 8 Juli 2020
Legal Basis of Appointment Deed of GMS Minutes dated July 8, 2020
• Advisor of Coporate Services Inpex Masela (2017-sekarang)
• Kepala Divisi Manajemen Proyek dan Pemeliharaan Fasilitas di Bidang Operasi SKK Migas
• Kepala Divisi Komersialisasi Gas Bumi SKK Migas (2013-2015)
• Vice President Management Representative SKK Migas di Pertamina EP (2013)
• Kepala Pengawas & Pengendali Proyek Banyuurip-Exxon Cepu (2011-2012)
• Kepala Dinas Fasilitas Konstruksi Darat LNG-BP Migas (2005-2008)
• Asisten Bisnis Manager Proyek Pertamina-BP LNG Tangguh (2001-2003)
• Resident Engineer Proyek Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Pertamina LNG Tangguh di
Houston (1999-2000)
• Project Control Supervisor-PT Badak LNG di Bontang (1997-1998)
• Mechanical & Piping Engineer PT Arun LNG di Lhokseumawe (1990-1997)
• Mengawali karir sebagai Field Mechanical Engineer-Cengkareng International Airport Phase
Pengalaman Kerja 2 project, Saint Rap Colas-Waskita Karya Joint Operation (1986-1989)
Work Experience • Inpex Masela Advisor of Corporate Services (2017-present)
• Head of Project Management and Facility Maintenance Division in the SKK Migas Operation
Area (2015-2017)
• Head of SKK Migas Natural Gas Commercialization Division (2013-2015)
• Vice President Management Representative of SKK Migas at Pertamina EP (2013)
• Chief Superintendent & Controller of the Banyuurip Project-Exxon Cepu (2011-2012)
• Head of the LNG Land Construction Facilities Service-BP Migas (2005-2008)
• Business Assistant Manager for Pertamina Project Manager-BP LNG Tangguh (2001-2003)
• Pertamina LNG Tangguh Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Resident Engineer Project in
Houston (1999-2000)
• Project Control Supervisor-PT Badak LNG in Bontang (1997-1998)
• Mechanical & Piping Engineer of PT Arun LNG in Lhokseumawe (1990-1997)
• He started his career as a Field Mechanical Engineer-Cengkareng International Airport
Phase 2 project, Saint Rap Colas-Waskita Karya Joint Operation (1986-1989)
• Komisaris Utama PT Elnusa Trans Samudera *)
• Komisaris PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi *)
• Komisaris PT Elnusa Oilfield Services *)
Jabatan Rangkap *) Entitas Anak Perseroan dan bukan Perusahaan Publik
Concurrent Position • President Commissioner of PT Elnusa Trans Samudera *)
• Commissioner of PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi *)
• Commissioner of PT Elnusa Oilfield Services *)
*) Subsidiaries of the Company and not a Public Company
Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya, Direksi
Hubungan Afiliasi dan Pemegang Saham Utama
Affiliation Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of
Directors and Major Shareholders
Domisili DKI Jakarta
Domicile DKI Jakarta
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 91
Company Profile
Hery Setiawan
Direktur Keuangan
Finance Director
Usia 53 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 53 years old as of December 31, 2020
• S1 Ekonomi Manajemen, Universitas Diponegoro-Semarang (1991)
• S2 Manajemen Keuangan & Investasi, Institut Pertanian Bogor (2015)
Riwayat Pendidikan
• Bachelor of Management Economics, Diponegoro University-Semarang (1991)
Education Background
• Masters of Financial & Investment Management, Bogor Agricultural Institute
Riwayat Jabatan
Occupational Position History
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Akta Berita Acara RUPS tanggal 8 Juli 2020
Legal Basis of Appointment Deed of GMS Minutes dated July 8, 2020
Memulai karir di Pertamina sejak tahun 1993, dengan menduduki berbagai macam
posisi jabatan antara lain:
• Direktur Keuangan Dana Pensiun Pertamina (2016-2018)
• Finance & Services SJV Development Manager PT Pertamina (Persero) (2016)
• Downstream & NonCore SJV Performance Management Manager PT
Pertamina (Persero) (2014-2016)
• Manajer Dana Pensiun Pertamina (2009-2011)
Pengalaman Kerja
Work Experience He commenced his career at Pertamina since 1993, and served various positions,
• Finance Director of Pertamina Pension Fund (2016-2018)
• Finance & Services SJV Development Manager of PT Pertamina (Persero)
• Downstream & NonCore SJV Performance Management Manager of PT
Pertamina (Persero) (2014-2016)
• Manager of Pertamina Pension Fund (2009-2011)
• Komisaris PT Elnusa Petrofin *)
• Komisaris PT Elnusa Geosains *)
*) Entitas Anak Perseroan dan bukan Perusahaan Publik
Jabatan Rangkap
Concurrent Position
• Commissioner of PT Elnusa Petrofin *)
• Commissioner of PT Elnusa Geosains *)
*) Subsidiaries of the Company and not a Public Company
Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya,
Hubungan Afiliasi Direksi dan Pemegang Saham Utama
Affiliation Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of
Directors and Major Shareholders
Domisili Bogor, Jawa Barat
Domicile Bogor, West Java
92 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Tenny Elfrida
Direktur SDM & Umum
Director of Human Resource & General Affairs
Usia 41 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 41 years old as of December 31, 2020
Riwayat Pendidikan S1 Akuntansi Universitas Indonesia (2002)
Education Background Bachelor of Accounting in Indonesia University (2002)
Riwayat Jabatan
Occupational Position History
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Akta Berita Acara RUPS tanggal 8 Juli 2020
Legal Basis of Appointment Deed of GMS Minutes dated July 8, 2020
• Komisaris PT Elnusa Trans Samudera (Baru menjabat Desember 2020)
• VP Human Capital Management Corporate PT Pertamina (Persero) (2018 -
• VP HR Operation PT Pertamina (Persero) (2017)
• VP of Human Resource PT Elnusa Tbk (2012 - 2017)
• Senior Manager of Quality Management PT Elnusa Tbk (2010 - 2012)
Pengalaman Kerja • Manager System & Procedure - PT Elnusa Tbk (2009 - 2010)
Work Experience • Commissioner of PT Elnusa Trans Samudera (appointed in December 2020)
• VP Human Capital Management Corporate of PT Pertamina (Persero) (2018 -
• VP HR Operation of PT Pertamina (Persero) (2017)
• VP of Human Resource of PT Elnusa Tbk (2012 - 2017)
• Senior Manager of Quality Management of PT Elnusa Tbk (2010 - 2012)
• System & Procedure Manager of PT Elnusa Tbk (2009 - 2010)
Jabatan Rangkap Komisaris PT Elnusa Trans Samudera (Baru menjabat Des 2020)
Concurrent Position Commissioner of PT Elnusa Trans Samudera (Just served Dec 2020)
Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya,
Hubungan Afiliasi Direksi dan Pemegang Saham Utama
Affiliation Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of
Directors and Major Shareholders
Domisili DKI Jakarta
Domicile DKI Jakarta
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 93
Company Profile
Ari Wijaya
Corporate Secretary
Menjabat sejak 1/11/2019 I Serving the position since 1/11/2019
Kewarganegaraan Warga Negara Indonesia
Citizenship Indonesian citizens
Usia 50 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 50 years old as of December 31, 2020
Domisili Tangerang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Domicile Tangerang, West Java, Indonesia
Bergabung di Elnusa
: 12/10/2009
Joined Elnusa
Riwayat Pendidikan M.M, Magister Managemen, Universitas Trisakti Jakarta, 2009
Education Background Master of Management, Trisakti University Jakarta, 2009
Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai Corporate Secretary, beliau menjabat
Pengalaman Kerja sebagai VP of Property Management & General Affair (2018 - 2019)
Work Experience Before holding the position of Corporate Secretary, he served as VP of Property
Management & General Affair (2018-2019)
Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan
: SK No.017/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Legal Basis of Employment
Ganang Soegiyarso
Chief of Internal Audit
Menjabat sejak 1/11/2019 I Serving the position since 1/11/2019
Kewarganegaraan Warga Negara Indonesia
Citizenship Indonesian citizens
Usia 53 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 53 years old as of December 31, 2020
Domisili Tangerang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Domicile Tangerang, West Java, Indonesia
Bergabung di Elnusa
: 02/01/2013
Joined Elnusa
Riwayat Pendidikan Ak, Akuntansi, Sekolah Tinggi Adminstrasi Negara Jakarta, 1995
Education Background Ak, Accounting, State Administrative Institute Jakarta, 1995
Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai Chief of Internal Audit, beliau menjabat
Pengalaman Kerja sebagai Senior Auditor (2013 - 2019)
Work Experience Before holding the position of Chief of Internal Audit, he served as Senior Auditor
Dasar Hukum Pengangkatan
: SK No.017/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Legal Basis of Employment
94 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Asmal Salam
Chief of Legal & Compliance
Menjabat sejak 1/10/2016 I Serving the position since 1/10/2016
Kewarganegaraan Warga Negara Indonesia
Citizenship Indonesian citizens
Usia 51 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 51 years old as of December 31, 2020
Domisili Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Domicile East Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Bergabung di Elnusa
: 01/03/2005
Joined Elnusa
Riwayat Pendidikan M.Kn, Kenotariatan, Universitas Indonesia, 2014
Education Background M.Kn, Notary, University of Indonesia, 2014
Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai Chief of Legal & Compliance,beliau
Pengalaman Kerja menjabat sebagai Chief of Legal & Contract (2016 - 2019)
Work Experience Before holding the position of Chief of Legal & Compliance, he served as Chief of
Legal & Contract (2016 - 2019)
Dasar Hukum
Pengangkatan : SK No.017/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Legal Basis of Employment
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 95
Company Profile
Rony Hartanto
VP of Oilfield Service
Menjabat sejak 1/02/2018 I Serving the position since 1/02/2018
Kewarganegaraan Warga Negara Indonesia
Citizenship Indonesian citizens
Usia 44 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 44 years old as of December 31, 2020
Domisili Tangerang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Domicile Tangerang, West Java, Indonesia
Bergabung di Elnusa
: 1/11/2004
Joined Elnusa
Riwayat Pendidikan S.T, Teknik Elektro, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, 2000
Education Background Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta, 2000
Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Production, Operation & Maintenance
Service, beliau menjabat sebagai Managing Director of DOS Service Line (2015
Pengalaman Kerja
: - 2018)
Work Experience
Before holding the position as VP of Production, Operation & Maintenance Service,
he served as Managing Director of DOS Service Line (2015 - 2018)
Dasar Hukum
Pengangkatan : SK No.017/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Legal Basis of Employment
96 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Sopyan Mardiana
VP of Geoscience & Reservoir Services
Menjabat sejak 1/07/2020 I Serving the position since 1/07/2020
Kewarganegaraan Warga Negara Indonesia
Citizenship Indonesian citizens
Usia 55 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 55 years old as of December 31, 2020
Domisili Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Domicile Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Bergabung di Elnusa
: 1/07/1997
Joined Elnusa
Riwayat Pendidikan, Fisika, Universitas Indonesia. 1992
Education Background Bachelor of Physics, University of Indonesia, 1992
Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Geoscience & Reservoir Services,
Pengalaman Kerja beliau menjabat sebagai General Manager of GDA Marine & TZ (2015 - 2020)
Work Experience Before holding the position as VP of Geoscience & Reservoir Services, he served as
General Manager of GDA Marine & TZ (2015 - 2020)
Dasar Hukum
Pengangkatan : SK No.017/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Legal Basis of Employment
Achmad Zaki
VP of Asset Realibility & Productivity
Menjabat sejak 1/11/2018 | Serving the position since 1/11/2018
Kewarganegaraan Warga Negara Indonesia
Citizenship Indonesian citizens
Usia 53 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 53 years old as of December 31, 2020
Domisili Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Domicile Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Bergabung di Elnusa
: 1/11/2004
Joined Elnusa
Riwayat Pendidikan M.M, Magister Management, Prasetya Mulya Business School Jakarta, 2009
Education Background Master of Management, Prasetya Mulya Business School Jakarta, 2009
Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Asset Realibility & Productivity, beliau
Pengalaman Kerja menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama EFK (2013 - 2015)
Work Experience Before holding the position as VP of Asset Realibility & Productivity, he served as
President Director of EFK (2013 - 2015)
Dasar Hukum
Pengangkatan : SK No.017/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Legal Basis of Employment
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 97
Company Profile
Hera Handayani
VP of Business Development
Menjabat sejak 1/11/2019 I Serving the position since 1/11/2019
Kewarganegaraan Warga Negara Indonesia
Citizenship Indonesian citizens
Usia 45 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 45 years old as of December 31, 2020
Domisili Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Domicile South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Bergabung di Elnusa
: 1/04/2014
Joined Elnusa
Riwayat Pendidikan M.M, Magister Management, Universitas Indonesia 2005
Education Background Master of Management, University of Indonesia 2005
Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Business Development, beliau
Pengalaman Kerja menjabat sebagai SM of Quality Management (2018 - 2019)
Work Experience Before holding the as VP of Business Development, she served as SM of Quality
Management (2018 - 2019)
Dasar Hukum
Pengangkatan : SK No.017/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Legal Basis of Employment
Yogi faratodi
VP of Marketing
Menjabat sejak 01/05/2020 I Serving the position since 05/01/2020
Kewarganegaraan Warga Negara Indonesia
Citizenship Indonesian citizens
Usia 41 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 41 years old as of December 31, 2020
Domisili Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Domicile Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Bergabung di Elnusa
: 01/02/2017
Joined Elnusa
Riwayat Pendidikan M.BA, Master of Business Administration, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2011
Education Background Master of Business Administration, Bandung Institute of Technology, 2011
Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Marketing,beliau menjabat sebagai
Pengalaman Kerja Marketing Expert (2017 - 2020)
Work Experience Before holding the position as VP of Marketing, he served as Marketing Expert
(2017 - 2020)
Dasar Hukum
Pengangkatan : SK No.017/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Legal Basis of Employment
98 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
VP of Engineering Center & Quality Management
Menjabat sejak 01/12/2020 I Serving the position since 01/12/2020
Kewarganegaraan Warga Negara Indonesia
Citizenship Indonesian citizens
Usia 36 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 36 years old as of December 31, 2020
Domisili Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Domicile Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Bergabung di Elnusa
: 12/06/2007
Joined Elnusa
Riwayat Pendidikan S.Si, Fisika, Universitas Indonesia 2006
Education Background Bachelor of Physics, University of Indonesia 2006
Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Engineering Center & Quality
Management, beliau menjabat sebagai SM of Asset Reliability & Prod. GRS
Pengalaman Kerja
: (2017-2020)
Work Experience
Before holding the position as VP of Engineering Center & Quality Management,
he served as SM of Asset Reliability & Prod. GRS (2017-2020)
Dasar Hukum
Pengangkatan : SK No.017/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Legal Basis of Employment
Meljevi Budia
VP of Controller
Menjabat sejak 01/05/2019 I Serving the position since 05/01/2019
Kewarganegaraan Warga Negara Indonesia
Citizenship Indonesian citizens
Usia 47 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 47 years old as of December 31, 2020
Domisili Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Domicile East Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Bergabung di Elnusa
: 01/04/2004
Joined Elnusa
Riwayat Pendidikan M.M, Magister Management, Sekolah Tinggi Prasetya Mulya Jakarta, 2007
Education Background Master of Management, Prasetya Mulya High School Jakarta, 2007
Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Controller, beliau menjabat sebagai
Pengalaman Kerja Direktur PT Elnusa Trans Samudera (2018 - 2019)
Work Experience Before holding the position as VP of Controller, he served as Director of PT Elnusa
Trans Samudera (2018 - 2019)
Dasar Hukum
Pengangkatan : SK No.017/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Legal Basis of Employment
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 99
Company Profile
Yogi Firdaus
VP of Treasury & Financing
Menjabat sejak 01/06/2019 I Serving the position since 01/06/2019
Kewarganegaraan Warga Negara Indonesia
Citizenship Indonesian citizens
Usia 37 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 37 years old as of December 31, 2020
Domisili Tangerang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Domicile Tangerang, West Java, Indonesia
Bergabung di Elnusa
: 05/11/2012
Joined Elnusa
Riwayat Pendidikan M.M, Magister Management, Universitas Bina Nusantara Jakarta, 2009
Education Background Master of Management, Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, 2009
Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Treasury & Financing, beliau menjabat
Pengalaman Kerja sebagai Senior Manager of Financing (2019)
Work Experience Before holding the position as VP of Treasury & Financing, he served as Senior
Manager of Financing (2019)
Dasar Hukum
Pengangkatan : SK No.017/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Legal Basis of Employment
100 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Maryanto Makhdori
Senior Manager of Enterprise Risk Management
Menjabat sejak 01/08/2014 I Serving the position since 01/08/2014
Kewarganegaraan Warga Negara Indonesia
Citizenship Indonesian citizens
Usia 55 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 55 years old as of December 31, 2020
Domisili Banten, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Domicile Banten, West Java, Indonesia
Bergabung di Elnusa
: 01/02/2008
Joined Elnusa
Riwayat Pendidikan M.M, Magister Manajemen Keuangan STIE IPWI, 2001
Education Background Master of Financial Management STIE IPWI, 2001
Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai Senior Manager of Enterprise Risk
Management, beliau menjabat sebagai Department Head of Risk &
Pengalaman Kerja
: Performance Management (2013 - 2014)
Work Experience
Before holding the position as Senior Manager of Enterprise Risk Management,
he served as Department Head of Risk & Performance Management (2013 - 2014)
Dasar Hukum
Pengangkatan : SK No.017/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Legal Basis of Employment
Agung Wahidin
VP of Human Capital
Menjabat sejak 06/07/2020 I Serving the position since 06/07/2020
Kewarganegaraan Warga Negara Indonesia
Citizenship Indonesian citizens
Usia 45 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 45 years old as of December 31, 2020
Domisili Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Domicile Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Bergabung di Elnusa
: 03/03/2012
Joined Elnusa
Riwayat Pendidikan S.H, Hukum Bisnis, Universitas Parahyangan Bandung, 1999
Education Background Bachelor of Business Law, Parahyangan University Bandung, 1999
Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Human Capital, beliau menjabat
Pengalaman Kerja sebagai SM of Human Capital Business Partner (2016 - 2020)
Work Experience Before holding the as VP of Human Capital, he served as SM of Human Capital
Business Partner (2016 - 2020)
Dasar Hukum
Pengangkatan : SK No.017/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Legal Basis of Employment
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 101
Company Profile
Edy Efendi
VP of Supply Chain Management
Menjabat sejak 01/12/2019 I Serving the position since 01/12/2019
Kewarganegaraan Warga Negara Indonesia
Citizenship Indonesian citizens
Usia 54 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 54 years old as of December 31, 2020
Domisili Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Domicile West Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Bergabung di Elnusa
: 01/11/2004
Joined Elnusa
Riwayat Pendidikan S.T, Teknik Sipil, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 1990
Education Background Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, 1990
Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Supply Chain Management, beliau
Pengalaman Kerja menjabat sebagai Staff Ahli Direktur Utama (2016 - 2019)
Work Experience Before holding the position as VP of Supply Chain Management, he served as
Expert Staff to the President Director (2016 - 2019)
Dasar Hukum
Pengangkatan : SK No.017/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Legal Basis of Employment
102 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Hanggara Hardiansyah
Senior Manager of Elnusa Petroleum School
Menjabat sejak 01/12/2020 I Serving the position since 01/12/2020
Kewarganegaraan Warga Negara Indonesia
Citizenship Indonesian citizens
Usia 35 tahun per 31 Desember 2020
Age 35 years old as of December 31, 2020
Domisili Tangerang selatan, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Domicile South Tangerang, West Java, Indonesia
Bergabung di Elnusa
: 25/06/2012
Joined Elnusa
Riwayat Pendidikan M.Psi., Magister Psikologi, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, 2011
Education Background Master of Psychology, Airlangga University, Surabaya, 2011
Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai Senior Manager of Elnusa Petroleum School,
Pengalaman Kerja beliau menjabat sebagai Innovation Manager (2019 - 2020).
Work Experience Before holding the position as Senior Manager of Elnusa Petroleum School, he
served as Innovation Manager (2019 - 2020)
Dasar Hukum
Pengangkatan : SK No.017/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Legal Basis of Employment
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 103
Company Profile
Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) merupakan salah satu Human Resources (HR) is one of the important
faktor penting dalam mendukung keberlanjutan factors in supporting the sustainability of the
Perseroan. Pengelolaan SDM yang tepat dan Company. The Company continues to carry out
berkesinambungan terus dilakukan Perseroan dalam a proper and sustainable HR management in
mengembangkan talenta yang berkualitas di tengah developing quality talents amid increasingly fierce
persaingan industri yang semakin ketat. Perseroan industrial competition. The Company realizes that
menyadari bahwa keberadaan SDM yang tangguh the strong and excellent human resources holds
dan unggul memegang peranan yang sangat penting a very significant role in realizing the Company’s
guna mewujudkan visi dan misi Perseroan. Untuk itu, vision and mission. Therefore, the Company always
Perseroan senantiasa mengedepankan pendekatan prioritizes the human capital approach, which means
human capital yang berarti SDM merupakan aset that HR is a very valuable asset for the Company.
yang sangat berharga bagi Perseroan. Perseroan The Company believes that HR is a strategic partner
memandang bahwa SDM merupakan partner that must be managed and developed to support
strategis yang harus dikelola dan dikembangkan the Company’s growth.
dalam mendukung laju pertumbuhan Perseroan.
Sesuai dengan arahan strategis jangka panjang Following the Company’s long-term strategic plan,
Perseroan, Divisi Human Capital telah menyusun the Human Capital Division has formulated the
konsep SDM Perseroan untuk menciptakan Company’s HR concept to create Professional People,
Professional People yaitu SDM yang memiliki HR who have the adequate knowledge and skills to
pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk melakukan carry out their specific roles with the objectives of
peran spesifik mereka dengan tujuan pertumbuhan the Company’s growth and sustainability in line with
dan keberlanjutan Perseroan yang selaras dengan the Company’s vision and business goals. Therefore,
visi dan tujuan bisnis Perseroan. Untuk mewujudkan in 2020, the Company through the Human Capital
hal tersebut, pada tahun 2020, Perseroan melalui Division of the Company has formulated an HR
Divisi Human Capital Perseroan telah menyusun management strategy as follows:
strategi pengelolaan SDM sebagai berikut:
1. Membentuk Multi Talented Employee 1. Established a Multi Talented Employee
2. Membangun budaya kinerja tinggi 2. Build a high-performance culture
3. Otomasi pengelolaan SDM Perseroan 3. Automation of the Company’s HR management
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Sementara, total jumlah SDM Perseroan dan entitas Meanwhile, total employees of the Company and its
anak Perseroan per 31 Desember 2020 mencapai subsidiaries as of December 31, 2020 reached 2,334
2.334 orang, dengan jumlah SDM entitas anak people, with the total employees of the Company’s
Perseroan sebanyak 1.068 orang. Jumlah SDM subsidiaries amounted to 1,068 people. Total
Perseroan dan entitas anak di tahun 2019 tercatat employees of the Company and its subsidiaries in
meningkat 1,9%, di banding tahun 2019 yang 2019 was increased by 1.9%, compared to 2019 which
mencapai 2.206 orang. reached 2,206 people.
Pergerakan Jumlah SDM Perseroan dan Entias Anak dalam 3 (Tiga) Tahun Terakhir 2018-2020
Movement of the Company & Subsidiaries’ Employees in the Last 3 (Three) Years 2018-2020
857 1.068
Adapun tingkat produktivitas SDM yang dihitung The HR productivity level calculated based on
berdasarkan Revenue, Laba Operasi dan Laba Bersih Revenue, Operating Profit, and Net Profit compared
dibandingkan dengan jumlah SDM secara konsolidasi to the total employees on a consolidated basis for
selama 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir adalah sebagaimana the last 3 (three) years as shown below:
terlampir di bawah ini:
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Company Profile
Produktivitas Pertumbuhan
Productivity Growth
Description (%)
Secara umum, produktifitas SDM Perseroan In general, the productivity of the Company’s
mengalami peningkatan selama 3 (tiga) tahun human resources has increased in the last 3 (three)
terakhir. Ditinjau dari sisi Revenue per Jumlah years. In terms of Revenue per Total Employees, the
SDM, tingkat produktivitas Revenue Per SDM pada productivity level of Revenue per HR in 2020 has
tahun 2020 mengalami Penurunan, yaitu sebesar decreased by -9.4%. Meanwhile, in terms of Net
-9,4%. Sedangkan dari segi Laba Bersih per Jumlah Income per Total Employees, the productivity level of
SDM, tingkat produktifitas SDM mengalami human resources has decreased by -33.3%. This was
penurunan yaitu sebesar -33,3%. Ini terjadi karena due to a decline in the Company’s Achievements due
adanya penurunan di sisi Pencapaian Perseroan to the Pandemic from February 2020 to the present.
akibat adanya Pandemi yang terjadi mulai bulan But despite the decline, the Company still recorded
Februari 2020 sampai saat ini. Tapi meskipun terjadi positive results at the end of 2020.
penurunan, Perseroan masih mencatatkan hasil
yang positif di akhir tahun 2020.
Jumlah dan komposisi SDM Perseroan telah sesuai The number and composition of the Company’s
dengan strategi dan kebutuhan bisnis Perseroan human resources are following the strategy and
berdasarkan arahan Pemegang Saham. Seiring business needs of the Company based on the
dengan berbagai tantangan dan perkembangan direction of the Shareholders. Along with various
bisnis saat ini, Perseroan melakukan beberapa challenges and current business developments,
penguatan dalam pengelolaan SDM agar lebih the Company has prepared several strengthening
efektif dan efisien guna menciptakan SDM unggul strategy in HR management to be more effective and
agar dapat beradaptasi dengan perkembangan efficient to create excellent human resources to be
lingkungan bisnis yang kerap berubah. Di mana able to adapt to the changing business environment.
Perseroan terus berupaya memperkuat komposisi The Company continues to strive to strengthen the
SDM sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan perkembangan composition of its human resources following the
bisnis saat ini. current business needs and developments.
Berikut uraian terkait profil komposisi SDM Perseroan The following is a description regarding the profile
dalam 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir, berdasarkan jenjang of the Company’s HR composition in the last 3
jabatan, core function, status kepegawaian, tingkat (three) years, based on position level, core function,
pendidikan, rentang usia, generasi usia, dan gender employment status, education level, age range, age
atau jenis kelamin. generation, and gender.
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Perseroan dapat menjaga komposisi Pekerja secara The Company can maintain the composition of
jumlah disetiap jenjang jabatan, hal ini ditunjukan total employees at each level of position, this is
mayoritas pekerja berada pada level staff dan indicated by the majority of employees at the staff
supervisor atau dikatakan berbentuk piramida. and supervisor level or formed in a pyramid shape.
Sehingga dalam hal ini Perseroan berhasil dalam In this case the Company succeeded in maintaining
menjaga efektivitas organisasi. organization effectiveness.
Perseroan memfokuskan kegiatan operasi untuk The Company focuses on operating activities
mendukung penyelesaian proyek-proyek dari to support the completion of projects from the
customer Perseroan dan mengatur komposisi support Company’s customers and arranges the composition
function lebih kecil daripada core function melalui of the support function to be smaller than the core
dukungan digital transformasi yang dilakukan function through continuous digital transformation
secara berkesinambungan. Hal ini dibuktikan support. This is proven by the Company obtained the
dengan Perseroan mendapatkan penghargaan Business Indonesia Award 2020 for the category of
Bisnis Indonesia Award 2020 for the category of public companies engaged in the oil and gas mining
public companies engaged in the oil and gas mining sector, Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating 2020 in
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Company Profile
sector, Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating 2020 the Bronze category, and Top Digital Public Relations
kategori Bronze dan Top Digital Public Relation Award (Top Digital PR Award) 2020. The Company’s
Award (Top Digital PR Award) 2020. Keberhasilan achievement in maintaining this composition shows
Perseroan menjaga komposisi ini menunjukkan the effectiveness of business development and
efektivitas pengembangan bisnis dan optimalisasi optimization of the Company’s operational costs in
biaya operasional Perseroan dari sisi biaya SDM. terms of HR costs.
Komposisi SDM berdasarkan status kepegawaian The composition of HR based on employment status
tahun 2020 dan 2019 relatif tidak mengalami in 2020 and 2019 has remained relatively unchanged,
perubahan, yaitu Pekerja tetap di angka 75% dan permanent employees at the level of 75% and
kontrak 25%. Perseroan berhasil menjaga komposisi contract employees at the level of 25%. The Company
sesuai dengan nature bisnis Perseroan yang has succeeded in maintaining the composition
didominasi project based. according to the nature of the Company’s business
which is dominated by project based.
Menjawab tuntutan bisnis dan operasi maka In responding to the demands of business and
diperlukan tenaga kerja yang memiliki skill yang operations, it requires the employees who has
matang berdasarkan tingkat pendidikannya, mature skills based on their level of education,
sehingga di tahun 2020 Perseoran tidak banyak in 2020 the company does not recruited many
merekrut pekerja dengan latar belakang Pendidikan employees with a high school education background
SMA karena tuntutan bisnis dan operasi harus di because the demands of business and operations
dukung oleh pekerja dengan kapabilitas minimal must be supported by employees with minimum
Diploma. Dengan pertumbuhan komposisi SDM education of diploma. With the higher growth in the
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yang lebih tinggi di tingkat pendidikan S2 maupun composition of human resources at the Master and
S1 menunjukan kompleksitas bisnis Perseroan yang Bachelor degree levels, it shows that the Company’s
makin meningkat. business complexity was increased.
Ditinjau dari usia Pekerja, sampai dengan tahun 2020 In terms of the employees age, until 2020 the
mayoritas Pekerja berada pada usia produktif yaitu majority of employees are in the productive age,
usia 26 – 45 tahun. Kondisi ini secara berkelanjutan around the age of 26 - 45 years old. This condition is
diharapkan dapat menjadi pendorong produktifitas expected to be able to boost the productivity of the
Perseroan. Company sustainably.
Komposisi Gen Y yang mayoritas mengharuskan The majority of Gen Y composition requires the
Perseroan menciptakan budaya organisasi yang kuat, Company to create a strong organizational culture,
dengan menyediakan Work Life Balance Program by providing a Work Life Balance Program and
dan sarana untuk mengeluarkan kemampuan yang a platform to perform capabilities related to
terkait teknologi, ide dan inovasi sehingga mereka technology, ideas, and innovations optimized their
dapat dioptimalkan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan capabilities. This is proven by the fact that several
beberapa pekerja Gen Y sudah menduduki posisi Gen Y employees holds key positions (3 of 20 BOD-1
kunci (3 dari 20 posisi BOD-1). Selain itu Perseroan positions). Besides, the Company has also provided
juga telah menyediakan program Corporate a Corporate Innovation Incubator (AGNI) program
Innovation Incubator (AGNI) untuk mewadahi Gen Y to accommodate Gen Y to express creative and
mengekspresikan ide-ide kreatif dan inovatif. innovative ideas.
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Company Profile
Perseroan telah memiliki inisiatif untuk The Company has initiated to implement gender
mengimplementasikan kesetaraan gender dan equality and women empowerment in the workplace.
pemberdayaan perempuan di tempat kerja. Hal itu This is realized by an increase in the composition of
di wujudkan dengan adanya peningkatan komposisi women in management (2 of 20 BOD-1). Besides,
perempuan di jajaran manajemen (2 dari 20 BOD-1). several operational jobs can be carried out by female
Selain itu, beberapa pekerjaan operasional sudah workers supported by technology development.
dapat dilakukan oleh pekerja perempuan karena
didukung oleh pengembangan teknologi.
Pengelolaan SDM di lingkungan Perseroan dilakukan HR management within the Company is carried
sesuai dengan Road Map & Programs di Divisi out under the Road Map & Programs in the HR
SDM, yang difokuskan pada area Organization & Division, which is focused on the Organization &
Development, Talent Management, Compensation Development, Talent Management, Compensation
& Benefit, Human Resource Management Services, & Benefits, Human Resource Management Services,
Human Capital System dan Industrial Relation. Human Capital System, and Industrial Relations.
Menjawab tantangan bisnis tahun 2020, Perseroan In responding to the 2020 business challenges, the
mencanangkan beberapa strategi pengembangan Company has launched several HR development
SDM yang mendukung strategi utama Perseroan strategies that support the Company’s main
di tahun 2020 yaitu sebagai berikut: strategy in 2020, which are as follows:
1. Membangun organisasi yang efektif mendukung 1. Establish an effective organization that supports
goals perusahaan the company’s goals
2. Membangun kapabilitas SDM excellent yang 2. Create excellent HR capabilities that support the
mendukung bisnis eksisting dan rencana bisnis existing business and the Company’s business
Perseroan plans
3. Otomasi proses pengelolaan SDM Perseroan 3. Automation of the Company’s HR management
Diharapkan dengan pelaksanaan strategi SDM Through the implementation of these HR strategies,
tersebut, SDM Perseroan dapat menjadi penyokong the Company expected that human resources may
utama atas keberhasilan Perseroan dalam become the main support for the Company’s success
mempertahankan dan meningkatkan bisnisnya di in maintaining and improving its business in the
tahun-tahun yang akan datang. Beberapa program following years. Several HR management programs
pengelolaan SDM berdasarkan strategi SDM 2020 based on the 2020 HR strategies implementation
yang telah diimplementasikan adalah sebagai are as follows:
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Organisasi Organization
Penyusunan dan perubahan organisasi di beberapa Organization arrangements and changes in
fungsi di Perseroan merupakan salah satu several functions in the Company are one of the
konsekuensi dari perubahan yang dilakukan dalam consequences of the changes made in achieving
mencapai kinerja Perusahaan yang optimal dan optimal performance and supporting the business
mendukung strategi bisnis yang telah dicanangkan. strategy that has been planned. These changes are
Perubahan tersebut ditujukan agar organisasi aimed to encourage the organization to be able to
mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan cepat dan adjust quickly and flexibly to effectively support the
sefleksibel mungkin agar efektif mendukung current and future business needs of the company.
kebutuhan bisnis perusahaan saat ini dan yang akan
Jumlah Kebutuhan Pekerja dianalisis berdasarkan Total employee needs analyzed based on the
Strategi Manpower Planning For Sustainability and Manpower Planning For Sustainability and Growth
Growth. Strategy.
Selain Manpower Planning for Sustainability and Besides of Manpower Planning for Sustainability and
Growth, Perseroan juga melakukan pengelolaan Growth, the Company also manages manpower to
manpower untuk mengisi struktur organisasi fill the existing organizational structure and manage
eksisting dan mengelola prosentase posisi vacant the percentage of vacant positions (maximum 10%).
(maksimal 10%).
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Company Profile
sesuai prosedur seleksi yang telah ditentukan, and is carried out independently, transparently,
serta dilakukan secara independen, transparan and objectively. The Company provides career
dan objektif. Perseroan memberikan kesempatan opportunities to the wider community openly and
berkarir kepada masyarakat luas secara terbuka dan selectively, regardless of ethnicity, religious, racial
selektif, tanpa memandang unsur suku, agama, ras, and gender.
dan gender atau jenis kelamin.
Sepanjang tahun 2020, Perseroan melakukan Throughout 2020, the Company recruited 120
rekrutmen SDM sebanyak 120 orang. Angka tersebut employees. Decreased by 69% compared to 2019
menurun sebesar 69% di banding tahun 2019 yang which amounted to 386 people.
sebesar 386 orang.
Pada periode 2020, Perseroan melakukan In 2020, the Company recruits new HR to meet the
penerimaan SDM baru untuk memenuhi kebutuhan needs of the Company’s business activities with the
kegiatan usaha Perseroan dengan rincian sebagai following details:
SDM 2019
HR in 2019
Pekerja yang direkrut di 2020
Employees recruited in 2020
SDM yang Berakhirnya Hubungan Kerja:
HR Expiration of Work Relationships:
• Pensiun / Meninggal
• Retired/Passed Away
• Atas Permintaan Sendiri
• Resign
• Berakhir Kontrak
• Contract Expires
Total SDM Akhir Tahun 2020
Total Employees at the End of 2020
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Sedangkan dalam hal behavior competency, Meanwhile, in terms of behavioral competency, the
Perseroan juga telah melakukan pengukuran Company has measured employees competency
kompetensi pekerja secara bertahap dengan gradually using several approaches, including self-
menggunakan beberapa pendekatan antara lain assessment, assessment panel, and assessment
self assessment, panel assessment dan assessment center. The results of competency measurement will
center. Hasil pengukuran kompetensi akan digunakan be used as the reference in the employees coaching.
sebagai bagian dari acuan dalam pembinaan pekerja. Behavior competency management in the Company
Pengelolaan behaviour competency di Perseroan refers to the behavior competency provisions applied
mengacu pada ketentuan behaviour competency in the Ministry of SOE which are divided based on
yang berlaku di Kementerian BUMN yang dibagi worker level categories of:
berdasarkan kategori level Pekerja:
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Company Profile
Hampir seluruh Pekerja di Perseroan telah memiliki Almost all employees in the Company have the
hasil pengukuran behaviour competency sesuai measurement result of the behavior competency
dengan levelnya masing-masing. according to their respective levels.
Elnusa Multitalent Development Program (EMDP) Elnusa Multitalent Development Program (EMDP) is
adalah program pengembangan kompetensi pekerja a competency development program for employees
menjadi Multi Talented People untuk menghadapi to become a Multi Talented People to face business
tantangan bisnis (VUCA) dalam rangka mencapai challenges (VUCA) to achieve the company’s vision
visi perusahaan menjadi Perusahaan Jasa Energi of becoming a Reputable Energy Services Company
Terkemuka yang Memberikan Solusi Total”. Target by Providing Total Solutions”. The target participants
peserta dalam Program EMDP adalah Vice President, in the EMDP Program are Vice Presidents, General
General Manager/Senior Manager, Direktur Anak Managers/Senior Managers, Director of Subsidiaries,
Perusahaan, Manager, serta suksesor jabatan- Managers, and successors of critical positions in
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jabatan kritikal di Perusahaan dengan jumlah + the Company with a total of 120 (one hundred and
120 (seratus dua puluh) orang. Peserta program twenty) people. The participants will be divided into
akan dibagi dalam 2 (dua) level yaitu Advanced dan 2 (two) levels, namely Advanced and Intermediate
Intermediate berdasarkan jenjang jabatan struktural based on the structural position level and the
dan level kompetensi yang akan dikembangkan. competence level.
Program ini dimulai pada akhir tahun 2020 selama This program started at the end of 2020 for 6 (six)
6 (enam) bulan yang terdir dari beberapa fase besar months which consists of several major phases called
yang disebut Leadership Forum di mana pada setiap the Leadership Forum where at each Leadership
Leadership Forum terdapat beberapa kompetensi Forum there are several competencies that are the
yang menjadi fokus pengembangan. Secara berkala focus of development. Periodically the progress of
progres pengembangan peserta program akan the participants will be evaluated and at the end of
dievaluasi dan di akhir keseluruhan program, para the entire program, the participants will submit a
peserta akan melakukan strategic presentation yang strategic presentation related to their assignment
terkait penugasannya kepada Direksi. to the Board of Directors.
Tujuan utama program ini antara lain: The main objectives of this program are as follows:
1. Mendapatkan New Leaders yang potensial 1. Get potential New Leaders quickly,
dengan cepat
2. Memberikan kesempatan kepada seluruh Pekerja 2. Provide opportunities for all employees to
Perseroan menjadi Sucessor jabatan struktural become Succesor of vacant structural positions,
yang vacant
3. Memacu akselerasi karir bagi pekerja berprestasi 3. Encourage career acceleration for outstanding
(Meritocracy over Seniority) employees (Meritocracy over Seniority)
Proses seleksi dalam program Job Bidding dilakukan The selection process in the Job Bidding program is
melalui 3 (tiga) tahapan yaitu seleksi administrasi, carried out in 3 (three) stages, namely administrative
seleksi kompetensi dan wawancara panel. selection, competency selection, and panel
Selanjutnya, bagi Pekerja yang berhasil melalui interviews. Then, the employees who has successfully
seluruh tahapan dan menduduki jabatan yang dituju passed all stages and occupied the intended position
akan diberikan masa pra jabatan selama 6 (enam) will get a pre-service period of 6 (six) months before
bulan sebelum ditetapkan sebagai pejabat definitive being appointed as a definitive official or vice versa.
atau sebaliknya.
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Company Profile
Akademi Ahli Pengadaan Barang & Jasa Goods & Services Procurement Expert Academy
Akademi Ahli Pengadaan Barang & Jasa merupakan The Goods & Services Procurement Expert Academy
program pengembangan kompetensi bagi pekerja di is a competency development program for employees
fungsi Supply Chain Management yang bertujuan in the Supply Chain Management function to
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untuk meningkatkan standar perusahaan agar improve the company standards to comply with the
sesuai dengan Peraturan Presiden Republik Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia
Indonesia No. 16 tahun 2018 tentang Pengadaan No. 16 of 2018 concerning the Procurement of Goods/
Barang/Jasa Pasal 74 ayat 1 dan 2, yang menyatakan Services Article 74 paragraphs 1 and 2, which states
bahwa semua Sumber Daya Manusia Pengadaan that all Human Resources for the procurement of
Barang/Jasa harus memiliki kompetensi di bidang goods/services must have competence in the field
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa. Program ini diikuti oleh 35 of procurement of goods/services. This program was
orang karyawan Elnusa. attended by 35 Elnusa employees.
(jam/hour) (%)
152.918 166.872
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Company Profile
Tabel di atas menunjukkan adanya peningkatan The table above shows a significant increase in
jam pembelajaran yang signifikan karena adanya learning hours due to the addition of several learning
penambahan aktivitas pembelajaran yang cukup activities.
Perseroan berkomitmen untuk terus meningkatkan The Company is committed to continuing to increase
nilai tambah bagi SDM yang dibuktikan dengan added value to its human resources as proven by
komitment untuk melaksanakan pengembangan its commitment to carry out HR development
SDM secara berkelanjutan. Realisasi biaya sustainably. Realization of HR competency
pengembangan kompetensi SDM pada tahun 2020 development costs in 2020 was recorded at Rp7.7
tercatat sebesar Rp7,7 miliar, menurun 16% atau billion, decreased by 16% or Rp1.5 billion compared
sebesar Rp1,5 M dibandingkan tahun 2019 yang to 2019 which was recorded at Rp9.2 billion. Total
tercatat sebesar Rp9,2 miliar. Besaran Investasi investment in the Company’s training costs in the
biaya pelatihan Perseroan dalam 3 (tiga) tahun last 3 (three) years was presented in the following
terakhir adalah sebagaimana tersaji pada tabel di table.
bawah ini.
Biaya Pelatihan Pertumbuhan Biaya Pelatihan
Training Costs Growth in Training Costs
Berdasarkan table di atas, terlihat bahwa biaya Based on the table above, the training costs has
pelatihan mengalami penurunan sebesar 16% decreased by 16% compared to the previous year.
jika dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya. This decrease was due to several learning activities
Penurunan ini disebabkan karena beberapa aktivitas carried out through digital media such as self-study,
pembelajaran dilakukan melalui media digital seperti mobile learning, coaching and mentoring through the
self study, mobile learning, coaching dan mentoring ECMA and E-Learning applications.
melalui aplikasi ECMA dan E-Learning.
Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh Perseroan, The trainings held by the Company are divided into
terbagi dalam beberapa jenis, yaitu sebagai berikut: several types, as follows:
1. Certification, adalah pelatihan yang menjadi 1. Certification, is a mandatory training that
persyaratan (mandatory) dalam suatu pekerjaan required in a position which shows that the
yang menunjukkan bahwa pekerja mampu employee is able to work according to standards
melakukan suatu pekerjaan sesuai standar dalam in a certain field.
bidang tertentu.
2. Soft Skill, adalah pelatihan yang dilakukan untuk 2. Soft Skill, is a training to improve soft (non-
meningkatkan kompetensi soft (non technical) technical) competence in accordance with the
sesuai dengan aktivitas pekerjaan yang dilakukan. employees’ work activities.
3. Technical, adalah pelatihan yang dilakukan untuk 3. Technical, is a training to improve technical
meningkatkan kompetensi teknis sesuai dengan competence in accordance with the employees’
aktivitas pekerjaan yang dilakukan. work activities.
4. General, adalah pelatihan yang diberikan 4. General, is a training to improve competence
dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi yang related to the oil and gas industry and other
berhubungan dengan industri migas maupun general fields excluded Technical & Soft Skill
bidang umum lainnya diluar pelatihan Technical training.
& Soft Skill.
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Data program pelatihan yang telah terselenggara Data on training programs that have been carried
dalam 3 (tiga) tahun terkahir adalah sebagaimana out in the last 3 (three) years are as shown in the
yang terlampir pada tabel berikut: following table:
Man Hour
Jenis Pelatihan
Type of Training (jam/hour) (%)
Perseroan memberikan kesempatan yang sama The Company provides equal opportunities for all
bagi segenap SDM di setiap level/jenjang jabatan employees at every level of position to get learning
untuk mendapatkan program pembelajaran. programs. The development of the Company’s HR
Pengembangan kompetensi SDM Perseroan tidak competencies is not only for the level of staff who
hanya untuk level staff yang bekerja di proyek-proyek work on the Company’s projects, but also for all
Perseroan, tetapi juga untuk seluruh SDM di setiap employees at every level of position. The composition
jenjang jabatan. Komposisi jam pembelajaran atau of learning hours or training man hours based on
man hour pelatihan berdasarkan jenjang jabatan position levels in the last 3 (three) years were as
dalam 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir adalah sebagai berikut: follows:
Man Hour
Jenjang Jabatan
Position Level (jam/hour) (%)
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Company Profile
hanya yang memiliki kapabilitas tetapi juga memiliki passionate and qualified stress management to
passion dan stress management yang mumpuni find a candidates who actually able to complete the
sehingga kandidat yang nanti terpilih benar-benar program on time and satisfying. From the existing
dapat menyelesaikan program tepat waktu dan candidate selection, the company is currently
hasil yang memuaskan. Dari seleksi kandidat yang facilitate 2 employees of the Geoscience and
ada, saat ini perusahaan sedang memberikan tugas Reservoir Services (GRS) Division to take Doctoral
belajar kepada 2 karyawan Divisi Geoscience and Degree Program.
Reservoir Services (GRS) untuk mengikuti Program
Pendidikan S3.
Di tahun 2020, tercatat lebih dari 130 user, lebih In 2020, there were more than 130 users, more than
dari 50 aktivitas coaching, 180 aktivitas mentoring 50 coaching activities, 180 mentoring activities with
dengan lebih dari 60 expertise yang telah terkumpul more than 60 expertise who have been collected in
dalam database sistem ECMA Apps. the ECMA Apps system database.
120 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Khusus untuk Direksi program sharing session Especially for Board of Directors, the sharing session
dikenal dengan nama “NOBADI” (Nongkrong Bareng program is known as “NOBADI” (Hanging Out with
Direksi). Sesi ini merupakan sesi yang dikemas secara the Board of Directors). This session is packaged
lebih informal sehingga tercipta kedekatan antara informally to create an engagement between the
Direksi dan para Pekerja. Board of Directors and the employees.
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Company Profile
dalam men-deliver hasil kerjanya kepada fungsi/ competency development, and increasing
bagian lain. employee awareness in delivering their work to
other functions/departments.
Hasil penilaian kinerja selanjutnya digunakan The results of the performance appraisal are
dalam pengembangan kompetensi, pengembangan then used in competency development, HR career
karir SDM seperti promosi dan rotasi, pengkajian development such as promotion and rotation,
pemberian kompensasi bagi SDM serta penentuan assessment of compensation for human resources
reward kinerja. and determination of performance rewards.
Pada tahun 2020, Perseroan juga melakukan In 2020, the Company will also carry out several
beberapa program yang berkaitan dengan programs related to compensation and benefits,
kompensasi dan benefit yaitu sebagai berikut: which are as follows:
122 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
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Company Profile
Berdasarkan hasil survey, Perseroan mendapatkan Based on the survey results, the Company obtained
Index Keterikatan sebesar 46,6% dan Indeks an Engagement Index of 46.6% and a Satisfaction
Kepuasan sebesar 66,6%. Dari hasil tersebut Index of 66.6%. From these results the Company
Perseroan perlu melakukan: needs to:
1. Peningkatan 3 aspek kepuasan terendah secara 1. Increasing 3 aspects of the lowest satisfaction
keseluruhan level
2. Peningkatan keterikatan pekerja yang tergolong 2. Increasing employees engagement who are
nearly engaged classified as nearly engaged
3. Memberikan program Public Relation terhadap 3. Providing a Public Relations program for internal
internal Pekerja Perseroan employees of the Company
124 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
diakses di mana saja. Pengembangan akan dilakukan out on an ongoing basis, in accordance with the
secara berkelanjutan, menyesuaikan dengan strategi recruitment strategy determined by the Company.
rekrutmen yang ditentukan oleh Perseroan.
HC Dashboard HC Dashboard
HC dashboard merupakan sebuah portal yang berisi The HC dashboard is a portal that contains general
informasi demografi pekerja yang sifatnya umum employee demographic information and can be
dan dapat diakses oleh seluruh bagian di Fungsi accessed by all sections in the Human Capital
Human Capital. Demografi yang tersedia di portal Function. The demographics available on this portal
ini antara lain: include:
1. Data Demografi Pekerja (Usia, Strata, Gender, 1. Worker Demographic Data (Age, Strata, Gender,
Generasi, Jabatan, Pensiun) Generation, Position, Pension)
2. Data Rotasi dan Promosi 2. Rotation and Promotion Data
3. Data Turn Over Pekerja 3. Worker Turn Over Data
4. Data Productivity 4. Productivity Data
5. Data Talent 5. Talent Data
HC Dashboard ini berbasis Power BI dan bisa di akses This HC Dashboard is based on Power BI and can be
melalui web, HC dashboard ini berfungsi ini informasi accessed via the web. This HC dashboard functions
dan analisa data dalam rangka pengambilan to provide information and data analysis in order to
keputusan yang terkait dengan Sumber Daya make decisions related to Human Resources.
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Company Profile
secara profesional sebagai sarana penghubung workers and the Company, as regulated in Law No.
antara Pekerja dan Perseroan, sebagaimana diatur 13 of 2003 and the Job Creation Act No. 11 of 2020
dalam Undang-Undang No. 13 Tahun 2003 dan concerning Manpower.
Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja No. 11 Tahun 2020
tentang Ketenagakerjaan.
Serikat pekerja Elnusa bernama SP Elnusa (SPE) The Elnusa workers union named SP Elnusa (SPE)
juga memberikan konsultasi kepada Perseroan also provides consultations to the Company in
dalam penyusunan Peraturan Perusahaan (PP) drafting the Company Regulations (PP) for 2019-
tahun 2019 – 2021 yang mengatur hak dan kewajiban 2021 which regulate the rights and obligations
Pekerja kepada Perseroan dan sebaliknya. Dokumen of workers to the Company and vice versa. The
Peraturan Perusahaan (PP) yang mengikat pihak Company Regulatory Document (PP) that binds the
Manajemen Perseroan dan SP Elnusa terakhir Management of the Company and SP Elnusa was
disahkan melalui Keputusan Direktur Jenderal last legalized through the Decree of the Director
Pembinaan Hubungan Industrial dan Jaminan General of Industrial Relations and Labor Social
Sosial Tenaga Kerja No. KEP.411/ PHIJSK-PKKAD/ Security No. KEP.411/PHIJSK-PKKAD/PP/IV/2015
PP/IV/2015 pada tanggal 17 April 2015. on April 17, 2015.
Sepanjang tahun 2020, Perseroan terbilang cukup Throughout 2020, the Company was quite successful
berhasil dalam melakukan pengelolaan Industrial in conducting conducive industrial management with
yang kondusif dengan Pekerja, sehingga sepanjang employees, so that throughout the year there were
tahun tersebut tidak terjadi labor strike yang no labor strikes involving workers and the Company.
melibatkan Pekerja dan Perseroan.
126 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Pentingnya mempertahankan budaya Perseroan The importance of maintaining the Company’s
adalah untuk memastikan identitas Perseroan culture is to ensure the Company’s identity with
dengan budaya yang kuat dan berkarakter. Selain a strong culture and character. In addition, the
itu penciptaan budaya yang kuat penting untuk creation of a strong culture is important to ensure
memastikan image Perseroan dilingkungan internal the Company’s image both internally and externally.
maupun eksternal. Beberapa program budaya Several cultural programs are managed in order to
yang dikelola dalam rangka menginternalisasi Core internalize the Core Values, values, vision and mission
Values, tata nilai, visi dan misi Perseroan, antara lain: of the Company, including:
Pertama, pada bulan April 2020 kami melakukan First, in April 2020 we took measurements related
pengukuran terkait dengan kenyamanan dan kendala to the comfort and constraints faced during WFH
yang dihadapi selama WFH dengan kesimpulan with the conclusion that Elnusa employees are
Pekerja Elnusa sudah mampu jika Work from Home capable if Work from Home (WFH) is applied based
(WFH) diterapkan berdasarkan pernyataan setuju on the agreed statements of 72% of respondents
dari 72% responden dan dari beberapa indikator and from several indicators to see the ability to face
untuk melihat kemampuan menghadapi kendala the obstacles that occur. during WFH. However, it
yang terjadi saat WFH berlangsung. Akan tetapi, should be noted, especially the high probability of
perlu diperhatikan terutama tingginya probabilitas distraction that will be accepted by workers.
distraksi yang akan diterima oleh Pekerja.
Kedua, pada bulan Juni 2020 kami melakukan Second, in June 2020 we took measurements
pengukuran terkait dengan kesiapan untuk bekerja related to readiness to work back to the office with
kembali ke kantor dengan beberapa strategi dan several strategies and enforcement of the Covid-19
penegakkan protokol kesehatan Covid-19 . Survei ini health protocol. This survey is also the basis for the
juga menjadi dasar penerapan kebijakan pembagian implementation of the policy for the division of work
kategori kerja Work from Home Mandatory, Work from categories for the Work from Home Mandatory,
Office Flexibility, dan Work from Office Mandatory Work from Office Flexibility, and Work from
mengikuti beberapa Peraturan Pemerintah yang Office Mandatory following several Government
mengizinkan bisnis usaha untuk tetap beroperasi Regulations that allow businesses to continue
dengan beberapa ketentuan demi roda ekonomi operating with certain provisions for a rotating
yang bisa tetap berputar. Kesimpulan dalam survei economy. The conclusion in this survey shows that as
ini menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 62% Pekerja many as 62% of Elnusa workers are ready to resume
Elnusa siap untuk dilaksanakannya kembali Work Work from Office with several requirements such
from Office dengan beberapa persyaratan seperti as carrying out a Rapid Test and/or PCR Swab Test,
melakukan Rapid Test dan/atau PCR Swab Test, using a mask and changing masks every 4 hours,
menggunakan masker dan mengganti masker setiap carrying a hand sanitizer, bringing food, drinking and
4 jam sekali, membawa handsanitizer, membawa own cutlery, bring your own worship tools, and keep
makan, minum dan alat makan sendiri, membawa your distance.
alat ibadah sendiri, hingga menjaga jarak.
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Company Profile
Kedua pengukuran yang dilakukan terus mengalami The two measurements carried out continue to
kajian lebih lanjut dan wabah yang masih berlangsung undergo further studies and the ongoing outbreak
juga tidak menghalangi PT Elnusa Tbk untuk terus also does not prevent PT Elnusa Tbk from continuing
berinovasi guna memenuhi kebutuhan produksi dari to innovate to meet the production needs of
konsumen. consumers.
128 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Fokus pada Reliability dan Fokus pada penyediaan Terlibat dalam penyusunan Fokus solusi bisnis
Efektivitas Layanan HR Services Expertise disiplin ke-HR-an transformasi bisnis Focus on business solutions
Focus on Reliability and HR Focus on providing Human Involved in the preparation of
Services Effectiveness Resources Discipline Expertise business transformation
Sehubungan dengan perubahan organisasi dan In connection with organizational changes and
penurunan bisnis global akibat adanya pandemic the decline in global business due to the Covid-19
Covid-19, yang menuntut Perseroan untuk melakukan pandemic, which requires the Company to make
pembenahan dalam segala aspek kegiatan bisnis improvements in all aspects of business activities
dan kebijakan Perusahaan maka Pengelolaan SDM and Company policies, HR management is a must to
merupakan suatu keharusan untuk dilaksanakan be carried out seriously, consistently and continuously
dengan sungguh-sungguh, konsisten dan terus- and is expected to function Human Capital is
menerus serta diharapkan fungsi Human Capital able to contribute significantly to organizational
mampu berkontribusi nyata pada kinerja organisasi. performance. For this reason, some of the leading
Untuk itu beberapa program unggulan yang menjadi programs that will become work programs in 2021
program kerja di 2021 adalah: are:
1. Peningkatan efektivitas organisasi 1. Increasing organizational effectiveness
2. Penguatan Kompetensi 2. Competence Strengthening
3. Percepatan talent dan suksesi 3. Acceleration of talent and succession
4. Pemenuhan kebutuhan SDM bisnis baru dan 4. Fulfill the HR needs of new and existing businesses
5. Digitalisasi dan Otomatisasi proses HC 5. Digitization and automation of the HC process
6. Agile Performance Management 6. Agile Performance Management
7. Internalisasi budaya AKHLAK 7. Internalization of AKHLAK culture
Diharapkan dengan pelaksanaan strategi SDM It is hoped that with the implementation of this
tersebut, SDM Perseroan dapat menjadi penyokong HR strategy, the Company’s human resources can
utama atas keberhasilan Perseroan dalam become the main support for the Company’s success
mempertahankan dan meningkatkan bisnisnya di in maintaining and improving its business in the years
tahun-tahun yang akan datang. to come.
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Company Profile
Berikut skema komposisi pemegang saham The following is the scheme for the composition of
Perseroan, termasuk pemegang saham utama dan/ the Company’s shareholders, including the major
atau pengendali, adalah sebagai berikut: and/or controlling shareholders, as follows:
Republik Indonesia
Republic of Indonesia
100% 100%
Sebagai Pendiri
Pertamina As Founder
PT Pertamina (Persero) merupakan pemegang saham PT Pertamina (Persero) is the main and controlling
utama dan pengendali Elnusa dengan kepemilikan shareholder of Elnusa with 41.1% ownership.
sebesar 41,1%. Pertamina adalah perusahaan Pertamina is a national energy company whose
energi nasional yang 100% kepemilikan sahamnya shares of 100% owned by the Government of the
dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, melalui Republic of Indonesia, through the State Ministry
Kementerian Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara for State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) as the Proxy
(BUMN) selaku Kuasa Pemegang Saham. Dengan of Shareholders. Thus, the ultimate parent entity
demikian, entitas induk tertinggi, atau ultimate of the Company is the Government of the Republic
parent entity Perseroan adalah Pemerintah Republik of Indonesia, as the main/controlling shareholder
Indonesia, karena merupakan pemegang saham of Pertamina.
utama/pengendali dari Pertamina selaku pemegang
saham utama/pengendali Perseroan.
130 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Dana Pensiun
1 1.087.407.500 108.740.750.000 14,9%
Kepemilikan Saham di Bawah 5%
Share Ownership Below 5%
Dewan Komisaris
dan Direksi
Board of 0 0,0%
- -
Commissioners and
Board of Directors
Publik <5%
35.075 321.109.250.000 44,0%
Public <5%
Total 35.077 7.298.500.000 729.850.000.000 100%
2018 2019 2020
Badan Usaha Domestik
Domestic Institutional 66,7% 69,6% 63,1%
Perseorangan Domestik
18,3% 18,8% 28,6%
Domestic Individual Investor
Badan Usaha Asing
14,8% 11,3% 8,2%
Foreign Institutional Investor
Perseorangan Asing
0,1% 0,2% 0,1%
Foreign Individual Investor
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 131
Company Profile
Pertamina Dana Pensiun Pertamina
11,3% 8,2%
18,3% 28,6%
69,6% 63,1%
132 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
2019 2020
Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners
Komisaris Utama Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
Agus Prabowo
President Commissioner Nil Nil Nil Nil
Antonius Komisaris Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
Ratdomopurbo Commissioner Nil Nil Nil Nil
Komisaris Independen Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
Lusiaga Levi Susila
Independent Commissioner Nil Nil Nil Nil
Komisaris Independen Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
Anis Baridwan
Independent Commissioner Nil Nil Nil Nil
Dewan Direksi
Board of Directors
Direktur Utama Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
Ali Mundakir
President Director Nil Nil Nil Nil
Direktur Keuangan Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
Hery Setiawan
Director of Finance Nil Nil Nil Nil
Direktur SDM dan Umum Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
Tenny Elfrida
Director of HR and General Nil Nil Nil Nil
Direktur Pengembangan
Usaha dan Operasi Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
Arief Riyanto
Director of Business Nil Nil Nil Nil
Development and Operations
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 133
Company Profile
25.507 25.852 35.075
21.249 21.715 23.530
26.131 25.741
23.484 24.880
i ri et ril ei ni li s r r r r
ar ua ar Ju e Ju ly tu be be be r be
nu ary br ary M arch Ap ril M ay us st m er to er m er
Ja u Fe bru Ap M Ju
n Ju Ag ugu te mb Ok ctob vem be se mb
p m e
M A Se pte O No ove D ce
Se N De
Jumlah Pemegang Saham
Number of Shareholders
Domestik Asing
Domestic Foreign
Kelompok Pemegang
Jumlah Pemegang Jumlah Pemegang
Shareholders Group Jumlah Saham Jumlah Saham
Saham Saham
No. of Shares No. of Shares
No. of Shareholders No. of Shareholders
Ritel 34.785 2.088.917.884 66 8.433.400
Institusi 154 517.643.825 70 596.097.391
Total 34.939 2.606.561.709 136 604.530.791
134 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Sampai dengan akhir tahun buku 2020, jumlah As of the end of the 2020 financial year, the total
saham ELSA yang dimiliki oleh karyawan 4.955.000 number of ELSA shares owned by employees was
atau 0,07% dari saham keseluruhan. Sementara 4,955,000 or 0.07% of the total shares. Meanwhile,
pada tingkat level manajemen senior (satu level di at the senior management level (one level below the
bawah Direksi) berjumlah 92.500 atau 0,001% dari Board of Directors) the total was 92,500 or 0.001%
keseluruhan. of the total employees shares.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 135
Company Profile
Modal Nilai
Modal Ditempatkan Nominal
Dasar dan Disetor Saham
Tanggal Saham yang
Aksi Korporasi (Rp miliar) Penuh (Rp/lembar
Peristiwa Dikeluarkan
Corporate Action Authorized (Rp miliar) saham)
Date (lembar)
Capital Issued & Fully Nominal
Total Share
(Rp billion) Paid Capital (Rp Value per
billion) Share (Rp)
Sebelum Aksi Korporasi
750 583,35 500 1.167.700.000
Before Corporate Action
9 Oktober
Peningkatan Modal Dasar 2007
2.250 583,35 500 5.838.500.000
Capital Enlargement October 9,
9 Oktober
Pemecahan Nilai
Nominal Saham 1:5 2.250 583,35 500 5.838.500.000
October 9,
Stock Split 1:5
Penawaran Umum Perdana
Sebanyak 20% dari Modal Dasar
atau Sebanyak 1.460.0000.0000
29-31 Januari
Lembar Saham
Initial Public Offering (IPO) 2.250 729,85 100 7.298.500.000
January 29-31,
Amounting to
20% of Authorized Capital or
to 1,460,000,000 Shares
Mencatatkan Saham Perseroan
yang Beredar Sebanyak
6 Februari
7.298.500.000 Lembar Saham di
BEI dengan Kode Perdagangan 2.250 729,85 100 7.298.500.000
February 6,
Listed 7,298,500,000 Shares
Issued at IDX under “ELSA” Ticker
13 Oktober
Pembelian Kembali 99.738.000 2008
Lembar Saham dan October 13,
Mencatatkannya sebagai Saham 2008
Treasury 2.250 729,85 100 7.298.500.000
Buy Back of 99,738,000 Shares 12 Januari
& Recorded Them as Treasury 2009
Stocks January 12,
Menerbitkan Keterbukaan
Informasi untuk Melakukan
Penjualan Kembali atas Saham
Treasury melalui BEI, Efektif 16 Desember
Mulai 2 Januari 2012 2011
2.250 729,85 100 7.298.500.000
Published an Information December 16,
Regarding Sell 2011
Back Program on Treasury Stock
in IDX,
Effectively on January 2, 2012
Menerbitkan Keterbukaan
Informasi, Perseroan Telah
Melakukan Pengalihan/Penjualan
atas Seluruh Saham Hasil
Pembelian Kembali 28 Juni 2013
2.250 729,85 100 7.298.500.000
Published an Information June 28, 2013
Regarding Sell Back of the
Company on
the Buy Back Program
136 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Sebelum melakukan Penawaran Umum Perdana Prior to Initial Public Offering of Shares, the number
Saham, jumlah saham Perseroan adalah of the Company’s shares was 5,838,500,000 shares,
5.838.500.000 lembar, setelah pada tanggal 9 after on 9 October 2007, the Company carried out
Oktober 2007, Perseroan melakukan Peningkatan an Increase in Authorized Capital and a 1:5 Share
Modal Dasar dan Pemecahan Nilai Nominal Saham Nominal Value Splitting, of the total shares of the
1:5, dari jumlah saham Perseroan sebelum melakukan Company before carrying out a corporate action
aksi korporasi yang sebesar 1.167.700.000 lembar of 1,167,700,000 shares. On January 25, 2008, the
saham. Pada tanggal 25 Januari 2008, Badan Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory
Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan Agency (“Bapepam-LK”) issued a Registration
(“Bapepam-LK”) menerbitkan Surat Pemberitahuan Statement Effective Notification regarding the
Efektif Pernyataan Pendaftaran sehubungan Company’s Initial Public Offering of 1,460,000,000
dengan Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana shares. On February 6, 2008, the Company’s shares
Perseroan sebanyak 1.460.000.000 saham. Pada began to be traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
tanggal 6 Februari 2008, saham Perseroan mulai (IDX) with an initial offering price of Rp400 (full
diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) amount) per share. As of December 31, 2020, the
dengan harga penawaran perdana sebesar Rp400 composition of the Company’s Shareholders is
(nilai penuh) per saham. Per 31 Desember 2020, PT Pertamina (Persero) 41.10% (as the main and
komposisi Pemegang Saham Perseroan adalah controlling shareholder of the Company), Dana
PT Pertamina (Persero) 41,10% (selaku pemegang Pensiun Pertamina 14.90%, and the Public (each
saham utama dan pengendali Perseroan), Dana ownership is less than 5%) 44.00%, as can be seen
Pensiun Pertamina 14,90%, dan Publik (masing- in the previous Shareholder Composition section.
masing kepemilikan kurang dari 5%) 44,00%,
seperti yang dapat dilihat pada bagian Komposisi
Pemegang Saham yang telah diulas sebelumnya.
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Company Profile
Elnusa pada Agustus 2020 telah melakukan Elnusa in August 2020 has carried out corporate
aksi korporasi dengan menerbitkan Sukuk Ijarah action by issuing Sukuk Ijarah I Phase I 2020 (Sukuk)
Berkelanjutan I Tahap ke satu 2020 (Sukuk) senilai of Rp700 billion for a period of 5 years with ijarah
Rp700 miliar untuk jangka waktu 5 tahun dengan installments of 9.00% (nine percent) per year. The
cicilan imbal hasil ijarah sebesar 9.00% (Sembilan issuance of this Sukuk was the first offered by Elnusa
persen) per tahun. Penerbitan Sukuk tersebut and was the first phase of the overall plan for a
merupakan yang pertama kali ditawarkan oleh maximum issuance of Rp1.5 trillion.
Elnusa dan merupakan tahap awal dari rencana
keseluruhan nilai emisi sebesar maksimum Rp1.5
Pada tahap pertama ini, Pefindo memberikan In this first phase, Pefindo assigned a “idAA- (Sy)”
peringkat “idAA-(Sy)”. Efek ini dicatatkan pada rating. These securities are listed on the Indonesia
Bursa Efek Indonesia. Jangka waktu efek yang Stock Exchange. The term of the securities offered
ditawarkan adalah 5 (lima) tahun sejak tanggal is 5 (five) years from the date of issuance, due on
emisi, jatuh tempo pada 11 Agustus 2020. August 11, 2020.
138 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
PT Pertamina (Persero)
PT Elnusa Tbk
PT Elnusa Daya
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 139
Company Profile
Kepemilikan oleh
Jumlah Aset
Tahun Elnusa
Tahun (Rp juta)
Tahun Penyertaan Ownership by Status
Beroperasi Total Asset
Nama Bidang Usaha Domisili Berdiri Modal Elnusa Operasi
Komersial (Rp million)
Name Business Field Domicile Year Year of (%) Operational
Established Equity Status
2020 2019 2020 2019
Jasa Pengeboran
dan Pemeliharaan
PT Elnusa Lapangan Migas Belum
Oilfield Oil and Gas Jakarta 2014 - 2014 99,99% 99,99% 37.648 36.512 Beroperasi
Services Field Drilling and Not Working
Jasa penyimpanan
BBM, perdagangan
BBM Industri
& Marine,
pelumas & aspal,
serta pengelolaan
PT Elnusa Beroperasi
SPBU & SPBE Jakarta 1996 1997 1996 99,93% 99,93% 2.287.297 1.974.247
Petrofin Working
Fuel storage service,
fuel distribution,
fuel trade for
Industry & Marine,
chemical trading,
lubricant and
asphalt trade, and
the management of
gas stations (SPBU)
and LPG filling
stations (SPBE)
Jasa fabrikasi,
penguliran dan
perdagangan pipa
Oil Country Tubular
Goods (OCTG),
proyek EPC dan
PT Elnusa Services
Fabrikasi Oil Country Tubular Batam 1982 1982 1982 99,98% 99,98% 225.504 162.894
Konstruksi Goods (OCTG)
threading and
trading services
projects, and
140 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Kepemilikan oleh
Jumlah Aset
Tahun Elnusa
Tahun (Rp juta)
Tahun Penyertaan Ownership by Status
Beroperasi Total Asset
Nama Bidang Usaha Domisili Berdiri Modal Elnusa Operasi
Komersial (Rp million)
Name Business Field Domicile Year Year of (%) Operational
Established Equity Status
2020 2019 2020 2019
Jasa perolehan
lisensi, pengelolaan
data migas, data
online (pay per use)
dan penyimpanan
data fisik migas
PT Patra Beroperasi
License acquisition Jakarta 1997 1998 1997 99,50% 99,50% 148.288 141.794
Nusa Data Working
services, oil and gas
data management,
online data (pay per
use), and physical
data storage for oil
and gas
Jasa penyimpanan
data fisik,
data elektronik &
sistem informasi,
batuan migas,
radio, dan jasa
PT Sigma
aplikasi sistem IT Beroperasi
Cipta Jakarta 1980 1980 1980 99,99% 99,99% 208.030 156.015
Physical data Working
storage services,
electronic data
and information
systems, storage
of geological
samples, radio
IT system
application services
Jasa pendukung
PT Elnusa layanan marine
Trans migas Jakarta 2013 2013 2013 99,58% 99,58% 522.343 500.169
Samudera Marine oil and gas
support services
Entitas Anak Kepemilikan Tidak Langsung (Kepemilikan melalui PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi)
Indirect Subsidiary Entity (Ownership through PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi)
Jasa Konsultasi
Bidang Manajemen
Sumber Daya
Manusia Konsultasi
Bidang Listrik, &
PT Elnusa Belum
Daya Jakarta 2015 - 2015 99,99% 99,99% 10.001 10.001 Beroperasi
Consulting Services
Kreatif Not Working
in the Field of
Human Resources
Management in the
Field of Electricity &
Trade Consultation
Jasa pemeliharaan
elektrikal dan instrumentasi
dari BP Berau Ltd. PT Waskita Adhi Beroperasi
Elnusa- 2016 51,00% 51,00% 49,00% 49,00% 66.759 77.437
Electrical and instrumentation Sejahtera (WAS) Working
maintenance services from BP
Berau Ltd.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 141
Company Profile
142 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Pendapatan 0 0 Income
Beban Usaha 330 359 -8,09% Operating Expenses
Laba Bersih (93) (668) -86,11% Net Profit
Aset 37.648 11.600 224,55% Asset
Liabilitas 0 0 Liabilities
Ekuitas 11.508 11.600 -0,79% Equity
Saat ini, Perusahaan melakukan aktivitas usaha Currently, the Company is engaged in business
meliputi pengelolaan Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar activities including management of public refueling
Umum (SPBU), dan Depo, jasa transportasi dan stations (“SPBU”) and Depots, transportation
pengelolaan truk tangki serta perdagangan Bahan services and tanker truck management as well as
Bakar Minyak (BBM), pelumas dan bahan kimia. trading of fuel oil (“BBM”), lubricants and chemicals.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 143
Company Profile
Agus Maulana
Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners
Djoko Siswanto
Haris Syahrudin
Direksi Aditya Dewobroto Board of Directors
144 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Jumlah Saham
Ditempatkan dan Persentase
Pemegang Saham Disetor Penuh Kepemilikan Jumlah
Shareholders Number of Share Percentage of Total
Issued Ownership
and Fully Paid
PT Elnusa Tbk 443.851 99,98% 44.385.100.000
Drs. Anas Mappe Siri 68 0,02% 6.800.000
443.919 100,00% 44.391.900.000
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 145
Company Profile
Perusahaan yang semula berkedudukan di Jakarta dated 23 March 2009 regarding the domicile of the
Utara berubah menjadi Jakarta Selatan. Perubahan Company which was originally domiciled in North
Anggaran Dasar ini telah disetujui oleh Menteri Hukum Jakarta changed to South Jakarta. This amendment
dan Hak Asasi Manusia berdasarkan Surat Keputusan to the Articles of Association has been approved by
No. AHU-32475.AH.01.02 tanggal 13 Juli 2009. Ruang the Minister of Law and Human Rights based on
lingkup kegiatan Perusahaan meliputi usaha dalam Decree No. AHU-32475.AH.01.02 dated July 13, 2009.
bidang jasa perolehan dan pengelolaan data minyak The scope of activities of the Company includes
dan gas bumi yang mencakup studi perencanaan dan businesses in the field of oil and gas data collection
kelayakan, pembuatan sistem informasi dan proses and management services including planning and
pengelolaan data, konsultasi pengelolaan data serta feasibility studies, manufacturing information
mendapatkan data spatial melalui kegiatan foto systems and data management processes,
udara/citra satelit. consulting data management and obtaining data.
spatial through aerial photography/satellite imagery.
Jumlah Saham
Ditempatkan dan
Pemegang Saham Kepemilikan Jumlah
Disetor Penuh
Shareholders Percentage of Total
Number of Share Issued
and Fully Paid
PT Elnusa Tbk 19.900 99,5% 597.000
PT Elnusa Trans Samudra 100 0,5% 3.000
20.000 100,00% 600.000
Pertumbuhan 2019-
2020 2019
Uraian (Rp juta) (Rp juta) Description
Growth 2019-2020
(Rp million) (Rp million)
Pendapatan 63.166 47.420 33% Income
Beban Usaha 58.824 43.491 35% Operating Expenses
Laba Bersih 3.992 1.780 124% Net Profit
Aset 148.288 141.794 5% Asset
Liabilitas 13.470 13.196 2% Liability
Ekuitas 134.818 128.598 5% Equity
146 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Jumlah Saham
Ditempatkan dan Disetor
Pemegang Saham Kepemilikan Jumlah
Shareholders Percentage of Total
Number of Share Issued
and Fully Paid
PT Elnusa Tbk 1.155.450 99,99% 115.545.000.000
Ir. Sakti Tamat 150 0,01% 15.000.000
0,42% 100,00% 115.560.000.000
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 147
Company Profile
Jumlah Saham
Ditempatkan dan Disetor
Pemegang Saham Kepemilikan Jumlah
Shareholders Percentage of Total
Number of Share Issued
and Fully Paid
PT Elnusa Tbk 273.630 99,58% 273.630.000
PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi 1.143 0,42% 1.143.000
274.773 100,00% 274.773.000
148 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 149
Company Profile
Head Office
PT Elnusa Tbk
Graha Elnusa 16th Floor
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B
Jakarta 12560 - Indonesia
Telepon: +62 21-7883 0850 (Hunting)
Faksimili: +62 21-7883 0907
Surel: /
Situs Web:
Business Lines
150 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Head Office
Taman Tekno BSD
Tekno I Blok B5-B7 Sektor XI
Tangerang 15314 - Indonesia
Telepon: +62 21-7587 1955
Faksimili: +62 21-7587 1933 / +62 21-7587 1755
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 151
Company Profile
DKI Jakarta
Jawa Tengah / Central Java
Klien | Clients
PT Pertamina EP
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
PT Patra Nusa Data
Saka Indonesia
Premier Oil
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Manusia
Conoco Phillips
Mandala Energy
Pratama Widya
Wijaya Karya
152 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Sulawesi Tengah /
Central Sulawesi
Klien | Clients
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
PT Pertamina EP
Pertamina Petrochina East Java
PGE Saka Energy
PT Pertamina Gas
PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 153
Company Profile
Kalimantan Tengah / Central Borneo
Bangka Belitung
Kalimantan Selatan / South Borneo
DKI Jakarta
154 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Sulawesi Utara /
North Sulawesi
Sulawesi Tengah /
Central Sulawesi
Maluku Jayapura
Sulawesi Tenggara /
South East Sulawesi
Sulawesi Selatan /
South Sulawesi
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 155
Company Profile
Kalimantan Timur /
East Borneo
Bangka Belitung
Kalimantan Selatan
/ South Borneo
Laut Jawa
Lampung DKI Jakarta
Nusa Tenggara Ba
156 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Papua Barat
Sulawesi Tengah /
Central Sulawesi
Maluku Jayapura
Sulawesi Tenggara /
South East Sulawesi
Sulawesi Selatan /
South Sulawesi
OCTG, Maintenance,
Fabrication & EPC Business Marine Support Services
Sumatera Sumatera
1. Aceh 1. Aceh
2. Sumatera Selatan 2. Sumatera Selatan
South Sumatera South Sumatera
3. Riau
4. Sumatera Utara Jawa
North Sumatera
1. Jawa Barat
Jawa West Java
2. Jawa Timur
1. DKI Jakarta East Java
2. Banten
3. Jawa Barat Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku
West Java
4. Jawa Tengah 1. Kalimantan Timur
Central Java East Kalimantan
5. Jawa Timur 2. Kalimantan barat
East Java West Kalimantan
3. Sulawesi Tengah
Kalimantan & Sulawesi Central Sulawesi
4. Sulawesi Tenggara
1. Kalimantan Timur Southeast Sulawesi
West Kalimantan 5. Maluku Utara
2. Sulawesi Selatan North Maluku
South Sulawesi
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 157
Company Profile
158 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Jenis Penghargaan Tanggal Perusahaan Foto
No. Penghargaan
Type of Awards Date The Company Photo
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 159
Company Profile
Jenis Penghargaan Tanggal Perusahaan Foto
No. Penghargaan
Type of Awards Date The Company Photo
160 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Jenis Penghargaan Tanggal Perusahaan Foto
No. Penghargaan
Type of Awards Date The Company Photo
Bisnis Indonesia Award 2020
untuk kategori perusahaan
public yang bergerak di sektor
pertambangan minyak dan gas
12 bumi Bisnis Indonesia PT Elnusa Tbk
Bisnis Indonesia Award 2020 for
the category of public companies
engaged in the oil and gas mining
Penghargaan Program
Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja
Perusahaan (PROPER) Tahun
2020 PT Elnusa
15 2020 kategori Biruw KLHK
December Petrofin
Award for the 2020 Corporate
Performance Rating Program
(PROPER) in the Blue category
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 161
Company Profile
Nama Penghargaan / Award Name Nama Penghargaan / Award Name Nama Penghargaan / Award Name
ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 OHSAS 18001:2007
Sistem Manajemen Mutu Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan
ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 dan Kesehatan Kerja
Quality Management System Environmental Management System OHSAS 18001:2007
Occupational Health and Safety
Tanggal / Date Tanggal / Date Management System
12 Agustus 2018 22 Agustus 2018
August 12, 2018 August 22, 2018 Tanggal / Date
19 Juli 2018
Dikeluarkan oleh / Issued by Dikeluarkan oleh / Issued by July 19, 2018
SGS Indonesia SGS Indonesia
SGS Indonesia SGS Indonesia Dikeluarkan oleh / Issued by
SGS Indonesia
Masa Berlaku Hingga / Validity Masa Berlaku Hingga / Validity SGS Indonesia
Period Until Period Until
12 Agustus 2021 21 Agustus 2021 Masa Berlaku Hingga / Validity
August 12, 2021 August 21, 2021 Period Until
12 Maret 2021
March 12, 2021
162 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Peraturan OJK No. 8/POJK.04/2015 tentang Situs FSA Regulation No. 8/POJK.04/2015 concerning
Web Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik mendorong Websites of Issuers or Public Companies encouraging
transparansi informasi pada situs web dari emiten transparency of information on websites of issuers
atau perusahaan publik di Indonesia. Perseroan or public companies in Indonesia. The Company
berupaya untuk meningkatkan kehandalan dalam strives to improve reliability in providing integrated
penyediaan informasi secara terintegrasi melalui information through the Company’s website,
situs Perseroan yakni Perseroan The Company always provides
senantiasa memberikan kemudahan kepada para convenience to shareholders and other stakeholders
pemegang saham dan pemangku kepentingan in accessing Company information accurately,
lainnya dalam mengakses informasi Perseroan precisely, and transparently. The Company’s official
secara akurat, tepat, dan transparan. Situs resmi website has publish the information that must be
Perseroan telah memenuhi informasi yang wajib disclosed following the Financial Services Authority
di muat sesuai dengan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Regulation (POJK) No. 8/POJK.4/2015 concerning
Keuangan (POJK) No. 8/POJK.4/2015 tentang Situs Websites of Issuers or Public Companies that have
Web Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik yang telah been established on June 25, 2015, such as:
ditetapkan pada tanggal 25 Juni 2015, seperti:
1. Informasi Umum Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik 1. General Information of Issuers or Public
2. Informasi Bagi Pemodal atau Investor 2. Information for Investors
3. Informasi Tata Kelola Perusahaan 3. Corporate Governance Information
4. Informasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan 4. Information on Corporate Social Responsibility
Situs web Perseroan menjadi portal digital resmi The Company’s website is the official corporate
korporasi yang dapat diakses secara terbuka, digital website that can be accessed transparently,
dengan tujuan memberikan informasi yang to provide comprehensive information about the
komprehensif tentang Perseroan kepada khalayak Company to public. The following shows the suitability
luas. Berikut disampaikan kesesuaian situs web of the Company’s website with information needs to
Perseroan dengan kebutuhan informasi kepada the public, especially shareholders and stakeholders.
publik, khususnya kepada pemegang saham, dan
pemangku kepentingan.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 163
Company Profile
164 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Sebagai bagian dari implementasi Good Corporate As part of the Good Corporate Governance (GCG)
Governance (GCG), Perseroan berupaya untuk implementation, the Company strives to facilitate
memfasilitasi setiap organ Perseroan untuk every organ of the Company to obtain development
mendapatkan program pengembangan dalam programs to increase capabilities according to the
meningkatkan kapabilitas sesuai dengan kebutuhan needs in carrying out their respective duties. The
dalam pelaksanaan tugas masing-masing. Berikut following is information on competency improvement
informasi tentang program peningkatan kompetensi programs for the Board of Commissioners, Board
untuk Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Komite Audit, of Directors, Audit Committee, Nomination
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi, Komite Pemantau and Remuneration Committee, Risk Monitoring
Risiko, Sekretaris Perusahaan, serta Audit Internal, Committee, Corporate Secretary, and Internal Audit
di sepanjang tahun 2020. throughout 2020.
Jenis Pendidikan
Materi Pendidikan dan
dan Pelatihan
Nama dan Jabatan Pelatihan Tempat/Tanggal Penyelenggara
Type of
Name and Position Education and Training Place/Date Organizers
Education and
Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners
Narendra Widjajanto Training Professional Directors Jakarta Indonesian Institute for
Komisaris Utama Program 25 Februari 2020 Corporate Directorship
President February 25, 2020 (IICD)
1) Efektif sampai 8 Juli 2020
1) Efektif sampai 8 Juli 2020
Dr. Ir. Agus Prabowo Training Corporate Law For Jakarta Pertamina Corporate
M.Eng Executive : Aspek Hukum 15 Desember 2020 University
Komisaris Utama Dalam Pengelolaan December 15, 2020
President Korporasi BUMN
Lusiaga Levi Susila Training Great Business Through Jakarta Corporate Leadership
Komisaris Great People 5 Februari 2020 Dev. Institute (CLDI)
Independen February 5, 2020
Training Corporate Law For Jakarta Pertamina Corporate
Executive : Aspek Hukum 15 Desember 2020 University
Dalam Pengelolaan December 15, 2020
Korporasi BUMN
Antonius Seminar Directorship Program Jakarta Pertamina Corporate
Ratdomopurbo 12 November 2020 University
Komisaris November 12, 2020
Board of Directors
Elizar P Hasibuan Training Executive Briefing ISO Jakarta Bintang Solusi Utama
Direktur Utama 37001 : 2016 12 Mei 2020
President Director May 12, 2020
Arief Riyanto Training Executive Briefing ISO Jakarta Bintang Solusi Utama
Direktur 37001 : 2016 12 Mei 2020
Pengembangan May 12, 2020
Director of Business
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 165
Company Profile
Jenis Pendidikan
Materi Pendidikan dan
dan Pelatihan
Nama dan Jabatan Pelatihan Tempat/Tanggal Penyelenggara
Type of
Name and Position Education and Training Place/Date Organizers
Education and
Hery Setiawan Training Workshop Trade Finance Jakarta Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Direktur Keuangan 17 Februari 2020 (BRI)
Director of Finance February 17, 2020
Training Executive Briefing ISO Jakarta Bintang Solusi Utama
37001 : 2016 12 Mei 2020
May 12, 2020
Training Alternatif Pendanaan Jakarta Bank Mandiri
Pasar Modal 10 September 2020
September 10, 2020
RM. Happy Training Executive Briefing ISO Jakarta Bintang Solusi Utama
Paringhadi 37001 : 2016 12 Mei 2020
Direktur SDM & May 12, 2020
Director of HR &
Komite Audit
Audit Committee
Reynold M. Batubara Training 2020 IIA Indonesia Jakarta Institute Of Internal
Anggota National Conference 2 Desember 2020 Auditors (IIA) Indonesia
Member December 2, 2020
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Lusiaga Levi Susila Training Great Business Through Jakarta Corporate Leadership
Ketua Great People 5 Februari 2020 Dev. Institute (CLDI)
Chairman February 5, 2020
Training Corporate Law For Jakarta Pertamina Corporate
Executive : Aspek Hukum 15 Desember 2020 University
Dalam Pengelolaan December 15, 2020
Korporasi BUMN
Agung Wahidin Training English Course Jakarta Agora Speakers
Wibisana 20 Januari 2020 International
January 20, 2020
Training One Day Conference Jakarta Intipesan
World Class Human 30 Januari 2020
Capital : Global Business January 30, 2020
Strategy In Digital Era
Training Ideas Pitching Jakarta AGNI
Innovactive 10 Maret 2020
March 30, 2020
Training Leadership Forum Jakarta Transforma Consulting
Workshop - Strategic 10 Desember 2020
Thinking December 10, 2020
Training Coaching Workshop - 1 Jakarta Transforma Consulting
7 Desember 2020
December 7, 2020
166 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Jenis Pendidikan
Materi Pendidikan dan
dan Pelatihan
Nama dan Jabatan Pelatihan Tempat/Tanggal Penyelenggara
Type of
Name and Position Education and Training Place/Date Organizers
Education and
Training Coaching Workshop - 2 Jakarta Transforma Consulting
14 Desember 2020
December 14, 2020
Training Innovative Thinking Jakarta Transforma Consulting
16 Desember 2020
December 16, 2020
Training Group Coaching Jakarta Transforma Consulting
21 Desember 2020
December 21, 2020
Training Leadership Forum Jakarta Transforma Consulting
Workshop - The 18 November 2020
Disruption Opportunity November 18, 2020
Training Strategic Portfolio Jakarta Transforma Consulting
Management 25 November 2020
November 25, 2020
Komite Manajemen Risiko
Risk Management Committee
Antonius Seminar Directorship Program Jakarta Pertamina Corporate
Ratdomopurbo 12 November 2020 University
Ketua November 12, 2020
Lusiaga Levi Susila Training Great Business Through Jakarta Corporate Leadership
Anggota Great People 5 Februari 2020 Dev. Institute (CLDI)
Member February 5, 2020
Training Corporate Law For Jakarta Pertamina Corporate
Executive : Aspek Hukum 15 Desember 2020 University
Dalam Pengelolaan December 15, 2020
Korporasi BUMN
Serena Karlita Training "Agile Auditing: Jakarta, 22 Juni The Institute of
Ferdinandus Kemitraan Komite Audit 2020 Internal Auditors
Anggota dengan Auditor Internal Jakarta, June 22, (IIA) Indonesia dan
Member dalam merespon 2020 Indonesian Institute
Disrupsi" of Audit Committee
Agile Auditing: (IKAI)
Partnership of Audit
Committee and Internal
Auditor in responding
Training Deloitte Mining Webinar Jakarta, 9 Juli 2020 Deloitte Indonesia
Series-Session #1: Jakarta, July 9, 2020
"Amendment to the
Mining Law: Legal and
Tax Perspective"
Training Deloitte Mining Webinar Jakarta, 16 Juli Deloitte Indonesia
Series-Session #2: 2020
"Potential Accounting Jakarta, July 16,
Implications of the 2020
New Mining Law and
Debt Restructuring
Training Deloitte Mining Webinar Jakarta, 23 Juli Deloitte Indonesia
Series-Session #3: 2020
"Digitalization and Jakarta, July 23,
Managing Third Party 2020
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 167
Company Profile
Jenis Pendidikan
Materi Pendidikan dan
dan Pelatihan
Nama dan Jabatan Pelatihan Tempat/Tanggal Penyelenggara
Type of
Name and Position Education and Training Place/Date Organizers
Education and
Training PSAK 70 Series for Jakarta, Price Waterhouse
Board of Commissioners 28 September 2020 Coopers Indonesia
& Directors Perspective” Jakarta, September
28, 2020
Training “Model 3 Lini-Tantangan Jakarta, The Institute of
& Realitas Penerapannya 29 September 2020 Internal Auditors
di Indonesia” Jakarta, September (IIA), Institut Akuntan
29, 2020 Manajemen Indonesia
(IAMI), Association
of Certified Fraud
Examiners (ACFE)
Training "Multifinance Road Jakarta, 1 Oktober Asosiasi Perusahaan
to Recovery" (for 2020 Pembiayaan Indonesia
Director, Commissioner, Jakarta, October 1, (APPI)
Controlling Shareholder, 2020
Sharia Supervisory
Training IIA Indonesia Forum “The Jakarta, The Institute of
Role of Internal Auditor 20 November 2020 Internal Auditors (IIA)
in Building Business Jakarta, November Indonesia
Resilence” 20, 2020
Sekretaris Perusahaan
Corporate Secretary
Ari Wijaya Training Executive Briefing ISO Jakarta Bintang Solusi Utama
37001 : 2016 12 Mei 2020
May 12, 2020
Training Asean Corporate Jakarta Indonesian Institute for
Governance Scorecard 30 Januari 2020 Corporate Directorship
January 30, 2020 (IICD)
Training Board Support Jakarta Pertamina Persero
6 Februari 2020
February 6, 2019
Training Leadership Forum Jakarta Transforma Consulting
Workshop - Strategic 10 Desember 2020
Thinking December 10, 2020
Training Coaching Workshop - 1 Jakarta Transforma Consulting
7 Desember 2020
December 7, 2020
Training Coaching Workshop - 2 Jakarta Transforma Consulting
14 Desember 2020
December 14, 2020
168 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Jenis Pendidikan
Materi Pendidikan dan
dan Pelatihan
Nama dan Jabatan Pelatihan Tempat/Tanggal Penyelenggara
Type of
Name and Position Education and Training Place/Date Organizers
Education and
Training Innovative Thinking Jakarta Transforma Consulting
16 Desember 2020
December 16, 2020
Training Group Coaching Jakarta Transforma Consulting
21 Desember 2020
December 21, 2020
Training Leadership Forum Jakarta Transforma Consulting
Workshop - The 18 November 2020
Disruption Opportunity November 18, 2020
Training Strategic Portfolio Jakarta Transforma Consulting
Management 25 November 2020
November 25, 2020
Audit Internal
Internal Audit
Ganang Soegiyarso Training Executive Briefing ISO Jakarta Bintang Solusi Utama
(Senior Auditor) 37001 : 2016 12 Mei 2020
May 12, 2020
Training Leadership Forum Jakarta Transforma Consulting
Workshop - Strategic 10 Desember 2020
Thinking December 10, 2020
Training Coaching Workshop - 1 Jakarta Transforma Consulting
7 Desember 2020
December 7, 2020
Training Coaching Workshop - 2 Jakarta Transforma Consulting
14 Desember 2020
December 14, 2020
Training Innovative Thinking Jakarta Transforma Consulting
16 Desember 2020
December 16, 2020
Training Group Coaching Jakarta Transforma Consulting
21 Desember 2020
December 21, 2020
Training Leadership Forum Jakarta Transforma Consulting
Workshop - The 18 November 2020
Disruption Opportunity November 18, 2020
Training Strategic Portfolio Jakarta Transforma Consulting
Management 25 November 2020
November 25, 2020
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Management Discussion and Analysis
// 04
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Management Discussion and Analysis
Kinerja ekonomi Perseroan dipengaruhi oleh faktor The Company’s economic performance is influenced
perekonomian global maupun nasional, regulasi, by global and national economic factors, regulations,
dan kondisi industri migas. Berikut disampaikan and conditions in the oil and gas industry. The
gambaran perekonomian dan industri migas di following presents an overview of the economy and
sepanjang tahun 2020. the oil and gas industry throughout 2020.
Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan banyak The Covid-19 pandemic has caused numerous deaths
kematian dan penyakit, membuat tingkat kemiskinan and illnesses, increase poverty level, and suppressed
meningkat, dan menekan aktivitas ekonomi dan economic activity and income for a long period of
pendapatan untuk jangka waktu yang lama. Pada time. In 2020, the global economy experienced a
tahun 2020, ekonomi global mengalami kontraksi contraction of 4.3% due to disruption of economic
4,3% (menurun signifikan dari GDP 2019 sebesar 2,3%) activity in most developing countries (World Bank,
yang diakibatkan oleh adanya gangguan aktivitas January 2021). The economic growth of ASEAN
perekonomian di sebagian besar negara berkembang countries was also under pressure from the impact
(World Bank, Januari 2021). Pertumbuhan ekonomi of the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, sustainable
negara ASEAN juga berada di bawah tekanan economic countermeasures are carried out,
dari dampak wabah Covid-19 sehingga dilakukan especially in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines.
penanggulanan ekonomi berkelanjutan, terutama ASEAN economic growth is expected to decrease
di Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Filipina. Diperkirakan to -4.4% (Asian Development Bank, December
pertumbuhan ekonomi kawasan ASEAN turun 2020). Meanwhile, the global economy is expected to
menjadi -4,4% (Asian Development Bank, Desember increase by 4% in 2021. Global economic uncertainty
2020). Ketidakpastian perekonomian global sangat is mainly due to the economic policies and the success
dipengaruhi oleh kebijakan perekonomian yang in handling the spread of the Covid-19 virus related
ditetapkan dan keberhasilan mengatasi penyebaran to vaccines, which is a top priority.
virus Covid-19 terkait dengan vaksin yang menjadi
prioritas utama.
2,3 2,4
World United States Euro Area Japan China India Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Myanmar Vietnam Philippines
(7,4) (6,5)
2019 2020
172 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Perusahaan yang menggunakan mata uang Foreign exchange rate is very important for
asing dalam kegiatan bisnisnya dan terlibat companies that use foreign currencies in their
d a l a m p e rd a g a n g a n i nt e r n a s i o n a l a ka n business activities and also involved in international
mempertimbangkan penentuan kurs valuta trade because they can affect the costs and the
asing karena dapat berpengaruh pada biaya dan international trade.
perdagangan internasional yang dilakukan.
Pada awal tahun 2020, nilai tukar rupiah mengalami At the beginning of 2020, the rupiah exchange
penguatan hingga mencapai titik tertinggi Rp13,662/ rate strengthened to Rp13662/USD in January
USD di bulan Januari di mana nilai tersebut lebih higher than the value in 2019. In the next month,
tinggi dibandingkan dengan nilai pada tahun 2019. rupiah performance experienced a decline due to
Kinerja rupiah pada bulan selanjutnya di tahun 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic. This was experienced not
mengalami penurunan akibat adanya pandemi only in Indonesia, but also in all Asian currencies.
Covid-19. Hal ini dialami tidak hanya di Indonesia, The rupiah exchange rate against the United States
tetapi dirasakan juga oleh seluruh mata uang negara dolas experienced uncertainty and touched its lowest
Asia. Nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika value of Rp16,367 in March 2020. This was due to the
Serikat mengalami ketidakpastian dan sempat shift in investment funds to low-risk assets, such as
menyentuh nilai terendah hingga Rp16.367/USD pada gold, government bonds in developed countries, and
bulan Maret 2020. Hal ini disebabkan beralihnya currencies. world.
dana investasi yang dilakukan oleh investor ke aset
berisiko rendah, seperti emas, obligasi pemerintah
negara maju, dan mata uang dunia.
Melalui stimulus fiskal dan moneter yang diberikan Through fiscal and monetary stimulus through
melalui kebijakan Bank Indonesia untuk melakukan Bank Indonesia policies to stabilize and strengthen
stabilisasi dan penguatan Rupiah, maka kepercayaan Rupiah, investor confidence in Indonesia’s economic
investor terhadap kondisi perekonimian Indonesia conditions increased. In May 2020, The flow of
meningkat. Aliran modal asing ke Indonesia mulai foreign capital into Indonesia began to improve, and
membaik sehingga penguatan Rupiah pun mulai the Rupiah exchange rate began to strengthened
meningkat mencapai level Rp14.733/USD pada bulan to a level of Rp14,733. However, there were still
Mei 2020. Namun, fluktuasi kembali terjadi pada some fluctuations until September, of Rp14,918. In
bulan hingga September mencapai Rp14,918/USD. November, the Rupiah continued to strengthen in
Pada bulan November, nilai Rupiah terus menguat line with market sentiment improvement and capital
seiring dengan perbaikan sentiment pasar dan aliran inflows to Indonesia. The fluctuation in the Rupiah
modal yang masuk ke Indonesia. Fluktuasi nilai value was also affected by the US-China trade war.
Rupiah juga terpengaruh dengan dampak perang
dagang AS-Tingkok.
Nilai tukar rupiah menguat di akhir tahun 2020 The rupiah exchange rate strengthened at the end of
mencapai 14.105/USD dan menjadi mata uang 2020 of Rp14,105 and achieved the best performing
dengan kinerja terbaik di Asia hari ini. Namun, di currency in Asia. However, in 2020, the rupiah has
tahun 2020 ini, rupiah melemah 1,15% secara point- weakened by 1.15% on a point-to-point basis at
to-point di kurs tengah BI. Nilai ini memburuk jika the BI middle rate. This value is deteriorating when
dibandingkan dengan kinerja 2019. compared to 2019 performance.
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Management Discussion and Analysis
20.000 16.367
14.481 13.901 15.157 14.733 14.302 14.653 14.554 14.918 14.690
13.795 13.436 13.548 13.662 14.234 14.128 14.105
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20
Laju inflasi pada tahun 2020 sebesar 1,68 persen, The inflation rate in 2020 was 1.68 percent, lower
lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan inflasi pada tahun than 2019 of 2.72 percent and in 2018 of 3.13 percent.
2019 sebesar 2,72 persen dan tahun 2018 sebesar 2020 inflation rate is the lowest value since 2014.
3,13 persen. Nilai inflasi tahun 2020 merupakan nilai The realization of inflation in 2020 is below the
terendah semenjak BPS merilis inflasi inti di tahun target set by the Government, which is between
2004. Realisasi inflasi pada tahun 2020 berada di 2 percent and 4 percent. This is due to decreased
bawah target yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah, demand and purchasing power as a result of the
yaitu antara 2 persen hingga 4 persen. Hal ini Covid-19 pandemic. During 2020, inflation in the
disebabkan oleh penurunan permintaan dan daya expenditure group for food, beverages, and tobacco
beli imbas dari pandemi Covid-19. Selama tahun was the highest contributor to inflation, reached
2020, inflasi yang terjadi di kelompok pengeluaran 0.91 percent. Meanwhile, there was a deflation
untuk makanan, minuman, dan tembakau adalah in the expenditure category for transportation,
kontributor tertinggi untuk inflasi yang mencapai information, communication, and financial services.
0,91 persen. Sedangkan deflasi terjadi di kelompok
pengeluaran untuk transportasi, informasi,
komunikasi, dan jasa keuangan.
3,28% 3,32% 3,49% 3,39%
3,13% 3,00% 2,98% 2,96%
3,00% 2,82%
2,57% 2,48%
2,83% 2,72% 2,68% 2,67%
2,00% 1,96%
1,54% 1,32% 1,42% 1,44% 1,59% 1,68%
1. Permen ESDM No. 12 Tahun 2020: Perubahan 1. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
Ketiga Atas Permen ESDM Nomor 08 Tahun 2017 Regulation No. 12 of 2020: Third Amendment
tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split. to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
Peraturan ini memberikan penegasan Regulation Number 08 of 2017 concerning
pemberlakuan bentuk kontrak kerja sama dan Gross Split Production Sharing Contracts.
fleksibilitas terkait kontrak bagi hasil yaitu cost This regulation affirms the enforcement of
recovery atau gross split. Untuk wilayah kerja cooperation contracts and flexibility related
(WK) baru yang untuk pengelolanya dilakukan to production sharing contracts, namely cost
melalui proses penawaran WK (lelang) dan untuk recovery or gross split. For new working areas
WK yang akan berakhir jangka waktu kontraknya (WKs) where the managers are carried out
baik akan diperpanjang atau tidak diperpanjang, through the WK bidding process (auction) and for
terbuka pilihan untuk dapat menggunakan CAs whose contract period will end, whether the
174 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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bentuk kontrak bagi hasil dengan mekanisme contract period will be extended or not extended,
pengembalian biaya operasi (cost recovery) atau there is an option to use the production sharing
kontrak bagi hasil gross split atau kontrak bentuk contract form with a cost recovery mechanism
lainnya. or a gross split profit sharing contract or other
form of contract.
3. Keputusan Menteri ESDM Nomor 33.K/03/ 3. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree
MEM/2020 : Sistem Keanggotaan Dalam Number 33.K/03/MEM/2020: Membership
Pelayanan Pemanfaatan Data Hulu Minyak dan System in Upstream Oil and Gas Data Utilization
Gas Bumi. Services.
Sistem keanggotaan dalam pelayanan The membership system in the upstream oil and
pemanfaatan data hulu migas mencakup gas data utilization service includes procedures
tata cara keanggotaan dan pemanfaatan for membership and data utilization by members
data oleh anggota dan non anggota terhadap and non-members of all unconfidential data or
seluruh data yang bersifat tidak rahasia atau has passed the period of confidentiality. There
telah melewati masa kerahasiaan. Terdapat are two types of membership, namely mandatory
dua jenis keanggotaan, yaitu anggota wajib members and non-mandatory members.
(mandatory member) dan anggota tidak wajib Members are subject to membership fees, except
(non mandatory member). Terhadap anggota for the implementing unit.
tersebut, dikenakan iuran keanggotaan, kecuali
unit pelaksana.
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Management Discussion and Analysis
Harga minyak Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) juga The Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) also experienced
mengalami penurunan drastis hingga mencapai a drastic decline, reached its lowest value in April at
nilai terendah pada bulan April sebesar USD USD 20.66 per barrel. In the following month, the
20,66 per barel. Pada bulan berikutnya, harga ICP ICP price began to increase, reached USD 47.78 per
mulai mengalami peningkatan hingga mencapai barrel. The increase in Indonesia’s crude oil price was
USD 47,78 per barel. Peningkatan harga minyak influenced by the increase in world crude oil prices
mentah Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh peningkatan with the signed of an agreement by OPEC countries
harga minyak mentah dunia dengan diadakannya to cut production and projections of improved global
kesepakatan negara-negara OPEC dalam melakukan economic growth. However, overall, the average ICP
pemotongan produksi dan proyeksi pertumbuhan price in 2020 was around USD 40.45 per barrel, a
ekonomi global yang membaik. Tetapi, secara decrease of around 35% when compared to the 2019
keseluruhan, rata-rata harga ICP selama tahun 2020 average ICP price of USD 62.38 per barrel.
sekitar USD 40,45 per barel mengalami penurunan
sekitar 35% jika dibandingkan dengan rata-rata
harga ICP tahun 2019 sebesar USD 62,38 per barel.
176 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
25% 24%
1.000 MTOE
Minyak Bumi
2015 5%
166 MTOE
Crude Oil
Gas Bumi
Natural Gas
46% Batubara
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 177
Management Discussion and Analysis
Satuan: MTOE
Unit: MTOE
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2030 2040 2050
EBT 38,6 44,7 51,3 62,8 73,2 92,3 130,6 212,8 316,0
Minyak 82,9 86,5 89,2 93,9 97,7 98,8 113,0 151,1 197,9
Crude Oil
Gas Bumi 61,1 67,3 73,7 79,5 85,8 89,6 109,2 171,7 243,1
Batubara 104,9 109,0 112,9 115,2 118,6 119,9 147,6 198,6 256,2
Total 287,4 307,4 327,1 351,4 375,3 400,6 500,4 734,2 1013,2
Sumber: RUEN, 2017
Source: RUEN, 2017
178 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Pandemi Covid-19 dan harga minyak yang turun The Covid-19 pandemic and the decrease in oil prices
menyebabkan keadaan ekonomi melemah dan caused the economy to weaken and had a significant
memberikan dampak signifikan bagi kegiatan hulu impact on Indonesia’s upstream oil and gas activities
migas Indonesia sehingga Pemerintah melakukan and encouraged the Government to revised the
revisi target RAPBN terkait produksi dan lifting State Budget Plan targets related to oil and gas
migas. Tetapi dibandingkan dengan industri lainnya, production and lifting. However, compared to other
sektor hulu migas dalam negeri berhasil mencatat industries, the domestic upstream oil and gas sector
kinerja yang cukup baik di tengah pandemi Covid-19. managed to record a fairly good performance amid
Terkait capaian hulu migas, SKK Migas mampu the Covid-19 pandemic. Regarding the achievements
menyelesaikan 15 proyek onstream dari 11 proyek of upstream oil and gas, SKK Migas was able to
onstream yang ditargetkan atau 136 persen. complete 15 onstream projects out of 11 targeted
onstream projects or 136 percent.
772 7.764
745 7.235
708 6.679
Realisasi investasi hulu migas tahun 2020 mencapai The realization of upstream oil and gas investment
USD10,47 miliar atau 86,5 persen dari target sebesar in 2020 reached USD10.47 billion or 86.5 percent
USD12,1 miliar. Dibandingkan dengan tahun 2019, of the target of USD12.1 billion. Compared to
realisasi investasi pada tahun ini menurun sekitar 2019, investment realization in 2020 decreased
11%. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh menurunnya harga by around 11%. This was influenced by the decline
minyak dan perekonomian. Perlu adanya dorongan in oil prices and the economy. The Government
dari Pemerintah dan komitmen yang dapat needs to encouraged and a committed to be able
menciptakan kepastian di bisnis migas untuk dapat to create certainty in the oil and gas business to
meningkatkan iklim investasi yang lebih baik di tahun improve a better investment climate in 2021. Besides,
2021. Selain itu, dampak pandemi Covid-19 juga the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic also causes
mengakibatkan aktivitas produksi di tahun 2020 production activities in 2020 to decrease compared
menurun jika dibandingkan pada tahun sebelumnya. to the previous year. The decrease in realization
Penurunan realisasi ini terjadi pada seluruh aktivas occurred in all production activities including: 2D
produksi meliputi : seismic 2D 3.165 km, seismic seismic 3,165 km, 3D seismic 1,250 sq km, exploration
3D 1.250 sq km, pemboran eksplorasi 21 sumur, drilling of 21 wells, development wells drilling 252
development wells drilling 252 sumur, workover 577 wells, workover 577 activities, and well services
aktivitas, dan well services 23.636 aktivitas. 23,636 activities.
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Management Discussion and Analysis
Realisasi Survei Seismik, Pengeboran, dan Realization of Seismic Surveying, Drilling, and
Oilfield Services Oilfield Services
Ukuran Detail
2018 2019 2020
Detail Size
Seismic 2D km 2.469 12.169 3.165
Seismic 2D
Seismic 3D sq km 1.188 6.837 1.250
Seismic 3D
Pemboran Eksplorasi sumur 40 36 21
Exploration Drilling
Development Wells Drilling sumur 278 322 252
Development Wells Drilling
Workover Aktivitas 628 806 577
Workover Activities
Well Service Aktivitas 76.485 29.405 23.636
Well Service Activities
1.079 924
786 591 718
Hal yang sama dialami pada jumlah penjualan The same thing was experienced by the number of
mobil tahun 2020 yang mengalami penurunan car sales in 2020 which experienced a sharp decline.
tajam. Total penjualan wholesales menurun hingga Total wholesales decreased by 48.3 percent from the
48,3 persen dari tahun sebelumnya, sedangkan previous year, while retail decreased by 44.5 percent.
untuk ritel mengalami penurunan 44,5 persen. The number of wholesales reached 532,027 units and
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Jumlah penjualan wholesales mencapai 532.027 the number of retail sales reached 578,327 units.
unit dan jumlah penjualan ritel mencapai 578.327 Declining economic growth is one of the causes of
unit. Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang sedang menurun the decline in car sales.
menjadi salah satu penyebab penurunan penjualan
Hal ini berdampak pada kebutuhan permintaan BBM This has an impact on the demand for fuel in 2020 of
tahun 2020 sebesar 70,8 juta kl, menurun sekitar 70.8 million kl, a decrease of around 13% compared
13% dibandingkan 2019. Penurunan penjualan BBM to 2019. The decline in fuel sales were significantly,
turun signifikan, terutama saat pemberlakuan PSBB especially during the implementation of the Large
di sejumlah kota di Indonesia. Saat itu, penjualan Scale Social Restricted (PSBB) in several cities
BBM Jakarta turun sampai 57%, sedangkan secara in Indonesia. At that time, Jakarta’s fuel sales
nasional penurunan terjadi sebesar 26%. Menurut decreased by 57%, while nationally the decline was
Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH 26%. According to the Downstream Oil and Gas
Migas), penjualan Jenis BBM Khusus Penugasan Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas), sales of the Special
(JBKP) yaitu Premium sebesar 8,44 juta kl, lebih Assignment Type of Fuel (JBKP), namely Premium,
rendah dari target APBN 2020 sebesar 11 juta kl. Amounted to 8.44 million kl, lower than the 2020
Realisasi penjualan Premium tahun ini turun sekitar State Budget target of 11 million kl. Realization of
26,54% dibandingkan dengan relasisasi 2019 sebesar Premium sales in 2020 decreased by around 26.54%
11,49 juta kl. Sedangkan untuk Jenis BBM Umum compared to the 2019 realization of 11.49 million kl.
(JBU)/non-penugasan Premium sebesar 141,5 ribu As for the General Fuel Type (JBU)/non-assignment
kl. Sedangkan untuk total penjualan Solar selama Premium Amounting to 141.5 thousand kl. Meanwhile,
2020 mencapai 27,70 juta kl. total sales of diesel fuel during 2020 reached 27.70
million kl.
6.847.460 1.152.641
6.383.108 1.067.396
5.931.285 1.043.017
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
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Management Discussion and Analysis
Penurunan harga minyak mentah sebagai dampak The decline in crude oil prices as a result of the
pandemi Covid-19 di tahun ini yang menjadi Covid-19 pandemic was a big challenge for the
tantangan besar bagi Perseroan untuk tetap Company to maintain its profitability. The impact
mempertahankan profitabilitasnya. Dampak dari of the decline in oil prices, which in 2020 still had
penurunan harga minyak yang pada tahun 2020 the impact of a large decline in the oil and gas
masih membawa dampak penurunan pasar jasa services market, which was marked by a sharp
migas yang besar yang ditandai dengan penurunan decline in the realization of upstream oil and gas
tajam pada realisasi investasi hulu migas khususnya investment, especially by reducing the work program
dengan pengurangan program kerja kegiatan for upstream oil and gas activities specifically in the
Hulu migas khusus nya yang ada di market share Company’s market share.
Disisi lain Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi juga Besides, Energy Distribution and Logistics Services
mengalami penurunan yang signifikan, terkait also experienced a significant decline, in connection
dengan pertumbuhan konsumsi BBM khususnya with the growth in fuel consumption, especially in
Indonesia. Penurunan penjualan kenderaan bermotor Indonesia. The decline in sales of motor vehicles and
dan kebutuhan BBM Industri sebagai dampak PSBB the need for industrial fuel as a result of the PSBB
di diberlakukan di hampir seluruh wilayah Indonesia being implemented in almost all regions of Indonesia
berdampak pada penjualan BBM dan jasa terkait has an impact on the sales of fuel and related
seperti jasa transportasi migas, pengelolaan depo, services such as oil and gas transportation services,
penjualan BBM Inmar dan lainnya. Namun disisi lain depot management, Inmar fuel sales and others.
Perseroan dihadapkan pada kebijakan Pertamina However, on the other hand, the Company is faced
yang melakukan pengetatan anggaran sehingga with Pertamina’s policy of tightening its budget so
melakukan pemotongan tarif jasa fleet management that it cuts rates for fleet management services by
hingga 7% sehingga menurunkan profitabilitas anak up to 7%, thereby reducing the profitability of its
perusahaan dalam hal ini EPN. subsidiaries, in this case EPN.
Selain itu pelemahan kurs nilai tukar dan kenaikan Also, the weakening of the exchange rate and the
interest rate pinjaman juga turut memberi dampak increase in loan interest rates had a significant
yang signifikan pada kinerja Perseroan. Untuk impact on the Company’s performance. To deal with
menghadapi ketidakpastian kondisi eksternal yang uncertain external conditions that have the potential
berpotensi menimbulkan ancaman, Menghadapi to pose a threat, Facing challenges, the Company’s
tantangan , adapun rencana strategis Perseroan strategic plans carried out in 2020 include:
yang dilakukan di tahun 2020, mencakup:
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PT Elnusa Tbk
Perseroan terus berupaya untuk mengoptimalkan The Company continues to strive to optimize each
setiap segmen operasi dalam mendorong kinerja operating segment in encouraging the Company’s
Perseroan untuk meningkatkan nilai bagi para performance to increase value for Shareholders
Pemegang Saham dan pemangku kepentingan and other stakeholders. Based on the Statement
lainnya. Berdasarkan Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) 5
Keuangan (PSAK) 5 (Revisi 2009) tentang “Segmen (Revised 2009) concerning “Operating Segments”,
Operasi”, segmen usaha Perseroan dikelompokkan the Company’s business segments are grouped
menurut kegiatan usaha yaitu, Jasa Hulu Migas, Jasa according to business activities, namely, Upstream
Distribusi & Logistik Energi, serta Jasa Penunjang Oil and Gas Services, Energy Distribution & Logistics
Migas. Services, and Oil and Gas Support Services.
Berdasarkan produk dan jasa yang dihasilkan, Based on the products and services produced, the
Perseroan mengembangkan produk dan jasa Company develops products and services through
melalui 3 (tiga) segmen usaha, yang juga dijalankan 3 (three) business segments, which are also run by
oleh kelompok usaha Perseroan, yaitu Jasa Hulu the Company’s business groups, namely Upstream
Migas, Jasa Distribusi & Logistik Energi, serta Jasa Oil and Gas Services, Energy Distribution & Logistics
Penunjang Migas. Berikut sekilas penjelasan operasi Services, and Oil and Gas Support Services. The
masing-masing segmen dalam pelaporan segmen. following is a brief explanation of the operation of
each segment in segment reporting.
1. Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi 1. Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services
Jasa hulu migas terintegrasi menyediakan Integrated upstream oil and gas services provide
jasa pengukuran data geofisika/seismik, jasa geophysical/seismic data measurement services,
pemboran migas, dan jasa oilfield dan EPC OM. oil and gas drilling services and, oilfield services
and EPC OM.
2. Jasa Distribusi & Logistik Energi 2. Energy Distribution & Logistics Services
Jasa distribusi dan logistik energi menyediakan Energy distribution and logistics services provide
jasa penyimpanan, perdagangan, pendistribusian storage, trading, distribution and marketing
dan pemasaran produk minyak dan gas di services for oil and gas products in Indonesia.
3. Jasa Penunjang Migas 3. Oil and Gas Support Services
Jasa penunjang migas menyediakan jasa Oil and gas support services provide rolling services,
penguliran, perdagangan pipa OCGT (Open trading of OCGT (Open Cycle Gas Turbine) pipes
Cycle Gas Turbine) dan fabrikasi, pembuatan and fabrication, thread making (threading) for
ulir (threading) untuk pemboran migas, jasa oil and gas drilling, data management services
pengelolaan data dan informasi energi dan and information on energy and mineral resources
sumber daya mineral (khususnya eksplorasi (especially exploration and exploitation of oil and
dan eksploitasi minyak dan gas bumi), jasa gas), services oil and gas data management,
pengelolaan data migas, jasa pembangunan integrated information technology system
sistem teknologi informasi terpadu, jasa development services, telecommunications
telekomunikasi, jasa penyediaan jaringan, services, network provisioning services, satellite
telekomunikasi satelit dan sistem komunikasi telecommunications and the VSAT (Very-Small-
VSAT (Very-Small-Aperture Terminal). Aperture Terminal) communication system.
Sekilas tentang profitabilitas dan kontribusi segmen A glimpse of the profitability and contribution of
operasi terhadap kinerja keuangan Perusahaan the operating segment to the Company’s financial
dapat dilihat pada tabel-tabel di bawah ini: performance can be seen in the folloeing tables:
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 183
Management Discussion and Analysis
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019
Increase (Decrease)
Segmen Operasi
Operating Jumlah Kontribusi Jumlah Kontribusi Selisih Persentase
Segments (Rp-juta) (%) (Rp-juta) (%) (Rp-juta) (%)
Total Contribution Total Contribution Difference Percentage
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) (Rp-million)
Jasa Distribusi dan 3.786.529 44,2% 4.364.090 49,2% (577.561) -13,2%
Logistik Energi
Energy Distribution
and Logistics
Jasa Hulu Migas 3.760.935 48,2% 3.847.015 45,8% (86.080) -2,2%
Integrated Upstream
Oil and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang 1.409.031 7,6% 988.663 5,0% 420.368 42,5%
Oil and Gas Support
Rekonsiliasi (1.229.549) (814.644) (414.905) 50,9%
Jumlah Pendapatan 7.726.945 8.385.124 100,0% (658.179) -7,85%
Total Revenues
5,0% 7,6%
2019 2020
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi Jasa Penunjang Migas
Energy Distribution and Logistics Services Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services Oil and Gas Support Services
184 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019
Increase (Decrease)
Segmen Operasi
Operating Jumlah Kontribusi Jumlah Kontribusi Selisih Persentase
Segments (Rp-juta) (%) (Rp-juta) (%) (Rp-juta) (%)
Total Contribution Total Contribution Difference Percentage
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) (Rp-million)
Jasa Distribusi dan 3.408.866 43,5% 3.909.600 51,9% (500.734) -12,8%
Logistik Energi
Energy Distribution
and Logistics
Jasa Hulu Migas 3.594.337 50,8% 3.578.480 40,3% 15.857 0,4%
Integrated Upstream
Oil and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang 1.205.987 5,7% 820.397 7,8% 385.590 47,0%
Oil and Gas Support
Rekonsiliasi (1.224.718) (794.438) (430.280) 54,2%
Jumlah Beban Pokok 6.984.472 100,00% 7.514.039 100,00% (529.567) -7,05%
Total Cost of
7,8% 5,7%
2019 2020
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi Jasa Penunjang Migas
Energy Distribution and Logistics Services Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services Oil and Gas Support Services
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 185
Management Discussion and Analysis
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019
Increase (Decrease)
Segmen Operasi
Operating Jumlah Kontribusi Jumlah Kontribusi Selisih Persentase
Segments (Rp-juta) (%) (Rp-juta) (%) (Rp-juta) (%)
Total Contribution Total Contribution Difference Percentage
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) (Rp-million)
Jasa Distribusi dan 222.050 89,1% 271.345 76,1% (49.295) -18,2%
Logistik Energi
Energy Distribution
and Logistics
Jasa Hulu Migas (55.396) -22,2% 4.310 1,2% (59.706) -1385,3%
Integrated Upstream
Oil and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang 87.440 33,1% 92.112 22,7% (4.672) -5,1%
Oil and Gas Support
Rekonsiliasi (5.011) (11.283) 6.272 -55,6%
Jumlah Beban Pokok 249.083 100,0% 356.484 100,0% (107.401) -30,13%
Total Cost of
22,7% 33,1%
2019 2020
76,1% 89,1%
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi Jasa Penunjang Migas
Energy Distribution and Logistics Services Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services Oil and Gas Support Services
186 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019
Increase (Decrease)
Segmen Operasi
Operating Jumlah Kontribusi Jumlah Kontribusi Selisih Persentase
Segments (Rp-juta) (%) (Rp-juta) (%) (Rp-juta) (%)
Total Contribution Total Contribution Difference Percentage
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) (Rp-million)
Jasa Distribusi dan 2.287.297 30,2% 1.974.247 27,6% 313.050 15,9%
Logistik Energi
Energy Distribution
and Logistics
Jasa Hulu Migas 4.907.865 64,6% 4.606.703 67,6% 301.162 6,5%
Integrated Upstream
Oil and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang 1.220.049 5,1% 1.086.423 4,8% 133.626 12,3%
Oil and Gas Support
Rekonsiliasi (852.392) (862.337) 9.945 -1,2%
Jumlah Aset 7.562.819 100,00% 6.805.036 100,00% 757.783 11,14%
Total Assets
4,8% 5,1%
27,6% 30,2%
2019 2020
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi Jasa Penunjang Migas
Energy Distribution and Logistics Services Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services Oil and Gas Support Services
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 187
Management Discussion and Analysis
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019
Increase (Decrease)
Segmen Operasi
Operating Jumlah Kontribusi Jumlah Kontribusi Selisih Persentase
Segments (Rp-juta) (%) (Rp-juta) (%) (Rp-juta) (%)
Total Contribution Total Contribution Difference Percentage
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) (Rp-million)
Jasa Distribusi dan 1.333.553 34,1% 1.107.918 34,2% 225.635 20%
Logistik Energi
Energy Distribution
and Logistics
Jasa Hulu Migas 2.371.866 61,5% 2.092.940 58,4% 278.926 13%
Integrated Upstream
Oil and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang 374.255 4,4% 316.169 7,4% 58.086 18%
Oil and Gas Support
Rekonsiliasi (257.799) (288.688) 30.889 -11%
Jumlah Liabilitas
3.821.875 100% 3.228.339 100,00% 593.536 18%
Total Liabilities
7,4% 4,4%
34,2% 34,1%
2019 2020
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi Jasa Penunjang Migas
Energy Distribution and Logistics Services Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services Oil and Gas Support Services
188 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Proses Kegiatan usaha jasa hilir migas dapat The process of downstream oil and gas service
digambarkan sebagai berikut: business activities can be described as follows:
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 189
Management Discussion and Analysis
Kilang Minyak
Oil Refinery
Mobil Pribadi
Private car
Impor Transportasi Premium & Solar SPBU
Import Premium and Solar SPBU
Kendaraan Umum
Public Transportation
Proses Kegiatan perdagangan bahan kimia khusus Process The specific chemical trading activities are
digambarkan sebagai berikut: described as follows:
Sebagai sebuah negara yang terus bertumbuh, As a country that continues to grow, Indonesia
Indonesia memiliki kebutuhan energi, khususnya has a need for energy, especially for fuel, which is
BBM yang kian meningkat dari waktu ke waktu. increasing from time to time. Like the downstream oil
Seperti halnya bisnis hilir migas yang masih dapat and gas business, which can still survive and is quite
bertahan dan cukup menjanjikan ditengah kelesuan promising amid the sluggishness of the oil and gas
bisnis migas pada umumnya. Performance PT Elnusa business in general. The performance of PT Elnusa
Petrofin (EPN) yang bergerak di bisnis hilir migas Petrofin (EPN) which is engaged in the downstream
menunjukkan hasil yang sangat baik. oil and gas business has shown excellent results.
Di tahun 2020 EPN masih dapat mempertahankan In 2020 EPN can still maintain its sales achievements
capaian Penjualan maupun profitabilitasnya and profitability even in the midst of the Pandemic,
meskipun ditengah hantaman Pandemi, serta tetap and continue to support Government programs in
mendukung program-program Pemerintah dalam distributing Energy to remote areas. Among other
pendistribusian Energi sampai ke pelosok daerah. things, with the management of Pertashop at
Antara lain dengan pengelolaan Pertashop pada approximately 200 points, Pertashop is a form of
190 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
kurang lebih 200 an titik, Pertashop merupakan Pertamina’s commitment in distributing energy to
bentuk komitmen Pertamina dalam menyalurkan areas that are far enough away to the Public Fuel
energi hingga ke daerah-daerah yang cukup jauh Filling Station (SPBU).
jangkauannya ke Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar
Umum (SPBU).
Di samping itu beberapa pengembangan project Besides, several asset-based project developments
asset based yang telah dimulai sejak 2019 dan that have started in 2019 and started operating
mulai beroperasi di tahun 2020 antara lain SPPBE in 2020 include SPPBE (Bulk LPG Transport &
(Stasiun Pengangkutan & Pengisian Bulk LPG) Bima Filling Station) Bima and Gunung Sitoli-Nias. The
dan Gunung Sitoli - Nias. Dengan berdirinya SPPBE establishment of the Gunung Sitoli SPPBE is also
Gunung Sitoli ini juga sebagai bentuk komitmen a form of EPN’s commitment in carrying out the
EPN dalam mengemban amanah dari Pertamina mandate from Pertamina to maintain and serve
untuk menjaga dan melayani kebutuhan LPG bagi LPG needs for Pertamina’s customers and society
para pelanggan Pertamina dan masyarakat pada in general.
EPN juga memiliki Chemical Integrated Supply & EPN also has Chemical Integrated Supply &
Services yang menawarkan cakupan jasa mulai Services which offers a range of services ranging
dari upstream sampai downstream oil and gas from upstream to downstream oil and gas industry,
industry, antara lain meliputi Drilling Fluid Chemicals, including Drilling Fluid Chemicals, Upstream
Upstream & Refinery Specialty Chemicals, Chemicals & Refinery Specialty Chemicals, Chemicals for
for Enhanced Oil Recovery (C-EOR), dan Fuel Enhanced Oil Recovery (C-EOR), and Fuel Additives
Additives for Downstream/Retail Business. Khusus for Downstream/Retail Business. Especially for the
untuk aplikasi C-EOR, EPN bersama dengan SNF SA C-EOR application, EPN together with SNF SA have
telah sukses menjadi pioneer dalam implementasi successfully become a pioneer in the implementation
Polymer Flooding di PT Pertamina EP. Selain itu of Polymer Flooding at PT Pertamina EP. Besides,
Elnusa Petrofin memiliki kapasitas produksi hingga Elnusa Petrofin has a production capacity of up to 6
6 Juta Ton per annum (TPA) baik untuk water based million tons per annum (TPA) for both water based
maupun oil based chemical. and oil based chemicals.
EPN berhasil menciptakan 2 produk unggulan yang EPN has succeeded in creating 2 superior products
merupakan hasil karya mandiri insan EPN dan which are the work of independent EPN personnel
telah digunakan diberbagai perusahaan Migas and have been used in various oil and gas companies,
yaitu FIN OSD & FIN HIB. FIN OSD berfungsi namely FIN OSD & FIN HIB. FIN OSD functions as a
sebagai Oil Spill Dispersant berbahan dasar nabati vegetable based Oil Spill Dispersant (Palm Oil), while
(Kelapa Sawit), sementara FIN HIB adalah salah FIN HIB is an additive material that functions as a
satu material aditif yang berfungsi sebagai shale shale inhibitor in drilling activities using the Water
inhibitor dalam aktivitas pengeboran menggunakan Base Mud system.
system Water Base Mud.
Revenue PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) Ytd Desember Revenue of PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) Ytd in December
2020 sebesar Rp3,78 triliun atau mengalami 2020 Amounted to Rp3.78 trillion or decreased by
penurunan 13% dari tahun lalu. Penurunan tersebut 13% from last year. The decline was mainly due
terutama sebagai dampak Pandemi sehingga to the impact of the Pandemic which resulted in
diberlakukannya Pembatasan Sosial Berskala the imposition of Large-Scale Social Restrictions
Besar (PPSBB) diseluruh wilayah dan menyebabkan (PPSBB) in all regions and resulted in the decline in
konsumsi BBM masyarakat menurun. Adapun public fuel consumption. The contribution of each
kontribusi setiap unit bisnis terhadap pendapatan business unit to each EPN’s operating income is as
usaha EPN masing-masing adalah sebagai berikut: follows:
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Management Discussion and Analysis
2019 2020
Rp4,36T Rp3,78T
Transportasi Depo
Transportation Depo
Produksi/ Kapasitas
Unit Bisnis Production/Capacity
Business Unit
2020 2019
Kelola mobil tangki BBM PSO 1.632 Unit 1.584 Unit
dengan Pola All In Plus 1,632 Units 1,584 Units
Manage your PSO fuel tanker with
the All In Plus Pattern
Kelola angkutan BBMK sistem 40 Unit 40 Unit
tarif (Rp/KL/KM) 40 Units 40 Unit
Manage BBMK transportation
fare system (Rp/ KL/KM)
Menyewakan mobil tangki milik 480 unit mobil tangki BBM 425 unit mobil tangki BBM
sendiri ke Pertamina (sewa mobil 24 unit mobil tangki LPG 10 unit mobil tangki LPG
tangki) 4 unit MT Avtur 4 unit MT Avtur
Renting your own tank car to Angkutan Non BBM 425 units of fuel tanker
Pertamina (renting a tank car) 480 units of fuel tank cars 10 units of LPG tank cars
24 units of LPG tank cars 4 units of MT Avtur
4 units of MT Avtur
Non-fuel transportation
Distribusi BBM subsidi ke APMS Jumlah transportir : 105 Jumlah transportir : 105
Distribution of subsidized fuel to Jumlah APMS : 153 Jumlah APMS : 154
APMS Number of transporters: 105 Number of transporters:
Number of APMS: 153 105
Number of APMS: 154
Pengelolaan angkutan SPBB Jumlah transportir : 18 Jumlah transportir : 18
Management of SPBB Jumlah APMS: 17 Jumlah APMS: 18
Number of transporters: 18 Number of transporters: 18
Number of APMS: 17 Number of APMS: 18
Kelola angkutan Industri Pama 8 unit 8 unit
Persada 8 units 8 units
Manage Pama Persada Industrial
Pengelolaan angkutan untuk - 11 Unit
FAME 11 Units
Manage Pama Persada Industrial
192 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Produksi/ Kapasitas
Unit Bisnis Production/Capacity
Business Unit
2020 2019
Depot Kelola depo milik swasta dengan Kelola VHS di depo : 23 klien Kelola VHS di depo : 20
sistem Vendor Held Stock (VHS) Manage VHS in depot: 23 klien
Manage privately owned depots clients Manage VHS in depot: 20
with the Vendor Held Stock (VHS) clients
Handling marine dengan sistem Pelanggan : 18 klien Pelanggan : 17 klien
Franco Customers: 18 clients Customers: 17 clients
Marine handling with Franco
KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi) DPPU DEPO LPG AMURANG Kelola 7 DPPU
Ritel Bahan Jasa pengelolaan SPBU,SPBE 1 SPBU, 1 SPBE, 2 SPPBE 1 SPBU, 1 SPBE, 2 SPPBE
Bakar (RBB) Gas station management services,
Retail Fuel SPBE
Kelola SPBU milik sendiri 1 SPBU 1 SPBU
Manage own gas station
Trading Specialty Chemical Pelanggan: Pertamina Group Pelanggan: Pertamina
dan Swasta Group dan Swasta
Customers: Pertamina Group Customers: Pertamina
and Private Group and Private
Commodity Chemical Pelanggan: Pertamina Group Pelanggan: Pertamina
Customer: Pertamina Group Group
Customer: Pertamina
BBM Industri Pelanggan: Industri Pelanggan: Industri
Industrial fuel pertambangan, manufaktur pertambangan,
dan marine manufaktur dan marine
Customers: Mining, Customers: Mining,
manufacturing and marine manufacturing and marine
industries industries
Pelumas Pelanggan Pelumas : Own Use Pelanggan Pelumas : Own
Lubricants Mobil Tangki EPN, Swasta Use Mobil Tangki EPN,
Pelanggan Aspalth : Swasta Swasta
Lubricant Customers: Own Pelanggan Aspalth :
Use EPN Tank Car, Private Swasta
Aspalth Customers: Private Lubricant Customers: Own
Use EPN Tank Car, Private
Aspalth Customers: Private
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 193
Management Discussion and Analysis
Realisasi Produksi
Production Realization
Volume per Unit Bisnis
Satuan Production
Volume per Business Unit
2020 2019
Volume Throughout Transportasi KL 15.665.918 17.330.396
Transport Throughout Volume
Volume Penyaluran BBM –Depo KL 2.257.614 2.408.867
Fuel Distribution Volume - Depo
Volume Ritel Bahan Bakar SPBU KL 9.221 27.022
Retail Volume of Gas Station Fuel
Volume Ritel Bahan Bakar SPBE/SPPBE Ton 27.123 19.867
SPBE/SPPBE Fuel Retail Volume
Volume Depo LPG Amurang Ton 82.413 40.199
Amurang LPG Depo Volume
Volume BBM Inmar KL 219.924 217.610
Inmar Fuel Volume
Trading Specialty & Mud Chemical Drum 195.642 202.501
Trading Specialty & Mud Chemical
Trading Pelumas KL 3.254 2.407
Lubricants Trading
Volume penjualan EPN di tahun 2020 rata-rata EPN sales volume in 2020 on average decreased
mengalami penurunan pada hampir semua unit in almost all business units, this was the impact
bisnis, hal ini sebagai dampak Pandemi dan of the Pandemic and the imposition of large-scale
pemberlakukan pembatasan sosial berskala besar social restrictions (PSBB) in all locations so that
(PSBB) di semua lokasi sehingga konsumsi BBM national fuel consumption decreased. For example,
nasional menurun. Seperti halnya Transportasi transportation which experienced a 10% decrease in
yang mengalami penurunan volume 10% dari volume from last year and Depo which experienced
tahun lalu serta Depo yang mengalami penurunan a 6% decrease. The decrease in depot volume mainly
6%. Penurunan volume Depo terutama berasal came from a decrease in the volume of DPPU
dari penurunan volume DPPU (Aviasi) sampai (Aviation) to minus 45% from last year as a result
dengan minus 45% dari tahun lalu sebagai dampak of decreased flight activities, however in 2020 EPN
dari penurunan aktifitas penerbangan, meskipun also added to the management of Depo VHS and
demikian pada tahun 2020 EPN juga menambah Franco.
pengelolaan Depo VHS dan Franco.
Dari sisi trading, volume penjualan BBM Inmar di From the trading side, Inmar’s fuel sales volume
tahun 2020 masih dapat dipertahankan bahkan in 2020 can still be maintained, even there is an
ada peningkatan dibandingkan tahun lalu. Hal increase compared to last year. This is one of the
ini merupakan salah satu strategi marketing marketing strategies implemented by EPN by
yang diterapkan EPN dengan menawarkan harga offering competitive selling prices to increase sales
jual yang kompetitif untuk meningkatkan volume volume in the midst of a Pandemic. With the largest
penjualan di tengah Pandemi. Dengan peningkatan increase in sales volume came from the DKI Jakarta
volume penjualan terbesar berasal dari area DKI and Java areas.
Jakarta dan Jawa.
Di sepanjang tahun 2020 EPN menambah beberapa Throughout 2020 EPN added several new projects,
proyek baru antara lain: including:
194 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
9. FRANCO Bunker PTK 9. FRANCO Bunker PTK
Berikut disampaikan kinerja keuangan dan Following is the financial performance and
profitabilitas segmen Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik profitability of the Energy Distribution and Logistics
Energi. Services segment.
Kinerja Keuangan dan Profitabilitas Segmen Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi
Financial Performance and Profitability of the Energy Distribution and Logistics Services Segment
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Kontribusi
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi
(Rp-juta) (%) Jumlah Jumlah
Energy Distribution and Logistics Services
Amount Contribution (Rp-juta) (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (%) Amount Amount
(Rp-million) (Rp-million)
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 195
Management Discussion and Analysis
Kinerja Keuangan dan Profitabilitas Segmen Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi
Financial Performance and Profitability of the Energy Distribution and Logistics Services Segment
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Kontribusi
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi
(Rp-juta) (%) Jumlah Jumlah
Energy Distribution and Logistics Services
Amount Contribution (Rp-juta) (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (%) Amount Amount
(Rp-million) (Rp-million)
Laba Tahun Berjalan 222.677 271.345 (48.668) -18%
Profit for the Year
Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain 1.564 2.532 (968) -38%
Other Comprehensive Income
Total Laba Komprehensif Tahun 224.240 273.877 (49.637) -18%
Total Comprehensive Income for the Year
Informasi-Informasi Lain
Other Informations
Total Aset 2.294.157 1.974.247 319.910 16%
Total Assets
Total Liabilitas 1.339.899 1.107.918 231.981 21%
Total Liabilities
Ekuitas – Neto 954.257 866.329 87.928 10%
Equity - Neto
Penyusutan dan Amortisasi 269.001 45.745 223.256 488%
Depreciation and Amortization
Penambahan Aset Tetap 185.416 210.690 (25.274) -12%
Addition of Fixed Assets
Divisi Oilfield Services memiliki dua kelompok bisnis The Oilfield Services Division has two main
utama: Well Intervention (WLI), Drilling Workover business groups: Well Intervention (WLI), Drilling
(DWO). Kedua bisnis tersebut bergerak dalam Workover (DWO). Both businesses are engaged
bidang jasa pemeliharaan sumur (well services) in well services and oil and gas field maintenance
dan lapangan migas, jasa pengerjaan operasi serta services, operations work services and production
perawatan produksi beserta kegiatan penunjangnya maintenance and their supporting activities (oilfield
(oilfield services). Selain itu Perseroan juga sedang services). Besides, the Company is also developing
mengembangkan kompetensi di bidang teknik competencies in the field of production improvement
peningkatan produksi Well Integrity Services. Proses techniques for Well Integrity Services. The process
kegiatan usaha jasa produksi Migas ini secara umum of oil and gas production service business activities
terbagi menjadi: is generally divided into:
1. WLI : Jasa Perawatan sumur-sumur yang 1. WLI: Maintenance services for operating wells
sudah beroperasi yang bertujuan untuk that aim to monitor well performance and
memonitor performa sumur dan meningkatkan increase well productivity (especially those that
produktivitas sumur (terutama yang sudah have decreased productivity). By combining the
turun produktivitasnya). Dengan memadukan main services of Coiled & Pumping Services,
jasa utama Coiled & Pumping Services, Slickline Slickline Services, Welltest Processing Services
Services, Welltest Processing Services dan and Electric Wireline Logging.
Electric Wireline Logging.
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2. DWO : Jasa Pengeboran berintegrasi dari Drilling 2. DWO: Integrated Drilling Services from
Services, Drilling Support Services serta Jasa Drilling Services, Drilling Support Services and
Perawatan sumur-sumur yang sudah beroperasi Maintenance Services for existing wells which aim
yang bertujuan meningkatkan produktivitas to increase the productivity of existing wells. This
sumur yang ada. Perpaduan ini menghasilkan combination produces a comprehensive solution
solusi menyeluruh bagi konsumen yang memiliki for consumers who have problems with old wells
permasalahan dengan sumur tua dan proses and the process of making new wells. As well as
pembuatan sumur baru. Serta juga memiliki lini having a business line processing gas wells into
bisnis pengolahan gas sumur menjadi tenaga electricity.
Konsep bisnis bidang ini melalui pendekatan product The concept of business in this field through a
line yang terdiri dari: product line approach consisting of:
Kontribusi Pendapatan per Bisnis – Jasa Peneliharaan dan Pengelolaan Lapangan Migas
Income Contribution per Business - Oil and Gas Field Maintenance and Management Services
2019 2020
Rp1.677 Rp1.763
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Management Discussion and Analysis
DWO memberikan jasa layanan dibidang drilling & DWO provides services in the field of drilling &
workover services di mana saat ini fokus pada on- workover services, which currently focuses on on-
shore drilling sesuai dengan kompetensi dan alat shore drilling according to its competencies and
yang dimiliki, namun tetap melakukan penjajakan tools, but continues to explore and develop potentials
dan pengembangan potensi pada offshore drilling in offshore drilling and geothermal, given the large
dan panas bumi mengingat masih besarnya potensi potential for growth in the sector. Meanwhile,
pertumbuhan pada sektor tersebut. Sementara supporting drilling services, mud engineering services,
itu pada jasa supporting drilling, mud engineering mud logging, cementing, H2S and others. Workover
services, mud logging, cementing, H2S dan lainnya. services provide services in the field of reworking
Pada jasa workover memberikan jasa layanan oil and gas wells both offshore and onshore. The
dibidang kerja ulang sumur minyak dan gas baik services offered are Hyraulic Workover Services,
offshore maupun onshore. Jasa yang ditawarkan Artificial Lift Service, Well Complation, and Power.
adalah Hyraulic Workover Services, Artificial Lift
Service, Well Complation, dan Power.
Berikut ini adalah penjelasan masing-masing unit The following is an explanation of each business unit
usaha dari jasa pengeboran: of drilling services:
1. Integrated Drilling Management : Jasa 1. Integrated Drilling Management: Management
manajemen untuk mengintegrasikan seluruh services to integrate all drilling operations,
pelaksanaan pemboran, melalui drilling rig dan through drilling rigs and drilling supports
drilling supporting
2. Drilling Rig : Jasa pelaksanaan aktivitas utama 2. Drilling Rig: Services for the implementation of
pemboran the main drilling activities
3. Drilling Supporting : Jasa pendukung kegiatan 3. Drilling Supporting: Supporting services for
pemboran yang meliputi : drilling activities which include:
a. Mud Logging : Jasa untuk mengetahui a. Mud Logging: Services to determine drilling
parameter pemboran, termasuk jasa untuk parameters, including services to detect H2S
mendeteksi kandungan H2S disekitar sumur content around well
b. Mud Engineering : Jasa untuk menyediakan b. Mud Engineering: Services to provide material
material dan lumpur and sludge
c. Hydrogen Sulphide Services H2S : Jasa c. Hydrogen Sulphide Services H2S: Services
penyediaan keamanan pengeboran dari for providing drilling safety from gas and
gas dan kondisi berbahaya di area operasi hazardous conditions in the drilling operation
pengeboran area
4. Hydraulic Workover Services : Jasa pekerjaan 4. Hydraulic Workover Services: Well rework services
ulang sumur dengan Rig Snubbing yang dengan with Snubbing Rigs with the aim of maintaining
tujuan menjaga performance sumur minyak dan the performance of oil and gas wells so that they
gas sehingga berproduksi sesuai dengan harapan produce according to client expectations
5. Artificial Lift Services : Seperangkat jasa yang 5. Artificial Lift Services: A set of services that
dapat memberikan dengan cara menjaga can provide a way to maintain well production
produksi sumur dengan menggunakan alat bantu by using man-made tools. The tool used is the
buatan manusia. Adapun alat yang digunakan Electric Submersible Pump (ESP), which helps
adalah Electric Submersible Pump (ESP), yang increase production by inserting a pump into the
membantu meningkatkan produksi dengan well. Apart from ESP, ALS also has a generator
mamasukan pompa kedalam sumur. Selain ESP, that is fueled by well exhaust gas so that it can
ALS juga memiliki genset yang berbahan bakar be used as electricity.
gas buang sumur sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan
menjadi tenaga listrik.
Peralatan yang digunakan memiliki variasi Hydraulic The equipment used has a variety of Hydraulic
Workver Unit, Drilling Rig, MLU, H2S serta tangki Workver Units, Drilling Rig, MLU, H2S and Mud Plant
peralatan Mud Plant. Utilisasi peralatan di banding equipment tanks. Equipment utilization compared
tahun 2019 dapat dijabarkan sebagai berikut: to 2019 can be described as follows:
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PT Elnusa Tbk
2020 2019
Berikut penjelasan dari masing-masing bisnis yang The following is an explanation of each business that
mendukung WLI: supports WLI:
1. Electric Wireline Services : Jasa pelayanan 1. Electric Wireline Services: Perforation,
perforasi, evaporasi logging sumur migas dan evaporation logging services for oil and gas and
panas bumi dengan menggunakan peralatan geothermal wells using logging equipment. The
logging. Proses perforasi dan evaporasi process of perforation and evaporation uses well
menggunakan melakukan pengambilan data data collection which is used to determine the
sumur yang digunakan untuk mengetahui condition and condition of the well as a decision
kondisi dan keadaan sumur sebagai bahan making material for well treatment that needs
pengambil keputusan treatment sumur yang to be done.
perlu dikerjakan.
2. Coiled & Pumping Services: Jasa pelayanan 2. Coiled & Pumping Services: Well intervention
intervensi Sumur dengan mengguanakan services by using coiled tubing equipment assisted
peralatan coiled tubing yang dibantu peralatan by pumps that can pump fluids and chemicals to
pompa-pompa yang dapat memompakan fluida restore well conditions according to the client’s
dan chemical untuk mengembalikan kondisi program.
sumur sesuai dengan program klien.
3. Slickline Services : Jasa pelayanan intervensi 3. Slickline Services: Well intervention services using
sumur dengan mengguanakan peralatan Slikcline the Slikcline Unit equipment using well assisting
Unit dengan mengguanakan peralatan bantu equipment which is used to clean the scale of oil
sumur yang digunakan untuk membersihkan and gas production wells.
scale pada sumur produksi minyak dan gas bumi.
4. Welltesting & Processing Services : Jasa 4. Welltesting & Processing Services: Production
pelayanan sumur produksi dengan menggunakan well services using equipment and oil separation
peralatan dan pemisahan minyak bumi sehingga so that data on the condition of oil and gas
didapat data kondisi minyak dan gas yang produced by the well can be obtained. Oil and gas
diproduksi oleh sumur. Minyak dan gas bumi are evaluated and manipulated on the ground
tersebut dilakukan evaluasi serta dimanipulasi di so as to maintain and increase their production.
atas tanah sehingga menjaga dan meningkatkan
Dari tabel berikut didapat jenis Peralatan yang From the following table, it is found that the types
digunakan WLI serta tingkat utilisasi selama of equipment used by WLI and the level of utilization
tahun 2020 di banding dengan tahun 2019 untuk during 2020 compared to 2019 to support its
mendukung kegiatan operasinya adalah sebagai operational activities are as follows:
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Management Discussion and Analysis
2020 2019
Pencapaian revenue unit binis EPC OM ditahun The achievement of EPC OM business unit revenue
2020 mengalami penurunan 5 % dari tahun 2019 , in 2020 decreased by 5% from 2019, during 2020
selama tahun 2020 adanya serapan kontrak untuk there was contract absorption for work at the
pekerjaan di Fasilitas penyaluran minyak jalur TAP Jlaur TAP SPD oil distribution facility, electrical
SPD, pemeliharaan electrical dan pemeliharaan maintenance and mechanical maintenance ONWJ,
mechanical ONWJ, pemeliharaan fasilitas di Conoco facility maintenance at Conoco Phillips, Jatibarang X
Phillips, Anjungan X Ray Jatibarang dan program Ray Pavilion and YYA PHE ONWJ Platform Recovery
Recovery Platform YYA PHE ONWJ . sedangkan program. while for the work at EPC, among others,
untuk pekerjaan di EPC ,antara lain yakni pekerjaan namely the work of LP Betung gas compression,
Kompresi gas LP Betung, WTIP Jirak Waterflood, WTIP Jirak Waterflood, EPC Pertagas CIkarang
EPC Pertagas Cikarang Listrindo, pengadaan jasa Listrindo, provision of EPCI Pendopo services and
EPCI Pendopo dan lain – lain. others.
Berikut pencapaian revenue unit bisnis OM EPC dari The following is the achievement of the OM EPC
tahun 2017– 2020: business unit revenue from 2017–2020:
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Para pelanggan memerlukan data geologi bawah Customers need subsurface geological data (sub-
permukaan (sub-surface) untuk mengetahui surface) to determine the presence of oil and gas
keberadaan migas serta ukuran besarnya kandungan and the size of the oil and gas content in the earth’s
migas diperut bumi, di lokasi perusahaan- stomach, where these companies operate, namely in
perusahaan tersebut beroperasi, yaitu di wilayah their respective work areas, both on land, offshore
kerja masing-masing, baik di daratan, lepas pantai (marine) and transition between land and coast.
(marine) maupun transisi antara daratan dan pesisir
Jasa Penyelidikan dan Pengolahan Jasa Seismik Seismic Services Investigation and Processing
dilakukan oleh Division of Geoscience and Reservoir Services are carried out by the Division of Geoscience
Services (GRS) yang memberikan jasa : and Reservoir Services (GRS) which provides:
1. Geo Data Acquisition Land (GDL) ; Seismic Data 1. Geo Data Acquisition Land (GDL); Seismic Data
Acquisition Land survey 3D and 2D , dan Seismic Acquisition Land survey, 3D and 2D, and Seismic
Design Design
2. Geo Data Acquisition TZ & Marine (GDM) : Seismic 2. Geo Data Acquisition TZ & Marine (GDM): Seismic
Data Acquisition Transition Zone and Marine Data Acquisition Transition Zone and Marine
survey, Seismic Design, Marine Survey, Geodetic survey, Seismic Design, Marine Survey, Geodetic
Control Point, Rig and Wellsite Positioning, Control Point, Rig and Wellsite Positioning,
Road and Pipeline Routing, Magnetotelluric, Road and Pipeline Routing, Magnetotelluric,
Microgravity Microgravity
3. Geo Data Processing (GDP) : Seismic Data 3. Geo Data Processing (GDP): Seismic Data
Processing 2D/ 3D (land, marine, TZ ), quantify Processing 2D/3D (land, marine, TZ), quantify
seismic amplitude information, lithology, seismic amplitude information, lithology,
Petrophysical properties of reservoirs, Geology Petrophysical properties of reservoirs, Geology
Geophysics & Reservoir (Seismic Interpretation Geophysics & Reservoir (Seismic Interpretation
and Geological Modelling, 2D/3D Depth and Geological Modeling, 2D/3D Depth
Imaging, AVO, Petrophysics Analysis, Reservoir Imaging, AVO, Petrophysics Analysis, Reservoir
Simulation), Navigation and Non Seismic Simulation), Navigation and Non Seismic
Land Survey, Geodetic Control Point, Rig and Land Survey, Geodetic Control Point, Rig and
Wellsite Positioning, Road and Pipeline Routing, Wellsite Positioning, Road and Pipeline Routing,
Magnetotelluric, Microgravity Magnetotelluric, Microgravity
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Management Discussion and Analysis
Secara umum proses jasa ini digambarkan sebagai In general, this service process is described as follows:
Studi Geologi
Desain Seismik Proses Akuisisi Data Pengolahan Interpretasi
Seismic Design Data Acquisition Process Processing Interpretation
Desain Seismik
Seismic Design
Kapal Interpretasi
Topografi & Vessel Operation Seismik & Proses
Studi Geologi
Desain Seismik Navigasi Akuisisi Data Pengolahan Data GGR
Seismic Design Topography & Data Acquisition Data Processing Seismic
Navigation Interpretation &
Non Seismik GGR Process
Non Seismic
Seismik Pasif
Passive Seismic
Perangkat Lunak
Di jasa akuisisi seismic darat, sebanyak 1 proyek In land seismic acquisition services, 1 project
merupakan carried over dari tahun 2019 dan berhasil was carried over from 2019 and was successfully
diselesaikan pada tahun 2020, dengan lokasi proyek completed in 2020, with the project location on the
di pulau Sumatera. Selain itu ada pekerjaan baru di island of Sumatra. Besides, there are new jobs in
wilayah Sumatera dan Pulau Kalimantan. Sumatra and Kalimantan.
Pekerjaan akusisi seismic laut di tahun 2020 yakni Marine seismic acquisition work in 2020, namely
pekerjaan di 2D Seismic Marine Komitmen Kerja work at 2D Seismic Marine PHE Jambi Merang Firm
Pasti ( KKP ) PHE Jambi Merang dan pekerjaan 2D Work Commitment (KKP) and West Yamdena 2D
West Yamdena. work.
202 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Kontribusi Pendapatan per Bisnis – Jasa Penyelidikan dan Pengolahan Data Seismik
Revenue Contribution per Business - Seismic Data Processing and Investigation Services
5,6% 8,8%
32,1% 25,8%
1.386 1.115
Produksi/ Kapasitas
Alat Penyelidikan Seismik Satuan Production/Capacity
Seismic Acquisition Equipment Unit
2020 2019
Seismic Data Capacity
Seismic Data Acquisition Land Crew 5 5
Seismic Data Acquisition TZ Crew 1 1
Seismic Data Acquisition Marine Crew 1 1
Seismic Data Acquisition
2D Data Collection Km 25.837 18.837
3D Data Collection Kmsq 245 690
2D Data Processing Km 42.703 2.336
3D Data Processing Kmsq 1.653 11.410
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Management Discussion and Analysis
Berikut disampaikan kinerja keuangan dan Following is the financial performance and
profitabilitas segmen Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi. profitability of the Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas
Services segment.
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Kontribusi
Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi
(Rp-juta) (%) Jumlah Jumlah
Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services
Amount Contribution (Rp-juta) (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (%) Amount Amount
(Rp-million) (Rp-million)
204 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Kontribusi
Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi
(Rp-juta) (%) Jumlah Jumlah
Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services
Amount Contribution (Rp-juta) (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (%) Amount Amount
(Rp-million) (Rp-million)
Informasi-informasi Lain
Other Information
Total Aset 4.907.865 4.606.703 301.162 7%
Total Assets
Total Liabilitas 2.371.866 2.092.940 278.926 13%
Total Liabilities
Ekuitas – Neto 2.536.000 2.513.762 22.238 1%
Equity - Neto
Penyusutan dan Amortisasi 309.572 312.575 (3.003) -1%
Depreciation and Amortization
Penambahan Aset Tetap 230.834 250.788 (19.954) -8%
Addition of Fixed Assets
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Management Discussion and Analysis
Dalam konteks penunjang industri migas, Perseroan In the context of supporting the oil and gas
memegang peranan penting dalam pengelolaan industry, the Company plays an important role in
dan pelestarian hasil ekplorasi dan produksi sumur- the management and preservation of the results
sumur perminyakan dan gas- bumi. Bahkan data- of exploration and production of oil and gas wells.
data lama yang terekam ke dalam bentuk dokumen Even old data recorded in paper documents can be
kertas, dapat ditransfer ke dalam bentuk digital transferred into digital form so that they can be
sehingga dapat diolah kembali, karena salah satu processed again, because one of the Company’s
produk jasa Perseroan dari kegiatan usaha ini service products from this business activity is
adalah jasa pemindaian dokumen. Perseroan juga document scanning services. The Company also has
memiliki kemampuan dan fasilitas untuk melakukan the capability and facilities to carry out maintenance,
pemeliharaan, pelestarian dan re-identifikasi preservation and re-identification of Geological
Geological Sample. Samples.
Perseroan juga berperan penting pada dunia The Company also plays an important role in the
Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (Information world of Information and Communication Technology
Communication Technology) sektor industri (Information Communication Technology) in the oil
migas. Kegiatan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi migas and gas industry sector. Oil and gas exploration
memerlukan sarana Teknologi Informasi dan and exploitation activities require Information
Komunikasi, baik untuk komunikasi personel, and Communication Technology facilities, both for
komunikasi data, maupun pelacakan (tracking) personnel communication, data communication, as
asset dan personal, Radio Frequency Identification well as asset and personal tracking, Radio Frequency
(RFiD). Di wilayah terpencil dan Remote Area, Identification (RFiD). In remote areas and remote
komunikasi radio menjadi pilihan terbaik; dan areas, radio communication is the best choice;
Perseroan sanggup memberikan jasa penyediaan and the Company is able to provide services and
dan pelayanan komunikasi dengan frekuensi communication services with radio wave frequencies
gelombang radio (Radio Trunking, Broadband (Radio Trunking, Broadband Communication,
Communication, Wireless Data Communication), Wireless Data Communication), IT and Automation
jasa penyediaan perangkat IT dan Automation, equipment provision services, sensors and tracking
sensor dan pelacak/tracking baik untuk aset maupun for both assets and human/personnel, including
human/personel, termasuk juga jasa membangun/ building/construction services. customization of
kastemisasi perangkat lunak yang terkait dengan software related to these needs (Control Equipment
keperluan tersebut (Control Equipment Monitoring, Monitoring, Vessel Tracking Monitoring System, Fuel
Vessel Tracking Monitoring System, Fuel Monitoring, Monitoring, GPS Tracking, Inventory and Tagging
GPS Tracking, Inventory dan Tagging dengan RFID). with RFID). Besides, SCU also provides other ICT
Selain itu, SCU juga memberikan Jasa layanan ICT (Information Communication Technology) services
(Information Communication Technology) lainnya including Data Center & Disaster Recovery Services,
meliputi Data Center & Disaster Recovery Services, IT IT Solution, IT Service Management (ITSM),
Solution, IT Service Management (ITSM), Knowledge Knowledge Management System (KMS), HWU
Management System (KMS), HWU (Hydroulic (Hydroulic Workover Unit) Monitoring System,
Workover Unit) Monitoring System, Smart Building Smart Building and so on.
dan sebagainya.
206 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Umpan Balik
Wireless Telco
Control Room
Infrastructure iOT
Base Station
Modem Modem
Current Sensor
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Management Discussion and Analysis
Tahun 2020 SCU secara umum, terjadi peningkatan In 2020 SCU in general, there was an increase in
pertumbuhan pendapatan SCU sebesar 38% dari SCU revenue growth of 38% from Rp103.5 billion
Rp103,5 miliar tahun 2019 menjadi Rp143 miliar in 2019 to Rp143 billion in 2020. The warehouse
tahun 2020. Bisnis warehouse/ jasa pengelolaan business/physical data management services
data fisik mengalami peningkatan pendapatan dari experienced an increase in revenue from 2019 of
tahun 2019 sebesar Rp70,2 miliar menjadi Rp79,2 Rp70.2 billion to Rp79.2 billion in 2020. The increase
miliar tahun 2020. Penambahan pendapatan ini in revenue has mostly occurred in the Sub-business
banyak terjadi di sub bisnis Jasa Pengolahan Sistem of Processing Services for Archives Management
Management Arsip, Alihmedia dan Pertambahan Systems, Media Transfer and Document Growth
atau Pertumbuhan Dokumen, General Warehousing, or Growth, General Warehousing, and is supported
serta di tunjang oleh adanya Sinergy Pertamina Grup. by the Pertamina Group Synergy. Likewise, the ICT
Begitu juga halnya dengan bisnis ICT mengalami business experienced an increase in revenue from
kenaikan pendapatan dari Rp33,2 miliar pada Rp33.2 billion in 2019 to Rp54 billion in 2020, most of
tahun 2019 menjadi Rp54 miliar pada tahun 2020, which occurred in the IT & Automation sub-business.
penambahan pendapatan banyak terjadi pada And with the addition of contributions from the Geo
sub bisnis IT & Automation. Serta dengan adanya Data and Geo IT Business Unit which have just joined
penambahan kontribusi dari Business Unit Geo Data the SCU (merger), it is an added value for increasing
dan Geo IT yang baru bergabung masuk ke SCU SCU revenue revenue in 2020. Where the Geo-Data
(merger) menjadi nilai tambah untuk peningkatan Business has revenues of Rp4.5 billion and Geo- IT
pendapatan revenue SCU di tahun 2020. Di mana Amounted to 5.3 billion in 2020.
Bisnis Geo-Data memiliki pendapatan sebesar Rp4,5
miliar dan Geo-IT sebesar 5,3 miliar di tahun 2020.
Okupansi produksi jasa layanan Warehouse adalah The production occupancy for Warehouse services
sebagai berikut: is as follows:
Kapasitas Okupansi
Pengelolaan Data Fisik Satua Capacity Occupancy
Physical Data Management Unit
2020 2019 2020 2019
Tape Storage M2 1.361 1.869 1.361 1.567
Reel 293.998 403.655 293.998 338.423
Catridge Room M2 132 289 132 134
Catridge 189.642 416.118 189.642 192.798
Document Storage M 2
18.950 10.434 18.950 20.498
Box 341.104 177 341.104 368.962
Core Storage M2 4.498 3.426 4.498 3.426
Box 98.965 75.378 98.965 75.378
General Storage M3 21.529 18.207 21.529 18.207
M2 2.500 1.500 2.500 1500
Volume penjualan jasa pengelolaan alih media The sales volume of media transfer management
(Remastering) pada jasa layanan Warehouse adalah services (Remastering) on Warehouse services is as
sebagai berikut: follows:
Volume Penjualan
Warehouse Satuan Trading Volume
Alih Media (Data Remastering) Unit
2020 2019
Scanner Sheet 9.040.137 26.192.922
Tape Magnetic Drive Reel 34.387 11.492
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PT Elnusa Tbk
Kapasitas Penjualan Jasa Layanan ICT (Information The sales capacity of ICT Services (Information
Communication Technology) adalah: Communication Technology) is:
Volume Penjualan
ICT Satuan Trading Volume
Radio Trunking & IT Solution Unit
2020 2019
Radio Telecommunication Unit 1.848 1.444
Vessel Tracking Management System Vessel 49 84
GPS Unit 1.366 2.297
Proses kegiatan usaha jasa OCTG dapat The process of OCTG service business activities can
digambarkan sebagai berikut: be described as follows:
Pencapaian Revenue di tahun 2020 mengalami Revenue achievement in 2020 experienced a very
peningkatan yang sangat signifikan sebesar 31% significant increase of 31% from 2019. The significant
dari tahun 2019. Kenaikan revenue yang signifikan increase in revenue was due to several projects
dikarenakan beberapa projek pada unit bisnis OCTG in the OCTG business unit such as Tubing High
seperti Tubing High Grade Sumatera Pertamina EP Grade Sumatra Pertamina EP and the EHR-14 Rig
dan unit bisnis Fabrikasi pekerjaan Rig EHR-14. Fabrication business unit.
Dari sisi Produksi jasa ulir, perbandingan kinerja In terms of production of screw services, the
operasi tahun 2020 dan 2019 dapat disajikan comparison of operating performance in 2020 and
sebagai berikut: 2019 can be presented as follows:
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Management Discussion and Analysis
Jenis Pekerjaan Satuan Production
Type of Work Unit
2020 2019
Threading OCTG MT 2.889 2.776
Trading OCTG MT 2.323 1.667
Merujuk kepada berakhirnya kontrak pengelolaan Referring to the termination of the oil and gas data
data Migas antara Pusdatin ESDM dan PND yang management contract between Pusdatin ESDM
berakhir pada Maret 2018, terjadi perubahan pola and PND which ended in March 2018, there was a
bisnis yang cukup mendasar, semula perusahaan fairly basic change in business patterns, at first the
mendapatkan pendapatan dari lisensi data, company received revenue from data licenses, but
namun sejak kontrak pengelolaan data beralih ke since the data management contract switched to
Pertamina Upstream Data Center (PUDC) - UTC Pertamina Upstream Data Center (PUDC) - UTC
maka pendapatan perusahaan menjadi fixed income then the company’s revenue becomes fixed income
berdasarkan kontrak services dengan Pertamina based on the services contract with Pertamina
Upstream Data Center (PUDC) - UTC. Upstream Data Center (PUDC) - UTC.
Jasa yang disediakan PND secara garis besar The services provided by PND are broadly grouped
dikelompokkan ke dalam dua kategori jasa: into two service categories:
1. Jasa Geo Data sebagai partner utama dari 1. Geo Data services as the main partner of
Pertamina Upstream Data Center (PUDC) - UTC Pertamina Upstream Data Center (PUDC) - UTC
untuk melakukan pengelolaan data migas dan to manage oil and gas data and correct data
pemasyarakatan data baik migas konvensional both conventional and non-conventional oil and
maupun non konvensional (Coal Bed Methane- gas (Coal Bed Methane-CBM and Shale Gas)
CBM dan Shale Gas)
2. Jasa Geo IT yang meliputi IT Data Management 2. Geo IT services which include IT Data Management
untuk solusi Pengelolaan Data subsurface berupa for subsurface Data Management solutions
data Fisik, Alih Media (scan, digitasi, vektorisasi, in the form of Physical data, Media Transfer
re-drawing, re-mapping) dan Penataan Data (scan, digitization, vectorization, re-drawing, re-
Digital (dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak mapping) and Digital Data Management (using
utama INAMETA Plus/Enterprise dan INAMETA the main software INAMETA Plus/Enterprise and
Platinum). INAMETA Platinum).
Realisasi Produksi
Production Realization
Jenis Pekerjaan
Unit 2020 2019
Type of Work
Data Collecting Seismic 2D (Post Stack) Line 44.263 44.003
Seismic 2D (Field Data) Line 20.611 20.531
Data Collecting
(cumulative) Seismic 3D Area 111 106
Well Well 14.085 14.075
210 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Realisasi Produksi
Production Realization
Jenis Pekerjaan
Unit 2020 2019
Type of Work
Data Remastering Seismic Vektorisasi Sheet 57.905 57.905
Master Log Well 2.882 2.794
Data Remastering
(cumulative) GGR Report 12.297 10.092
Map Sheet 37.940 37.886
Supporting Document 2.002 1.562
Prospect Post Stack Km 958.798 958.798
Evaluation & Data
Pre Stack Km 117.547 117.547
(kumulatif) 3D Repro Km2 2.521 2.521
Evaluation & Data
Product Pengembangan Advance Well Data Persen 85 30
Development Management
Advance Well Data Management
Catatan: Note:
1. Jumlah Data Collecting, Data Remastering 1. Total Data Collecting, Data Remastering
Prospect Evaluation & Data Enhancement, Prospect Evaluation & Data Enhancement,
disajikan adalah kumulatif dari tahun ke tahun. presented is cumulative from year to year.
2. Merujuk pada lingkup pengelolaan data 2. Referring to the scope of data management
antara PUDC dengan PND, maka kegiatan between PUDC and PND, the Prospect
Pekerjaan Prospect Evaluation,Study, dan Data Evaluation, Study, and Data Enhancement Work
Enhancement sudah tidak dilakukan. activities have not been carried out.
3. Pekerjaan Master Log tidak dilakukan lagi karena 3. Master Log work is no longer being carried out
tidak termasuk dalam lingkup kontrak dengan because it is not included in the scope of the
Pertamina. contract with Pertamina.
4. Prioritas pekerjaan di 2020 untuk Remastering 4. The priority of work in 2020 for Remastering is
adalah dilakukan sesuai dengan request dari to be carried out in accordance with requests
pengguna data. from data users.
5. Prioritas pekerjaan Remastering adalah update 5. Remastering work priority is updating
Metadata untuk aplikasi MDT (Manajemen Data Metadata for MDT application (Integrated Data
terintegrasi, milik PUDC), QC & Perbaikan Data Management, owned by PUDC), QC & Data
untuk pelayanan, & input Data Remastering. Repair for services, & Data Remastering input.
6. Product Development untuk Pengembangan 6. Product Development for Advance Well Data
Advance Well Data Management adalah Management Development is a GeoIT product
pengembangan produk GeoIT. development.
Dari sisi pelayanan data kepada pelanggan, In terms of data service to customers, the comparison
perbandingan kinerja operasi tahun 2020 (hingga of operating performance in 2020 (up to March) and
Maret) dan 2019 untuk bisnis Geo Data dapat 2019 for the Geo Data business can be presented
disajikan sebagai berikut: as follows:
Jenis Data
2020 2019
Type of Data
2D Seismic Km 20.215,97 1.081.415,55
3D Seismic Km 14.114,67 819.510,97
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 211
Management Discussion and Analysis
Jenis Data
2020 2019
Type of Data
Well Well 29 10.819
GGR (Report) Title 0 171
Maps Sheet 0 15
Core (Sample) Bags 0 204
Terhitung mulai bulan Maret 2020, pola pemanfaatan Starting from March 2020, the membership pattern
data telah diberlakukan pola Membership sehingga has been applied to the data utilization pattern so
kinerja akses datanya tidak menggunakan that data access performance does not use the
volume base sebagai perhitungannya, akan tetapi volume base as a calculation, but records data
pencatatan akses datanya berdasarkan satuan files, access based on the unit of files, as follows:
sebagai berikut:
Jenis Data
Type of Data
3D Poststack Data Files 195
3D Angle Stack Data Files 25
2D Poststack Data Files 9361
2D Angle Stack Data Files 1
Well Log Files 1594
Well Report Files 812
Report Files 316
2D Field Data Files 8047
2D Navigation Files 772
Velocity Files 8
Inversi Files 1
Bundle All Data Files 93.322
Supp Doc Files 2140
Sample Well Bags 281
Volume produksi jasa Geo IT tahun 2020 dan 2019 The production volume of Geo IT services in 2020
dapat disajikan sebagai berikut: and 2019 can be presented as follows:
JenisPekerjaan Volume
Type of Work
2020 2019
Layanan INAMETA Plus Proyek 2 2
INAMETA Plus Services Project
Layanan INAMETA Platinum Lisensi 1* 1*
INAMETA Platinum Services Licence
Layanan Pay per Use / Olivia Klien 1* 1*
Pay per Use/Olivia Services Client
Technical Oil & Gas Data Management Services Proyek 1 1
Technical Oil & Gas Data Management Services Project
Advance Well Data Management Solution Proyek 1 1
Advance Well Data Management Solution Project
Data Governance for Upstream Data Proyek 1 -
Data Governance for Upstream Data Project
Digital Data Warehouse for Corporate Dashboard Proyek 1 -
Digital Data Warehouse for Corporate Dashboard Project
212 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Sebagai penunjang jasa tersebut, Perseroan memiliki To support this service, the Company has 10 units of
10 unit Kapal, di mana terdiri dari 1 unit Landing ships, consisting of 1 unit Landing Craft Tank (LCT), 5
Craft Tank (LCT), 5 unit Work Barge (WB), 2 unit units of Work Barge (WB), 2 units of Accomodation
Accomodation Work Barges (AWB), 1 unit kapal Work Barges (AWB), 1 unit of dredging barge and 1
dredging barge dan 1 unit kapal survey seismic yang unit of ship. seismic survey which was later named
kemudian diberi nama MV. ELSA REGENT. MV. ELSA REGENT.
Revenue ETSA ditahun 2020 sebesar Rp682 ETSA’s revenue in 2020 was Rp682 billion or a growth
Miliar atau Growth sebesar 87% terhadap tahun of 87% against 2019 of Rp364 billion. The Company’s
2019 sebesar Rp364 Miliar. Revenue Perusahaan revenue is dominated by Seismic Vessel, Amounting
didominasi dari Seismic Vessel sebesar 31% dari total to 31% of the total income from the Seismic 2D KKP
pendapatan atas pekerjaan Seismic 2D KKP Jambi Jambi Merang work and offshore support of 55%
Merang dan offshore support sebesar 55% dari of the total revenue including Decom YYA work,
total pendapatan meliputi pekerjaan Decom YYA, Dredging and support vessel for non-asset based.
Dredging dan support vessel for non aset based.
Ditahun 2020 ETSA sudah mendapatkan Sertifikat In 2020 ETSA has received a Certificate of Permit for
Surat Izin Pengerukan dan Reklamasi (SIUPR) ini Dredging and Reclamation (SIUPR). Downstream Oil
salah satu modal bagai ETSA untuk pengembangan and Gas such as Single Point Mooring refurbishment,
bisnis Dredging ke depannya, selain itu ETSA juga port construction and maintenance. ETSA
akan ikut bersaing di pasar jasa marine offshore, development in the future will compete in the marine
jasa subsea dan marine infrastruktur baik di bisnis offshore service market and other downstream
Hulu dan Hilir Migas seperti refurbishment Single industries, such as supply vessels, self propellers and
Point Mooring, pembangunan dan pemeliharaan oil barges (SPOB).
pelabuhan. Pengembangan ETSA kedepannya
akan ikut bersaing di pasar jasa marine offshore
dan industry hilir yang lain, seperti supply vessel, self
propeler and oil barge (SPOB).
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 213
Management Discussion and Analysis
Berikut disampaikan kinerja keuangan dan Following is the financial performance and
profitabilitas segmen Jasa Penunjang Migas. profitability of the Oil and Gas Supporting Services
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Kontribusi
Jasa Penunjang Migas
(Rp-juta) (%) Jumlah Jumlah
Oil and Gas Support Services
Amount Contribution (Rp-juta) (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (%) Amount Amount
(Rp-million) (Rp-million)
214 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Kontribusi
Jasa Penunjang Migas
(Rp-juta) (%) Jumlah Jumlah
Oil and Gas Support Services
Amount Contribution (Rp-juta) (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (%) Amount Amount
(Rp-million) (Rp-million)
Beban Pajak Final (8.720) (5.531) (3.189) 58%
Final Tax Expense
Laba Sebelum Pajak Penghasilan 131.695 103.989 27.706 27%
Profit Before Income Tax
Beban Pajak Penghasilan (44.254) (11.877) (32.377) 273%
Income Tax Expense
Laba Tahun Berjalan 87.441 92.112 (4.671) -5%
Profit for The Year
Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain (325) (1.631) 1.306 -80%
Other Comprehensive Income
Total Laba Komprehensif Tahun 87.116 90.481 (3.365) -4%
Total Comprehensive Income for the Year
Informasi-Informasi Lain
Other Information
Total Aset 1.220.049 1.086.423 133.626 12%
Total Assets
Total Liabilitas 374.255 316.169 58.086 18%
Total Liability
Ekuitas - Neto 845.794 770.254 75.540 10%
Equity – Net
Penyusutan dan Amortisasi 97.702 86.390 11.312 13%
Depreciation and Amortization
Penambahan Aset Tetap 51.691 61.384 (9.693) -16%
Addition to Fixed Assets
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 215
Management Discussion and Analysis
Analisa dan pembahasan kinerja keuangan pada The analysis and discussion of financial performance
laporan tahunan ini mengacu pada Laporan in this annual report refers to the Financial
Keuangan untuk tahun-tahun yang berakhir pada Statements for the years ended 31 December
31 Desember 2020 dan 31 Desember 2019 yang telah 2020 and 31 December 2019 which were audited
di audit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Purwantono, by Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (EY) Public
Sungkoro & Surja ( EY ) yang dalam laporan nomor Accountants Office in report number 00102/2.1032/
00102/2.1032/AU.1/02/0701-3/1/II/2021 dengan AU.1/02/0701-3/1/II/2021 with the opinion that
pendapat bahwa laporan keuangan konsolidasian Elnusa’s consolidated financial statements are
Elnusa menyajikan secara wajar dalam semua hal fair in all material respects, in accordance with
yang material, sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (“SAK”),
Keuangan (“SAK”) di Indonesia, yang mencakup which includes the Statement of Accounting
Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (“PSAK”) Standards Finance (“PSAK”) and Interpretation of
dan Interpretasi Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Financial Accounting Standards (“ISAK”) issued by
(“ISAK”) yang dikeluarkan oleh Dewan Standar the Financial Accounting Standards Board of the
Akuntansi Keuangan Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia, Indonesian Institute of Accountants, as well as
serta Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) No. Financial Services Authority (FSA) Regulation No.
29/POJK.04/2016 tentang Laporan Tahunan Emiten 29/POJK.04/2016 concerning the Annual Report of
atau Perusahaan Publik. Issuers or Public Companies.
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Jumlah
(Rp-juta) (Rp-juta) Selisih
Description Persentase
Amount Amount (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) Difference
Aset Lancar 4.217.325 3.698.370 518.955 14%
Current Assets
Aset Tidak Lancar 3.345.497 3.106.666 238.831 8%
Non-current Assets
Jumlah Aset 7.562.822 6.805.036 757.786 11%
Total Assets
Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 2.573.467 2.504.335 69.132 3%
Short-term Liabilities
Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 1.248.409 724.004 524.405 72%
Long-term Liabilities
Jumlah Liabilitas 3.821.876 3.228.339 593.537 18%
Total Liabilities
Utang Berbunga 739.326 1.127.040 (387.214) -34%
Interest Bearing Debt
Ekuitas 3.740.946 3.576.698 164.248 5%
Modal Kerja - Neto 1.934.095 1.194.035 740.060 62%
Working Capital - Net
216 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Kenaikan Asset sebesar 11% didorong dari adanya The 11% increase in assets was driven by an increase
kenaikan pada Kas dan setara kas, dikarenakan in cash and cash equivalents, due to the addition of
adanya penambahan deposito berjangka di tahun time deposits in 2020. Also, the increase in assets is
2020. Selain itu kenaikan aset dikarenakan adanya due to the existence of use rights assets in 2020, as
aset hak guna usaha di tahun 2020, sebagai efek an effect of the implementation of PSAK 73.
dari implementasi PSAK 73.
Aset Lancar
Current Assets
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Jumlah
(Rp-juta) (Rp-juta) Selisih
Description Persentase
Amount Amount (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) Difference
Kas dan Setara Kas 1.231.867 856.122 375.745 44%
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Piutang Usaha – Neto 2.150.154 2.089.958 60.196 3%
Accounts Receivable – Net
Aset Keuangan Lancar Lainnya – Neto 48.327 35.124 13.203 38%
Accounts Receivable – Net
Persediaan – Neto 273.488 213.298 60.190 28%
Stock – Net
Uang Muka 56.988 129.979 (72.991) -56%
Down Payment
Pajak Dibayar di Muka 429.502 350.353 79.149 23%
Prepaid Taxes
Beban Dibayar di Muka 26.999 23.536 3.463 15%
Prepaid Expenses
Jumlah Aset Lancar 4.217.325 3.698.370 518.955 14%
Total Current Assets
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 217
Management Discussion and Analysis
Kenaikan sebesar 14 Persen atau 518,9 Miliar An increase of 14 percent or 518.9 billion Rupiah,
Rupiah, didominasi dari kenaikan kas dan setara dominated by the increase in cash and cash
kas dikarenakan adanya penempatan deposito equivalents due to the placement of time deposits.
berjangka. Dan kenaikan aset keuangan lancar And the increase in other current financial assets by
lainnya sebesar 38%, dikarenakan adanya 38%, due to the addition of other receivables to PT
penambahan piutang lain-lain ke PT Tugu Pratama Tugu Pratama Indonesia, for insurance claims for
Indonesia, atas klaim asuransi kehilangan aset. loss of assets.
218 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 219
Management Discussion and Analysis
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Jumlah
(Rp-juta) (Rp-juta) Selisih
Description Persentase
Amount Amount (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) Difference
Aset dalam Penyelesaian (Mesin dan Peralatan) 179.601 179.081 520 0%
Construction in Progress (Machinery and
Provisi Penurunan Nilai (8.104) (8.105) 1 0%
Provision for Impairment
Nilai Buku Neto 1.811.979 1.819.319 (7.340) 0%
Net Book Value
Kenaikan sebesar 18 % atau sebesar 593 Miliar the increase of 18% or 593 billion rupiah of liabilities
Rupiah dari liabilitas di dominasi dari adanya was dominated by the issuance of sukuk ijarah and
penerbitan sukuk ijarah dan liabilitas sewa yang lease liabilities due to the implementation of psak
disebabkan karena implementasi PSAK 73 di tahun 73 in 2020.
Liabilitas jangka pendek pada tanggal 31 Desember Short-term liabilities as of December 31, 2020
2020 turun 3% di banding posisi pada tanggal yang decreased by 3% compared to the position on
sama tahun 2019, dikarenakan dengan berkurangnya the same date in 2019, due to reduced short-term
pinjaman jangka pendek. Ditahun 2020 sudah borrowings. In 2020, payments have been made.
dilakukan pembayaran.
220 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Liabilitas jangka Panjang pada tanggal 31 Desember Long-term liabilities on December 31, 2020 increased
2020 naik 72% dibanding posisi pada tanggal yang by 72% compared to the position on the same date in
sama tahun 2019, mayoritas di sebabkan adanya 2019, the majority was due to the issuance of sukuk,
penerbitan sukuk, yang akan di jelaskan pada which will be explained in the next section. Deferred
bagian berikutnya. Untuk Pendapatan ditangguhkan income represents the difference between the book
merupakan selisih antara nilai buku aset tetap sewa value of fixed assets under a finance lease and the
pembiayaan dengan jumlah penerimaan minimum minimum Amount received from the finance lease.
sewa pembiayaan.
Pada tanggal 3 Agustus 2020, Perusahaan telah On August 3, 2020, the Company has received an
mendapatkan pernyataan efektif dari Otoritas effective statement from the Financial Services
Jasa Keuangan (OJK) atas penerbitan Sukuk Ijarah Authority (FSA) regarding the issuance of Continuous
Berkelanjutan I Elnusa Tahap I Tahun 2020 dengan Sukuk Ijarah I Elnusa Phase I Year 2020 with the
sisa imbalan Ijarah sebesar Rp700 Miliar Sukuk remaining Ijarah reward of Rp700 billion. These
Ijarah ini diterbitkan tanpa warkat dan dijamin Sukuk Ijarahs are issued scripless and guaranteed
dengan kesanggupan penuh (full commitment) with full commitment. ) and offered at a value of
dan ditawarkan dengan nilai 100% dari jumlah sisa 100% of the remaining Amount of ijarah fees, with a
imbalan ijarah, dengan jangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun period of 5 (five) years from the date of issuance. The
sejak tanggal emisi. Cicilan Imbalan Ijarah adalah Ijarah installment fee is Rp63,000, or the equivalent
sebesar Rp63.000, atau ekuivalen sebesar 9% per of 9% per annum, which will be paid every 3 (three)
tahun yang akan dibayarkan setiap 3 (tiga) bulan, months, and will mature on August 11, 2025.
dan jatuh tempo 11 Agustus 2025.
Total dana yang diterima Perusahaan pada tanggal The total funds received by the Company on August
11 Agustus 2020 dari hasil penerbitan Perdana 11, 2020 from the issuance of the Initial Sustainable
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Elnusa Tahap I Tahun Sukuk Ijarah I Elnusa Phase I Year 2020 Amounted
2020 adalah sebesar Rp700 Miliar Sesuai dengan to Rp700 billion. In accordance with the Company’s
perjanjian Perusahaan dengan PT Bank Rakyat agreement with PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero)
Indonesia (Persero) Tbk selaku wali amanat dan Tbk as the trustee and prospectus for offering the
prospektus penawaran sukuk ijarah Perusahaan, Company’s sukuk ijarah, the funds will be used to
dana tersebut akan digunakan untuk pembelian alat purchase tools and working capital.
dan modal kerja.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 221
Management Discussion and Analysis
Untuk Pinjaman Sindikasi, pada tanggal 22 Februari For Syndicated Loans, on February 22 2018, the
2018, Perusahaan dan entitas anak (EPN dan ETSA) Company and its subsidiaries (EPN and ETSA)
memperoleh fasilitas kredit sindikasi dari PT Bank obtained syndicated credit facilities from PT Bank
Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia, The Bank of Tokyo- Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia, The Bank of Tokyo-
Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., Cabang Jakarta, PT Bank ICBC Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., Jakarta Branch, PT Bank ICBC
Indonesia dan PT Bank UOB Indonesia. Indonesia and PT Bank UOB Indonesia.
Pada Tanggal 14 September 2020 terdapat On September 14, 2020 there was a transfer
perjanjian transfer mengenai pengalihan pinjaman agreement regarding the transfer of the loan from
dari MUFG Bank Ltd, Jakarta Branch (The Bank of MUFG Bank Ltd, Jakarta Branch (The Bank of Tokyo-
Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd.,Cabang Jakarta) kepada Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., Jakarta Branch) to PT Bank
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk. Maka dari itu, Danamon Indonesia, Tbk. Therefore, the Syndicated
Pinjaman Sindikasi saat ini diperoleh dari PT Bank Loan is currently obtained from PT Bank BTPN
BTPN Tbk (Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia), Tbk (Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia), PT Bank
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk, PT Bank ICBC Danamon Indonesia, Tbk, PT Bank ICBC Indonesia
Indonesia dan PT Bank UOB Indonesia, yang terbagi and PT Bank UOB Indonesia, which are divided into
dalam 3 (tiga) tranche, yaitu: 3 (three) tranches, namely:
1. Tranche A dengan batas maksimum sebesar 1. Tranche A with a maximum limit of US $
$AS30.000.000 dan akan jatuh tempo dalam 30,000,000 and will be due within 60 (sixty)
waktu 60 (enam puluh) bulan sejak tanggal months from the date of the agreement. This
perjanjian. Pinjaman ini akan dibayarkan melalui loan will be paid in 48 (forty eight) monthly
cicilan bulanan sebanyak 48 (empat puluh installments starting after 13 (thirteen) months
delapan) kali dimulai setelah 13 (tiga belas) bulan from the date of this agreement.
sejak tanggal perjanjian ini.
2. Tranche B1 dalam mata uang Dolar AS dengan 2. Tranche B1 is denominated in US Dollars with a
batas maksimum sebesar $AS25.000.000 dan maximum limit of US $ 25,000,000 and will be
akan jatuh tempo dalam waktu 60 (enam puluh) due within 60 (sixty) months from the date of the
bulan sejak tanggal perjanjian. Pinjaman ini akan agreement. This loan will be paid in 36 (thirty six)
dibayarkan melalui cicilan bulanan sebanyak 36 monthly installments starting after 25 (twenty
(tiga puluh enam) kali dimulai setelah 25 (dua five) months from the date of this agreement.
puluh lima) bulan sejak tanggal perjanjian ini.
3. Tranche B2 dalam mata uang Rupiah dengan 3. Tranche B2 in Rupiah currency with a maximum
batas maksimum setara dengan $AS25.000.000 limit equivalent to US $ 25,000,000 and will be
dan akan jatuh tempo dalam waktu 60 (enam due within 60 (sixty) months from the date of the
puluh) bulan sejak tanggal perjanjian. Pinjaman agreement. This loan will be paid in 36 (thirty six)
ini akan dibayarkan melalui cicilan bulanan monthly installments starting after 25 (twenty
sebanyak 36 (tiga puluh enam) kali dimulai five) months from the date of this agreement.
setelah 25 (dua puluh lima) bulan sejak tanggal
perjanjian ini.
222 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
EPN dan ETSA memperoleh fasilitas Tranche B1 dan EPN and ETSA obtained Tranche B1 and Tranche B2
Tranche B2 dengan batas maksimum masing-masing facilities with maximum limits of US $ 20,000,000
sebesar $AS20.000.000 dan $AS8.000.000. and US $ 8,000,000, respectively. These facilities are
Fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut diberikan untuk keperluan provided for investment purposes and bear interest
investasi dan dikenakan bunga sebesar 1,68% per at 1.68% per annum plus LIBOR for loans in US Dólar
tahun ditambah LIBOR untuk pinjaman dalam mata currency and 2.85% per annum plus JIBOR for loans
uang Dólar AS dan 2,85% per tahun ditambah JIBOR denominated in Rupiah. In the event that JIBOR is
untuk pinjaman dalam mata uang Rupiah. Dalam below 4.65%, then JIBOR is considered to be 4.65%.
hal JIBOR di bawah 4,65%, maka JIBOR dianggap
Komposisi Pinjaman Bank dalam Mata Uang Composition of Bank Loans in Original
Asli Currency
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Jumlah
(Rp-juta) (Rp-juta) Selisih
Description Persentase
Amount Amount (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) Difference
Rupiah 237.168 371.219 (134.051) -36%
Dollar AS 505.492 760.537 (255.045) -34%
US Dollar
Biaya pinjaman yang belum diamortisasi (3.334) (4.716) 1.382 29%
Unamortized borrowing costs
Total Pinjaman Bank 739.326 1.127.040 (387.714) -34%
Total Bank Loans
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Jumlah
(Rp-juta) (Rp-juta) Selisih
Description Persentase
Amount Amount (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) Difference
Modal Saham Ditempatkan dan 729.850 729.850 - 0,0%
Disetor Penuh 7.298.500.000 Saham
Issued and Fully Paid Share Capital
Tambahan Modal Disetor 435.691 435.691 0 0,0%
Additional Paid-in Capital
Saldo Laba 2.625.222 2.464.785 160.437 7%
Retain Earning
Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain (51.325) (55.288) 3.963 -7%
Other Comprehensive Income
Jumlah Ekuitas yang Diatribusikan kepada 3.739.438 3.575.038 164.400 5%
Pemilik Entitas Induk
Total Equity Attributable to Owners of the
Parent Entity
Kepentingan Non-Pengendali 1.508 1.660 (152) -9%
Non-controlling Interests
Jumlah Ekuitas 3.740.946 3.576.698 164.248 5%
Total Equity
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 223
Management Discussion and Analysis
Jumlah ekuitas yang diatribusikan kepada pemilik Total equity attributable to owners of the parent
entitas induk tumbuh sebesar Rp164 miliar atau company grew by Rp164 billion or 5% above last
5% di atas posisi ekuitas tahun lalu, berasal dari year’s equity position, derived from Profit for the
perolehan laba tahun berjalan sebesar Rp249 miliar Year of Rp249 billion less dividends paid in 2020
dikurangi dividen yang dibayarkan dalam tahun 2020 Amounting to Rp89 billion or equivalent to 25% of
sebesar Rp89 miliar atau setara dengan 25% dari net income for the year. 2019, which is Rp356 billion.
laba bersih tahun 2019 yakni sebesar Rp356 miliar.
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Jumlah
(Dalam Jutaan Rupiah, Kecuali Dinyatakan Lain)
(Rp-juta) (Rp-juta) Selisih
(In million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) Persentase
Amount Amount (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) Difference
Pendapatan 7.726.945 8.385.124 (658.179) -8%
Beban Pokok Pendapatan (6.984.472) (7.514.039) 529.567 -7%
Cost of Revenues
Laba Bruto 742.473 871.085 (128.612) -15%
Gross Profit
Beban Usaha (305.226) (337.401) 32.175 -10%
Operating Expenses
Laba Usaha 437.247 533.684 (96.437) -18%
Operating Profit
EBITDA* 1.164.509 966.065 198.844 21%
224 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Jumlah
(Dalam Jutaan Rupiah, Kecuali Dinyatakan Lain)
(Rp-juta) (Rp-juta) Selisih
(In million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) Persentase
Amount Amount (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) Difference
Penghasilan Bunga 29.482 17.093 12.389 72%
Interest Income
Pendapatan Lain-Lain Neto 46.479 (15.707) 62.186 396%
Other Income Net
Beban Keuangan*** (132.199) (40.490) 91.709 226%
Financial Charges ***
Laba Sebelum Pajak Final dan Pajak Penghasilan 389.009 494.579 (105.570 ) -21%
Profit Before Final Tax and Income Tax
Beban Pajak Final dan Pajak Penghasilan (131.924) (138.102) 6.178 4%
Final Tax Expense and Income Tax
Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan 249.085 356.477 (107.392) -30%
Profit (Loss) for the Year
Laba Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan 253.048 345.625 (92.577) 27%
Comprehensive Income for the Year
Laba Tahun Berjalan yang Dapat 3 3 - 0%
Diatribusikan kepada Kepentingan Non-Pengendali
Profit for the Year Attributable to Non-Controlling
Laba Tahun Berjalan yang Dapat 249.082 356.474 (107.392) -30%
Diatribusikan kepada Pemilik Entitas Induk
Profit for the Year Attributable to Owners of the
Parent Entity
Laba Tahun Berjalan yang Dapat Diatribusikan 248.142 355.467 (107.325) -30%
kepada Pemilik Entitas Induk Tanpa Penjualan Aset
Profit for the Year Attributable to Owners of the
Parent Entity Without Sales of Assets
Marjin Laba Bruto 9,61% 10,39% -0,78% -0,07%
Gross Profit Margin
Marjin EBITDA 15,07% 11,52% 3,55% 0,31%
Marjin Laba Bersih** 3,22% 4,25% -1,03% 0,24%
Net Profit Margin **
Marjin Laba Bersih Tanpa Penjualan Aset** 3,21% 4,24% -1,03% 0,24%
Net Profit Margin Without Sales of Assets **
* EBITDA Perseroan dalam laporan ini dihitung dengan menambahkan laba * The Company’s EBITDA in this report is calculated by adding up operating
usaha dengan beban amortisasi dan depresiasi, baik yang dicatat dalam income with amortization and depreciation expenses, both recorded in
beban pokok pendapatan maupun dalam beban usaha Perseroan untuk cost of revenue and in operating expenses of the Company for the year
tahun yang bersangkutan. concerned.
** Perhitungan marjin laba bersih yang tercantum dalam laporan ini ** The calculation of the net profit margin stated in this report uses profit
menggunakan laba (rugi) yang diatribusikan kepada Pemilik Entitas Induk. (loss) attributable to the Parent Entity Owner.
*** Beban keuangan yang tercantum dalam Laporan ini tanpa (rugi) selisih *** The finance charges stated in this report are without (loss) on foreign
kurs atas pinjaman. exchange on loans.
Sebagai tambahan informasi pada kinerja Laba Besides of information on the performance of Profit
Rugi dan Penghasilan Komprehensif lain yang and Loss and other Comprehensive Income that has
telah disajikan pada tabel di atas, Perseroan juga been presented in the table above, the Company
mendistribusikan nilai ekonomi langsung berupa also distributes direct economic value in the form
dividen tahun buku 2019 yang dibagikan di tahun of dividends for the 2019 financial year distributed
2020 senilai Rp89 Miliar . Selain hal itu, Perseroan in 2020 worth Rp89 billion. Apart from that, the
sebagai badan usaha tidak menerima bantuan Company as a business entity does not receive
dalam bentuk apapun dari Pemerintah. assistance in any form from the Government.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 225
Management Discussion and Analysis
Pendapatan Revenues
Jumlah Selisih
Kontribusi Jumlah Kontribusi (Rp-juta) Persentase
(%) (Rp-juta) (%) (%)
Amount Difference
Contribution Amount Contribution Percentage
(Rp- (Rp-
(%) (Rp-million) (%) (%)
million) million)
Jasa Distribusi dan 3.786.529 49,0% 4.364.089 52,0% (577.560) -13,2%
Logistik Energi
Energy Distribution and
Jasa Hulu Migas 3.760.934 48,6% 3.847.015 45,9% (86.081) -2,2%
Integrated Upstream Oil
and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang Migas 1.409.031 18,2% 988.663 11,8% 420.368 42,5%
Oil and Gas Support
Rekonsiliasi (1.229.549) -15,8% (814.644) -9,7% (414.905) -50,9%
Jumlah Pendapatan 7.726.945 100,00% 8.385.122 100,00% (658.177) -7,8%
Total Revenues
5,0% 7,6%
2019 2020
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi Jasa Penunjang Migas
Energy Distribution and Logistics Services Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services Oil and Gas Support Services
Perseroan berhasil membukukan pendapatan The company managed to book revenue of Rp7.7
sebesar Rp7,7 triliun turun 7,8% dari Rp0,7 triliun trillion, down 7.8% from Rp0.7 trillion in 2020. Energy
pada 2020. Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi Distribution and Logistics Services experienced a
mengalami penurunan pendapatan sebesar Rp0,6 decrease in revenue of Rp0.6 trillion or 13.2%, and
triliun atau 13,2%, dan Jasa Hulu Migas mengalami Upstream Oil and Gas Services decreased by 2.2.
penurunan 2,2% yaitu sebesar 0,1 triliun, sedangkan % Amounting to 0.1 trillion, while the Oil and Gas
Jasa Penunjang Migas mengalami peningkatan Supporting Services experienced an increase of
sebesar Rp0,4 triliun atau 42,5%. Rp0.4 trillion or 42.5%.
226 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Revenue PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) Ytd Desember PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) Ytd’s revenue in December
2020 sebesar Rp3,78 triliun atau mengalami 2020 Amounted to Rp3.78 trillion or decreased by
penurunan 13,2% dari tahun lalu. Penurunan tersebut 13.2% from last year. The decline was mainly due
terutama sebagai dampak Pandemic sehingga to the impact of the Pandemic which resulted in
diberlakukannya Pembatasan Sosial Berskala the imposition of Large-Scale Social Restrictions
Besar (PSBB) diseluruh wilayah dan menyebabkan (PPSBB) in all regions and resulted in the decline in
konsumsi BBM masyarakat menurun. public fuel consumption.
Volume penjualan EPN di tahun 2020 rata-rata EPN sales volume in 2020 on average decreased
mengalami penurunan pada hampir semua unit in almost all business units, this was as a result of
bisnis, hal ini sebagai dampak Pandemic dan the Pandemic and the imposition of large-scale
pemberlakukan pembatasan social berskala besar social restrictions (PSBB) in all locations so that
(PSBB) di semua lokasi sehingga konsumsi BBM national fuel consumption decreased. For example,
nasional menurun. Seperti halnya Transportasi Transportation, which decreased in volume by
yang mengalami penurunan volume 10% dari 10% from last year and Depo, which experienced
tahun lalu serta Depo yang mengalami penurunan a decrease of 6%. The decrease in depot volume
6%. Penurunan volume Depo terutama berasal mainly came from a decrease in the volume of DPPU
dari penurunan volume DPPU (Aviasi) sampai (Aviation) to minus 45% from last year as a result of
dengan minus 45% dari tahun lalu sebagai dampak decreased flight activities, however in 2020 EPN also
dari penurunan aktifitas penerbangan, meskipun added to the management of Depo VHS and Franco.
demikian pada tahun 2020 EPN juga menambah
pengelolaan Depo VHS dan Franco.
Dari sisi trading, volume penjualan BBM Inmar di From the trading side, Inmar’s fuel sales volume
tahun 2020 masih dapat dipertahankan bahkan in 2020 can still be maintained, even there is an
ada peningkatan dibandingkan tahun lalu. Hal increase compared to last year. This is one of the
ini merupakan salah satu strategi marketing marketing strategies implemented by EPN by
yang diterapkan EPN dengan menawarkan harga offering competitive selling prices to increase sales
jual yang kompetitif untuk meningkatkan volume volume in the midst of a Pandemic. With the largest
penjualan di tengah Pandemic. Dengan peningkatan increase in sales volume came from the DKI Jakarta
volume penjualan terbesar berasal dari area DKI and Java areas.
Jakarta dan Jawa.
Jasa Hulu Migas dengan kontribusi pendapatannya Upstream Oil and Gas Services, with a revenue
sebesar 48,6%, didukung sebagian besar dari Divisi contribution of 48.6%, was largely supported by the
Operasi GRS, OFS dan EPC-OM yang mencatatkan GRS, OFS and EPC-OM Operations Division which
pendapatan sebesar IDR 3.760.934. Penurunan recorded revenues of Rp3,760,934. Decreased income
pendapatan sebesar -2,2% dari pencapaian di tahun by -2.2% from the achievement in 2019. Decreased
2019. Penurunan pendapatan di divisi OFS dan income in the OFS and EPC-OM divisions was due
EPC-OM disebabkan terjadinya kondisi penurunan to the decline in oil prices due to the impact of the
harga minyak akibat dampak dari pandemi banyak pandemic, many clients suffered losses because
klien mengalami kerugian dikarenakan secara economically they did not cover production costs
keekonomisan tidak menutupi biaya produksi so that several projects were terminated including
sehingga beberapa project dihentikan pekerjaannya drilling work. at Pertamina Hulu Sanga-Sanga, and
diantaranya pekerjaan drilling di Pertamina Hulu the reduction in work gained as a result of project
Sanga-Sanga, dan berkurangnya pekerjaan yang delays at the client.
diperoleh akibat dari penundaan proyek di klien.
Pada Jasa Akuisisi dan Pemrosesan Data In Seismic Data Acquisition and Processing Services,
Seismik, Divisi GRS mencatatkan pendapatan the GRS Division recorded revenues 19% lower than
lebih rendah 19% dari pencapaian tahun 2019. the 2019 achievement. There was a significant
Terjadi penurunan signifikan pada Jasa akuisisi decrease in land seismic data acquisition services
data seismik darat sebesar 67% dari tahun 2019 by 67% from 2019 due to unrealized prospects for
karena tidak terealisasinya prospek proyek yang projects that had been planned due to client delays
telah direncanakan karena ditunda oleh klien in implementation. However, the decline in revenue in
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 227
Management Discussion and Analysis
pelaksanaannya. Namun penurunan pendapatan this business can be covered by projects in the Marine
pada bisnis ini bisa ditutupi oleh proyek-proyek pada and TZ Seismic Data Acquisition and Seismic Data
bisnis Jasa Akuisisi Data Seismik Marine dan TZ Processing businesses.
serta Pemprosesan Data Seismik.
Sementara itu pendapatan Jasa Penunjang Meanwhile, Supporting Services revenue experienced
mengalami peningkatan pendapatan sebesar an increase in revenue by 42.5% compared to 2019.
42,5% dibandingkan tahun 2019. Peningkatan The increase in income mainly came from an increase
pendapatan terutama berasal dari peningkatan in income at SCU, where jobs were in the field of
pendapatan pada SCU adanya pekerjaan dibidang Archive Management System Processing services,
jasa Pengolahan Sistem Management Arsip, Alihmedia and Document Addition or Growth,
Alihmedia dan Pertambahan atau Pertumbuhan General Warehousing, for EFK due to an increase
Dokumen, General Warehousing, untuk EFK for construction and maintenance projects, as well
dikarenakan adanya kenaikan atas project kontruksi as increased utilization of Barge and ELSA REGENT
dan maintenance , serta peningkatan utilisasi Barge in 2020.
dan ELSA REGENT di tahun 2020.
Beban pokok pendapatan 2020 turun 7,0% di 2020 cost of revenue decreased by 7.0% compared to
banding tahun 2019 lebih rendah sejalan dengan 2019, lower in line with the decrease in revenue. Rental
penurunan revenue. Jasa sewa mengalami services have decreased due to the implementation
penurunan dikarenakan diimplementasikannya PSAK of PSAK 73, so that rental expenses are reclassified
73, sehingga beban sewa direklas menjadi beban as ROU depreciation expense. Lower fuel costs
depresiasi ROU. Menurunnya biaya bahan bakar coincide with lower operational activities. Likewise
seiring dengan menurunnya kegiatan operasional. with other reduced costs.
Begitu juga dengan penurunan biaya lainnya.
Jasa Oil field dan Engineering Maintenance di Oil field and Engineering Maintenance Services in
Divisi OFS dan EPC-OM mengalami peningkatan the OFS and EPC-OM Divisions experienced an
228 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
pada beban pokok pendapatan sebesar 17%. dari increase in cost of revenue by 17%. from last year.
tahun lalu. Hal ini terutama terjadi pada bisnis This especially occurred in the EPC-OMbusiness by
EPC-OM sebesar 39% dari tahun lalu, peningkatan 39% from last year, an increase due to the large
dikarenakan banyaknya pekerjaan konstruksi yang number of construction works carried out by the
dilakukan perusahaan sehingga membutuhkan company so that it needed support for subcontractor
support pada jasa subkontraktor dan material and material services which were the main costs
yang merupakan biaya utama dalam mendukung in supporting the completion of engineering,
penyelesaian pekerjaan engineering, construction, construction, operation and maintenance work so
operation dan maintenance agar dapat diselesaikan that it could be completed right on. the time.
tepat pada waktunya.
Pada Jasa Akuisisi dan Pemrosesan Data Seismik, In Seismic Data Acquisition and Processing Services,
Divisi GRS mencatatkan peningkatan profitabilitas the GRS Division recorded a significant increase in
yang signifikan pada tahun 2020 dengan penurunan profitability in 2020 with a significant decrease
signifikan pada beban pokok pendapatan. Div. GRS in cost of revenue. Div. GRS recorded that the
mencatat persentase Beban Pokok Pendapatan percentage of Cost of Income in 2020 was only 81%
tahun 2020 sebesar hanya 81% (after allocation) jika (after allocation) when compared to 2019 which was
dibandingkan tahun 2019 sebesar 92,2%. Penurunan 92.2%. The decrease in the percentage of revenue
persentase beban pendapatan terhadap revenue burden to revenue was due to the success of the
ini disebabkan keberhasilan proyek SDT melakukan SDT project in accelerating the SDT-X Ray and OSES
percepatan proyek SDT-X Ray dan OSES, begitu juga projects, as well as for the GDL-Sangatta Batu Utak
untuk proyek GDL-Sangatta Batu Utak yang berhasil project which managed to record a production that
membukukan produksi yang lebih tinggi dari target. was higher than the target. Meanwhile, the SDP full
Sementara itu proyek SDP full capacity sehingga capacity project recorded higher profitability.
membukukan profitabilitas lebih tinggi.
Dari kegiatan operasionalnya, Perseroan mencatat From its operational activities, the Company
laba bruto sebesar Rp742,4 miliar di tahun 2020 atau recorded a gross profit of Rp742.4 billion in 2020
mengalami penurunan sebesar 15% dibandingkan or decreased by 15% compared to 2019 of Rp128.6
dengan tahun 2019 atas sebesar Rp128,6 miliar. billion. The Upstream Oil and Gas Services segment
Segmen Jasa Hulu Migas mengalami penurunan decreased by Rp102 billion, this is due to a decline
sebesar Rp102 miliar , hal tersebut karena adanya in the POMS and GRS divisions in 2020. Gross
penurunan di divisi OFS dan GRS di tahun 2020. profit from the Energy Distribution and Logistics
Laba bruto dari segmen Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Services segment also decreased by 17% due to
Energi juga mengalami penurunan sebesar 17% decreased productivity in Transportation and
dikarenakan penurunan produktivitas pada pekerjaan Depot management jobs. Meanwhile, the Oil and
Transportasi dan pengelolaan Depo. Sedangkan Gas Supporting Services Segment experienced
untuk Segmen Jasa Penunjang Migas mengalami an increase of 21% or Rp34.7 billion, supported by
kenaikan sebesar 21% atau sebesar Rp34,7 miliar increased productivity over existing operations at
di topang dari peningkatan produktivitas atas SCU, PND, EFK and ETSA.
operasional yang ada di SCU, PND, EFK dan ETSA.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 229
Management Discussion and Analysis
Beban usaha terdiri dari dua komponen utama, Operating expenses consist of two main components,
yaitu beban penjualan, dan beban umum serta namely selling expenses, general expenses and
beban administrasi. Secara nominal, beban usaha administrative expenses. In nominal terms,
konsolidasi mengalami penurunan 10% seiring consolidated operating expenses decreased by 10%
dengan penurunan pendapatan sebesar 7,8%. in line with decreased revenues by 7.8%. The decrease
Penurunan beban usaha 2020 ini disebabkan kondisi in 2020 operating expenses was due to business
usaha yang disebabkan oleh pandemi Covid-19. conditions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Laba sebelum Beban Bunga, Pajak, Depresiasi Profit before Interest Expenses, Taxes,
dan Amortisasi (EBITDA) Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA)
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
(Dalam Jutaan Rupiah, Jumlah Jumlah
Kecuali Dinyatakan Lain) (Rp-juta) (Rp-juta) Selisih
(In million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) Amount Amount (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) Difference
Laba Operasional 437.247 533.681 (96.434) -18,1%
Operational Profit
Beban Depresiasi 727.262 432.382 294.880 68,2%
Depreciation Expense
EBITDA 1.164.509 966.063 198.446 20,5%
Persentase Depresiasi terhadap EBITDA 62,5% 44,8% 17,7% 0,4%
Depreciation Percentage to EBITDA
Persentase Laba Operasional terhadap 5,7% 6,4% -0,7% 0,1%
Percentage of Operating Profit to Income
Persentase EBITDA terhadap Pendapatan 15,1% 11,5% 3,6% 0,3%
Percentage of EBITDA to Income
EBITDA Perseroan naik sebesar 20,5% dari tahun The Company’s EBITDA increased by 20.5% from
2019,berbanding lurus dengan margin EBITDA 2019, which is directly proportional to the EBITDA
terhadap pendapatan naik dari 11,5% menjadi margin on revenue increasing from 11.5% to 15.1%
15,1% pada tahun 2020. Disisi lain beban depresiasi in 2020. On the other hand, depreciation expense
mengalami kenaikan 68,2% sejalan dengan has increased by 68.2% in line with the percentage
persentase beban depresiasi terhadap EBITDA naik of depreciation expense on EBITDA will increase by
sebesar 17,7% pada tahun 2020. Penurunan laba 17.7% in 2020. The decline in operating profit was
operasi dipicu dengan adanya pandemi Covid-19, triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic, which resulted
sehingga mengakibatkan menurunnya pendapatan in a decline in company revenues.
230 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Pendapatan lain-lain tahun 2020 secara kumulatif Other income in 2020, cumulatively, still experienced
masih mengalami kerugian sebesar Rp56,2 miliar, a loss of Rp56.2 billion, greater than that in 2019.
lebih besar dibandingkan dengan tahun 2019. The largest component of this cost was dominated
Komponen terbesar dari biaya tersebut didominasi by interest expenses and profit (loss) from sales of
dari beban bunga dan laba (rugi) penjualan aset fixed assets.
Laba Bersih dan Marjin Laba Bersih Net Profit and Net Profit Margin
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
(Dalam Jutaan Rupiah,
Jumlah Jumlah
Kecuali Dinyatakan Lain)
(Rp-juta) (Rp-juta) Selisih
(In million Rupiah, unless otherwise Persentase
Amount Amount (Rp-juta)
stated) Percentage
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) Difference
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi 222.048 271.345 (49.297) -18,2%
Energy Distribution and Logistics
Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi (82.230) 4.310 (86.540) -2.007,9%
Services Integrated Upstream
Jasa Penunjang Migas 114.274 92.112 22.162 24,1%
Oil and Gas Services
Rekonsiliasi (5.007) (11.283) 6.276 -55,6%
Jumlah Laba Bersih Tahun Berjalan 249.085 356.484 (107.399) -30,1%
Total Net Profit for the Year
Net Profit Margin 3,2% 4,3% -1,1% 0,3%
Net Profit Margin
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 231
Management Discussion and Analysis
Laba bersih Perseroan mengalami penurunan sebesar The Company’s net profit decreased by 30% from
30 % dari Rp356,4 miliar pada tahun 2019 menjadi Rp356.4 billion in 2019 to Rp249 billion in 2020. This
Rp249 miliar pada tahun 2020. Pertumbuhan laba growth in net profit was related to a decrease in
bersih ini terkait dengan penurunan pendapatan revenue of 7.8%. The decrease in net profit mainly
sebesar 7,8% . Penurunan laba bersih terutama came from the Energy Logistics and Distribution
berasal dari segmen Jasa Logistik dan Distribusi Services segment of Rp49.2 billion or 18.2%
Energi sebesar Rp49,2 miliar atau turun 18,2% dari decrease from 2019, the integrated upstream oil
tahun 2019, Jasa hulu migas terintegrasi turun and gas services decreased significantly by Rp86.5
signifikan sebesar Rp86,5 miliar. Sementara itu Jasa billion. Meanwhile, Oil and Gas Support Services
Penunjang Migas mengalami pertumbuhan Rp22,1 experienced a growth of Rp22.1 billion, an increase
miliar atau naik 24,1% dari tahun 2019. of 24.1% from 2019.
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Jumlah
(Rp-juta) (Rp-juta) Selisih
Description Persentase
Amount Amount (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) Difference
Kas neto yang diperoleh dari aktivitas operasi 943.928 575.797 368.131 64%
Net cash provided by operating activities
Kas neto yang digunakan untuk dari aktivitas investasi (483.159) (671.113) 187.954 -28%
Net cash used in investing activities
Kas neto yang digunakan untuk aktivitas pendanaan (86.746) 239.286 -326.032 -136%
Net cash used in financing activities
Dampak perubahan selisih kurs terhadap dan setara kas 1.722 (7.305) 9.027 -124%
The impact of changes in foreign exchange differences
against and cash equivalents
Kenaikan (Penurunan) neto kas dan setara kas 374.024 143.970 230.054 160%
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
Kas dan setara kas pada awal tahun 856.122 719.457 136.664 19%
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year
Kas dan setara kas pada akhir tahun 1.231.867 856.122 375.745 44%
Cash and cash equivalents at year end
232 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Posisi kas dan setara kas pada akhir tahun 2020 The position of cash and cash equivalents at the
mengalami kenaikan sebesar 44% dari tahun end of 2020 increased by 44% from 2019 Amounting
2019 sebesar Rp856,1 miliar menjadi Rp1,231 triliun to Rp856.1 billion to Rp1.231 trillion in 2020. The
di tahun 2020. Kenaikan kas dan setara kas ini increase in cash and cash equivalents was mainly
terutama karena kenaikan kas dari aktivitas operasi due to an increase in cash from operating activities
sebesar Rp368 miliar. Sementara itu arus kas untuk of Rp368 billion. Meanwhile cash flow for investing
aktivitas investasi mengalami penurunan sebesar activities decreased by 28% from 2019 Amounting to
28% dari tahun 2019 sebesar Rp671 miliar menjadi Rp671 billion to Rp483 billion in 2019, because in the
Rp483 miliar di tahun 2019, karena di era pandemi pandemic era it resulted in a decrease in company
mengakibatkan penurunan produktivitas perusahaan productivity which led to a decrease in investment
yang mendorong penurunan daya beli investasi, dan purchasing power, and the company was more
perseroan lebih selektif dalam pemilihan realisasi selective in choosing investment realization which
investasi yang mempertimbangan kepastian tata took into account certainty of the time frame for the
waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan dan market di implementation of work and the market in upstream
aktivitas hulu migas. oil and gas activities.
Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Operasi Cash Flow from Operating Activities
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Jumlah
(Rp-juta) (Rp-juta) Selisih
Description Persentase
Amount Amount (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) Difference
Penerimaan Kas dari Pelanggan 7.839.169 8.010.747 (171.578) -2%
Cash Receipts from Customers
Pembayaran Kas kepada Pemasok, Kontraktor dan (7.020.863) (7.687.671) 666.808 -9%
Cash Payments to Suppliers, Contractors and
Penerimaan Penghasilan Bunga 29.373 16.486 12.887 78%
Interest Income Receipt
Pembayaran Beban Keuangan (84.980) (60.016) (24.965) 42%
Interest Income Receipt
Penerimaan Restitusi Pajak 427.230 525.037 (97.807) -19%
Receipt of Tax Refunds
Pembayaran Pajak (256.675) (234.300) (22.375) 10%
Payment of Taxes
Penerimaan atas Aktivitas Operasi Lainnya – 10.675 5.513 5.161 94%
Revenue from Other Operating Activities - Net
Kas Neto Diperoleh dari (Digunakan untuk) 943.928 575.797 368.131 64%
Aktivitas Operasi
Net Cash Provided From (Used in) Operating
Kas bersih yang diperoleh dari kegiatan operasi Net cash obtained from operating activities
mengalami kenaikan 64% dari Rp575,7 miliar di tahun increased by 64% from Rp575.7 billion in 2019 to
2019 menjadi Rp943,9 miliar pada 2020. Peningkatan Rp943.9 billion in 2020. This increase was mainly due
ini terutama disebabkan oleh penurunan pada to a decrease in cash payments to suppliers by 9%
pembayaran kas kepada pemasok sebesar 9% dari from Rp7.6 trillion in 2019 to Rp7 trillion in 2020 along
Rp7,6 triliun di tahun 2019 menjadi Rp7 triliun di with lower costs. And also a 2% decrease in customer
tahun 2020 seiring dengan penurunan biaya. Dan cash receipts from Rp8 trillion in 2019 to Rp7.8 trillion
juga Penurunan penerimaan kas pelanggan 2% in 2020 in line with the decline in operating revenues.
dari Rp8 triliun di tahun 2019 menjadi Rp7,8 triliun
di tahun 2020 seiring penurunan pendapatan usaha.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 233
Management Discussion and Analysis
Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Investasi Cash Flow from Investing Activities
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Jumlah
(Rp-juta) (Rp-juta) Selisih
Description Persentase
Amount Amount (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) Difference
Penerimaan dari Penjualan Aset Tetap 3.730 3.305 425 13%
Proceeds from Sales of Fixed Assets
Pembelian Aset Tetap (440.804) (649.788) 208.985 -32%
Purchase of Fixed Assets
Pembelian Aset Tak Berwujud (3.539) (2.269) (1.270) 56%
Purchase of Intangible Assets
Pembelian Barang Konsumsi Tahan Lama (43.061) (29.611) (13.450) 45%
Purchase of Durable Consumer Goods
Penerimaan Dividen Kas dari Perusahaan Asosiasi - 1.500 (1.500) -100%
Receipt of Cash Dividends from Associated
Penambahan Investasi di Entitas Anak - -
Additional Investment in Subsidiaries
Penerimaan (Penempatan) Aktivitas Investasi 514 5.750 (5.236) -91%
Receipt (Placement) of Other Investment Activities
Kas Neto Diperoleh dari (Digunakan untuk) (483.159) (671.113) 187.954 -28%
Aktivitas Investasi
Net Cash Provided From (Used in) Investing
Arus kas bersih yang digunakan untuk aktivitas Net cash flow used in investing activities decreased
investasi mengalami penurunan 28% dari Rp671,1 28% from Rp671.1 billion in 2019 to Rp483.1 billion
miliar di tahun 2019 menjadi Rp483,1 miliar pada in 2020. Expenditures for the purchase of fixed
2020. Pengeluaran untuk pembelian aset tetap assets decreased by 32% from 2019. This was due
mengalami penurunan sebesar 32% dari tahun 2019. to investment realization that was selective by
Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya realisasi investasi considering the certainty of timeframe for the
yang selektif dengan mempertimbangan kepastian implementation of work and the market in upstream
tata waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan dan market di oil and gas activities.
aktivitas hulu migas.
Pembelian asset terbesar perseroan di sektor hilir The company’s largest purchase of assets in the
yaitu pembuatan mobil tangki, dan pembuatan downstream sector is the manufacture of tangka
beberapa depo sebesar Rp153 miliar, dan di sektor cars, and the construction of several depots
hulu yaitu investasi untuk OFS terdiri dari Pembelian Amounting to Rp153 billion, and in the upstream
Hydraulic Workover – EHR14 sebesar Rp115 miliar, sector, the investment for POMS consists of
investasi lainya sebesar Rp85 miliar, dan investasi Purchasing Hydraulic Workover - EHR14 of Rp115
untuk GRS terdiri dari Streamer 2D untuk GRS billion, other investments of Rp85 billion, and
sebesar Rp37 miliar. Investasi lainnya sebesar Rp19 investment for GRS consists of from Streamer 2D for
miliar. GRS of Rp37 billion. other investment of Rp19 billion
234 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Pendanaan Cash Flow from Financing Activities
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2020 2019 Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Jumlah
(Rp-juta) (Rp-juta) Selisih
Description Persentase
Amount Amount (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (Rp-million) Difference
Penerimaan Pinjaman Bank 882.756 2.196.382 (1.313.625) -60%
Receipt of Bank Loans
Pembayaran Pinjaman Bank (1.290.569) (1.869.410) 578.841 -31%
Bank Loan Payments
Pembayaran Dividen Kas (89.122) (69.080) (20.042) 29%
Cash Dividend
Penerimaan dari Penerbitan Sukuk 698.902 -
Proceeds from the Issuance of Sukuk
Pembayaran Kupon Sukuk (15.750) -
Sukuk Coupon Payment
Penarikan Kas yang Dibatasi Penggunaannya – (272.964) (18.606) (254.357) 1367%
Restricted Cash Withdrawals - Net
Kas Neto Diperoleh dari (Digunakan untuk) (86.746) 239.286 (326.032) -136%
Aktivitas Pendanaan
Net Cash Provided From (Used in) Financing
Arus kas bersih dari aktivitas pendanaan mengalami Net cash flow from financing activities decreased by
penurunan 136 % dari Rp239,2 miliar di tahun 2019 136% from Rp239.2 billion in 2019 to (Rp86.7 billion) in
menjadi (Rp86,7 miliar) pada 2020. Pada tahun 2020. In 2020, the Company’s funding strategy will
2020 strategi pendanaan Perseroan fokus strategi focus on financing strategies using long-term loans.
pembiayaan dengan menggunakan pinjaman jangka Therefore, the Company continues to implement a
panjang. Oleh karena itu, Perseroan terus melakukan funding strategy that is more effective and cost
strategi pendanaan yang lebih efektif dan efesien efficient by combining larger long-term and short-
dari segi biaya dengan mengkombinasikan lebih term loans.
besar pinjaman jangka panjang dan jangka pendek.
Pada tahun 2020 terjadi penurunan pinjaman bank In 2020, there was a decrease in bank loans by
sebesar 60% dari Rp2,19 triliun pada tahun 2019 60% from Rp2.19 trillion in 2019 to Rp882 billion.
menjadi Rp882 Miliar pada tahun 2020 strategi In 2020, the company’s strategy is to reduce bank
perseroan untuk menurunkan pinjaman bank, yang loans, which are diverted by issuing Islamic securities
dialihkan dengan melakukan penerbitan surat (sukuk).
berharga syariah (sukuk).
Seiringan dengan kebutuhan Perseroan atas In line with the Company’s needs for working capital
pembiayaan modal kerja dan pembiayaan investasi financing and long-term investment financing, the
jangka panjang maka perseroan penerbitan sukuk company issued a sukuk ijarah Amounting to Rp700
ijarah sebesar Rp700 Miliar yang dipotong biaya billion, which was deducted from the cost of issuing
penerbitan sukuk tersebut menjadi Rp698 Miliar. the sukuk to Rp698 billion. The payment for the first
Pembayaran kupon sukuk ijarah pertama sudah sukuk ijarah coupon has been realized in the Amount
terealisasi sebesar Rp15 Miliar. of Rp15 billion.
Selain itu Pada tahun 2020, sesuai dengan keputusan Also, in 2020, in accordance with the resolutions
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahun Buku 2019, of the General Meeting of Shareholders for the
Perusahaan mendistribusikan sebesar 25% dari total Financial Year 2019, the Company will distribute 25%
laba tahun berjalan setelah pajak tahun buku 2018 of the total profit for the current year after tax for
atau setara dengan Rp89 miliar untuk pembayaran the 2018 financial year or the equivalent of Rp89
dividen bagi pemegang saham. billion for dividend payments for shareholders.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 235
Management Discussion and Analysis
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
Uraian Satuan
2020 2019
Description Unit Persentase
Rasio Profitabilitas
Profitability Ratio
Marjin Laba Bruto % 9,53% 10,39% -0,86% -8,3%
Gross Profit Margin
Marjin Laba Operasi % 5,66% 6,36% -0,71% -11,1%
Operating Profit Margin
Marjin Laba Bersih % 3,22% 4,25% -1,03% -24,2%
Net Profit Margin
Rasio Laba Bersih terhadap Aset % 3,29% 5,24% -1,95% -37,1%
Net Profit to Assets Ratio
Rasio Laba Bersih terhadap Ekuitas % 6,66% 9,97% -3,31% -33,2%
Net Profit to Equity Ratio
Rasio Likuiditas
Liquidity Ratio
Rasio Kas kali 0,48 0,34 0,14 39,7%
Cash Ratio time
Rasio Lancar kali 1,63 1,48 0,16 10,5%
Current Ratio time
Rasio Solvabilitas
Solvency Ratio
Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Ekuitas kali 1,02 0,90 0,12 12%
Liabilities to Equity Ratio time
Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Aset kali 0,23 0,17 0,07 40,0%
Liabilities to Assets Ratio time
Debt Services Coverage Ratio kali 2,68 6,16 (3,48) -130%
Debt Services Coverage Ratio time
Kolektibilitas Piutang
Accounts Receivable Collectability
Periode Rata-Rata Tertagihnya Piutang Usaha hari 101,6 91,0 10,63 11,7%
Period of Average Accounts Receivable Receivables day
Perputaran Persediaan
Inventory Turnover
Periode Rata-Rata Perputaran Persediaan hari 12,9 9,28 3,64 39,2%
Period of Average Inventory Turnover day
Perputaran Asset
Asset Turnover
Periode Rata-Rata Perputaran Asset hari 105,1 126,8 (21,76) -17,2%
Period of Average Asset Turnover day
236 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Kinerja Perseroan berdasarkan Marjin profitabilitas The Company’s performance based on the
untuk mengukur kemampuan Perseroan dalam profitability margin to measure the Company’s
menghasilkan laba menunjukkan penurunan baik ability to generate profits shows a decrease in
secara nominal maupun marjin profitabilitas , hal both nominal and profitability margins, this is
ini di sebabkan dari penurunan produktivitas pada due to decreased productivity in non-asset based
operasi non asset based di segmen jasa hulu migas, operations in the upstream oil and gas services
dan juga penurunan produksi atau volume penjualan segment, as well as decreased production or sales
di segmen distribusi dan logistik. volume in the distribution segment and logistic.
Rasio likuiditas berdasarkan data rasio kas Liquidity ratios based on cash ratio data show an
menunjukkan peningkatan, hal ini dorong adanya increase, this encourages an increase in cash and
peningkatan kas dan setara kas dengan melakukan cash equivalents by making improvements on the
perbaikan di sisi pendanaan serta penerapan selektif funding side as well as selective application in the
dalam pemilihan realisasi investasi yang didasari selection of investment realization based on market
dari kepastian market dan tata waktu pelaksanaan certainty and the timing of work implementation.
Rasio Solvabilitas menunjukkan peningkatan hutang The solvency ratio shows an increase in long-term
jangka panjang dengan adanya realisasi atas debt with the realization of the issuance of sukuk
penerbitan sukuk ijarah yang digunakan pembiayaan ijarah which is used for working capital financing
modal kerja dan pembiayaan investasi jangka and long-term investment financing. Where the ratio
panjang. Di mana rasio tersebut masih di bawah is still below the tolerance limit or the maximum
batas toleransi atau maksimal yang disyaratkan oleh required by the bank.
pihak bank.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 237
Management Discussion and Analysis
Perseroan mengelola permodalan untuk melindungi The Company manages capital to protect its ability
ke ma m p ua n nya d a l a m m e m p e r ta h a n kan to maintain business continuity through an optimal
kelangsungan usaha melalui struktur permodalan capital structure by reducing capital costs. Capital
yang optimal dengan mengurangi biaya modal. consists of a number of equity components which
Modal terdiri dari sejumlah komponen ekuitas yang are the consideration between the use of own capital
merupakan pertimbangan antara penggunaan and company loans or debt.
modal sendiri dengan pinjaman atau hutang
Struktur modal Perseroan lebih didominasi oleh The capital structure of the Company is more
modal sendiri dibandingkan dengan liabilitas dominated by equity compared to liabilities with.
dengan. Rasio interest bearing debt to equity The interest bearing debt to equity ratio is calculated
dihitung terhadap total seluruh utang (pinjaman to total total debt (bank loans) to total equity,
bank) terhadap total ekuitas, sementara itu rasio while the interest bearing debt to EBITDA ratio is
interest bearing debt to EBITDA dihitung terhadap calculated to total EBITDA. Liabilities to equity ratio
total EBITDA. Rasio liabilitas terhadap ekuitas is calculated based on total liabilities compared to
dihitung berdasarkan total liabilitas dibandingkan net equity. The debt repayment ratio is calculated
238 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
dengan ekuitas neto. Rasio pengembalian utang based on profit before tax, interest, depreciation
dihitung berdasarkan laba sebelum pajak, bunga, and amortization less dividends against principal
penyusutan dan amortisasi dikurangi dividen and interest payments, but does not include early
terhadap pembayaran pokok pinjaman dan bunga, repayments.
namun tidak termasuk pelunasan yang dipercepat.
Perseroan memiliki kebijakan untuk mempertahankan The Company has a policy to maintain a strong
basis modal yang kuat sebagai dasar pemilihan capital base as the basis for selecting management
kebijakan manajemen atas struktur modal policies on capital structure by taking into account
dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi bisnis, tingkat business conditions, rates of return on capital and
pengembalian modal serta dividen yang dibagikan. dividends distributed. The Company monitors capital
Perseroan memonitor permodalan berdasarkan based on the ratio of total liabilities to equity in the
rasio jumlah liabilitas terhadap ekuitas pada kisaran range of 70% : 30%.
70% : 30%.
Kebijakan struktur modal Perseroan juga mengikuti The Company’s capital structure policy also follows
rasio yang disyaratkan oleh kreditur. Kondisi industri the ratio required by creditors. The condition of the
migas juga menjadi pertimbangan Perseroan oil and gas industry is also a consideration for the
dalam menentukan kebijakan struktur modalnya. Company in determining its capital structure policy.
Kondisi industri migas yang sedang anjlok membuat The declining condition of the oil and gas industry
manajemen lebih mengutamakan permodalan has made management prioritize the Company’s
Perseroan menggunakan ekuitas walaupun secara capital using equity, even though in terms of financial
rasio keuangan Perseroan masih sangat baik dalam ratios the Company is still very good in a net cash
posisi net cash. Penggunaan ekuitas ini sebagai position. The use of equity is the Company’s strategy
merupakan strategi Perseroan untuk mengurangi to reduce financial burdens and take advantage of
beban keuangan dan memanfaatkan likuiditas the Company’s liquidity.
Grup disyaratkan oleh Undang-Undang No.40 The Group is required by Law No.40 of 2007
tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas untuk regarding Limited Liability Companies to allocate
mengalokasikan dana cadangan yang tidak boleh reserve funds that may not be distributed up to
didistribusikan sampai dengan 20% dari modal 20% of the issued and fully paid share capital. The
saham ditempatkan dan disetor penuh. Persayaratan external capital requirements are considered by the
permodalan eksternal tersebut dipertimbangkan oleh Company at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Perseroan dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham. The Company and its subsidiaries are required to
Perseroan dan anak perusahaan dipersyaratkan maintain a certain level of capital by bank loan
untuk memelihara tingkat permodalan tertentu oleh agreements. The company also has policies and
perjanjian pinjaman bank. Perseroan juga memiliki strategies to maintain a maximum debt to equity
kebijakan dan strategi untuk mempertahankan rasio ratio of 3 times and a debt repayment ratio of at
utang terhadap ekuitas maksimal sebesar 3 kali dan least 1.1 times.
rasio pengembalian utang minimal sebesar 1,1 kali.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 239
Management Discussion and Analysis
Selama tahun 2020 Perseroan mempunyai ikatan During 2020 the Company has material commitments
material untuk investasi barang modal dalam rangka to invest in capital goods in the context of funding
pendanaan barang modal yang diperlukan untuk capital goods required for investment in operating
investasi peralatan operasi. Perseroan melakukan equipment. The Company entered into a financing
perjanjian perikatan pembiayaan terkait investasi agreement agreement related to investment in
barang modal dengan para kreditur berikut : PT capital goods with the following creditors: PT Bank
Bank ICBC Indonesia, PT Bank UOB Indonesia, PT ICBC Indonesia, PT Bank UOB Indonesia, PT Bank
Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk dan PT Bank BTPN Danamon Indonesia Tbk and PT Bank BTPN Tbk
Tbk yang memberikan fasilitas Pinjaman Sindikasi which provided Syndicated Loan facilities to the
kepada Perseroan. Company.
240 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Nilai 2020 Nilai 2019
Investasi Barang Modal (Rp-juta) (Rp-juta)
Capital Goods Investment 2020 Value 2019 Value
(Rp-million) (Rp-million)
Upstream 256.135 220.175 16%
Oilfield Services (OFS) 200.140 153.622 30%
Geoscience & Reservoir Services (GRS) 55.995 66.553 -16%
Distribution & Logistics 153.163 436.991 -65%
PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) 153.163 436.991 -65%
Support 78.051 30.851 153%
PT Patra Nusa Data (PND) 1.598 5.036 -68%
PT Sigma Cipta Utama (SCU) 29.870 4.673 539%
PT Elnusa Trans Samudera (ETSA) 45.981 20.929 120%
PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstrukdi (EFK) 602 212 184%
Shared Services 13.120 17.191 -24%
Konsolidasi 500.469 705.208 -29%
Pada tahun 2020, pengeluaran Perseroan In 2020, the Company’s expenditure for capital
untuk investasi barang modal sebesar Rp500,4 goods investment is Rp500.4 billion. The investment
Miliar. Realisasi investasi ini turun sebesar 29% realization decreased by 29% compared to last
dibandingkan tahun lalu sebesar Rp705,2 miliar. year’s Rp705.2 billion. The purchase of capital goods
Pembelian barang modal selama tahun 2020 ini, during 2020, 58% is used for the development of
sebesar 58% digunakan untuk pengembangan bisnis the Company’s business, 42% is used for routine
Perseroan, 42% digunakan untuk investasi yang investments to maintain production capacity,
bersifat rutin guna mempertahankan kapasitas replacing equipment that is no longer productive
produksi, mengganti peralatan yang sudah tidak or has run out of economic life and the remainder is
produktif atau telah habis masa ekonomisnya dan used for upgrading office building facilities.
sisanya digunakan untuk pembenahan fasilitas
gedung kantor.
Pembelian barang modal untuk pengembangan The purchase of capital goods for the development
bisnis Perseroan selama tahun 2020 sebagian of the Company’s business during 2020 was mostly
besar digunakan untuk pengembangan bisnis hilir used for downstream business development,
yakni transportasi Mobil tangki dan pengelolaan namely the transportation of tank cars and depot
Depo, Penambahan kapasitas peralatan Hydraulic management, additional capacity of equipment
Workover unit, Mudlogging dan Welltesting. Untuk for the Hydraulic Workover unit, Mudlogging and
mempertahankan kapasitas produksi , yakni Welltesting. To maintain production capacity, namely
penggantian peralatan seismic, perbaikan seismic replacement of seismic equipment, repair of seismic
vessel dan kelengkapan alat Hydrauic Workover Unit. vessels and equipment for the Hydrauic Workover
Selain untuk pengembangan bisnis Perseroan, Besides, to developing the Company’s business,
investasi barang modal juga digunakan untuk investment in capital goods is also used for
revitalisasi dan penggantian peralatan yang sudah revitalization and replacement of equipment that
tidak produktif atau telah habis masa ekonomisnya is no longer productive or has run out of economic
terutama pada Divisi OFS, GRS dan di bisnis hilir life, especially in the OFS, GRS Division and in the
transportasi guna memenuhi kebutuhan pada downstream transportation business to meet the
beberapa proyek besar yang dikerjakan selama needs of several large projects undertaken during
tahun 2020. 2020.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 241
Management Discussion and Analysis
Beberapa investasi barang modal dengan nilai Some of the capital goods investments with
signifikan yang dilakukan Perseroan di tahun 2020 significant value carried out by the Company in 2020
antara lain: include:
Nilai Investasi
Investasi Barang Modal Tujuan
Capital Goods Investment Destination
Hydraulic Workover - EHR 14 Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Ekspansi Bisnis 104.524
Capacity Building and Business Expansion
Mobil Tangki BBM Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Revitalisasi 101.456
Fuel Tank Car Capacity Building and Revitalization
Replacement Seismic Mempertahankan Kapasitas atau Revitalisasi 55.995
Replacement Seismic Peralatan
Maintain Capacity or Revitalize Equipment
Docking Work Barge dan Accomodation Work Mempertahankan Kapasitas 45.981
Barge Maintaining Capacity
Accomodation Work Barge
Depo Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Ekspansi Bisnis 45.349
Depot Capacity Building and Business Expansion
PT Elnusa Tbk
Perseroan tidak melakukan ekspansi, divestasi, The Company did not undertake any material
pengabungan usaha, Akuisisi dan restrukturisasi expansion, divestment , business mergers,
utang/modal yang material selama tahun 2020. acquisitions and debt/capital restructuring during
Management Discussion and Analysis
Sementara itu, Laba Perseroan ditargetkan Meanwhile, the Company’s profit is targeted to
meningkat walaupun dengan kondisi industri migas increase even though the condition of the oil and
tahun 2021 belum menunjukan peningkatan aktivitas gas industry in 2021 has not shown a significant
yang signifikan dibandingkan tahun lalu, Elnusa increase in activity compared to last year, Elnusa
menargetkan margin laba bersih sebesar 3,8% is targeting a net profit margin of 3.8% in 2021,
pada tahun 2021, turun jika dibandingkan dengan a decrease compared to 2020 of 3.2%. Efforts to
tahun 2020 sebesar 3,2%. Upaya mempertahankan maintain profitability margins are expected to occur
margin profitabilitas diharapkan terjadi pada bisnis in the seismic business where it is expected that the
seismik di mana diharapkan proyek Seismik laut / the sea /marine seismic project will record positive
marine akan membukukan kinerja positif dengan performance with increased equipment utilization,
peningkatan utilisasi peralatan, begitu juga dengan as well as the OFS Division is expected to further
Divisi OFS diharapkan dapat lebih meningkatkan increase its margin profitability in 2021 by improving
profitabilitas marginnya di tahun 2021 dengan productivity especially for the OM & EPC business
perbaikan produktivitas khususnya untuk unit bisnis unit.
Struktur Modal Seiring dengan rencana dan proyeksi Capital Structure In line with plans and projections
pertumbuhan tahun 2021. Perseroan membutuhkan for growth in 2021. The Company requires investment
investasi pada peralatan jasa hulu dan hilir migas in upstream and downstream oil and gas service
yang sudah tentu memerlukan permodalan baik equipment, which of course requires capital both
dari sumber liabilitas berupa pinjaman dari lembaga from sources of liabilities in the form of loans from
perbankan maupun dana internal (ekuitas). Laju banking institutions and internal funds (equity). The
pertumbuhan dan rencana investasi tersebut growth rate and investment plan are carried out
dijalankan dengan tetap menjaga struktur modal while maintaining an optimal capital structure.
yang optimal.
244 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Laba (Rugi) dan Penghasilan Komprehensif Profit (Loss) and Other Comprehensive
Lain Income
Pencapaian 2021
Realisasi terhadap
terhadap Realisasi
Target 2020
Realisasi Target 2020 Proyeksi 2020
(dalam jutaan Rupiah) Projection
Realization Target 2020 Achievement Projection Projection
(in million rupiah) of 2021
2020 Realization 2021 of 2021
against against
Target 2020 2020
(%) Realization
Posisi Keuangan Konsolidasian dan Struktur Consolidated Financial Position and Capital
Modal Structure
Pencapaian 2021
Realisasi terhadap
terhadap Realisasi
Target 2020
Realisasi Target 2020 Proyeksi 2020
(dalam jutaan Rupiah) Projection
Realization Target 2020 Achievement Projection Projection
(in million rupiah) of 2021
2020 Realization 2021 of 2021
against against
Target 2020 2020
(%) Realization
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 245
Management Discussion and Analysis
Tidak ada peristiwa/kejadian atau fakta yang terjadi There are no events/incidents or facts that occurred
dan tergolong material setelah periode laporan and are classified as material after the company’s
keuangan perseroan. financial reporting period.
Mata uang fungsional Grup adalah Rupiah. Grup The functional currency of the Group is Indonesian
dapat menghadapi risiko nilai tukar mata uang asing Rupiah. The Group may be exposed to foreign
karena pinjaman, pendapatan dan biaya beberapa exchange rate risk because loans, revenues and
pembelian utamanya dalam mata uang Dolar AS expenses for some of its major purchases are
atau harganya secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh denominated in US Dollars or their prices are
perubahan tolak ukur harganya dalam mata uang significantly affected by changes in their benchmark
asing (terutama Dolar AS). prices in foreign currencies (especially US Dollars).
Grup tidak mempunyai kebijakan lindung nilai yang The Group does not have a formal hedging policy
formal untuk laju pertukaran mata uang asing. for foreign currency exchange rates. However, due
Bagaimanapun, terkait dengan hal-hal yang telah to the matters discussed in the above paragraphs,
didiskusikan pada paragraf di atas, fluktuasi dalam fluctuations in the Rupiah and US Dollar exchange
nilai tukar Rupiah dan Dolar AS menghasilkan rates provide a natural hedge for the Group’s
lindung nilai natural untuk laju nilai tukar Grup. exchange rate.
246 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Sektor hulu migas di tahun 2020 mengalami The upstream oil and gas sector in 2020 experienced
penurunan aktivitas, adapun realisasi harga minyak a decline in activity, while the realization of the
Indonesia atau Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) yang Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) was at US $ 42 per
berada pada angka US$ 42 per barel. Angka ini lebih barrel. this figure is higher than that used at the
tinggi dari yang digunakan pada saat penetapan time of stipulation of the APBN-P, which was US $
APBN-P, yakni sebesar US$ 38 per barel. Realisasi 38 per barrel. Realization of Reserve Replacement
Reserve Replacement Ratio (RRR) berada di angka Ratio (RRR) stood at 101.6% with additional reserves
101,6% dengan penambahan cadangan sebesar of 705.16 MMBOE
705,16 MMBOE
Pada akhir 2020, lifting minyak tercatat sebesar At the end of 2020, oil lifting was recorded at 706
706 ribu barel minyak per hari (BOPD) atau thousand barrels of oil per day (BOPD) or 100.2%
100,2% melampaui target Anggaran Pendapatan exceeding the target of the Revised State Budget
dan Belanja Negara Perubahan (APBN-P) yang (APBN-P) which was set at 705 thousand BOPD.
ditetapkan sebesar 705 ribu BOPD. Sedangkan Meanwhile, gas lifting (channel) was 5,461 million
lifting (salur) gas sebesar 5.461 juta standar kaki standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD), slightly
kubik per hari (MMSCFD), sedikit di bawah target below the APBN-P target of 5,556 MMSCFD or
APBN-P sebesar 5.556 MMSCFD atau tercapai reached 98.3%. As for state revenues, the figure
98,3%. Sedangkan untuk penerimaan negara, angka achieved was US $ 8.4 billion, or 141% of the target
yang berhasil dicapai sebesar US$ 8,4 miliar, atau set at US $ 5.86 billion.
141% dari target yang dipatok sebesar US$ 5,86
SKK Migas mampu menyelesaikan 15 (lima belas) SKK Migas is able to complete 15 (fifteen) onstream
proyek onstream dari 11 proyek onstream yang projects out of 11 targeted onstream projects or
ditargetkan atau 136%. Dari kelima belas proyek 136%. From these fifteen projects, the potential
ini diperoleh potensi tambahan produksi minyak for additional oil production is 9,182 BOPD and
sebesar 9.182 BOPD dan gas sebesar 111 MMSCFD. gas of 111 MMSCFD. Meanwhile, upstream oil and
Sedangkan untuk investasi hulu migas mencapai gas investment reached US $ 10.21 billion and cost
US$ 10,21 miliar dan pengendalian cost recovery recovery control was US $ 8.12 billion.
sebesar US$ 8,12 miliar .
Berikut gambaran Aktivitas utama Hulu Migas 2020: The following is an overview of the main activities
of Upstream Oil and Gas 2020:
• 1. Wilayah Kerja Km 5.374 28.324 2.787 27.938 52% 2.969
• Active Work
• 2. KKP di Open Km 22.950 25.150 35% 1.997
• KKP in Open
SEISMIK 3D Km2 3.421 1.212 35% 1.997
DEVELOPMENT Sumur 395 214 54% 252
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 247
Management Discussion and Analysis
EXPLORATION Sumur 37 25 68% 30
WORKOVER Sumur 837 533 64% 577
WELL SERVICE Kegiatan 28.151 22.689 81% 23.636
Sumber: SKKMigas Source: SKK Migas
Program eksplorasi. Hingga November 2020, SKK Exploration program. As of November 2020, SKK
Migas telah berhasil menyelesaikan survei seismik Migas has successfully completed 2d seismic surveys
2d di open area sepanjang 25.150 kilometer (km) in an open area of 25,150 kilometers (km) and in an
dan di wilayah kerja aktif sepanjang 2.787 km active working area of 2,787 km, bringing the current
sehingga total saat ini mencapai 27.937 km. Pada total to 27,937 km. In the Development Wells Drilling
kegiatan Development Wells Drilling, outlook SKK activity, the outlook for the SKKK Migas is in the
Migas berada di kisaran 252 sumur di bawah target range of 252 wells, below the 2020 target of 395
2020 sebesar 395 sumur dan juga di bawah realisasi wells and also below the 2019 realization of 322 wells.
2019 sebesar 322 sumur. Hal ini dipengaruhi pandemi This was influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic. “But
Covid-19. “Tetapi kami punya target yang optimis di we have an optimistic target in 2021, to pursue this
2021, untuk mengejar hal ini kami mencoba target we are trying to target drilling up to 616 wells.
drilling hingga mencapai 616 sumur.
Pada Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi, Perseroan In Energy Distribution and Logistics Services, the
melalui anak perusahaan PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) Company through its subsidiary PT Elnusa Petrofin
merupakan rekanan Pertamina dalam bisnis (EPN) is Pertamina’s partner in the distribution and
distribusi dan transportasi bahan bakar minyak. transportation business of fuel oil. This service is the
Jasa ini menjadi kontributor terbesar pendapatan largest contributor to the Company’s revenue at 43%.
Perseroan sebesar 43 %. Prospek jasa ini pada 2020 The prospect of this service in 2020 will experience
mengalami penurunan terkait dengan dampak a decline related to the impact of Covid-19 so that
Covid-19 sehingga kebutuhan bahan bakar Industri industrial fuel needs and fuel needs for motorized
dan kebutuhan bahan bakar untuk kendaraan vehicles have decreased, this also has an impact on
bermotor mengalami penurunan, hal ini juga industrial and retail fuel needs.
berdampak pada Kebutuhan BBM Industri dan retail.
248 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Memiliki cakupan produk dan jasa yang lengkap Having a complete range of products and services
dari hulu hingga ke hilir membuat Elnusa mampu from upstream to downstream makes Elnusa able
memberikan solusi terhadap setiap kebutuhan to provide solutions to every customer need. In
pelanggan. Di Tahun 2020, efisiensi masih menjadi 2020, efficiency is still the focus of customers plus
fokus para pelanggan di tambah dengan kondisi the current industrial business conditions are still
bisnis industri saat ini yang masih pasang surut, ups and downs, so conducting studies and paying
sehingga melakukan kajian dan memberikan more attention to market growth is very important
perhatian yang lebih pada pertumbuhan pasar to do. Various strategies have been implemented
menjadi sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Berbagai to increase market share while increasing internal
strategi telah dilakukan untuk menaikan pangsa capabilities.
pasar sekaligus meningkatkan kapabilitas internal.
Dalam rangka mewujudkan komitmen perusahaan To realize the company’s commitment as a leading
sebagai Perusahaan jasa terkemuka yang service company that provides total solutions
memberikan total solution sehingga mampu so that it is able to reach customer needs faster,
menjangkau kebutuhan pelanggan lebih cepat, better, more affordable and closer, the company
lebih baik, lebih terjangkau dan lebih dekat maka takes several concrete steps, one of which is the key
perusahaan melakukan beberapa langkah nyata, account initiative for the main customer, namely
salah satunya adalah dengan adanya inisiatif key Pertamina EP. Pertamina Hulu Energi and Pertamina
account untuk pelanggan utama yaitu Pertamina Hulu Indonesia. These three customers are the
EP, Pertamina Hulu Energi dan Pertamina Hulu biggest contributor to the company’s revenue so
Indonesia. Ketiga pelanggan ini adalah penyumbang that with this initiative, the company can maintain
revenue terbesar perusahaan sehingga dengan ada the performance and services it provides.
inisiatif ini, perusahaan dapat mempertahankan
kinerja dan jasa yang berikan.
Strategi pemasaran berikutnya adalah memperkuat The next marketing strategy is to strengthen the
posisi pangsa pasar pada jasa non asset based yaitu market share position in non-asset based services,
Operation & Maintanance. Dengan semangat Total namely Operation & Maintenance. With the spirit of
Solution, jasa yang diberikan tidak hanya mampu Total Solution, the services provided are not only able
memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan namun berhasil to meet customer needs but succeed in becoming
menjadi bagian tumbuhnya sebuah perusahaan. a part of the growth of a company. Apart from
Selain fokus pada pelanggan yang sudah ada, focusing on existing customers, the company also
perusahaan juga terus melakukan ekspansi untuk continues to expand to get new opportunities from
mendapatkan peluang baru dari perusahaan di companies in the non-oil and gas industry where
industri non migas di mana perusahaan berhasil the company has succeeded in obtaining service
mendapatkan proyek jasa di sektor infrastruktur projects in the infrastructure sector through one of
melalui salah satu bisnis unitnya yaitu Geoscience. its business units, namely geoscience.
Strategi ketiga adalah sebuah langkah yang The third strategy is a step that is intended to
dimaksudkan untuk menjawab tuntutan akan answer the demands of high technology needs, the
kebutuhan teknologi tinggi, perusahaan menjalankan company carries out a partnership strategy with the
strategi partnership dengan produsen teknologi world’s leading technology producers. The formation
terkemuka dunia. Terbentuknya kerja sama dengan of cooperation with Schlumberger as stipulated
Schlumberger yang tertuang dalam Master in the Master corporate agreement and Master
corporate agreement dan Master Service Agreement Service Agreement can be an added value for each
dapat menjadi nilai tambah bagi masing-masing party. This collaboration is carried out to capture
pihak. Kolaborasi ini dilakukan untuk menangkap new opportunities so as to increase the company’s
peluang-peluang baru sehingga mampu menambah market share.
pangsa pasar perusahaan.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 249
Management Discussion and Analysis
Pertamina group masih menjadi penyumbang Pertamina group is still the largest contributor to
pendapatan perusahaan terbesar, dengan komposisi the company’s revenue, with a composition of 79%
79% dari total Revenue Perseroan. of the Company’s total revenue.
Pada segmen jasa migas hulu pangsa pasar In the upstream oil and gas service segment, the
perseroan naik menjadi 2,6%. Hal ini di dorong company’s market share rose to 2.6%. This is driven
adanya peningkatan atas kegiatan pada asset based by an increase in activities on asset based (Oilfield
(Oilfield Services) dan non Asset Based (EPC OM). Services) and non Asset Based (OM EPC).
berikut perbandingan estimasi pangsa pasar The following is a comparison of the company’s
perseroan: estimated market share.
250 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Sesuai dengan Prospektus Perseroan tahun 2008, In accordance with the Company’s Prospectus for
Perseroan merencanakan dan berusaha untuk 2008, the Company plans and strives to distribute
membagikan dividen dalam bentuk uang tunai dividends in cash at least once a year. The Amount
sekurang-kurangnya sekali dalam setahun. Besarnya of dividend is related to the Company’s profit in
dividen dikaitkan dengan keuntungan Perseroan the relevant financial year, without neglecting the
pada tahun buku yang bersangkutan, dengan tidak health level of the Company and without prejudice
mengabaikan tingkat kesehatan Perseroan dan to the rights of the Company’s General Meeting of
tanpa mengurangi hak dari Rapat Umum Pemegang Shareholders to determine otherwise in accordance
Saham Perseroan untuk menentukan lain sesuai with the provisions of the Company’s Articles of
dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan. Association.
Dengan mengindahkan ketentuan-ketentuan di With due observance of the above provisions, the
atas, Perseroan berusaha untuk mempertahankan Company strives to maintain a dividend payout ratio
rasio pembayaran dividen sekitar 20% dari laba of approximately 20% of the Company’s consolidated
bersih konsolidasi Perseroan untuk setiap tahunnya. net income for each year. The determination of the
Penentuan jumlah dan pembayaran dividen tersebut, Amount and payment of the dividend will depend
akan bergantung pada rekomendasi dari Direksi on the recommendation of the Company’s Board
Perseroan, namun tidak terdapat kepastian bahwa of Directors, however, there is no certainty that the
Perseroan akan dapat membayarkan dividen pada Company will be able to pay dividends this year or in
tahun ini ataupun pada tahun-tahun mendatang. future years. The decision of the Board of Directors
Keputusan Direksi dalam memberikan rekomendasi to recommend dividend payment depends on:
pembayaran dividen tergantung pada:
1. Rencana pengembangan Perseroan dan belanja 1. Company development plans and capital
modal; expenditures;
2. Pertimbangan kebijakan pada sektor industri 2. Consideration of policies in similar industrial
yang sejenis; sectors;
3. Kondisi arus kas dan kebutuhan modal kerja 3. Cash flow conditions and the Company’s working
Perseroan; capital requirements;
4. Kebijakan struktur permodalan Perseroan; 4. The Company’s capital structure policy;
5. Laba bersih Perseroan. 5. The net profit of the Company.
Pembagian dividen di sepanjang tahun 2020 untuk Dividend distribution throughout 2020 for operating
hasil usaha di tahun 2019 sebagai berikut: results in 2019 as follows:
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 251
Management Discussion and Analysis
Pembagian dan pembayaran dividen di tahun 2015 Distribution and payment of dividends in 2015 to
hingga 2019: 2019:
Tahun Pembagian
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Distribution Year
Tanggal 7 Agustus 2020 10 Mei 2019 8 Juni 2018 22 Juni 2017 1 Juni 2016
Pembayaran August 7, 2020 May 10, 2019 June 8, 2018 June 22, 2017 June 1, 2016
Payment Date
Dividen Kas yang Rp89,119 miliar Rp69,08 miliar Rp37,1 miliar Rp31,1 miliar Rp75,1 miliar
Dibagikan Rp89.119 billion Rp69.08 billion Rp37.1 billion Rp31.1 billion Rp75.1 billion
Cash Dividends
252 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Sebagai Perusahaan yang patuh terhadap As a company that complies with all applicable
semua peraturan yang berlaku, Perseroan telah regulations, the Company has fulfilled its obligations
melakukan pemenuhan terkait kewajiban dalam to pay taxes, which is one form of the Company’s
membayar pajak yang merupakan salah satu bentuk contribution to the state. The Company’s tax
kontribusi Perseroan kepada negara. Pembayaran payments in 2020 were recorded at Rp618,488
pajak Perseroan pada tahun 2020 tercatat million. The details of the Company’s obligations
sebesar Rp618.488 juta. Adapun rincian kewajiban regarding tax obligations in 2019 and 2020 are as
Perusahaan terkait kewajiban perpajakan di tahun follows:
2019 dan 2020, adalah sebagai berikut:
Program kepemilikan saham oleh karyawan dan/ Share ownership program by employees and/or
atau manajemen yang dilaksanakan perusahaan management implemented by the company (ESOP/
(ESOP/MSOP) yang masih ada sampai tahun buku, MSOP) which still exists until the financial year,
Memuat uraian mengenai: Contains a description of:
1. Jumlah saham ESOP/MSOP dan realisasinya 1. The number of ESOP/MSOP shares and their
2. Jangka waktu 2. Time period
3. Persyaratan karyawan dan/atau manajemen 3. Requirements for eligible employees and/or
yang berhak management
4. Harga exercise 4. Exercise price
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 253
Management Discussion and Analysis
Pada awal tahun 2008, Perseroan melakukan suatu In early 2008, the Company carried out a corporate
aksi korporasi yaitu Penawaran Umum Perdana action, namely an Initial Public Offering (IPO) by
Saham atau Initial Public Offering (IPO) dengan listing the Company’s shares on the Indonesia Stock
mencatatkan saham Perseroan di Bursa Efek Exchange (IDX) with the ticker code ELSA, effective
Indonesia (BEI) dengan kode saham ELSA, efektif from 6 February 2008.
mulai tanggal 6 Februari 2008.
Sebelum melakukan penawaran umum perdana Prior to conducting the initial public offering of
saham tersebut, Perseroan melakukan peningkatan shares, the Company increased its authorized capital
modal dasar dari Rp750 miliar menjadi Rp2,3 triliun, from Rp750 billion to Rp2.3 trillion, 1: 5 stock split
pemecahan nominal saham (stock split) 1:5 atau dari or from Rp500 per share to Rp100 per share and
Rp500 per lembar saham menjadi Rp100 per lembar increased issued and fully paid-up capital. from
saham serta peningkatan modal ditempatkan dan Rp583.9 billion to Rp729.9 billion. The initial public
disetor penuh dari Rp583,9 miliar menjadi Rp729,9 offering of shares was made as much as 20% of the
miliar. Penawaran umum perdana saham dilakukan enlarged capital or 1,460,000,000 shares, bringing
sebanyak 20% saham dari enlarged capital atau the total shares after the IPO to 2,798,500,000
1.460.000.000 lembar saham, sehingga total lembar shares.
saham setelah IPO menjadi 2.798.500.000 lembar.
Harga penawaran umum perdana saham adalah The initial public offering price of shares is Rp400 per
Rp400 per lembar saham sehingga nilai dana hasil share, so the value of the proceeds from the public
penawaran umum yang dihasilkan adalah sebagai offering is as follows:
berikut :
Setelah pelaksanaan Penawaran Umum Perdana After the Initial Public Offering of shares and
saham dan mengacu pada butir 2 Peraturan referring to point 2 of BAPEPAM Regulation XK4,
BAPEPAM X.K.4, Perseroan telah melaporkan the Company has reported the details of the use
rincian penggunaan dana kepada Bapepam-KL of funds to Bapepam-KL periodically every three
secara berkala setiap tiga bulanan, yaitu mulai months, starting from the position as of March 31,
dari posisi per 31 Maret 2008, dan terakhir adalah 2008, and finally the position as of March 31, 2009.
posisi per 31 Maret 2009. Pada posisi per 30 Maret As of March 30, 2009, all proceeds from the public
2009, dana hasil penawaran umum tersebut telah offering have been generally realized, so there is no
seluruhnya terealisasi secara umum sehingga tidak change in the actual use of the funds compared to
terdapat perubahan realisasi penggunaan dana the planned use of the proceeds in the prospectus.
dibandingkan dengan rencana penggunaan dana This has also been reported to BAPEPAM-LK and
dalam prospektus. Hal ini juga telah dilaporkan BEI.
kepada BAPEPAM-LK dan BEI.
254 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Pinjaman untuk
Pengembangan Sisa Dana
dan perluasan Hasil
Aktivitas Usaha Anak Total Rencana Penawaran
Modal Kerja Pembayaran Pembelian Barang
Perusahaan Penggunaan Dana Umum
Perseroan Sebagian Hutang Modal
Loans for Total Plan Remaining
Working Capital Payment Purchase of Goods
Development Use of Funds Fund
Company Part of Payable Capital
and Expansion Proceeds
Subsidiary Business Public
Activities Offering
Rencana Realisasi Rencana Realisasi Rencana Realisasi Rencana Realisasi Rencana Realisasi
Plan Realization Plan Realization Plan Realization Plan Realization Plan Realization
25,00% 25,00% 15,00% 15,00% 7,00% 7,00% 53,00% 5,00% 100,00% 100,00% -
141,6 143,9 84,9 84,9 39,6 40,3 300,1 297,2 566,3 566,3 -
1. Perseroan menggunakan Rp143,9 miliar dana IPO 1. The Company used Rp143.9 billion of IPO proceeds
untuk modal kerja, di mana hal tersebut sesuai for working capital, where this was in accordance
dengan persentase rencana penggunaannya with the percentage of the planned use (25.0%);
2. Dalam rangka pinjaman untuk pengembangan 2. For loans for the development and expansion of
dan perluasan aktivitas usaha anak perusahaan, the subsidiary’s business activities, the Company
Perseroan telah mempergunakan Rp84,9 atau has used Rp84.9 or 15.0% of the IPO proceeds for:
15,0% dari dana IPO untuk :
a. Elnusa Bangkanai Energy Ltd dalam rangka a. Elnusa Bangkanai Energy Ltd in preparation
persiapan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi senilai for exploration and exploitation worth Rp1.5
Rp1,5 miliar billion
b. EPN untuk modal kerja sebesar Rp24,0 miliar b. EPN for working capital of Rp24.0 billion
c. SCU dalam rangka perluasan storage, c. SCU in the context of expanding storage,
investasi radio trunking dan modal kerja investing in radio trunking and operating
operasi senilai Rp59,4 miliar. working capital of Rp59.4 billion.
d. Dana pinjaman ini telah dikembalikan kepada d. These loan funds have been returned to the
Perseroan yang telah digunakan sebagai Company which have been used as working
modal kerja capital
3. Perseroan menggunakan 7,0% dana IPO atau 3. The Company uses 7.0% of the IPO proceeds or
Rp40,3 miliar untuk pembayaran sebagian utang Rp40.3 billion for the payment of part of the debt
kepada: to:
a. Sercel Nantes, Perancis senilai USD2,0 juta a. Sercel Nantes, France valued at USD2.0 million
b. PT Hewlett Packard Finance Indonesia senilai b. PT Hewlett Packard Finance Indonesia valued
USD2,5 juta at USD2.5 million
4. Pembelian barang modal yaitu : peralatan survei 4. Purchase of capital goods, namely: Rp37.2 billion
seismik Rp37,2 miliar, peralatan pengeboran of seismic survey equipment, Rp133.2 billion of
Rp133,2 miliar dan peralatan oilfield services drilling equipment and Rp126.9 billion of oilfield
senilai Rp126,9 miliar. services equipment.
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Management Discussion and Analysis
Sepanjang tahun 2020, Perseroan melakukan Throughout 2020, the Company conducted
transaksi dengan pihak-pihak yang berafiliasi, namun transactions with affiliated parties, however these
transaksi tersebut dikecualikan dari peraturan transactions are exempted from BAPEPAM-LK
BAPEPAM-LK No. IX.E.1 karena tidak mengandung regulation No. IX.E.1 because it does not contain a
benturan kepentingan mengingat transaksi tersebut conflict of interest, considering that the transaction
merupakan transaksi berkelanjutan serta kegiatan is a continuous transaction as well as the main and
usaha utama dan penunjang kegiatan usaha supporting business activities of the Company and
Perseroan dan Anak Perusahaan. Entitas dianggap its Subsidiaries. An entity is considered to be related
berelasi jika entitas tersebut baik secara langsung if it can directly or indirectly control or jointly control
maupun tidak langsung, dapat mengendalikan atau or have significant influence over the group in making
mengendalikan bersama atau memiliki pengaruh financial and operating decisions. Entities are also
signifikan atas grup dalam pengambilan keputusan considered related if they are under common control
keuangan dan operasional. Entitas juga dianggap with the Group.
berelasi jika entitas tersebut berada dalam
pengendalian bersama dengan Grup.
Dengan demikian, pengungkapan selanjutnya Accordingly, further disclosures regarding this matter
mengenai hal ini disesuaikan dengan PSAK Nomor 7 are adjusted to PSAK No. 7 concerning “Disclosures
tentang “Pengungkapan atas Pihak-Pihak Berelasi”. on Related Parties”. In detail, information regarding
Secara rinci, informasi mengenai transaksi ini this transaction can be found in Notes to Financial
terdapat pada Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan Statements Number 30 concerning “Information
Nomor 30 tentang “Informasi Mengenai Pihak-Pihak Regarding Related Parties”. Transactions and
Berelasi”. Transaksi dan saldo dengan pihak-pihak balances with related parties are as follows:
berelasi adalah sebagai berikut :
256 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
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Management Discussion and Analysis
258 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Berikut realisasi transaksi pihak berelasi per 31 The following is the realization of related party
Desember 2020. transactions as of December 31, 2020.
2020 2019
Description (Rp-juta) (Rp-juta)
(Rp-million) (Rp-million)
Kas dan setara Kas 1.009.188 762.676
Cash and cash equivalents
Piutang usaha 1.906.509 1.835.665
Accounts receivable
Aset keuangan lancar lainnya 44.957 30.496
Other current financial assets
Aset keuangan tidak lancar lainnya 325.629 333.788
Other non-current financial assets
Utang usaha 223.775 244.626
Accounts payable
Pendapatan ditangguhkan 90.950 101.650
Deferred income
Kompensasi personil manajemen kunci 32.991 32.808
Compensation of key management personnel
Pendapatan 6.069.494 6.186.275
Pembelian 1.927.398 2.430.626
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Management Discussion and Analysis
Sepanjang tahun 2020, tidak terdapat informasi Throughout 2020, there was no financial information
keuangan yang mengandung kejadian yang bersifat that contained events that were extraordinary and
luar biasa dan jarang terjadi. rare.
Sepanjang tahun 2020, tidak terdapat perubahan Throughout 2020, there were no changes to laws
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berpengaruh and regulations that had a significant effect on the
signifikan terhadap Perusahaan baik dari sisi Company, both from a financial and operational
keuangan maupun operasional. perspective.
260 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Perubahan Kebijakan
Akuntansi Penjelasan Dampaknya terhadap Perseroan
Changes in Description Impact to the Company
Accounting Policies
PSAK 71 PSAK 71 adalah standar akuntansi yang Perseroan harus membukukan cadangan
menggantikan PSAK 55. PSAK ini membuat kerugian penurunan nilai meskipun belum ada
perubahan signifikan atas : pemicu peristiwa yang menyebabkan kerugian
1. Klasifikasi dan pengukuran aset kredit (Expected loss).
2. Perhitungan penurunan nilai atas The Company must book an allowance for
aset laporan keuangan yang impairment losses even though there has not
diukur dengan menggunakan biaya been an event trigger that caused credit losses
perolehan diamortisasi (Expected loss).
3. Akuntansi lindung nilai
4. Pengungkapan laporan keuangan
This PSAK establishes the principles for In the financial statements, the company must
recognizing, measuring, presenting and recognize assets and liabilities. For the profit
disclosing leases by introducing a single and loss report, the company will experience
accounting model which requires the lower profits in the early years. whereas in the
recognition of right of use assets and lease cash flow statement, the operating cash flow
liabilities. will increase while the funding cash flow will
Uraian memuat antara lain: perubahan kebijakan The description contains, among others: changes
akuntansi, alasan dan dampaknya terhadap laporan in accounting policies, reasons and their impact on
keuangan. financial statements.
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Management Discussion and Analysis
Tidak terdapat hal-hal yang berpotensi berpengaruh There are no matters that have the potential to
signifikan terhadap kelangsungan usaha Perseroan have a significant effect on the continuity of the
selama tahun 2020, mengingat tidak terdapat Company’s business during 2020, considering that
kecelakaan kerja berupa fatality yang berpotensi there are no work accidents in the form of fatality
menyebabkan Perseroan mendapatkan sanksi keras. that have the potential to cause the Company
Sepanjang tahun 2020, Perseroan telah memperoleh to receive harsh sanctions. Throughout 2020, the
beberapa kontrak/ pekerjaan yang bersifat multiyear Company has obtained several multiyear contracts/
untuk tahun mendatang, selain itu posisi keuangan jobs for the coming year, besides that the Company’s
dan kas Perseroan dalam kondisi yang kuat untuk financial and cash position is in a strong condition
kegiatan operasional dan memenuhi kewajiban for operational activities and fulfills the Company’s
jangka pendek dan jangka panjang Perseroan. short- and long-term obligations.
Dalam mengukur serta menilai hal-hal yang In measuring and assessing things that have
berpotensi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap the potential to have a significant effect on the
kelangsungan usaha Perusahaan, Manajemen Company’s business continuity, Management uses
menggunakan Laporan Evaluasi Kinerja tahun the 2020 Performance Evaluation Report which
2020 yang telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik has been audited by Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
Purwantono , Sungkoro&Surja (E&Y) (E&Y) Public Accountants.
Asusmsi yang digunakan Manajemen dalam The assumptions used by Management in conducting
melakukan pengukuran dan penilaian meliputi measurements and assessments include the
beberapa hal sebagai berikut: following:
1. Aspek keuangan 1. Financial aspect
a. Membandingkan saldo-saldo realisasi tahun a. Comparing 2020 realized balances with
2020 dengan Laporan Keuangan yang telah audited financial statements.
b. Menghitung kembali persentase fluktuasi b. Recalculate the percentage of fluctuation
yang dilaporkan oleh Manajemen antara reported by Management between the actual
saldo-saldo aktual tahun 2020 dengan target balances for 2020 and the target budget/
anggaran/RKAP tahun 2020 dan saldo-saldo RKAP for 2020 and the actual balances for
aktual tahun 2019. 2019.
2. Penilaian tingkat kesehatan Perusahaan 2. Assessment of the health level of the Company
a. M e l a k u ka n p e r h i t u n g a n u l a n g d a n a. Recalculate and compare financial
membandingkan indikator kinerja keuangan performance indicators between the 2020
antara realisasi tahun 2020 target anggaran/ realization of the 2020 budget target/
RKAP tahun 2020 berdasarkan kriteria yang RKAP based on the criteria set out in the
telah ditetapkan dalam Pedoman Penilaian Guidelines for the Performance Assessment
Kinerja Anak Perusahaan Pertamina. of Pertamina’s Subsidiaries.
b. M e l a k u ka n p e r h i t u n g a n u l a n g d a n b. Recalculate and compare operational
membandingkan indikator kinerja operasional performance indicators between the 2020
antara realisasi tahun 2020 target anggaran/ realization of the 2020 budget target/
RKAP tahun 2020 berdasarkan kriteria yang RKAP based on the criteria set out in the
telah ditetapkan dalam Pedoman Penilaian Guidelines for the Performance Assessment
Kinerja Anak Perusahaan Pertamina. of Pertamina’s Subsidiaries.
262 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Tingkat Kesehatan Perusahaan (TKP) mengacu pada Company Soundness Level (TKP) refers to the
ketentuan Pedoman Penilaian Anak Perusahaan PT provisions of the Guidelines for Assessment of PT
Pertamina (Persero) No. A6-002/H40000/2019-S9. Pertamina (Persero) Subsidiaries No. A6-002/
Adapun Penilaian diukur dari Penilaian Kinerja H40000/2019-S9. The assessment is measured from
Keuangan, Penilaian Kinerja Pertumbuhan, the Financial Performance Assessment, Growth
Penilaian Kinerja Operasional dan Penilaian Kinerja Performance Assessment, Operational Performance
Administrasi, dengan klasifikasi pada segmen Assessment and Administrative Performance
Industri Jasa Penunjang Eksplorasi/Produksi. Assessment, with a classification in the Exploration/
Berdasarkan Penilaian tersebut untuk tahun Buku Production Support Services Industry segment.
2020 dihasilkan nilai 73 dengan Klasifikasi Sehat A. Based on the assessment, for the 2020 financial
year the score was 73 with a Healthy Classification A.
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Corporate Governance
PT Elnusa Tbk
// 05
Corporate Governance
Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik, atau Good Good Corporate Governance (GCG) constitutes a
Corporate Governance (GCG) secara definitif set of systems that regulate and control business
merupakan serangkaian sistem yang mengatur entities to create added value for all stakeholders,
dan mengendalikan entitas usaha yang diharapkan including shareholders. There are 2 (two) points of
mampu menciptakan nilai tambah untuk seluruh emphasis, namely the importance of the right of
pemangku kepentingan; termasuk kepada shareholders and even minority shareholders to
pemegang saham. Terdapat 2 (dua) hal penekanan, promptly obtain correct information, as well as the
yaitu pentingnya hak pemegang saham untuk obligation of business entities to make accurate,
memperoleh informasi dengan benar dan tepat timely and transparent disclosures of information
pada waktunya bahkan hingga pemegang saham on all business entity performance, ownership and
minoritas, dan, kewajiban entitas usaha untuk stakeholders. Perseroan GCG is expected to provide
melakukan pengungkapan secara akurat, tepat a foundation for managing short- and long-term,
waktu, transparan terhadap semua informasi business entities.
kinerja entitas usaha, kepemilikan, dan pemangku
kepentingan. Kehadiran GCG diharapkan mampu
memberikan fondasi atas pengelolaan entitas usaha
yang akuntabel.
Sejalan dengan perkembangan dunia usaha, In line with the business world development, the
prinsip GCG turut mengalami perkembangan yang principles of GCG have also evolved with a system
mencakup sistem pengawasan dan pengendalian of supervision and control that supports work ethics
yang mendukung etika kerja dan pengambilan and responsible decision making, supports integrity
keputusan yang bertanggung jawab, mendukung in financial reporting, proper risk management,
integritas dalam pelaporan keuangan, pengelolaan and stakeholder relations and the Company based
risiko yang layak, serta hubungan pemangku on ethics. Within the scope of the Company, an
kepentingan dan Perseroan yang berlandaskan assessment is carried out on the implementation
etika. Di lingkup Perseroan, penilaian dilakukan atas of GCG to ensure the realization of GCG principles
penerapan GCG untuk memastikan terwujudnya comprehensively.
prinsip GCG secara komprehensif.
Pada perkembangannya, Regulator bersama-sama In its development, the Regulator together with
dengan berbagai pihak yang menaruh perhatian various parties that have paid attention to the
terhadap perkembangan GCG di Indonesia development of GCG in Indonesia have provided
memberikan penegasan yang kuat atas pentingnya a strong affirmation of the importance of a
hubungan yang harmonis antara entitas usaha dan harmonious relationship between business entities
pemangku kepentingan. Melalui hubungan yang and stakeholders. Through this harmonious
harmonis ini, diharapkan akan terbentuk dunia relationship, it is expected that a business world
usaha yang menghindari cara-cara menciptakan will be formed which avoids the ways of creating
keuntungan sesaat, dan justru mampu berkontribusi instant profit, and can actually contribute to the
bagi dimensi sosial dan lingkungan di sekitarnya. surrounding social and environmental dimensions.
266 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Sebagai Perusahaan Publik yang tercatat di Bursa As a Public Company listed on the Indonesia Stock
Efek Indonesia (BEI), Perseroan berkomitmen Exchange (IDX), the Company is fully committed
secara penuh untuk menerapkan prinsip-prinsip to implementing GCG principles as a basis for
GCG sebagai landasan dalam menciptakan nilai creating sustainable added value for the interests
tambah yang berkelanjutan bagi kepentingan para of shareholders, the wider community, and various
pemegang saham, masyarakat secara luas, dan other stakeholders (employees, consumers,
berbagai pemangku kepentingan lainnya (pegawai, regulators, business partners, etc.) both in the short-
konsumen, regulator, mitra kerja, dan lain-lain) baik and long-term.
dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang.
Tata Kelola yang dijalankan Perseroan didasari Good Corporate Governance is based on GCG
oleh prinsip- prinsip GCG, yaitu Transparency, principles, namely Transparency, Accountability,
Accountability, Responsibility, Independency, dan Responsibility, Independence and Fairness, which are
Fairness yang merupakan komitmen kuat bagi a strong commitment for the Company to always
Perseroan untuk selalu menjaga dan meningkatkan maintain and enhance the value of the company
nilai Perusahaan (corporate value), mendorong (corporate value), encourage the management of
pengelolaan Perusahaan yang profesional, a professional, transparent and efficient company.
transparan dan efisien sehingga fundamental dan so that the fundamentals and competitiveness
daya saing Perseroan semakin kuat dan terjaga of the Company are getting stronger and better
dengan baik. maintained.
Organ Perseroan masing-masing menjalankan Each organ of the Company performs its functions
fungsinya dengan baik, Dewan Komisaris melakukan properly, the Board of Commissioners carries out its
fungsi pengawasannya atas kebijakan pengurusan, oversight function on the management policies, the
jalannya pengurusan, baik mengenai Perseroan management of the Company, and the Company's
maupun usaha Perseroan yang dilakukan oleh business is conducted by the Directors, as well
Direksi, serta memberi nasihat kepada Direksi. as advising the Directors. The Board of Directors
Direksi menjalankan tugasnya secara kolegial executes its collegial duties in carrying out the
dalam melaksanakan penguruan Perseroan dan Company's teaching and is accountable to the GMS
bertanggung jawab kepada RUPS sebagai bentuk as a manifestation of the Company's management
perwujudan akuntabilitas pengeloaan Perusahaan accountability in accordance with the principles of
sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola perusahaan. Corporate Governance
Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan selama tahun Implementation of Corporate Governance during
2020 di antaranya adalah sebagai berikut: 2020 is as follows:
1. Pembaruan Pedoman Code of Conduct 1. Renewal of the Code of Conduct Guidelines
2. Pembenahan sistem Whistleblowing System 2. Revamping the Whistleblowing System
3. Pengkinan berbagai pedoman Kepatuhan terkait 3. Updated various Compliance guidelines related
dengan Tata Kelola Perusahaan to Corporate governance
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Corporate Governance
Untuk memuwujudkan Perusahaan yang berdaya To create a Company that is highly competitive
saing tinggi dan terus tumbuh, Perseroan and continues to grow, the Company develops the
mengembangkan struktur dan sistem Tata Kelola structure and system of Corporate Governance in
Perusahaan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip GCG, accordance with the principles of GCG, with the aim
dengan tujuan: of:
1. Mengoptimalkan nilai Perusahaan untuk 1. Optimizing the value of the Company to build
membangun daya saing yang kuat baik secara strong competitiveness both nationally and
nasional maupun internasional, dalam menjaga internationally, in maintaining ethics and integrity
etika dan integritas agar dapat menjaga in order to maintain existence and sustainable
eksistensi dan pertumbuhan secara berkelanjutan growth in the face of the free trade era of the
dalam menghadapi era perdagangan bebas ASEAN Economic Community (AEC);
Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA);
2. Mendorong pengelolaan perusahaan secara 2. Encouraging professional, efficient and effective
profesional, efisien serta efektif selain juga company management as well as empowering
memberdayakan fungsi dan meningkatkan functions and increasing the independence of the
kemandirian organ-organ dalam perusahaan; organs in the company;
3. Memberikan jaminan rasa aman sehingga akan 3. Providing a guarantee of security so that it
menumbuhkan kepercayaan dari para investor will foster the trust of investors and potential
maupun calon investor; investors;
4. Mengarahkan serta mengendalikan hubungan 4. Directing and controlling work relationships
kerja antara antara organ Perseroan; between the Company's organs;
5. Mendorong agar setiap pengambilan keputusan 5. Encouraging that every decision-making and its
maupun pelaksanaannya harus dilandasi nilai implementation must be based on high moral
moral yang tinggi dan sesuai dengan peraturan values and in accordance with applicable laws
perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta and regulations and high social responsibility;
tanggung jawab sosial yang tinggi;
6. Menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang 6. Creating professional human resources;
7. Meningkatkan kesejahteraan seluruh Insan 7. Improving the welfare of all Elnusa Individuals
Elnusa serta peningkatan kemanfaatan bagi and increasing the benefits for Stakeholders;
Stakeholders; 8. Preventing irregularities in the management of
8. Mencegah terjadinya penyimpangan dalam the Company;
pengelolaan Perseroan;
9. Meningkatkan Budaya Kerja Perseroan. 9. Improving the Company's Work Culture.
Perseroan memandang bahwa penerapan GCG The Company views that implementing GCG is
merupakan sebuah pilar kuat untuk memajukan a strong pillar to promote growth. Hence, the
pertumbuhan. Oleh sebab itu, Perseroan berupaya Company is endeavored to always apply GCG to
untuk senantiasa menerapkan GCG terhadap all stakeholders by complying with applicable laws
seluruh pemangku kepentingan dengan mematuhi and regulations. Continuously improving the quality
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. of GCG implementation best practices by updating
Peningkatan kualitas dari penerapan praktik terbaik various policies, standards, guidelines, procedures
GCG dengan secara terus menerus dilakukan, that are adapted to changes in legislation in force,
melakukan pemutakhiran berbagai kebijakan, the business environment, as well as the business
standar, pedoman, prosedur yang disesuaikan development and performance of the Company.
dengan perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan
yang berlaku, keadaan lingkungan bisnis, dan juga
perkembangan usaha dan kinerja Perseroan.
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Dalam menerapkan prinsip-prisip GCG, Perseroan In the practice of GCG principles, the Company refers
mengacu pada 5 (lima) prinsip dasar yaitu: to 5 (five) basic principles, namely: transparency,
transparansi, akuntabilitas, responsibilitas, accountability, responsibility, independence, and
independensi, dan kewajaran, sebagaimana telah fairness, as released in the General Guidelines for
dirilis dalam Pedoman Umum Good Corporate Good Corporate Governance issued by the National
Governance yang dikeluarkan oleh Komite Nasional Committee on Governance Policy (KNKG).
Kebijakan Governance (KNKG).
Transparansi Akuntabilitas Responsibilitas Independensi
Transparency Accountability Responsibility Independency
Penjelasan prinsip-prinsip dasar di atas dan Explanation of the basic principles above and their
penerapannya secara umum di lingkup Perseroan general application within the scope of the Company
adalah sebagai berikut: is as follows:
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Corporate Governance
Penerapan GCG di Perseroan mengacu kepada The implementation of GCG in the Company refers
beberapa ketentuan, peraturan, serta perundang- to a number of applicable rules, regulations and laws,
undangan yang berlaku, yaitu: namely:
1. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia 1. Laws of the Republic Indonesia
a. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 40 a. Republic of Indonesia Law No. 40 of 2007
Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas. concerning Limited Liability Companies.
b. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 8 b. Republic of Indonesia Law No. 8 of 1995
Tahun 1995 tentang Pasar Modal concerning Capital Markets.
c. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia .No. 28 c. Republic of Indonesia Law No. 28 of 1999
Tahun 1999 tentang Penyelenggara Negara concerning State Administrators who are
yang Bersih dan Bebas dari Korupsi, Kolusi, Clean and Free of Corruption, Collusion and
dan Nepotisme Nepotism.
d. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. d. Republic of Indonesia Law No. 5 of 1999
5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktik concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic
Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat. Practices and Unfair Business Competition.
e. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 13 e. Republic of Indonesia Law No. 13 of 2003
Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. concerning Manpower.
f. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. f. Republic of Indonesia Law No. 20 of 2001
20 Tahun 2001 tentang Perubahan atas concerning Amendments to the Law of
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Corporate Governance
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Corporate Governance
Berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun Pursuant to Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited
2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas, infrastruktur Liability Companies, the organizational infrastructure
keorganisasian sebuah Perseroan Terbatas of a Limited Liability Company includes the interests
mencakup kepentingan pemegang saham yang of shareholders as outlined in the General Meeting
dituangkan melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang of Shareholders (GMS); Directors with their duties
Saham (RUPS); Direksi dengan tugasnya untuk to manage; and the Board of Commissioners whose
mengelola; serta Dewan Komisaris yang berfungsi function is to supervise. The Company’s management
melakukan pengawasan. Sistem kepengurusan system follows the model of 2 (two) bodies or two
PT menganut model 2 (dua) badan atau two tier tier systems, namely the Board of Commissioners
system, yaitu Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dengan and the Board of Directors with clear authority and
kewewenangan dan tanggung jawab yang jelas responsibilities in accordance with their respective
sesuai fungsinya masing-masing sebagaimana functions as mandated in regulations and laws and
diamanahkan dalam peraturan dan perundang- the Articles of Association.
undangan serta Anggaran Dasar.
Perseroan memiliki ketiga organ utama tersebut, The Company has three main organs, the GMS, the
baik RUPS, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. Dewan Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors.
Komisaris dan Direksi memiliki tanggung jawab The Board of Commissioners and Directors have the
untuk memelihara kesinambungan usaha Perseroan responsibility for maintainingthe Company’s long-
dalam jangka panjang. Oleh karena itu, Dewan term business sustainability. Therefore, the Board
Komisaris dan Direksi harus memiliki kesamaan of Commissioners and the Board of Directors must
persepsi terhadap visi, misi, dan nilai-nilai inti serta have a common perception of the Company’s vision,
budaya Perseroan. mission and core values and culture.
Infrastruktur GCG Perseroan juga mengikutsertakan The Company’s GCG infrastructure also includes
beberapa aspek penting yang berperan untuk several important aspects that play a role in supporting
mendukung penguatan kontrol dan pengelolaan the strengthening of control and management of the
terhadap Perseroan, terdiri dari organ pendukung Company, comprised of supporting organs including
yang meliputi Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Unit the Corporate Secretary and Internal Audit Unit under
Audit Internal yang berada di bawah Direksi, serta the Board of Directors, as well as the Audit Committee,
Komite Audit, Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi, dan the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, and
Komite Manajemen Risiko yang berada di bawah the Risk Management Committee under the Board of
Dewan Komisaris. Selain itu, terdapat proses audit Commissioners. In addition, there is an independent
independen atas laporan keuangan dan laporan audit process for financial reports and other reports
lainnya yang dilakukan oleh akuntan eksternal dalam carried out by external accountants in strengthening
memperkuat kontrol khususnya terkait laporan control, especially related to the Company’s performance
kinerja Perseroan. Struktur tersebut telah sesuai report. The structure is in accordance with the applicable
dengan ketentuan regulasi yang berlaku di Indonesia. regulations in Indonesia.
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PT Elnusa Tbk
Softstructure atau perangkat lunak GCG merupakan Softstructure or GCG software is a mechanism for
sebuah mekanisme penerapan prinsip GCG di lingkup implementing GCG principles within the scope of a
sebuah entitas usaha. Softstructure GCG terdiri dari business entity. The GCG Soft Structure consists of
berbagai peraturan dan kebijakan yang mengatur various regulations and policies governing the scope
lingkup tanggung jawab organ GCG, dan hubungan of responsibility of the GCG organs, and working
kerja antar organ GCG; termasuk dengan pemangku relationships between GCG organs; including with
kepentingan baik internal maupun eksternal. internal and external stakeholders.
Mekanisme penerapan prinsip GCG sendiri The mechanism for implementing GCG principles
merupakan mekanisme atas implementasi tata itself is a mechanism for implementing corporate
kelola perusahaan yang tercermin dalam sistem yang governance that is reflected in a strong system.
kuat. Hal ini menjadi penting, karena implementasi This is important, because the implementation of
tata kelola perusahaan tidak cukup hanya dengan corporate governance is not enough just to rely on
mengandalkan pilar governance structure, melainkan the pillars of governance structure, but it needs
dibutuhkan adanya aturan main yang jelas dalam clear rules in the form of mechanisms. Governance
bentuk mekanisme. Governance mechanism dapat mechanism can be interpreted as the rules of the
diartikan sebagai aturan main, prosedur dan game, procedures and clear relations between the
hubungan yang jelas antara pihak yang mengambil parties that make decisions with those who exercise
keputusan dengan pihak yang melakukan kontrol control of these decisions.
(pengawasan) terhadap keputusan tersebut.
Perseroan telah menyusun, menerapkan dan The Company has compiled, implemented and
memperbaharui softstructure GCG yang terdiri updated the GCG Softstructure consisting of
dari Kebijakan dan Prosedur Operasional, meliputi Operational Policies and Procedures, including:
antara lain:
GCG Softstructure
Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan Pedoman Etika Perilaku Manajemen
The Company’s Article of Association Guidelines for Management Behavior Ethics
Panduan Tata Kelola Perusahaan (GCG Code) Pedoman pemberian dan penerimaan hadiah
Good Corporate Governance (GCG Code) Guidelines for the giving and receiving of prizes
Panduan Perilaku (Code of Conduct) Pedoman Benturan Kepentingan
Code of Conduct Guidelines for Conflicts of Interest
Board Manual (Buku Panduan Dewan Komisaris dan
Direksi) Pedoman Whistleblowing System
Board Manual (Board of Commissioners and Directors Guidelines for Whistleblowing System
Piagam Komite Audit Pedoman Anti-Fraud
Audit of Committee Charter Anti-Fraud Guidelines
Piagam Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Pedoman Anti Suap dan Korupsi
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter Anti Bribery and Corruption Guidelines
Piagam Komite Manajemen Risiko Pedoman Kepemilikan dan Transaksi bagi Orang Dalam
Risk Management Committee Charter Guidelines for Ownership and Transactions for Insiders
Piagam Sekretaris Perusahaan Pedoman Perlindungan Hak Kreditur
Corporate Secretary Charter Guidelines for the Protection of Creditors’ Rights
Piagam Internal Audit Kebijakan SOP dan Instruksi Kerja
Internal Audit Charter SOP Policy and Work Instruction
Pedoman Manual Mutu Kebijakan Bisnis Proses
Quality Manual Guidelines Business Process Policy
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 275
Corporate Governance
Prinsip GCG
GCG Principles
Transparansi Independensi
Transparency Independence
Tanggung Jawab
Akuntabilitas Kewajaran
Accountability Fairness
GCG Code
• Board Manual • SOP dan Instruksi Kerja • Pedoman Etika Perilaku Manajemen
• Piagam Komite Audit SOP and Work Instructions Guidelines for Management Behavior
Audit Committee Charter • Bisnis proses Ethics
• Piagam Komite Nominasi dan Business Process • Pedoman pemberian dan penerimaan
Remunerasi • Manual Mutu hadiah
Nomination and Remuneration Quality Manual Guidelines for the giving and receiving
Committee Charter of prizes
• Piagam Komite Manajemen Risiko • Pedoman Benturan Kepentingan
Risk Management Committee Charter Guidelines for Conflicts of Interest
• Piagam Internal Audit • Pedoman Whistleblowing Systems
Internal Audit Charter Guidelines for Whistleblowing Systems
• Piagam sekretaris Perusahaan • Anti-Fraud
Corporate Secretary Charter • Anti Suap dan Korupsi
Anti Bribery and Corruption
• Pedoman Kepemilikan dan Transaksi
bagi Orang Dalam
Guidelines for Ownership and
Transactions for Insiders
• Pedoman Perlindungan hak Kreditur
Guidelines for the Protection of
Creditors’ Rights
Kebijakan dan Prosedur Operasional terkait Operational policies and procedures related to the
penerapan GCG di lingkup Perseroan telah implementation of GCG within the Company’s
diterbitkan dalam situs web Perseroan dengan scope have been published on the Company’s
alamat, yang tersaji dalam website at, which are presented
Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris dan selalu dilakukan in Indonesian and English and are always updated
pemutakhiran secara berkala untuk disesuaikan regularly in accordance with the conditions and best
dengan kondisi dan best practices serta perubahan practices as well as changes in the applicable laws
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. and regulations.
276 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Perusahaan menjadi
as a Culture masyarakat/warga
energi industri
GCG yang etikal dan
Governance bertanggung jawab
melalui pendekatan
Company Terciptanya seluruh CSR (5P)
elemen GCG sebagai
budaya Perusahaan. Parameter:
• ISO:26000
Comply Terkelolanya Parameter: • Sustainable
operasional • Sustainability Development Goals
Perusahaan yang Performance • SR Award
baik melalui kontrol • Award/penghargaan • Share Price
internal, pengendalian • Behaviour Guidance
Memenuhi Ketentuan risiko, dan penerapan The Company
Bad Governance dan peraturan WBS. The creation of all becomes an ethical
(mandatory maupun elements of GCG as a and responsible
voluntary) dalam Tata Parameter: corporate culture. society/citizen of
Kelola Perushaan • GCG Mechanism the energy industry
• Beyond Complience Parameter: through a CSR
Belum terpenuhinya Parameter: • Sustainability
• Award/penghargaan approach (5P)
Tata Kelola • GCG Structure Performance
• Memiliki
Perusahaan yang Baik, • Terpenuhinya • Award
Whistleblowing Parameter:
di mana kepentingan kewajiban pelaporan • Behavior Guidance
System yang dikelola • ISO: 26000
public belum sebagai kepatuhan dengan baik • Sustainable
prioritas utama. • Seluruh pedoman Development Goals
internal telah sesuai Good corporate • SR Award
Parameter: dengan regulasi operational • Share Price
• Dominasi Kekuasaan untuk Perusahaan management through
• Birokrasi yang rumit Terbuka internal control, risk
• Bisnis proses yang
control and WBS
tidak jelas Meeting the provisions implementation.
• Kurangnya Pedoman and regulations
internal sebagai (mandatory and Parameter:
acuan Tata Kelola voluntary) in • GCG Mechanism
Perusahaan Corporate Governance • Beyond Complience
• Award
Good Corporate Parameter: • Presence of
Governance has not • GCG Structure well-managed
been fulfilled, where • Compliance Whistleblowing
the public interest is reporting System
not yet a top priority. obligations
• All internal
Parameter: guidelines are in
• Power Domination accordance with
• Complicated regulations
bureaucracy • For Public
• Unclear business Companies
• Lack of internal
guidelines as
a reference
for Corporate
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Corporate Governance
Perseroan memiliki komitmen untuk selalu The Company has a commitment to always apply
menerapkan standar tata kelola yang terbaik the best governance standards by always trying
dengan selalu berusaha menerapkan praktik tata to apply good governance practices through
kelola yang baik melalui berbagai usaha perbaikan various improvements and upgrading efforts, as
dan peningkatan, serta merujuk pada standar well as referring to the minimum standards and
minimal maupun rekomendasi yang harus dipenuhi. recommendations that must be met.
Sesuai Peraturan OJK (POJK) No. 21/POJK.04/2015 Pursuant to OJK Regulation (POJK) No. 21/
tentang Pedoman Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka, POJK.04/2015 concerning Guidelines for Public
Perseroan sebagai perusahaan terbuka wajib untuk Company Governance, the Company as a public
melakukan pengukuran terhadap penerapan GCG company is required to take measurements of the
yang dilakukan melalui penilaian (assessment). implementation of GCG which is carried out through
Perseroan melakukan penilaian penerapan GCG an assessment. The Company evaluates the practice
secara konsisten setiap tahunnya untuk mengetahui of GCG consistently every year to determine the level
tingkat kecukupan penerapan GCG di lingkungan of adequacy of GCG implementation within the
Perseroan. Penilaian yang dilakukan oleh Perseroan Company. The assessment conducted by the Company
menggunakan berbagai acuan standar praktik uses various applicable best practice standards.
terbaik (best practices) yang berlaku. Perseroan The Company evaluates the implementation of
melakukan penilaian penerapan GCG dengan GCG using best practice standards that apply in
menggunakan standar praktik praktik terbaik yang Indonesia and abroad, namely the ASEAN Corporate
berlaku di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri, yaitu Governance Scorecard.
ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard.
278 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Pelaksanaan assessment penerapan GCG untuk tahun An assessment of the application of GCG for the 2020
buku 2020, dilakukan oleh Indonesian Institute for fiscal year was carried out by the Indonesian Institute
Corporate Directorship (IICD) dengan menerapkan for Corporate Directorship (IICD) by applying the
ASEAN CG Scorecard. Adapun hasil penilaian ASEAN ASEAN CG Scorecard. The results of the ASEAN CG
CG Scorecard untuk tahun 2020 adalah sebagai berikut: Scorecard assessment for 2020 are as follows:
Total Nilai untuk Praktik CF PT Elnusa Tbk Total Value of PT EInusa Tbk CF Practice
Komponen Penilaian Assessment Component
Total nilai (overall score) praktik GCG yang diperoleh The total score (overall score) of GCG practices
Perusahaan untuk tahun buku 2020 (ASEAN obtained by the Company for the 2020 financial
Scorecard 2021) adalah sebesar 87,75 poin. Secara year (2021 ASEAN Scorecard) reached 87.75 points.
overall, hasil Assessment implementasi GCG ELSA Overall, the results of the ELSA GCG implementation
mendapatkan predikat “GOOD”, artinya Perusahaan assessment received the title "GOOD", meaning that
mengadopsi sebagian standar internasional. the Company adopted some international standards.
Apabila dilihat dari nilai atau skor kasar (tidak When viewed from a value or rough score (unweighted),
tertimbang), dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat it can be concluded that the level of company
kepatuhan perusahaan untuk prinsip Bagian A compliance with the principle of Part A (the principle
(prinsip hak-hak pemegang saham) mencapai of shareholder rights) reaches 90.47%, Part B (the
90,47 persen, Bagian B (prinsip perlakuan setara principle of equal treatment of shareholders) reached
terhadap pemegang saham) mencapai 64,29 64.29%, Part C (the principle of stakeholder role)
persen, Bagian C (prinsip peran para pemangku reached 92.30%, Part D (the principle of disclosure and
kepentingan) mencapai 92,30 persen, Bagian D transparency) reached 90.63%, and Part E (principle
(prinsip pengungkapan dan tranparansi) mencapai of board responsibility) reached 76.92%.
90,63 persen, serta Bagian E (prinsip tanggung
jawab dewan) mencapai 76,92 persen.
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Corporate Governance
Secara garis besar, struktur GCG di lingkup Perseroan Broadly speaking, the structure of GCG within the
mengacu kepada Undang-undang No. 40 Tahun Company's scope refers to Law No. 40 of 2007
2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas, yang terdiri dari concerning Limited Liability Companies, consisting
3 (tiga) organ utama yaitu Rapat Umum Pemegang of 3 (three) main organs, namely the General
Saham (RUPS), Direksi, dan Dewan Komisaris. Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), Directors, and
Seperti yang telah diuraikan sebelumnya, sistem Board of Commissioners. As explained earlier, the
pengelolaan Perseroan Terbatas menganut model Limited Liability Company management system
2 (dua) badan atau two tier system, yaitu Dewan adheres to a 2 (two) body model or two tier system,
Komisaris dan Direksi dengan kewewenangan namely the Board of Commissioners and the Board
dan tanggung jawab yang jelas sesuai fungsinya of Directors with clear authority and responsibilities
masing-masing sebagaimana diamanahkan dalam in accordance with their respective functions as
peraturan dan perundang-undangan serta Anggaran mandated in the rules and regulations as well as
Dasar. Sementara RUPS merupakan forum bagi the Articles of Association. Meanwhile, the GMS
pemegang saham untuk memutuskan hal-hal yang is a forum for shareholders to decide on strategic
bersifat strategis. matters.
1. Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham, yang selanjutnya 1. General Meeting of Shareholders, hereinafter
disebut RUPS adalah Organ Perseroan yang referred to as RUPS, is an Organ of the
mempunyai wewenang yang tidak diberikan Company which has authority not given to the
kepada Direksi atau Dewan Komisaris dalam Directors or the Board of Commissioners within
batas yang ditentukan dalam Undang-Undang the limits specified in the Law and/or Articles of
dan/ atau Anggaran Dasar. Association.
2. Dewan Komisaris adalah Organ Perseroan yang 2. The Board of Commissioners is a Company
bertugas melakukan pengawasan secara umum organ that is responsible for conducting general
dan/atau khusus sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar and/or specific supervision in accordance with
serta memberi nasihat kepada Direksi. the Articles of Association and giving advice to
the Directors.
3. Direksi adalah Organ Perseroan yang berwenang 3. The Board of Directors is a Company organ that
dan bertanggung jawab penuh atas pengurusan has the authority and is fully responsible for the
Perseroan untuk kepentingan Perseroan, sesuai management of the Company for the interests
dengan maksud dan tujuan Perseroan serta of the Company, in accordance with the aims
mewakili Perseroan, baik di dalam maupun di luar and objectives of the Company and represents
pengadilan sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran the Company, both inside and outside the court
Dasar. in accordance with the provisions of the Articles
of Association.
Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners
Board of Directors
Komite-Komite Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners Committees
Divisions 1. Komite Audit
Audit Committee
2. Komite Nominasi & Remunerasi
Nomination & Remuneration
3. Komite Pengendalian Risiko
Risk Management Committee
280 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Pedoman tata kelola perusahaan terbuka diatur Guidelines for public company governance
dalam Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor are regulated in Financial Services Authority
21/POJK.04/2015 tentang Penerapan Pedoman Regulation No. 21/POJK.04/2015 concerning the
Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka dan Surat Edaran Implementation of Open Corporate Governance
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (SEOJK) terkait Pedoman Guidelines and Financial Services Authority Circular
tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka. Letter (SEOJK) related to Guidelines for Public
Corporate Governance.
Peraturan tersebut mengatur tentang pedoman The regulation governs the guidelines for public
tata kelola perusahaan terbuka yang mencakup 5 company governance which includes 5 (five)
(lima) aspek, 8 (delapan) prinsip, serta 25 (dua puluh aspects, 8 (eight) principles, and 25 (twenty-five)
lima) rekomendasi penerapan aspek dan prinsip recommendations for the application of aspects and
tata kelola perusahaan yang baik berdasarkan principles of good corporate governance based on
pendekatan “comply or explain” sebagai berikut: the "comply or explain" approach as follows:
Aspek 1: Hubungan Perusahaan Terbuka dengan Pemegang Saham Dalam Menjamin Hak-Hak Pemegang Saham
Aspect 1: Public Company Relations with Shareholders in Guaranteeing the Rights of Shareholders
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Corporate Governance
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) adalah General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is a Company
Organ Perseroan yang mempunyai wewenang organ that has authority not granted to the Board
yang tidak diberikan kepada Direksi atau Dewan of Directors or the Board of Commissioners within
Komisaris dalam batas yang ditentukan dalam the limits specified in the Law and/or Articles of
Undang-undang dan/atau Anggaran Dasar. RUPS Association. The GMS as an organ of the Company
sebagai organ Perseroan merupakan wadah bagi is a place for Shareholders to make important
Pemegang Saham untuk mengambil keputusan decisions relating to capital invested in the Company,
penting yang berkaitan dengan modal yang ditanam taking into account the provisions of the Articles of
dalam Perseroan, dengan memperhatikan ketentuan Association and laws and regulations.
Anggaran Dasar dan peraturan perundang-
Keputusan yang diambil dalam RUPS harus Decisions taken at the GMS must be based on the
didasarkan pada kepentingan Perseroan dalam interests of the Company in the long- and short-
jangka panjang maupun jangka pendek. RUPS dan/ term. GMS and/or Shareholders cannot intervene
atau Pemegang Saham tidak dapat melakukan in the duties, functions and authorities of the Board
intervensi terhadap tugas, fungsi dan wewenang of Commissioners and Directors without reducing
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dengan tidak the authority of the GMS to exercise their rights
mengurangi wewenang RUPS untuk menjalankan in accordance with the Articles of Association and
haknya sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar dan laws and regulations; including to replace or dismiss
peraturan perundang-undangan; termasuk untuk members of the Board of Commissioners and/or
melakukan penggantian atau pemberhentian Directors.
anggota Dewan Komisaris dan atau Direksi.
Teknis penyelenggaraan RUPS Perseroan, baik RUPS Technically in holding the Company GMS, both Annual
Tahunan maupun RUPS Luar Biasa, mengacu kepada GMS or Extraordinary GMS, the Company following
ketentuan Peraturan OJK No. 15/POJK.04/2020 the provision of FSA Regulation No. 15/POJK.04/2020
tentang Rencana dan Penyelenggaraan Rapat concerning Planning and Implementation of General
Umum Pemegang Saham Perusahaan Terbuka. Meeting of Shareholders of Public Companies. GMS
Proses pengumuman dan pemanggilan RUPS announcement and summons process are carried out
dilakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut: through the following steps:
288 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
1. Pengumuman RUPS dilakukan dalam waktu 14 1. Announcement of the GMS is made within
hari sebelum pemanggilan RUPS, dengan tidak 14 days before the invitation to the GMS, not
memperhitungkan tanggal pengumuman dan counting the date of the announcement and the
tanggal pemanggilan. date of the summons.
2. Pemanggilan RUPS dilakukan 21 hari 2. GMS Summons are made 21 days before the
sebelum pelaksanaan RUPS, dengan tidak GMS, without taking into account the date of
memperhitungkan tanggal pemanggilan dan the summons and the date of the GMS.
tanggal RUPS.
3. Yang berhak hadir dan memberikan suara dalam 3. Those entitled to attend and vote at the GMS are
RUPS adalah pemegang saham yang namanya shareholders whose names are registered in the
tercatat dalam Daftar Pemegang Saham Register of Shareholders of the Company and/
Perseroan dan/atau Saldo Rekening Efek di or Balance of Securities Accounts in Collective
Penitipan Kolektif di PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Custody at PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia.
Proses penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum Pemegang Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of
Saham Tahunan dan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Shareholders implementation process are based
Luar Biasa dilaksanakan berdasarkan Peraturan on Financial Services Authority Regulation No.
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 15/POJK.04/2020 15/POJK.04/2020 concerning Planning and
tentang Rencana dan Penyelenggaraan Rapat Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders
Umum Pemegang Saham Perusahaan Terbuka. of Public Companies.
Proses rencana dan pelaksanaan RUPS Tahunan The planning and Implementation process of the
tersebut telah tertuang dalam surat Perseroan yang Annual GMS has been reported to Financial Services
telah disampaikan kepada Otoritas Jasa keuangan Authority (FSA) and has been published on the
(OJK) serta melakukan pemasangan iklan pada national news paper in bahasa Indonesia and has
surat kabar berbahasa Indonesia dan berperadaran been announced through the Company’s website
nasional serta diumumkan melalui website Perseroan and Indonesia Stock Exchange’s website.
dan website Bursa Efek Indonesia.
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Corporate Governance
Berikut adalah tahapan tata waktu penyelenggaraan Following are the Annual GMS Implementation
RUPS Tahunan Tahun Buku 2020: timeline for 2020 fiscal year.
Aktifitas Waktu
Activity Time
Penyampaian rencana RUPS kepada OJK, disampaikan melalui surat tertulis 19 Mei 2020
Submission of the GMS plan to FSA is submitted by written letter May 19, 2020
Pengumuman RUPS, disampaikan melalui iklan di harian Investor Daily, Situs Web Bursa
Efek Indonesia dan Situs Web OJK 29 Mei 2020
Announcement of the GMS is delivered through advertisements in the daily Investor Daily, the May 29, 2020
Indonesia Stock Exchange Website and the FSA Website
Pemanggilan RUPS disampaikan melalui iklan di harian Investor Daily, Situs Web Bursa Efek
Indonesia dan Situs Web OJK 16 Juni 2020
Summons to the GMS are conveyed through advertisements in the daily Investor Daily, the June 16, 2020
Indonesia Stock Exchange Website and the FSA Website
Pelaksanaan RUPS
Bertempat di Ruang Udaya, Online (Daring) Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 1B Jakarta 12560 8 Juli 2020
GMS implementation July 8, 2020
Located in the Udaya Room, Online (Daring) Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 1B Jakarta 12560
Penyampaian Ringkasan risalah RUPS 9 Juli 2020
Submission of summary minutes of the GMS July 9, 2020
Penyampaian Risalah RUPS disampaikan melalui Situs Web Bursa Efek Indonesia dan Situs
Web OJK 7 Agustus 2020
Submission of Minutes of the GMS is submitted through the Indonesia Stock Exchange Website August 7, 2020
and the FSA Website
290 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Dalam Rapat, Pemimpin Rapat juga memberikan In the Meeting, the Chairperson of the Meeting
kesempatan kepada pemegang saham atau also provides an opportunity for shareholders or
kuasanya untuk mengajukan pertanyaan/tanggapan their proxies to submit questions/responses and/
dan/atau usulan pada setiap mata acara rapat. or suggestions in each agenda item of the meeting.
Adapun hasil keputusan RUPS beserta keterangan The resolutions of the GMS along with the statement
realisasinya adalah sebagai berikut: of their realization are as follows:
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Memberikan kuasa dan wewenang kepada Dewan
Komisaris Perseroan dengan terlebih dahulu mendapat
persetujuan pemegang saham Perseroan yaitu PT
Pertamina (Persero) untuk menetapkan Tantiem bagi
anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan untuk
tahun buku 2019.
Memberikan kuasa dan wewenang kepada Dewan
Komisaris Perseroan, dengan terlebih dahulu mendapat
persetujuan pemegang saham Perseroan yaitu PT
Pertamina (Persero) untuk menetapkan besaran Tantiem
bagi anggota Direksi & Dewan Komisaris Perseroan untuk
Penetapan Tantiem tahun tahun 2020.
2019 dan Remunerasi tahun
2020 bagi anggota Direksi Rapat menyetujui dengan jumlah suara setuju berjumlah
dan Dewan Komisaris 4.719.756.687 saham atau 99,717% dari total seluruh
Determination of the suara yang dikeluarkan dalam Rapat. Telah ditindaklanjuti
2019 bonus and 2020 Has been followed up
remuneration for Tantiem
members of the Board of Granting power and authority to the Company's Board
Directors and the Board of of Commissioners by first obtaining the approval of the
Commissioners Company's shareholders, namely PT Pertamina (Persero) to
determine bonuses for members of the Board of Directors
and Board of Commissioners of the Company for the 2019
financial year.
Granting power and authority to the Company's Board
of Commissioners, by first obtaining the approval of the
Company's shareholders, namely PT Pertamina (Persero)
to determine the amount of bonus for members of the
Company's Board of Directors & Board of Commissioners
for 2020.
The Meeting approved the total votes in favor of
4,719,756,687 shares or 99.717% of the total votes cast in
the Meeting
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Komisaris Utama: Agus Prabowo
Komisaris: Antonius Ratdomopurbo
Komisaris Independen: Lusiaga Levi Susila
Komisaris Independen: Anis Baridwan
Direktur Utama: Ali Mundakir
Direktur Keuangan: Hery Setiawan
Direktur SDM & Umum: Tenny Elfrida
Direktur Pengembangan Usaha
Merangkap Direktur Operasi: Arief Riyanto
President Director: Ali Mundakir
Finance Director: Hery Setiawan
HR & General Director: Tenny Elfrida
Director of Business Development
Concurrently Director of Operations: Arief Riyanto
Sedangkan untuk RUPS Tahunan tahun buku 2018 As for the 2018 Annual GMS which was held on
yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11 April 2019, seluruh April 11, 2019, all decisions have been realized and
keputusannya telah direalisasikan dan dilaksanakan implemented in 2019.
pada tahun 2019.
Dewan Komisaris merupakan organ Perusahaan The Board of Commissioners is the Company’s
yang bertugas melakukan pengawasan secara organ in charge of conducting general and/or
umum dan/atau khusus sesuai dengan Anggaran specific supervision following the Company’s Articles
Dasar Perseroan serta memberi nasihat kepada of Association and providing advice to the Board
Direksi dan memastikan bahwa Perusahaan telah of Directors and ensuring that the Company has
menerapkan GCG secara efektif dan berkelanjutan. implemented GCG effectively and sustainably. In
Dalam memenuhi tugas dan tanggung jawab itu, fulfilling these duties and responsibilities, the Board
Dewan Komisaris wajib bertindak secara independen. of Commissioners must act independently.
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1. Mempunyai akhlak, moral, dan integritas yang 1. Have good character, morals, and integrity;
2. Cakap melakukan perbuatan hukum; 2. Able to carry out legal actions;
3. Dalam 5 (lima) tahun sebelum pengangkatan 3. Within 5 (five) years prior to appointment and
dan selama menjabat: while serving:
a. Tidak pernah dinyatakan pailit; a. Never been declared bankrupt;
b. Tidak pernah menjadi anggota Direksi b. Never been a member of the Board of
dan/ atau anggota Dewan Komisaris yang Directors and/or a member of the Board
dinyatakan bersalah menyebabkan suatu of Commissioners who was found guilty of
perusahaan dinyatakan pailit; causing a company to be declared bankrupt;
c. Tidak pernah dihukum karena melakukan c. Never been convicted of a criminal act that
tindak pidana yang merugikan keuangan was detrimental to state finances and/or
negara dan/ atau yang berkaitan dengan related to the financial sector; and
sektor keuangan; dan
d. Tidak pernah menjadi anggota Direksi dan/ d. Has never been a member of the Board of
atau anggota Dewan Komisaris yang selama Directors and/or a member of the Board of
menjabat: Commissioners who during his tenure:
• Pernah tidak menyelenggarakan RUPS • Never held an annual GMS;
• P e r t a n g g u n g j a w a b a n n y a s e b a g a i • His responsibilities as members of the
anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Board of Directors and/or members of the
Komisaris pernah tidak diterima oleh Board of Commissioners have never been
RUPS atau pernah tidak memberikan accepted by the GMS or have not provided
pertanggungjawaban sebagai anggota accountability as members of the Board of
Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris Directors and/or members of the Board of
kepada RUPS; dan Commissioners to the GMS; and
• Pernah menyebabkan perusahaan yang • Ever caused a company that obtained a
memperoleh izin, persetujuan, atau permit, approval, or registration from the
pendaftaran dari OJK tidak memenuhi OJK to fail to fulfill the obligation to submit
kewajiban menyampaikan laporan tahunan an annual report and/or financial report to
dan/atau laporan keuangan kepada OJK. the OJK.
4. Memiliki komitmen untuk mematuhi peraturan 4. Have a commitment to comply with the laws and
perundang-undangan; regulations;
5. Memiliki pengetahuan dan/atau keahlian di 5. Have knowledge and/or expertise in the fields
bidang yang dibutuhkan Perseroan; dan required by the Company; and
6. Memenuhi persyaratan lainnya sebagaimana 6. Fulfill other requirements as stipulated in the
ditentukan dalam Undang-Undang Perseroan Limited Liability Company Law, Capital Market
Terbatas, Peraturan Pasar Modal dan Peraturan Regulations and other applicable laws and
Perundang-Undangan lainnya yang berlaku. regulations.
Merujuk pada Pedoman Nominasi dan Direksi dan Referring to the Nomination Guidelines and the
Dewan Komisaris, sumber nominasi anggota Dewan Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners,
Komisaris dapat berasal dari: the sources of nominations for members of the
Board of Commissioners can come from:
1. Anggota Direksi dari perusahaan pemegang 1. Member of the Board of Directors of the Elnusa
saham Elnusa. shareholder company.
2. Mantan anggota Direksi Perusahaan yang 2. The former member of the Board of Directors
bersangkutan setelah minimal 1 (satu) tahun of the Company concerned after at least 1 (one)
tidak lagi menjabat sebagai anggota Direksi yang year no longer serves as a member of the Board
bersangkutan. of Directors concerned.
3. Sumber lain yang telah memiliki reputasi yang 3. Other sources that already have a good
baik, relevan dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. reputation, are relevant and can be accounted
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Proses penilaian calon Anggota Dewan Komisaris The process of evaluating candidates for members
dilakukan oleh Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi. of the Board of Commissioners is carried out by
Selanjutnya calon Dewan Komisaris diajukan pada the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
RUPS untuk mendapatkan persetujuan Pemegang Furthermore, candidates for the Board of
Saham sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar Commissioners are proposed at the GMS for
Perseroan. approval from the Shareholders in accordance
with the provisions of the Company’s Articles of
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1 2 3 4
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Jumlah Komisaris
Number of
30% 50%
Anggota Dewan Komisaris ELNUSA per 31 Desember Members of the ELNUSA Board of Commissioners as
2020 berjumlah 4 (empat) orang, 2 (dua) diantaranya of 31 December 2020 totaled 4 (four) people, 2 (two)
merupakan Komisaris Independen yang keduanya of whom were Independent Commissioners, both of
diangkat berdasarkan Keputusan RUPS Tahunan whom were appointed based on the resolutions of
yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 Mei 2018 dan 11 the Annual GMS held on 14 May 2018 and 11 April
April 2019. Jumlah Komisaris Independen ini telah 2019. This number of Independent Commissioners
memenuhi ketentuan Peraturan OJK Nomor 33/ has complied with the provisions of the Regulations
POJK.04/2014, di mana setiap perusahaan publik FSA Number 33/POJK.04/2014, where every public
harus memiliki Komisaris Independen sekurang- company must have an Independent Commissioner
kurangnya 30% dari jumlah seluruh anggota Dewan of at least 30% of the total members of the Board
Komisaris. of Commissioners.
ELNUSA memiliki 2 (dua) Komisaris Independen ELNUSA has 2 (two) Independent Commissioners
dan telah memenuhi jumlah minimal Komisaris and has met the minimum number of Independent
Independen yang diatur dalam ASEAN Corporate Commissioners as stipulated in the ASEAN
Governance Scorecard yang mensyaratkan jumlah Corporate Governance Scorecard which requires the
Komisaris Independen berjumlah 50% dari jumlah number of Independent Commissioners to be 50% of
seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris. the total members of the Board of Commissioners.
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Kriteria Independensi
Independence Criteria
Dengan demikian, Komisaris Independen Perseroan Thus, the Independent Commissioner of the Company
telah memenuhi kriteria sesuai dengan peraturan has met the criteria following the prevailing laws and
perundang-undangan yang berlaku. regulations.
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Masa Jabatan Anggota Dewan Komisaris Term of Office of Members of the Board of
Anggota Dewan Komisaris diangkat untuk jangka Members of the Board of Commissioners are
waktu terhitung sejak ditutupnya atau tanggal appointed for a period starting from the closing of
yang ditetapkan oleh RUPS yang mengangkatnya or the date determined by the GMS that appointed
dan berakhir pada penutupan RUPS Tahunan yang them and ending at the closing of the 3rd (third)
ke-3 (ketiga) setelah tanggal pengangkatannya, Annual GMS after the date of their appointment,
dengan syarat tidak boleh melebihi jangka waktu provided that they do not exceed the period of 3
3 (tiga) tahun, dengan memperhatikan peraturan (three) years, with due regard to the laws and
perundang-undangan di bidang Pasar Modal, regulations in the Capital Market sector, but
namun dengan tidak mengurangi hak dari RUPS without prejudice to the rights of the GMS at any
untuk sewaktu-waktu dapat memberhentikan para time, members of the Board of Commissioners may
anggota Dewan Komisaris sebelum masa jabatannya terminate before their term of office ends. After the
berakhir. Setelah masa jabatannya berakhir, anggota term of office has ended, members of the Board
Dewan Komisaris dapat diangkat kembali oleh RUPS of Commissioners may be reappointed by the GMS
untuk satu kali masa jabatan. Ketentuan ini juga for one term of office. This provision also applies
berlaku untuk Komisaris Independen yang diangkat to Independent Commissioners who are appointed
sesuai keputusan RUPS. following the resolution of the GMS.
Mengacu pada Pasal 17 Ayat 4 Anggaran Dasar Referring to Article 17 Paragraph 4 of the Company’s
Perseroan, jabatan Dewan Komisaris berakhir Articles of Association, the position of the Board of
apabila: Commissioners ends if:
1. Pengunduran dirinya telah efektif; 1. His resignation has been effective;
2. Tidak lagi memenuhi persyaratan Peraturan OJK 2. No longer meets the requirements of the FSA
dan peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya; Regulations and other laws and regulations;
3. Meninggal dunia; 3. Passed away;
4. Masa jabatannya berakhir; 4. His term of office ends;
5. Diberhentikan berdasarkan RUPS. 5. Dismissed based on the GMS.
Kebijakan terkait Pengunduran Diri Dewan Policy regarding the Resignation of the Board of
Komisaris Commissioners
Apabila dalam menjalankan tugasnya, Dewan If in carrying out its duties, the Board of
Komisaris terlibat dalam kejahatan keuangan, maka Commissioners is involved in a financial crime,
tindak lanjut yang dilakukan Perusahaan mengacu then the follow-up taken by the Company refers to
pada ketentuan dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan the provisions in the Articles of Association of the
dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Company and the prevailing laws and regulations.
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Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Dewan Komisaris Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of
Dewan Komisaris bertugas mengawasi dan The Board of Commissioners is in charge of
memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi sebagai supervising and providing advice to the Board
pengurus Perusahaan yang pelaksanaan tugas, of Directors as a management of the Company,
tanggung jawab dan kewenangannya dilaporkan whose duties, responsibilities, and authorities are
kepada RUPS. Setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris reported to the GMS. Each member of the Board
tidak dapat bertindak sendiri-sendiri, melainkan of Commissioners cannot act individually but based
berdasarkan keputusan Dewan Komisaris. Untuk on the decision of the Board of Commissioners. To
melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya, carry out its duties and responsibilities, the scope
lingkup pekerjaan Dewan Komisaris berdasarkan of work of the Board of Commissioners is based on
peraturan perundangan yang berlaku dan Anggaran applicable laws and regulations and the Company’s
Dasar Perusahaan antara lain: Articles of Association, including:
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Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Dewan Komisaris Duties and Responsibilities of the
Board of Commissioners
1. Melakukan pengawasan atas jalannya pengurusan 1. Supervise the management of the Company by
Perusahaan oleh Direksi serta memberikan persetujuan the Board of Directors and approve the Company’s
atas rencana pengembangan Perusahaan, Rencana development plans, the Company’s Long-term Plan
Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP), serta Rencana (RJPP), and the Company’s Work Plan and Budget
Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP); (RKAP);
2. Melakukan tugas, wewenang dan tanggung jawab serta 2. Perform duties, powers and responsibilities
tugas yang secara khusus diberikan kepada Dewan and duties specifically assigned to the Board of
Komisaris sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar Commissioners following the provisions of the
Perusahaan, keputusan RUPS dan ketentuan peraturan Articles of Association of the Company, GMS
perundang-undangan, serta wajib menerapkan prinsip decisions, and laws and regulations, and must
profesionalisme, efisien, transparan, mandiri, akuntabel, apply the principles of professionalism, efficiency,
bertanggung jawab dan adil; transparency, independence, accountability,
responsibility. and fair;
3. Memberikan pendapat dan saran atas persoalan yang 3. Providing opinions and suggestions on issues
dianggap penting bagi pengelolaan Perusahaan yang deemed important for the management of the
sesuai dengan tugas pengawasan Dewan Komisaris Company under the supervisory duties of the Board
kepada RUPS; of Commissioners to the GMS;
4. Setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris wajib dengan itikad 4. Each member of the Board of Commissioners
baik, kehati-hatian, dan bertanggung jawab dalam must be in good faith, prudent, and responsible
menjalankan tugas pengawasan dan pemberian for carrying out supervisory duties and providing
nasihat kepada Direksi untuk kepentingan Perusahaan advice to the Board of Directors for the benefit of
dan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perusahaan, the Company and following the aims and objectives
dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk kepentingan pihak atau of the Company, and not intended for the benefit of
golongan tertentu; certain parties or groups;
5. Meneliti dan menelaah laporan tahunan yang 5. Examining and studying the annual report prepared
dipersiapkan oleh Direksi serta menandatangani by the Board of Directors and signing the report,
laporan tersebut, dan memastikan bahwa Laporan and ensuring that the Company’s Annual Report
Tahunan Perusahaan telah memuat informasi yang contains information following the provisions of the
sesuai dengan ketentuan Otoritas Pasar Modal; Capital Market Authority;
6. Memberikan arahan atas tata kelola teknologi informasi, 6. Provide direction on information technology
kebijakan mutu dan pelayanan, kebijakan pengadaan governance, quality and service policies, procurement
dan kebijakan pengelolaan Anak Perusahaan, serta policies and policies on subsidiary management,
memantau efektivitas pelaksanaannya secara periodik; and periodically monitor the effectiveness of its
7. Melakukan pengkajian secara berkala atas efektivitas 7. Conduct regular reviews of the effectiveness
sistem manajemen risiko dan memantau efektivitas of the risk management system and monitor
pelaksanaan fungsi pengawasan internal Perusahaan the effectiveness of the implementation of the
dan pengendalian intern Perusahaan; Company’s internal control function and the
Company’s internal control;
8. Memberikan arahan mengenai pengawasan dan 8. Provide direction regarding supervision and
pemantauan kepatuhan Direksi atas perjanjian dengan monitoring of the Board of Directors’ compliance
pihak ketiga serta kesesuaiannya dengan peraturan with agreements with third parties and their
perundang-undangan yang berlaku; compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations;
9. Melaksanakan proses penunjukkan calon auditor 9. Carry out the process of appointing prospective
eksternal. external auditors.
10. Menentukan sistem nominasi, evaluasi kinerja, 10. Determine the nomination system, performance
remunerasi yang transparan bagi Dewan Komisaris dan evaluation, transparent remuneration for the Board
Direksi setelah mempertimbangkan hasil kajian Komite of Commissioners and the Board of Directors after
NR untuk selanjutnya diajukan agar memperoleh considering the results of the NR Committee’s
persetujuan RUPS; review to be subsequently submitted for approval
by the GMS;
11. Meningkatkan kompetensi dan pengetahuannya secara 11. Continuously improving their competence and
berkesinambungan untuk menjalankan fungsi sebagai knowledge to carry out their functions as the Board
Dewan Komisaris secara professional; of Commissioners in a professional manner;
12. Memberikan laporan tentang tugas pengawasan yang 12. Provide reports on supervisory duties that have
telah dilakukan selama tahun buku yang baru lampau been carried out during the previous financial year
kepada RUPS; to the GMS;
13. Melaksanakan kewajiban lainnya dalam rangka tugas 13. Carry out other obligations in the context of
pengawasan dan pemberian nasihat, sepanjang tidak supervisory and advisory duties, as long as they do
bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan, not contradict the laws and regulations, this Articles
Anggaran Dasar ini, dan/atau keputusan RUPS. of Association, and/or the resolutions of the GMS.
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Praktiknya, pada tahun 2020 tidak terdapat In practice, in 2020 there is no delegation of authority
pendelegasian wewenang seorang Anggota Dewan to another Member of the Board of Commissioners
Komisaris lainnya melalui surat kuasa khusus. through a special power of attorney. Thus, the
Dengan demikian, kuorum Rapat Dewan Komisaris quorum of the Board of Commissioners Meeting for
untuk pengambilan keputusan dapat terpenuhi. decision making can be fulfilled.
Independensi & Kepemilikan Saham Anggota Independence & Share Ownership of Members of
Dewan Komisaris the Board of Commissioners
Setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris membuat Each member of the Board of Commissioners makes
pernyataan independensi pada tiap awal tahun a statement of independence at the beginning of
untuk menyatakan status independensinya dan each year to state their independence status and
pada setiap akhir tahun untuk menyatakan apakah at the end of each year to state whether during
selama tahun terakhir terdapat situasi yang memiliki the last year there was a situation that had a
benturan kepentingan oleh Dewan Komisaris conflict of interest by the Board of Commissioners
atas tindakan yang dilakukan. Anggota Dewan for the actions taken. Members of the Board of
Komisaris juga berkewajiban untuk melapor apabila Commissioners are also obliged to report if there is
terjadi perubahan status yang mempengaruhi a change in status that affects their independence,
independensinya termasuk apabila terdapat including if there is a change in share ownership,
perubahan kepemilikan saham baik Pribadi ataupun either personal or family in ELNUSA and/or
keluarga di ELNUSA dan atau Perusahaan lain. other companies. The Secretary of the Board of
Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris bertugas memastikan Commissioners is in charge of ensuring whether
apakah praktik ini telah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan this practice has been implemented following the
prinsip GCG. principles of GCG.
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Sepanjang tahun 2020, tidak terdapat situasi Throughout 2020, there were no situations with
dengan potensi benturan kepentingan yang dihadapi potential conflicts of interest faced by members
oleh anggota Dewan Komisaris dalam pengambilan of the Board of Commissioners in making their
keputusannya sebagaimana tercantum pada decisions as stated in the Statement of Independent
Surat Pernyataan Bertindak Independen dalam Actions in the Company’s Operational Supervision
Pengawasan Operasional Perusahaan yang telah which has been published on the Company’s website.
dipublikasikan dalam situs Perusahaan.
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Setiap adanya perubahan portofolio kepemilikan Every time there is a change in the portfolio of
saham Dewan Komisaris di ELNUSA, maka Dewan the Board of Commissioners’ share ownership in
Komisaris wajib melaporkan kepada VP Corporate ELNUSA, the Board of Commissioners must report
Secretary melalui penyerahan Daftar Khusus to the VP Corporate Secretary by submitting a
Kepemilikan Saham untuk selanjutnya disampaikan Special List of Share Ownership to be submitted to
kepada Otoritas Pasar Modal. the Capital Market Authority.
Berdasarkan ketentuan POJK Nomor 11/ Based on the provisions of FSA Number 11/
POJK.04/2017 tentang Laporan Kepemilikan atau POJK.04/2017 concerning Report of Ownership or
Setiap Perubahan Kepemilikan Saham Perusahaan Any Change in Share Ownership of Public Companies,
Terbuka, Dewan Komisaris wajib melaporkan the Board of Commissioners is required to report to
kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan atas kepemilikan the Financial Services Authority on ownership and
dan setiap perubahan kepemilikan saham ELNUSA. any changes in ownership of ELNUSA shares. The
Laporan tersebut wajib disampaikan paling lambat report must be submitted no later than 10 (ten)
10 (Sepuluh) hari sejak terjadinya kepemilikan atau days after the occurrence of ownership or change
perubahan kepemilikan saham ELNUSA. Dewan of ownership of ELNUSA shares. The Board of
Komisaris juga dapat memberikan kuasa tertulis Commissioners may also grant written power to
kepada VP Corporate Secretary untuk melaporkan the VP Corporate Secretary to report ownership
kepemilikan dan perubahan kepemilikan sahamnya and changes in ownership of shares in ELNUSA
atas ELNUSA dan disampaikan paling lambat 5 and submitted no later than 5 (five) days after the
(lima) hari sejak terjadinya perubahan kepemilikan change in ownership of ELNUSA shares to FSA.
atas saham ELNUSA tersebut kepada OJK.
Selama tahun 2020 tidak terdapat perubahan During 2020 there was no change in share ownership
kepemilikan saham yang dimiliki Dewan Komisaris held by the Board of Commissioners in the Company
di Perusahaan karena anggota Dewan Komisaris because none of the members of the Board of
tidak ada yang memiliki salam di ELNUSA. Commissioners has share ownership in Elnusa.
Kebijakan Rangkap Jabatan Dewan Komisaris Concurrent position Policy for the Board of
Ketentuan mengenai rangkap jabatan Dewan Provisions regarding concurrent positions for the
Komisaris ELNUSA juga tercantum dalam Peraturan ELNUSA Board of Commissioners are also contained
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 33/POJK.04/2014 in the Financial Services Authority Regulation
tentang Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Emiten atau Number 33/POJK.04/2014 concerning the Board of
Perusahaan Publik serta Peraturan Perundang- Directors and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or
Undangan lainnya. Public Companies and other laws and regulations.
310 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Program Pengenalan Perusahaan untuk Company Introduction Program for the Board of
Dewan Komisaris Commissioners
ELNUSA melaksanakan program pengenalan bagi ELNUSA carries out an introduction program for new
anggota Dewan Komisaris yang baru dengan tujuan members of the Board of Commissioners to provide
memberikan gambaran atas aktivitas bisnis, rencana an overview of business activities, future company
perusahaan ke depan, pedoman kerja dan hal lainnya plans, work guidelines, and other matters that are
yang menjadi tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris. the responsibility of the Board of Commissioners.
Program pengenalan diatur dalam Pedoman Kerja The familiarization program is regulated in the Work
Dewan Komisaris. Guidelines for the Board of Commissioners.
Pada tahun 2020, telah dilakukan program In 2020, a company introduction program was carried
pengenalan perusahaan untuk Dewan Komisaris out for the newly appointed Board of Commissioners
yang baru diangkat berdasarkan Keputusan based on the Resolution of the 2019 Annual General
RUPS Tahunan Tahun Buku 2019 yakni kepada Meeting of Shareholders, namely Agus Prabowo.
Agus Prabowo. Materi pengenalan diberikan oleh The introductory material was provided by the VP
VP Corporate Secretary. Program pengenalan Corporate Secretary. The company introduction
perusahaan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 Juli program was carried out on July 14, 2020. Besides
2020. Selain pemaparan atas Perusahaan, dalam the Company exposure, supporting documents were
program pengenalan Perusahaan juga disampaikan also provided in the Company introduction program
dokumen-dokumen penunjang diantaranya Laporan including the Annual Report, the Company Work
Tahunan, Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan Plan and Budget (RKAP), the Company Long-term
(RKAP), Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan Plan (RJPP), the Company’s Articles of Association,
(RJPP), Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, Standar Company Ethical Standards, Work Guidelines/Board
Etika Perusahaan, Pedoman Kerja/Board Manual Manual for the Board of Commissioners and the
Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Penunjang Dewan Board of Commissioners’ Supporting Committees,
Komisaris, dan kebijakan lainnya serta peraturan- and other policies and regulations related to the
peraturan yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan tugas implementation of the duties of the Board of
Dewan Komisaris. Selain itu, guna memahami Commissioners. Besides, to understand firsthand
secara langsung proses bisnis Perusahaan, program the Company’s business processes, the Company
pengenalan Perusahaan juga meliputi kunjungan introduction program also includes virtual visits to
secara virtual Unit Bisnis Perusahaan maupun Anak the Company’s and Subsidiaries’ Business Units.
Program Pengembangan Kapabilitas Dewan Capability Development Program for the Board of
Komisaris Commissioners
Guna meningkatkan kompetensi dan pengetahuan To increase the competence and knowledge of
Dewan Komisaris dan sejalan dengan program the Board of Commissioners and in line with
pengembangan Dewan Komisaris sebagaimana the development program of the Board of
tercantum dalam Pedoman Kerja/Board Manual Commissioners as stated in the Work Guidelines/
yakni bahwa anggota Dewan Komisaris harus Board Manual, namely that members of the
senantiasa menambah dan memutakhirkan Board of Commissioners must constantly add and
pengetahuannya melalui kegiatan pelatihan, update their knowledge through training activities,
workshop, seminar, conference, ataupun dalam workshops, seminars, conferences, or in the form of
bentuk kunjungan kerja serta banding kaji work visits and appeals. benchmark, then in 2020
(benchmark), maka pada tahun 2020 realisasi the realization of the Training and Development
Program Pelatihan dan Pengembangan yang Program carried out by the Board of Commissioners,
dilakukan oleh Dewan Komisaris yakni: namely:
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Corporate Governance
Fokus Pengawasan serta Realisasi The focus of Supervision and Realization of the
Pelaksanaan Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Implementation of Duties and Responsibilities of the
Dewan Komisaris Tahun 2020 Board of Commissioners in 2020
Dengan memperhatikan isu-isu penting yang By considering the important issues that challenge
menjadi tantangan pengawasan Dewan Komisaris, the Board of Commissioners ‘supervision, with the
maka dengan dukungan Komite Penunjang Dewan support of the Board of Commissioners’ Supporting
Komisaris, Dewan Komisaris konsisten melaksanakan Committees, the Board of Commissioners
pengawasan di antaranya dengan: consistently carries out supervision including:
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Selama Tahun Buku 2020, Dewan Komisaris telah During the 2020 Financial Year, the Board of
melaksanakan tugas pengawasan atas kegiatan Commissioners has carried out supervisory duties
operasional Perusahaan, di antaranya: over the Company’s operational activities, including:
1. Membuat Program Kerja dan Anggaran Dewan 1. Preparing the Work Program and Budget for the
Komisaris Tahunan 2021; Board of Commissioners for the Year 2021;
2. Membuat laporan pelaksanaan pengawasan 2. Prepare a report on the implementation of
Dewan Komisaris Tahun Buku 2019; supervision by the Board of Commissioners for
the 2019 Fiscal Year;
3. Mengevaluasi usulan besaran Tantiem Tahun 3. Evaluating the proposed amount of bonus for
Buku 2019 dan Remunerasi Direksi Perseroan the 2019 Fiscal Year and the Remuneration for
Tahun Buku 2020; the Board of Directors of the Company for the
2020 Fiscal Year;
4. Melakukan penilaian kinerja Direksi dan Dewan 4. Assessed the performance of the Board of
Komisaris Tahun Buku 2019 dengan metode self- Directors and the Board of Commissioners for
assessment; the 2019 Financial Year using the self-assessment
5. Meneliti dan menelaah laporan-laporan dari 5. Examining and analyzing reports from the
Komite Penunjang Dewan Komisaris yang Supporting Committee of the Board of
menjadi perpanjangan tangan Dewan Komisaris Commissioners which is an extension of the Board
dalam melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan Dewan of Commissioners in carrying out the supervisory
Komisaris; function of the Board of Commissioners;
6. Menyelenggarakan rapat internal Dewan 6. Organizing internal meetings of the Board of
Komisaris dan rapat yang mengundang Direksi Commissioners and meetings that invite the
serta memberikan pandangan atas laporan Board of Directors and provide views on the
kinerja bulanan dan tahunan Direksi serta monthly and annual performance reports of the
terhadap hal-hal lainnya yang diperlukan; Board of Directors and other necessary matters;
7. Mengikuti perkembangan kegiatan Perseroan baik 7. Following the development of the Company’s
dari informasi-informasi internal yang disediakan activities, both from internal information
oleh Perseroan maupun dari informasi-informasi provided by the Company and from external
eksternal yang berasal dari media maupun dari information that comes from the media and
sumber-sumber lainnya dalam Tahun 2020; other sources in 2020;
8. Melakukan kajian atas permintaan persetujuan 8. Reviewing requests for written approval from
tertulis dari Direksi atas hal-hal sesuai ketentuan the Board of Directors on matters following
dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dan/atau the provisions of the Company’s Articles of
peraturan perundang-undangan; dan Association and/or laws and regulations; and
9. Melakukan review atas sistem manajemen risiko 9. Reviewing the Company’s risk management
Perusahaan. system.
Selama tahun 2020, transaksi atau tindakan yang During 2020, transactions or actions carried out
dilakukan oleh Direksi Perusahaan yang memerlukan by the Company’s Board of Directors that require
persetujuan tertulis dari Dewan Komisaris sesuai written approval from the Board of Commissioners
dengan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan Pasal 15 Ayat 2 following the Company’s Articles of Association
antara lain sebagai berikut: Article 15 Paragraph 2 are as follows:
1. Persetujuan atas investasi baik di Unit Bisnis 1. Approval of investments in both the Company’s
Perusahaan maupun Anak Perusahaan. and Subsidiaries’ Business Units.
2. Persetujuan fasilitas kredit maupun penerbitan 2. Approval of credit facilities and issuance of Sukuk.
3. Persetujuan Revisi Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran 3. Approval of the Revised 2020 Company Work
Perusahaan Tahun 2020. Plan and Budget.
4. Persetujuan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran 4. Approval of the Company’s 2021 Work Plan and
Perusahaan Tahun 2021. Budget.
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Corporate Governance
Selain hal tersebut di atas, realisasi Rencana Kerja Besides the foregoing, the realization of the 2020
Dewan Komisaris tahun 2020 antara lain: Board of Commissioners Work Plan includes:
1. Membuat Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Dewan 1. Preparing the Work Plan and Budget for the
Komisaris Tahun Buku 2021. Board of Commissioners for the 2021 Fiscal Year.
2. Membuat laporan pelaksanaan pengawasan 2. Prepare a report on the implementation of
Dewan Komisaris Tahun Buku 2019. supervision of the Board of Commissioners for
the 2019 Fiscal Year.
3. Melakukan kajian dan memonitor kinerja 3. Reviewing and monitoring the performance of
Perseroan setiap bulan. the Company every month.
4. Melakukan evaluasi terhadap kinerja KAP atas 4. Evaluated the performance of KAP on the 31
audit 31 Desember 2019. December 2019 audit.
5. Menetapkan KAP untuk melakukan audit 31 5. Determined KAP to conduct audits on December
Desember 2020. 31, 2020.
6. Kunjungan Kerja Dewan Komisaris. 6. Working Visit of the Board of Commissioners.
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Penilaian atas Kinerja Komite Penunjang Assessment of the Performance of the Board of
Dewan Komisaris Commissioners Supporting Committees
Evaluasi terhadap kinerja anggota komite di bawah Evaluation of the performance of committee
Dewan Komisaris dilakukan melalui penilaian antara members under the Board of Commissioners
lain meliputi kehadiran dalam rapat, kemampuan is carried out through assessments including
bekerja sama dan berkomunikasi secara aktif sesama attendance at meetings, the ability to work together
anggota komite, integritas, kemampuan memahami and communicate actively among committee
visi, misi dan rencana strategis Perseroan serta members, integrity, ability to understand the vision,
kualitas atas saran/rekomendasi yang diberikan mission, and strategic plans of the Company and the
terkait program kerja masing-masing komite. quality of the suggestions/recommendations given
related to the work program of each committee.
Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, Dewan Komisaris In carrying out its duties, the Board of Commissioners
dibantu tiga Komite sebagai organ pendukung is assisted by three Committees as supporting
Dewan Komisaris yaitu: organs for the Board of Commissioners, namely:
1. Komite Audit yang dalam melaksanakan tugas 1. The Audit Committee in carrying out its duties
dan tanggung jawab serta kewenangannya and responsibilities and its authority is carried
dilakukan sesuai dengan Piagam Komite Audit. out following the Audit Committee Charter.
2. Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi yang berfungsi 2. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee
membantu Dewan Komisaris dalam pelaksanaan functions to assist the Board of Commissioners in
penetapan nominasi dan remunerasi Dewan implementing the nomination and remuneration
Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan. for the Board of Commissioners and Board of
Directors of the Company.
3. Komite Pemantau Risiko yang berfungsi 3. The Risk Monitoring Committee, which functions
membantu Dewan Komisaris memberikan to assist the Board of Commissioners, provides
masukan serta melakukan evaluasi sistem input and evaluates the risk management system,
pengelolaan risiko, pengawasan internal dan internal control and provides information to the
menyediakan informasi kepada Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners on related issue.
mengenai masalah-masalah terkait untuk
mengantisipasi risiko yang mungkin akan terjadi.
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Corporate Governance
Direksi adalah organ perusahaan yang bertugas dan The Board of Directors is a corporate organ that
bertanggung jawab secara kolektif untuk melakukan is tasked with and is collectively responsible for
pengelolaan atas Perseroan untuk kepentingan managing the Company for the interests and
dan tujuan Perseroan sesuai dengan ketentuan objectives of the Company in accordance with
Anggaran Dasar serta melaksanakan GCG pada the provisions of the Articles of Association and
seluruh tingkatan atau jenjang organisasi. Dalam implementing GCG at all levels or levels of the
melaksanakan tugasnya Direksi bertanggung organization. In carrying out its duties the Board
jawab kepada RUPS sebagi bentuk perwujudan of Directors is responsible to the GMS as a form
akuntabilitas pengelolaan perusahaan sesuai of the realization of the accountability of company
dengan prinsip- prinsip tata kelola perusahaan. management in accordance with the principles of
corporate governance.
Berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dan Based on the Company’s Articles of Association and
Keputusan RUPS Tahunan yang dilaksanakan pada the Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of
tanggal 8 Juli 2020 yang tertuang dalam Akta Shareholders held on July 8, 2020 as stipulated in
Notaris Nomor 14 tanggal 8 Juli 2020 yang dibuat Notarial Deed No. 14 dated July 8, 2020 made by
oleh Notaris Aulia Taufani S.H. ditetapkan 4 (empat) Notary Aulia Taufani, S.H, 4 (four) members were
orang sebagai anggota Direksi yang bertugas untuk appointed as members of the Board of Directors in
melakukan pengurusan Perseroan. charge of managing the Company.
Adapun komposisi dan susunan Direksi per 31 The composition of the Board of Directors as of
Desember 2020 adalah sebagai berikut: December 31, 2020 is as follows:
316 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Nama Dasar Pengangkatan Jabatan Jabatan
Name Appointment Basis Position Position
Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat No. 14 tanggal 8 Juli 2020
yang dibuat di hadapan Aulia Taufani, S.H. Notaris di Kota
Ali Direktur Utama Ke-1
Administrasi Jakarta Selatan
Mundakir President Director 1st
Deed of Resolutions No. 14 dated July 8, 2020 made before Aulia
Taufani, S.H. Notary in South Jakarta Administrative City
Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat No. 36 tanggal 31 Agustus
2018 yang dibuat di hadapan Aulia Taufani, S.H. Notaris di Kota
Hery Administrasi Jakarta Selatan Direktur Keuangan Ke-2
Setiawan Deed of Resolutions No. 36 dated August 31, 2018 which was made Director of Finance 2nd
before Aulia Taufani, S.H. Notary in South Jakarta Administrative
Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat No. 14 tanggal 8 Juli 2020
Direktur SDM & Umum
yang dibuat di hadapan Aulia Taufani, S.H. Notaris di Kota
Tenny Director of Human Ke-1
Administrasi Jakarta Selatan
Elfrida Resources and General 1st
Deed of Resolutions No. 14 dated July 8, 2020 made before Aulia
Taufani, S.H. Notary in South Jakarta Administrative City
Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat No. 36 tanggal 31 Agustus Pengembangan Usaha
2018 yang dibuat di hadapan Aulia Taufani, S.H. Notaris di Kota merangkap Direktur
Arief Administrasi Jakarta Selatan Operasi Ke-2
Riyanto Deed of Resolutions No. 36 dated August 31, 2018 which was made Director of Business 2nd
before Aulia Taufani, S.H. Notary in South Jakarta Administrative Development
City concurrently as Director
of Operations
Profil seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris dapat The profiles of all members of the Board of Directors
dilihat pada bab Profil Perusahaan pada Laporan can be seen in the Company Profile chapter in this
Tahunan ini. Annual Report.
Direksi harus memenuhi syarat umum dan syarat The Board of Directors must meet the general
khsusus yang juga tertuang dalam Board Manual requirements and special requirements which are
Perseroan, yang mencakup antara lain: also stipulated in the Company’s Board Manual,
which include:
1. Persyaratan umum:
a. Orang perseorangan; 1. General requirements:
b. Memiliki akhlak, moral dan integritas yang a. An individual;
baik; b. Having good character, morals and integrity;
c. Mampu melaksanakan perbuatan hukum;
d. Tidak pernah dinyatakan pailit oleh c. Able to carry out legal actions;
pengadilan dalam waktu lima tahun terakhir d. The court has never declared bankruptcy in
sebelum pencalonan; the last five years before the nomination;
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e. Tidak pernah menjadi Direktur yang e. Has never been a Director found guilty by
dinyatakan bersalah oleh Pengadilan the Court in the past five years prior to
dalam waktu lima tahun terakhir sebelum nomination;
f. Tidak boleh ada hubungan keluarga sedarah f. There must not be blood relations up to
sampai dengan derajat ketiga, baik menurut the third degree, either in a straight line or
garis lurus maupun garis ke samping atau sideways line or in a relationship (son-in-law
hubungan semenda (menantu atau ipar) or brother-in-law) with other Directors and/
dengan Direktur lain dan/atau Anggota or Members of the Board of Commissioners;
Dewan Komisaris;
g. Tidak boleh merangkap jabatan lain yang g. May not concurrently hold another position
dapat menimbulkan benturan kepentingan that may cause a conflict of interest directly
secara langsung atau tidak langsung dengan or indirectly with the Company and or which
Perseroan dan atau yang bertentangan is in conflict with the provisions of the
dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang- applicable laws and regulations;
undangan yang berlaku;
h. Memiliki integritas dan moral yang baik; h. Having integrity and good morals;
i. Berwatak baik dan mempunyai kemampuan i. Having a good character and having the
untuk mengembangkan usaha guna ability to develop a business for the progress
kemajuan Perseroan; of the Company;
j. Memiliki kompetensi, yaitu kemampuan j. Having competence, namely the ability
dan pengalaman dalam bidang-bidang and experience in fields that support
yang menunjang pelaksanaan tugas dan the implementation of the duties and
kewajiban Direksi; obligations of the Board of Directors;
k. Memiliki komitmen untuk mematuhi k. Having a commitment to comply with
peraturan perundang-undangan yang applicable laws and regulations;
l. Bukan pengurus partai politik dan/atau l. Not a political party administrator and/or
calon anggota legislatif. candidate legislative member.
2. Persyaratan khusus: 2. Special requirements:
a. Memiliki pengalaman menangani korporasi a. Having experience handling corporations
sebagai senior management dan dapat as senior management and can provide
memberikan rekomendasi dan solusi yang recommendations and solutions as needed;
b. Memahami ketentuan-ketentuan terkait b. Understand the provisions relating to
dengan perusahaan terbuka dan pasar publicly listed companies and capital
modal; markets;
c. Berani dan cepat (less bureaucracy) di dalam c. Daring and fast (less bureaucracy) in
pengambilan keputusan; decision making;
d. Mempunyai rekam jejak yang bersih dari d. Having a clean track record of integrity
aspek integritas; aspects;
e. Memiliki leadership, sense of enterpreneurship e. Have leadership, sense of entrepreneurship
dan pengalaman; and experience;
f. Networking yang memadai dan interpersonal f. Adequate networking and interpersonal
skill. skills.
3. Pertimbangan lainnya: 3. Other considerations:
Keberagaman komposisi anggota Direksi The diversity of the composition of the members
dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan of the Board of Directors can be used as one of
pertimbangan dalam proses nominasi dan the considerations in the process of nomination
suksesi anggota Direksi dengan memperhatikan and succession of members of the Board of
pengetahuan, keahlian dan pengalaman yang Directors by taking into account the knowledge,
sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi perusahaan expertise and experience in accordance with the
sehingga mendapatkan komposisi yang needs and conditions of the company so as to
optimal serta efektivitas dalam pengambilan obtain an optimal composition and effectiveness
keputusan. Direksi Perseroan diwajibkan untuk in decision making. The Company’s Directors
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menandatangani surat pernyataan terkait are required to sign a statement relating to the
dengan pemenuhan persyaratan tersebut di atas fulfillment of the above requirements and are
dan didokumentasikan oleh Perseroan. documented by the Company.
Pengangkatan Direksi Perseroan telah melalui proses The appointment of the Board of Directors of the
fit & proper test (uji kemampuan dan kepatutan) Company has gone through a fit & proper test
yang dilakukan oleh pemegang saham pengendali process carried out by the controlling shareholder
sesuai dengan peraturan perundangan-undangan in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
yang berlaku dan ketentuan tata kelola perusahaan, and corporate governance provisions, and then
untuk kemudian diajukan kepada RUPS untuk submitted to the GMS for further processing.
dilakukan proses selanjutnya.
Berikut adalah status uji kemampuan dan kepatutan The following is the status of the fit and proper test
Direksi Perseroan yang menjabat sampai dengan of the Company’s Directors who have served until
akhir Desember 2020: the end of December 2020:
Keterangan terkait dengan keberagaman dalam Information related to diversity in education, work
pendidikan, pengalaman kerja dan usia dapat dilihat experience and age can be seen in detail in the
secara rinci pada Bab Profil Perusahaan, Sub Bab Company Profile Chapter, Identity Sub-Chapter and
Identitas dan riwayat hidup singkat anggota Direksi. a brief curriculum vitae of members of the Board of
Pedoman dan Tata Tertib Kerja Direksi Directors’ Guidelines and Rules of Work
Direksi Perseroan memiliki Pedoman Kerja The Board of Directors of the Company has a
(Board Manual) yang digunakan sebagai acuan Work Manual (Board Manual) which is used as a
dalam menjalankan tugas, tanggung jawab reference in carrying out its duties, responsibilities
dan wewenangnya, Direksi berpedoman pada and authorities. Thus, the Board of Directors’ work
Board Manual. Board Manual tersebut berisi is guided by the Board Manual. The Board Manual
tentang petunjuk tata laksana kerja Direksi serta contains guidelines for the work procedures of the
menjelaskan tahapan aktivitas secara terstruktur, Directors and explains the stages of activities that
sistematis, mudah dipahami dan dapat dijalankan are structured, systematic, easy to understand and
dengan konsisten untuk menjadi acuan bagi Direksi can be carried out consistently to be a reference for
dalam melaksanakan tugas sesuai dengan standar Directors in carrying out tasks in accordance with
prinsip tata kelola perusahaan untuk mencapai visi the standards of corporate governance principles to
misi Perusahaan. Board Manual tersebut senantiasa achieve the Company’s vision and mission. The Board
dilakukan evaluasi secara berkala agar sejalan Manual is regularly evaluated so that it is in line with
dengan perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan changes in applicable laws and best practices of
yang berlaku dan praktik terbaik tata kelola corporate governance that are tailored to the needs
Perusahaan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan of the Company.
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Corporate Governance
Board Manual disusun berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip The Board Manual is prepared based on the
hukum perusahaan, ketentuan anggaran dasar, principles of corporate law, provisions of the articles
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, of association, applicable laws and regulations,
arahan dari pemegang saham serta best practices directives from shareholders and best practices of
tata kelola perusahaan. corporate governance.
Adapun ruang lingkup pedoman kerja Direksi, The scope of the Board of Directors’ work guidelines
meliputi sebagai berikut: includes the following:
1. Fungsi Direksi 1. Function of the Board of Directors
2. Tugas dan Kewajiban Direksi 2. Duties and Obligations of Directors
3. Hak dan Wewenang Direksi 3. Rights and Powers of Directors
4. Persyaratan Direksi 4. Requirements for the Directors
5. Proses Pengangkatan Direksi 5. Process of Appointing Directors
6. Keanggotaan Direksi 6. Membership of the Directors
7. Rangkap Jabatan Direksi 7. Multiple Directors’ Positions
8. Masa Jabatan Direksi 8. Term of Office of Directors
9. Pemberhentian Anggota Direksi 9. Dismissal of members of the Board of Directors
10. Pengunduran Diri Anggota Direksi 10. Resignation of Members of the Board of
11. Keadaan Anggota Direksi Lowong 11. Condition of Members of the Board of Directors
12. Pengalihan Tugas Sementara Anggota Direksi 12. Temporary Transfer of Duties of Members of the
Board of Directors
13. Rencana Pergantian atau Perubahan Direksi 13. Change or Change Board of Directors Plans
14. Independensi Direksi 14. Independence of the Directors
15. Pengungkapan Kepemilikan Saham dan 15. Disclosure of Share Ownership and Affiliation
Hubungan Afiliasi Relations
16. Program Pengenalan dan Peningkatan 16. Capability Introduction and Enhancement
Kapabilitas Program
17. Waktu Kerja Anggota DIreksi 17. Working Hours of Directors
18. Etika Jabatan Direksi 18. Ethics of Directors’ Position
19. Penetapan Kebijakan Pengurusan Perusahaan 19. Determination of Company Management
oleh Direksi Policies by the Directors
20. Pendelegasian Wewenang di antara Direktur 20. Delegation of Authority Among Company
Perusahaan Directors
21. Komposisi dan Pembagian Tugas Direksi 21. Composition and Division of Duties of Directors
22. Rapat Direksi 22. Directors’ Meeting
23. Organ Pendukung Direksi 23. Supporting Organs of the Directors
24. Hubungan Kerja antara Dewan Komisaris dan 24. Work Relationship between the Board of
Direksi Commissioners and the Board of Directors
25. Evaluasi Kinerja Direksi 25. Evaluate Directors’ Performance
26. Pertanggungjawaban Direksi 26. Accountability of the Directors
Tugas, Kewajiban, dan Wewenang Direksi Duties, Obligations, and Authority of the Board
of Directors
Direksi menjalankan tugas dan kewenangan The Board of Directors carries out the duties and
pengurusan Perseroan untuk tujuan dan kepentingan authority of managing the Company for the purposes
Perseroan termasuk mewakili Perseroan baik di and interests of the Company, including representing
dalam maupun di luar pengadilan. the Company both inside and outside the court.
1. Prinsip dasar pelaksanaan tugas dan kewajiban 1. The basic principles of carrying out the duties
Direksi Perseroan sebagai berikut: and obligations of the Company’s Directors are
as follows:
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a. Ber tanggung jawab penuh dalam a. Fully responsible for carrying out their duties
melaksanakan tugasnya untuk kepentingan for the interests and efforts of the Company
dan usaha Perseroan dalam mencapai in achieving its goals and objectives;
maksud dan tujuannya;
b. Memimpin dan mengurus Perseroan sesuai b. To lead and manage the Company in
dengan maksud dan tujuan Perseroan dan accordance with the aims and objectives
senantiasa berusaha meningkatkan efisiensi of the Company and to always strive to
dan efektivitas Perseroan; improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
the Company;
c. Menguasai, memelihara, dan mengurus c. Control, maintain, and manage wealth
kekayaan Perseroan; Company;
d. Dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan/ d. In every decision/action, business risks must
tindakan, harus mempertimbangkan risiko be considered.
2. Dalam melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban 2. In carrying out these duties and obligations, the
tersebut, Direksi Perseroan wajib memperhatikan Company’s Directors must pay attention to the
kebijakan umum yang diatur dalam pedoman general policies stipulated in the Company’s
kerja (board manual) Perseroan sebagai berikut: work guidelines (board manual) as follows:
a. Dengan itikad baik dan penuh tanggung a. In good faith and full responsibility for
jawab menjalankan tugas untuk kepentingan carrying out tasks for the benefit of the
Perseroan; Company;
b. Tunduk pada ketentuan peraturan b. Subject to the provisions of the applicable
perundang-undangan yang berlaku, laws and regulations, the Articles of
Anggaran Dasar dan keputusan RUPS serta Association and RUPS decisions and ensure
memastikan seluruh aktivitas Perseroan that all of the Company’s activities are
telah sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan in accordance with the provisions of the
perundang-undangan yang berlaku, prevailing laws and regulations, the Articles
Anggaran Dasar dan keputusan RUPS; of Association and RUPS decisions;
c. Menerapkan Good Corporate Governance c. Implement Good Corporate Governance
secara konsisten; consistently;
d. Mematuhi peraturan internal Perseroan; d. Comply with the Company’s internal
e. Melaksanakan pengurusan Perseroan untuk e. Carry out the management of the Company
kepentingan dan tujuan Perseroan; for the interests and objectives of the
f. Menetapkan susunan organisasi Perseroan f. Determine the Company’s organizational
lengkap dengan pelaksanaan tugasnya; structure complete with the implementation
of their duties;
g. Ber tindak selaku pimpinan dalam g. Acting as the leader in the management of
pengurusan Perseroan; the Company;
h. Memelihara dan mengurus kekayaan h. Maintain and manage the Company’s
Perseroan; assets;
i. Ber tanggung jawab penuh dalam i. Fully responsible in carrying out its duties for
melaksanakan tugasnya untuk kepentingan the benefit of the Company in achieving its
Perseroan dalam mencapai maksud dan goals and objectives;
j. Mewakili Perseroan baik di dalam maupun j. Representing the Company both inside and
di luar pengadilan; outside the court;
k. Memperhatikan masukan-masukan yang k. Noting input provided by the Board of
diberikan oleh Dewan Komisaris; Commissioners;
l. Melakukan segala tindakan dan perbuatan, l. Performing all actions and actions, both
baik mengenai pengurusan maupun regarding the management and ownership
pemilikan kekayaan Perseroan serta of the Company’s assets and binding the
mengikat Perseroan dengan pihak lain Company with other parties with certain
dengan pembatasan tertentu; restrictions;
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m. Wajib menyelenggarakan dan menyimpan m. Must hold and keep a Special Register
Daftar Khusus yang memuat keterangan that contains information about the share
mengenai kepemilikan saham Direktur ownership of Directors and Commissioners
dan Komisaris beserta keluarganya dalam and their families in the Company and/or
Perusahaan dan/atau pada perusahaan lain other companies and the date the shares
serta tanggal saham itu diperoleh; were acquired;
n. Ber tanggung jawab penuh secara n. Fully responsible personally for the loss
pribadi atas kerugian Perseroran apabila of the Company if the person concerned
yang bersangkutan bersalah atau lalai is guilty or negligent in carrying out his
menjalankan tugasnya untuk kepentingan duties for the interests and business of the
dan usaha Perseroan. Company.
3. Tugas Terkait Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham 3. Duties Regarding General Meeting of
a. Direksi wajib menyelenggarakan dan Shareholders
menyimpan Daftar Pemegang Saham dan a. The Board of Directors is required to
dokumen-dokumen terkait dengan RUPS hold and keep a Register of Shareholders
sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang- and documents related to the GMS in
undangan. accordance with statutory provisions.
b. Memberikan informasi material secara b. Providing material information in an
accurate, reliable, timely, consistent, dan accurate, reliable, timely, consistent, and
useful yang memungkinkan bagi pemegang useful manner that allows shareholders to
saham untuk membuat keputusan. make decisions.
c. Menyediakan bahan RUPS dan disampaikan c. Providing GMS material and submitting it
kepada pemegang saham Perseroan. to the Company’s shareholders.
d. Memberikan laporan berkala kepada d. Provide periodic reports to shareholders
pemegang saham menurut cara dan waktu according to the method and time in
sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. accordance with applicable regulations.
e. Memberikan pertanggungjawaban dan e. Provide accountability and all information
segala keterangan tentang keadaan dan regarding the condition and course of the
jalannya Perseroan, terutama laporan Company, especially financial statements
keuangan baik dalam bentuk laporan both in the form of annual reports and in
tahunan maupun dalam bentuk laporan the form of other periodic reports in the
berkala lainnya menurut cara dan waktu manner and time specified in the Articles
yang ditentukan dalam Anggaran Dasar. of Association.
f. Menandatangani Laporan Tahunan, f. Signing the Annual Report, in the event that
dalam hal terdapat Direktur yang tidak a Director does not sign the Annual Report,
menandatangani Laporan Tahunan, maka the person concerned must state the reason
yang bersangkutan harus menyebutkan in a separate letter attached to the Annual
alasannya dalam surat tersendiri yang Report. In the event that there is a Director
dilekatkan dalam Laporan Tahunan. who does not sign the Annual Report and
Dalam hal terdapat Direktur yang tidak does not give reasons in writing, the relevant
menandatangani Laporan Tahunan dan tidak party shall be deemed to approve the
memberikan alasan secara tertulis, maka contents of the annual report.
yang bersangkutan dianggap menyetujui isi
laporan tahunan tersebut.
g. Memanggil dan menyelenggarakan RUPS g. Summon and hold an Annual GMS and/or
Tahunan dan/atau RUPS Luar Biasa. Extraordinary GMS.
h. Membuat dan memelihara Risalah RUPS. h. Make and maintain GMS Minutes.
4. Tugas terkait dengan Anak Perusahaan 4. Duties related to Subsidiaries Establish
Menetapkan Prosedur Pengangkatan anggota Procedure for Appointment of Subsidiaries’
Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Anak Perusahaan, Directors and Board of Commissioners
sebagai berikut: members, as follows:
a. Direksi membentuk Tim Evaluasi calon a. The Board of Directors forms an Evaluation
Anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Anak Team for prospective members of the
Perusahaan yang diketuai oleh Direktur SDM Board of Directors and the Board of
322 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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persetujuan limit risiko secara keseluruhan, and approval of overall risk limits, per type
per jenis risiko dan per aktivitas fungsional of risk and per functional activity (business
(kegiatan usaha) Perseroan. activity) of the Company.
b. Mengembangkan budaya manajemen risiko b. Develop a risk management culture at all
pada seluruh jenjang organisasi, antara levels of the organization, including among
lain meliputi komunikasi yang memadai others adequate communication to all levels
kepada seluruh jenjang organisasi tentang of the organization about the importance of
pentingnya pengendalian intern yang efektif. effective internal control.
c. Bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan c. Responsible for the implementation of risk
kebijakan manajemen risiko dan paparan management policies and risk exposure
risiko yang diambil oleh Perseroan secara taken by the Company as a whole, including
keseluruhan, termasuk mengevaluasi dan evaluating and providing direction for risk
memberikan arahan strategi manajemen management strategies based on reports
risiko berdasarkan laporan yang disampaikan submitted by appointed Risk Management
oleh pejabat Risk Management yang ditunjuk. officials.
d. Mengevaluasi dan memutuskan transaksi d. Evaluate and decide on transactions that
yang melampaui kewenangan pejabat satu go beyond the authority of officials one level
level di bawah Direksi atau transaksi yang below the Board of Directors or transactions
memerlukan persetujuan sesuai dengan that require approval in accordance with
kebijakan dan prosedur intern yang berlaku. applicable internal policies and procedures.
e. Memastikan peningkatan kompetensi e. Ensuring an increase in human resource
sumber daya manusia yang terkait dengan competencies related to the application
penerapan manajemen risiko, antara lain of risk management, among others by
dengan cara program pendidikan dan means of continuous education and training
latihan secara berkesinambungan terutama programs especially those related to risk
yang berkaitan dengan sistem dan proses management systems and processes.
manajemen risiko.
f. Memastikan bahwa fungsi manajemen f. Ensuring that the risk management function
risiko telah diterapkan secara independen has been implemented independently which
yang dicerminkan antara lain adanya is reflected among others the relationship
hubungan antara unit Manajemen Risiko between the Risk Management unit that
yang melakukan identifikasi, pengukuran, carries out identification, measurement,
pemantauan dan pengendalian risiko monitoring and risk control with the
dengan Satuan Kerja yang melakukan dan Work Unit that carries out and completes
menyelesaikan transaksi. transactions.
g. Melaksanakan kaji ulang secara berkala g. Carry out periodic reviews with frequency in
dengan frekuensi sesuai dengan kebutuhan accordance with the needs of the Company
Perseroan untuk memastikan: to ensure:
• Keakuratan metodologi manajemen • The accuracy of the risk management
risiko; methodology;
• Kecukupan implementasi sistem • Adequacy of risk management
informasi manajemen risiko; information system implementation;
• Ketepatan kebijakan, prosedur dan • Accuracy of policies, procedures and
penetapan limit risiko. determination of risk limits.
7. Terkait dengan Pemberantasan Korupsi 7. Related to Corruption Eradication
Direksi dilarang untuk memberikan atau Directors are prohibited from giving or offering
menawarkan atau menerima baik langsung or accepting directly or indirectly anything of
ataupun tidak langsung sesuatu yang berharga value to government officials and other parties
kepada pejabat pemerintah dan pihak-pihak that influence or as a reward for what they
lain yang mempengaruhi atau sebagai imbalan have done and other actions in accordance with
atas apa yang telah dilakukannya dan tindakan applicable laws and regulations.
lainnya sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan
yang berlaku.
8. Terkait dengan Sistem Pengendalian Internal 8. Related to the Internal Control System
324 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Sistem Pengendalian Internal harus dapat Internal Control Systems must be able to utilize
mendayagunakan informasi-informasi yang information that includes:
a. Laporan manajemen; a. Management report;
b. Laporan auditor internal; b. Internal auditor’s report;
c. Opini dan laporan auditor eksternal; c. Opinions and reports of external auditors;
d. Laporan dan pendapat aktuaris mengenai d. Actuary reports and opinions regarding risk
tingkat risiko dan premi; and premium levels;
e. Hal-hal lain yang dianggap perlu. e. Other matters deemed necessary.
9. Terkait dengan Keterbukaan dan Kerahasiaan 9. Relating to Information Openness and
Informasi Confidentiality
a. Direksi wajib mengungkapkan informasi a. The Board of Directors must disclose
penting dalam Laporan Tahunan dan important information in the Annual Report
Laporan Keuangan kepada pihak lain sesuai and Financial Statements to other parties
peraturan perundang-undangan yang in accordance with applicable laws and
berlaku. regulations.
b. Informasi yang disampaikan berupa: b. Information submitted in the form of:
• Informasi/data non publik yaitu • Non-public information/data, namely
informasi/data yang diberikan atau information/data provided or submitted
disampaikan untuk keperluan intern for internal corporate needs, both
Perseroan baik yang bersifat reguler regular and incidental;
maupun insidental;
• Informasi/data publik yaitu informasi/ • Public information/data, namely
data yang diberikan atau disampaikan information/data provided or submitted
sebagai laporan kepada Pemegang as a report to Shareholders in order to
Saham dalam rangka memenuhi fulfill routine obligations and incidental
kewajiban rutin maupun keterbukaan information disclosure.
informasi yang bersifat insidental.
c. Direksi harus mengungkapkan pelaksanaan c. The Board of Directors must disclose
prinsip good corporate governance yang the implementation of good corporate
telah dilaksanakan dalam Laporan Tahunan. governance principles that have been
implemented in the Annual Report.
d. Informasi rahasia yang diperoleh sewaktu d. Confidential information obtained while
menjabat sebagai Direksi Perseroan, serving as the Company’s Board of Directors,
termasuk rahasia Perseroan harus tetap including the Company’s secrets, must be
dijaga sesuai dengan peraturan perundang- kept in accordance with the applicable laws
undangan yang berlaku. and regulations.
e. Dalam hal menjaga kerahasiaan informasi e. In terms of maintaining the confidentiality
Perseroan, Direksi dituntut untuk of Company information, the Directors
mengutamakan kepentingan Perseroan are required to prioritize the interests of
daripada kepentingan individu atau the Company rather than the interests of
kelompok. individuals or groups.
10. Terkait dengan Hubungan dengan Para 10. Related to Relationships with Stakeholders
Pemangku Kepentingan
a. Memastikan terjaminnya hak-hak para a. Ensuring the rights of stakeholders arising
pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) yang based on applicable laws and regulations
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13. Terkait dengan Tugas dan Kewajiban Lain 13. Related to Other Duties and Obligations
Menjalankan kewajiban-kewajiban lainnya sesuai Performing other obligations in accordance
dengan ketentuan-ketentuan yang diatur dalam with the provisions stipulated in the Articles of
Anggaran Dasar dan yang ditetapkan oleh RUPS Association and those determined by the GMS
berdasarkan peraturan perundang- undangan based on the applicable laws and regulations.
yang berlaku.
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Di tahun 2020 dilakukan Program Pengenalan In 2020, a Company Introduction Program was
Perseroan terhadap Direktur Utama dan Direktur carried out for the President Director and Director
SDM & Umum yang baru diangkat pada RUPS of Human Resources & General Affairs who were
Tahunan 8 Juli 2020. Program Pengenalan dilakukan newly appointed at the Annual GMS on July 8, 2020.
Program Pengenalan dilakukan sesuai dengan Tabel The Introduction Program was carried out according
di bawah ini: to the table below:
328 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Tentang kegiatan peningkatan kompetensi yang Concerning the competency improvement activities
diikuti Direksi di sepanjang tahun 2020 dapat dilihat participated by the Directors throughout 2020, can
pada bab Profil Perusahaan dalam laporan tahunan be seen in the Company Profile chapter in this annual
ini. report.
Laporan Singkat Pelaksanaan Tugas dan Brief Report on the Implementation of Duties
Tanggung Jawab Direksi Tahun 2020 and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
for 2020
Selama tahun 2020 Direksi telah mengeluarkan During 2020 the Board of Directors has issued
berbagai keputusan baik di bidang operasional, various decisions in the fields of operations, finance,
keuangan, maupun beberapa penunjang usaha and several businesses support through policy
melalui perangkat kebijakan berupa Keputusan instruments in the form of Board of Directors
Direksi, Peraturan Direksi, Surat Edaran, dan ‘Decrees, Directors Regulations, Circular Letters,
Instruksi Direksi. and Board of Directors Instruction
Surat Edaran
Circular letter
12-Feb-20 001/EN/EDR/000D.024H/2020
16-Mar-20 002/EN/EDR/000D.024H/2020
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 329
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Surat Edaran
Circular letter
19-Mar-20 003/EN/EDR/000D.024H/2020
31-Mar-20 004/EN/EDR/000D.024H/2020
ELNUSA GROUP (until APRIL 19, 2020)
18-Apr-20 005/EN/EDR/000D.024H/2020
23-Apr-20 006/EN/EDR/000D.024H/2020
TAHUN 2020
24-Apr-20 007/EN/EDR/005D.024H/2020
11-May-20 008/EN/EDR/000D.024H/2020
GROUP - MAY 22, 2020
IN 2020
21-May-20 010/EN/EDR/000D.024H/2020
330 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Surat Edaran
Circular letter
05-Jun-20 012/EN/EDR/000D.024H/2020
05-Jun-20 013/EN/EDR/000D.024H/2020
15-Jul-20 014/EN/EDR/000D.024H/2020
TAHUN 2019, NOMOR 213 TAHUN 2019, NOMOR 01 TAHUN 2019
14-Aug-20 018/EN/EDR/005D.024H/2020 2020
NUMBER 728 OF 2019, NUMBER 213 OF 2019, NUMBER 01 YEAR
14-Sep-20 019/EN/EDR/000D.024H/2020
17-Sep-20 020/EN/EDR/000D.024H/2020 ELNUSA TBK & GROUP
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Surat Edaran
Circular letter
TAHUN 2019, NOMOR 213 TAHUN 2019, NOMOR 01 TAHUN 2019
21-Oct-20 023/EN/EDR/005D.024H/2020 2020
NUMBER 728 OF 2019, NUMBER 213 OF 2019, NUMBER 01 YEAR
30-Nov-20 024/EN/EDR/005D.024H/2020
10-Dec-20 026/EN/EDR/005D.024H/2020
TAHUN 2020
11-Dec-20 027/EN/EDR/000D.024H/2020
SK Penyesuaian UMP Tahun 2020
09-Jan-20 001/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Decree of 2020 UMP Adjustment
SK Tim Penyusun Dokumen Aplikasi Quality Management
Assessment (QMA) Berbasis Kritaeria Kinerja Ekselen Pertamina
30-Jan-20 002/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Decree of Document Drafting Team of Quality Management
Assessment (QMA) Application Based on Pertamina’s Excellent
Performance Criteria (KKEP)
SK Tim Penerbitan Obligasi dan atau Sukuk PT Elnusa Tbk
03-Feb-20 003/EN/KPTS/000D/2020
Decree of Bond and or Sukuk Issuance Team of PT Elnusa Tbk
SK Penunjukan Tim Pendamping Proses Monitoring dan Penagihan
Piutang PT PND kepada PT Rizki Wijoyo Mulyo
10-Feb-20 004/EN/KPTS/000D/2020 Decree of the Appointment of the Assistance Team for the Monitoring
and Collection Process of PT PND’s Receivables to PT Rizki Wijoyo
332 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Informasi tentang Komite di Bawah Direksi Information about Committees Under the
Hingga akhir tahun 2020, Perseroan tidak memiliki Until the end of 2020, the Company does not have a
komite yang berada di bawah Direksi. Dengan committee under the Board of Directors. Therefore,
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demikian, tidak terdapat informasi terkait kinerja there is no information related to the performance
dan penilaian komite di bawah Direksi. Namun, and evaluation of committees under the Board of
pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Direksi Directors. However, the implementation of the duties
di dukung oleh Sekretaris Perusahaan, serta Unit and responsibilities of the Directors is supported
Audit Internal dan organ fungsional lainnya yang by the Corporate Secretary, as well as the Internal
dipimpin oleh Vice President/Senior Manager. Audit Unit and other functional organs led by the Vice
Penilaian kinerja terkait organ pendukung dan organ President/Senior Manager. Performance appraisal
fungsional lainnya yang berada di Bawah Direksi, related to supporting organs and other functional
melekat pada hasil penilaian KPI Perseroan atau organs that are under the Board of Directors, is
KPI masing-masing organ pendukung dan organ attached to the results of the assessment of the
fungsional lainnya. Company’s KPI or KPI of each supporting organ and
other functional organs.
Penilaian Kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Performance Evaluation of the Board of
Commissioners and Directors
Sebagai organ utama dalam Perusahaan, Dewan As the main organ in the Company, the Board of
Komisaris dan Direksi memiliki peran sentral dalam Commissioners and Directors have a central role
gerak pertumbuhan Perusahaan. Penilaian kinerja in the growth of the Company. The performance
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dilakukan dengan evaluation of the Board of Commissioners and
menerapkan Key Performance Indicator (KPI) yang Directors is carried out by applying the Key
disesuaikan dengan bisnis yang dijalankan oleh Performance Indicator (KPI) concepts that
Perusahaan. Penilaian kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan are tailored to the business of the Company.
Direksi dilakukan secara rutin setiap tahun sebagai The performance evaluation of the Board of
evaluasi atas pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris Commissioners and Directors is carried out regularly
dan Direksi. Pengukuran keberhasilan kinerja Dewan every year as an evaluation of the implementation
Komisaris dan Direksi merupakan hasil kerja kolegial of the duties of the Board of Commissioners and
dari masing-masing kedua organ utama Perusahaan Directors. The measurement of the success of the
tersebut. performance of the Board of Commissioners and
Directors is the collegial work of each of the two
main organs of the Company.
334 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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mandiri setiap tahunnya berdasarkan atas tingkat independent mechanism each year based on the
pencapaian Perseroan dibandingkan dengan target level of achievement of the Company compared to
(Key Performance Indicator) yang telah disepakati. the agreed targets (Key Performance Indicator). This
Hal ini sebagaimana tertuang dalam Board Manual is as stated in the Board Manual (Work Guidelines).
(Pedoman Kerja).
The performance evaluation of the Board of
Penilaian kinerja Dewan Komisaris dilakukan secara Commissioners is carried out regularly every year
rutin setiap tahun sebagai evaluasi atas pelaksanaan as an evaluation of the implementation of the
tugas Dewan Komisaris. Selain berdasarkan Board of Commissioners’ duties. In addition to being
Laporan Tugas Pengawasan, penilaian atau evaluasi based on the Supervisory Report, the assessment
atas kinerja Dewan Komisaris juga dilaksanakan or evaluation of the performance of the Board of
berdasarkan realisasi Key Performance Indicators Commissioners is also carried out based on the
(KPI), yang merupakan pengukuran keberhasilan realization of Key Performance Indicators (KPI),
kinerja Dewan Komisaris atas hasil kerja kolegial which is a measure of the success of the Board of
dari seluruh Dewan Komisaris. Commissioners’ performance on the collegial work
of all the Board of Commissioners.
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Untuk tingkat kehadiran rata-rata sebesar For an average attendance rate of 95%, it
95% diyakini anggota Dewan Komisaris telah is believed that members of the Board of
memberikan waktu yang lebih dari memadai Commissioners have given more than adequate
untuk menyelenggarakan rapat dan mendapatkan time to hold meetings and obtain the best
suatu putusan yang komprehensif terbaik buat comprehensive decisions for the company
perusahaan serta memenuhi ketentuan dan aturan and fulfill the rules and regulations in making
yang berlaku dalam pengambilan keputusan. decisions.
Evaluasi kinerja Dewan Komisaris ini juga disampaikan An evaluation of the performance of the Board
secara umum sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban of Commissioners is also presented in general as
pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab pada saat a form of accountability for carrying out its duties
RUPS Tahunan dan laporan tahunan Perseroan. and responsibilities during the Annual GMS and the
Company’s annual report.
336 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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mekanisme mandiri setiap tahunnya berdasarkan independent mechanisms each year based on the
atas tingkat pencapaian Perseroan dibandingkan level of achievement of the Company compared to
dengan target (Key Performance Indicators) yang the agreed targets (Key Performance Indicators).
disepakati. Evaluasi kinerja Direksi juga dilakukan Evaluation of the performance of the Board of
dengan mempertimbangkan tugas dan tanggung Directors is also carried out by considering the
jawab Direksi sesuai dengan peraturan perundang- duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors
undangan dan/atau Anggaran Dasar Perseroan. in accordance with the laws and regulations or the
Company’s Articles of Association.
Hasil evaluasi kinerja Direksi untuk tahun buku The results of the Directors’ performance evaluation
2020 mencapai 100%. Hal tersebut disampaikan for the 2020 fiscal year reached 100%. This was
kepada Dewan Komisaris yang sekaligus menjadi conveyed to the Board of Commissioners which
bahan pertimbangan dalam memberikan arahan is also a matter of consideration in providing
untuk meningkatkan efektivitas kinerja Direksi dan direction to improve the effectiveness of the Board
merupakan salah satu dasar pertimbangan bagi of Directors ‘performance and is one of the basic
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi memberikan considerations for the Nomination and Remuneration
rekomendasi kepada Dewan Komisaris untuk Committee to provide recommendations to the
mengangkat kembali anggota Direksi dan untuk Board of Commissioners to reappoint members of
menyusun struktur remunerasi Direksi. the Board of Directors and to arrange the Directors’
remuneration structure.
Selain itu, penilaian kinerja Direksi disampaikan In addition, an assessment of the performance of
secara umum sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban the Board of Directors is presented in general as
pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab pada saat a form of accountability for carrying out its duties
RUPS Tahunan dan laporan tahunan Perseroan. and responsibilities during the Annual GMS and the
Company’s annual report.
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Corporate Governance
Assessment Penerapan GCG untuk Aspek Assessment of GCG Implementation for the
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Board of Commissioners and Directors Aspects
Hasil Assessment Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi The Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors
sesuai Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor Assessment Results in accordance with the Financial
32/SEOJK.04/2015 tanggal 17 November 2015 Services Authority Circular Letter Number 32/
tentang Pedoman Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka SEOJK.04/2015 dated November 17, 2015 concerning
dan berdasarkan ASEAN CG Scorecard dapat dilihat Guidelines for Open Corporate Governance and
dalam Section Tata Kelola Perusahaan bagian based on the ASEAN CG Scorecard can be seen in
Evaluasi Implementasi Tata Kelola Perusahaan. the Corporate Governance Section Evaluation of
Corporate Governance Implementation section.
Undang-Undang Nomor 40 tahun 2007 tentang Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability
Perseroan Terbatas (UUPT) menyatakan bahwa Companies (UUPT) states that the amount of
besarnya remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan remuneration for the Board of Commissioners
Direksi ditetapkan oleh RUPS, namun RUPS dapat and the Board of Directors is determined by the
memberikan kewenangan kepada Dewan Komisaris GMS, however the GMS can authorize the Board
untuk menetapkan remunerasi Direksi dan Dewan of Commissioners to determine the remuneration
Komisaris. for the Board of Directors and the Board of
Dewan Komisaris melalui perangkat komitenya yakni The Board of Commissioners through its committees
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi secara berkala namely the Nomination and Remuneration
mengevaluasi kebijakan, besaran dan struktur Committee periodically evaluates the policies, the
remunerasi. Prosedur remunerasi dilaksanakan magnitude and structure of the remuneration.
sesuai dengan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Remuneration procedures are carried out in
accordance with applicable laws.
1 2 3 4 5
Keputusan RUPS Surat Keputusan Surat Keputusan oleh
Pengkajian usulan Surat dewan Komisaris terkait pendelegasian oleh Pemegang Dewan Komisaris
besaran penghasilan kepada Pemegang wewenang kepada Saham Utama atas kepada Direksi perihal
Dewan Komisaris Saham Utama perihal Dewan Komisaris Remunerasi Dewan Remunerasi Dewan
dan Direksi oleh Usulan Remunerasi dengan terlebih dahulu Komisaris dan Direksi Komisaris dan Direksi
Komite Nominasi dan Dewan Komisaris dan mendapat persetujuan
Remunerasi Direksi Pemegang Saham Decree by the Major Decree by the Board
Utama Shareholders on of Commissioners
Review the proposed Letter from the Board the Remuneration to the Board of
amount of income of Commissioners to The GMS decision of the Board of Directors regarding
for the Board of the Main Shareholders related to the Commissioners and the Remuneration
Commissioners regarding the delegation of authority Directors of the Board of
and Directors by remuneration proposal to the Board of Commissioners and
the Nomination for the Board of Commissioners with Directors
and Remuneration Commissioners and prior approval from
Committee Directors the Main Shareholder
338 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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terdiri atas gaji/honorarium, tunjangan, fasilitas dan Commissioners and Directors consists of salary/
tantiem. honorarium, benefits, facilities and bonuses.
Struktur remunerasi dan komponennya bagi Dewan The remuneration structure and its components for
Komisaris dan Direksi dapat disampaikan sebagai the Board of Commissioners and Directors can be
berikut: delivered as follows:
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 339
Corporate Governance
The structure and components of remuneration received The structure and components of remuneration received
by the Board of Commissioners do not include non- by the Directors do not include non-performance bonuses,
performance bonuses, and/or share options for each and/or share options for each member of the Board of
member of the Board of Commissioners. Directors.
Kebijakan Dasar Terkait Indikator dan Basic Policies Regarding Indicators and
Penetapan Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Determination of Remuneration for the Board
Direksi of Commissioners and Directors
Penetapan penghasilan berupa gaji/honorarium, Determination of income in the form of salary/
tunjangan dan fasilitas yang bersifat tetap dilakukan honorarium, allowances and facilities that are
dengan mempertimbangkan faktor pendapatan, permanent is carried out by considering the factors
kondisi dan kemampuan keuangan Perseroan serta of income, the condition and financial capability
tingkat inflasi dan faktor-faktor lain yang relevan of the Company as well as the inflation rate and
serta tidak bertentangan dengan peraturan other relevant factors that are not in conflict with
perundang-undangan. Sedangkan tunjangan dan the legislation. Whereas the variable allowances
tantiem yang bersifat variabel dilakukan dengan and bonuses are carried out by taking into account
mempertimbangkan faktor realisasi pencapaian the realization of the Company’s performance
kinerja Perseroan, tingkat kesehatan, kondisi dan achievements, the level of health, the condition and
kemampuan keuangan Perseroan serta faktor- financial capability of the Company as well as other
faktor lainnya. factors.
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Bonus Non Kinerja dan Opsi Saham Dewan Non-Performance Bonuses and Stock Options of the
Komisaris dan Direksi Board of Commissioners and Directors
Struktur dan komponen remunerasi yang diterima The structure and components of remuneration
oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi tidak terdapat received by the Board of Commissioners and
pemberian bonus non kinerja, dan/atau opsi saham Directors do not include non-performance bonuses,
bagi setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. and/or share options for each member of the Board
of Commissioners and Directors.
Sesuai Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, rapat Dewan In accordance with the Articles of Association of the
Komisaris diadakan sekurang-kurangnya sekali Company, a meeting of the Board of Commissioners
setiap 2 (dua) bulan. Pemanggilan rapat dilakukan is held at least once every 2 (two) months. Summons
oleh Komisaris Utama dan disampaikan paling to meetings are made by the President Commissioner
lambat 5 (lima) hari sebelum rapat diadakan, dengan and submitted no later than 5 (five) days before the
tidak memperhitungkan tanggal pemanggilan meeting is held, excluding the date of the invitation
dan tanggal rapat, atau dalam waktu yang lebih and the date of the meeting, or in a shorter time if
singkat jika dalam keadaan mendesak. Rapat it is in an urgent situation. Meetings of the Board of
Dewan Komisaris adalah sah dan berhak mengambil Commissioners are valid and have the right to make
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keputusan yang mengikat apabila dihadiri atau binding decisions if they are attended or represented
diwakili oleh lebih dari ½ (satu per dua) dari jumlah by more than ½ (one half) of the total members of
anggota Dewan Komisaris. the Board of Commissioners.
Bahan rapat disampaikan kepada peserta Meeting materials are submitted to meeting
rapat paling lambat 5 (lima) hari sebelum rapat participants no later than 5 (five) days before the
diselenggarakan. Jika rapat yang diselenggarakan meeting is held. If the meeting is held outside of the
di luar jadwal yang telah disusun, bahan rapat predetermined schedule, the meeting materials are
disampaikan kepada peserta rapat paling lambat submitted to the meeting participants no later than
sebelum rapat diselenggarakan. before the meeting is held.
Rapat Internal Dewan Komisaris dipimpin oleh The Internal Meeting of the Board of Commissioners
Komisaris Utama, dalam hal Komisaris Utama is chaired by the President Commissioner, in the
tidak dapat hadir atau berhalangan, rapat Dewan event that the President Commissioner is unable
Komisaris dipimpin oleh seorang anggota Dewan to attend or is unable to attend, the meeting
Komisaris lainnya yang ditunjuk oleh Komisaris of the Board of Commissioners is chaired by
Utama. Dalam hal Komisaris Utama tidak melakukan another member of the Board of Commissioners
penunjukan, maka anggota Dewan Komisaris yang appointed by the President Commissioner. In the
paling lama menjabat sebagai anggota Dewan event that the President Commissioner does not
Komisaris bertindak sebagai pimpinan Rapat Dewan make an appointment, the member of the Board of
Komisaris. Dalam hal anggota Dewan Komisaris Commissioners who has served as member of the
yang paling lama menjabat lebih dari satu orang, Board of Commissioners for the longest time will act
maka yang memimpin rapat adalah anggota Dewan as chairman of the Board of Commissioners Meeting.
Komisaris yang tertua dalam usia. In the event that the longest serving member of the
Board of Commissioners is more than one person,
the chairperson of the meeting is the oldest member
of the Board of Commissioners.
Pada tahun 2020, Rapat Internal Dewan Komisaris In 2020, the 2020 Internal Board of Commissioners
2020 dipimpin oleh Komisaris Utama. Rapat Dewan Meeting will be chaired by the President Commissioner.
Komisaris 2020 telah diagendakan sebelum tahun The 2020 Board of Commissioners Meeting has been
berjalan yang dituangkan di dalam program kerja scheduled before the current year as outlined in the
Dewan Komisaris tahun 2020, di mana Rapat 2020 Board of Commissioners work program, where
Internal Dewan Komisaris dilaksanakan 1 (satu) kali the Board of Commissioners’ Internal Meeting is held
dalam sebulan yang dihadiri oleh seluruh anggota 1 (once) a month which is attended by all members of
Dewan Komisaris. Selama tahun 2020, Rapat the Board of Commissioners. During 2020, the Board
Internal Dewan Komisaris telah dilakukan sebanyak of Commissioners’ Internal Meetings was held 17
17 (tujuh belas) kali yang dihadiri oleh anggota (seventeen) times which were attended by members
Dewan Komisaris dan pihak lain sesuai kebutuhan of the Board of Commissioners and other parties
rapat. according to the needs of the meeting.
342 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Jumlah Persentase
Nama Jabatan
Kehadiran Kehadiran
Name Position Number of Attendance
Attendance Percentage
Agus Prabowo Utama
V V V V V V V V 8 8 100%
1) President
Narendra Utama
V V V V V V V V 9 9 100%
Widjajanto 2) President
Lusiaga Levi Independen
V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 17 17 100%
Susila Independent
Anis Baridwan V X V V V X V V V V V V V V V V V 17 16 94%
Antonius Komisaris
V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 17 17 100%
Ratdomopurbo Commissioner
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 343
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Agenda Rapat Dewan Komisaris Tahun 2020 Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda for 2020
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Corporate Governance
Materi rapat disiapkan oleh Sekretaris Perusahaan Meeting materials are prepared by the Corporate
dan disampaikan paling lambat lima hari sebelum Secretary and submitted no later than five days
rapat diselenggarakan. Materi rapat disampaikan before the meeting is held. Material for the meeting
bersamaan dengan penyampaian undangan rapat. will be conveyed together with the meeting invitation.
Semua keputusan dalam rapat Direksi diambil All decisions in the Directors’ meeting are taken by
dengan musyawarah untuk mufakat. Apabila tidak deliberation to reach consensus. If no consensus is
tercapai musyawarah mufakat, maka keputusan reached, then a decision is made by voting based on
diambil dengan pemutuan suara berdasarkan suara agreed votes of at least ½ (one-half) of the total
setuju paling sedikit ½ (satu per dua) dari jumlah votes cast at the meeting.
suara yang dikeluarkan dalam rapat.
Di sepanjang tahun 2020, Direksi melaksanakan Throughout 2020, the Board of Directors held
rapat sebanyak 68 kali. Berikut disampaikan agenda meetings 68. Following is the agenda and minutes of
dan risalah rapat, kehadiran, serta rekapitulasi meetings, attendance, and recapitulation of the level
tingkat kehadiran Direksi dalam rapat-rapat of attendance of the Directors at these meetings.
346 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Corporate Governance
• Rencana Investasi
19 Maret 2020 • Progress Project
Online (Daring)
March 19, 2020 • Investment Planning
• Progress Project
• Rencana Investasi
• Mekanisme Persetujuan Dokumen Internal pada Masa Penanganan
26 Maret 2020
Online (Daring) Covid-19 (WFH)
March 26, 2020
• Investment Planning
• Internal Document Approval Mechanism during the Covid-19 Handling Period (WFH)
348 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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• Persetujuan Investasi
22 Mei 2020 • Pembahasan RKAP 2020
Online (Daring)
May 22, 2020 • Investment Approval
• 2020 RKAP Discussion
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Corporate Governance
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Corporate Governance
• Proposal Investasi
15 Desember 2020 • Proposal Persetujuan project Business Development
Online (Daring)
December 15, 2020 • Investment proposal
• Proposal of Business Development project approval
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Rekapitulasi kehadiran Direksi pada Rapat Direksi The recapitulation of attendance of the Board of
dapat dilihat di bawah ini: Directors at the Board of Directors Meeting can be
seen below:
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Corporate Governance
Rapat Dewan Komisaris 2020 telah diagendakan The 2020 Board of Commissioners Meeting was
sebelum tahun berjalan yang dituangkan di dalam scheduled before the current year as outlined in the
program kerja Dewan Komisaris tahun 2020, di 2020 Board of Commissioners work program, where
mana Rapat Dewan Komisaris yang mengundang the Board of Commissioners Meeting inviting the
Direksi akan dilaksanakan 1 (satu) kali dalam Board of Directors will be held 1 (once) a month.
sebulan. Pada tahun 2020, Rapat Dewan Komisaris In 2020, Meetings of the Board of Commissioners
yang mengundang Direksi telah dilakukan sebanyak which invited the Board of Directors have been held
16 (enam belas) kali dengan rincian kehadiran dan 16 (sixteen) times with details of attendance and
agenda untuk masing-masing rapat di bawah ini: agenda for each meeting below:
356 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Kehadiran Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dalam Attendance of the Board of Commissioners and
Rapat Dewan Komisaris yang Mengundang Directors at the Board of Commissioners Meeting
Direksi di Tahun 2020 Inviting the Board of Directors in 2020
Jumlah Persentase
Nama Jabatan
Kehadiran Kehadiran
Name Position Number of Attendance
Attendance Percentage
Agus Prabowo Utama
- - - - - - - - V V V V V V V V 7 7 100%
1) President
Narendra Utama
V V V V V V V V - - - - - - - - 9 9 100%
Widjajanto 2) President
Lusiaga Levi Independen
V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 16 16 100%
Susila Independent
Anis Baridwan V - V V V - V V V V V V V V V V 16 14 88%
Antonius Komisaris
V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 16 16 100%
Ratdomopurbo Commissioner
Direktur Utama
Ali Mundakir 1) President - - - - - - - - - V V V V V V - 7 6 86%
Direktur Utama
Elizar P.
President V V V V V V V V V - - - - - - - 9 9 100%
Hasibuan 1)
Hery Setiawan V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 16 16 100%
Director of
Arief Riyanto V V V V V V - V V V V V V V - V 16 14 88%
Director of
Director of
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 357
Corporate Governance
Agenda Rapat Dewan Komisaris yang Agenda Rapat Dewan Komisaris yang Mengundang
Mengundang Direksi di Tahun 2020 Direksi di Tahun 2020
358 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan telah diatur In the Articles of Association of the Company,
ketentuan mengenai pelaksanaan Rapat Dewan provisions regarding the implementation of Board
Komisaris dan Rapat Direksi, yakni bahwa Rapat of Commissioners and Board of Directors Meetings,
Dewan Komisaris dilaksanakan minimal sekali setiap namely that Board of Commissioners Meetings are
2 (dua) bulan, Rapat Dewan Komisaris mengundang held at least once every 2 (two) months, Board of
Direksi dilaksanakan minimal sekali setiap 4 (empat) Commissioners Meetings invite Directors to be held
bulan, serta Rapat Direksi dilaksanakan minimal at least once every 4 (four) months, and Board of
sekali setiap 1 (satu) bulan. Directors Meetings are held at least once every 1
(one) month.
Untuk lebih meningkatkan koordinasi dan To further improve coordination and more effective
pengambilan keputusan yang lebih efektif, maka decision making, for 2021, according to the Work
untuk tahun 2021, sesuai Program Kerja Dewan Program of the Board of Commissioners, the
Komisaris, Rapat Internal Dewan Komisaris dan Internal Meeting of the Board of Commissioners and
Rapat Dewan Komisaris yang mengundang Direksi the Meeting of the Board of Commissioners which
akan dilaksanakan minimal sekali dalam 1 (satu) invites the Directors will be held at least once in 1
bulan. Penyelenggaraan rapat Dewan Komisaris (one) month. The Board of Commissioners meeting
tersebut direncanakan dilakukan setiap minggu is planned to be held every 3rd week in the current
ke-3 pada bulan berjalan dengan agenda rapat di month with the agenda of the meeting including
antaranya membahas tentang Laporan Bulanan discussing the Monthly Performance Report and
Kinerja dan tindak lanjut atas arahan dan/atau follow-up on directives and/or decisions of the
keputusan Dewan Komisaris dan/atau tindak Board of Commissioners and/or follow-up carried
lanjut yang dilaksanakan oleh Direksi serta hal-hal out by the Board of Directors as well as other
lain yang dianggap perlu sesuai tugas dan fungsi matters that deemed necessary according to the
pengawasan Dewan Komisaris. duties and functions of the Board of Commissioners’
Untuk Rapat Direksi di tahun 2021 direncanakan The 2021 Board of Directors Meeting is planned to
dilaksanakan sekali setiap minggu selama tahun be held once a week during the current fiscal year.
buku berjalan. Agenda rapat di antaranya membahas The agenda of the meeting included discussing
tentang laporan masing-masing Direktorat, the reports of each Directorate, determining
penetapan kebijakan strategis Perusahaan, kinerja the Company’s strategic policies, operational
operasional, strategi perusahaan serta hal-hal lain performance, corporate strategy and other matters
yang dianggap perlu sesuai tugas dan fungsi Direksi. deemed necessary according to the duties and
functions of the Directors.
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Corporate Governance
Sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dan In accordance with the Articles of Association of
Pedoman Kerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi (Board the Company and the Board of Commissioners and
Manual) setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Board of Directors’ Work Guidelines, each member of
Direksi dilarang untuk memiliki hubungan keluarga the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors
sedarah sampai dengan derajat ketiga, baik menurut is prohibited from having family relations up to the
garis lurus maupun garis ke samping atau hubungan third degree, either in a straight line or sideways or
semenda (menantu atau ipar) dengan Anggota in a marital relationship (child-in-law or in-laws) with
Dewan Komisaris dan/atau Direktur lainnya. Other members of the Board of Commissioners and/
or Board of Directors.
Setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang Every new member of the Board of Commissioners
baru menjabat juga diwajibkan untuk membuat and Board of Directors is also required to make
surat pernyataan terkait dengan pemenuhan a statement relating to the fulfillment of the
persyaratan yang wajib dipenuhi oleh setiap anggota requirements that must be fulfilled by each member
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, di mana di antaranya of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of
Directors, which among others is to state the status
of affiliation, and management relationships in other
360 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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adalah menyatakan status hubungan afiliasi, dan companies. This is to ensure there are no concurrent
hubungan kepengurusan di perusahaan lain. Hal ini positions that can lead to a conflict of interest
untuk memastikan tidak adanya rangkap jabatan directly or indirectly with the Company or that are
yang dapat menimbulkan benturan kepentingan in conflict with the provisions of the applicable
secara langsung atau tidak langsung dengan laws and regulations and the Company’s Articles
Perseroan atau yang bertentangan dengan of Association.
ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang
berlaku dan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan.
Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners
Agus Prabowo x x x x x v
Lusiaga Levi
x x x x x x
Anis Baridwan x x x x x x
x x x x x v
Board of Directors
Ali Mundakir x x x x x x
Hery Setiawan x x x x x x
Tenny Elfrida x x x x x x
Arief Riyanto x x x x x x
v = terdapat adanya hubungan/has affiliation | x = tidak terdapat adanya hubungan /has no affiliation
Berikut disampaikan transparansi rangkap jabatan Following are the transparency of concurrent
yang dimiliki Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan positions held by the Company’s Board of
pada perusahaan lain dalam periode tahun 2020: Commissioners and Directors in other companies
in the 2020 period:
Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners
Agus Prabowo v x v
Lusiaga Levi Susila x x x
Anis Baridwan v x v
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 361
Corporate Governance
Ali Mundakir x x x
Hery Setiawan v x x
Tenny Elfrida v x x
Arief Riyanto v x x
v = ada | x = tidak ada v : hold a position | x : does not hold a position
Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners
*) Entitas Anak Perseroan dan bukan Perusahaan Publik *) The Company Subsidiary and not the Public Company
362 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Kepemilikan saham anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Share ownership of members of the Board of
Direksi pada Perseroan dan perusahaan lainnya Commissioners and Board of Directors in the
senantiasa diungkapkan secara berkala melalui Company and other companies is regularly disclosed
daftar kepemilikan saham anggota Dewan Komisaris through the list of share ownership of the members of
dan Direksi. Setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris dan the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors.
Direksi wajib membuat pernyataan mengenai status Each member of the Board of Commissioners and
independesinya agar anggota Dewan Komisaris Board of Directors must make a statement regarding
dan Direksi dapat bertindak sebaik-baiknya demi their independence status so that members of the
kepentingan Perseroan secara keseluruhan. Selain Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors can
itu Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi juga act in the best interests of the Company as a whole.
berkewajiban untuk mengisi Daftar Khusus yang In addition, members of the Board of Commissioners
memuat informasi mengenai kepemilikan sahamnya and Board of Directors are also obliged to fill out a
dan/atau keluarganya di Perseroan maupun di Special Register that contains information regarding
perusahaan lain. Surat Pernyataan dan Daftar ownership of their shares and/or their families in the
Khusus tersebut disimpan dan diadministrasikan Company or in other companies. The Statement and
oleh Corporate Secretary. Special Register are kept and administered by the
Corporate Secretary.
Jika terjadi perubahan status yang dapat If there is a change in status that can affect its
mempengaruhi independensinya termasuk apabila independence including if there is a change in
terdapat perubahan kepemilikan saham baik ownership of shares both personal and/or his family
pribadi dan/atau keluarganya pada Perseroan dan/ in the Company and/or other companies, members of
atau perusahaan lain, anggota Dewan Komisaris the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors
dan Direksi wajib untuk melaporkannya kepada must report it to the Company.
Berikut disampaikan transparansi kepemilikan Following this is the transparency of the Company’s
saham Perseroan oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, share ownership by the Board of Commissioners
dan kepemilikan saham perusahaan lain di atas 5% and Board of Directors, and ownership of other
oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan yang companies above 5% by the Board of Commissioners
dapat menimbulkan potensi benturan kepentingan and Board of Directors of the Company which could
dalam pengambilan keputusan. lead to potential conflicts of interest in decision
Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners
Nihil Nihil
Agus Prabowo
Nil Nil
Nihil Nihil
Lusiaga Levi Susila
Nil Nil
Nihil Nihil
Anis Baridwan
Nil Nil
Nihil Nihil
Antonius Ratdomopurbo
Nil Nil
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 363
Corporate Governance
Board of Directors
Nihil Nihil
Ali Mundakir
Nil Nil
Nihil Nihil
Hery Setiawan
Nil Nil
Nihil Nihil
Tenny Elfrida
Nil Nil
Nihil Nihil
Arief Riyanto
Nil Nil
Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners
Agus Prabowo - x - x - x - x
Lusiaga Levi Susila - x - x - x - x
Anis Baridwan - x - x - x - x
- x - x - x - x
Board of Directors
Ali Mundakir - x - x - x - x
Hery Setiawan - x - x v - - x
Tenny Elfrida - x - x - x - x
Arief Riyanto - x - x - x - x
ELNUSA meyakini bahwa keragaman keahlian, Elnusa believes that the diversity in expertise,
pengalaman, dan latar belakang pendidikan sangat experience, and educational background are needed
diperlukan untuk efektivitas tugas pengawasan to the effectiveness of the supervisory duties by
Dewan Komisaris dan pengurusan Perusahaan oleh the Board of Commissioners and the Company’s
Direksi dengan tidak mengenal perbedaan gender. managment by the Board of Directors regardless their
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi ELNUSA yang ditunjuk gender. The Board of Commissioners and the Board
berdasarkan Keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang of Directors of Elnusa appointed based on General
Saham memiliki komposisi yang cukup beragam, Meeting of Shareholders resolution has a fairly
364 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
baik berdasarkan usia, latar belakang pendidikan, diverse composition, both based on age, educational
keahlian serta pengalaman yang dibutuhkan dalam background, expertises, and experiences required to
pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya. carried out their duties and responsibilities.
Perusahaan berupaya untuk menjaga bauran The Company strives to maintain a mix of expertise
keahlian dan pengalaman anggota Dewan Komisaris and experience of the members of the Board of
dan Direksi yang mencakup di antaranya bidang Commissioners and Board of Directors, which
supply chain management, keuangan, hukum, includes supply chain management, finance, law,
tata kelola, sumber daya manusia, perminyakan, governance, human resources, oil, communications
komunikasi maupun energy. Identifikasi keahlian and energy. The identification of the expertise of the
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dilakukan berdasarkan Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors
latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman kerja is carried out based on educational background,
serta pelatihan yang pernah diikuti. ELNUSA juga work experience and training that has been
berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan kompetensi attended. ELNUSA is also committed to improving
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, baik melalui training, the competence of the Board of Commissioners and
workshop serta kegiatan lainnya yang relevan bagi Board of Directors , through training, workshops
peningkatan kompetensi Dewan Komisaris dan and other activities relevant to improving the
Direksi. competence of the Board of Commissioners and
Board of Directors .
Usia per 31 Last Education
Desember Level
Nama 2020
Name Age as of Perminyakan
December Manajemen/ Sumber Daya
31, 2020 Keuangan Hukum Manusia Supply Chain Komunikasi Energi
SI S2 S3
Management/ Law Petroleum Management Communication Energy
Finance Human
Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners
Agus Prabowo 62 V V V V
Anis Baridwan 65 V V V
Antonius Pria
59 V V V V
Ratdomopurbo Male
Board of Directors
Ali Mundakir 51 V V
Hery Setiawan 53 V V
Arief Riyanto 58 V V
Tenny Elfrida 41 V V V
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 365
Corporate Governance
Untuk mendukung fungsi pengawasan, Dewan To support its supervisory function, the Board of
Komisaris mempunyai 3 (tiga) Komite Penunjang Commissioners has 3 (three) Supporting Committees
Dewan Komisaris, yakni Komite Audit, Komite for the Board of Commissioners, namely the Audit
Nominasi dan Remunerasi dan Komite Pemantau Committee, the Nomination and Remuneration
Risiko serta didukung oleh fungsi Sekretaris Dewan Committee and the Risk Monitoring Committee
Komisaris. Setiap Komite Penunjang Dewan and supported by the function of the Secretary
Komisaris diketuai oleh anggota Dewan Komisaris of the Board of Commissioners. Each Board of
dan tugas serta tanggung jawab masing-masing Commissioners Supporting Committee is chaired
Komite tercantum dalam masing-masing pedoman by a member of the Board of Commissioners and
kerja (charter). Adapun dasar hukum pembentukan the duties and responsibilities of each Committee
organ penunjang Dewan Komisaris mengacu pada: are listed in each work guideline (charter). The legal
basis for the formation of the supporting organs for
the Board of Commissioners refers to:
1. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN nomor PER- 1. Regulation of the Minister of State for SOE
01/ MBU/2011 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola number PER-01/MBU/2011 concerning the
Perusahaan yang Baik; Implementation of Good Corporate Governance;
2. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor PER- 2. Regulation of the State Minister for SOE Number
12/ MBU/2012 tentang Organ Pendukung Dewan PER-12/MBU/2012 concerning Supporting Organs
Komisaris/ Dewan Pengawas Badan Usaha Milik for the Board of Commissioners/Supervisory
Negara; Board for State-Owned Enterprises;
3. Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 3. Financial Services Authority Circular Letter
32/ SEOJK.04/2015 tentang Pedoman Tata Number 32 /SEOJK .04/2015 concerning
Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka; Governance Guidelines for Public Companies;
4. Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan nomor 4. Financial Services Authority Regulation number
55/ POJK.04/2015 tentang Pembentukan dan 55/POJK.04/2015 concerning the Establishment
Pedoman Pelaksanaan Kerja Komite Audit; and Guidelines for the Work Implementation of
the Audit Committee;
5. Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 34/ 5. Financial Services Authority Regulation Number
POJK.04/2014 tentang Komite Nominasi dan 34/POJK.04/2014 concerning the Nomination
Remunerasi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; and Remuneration Committee of Issuers or Public
Dalam setiap Rapat Komite Penunjang Dewan In every meeting of the Supporting Committee of the
Komisaris, setiap anggota diberi kebebasan Board of Commissioners, each member is given the
seluas-luasnya untuk menyampaikan pendapat widest possible freedom to express his professional
profesionalnya. Keputusan rapat diambil opinion. Meeting decisions are made based on
berdasarkan musyawarah untuk mufakat. Segala deliberation to reach consensus. Everything that
sesuatu yang dibicarakan dan diputuskan dalam is discussed and decided in the meeting, including
rapat termasuk pendapat yang berbeda (dissenting dissenting opinions, is stated in the Minutes of
opinions), dituangkan dalam Risalah Rapat yang Meeting which are signed by all members of the
ditandatangani oleh seluruh anggota Komite yang Committee who are present and acknowledged by
hadir dan diketahui oleh Ketua, sebagai bukti yang the Chairperson, as valid evidence of the decisions
sah atas keputusan yang diambil dalam rapat. made in the meeting.
Seluruh Organ Pendukung Dewan Komisaris wajib All Supporting Organs of the Board of Commissioners
membuat laporan pada Dewan Komisaris atas are required to make a report to the Board of
setiap penugasan yang diterima disertai dengan Commissioners on each received assignment
rekomendasi jika diperlukan. Laporan tersebut accompanied by recommendations if necessary. The
ditandatangani oleh Ketua dan anggota Komite. report was signed by the Chairman and members of
the Committee.
366 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
ELNUSA membentuk Komite Audit dengan ELNUSA formed an Audit Committee with the
tujuan untuk membantu Dewan Komisaris dalam aim of assisting the Board of Commissioners in
melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan, memastikan carrying out its supervisory function, ensuring the
perusahaan dikelola dengan manajemen yang sehat company is managed with good management in
sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip GCG, memberikan accordance with the principles of GCG, providing
nasihat dalam pelaksanaan pengendalian internal advice on the implementation of internal control and
dan audit perusahaan, membuat laporan secara corporate audits, making written reports on every
tertulis atas setiap penugasan yang diberikan assignment given by the Board Commissioners,
oleh Dewan Komisaris, serta membuat laporan and preparing reports on the implementation of
pelaksanaan kegiatan Komite Audit dan tingkat the Audit Committee’s activities and the level of
pencapaian kinerjanya untuk diungkapkan dalam achievement of their performance to be disclosed
Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan. in the Company’s Annual Report.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 367
Corporate Governance
saham tersebut wajib dialihkan kepada pihak lain event, the shares must be transferred to another
dalam jangka waktu paling lama 6 (enam) bulan party within a maximum period of 6 (six) months
setelah diperolehnya saham tersebut. after the shares were acquired.
10. Tidak mempunyai hubungan Afiliasi dengan 10. Has no affiliation with members of the Board
anggota Dewan Komisaris, anggota Direksi, atau of Commissioners, members of the Board of
Pemegang Saham Utama Perusahaan. Directors, or the Company’s Major Shareholders.
11. Tidak mempunyai hubungan usaha baik langsung 11. Does not have a business relationship, either
maupun tidak langsung yang berkaitan dengan directly or indirectly, related to the Company’s
kegiatan usaha Perusahaan. business activities.
Masa Periode
Nama Jabatan Dasar Pengangkatan Jabatan Jabatan
Name Position Appointment Basis Term of Position
Office Period
368 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Masa Periode
Nama Jabatan Dasar Pengangkatan Jabatan Jabatan
Name Position Appointment Basis Term of Position
Office Period
Efektif sejak Februari 2020 / Effective since February 2020
Tidak efektif sejak Februari 2020 / Ineffective since February 2020
Adil Nusyirwan
Domisili Domicile
Jakarta Selatan, Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Indonesia South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta Province, Indonesia
Pendidikan Education
• Sarjana Akuntansi, Jurusan Akuntansi, Universitas • Bachelor of Accounting, Department of Accounting, University of
Sumatera Utara (1982) North Sumatera (1982)
• Master Akuntansi, University of Illinois at Urbana • Master of Accounting, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign,
Champaign, Amerika Serikat (1994) USA (1994)
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 369
Corporate Governance
Personal data
Data Pribadi
Indonesian citizens
Warga negara Indonesia
60 years old
Usia 60 tahun
Born in Surabaya, 29/02/1960
Kelahiran Surabaya, 29/02/1960
South Tangerang, Banten Province, Indonesia
Tangerang Selatan, Provinsi Banten, Indonesia
Bachelor of Accounting, Department of Accounting,
Sarjana Akuntansi, Jurusan Akuntansi, Universitas
University of Indonesia (1986)
Indonesia (1986)
370 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Aspek Independensi Anis Adil Reynold M. Eddy
Independency Aspects Baridwan Nusyirwan1) Batubara2) Rachmadi2)
Bukan merupakan orang dalam Kantor
Akuntan Publik, Kantor Konsultan Hukum,
Kantor Jasa Penilai Publik atau pihak lain
yang memberi jasa assurance, jasa non-
assurance, jasa penilai dan/ atau jasa
konsultasi lain kepada Perusahaan dalam
waktu 6 (enam) bulan terakhir. √ √ √ √ √
Not a person in a Public Accounting Firm,
Legal Consulting Firm, Public Appraisal Service
Office or any other party providing assurance,
non-assurance services, appraisal services
and/or other consulting services to the
Company within the last 6 (six) months.
Bukan merupakan orang yang bekerja
atau mempunyai wewenang dan tanggung
jawab untuk merencanakan, memimpin,
mengendalikan, atau mengawasi kegiatan
Perusahaan dalam waktu 6 (enam) bulan
terakhir kecuali Komisaris Independen. √ √ √ √ √
Not a person who works or has the authority
and responsibility to plan, lead, control, or
supervise the Company’s activities within the
last 6 (six) months, except for an Independent
Tidak mempunyai saham langsung maupun
tidak langsung pada Perusahaan.
√ √ √ √ √
Do not have direct or indirect shares in the
Tidak mempunyai hubungan Afiliasi dengan
anggota Dewan Komisaris, anggota Direksi,
atau Pemegang Saham Utama Perusahaan.
Has no affiliation relationship with members √ √ √ √ √
of the Board of Commissioners, members of
the Board of Directors, or Major Shareholders
of the Company.
Tidak mempunyai hubungan usaha
baik langsung maupun tidak langsung
yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan usaha
Perusahaan. √ √ √ √ √
Does not have a business relationship, either
directly or indirectly, related to the Company’s
business activities.
Efektif sejak Februari 2020 1)
Effective February 2020
Tidak efektif sejak Februari 2020
Ineffective since February 2020
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 371
Corporate Governance
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Komite Audit Duties and Responsibilities of the Audit Committee
Komite Audit bertugas dan bertanggung jawab The Audit Committee has the duty and responsibility
memberikan pendapat profesional dan independen of providing professional and independent opinions
kepada Dewan Komisaris atas laporan atau hal-hal to the Board of Commissioners on reports or matters
yang disampaikan oleh Direksi, dan melaksanakan submitted by the Board of Directors, and for carrying
tugas-tugas lain yang berkaitan dengan tugas out other tasks related to the duties of the Board of
Dewan Komisaris. Untuk melaksanakan tanggung Commissioners. To carry out its responsibilities, the
jawabnya, Komite Audit harus mengetahui ruang Audit Committee must know the scope of its work
lingkup pekerjaannya yang meliputi: which includes:
1. Menelaah informasi keuangan yang akan 1. Reviewing financial information that will be
dikeluarkan Perusahaan kepada publik dan/atau issued by the Company to the public and/or
pihak otoritas; authorities;
2. Memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan 2. Providing recommendations to the Board of
Komisaris atas usulan Kantor Akuntan Publik Commissioners on proposals from the Public
serta melakukan pengawasan pekerjaan Akuntan Accounting Firm and supervising the work of
Publik, termasuk mengusulkan pemutusan the Public Accountant, including proposing
hubungan kerja dengan KAP kepada Dewan termination of employment with KAP to the
Komisaris jika terdapat indikasi kuat bahwa Board of Commissioners if there is a strong
independensi auditor dapat terganggu atau indication that the auditor’s independence could
terbukti bahwa auditor tidak melakukan be impaired or it is proven that the auditor did
pemeriksaan sesuai dengan standar pemeriksaan not conduct an audit in accordance with the
akuntan publik; accountant’s audit standards. public;
3. Mengevaluasi efektivitas pelaksanaan tugas 3. Eva l u a t i n g t h e effe c t i ve n e s s of t h e
pokok dan fungsi dari Internal Auditor; implementation of the main duties and functions
of the Internal Auditor;
4. Menelaah desain dan pelaksanaan kebijakan 4. Reviewing the design and implementation
serta prosedur untuk memastikan efektivitas of policies and procedures to ensure the
pengendalian internal untuk menghindari effectiveness of internal control to avoid
kesalahan penyajian Laporan Keuangan, misstatement of Financial Statements, misuse
penyalahgunaan aktiva serta mencegah of assets and prevent other acts that violate
terjadinya perbuatan lainnya yang melanggar statutory regulations;
peraturan perundang-undangan;
5. Memantau untuk memastikan bahwa 5. Monitor to ensure that internal control over
pengendalian internal atas kegiatan operasional the Company’s operational activities is carried
Perusahaan dijalankan sesuai peraturan out in accordance with the prevailing laws and
perundang-undangan yang berlaku; regulations;
6. Berkoordinasi dengan Komite Pemantau Risiko 6. Coordinate with the Risk Monitoring Committee
dalam hal pemantauan risiko dan mitigasinya, in terms of risk monitoring and mitigation,
terutama dalam penyusunan Laporan Keuangan; particularly in the preparation of Financial
7. Pelaksanaan Tugas Khusus sesuai perintah 7. Implementation of Special Tasks according to a
tertulis dari Dewan Komisaris. written order from the Board of Commissioners.
Atas setiap penugasan yang diberikan, Komite Audit For each given assignment, the Audit Committee
wajib membuat laporan kepada Dewan Komisaris, is required to make a report to the Board of
disertai dengan rekomendasi jika diperlukan. Commissioners, accompanied by recommendations
Laporan tersebut ditandatangani oleh Ketua dan if necessary. The report was signed by the Chairman
anggota Komite. and members of the Committee.
372 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Pembagian Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab dalam Division of Duties and Responsibilities in the Audit
Keanggotaan Komite Audit Committee Membership
Anggota Komite Audit terdiri dari 3 (tiga) orang The members of the Audit Committee consist of
yang berlatar belakang pendidikan akuntasi dan 3 (three) people with educational backgrounds in
manajemen serta mempunya pengalaman kerja accounting and management also have various
yang beragam. Sifat pekerjaan Komite Audit adalah work experiences. The nature of the work of the
kolektif kolegial. Dengan demikian, pelaksanaan Audit Committee is a collegial collective. Thus,
tugas Komite Audit dapat dilakukan secara bersama- the implementation of the duties of the Audit
sama sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikan Committee can be carried out jointly according to
dan kompetensi yang dimiliki dari masing-masing the educational background and competencies of
anggota Komite Audit. each member of the Audit Committee.
Hubungan kerja Komite Audit dengan Auditor The working relationship between the Audit
Internal adalah sebagai berikut: Committee and the Internal Auditor is as follows:
1. Melakukan penelaahan atas pelaksanaan 1. Reviewing the implementation of the audit
pemeriksaan oleh auditor internal dan mengawasi by the internal auditor and supervising the
pelaksanaan tindak lanjut oleh Direksi atas implementation of follow-ups by the Board of
temuan Auditor Internal. Directors on the findings of the Internal Auditor.
2. Mengawasi pelaksanaan tindak lanjut oleh 2. Overseeing the implementation of follow-ups
Direksi atas temuan Auditor Internal. by the Board of Directors on the findings of the
Internal Auditor.
3. Melakukan komunikasi secara langsung dengan 3. Communicate directly with those who carry out
pihak yang menjalankan fungsi audit internal. the internal audit function.
4. Mengadakan rapat secara berkala dan insidentil 4. Holding regular and incidental meetings with the
dengan Auditor Internal. Internal Auditor.
Hubungan kerja Komite Audit dengan Auditor The working relationship between the Audit
Eksternal sebagai berikut: Committee and the External Auditor is as follows:
1. Menelaah informasi keuangan yang akan 1. Reviewing financial information which will be
dikeluarkan Perusahaan kepada publik dan/atau published to public and/or authorities.
pihak otoritas.
2. Berdasarkan Management Letter yang 2. Based on Management Letter issued by External
dikeluarkan oleh Auditor Eksternal, memantau Auditor, monitoring to ensure that internal
untuk memastikan bahwa pengendalian internal controlling of the Company operation activity
atas kegiatan operasional Perusahaan dijalankan is carried out following applicable laws and
sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang regulation;Memberikan rekomendasi penunjukan
berlaku. Auditor Eksternal kepada Dewan Komisaris.
3. Memberikan rekomendasi penunjukan Auditor 3. Providing recommendation for External Auditor
Eksternal kepada Dewan Komisaris. appointment to the Board of Commissioners.
4. Melakukan evaluasi pelaksanaan pemberian jasa 4. Evaluate the implementation of audit services.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 373
Corporate Governance
Tentang kegiatan peningkatan kompetensi yang Concerning the competency improvement activities
diikuti Anggota Komite Audit di sepanjang tahun that the Audit Committee members participated in
2020 dapat dilihat pada bab Profil Perusahaan throughout 2020 can be seen in the Company Profile
dalam laporan tahunan ini. chapter in this annual report.
Sepanjang tahun 2020 telah dilaksanakan 16 (enam Throughout 2020, 16 (sixteen) meetings were held
belas kali) kali rapat dengan kehadiran masing- with the attendance of each member of the Audit
masing anggota Komite Audit sebagai berikut: Committee as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Anis Ketua
X X V V V V V v V V V V V v V V 16 14 88%
Baridwan Chairman
Adil Anggota
V V V V V v V V V V V V V V 14 14 100%
Nusyirwan 1) Member
Serena K. Anggota
V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 14 14 100%
Ferdinandus l) Member
Reynold M. Anggota
V V 2 2 100%
Batubara 2) Member
Eddy Anggota
V V 2 2 100%
Rachmadi 2) Member
374 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
7. Penyampaian laporan tertulis kepada Dewan 7. Submission of written reports to the Board of
Komisaris; Commissioners;
8. Pembahasan Pengaduan yang masuk pada 8. Discussion of complaints that are submitted to
Whistleblowing System. the Whistleblowing System.
Rekomendasi Komite Audit kepada Dewan Audit Committee Recommendations to the Board of
Komisaris Commissioners
Sesuai dengan Piagam Komite Audit yang telah In accordance with the Audit Committee Charter
disahkan dan diupdate terakhir pada tanggal 22 which was ratified and last updated on July 22, 2019,
Juli 2019, salah satu tugas Komite Audit adalah one of the duties of the Audit Committee is to provide
memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan Komisaris recommendations to the Board of Commissioners
terkait pemberian jasa audit oleh Kantor Akuntan regarding the provision of audit services by the Public
Publik dan/atau Akuntan Publik. Accounting Firm and/or Public Accountants.
Beberapa rekomendasi yang diberikan oleh Komite Some of the recommendations given by the Audit
Audit sepanjang tahun 2020 antara lain sebagai Committee throughout 2020 include the following:
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1. Tentang penunjukan Kantor Akuntan Publik 1. Regarding Public Accountant Firm and/or Public
dan/atau Akuntan Publik untuk pemberian Accountant appointment for audit services
jasa audit tahun buku yang berakhir 31 of fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 with
Desember 2020 dengan persyaratan minimal the minimum requirement by considering
mempertimbangkan aspek independensi, ruang independency, scope of assignment, audit fee,
lingkup penugasan, imbalasan jasa audit dan expertise, and experiences.
keahlian serta pengalaman.
2. Tentang evaluasi pelaksanaan pemberian jasa 2. Regarding the evaluation of the implementation
audit tahun buku yang berakhir 31 Desember of the provision of audit services for the financial
2020. year ending 31 December 2020.
Pelaporan Reporting
Piagam Komite Audit mengatur bahwa Komite Audit The Audit Committee Charter stipulates that the
wajib menyampaikan laporan berikut kepada Dewan Audit Committee must submit the following reports
Komisaris: to the Board of Commissioners:
1. Komite Audit wajib membuat laporan kepada 1. The Audit Committee is required to make a report
Dewan Komisaris atas setiap penugasan yang to the Board of Commissioners on each given
diberikan. assignment.
2. Komite Audit wajib membuat laporan 2. The Audit Committee is required to prepare an
tahunan pelaksanaan kegiatan Komite Audit annual report on the implementation of the Audit
yang diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan Committee’s activities which is disclosed in the
Perusahaan. Company’s Annual Report.
Penilaian Kinerja (KPI) Komite Audit Performance Assessment (KPI) of the Audit
Penilaian kinerja Komite Audit dilakukan setidaknya The performance assessment of the Audit Committee
1 (satu) tahun sekali, dengan mempertimbangkan is conducted at least once a year, taking into account
efektivitas Komite Audit dalam menjalankan the effectiveness of the Audit Committee in carrying
fungsinya, tingkat kehadiran dalam rapat, dan out its functions, the level of attendance at meetings,
tingkat pemahaman akan masalah yang dihadapi and the level of understanding of the problems faced
Perusahaan. by the Company.
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi merupakan The Nomination and Remuneration Committee
komite yang dibentuk dalam rangka membantu is a committee formed to assist the Board of
Dewan Komisaris dalam hal mengusulkan nominasi Commissioners in proposing nominations for
suksesi dan remunerasi Direksi. Komite Nominasi dan succession and remuneration for the Board of
Remunerasi merupakan sub organ Dewan Komisaris Directors. The Nomination and Remuneration
yang memiliki tugas utama untuk membantu Committee is a sub-organ of the Board of
efektifnya fungsi pengawasan yang dijalankan oleh Commissioners whose main task is to assist the
Dewan Komisaris terhadap tugas Direksi dalam effectiveness of the supervisory function carried
mengelola Perseroan. out by the Board of Commissioners on the duties of
the Board of Directors in managing the Company.
Perseroan memiliki Komite Nominasi dan The Company has a Nomination and Remuneration
Remunerasi yang membantu Dewan Komisaris Committee which assists the Board of
dalam melaksanakan tugas pengawasan untuk Commissioners in carrying out supervisory duties
fungsi nominasi dan remunerasi Dewan Komisaris for the nomination and remuneration functions
dan Direksi. Komite ini berperan penting dalam of the Board of Commissioners and Board of
penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG dan juga transparansi Directors. This committee plays an important
proses serta kebijakan nominasi dan remunerasi. Hal role in the application of GCG principles and the
ini sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Otoritas transparency of the nomination and remuneration
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Jasa Keuangan Nomor 34/POJK.04/2014 tentang policies and processes. This is as stipulated in the
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Emiten atau Financial Services Authority Regulation Number
Perusahaan Publik. 34/POJK.04/2014 concerning the Nomination
and Remuneration Committee of Issuers or Public
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lama dari masa jabatan Dewan komisaris yang not longer than the term of office of the board of
mengangkatnya atau paling lama selama 3 (tiga) commissioners who appointed them or a maximum
tahun dan dapat diperpanjang masa keanggotannya of 3 (three) years and their membership period can
dengan tidak mengurangi hak Dewan komisaris be extended without prejudice to the right of the
untuk memberhentikannya sewaktu-waktu. board of commissioners to dismiss them at any time.
Per 31 Desember 2020, komposisi dan susunan As of December 31, 2020, the composition and
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi terdiri dari 1 (satu) composition of the Nomination and Remuneration
orang ketua dan 2 (dua) orang anggota. Susunan Committee consists of 1 (one) chairman and 2 (two)
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi per 31 Desember members. The composition of the Nomination and
2020 adalah sebagai berikut: Remuneration Committee as of 31 December 2020
is as follows:
Nama Jabatan Dasar Pengangkatan Masa Jabatan Jabatan
Name Position Appointment Basis Term of Office Position
Ketua Komite / Komisaris
Independen SK Dewan Komisaris
Lusiaga Levi Susila 2018-2021 Ke-1
Head of Audit Committee/ No. 003 Tahun 2018
Independent Commissioner
Anggota SK Dewan Komisaris
Yudo Irianto 1) 2020-2023 Ke-1
Member No. 010 Tahun 2020
Anggota SK Dewan Komisaris
Agung Wahidin Wibisana 1) 2020-2023 Ke-1
Member No. 010 Tahun 2020
Anggota/Komisaris SK Dewan Komisaris
Eman Salman Arief 2) 2018-2021 Ke-1
Member/Commissioner No. 005 Tahun 2018
Anggota SK Dewan Komisaris
A.A.A. Indira Pratyaksa 2) 2019-2022 Ke-1
Member No. 002 Tahun 2019
Efektif sejak Februari 2020 1)
Effective February 2020
Tidak efektif sejak Februari 2020
Ineffective since February 2020
378 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Yudo Irianto
Domisili Domicile
Kota Bekasi, Provinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Pendidikan Education
Sarjana Ekonomi Akuntansi, Universitas Diponegoro, Bachelor of Accounting Economy, Diponegoro University,
Semarang (1988) Semarang (1988)
Magister Management, Human Resources Management, Master of Management, Human Resources Management,
Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung, dan Padjajaran University, Bandung, and
College Business Administration, Kentucky University, College Business Administration, Kentucky University, USA
USA (1996) (1996).
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Domisili Domicile
Kota Bekasi, Provinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Pendidikan Education
Sarjana Hukum Bisnis, Universitas Parahyangan, Bachelor of Business Law, Parahyangan University,
Bandung (1999) Bandung (1999)
Diploma Human Capital Management, Singapore Human Diploma of Human Capital Management, Singapore Human
Resources Institute (2009) Resources Institute (2009)
Kandidat Master of Business Administration, IPMI Master Candidate of Business Administration, IPMI
Business School (2021) Business School (2021)
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Sebagai upaya untuk dapat menjaga independensi As an effort to maintain the independence of
setiap anggota Komite, setiap tahunnya masing- each member of the Committee, each year each
masing anggota Komite Penunjang Dewan Komisaris member of the Supporting Committee of the
memberikan pernyataan independensi. Pernyataan Board of Commissioners provides a statement
independensi Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi of independence. The independence statement of
disusun berdasarkan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa the Nomination and Remuneration Committee is
Keuangan Nomor 34/POJK.04/2014 tentang Komite prepared based on the Financial Services Authority
Nominasi dan Remunerasi Emiten atau Perusahaan Regulation Number 34/POJK.04/2014 concerning
Publik. the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of
Issuers or Public Companies.
Agung Eman A.A.A.
Aspek Independensi Lusiaga Yudo
Wahidin Salman Indira
Independency Aspects Levi Susila Irianto 1
Wibisana 1) Arief 2) Pratyaksa 2)
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Pedoman Kerja Komite Nominasi dan Risk Monitoring Committee Work Guidelines
Agar Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi dapat In order for the Risk Monitoring Committee
berperan secara efisien dan efektif, maka disusun to play an efficient and effective role, a Risk
Pedoman Kerja Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Monitoring Committee Work Guidelines were
yang dimutakhirkan dan disahkan terakhir oleh prepared which was updated and endorsed by
Dewan Komisaris pada tanggal 12 Agustus 2020 the Board of Commissioners on July 29, 2016 and
serta telah dipublikasikan di situs ELNUSA. Pedoman has been published on the ELNUSA website. The
Kerja tersebut mencakup struktur keanggotaan, Work Guidelines cover membership structure,
keanggotaan, persyaratan keanggotaan termasuk membership requirements including competency and
persyaratan kompetensi dan independensi, tugas, independence requirements, duties, responsibilities
tanggung jawab dan wewenang, rapat, pelaporan and authorities, and meetings, reporting and budget.
dan anggaran.
Kode Etik Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Risk Oversight Committee Code of Conduct
Setiap anggota Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Each member of the Risk Monitoring Committee
berkomitmen memberikan kemampuan terbaiknya is committed to giving their best and complying
dan mematuhi kode etik yang berlaku, dengan with the applicable code of conduct, by prioritizing
mengutamakan integritas, independensi, integrity, independence, objectivity, honesty, and
objektivitas, kejujuran, dan komitmen terhadap commitment to the principles of GCG.
prinsip-prinsip GCG.
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Komite Nominasi Duties and Responsibilities of the Nomination and
dan Remunerasi Remuneration Committee
Berdasarkan Pedoman Komite Nominasi dan Based on the Nomination and Remuneration
Remunerasi, dalam menjalankan fungsinya, Komite Committee Guidelines, in carrying out its functions,
Nominasi dan Remunerasi memiliki tugas dan the Nomination and Remuneration Committee has
tanggung jawab antara lain sebagai berikut: the following duties and responsibilities:
1. Penilaian kepatuhan terhadap peraturan 1. Assessing compliance with applicable laws and
perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan regulations and recommending changes deemed
merekomendasikan perubahan yang dianggap necessary;
2. Pengawasan Proses Nominasi dan Remunerasi 2. Supervision of the Nomination and Remuneration
Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris dalam pengelolaan Process of the Board of Directors and the Board
Human Capital Perseroan: of Commissioners in managing the Company’s
Human Capital:
a. Mengkaji dan mengevaluasi setiap kinerja a. Review and evaluate every performance
anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris yang of the members of the Board of Directors
berkaitan antara lain dengan pencapaian and the Board of Commissioners relating
aktual kinerja Perseroan, ketaatan terhadap to, among others, the actual achievement
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku of the Company’s performance, compliance
serta kebijakan Perseroan, pelaksanaan with applicable laws and regulations
pengawasan dan pengelolaan Perusahaan, and Company policies, implementation
penerapan Good Corporate Governance dan of supervision and management of the
pelaksanaan operasional perusahaan secara Company, implementation of Good Corporate
menyeluruh; Governance and implementation of overall
company operations;
b. Memberikan usulan calon yang memenuhi b. Provide proposals for candidates who meet
syarat sebagai anggota Direksi dan Dewan the requirements as members of the Board of
Komisaris; Directors and Board of Commissioners;
c. Melaksanakan tugas-tugas lainnya yang c. Carry out other tasks related to the nominations
berhubungan dengan nominasi yang diberikan given by the Board of Commissioners.
oleh Dewan Komisaris.
d. Mengkaji dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan d. Review and evaluate the performance of each
setiap kinerja anggota Direksi dan Dewan member of the Board of Directors and the
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Pembagian Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Division of Duties and Responsibilities in the
dalam Keanggotaan Komite Nominasi dan Membership of the Nomination and Remuneration
Remunerasi Committee
Sesuai dengan Piagam Komite Nominasi dan In accordance with the Nomination and
Remunerasi, tidak ada pembagian tugas antar Remuneration Committee Charter, there is no
anggota komite, seluruh anggota komite bekerja division of duties between committee members, all
secara kolektif kolegial dengan independen dan committee members work collectively and collegially
profesional, untuk membantu Dewan komisaris independently and professionally, to assist the Board
melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan, pemberian of Commissioners in carrying out its supervisory
nasihat serta memastikan telah dilaksanakannya function, providing advice and ensuring that the
proses nominasi, remunerasi serta pengembangan nomination, remuneration and HR development
SDM. process has been implemented.
Pengembangan Kompetensi Komite Nominasi Competency Development for the Nomination and
dan Remunerasi Remuneration Committee
Perseroan mengikutsertakan Komite Nominasi The Company includes the Nomination and
dan Remunerasi dalam kegiatan pengembangan Remuneration Committee in competency
kompetensi sebagai bentuk program untuk development activities as a form of program to gain
menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan. Tentang insight and knowledge. The list of training activities
daftar kegiatan pelatihan dan peningkatan and competency improvement that the Nomination
kompetensi yang diikuti Komite Nominasi dan and Remuneration Committee participated in
Remunerasi di sepanjang tahun 2020 dapat dilihat throughout 2020 can be seen in the Company Profile
pada bab Profil Perusahaan dalam laporan tahunan chapter in this annual report.
Rapat Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Nomination and Remuneration Committee Meetings
Ketentuan mengenai Rapat Komite Nominasi dan Provisions regarding the Nomination and
Remunerasi tercantum dalam Charter Komite Remuneration Committee Meetings are contained
Nominasi dan Remunerasi. Komite Nominasi dan in the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Remunerasi sekurang-kurangnya mengadakan rapat Charter. The Nomination and Remuneration
satu kali dalam empat bulan atau sesuai kebutuhan. Committee meets at least once every four months or
Rapat tersebut dapat mengundang divisi terkait as needed. The meeting may invite related divisions
dari Pemantau ataupun pihak terkait lainnya sesuai of the Monitor or other related parties as needed.
Di tahun 2020, Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi In 2020, the Nomination and Remuneration
menyelenggarakan rapat sebanyak 13 (tiga belas) Committee held 13 (thirteen) meetings and
kali rapat dan rekapitulasi tingkat kehadiran Komite recapitulated the attendance level of the Nomination
Nominasi dan Remunerasi dalam rapat-rapat and Remuneration Committee at these meetings.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Jumlah Jumlah Persentase
Nama Jabatan Rapat Kehadiran Kehadiran
Name Position Total Attendance
Meetings Attendance Percentage
Yudo Anggota
V V v V V V v V V V 10 10 100%
Irianto 1) Member
Wahidin V V V V V V V V V V 10 10 100%
Salman V V V 3 3 100%
Arief 2)
Agenda Rapat Komite Nominasi dan Nomination and Remuneration Committee Meeting
Remunerasi Agenda
Dengan total 13 (tiga belas) kali rapat terkait With a total of 13 (thirteen) meetings related to a
agenda pembahasan khusus mengenai Nominasi special discussion agenda regarding the Nomination
dan Remunerasi Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan and Remuneration of Members of the Board of
Direksi serta Organ Penunjang Dewan Komisaris Commissioners and the Board of Directors and the
dilaksanakan dengan detail sebagai berikut: Supporting Organs of the Board of Commissioners
carried out in the following details:
1. Jumlah Agenda Rapat Komite Nominasi dan 1. The total agenda for the Nomination and
Remunerasi terkait Nominasi terdiri atas 9 Remuneration Committee Meeting related
(sembilan) kali rapat yakni pada tanggal 15 to Nominations consists of 9 (nine) meetings,
April 2020, 6 Agustus 2020, 11 Agustus 2020, 19 namely on April 15, 2020, August 6, 2020, August
Agustus 2020, 26 Agustus 2020, 31 Agustus 2020, 11, 2020, August 19, 2020, August 26, 2020, August
7 September 2020, 30 September 2020 dan 7 31, 2020, September 7, 2020, 30 September 2020
Desember 2020. and 7 December 2020.
2. Jumlah Agenda Rapat Komite Nominasi dan 2. The number of Agenda for the Nomination and
Remunerasi terkait Remunerasi terdiri atas 6 Remuneration Committee Meeting related
(enam) kali rapat yakni pada tanggal 9 Maret to Remuneration consists of 6 (six) meetings,
2020, 15 April 2020, 4 Juni 2020, 18 September namely on March 9, 2020, April 15, 2020, June 4,
2020, 30 September 2020 dan 9 Oktober 2020. 2020, September 18, 2020, September 30, 2020
and October 9, 2020.
Remunerasi Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Remuneration of the Nomination and Remuneration
Remunerasi Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Remuneration for the Nomination and Remuneration
ditetapkan dengan mengacu pada Peraturan Committee is determined by referring to the
Menteri BUMN Nomor PER-12/MBU/2012 tentang Regulation of the Minister of SOE Number PER-
Organ Pendukung Dewan Komisaris/Dewan 12/MBU/2012 concerning the Supporting Organs
Pengawas Badan Usaha Milik Negara mengatur of the Board of Commissioners/Supervisory Board
terkait penghasilan anggota Komite yakni berupa for State-Owned Enterprises which regulates the
honorarium maksimal sebesar 20% (dua puluh income of Committee members, namely in the form
persen) dari gaji Direktur Utama Perusahaan dengan of a maximum honorarium of 20% (twenty percent)
ketentuan pajak ditanggung Perusahaan dan tidak of the The salary of the President Director of the
diperkenankan menerima penghasilan lain selain Company, provided that the tax is borne by the
honorarium tersebut. Anggota Dewan Komisaris Company and is not allowed to receive other income
yang menjadi Ketua/anggota Komite Nominasi dan other than the honorarium. Members of the Board
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Pelaksanaan Tugas Komite Nominasi dan Implementation of the Duties of the Nomination and
Remunerasi Remuneration Committee
Selama tahun 2020, Komite Nominasi dan During 2020, the Nomination and Remuneration
Remunerasi telah melaksanakan tugas dan Committee has carried out its duties and
tanggung jawabnya sesuai Pedoman Kerja (Charter) responsibilities in accordance with the Work
serta Program Kerja Tahun 2020 Komite Nominasi Guidelines (Charter) and the 2020 Work Program
dan Remunerasi. Realisasi pelaksanaan tugas of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi di tahun 2020 di The realization of the duties of the Nomination and
antaranya: Remuneration Committee in 2020 include:
1. Pemantauan dan evaluasi perencanaan dan 1. Monitoring and evaluating the planning and
implementasi sistem remunerasi dan kompensasi implementation of the remuneration and
bagi Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris berjalan compensation system for the Board of Directors
transparan, adil dan bersaing dengan pasar and the Board of Commissioners in a transparent,
dalam industri sejenis lainnya. fair and competitive manner with markets in
other similar industries.
2. Pemantauan dan evaluasi perencanaan dan 2. Monitoring and evaluating the planning
penyusunan sistem, kebijakan dan prosedur and preparation of systems, policies and
proses seleksi dan nominasi penilaian calon- procedures for the selection and assessment
calon Direksi/Komisaris dan pejabat satu tingkat process of candidates for Board of Directors /
di bawah Direksi khususnya bidang Sekretaris Commissioners and officials one level below the
Perusahaan dan Internal Audit Perusahaan. Board of Directors, particularly in the areas of
Corporate Secretary and Corporate Internal
3. Monitoring dan Evaluasi terhadap sistem 3. Monitoring and evaluation of the performance
penilaian kinerja Dewan Komisaris, Direksi serta appraisal system for the Board of Commissioners,
kinerja Komite-komite sebagai organ penunjang the Board of Directors and the performance of
Dewan Komisaris. the Committees as supporting organs for the
Board of Commissioners.
4. Evaluasi terhadap hasil penilaian Key 4. Evaluation of the results of the assessment of the
Performance Indicator (KPI) Dewan Komisaris Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of the Board of
bersama dengan hasil penilaian komite-komite Commissioners together with the results of the
dalam organ penunjang dewan Komisaris dengan assessment of the committees in the supporting
sistem self-assessment. organs of the Board of Commissioners using a
self-assessment system.
5. M e m b e r i k a n rekomendasi program 5. Provide recommendations for competency
pengembangan kompetensi bagi Dewan development programs for the Board of
Komsiaris, Drieksi maupun Komite Penunjang Commissioners, the Board of Commissioners
Dewan Komisaris. and the Supporting Committee for the Board of
Untuk itu pada tahun 2020, rekomendasi yang For this reason, in 2020, the recommendations given
diberikan Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
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antara lain rekomendasi atas nominasi pengurus include recommendations for nominations of the
Perusahaan dan remunerasi tahun buku 2020 bagi Company’s management and remuneration for the
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perusahaan. 2020 financial year for the Company’s Board of
Commissioners and Board of Directors.
Pelaporan Reporting
Piagam Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi mengatur The Nomination and Remuneration Committee
bahwa Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi wajib Charter stipulates that the Nomination and
menyampaikan laporan berikut kepada Dewan Remuneration Committee is required to submit the
Komisaris: following reports to the Board of Commissioners:
1. Komite menyampaikan laporan pelaksanaan 1. The Committee submits reports on the
tugas, tanggung jawab dan prosedur kepada implementation of duties, responsibilities and
Dewan Komisaris secara berkala sekurang- procedures to the Board of Commissioners
kurangnya 1 (satu) kali dalam setahun atau atas periodically at least once a year or at the request
permintaan Dewan Komisaris. of the Board of Commissioners.
2. Laporan Komite tersebut merupakan bagian dari 2. The Committee Report is part of the report on
laporan pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris dan the implementation of duties of the Board of
disampaikan dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Commissioners and is submitted at the General
Saham. Meeting of Shareholders.
Penilaian Kinerja (KPI) Komite Nominasi dan Performance Appraisal (KPI) of the Nomination and
Remunerasi Remuneration Committee
Penilaian kinerja Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi The Nomination and Remuneration Committee’s
dilakukan setidaknya 1 (satu) tahun sekali, performance assessment is carried out at least
dengan mempertimbangkan efektivitas Komite once a year, taking into account the effectiveness
Nominasi dan Remunerasi dalam menjalankan of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
fungsinya, tingkat kehadiran dalam rapat, dan in carrying out its functions, the level of attendance
tingkat pemahaman akan masalah yang dihadapi at meetings, and the level of understanding of the
Perusahaan. problems faced by the Company.
Sebagaimana diatur lebih lanjut dalam peraturan As further stipulated in the internal regulations, the
internal sumber nominasi anggota Direksi dapat source of nomination for members of the Board of
berasal dari: Directors may come from:
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1. Anggota Direksi Anak Perusahaan yang sedang 1. Current member of the Board of Directors of
menjabat; the Subsidiary;
2. Pejabat internal Perusahaan setingkat di bawah 2. Internal Company officials one level below the
Direksi; Board of Directors;
3. Sumber lain yang telah memiliki reputasi yang 3. Another source that has a good reputation, is
baik, relevan dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. relevant and can be accounted for.
Proses penilaian calon Anggota Direksi dilakukan oleh The process of evaluating candidates for members
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi. Selanjutnya calon of the Board of Directors is carried out by the
Direksi diajukan pada RUPS untuk mendapatkan Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
persetujuan Pemegang Saham sesuai dengan Subsequently, candidates for the Board of Directors
ketentuan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan. are submitted to the GMS for approval from the
Shareholders in accordance with the provisions of
the Articles of Association of the Company.
Komite Pemantau Risiko ELNUSA dibentuk untuk The ELNUSA Risk Monitoring Committee was formed
membantu tugas Dewan Komisaris dalam upaya to assist the duties of the Board of Commissioners
melakukan identifikasi, pemetaan, analisis, dan in an effort to identify, map, analyze and mitigate
mitigasi risiko atas seluruh proses bisnis ELNUSA risks for all ELNUSA business processes aimed
yang ditujukan untuk mencegah dan meminimalisasi at preventing and minimizing risks. Besides, the
risiko. Selain itu, Komite Pemantau Risiko membuat Risk Monitoring Committee prepares a written
laporan secara tertulis atas setiap penugasan report on each assignment given by the Board of
yang diberikan oleh Dewan Komisaris. Laporan Commissioners. Reports on the implementation of
pelaksanaan kegiatan Komite Pemantau Risiko dan the Risk Oversight Committee’s activities and their
tingkat pencapaian kinerjanya untuk diungkapkan level of performance achievement to be disclosed in
dalam Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan. the Company’s Annual Report.
Persyaratan Umum Menjadi Anggota Komite General Requirements for Becoming a Risk
Pemantau Risiko Monitoring Committee Member
Anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko harus memahami Members of the Risk Monitoring Committee must
kegiatan usaha Perusahaan dan Grup, serta understand the business activities of the Company
mempunyai pengetahuan dan pengalaman and the Group, and have adequate knowledge and
yang memadai sesuai dengan latar belakang experience in accordance with their educational
pendidikannya, serta mampu berkomunikasi dengan background, and be able to communicate well.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 387
Corporate Governance
Perseroan. Komite Pemantau Risiko diangkat dan of Commissioners and Parties from outside
diberhentikan oleh Dewan Komisaris. the Company. The Risk Monitoring Committee
is appointed and dismissed by the Board of
Per 31 Desember 2020, komposisi dan susunan As of December 31, 2020, the composition and
Komite Pemantau Risiko terdiri dari 1 (satu) orang composition of the Risk Monitoring Committee
ketua dan 3 (tiga) orang anggota dengan susunan consisted of 1 (one) chairman and 3 (three) members
Komite Pemantau Risiko sebagai berikut: with the following composition of the Risk Monitoring
Nama Jabatan Dasar Pengangkatan Masa Jabatan Jabatan
Name Position Appointment Basis Term of Office Position
SK Dewan Komisaris No.
Ketua Komite / Komisaris 003 Tahun 2019
Antonius Ratdomopurbo Head of Audit Committee/ Letter of Board of 2019-2022 Ke-1
Commissioner Commissioners No. 003
Year 2019
SK Dewan Komisaris No.
Anggota / Komisaris
002 Tahun 2018
Lusiaga Levi Susila 1) Letter of Board of 2018-2021 Ke-1
No. 002 Year 2018
SK Dewan Komisaris No.
002 Tahun 2020
Reynold M. Batubara 1) Letter of Board of 2020-2023 Ke-1
No. 002 Year 2020
SK Dewan Komisaris No.
002 Tahun 2020
Eddy Rachmadi 1) Letter of Board of 2020-2023 Ke-1
No. 002 Year 2020
SK Dewan Komisaris No.
004 Tahun 2019
Adil Nusyirwan 2) Letter of Board of 2019-2022 Ke-2
No. 004 Year 2019
SK Dewan Komisaris No.
004 Tahun 2018
Serena K. Ferdinandus 2) Letter of Board of 2018-2021 Ke-2
No. 004 Year 2018
1) 1)
Efektif sejak Februari 2020 Effective February 2020
Tidak efektif sejak Februari 2020 Ineffective since February 2020
388 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Profil Anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko yang Profile of Risk Monitoring Committee Members who
Bukan Komisaris are not Commissioners
Reynold M. Batubara
Domisili Domicile
Tangerang Selatan, Provinsi Banten, Indonesia South Tangerang, Banten Province, Indonesia
Pendidikan Education
Sarjana Ekonomi, Jurusan Akuntansi, Universitas Bachelor of Economics, Department of Accounting,
Indonesia (1983) University of Indonesia (1983)
Beliau juga saat ini menduduki posisi sebagai Komisaris He is also currently serving as a Commissioner and member
dan anggota Komite Audit di sejumlah perusahaan, of the Audit Committee in a number of companies, such
seperti PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk (sejak Oktober 2009), as PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk (since October 2009), PT
PT Paramitra Alfa Sekuritas (sejak Desember 2009), PT Paramitra Alfa Sekuritas (since December 2009), PT Atlas
Atlas Resources Tbk (sejak April 2012), PT Chandra Asri Resources Tbk (since April 2012), PT Chandra Asri (since
(sejak September 2015), PT Asuransi Etiga International September 2015), PT Asuransi Etiga International (since
(sejak Oktober 2019) dan sebagai Anggota Komite October 2019) and as a Member of the Audit Committee
Audit dan Komite Pemantau Risiko PT Net Bank Syariah and Risk Monitoring Committee of PT Net Bank Syariah
Indonesia (sejak Februari 2020). Indonesia (since February 2020).
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 389
Corporate Governance
Eddy Rachmadi
Domisili Domicile
Jakarta Barat, Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Indonesia West Jakarta, DKI Jakarta Province, Indonesia
Pendidikan Education
Sarjana Ekonomi, Jurusan Manajemen, Universitas UPN Bachelor of Economics, Department of Management, UPN
Veteran Jakarta (1997) Veteran University Jakarta (1997)
390 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
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Corporate Governance
Pedoman Kerja Komite Pemantau Risiko Risk Monitoring Committee Work Guidelines
Agar Komite Pemantau Risiko dapat berperan In order for the Risk Monitoring Committee
secara efisien dan efektif, maka disusun Pedoman to play an efficient and effective role, a Risk
Kerja Komite Pemantau Risiko yang dimutakhirkan Monitoring Committee Work Guidelines were
dan disahkan terakhir oleh Dewan Komisaris pada prepared which was updated and endorsed by
tanggal 29 Juli 2016 serta telah dipublikasikan di the Board of Commissioners on July 29, 2016 and
situs ELNUSA. Pedoman Kerja tersebut mencakup has been published on the ELNUSA website. The
struktur keanggotaan, persyaratan keanggotaan Work Guidelines cover membership structure,
termasuk persyaratan kompetensi dan independensi, membership requirements including competency and
tugas, tanggung jawab dan wewenang, serta rapat, independence requirements, duties, responsibilities
pelaporan dan anggaran. and authorities, and meetings, reporting and budget.
Kode Etik Komite Pemantau Risiko Risk Oversight Committee Code of Conduct
Setiap anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko Each member of the Risk Monitoring Committee
berkomitmen memberikan kemampuan terbaiknya is committed to giving their best and complying
dan mematuhi kode etik yang berlaku, dengan with the applicable code of conduct, by prioritizing
mengutamakan integritas, independensi, integrity, independence, objectivity, honesty, and
objektivitas, kejujuran, dan komitmen terhadap commitment to the principles of GCG.
prinsip-prinsip GCG.
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Komite Pemantau Duties and Responsibilities of the Risk Monitoring
Risiko Committee
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Komite Pemantau The Duties and Responsibilities of the Risk Monitoring
Risiko berpedoman pada Pedoman Kerja Komite Committee are guided by the Risk Monitoring
Pemantau Risiko, di antaranya adalah: Committee Work Guidelines, including:
1. Review dan memberikan rekomendasi atas 1. Review and provide recommendations on the
efektivitas pelaksanaan Pemantau risiko effectiveness of the implementation of the
Perusahaan dan atas rencana investasi Company’s risk monitoring and on the Company’s
Perusahaan yang material yang dilakukan oleh material investment plans carried out by the Risk
Divisi Risk Management; Management Division;
2. Pengawasan atas kegiatan dan pelaksanaan 2. Oversight of the activities and implementation
rekomendasi Komite Pemantau Risiko oleh Divisi of the Risk Monitoring Committee’s
Risk Management dalam memantau pelaksanaan recommendations by the Risk Management
mitigasi risiko oleh unit-unit kerja terkait; Division in monitoring the implementation of risk
3. Analisis dan evaluasi atas RKAP dan review mitigation by related work units;
3. Analysis and evaluation of the RKAP and annual
392 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
tahunan atas RJPP yang diajukan oleh Direksi, review of the RJPP proposed by the Board of
termasuk usulan setoran modal dan rencana Directors, including the proposed capital injection
investasi di Anak Perusahaan; and investment plans in the Subsidiary;
4. Penelaahan melalui diskusi bersama Pemantau 4. Review through discussions with monitors of risk
atas informasi risiko dan Pemantau risiko information and corporate risk monitors;
5. Pembahasan atas risiko-risiko penting 5. Discussion on the Company’s significant risks,
Perusahaan, termasuk risiko pada perjanjian including risks in agreements with third parties
dengan pihak ketiga yang dalam lingkup that are within the scope of the supervisory
kewenangan pengawasan Dewan Komisaris. authority of the Board of Commissioners.
Pembagian Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab dalam Division of Duties and Responsibilities in the Risk
Keanggotaan Komite Pemantau Risiko Monitoring Committee Membership
Anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko terdiri dari 4 The Risk Monitoring Committee consists of 4
(empat) orang yang berlatar belakang pendidikan (four) people with educational backgrounds in
manajemen, akuntasi maupun teknik serta management, accounting and engineering and
mempunya pengalaman kerja yang beragam. Sifat have various work experiences. The nature of the
pekerjaan Komite Pemantau Risiko adalah kolektif work of the Risk Oversight Committee is a collegial
kolegial. Dengan demikian, pelaksanaan tugas collective. Thus, the implementation of the duties of
Komite Pemantau Risiko dapat dilakukan secara the Risk Monitoring Committee can be carried out
bersama-sama sesuai dengan latar belakang jointly according to the educational background and
pendidikan dan kompetensi yang dimiliki dari competencies of each member of the Risk Monitoring
masing-masing anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko. Committee.
Di tahun 2020, Komite Pemantau Risiko In 2020, the Risk Monitoring Committee held 11
menyelenggarakan rapat sebanyak 11 (sebelas) kali (eleven) meetings and recapitulated the attendance
rapat dan rekapitulasi tingkat kehadiran Komite level of the Nomination and Remuneration
Nominasi dan Remunerasi dalam rapat-rapat Committee at these meetings.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 393
Corporate Governance
Antonius Ketua
V V V V V V V V V V V 11 11 100%
Ratdomopurbo Chairmen
Reynold M. Anggota
V V V V V V V V V 9 9 100%
Batubara 1) Member
Serena K. Anggota
V V 2 2 100%
Ferdinandus 2) Member
394 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Pelaksanaan Tugas Komite Pemantau Risiko Implementation of Duties of the Risk Monitoring
Selama tahun 2020, Komite Pemantau Risiko telah During 2020, the Risk Monitoring Committee
melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sesuai has carried out its duties and responsibilities in
Pedoman Kerja Komite Pemantau Risiko serta accordance with the Risk Monitoring Committee
Program Kerja Komite Pemantau Risiko 2020. Work Guidelines and the 2020 Risk Monitoring
Committee Work Program.
Adapun realisasi pelaksanaan tugas Komite The realization of the implementation of the Risk
Pemantau Risiko di tahun 2020 di antaranya: Oversight Committee’s duties in 2020 includes:
1. Kajian atas Revisi RKAP Perubahan tahun 2020 1. Review of Revised RKAP Changes in 2020 due to
karena pengaruh Pandemi Covid-19; the influence of the Covid-19 Pandemic;
2. Menyampaikan rekomendasi berkaitan dengan 2. Delivering recommendations related to
aspek manajemen risiko kepada Dewan Komisaris risk management aspects to the Board of
atas kebijakan yang telah diterapkan. Commissioners regarding the policies that have
been implemented.
3. Melakukan monitoring dan review terhadap usulan 3. Monitoring and reviewing the Board of Directors’
investasi Direksi maupun usulan penerbitan investment proposals and the proposed sukuk
sukuk ijarah. Selanjutnya memberikan masukan ijarah issuance. Furthermore, providing input to
kepada Dewan Komisaris sebagai bahan dalam the Board of Commissioners as material in the
penyusunan rekomendasi kepada Direksi. preparation of recommendations to the Board
of Directors.
4. Melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab lain 4. Carry out other duties and responsibilities
yang diberikan oleh Dewan Komisaris dari waktu assigned by the Board of Commissioners from
ke waktu. time to time.
5. Melakukan evaluasi atas penerapan dan 5. Evaluating the application and implementation
implementasi Enterprise Risk Management of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in the
(ERM) Perusahaan. Company.
Rekomendasi Komite Pemantau Risiko kepada Recommendation from the Risk Monitoring
Dewan Komisaris Committee to the Board of Commissioners
Sesuai dengan Piagam Komite Pemantau Risiko In accordance with the Risk Monitoring Committee
yang telah disahkan pada tahun 2015, salah satu Charter which was ratified in 2015, one of the duties
tugas Komite Pemantau Risiko adalah memberikan of the Risk Monitoring Committee is to provide input
masukan kepada Dewan Komisaris sebagai bahan to the Board of Commissioners as material in the
dalam penyusunan rekomendasi kepada Direksi. preparation of recommendations to the Board of
Untuk itu pada tahun 2020, rekomendasi yang For this reason, in 2020, the recommendations
diberikan Komite Pemantau Risiko antara lain given by the Risk Monitoring Committee include
rekomendasi atas RKAP Tahun 2020, rencana recommendations for the 2020 RKAP, the
investasi Perseroan dan evaluasi penerapan Company’s investment plan and evaluation of the
kebijakan pengelolaan manajemen risiko Perseroan. implementation of the Company’s risk management
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 395
Corporate Governance
Pelaporan Reporting
Piagam Komite Pemantau Risiko mengatur bahwa The Risk Monitoring Committee Charter stipulates
Komite Pemantau Risiko wajib menyampaikan that the Risk Monitoring Committee is obliged
laporan berikut kepada Dewan Komisaris: to submit the following reports to the Board of
1. Komite menyampaikan laporan atas aktifitas 1. The Committee submits reports on the activities
Komite kepada Dewan Komisaris secara of the Committee to the Board of Commissioners
berkala sekurang-kurangnya 1 (satu) kali dalam periodically at least 1 (one) time a year or at the
setahun atau atas permintaan Dewan Komisaris request of the Board of Commissioners to report
melaporkan hasil kerjanya kepada Dewan its work results to the Board of Commissioners.
2. Laporan Komite tersebut merupakan bagian dari 2. The Committee Report is part of the report on
laporan pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris dan the implementation of duties of the Board of
disampaikan dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Commissioners and is submitted at the General
Saham. Meeting of Shareholders.
Pencapaian KPI Komite Pemantau Risiko Achievement of Risk Monitoring Committee KPIs
Penilaian kinerja Komite Pemantau Risiko Assessment of the performance of the Risk
dilakukan setidaknya 1 (satu) tahun sekali, dengan Monitoring Committee is carried out at least once
mempertimbangkan efektivitas Komite Pemantau a year, taking into account the effectiveness of
Risiko dalam menjalankan fungsinya, tingkat the Committee Risk Monitoring in carrying out its
kehadiran dalam rapat, dan tingkat pemahaman functions, the level of attendance at meetings, and
akan masalah yang dihadapi Perusahaan. the level of understanding of the problems faced by
the Company.
396 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Sebagai perusahaan publik, Perseroan wajib As a public company, the Company is required to
memiliki fungsi Sekretaris Perusahaan sesuai have a Corporate Secretary function in accordance
dengan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor with the Financial Services Authority Regulation No.
35/POJK.04/2014 tentang Sekretaris Perusahaan 35/POJK.04/2014 concerning Corporate Secretary
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik. Sekretaris Issuers or Public Companies. The Corporate Secretary
Perusahaan mempunyai tugas dan tanggung jawab has the duty and responsibility in facilitating
dalam memfasilitasi komunikasi antara organ communication between the Company's organs, is
Perseroan, bertanggung jawab dalam penyusunan responsible for formulating policies, planning and
kebijakan, perencanaan serta memastikan efektivitas ensuring the effectiveness and transparency of
dan transparansi komunikasi perusahaan, hubungan company communications, institutional relations,
kelembagaan, hubungan investor dan pelaku pasar investor relations and other capital market players
modal lainnya dengan tetap memperhatikan prinsip while taking into account the principles of the
standar etika Perusahaan, prinsip tata kelola Company's ethical standards, governance principles
Perusahaan, dan nilai-nilai Perusahaan. Company, and Company values.
Sekretaris Perusahaan bertanggung jawab langsung The Corporate Secretary is directly responsible to
kepada Direksi serta diangkat dan diberhentikan the Directors and is appointed and dismissed based
berdasarkan Keputusan Direksi berdasarkan on the Directors' Decree based on the Company's
mekanisme internal Perusahaan dengan persetujuan internal mechanism with the approval of the Board
Dewan Komisaris. of Commissioners.
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Corporate Governance
398 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Ari Wijaya*
Sekretaris Perusahaan
Corporate Secretary
Usia 51 tahun
Age 51 years
Tempat & Tanggal Lahir Malang, 23 Maret 1970
Place & Date of Birth Malang, March 23, 1970
• S1 lulus 1994: Teknik Mesin/Produksi, Universitas Brawijaya.
• S2 lulus 2009 : Magister Manajemen/Produksi, Universitas Trisakti.
Riwayat Pendidikan
• Bachelor’s Degree in Machine/Production Engineering, Brawijaya University.
Education History
• Master’s Degree in Management/Production, Trisakti University.
• 2017 : Accredited Supply Chain Analist, American Academy
D a s a r H u k u m P e n u n j u ka n
Sekretaris Perusahaan SK No.016/EN/KPTS/000D/2019
Legal Basis for Appointment of Decree No.016/EN/KPTS/000D/2019
Corporate Secretary
• 1994-1996 : Production Supervisor, PT Cipta Piranti Tehnik (Astra Group)
• 1996-2003 : Supply Services Manager, PT Gillette Indonesia
• 2003-2005 : Supply Chain Manager, PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo (SariRoti)
• 2005-2007 : Procurement Manager, PT Semen Andalas Indonesia (Lafarge Cement)
• 2007-2009 : Sourcing & Supplier Development Manager, PT Danone Indonesia.
• 2009-2012 : Strategic Sourcing & Performance Manager, PT Elnusa Tbk
• 2012-2013 : Division Head of Procurement & Asset Management, PT Elnusa, Tbk.
• 2013-2015 : Vice President of Procurement, General Affairs and Property
Management, PT Elnusa Tbk
• 2015-2017 : Presiden Direktur PT Elnusa Daya Kreatif (Group of Elnusa)
Riwayat Jabatan • 2017-2019 : Vice President of Property Management & General Affiars, PT Elnusa Tbk
Occupational Position History • 1994-1996: Production Supervisor, PT Cipta Piranti Tehnik (Astra Group)
• 1996-2003: Supply Services Manager, PT Gillette Indonesia
• 2003-2005: Supply Chain Manager, PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo (SariRoti)
• 2005-2007: Procurement Manager, PT Semen Andalas Indonesia (Lafarge Cement)
• 2007-2009: Sourcing & Supplier Development Manager, PT Danone Indonesia.
• 2009-2012: Strategic Sourcing & Performance Manager, PT Elnusa Tbk
• 2012-2013: Division Head of Procurement & Asset Management, PT Elnusa, Tbk.
• 2013-2015: Vice President of Procurement, General Affairs and Property
Management, PT Elnusa Tbk
• 2015-2017: President Director of PT Elnusa Daya Kreatif (Group of Elnusa)
• 2017-2019: Vice President of Property Management & General Affiars, PT Elnusa Tbk
Domisili Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Domicile South Tangerang, Banten
* Ari Wijaya Resmi Menjabat Sebagai Sekretaris Perusahaan Per 1 November 2019.
* Ari Wijaya was officially appointed as Company Secretary in November 1, 2019.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 399
Corporate Governance
Direktur Utama
President Direktur
Sekretaris Perusahaan
Corporate Secretary
BOD Support
Senior Manager of
Corporate Relation
Corporate Communication Digital & Social Media Asst. Manager of Asst. Manager of
Officer Communication Officer Community Relation GRS Community Relation POMS
400 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Dalam Piagam Sekretaris Perusahaan menyatakan The Corporate Secretary Charter states that the
bahwa pembentukan fungsi Sekretaris Perusahaan establishment of the Corporate Secretary function
dan penerbitan Piagam Sekretaris Perusahaan and the issuance of the Corporate Secretary Charter
dimaksudkan utamanya untuk memastikan are intended primarily to ensure that the Company's
bahwa tindakan Perusahaan sejalan dengan actions are in line with the principles and governance
prinsip dan aturan tata kelola yang telah diadopsi rules that have been adopted by the Company and
oleh Perusahaan serta sesuai dengan peraturan in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
Piagam Sekretaris Perusahaan disahkan oleh Direksi The Charter of the Corporate Secretary is ratified
Perseroan guna menjadi pedoman dan bisa dapat by the Directors of the Company in order to become
ditinjau kembali guna dilakukan penyesuaian sesuai a guideline and can be reviewed for adjustments in
dengan perkembangan Perseroan dan perubahan accordance with the development of the Company
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. and changes in the legislation in force. This Charter
Piagam ini memuat hal-hal di antaranya; contains matters including;
1. Latar Belakang 1. Background
2. Tujuan 2. Purpose
3. Struktur dan Kedudukan Sekretaris Perusahaan, 3. Structure and Position of the Corporate Secretary,
4. Persyaratan Sekretaris Perusahaan 4. Requirements of the Corporate Secretary
5. Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Sekretaris 5. Duties and Responsibilities of the Corporate
Perusahaan Secretary
6. Pengunduran Diri/Pemberhentian Sekretaris 6. Resignation/Dismissal of the Corporate Secretary
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Sekretaris Duties and Responsibilities of the Corporate
Perusahaan Secretary
Tugas dan tanggung jawab Sekretaris Perusahaan The duties and responsibilities of the Corporate
tercantum dalam Uraian Jabatan tanggal 26 Mei Secretary are listed in the Job Description dated
2015 di mana Sekretaris Perusahaan memiliki May 26, 2015 in which the Corporate Secretary has
lima fungsi utama dalam mendukung hubungan five main functions in supporting the Company's
Perusahaan dengan stakeholders, yaitu: relations with stakeholders, namely:
1. Sebagai pejabat penghubung. 1. As a liaison official.
2. Sebagai komunikator perusahaan. 2. As a company communicator.
3. Sebagai pelaksana GCG. 3. As a GCG implementer.
4. Sebagai penatausahaan dokumen perusahaan. 4. As the administration of company documents.
5. Sebagai pusat informasi dan publikasi resmi 5. As the company's official information and
perusahaan. publication center.
Tugas dan tanggung jawab Sekretaris Perusahaan The duties and responsibilities of the Corporate
telah disesuaikan dengan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Secretary have been adjusted to the Financial
Keuangan Nomor 35/POJK.04/2014, sebagai Services Authority Regulation Number 35/
berikut: POJK.04/2014, as follows:
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Corporate Governance
402 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Aktivitas Keterangan
Activity Description
Bertujuan untuk memenuhi dan memastikan bawah
Kepatuhan kepada Peraturan Pasar Modal
Perseroan mematuhi peraturan yang berlaku untuk
(Laporan Tahunan, laporan keuangan, laporan
Perseroan sebagai public & listed company sesuai dengan
terkait RUPS, laporan registrasi pemegang
peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh OJK dan BEI.
efek dll).
Compliance with Capital Market Regulations Aims to meet and ensure that the Company complies with
(Annual Reports, financial reports, reports the regulations that apply to the Company as a public & listed
related to GMS, registration of securities holders, company in accordance with the regulations set by the OJK
etc.). and BEI.
Melakukan manajemen registrasi pemegang saham dibantu
Manajemen registrasi pemegang saham. dengan BAE Perseroan.
Shareholder registration management. Carrying out shareholder registration management assisted
by the Company's BAE.
3. Melaksanakan program pengenalan Perusahaan kepada
Penyusunan program pengenalan Perusahaan Dewan Komisaris yang baru diangkat mengenai profil
kepada Dewan Komisaris baru. Perusahaan secara umum.
Preparation of the Company introduction Implement a Company introduction program to the newly
program to the new Board of Commissioners. appointed Board of Commissioners regarding the Company's
profile in general.
4. Pelaksanaan RUPS. Selama tahun buku 2020, Perseroan menyelenggarakan
Implementation of the GMS. satu kali RUPS Tahunan.
During the 2020 fiscal year, the Company held one Annual
5. Manajemen dan administrasi pembayaran Melakukan manajemen proses administrasi pembayaran
dividen tahun buku 2019. dividen sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku.
Management and administration of 2019 Perform management of the dividend payment administration
dividend payments. process in accordance with applicable regulations.
6. Melakukan update atas beberapa pedoman • Pembaharuan prosedur kepatuhan (penerimaan dan
kepatuhan dan pemenuhan ABC Capability pemberian hadiah, benturan kepentingan)
Assessment • Pembaharuan Code of Conduct
Update several compliance guidelines and • Pembaharuan Prosedur penyusunan Road Map
fulfillment of ABC Capability Assessment • Pembaharuan prosedur Penyusunan Board Manual
• Pembaharuan Prosedur Pengelolaan Kepemilikan Saham
dan Transaksi Orang Dalam (Insider Trading)
• Pembaharuan Prosedur Pengelolaan Kegiatan Hubungan
• Updates to compliance procedures (receiving and giving
gifts, conflict of interest)
• Updating the Code of Conduct
• Renewal of the Road Map preparation procedure
• Updating of Board Manual Compilation procedure
• Updating of Share Ownership Management Procedures and
Insider Trading
• Updating the Investor Relations Activity Management
Melakukan persiapan dan penyelenggaraan, termasuk
menyediakan Informasi/data untuk keperluan rapat
tersebut, melakukan monitor terhadap pelaksanaan
keputusan dalam rapat dan mengintegrasikan resources
Berpartisipasi dalam rapat Dewan Komisaris
untuk dapat menyelesaikan pending matters terkait hal
dan rapat Direksi.
7. tersebut.
Participate in Board of Commissioners meetings
Preparation and implementation, including providing
and Board of Directors meetings.
information/data for the purpose of the meeting, monitoring
the implementation of decisions in the meeting and
integrating resources to be able to resolve pending matters
related to it.
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Corporate Governance
Berikut adalah ringkasan realisasi kegiatan The following table is a summary of the realization
Sekretaris Perusahaan yang terkait dengan Investor of Corporate Secretary activities related to Investor
Relation: Relations:
Aktivitas Keterangan
Activity Description
Melakukan 1 (satu) kali paparan public pada tanggal 30 November 2020, bertempat di
Graha Elnusa secara daring untuk menyampaikan update kinerja Perseroan 2020 dan
Paparan Publik
1. strategi serta rencana kerja yang akan datang.
Public Expose
Conduct 1 (one) time public exposure on November 30, 2020, at Graha Elnusa online to
deliver updates on the Company’s 2020 performance and future strategies and work plans.
Pertemuan tatap muka dan conference call dengan analis/investor/fund manager
tatap muka dan
baik local maupun luar negri sebanyak 15 kali untuk memberikan informasi mengenai
conference call
Perseroan. Tahun ini banyak dilakukan melalui media daring.
2. dengan Analis
Face-to-face meetings and conference calls with analysts/investors/fund managers, both
Face-to-face meeting
local and overseas, 15 times to provide information about the Company. This year a lot of it
and conference calls
is done through online media.
with Analysts
Partisipasi dalam berbagai deal dan non-deal roadshow serta konferensi yang diadakan
oleh beberapa perusahaan sekuritas ternama dengan tujuan memberikan informasi
mengenai kinerja serta tantangan dan strategi yang dilakukan Perseroan.
Pada tahun ini Investor Relation bersama dengan tim keuangan melakukan roadshow
Roadshow dan ke beberapa fund managers, dana pension dan aset management dalam rangka
konferensi menawarkan Sukuk Ijarah Bekelanjutan I Elnusa tahap I 2020 sebanyak 3 kali.
Roadshow and Participation in various deals and non-deal roadshows and conferences held by several well-
Conference known securities companies with the aim of providing information about the performance
and the challenges and strategies undertaken by the Company.
This year, Investor Relations together with the financial team conducted roadshows to
several fund managers, pension funds and asset management to offer Elnusa I 2020 Phase
I Continuous Sukuk Ijarah I 2020 for 3 times.
Aktif berupaya agar analis pada sekuritas-sekuritas melakukan penulisan laporan
Research Report ELSA secara berkala baik yang sifatnya coverage maupun daily notes.
Research Report Actively organize analysts in securities to write ELSA reports periodically both coverage and
daily notes.
Aktif melakukan penulisan dan update bulanan maupun insidentil terkait saham
ELSA maupun kondisi pasar modal kepada internal perusahaan, manajemen maupun
Internal Research
5 pemegang saham.
Actively writing and updating monthly and incidentally related to ELSA shares and capital
market conditions to the internal company, management, and shareholders.
Partisipasi dalam hal tindakan yang dilakukan perusahaan di mana dapat berdampak
terhadap kepemilikan saham investor atau harga sahamnya itu sendiri.
Pada tahun 2020 Elnusa menerbitkan Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I 2020 dengan
target dana yang dihimpun sebesar Rp1.500.000.000,00 dengan tahap awal sebesar
Corporate Actions
6 Rp700.000.000.000,00.
Corporate Actions
Participation in the Company actions which may have an impact on investor share ownership
or the share price.
In 2020, Elnusa issued Sustainable Sukuk Ijarah I 2020 with the collected fund target of
Rp1,500,000,000.00 with the initial stage of Rp700,000,000,000.00.
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PT Elnusa Tbk
Corporate Communications Elnusa memiliki tugas Elnusa’s Corporate Communications has a duty
dalam memastikan visi, misi, strategi maupun to ensure that the company’s vision, mission,
nilai perusahaan tersampaikan dan dipahami oleh strategy and values are conveyed and understood
setiap stakeholders. Secara spesifik Corporate by every stakeholder. Specifically, Corporate
Communications memiliki empat peran, yaitu Communications has four roles, namely internal &
internal & external communication. Kinerja external communication. Performance of Corporate
Corporate Communications selama Januari s.d. Communications during January s.d. December
Desember 2020 adalah sebagai berikut: 2020 is as follows:
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Corporate Governance
Activity Summary
Aktivitas Realisasi Ytd
No. Target Ytd (realization-target)/
Activity Realization
1 Press release production 31 16 94%
2 Media meeting 10 6 67%
3 Advertorial 5 2 150%
Publication Number
Realisasi Ytd
No. Channel Target Ytd Growth
1 Posting content 242 100 142%
2 LinkedIn 51 50 2%
3 Instagram 160 50 220%
4 Youtube 31 6 417%
5 Design content 242 100 142%
Followers Number
Realisasi Ytd
No. Channel Target Ytd Growth
1 LinkedIn 98.993 44.500 122%
2 Instagram 6.350 5.000 27%
406 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Realisasi Ytd
No. Channel Target Ytd Growth
3 Youtube 660 500 32&
4 KPI keseluruhan 106.003 50.000 112%
Corcomm Support
Aktivitas Realisasi Ytd
No. Target Ytd Growth
Activity Realization
1 Video Services 13 3 333%
2 Photo Services 4 3 33%
3 Design Services 5 3 67%
Event Support
Aktivitas Realisasi Ytd
No. Target Ytd Growth
Activity Realization
1 Video Event 88 10 780%
2 Photo Event 10 10 0%
3 Design Event 219 200 10%
Sebagai hasil dari peningkatan berbagai aktivitas As a result of the increase in various external
external communication, hasil pemberitaan Elnusa communication activities, Elnusa’s news results
menghasilkan capaian sebagai berikut: resulted in the following achievements:
1. Pada 2020, berita tercover media mencapai 930 1. In 2020, news coverage by the media reached 930
pemberitaan, terdiri 926 pemberitaan positif dan reports, consisting of 926 positive news reports
4 pemberitaan negatif. Sedangkan pada 2019, and 4 negative news reports. Meanwhile, in 2019,
berita tercover media mencapai 298 berita, the news covered by the media reached 298 news,
terdiri 295 pemberitaan positif dan 3 negatif. consisting of 295 positive news and 3 negative
2. Persentase pemberitaan positif pada 2020 2. The percentage of positive news in 2020 is
adalah 99,6% berita merupakan berita positif 99.6% news is positive news about financial
seputar kinerja keuangan, operasi, event dan lain- performance, operations, events and others.
lain. Sementara pada 2019, pemberitaan positif Meanwhile in 2019, positive news reached 98.9%.
mencapai 98,9%.
3. Pada 2020, nilai advertising value dari berita 3. In 2020, the advertising value of news reached
mencapai Rp16,8 miliar, dengan PR value Rp16.8 billion, with a PR value of Rp50.3 billion.
mencapai Rp50,3 miliar. Hasil ini lebih tinggi This result is 29% higher than the achievement
29% dibandingkan pencapaian tahun 2019. Nilai in 2019. The advertising value of 2019 is Rp13.05
advertising value 2019 Rp13,05 miliar dan PR billion and the PR value is Rp39.7 billion.
value Rp39,7 miliar.
4. Berdasarkan opportunity to view nya, berita 4. Based on the opportunity to view, positive
positif Elnusa mencapai 43,7 miliar viewers. Nilai news for Elnusa reached 43.7 billion viewers.
opportunity to view ini didasarkan atas potensi The opportunity to view value is based on the
publisitas dari suatu media yang ditentukan potential publicity of a media which is determined
melalui jumlah oplah ataupun traffic. by the amount of circulation or traffic.
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b. Sosialisasi b. Socialization
Sosialiasi dilakukan untuk memberikan Dissemination is carried out to provide correct
informasi dan pemahaman yang benar information and understanding to stakeholders
kepada stakeholder (warga/masyarakat, (citizens/communities, companies, related
perusahaan, instansi pemerintahan terkait) government agencies) regarding operational
mengenai aktivitas operasi yang dilakukan activities carried out to minimize problems.
untuk meminimalisir terjadinya permasalahan.
Sosialisasi tingkat Kecamatan / Desa (dapat) Socialization at the District/Village level
merupakan tanggung jawab Perseroan, (can) is the responsibility of the Company,
408 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
dan sosialisasi untuk tingkat Kabupaten and socialization for the Regency level is the
merupakan tanggung jawab Klien dan Humas responsibility of the Client and the Company’s
Perseroan dapat memberikan supporting Public Relations can provide supporting
pendampingan. assistance.
Terdapat dua jenis sosialisasi yang dilakukan There are two types of outreach carried out
oleh Humas Perseroan, yaitu: by the Company’s Public Relations, namely:
• Sosialisasi Terbuka • Open Socialization
Merupakan sosialisasi yang dilakukan Is a socialization that is carried out in
di tempat umum (Balai Desa, Balai public places (Village Hall, District Hall,
Kecamatan, dan lain-lain) dengan and others) by inviting land owners that
mengundang pemilik lahan yang dilintasi are traversed by the Company’s operations,
oleh kegiatan operasi Perseroan, termasuk including community leaders, religious
tokoh masyarakat, tokoh agama, Tripika, leaders, Tripika, and Village officials.
dan perangkat Desa.
• Sosialisasi Door to Door • Door to Door Socialization
Merupakan sosialisasi yang dilakukan This is a direct door-to-door socialization to
secara langsung dari pintu ke pintu land owners who need further explanation.
kepada pemilik lahan yang membutuhkan
penjelasan lebih lanjut.
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Total dana yang dikelola secara konsolidasi mencapai The total funds managed on a consolidated basis
Rp11,2 miliar. Jumlah benefisiaris mencapai 53 ribu reached Rp11.2 billion. The number of beneficiaries
410 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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orang. Baik dana maupun benefisiaris hanya berasal reached 53 thousand people. Both funds and
dari holding. Baik nilai maupun benefisiaris cenderung beneficiaries only come from the holding. Both value
mengalami peningkatan bila dibandingkan tahun and beneficiaries tend to increase when compared
sebelumnya. to the previous year.
Update mengenai ini akan tersaji pada laporan Updates on this will be presented in annual
tahunan maupun laporan keberlanjutan yang reports and in sustainability reports that present a
menampilkan laporan secara konsolidasi. Penyusunan consolidated report. Preparation of a sustainability
laporan keberlanjutan sesuai dengan Peraturan OJK report in accordance with FSA Regulation No. 51/
No. 51/POJK.03/2017 serta GRI Standards. POJK.03/2017 and GRI Standards.
Aktivitas CID Perseroan dipengaruhi oleh kinerja The Company’s CID activities are influenced by
ekonomi dan kondisi industri migas. Pergeseran economic performance and conditions in the oil
dominasi aktivitas hilir ke hulu migas mempengaruhi and gas industry. The shift in the dominance of
pula aktivitas CID Perseroan. Perlu penyesuaian downstream to upstream oil and gas activities also
aktivitas CID dengan kondisi operasional yang affects the Company’s CID activities. It is necessary
dilaksanakan. to adjust CID activities to the operational conditions
being carried out.
Secara sifat bisnis, terdapat perbedaan jelas antara In terms of business nature, there are clear differences
kedua aktivitas Perseroan pada kedua segmen between the two Company’s activities in the two
tersebut. Lokasi kerja jasa hulu migas umumnya segments. The work locations of upstream oil and
berada di hutan, laut maupun pemukiman rendah gas services are generally in forests, sea and low-
penduduk, sedangkan jasa distribusi dan logistik population settlements, while energy distribution
energi pada segmen hilir berada pada area and logistics services in the downstream segment
pemukiman ramai penduduk. Untuk durasi proyek, are in densely populated residential areas. For the
jasa hulu migas berkisar 6-15 bulan, sedangkan jasa project duration, upstream oil and gas services range
distribusi dan logistik energi memiliki durasi kontrak from 6-15 months, while energy distribution and
yang lebih panjang. logistics services have a longer contract duration.
Namun demikian ditengah pergeseran kondisi yang However, in the midst of shifting conditions, the
ada, Perseroan berkomitmen bahwa CID merupakan Company is committed that CID is a social investment
investasi sosial dan bagian terpadu dalam proses and an integrated part of the business process. The
bisnis. Komitmen pelaksanaan CID Perseroan commitment to implementing the Company’s CID
tertuang pada Pedoman Pengelolaan Corporate is stated in the Guidelines for the Management of
Relation- A43-002/F01001/2020 (Rev.0) yang Corporate Relations- A43-002/F01001/2020 (Rev.0)
mengacu pada ISO 26000: Social Responsibility which refers to ISO 26000: Social Responsibility in
dalam pelaksanaannya dan merupakan bentuk its implementation and is a form of the Company’s
kepatuhan Perseroan terhadap Undang-Undang compliance with Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning
Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas. Limited Liability Companies.
Keharmonisan hubungan dengan komunitas di sekitar Harmonious relations with communities around the
wilayah kerja merupakan salah satu perhatian utama work area is one of the Company’s main concerns.
Perseroan. Perhatian ini diimplementasikan melalui This concern is implemented through community
program-program pengembangan komunitas yang development programs that focus on education,
berfokus pada pendidikan, ekonomi, kesehatan economy, health and the environment. This program
dan lingkungan. Program ini tidak hanya dilakukan is not only carried out by the Company but also its
oleh Perseroan melainkan juga Anak Perusahaan. Subsidiaries. In practice, the Company prioritizes
Dalam praktiknya, Perseroan memprioritaskan a number of programs based on support for the
sejumlah program atas dasar dukungan terhadap Sustainable Development Goals and focuses on
Sustainable Development Goals dan berfokus pada community beneficiaries who are included in the
benefisiaris masyarakat yang tergolong dalam eight asnaf. The objective of this priority is to support
delapan asnaf. Tujuan dari prioritas ini adalah untuk the development of national capacity according to
mendukung pengembangan kapasitas nasional the Company’s capabilities.
sesuai kemampuan Perseroan.
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Corporate Governance
Enviromental concern activities 752
Elnusa emergency response 264
Drilling for Water 1.200
Beasiswa terpadu
Integrated scholarship
Taman belajar Elnusa
Elnusa learning park
Beasiswa operasi/ penghargaan
Operation scholarship/award
Pengembangan sekolah mandiri
Independent school development
Forum posyandu
Posyandu forum
Pos sehat
Health post
Aksi donor darah
Blood donation action
Donasi Covid-19
Covid-19 Donation
Tabung hikmah mandiri/ P2KM
Saving independent wisdom/P2KM
Local community empowerment
Local community empowerment
Elnusa Tebar Qurban
Elnusa Tebar Qurban
Elnusa berbagi kasih
Elnusa shared love
Total Penerima Manfaat
Total Beneficiaries
412 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Sulawesi Selatan), Desa Hikun, Desa Puwain Village, Puwain Kiwa Village and Garunggung
Kiwa dan Desa garunggung Tanjung, Tabalong Tanjung Village, Tabalong (South Kalimantan).
(Kalimantan Selatan).
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Corporate Governance
dan satu orang penerima manfaat lainnya yaitu beneficiary was a scholarship for students in the
beasiswa untuk Mahasiswa di wilayah area lokasi area of the EPC OM Prabumulih Project (South
Proyek EPC OM Prabumulih (Sumatera Selatan). Sumatra).
4. Ramadan di Elnusa 4. Ramadan in Elnusa
Kegiatan Ramadan di Elnusa merupakan salah Ramadan activities at Elnusa are one of the
satu kegiatan preferensi karyawan muslim preferred activities of the Company’s Muslim
Perseroan yang diadakan selama sebulan penuh employees which are held for a full month
pada bulan suci Ramadan. Melalui program during the holy month of Ramadan. Through
ini Perseroan berupaya memperbaiki perilaku this program, the Company seeks to improve
maupun kinerja karyawan berdasarkan nilai- employee behavior and performance based on
nilai agama islam. Kegiatan tersebut pada Islamic religious values. This activity in 2020 is
tahun 2020 terbatas dikarenakan adanya limited due to the Covid-19 Pandemic which still
Pandemi Covid-19 yang masih menjamah touches Indonesian territory. The implementation
wilayah Indonesia. Pelaksanaan kegiatan di bulan of activities in the month of Ramadan must be in
Ramadan ini harus sesuai dan mematuhi protokol accordance with and comply with the 5M health
kesehatan 5M (Mencuci tangan, Menjaga Jarak protocol (Washing hands, Maintaining Distance
dan Memakai Masker, Menjauhi kerumunan, and Wearing Masks, Staying away from crowds,
Membatasi mobilisasi dan interaksi), kegiatan limiting mobilization and interaction), activities
yang dilakukan terbatas pada edukasi keislaman carried out are limited to Islamic education in
dalam bentuk pengajian maupun majelis ilmu the form of recitation and science assemblies
yang dilakukan secara daring, juga dengan conducted online, also with other activities such
kegiatan lain seperti buka puasa bersama as breaking the fast with the community around
masyarakat di sekitar Graha Elnusa yang Graha Elnusa which was carried out by giving
dilakukan dengan pemberian nasi kotak di Masjid rice boxes at the Baitul Hikmah Elnusa Mosque
Baitul Hikmah Elnusa yang ditujukan ke warga aimed at residents around the ring 1 area of
sekitar area ring 1 Graha Elnusa selama bulan Graha Elnusa during the month of Ramadan. As
Ramadhan. Sedangkan untuk Sholat tarawih for the tarawih prayers in congregation and even
berjamaah dan bahkan berdiam diri (I’tikaf) silence (I’tikaf) in 2020 this is eliminated to break
tahun 2020 ini ditiadakan untuk memutus mata the chain of the spread of Covid-19. More than
rantai penyebaran Covid-19. Terhitung lebih dari 350 people both within the company and in the
350 orang baik dalam lingkungan perusahaan surrounding community receive the benefits of
maupun masyarakat sekitar menerima manfaat this program each year.
program ini tiap tahunnya.
5. Pengembangan Sekolah Mandiri 5. Independent School Development
Perseroan dan Grup selalu berupaya untuk The Company and the Group always strive to
mendukung dan mengutamakan dunia support and prioritize the world of education
pendidikan melalui pengembangan sekolah through the development of independent schools
mandiri di berbagai daerah. Bentuk dari in various regions. The form of support carried
dukungan yang dilakukan adalah pengembangan out is development by increasing the quality and
dengan peningkatan kualitas maupun kuantitas quantity of existing facilities and infrastructure.
dari sarana dan prasarana yang ada.
414 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Pada 2020, sebanyak 86 pelaku usaha menerima from this revolving program with a total of 6,641
manfaat dari program bergulir ini dengan total beneficiaries.
6,641 jumlah penerima manfaat.
2. Aksi Tebar Hewan Kurban 2. Sacrificial Animal Scattering Action
Program ini merupakan program rutin tahunan This program is the Company’s annual routine
Perseroan yang digelar setiap hari raya islam Idul program which is held every Islamic holiday of
Adha. Perseroan dan Grup melakukan aksi tebar Eid al-Adha. The Company and the Group have
hewan kurban di berbagai area kerja di seluruh carried out the stocking of sacrificial animals
Indonesia. Pada Tahun 2020 ini aksi tebar kurban in various work areas throughout Indonesia. In
ini dilakukan dengan tetap memperhatikan 2020, this qurbani stocking action will be carried
protokol Kesehatan dengan total hewan qurban out with due observance of the Health protocol
Sapi sebanyak 34 ekor dan Kambing sebanyak 109 with a total of 34 cattle and 109 goats. The
ekor. Jumlah penerima manfaat secara Persero number of beneficiaries as a Persero as many
sebanyak 10,907 yang tersebar dibeberapa area as 10,907 scattered in several areas where the
lokasi kerja Perseroan dan anak perusahaan. Company and its subsidiaries.
3. Elnusa Berbagi Kasih 3. Elnusa Shares Love
Program dari kegiatan ini merupakan aktivitas The program of this activity is a social care
kepedulian sosial Perseroan dan Grup yang activity for the Company and the Group which
dilakukan dengan membagikan paket bantuan is carried out by distributing aid packages to
kepada masyarakat kurang mampu di berbagai underprivileged communities in various work
area kerja Perseroan. Momen berbagi ini areas of the Company. This sharing moment is
marak dilakukan secara Persero dengan tema widely carried out by Persero with the theme
membantu Saudara kita di tengah Pandemi of helping our brothers in the midst of the
Covid-19 yang berkepanjangan di tahun 2020 prolonged Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020 with the
dengan pelaksanaan menjelang Idul Fitri, HUT implementation ahead of Eid, the Company’s
Perseroan maupun Grup, maupun momen lainnya and Group Anniversary, and other moments
yang telah menjadi kebiasaan Elnusa Group di that have become the habit of the Elnusa
area lokasi untuk berbagi kasih di Panti Asuhan. Group in the location area to share love at
Penerima manfaat kegiatan ini adalah keluarga Orphanage. The beneficiaries of this activity are
dalam kriteria delapan Asnaf. Pada tahun 2020, families in the criteria of eight Asnaf. In 2020,
Perseroan mencatat sebanyak 15,134 penerima the Company recorded 15,134 beneficiaries
manfaat dari program ini. Kegiatan Elnusa from this program. The Elnusa Sharing Love
Berbagi Kasih terlihat saat rangkaian acara HUT activity was seen during a series of events on
ke 51 Perseroan, dengan dilakukan kegiatan one the 51st the Company Anniversary, with a one line
line drawing di mana hasil penggalangan dana drawing activity where the results of fundraising
yang terkumpul dikemas dalam paket yang berisi collected were packaged in packages containing
buku bacaan anak, alat tulis, dan permainan children’s reading books, stationery and children’s
edukasi anak. Jumlah paket yang dikemas educational games. The number of packages
sebanyak 1,500 paket yang diberikan ke seluruh packaged as many as 1,500 packages given to
area lokasi kerja Elnusa Group. all areas of the Elnusa Group work location.
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Covid-19 ini yaitu 15.710 (lima belas ribu tujuh is 15,710 (fifteen thousand seven hundred and
ratus sepuluh) penerima manfaat. ten) beneficiaries.
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Corporate Governance
Internal audit merupakan bagian dari organisasi Internal audit is part of a company organization that
perusahaan yang memiliki peranan penting dalam has an important role in the development of the
perkembangan perusahaan yaitu bertugas dan company, which is tasked with and responsible for
bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan pendapat providing professional and independent opinions and
profesional dan independen serta rekomendasi recommendations for improvement to the President
perbaikan kepada Direktur Utama serta manajemen Director and related management regarding
terkait mengenai kegiatan atau operasional company activities or operations.
Kegiatan Internal Audit dilakukan mengacu kepada Internal Audit activities are carried out in reference
standar yang telah ditetapkan secara nasional to standards that have been set nationally or
ataupun internasional dan menjadikan standar internationally and make these standards as a
tersebut sebagai acuan atau pedoman dalam reference or guide in carrying out audit activities.
melaksanakan aktivitas audit.
Internal Audit berdasarkan standar yang berlaku Internal Audit based on applicable standards is
didefinisikan sebagai suatu kegiatan pemberian defined as an assurance and consultation activity
keyakinan (assurance) dan konsultasi yang bersifat that is independent and objective, with the aim
independen dan objektif, dengan tujuan untuk of providing added value and improving company
memberikan nilai tambah dan memperbaiki operations, through a systematic approach, by
operasional perusahaan, melalui pendekatan evaluating and increasing the effectiveness of risk
yang sistematis, dengan cara mengevaluasi dan management, control, and corporate governance
meningkatkan efektivitas manajemen risiko, processes.
pengendalian, dan proses tata kelola perusahaan.
Pihak yang Mengangkat dan Memberhentikan The Party that Appoint and Dismiss the Head
Kepala Internal Audit of Internal Audit
Internal Audit dipimpin oleh seorang kepala yang Internal Audit is led by a Head of Internal Audit
disebut Kepala Internal Audit atau Chief of Internal or Chief of Internal Audit who is appointed and
Audit yang diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh Direksi dismissed by the Board of Directors with the approval
dengan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris. Selanjutnya of the Board of Commissioners. Furthermore, every
setiap pengangkatan atau pemberhentian Kepala time the Head of Internal Audit is appointed or
Internal Audit, perusahaan wajib menyampaikan dismissed, the company is required to notify the
pemberitahuan kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Financial Services Authority (FSA).
Pertanggungjawaban Accountability
Secara struktural Kepala Internal Audit atau Chief of Structurally the Chief of Internal Audit is responsible
Internal Audit bertanggung jawab kepada Direktur to the President Director and has a functional
Utama dan mempunyai hubungan fungsional relationship with the Audit Committee. The Chief
dengan Komite Audit. Chief of Internal Audit wajib of Internal Audit must submit the Audit Report
menyampaikan Laporan Hasil Audit (LHA) kepada (LHA) to the President Director, Audit Committee
Direktur Utama, Komite Audit, dan Auditee. and Auditee.
Profil Kepala Internal Audit atau Chief of Internal Chief of Internal Audit Profile
Berdasarkan SK No. 016/EN/KPTS/000D/2019 Based on Decree No. 016/EN/KPTS/000D/2019
tanggal 1 November 2019 tentang Penetapan Mutasi dated 1 November 2019 concerning the Establishment
Jabatan Manajemen, Direktur Utama mengangkat of a Management Position, the President Director
Ganang Soegiyarso sebagai Chief of Internal Audit appointed Ganang Soegiyarso as the Chief of
Perseroan. Internal Audit of the Company.
418 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Ganang Soegiyarso
Kepala Internal Audit
Chief of Internal Audit
Domisili Domicile
Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan,Provinsi Banten, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, Banten Province, Indonesia
Pendidikan Education
Akuntan STAN Jakarta lulus tahun 1995 Jakarta STAN accountant graduated in 1995
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Corporate Governance
Struktur Organisasi dan Kedudukan Internal Organizational Structure and Position of Internal
Audit Audit
Internal Audit dipimpin oleh seorang kepala yang Internal Audit is led by a head called the Chief of
disebut Chief of Internal Audit yang diangkat dan Internal Audit who is appointed and dismissed by the
diberhentikan oleh Direksi dengan persetujuan Board of Directors with the approval of the Board
Dewan Komisaris. of Commissioners.
President Director
Komite Audit
Audit Committee
Support Officer
420 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Hingga akhir tahun 2020, Fungsi Internal Audit Until the end of 2020, the Internal Audit Function
memiliki 8 personil dengan rincian sebagai berikut: has 8 personnel with the following details:
Jabatan/Fungsi Jumlah
Position/Function Amount
Kepala Internal Audit
1 orang/member
Chief of Internal Audit
Senior Auditor Operation vacant
Senior Auditor Support 1 orang/member
Auditor 2 orang/members
Junior Auditor 3 orang/members
Support Officer 1 orang/member
8 orang/members
Riwayat Pendidikan Anggota Personil Unit Education History of Internal Audit Unit
Internal Audit Personnel Members
Anggota Pendidikan
Member Education
Sarjana Teknik Fisika dari Universitas Diponegoro (1991)
1. Ardiyanto
Bachelor’s Degree in Physics Engineering from Diponegoro University (1991)
Sarjana Ekonomi Jurusan Akuntansi dari Universitas Diponegoro (2005)
2. Irma Devianti
Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Diponegoro University (2005)
Sarjana Ekonomi Jurusan Akuntansi dari Universitas Indonesia (2008)
3. Wirawan Moehammad
Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from University of Indonesia (2008)
Sarjana Teknik Perminyakan dari Universitas Trisakti (2010)
4. Raditya Arya Kusumah
Bachelor’s Degree in Oil Engineering from Trisakti University (2010)
Sarjana Teknik Fisika dari Universitas Indonesia (2013)
5. Danang Swastiko
Bachelor’s Degree in Physics Engineering from University of Indonesia (2013)
Sarjana Ekonomi Jurusan Akuntansi dari Universitas Trisakti (2014)
6. Erika Putri Dewi
Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Trisakti University (2014)
Sarjana Teknik Arsitektur dari Universitas Trisakti (1997)
7. Shoffy Mulyanti
Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture from Trisakti University (1997)
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Corporate Governance
dan/atau data Perusahaan terkait pelaksanaan tugas or Company data related to the implementation of
dan tanggung jawabnya, serta (7) memahami prinsip- its duties and responsibilities, and (7) understanding
prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik dan memiliki the principles of good corporate governance and
pengetahuan manajemen risiko yang memadai. Untuk has adequate risk management knowledge. For this
itu seluruh auditor dilengkapi dengan pengetahuan reason, all auditors are equipped with knowledge that
yang perlu ditingkatkan secara berkelanjutan. needs to be improved on an ongoing basis.
Berikut rincian level sertifikasi masing-masing The following details the level of certification of each
anggota Internal Audit. member of the Internal Audit.
Independensi Independence
Sebagai pemeriksa internal, Internal Audit dalam As an internal examiner, Internal Audit in carrying
menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya memiliki out its duties and functions has the freedom to
kebebasan bertindak (independen) secara objektif. act (independently) objectively. In accordance
Sesuai dengan Standards, aktivitas audit internal with Standards, internal audit activities must be
harus bebas dari campur tangan dalam penentuan free from interference in determining the scope of
ruang lingkup audit internal, pelaksanaan penugasan, internal audit, the implementation of assignments,
dan pelaporan hasilnya. Kepala Audit Internal harus and reporting of results. The Head of Internal Audit
mengungkapkan campur tangan itu kepada Dewan must disclose the intervention to the Board and
dan mendiskusikan implikasinya. discuss its implications.
422 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
3. Melakukan pemeriksaan dan penilaian atas 3. Examining and evaluating efficiency and
efisiensi dan efektivitas di bidang keuangan, effectiveness in finance, accounting, operations,
akuntansi, operasional, sumber daya manusia, human resources, marketing, information
pemasaran, teknologi informasi, dan kegiatan technology, and other activities as stated in the
lainnya sebagaimana tertera dalam Program Annual Audit Work Program (PKAT);
Kerja Audit Tahunan (PKAT);
4. Memberikan saran perbaikan dan informasi yang 4. Provide suggestions for improvements and
objektif tentang kegiatan yang diperiksa pada objective information about the activities
semua tingkat manajemen; examined at all levels of management;
5. Membuat laporan hasil audit dan menyampaikan 5. Make an audit report and submit the report to
laporan tersebut kepada Direktur Utama dan the President Director and the Audit Committee;
Komite Audit;
6. Memantau, menganalisis dan melaporkan 6. Monitor, analyze and report the implementation
pelaksanaan tindak lanjut perbaikan yang telah of the improvements that have been suggested;
7. Bekerja sama dengan Komite Audit; 7. Working closely with the Audit Committee;
8. Menyusun program untuk mengevaluasi mutu 8. Arranging a program to evaluate the quality of
kegiatan Internal Audit yang dilakukan; Internal Audit activities carried out;
9. Melakukan pemeriksaan khusus apabila 9. Conduct special checks if needed.
Pelaporan Reporting
Internal Audit menyampaikan dan menyediakan Internal Audit submits and provides reports to the
laporan kepada Direktur Utama yang terdiri dari: President Director consisting of:
1. Laporan Hasil Audit Reguler yang berisi penilaian 1. Report on the Regular Audit Results containing an
atas kecukupan dan efektivitas proses organisasi assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness
dalam mengendalikan kegiatan operasinya serta of the organization’s processes in controlling its
menangani risiko di area- area hasil audit. operations and handling risks in the audit results
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Corporate Governance
2. Laporan Interim yang berisi isu-isu penting hasil 2. An Interim Report containing important issues
audit regular yang perlu segera disampaikan of the results of a regular audit that needs to be
untuk mendapatkan arahan lebih lanjut dari submitted immediately to get further direction
Direktur Utama. from the President Director.
3. Laporan kemajuan pelaksanaan tindak lanjut 3. Progress report on the implementation of
rekomendasi hasil audit. follow-up recommendations on audit results.
Laporan Singkat Pelaksanaan Tugas Brief Report on the Implementation of the Internal
Satuan Pengawasan Internal Tahun 2020 Audit Unit’s 2020 Duties
Dalam menjalankan tugasnya, Fungsi Internal Audit In carrying out its duties, Internal Audit has an
memiliki Program Kerja Audit Tahunan (PKAT) Annual Audit Work Program (PKAT) for 2020 which
tahun 2020 yang disusun dengan menggunakan is prepared using a risk-based audit approach. PKAT
pendekatan audit berbasis risiko (risk based audit). 2020 is submitted to the Audit Committee and the
PKAT 2020 disampaikan kepada Komite Audit dan President Director for approval. In 2020 Internal
Direktur Utama untuk dimintakan persetujuan. Audit has conducted Regular Audits and Audits at
Pada Tahun 2020 Internal Audit telah melakukan special requests by Management. The following is
Audit Reguler dan Audit atas permintaan khusus an overview of Audit activities in 2020:.
oleh Manajemen. Berikut gambaran aktivitas Audit
tahun 2020:
Tema Audit Ruang Lingkup Laporan
Audit Theme Scope Number of
Operasional Audit Operasional pada Unit Bisnis Artificial Lift Services (ALS) 1 Laporan
Operational Operational Audit on Artificial Lift Services (ALS) Business Unit 1 Report
Operasional Audit Operasional pada Unit Bisnis Depo di PT Elnusa Petrofin 1 Laporan
Operational Operational Audit at the Depot Business Unit at PT Elnusa Petrofin 1 Report
Audit Operasional Pelaksanaan RKAP Tahun 2019 pada Anak
Operasional perusahaan PT Elnusa Trans Samudera 1 Laporan
Operational Operational Audit for the Implementation of the 2019 RKAP at a 1 Report
subsidiary, PT Elnusa Trans Samudera
Audit Operasional Cost of Revenue pada Divisi Production &
Operasional Maintenance Services (POMS) 1 Laporan
Operational Operational Audit Cost of Revenue in the Production & Maintenance 1 Report
Services (POMS) Division
Audit Pengelolaan Dana Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) di
Operasional Lingkungan Elnusa Holding 1 Laporan
Operational Audit of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Fund Management in the 1 Report
Elnusa Holding Environment
Audit Lanjutan Pengelolaan Revenue Cycle di Lingkungan PT PND 1 Laporan
6. Compliance
Advanced Audit of Revenue Cycle Management in PT PND 1 Report
Code of Audit atas Pelaporan Pelanggaran/Pengaduan yang masuk melaluin
Conduct saluran Wistle Blowing System (WBS) 5 Laporan
Application of Audit of Reporting Violations/Complaints that enter through the Wistle 5 Reports
the Code of Blowing System (WBS) channel
Konsultasi Konsultasi dan/atau Pedampingan proses claim perusahaan kepada
Proses Claim pemberi kerja 2 Laporan
Claim Process Consultation and/or assistance in the process of company claims to the 2 Reports
Consultation employer
Quality Peer Review antar Fungsi IA di Lingkungan Pertamina Group 1 Laporan
Assurance Peer Review between IA Functions within Pertamina Group 1 Report
424 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Tentang kegiatan peningkatan kompetensi yang Concerning competency improvement activities that
diikuti SPI di sepanjang tahun 2020 dapat dilihat have been participated in by SPI throughout 2020,
pada bab Profil Perusahaan dalam laporan tahunan can be seen in the Company Profile chapter in this
ini. annual report.
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Corporate Governance
Akuntan publik merupakan organ eksternal Public accountants are the Company's external organs
Perseroan yang berfungsi memberikan opini terkait whose function is to provide opinions related to the
kesesuaian penyajian laporan keuangan Perseroan suitability of the presentation of the Company's
terhadap Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (SAK) yang financial statements with the Financial Accounting
berlaku di Indonesia. Keberadaan akuntan publik Standards (SAK) in force in Indonesia. The existence
diatur melalui Peraturan OJK No. 13/POJK.03/2017 of public accountants is regulated through OJK
tentang Penggunaan Jasa Akuntan Publik dan Regulation No. 13/POJK.03/2017 concerning Use of
Kantor Akuntan Publik dalam Kegiatan Jasa Public Accountant Services and Public Accountant
Keuangan. Offices in Financial Services Activities.
Manajemen bertanggung jawab terhadap penyajian Management is responsible for the presentation
laporan keuangan Perseroan dan patuh terhadap of the Company's financial statements and in
SAK yang berlaku di Indonesia yang ditetapkan oleh compliance with Indonesian GAAPs as determined
Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) dan Keputusan Ketua by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI) and
Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal Lembaga Keuangan Decision of the Chairman of the Financial Institution
(Bapepam-LK) yang sekarang menjadi Otoritas Capital Market Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK)
Jasa Keuangan (OJK) No. VIII.G.7, Lampiran Surat which is now the Financial Services Authority (OJK) No.
Keputusan No. KEP-347/BL/2012, tanggal 25 Juni VIII.G.7, Attachment to Decree No. KEP-347 /BL/2012
2012 tentang Pedoman Penyajian dan Pengungkapan dated June 25, 2012 concerning Guidelines for the
Laporan Keuangan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik. Presentation and Disclosure of Financial Statements
of Issuers or Public Companies
Prosedur Audit Eksternal dan Standar Audit External Audit Procedures and Audit Standards
1. Audit atas laporan keuangan Perseroan dilakukan 1. Audits of the Company's financial statements
sesuai dengan standar profesional Akuntan are conducted in accordance with the
Publik yang mencakup seluruh prosedur audit professional standards of the Public Accountant
yang dipandang perlu sesuai dengan keadaan. which covers all audit procedures deemed
necessary in accordance with the circumstances.
2. Audit meliputi pengujian dan evaluasi terhadap 2. The audit includes testing and evaluating the
sistem pengendalian intern, serta pemeriksaan, internal control system, as well as checking, on the
atas dasar pengujian, bukti-bukti yang basis of testing, evidence supporting the amounts
mendukung jumlah-jumlah dan pengungkapan and disclosures in the financial statements.
dalam laporan keuangan. Audit juga akan The audit will also include an assessment of
meliputi penilaian atas prinsip akuntansi yang the accounting principles used and significant
digunakan dan estimasi signifikan yang dibuat estimates made by management, as well as
oleh manajemen, serta penilaian atas penyajian an evaluation of the presentation of the overall
laporan keuangan secara keseluruhan sesuai financial statements in accordance with the
dengan Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
(PSAK) yang dikeluarkan oleh IAI. (PSAK) issued by IAI.
3. Sebagai bagian dari proses audit, Kantor Akuntan 3. As part of the audit process, the Public
Publik (KAP) juga melakukan tanya jawab kepada Accounting Firm (KAP) also conducts questions
manajemen mengenai pernyataan manajemen and answers to management regarding
yang disajikan dalam laporan keuangan. management statements presented in the
financial statements.
4. Audit mengandung risiko inheren bahwa jika 4. Audit carries an inherent risk that if there are
terdapat kekeliruan dan ketidakberesan yang material errors and irregularities. If there is this,
material. Jika terdapat hal tersebut, KAP akan the KAP will submit it to management.
menyampaikan kepada manajemen.
5. Manajemen menyetujui kertas kerja pemeriksaan 5. Management approved the KAP inspection work
KAP atas Perseroan untuk di-review oleh badan paper on the Company for review by the relevant
atau otoritas terkait. agency or authority.
426 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Audit dilaksanakan berdasarkan Standar Profesional The audit was conducted based on the Professional
Akuntan Publik yang diterbitkan oleh Institut Standards of Public Accountants issued by the
Akuntan Publik Indonesia (IAPI). Jika terdapat Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants
bantuan keuangan Pemerintah RI, maka audit (IAPI). If there is financial assistance from the
dilaksanakan berdasarkan Standar Pemeriksaan Government of the Republic of Indonesia, the audit is
Keuangan Negara (SPKN) yang diterbitkan oleh carried out based on the State Financial Examination
Badan Pengawasan Keuangan (BPK) RI. Standards (SPKN) issued by the Indonesian Financial
Supervisory Agency (BPK).
Penunjukan KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro dan Surja The appointment of KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro and
telah diperkuat melalui Surat Keputusan Dewan Surja has been strengthened through the Decree of
Komisaris Nomor L9.014C-2019.041 Untuk menjamin the Board of Commissioners No. L9.014C-2019.041
independensi dan kualitas hasil pemeriksaan, To guarantee the independence and quality of the
Auditor Eksternal yang ditunjuk tidak boleh memiliki results of examinations, the appointed External
benturan kepentingan dengan Perseroan. Auditor may not have a conflict of interest with the
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 427
Corporate Governance
Laporan keuangan Elnusa hingga periode 31 Elnusa's financial statements as of December 31,
Desember 2020 telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan 2020 have been audited by the Public Accounting
Publik (KAP) Purwantono, Sungkoro dan Surja. Dari Firm (KAP) Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja. From
hasil audit tersebut, KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro the results of the audit, KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro
dan Surja memberikan opini “audit wajar tanpa & Surja provided an opinion on "fair audit without
modifikasian” yang telah disampaikan kepada modification" that was submitted to the Directors.
428 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
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Corporate Governance
Elnusa sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak As a company engaged in oil and gas services,
pada jasa minyak dan gas yang mana kegiatan Elnusa’s operations are faced with a number of
operasinya dihadapkan dengan sejumlah risiko, risks, some of which are outside the Company's
yang di antaranya diluar kendali Perseroan dan control and can affect its business continuity if not
dapat mempengaruhi kelangsungan usahanya jika managed wisely. The risk management governance
tidak dikelola dengan bijaksana. Proses tata kelola process in the Company is designed to determine
manajemen risiko di dalam Perseoran dirancang the level of risk that the Company is prepared to
untuk menentukan tingkat risiko yang bersedia take in pursuing strategic objectives and to provide
diambil oleh Perseroan dalam mengejar tujuan a more precise level of certainty in each risk that the
strategis dan untuk memberikan tingkat kepastian Company takes. The implementation of Enterprise
yang lebih tepat dalam setiap risiko yang Perseroan Risk Management (ERM) helps in carrying out a
ambil. Penerapan Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) systematic approach in identifying and managing
membantu dalam melakukan pendekatan secara complex risks of the Company, its subsidiaries,
sistematis dalam mengidentifikasi dan mengelola business units and departments or divisions. As part
risiko-risiko kompleks Perseroan, anak perusahaan, of the ERM process, the Company conducts periodic
unit bisnis dan departemen atau divisi. Sebagai reviews of a number of risks.
bagian dari proses ERM, Perseroan melakukan
pengkajian ulang secara berkala terhadap sejumlah
risiko yang ada.
Selama tahun 2020 pengelolaan risiko telah ditangani During 2020 risk management has been handled
dengan baik dengan tetap memperhatikan dampak properly while still paying attention to social
sosial dan lingkungan. Fokus manajemen risiko and environmental impacts. The focus of risk
yang dilakukan oleh Unit Kerja Risk Management. management is carried out by the Risk Management
Perseroan telah berupaya untuk: Unit. The Company has made efforts to:
1. Mengelola serta mengambil langkah-langkah 1. Manage and take the necessary steps in an
yang diperlukan dalam upaya memitigasi effort to mitigate identified risks through the
risiko yang teridentifikasi melalui proses Risk Risk Assessment process.
2. Mengadopsi prinsip dan pedoman ISO 2. Adopt the principles and guidelines of ISO
31000:2009 sebagai kerangka kerja manajemen 31000: 2009 as a risk management framework.
risiko. Perseoran telah melakukan penyesuaian The company has made adjustments in the
dalam penerapan ISO 31000 sesuai dengan application of ISO 31000 in accordance with
karakteristik bisnis, organisasi dan tata kelola the characteristics of the business, organization
Perusahaan sehingga dapat meningkatkan risk and corporate governance so as to increase risk
awareness hingga membentuk suatu budaya awareness to form a risk awareness culture
sadar risiko di dalam Perusahaan. within the Company.
3. Meningkatkan sistem pengelolaan risiko. 3. Improve the risk management system. The
Perseroan melakukan peningkatan sistem, Company improves systems, infrastructure
infrastruktur dan proses manajemen risiko and risk management processes through the
melalui pengelolaan dan perbaikan berkelanjutan management and continuous improvement
kerangka, kebijakan dan prosedur serta instruksi of the risk management framework, policies
kerja manajemen risiko. Peningkatan sistem yang and procedures and work instructions. One
dimaksud salah satunya adalah manajemen risiko of the improvements in the system is that
telah menjadi salah satu item Key Performance risk management has become one of the Key
Indicator (KPI) di setiap fungsi operasi dan Performance Indicator (KPI) items in every
shared service Perseroan, seperti yang tertuang function of the Company’s operations and
dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi No. 070/EN/ shared services, as stated in the Decree of
KPTS/000D/2020 tentang Penunjukan Risk the Board of Board of Directors No. 070/EN/
Owner Dan Risk Champion Fungsi Dan Proyek. KPTS/000D/2020 concerning the Appointment
of Risk Owner and Risk Champion for Functions
and Projects.
430 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
4. Dari segi infrastruktur, semakin pesatnya 4. In terms of infrastructure, the rapid development
perkembangan era digital mendorong Perseroan of the digital era has encouraged the Company
untuk melakukan digitalisasi termasuk dalam to carry out digitalization, including in risk
pengelolaan risiko. Pada tahun 2020 Perseroan management. In 2020 the Company has built and
telah membangun dan mengimplementasikan implemented an Enterprise Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management System (ERMS) System (ERMS) for corporate risk management.
untuk pengelolaan risiko Perusahaan. Mulai Starting October 2020, identification, recording,
Oktober 2020, pengidentifikasian, pencatatan, monitoring and reporting of Risks has been
pemantauan dan pelaporan Risiko telah dilakukan carried out through ERMS.
melalui ERMS.
5. Selama tahun 2020, telah terjadi kerugian 5. During 2020, there have been losses on several
atas beberapa proyek yang berjalan. Kerugian ongoing projects. Project losses are caused,
proyek disebabkan antara lain karena kurangnya among others, due to the lack of competence
kompetensi dari personil, Partner atau Mitra of the personnel, partners or work partners
kerja yang tidak perform, dan Dokumen Detail who are not performing, and the Engineering
Engineering Design yang tidak tepat waktu Design Detail Documents that are not on
sehingga membuat mundurnya pelaksanaan time, which causes the delay in project
proyek. Fungsi Risk Manajemen Proyek implementation. The Project Management Risk
bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan manajemen function is responsible for implementing risk
risiko dalam pengelolaan proyek berdasarkan management in project management based
prinsip efisiensi biaya, meminimalisasi potensi on the principles of cost efficiency, minimizing
risiko lainnya, memaksimalisasi keuntungan other potential risks, maximizing Company
Perusahaan, dan mencegah timbulnya persepsi profits, and preventing negative perceptions
negatif terhadap reputasi Perusahaan. Dalam of the Company’s reputation. In each stage of
setiap tahapan proyek, pengukuran risiko the project, risk measurement is carried out and
dilakukan dan menyusun laporan analisis risiko compiles a risk analysis report for each type of
untuk setiap jenis risiko yang dihadapi secara risk faced qualitatively and/or quantitatively.
kualitatif dan/atau kuantitatif. Fungsi Risk The Risk Management Project function acts as
Manajemen Proyek berperan sebagai penjaga a control guard at the second layer (2nd line of
kontrol pada lapis kedua (2nd line of defense) defense) together with the risk owner and also
bersama-sama dengan risk owner dan juga as a facilitator to convey to related directors.
sebagai fasilitator untuk menyampaikan pada Improvement efforts are continuously made
direktur terkait. Upaya-upaya perbaikan terus to minimize the risk of project loss, with the
dilakukan untuk meminimalisasi risiko kerugian following steps:
proyek, dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut:
a. Melakukan Sharing Session Lesson Learned a. Conducting a Lesson Learned Project Sharing
Project, yaitu evaluasi atas pelaksanaan proyek Session, which is an evaluation of project
dan menyusun pembelajaran yang dapat implementation and compiling lessons that
diambil untuk pelaksanaan proyek berikutnya can be taken for implementing the next project
agar tidak terjadi lagi risiko kerugian di masa so that there is no risk of loss in the future.
yang akan datang.
b. Perbaikan Sistem Operasi dan Prosedur untuk b. Improvement of Operating Systems and
Investasi, Pendirian Perusahaan, Project Risk Procedures for Investments, Company
Management, Bisnis Baru, dan Kerja Sama Establishment, Project Risk Management,
Operasi. New Businesses, and Joint Operations.
Penerapan Manajemen Risiko di Elnusa telah berjalan The implementation of Risk Management at
secara memadai yang ditunjang dengan struktur Elnusa has been running adequately, supported
dan infrastruktur, pengawasan manajemen, peran, by structure and infrastructure, management
tanggung jawab dan akuntabilitas organisasi untuk supervision, roles, responsibilities and organizational
mendorong pengembangan penerapan manajemen accountability to encourage the development of risk
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 431
Corporate Governance
risiko berdasarkan prinsip berkelanjutan (going management implementation based on the principle
concern) yaitu pertumbuhan dan kelanggengan of sustainability (going concern), namely growth and
(growth and sustainability). sustainability (growth and sustainability).
Selanjutnya pada tahun 2021, Elnusa memiliki Furthermore, in 2021, Elnusa has a work program
program kerja untuk penyempurnaan proses to improve the risk management process. Actions
manajemen risiko. Tindakan penyempurnaan proses to improve the process play a role in correcting
berperan untuk melakukan koreksi terhadap langkah- steps that are deemed ineffective. One of the
langkah yang dinilai belum cukup efektif. Salah satu plans for improving the management process is to
rencana penyempurnaan proses manajemen adalah disseminate information to Risk Owners to carry
melakukan sosialisasi kepada Risk Owner untuk out the Compliance Process in the risk assessment
melakukan Compliance Process dalam proses risk process and to include an overview of the risk profile
assessment dan memasukkan ikhtisar profil risiko in the investment/project Feasibility Study document
ke dalam dokumen Feasibility Study investasi/ in the Risk Management session. The “mandatory”
proyek pada sesi Manajemen Risiko. Fungsi Pengusul Proposer (Initiator) function requests a review of
(Inisiator) “wajib” memintakan kajian kepada Fungsi the Risk Management Function of the investment
Risk Management atas dokumen Feasibility Study Feasibility Study document that has been prepared
investasi yang telah disusun untuk memastikan to ensure that the Company’s activities are in
aktivitas Perusahaan telah sesuai dengan prinsip accordance with the prudent principles of sound risk
kehati-hatian praktik tata kelola risiko yang sehat, di governance practices, which have been regulated
mana hal ini telah diatur dalam Prosedur Pengelolaan in the Project Risk Management Procedure. and
Risiko Project dan Investasi. Investments.
Selain itu Elnusa juga memiliki program kerja Besides, Elnusa also has a work program to improve
untuk penyempurnaan ERMS salah satunya agar ERMS, one of which is to cover risks in the Project
dapat mencakup risiko dalam proses Project Management process and form an Integrated
Management dan membentuk Integrated System System that can be accessed in real time by the Risk
yang dapat diakses secara realtime oleh Risk Owner and registers the risk as “Elnusa Bank Risk”.
Owner dan mendaftarkan risiko tersebut sebagai As a realization of risk management commitments
“Risk Bank Elnusa”. Sebagai realisasi komitmen and targets. The Company will also prepare a
dan sasaran pengelolaan risiko. Perseroan roadmap for the sustainable development of risk
juga akan menyusun roadmap pengembangan management implementation to ensure that the
berkelanjutan implementasi manajemen risiko untuk Company can achieve its long-term plans. With the
memastikan Perseroan dapat mencapai rencana improvement of this risk management system, it is
jangka panjangnya. Dengan peningkatan sistem expected that the risk culture will improve and be
pengelolaan risiko ini diharapkan budaya risiko akan inherent in every individual of the Company.
membaik dan melekat di setiap insan Perseroan.
Kemampuan Elnusa dalam mencapai target bisnis Elnusa's ability to achieve business targets and
dan bertahan dalam lingkungan bergantung pada survive in the environment depends on how
bagaimana Elnusa menanggapi sejumlah risiko Elnusa responds to a number of risks that arise.
yang timbul. Secara internal, Elnusa memantau dan Internally, Elnusa monitors and mitigates risks
memitigasi risiko yang lebih komprehensif melalui more comprehensively through the risk register,
risk register, yang akan terus menjadi perangkat which will continue to be an important tool in the
penting dalam proses manajemen risiko. Elnusa akan risk management process. Elnusa will continue to
tetap mempertimbangkan lingkungan eksternal consider the external and internal environment to
dan internal untuk mengevaluasi perubahan dalam evaluate changes in the competition and business
model kompetisi dan bisnis. models.
432 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Dalam melaksanakan fungsi manajemen risiko, In carrying out the risk management function,
Direksi memiliki tugas dan tanggung jawab yang the Board of Directors has clear duties and
jelas, di antaranya: responsibilities, including:
1. Menyusun kebijakan dan strategi manajemen 1. Develop written and comprehensive risk
risiko secara tertulis dan komprehensif. management policies and strategies.
2. Bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan kebijakan 2. Responsible for the implementation of risk
manajemen risiko dan eksposur risiko yang management policies and risk exposures taken
diambil oleh Perseroan secara keseluruhan. by the Company as a whole.
3. Mengevaluasi dan memeutuskan transaksi yang 3. Evaluate and decide on transactions that require
memerlukan persetujuan Direksi the approval of the Board of Directors
4. Mengembangkan budaya manajemen risiko pada 4. Developing a risk management culture at all
seluruh jenjang organisasi Perseroan levels of the Company's organization
5. Memastikan kompetensi sumber daya manusia 5. Ensuring human resource competencies related
yang terkait dengan manajemen risiko to risk management
6. Memastikan fungsi manajemen risiko telah 6. Ensuring that the risk management function
beroperasi secara independent operates independently
7. Melaksanakan kaji ulang secara berkala dengan 7. Conduct periodic review with frequency in
frekuensi sesuai dengan kebutuhan Perseroan accordance with the needs of the Company to
untuk memastikan: ensure:
a. Keakuratan metodologi manajemen risiko; a. The accuracy of the risk management
b. Kecukupan implementasi sistem informasi b. Adequacy of risk management information
manajemen risiko; system implementation;
c. Ketepatan kebijakan, prosedur, dan c. Accuracy of policies, procedures and
penetapan limit risiko. determination of risk limits.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 433
Corporate Governance
Kebijakan, prosedur dan penetapan limit risiko Policies, procedures and determination of risk
didokumentasikan dan ditinjau secara berkala limits are documented and reviewed periodically in
disesuaikan dengan perkembangan internal accordance with internal and external developments.
maupun eksternal. Kecukupan Proses Identifikasi, Adequacy of the Identification, Measurement,
Pengukuran, Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Risiko Monitoring and Risk Control Processes and the Risk
serta Sistem Informasi Manajemen Risiko. Management Information System.
Perseroan telah memiliki infrastruktur untuk The Company already has the infrastructure
mengidentifikasi, mengukur, memantau, dan to identify, measure, monitor, and control risks
mengendalikan risiko yang didukung dengan sistem supported by a management information system
informasi manajemen yang cukup memadai dan that is adequate and capable of supporting the
mampu mendukung fungsi manajemen risiko secara overall risk management function.
Untuk mengantisipasi potensi risiko dimasa To anticipate potential risks in the future, in a
mendatang, secara forward looking, Perseroan forward-looking manner, the Company develops
mengembangkan pendekatan emerging risk sebagai an emerging risk approach as an early warning
mekanisme early warning untuk mengidentifikasi mechanism to identify various potential risks that
berbagai potensi risiko yang mungkin akan dihadapi the Company may face in the future.
oleh Perseroan dalam beberapa waktu mendatang.
Melalui pendekatan emerging risk tersebut, Through this emerging risk approach, the Company is
Perseroan mampu mengidentifikasi potensi risiko able to identify potential risks in accordance with the
sesuai dengan profil karakteristik bisnis Perseroan, profile of the Company’s business characteristics,
baik berupa besaran dampak risiko (severity of both in the form of the severity of the material
material impact) maupun perkiraan waktu terjadinya impact and the estimated time of occurrence of
risiko tersebut (imminence) di waktu mendatang, these risks (imminence) in the future, so that the
sehingga Perseroan mampu melakukan berbagai Company is able to take the necessary actions. to
tindakan yang diperlukan untuk memitigasi dan mitigate and control these potential risks.
mengendalikan potensi risiko tersebut.
Risk Management Unit melakukan proses identifikasi, The Risk Management Unit carries out the process
pengukuran, pemantauan risiko dan bekerja sama of identification, measurement, risk monitoring and
dengan seluruh unit bisnis dan unit pendukung collaborates with all business units and support
melakukan proses pengendalian dan mitigasi risiko units to control and mitigate risks and build a
dan membangun sistem informasi manajemen risiko comprehensive risk management information
yang menyeluruh. system.
434 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Organisasi dan Tata Kelola Manajemen Risiko Risk Management Organization and Governance
Untuk mengelola berbagai jenis risiko yang melekat To manage various types of risks inherent to the
pada Perseroan sesuai dengan kompleksitas Company in accordance with the complexity of
kegiatan usaha yang dijalankan saat ini dan produk/ the current business activities and the company's
jasa perseroan, Perseroan telah memiliki unit kerja products/services, the Company has a Risk
Manajemen Risiko pada struktur organisasi yang Management work unit in the organizational
bertanggung jawab sesuai dengan perannya. Selain structure that is responsible in accordance with its
bertanggung jawab dalam menjalankan fungsi tata role. In addition to being responsible in carrying out
kelola manajemen risiko secara independen, Risk the risk management function independently, Risk
Management juga bekerja sama dan bermitra dengan Management also cooperates and partners with all
seluruh unit bisnis dan unit pendukung, mulai dari business units and supporting units, starting from
level strategis sampai dengan level transaksi dalam the strategic level to the transaction level in order to
rangka membangun proses identifikasi, pengukuran, establish the process of identification, measurement,
pemantauan, pengendalian risiko dan sistem monitoring, risk control and systems comprehensive
informasi serta sistem pengendalian intern yang information and internal control system. In carrying
menyeluruh. Dalam melaksanakan manajemen risiko out effective risk management, the Directors
yang efektif, Direksi dibantu oleh komite manajemen are assisted by a risk management committee.
risiko. Sementara itu, pengawasan organisasi Meanwhile, overall organizational oversight is carried
secara keseluruhan dilakukan oleh Dewan Komisaris out by the Board of Commissioners as shown in the
sebagaimana terlihat pada struktur organisasi di organizational structure below.
bawah ini.
Board of Commissioners
Direktur Keuangan
Director of Finance
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 435
Corporate Governance
Profil risiko Elnusa sebagai sebuah Perusahaan Elnusa's risk profile as a company (corporate risks)
(corporate risks) dilihat dalam konteks hubungannya seen in the context of its relationship with the
dengan lingkungan eksternal dan internal dijelaskan external and internal environment is explained in
pada Gambar 1. Figure 1.
Objective Resource
Support Function President Director
Failures Organization
436 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Risiko-risiko utama Elnusa dijelaskan secara rinci Elnusa’s main risks are explained in detail in the form
dalam bentuk tabel beriku: of tables Figures:
Objektif (KPI)
Elnusa Fungsi Jenis Risiko (Risk Kategori Dampak
Kejadian Risiko (Risk Event) Penyebab Risiko (Risk Cause/Agent)
Elnusa's Function Type) Impact Category
objective (KPI)
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 437
Corporate Governance
Objektif (KPI)
Elnusa Fungsi Jenis Risiko (Risk Kategori Dampak
Kejadian Risiko (Risk Event) Penyebab Risiko (Risk Cause/Agent)
Elnusa's Function Type) Impact Category
objective (KPI)
• Penurunan Service Rate berdampak
pada menurunnya margin
Penurunan • Tidak ada kenaikan harga (service
Service Rate berdampak pada rate) dari pemberi kerja
Risiko Financial Kuantitatif
7 Operasi menurunnya margin • A decrease in Service Rate has an Financial Risk Quantitative
The decrease in Service Rate has
impact on lowering margins
an impact on lowering margins
• There is no increase in the price
(service rate) from the employer
438 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Objektif (KPI)
Elnusa Fungsi Jenis Risiko (Risk Kategori Dampak
Kejadian Risiko (Risk Event) Penyebab Risiko (Risk Cause/Agent)
Elnusa's Function Type) Impact Category
objective (KPI)
Target HSSE
Excellent (TRIR/
Total Recordable
Incident Rate)
tidak tercapai Terjadinya Insiden Fatality Operational - Kuantitatif
9 HSSE & Operasi Unsafe Action & Unsafe Condition
The HSSE Excellent The Fatality Incident occurred HSSE - Safety Quantitative
target (TRIR/
Total Recordable
Incident Rate) was
not reached
Risiko-risiko utama (Top Ten Risk) tersebut di atas The main risks (Top Ten Risks) mentioned above have
telah disampaikan ke Upstream Strategic Planning been submitted to PT Pertamina (Persero) ‘s Upstream
& Performance Evaluation PT Pertamina (Persero) Strategic Planning & Performance Evaluation via
melalui surat No. L8.000D.143F-2021.004 tentang letter No. L8.000D.143F-2021.004 concerning
Penyampaian Pembaharuan Top Ten Risk PT Elnusa Submission of Update on PT Elnusa Tbk’s Top Ten
Tbk 2021 dan Laporan Monitoring Pengelolaan Risiko Risk 2021 and Risk Management Monitoring Report
Periode Januari Tahun 2021. Elnusa akan terus for the Period of January 2021. Elnusa will continue
melalukan pemantauan terhadap Top Ten Risk dan to monitor Top Ten Risks and submit the results of
menyampaikan hasil pemantauannya ke Upstream monitoring to PT Pertamina’s Upstream Strategic
Strategic Planning & Performance Evaluation PT Planning & Performance Evaluation ( Persero) on a
Pertamina (Persero) secara triwulanan. quarterly basis.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 439
Corporate Governance
Sistem pengendalian intern adalah salah satu The internal control system is one of the main means
sarana utama untuk dapat memastikan bahwa to ensure that the management of the company has
pengelolaan perusahaan telah dilaksanakan sesuai been carried out in accordance with the principles
dengan prinsip-prinsip GCG. Penerapan sistem of GCG. The implementation of the internal control
pengendalian internal diarahkan untuk memastikan system is directed to ensure that the Company
bahwa Perseroan telah memiliki suatu sistem has a reliable system of compliance with laws and
yang handal terhadap ketaatan atas peraturan regulations, financial reporting, and asset security.
perundang-undangan, pelaporan keuangan, dan
pengamanan asset.
Direksi juga menetapkan suatu sistem pengendalian The Board of Directors also establishes an effective
intern yang efektif untuk mengamankan investasi internal control system to secure the Company's
dan aset Perseroan. Lingkungan pengendalian intern investments and assets. The internal control
dalam Perseroan dilaksanakan dengan disiplin dan environment within the Company is carried out with
terstruktur, integritas yang tinggi, nilai etika serta discipline and structure, high integrity, ethical values
kompetensi karyawan. Untuk membantu Direksi and employee competence. To assist the Board of
dalam melakukan perencanaan, pengendalian, Directors in planning, controlling, coordinating in
koordinasi dalam pengawasan, penilaian atas sistem supervision, evaluating the management control
pengendalian manajemen dan pelaksanaan seluruh system and carrying out all activities of the Company
kegiatan Perseroan serta memberikan saran-saran as well as providing suggestions for improvement,
perbaikan dibentuk fungsi Unit Audit Internal yang the Internal Audit Unit function is led by the Head of
dipimpin oleh Kepala Audit Internal dan bertanggung Internal Audit and reports to the President Director.
jawab kepada Direktur Utama.
440 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Perseroan melakukan evaluasi atau penilaian atas The Company evaluates or evaluates the
efektivitas pengendalian internal pada tingkat effectiveness of internal control at the corporate
korporat maupun tingkat operasional dengan level and operational level by implementing and
menerapkan dan memelihara sistem pengendalian maintaining an adequate internal control system
internal dan prosedur pelaporan keuangan yang and financial reporting procedures in accordance
memadai sesuai ketentuan berlaku melalui fungsi with applicable regulations through the internal
internal audit dan Manajemen risiko. audit and risk management functions.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 441
Corporate Governance
Pada tahun 2020, terdapat perkara atau gugatan There was legal problems faced by the Company in
hukum oleh Perseroan sebagai berikut: 2020 as follows:
No. Perkara Pengadilan Posisi Materi Perkara Status Perkara Kuasa Hukum
Case Court Perseroan Case Material Case Status Attorney
442 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
No. Perkara Pengadilan Posisi Materi Perkara Status Perkara Kuasa Hukum
Case Court Perseroan Case Material Case Status Attorney
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 443
Corporate Governance
No. Perkara Pengadilan Posisi Materi Perkara Status Perkara Kuasa Hukum
Case Court Perseroan Case Material Case Status Attorney
444 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
No. Perkara Pengadilan Posisi Materi Perkara Status Perkara Kuasa Hukum
Case Court Perseroan Case Material Case Status Attorney
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 445
Corporate Governance
Pengungkapan Permasalahan Hukum yang Disclosure of Legal Issues that are being Faced
Sedang Dihadapi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi by the Board of Commissioners and Directors
yang Sedang Menjabat Currently in Office
Selama periode tahun 2020, tidak ada anggota During the 2020 period, there were no members of
Dewan Komisaris maupun Direksi Perseroan yang the Board of Commissioners and Directors of the
sedang menjabat, memiliki permasalahan hukum, Company currently in office, having legal problems,
baik perdata maupun pidana. both civil and criminal.
Perkara Penting di Luar Aspek Hukum Important Cases Outside the Legal Aspect
Di sepanjang tahun 2020, Perseroan tidak Throughout 2020, the Company did not find any
menemukan adanya perkara penting di luar important cases outside the legal aspects involving
aspek hukum yang melibatkan Perseroan sebagai the Company as an organization, subsidiary entity,
organisasi, entitas anak, Dewan Komisaris maupun Board of Commissioners or Board of Directors.
446 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Perseroan senantiasa memberikan kemudahan akses The Company always provides easy access to
Informasi dan data Perseroan secara tepat waktu, Company information and data in a timely,
akurat dan lengkap kepada seluruh pemangku accurate and complete manner to all stakeholders.
kepentingan. Penyebaran Informasi kepada seluruh Dissemination of information to all stakeholders is
pemangku kepentingan merupakan bagian penting an important part of implementing the principle of
dari implementasi prinsip transparansi Informasi. transparency of information. Therefore the Company
Oleh karena itu Perseroan menyediakan akses provides access to the widest possible information
Informasi seluas-luasnya melalui berbagai media. through various media.
Selain itu, sebagai bentuk kepatuhan atas prinsip In addition, as a form of compliance with the principle of
keterbukaan Informasi kepada Regulator, Perseroan information disclosure to the Regulator, the Company
juga selalu melakukan pelaporan Informasi baik also always reports information both through the
melalui media surat tercatat maupun melalui media of registered letters and through e-reporting
e-reporting kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (www. to the Financial Services Authority ( dan Bursa Efek Indonesia (www.idxnet. and the Indonesia Stock Exchange (www
Tata Kelola Informasi dan Akses Data Corporate Information Management and Data
Perusahaan untuk Pihak Eksternal Access for External Parties
Perseroan menyediakan akses informasi dan data The Company provides access to company information
perusahaan untuk Pihak Eksternal dengan cara and data for external parties in the following ways:
Situs web Perseroan juga telah tersedia dalam 2 The Company's website is also available in 2 (two)
(dua) bahasa, yakni Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa languages, namely Indonesian and English. The
Inggris. Perseroan secara berkala memperbarui Company regularly updates the website to keep
website untuk senantiasa memberikan informasi the Company informed of the latest information to
terbaru terkait Perseroan kepada para pemangku stakeholders and in order to comply with applicable
kepentingan serta dalam rangka memenuhi laws and regulations. The Company's website
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. also provides contact numbers and email and
Website Perseroan juga menyediakan nomor postal addresses that can be contacted for further
kontak serta alamat email dan pos yang dapat communication with stakeholders.
dihubungi untuk komunikasi selanjutnya dengan
para pemangku kepentingan.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 447
Corporate Governance
Di bawah ini tersaji kesesuaian konten situs web Below is presented the suitability of the website dengan peraturan OJK No. 8/ content with OJK regulation
POJK.04/2015 tentang Situs Web Emiten atau No. 8/POJK.04/2015 concerning Issuer's or Public
Perusahaan Publik. Companies' Websites.
dengan Situs
Web Perseroan
POJK No. 8/POJK.04/2015 tentang Situs Web Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik
POJK No. 8/POJK.04/2015 concerning Issuer's or Public Companies' Websites
with the
Ketentuan Umum
General Requirements
Situs Web Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik wajib menyajikan informasi dalam Bahasa Indonesia
dan bahasa asing, dengan ketentuan bahasa asing yang digunakan paling kurang Bahasa Inggris.
Informasi yang disajikan dalam bahasa asing wajib memuat informasi yang sama dengan informasi
yang disajikan dalam Bahasa Indonesia. v
The Issuer's Website or Public Company must present information in Indonesian and foreign
languages, provided that the foreign language used is at least English. Information presented in
foreign languages must contain the same information as information presented in Indonesian.
Informasi yang termuat mengenai Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik terbuka untuk umum, aktual,
dan terkini. v
The information contained on the Issuer or Public Company is open to the public, actual and current.
Dapat diakses setiap saat oleh semua pihak.
Can be accessed at any time by all parties.
Identitas Perusahaan, mencakup nama, alamat dan kontak kantor pusat dan/atau kantor
perwakilan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, dan alamat pabrik (jika ada) yang paling kurang
meliputi nomor telepon, nomor faksimili, dan alamat surat elektronik yang dapat dihubungi.
Company Identity, including the name, address and contact of the head office and/or representative
office of the Issuer or Public Company, and the address of the manufacturer (if any) which at least
includes telephone numbers, facsimile numbers, and e-mail addresses that can be contacted.
Riwayat singkat Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik.
Brief history of Issuers or Public Companies.
Struktur organisasi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik.
Issuer or Public Company organizational structure.
Struktur kepemilikan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, meliputi:
• Uraian tentang nama pemegang saham dan persentase kepemilikannya setiap akhir bulan.
• Informasi mengenai pemegang saham utama dan pengendali Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik,
baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, sampai kepada pemilik individu, yang disajikan dalam
bentuk skema atau diagram.
• Nama entitas anak, perusahaan asosiasi, perusahaan ventura bersama di mana Emiten atau
Perusahaan Publik memiliki pengendalian bersama entitas, beserta persentase kepemilikan
saham, bidang usaha, dan status operasi perusahaan tersebut (jika ada).
The structure of ownership of Issuers or Public Companies, includes:
• A description of the name of the shareholders and percentage of ownership at the end of each
• Information regarding major and controlling shareholders of Issuers or Public Companies, both
directly and indirectly, to individual owners, presented in the form of schemes or diagrams.
• Name of a subsidiary, associated company, joint venture company in which the Issuer or Public
Company has joint control of the entity, along with the percentage of share ownership, line of
business and operating status of the company (if any).
448 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
dengan Situs
Web Perseroan
POJK No. 8/POJK.04/2015 tentang Situs Web Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik
POJK No. 8/POJK.04/2015 concerning Issuer's or Public Companies' Websites
with the
Struktur grup Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik dalam bentuk bagan yang paling kurang meliputi
perusahaan dalam grup Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik yang berada dalam pengawasan Otoritas
Jasa Keuangan.
The structure of the Issuer or Public Company group in the form of a chart that at least includes
companies in the Issuer or Public Company group that are under the supervision of the Financial
Services Authority.
Profil Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, Komite, dan Sekretaris Perusahaan paling kurang meliputi: foto,
nama, riwayat jabatan—termasuk rangkap jabatan, riwayat pendidikan, dan hubungan afiliasi
anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan Komisaris dengan anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan
Komisaris lainnya, serta pemegang saham (jika ada).
Profiles of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, Committees, and Corporate Secretary at v
least include: photo, name, position history - including concurrent positions, educational history, and
affiliation of members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners with
members of the Board of Directors and/or other members of the Board of Commissioners, as well as
shareholders (if any).
Nama dan alamat Akuntan Publik yang mengaudit laporan keuangan Emiten atau Perusahaan
Publik dalam tahun berjalan.
Name and address of the Public Accountant who audited the financial statements of the Issuer or
Public Company in the current year.
Nama dan alamat Pemeringkat Efek (jika ada).
Name and address of the Securities Rating Agency (if any).
Nama dan alamat Wali Amanat (jika ada).
Name and address of the Trustee (if any).
Nama dan alamat Biro Administrasi Efek (jika ada).
Name and address of the Securities Administration Agency (if any).
Dokumen Anggaran Dasar.
Articles of Association.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 449
Corporate Governance
dengan Situs
Web Perseroan
POJK No. 8/POJK.04/2015 tentang Situs Web Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik
POJK No. 8/POJK.04/2015 concerning Issuer's or Public Companies' Websites
with the
Informasi keuangan, paling kurang meliputi:
• Laporan keuangan tahunan, untuk periode 5 (lima) tahun buku terakhir.
• Laporan keuangan tengah tahunan, untuk periode 5 (lima) tahun buku terakhir.
• Ikhtisar data keuangan penting, dalam bentuk perbandingan untuk 5 (lima) tahun buku
terakhir yang paling kurang memuat:
» Pendapatan, laba bruto, laba (rugi), laba (rugi) yang dapat diatribusikan kepada pemilik
entitas induk dan kepentingan non pengendali, total laba (rugi) komprehensif, laba (rugi)
komprehensif yang dapat diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk dan kepentingan non
pengendali, dan laba (rugi) per saham.
» Jumlah aset, liabilitas dan ekuitas.
» Rasio laba (rugi) terhadap jumlah aset, rasio laba (rugi) terhadap ekuitas, rasio laba (rugi)
terhadap pendapatan, rasio lancar, rasio liabilitas terhadap ekuitas, dan rasio liabilitas
terhadap jumlah aset.
» Informasi dan rasio keuangan lainnya yang relevan dengan perusahaan dan jenis
Financial information, at least includes:
• Annual financial statements, for the last 5 (five) fiscal years.
• Semi-annual financial statements, for the last 5 (five) fiscal years.
• Summary of important financial data, in the form of a comparison for the last 5 (five) fiscal
years which at least contains:
» Revenue, gross profit, profit (loss), profit (loss) attributable to owners of the parent entity
and non-controlling interests, total comprehensive profit (loss), comprehensive income
(loss) attributable to owners of the parent entity and non-controlling interests and profit
(loss) per share.
» Total assets, liabilities and equity.
» Laba Ratio of profit (loss) to total assets, ratio of profit (loss) to equity, ratio of profit
(loss) to income, current ratio, ratio of liabilities to equity, and ratio of liabilities to total
» Other financial information and ratios that are relevant to the company and the type of
Informasi Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham, paling kurang meliputi:
• Pengumuman dan pemanggilan.
• Bahan mata acara yang dibahas dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham.
• Riwayat hidup calon anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris apabila terdapat mata acara
pengangkatan atau penggantian anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris.
• Ringkasan risalah Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham.
Information on the General Meeting of Shareholders, at least includes:
• Announcements and summons.
• Agenda material discussed at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
• Curriculum vitae of prospective members of the Board of Directors and the Board of
Commissioners if there are agenda of appointment or replacement of members of the Board
of Directors and Board of Commissioners.
• Summary of minutes of the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Informasi saham, paling kurang meliputi:
• Jumlah saham beredar.
• Pemecahan saham (jika ada).
• Penggabungan saham (jika ada).
• Saham bonus (jika ada).
• Perubahan nilai nominal saham (jika ada).
Stock information, at least includes:
• Number of shares outstanding.
• Stock splits (if any).
• Merger of shares (if any).
• Bonus shares (if any).
• Changes in the face value of shares (if any).
450 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
dengan Situs
Web Perseroan
POJK No. 8/POJK.04/2015 tentang Situs Web Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik
POJK No. 8/POJK.04/2015 concerning Issuer's or Public Companies' Websites
with the
Informasi obligasi dan/atau Sukuk, paling kurang meliputi nilai obligasi yang belum lunas/
terhutang (outstanding bond) dan/atau Sukuk, hasil pemeringkatan obligasi dan/atau Sukuk,
tanggal jatuh tempo, dan tingkat bunga obligasi dan/atau imbal hasil Sukuk. v
Bond and/or Sukuk information, at least includes the value of outstanding bonds and/or Sukuk, bond
and/or Sukuk rating results, maturity date, and bond interest rate and/or Sukuk yield.
Informasi dividen.
Dividend Information.
Informasi untuk pemodal atau investor, media, publik, dan/atau analis (jika ada).
Information for investors or investors, media, public and/or analysts (if any).
Informasi terkait aksi korporasi yang dilakukan oleh Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik dan tindakan
yang dilakukan oleh pihak lain terhadap Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik (jika ada), meliputi:
• Transaksi Afiliasi dan Benturan Kepentingan Transaksi Tertentu.
• Transaksi Material dan perubahan Kegiatan Usaha Utama.
• Penggabungan Usaha atau Peleburan Usaha.
• Pengambilalihan Perusahaan Terbuka.
• Kuasi Reorganisasi.
• Pembelian kembali saham yang dikeluarkan oleh Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik.
• Pembagian Saham Bonus.
• Pernyataan Penawaran Tender.
• Pembelian kembali saham oleh Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik dalam kondisi pasar yang
berpotensi krisis.
• Program kepemilikan saham oleh anggota Direksi, anggota Dewan Komisaris, dan karyawan
dari Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik atau pihak terkendali.
Information relating to corporate actions taken by Issuers or Public Companies and actions taken by
other parties against Issuers or Public Companies (if any), including:
• Affiliated Transactions and Conflicts of Interest on Certain Transactions.
• Material Transactions and changes in Main Business Activities.
• Business Combination or Business Consolidation.
• Takeover of a public company.
• Quasi Reorganization.
• Buy back shares issued by Issuers or Public Companies.
• Distribution of Bonus Shares.
• Tender Offer Statement.
• Buy back shares by Issuer or Public Company in a potentially crisis market condition.
• Share ownership program by members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of
Commissioners, and employees of the Issuer or Public Company or controlled parties.
Informasi atau Fakta Material selain yang telah diungkapkan dalam Peraturan Otoritas Jasa
Keuangan ini.
Material Information or Facts other than those that have been disclosed in this Financial Services
Authority Regulation.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 451
Corporate Governance
dengan Situs
Web Perseroan
POJK No. 8/POJK.04/2015 tentang Situs Web Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik
POJK No. 8/POJK.04/2015 concerning Issuer's or Public Companies' Websites
with the
Bidang lingkungan hidup; termasuk kebijakan, jenis program dan biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh
Emiten dan Perusahaan Publik.
The environment sector; including policies, types of programs and costs incurred by Issuers and Public
Praktik ketenagakerjaan, kesehatan, dan keselamatan kerja; termasuk kebijakan, jenis program
dan biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh Emiten dan Perusahaan Publik.
Labor, health and safety practices; including policies, types of programs and costs incurred by Issuers
and Public Companies.
Pengembangan sosial dan kemasyarakatan; termasuk kebijakan, jenis program dan biaya yang
dikeluarkan oleh Emiten dan Perusahaan Publik.
Social and community development; including policies, types of programs and costs incurred by
Issuers and Public Companies.
Tanggung jawab produk dan/atau layanan, dengan disertai informasi pendukungnya; termasuk
kebijakan, jenis program dan biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh Emiten dan Perusahaan Publik.
Product and/or service responsibilities, accompanied by supporting information; including policies,
types of programs and costs incurred by Issuers and Public Companies.
v = ada/x = tidak ada v = available/x = not available
452 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
E-mail E-mail
E-mail resmi Perseroan untuk mengakomodir The Company's official email to accommodate
berbagai pertanyaan dan informasi terkait dengan various questions and information related to the
Perseroan, yaitu dengan menghubungi Corporate Company, namely by contacting the Corporate
Secretary pada e-mail: Secretary at email:
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Corporate Governance
454 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Corporate Governance
Bagian Investor Relation memiliki tanggung jawab The Investor Relations Section has the responsibility
untuk memastikan dipenuhinya aspek keterbukaan to ensure that transparency is fulfilled as one
sebagai salah satu prinsip GCG kepada komunitas of the principles of GCG to the capital market
pasar modal, membina hubungan dengan para community, fostering relationships with investors
investor saham dan obligasi maupun surat berharga in shares and bonds and other securities, analysts,
lainnya, para analis, jurnalis, wali amanat, lembaga journalists, trustees, rating agencies, Self Regulatory
pemeringkat, Self Regulatory Organization (SRO), Organization (SRO), and other related financial
serta komunitas keuangan terkait lainnya. communities.
Untuk memenuhi tanggung jawab tersebut To fulfill these responsibilities and in order to meet
serta dalam rangka memenuhi peraturan dan regulations and improve effective communication,
meningkatkan komunikasi yang efektif, Bagian the Investor Relations Division of the Company
Investor Relations Perseroan menyelenggarakan conducts a variety of activities including: public
beragam kegiatan mencakup: public expose dan exposures and analyst meetings, receiving company
analyst meeting, menerima company visit, field visit, visits, field visits, and conference calls, updating
dan conference call, melakukan update informasi information on investor relations websites and
pada investor relation website serta mengikuti following the investor conference and non-deal
investor conference dan non-deal roadshow. roadshow.
456 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Perseroan melakukan public expose atau paparan Perseroan melakukan public expose atau paparan
publik kepada pemegang saham, pemangku publik kepada pemegang saham, pemangku
kepentingan dan masyarakat umum tentang kepentingan dan masyarakat umum tentang
aktivitas operasi dan proses usaha Perseroan. aktivitas operasi dan proses usaha Perseroan.
Public expose tahun 2020 diadakan sebanyak 1 Public expose tahun 2020 diadakan sebanyak 1
(satu) kali, diadakan pada 30 November 2020 (satu) kali, diadakan pada 30 November 2020
dengan menggunakan metoda daring (zoom) dengan menggunakan metoda daring (zoom)
yang disambungkan dengan youtube channel. yang disambungkan dengan youtube channel.
Agenda Public expose adalah melakukan presentasi Agenda Public expose adalah melakukan presentasi
manajemen atau paparan publik mengenai manajemen atau paparan publik mengenai
Perseroan. Perseroan.
Berikut adalah daftar Keterbukaan Informasi yang The following is a list of Information Disclosures that
telah disampaikan oleh Perseroan, yang dikelola have been submitted by the Company, which are
oleh Corporate Secretary dan disampaikan melalui managed by the Corporate Secretary and submitted
surat kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dan by letter to the Financial Services Authority (OJK)
e-reporting Bursa Efek Indonesia (, and e-reporting of the Indonesia Stock Exchange
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 457
Corporate Governance
Dengan adanya program Digital Transformasi yang With the Digital Transformation program that has
sudah dimulai sejak 2018 yang merupakan acuan tim been started since 2018, which is a reference for the
IT dalam menjalankan fungsinya membuat proses IT team in carrying out its functions, the transition
transisi menghadapi proses dan cara kerja yang process to face new processes and ways of working
baru saat pandemi dapat dilalui dengan cepat. Ini during a pandemic can be passed quickly. This can
dapat dilakukan karena hampir semua bisnis proses be done because almost all major business processes
utama sudah dapat dilakukan dengan online atau can be done online or do not have to be physically
tidak harus bertemu secara fisik. met.
Departmen IT berperan sebagai pembangun The IT department plays a role as the fundamental
fundamental teknologi informasi elnusa, untuk builder of Elnusa’s information technology, to
mendukung proses bisnis, meningkatkan value bisnis, support business processes, increase business value,
meningkatkan efisiensi maupun menurunkan cost. increase efficiency and reduce costs.
Selain peran utama di atas, IT juga bekerja sama Besides of the main role above, IT also collaborates
dengan fungsi Business Development dalam with the Business Development function in
pengembangan potensi bisnis-bisnis baru yang developing potential new businesses that are
diharapkan dapat mendukung perusaahaan dalam expected to support the company in achieving its
mencapai visi dan misi nya. vision and mission.
458 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Organisasi IT mempunyai organisasi yang cukup IT organizations have quite agile organizations. This
agile. Budaya Agile ini terus diupayakan menjadi Agile culture continues to be endeavored to become
budaya yang menyatu dalam keseharian tim IT. a culture that is integrated into the daily life of the
Kolaborasi, Agile methodology dan Cross function IT team. Collaboration, Agile methodology and Cross
team sudah menjadi new normal. function team have become new normal.
Dibantu dengan adanya standardisasi, cara kerja dan Assisted by the existence of standardization, working
teknologi, bekerja dengan remote working dengan methods and technology, working remotely with
tim yang tersebar jauh didaerahnya masing-masing teams that are spread far away in their respective
tidak membuat layanan maupun pengembangan regions does not hamper services or system
system di IT menjadi terhambat. development in IT.
Arsitektur TI IT Architecture
ICT Enterprise Architecture dibangun menyesuaikan ICT Enterprise Architecture is built in accordance
dengan visi misi perusahaan dan berkembang with the company’s vision and mission and develops
menyesuaikan. accordingly.
Dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dalam menghadapi With the company’s needs in facing VUCA, namely
VUCA, yaitu dibutuhkan adanya agility dalam the need for agility in making business processes,
pembuatan proses bisnis, pengambilan keputusan making correct and data-based decisions, speed of
yang tepat dan berdasarkan data, kecepatan akses access to the latest ICT technology, and produce
terhadap teknologi ICT terbaru, maupun pembuatan new innovative products, requires this ICT Enterprise
produk inovasi baru, mengharuskan ICT Enterprise Architecture to combine agile concepts while
Architecture ini menggabungkan konsep agile maintaining risk and compliance.
dengan tetap menjaga risk maupun compliance.
Standardisasi dalam Tools, Bisnis Proses, dan Standardization in Tools, Business Processes,
Architecture menjadi landasan dalam proses and Architecture becomes the foundation in the
pengembangan system dan pemberian layanan process of system development and service delivery
sehingga quality dan SLA dapat terjaga, tapi tanpa so that quality and SLA can be maintained, but
mengurangi kreatifitas tim. Standard ini terus di without reducing team creativity. This standard is
evaluasi dan dikembangkan berdasarkan kebutuhan continuously evaluated and developed based on the
dan masukan dari pengguna maupun pengembang needs and input from users and developers following
mengikuti kebutuhan Elnusa Group. the needs of the Elnusa Group.
Sepanjang tahun 2020, 24 development team Throughout 2020, 24 development teams consisting
yang terdiri dari cross function team dari 11 divisi of cross function teams from 11 divisions participated
ikut berkolaborasi dan berhasil menyelesaikan in collaborating and successfully completing
pengembangan aplikasi maupun tambahan modul application development and additional modules
untuk mendukung proses bisnis. Terjadinya Pandemi to support business processes. The occurrence of the
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 459
Corporate Governance
diawal tahun 2020 mengharuskan hampir semua Pandemic in early 2020 requires that almost all IT
tim IT harus bekerja secara remote dan tersebar, teams have to work remotely and spread out, does
tidak menghambat pencapaian tim, bahkan dapat not hinder the team’s achievement, it can even be
dikatakan ada peningkatan kecepatan kerja. said that there is an increase in work speed.
Dengan banyaknya system yang dibangun, With so many systems being built, the increased
meningkatnya support untuk operasi terkait project support for project-related operations and support
maupun support ke beberapa anak perusahaan, to several subsidiaries has resulted in an increase in
mengakibatkan meningkatnya support di IT YoY support in IT YoY by 64%. This increase in support
sebanyak 64%. Peningkatan support ini tidak does not reduce the quality of IT services while
mengurangi kualitas layanan IT dengan tetap maintaining KPIs in accordance with the agreement.
mempertahankan KPI sesuai dengan kesepakatan.
Investasi TI IT Investment
Investasi IT di tahun 2020 lebih mengutamakan IT investment in 2020 prioritizes the development
pengembangan Talent, Knowledge dan akses of Talent, Knowledge and access to new technology.
terhadap new technology.
Culture development yang agile, collaboration, cross Agile culture development, collaboration, cross
function skill menjadi fokus yang terus dikembangkan function skills are a focus that continues to be
agar menjadi budaya kerja dilingkungan IT maupun developed so that it becomes a work culture in the
elnusa. IT and Elnusa environment.
Membuat design, strategi dan eksekusi Methode Creating a design, strategy and execution of
untuk mendapatkan Manpower dan talenta dalam methods to get a large number of Manpower and
jumlah banyak yang sesuai dengan standard teknis talents in accordance with technical and non-
maupun non teknis untuk mendukung semua technical standards to support all ICT development
program pengembangan ICT ditahun 2020 yang programs in 2020 which have increased from the
mengalami peningkatan dari tahun sebelumnya, previous year, is an achievement that has been
merupakan pencapaian yang berhasil diselesaikan successfully completed. In the future, this method
dengan sukses. Kedepannya methode ini akan terus will continue to be used and developed to support
digunakan dan dikembangkan untuk mendukung the digitalization development plan in Elnusa.
rencana pengembangan digitalisasi di Elnusa.
Pemanfaatan cloud telah dilakukan dengan bertahap The use of the cloud has been carried out gradually
dan dengan memperhitungkan peruntukan, risiko and taking into account the use, risk and cost in the
dan biaya secara jangka panjang. long-term.
Investasi infrastruktur internal dilakukan dengan Internal infrastructure investment is carried out by
lebih mempertimbangkan kondisi pandemi di mana taking into account the pandemic conditions where
lebih banyak karyawan yang bekerja dari luar kantor more employees work from outside the office than
dari pada yang sebelumnya transaksi lebih banyak previously, more transactions were carried out on
dilakukan didalam jaringan internal. the internal network.
460 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Strategic Initiative Perusahaan dalam menjalankan The Company’s Strategic Initiative in carrying out
transformasi digital dalam pengembangan digital transformation in integrated application
aplikasi terintegrasi merupakan program Synergi development is a Synergy program that collaborates
yang bekerja sama lintas fungsi baik sebagai across functions as a product owner, policy maker,
product owner, pembuat kebijakan, tim Enterprise Enterprise Dashboard team, SME, and PMO as an
Dashboard, SME, maupun PMO sebagai upaya effort to develop a system in accordance with the
pengembangan system yang sesuai dengan visi misi company’s vision and mission.
Dalam menjalankan fungsi layanannya, tim IT In carrying out its service functions, the IT team has
mempunyai alat monitoring online yang dipantau an online monitoring tool that is monitored regularly
secara berkala agar tetap sesuai dengan target KPI so that it is in accordance with the KPI and SLA
dan SLA yang telah ditetapkan. targets that have been set.
Pengembangan aplikasi bisnis proses yang The development of integrated business process
terintegrasi akan terus dilanjutkan dengan lebih applications will be continued with a more focus
fokus ke improvement dari existing aplikasi, utilisasi on improvements to existing applications, data
data dan budaya digital. utilization and digital culture.
Kondisi saat ini dan kedepan yang memungkinkan Current and future conditions that allow a change in
adanya perubahan cara kerja menjadi remote the way of working to become remote working are
working juga menjadi pertimbangan dalam also a consideration in determining the appropriate
menentukan aplikasi, technology maupun system application, technology and work system.
kerja yang sesuai.
Riset and Development juga akan terus dilakukan Research and Development will also continue to
bersama dengan fungsi terkait untuk mendukung be carried out together with related functions to
bisnis berjalan maupun bisnis baru. support current and new businesses.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 461
Corporate Governance
Agar visi, misi, dan nilai inti serta budaya perusahaan So that the vision, mission and core values and
dapat diterapkan secara lebih nyata, diperlukan corporate culture can be applied more clearly, we
sebuah perangkat yang bersifat artikulatif serta need a device that is articulate and has a reward
memiliki mekanisme reward & punishment. Perseroan & punishment mechanism. The Company has a
memiliki Standar Etika Perusahaan atau Code of Corporate Ethics Standard or Code of Conduct
Conduct (CoC) yang disusun sejak tahun 2008 (CoC) compiled since 2008 containing GCG
memuat prinsip-prinsip GCG, yaitu transparansi, principles, namely transparency, accountability,
akuntabilitas, responsibilitas, independensi dan responsibility, independence and fairness in
kewajaran (fairness) dalam pengelolaan bisnis managing the Company’s business by promoting
Perusahaan dengan mengedepankan etika bisnis business ethics and implementing work ethics in
serta pelaksanaan etika kerja di lingkungan the environment Company so that each individual
Perusahaan agar setiap individu Perusahaan mampu Company is able to behave, behave, interact and
bersikap, berperilaku, berinteraksi, dan melakukan carry out work processes both inside and outside
proses kerja baik di dalam dan di luar Perusahaan. the Company.
CoC terkini yang telah ditandatangani oleh Komisaris The most recent CoC, which was signed by the
Utama dan Direktur Utama pada tanggal 12 Maret President Commissioner and President Director on
2019 merupakan bentuk pembaharuan yang MArch 12, 2019, is a form of renewal that is always
senantiasa dilakukan sesuai dengan perkembangan carried out in accordance with developments in laws,
hukum, peraturan perundang-undangan serta laws and regulations as well as the Company’s best
praktik terbaik Perseroan. practices.
Perseroan tidak akan mentolerir hal-hal terkait The Company will not tolerate matters related to
dengan integritas. Itu sebabnya beberapa aspek integrity. That is why several critical aspects that are
kritikal yang dipandang perlu diatur dalam Standar deemed necessary to be regulated in the Company
Etika Perusahaan sebagai pedoman perilaku dalam Ethical Standards as a code of conduct in dealing
berhubungan dengan stakeholders, baik internal with stakeholders, both internal and external.
maupun eksternal. Oleh karena ini Standar etika Therefore, the Company's ethical standards include
Perusahaan memuat hal-hal sebagai berikut: the following:
Bab II: Etika Kerja & Bisnis Elnusa Chapter II: Elnusa Work & Business Ethics
1. Pedoman Perilaku 1. Code of Conduct
2. Perilaku Integritas 2. Integrity Behavior
462 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Kode Etik Perseroan merupakan Standar Etika The Company's Code of Ethics is an Ethical Standard
dilingkungan Perseroan yang wajib dipatuhi dan in the Company's environment that must be obeyed
dilaksanakan oleh: and implemented by:
1. Insan Elnusa, di semua level termasuk Dewan 1. Personnel of Elnusa, at all levels including
komisaris, Direksi dan Organ penunjang Dewan the Board of Commissioners, Directors
Komisaris. and Supporting Organs of the Board of
2. Pihak Eksternal yang bertindak untuk dan atas 2. External Parties acting for and on behalf of
nama Elnusa. Elnusa.
3. Seluruh entitas Anak Perusahaan. 3. All Subsidiaries.
4. Mitra Kerja yang bekerja sama dengan Elnusa, 4. Partners who work closely with Elnusa, such as
seperti Konsultan, Media partner, Lawyer serta Consultants, Media partners, Lawyer and other
rekanan kerja lainnya. working partners.
Guna memberikan pemahaman kepada seluruh In order to provide understanding to all Company
Insan Perseroan, Perseroan secara berkala Personnel, the Company periodically conducts
melakukan sosialisasi standar etika ini kepada socialization of this ethical standard to all levels of
seluruh jajaran karyawan mulai dari jajaran Dewan employees starting from the Board of Commissioners
Komisaris dan Direksi, Manajemen, karyawan baik and Directors, Management, employees both at
yang berada di kantor pusat maupun yang berada di the head office and those in the operational area.
wilayah operasi. Sosialisasi materi CoC dilanjutkan The CoC material socialization was continued by
dengan melakukan penandatanganan pernyataan signing a statement of compliance with the CoC &
kepatuhan atas CoC & komitmen integritas. commitment to integrity.
Perseroan juga menempatkan informasi mengenai The Company also places information on Ethical
Standar Etika melalui website Perseroan dan portal Standards through the Company's website and
internal. Jika terdapat hal-hal yang kurang lengkap, internal portal. If there are things that are incomplete,
karyawan dapat sewaktu-waktu bertanya kepada employees can at any time ask their respective direct
atasan langsung masing-masing atau kepada superiors or the Ethics & GCG Board as the person
Dewan Etika & GCG sebagai penanggung jawab responsible for GCG implementation.
atas implementasi GCG.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 463
Corporate Governance
Penerapan standar etika merupakan salah satu The adoption of ethical standards is a form of
bentuk penguatan budaya Perusahaan yang strengthening the Company's culture which aims to
bertujuan untuk membangun fondasi yang kuat build a strong foundation for the continued existence
bagi kelanjutan eksistensi bisnis Perusahaan. Budaya of the Company's business. The Corporate Culture
Perusahaan merupakan kombinasi yang terintegrasi is an integrated and harmonious combination of
dan selaras dari nilai Perusahaan (clean, respectful, Company values (clean, respectful, synergy) as well
synergy) serta semangat dan prinsip yang harus as the spirit and principles that must be possessed
dimiliki oleh setiap insan Elnusa. by all Elnusa people.
Perseroan melakukan penegakan terhadap The Company enforces the Company's Standards
Pedoman Standar Perilaku Perseroan yang dilakukan of Conduct Guidelines by periodically monitoring the
dengan melakukan pemantauan secara berkala enforcement of the Company's Code of Ethics and
terhadap penegakan Pedoman Etika Perseroan providing facilities for complaints against violations
dan menyediakan fasilitas bagi pengaduan of the Code of Conduct that applies within the
terhadap pelanggaran Pedoman Standar Perilaku Company. The mechanism for reporting violations
yang berlaku di lingkungan Perseroan. Mekanisme of the Code of Conduct Standards is carried out as
pelaporan pelanggaran Pedoman Standar Perilaku stipulated in the provisions of the Whistle Blowing
dilakukan sebagaimana termaktub dalam ketentuan System (WBS) that has been developed by the
Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran atau Whistleblowing Company.
System (WBS) yang telah dikembangkan Perseroan.
WBS merupakan sistem yang telah dikembangkan WBS is a system that has been developed by the
Perseroan dan digunakan untuk menerima, Company and is used to receive, manage and follow
mengelola dan menindaklanjuti serta memuat up and contain reports on information submitted by
pelaporan atas informasi yang disampaikan oleh reporters regarding violations that occur within the
pelapor mengenai tindakan pelanggaran yang Company, namely acts that violate the Company's
terjadi di lingkungan Perseroan, yaitu perbuatan Standards of Conduct Guidelines carried out either
melanggar Pedoman Standar Perilaku Perseroan by employees or leaders that can harm The Company
yang dilakukan baik oleh karyawan atau pimpinan and other stakeholders.
yang dapat merugikan Perseroan maupun para
pemangku kepentingan lainnya.
Bagi insan Perseroan yang terbukti melakukan Company people who are proven to have violated
pelanggaran terhadap Pedoman Standar Perilaku the applicable Standards of Conduct Guidelines will
yang berlaku, akan diberikan sanksi sesuai dengan be given sanctions in accordance with the policies
kebijakan dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang and regulations in force. Actions take the form of
berlaku. Bentuk penindakan berupa pemberian giving verbal and written warnings to employees
peringatan lisan maupun tertulis kepada karyawan who commit violations.
yang melakukan pelanggaran.
464 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Perseroan tidak akan mentolerir hal-hal terkait The Company will not tolerate matters related
dengan itegritas. Itu sebabnya beberapa aspek to integrity. That is why several critical aspects
kritikal yang dipandang perlu diatur dalam standar which are deemed necessary to be regulated in the
etika Perusahaan sebagai pedoman perilaku dalam Company's ethical standards as a code of conduct in
berhubungan dengan stakeholders, baik internal dealing with stakeholders, both internal and external
maupun eksternal antara lain mencakup: include:
1. Sikap kerja professional baik sebagai pimpinan 1. Professional work attitude both as a leader and
maupun bawahan subordinate
2. Selalu melakukan tes etika jika berhadapan 2. Always conduct an ethics test when dealing with
dengan situasi dilematika situations in dilemma
3. Berani mengungkapkan masalah 3. Dare to express problems
4. Menghindari diskriminasi 4. Avoid discrimination
5. Kesempatan karir yang sama 5. Same career opportunity
6. Bebas Narkotika dan obat-obatan terlarang 6. Free of Narcotics and illegal drugs
7. Saling menghargai satu sama lain 7. Respect each other
8. Batasan dalam aktivitas politik 8. Limitation in political activities
9. Menjaga rahasia Perusahaan 9. Keep company secrets
10. Menjaga citra Perusahaan 10. Maintaining the Company's image
11. Pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan atas 11. Decision making is based on the interests of the
kepentingan Perusahaan Company
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 465
Corporate Governance
Sebagai bagian dari transparansi yang dilakukan As part of the transparency carried out by the
Pe rs e ro a n , b e r i k u t d i s a m p a i ka n j u m l a h Company, the following is presented the number of
penyimpangan internal yang terjadi dan upaya internal irregularities that have occurred and their
penyelesaiannya. remedies.
Telah Diselesaikan
3 1 11 2 2 2
Dalam proses penyelesaian internal
- - - - - -
In internal resolution process
Belum diupayakan Penyelesaiannya
- - - - - -
Settlement has not yet been sought
Telah ditindaklanjuti melalui proses
- - - - - -
Has been followed up through a legal
Jumlah Penyimpangan
Total Deviations
Manajemen Perseroan secara konsisten melakukan The Company's management consistently conducts
kajian dalam rangka mengevaluasi kinerja Perseroan, studies in order to evaluate the Company's
termasuk keterkaitan antara visi, misi dan budaya performance, including the relationship between
perusahaan serta kode etik dengan rencana jangka the company's vision, mission and culture as well
panjang dan profil risiko yang dihadapi Perseroan. as the code of ethics with the long-term plan and risk
Penerapan Pedoman Standar Perilaku juga menjadi profile faced by the Company. The application of the
kajian manajemen untuk menjadi salah satu Code of Conduct Standards is also a management
perangkat evaluasi keorganisasian kelompok usaha review to become one of the evaluation tools for the
Elnusa. Elnusa business group organization.
466 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Perseroan juga telah memiliki Pedoman Pengelolaan The Company has a Gratification Management
Gratifikasi di Lingkungan Perseroan dan Entitas Guidelines within the Company and Subsidiaries, as
Anak, sebagaimana diatur dalam Pedoman stipulated in the Guidelines for receiving and giving
penerimaan dan pemberian hadiah/hiburan. gifts/entertainment.
Di tahun 2020, Perseroan secara reguler melakukan In 2020, the Company regularly conducts Anti-
sosialisasi Kebijakan Anti Gratifikasi kepada insan Gratification Policy socialization to the Company
Perseroan maupun mitra kerja Perseroan. employees’ and the Company's business partners.
Perseroan memiliki kebijakan untuk melarang The Company has a policy to prohibit the involvement
keterlibatan individu atas nama Perseroan dalam of individuals on behalf of the Company in political
kegiatan politik, termasuk memberikan donasi activities, including making donations for political
untuk kepentingan politik. Perseroan memiliki purposes. The Company has a policy to prohibit the
kebijakan untuk melarang keterlibatan individu involvement of individuals on behalf of the Company
atas nama Perseroan dalam kegiatan politik, in political activities, including making donations for
termasuk memberikan donasi untuk kepentingan political purposes. Strictly speaking, the Company
politik. Secara tegas, Perseroan tidak mengizinkan does not allow Elnusa's people to use any facilities or
insan Elnusa menggunakan fasilitas atau sumber resources for the purpose of political campaigns, for
daya apapun untuk tujuan kampanye politik, raising political funds or for the purpose of political
penggalangan dana politik maupun untuk tujuan participation. As regulated in the Company's Code
partisipasi politik. Sebagaimana yang telah diatur of Conduct.
dalam Pedoman Standar Perilaku (Code of Conduct)
Sebaliknya, kepedulian yang tinggi terhadap masalah Conversely, high awareness of social and community
sosial dan kemasyarakatan merupakan bagian issues is an important part of the company's duties
penting dari tugas dan tanggung jawab perusahaan and responsibilities to the community, which is
terhadap masyarakat, yang diwujudkan melalui realized through Corporate Social Responsibility
program-program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. A more detailed description of
(CSR). Penjelasan lebih rinci tentang kegiatan CSR the CSR activities carried out by the Company
yang telah dilakukan Perseroan di sepanjang tahun throughout 2020, and their nominal value can be
2020, serta nilai nominalnya dapat dilihat pada Bab seen in the Corporate Social Responsibility Chapter
Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan dalam Laporan in this Annual Report.
Tahunan ini.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 467
Corporate Governance
Sebagai salah satu program penguatan As one of the programs to strengthen the
implementasi Good Corporate Governance implementation of Good Corporate Governance
(GCG) dan wujud komitmen Perusahaan dalam (GCG) and a manifestation of the Company’s
menjalankan operasional Perusahaan dengan lebih commitment to running the Company’s operations
transparan, adil dan zero tolerance terhadap fraud in a more transparent, fair, and zero tolerance
dan tindakan penyuapan baik oleh Direksi, Dewan manner against fraud and bribery by the Board of
Komisaris, pegawai maupun pihak eksternal, Directors, Board of Commissioners, employees and
Perseroan telah memiliki Sistem Manajemen Anti external parties, the Company has a Management
Penyuapan (SMAP) untuk melengkapi kebijakan System. Anti-Bribery (ABMS) to complement
yang terkait dengan pencegahan penyuapan, policies related to bribery prevention, which are
yang berpedoman pada standar internasional guided by international standards, namely SNI ISO
yaitu SNI ISO 37001:2016 dan dimaksudkan untuk 37001: 2016 and are intended to help companies
membantu Perusahaan menerapkan SMAP yang implement an effective ABMS. The company has
efektif. Perusahaan telah menetapkan kebijakan, established policies, created documents, socialized,
membuat dokumen, melakukan sosialisasi, implemented, documented, maintained, and
menerapkan, mendokumentasikan, memelihara, dan improved continuously in line with the standard
menyempurnakannya secara berkesinambungan requirements in SNI ISO 37001: 2016.
sejalan dengan persyaratan standar dalam SNI ISO
Implementasi dan penerapan SMAP Perseroan The implementation and application of the
dilaksanakan berdasarkan: Company’s ABMS are carried out based on:
1. Instruksi Presiden Nomor 10 Tahun 2016 tentang 1. Presidential Instruction Number 10 of 2016
Aksi Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Korupsi; concerning Actions to Prevent and Eradicate
2. Surat Menteri BUMN Nomor S-35/MBU/01/2020 2. Letter of the Minister of BUMN Number S-35/
tanggal 10 Januari 2020 perihal Implementasi MBU/01/2020 dated January 10, 2020, regarding
Sistem Manajemen Anti Suap di BUMN sebagai the Implementation of Anti-Bribery Management
Pelaksanaan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 54 tahun Systems in BUMN as the Implementation of
2018 tentang Strategi Nasional Pencegahan Presidential Regulation Number 54 of 2018
Korupsi; concerning the National Strategy for Preventing
3. Surat KBUMN Nomor S-17/S.MBU/02/2020 3. 3. KBUMN Letter Number S-17/S.MBU/02/2020
tanggal 17 Februari 2020 perihal Sertifikasi ISO dated February 17, 2020, regarding ISO 37001
37001 Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan di Certification of Anti-Bribery Management
BUMN. System in SOEs.
468 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Penerapan SMAP di Perseroan yang tertuang dalam The implementation of the ABMS in the Company
Management Policy Standar Sistem Manajemen as stated in the Management Policy The Anti-
Anti Penyuapan ini memuat langkah-langkah Bribery Management System Standard contains
yang diperlukan untuk mengelola Anti Penyuapan the steps needed to manage Anti-Bribery in the
di Perusahaan dan dirancang untuk menerapkan Company and is designed to implement appropriate
pengendalian yang tepat dalam mendeteksi, controls in detecting, identifying, and reducing the
mengidentifikasi dan mengurangi potensi penyuapan potential for bribery from the start, developing
sejak awal, mengembangkan dan menumbuhkan and fostering an anti-bribery culture. -bribery for
budaya anti-penyuapan bagi seluruh Direksi, Dewan all Directors, Board of Commissioners, employees,
Komisaris, karyawan maupun pihak eksternal terkait and related external parties as well as increasing
serta meningkatkan kepatuhan terhadap hukum dan compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
peraturan yang berlaku. Kebijakan/Management The Anti-Bribery Management System Standard
Policy Standar Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan Policy / Management Policy has been implemented
telah dilaksanakan secara efektif di Perusahaan. effectively in the Company.
Untuk mendukung SMAP yang telah To support the implementation of SMAP, the
diimplementasikan di Perusahaan, maka Perseroan Company has also realized its commitment to best
juga telah mewujudkan komitmen penerapan praktik practice implementation of the ABMS by obtaining
terbaik atas SMAP tersebut dengan diperolehnya the ISO 37001: 2016 SMAP Certification in August
Sertifikasi SMAP ISO 37001:2016 pada Agustus 2020.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 469
Corporate Governance
Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, serta seluruh pegawai The Board of Commissioners, Directors, and
senantiasa menjunjung tinggi persaingan yang fair, all employees always uphold fair competition,
nilai sportifitas dan profesionalisme, serta prinsip- sportsmanship and professionalism, as well as
prinsip GCG. Perseroan juga berkomitmen untuk GCG principles. The Company is also committed
menciptakan iklim usaha yang sehat, menghindari to creating a healthy business climate, avoiding
tindakan, perilaku ataupun perbuatan-perbuatan actions, behaviors or actions that can cause conflicts
yang dapat menimbulkan konflik kepentingan, of interest, Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism
Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme (KKN) serta selalu (KKN) and always prioritize the interests of the
mengutamakan kepentingan Perseroan di atas Company above personal, family, group or group
kepentingan pribadi, keluarga, kelompok ataupun interests. The Company also always pays attention
golongan. Perseroan juga senantiasa memperhatikan to anti-corruption policies as written in Law No. 20
kebijakan tentang anti korupsi seperti yang tertulis of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law No. 31 of
dalam Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2001 tentang 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes.
Perubahan atas Undang-Undang No. 31 Tahun 1999
tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi.
470 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Benturan kepentingan adalah terjadinya konflik Conflict of interest is a conflict between the
antara kepentingan ekonomis Perseroan dengan economic interests of the Company and personal
kepentingan ekonomis pribadi, pemilik, anggota economic interests, owners, members of the Board
Dewan Komisaris, anggota Direksi, Pejabat of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors,
Eksekutif, Pegawai dan/atau pihak terafiliasi Executive Officers, Employees and/or affiliated parties
dengan Perseroan. Pencegahan dan mekanisme with the Company. Prevention and mechanisms
terkait dengan benturan kepentingan diatur related to conflicts of interest are regulated in: Articles
dalam: Anggaran Dasar, Board Manual, GCG Code, of Association, Board Manual, GCG Code, CoC as well
CoC serta pedoman khusus mengenai konflik as specific guidelines regarding conflicts of interest.
Prinsip dasar dari Benturan kepentingan adalah The basic principle of a Conflict of Interest is that
Seluruh Insan Elnusa yang karena jabatannya, all Elnusa Individuals who due to their position, if
apabila menemui potensi atau kondisi/situasi Konflik they encounter potential or condition/situation
Kepentingan DILARANG meneruskan kegiatan/ of Conflict of Interest are PROHIBITED from
melaksanakan kewajiban terkait jabatannya continuing/carrying out obligations related to their
tersebut. position.
Implementasi atas pelaksanaan ketentuan terkait The implementation of the provisions related to
dengan benturan kepentingan adalah sebagai conflicts of interest are as follows:
1. Mencantumkan ketentuan terkait konflik 1. Include provisions related to conflicts of interest
kepentingan sebagai bagian dari Code of Conduct as part of the Company's Code of Conduct.
2. Menyampaikan informasi terkait ketentuan ini 2. Convey information related to this provision in the
dalam sosialisasi kepada seluruh pekerja maupun socialization to all workers and third parties on a
pihak ketiga secara reguler. regular basis.
3. Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi wajib 3. Members of the Board of Commissioners and
menyampaikan daftar khusus dan daftar hubungan Directors must submit a special list and list of
afiliasi untuk dipublikasikan dalam laporan tahunan affiliation relationships to be published in the
dan website Perseroan. annual report and the Company's website.
4. Jika terjadi kondisi Konflik Kepentingan, yang 4. In the event of a Conflict of Interest condition,
tidak terdapat/tidak diatur dalam ketentuan which is not/is not regulated in this provision,
ini maka Insan Elnusa wajib membuat Surat Elnusa's People shall make a Declaration of
Pernyataan Konflik Kepentingan terhadap kondisi Conflict of Interest regarding these conditions
tersebut disertai dengan disertai penjelasan accompanied by an explanation to be conveyed
yang disampaikan kepada atasan langsung atau to the direct supervisor or local supreme leader
pimpinan tertinggi setempat dan pihak ketiga and third parties if necessary.
apabila diperlukan.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 471
Corporate Governance
Apabila terjadi situasi konflik kepentingan, maka If there is a conflict of interest situation, then
Insan Elnusa wajib melaporkan hal tersebut melalui: Elnusa's People must report the matter through:
1. Atasan Langsung 1. Direct Supervisor
Pelaporan melalui atasan langsung dilakukan Reporting through direct supervisors is done
apabila pelapor adalah Insan Elnusa yang terlibat if the reporter is an Elnusa Individual who is
atau memiliki potensi untuk terlibat secara involved or has the potential to be directly
langsung dalam situasi konflik kepentingan. involved in a conflict of interest situation.
Pelaporan dilaksanakan dengan menyampaikan Reporting is carried out by submitting a Conflict
Surat Pernyataan Konflik Kepentingan. of Interest Statement.
2. Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran (Whistleblowing 2. Whistleblowing System Reporting through the
System) Pelaporan melalui Sistem Pelaporan Whistleblowing System is done if the reporter is
Pelanggaran (Whistleblowing System) dilakukan an Elnusa Individual or other parties (Customers,
apabila pelapor adalah Insan Elnusa atau pihak-pihak Work Partners and the Community) who do
lainnya (Pelanggan, Mitra Kerja dan Masyarakat) yang not have direct involvement, but are aware
tidak memiliki keterlibatan secara langsung, namun of the existence or potential of the existence
mengetahui adanya atau potensi adanya konflik conflict of interest in the Company. Reporting
kepentingan di Perusahaan. Pelaporan melalui Sistem through the Whistleblowing System is carried
Pelaporan Pelanggaran (Whistleblowing System) out in accordance with the mechanisms and
dilaksanakan sesuai dengan mekanisme dan syarat- requirements listed in the Whistleblowing
syarat yang tercantum di dalam pedoman Sistem System guidelines.
Pelaporan Pelanggaran (Whistleblowing System).
Setiap Insan Elnusa yang terbukti melakukan Every Elnusa Individual who is proven to have
tindakan Konflik Kepentingan akan ditindaklanjuti committed a Conflict of Interest will be followed
berdasarkan peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku up based on the rules and regulations applicable in
di Perusahaan. the Company.
Pada 2020, tidak terjadi peristiwa terkait benturan In 2020, there was no event related to conflicts of
kepentingan yang dilakukan oleh Dewan Komisaris interest by the Company's Board of Commissioners
dan Direksi Perseroan. and Directors.
472 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Sebagai upaya untuk mendukung penerapan In an effort to support the implementation of good
tata kelola perusahaan yang baik, Perseroan corporate governance, the Company implements a
mengimplementasikan Sistem Pelaporan Whistleblowing System (WBS) in order to prevent
Pelanggaran atau Whistleblowing System (WBS) fraud by reporting incidents of violation behavior
dalam rangka mencegah terjadinya tindak and fostering a culture of honesty and openness. The
kecurangan dengan melaporkan kejadian perilaku application of WBS is beneficial for the development
pelanggaran serta mendorong budaya kejujuran dan of a well-managed violation reporting system, which
keterbukaan. Penerapan WBS bermanfaat untuk can be the foundation for the Company to design
pengembangan sistem pelaporan pelanggaran yang the necessary evaluations and follow-up. WBS is
terkelola dengan baik, yang dapat menjadi fondasi also part of the early warning system for possible
bagi Perseroan untuk merancang evaluasi dan tindak problems caused by a violation. For reporters, WBS
lanjut yang diperlukan. WBS juga menjadi bagian provides guaranteed protection and confidentiality
dari mekanisme deteksi dini (early warning system) of identity.
atas kemungkinan terjadinya masalah akibat sebuah
pelanggaran. Bagi pelapor, WBS memberikan
jaminan perlindungan dan kerahasiaan identitas.
Informasi yang diperoleh dari WBS akan Information obtained from WBS will be followed
ditindaklanjuti baik dengan pengenaan sanksi yang up with the imposition of strict and consistent
tegas dan konsisten agar dapat menimbulkan efek sanctions in order to have a deterrent effect for
jera bagi pelaku pelanggaran maupun bagi mereka violators and for those who intend to do the same
yang berniat melakukan hal sama dan dapat menjadi and can be input for improving the system for the
masukan untuk perbaikan sistem bagi Perusahaan Company going forward.
ke depannya.
Perseroan telah menyediakan berbagai media The Company has provided various media to
untuk mengakomodir para pemangku kepentingan accommodate stakeholders in submitting their
dalam menyampaikan laporannya jika diduga telah reports if a violation is committed by the Company's
terjadi pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh karyawan employees with the following mechanism:
Perseroan dengan mekanisme sebagai berikut:
1. Website Perseroan : Whistleblower System Center 1. Company Website: Whistleblower System Center
( (
2. Telepon: 021.78830850 ext 1623 2. Telephone: 021.78830850 ext 1623
3. Menyampaikan surat resmi kepada: 3. Delivering an official letter to:
PT Elnusa Tbk up. Tim WBS PT Elnusa Tbk up. WBS Team
Graha Elnusa Lantai 16, Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. Graha Elnusa Lantai 16, Jl. TB Simatupang Kav.
1B, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan 1B, Cilandak, South Jakarta
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 473
Corporate Governance
Berikut ini adalah ketentuan pelapor: The following are the conditions of the reporter:
1. Pelaporan dapat dilakukan secara anonim 1. Reporting can be done anonymously or
maupun dilengkapi dengan identitas pelapor supplemented with the identity of the reporter
dengan memberikan rekomendasi atau bukti by providing recommendations or preliminary
awal dugaan sementara praktik pelanggaran. evidence of provisional allegations of violation
2. Pelapor dapat membatasi identifikasi mengenai 2. The whistleblower can limit identification
identitas yang bersangkutan dengan tetap regarding the identity of the person concerned
menyertakan bukti yang berkaitan dengan by continuing to include evidence relating to the
dugaan sementara praktik pelanggaran. alleged temporary violation practice.
3. Tidak ada hukuman yang dijatuhkan kepada pihak 3. No penalty is given to the whistleblower if
pelapor jika pelanggaran tersebut terbukti benar the violation is proven to occur. If the person
terjadi. Apabila yang bersangkutan juga terlibat involved is also involved in the violation, the
dalam pelanggaran, laporan yang disampaikan report submitted can be considered to reduce/
dapat dipertimbangkan untuk mengurangi/ eliminate the penalty.
meniadakan hukuman.
4. Kerahasiaan pelapor akan dijaga kecuali apabila 4. Confidentiality of the whistleblower will be
pengungkapan tersebut diperlukan dalam maintained unless the disclosure is required in
kaitan dengan penyelidikan yang dilakukan oleh connection with an investigation conducted by
pihak yang berwenang atau diperlukan untuk an authorized party or is needed to maintain the
mempertahankan posisi Perusahaan di depan Company's position before the law.
5. Mekanisme di atas tidak dimaksudkan untuk 5. The above mechanism is not intended to convey
menyampaikan keluhan pribadi. personal complaints.
Sistem pelaporan pelanggaran Perseroan dikelola The Company's violation reporting system is
oleh fungsi Corporate Secretary dan legal & managed by the Corporate Secretary function as
Compliance selaku Pengelola WBS dengan Management of WBS with the following mechanism:
mekanisme sebagai berikut:
1. Pengelola WBS menerima laporan pelanggaran 1. The WBS manager receives reports of violations
dan melakukan verifikasi atas laporan yang and verifies the incoming reports.
2. Pengelola WBS akan menentukan apakah masih 2. The WBS manager will determine whether
diperlukan informasi atau bukti tambahan lebih further information or additional evidence is
lanjut. needed.
3. Laporan yang telah diverifikasi selanjutnya 3. The verified report is then submitted to the
diserahkan kepada FUKAPEG. FUKAPEG.
1. FUKAPEG melalui fungsi Internal Audit akan 1. FUKAPEG will investigate the complaint report
melakukan investigasi atas laporan pengaduan that has been verified by the WBS Manager.
yang telah diverifikasi oleh Pengelola WBS.
2. Jika pengaduan tidak terbukti benar, maka tidak 2. If the complaint is not proven to be true, then
dilakukan proses lebih lanjut. no further process is carried out.
3. Apabila laporan atas pelanggaran valid dan 3. If the report on a violation is valid and has
telah terbukti, maka Dewan Etika & GCG akan been proven, the Ethics & GCG Board will
memberikan laporan serta rekomendasi kepada provide a report and recommendation to the
pihak yang berwenang (manajemen terkait appropriate authorities (management related
atasan Terlapor untuk melaksanakan tindakan to the Reported Party's superior to carry out
koreksi. corrective actions.
474 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
1. Pelapor dapat dilakukan secara anonim maupun 1. Reporting can be done anonymously or
dilengkapi dengan identitas pelapor dengan complemented by the identity of the reporter
memberikan rekomendasi atau bukti awal by providing recommendations or preliminary
dugaan sementara praktik pelanggaran. evidence of provisional allegations of violation
2. Pelapor dapat membatasi identifikasi mengenai 2. The whistleblower can limit identification
identitas yang bersangkutan dengan tetap regarding the identity of the person concerned
menyertakan bukti yang berkaitan dengan by continuing to include evidence relating to the
dugaan sementara praktik pelanggaran. alleged temporary violation practice.
3. Tidak ada hukuman yang dijatuhkan kepada pihak 3. No penalty is given to the reporting party if
pelapor jika pelanggaran tersebut terbukti benar the violation is proven to occur. If the person
terjadi. Apabila yang bersangkutan juga terlibat involved is also involved in the violation, the
dalam pelanggaran, laporan yang disampaikan report submitted can be considered to reduce/
dapat dipertimbangkan untuk mengurangi/ eliminate the penalty.
meniadakan hukuman.
4. Kerahasiaan pelapor akan dijaga kecuali apabila 4. Confidentiality of the whistleblower will be
pengungkapan tersebut diperlukan dalam maintained unless the disclosure is required in
kaitan dengan penyelidikan yang dilakukan oleh connection with an investigation conducted by
pihak yang berwenang atau diperlukan untuk an authorized party or is needed to maintain the
mempertahankan posisi Perusahaan di depan Company's position before the law.
1. Sanksi terdiri dari dua jenis, yaitu sanksi moral 1. Sanctions are of two types, namely moral
dan sanksi administratif. sanctions and administrative sanctions.
2. Bentuk sanksi moral meliputi: 2. Forms of moral sanctions include:
a. Diumumkan secara terbuka; a. Announced publicly;
b. Meminta maaf secara terbatas dan/atau b. Apologize in a limited and/or open manner;
c. Mengundurkan diri dari jabatannya. c. Resign from his position.
3. Bentuk sanksi administratif adalah sebagaimana 3. The form of administrative sanctions is as
ditetapkan dalam Kebijakan Human Resources stipulated in the Human Resources Management
Management dan Peraturan Perusahaan yang Policy and applicable Company Regulations.
4. Jika terdapat indikasi pelanggaran pidana, akan 4. If there are indications of criminal violations, will
diteruskan sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum yang be continued in accordance with applicable legal
berlaku. provisions.
Sepanjang tahun 2020, terdapat 12 pengaduan Throughout 2020, there were 12 complaints about
pelanggaran yang masuk atau diterima Perseroan violations that were received or received by the
melalui kanal WBS, dan 3 laporan pengaduan Company through the WBS channe, and the 3 reports
tersebut telah selesai dilakukan proses investigasi. have been completed by investigation process.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 475
Corporate Governance
Dalam rangka menjaga kinerja operasionalnya In order to maintain its operational performance,
Perseroan, memberikan perhatian besar kepada the Company pays great attention to all supplier
seluruh mitra kerja pemasok agar dapat memberikan partners in order to provide the best service to
pelayanan terbaik untuk mendukung seluruh kegiatan support all of Elnusa's operational activities.
operasional Elnusa. Dimulai sejak pendaftaran untuk Beginning with registration to become an Elnusa
menjadi mitra kerja Elnusa, Perusahaan menerapkan partner, the Company applies specific criteria to
kriteria khusus guna memilih hanya perusahaan yang select only quality companies that can partner with
berkualitas saja yang dapat bermitra dengan Elnusa. Elnusa.
Setelah mendapatkan informasi yang cukup tentang After getting sufficient information about the profile
profil suatu perusahaan yang akan mendaftar sebagai of a company that will register as an Elnusa partner,
rekanan Elnusa, tim Elnusa melakukan visit kepada the Elnusa team visits the company to ensure that
perusahaan tersebut guna memastikan legalitas dan their legality and competence are in accordance with
kompetensi yang dimiliki sesuai dengan standard the required standards. In addition, it also ensures
yang dibutuhkan. Selain itu, juga memastikan fasilitas that the supporting facilities it has are in accordance
penunjang yang dimiliki apakah sudah sesuai dengan with the business offered.
bisnis yang ditawarkan.
Bahwa untuk mendukung program cost To support cost leadership program the Company
leadership maka perseoran membuka kerja sama open the opportunity to collaborate with the suppliers
dengan perusahaan yang berminat menjadi companies. Including manufacture companies. The
pemasok. Termasuk perusahaan pemasok yang Company strives to continuously develop a mutually
berstatus produsen. Perseroan berupaya secara beneficial business process, Mutualism symbiosis.
berkesinambungan mengembangkan proses bisnis
yang saling menguntungkan, Simbiosis mutualisme.
Sebelum menjadi mitra Elnusa yang melakukan Before becoming an Elnusa partner that carries out
pekerjaan dengan risiko tinggi, perusahaan harus high-risk work, the company must go through the
melalui tahapan prakualifikasi Contractor Safety pre-qualification stages of the Contractor Safety
Management System (CSMS) & Contractor Quality Management System (CSMS) & Contractor Quality
Management System (CQMS) dan memiliki nilai cukup Management System (CQMS) and have enough
untuk tercatat mendapatkan nomor identifikasi dan value to be recorded to get an identification number
menjadi Approved Vendor List Elnusa. Prakulifikasi and become an Elnusa Approved Vendor List. CSMS
CSMS adalah suatu metode pengukuran bagaimana pre-qualification is a method of measuring how a
suatu perusahaan mengelola day to day operasional company manages their operational day-to-day in
mereka sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip Kesehatan accordance with the principles of Occupational Health
dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) dan memenuhi and Safety (K3) and meets the OHS performance
persyaratan kinerja K3 yang diterapkan oleh Elnusa. requirements applied by Elnusa. Whereas the CQMS
Sedangkan Prakualifikasi CQMS adalah suatu Prequalification is a method of measuring how a
metode pengukuran bagaimana suatu perusahaan company manages their operational day to day in
mengelola day to day operasional mereka sesuai accordance with the principles of work quality and
dengan prinsip-prinsip kualitas kerja dan memenuhi meets the performance requirements applied by
persyaratan kinerja yang diterapkan oleh Elnusa. Elnusa.
Sejalan dengan kajian dan evaluasi yang telah In line with the studies and evaluations that have
dilakukan oleh Divisi HSSE terkait compliance atas been carried out by the HSSE Division regarding
ketentuan CSMS Perseroan, pada pertengahan compliance with the provisions of the Company’s
tahun 2020 mulai dilakukan pengetatan kriteria CSMS, in mid-2020 the criteria for implementing
pelaksanaan proses CSMS yang full cycled (satu a full cycled (one cycle) CSMS process began to be
siklus), khususnya untuk kegiatan high risk level. tightened, especially for high risk level activities. The
Pemenuhan proses CSMS full cycle dilakukan untuk fulfillment of the full cycle CSMS process is carried
476 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
memastikan para mitra kerja telah menjalankan out to ensure that the partners have carried out the
tahapan proses CSMS secara lengkap satu siklus complete CSMS process stages one cycle as part
sebagai bagian dari mitigasi risiko & bahaya of risk & hazard mitigation in preventing accidents,
dalam mencegah terjadinya accident, yang kerap which are often caused by the work partners’ low
ditimbulkan dari kinerja HSE mitra kerja yang HSE performance. The stages of the CSMS process
rendah. Tahapan proses CSMS dimaksud adalah are as follows:
sebagai berikut:
1. Risk Assessment 1. Risk Assessment
Memastikan proses Identifikasi Bahaya dan Kaji Ensure the Hazard Identification and Risk
Risiko (Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment, Assessment process Assessment, HIRA) has
HIRA) telah dilakukan terhadap setiap tahap been carried out on every stage of the work to
pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan, baik yang be carried out, either service or material. The
bersifat jasa ataupun material. Deliverables dari deliverables from the HIRA process are in the
proses HIRA ini berupa penetapan kategori/level form of stipulations category/level of risk of the
risiko dari pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan. work to be performed.
2. Prakualifikasi 2. Prequalification
Memastikan proses Prakualifikasi sudah Ensure that the Prequalification process has
diterapkan kepada seluruh mitra kerja sesuai been applied to all work partners in accordance
dengan katagori/level risiko pekerjaannya. with category/level of work risk. The deliverables
Deliverables dari proses prakualifikasi ini adalah from this prequalification process are listed
daftar rekomendasi vendor/mitra kerja terpilih recommendation of selected vendors/partners
yang memenuhi kriteria HSE (Approved Vendors who meet the HSE criteria (Approved Vendors
List) List)
3. Pre Job Activity (PJA) 3. Pre Job Activity (PJA)
Memastikan proses Pre Job Activity (PJA) telah Ensure that the Pre Job Activity (PJA) process has
dilaksanakan kepada seluruh mitra kerja sebelum been implemented for all work partners before
pekerjaan dimulai. Deliverables dari proses PJA ini work begins. Deliverables from this PJA process
adalah kesiapan personil, peralatan dan elemen are the readiness of personnel, equipment and
lain yang telah memenuhi standar HSE. other elements that meet HSE standards.
4. Work in Progress (WIP) 4. Work in Progress (WIP)
Setelah melalui proses pengadaan dan mitra kerja After going through the procurement process and
mendapatkan award untuk menjalankan suatu working partners get an award for carrying out
pekerjaan di lingkungan Elnusa, dalam jangka a job in the Elnusa environment, within a certain
waktu tertentu Elnusa melakukan review atas period of time Elnusa reviews the work done by the
pekerjaan yang dilakukan perusahaan dengan company by seeing firsthand the implementation
melihat secara langsung pelaksanaan pekerjaan of work in the field. This review will ensure that
di lapangan. Review tersebut akan memastikan the company does work according to the quality
perusahaan melakukan pekerjaan sesuai prinsip- principles that have been determined by QCMS
prinsip kualitas yang sudah di tentukan oleh and K3 so that work can be completed without
QCMS dan K3 agar pekerjaan dapat selesai tanpa accidents and get results in accordance with
kecelakaan dan mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai the operational plan. The WIP was attended
dengan rencana operasional. Pelaksanaan WIP by representatives from Operations, SCM and
ini dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari Operations, SCM CQMS and HSSE.
dan CQMS dan HSSE.
5. Final Evaluation 5. Final Evaluation
Memasikan proses Penilaian Akhir (Final Ensure that the Final Evaluation (FE) process for
Evaluation, FE) terhadap mitra kerja telah work partners has been fulfilled as soon as work
dipenuhi segera setelah pekerjaan selesai. is done. Deliverables from the FE process are an
Deliverables dari proses FE ini adalah penilaian assessment of performance and partner HSE
atas kinerja dan kepatuhan HSE mitra kerja compliance of the work that has been carried out,
dari pekerjaan yang telah dilaksanakan, sebagai as a recommendation next partnership.
rekomendasi kemitraan selanjutnya.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 477
Corporate Governance
Contract Review Meeting (CRM) dilakukan dengan Contract Review Meeting (CRM) is conducted with
tujuan melakukan review secara strategic terhadap the aim of conducting a strategic review of the
kinerja mitra Elnusa dalam memenuhi Service Level performance of Elnusa's partners in meeting the
Agreement (SLA) yang disepakati sesuai kontrak agreed Service Level Agreement (SLA) in accordance
yang sudah didapatkan. CRM dapat dilakukan with the contract that has been obtained. CRM can
maksimum per 3 bulan sesuai dengan kompleksitas be done a maximum of 3 months in accordance with
pekerjaannya, sehingga diharapkan mitra kerja the complexity of the work, so that partners are
melakukan pekerjaan sesuai prinsip-prinsip kualitas expected to do work according to quality principles so
agar pekerjaan dapat selesai tepat waktu dan that the work can be completed on time and provide
memberikan kinerja yang optimal sesuai kontrak. optimal performance according to the contract.
Dari waktu ke waktu Elnusa selalu melakukan From time to time Elnusa always analyzes the
analisis terhadap demand dan kinerja supply yang demand and supply performance that occurs in its
terjadi dalam operasionalnya. Analisis tersebut operations. The analysis is used to determine the right
digunakan untuk menentukan kebijakan pengadaan procurement policy for all of Elnusa's operational
yang tepat untuk semua kebutuhan operasional needs, so that SCM performance objectives that are
Elnusa, sehingga tujuan kinerja SCM yang semakin getting better, faster, cheaper, and closer (better,
baik, cepat, murah, dan dekat (better, faster, cheaper, faster, cheaper, closer) can be achieved.
closer) dapat tercapai.
Kegiatan Logistics Services secara khusus memiliki Logistics Services activities in particular have a role
peran sebagai bagian dari supply chain management as part of supply chain management that plans,
yang merencanakan, mengimplementasikan, dan implements, and controls the flow and storage of
mengendalikan aliran dan penyimpanan barang goods effectively and efficiently from the point of
dengan efektif dan efisien sejak dari titik asal origin to the point of consumption to meet customer
sampai dengan titik konsumsi untuk memenuhi needs. The complexity of logistics activities is
kebutuhan pelanggan. Kompleksitas kegiatan modeled, analyzed, visualized, and optimized by
logistik dimodelkan, dianalisis, divisualisasikan, using the Warehouse Management System (WMS)
dan dioptimalkan dengan penggunaan aplikasi application which was developed using internal IT
Warehouse Management System (WMS) yang competencies and the use of Enterprise Resource
didevelop menggunakan kompetensi IT internal dan Planning (ERP) software applications. The logistics
penggunaan aplikasi Enterprise Resource Planning activities carried out include the management of
(ERP) software. Kegiatan logistics yang dilakukan transportation services, both export-import and
termasuk diantaranya adalah pengelolaan jasa handling custom clearance, local transportation
transportasi baik itu ekspor-impor dan pengurusan services (car/demob). Inventory management
custom clearance, jasa transportasi (mob/ demob) starts from managing material master data,
lokal. Pengelolaan persediaan mulai dari pengelolaan managing demand, receiving, storing and releasing
master data material, pengelolaan permintaan, goods. And warehouse management starts from
penerimaan, penyimpanan, dan pengeluaran standardization of specifications, optimization of
barang. Dan pengelolaan warehouse mulai dari warehouse layout and facilities, compliance with
standarisasi spesifikasi, optimalisasi layout dan government regulations, and providing health and
fasilitas warehouse, kepatuhan terhadap peraturan security guarantees for personnel who work in it.
pemerintah, dan memberikan jaminan kesehatan dan Elnusa also implements a Vendor Managed Inventory
keamanan untuk personil yang bekerja didalamnya. (VMI) system, where the Company provides a place
Elnusa juga menerapkan sistem Vendor Managed in the warehouse for work partners to be able to
Inventory (VMI), di mana Perusahaan menyediakan bring their inventory stock closer to the end user.
tempat di gudang bagi para mitra kerja untuk dapat
mendekatkan stock persediaan mereka ke end user.
478 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Salah satu program pengembangan dari SCM One of the development programs of SCM is that an
adalah sudah dibuat kan sistem terintegrasi dalam integrated system has been created in one platform,
satu platform yaitu SCM Online. Di mana di dalam namely SCM Online. Where in this tool all goods and
tools ini semua kegiatan pengadaan barang dan jasa services procurement activities from initial request
dari awal request sampai closing dapat dilakukan to closing can be done in one door, namely SCM
dalam satu pintu saja, yaitu SCM Online. Dasboard Online. The dashboard in SCM online can identify
di dalam SCM online dapat mengidentifikasi segala all activities in SCM.
kegiatan di dalam SCM.
Mitra Kerja di Elnusa di kelompokan menjadi 3 Partners in Elnusa are grouped into 3 segments
segment sesuai dengan kompetensi nya yaitu according to their competencies, namely Strategic
Strategic (memiliki kontrak jangka panjang), Preffered (having a long-term contract), Preffered (commonly
(biasa digunakan untuk kegiatan operasional) dan used for operational activities) and Indirect
Indirect Operation (bersifat transaksi tidak rutin atau Operations (non-routine transactions or one time
one time PO). Sepanjang perjalanan operasionalnya PO). Throughout its operational journey, Elnusa's
mitra kerja elnusa selalu dilakukan penilaian atas partners are always assessed their performance.
performance kinerja mereka. Pengukuran kinerja Performance measurement is carried out since the
dilakukan sejak perusahaan mendapatkan pekerjaan company gets a job up to when completing work
hingga selama menyelesaikan pekerjaan dari Elnusa. from Elnusa.
Dalam waktu sekali dalam satu tahun seluruh Once a year all elnusa partners gather to get
mitra kerja elnusa berkumpul untuk mendapatkan insights from Elnusa's top management regarding
insight dari top management Elnusa mengenai the company's performance and the Company's
kinerja perusahaan dan strategi bisnis Perusahaan business strategy going forward. So it is expected
ke depan. Sehingga diharapkan mitra kerja bisa that partners can capture the business potential,
menangkap potensi bisnis tersebut, memberikan provide the best service, and with elnusa achieve
pelayanan terbaik, dan bersama elnusa meraih success in the coming years. In this event Elnusa also
kesuksesan ditahun-tahun mendatang. Pada event gave awards to partners who had given the best
ini Elnusa juga memberikan award kepada mitra performance, according to the qualifications of their
kerja yang sudah memberikan kinerja terbaik, sesuai respective fields. The Vendor Annual Meeting will
kualifikasi bidang masing- masing. Vendor Annual be held on January 20, 2020. Inviting 325 Apprived
Meeting diselenggarakan pada 20 Januari 2020. Vendor Lists with 200 AVL Attendance.
Mengundang 325 Apprived Vendor List dengan
jumlah Kehadiran 200 AVL.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 479
Corporate Governance
Sepanjang tahun 2020, tidak terdapat laporan dari During 2020, there was no reports from other
pihak lain atas aktivitas Perseroan yang mencemari parties regarding the Company's activities that
lingkungan. Dalam kegiatan operasionalnya, Elnusa pollute the environment. In its operational activities,
senantiasa menjaga komitmennya terhadap Elnusa always maintains its commitment to the
lingkungan yang berpedoman pada Analisis environment which is guided by the Environmental
Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL). Impact Analysis (AMDAL).
Type of Taxes 2019 2020
PPh Badan
Profit Taxes 162.590.474.894 172.884.985.591
Corporate Income Tax
PBB, PKB, BM, PBB-KB, Pajak Reklame, Pajak
Air Tanah
Property Taxes 78.434.988.626 79.130.417.027
PBB, PKB, BM, PBB-KB, advertisement tax,
ground water tax
BPJS – Perusahaan
People Taxes 15.338.562.958 16.082.304.114
BPJS - Company
PPN Masukan
Product Taxes 630.089.022.625 602.163.926.786
Input VAT
Pajak Lingkungan
Planet Taxes - -
Environmental Tax
480 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Type of Taxes 2019 2020
Total Taxes Borne 886.453.049.102 870.261.633.518
PPh Potong Pungut
Profit Taxes 91.450.387.335 85.309.091.796
Withholding Income Tax
Property Taxes - - -
PPh Karyawan, BPJS – Karyawan
People Taxes 109.414.225.647 102.653.511.891
Employee Income Tax, BPJS - Employees
PPN Keluaran
Product Taxes 857.645.591.282 882.916.967.995
Output VAT
Pajak Lingkungan
Planet Taxes - -
Environmental Tax
Total Taxes
1.058.510.204.264 1.070.879.571.682
Total Tax
1.944.963.253.366 1.941.141.205.200
Seluruh penyajian informasi dalam Laporan Tahunan All information presented in this Annual Report,
ini, khususnya terkait kinerja keuangan dan hal-hal specifically related to financial performance and other
lainnya, mengacu pada Laporan Keuangan untuk matters, refers to the Financial Statements for the
tahun-tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2019 dan years ended December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2020
31 Desember 2020 yang telah diaudit oleh Kantor which have been audited by the Public Accountant
Akuntan Publik Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja Office Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja Presentation
Penyajian, dan pengungkapan laporan keuangan and disclosure of the Company's consolidated financial
konsolidasian Perseroan disusun dan disajikan sesuai statements prepared and presented in accordance
Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia, yaitu with Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards, the
Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK), Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK),
yang diterbitkan oleh Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia issued by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants
(IAI) dan Peraturan Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal (IAI) and Capital Market and Financial Institution
dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK) No. VIII.G.7 Supervisory Agency Regulation (Bapepam-LK) No.
tentang Pedoman Penyajian Laporan Keuangan, VIII.G.7 concerning Guidelines for the Presentation
dengan Surat Keputusan Ketua Bapepam-LK of Financial Statements, by Decree of the Chairman
No. KEP-347/BL/2012 tentang Penyajian dan of Bapepam-LK No. KEP-347/BL/2012 concerning
Pengungkapan Laporan Keuangan Emiten atau Presentation and Disclosure of Financial Statements
Perusahaan Publik. of Issuers or Public Companies.
Sepanjang tahun 2020, tidak terdapat kasus yang Throughout 2020, there were no material cases with
bersifat material dengan karyawan maupun Serikat employees or the Company Workers Union.
Pekerja Perusahaan.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 481
Corporate Governance
Sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam PSAK No. 5 As stated in PSAK No. 5 (2015 Adaptation)
(Penyesuaian 2015) tentang Segmen Operasi dan concerning Operating Segments and for the benefit
untuk kepentingan manajemen, Perseroan telah of management, the Company has presented them
menyajikannya menurut pengelompokkan (segmen) according to the classification of business types as
jenis usaha sebagai bentuk pelaporan segmen a form of primary segment and secondary segment
primer dan segmen sekunder, seperti yang telah reporting, as presented in the 2020 Audited Financial
disampaikan dalam Laporan Keuangan Teraudit Statements notes 34.
tahun 2020 catatan 34.
Laporan Tahunan digital Perseroan baik yang The Company's digital Annual Reports, both
disampaikan kepada pemegang saham, pemangku submitted to shareholders, stakeholders, as well
kepentingan, maupun yang telah diunggah pada as those uploaded on the official website of the
situs web resmi Perseroan telah sesuai dengan buku Company are in accordance with the Annual Report
Laporan Tahunan yang dicetak dan diterbitkan oleh book that is printed and published by the Company.
482 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
ASEAN CG Scorecard adalah suatu alat kuantitatif The ASEAN CG Scorecard is a quantitative tool
untuk mengukur kepatuhan perusahaan-perusahaan to measure the compliance of public companies in
terbuka di ASEAN terhadap pedoman corporate ASEAN to corporate governance guidelines according
governance menurut praktik-praktik keteladanan to exemplary practices based on international
berbasis standar-standar internasional, khususnya standards, specifically the principles of corporate
prinsip-prinsip corporate governance yang governance issued by the Organization for Economic
dikeluarkan oleh the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which is
Cooperation and Development (OECD) yang disclosed as follows:
diungkapkan sebagai berikut:
1. Hak-Hak Para Pemegang Saham 1. Rights of Shareholders
2. Perlakuan yang Setara terhadap Para Pemegang 2. Equal Treatment of Shareholders
3. Peran Para Pemangku Kepentingan 3. The Role of Stakeholders
4. Pengungkapan dan Transparansi 4. Disclosure And Transparency
5. Tanggung Jawab Dewan 5. Board Responsibilities
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Corporate Governance
Atas dasar tersebut, perusahaan memandang On this basis, the company deems it necessary to
penting agar dilakukan penilaian rutin terhadap conduct a routine assessment of corporate GCG
praktik GCG perusahaan berdasarkan standard practices based on international standards adopted
Internasional yang diadopsi dari prinsip-prinsip from the principles of corporate governance issued
corporate governance yang dikeluarkan oleh by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and contained in the GCG
Development (OECD), dan tertuang dalam prinsip- principles set out in ASEAN CG Scorecard.
prinsip GCG yang diatur dalam ASEAN CG Scorecard.
Selanjutnya, hasil penilaian rutin terhadap praktik Furthermore, the results of the routine assessment
GCG tersebut diharapkan dapat memberikan of the GCG practices are expected to provide
informasi kepada perusahaan mengenai trend information to the company regarding the trend of
perbaikan kinerja tingkat kepatuhan yang telah improvement in the level of compliance performance
dicapai perusahaan dibandingkan dengan kinerja that the company has achieved compared to the
yang telah dilakukan perusahaan pada tahun- performance that the company has done in previous
tahun sebelumnya, sehingga untuk ke depannya years, so that in the future it can be known what steps
dapat diketahui mengenai langkah-langkah atau or efforts alone that still needs to be improved by the
upaya apa saja yang masih harus diperbaiki lagi company so that its compliance level performance
oleh perusahaan agar kinerja tingkat kepatuhannya can be further optimized.
dapat lebih dioptimalkan lagi pencapaiannya.
Untuk terus mempertahankan dan utamanya To continue to maintain and primarily improve the
meningkatkan penerapan prinsip GCG, Perseroan application of GCG principles, the Company has
telah membuat referensi silang terhadap penilaian made cross references to the ACGS assessment to
ACGS untuk mempermudah perolehan data, sebagai facilitate data acquisition, as follows:
484 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Jumlah Kepatuhan
terhadap Pertanyaan Jumlah Skor per
Parameter Penentu pada tiap Parameter Pertanyaan Komponen
No. Defining Parameter Number of Compliance Number of Score per
with Questions in each Questions Component
Hak Dasar Pemegang Saham
1. 1 1 100%
Rights of Shareholders
Hak berpatisipasi dalam keputusan-keputusan
terkait perubahan-perubahan mendasar
2 3 3 100%
The right to participate in decisions related to
fundamental corporate changes.
Hak untuk berpartisipasi secara efektif dan
menggunakan suara dalam RUPS serta hak untuk
mendapatkan informasi mengenai aturan-aturan
yang berlaku dalam RUPS (termasuk prosedur
3 The right to participate effectively and vote in the 14 15 100%
GMS and the right to obtain information about
the rules that apply in the GMS (including voting
Pasar untuk pengendalian/kontrol perusahaan
seharusnya dimungkinkan berfungsi dengan cara
yang efisien dan transparan.
4 1 1 100%
The market for corporate control should be enabled
to function in an efficient and transparent manner.
Pelaksanaan hak kepemilikan pemegang saham,
termasuk investor institusi difasilitasi perusahaan.
The exercise of shareholder ownership rights,
5 0 1 0%
including institutional investors, is facilitated by the
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 485
Corporate Governance
Jumlah Kepatuhan
terhadap Pertanyaan
Jumlah Skor per
pada tiap Parameter
Parameter Penentu Pertanyaan Komponen
No. Number of
Defining Parameter Number of Score per
Compliance with
Questions Component
Questions in each
Kepemilikan Saham dan Hak Suara
1. 1 1 100%
Share Ownership and Voting Rights
Panggilan RUPST
2. 2 5 40%
Summons for AGMS
Perdagangan orang dalam dan self- dealing
abusif seharusnya dilarang
3. 2 2 100%
Insider trading and abusive self-dealing should be
Transaksi pihak berelasi yang dilakukan oleh
anggota Dewan komisaris & Direksi
4. 3 4 75%
Related party transactions conducted by members
of the Board of Commissioners & Directors
Perlindungan kepada para pemegang saham
minoritas dari tindakan-tindakan abusif
5 1 2 50%
Protection of minority shareholders from abusive
9 14 64,30%
* Terdapat 1 item penilaian/pertanyaan yang tidak dinilai (N/A), sehingga jumlah item pertanyaan pada prinsip B bagian ke 1 terkait
dengan Kepemilikan Saham dan Hak Suara yang dihitung hanya 1 pertanyaan saja dari sebelumnya 2 pertanyaan.
* There is 1 item of assessment/question that is not rated (N/A), so the number of question items in principle B part 1 related to Share
Ownership and Voting Rights is counted only 1 question from the previous 2 questions.
486 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Jumlah Kepatuhan
Pertanyaan pada Jumlah Skor per
Parameter Penentu tiap Parameter Pertanyaan Komponen
Defining Parameter Number of Number of Score per
Compliance with Questions Component
Questions in each
Hak-Hak Para Pemangku Kepentingan yang
ditetapkan oleh UU atau lewat kesepakatan
bersama seharusnya dihormati. 7 7 100%
The rights of the stakeholders determined by law or
by mutual agreement should be respected.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 487
Corporate Governance
Jumlah Kepatuhan
terhadap Pertanyaan Jumlah Skor per
Parameter Penentu pada tiap Parameter Pertanyaan Komponen
Defining Parameter Number of Compliance Number of Score per
with Questions in each Questions Component
Transparansi Struktur kepemilikan
1. 5 5 100%
Transparency in ownership structure
Kualitas Laporan Tahunan
2. 7 8 88%
Annual Report Quality
Pengungkapan atas Transaksi Hubungan
3. Istimewa 1 2 50%
Disclosure of Special Relationship Transactions
Pengungkapan atas transaksi saham
perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh para anggota
Direksi atau Dewan Komisaris
4. 1 1 100%
Disclosure of company stock transactions
conducted by members of the Board of Directors
or Board of Commissioners
Eksternal Auditor tan Laporan Auditor
5. 2 2 100%
External Auditors and Auditor Reports
Media Komunikasi Perusahaan
6. 4 4 100%
Corporate Communication Media
Penyampaian informasi laporan keuangan atau
laporan tahunan secara tepat waktu
7. 3 3 100%
Submitting information on financial statements or
annual reports in a timely manner
Website Perusahaan
8. 5 6 83,33%
Company Website
Keberadaan Investor Relations dalam
9. Perusahaan 1 1 100%
Existence of Investor Relations in the Company
488 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Jumlah Kepatuhan
Pertanyaan pada Jumlah Skor per
Indikator/Parameter Penentu tiap Parameter Pertanyaan Komponen
Defining Parameter Number of Number of Score per
Compliance with Questions Component
Questions in
each Parameter
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Direksi dan Dewan
1. 5 6 83,33%
Duties and Responsibilities of Directors and Board of
Struktur Dewan Komisaris
2. 20 24 83,33%
Board of Commissioners Structure
Proses Dewan Komisaris
3. 15 22 68,20%
Board of Commissioners Process
Individu dalam Susunan Dewan Komisaris
4. Individuals in the Composition of the Board of 3 6 50%
Kinerja Dewan Komisaris
5. 7 7 100%
Board of Commissioners' Performance
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 489
Corporate Social Responsibility
// 06
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan yang telah The concept of Sustainable Development in many
berkembang di berbagai negara muncul sebagai countries has become part of the goal of various
bagian dari keinginan banyak pihak tentang stakeholders in balancing the people, planet,
keseimbangan antara people, planet, partnership, partnership, peace and prosperity. In Indonesia, the
peace dan prosperity. Di Indonesia, regulator telah regulatory bodies have pushed for concerted efforts
mendorong upaya harmonisasi ini melalui tanggung through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
jawab sosial perusahaan, atau Corporate Social These efforts require any business entity toplay a
Responsibilty (CSR). Dalam CSR, perusahaan role in sustainable development.
sebagai entitas usaha diwajibkan untuk berperan
serta dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan.
Pendekatan yang digunakan untuk memastikan The Company uses approach to ensure its sustainable
keberlanjutan aktivitas Perseroan adalah activities by using the seven core social responsibility
menggunakan tujuh subjek inti tanggung jawab subjects contained in ISO 26000. In this case, the
sosial yang ada dalam ISO 26000. Dalam hal subject or scope that is the focus of sustainability
ini, subjek ataupun lingkup yang menjadi fokus is not just economic performance. However, the
keberlanjutan bukan hanya kinerja ekonomi semata. Company makes every effort to ensure sustainability
Namun Perseroan berupaya penuh agar dapat in accordance with the subject in ISO 26000 which
memastikan keberlanjutan sesuai subjek dalam ISO includes:
26000 yang meliputi:
1. Tata kelola organisasi yang baik 1. Good organizational governance
2. Penegakkan hak asasi manusia 2. Upholding human rights
3. Praktik ketenagakerjaan yang manusiawi dan 3. Humanitarian and fair labor practices
4. Pengelolaan kegiatan perusahaan terhadap 4. Management of company activities on the
Lingkungan environment
5. Prosedur operasi yang wajar 5. Fair operating practices
6. Tanggung jawab terhadap konsumen 6. Responsibility towards consumers
7. Pelibatan dan pengembangan masyarakat 7. Community involvement and development
492 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Pelibatan dan
Involvement and
Praktik Operasi Governance Praktik
yang Wajar Ketenagakerjaan
Fair Operating Labour
Practices Practices
The Environment
Dalam penerapan CSR pula, Perseroan berupaya In the implementation of CSR, the Company
penuh menerapkan prinsip yang terkandung dalam strives to fully implement the principles contained
ISO 26000. Sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak dalam in ISO 26000. As a company engaged in energy
jasa energi, Perseroan sangat memahami bahwa service industry, the Company is fully aware that
kegiatan operasi yang dilakukan dapat menimbulkan its operational activities result in positive and
dampak positif maupun negatif terhadap lingkungan, negative impacts to the environment, economy,
ekonomi maupun sosial. Oleh karena itu, Perseroan and community. Therefore, the Company conducts
melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial sebagai upaya corporate social responsibility as an effort to ensure
untuk memastikan keberlanjutan bisnis. Prinsip- its business sustainability. The principles of ISO
prinsip ISO 26000 seperti akuntabilitas, transparansi, 26000, such as accountability, transparency, ethical
berperilaku etis, menghormati kepentingan para behavior, respect for stakeholder interest, respect for
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 493
Corporate Social Responsibility
stakeholders, mematuhi hukum yang berlaku, the rule of the law, respect for international norms
menghormati norma yang berlaku internasional, serta of behavior, and respects for human rights, are the
menghormati hak asasi manusia, merupakan prinsip- principles that the Company adheres to.
prinsip yang Perseroan anut.
Komitmen pelaksanaan CSR Perseroan terdapat The Company’s CSR implementation commitment is
pedoman pengelolaan Corporate Relation No. contained in the Corporate Relations management
A43-002/F01001/2020 dan diatur dalam Prosedur guideline No. A43-002/F01001/2020 and regulated
Community Involvement & Development Program No in the Community Involvement & Development
B43-003/F01001/2020. Komitmen ini berpedoman Program Procedure No B43-003/F01001/2020. This
pada ISO 26000 tentang Panduan Tanggung Jawab commitment is guided by ISO 26000 on Guidance
Sosial (Guidance on Social Responsibility). Selain itu, on Social Responsibility. Besides, the Company’s CSR
pedoman pelaksanaan CSR Perseroan juga mengacu implementation guidelines also refer to applicable
pada regulasi yang berlaku di Indonesia. regulations in Indonesia.
Dalam hal pelaporan, Perseroan mengadopsi In terms of reporting, the Company adopts several
beberapa peraturan maupun standar pelaporan regulations and reporting standards that apply
yang berlaku secara nasional serta internasional. nationally and internationally. Some reporting
Beberapa standar pelaporan yang menjadi rujukan standards that are referred to are the Financial
adalah Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, Global Services Authority Regulation, the Global Reporting
Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standard, serta kriteria Initiative (GRI) Standard, and the Annual Report
Annual Report Award. Aspek yang dilaporkan sesuai Award criteria. Reported aspects are in accordance
dengan peraturan maupun standar pelaporan yang with existing regulations and reporting standards
ada dan menyesuaikan sifat bisnis maupun topik and adjust the business nature and material topics
material Perseroan. of the Company.
Informasi yang disajikan dalam laporan ini merupakan The information presented in this report is a summary
ringkasan dari kinerja keberlanjutan Perseroan. Informasi of the Company's sustainability performance.
yang lebih mendalam sesuai dengan Peraturan OJK More detailed information in accordance with OJK
maupun GRI Standard dapat dibaca pada Laporan Regulations and GRI Standard can be read in the
Keberlanjutan yang disajikan secara terpisah. Sustainability Report which is presented separately.
Dasar Hukum dan Referensi Penerapan Legal Basis and References on the Implementation
Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan of Corporate Social Responsibility
Dasar pelaksanaan program CSR Perseroan The implementation of CSR programs of the
berlandaskan pada beberapa aspek hukum, di Company is based on the following regulations:
1. Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1970 tentang 1. Law No. 1 of 1970 regarding Work Safety.
Keselamatan Kerja.
2. Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 1992 tentang 2. Law No. 23 of 1992 regarding Health.
3. Undang-Undang No. 8 Tahun 1999 tentang 3. Law No. 8 of 1999 regarding Consumer
Perlindungan Konsumen. Protection.
4. Undang-Undang No. 13 Tahun 2003 tentang 4. Law No. 13 of 2003 regarding Labor and
Ketenagakerjaan. Employment.
5. Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang 5. Law No. 40 of 2007 regarding Limited Liabilities
Perseroan Terbatas. Company.
6. Undang-Undang No. 25 Tahun 2007 tentang 6. Law No. 25 of 2007 regarding Capital
Penanaman Modal. Investment.
7. Undang-Undang No. 32 Tahun 2009 tentang 7. Law No. 32 of 2009 regarding Environmental
Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Protection and Management.
8. Undang-Undang No. 24 Tahun 2011 tentang 8. Law No. 24 of 2011 regarding Social Security
Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial. Administrative Body.
494 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
9. Peraturan Pemerintah No. 27 Tahun 2012 9. Government Regulation No. 27 of 2020 regarding
tentang Izin Lingkungan. Environmental Permit.
10. Peraturan Pemerintah No. 50 Tahun 2012 10. Government Regulation No. 50 of 2012 regarding
tentang Penerapan Sistem Manajemen the Implementation of Health and Safety
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja. Management System.
11. Peraturan Pemerintah No. 47 Tahun 2012 11. Government Regulation No. 47 of 2012
tentang Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan regarding Corporate Social and Environmental
Perseroan Terbatas. Responsibility of a Limited Liabilities Company.
Di samping itu, sebagai perusahaan terbuka, Moreover, as a publicly listed company, the Company
Perseroan menekankan pentingnya kepatuhan puts emphasis on the importance of following the
terhadap perkembangan peraturan dan perUndang- development in regulations and laws. Two of them
Undangan yang ada. Dua di antaranya adalah are OJK Regulation No. 29/POJK.04/2016 concerning
Peraturan OJK No. 29/POJK.04/2016 mengenai annual reports of Issuers or public companies, as well
laporan tahunan Emiten atau perusahaan publik, as OJK Regulation No. 51/POJK.03/2017 concerning
serta Peraturan OJK No. 51/POJK.03/2017 tentang the Implementation of Sustainable Finance for
Penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan bagi Lembaga Financial Services Institutions, Issuers and Public
Jasa Keuangan, Emiten, dan Perusahaan Publik. Dua Companies. These two regulations indicate the
peraturan ini mengindikasikan keinginan regulator desire of regulators to encourage business entities
untuk mendorong entitas usaha di Indonesia in Indonesia to pay attention to sustainable
memberikan perhatian terhadap pembangunan development that is able to maintain economic
berkelanjutan yang mampu menjaga stabilitas stability and is inclusive of the needs of the national
ekonomi serta bersifat inklusif diperlukan sistem economic system that promotes harmony between
perekonomian nasional yang mengedepankan economic, social, and environmental aspects.
keselarasan antara aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan
lingkungan hidup.
Uji Tuntas terhadap Dampak Ekonomi, Due Diligence on Social, Economic, and
Lingkungan dan Sosial dari Kegiatan Environmental Impact of the Company’s Activities
Uji tuntas kegiatan operasional Perseroan dan Due diligence of the Company's operational activities
dampaknya terhadap ekonomi, lingkungan and their impact on the economy, environment and
maupun sosial dipetakan berdasarkan tingkatan social are mapped based on the materiality level of a
materialitas suatu subjek serta matriks risiko negatif subject and the negative risk matrix that may arise.
yang mungkin muncul. Berdasarkan matriks ini, Based on this matrix, the Company maps important
Perseroan memetakan subjek maupun isu penting subjects and issues that affect the Company
yang mempengaruhi Perseroan dan pembangunan and sustainable development. The subjects and
berkelanjutan. Subjek maupun isu prioritas priority issues are formulated to later be designed
dirumuskan untuk kemudian dirancang sebagai as a program that can ensure sustainability for
program yang dapat memastikan keberlanjutan stakeholders.
bagi para pemangku kepentingan.
Dalam aspek ekonomi, sebagai entitas usaha In the economic aspect, the Company, as a business
Perseroan memiliki tanggung jawab untuk memastikan entity, has the responsibility to ensure economic
kinerja ekonomi yang berkelanjutan, bersih dari praktik performance that is sustainable, free from
korupsi serta memiliki manfaat bagi pemangku corruption, and beneficient to other stakeholders.
kepentingan yang lain. Pada aspek lingkungan, On the environmental aspect, the Company carries
Perseroan melaksanakan kaji risiko lingkungan hidup out an environmental risk assessment Identifying
Identifikasi Aspek dan Dampak Lingkungan Hidup Environmental Aspects and Impacts (IADL), to
(IADL), untuk menentukan risiko lingkungan dari determine the environmental risk from operational
kegiatan operasional dan langkah pengendaliannya. activities and control measures. While on the social
Sementara pada aspek sosial, perhatian Perseroan aspect, the Company's attention is not only on
tidak hanya pada pemangku kepentingan internal, internal stakeholders, but also external.
melainkan juga eksternal.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 495
Corporate Social Responsibility
Detail informasi aspek, topik maupun isu yang Detail information on aspects, topics and issues
mempengaruhi Perseroan serta pembangunan affecting the Company and sustainable development
berkeberlanjutan tersaji pada subbab isu-isu penting is presented in the sub-section of important
ekonomi, lingkungan dan sosial terkait dampak economic, environmental and social issues related
kegiatan perusahaan. to the impact of the company's activities.
Isu-isu Penting Ekonomi, Lingkungan dan Important Economic, Environmental and Social
Sosial Terkait Dampak Kegiatan Perusahaan Issues Regarding the Impact of Company Activities
Dalam menentukan isu sosial, ekonomi dan In determining social, economic and environmental
lingkungan terkait dampak dari kegiatan, Perseroan issues related to the impact of activities, the
melakukan uji tuntas pada level operasional. Isu ini Company conducts due diligence at the operational
kemudian dijadikan dasar bagi manajemen untuk level. This issue is then used as a basis for
memprioritaskan penganggulangannya dengan management to prioritize its mitigation by taking a
melakukan berbagai pendekatan. Pemetaan risiko variety of approaches. Risk mapping and managing
dan pengelolaan dampak yang ditimbulkan dari the impacts arising from the Company's business
kegiatan usaha Perseroan terhadap aspek ekonomi, activities on economic, environmental and social
lingkungan dan sosial adalah sebagai berikut: aspects are as follows:
496 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Strategi dan Program Kerja Perusahaan Strategy and Work Program of the Company in
dalam Menangani Isu-isu Sosial, Ekonomi dan Dealing with Social, Economic and Environmental
Lingkungan Issues
Berdasarkan isu-isu prioritas hasil uji tuntas, Based on issues of priority due diligence results,
Perseroan memfokuskan pada fokus area the Company focuses on the focus areas as in the
sebagaimana tabel di bawah ini. Selanjutnya table below. Furthermore, the Company elaborates
Perseroan mengelaborasi strategi maupun program strategies and work programs that can achieve the
kerja yang dapat mencapai tujuan dari fokus area objectives of the existing focus area.
yang ada.
Sosial Memberikan jaminan HAM Penerapan praktik HAM • Sosialisasi peraturan perusahaan serta
Social karyawan di lingkungan kerja sesuai code of conduct
Provide guarantee for regulasi yang berlaku • Kebebasan mendirikan serikat pekerja
• Socialization of company regulations and
employees' human rights The application of human
code of conduct
rights practices in the work
• Freedom of establishing trade unions
environment in accordance
with applicable regulations
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 497
Corporate Social Responsibility
Berbagai Program yang Melebihi Tanggung Various Programs Exceeding Company Minimum
Jawab Minimal Perusahaan yang Relevan Responsibility that is Relevant with Ongoing
dengan Bisnis yang Dijalankan Business
Perseroan meyakini bahwa antara tanggung jawab The Company believes that between corporate
perusahaan dengan kepedulian sosial adalah dua hal responsibility and social care are two different things.
yang berbeda. Oleh karenanya dalam hal kepedulian Therefore, in terms of social care, the Company
sosial, Perseroan membentuk Yayasan Baitul Hikmah formed the Baitul Hikmah Elnusa Foundation and the
Elnusa serta Elnusa Emergency Response Team yang Elnusa Emergency Response Team who participated
turut serta mendukung aktivitas kepedulian sosial. in supporting social awareness activities. Both
Baik yayasan maupun tim tersebut, melakukan the foundation and the team carried out various
berbagai misi kemanusiaan. Salah satunya adalah humanitarian missions. One of them is during a
pada saat terjadi bencana nasional di Indonesia. national disaster in Indonesia.
Pemangku Kepentingan Signifikan yang Important Stakeholders who Impact or are Impacted
Terdampak atau Berpengaruh atas Dampak by the Activities of the Company
dari Kegiatan Perusahaan
Untuk merealisasikan berbagai strategi maupun To realize various strategies and programs, the
program, Perseroan menyadari perlunya berinteraksi Company realizes the need to interact with various
dengan berbagai pemangku kepentingan stakeholders both directly and indirectly influencing
baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung or impacting business activities. The Company's
berpengaruh atau terdampak dari kegiatan usaha. stakeholders are identified based on the level
Pemangku kepentingan Perseroan diidentifikasi of importance of the relationship that affects
498 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
berdasarkan tingkat kepentingan hubungan yang the Company's performance, and vice versa. The
mempengaruhi kinerja Perseroan, demikian juga Company always strives to manage stakeholder
sebaliknya. Perseroan selalu berupaya untuk engagement in order to increase the value of
mengelola pelibatan para pemangku kepentingan the Company. Stakeholders who are influential
guna meningkatkan nilai Perseroan. Pemangku or affected by the Company's activities can be
kepentingan yang berpengaruh atau terdampak described as follows:
dari kegiatan Perseroan dapat dijabarkan sebagai
Bentuk Pelibatan Pengaruh/Dampak dari Kegiatan Perusahaan
Involvement Form Impact from the Company’s Activities
Pemegang Saham RUPS, Laporan Kinerja Peningkatan kinerja dan peningkatan nilai Perseroan
Shareholders GMS, Performance Report serta dukungan pada kepentingan Pemegang Saham
Performance and value improvement of the Company as
well as the support for the interests of the Shareholders
Karyawan Keberadaan Serikat Pekerja, Terjaminnya kesejahteraan karyawan beserta
Employees Perumusan Peraturan Perusahaan keluarganya; Suasana kerja yang kondusif, sehat,
Bersama, Pendidikan dan dan aman; Jenjang karir dan penilaian kinerja yang
Pelatihan, Dukungan Sarana adil dan transparan; Pemenuhan hak-hak karyawan;
dan Prasarana Kesehatan dan Meningkatkan efektivitas hubungan manajemen dan
Keselamatan Kerja karyawan, serta Memberikan jaminan kesehatan dan
Workers Union availability, The keselamatan kerja karyawan
drafting of Joint Company Guaranteed welfare of employees and their families; A
Regulation, Education and Trainings, conducive, healthy and safe working atmosphere; Fair
Support for health and safety facilities and transparent career paths and performance appraisals;
and infrastructure. Fulfillment of employee rights; Improve the effectiveness
of management and employee relationships, and provide
health and safety guarantees for employees.
Pemerintah Kepatuhan terhadap Peraturan Kontribusi ekonomi pada Pemerintah Pemerintah (pajak
Government Kesehatan Perusahaan maupun dukungan kegiatan pembangunan daerah
Compliance with the Regulation melalui pengembangan keterlibatan masyarakat)
health of the Company Economic contribution to the Government (taxes and
support for regional development activities through the
development of community involvement).
Masyarakat dan Kegiatan pengembangan Dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat
Lingkungan keterlibatan masyarakat seiring dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat secara
Communities and (Community Involvement & berkelanjutan melalui pembangunan kesejahteraan
Environment Development), meliputi pelibatan masyarakat, baik fisik maupun non-fisik.
masyarakat lokal sekitar operasi Improvement in the economic activities in the communities
dan pengembangan komunitas as well as empowerment of the community that is done
berkelanjutan sustainably to both physical and non-physical welfare
Community Involvement & development.
Development, including local
community involvement and
development of the sustainable
Kepatuhan terhadap regulasi, Dampak dari Kegiatan Perusahaan : Pemantauan dan
persyaratan pelanggan, dan pengelolaan penggunaan energi dan air, limbah baik
standar industri yang berlaku, padat maupun Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3),
penyediaan sarana dan prasarana buangan emisi yang dihasilkan, serta meminimalisir
yang mendukung dampak kegiatan terhadap keanekaragaman hayati
Compliance to the prevailing wilayah kerja operasional.
regulation, customer requirements, Impact from the Company activities : Monitoring and
and industry standard, provision management of energy and water usage, waste both solid
of supporting facilities and and hazardous and toxic (B3), the resulting emission, and
infrastructure minimizing the impact of activities on the biodiversity of the
operational working area.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Bentuk Pelibatan Pengaruh/Dampak dari Kegiatan Perusahaan
Involvement Form Impact from the Company’s Activities
Konsumen/ Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan, dan Peningkatan inovasi jasa maupun produk untuk
Pelanggan program engagement lainnya memberikan kepuasan lebih pelanggan, serta
Consumers Consumers’ satisfaction survey, and peningkatan fasilitas atas produk-produk Perseroan
other engagement programs yang dapat memberikan kenyamanan dan kualitas hidup
lebih baik.
Increasing service and product innovation to provide
more customer satisfaction, and improving facilities for the
Company’s products that can provide comfort and a better
quality of life.
Rekanan Kontrak dan Perjanjian Kerja Proses pengadaan yang adil dan transparan; Proses
Partners Sama, Proses Operasional evaluasi yang objektif; Hubungan yang harmonis;
Contract and Collective Agreement, Fair and transparent procurement processes; Objective
Operational Processes evaluation processes; harmonious relationship;
Media Massa Siaran Pers/Keterbukaan Memperoleh akses informasi yang akurat dan terkini
Mass Media Informasi Access to accurate and up-to-date information
Press release/Information disclosure
Rencana dan Realisasi Anggaran Program Plan and Realization of Social Responsibility
Tanggung Jawab Sosial Program Budget
Perseroan telah mengalokasikan dana untuk The Company has allocated funds for the CSR
program kegiatan CSR tahun 2020 sebesar Rp11,2 program in 2020 amounting to Rp11.2 billion. Most of
miliar. Sebagian besar dana CSR digunakan untuk the CSR funds are used for CSR activities in the area
kegiatan CSR di wilayah operasi yang berfokus of operations that focus on community engagement
pada pelibatan dan pengembangan masyarakat. and development. Meanwhile, aspects of human
Sementara untuk aspek pengelolaan hak asasi rights management, labor practices, environmental
manusia, praktik ketenagakerjaan, pengelolaan management, reasonable operating procedures, and
lingkungan, prosedur operasi yang wajar, serta responsibilities to consumers are binding on the
tanggung jawab terhadap konsumen, mengikat Company's operational costs.
pada biaya operasional Perseroan.
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Komitmen dan Kebijakan Terkait Operasi yang Commitment and Policy Related to Fair Operations
Perseroan berkomitmen untuk senantiasa The Company is committed to always carrying out
menjalankan praktik-praktik operasi yang adil. fair operating practices. This practice is based on
Praktik ini didasari bahwa sebagai entitas bisnis that as a business entity the Company must be
Perseroan harus professional dalam menghasilkan professional in producing products and services,
produk dan jasanya, menjunjung tinggi integritas upholding integrity in conducting its business,
dalam melaksanakan bisnisnya, memiliki kesadaran having awareness to create a fair business
untuk menciptakan iklim persaingan usaha yang competition climate, respecting copyright and
sehat, menghargai hak cipta dan sadar untuk being aware of compliance with applicable laws
mematuhi peraturan perUndang-Undangan yang and regulations. Through these steps, the Company
berlaku. Melalui langkah-langkah ini, Perseroan seeks to implement fair operating practices. As the
berupaya menerapkan praktik operasi yang foundation of this practice are applicable laws and
adil. Sebagai landasan dari praktik ini adalah regulations, internal policies, and various industry &
peraturan perUndang-Undangan yang berlaku, international standards.
kebijakan internal, serta berbagai standar industri
& internasional.
Sebagai tindak lanjut dari komitmen, Perseroan As a follow up to its commitment, the Company
mengembangan berbagai kebijakan yang developed various supporting policies. These policies
mendukung. Kebijakan ini tertera pada peraturan are stated in company regulations, code of conduct,
perusahaan, code of conduct, maupun dokumen and other documents. In addition, the Company also
lainnya. Selain itu, Perseroan juga membangun establishes whistleblowing systems to facilitate
whistleblowing systems untuk memudahkan complaints if there are violations.
pengaduan bila terdapat pelanggaran.
Perseroan menjamin bahwa setiap pihak yang The Company guarantees that all interested parties
berkepentingan mendapatkan perlakuan yang adil receive fair treatment in accordance with the
sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perUndang- provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.
Undangan yang berlaku. Perseroan menerapkan The Company implements operational activities by
kegiatan operasional dengan memperhatikan hak taking into account the rights of the stakeholders so
para pemangku kepentingan sehingga menciptakan as to create a harmonious relationship and realize a
hubungan yang harmonis dan mewujudkan balance of the interests of all stakeholders.
keseimbangan atas kepentingan seluruh para
pemangku kepentingan.
Lingkup dan Perumusan Terkait Operasi yang Scope and Formulation Related to Fair Operation
Perseroan berpandangan bahwa prinsip tata kelola The Company is of the view that the principles
perusahaan yang baik merupakan panduan bagi of good corporate governance are a guide for all
seluruh Insan Perseroan dalam menjalankan kegiatan Company Personnel in carrying out operational
operasional, berinteraksi dengan sesama kolega, activities, interacting with colleagues, and with
maupun dengan pemangku kepentingan eksternal external stakeholders and creating clean business
serta menciptakan praktik bisnis yang bersih dan practices and avoiding all forms of fraud. Based on
menjauhi segala bentuk kecurangan. Berdasarkan this principle, the Company conducts risk mapping
prinsip ini, Perseroan melakukan pemetaan risiko from business activities carried out. The purpose of
dari kegiatan bisnis yang dilaksanakan. Tujuan this risk mapping is to ensure that various negative
pemetaan risiko ini adalah untuk memastikan bahwa risks that may occur and have an impact on the
berbagai risiko negatif yang mungkin terjadi dan company can be mitigated as possible.
berdampak terhadap perusahaan dapat dimitigasi
sebaik mungkin.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan risiko, lingkup praktik Based on the results of risk mapping, the scope of fair
operasi yang adil dititikberatkan pada pencegahan operating practices focuses on preventing corruption,
korupsi, persaingan usaha, hak kekayaan intelektual, business competition, intellectual property rights,
praktik politik praktis, serta kepatuhan regulasi practical political practices, and regulatory compliance
secara umum. Pemetaan ini juga didasarkan atas in general. This mapping is also based on a review of
review regulasi yang berlaku di Indonesia, serta the regulations that apply in Indonesia, as well as
berbagai standar internasional yang relevan dan various international standards that are relevant and
baik untuk diterapkan. good to apply.
Praktik anti korupsi merupakan perhatian utama Anti-corruption practices are the Company's main
Perseroan. Hal ini didasarkan pengalaman terdahulu concern. This is based on previous experience that
bahwa dampak penggelapan (fraud) sangat the impact of embezzlement (fraud) greatly affects
mempengaruhi budaya dan kinerja Perseroan. Oleh the culture and performance of the Company.
karenanya sebagai bentuk mitigasi risiko, Perseroan Therefore, as a form of risk mitigation, the Company
menerapkan kebijakan untuk membangun sistem implements policies to build a system that closes
yang menutup celah pelanggaran serta menerapkan loopholes in violations and imposes severe sanctions
sanksi berat atasnya. Pengembangan sistem ini on them. The development of this system is also a
juga merupakan kesungguhan untuk memberikan serious commitment to provide certainty for the
jaminan kepastian penyelenggaraan praktik operasi implementation of good operating practices to all
yang baik kepada seluruh pemangku kepentingan. stakeholders.
Kebijakan Terkait Inisiatif Tanggung Jawab Policies Regarding Social Responsibility Initiatives
SosialTerkait Operasi yang Adil Related to Fair Operations
Penerapan praktik operasi yang adil pada kegiatan The implementation of fair operating practices in
usaha Perseroan diwujudkan dalam inisiatif the Company's business activities is manifested in
kebijakan strategis sebagai berikut: the following strategic policy initiatives:
1. Kebijakan Terkait Anti Korupsi 1. Policy of Anti Corruption
Meliputi regulasi anti korupsi, kebijakan It includes anti-corruption regulations, gift giving
pemberian dan penerimaan hadiah, jamuan, and receiving policies, meals, entertainment,
hiburan, sponsorship, donasi dan lainnya. sponsorships, donations and more. Every gift
Setiap pemberian maupun penerimaan harus and receipt must first be reported. Each report
terlebih dahulu dilaporkan. Setiap pelaporan gets a disposition for further action.
mendapatkan disposisi untuk ditindaklanjuti
2. Kebijakan Terkait Praktik Persaingan Usaha 2. Policies of Fair Business Competition Practices
yang Adil
Meliputi regulasi pengadaan barang dan jasa It includes regulations on the procurement of
yang berlaku baik secara industri, bagian dari goods and services that apply both industrially,
Badan Usaha Milik Negara, serta skema yang as part of State-Owned Enterprises, and
ditentukan oleh KKKS. Selain itu, sebagai schemes determined by KKKS. In addition, as
kontraktor jasa, meliputi pula kebijakan internal a service contractor, it also includes internal
pengadaan serta contractor safety management procurement policies and a contractor safety
system. Setiap keikutsertaan pengadaan barang management system. Every participation in the
dan jasa yang dilakukan oleh KKKS, Perseroan procurement of goods and services carried out by
mengikuti ketentuan maupun skema wilayah KKKS, the Company follows the provisions and
kerja yang berlaku. Sementara saat melakukan the applicable work area scheme. Meanwhile,
pengadaan, Perseroan memastikan layanan jasa when procuring, the Company ensures the best
terbaik dengan menerapkan praktik kesehatan services by applying work health and safety
dan keselamatan kerja terhadap mitra. practices to partners.
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intelektual yang belaku, serta kebijakan internal property rights that apply, as well as internal
dalam melakukan improvisasi maupun inovasi. policies in doing improvisation and innovation.
Hasil improvisasi maupun inovasi, didaftarkan The results of improvisation and innovation are
kepada kementerian terkait untuk diverifikasi registered with the relevant ministries to verify
keabsahannya. their validity.
Perencanaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Terkait Social Responsibility Planning Related to Fair
Operasi yang Adil Operations
Perseroan senantiasa melakukan perencanaan The Company is always planning to ensure the
untuk menjamin terlaksananya semua kebijakan implementation of all fair operating policies. This
praktik operasi yang adil. Proses ini diterapkan oleh process is implemented by many relevant functions
banyak fungsi relevan tergantung pada lingkup depending on the scope of the area. Anti-corruption
area. Praktik anti korupsi dan anti politik praktis and anti-political practice is the realm of the
merupakan ranah dari Corporate Secretary. Praktik Corporate Secretary. The practice of fair business
persaingan usaha yang sehat merupakan ranah competition is the domain of Marketing and Supply
dari Marketing dan Supply Chain Management. Chain Management. While respect for intellectual
Sementara penghormatan hak kekayaan intelektual property rights is the domain of the Engineering
merupakan ranah dari Engineering Center & Quality Center & Quality Management along with Legal &
Management beserta Legal & Contract. Contract.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Komitmen ini sejalan dengan Undang-Undang This commitment is in line with anti-corruption
anti korupsi, serta tak terpisahkan dengan laws, and is inseparable from the implementation
impelementasi prinsip tata kelola perusahaan of the principles of good corporate governance.
yang baik. Tujuannya antara lain meningkatkan The aim is to increase the trust of customers,
kepercayaan pelanggan, investor, pemegang investors, shareholders and the general public.
saham serta publik secara umum.
Untuk itu, Perseroan berupaya menutup pintu- To that end, the Company seeks to refrain from
pintu yang membuka peluang terjadinya opportunities for misuse of office, gratuity and
penyalahgunaan jabatan, praktik gratifikasi bribery practices. This commitment is stated in
maupun penyuapan. Komitmen ini tercantum the ethical standards of conduct and applies to
dalam standar etika perilaku dan berlaku bagi all employees of the Company without exception.
seluruh karyawan Perseroan tanpa terkecuali. Employees are required to sign an integrity pact
Kar yawan diharuskan menandatangani containing commitments against corruption,
pakta integritas yang berisi komitmen anti collusion and nepotism. This pact also requires
korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme. Pakta ini all employees to act honestly and avoid giving
juga mengharuskan semua karyawan untuk or receiving gifts or bribes.
bertindak jujur dan menghindari memberi
maupun menerima hadiah atau penyuapan.
Atas penerapan komitmen ini, pada 2020 tidak As a result of the implementation of this
ada insiden korupsi yang terbukti dan tindakan commitment, in 2020, there were no proven
yang diambil atas insiden tersebut. corruption incidents and actions taken on these
Perseroan berupaya semaksimal mungkin The Company makes every effort to formulate
merumuskan strategi-strategi khusus untuk specific strategies to win the competition, while
memenangkan persaingan, dengan tetap upholding sound business practices. In 2020,
menjunjung tinggi praktik usaha yang sehat. there were no reports and anti-competitive
Pada 2020, tidak ada laporan dan tindakan actions related to the Company's business
antipersaingan yang terkait dengan praktik practices.
bisnis Perseroan.
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Selain hal itu, Perseroan juga memberikan In addition, the Company also provides equal
kesempatan yang sama kepada semua pihak opportunities to all parties to become partners
untuk menjadi mitra dalam proses pengadaan in the process of procurement of goods and
barang dan jasa. Setiap perusahaan yang services. Every company that wants to become
ingin menjadi mitra kerja harus terlebih a partner must first register as a partner of the
dahulu mendaftar sebagai rekanan Perseroan. Company. This is intended so that the Company
Hal ini dimaksudkan agar Perseroan dapat can ensure the existence and legality of the
memastikan keberadaan dan legalitas administrative requirements of partners in
persyaratan administratif mitra telah sesuai accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
dengan peraturan perUndang-Undangan yang
Khusus untuk mitra yang memiliki risiko tinggi Specifically for partners who have a high risk
kecelakaan kerja, Perseroan memiliki dan of work accidents, the Company owns and
menerapkan contractor safety management implements a contractor safety management
system. Melalui sistem ini, Perseroan berupaya system. Through this system, the Company
memastikan bahwa mitra kerja juga menerapkan strives to ensure that work partners also apply
standar kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja yang good occupational health and safety standards
baik pula. as well.
Untuk proses pemilihan mitra kerja diterapkan For the selection process, partners are applied
dengan prinsip transparan, terbuka, adil dan with the principles of transparent, open,
kompetitif. Mitra kerja diseleksi berdasarkan fair and competitive. Business partners are
ketentuan yang diatur dalam ketentuan dan selected based on the provisions stipulated in
syarat pengadaan. Ketentuan ini berlaku the terms and conditions of procurement. This
untuk seluruh mitra kerja baik lokal maupun provision applies to all partners both local and
multinasional. Detail mengenai proses ini multinational. Details about this process can
terdapat pada Pedoman Tata Cara Pengadaan be found in the Guidelines for Procurement of
Barang dan Jasa. Sebagai bentuk sosialisasi Goods and Services. As a form of socialization
perkembangan Perseroan kepada mitra kerja, of the Company's development to its partners,
Perseroan menyelenggarakan vendor annual the Company holds a vendor annual meeting
meeting setiap tahunnya. every year.
Sebagai bentuk penjagaan maupun verifikasi As a form of guarding and verifying various
atas berbagai inovasi yang telah dikembangkan, innovations that have been developed, the
Perseroan juga mendaftarkan berbagai produk Company also registers various products and
maupun jasanya ke Kementrian Hukum dan services to the Ministry of Law and Human
HAM. Selama 2020, tidak ada gugatan hukum Rights. During 2020, no lawsuits were filed with
yang dilayangkan ke Perseroan dengan dugaan the Company with the alleged acknowledgment
pengakuan terhadap hak kekayaan intelektual of the intellectual property rights of the body
badan maupun orang lain. and others.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Selain itu, Perseroan menyadari bahwa In addition, the Company realizes that
standarisari perlu pula dikembangkan. Oleh standardization needs to be developed.
karenanya, secara mandiri Perseroan berinisiatif Therefore, the Company independently took the
mengimplementasikan berbagai standar yang initiative to implement various standards that
berlaku di industri serta internasional. apply in industry and internationally.
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Pelaporan yang masuk akan ditelusuri fakta material Incoming reports will be traced to the material
yang terjadi. Bila memang terdapat pelanggaran, facts that occurred. If there is indeed a violation,
maka Perseroan akan memberikan sanksi sesuai the Company will impose sanctions according to
dengan tingkatan pelanggaran yang dilakukan. the level of violation committed. Throughout 2019,
Sepanjang 2020, Perseroan telah menerima the Company has received complaints and reporting
informasi keluhan maupun pelaporan pelanggaran violations from several parties. This information is
dari beberapa pihak. Informasi ini kemudian then followed up and resolved in accordance with
ditindaklanjuti dan diselesaikan sesuai Peraturan applicable Company Regulations.
Perusahaan yang berlaku.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Komitmen dan Kebijakan Terkait Hak Asasi Commitments and Policies Related to Human Rights
Sebagai perusahaan jasa energi, sumber daya As an energy service company, human resources are
manusia merupakan aset utama yang dimiliki the main assets owned by the Company. Therefore,
Perseroan. Oleh karenanya, Perseroan berupaya the Company exerts in managing human resources.
penuh dalam pengelolaan sumber daya manusia. This management includes guarantees of human
Pengelolaan ini termasuk jaminan hak asasi manusia rights which are basic rights. The Company's
yang merupakan hak dasar. Komitmen Perseroan commitment is to strive to ensure equality of rights
adalah berupaya memastikan kesetaraan hak serta and opportunities to participate and contribute to
kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dan memberikan the business practices of the Company.
kontribusi dalam praktik bisnis yang dijalankan
Landasan dasar Perseroan sebagai kebijakan The basic foundation of the Company as a human
pengelolaan hak asasi manusia mengacu pada ISO rights management policy refers to ISO 26000
26000 Tanggung Jawab Sosial. Hal ini meliputi Social Responsibility. This includes the practice of
praktik nondiskriminasi dan perhatian pada non-discrimination and attention to vulnerable
kelompok rentan; termasuk di dalamnya masyarakat groups; including local communities, women, people
lokal, perempuan, orang dengan disabilitas dan lain- with disabilities and others.
Cakupan definitif ini telah dilaksanakan oleh This definitive scope has been implemented by the
Perseroan, baik dalam kegiatan operasional yang Company, both in operational activities involving
melibatkan karyawan, maupun kegiatan pengelolaan employees, as well as in managing business activities
kegiatan usaha yang melibatkan masyarakat di that involve the community around the business
sekitar lokasi usaha. Perseroan mendefinisikan hak location. The Company defines human rights as
asasi manusia sebagai hak mendasar bagi setiap fundamental rights for every individual involved and
individu yang terlibat maupun yang terkena dampak affected by the Company's operational and business
dari kegiatan operasi dan usaha yang dilakukan activities.
Lingkup dan Perumusan terhadap Hak Asasi Scope and Formulation of Human Rights
Komitmen Perseroan dalam penegakan hak asasi The Company's commitment to upholding human
manusia adalah memperlakukan semua karyawan, rights is to treat all employees, prospective employees,
calon karyawan, mitra kerja dan masyarakat lokal business partners and the local community equally
secara setara tanpa membedakan jenis kelamin, without differentiating gender, ethnicity, religion,
suku, agama, ras dan pandangan politik. Perseroan race and political views. The Company also provides
memberikan pula kesempatan dan kesetaraan hak opportunities and equal rights to persons with
kepada penyandang disabilitas untuk turut serta disabilities to participate in and contribute to the
berkontribusi dalam kegiatan operasional yang operational activities carried out. This attention
dijalankan. Perhatian ini tidak hanya melingkupi does not only cover the implementation in the head
pelaksanaan di area kantor pusat, melainkan pula di office area, but also in the operational area while
area operasi dengan tetap memperhatikan berbagai still taking into account various risks that may arise.
risiko yang mungkin muncul.
Perseroan juga menjamin hak masyarakat lokal untuk The Company also guarantees the right of local
turut berkontribusi dan menjalani kehidupan dengan communities to contribute and live peacefully
tenang tanpa terganggu atau terkena dampak without being disturbed or negatively affected by
negatif akibat kegiatan operasional Perseroan. the Company's operational activities. If efforts to
Jika upaya penghormatan hak asasi manusia sudah respect human rights have been upheld, and in fact
ditegakkan, dan ternyata masih terjadi masalah there are still problems relating to human rights, the
yang berkaitan dengan hak asasi manusia, maka Company is trying to resolve the problem properly,
Perseroan berusaha untuk menyelesaikan masalah through deliberations to reach consensus. With these
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tersebut dengan baik, melalui musyawarah untuk considerations, the Company makes every effort to
mufakat. Dengan berbagai pertimbangan ini, maka ensure that human rights are well managed.
Perseroan berupaya semaksimal mungkin agar hak
asasi manusia dapat terkelola dengan baik.
Perencanaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Bidang Planning for Social Responsibility towards Human
Hak Asasi Manusia Rights
Perseroan menargetkan untuk senantiasa The Company aims to continuously implement the
menjalankan prinsip-prinsip hak asasi manusia principles of human rights. The aim is to foster
yang ditujukan untuk membina hubungan industrial industrial relations in a proportional manner and to
secara proporsional serta menciptakan hubungan create synergy between the Company and employees
yang sinergis antara Perseroan dan karyawan untuk in order to increase values. The social responsibility
meningkatkan nilai. Program tanggung jawab sosial programs on human rights that are planned by
terkait hak asasi manusia yang direncanakan oleh the Company include equality in employment
Perseroan di antaranya adalah kesetaraan dalam opportunities and competency development,
kesempatan kerja dan pengembangan kompetensi, fairness in wage and elimination of discrimination, as
keadilan dalam pengupahan dan penghapusan well as protection for the delivery of aspirations and
diskriminasi, serta perlindungan penyaluran aspirasi complaints. These programs of social responsibility
dan pengaduan karyawan. Program kegiatan activities towards human rights are expected to
tanggung jawab terkait dengan hak asasi manusia have a positive impact on the productivity and
ini, diharapkan membawa dampak positif bagi performance of the Company. In the end, this will
peningkatan produktivitas dan kinerja Perseroan, improve employee’s welfare according to stakeholder
sehingga pada akhirnya dapat membawa pengaruh expectations.
kepada peningkatan kesejahteraan karyawan sesuai
dengan harapan stakeholder.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
kerja. Pelibatan masyarakat lokal sebagai is generally as technical personnel. The functions
bagian dari proyek perusahaan umumnya of work involved include local public relations,
adalah sebagai tenaga teknis. Fungsi kerja drilling workers, topography and so on in seismic
yang dilibatkan antara lain sebagai humas lokal, surveys, to administrators and other jobs.
pekerja pengeboran, topografi dan sebagainya
dalam survei seismik, hingga admin maupun
pekerjaan lainnya.
Dalam pelibatan ini, tidak ada masyarakat lokal In this engagement, there are no local people
yang dipekerjakan secara paksa, maupun pekerja who are forced labor, or underage workers.
di bawah umur. Selain itu setiap pekerja juga In addition, each worker also gets a salary in
mendapatkan honor sesuai dengan kesepakatan accordance with the initial agreement.
Inisiatif Tanggung Jawab Sosial Bidang Hak Initiatives of Social Responsibility towards Human
Asasi Manusia Rights
Perseroan berkomitmen untuk menjadi perusahaan The Company is committed to becoming a leading
terkemuka jasa energi melalui solusi total terbaik pada company in energy services by offering the best
layanannya. Solusi total ini sangat di pengaruhi oleh total solution services. This total solution service is
implementasi budaya kerja produktif dan terencana influenced by the implementation of work culture
dalam organisasi. Maka Perseroan menetapkan that focus on productivity and planning. As such,
sebagai salah satu instrument untuk membentuk the Company sets an instrument to ensure the
budaya kerja yang produktif dan berkualitas dengan productive and high quality work culture, which
mengatur hak-hak dan kewajibaan normatif pekerja regulates workers' normative rights and obligations
yang meliputi syarat-syarat kerja, tata tertib, that include work conditions, rules of conduct,
kondisi kerja serta mewujudkan kepastian hukum working conditions, as well as ensures legal certainty
bagi pekerja dalam pelaksanaan hubungan kerjanya for workers in the implementation of their working
dengan Perseroan. Hal ini untuk mendorong kinerja relationship with the Company. This is conducted to
sebagaimana harapan bersama dan juga untuk improve performance as expected together and to
meningkatkan motivasi dan ketenangan bekerja increase motivations to work, as well as to improve
serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan pekerja. worker welfare.
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PT Elnusa Tbk
Dalam membuat Peraturan Perusahaan yang In creating the Company’s Regulations that govern
mengatur tentang hak dan kewajiban pekerja, workers' rights and obligations, the Company also
Perseroan melakukan konsultasi dengan Serikat consulted with the Company's Labour Union. The
Pekerja Perseroan. Di mana Peraturan Perusahaan Company’s Regulations must be obeyed and fulfilled
ini wajib ditaati serta di penuhi oleh Perseroan, by the Company, Labour Union, and all workers.
Serikat Pekerja, dan seluruh pekerja.
Prosedur dan Mekanisme Penanganan Konflik Procedures and Mechanisms for Managing Conflict
Terkait Hak Asasi Manusia Related to Human Rights
Perseroan menjamin terlaksananya kebijakan The Company guarantees the implementation of
dengan baik dan meminimalisasi konflik yang terjadi policies properly and minimizes conflicts that occur
terkait hak asasi manusia. Oleh karenanya, Perseroan related to human rights. Therefore, the Company
mempersilahkan setiap aduan permasalahan invites every complaint to be submitted to the union.
disampaikan kepada serikat pekerja. Setiap Any complaints or complaints that will be followed
keluhan maupun pengaduan yang sampai akan up independently. Trade unions can advocate and
ditindaklanjuti secara independen. Serikat pekerja ask for a solution to a problem.
dapat melakukan advokasi maupun meminta ruang
penyelesaian atas suatu permasalahan.
Dampak Terkait Praktik Hak Asasi Manusia Impacts Regarding Human Rights Practices
Atas pengelolaan ini, hubungan antara Perseroan For this management, the relationship between the
dan serikat pekerja sebagai organisasi karyawan Company and trade unions as a legitimate employee
yang sah berlangsung dengan baik. Sepanjang organization runs well. Throughout 2020, there were
2020, tidak ada persoalan antara Perseroan dengan no problems between the Company and trade unions
serikat pekerja maupun karyawan. and employees.
Sertifikasi Terkait Praktik Hak Asasi Manusia Certification Related to Human Rights Practices
Perseroan menerapkan ISO 26000 sebagai panduan The Company applies ISO 26000 as a guide to
praktik hak asasi manusia. Penerapan ini meliputi human rights practices. These applications include
kesempatan serta kesetaraan hak individu untuk opportunities and equal rights of individuals to
berkontribusi terhadap kemajuan perusahaan, contribute to the progress of the company, the
praktik nondiskriminasi terhadap pekerja pada practice of non-discrimination against workers of
gender, etnis maupun suku yang berbeda, serta different genders, ethnicities and ethnicities, as well
dorongan untuk pekerja disabilitas. as encouragement for workers with disabilities.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Sebagai landasan dari penerapan pengelolaan Implementation basis of the Company environmental
lingkungan hidup yang dilakukan Perseroan adalah management is Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning
Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Environmental Protection and Management, Law
Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, Number 18 of 2008 concerning Waste Management,
Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 tentang Law Number 17 of 2019 concerning Water Resources,
Pengelolaan Sampah, Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Ministerial Regulation Environment and Forestry No.
Tahun 2019 tentang Sumber Daya Air, Peraturan 26/2018 concerning Guidelines for the Preparation
Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan No 26 and Assessment and Examination of Environmental
Tahun 2018 tentang Pedoman Penyusunan dan Documents in the Implementation of Electronic
Penilaian Serta Pemeriksaan Dokumen Lingkungan Integrated Business Licensing Services, Government
Hidup dalam Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Perizinan Regulation Number 27 of 2012 concerning
Berusaha Teintegrasi Secara Elektronik, Peraturan Environmental Permits, Government Regulation
Pemerintah Nomor 27 Tahun 2012 tentang Izin Number 101 of 2014 concerning Management of
Lingkungan, Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 101 Hazardous and Toxic Wastes.
Tahun 2014 tentang Pengelolaan Limbah Berbahaya
dan Beracun.
Risiko dan Dampak Kegiatan Usaha Risks and Impacts of the Company's Business
Perusahaan terhadap Lingkungan Activities on the Environment
Perseroan memiliki tiga jasa utama yang sifat The Company has three main services, the nature
layanannya berbeda-beda. Jasa hulu migas of which is different. Upstream oil and gas services
dengan lini jasa survei seismik umumnya berlokasi with seismic survey line services are generally located
512 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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di area pemukiman penduduk, hutan, hingga laut. in residential areas, forests, to the sea. While the
Sementara lini jasa pengeboran dan pengelolaan oil and gas field management and service lines
lapangan migas umumnya berlokasi di area are generally located in more limited operational
operasional yang lebih terbatas bagi penduduk. Jasa areas for residents. Energy distribution and logistics
distribusi dan logistik energi dengan kegiatan utama services with the main activities of distribution
distribusi BBM beroperasi di berbagai wilayah padat of BBM operating in various densely populated
penduduk. Jasa pendukung umumnya beroperasi di areas. Supporting services generally operate in the
area fabrikasi ataupun warehouse. fabrication or warehouse area.
Perbedaan sifat layanan yang berbeda-beda ini The difference in the nature of these different
tentunya memiliki risiko dan menimbulkan dampak services certainly has risks and causes different
yang berbeda-beda terhadap lingkungan. Pada impacts on the environment. In the upstream oil and
jasa hulu migas lini jasa survei seimik, Perseroan gas services, seimic survey line services, the Company
menggunakan berbagai sumber getar dalam uses various sources of vibration in the recording
proses perekaman, memanfaatkan air sekitar untuk process, utilizing the surrounding water for drilling,
pengeboran, hingga melakukan pembukaan lintasan to carrying out the opening of the track if necessary.
bila diperlukan. Salah satu risiko negatif yang One of the negative risks that may arise from these
mungkin muncul dari berbagai aktivitas ini antara activities includes changes in the structure of the
lain perubahan struktur bawah tanah maupun underground and ocean, changes in the surrounding
lautan, berubahnya vegetasi sekitar hingga limbah vegetation to the resulting waste.
yang dihasilkan.
Sementara pada jasa hulu migas lini jasa pengeboran Meanwhile, in the upstream oil and gas services,
dan pengelolaan lapangan migas, Perseroan drilling and oil and gas field management services,
menggunakan alat pengeboran modular untuk the Company uses modular drilling tools to reach oil
mencapai sumber minyak. Kedalaman pengeboran sources. The depth of drilling can reach thousands of
dapat mencapai ribuan meter di bawah permukaan meters below ground level. In addition, the Company
tanah. Selain itu, perseroan juga menggunakan also uses various technologies to increase production
berbagai teknologi untuk meningkatkan produksi including the use of materials and chemical
termasuk penggunaan material maupun senyawa compounds. Negative risks arising from this activity
kimia. Risiko negatif yang muncul dari aktivitas ini include environmental pollution due to the material
antara lain pencemaran lingkungan karena material or chemical compounds used, the presence of oil
ataupun senyawa kimia yang digunakan, adanya spills to hazard waste produced.
tumpahan minyak hingga limbah B3 yang dihasilkan.
Pada jasa distribusi dan logistik energi, Perseroan In energy distribution and logistics services, the
mendistribusikan BBM dari suatu titik ke titik Company distributes fuel from one point to another.
lainnya. Risiko negatif yang mungkin muncul adalah Negative risks that may arise are the occurrence
terjadinya tumpahan BBM hingga pencemaran of fuel spills to air pollution generated from motor
udara yang dihasilkan dari kendaraan bermotor. vehicles. While supporting services, have a negative
Sementara jasa penunjang, memiliki risiko negatif risk that is hazard waste pollution as a result of
yaitu pencemaran limbah B3 sebagai hasil aktivitas fabrication activities.
Berdasarkan berbagai risiko negatif ini, Perseroan Based on these negative risks, the Company makes
berupaya sebaik mungkin melakukan pengelolaan every effort to manage the environment through
lingkungan melalui berbagai kebijakan maupun various policies and programs implemented.
program-program yang dilaksanakan.
Rencana dan Target Kegiatan di Sepanjang Plan and Target of the Activities in 2020
Tahun 2020
Secara umum, Perseroan merencanakan berbagai In general, the Company plans various environmental
program pengelolaan lingkungan baik di wilayah management programs in the area of operations,
operasi, cabang, maupun kantor pusat. Program- branches and head office. The programs carried out
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Corporate Social Responsibility
program yang dilakukan meliputi upaya pengelolaan include efforts to manage energy, materials, water
energi, material, air maupun sumber daya lain, and other resources, measurement and monitoring
pengukuran maupun pemantauan kualitas of environmental quality, ensuring that oil spills do
lingkungan, memastikan tidak terjadinya tumpahan not occur, and so on.
minyak, dan sebagainya.
Sebagai target kinerja di tahun 2020, Perseroan As a performance target in 2020, the Company
menargetkan tidak adanya tumpahan minyak targets no oil spills or environmental damage as the
maupun kerusakan lingkungan sebagai indikator main indicator. Surely this is apart from the general
utama. Tentunya hal ini selain dari target umum target that environmental quality results remain
bahwa hasil kualitas lingkungan tetap berada di below the threshold.
bawah ambang batas.
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Untuk pengelolaan limbah cair, Perseroan For liquid waste management, the Company
mengolah limbah yang dihasilkan di Kantor processes waste generated at the Head Office
Pusat menggunakan sewage treatment plant using a sewage treatment plant so that it meets
sehingga memenuhi baku mutu dan menjadi quality standards and is suitable for disposal.
layak buang. Limbah yang telah diolah, dapat Waste that has been treated, can be reused and/
dimanfaatkan kembali dan/atau dibuang pada or disposed of in public channels.
saluran umum.
Perseroan Melakukan Berbagai Kampanye The Company Carries out Various Campaigns
untuk Terus Meningkatkan Budaya to Continuously Improve the Culture of
Pengelolaan Lingkungan Environmental Management
Bentuk Pelaksanaan CSR Bidang Lingkungan terkait CSR Implementation in the Environmental sector
Dampak terhadap Perusahaan, Pemegang Saham related to the Impact on the Company, Shareholders
dan Stakeholder Lainnya. Kegiatan pengelolaan and Other Stakeholders. Environmental
lingkungan yang dilalukan Perseroan di tahun management activities carried out by the
2020, berdampak positif terhadap kelangsungan Company in 2020, have a positive impact on the
Perseroan. Di mana melalui pengelolaan yang tepat sustainability of the Company. Where through
dan sesuai prosedur yang berlaku atas operasional proper management and following the procedures
Perseroan, menghasilkan efisiensi biaya yang tentu applicable to the Company’s operations, resulting
saja berdampak positif terhadap kinerja keuangan
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Perseroan. Di samping itu, pengelolaan lingkungan in cost efficiency which has a positive impact on
terkait kegiatan operasional juga berdampak the Company’s financial performance. Besides,
positif terhadap kelancaran proses kegiatan usaha environmental management related to operational
Perseroan, di mana hampir tidak ada pengaduan activities also has a positive impact on the smooth
yang signifikan dari masyarakat sekitar dan pihak- running of the Company’s business activities, where
pihak yang berkepentingan terkait dampak kegiatan there are almost no significant complaints from
usaha Perseroan yang mencemari lingkungan. the surrounding community and interested parties
regarding the impact of the Company’s business
activities that pollute the environment.
Sementara itu, proses identifikasi bahaya lingkungan Meanwhile, the process of identifying environmental
sejak dini dan pemantauan atas dampak dan risiko hazards from an early stage and monitoring
lingkungan yang secara berkala dilakukan Perseroan, environmental impacts and risks that the Company
berdampak positif terhadap keberlanjutan usaha regularly conducts, has a positive impact on the
Perseroan yang secara langsung maupun tidak Company’s business sustainability, which directly or
langsung memperkuat serta meningkatkan indirectly strengthens and increases shareholders’
kepercayaan pemegang saham terhadap Perseroan. trust in the Company. Where until the end of 2020,
Di mana hingga akhir tahun 2020, hampir tidak there were almost no complaints related to problems
ada pengaduan terkait masalah atau pencemaran or environmental pollution from the surrounding
lingkungan dari masyarakat sekitar atas setiap community regarding any processes of the
proses kegiatan usaha Perseroan yang berdampak Company’s business activities that had a significant
signifikan terhadap kelangsungan usaha Perseroan. impact on the Company’s business continuity.
Begitupun dengan pengelolaan limbah, yang Likewise with waste management, which is carried
dilakukan secara tepat dan berdasarkan kentetuan out appropriately and based on applicable terms and
serta prosedur yang berlaku, sejauh ini relatif aman procedures, so far it is relatively safe and there have
dan tidak terdapat pengaduan dari masyarakat been no complaints from the surrounding community
lingkungan sekitar terkait pencemaran lingkungan. regarding environmental pollution. This of course
Hal ini tentu saja lebih memperkuat kepercayaan further strengthens the confidence of shareholders
para pemegangan saham dalam mendukung in supporting the Company’s future performance, to
kinerja Perseroan ke depannya, guna mencapai achieve sustainable growth.
pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan.
Prosedur dan Mekanisme Pengaduan Masalah Procedures and Mechanisms of Reporting for
Lingkungan Environmental Problems
Perseroan telah menyusun mekanisme pengaduan The Company has established a mechanism for
masalah lingkungan terkait kegiatan usaha yang reporting complaints on environmental issues that
dilakukan Perseroan. Upaya ini dilakukan untuk are related to the Company’s business activities. In
mengontrol tingkat kenyamanan masyarakat sekitar general, various complaints regarding the impact
akibat kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan oleh Perseroan. of operational activities on the environment can be
Secara umum berbagai keluhan mengenai dampak divided into two areas:
kegiatan operasional terhadap lingkungan dapat
dibagi pada dua area, yaitu:
1. Area operasi, keluhan dapat disampaikan 1. Area of operation, complaints can be submitted
langsung kepada pimpinan yang bertanggung directly to the leader who is responsible for the
jawab dalam proyek. project.
2. Area kantor pusat, dapat disampaikan langsung 2. Head office area, can be conveyed directly to the
kepada pengelola gedung. building manager.
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inisiatif Perseroan untuk melakukan evaluasi dan an initiative of the Company to conduct evaluations
memastikan bahwa pengelolaan lingkungan yang and ensure that the environmental management
diterapkan telah sesuai standar eksternal. Sertifikasi that is implemented complies with external
dari standar ini masih berlaku hingga dua tahun standards. Certification of this standard is still valid
mendatang. for the next two years.
Selain itu, atas pencapaian pengelolaan lingkungan In addition, for the achievement of environmental
yang telah diterapkan, Perseroan meraih beberapa management that has been implemented, the
penghargaan. Salah satunya adalah Mahakam Company won several awards. One of them is the
Award untuk ke-8 kalinya. Mahakam Award for the 8th time.
Biaya dan/atau Investasi Kegiatan CSR Aspek Costs and/or Investments in CSR Activities
Lingkungan Environmental Aspects
Biaya pengelolaan lingkungan Perseroan mengikat The Company's environmental management costs
pada biaya operasional. are binding on operational costs.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Untuk memastikan praktik ketenagakerjaan ini, The Company puts occupational health and safety
Perseroan menerapkan berbagai kebijakan. Di as central focus points in each of its operational
antaranya melakukan berbagai pemenuhan atas activities. This is a commitment of the Company to
hak karyawan, melakukan pengembangan talenta, mitigate and minimize the risk of accidents, illness
mengupayakan remunerasi yang kompetitif, or absenteeism that can occur among employees,
memberikan apresiasi serta menciptakan lingkungan customers, work partners or other stakeholders.
kerja yang kondusif.
Selain praktik ketenagakerjaan, Perseroan juga In addition to labor practices, the Company
mengupayakan praktik mitigasi kesehatan dan also strives for the best occupational health and
keselamatan kerja terbaik untuk para pekerjanya. safety mitigation practices for its employees. This
Komitmen ini meliputi mitigasi maupun minimalisasi commitment includes mitigation and minimization
atas risiko kecelakaan, penyakit ataupun absensi of the risk of accidents, illness or work absences
kerja yang dapat terjadi pada karyawan, pelanggan, that can occur to employees, customers, business
mitra kerja ataupun pemangku kepentingan lainnya. partners or other stakeholders.
Keberlangsungan bisnis jangka panjang The long-term business continuity of the Company
Perseroan berfokus pada kemampuan untuk terus focuses on the ability to continue to improve the
meningkatkan produk dan mutu layanan jasa quality of energy products and services by prioritizing
energi dengan memprioritaskan aspek Kesehatan, Health, Safety, Security and Environment aspects
Keselamatan Kerja, Keamanan dan Lingkungan to prevent accidents, injury and/or illness safety
demi mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan, gangguan problems for all employees, customers, work partners
kemanan cedera dan/atau sakit penyakit pada and other stakeholders, and damage to company
seluruh karyawan, pelanggan, mitra kerja dan assets and the environment in all operational areas.
pemangku kepentingan lainnya, serta kerusakan
pada aset perusahaan dan lingkungan di seluruh
area operasional.
Oleh karena itu, Perseroan menyatakan aspek Therefore, the Company states the aspects of
mutu, kesehatan, keselamatan kerja, keamanan dan quality, health, work safety, security and environment
lingkungan (QHSSE) sebagai: (QHSSE) as:
1. Prioritas utama setiap melakukan kegiatan. 1. The main priority for each activity.
2. Ukuran untuk menilai kualitas pekerjaan dan 2. Measures for assessing the quality of work and
pekerja. workers.
3. Tanggung jawab Manajemen dan seluruh 3. Responsibilities of Management and all
pekerja. employees.
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Untuk memastikan hal itu, Perseroan akan To ensure this, the Company will show active
menunjukan kepemimpinan yang aktif dan praktik leadership and work practices that make QHSSE
kerja yang menjadikan QHSSE sebagai nilai-nilai its values and work culture by implementing QHSSE
dan budaya kerja dengan cara menerapkan standar standards that meet the prevailing laws and
QHSSE yang memenuhi peraturanperundangan, regulations, customer requirements and industry
persyaratan pelanggan, dan standarindustri yang standards;
1. Menyiapkan organisasi dan sumber daya 1. To prepare a competent and professional
manusia yang kompeten dan profesional; organization and human resources;
2. Menggunakan teknologi dan sarana-prasarana 2. Using appropriate technology and work
kerja yang tepat dan memenuhi standar QHSSE; infrastructure that meet QHSSE standards;
3. Menetapkan, mengukur, mengaudit dan 3. Establish, measure, audit and report on QHSSE
melaporkan kinerja QHSSE untuk melakukan performance to make improvements on an
perbaikan secara berkesinambungan; ongoing basis;
4. Menghilangkan bahaya dan meminimalkan 4. Eliminate hazards and minimize risks to safety,
risikokeselamatan, kesehatan, keamanan dan health, security and the environment, prevent
lingkungan,mencegah pencemaran dan kerugian pollution and losses due to company activities
akibat aktifitas perusahaan dengan melakukan by making continuous improvements;
perbaikan berkelanjutan;
5. Menjaga komunikasi, partisipasi dan konsultasi 5. Maintain communication, participation and
denganpekerja dalam peningkatan sistem consultation with workers in improving the
manajemen QHSSE. QHSSE management system.
Perseroan menerapkan alignment dengan Pertamina The Company implements an alignment with the
group dalam penerapan Golden rules patuh Pertamina group in implementing the Golden rules,
intervensi dan peduli dan 12 life saving rules. Untuk obeying intervention and care and 12 life saving rules.
enforcement dari penerapan elnusa life saving rules For enforcement of the application of Elnusa life
elnusa menerapkan zero tolerance yang lebih spesifik saving rules, Elnusa applies zero tolerance which
ke pelanggaran aktifitas pekerja. seluruh aktivitas is more specific to violations of worker activity.
operasional dan berlaku di seluruh lingkungan all operational activities and apply throughout
kerja Elnusa Group. Baik aturan maupun target the Elnusa Group work environment. Both these
ini adalah upaya meningkatkan implementasi K3 rules and targets are efforts to improve the
di lingkungan kerja. Keharusan untuk menerapkan implementation of K3 in the work environment. The
program ini tidak hanya berlaku untuk karyawan requirement to implement this program does not
yang berada di lapangan, melainkan berlaku untuk only apply to employees in the field, but also applies
semua karyawan. to all employees.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
12 Life Saving
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Lingkup dan Perumusan Tanggung Jawab Scope and Formulation of Social Responsibility
Sosial Aspek Ketenagakerjaan, Kesehatan dan towards Employment, Occupational Health and
Keselamatan Kerja Safety
Lingkup kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan The scope of corporate social responsibility
terkait ketenagakerjaan, kesehatan dan keselamatan activities towards employment, occupational
kerja terdiri dari pada program ketenagakerjaan yang health and safety consists of employment
meliputi kesetaraan gender, kesempatan kerja yang programs which include gender equality, equal
sama, kesetaraan dalam program pengembangan employment opportunities, equality in Human
kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia, program Resources competency development programs,
pelatihan, pemenuhan hak kesejahteraan karyawan, training programs, fulfillment of employee welfare
remunerasi, pembentukan lingkungan kerja yang rights, remuneration, establishment of a conducive
kondusif, rekrutmen dan sistem pengelolaan kinerja, work environment, recruitment and performance
Human Resource Information System (HRIS), management systems, Human Resource Information
apresiasi terhadap karyawan, kebebasan berserikat, System (HRIS), appreciation for employees, freedom
serta program lainnya. of association, and other programs.
Rencana dan Target Kegiatan di Sepanjang Planned Activities and Target in 2020
Tahun 2020
Perseroan merencanakan dan menargetkan objektif The Company plans and targets the objectives to
yang hendak dicapai tiap tahunnya. Dalam lingkup be achieved each year. Within the scope of social
tanggung jawab sosial ketenagakerjaan, Perseroan responsibility for labor, the Company targets
menargetkan peningkatan kapabilitas SDM yang to improve the capability of superior human
unggul melalui program multi talented, membangun resources through multi-talented programs, build
budaya kinerja tinggi dan mengimplementasikan a high-performance culture and implement various
berbagai program otomasi proses bisnis employment business process automation programs
ketenagakerjaan untuk meningkatkan layanan to improve services to its employees. In addition to
kepada pekerjanya. Selain itu untuk memastikan ensuring its strategic role, the Company also ensures
peran strategisnya, Perseroan juga memastikan the availability of competent resources to be able to
ketersediaan sumber daya yang kompeten untuk provide the best service to customers.
dapat memberikan jasa terbaik kepada pelanggan.
Dalam lingkup tanggung jawab sosial kesehatan Within the scope of occupational health and safety
dan keselamatan kerja, Perseroan menargetkan social responsibility, the Company targets no work
tidak adanya kecelakaan kerja yang menyebabkan accidents that cause death or loss of work time. This
kematian maupun hilangnya waktu kerja. Target ini target applies not only to employees, but partners
berlaku bukan hanya kepada karyawan, melainkan who participate in supporting the company's
mitra kerja yang turut serta mendukung pekerjaan operational work.
operasional perusahaan.
Program dan Kegiatan Terkait Ketenagakerjaan Programs and Activities Related to Employment
1. Pemenuhan Hak Karyawan 1. Fulfillment of Employee Rights
Keseimbangan antara Pekerjaan dan Kehidupan Work Life Balance, Gender Equality, Equal
Pribadi, Kesetaraan Gender, Kesempatan Kerja Opportunity in Working and Career Development.
yang Sama, dan Pengembangan Karir.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Setiap pekerja yang mendapatkan perintah Any employees who is ordered to work overtime
u nt u k b e ke r j a l e m b u r m e n d a p a t ka n is compensated in return. Likewise, in career
kompensasi sebagai timbal balik. Demikian development, the Human Resources (HR)
juga halnya dalam pengembangan karir, development system that applies within the
sistem pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Company.
(SDM) yang berlaku di internal Perseroan. Human resource development is carried out in
Pengembangan SDM dilakukan dalam berbagai various forms, such as training, assignments,
bentuk seperti pelatihan, penugasan, termasuk including job transfers such as rotations or
mutasi pekerjaan berupa rotasi atau promosi. promotions. The Company provide equal
Perseroan memberikan hak yang sama pada rights to every employee regardless of identity
setiap karyawan tanpa membedakan latar background and gender, as stated in the
belakang identitas dan gender, sebagaimana Company Regulations.
tercantum dalam Peraturan Perusahaan.
Pendidikan dan pelatihan bertujuan untuk Education and training aims to improve the
meningkatkan mutu, keahlian, kemampuan dan quality, expertise, abilities and skills and
keterampilan serta profesionalisme. Perseroan professionalism of the employees. The Company
memberikan kesempatan yang sama kepada provides equal opportunities for all employees to
karyawan untuk mengikuti Program Pendidikan take part in the Education and Training Program
dan Pelatihan dengan biaya penuh dari at the full expense of the Company.
3. Remunerasi 3. Remuneration
Perseroan senantiasa mentaati seluruh aturan The Company always adheres to all applicable
yang berlaku terkait remunerasi kepada regulations regarding remuneration for
karyawan, yang besarannya telah disesuaikan employees, the amount has been adjusted to
dengan ketentuan yang berlaku dan berada the applicable regulations and is above the
di atas standar Upah Minimum yang berlaku Minimum Wage standard applicable in the
di wilayah operasional Perseroan. Secara operational area of the Company. The Company
berkala Perseroan melakukan Salary Survey periodically conducts a Salary Survey to ensure
untuk memastikan remunerasi yang diterima the remuneration received by employees
522 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
oleh pekerja dengan berdasarkan cost living based on cost living adjustments and market
adjustment dan market competitiveness. Hal competitiveness. This is necessary to ensure that
ini perlu dilakukan untuk menjaga agar talent talents remain in the Company and motivated
tetap bertahan di Perseroan dan termotivasi to increase their productivity.
untuk meningkatkan produktifitasnya.
4. Apresiasi 4. Appreciation
Perseroan memberikan penghargaan internal The Company gives internal awards in order
dalam rangka memotivasi efektivitas kinerja to motivate the employee to work effectively.
karyawan, penghargaan ini diharapkan dapat This award serves as a good example for
menjadi contoh baik bagi karyawan lainnya other employees so as to be able to increase
untuk dapat meningkatkan standarisasi yang standardization processes in accordance with
sesuai dengan prosedur tetap yang dimiliki fixed procedure of the Company.
Perseroan juga memberikan tanda penghargaan The Company also gives a token of appreciation
yang diberikan kepada karyawan yang telah to employees who have contributed and
berkontribusi dan memperlihatkan loyalitasnya show their loyalty to the Company. A token
kepada Perseroan. Tanda penghargaan yang of appreciation is given by the Company to
diberikan Perseroan kepada karyawan yang employees who have loyally worked continuously
telah bekerja terus menerus dengan sungguh- in a good manner for a certain period.
sungguh setia dan berkelakuan baik dalam
jangka waktu tertentu.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
n. Fasilitas ibadah (Masjid & Musholla disetiap n. Prayer facilities (mosque & prayer room on
lantai Gedung); each floor of the building);
o. Fasilitas untuk kegiatan keagamaan: Program o. Facilities for religious activities: Ramadhan
Ramadhan, Idul Qurban, Pengajian Bulanan, program, Eid al-Qurban, monthly recitation,
Kajian Muslimah dan Pendalaman Iman; study Muslimah and Deepening of Faith;
p. Perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) PT Elnusa Tbk; p. PT Elnusa Tbk’s Birthday Celebration (HUT);
q. Bantuan Kemanusiaan untuk Bencana q. Humanitarian Assistance for Natural
Alam, meliputi bantuan gempa dan banjir, Disasters, including earthquake and flood
dan bantuan sembako untuk tenaga harian assistance, and assistance basic needs for
dan outsourcing; daily labor and outsourcing;
r. Bantuan pulsa. r. Credit assistance.
Serikat pekerja Elnusa bernama SP Elnusa (SPE) The Elnusa trade union, namely SP Elnusa (SPE),
juga memberikan konsultasi kepada Perseroan also gives consultations to the Company in the
dalam penyusunan Peraturan Perusahaan (PP) preparation of Company Regulations (PP) 2019
tahun 2019 – 2021 yang mengatur hak dan – 2021, which regulates employees' rights and
kewajiban karyawan kepada Perseroan dan obligations to the Company and vice versa.
sebaliknya. Dokumen Peraturan Perusahaan The last document on the Company Regulation
(PP) yang mengikat pihak Manajemen (PP) that binds the Company Management and
Perseroan dan SP Elnusa terakhir disahkan the Elnusa SP was ratified by Decision of the
melalui Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pembinaan Director General of Industrial Relations and
Hubungan Industrial dan Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Workers Social Security No. KEP.411/PHIJSK-
Kerja No. KEP.411/ PHIJSK-PKKAD/PP/IV/2015 PKKAD/PP/IV/2015 on April 17, 2015. The
pada tanggal 17 April 2015. Perseroan terbilang Company has been quite successful in managing
cukup berhasil dalam mengelola hubungan yang conducive relationships with employees, whereby
kondusif dengan karyawan, di mana di sepanjang throughout 2020, there were no demonstrations
tahun 2020, tidak terdapat demonstrasi yang conducted by employees.
dilakukan oleh para karyawan.
7. Human Resource Information System (HRIS) 7. Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
Selama tahun 2020, Perseroan terus melakukan Throughout 2020, the Company always
improvement terhadap sistem HRIS yang improving HRIS system by added other features.
dimiliki dalam bentuk penambahan fitur Several application has been organized to
lainnya. Beberapa aplikasi yang telah dibuat digitalized HR management process in 2020,
dalam rangka mendigitalisasi proses-proses as follows:
pengelolaan SDM pada tahun 2020 adalah
sebagai berikut:
a. Perjalanan Dinas Online Luar Negeri a. Overseas online official travel
b. Recruitment Online 2.0 b. Recruitment online 2.0
c. Overtime Online c. Overtime Online
d. Presence Online d. Presence Online
e. HC Dashboard e. HC Dashboard
524 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Program dan Kegiatan Terkait Kesehatan dan Programs and Activities Related to Occupational
Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Health and Safety (OHS)
1. ELNUSA Golden Rules 1. ELNUSA Golden Rules
Elnusa Golden Rules terkait dengan keselamatan Elnusa Golden Rules related to safety are the
merupakan nilai keselamatan yang dimiliki safety values that workers have to implement
oleh pekerja untuk menerapkan keselamatan safety for themselves and those around us, the
terhadap diri sendiri dan orang di sekitar kita, Elnusa Golden rules are as follows:
Elnusa Golden rules sebagai berikut :
a. Patuh : Anda dan saya patuh pada hokum, a. Compliance: You and I comply with laws,
kebijakan, peraturan dan prosedur policies, rules and procedures
b. Intervensi : anda dan saya harus segera b. Intervention: you and I must immediately
melakukan intervensi terhadap tindakan intervene against unsafe and illegal acts
tidak aman dan yang menyalahi peraturan
c. Peduli : anda dan saya peduli pada setiap c. Care: you and I care for everyone around us
orang di sekitar kita
Anda dan Saya PATUH pada hukum, kebijakan, peraturan dan prosedur.
Anda dan Saya harus segera melakukan INTERVENSI terhadap
tindakan tidak aman dan yang menyalahi peraturan.
Anda dan Saya PEDULI pada setiap orang di sekitar kita.
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Adalah Hak dan Tanggung Jawab Setiap Pekerja
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Wajib menggunakan APD sesuai Tidak mengemudi di atas batas Wajib menggunakan sabuk pengaman
pekerjaan dan area kerja. kecepatan yang ditetapkan. saat berkendara (pengemudi dan
Must use the appropriate PPE in Don’t drive above specified speed penumpang).
accordance to the nature of the work limits. Must use a seat belt when driving
and work areas involved. (both driver and passengers).
Tidak menggunakan alat komunikasi Wajib menggunakan life jacket saat Pekerjaan yang Tidak Rutin atau
saat berkendara (pengemudi). menggunakan alat transportasi air. Berisiko Tinggi Wajib Dilakukan Kaji
Don’t use communication tools when Must use a life jacket when using Risiko JSA
driving (driver). water transportation. Work that is not Routine or High
Risk must be Conducted a JSA Risk
526 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
kompetensi dan program pendukung K3lain, training and other K3 support programs,
c. Memonitor dan memastikan implementasi c. Monitor and ensure that the implementation
K3 operasi telah sesuai dengan standar of K3 operations is in accordance with the
manajemen K3 Perseroan, dan Company’s K3 management standards, and
d. Menjalankan, mengawasi, mengkoordinasikan d. Carrying out, supervising, coordinating, and
serta menyiapkan saranadanprasaranaserta preparing the facilities and infrastructure and
SDMyangdibutuhkan untuk menunjang the human resources needed to support the
implementasi program kerja K3. implementation of the K3 work program.
Untuk menjamin pemenuhan aspek K3 bagi pekerja, To ensure the fulfillment of K3 aspects for
Perseroan juga menegaskan komitmen ini dalam employees, the Company also affirms this
Peraturan Perusahaan (PP). Pemenuhan aspek K3 commitment in the Company Regulations (PP).
bagi pekerja tercantum dalam PP Bab VI Pasal 32 The fulfillment of K3 aspects for workers is listed
hingga Pasal 45, atau 20% dari keseluruhan pasal in PP Chapter VI Article 32 to Article 45, or 20%
yang terdapat pada PP. Hal ini merupakan bentuk of the total articles contained in PP. This is a form
kepatuhan dan komitmen terhadap K3 yang menjadi of compliance and commitment to K3 which is a
tanggung jawab bersama baik pihak manajemen shared responsibility of both management and
maupun karyawan. employees.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
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PT Elnusa Tbk
d. Audit Internal Terintegrasi SUPREME, Survei d. SUPREME Integrated Internal Audit, HSSE
Budaya HSSE dan Fit to Work Assessment. Culture Survey and Fit to Work Assessment.
Pada waktu pandemi pekerja melakukan During a pandemic, the employees work in
pekerjaan di lapangan dengan jadwal yang the field on a longer schedule, so there is the
lebih lama, sehingga terdapat kemungkinan possibility of being fatigued or bored. Virtual
fatique ataupun jenuh. Virtual Management Management walkthroughs during the pandemic
walkthrough selama pandemic dilakukan setiap are carried out weekly to bring management
minggu untuk lebih mendekatkan management closer to employees and monitor current issues
dengan pekerja dan memantau isu-isu terkini in the field intensively.
yang ada di lapangan lebih intensif.
8 7 8
91% Usaha
% Direktur Operasi
Director of Human
Resources & General
Director of Business Affairs
Development %
Director of Operation
Terlaksana Belum Terlaksana
Done Not yet Done
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Corporate Social Responsibility
10. Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan 10. Implementation of the Contractor’s Work
Kerja Kontraktor (CSMS) Safety Management System (CSMS)
Sistem ini merupakan standar wajib yang harus This system is a mandatory standard that must
dipenuhi oleh mitra kerja Perseroan dengan be met by the Company’s work partners with
tingkat potensi kecelakaan kerja tinggi. Melalui a high level of potential for work accidents.
Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS), Through the Contractor Safety Management
Perseroan melakukan evaluasi kepada para System (CSMS), the Company evaluates its
mitra kerja mengenai aspek K3 sebagai bentuk partners regarding K3 aspects as a form of
prakualifikasi sebelum memulai pekerjaan. pre-qualification before starting work. This is
Hal ini dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa done to ensure that work partners are fit to
mitra kerja layak untuk melakukan pekerjaan do the job and support the achievement of the
dan mendukung tercapainya target kinerja K3 Company’s K3 performance targets. Monitoring
Perseroan. Monitoring atas CSMS ini dilakukan of this CSMS is carried out continuously. This
secara kontinyu. Hal ini untuk mendorong is to encourage partners to continue making
mitra kerja agar terus melakukan perbaikan continuous improvements to minimize the risk
berkelanjutan sehingga meminimalkan risiko of work accidents and to make K3 a shared
kecelakaan kerja serta membudayakan bahwa responsibility.
K3 merupakan tanggung jawab bersama.
11. Menggunakan Sarana dan Prasarana Kerja 11. Using Work Facilities According to OHS
Sesuai Standar K3 Standards
Komitmen Perseroan dalam membudayakan The Company’s commitment to cultivating K3 is
K3 juga diimbangi dengan penyediaan fasilitas also balanced with the provision of K3 working
sarana dan prasana kerja K3. Hal ini termasuk facilities and infrastructure. This includes the use
penggunaan alat pelindung diri standar yang of standard personal protective equipment that
yang harus dikenakan saat bekerja. Ketentuan should be worn while working. The provisions
mengenai hal ini ada pada kebijakan K3, Elnusa regarding this matter are in the K3 policy, Elnusa
Golden Rules, Elnusa Life saving rules dan Golden Rules, Elnusa Life saving rules and Elnusa
Elnusa Zero Tolerance. Selain itu, Perseroan juga Zero Tolerance. Besides, the Company has also
mendirikan Crisis Management Center (CMC) established a Crisis Management Center (CMC)
yang merupakan wadah untuk penanggulangan which is a forum for disaster management. CMC
bencana. Aktivasi CMC dapat dilakukan secara activation can be done in stages based on the
berjenjang berdasarkan tingkatan kondisi level of the emergency or crisis that occurred.
darurat atau krisis yang terjadi. Terdiri dari Consists of level 1, namely emergencies at the
level 1 yaitu keadaan darurat di lokasi operasi, operation site, which if it cannot be handled
yang jika tidak bisa ditangani akan naik ke level will rise to level 2, namely emergencies at
2 yaitu keadaan darurat di level operasional/ the operational/division level and the most
divisi dan yang paling darurat adalah level 1 yang emergency is level 1 which requires handling by
mebutuhkan penanganan dengan melibatkan involving cross-regional/area assistance and
bantuan lintas kawasan/area serta instansi related government agencies at the central level.
pemerintah terkait di tingkat pusat.
12. Meminimalkan Risiko dan Bahaya Terkait 12. Minimizing The Risks and Hazards Related to
Kesehatan Health
Komitmen Perseroan dalam meningkatkan The Company’s commitment to improving OHS
kinerja K3 juga dilakukan dengan upaya performance is also carried out by minimizing
meminimalkan risiko dan bahaya terkait risks and hazards related to health. In 2020,
kesehatan. Pada tahun 2020, kesehatan health will become one of the main focuses in
menjadi salah satu focus utama utama dalam preventing and anticipating the spread of the
pencegahan dan antisipasi penyebaran Virus Covid-19 virus in the work area. Conducting
Covid-19 di area kerja. Melakukan prescreening strict prescreening on duty and anticipating
on duty yang ketat dan antisipasi melalui through 5M policies and regulations is one of
kebijakan dan peraturan 5M menjadi salah the ways to prevent the spread of the Covid-19
satu dalam mencegah penyebaran virus virus. Monitoring is carried out every day through
530 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Covid-19. Pemantauan dilakukan setiap hari attendance which must include geotagging and
melalui absensi yang harus menyertakan confirmation of workers’ health status every day.
geotagging dan konfirmasi status kesehatan Elnusa is committed to preventing its workers
pekerja setiap harinya. Elnusa berkomitmen from catching Covid-19. The impact that can be
untuk mencegah pekerjanya terkena Covid-19. generated in a work location if there is a spread
Dampak yang dapat ditimbulkan dalam suatu of the virus can have an impact on shutdown
lokasi kerja apabila terdapat penyebaran virus operations or the death of workers.
bisa berdampak kepada shutdown operation
atau kematian pekerja.
Di samping itu semua, sebagai bentuk kuratif Besides all that, as a form of curative the
Perseroan menyediakan pelayanan kesehatan Company provides health services and a medical
dan sistem evakuasi medis untuk memastikan evacuation system to ensure the best treatment.
penanganan terbaik. Perseroan menyediakan The Company provides a clinic and ambulance
klinik beserta ambulans untuk memfasilitasi to facilitate the medical treatment of employees
penanganan medis karyawan yang bekerja in collaboration with medical partners. This
sama dengan mitra kerja kedokteran. Upaya effort is the Company’s commitment to provide
ini merupakan komitmen Perseroan untuk assurance to all workers in getting the best
memberikan jaminan kepada seluruh pekerja treatment for health services and medical
dalam mendapatkan penanganan terbaik evacuation when facing health problems at
pelayanan kesehatan dan evakuasi medis work. For emergency conditions in the field
ketika menghadapi masalah kesehatan saat that require medical evacuation, the Company
bekerja. Untuk kondisi darurat di lapangan also collaborates with third parties. This system
yang mebutuhkan evakuasi medis, Perseroan has been applied to all project locations and is
pun melakukan kerja sama dengan pihak ketiga. integrated with the Elnusa Crisis Management
Sistem ini telah diaplikasikan pada semua Center.
lokasi projek dan terintegrasi dengan Crisis
Management Center Elnusa.
Sementara, melalui berbagai upaya yang telah Meanwhile, through various efforts that have
dilakukan Perseroan untuk mencapai kinerja HSE been made by the Company to achieve excellent
ekselen, Secara keseluruhan, jam kerja tahun 2020 bila HSE performance, Overall, the working hours of
dibandingkan dengan pencapaian setahun terakhir 2020 when compared to the achievements of the
menunjukkan tren penurunan. Hal ini di karenakan last year show a downward trend. This is because
pandemic berdampak pada project yang berjalan di the pandemic has impacted projects that were
tahun 2020, selain itu terdapat penurunan di bagian running in 2020, besides that there was a decline
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Corporate Social Responsibility
sector hilir yang berdampak kepada manhour secara in the downstream sector which has an impact on
persero. Detail informasi dapat dilihat pada tabel di manhour as a company. Detailed information can
bawah ini: be seen in the table below:
Fatality 0 0 0
0 0 0
Lost Time Injury
Restricted Work Case
2 1 0
Medical Treatment
Case 4 4 1
Lost Day Incident 2020 2019 2018
34.629.791 40.566.658 43.228.982
0 0 35
0 0 0,04
0,17 0,19 0,09
Tingkat Total Kecelakaan Tercatat (TRIFR) The Total Recorded Accident Rate (TRIFR) is an OHS
merupakan indikator kinerja K3 yang mengukur performance indicator that measures the number of
jumlah kejadian kecelakaan kerja dibandingkan accidents at work compared to the number of hours
dengan jumlah jam kerja dan konstanta denominator. worked and a constant denominator. Accidents
Kejadian kecelakaan yang dihitung adalah that are calculated are work accidents that cause
kecelakaan kerja yang menyebabkan kematian, death, lost work days, prohibition of employees from
kehilangan hari kerja, pelarangan karyawan untuk working and medical treatment. The smaller the
bekerja dan penanganan medis. Semakin kecil nilai TRIFR value, the better the K3 performance.
TRIFR mengindikasikan bahwa kinerja K3 semakin
Pada tahun 2020, nilai TRIR Perseroan dan group In 2020, the TRIR value of the Company and the group
sebesar 0,17. Nilai TRIR ini disebabkan karena is 0.17. This TRIR value is caused by the occurrence
terjadinya beberapa kecelakaan kerja yang of several work accidents in the moderate category.
berkategori sedang. Walaupun demikian pencapaian Even so, this achievement is still classified as good
ini tetap tergolong baik karena target tercapai dari because the target is achieved from a tolerance
tolerance 0.23 dan di 2020 tidak adanya kematian of 0.23 and in 2020 neither death nor loss of time
maupun hilangnya waktu yang disebabkan caused by work accidents can be realized.
kecelakaan kerja dapat terealisasi.
532 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Keluhan mengenai praktik ketenagakerjaan dapat Complaints regarding labor practices can be
disampaikan kepada Serikat Pekerja. Secara submitted to the Worker Union. By deliberation,
musyawarah, Serikat Pekerja dapat menjembatani the Trade Union can bridge the submission of
penyampaian keluhan tersebut dan memberikan these complaints and provide advocacy to workers.
advokasi kepada pekerja. Keluhan mengenai praktik Complaints regarding OSH practices can be
K3 dapat disampaikan melalui berbagai saluran submitted through various safety channels, such as
keselamatan, seperti hazard observation card, stop hazard observation cards, stop work authorities and
work authority dan lainnya. others.
Sertifikasi dan Penghargaan di Bidang Certification and Awards in the Field of Manpower,
Ketenagakerjaan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Occupational Health and Safety
Perseroan memiliki dua sertifikasi eksternal terkait The Company has two external certifications
ketenagakerjaan, kesehatan dan keselamatan related to employment, health and safety which
kerja yang berlaku hingga 2021. Kedua sertifikasi are valid until 2021. Both certifications are part of
merupakan bagian dari sistem manajemen its integrated management system. Details of the
terintegrasi yang dimiliki. Detail dari sertifikasi certification are presented in the table below.
sebagaimana tersaji pada tabel di bawah.
Sementara itu atas upaya yang telah dilakukan Meanwhile, for the efforts that have been made
sepanjang 2019, Perseroan meraih tujuh penghargaan throughout 2020, the Company won nine awards
dari berbagai pihak. Dua di antaranya adalah from various parties. Details of the award who
penghargaan atas pengelolaan baik sumur-sumur obtained the Company presented in the table at
di Blok Mahakam selama 9 kali serta pengakuan dari the bottom.
SOCO Exploration (Vietnam) Ltd atas kerja survei
seismik yang dilakukan. Detail dari penghargaan
yang diperoleh Perseroan tersaji pada tabel di
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Sertifikasi Bidang Ketenagakerjaan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja yang Masih Berlaku di Tahun 2020
Certifications of the Employment, Health and Safety that are Still Valid in 2020
Masa Berlaku
Tanggal Dikeluarkannya Sertifikasi Jenis Sertifikat Dikeluarkan oleh
Date of Issuance Types of Certifications Issued by
22 Agustus 2018 21 Agustus 2021
ISO 14001 : 2015 SGS Indonesia
August 22, 2018 August 21, 2021
19 Juli 2018 12 Maret 2021
OHSAS 18001 : 2007 SGS Indonesia
July 19, 2018 March 12, 2021
Institusi yang
Tanggal Nama Penghargaan
Date Name of Award
Awarding Institutions
4 Februari 2020 Manajemen keselamatan atau Contractor Safety Management PT Pertamina EP untuk
4 February 2020 System (CSMS) dengan predikat “good performance” wilayah kerja di asset 5
Safety management or Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) (PEP Asset 5) –
with the predicate "good performance" PT Pertamina EP
PT Pertamina EP for the
work area in asset 5 (PEP
Asset 5) -
PT Pertamina EP
13 Februari 2020 1st Winner Kategori Hino Ranger Hino Safety Driving
13 February 2020 1st Winner in the Hino Ranger Category Competition 2020
22 Februari 2020 1st Winner Elnusa Defensive & Responsible Driving Festival 2020 PT Elnusa Tbk
22 February 2020
11 Februari 2020 Elnusa Raih Apresiasi Pertamina RU IV atas Keberhasilan Turn Around Pertamina RU IV
11 February 2020 Project
Elnusa Wins Pertamina RU IV Appreciation for the Success of the Turn
Around Project
10 Februari 2020 Kontraktor terbaik dalam Operation & HSSE Excellence Drilling PHE Offshore Southeast
10 February 2020 Workover Well Services (DWOWS) Sumatra (PHE OSES)
Best contractor in Operation & HSSE Excellence Drilling Workover Well
Services (DWOWS)
534 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Institusi yang
Tanggal Nama Penghargaan
Date Name of Award
Awarding Institutions
9 Juli 2020 Anugerah BUMN 2020 sebagai Terbaik III Kategori Aliansi Strategi BUMN Track/BUMN
9 July 2020 Nasional dan Global untuk Perusahaan BUMN dan Anak Perusahaan Award
The 2020 SOE Award as the 3rd Best in the Category of National and
Global Strategy Alliance for SOE Companies and SOE Subsidiaries Tbk
September 2020 IDX Channel Anugerah Inovasi Indonesia 2020 Kategori Produk dan IDX Channel
September 2020 Model Bisnis untuk FIN OSD dari IDX Channel.
IDX Channel Anugerah Inovasi Indonesia 2020 Product Category and
Business Model for FIN OSD from IDX Channel.
November 2020 DataGovAi Award 2020 sebagai Best BIG Data Technology in Oil & ABDI (Asosiasi Big Data
November 2020 Gas Enterprises 2020 & AI), Majalah Komite.ID
DataGovAi Award 2020 as Best BIG Data Technology in Oil & Gas ABDI (Big Data & AI
Enterprises 2020 Association), Committee
Desember 2020 Penghargaan Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan KLHK
December 2020 (PROPER) Tahun 2020 kategori Biru
Award for the 2020 Corporate Performance Rating Program (PROPER) in
the Blue category
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 535
Corporate Social Responsibility
Pergeseran aktivitas industri migas dari hilir ke hulu The shift of oil and gas industry activities from
migas mempengaruhi kinerja ekonomi Perseroan. downstream to upstream oil and gas affects the
Namun demikian ditengah pergeseran kondisi yang Company's economic performance. However,
ada, Perseroan tetap berkomitmen bahwa CID amidst the shifting conditions, the Company
merupakan investasi sosial dan bagian terpadu remains committed that CID is a social investment
dalam proses bisnis. Komitmen pelaksanaan CID and an integrated part of the business process.
Perseroan tertuang pada kebijakan Corsec-K.1.3 The commitment to implement the Company's
(Rev.01) yang mengacu pada ISO 26000: Social CID is stated in Corsec-K.1.3 (Rev.01) policy which
Responsibility dalam pelaksanaannya dan refers to ISO 26000: Social Responsibility in its
merupakan bentuk kepatuhan Perseroan terhadap implementation and is a form of the Company's
Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang compliance with Law Number 40 Year 2007
Perseroan Terbatas. concerning Limited Liability Companies.
Dalam melaksanakan komitmen CID, kebijakan yang In implementing the CID commitments, the policies
dilaksanakan Perseroan adalah sebagai berikut: implemented by the Company are as follows:
1. Kegiatan CID harus berlandaskan nilai-nilai dan 1. CID activities are based on the Company’s values
standar etika Perseroan yang berlaku dengan and ethical standards, which are based on the
berprinsip pada akuntabilitas, transparansi, principles of good corporate governance, namely,
berperilaku etis, menghormati kepentingan para transparency, accountability, responsibility,
stakeholders, mematuhi hukum yang berlaku, independence, and fairness.
menghormati norma yang berlaku, serta
menghormati hak asasi manusia.
2. Strategi CID harus selaras dengan strategi 2. The CID strategy must be aligned with short-
korporasi baik jangka pendek maupun panjang term and long-term corporate strategy.
3. CID merupakan bagian dari investasi sosial serta 3. CID is part of social investment and business
strategi bisnis untuk menjamin keberlanjutan strategies to ensure the sustainability of
pertumbuhan usaha. business growth.
Isu dan Risiko Sosial yang Dihadapi Perusahaan Social Issues and Risks Faced by the Company
Secara sifat bisnis, Perseroan memiliki tiga segmen In terms of business nature, the Company has three
yang karakteristik isu sosialnya berbeda-beda. Lokasi segments with different social issue characteristics.
kerja jasa hulu migas umumnya berada di hutan, laut The upstream oil and gas service work locations
maupun pemukiman rendah penduduk. Jasa distribusi are generally located in forests, sea and low
dan logistik energi pada segmen hilir berada pada population settlements. Energy distribution and
area pemukiman ramai penduduk. Sementara jasa logistics services in the downstream segment are
penunjang berlokasi di area fabrikasi. Untuk durasi in crowded residential areas. While supporting
proyek, jasa hulu migas dan penunjang berkisar 6-15 services are located in the fabrication area. For
bulan, sedangkan jasa distribusi dan logistik energi the duration of the project, upstream oil and gas
memiliki durasi kontrak yang lebih panjang. Selain and supporting services range from 6-15 months,
wilayah operasi, Perseroan juga mengembangkan while energy distribution and logistics services
kegiatan pelibatan dan pengembangan masyarakat have a longer contract duration. In addition to
di kantor pusat. Secara karakteristik, area kantor the operational area, the Company also develops
536 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
pusat berdampingan dengan pemukiman padat community engagement and development activities
penduduk serta perkantoran lain. at the head office. Characteristically, the head office
area is adjacent to densely populated settlements
and other offices.
Berdasarkan karakteristik ini, isu dan risiko sosial Based on these characteristics, social engagement
pelibatan dan pengembangan masyarakat yang and community development issues and risks faced
dihadapi Perseroan sangat bervariatif. Secara by the Company are very varied. Generally, it can be
umum dapat dipetakan sebagai berikut: mapped as follows:
1. Wilayah operasi. Isu yang sering muncul 1. Operating area. The issue that often arises is
adalah permintaan masyarakat sekitar untuk the request of the surrounding community to
dapat dilibatkan dalam kegiatan operasional, be involved in operational activities, requests for
permohonan dukungan berbagai kegiatan support of various community activities, general
kemasyarakatan, keluhan umum pelaksanaan complaints regarding the implementation of
kegiatan operasional dan sebagainya. operational activities and so on.
2. Wilayah kantor pusat. Isu yang sering mundul 2. Head office area. The issue that often arises is
adalah kepedulian sosial perusahaan. corporate social awareness.
Sementara risiko yang dapat terjadi antara lain Meanwhile, the risks that can occur include
ketidaksepahaman antara Perseroan dengan disagreement between the Company and the
masyarakat. Umumnya di karenakan antara rencana community. Those occur due to the Company's plans
Perseroan dan keinginan masyarakat tidak sejalan. and people's desires are not in line.
Lingkup dan Perumusan Tanggung Jawab Scope and Formulation of Corporate Social
Sosial Perusahaan terhadap Pengembangan Responsibility towards Social and Community
Sosial dan Kemasyarakatan Development
Lingkup dan perumusan tanggung sosial perusahaan The scope and formulation of corporate social
terhadap pengembangan sosial kemasyarakatan responsibility towards social development include
meliputi pelibatan masyarakat lokal sebagai programs to improve the quality of life of the
tenaga kerja operasi, serta program peningkatan community, such as the distribution of aid, community
kualitas hidup masyarakat, seperti pemberdayaan empowerment, improvement of social facilities and
masyarakat, perbaikan sarana dan prasarana infrastructure, improvement of education and health
sosial, peningkatan pendidikan dan kesehatan serta and other forms of donation/empowerment.
kepedulian sosial lainnya.
Mekanisme perumusan program didasarkan atas The formulation mechanism of the program is based
risiko negatif kegiatan operasional Perseroan dan on the negative risks of the Company's operational
dampak yang mungkin muncul terhadap kondisi activities and the impact that may arise on the social
sosial masyarakat. Berdasarkan risiko-risiko conditions of the community. Based on the risks that
yang mungkin muncul ini, Perseroan berupaya may arise, the Company seeks to minimize its impact
meminimalisasi dampaknya melalui berbagai through various social responsibilities. In addition,
tanggung jawab sosial. Selain itu, program juga the program was also formulated based on the social
dirumuskan berdasarkan kondisi sosial masyarakat conditions of the community and the Company's
serta rencana pengembangan komunitas Perseroan. community development plans.
Strategi Perseroan dalam tanggung jawab The Company's strategies for social and community
pengembangan sosial dan kemasyarakatan adalah : development responsibility are:
1. Melibatkan masyarakat maupun stakeholders 1. Involving the community and other relevant
terkait lain di area kerja sebagai bagian dalam stakeholders in the work area as part of
kegiatan operasional; operational activities;
2. Berpartisipasi aktif dalam kepedulian sosial 2. Participating actively in social care by
dengan menerapkan pemberdayaan komunitas implementing community empowerment or
atau community involvement & development community involvement & development through
melalui aspek three fundamentals for a better aspects of three fundamentals for a better life;
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Rencana dan Target Kegiatan di Sepanjang Planned Activities and Target in 2020
Tahun 2020
Perseroan memiliki target bahwa dalam setiap The Company has a target to eliminate negative
pelaksanaan kegiatan operasi yang dilaksanakan, impact resulted from operational activities, such
tidak adanya dampak negatif, pelanggaran maupun as violation and complaint that occur either at the
pengaduan yang terjadi baik di kantor pusat, cabang, head office, branches, warehouses or in the area of
warehouse maupun di area operasi. Tidak ada sanksi operations. No monetary or non-monetary sanctions
moneter maupun non-moneter yang diberikan atas are imposed for non-compliance with applicable laws
ketidakpatuhan terhadap hukum serta peraturan and regulations.
yang berlaku.
Selain itu, Perseroan menargetkan bahwa jumlah In addition, the Company targets that the
benefisiaris yang dilibatkan dan diberdayakan number of beneficiaries involved and empowered
meningkat setiap tahunnya. Peningkatan increases every year. The increase in beneficiaries
benefisiaris ini merupakan salah satu indikator yang is one indicators that becomes the reference for
menjadi acuan kinerja pelibatan dan pemberdayaan the performance of community involvement and
masyarakat yang dilakukan Perseroan. empowerment conducted by the Company.
Program dan Kegiatan yang Dilakukan dan Implemented Programs and Activities and Their
Dampaknya Impacts
1. Pemberdayaan Tenaga Kerja Lokal dalam 1. Empowerment of Local Workers in Operational
Aktivitas Operasi Activities
Pelibatan masyarakat sebagai tenaga kerja The involvement of the community as a local
lokal bertujuan untuk mendukung kesejahteraan workforce is carried out with the aim of supporting
hidup masyarakat di sekitar daerah operasi. the welfare of communities in the surrounding
Pelibatan diawali dengan pelatihan teknis areas of operations of the Company. This
hingga pelaksanaan pekerjaan dengan tetap involvement begins with technical training and
memperhatikan aspek QHSSE. Upaya ini goes all the way to carrying out work, while taking
merupakan bisnis inklusif yang dilakukan aspects of QHSSE into account. This effort is a
Perseroan di berbagai area operasional. Posisi manifestation of inclusive business that is carried
yang dipekerjakan antara lain: asisten humas, out by the Company in various operational areas.
tim pengeboran, tim topografi, signal man, Employment positions for community members
wakar personel, waterline crew dan lain-lain include public relations assistant, drilling team,
untuk berbagai proyek Perseroan. topography team, signal man, wakar personnel,
waterline crew, and others
538 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
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Corporate Social Responsibility
kegiatan yang dilakukan terbatas • The activities carried out are limited
pada edukasi keislaman dalam bentuk to Islamic education in the form of
pengajian maupun majelis ilmu recitation and science assemblies
yang dilakukan secara daring, juga which are carried out online, and other
dengan kegiatan lain seperti buka activities such as breakfasting with the
puasa bersama masyarakat di sekitar community around Graha Elnusa which
Graha Elnusa yang dilakukan dengan is carried out by distributes rice box at
pemberian nasi kotak di Masjid Baitul the Baitul Hikmah Elnusa Mosque which
Hikmah Elnusa yang ditujukan ke warga is aimed at residents around the ring 1
sekitar area ring 1 Graha Elnusa selama area Graha Elnusa during Ramadan. As
bulan Ramadhan. Sedangkan untuk for the tarawih prayers in congregation
Sholat tarawih berjamaah dan bahkan and even silence (I’tikaf) in 2020 was
berdiam diri (I’tikaf) tahun 2020 ini did not carried out to break the chain
ditiadakan untuk memutus mata rantai of the Covid-19. More than 350 people
penyebaran Covid-19. Terhitung lebih both within the company and in the
dari 350 orang baik dalam lingkungan surrounding community receive the
perusahaan maupun masyarakat benefits of this program every year.
sekitar menerima manfaat program ini
tiap tahunnya.
• Pengembangan Sekolah Mandiri • Development of Independent Schools
Perseroan dan Grup selalu berupaya The Company and the Group always
untuk mendukung dan mengutamakan strive to support and prioritize the world
dunia pendidikan melalui pengembangan of education through the development of
sekolah mandiri di berbagai daerah. independent schools in various regions.
Bentuk dari dukungan yang dilakukan The support is carried out in a form of
adalah pengembangan dengan development and improvement of the
peningkatan kualitas maupun kuantitas quality and quantity of educational
dari sarana dan prasarana yang ada. facilities and infrastructure.
540 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
tebar kurban ini dilakukan dengan tetap stocking action will be carried out with due
memperhatikan protokol Kesehatan observance of the Health protocol with a
dengan total hewan qurban Sapi total of 34 cattle and 109 goats. The number
sebanyak 34 ekor dan Kambing sebanyak of beneficiaries as a Persero was 10,907.
109 ekor. Jumlah penerima manfaat
secara Persero sebanyak 10.907.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
542 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Kegiatan bisnis Perseroan dituntut tetap to still operates, the several strategies
harus beroperasi sehingga dilakukan were implemented tokeep working
beberapa strategi untuk tetap bekerja while stilll complying to all strict health
dengan mematuhi semua protokol protocols both in office, location
Kesehatan yang ditetapkan secara ketat area,and workshop/warehouse. This
baik di lingkungan kantor, area lokasi pandemic condition has encouraged
maupun workshop/warehouse. Kondisi the Company to actively distributed
pandemi ini membuat Perseroan secara donations to several hospitals both in
aktif memberikan donasi ke beberapa the Jabodetabek area and throughout
Rumah Sakit baik di area Jabodetabek the Elnusa area. Donations were
maupun di seluruh area lokasi Elnusa. distributed in the form of complete
Donasi yang diberikan berupa Alat Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Pelindung Diri (APD) lengkap (head (head cap, coverall, gloves, N95 mask,
cap, coverall, sarung tangan, N95 mask, safety goggles, faceshield, shoes
safety goggles, faceshield, shoes cover) cover) for medical health personnel.
bagi tenaga Kesehatan medis. Tidak Not only complete PPE, donations of
hanya APD lengkap, donasi berupa handsanitizers were also delivered to the
handsanitizer juga disampaikan kepada orphanage and the community around
panti asuhan maupun masyarakat the Elnusa location. The total corporate
sekitar area lokasi Elnusa. Total secara value for the Covid-19 Donation is 15,710
Perseroan untuk Donasi Covid-19 ini (fifteen thousand seven hundred and
yaitu 15.710 (lima belas ribu tujuh ratus ten) beneficiaries.
sepuluh) penerima manfaat.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 543
Corporate Social Responsibility
Biaya Tanggung Jawab Sosial Bidang The Cost of Social Responsibility towards Social and
Pengembangan Sosial dan Kemasyarakatan Community Development
Jumlah penyaluran program tanggung jawab sosial The total cost of conducting the social responsibility
bidang pengembangan sosial dan kemasyarakatan programs related to social and community
dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini. development can be seen in the table below.
2020 2019 2018
Nilai Investasi (Rp Miliar)
11,2 40,9 16,4
Investment Value (Rp Billion)
Penghargaan Bidang Pengembangan Sosial Awards in the Field of Social and Community
dan Kemasyarakatan Development
Berikut ini adalah sertifikat dan penghargaan yang The following are certificates and awards that
berhasil Elnusa pertahankan dan dapatkan selama Elnusa managed to maintain and obtained during
tahun 2020. 2020.
Tanggal Dikeluarkannya
Sertifikasi Jenis Sertifikat Dikeluarkan oleh Masa Berlaku Hingga
Issue Date of Certificate Type Issued by Validity Period
ISO 9001:2015
12 Agustus 2018 12 Agustus 2021
Sistem Manajemen Mutu SGS Indonesia
12 Auguts 2018 12 August 2021
Quality Management System
ISO 37001:2016
12 Agustus 2020 12 Agustus 2023
Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan (SMAP) SGS Indonesia
12 August 2020 12 August 2023
Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS)
Penghargaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Bidang Pengembangan Sosial dan Kemasyarakatan di Tahun 2020
Social Responsibility Award for Social and Community Development in 2020
Institusi yang
Tanggal Nama Penghargaan
Date Award Name
Providing Institution
The 2nd Anugerah HUMAS INDONESIA Kategori Anak BUMN Terpopuler Media Humas
di Media Digital 2020 Indonesia
November 2020
The 2nd Anugerah HUMAS INDONESIA Category for the Most Popular SOE Indonesian Public
Subsidiary in Digital Media 2020 Relations Media
Pemenang The 2nd Anugerah HUMAS INDONESIA Kategori Pemimpin Media Humas
Anak BUMN Terpopuler di Media Digital 2020 Indonesia
November 2020
Winner of The 2nd Indonesian Public Relations Award for the Most Popular Indonesian Public
SOE Subsidiary Leader Category in Digital Media 2020 Relations Media
Desember 2020
Indonesia Top Digital Public Relation Award (Top Digital PR Award) 2020 TransCo
December 2020
544 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Kesungguhan untuk memberikan layanan terbaik Eagerness to provide the best service to customers
kepada pelanggan melalui peningkatan kualitas jasa through improving the quality of this service is the
ini merupakan semangat Perseroan. Hal ini didasari spirit of the Company which is based on the fact that
bahwa pelanggan adalah pemangku kepentingan customers are stakeholders who have a strategic role
yang mempunyai peran strategis dalam menjamin in ensuring business continuity. Customer success
keberlangsungan usaha. Kesuksesan pelanggan is the success of the Company. The realization of
merupakan kesuksesan Perseroan. Realisasi this commitment is carried out by the Company by
komitmen ini dilaksanakan Perseroan dengan implementing the following policies:
menerapkan kebijakan-kebijakan sebagai berikut:
1. Mengadopsi standarisasi yang berlaku secara 1. Adopting standards that apply internationally
internasional dan memperbaharuinya secara and renewing these standards regularly and
rutin & berkala periodically
2. Memastikan inovasi berkelanjutan pada setiap 2. Encouraging continuous innovations in every
fungsi Perseroan function of the Company
3. Mengimplementasikan sosialiasi, monitor dan 3. Implementing socialization, monitoring and
evaluasi terhadap mutu dari fungsi Perseroan evaluation of the quality of the Company’s
Sebagai turunan dari kebijakan pengelolaan kualitas As a derivative of a service quality management
jasa, Perseroan terus melakukan berbagai upaya policy, The Company continues to make various
baik perbaikan pada lini servis yang telah ada, efforts to improve existing service lines, as well as
maupun penambahan value preposition baru dengan adding value prepositions new with digitalization.
Lingkup dan Perumusan Tanggung Jawab Scope and Formulation of Corporate Social
Sosial Perusahaan terhadap Konsumen Responsibility towards Consumers
Perseroan memiliki tiga segmen bisnis jasa energi The Company has three business segments of energy
yaitu 1) Jasa hulu migas, 2) Jasa distribusi dan services. They are 1) Upstream oil and gas services,
logistik energi, dan 3) Jasa penunjang. Detail 2) Energy logistics distribution and services, and 3)
informasi mengenai segmen bisnis ini dapat dibaca supporting services. Detailed information about these
pada subbab bidang usaha, bab Profil Perusahaan. business segments can be found in the Field of Business
Komunikasi pemasaran atas jasa melalui berbagai sub-section of the Company Profile section. Marketing
aktivitas maupun media pemasaran secara business communication for services offered is done through
to business kepada pelanggan. various activities and through business-to-business
media marketing to customers.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Peran Perseroan dalam memberikan jasa dilakukan The role of the Company in providing services is
dengan menyediakan sumber daya profesional, done by means of providing professional resources,
peralatan maupun material yang diperlukan untuk equipment and materials needed to provide solutions
memberikan solusi atas permasalahan pelanggan. to customer problems. The Company’s appointment
Proses penunjukkan Perseroan sebagai kontraktor process as a service contractor is carried out in
jasa dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku accordance with tender procedures applicable in
di Indonesia. Tidak ada insiden ketidakpatuhan Indonesia. There have been no incidents of non-
terhadap peraturan dalam hal ini. compliance with regulations on this matter.
Dalam memberikan layanan jasa kepada para In providing services to customers, the Company
pelanggan, Perseroan selalu memastikan bahwa always ensures that customers receive more than the
pelanggan tidak hanya mendapatkan layanan best operating services. Also, the Company eagerly
jasa operasi terbaik. Namun, bersungguh- exerts all efforts for occupational health and safety
sungguh mengupayakan praktik kesehatan dan practices of customers, environmentally responsible
keselamatan kerja pelanggan, praktik operasi yang operating practices, and fair employment practices.
bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan, serta The Company’s efforts to formulate these practices
praktik ketenagakerjaan yang adil. Upaya untuk are contained in various provisions.
merumuskan praktik-praktik ini ada dalam berbagai
ketentuan yang ada pada Perseroan.
546 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Perseroan menerapkan audit terpadu secara The Company implements an integrated internal
internal dan eksternal atas implementasi ISO and external audit of the implementation of ISO
9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007, 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015, OHSAS 18001:
ISO 55001:2014 dan ISO 37001:2016. Perseroan 2007, ISO 55001: 2014, and ISO 37001: 2016. The
tercatat baik dalam menerapkan sistem company was recorded well at implementing the
manajemen QHSSE terintegrasi di atas. above integrated QHSSE management system.
Berikut 5 inovasi unggulan di tahun 2020: Here are 5 top innovations in 2020:
a. High Inhibite Water Base Mud Dengan Fin Hib a. High Inhibite Water Base Mud With Fin Hib In
Di Project Pengeboran Pertamina EP Aset 3 Pertamina EP Asset Drilling Project 3
b. Nitrogen Balance Load Hydraulic Pumping b. Nitrogen Balance Load Hydraulic Pumping
Unit (NBL – HPU) Unit (NBL - HPU)
c. Innovasi Desain Rig HWU EHR#09 dgn Model c. Innovation in HWU EHR # 09 Rig Design
Tandem 3 Sub Assy di Project PHE OSES with Tandem 3 Sub Assy Model in PHE OSES
d. Replikasi Skidding Substructure Di Project d. Replication of the Skidding Substructure at
PGE Hululais Bengkulu, PT Elnusa the PGE Hululais Bengkulu Project, PT Elnusa
e. Metode First Break Nodal Positioning Di e. First Break Nodal Positioning Method in the
Survei Seismik 3d Xray Marine PHE OSES 3D Xray Marine PHE OSES Seismic Survey
Survei dilakukan secara sampling dan periodik Management.Surveys are carried out by
pada pelanggan melalui penyebaran angket, sampling and periodically to customers
wawancara ataupun observasi dilapangan. through distributing questionnaires, interviews
Tingkat kepuasan pelanggan (customer or field observations. The level of customer
satisfaction index/ CSI) terhadap kinerja Elnusa satisfaction (customer satisfaction index/CSI)
di tahun 2020 adalah 4,21 dan ini sesuai dengan with Elnusa’s performance in 2020 is 4.21 and
target Perseroan untuk target CSI adalah 4 this is in accordance with the Company’s target
dari skala 5 dengan jumlah responden di tahun for the CSI target of 4 out of a scale of 5 with
2020 sebanyak 86 responden, meningkat bila the number of respondents in 2020 as many as
dibandingkan di tahun 2019 yaitu sebanyak 60 86 respondents, increasing compared to 2019,
responden. namely as many as 60 respondents.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
548 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Indikator Pencapaian
Indicator Achievements
Risalah CIP 200 risalah
CIP Summaries 200 documents
Value creation Rp549 miliar | billion
Pengaduan Terkait Layanan serta Produk Complaint on the Services and Products of the
Perusahaan dan Penanganannya Company and Its Handling Process
Agar dapat memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada In order to provide the best service to the consumers,
konsumen, Perseroan berupaya untuk memperoleh the Company tries to obtain feedback and inputs,
umpan balik dan masukan, baik dari konsumen both from consumers and from stakeholders.
maupun dari para pemangku kepentingan. The Company also has a mechanism to deal with
Perseroan juga telah memiliki mekanisme dalam consumer complaints both directly, as well as for
menangani pengaduan konsumen baik secara complaints via other media, starting from the front
langsung maupun pengaduan melalui media, mulai lines to the respective units. For the Management,
dari lini depan hingga unit yang bertanggung these complaints can be used to further improve the
jawab. Bagi Manajemen, pengaduan ini dapat Company's performance in the future. Consumers
digunakan untuk memperbaiki kinerja Perseroan di and stakeholders can make complaints through the
masa datang. Konsumen dan stakeholders dapat provided channels, namely the Call Center and on
melakukan pengaduan lewat berbagai media yang the Company's website.
sudah disediakan, yaitu contact center dan situs web
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 549
Corporate Social Responsibility
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Keterangan Description
I. Ketentuan Umum I. General Provision
1. Laporan Tahunan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik 1. Annual Report of a listed company is one of the
merupakan sumber informasi penting bagi investor atau most important sources as the base for investors or
pemegang saham sebagai salah satu dasar pertimbangan √ shareholders in making investment decision, and is a
dalam pengambilan keputusan investasi dan sarana means of monitoring issuers or public company
pengawasan terhadap Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik.
2. Seiring dengan perkembangan Pasar Modal dan 2. Along with the development of Capital Market and the
meningkatnya kebutuhan investor atau pemegang saham growing needs of investors or shareholders regarding
atas keterbukaan informasi, Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris information disclosure, the Board of Directors and
dituntut untuk meningkatkan kualitas keterbukaan the Board of Commissioners are required to improve
informasi melalui Laporan Tahunan Emiten atau Perusahaan the quality of information disclosure through annual
Publik. report.
3. Laporan Tahunan yang disusun secara teratur dan 3. Annual Report should be prepared in an orderly manner
informatif dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi investor and should be informative to provide conveniences for
atau pemegang saham dalam memperoleh informasi yang the investors or shareholders in getting the information
dibutuhkan. they need.
4. Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan ini merupakan 4. This Circular Letter of the Financial Service Agency
pedoman bagi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik yang wajib serves a guidelines for Issuers or Public Companies that
diterapkan dalam menyusun Laporan Tahunan. should be applied in preparing their Annual Report.
554 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Keterangan Description
b. Laporan Tahunan dapat menyajikan informasi berupa b. Annual Report may present the information in
gambar, grafik, tabel, dan/atau diagram dengan form of images, charts, tables, and diagrams are
mencantumkan judul dan/atau keterangan yang jelas, presented by mentioning the title and/or clear
sehingga mudah dibaca dan dipahami; description, that is easy to read and be understood;
2. Uraian Isi Laporan Tahunan √ 2. Description of Content of Annual Report
a. Ikhtisar Data Keuangan Penting a. Summary of Key Financial Information
Ikhtisar Data Keuangan Penting memuat informasi Summary of Key Financial Information contains
keuangan yang disajikan dalam bentuk perbandingan financial information presented in comparison with
selama 3 (tiga) tahun buku atau sejak memulai √ previous 3 (thre fiscal years or since commencement
usahanya jika Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik tersebut of business if the Issuers or the Public Company
menjalankan kegiatan usahanya kurang dari 3 (tiga) commencing the business less than 3 (thre years, at
tahun, paling sedikit memuat least contain:
• pendapatan/penjualan; 14 • income/sales;
• laba bruto; 14 • gross profit;
• laba (rugi); 14 • profit (loss);
• jumlah laba (rugi) yang dapat diatribusikan • total profit (loss) attributable to equity holders
kepada pemilik entitas induk dan kepentingan non 14 of the parent entity and noncontrolling interest;
• total laba (rugi) komprehensif; 14 • total comprehensive profit (loss);
• jumlah laba (rugi) komprehensif yang dapat • total comprehensive profit (loss) attributable
diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk dan 14 to equity holders of the parent entity and non
kepentingan non pengendali; controlling interest;
• laba (rugi) per saham; 14 • earning (loss) per share;
• jumlah aset; 15 • 8) total assets
• jumlah liabilitas; 15 • 9) total liabilities;
• jumlah ekuitas; 15 • 10) total equities
• rasio laba (rugi) terhadap jumlah aset; 17 • 1 profit (loss) to total assets ratio;
• rasio laba (rugi) terhadap ekuitas 17 • 1 profit (loss) to equities ratio;
• rasio laba (rugi) terhadap pendapatan/ penjualan; 17 • 1 profit (loss) to income ratio;
• rasio lancar; 17 • 1 current ratio;
• rasio liabilitas terhadap ekuitas; 17 • 1 liabilities to equities ratio;
• rasio liabilitas terhadap jumlah aset; dan 17 • 1 liabilities to total assets ratio; and
• informasi dan rasio keuangan lainnya yang relevan • 1 other information and financial ratios relevant
dengan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik dan jenis 17 to the Issuer or Public Company and type of
industrinya; industry;
b. Informasi Saham √ b. Stock Information
Informasi Saham (jika ada) paling sedikit Stock Information (if any) at least contains:
• saham yang telah diterbitkan untuk setiap masa • shares issued for each three-month period in the
triwulan (jika ada) yang disajikan dalam bentuk last 2 (two) fiscal years (if any), at least covering
perbandingan selama 2 (dua) tahun buku terakhir,
paling sedikit meliputi:
» jumlah saham yang beredar; √ » number of outstanding shares;
» kapitalisasi pasar berdasarkan harga pada Bursa » market capitalization based on the price at
Efek tempat saham dicatatkan √ the Stock Exchange where the shares listed
» harga saham tertinggi, terendah, dan penutupan » highest share price, lowest share price, closing
berdasarkan harga pada Bursa Efek tempat saham √ share price at the Stock Exchange where the
dicatatkan;dan shares listed on; and
» volume perdagangan pada Bursa Efek tempat » share volume at the Stock Exchange where
saham dicatatkan; the shares listed on;
Informasi pada huruf a) diungkap oleh Emiten yang Information in point a) should be disclosed by
merupakan Perusahaan Terbuka yang sahamnya √ the Issuer, the public company whose shares is
tercatat maupun tidak tercatat di Bursa Efek; listed or not listed in the Stock Exchange;
Informasi pada huruf b), c), dan huruf d) hanya Information in point b), point c), and point d)
diungkapkan jika Emiten merupakan Perusahaan √ only be disclosed if the Issuer is a public company
Terbuka dan sahamnya tercatat di Bursa Efek; whose shares is listed in the Stock Exchange;
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Keterangan Description
• dalam hal terjadi aksi korporasi, seperti pemecahan • in the event of corporate actions, including stock
saham (stock split), penggabungan saham (reverse split, reverse stock, dividend, bonus share, and
stock), dividen saham, saham bonus, dan perubahan change in par value of shares, then the share
nilai nominal saham, informasi saham sebagaimana price referred to in point 1), should be added
dimaksud pada angka 1) ditambahkan penjelasan with explanation on:
paling sedikit mengenai
» tanggal pelaksanaan aksi korporasi; √ » date of corporate action;
» rasio pemecahan saham (stock split), » stock split ratio, reverse stock, dividend,
penggabungan saham (reverse stock), dividen bonus shares, and change in par value of
saham, saham bonus, dan perubahan nilai shares;
nominal saham;
» jumlah saham beredar sebelum dan sesudah aksi » number of outstanding shares prior to and
korporasi; dan after corporate action; and
» harga saham sebelum dan sesudah aksi korporasi; » share price prior to and after corporate
• dalam hal terjadi penghentian sementara • in the event that the company’s shares were
perdagangan saham (suspension), dan/atau suspended and/or delisted from trading during
penghapusan pencatatan saham (delisting) dalam the year under review, then the Issuers or Public
tahun buku, Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik Company should provide explanation on the
menjelaskan alasan penghentian sementara reason for the suspension and/or delisting; and
perdagangan saham (suspension) dan/atau
penghapusan pencatatan saham (delisting) tersebut;
• dalam hal penghentian sementara perdagangan • in the event that the suspension and/or delisting
saham (suspension) dan/atau penghapusan as referred to in point was still in effect until
pencatatan saham (delisting) sebagaimana dimaksud the date of the Annual Report, then the Issuer
pada angka 3) masih berlangsung hingga akhir or the Public Company should also explain the
periode Laporan Tahunan, Emiten atau Perusahaan n/a corporate actions taken by the company in
Publik menjelaskan tindakan yang dilakukan untuk resolving the suspension and/or delisting;
menyelesaikan penghentian sementara perdagangan
saham (suspension) dan/atau penghapusan
pencatatan saham (delisting) tersebut;
c. Laporan Direksi 50 c. The Board of Directors Report
Laporan Direksi paling sedikit memuat: The Board of Directors Report should at least
contain the following items:
• uraian singkat mengenai kinerja Emiten atau • the performance of the Issuer or Public Company,
Perusahaan Publik, paling sedikit meliputi: at least covering:
» strategi dan kebijakan strategis Emiten atau » strategy and strategic policies of the Issuer or
Perusahaan Publik; Public Company;
» perbandingan antara hasil yang dicapai dengan » comparison between achievement of results
yang ditargetkan; dan and targets; and
» kendala yang dihadapi Emiten atau Perusahaan » challenges faced by the Issuer or Public
Publik; Company;
• gambaran tentang prospek usaha; 42 • description on business prospects;
• penerapan tata kelola Emiten atau Perusahaan • implementation of good corporate governance
Publik; dan by Issuer or Public Company; and
• perubahan komposisi anggota Direksi dan alasan • changes in the composition of the Board of
perubahannya (jika ada); Directors and the reason behind (if any);
d. Laporan Dewan Komisaris 34 d. The Board of Commissioners Report
Laporan Dewan Komisaris paling sedikit memuat: The Board of Commissioners Report should at least
contain the following items
• penilaian terhadap kinerja Direksi mengenai • assessment on the performance of the Board of
pengelolaan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; 38 Directors in managing the Issuer or the Public
• pengawasan terhadap implementasi strategi Emiten • supervision on the implementation of the
atau Perusahaan Publik; strategy of the Issuer or Public Company;
• pandangan atas prospek usaha Emiten atau • view on the business prospects of the Issuer or
Perusahaan Publik yang disusun oleh Direksi; 42 Public Company as established by the Board of
• pandangan atas penerapan tata kelola Emiten atau • view on the implementation of the corporate
Perusahaan Publik; governance by the Issuer or Public Company;
556 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Keterangan Description
• perubahan komposisi anggota Dewan Komisaris dan • changes in the composition of the Board of
alasan perubahannya (jika ada); dan 46 Commissioners and the reason behind (if any);
• frekuensi dan cara pemberian nasihat kepada • the frequency and procedure of providing advice
anggota Direksi; to members of the Board of Directors;
e. Profil Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik 68 e. Profile of the Issuer or Public Company
Profil Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik paling sedikit Profile of the Issuer or Public Company should cover
memuat: at least:
• nama Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik termasuk • name of Issuer or Public Company, including
apabila terdapat perubahan nama, alasan perubahan, change of name, reason of change, and the
dan tanggal efektif perubahan nama pada tahun effective date of the change of name during the
buku; year under review;
• akses terhadap Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik • access to Issuer or Public Company, including
termasuk kantor cabang atau kantor perwakilan branch office or representative office, where
yang memungkinkan masyarakat dapat memperoleh 69 public can have access of information of the
informasi mengenai Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, Issuer or Public Company, which include:
» alamat; √ » address;
» nomor telepon; √ » telephone number;
» nomor faksimile; √ » facsimile number;
» alamat surat elektronik; dan √ » e-mail address; and
» alamat Situs Web; √ » website address;
• riwayat singkat Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; 70 • brief history of the Issuer or Public Company;
• visi dan misi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; • vision and mission of the Issuer or Public
• kegiatan usaha menurut anggaran dasar terakhir, • line of business according to the latest Articles
kegiatan usaha yang dijalankan pada tahun buku, 73 of Association, and types of products and/or
serta jenis barang dan/ atau jasa yang dihasilkan; services produced;
• struktur organisasi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik • structure of organization of the Issuer or Public
dalam bentuk bagan, paling sedikit sampai dengan Company in chart form, at least 1 (on level below
struktur 1 (satu) tingkat di bawah Direksi, disertai the Board of Directors, with the names and titles;
dengan nama dan jabatan;
• profil Direksi, paling sedikit memuat: 90 • the Board of Directors profiles include:
» nama dan jabatan yang sesuai dengan tugas dan » name and short description of duties and
tanggung jawab; functions;
» foto terbaru; √ » latest photograph
» usia; √ » age;
» kewarganegaraan √ » citizenship
» riwayat pendidikan; √ » education;
» riwayat jabatan, meliputi informasi √ » history position, covering information on:
◊ dasar hukum penunjukan sebagai anggota ◊ legal basis for appointment as member of
Direksi pada Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik √ the Board of Directors to the said Issuer or
yang bersangkutan; Public Company;
◊ rangkap jabatan, baik sebagai anggota Direksi, ◊ dual position, as member of the Board
anggota Dewan Komisaris, dan/atau anggota of Directors, member of the Board of
komite serta jabatan lainnya (jika ada); dan Commissioners, and/or member of
committee, and other position (if any); and
◊ pengalaman kerja beserta periode waktunya ◊ working experience and period in and
baik di dalam maupun di luar Emiten atau √ outside the Issuer or Public Company;
Perusahaan Publik;
• pendidikan dan/atau pelatihan yang telah diikuti • competency enhancement education and/or
anggota Direksi dalam meningkatkan kompetensi training program for member of the Board of
dalam tahun buku (jika ada); dan Directors during the year under review (if any);
• hubungan Afiliasi dengan anggota Direksi lainnya, • disclosure of affiliation with other members of
anggota Dewan Komisaris, dan pemegang saham the Board of Directors, members of the Board of
utama (jika ada) meliputi nama pihak yang terafiliasi; Commissioners, and major shareholders (if any)
including name of the affiliated party;
• profil Dewan Komisaris, paling sedikit memuat • the Board of Commissioners profiles, at least
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 557
Keterangan Description
» nama; √ » name;
» foto terbaru; √ » latest photograph;
» usia; √ » age;
» kewarganegaraan; √ » citizenship;
• riwayat pendidikan; √ • education;
• riwayat jabatan, meliputi informasi: • history position, covering information on:
» dasar hukum penunjukan sebagai anggota Dewan » legal basis for the appointment as member
Komisaris yang bukan merupakan Komisaris of the Board of Commissioners who is not
Independen pada Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik Independent Commissioner at the said Issuer
yang bersangkutan; or Public Company;
» dasar hukum penunjukan pertama kali sebagai » legal bases for the first appointment as
anggota Dewan Komisaris yang merupakan member of the Board of Commissioners who
Komisaris Independen pada Emiten atau also Independent Commissioner at the said
Perusahaan Publik yang bersangkutan; Issuer or Public Company;
» rangkap jabatan, baik sebagai anggota Dewan » dual position; as member of the Board of
Komisaris, anggota Direksi, dan/atau anggota Commissioners, member of the Board of
komite serta jabatan lainnya (jika ada); dan Directors, and/or member of committee and
other position (if any); and
» pengalaman kerja beserta periode waktunya baik » working experience and period in and outside
di dalam maupun di luar Emiten atau Perusahaan √ the Issuer or Public Company;
• pendidikan dan/atau pelatihan yang telah diikuti • competency enhancement education and/or
anggota Dewan Komisaris dalam meningkatkan training program for member of the Board of
kompetensi dalam tahun buku (jika ada); Commissioner during the year under review (if
• hubungan Afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris • affiliation with other members of the Board of
lainnya dan pemegang saham utama (jika ada) √ Commissioners, and major shareholders (if any)
meliputi nama pihak yang terafiliasi; dan including name of the affiliated party; and
• pernyataan independensi Komisaris Independen • statement of independence of Independent
dalam hal Komisaris Independen telah menjabat Commissioner in the event that the Independent
lebih dari 2 (dua) periode (jika ada); Commissioner has been appointed more than 2
(two) periods (if any)
• dalam hal terdapat perubahan susunan anggota • in the event that there were changes in the
Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris yang composition of the Board of Commissioners and/
terjadi setelah tahun buku berakhir sampai dengan or the Board of Directors occurring between the
batas waktu penyampaian Laporan Tahunan, period after year-end until the date the Annual
311, 312
susunan yang dicantumkan dalam Laporan Tahunan Report submitted, then the last and the previous
adalah susunan anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota composition of the Board of Commissioners and/
Dewan Komisaris yang terakhir dan sebelumnya; or the Board of Directors shall be stated in the
Annual Report;
• jumlah karyawan dan deskripsi sebaran tingkat • number of employees and description of
pendidikan dan usia karyawan dalam tahun buku; 106 distribution of education level and age of the
employee in the year under review;
• nama pemegang saham dan persentase kepemilikan • names of shareholders and ownership
pada akhir tahun buku, yang terdiri dari: percentage at the end of the fiscal year, including:
» pemegang saham yang memiliki 5% (lima persen) » shareholders having 5% (five percent) or
atau lebih saham Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; more shares of Issuer or Public Company;
» anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan Komisaris » Commissioners and Directors who own shares
yang memiliki saham Emiten atau Perusahaan √ of the Issuers or Public Company; and
Publik; dan
» kelompok pemegang saham masyarakat, yaitu » groups of public shareholders, or groups of
kelompok pemegang saham yang masingmasing shareholders, each with less than 5% (five
memiliki kurang dari 5% (lima persen) saham percent) ownership shares of the Issuers or
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik Public Company;
• jumlah pemegang saham dan persentase kepemilikan • number of shareholders and ownership
per akhir tahun buku berdasarkan klasifikasi: 131 percentage at the end of the fiscal year, based
» kepemilikan institusi lokal √ » ownership of local institutions;
» kepemilikan institusi asing; √ » ownership of foreign institutions;
» kepemilikan individu lokal; dan √ » ownership of local individual; and
» kepemilikan individu asing; √ » ownership of foreign individual;
558 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
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Keterangan Description
• informasi mengenai pemegang saham utama dan • information on major shareholders and
pengendali Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, baik controlling shareholders the Issuers of Public
langsung maupun tidak langsung, sampai kepada 130 Company, directly or indirectly, and also
pemilik individu, yang disajikan dalam bentuk skema individual shareholder, presented in the form of
atau bagan; scheme or diagram;
• nama entitas anak, perusahaan asosiasi, perusahaan • name of subsidiaries, associated companies, joint
ventura bersama di mana Emiten atau Perusahaan venture controlled by Issuers or Public Company,
Publik memiliki pengendalian bersama entitas, with entity, percentage of stock ownership, line
beserta persentase kepemilikan saham, bidang of business, total assets and operating status of
usaha, total aset, dan status operasi Emiten atau the Issuers of Public Company (if any);
Perusahaan Publik tersebut (jika ada);
• Untuk entitas anak, ditambahkan informasi mengenai • For subsidiaries, include the addresses of the
alamat entitas anak tersebut; said subsidiaries;
• kronologi pencatatan saham, jumlah saham, nilai • chronology of share listing, number of shares,
nominal, dan harga penawaran dari awal pencatatan par value, and bid price from the beginning of
hingga akhir tahun buku serta nama Bursa Efek 140 listing up to the end of the financial year, and
di mana saham Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik name of Stock Exchange where the Issuers of
dicatatkan (jika ada); Public Company shares are listed;
• kronologi pencatatan Efek lainnya selain Efek • chronology of securities listing in addition
sebagaimana dimaksud pada angka 15), yang paling to the said security in point 15, which at least
sedikit memuat nama Efek, tahun penerbitan, 150 should contain the name of the Securities, year
tanggal jatuh tempo, nilai penawaran, dan peringkat of issuance, date of maturity, bid price, and
Efek (jika ada); rating of the securities (if any);
• nama dan alamat lembaga dan/atau profesi • name and address of capital market supporting
penunjang pasar modal; institutions and/or professionals;
• dalam hal terdapat profesi penunjang pasar modal • in the event that the capital market supporting
yang memberikan jasa secara berkala kepada Emiten professionals provide services on a regular
atau Perusahaan Publik, diungkapkan informasi 158 basis to the Issuer or the Public Company, then
mengenai jasa yang diberikan, komisi (fee), dan information on the services provided, fee and
periode penugasan; dan period of assignment should be disclosed; and
• penghargaan dan/atau sertifikasi yang diterima • awards and/or certification of national and
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik baik yang berskala international scales bestowed on the Issuer or
nasional maupun internasional dalam tahun buku Public Company during the last fiscal year (if
terakhir (jika ada), yang memuat: any), covering:
» nama penghargaan dan/atau sertifikasi; √ » name of award and/or certification;
» badan atau lembaga yang memberikan; dan » organization/institution that gives the
awards; and
» masa berlaku penghargaan dan/atau sertifikasi » award/certificate validity period (if any);
(kalau ada);
f. Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen 172 f. Management Discussion and Analysis
Analisis dan pembahasan manajemen memuat analisis Management Analysis and Discussion Annual
dan pembahasan mengenai laporan keuangan dan should contain discussion and analysis on financial
informasi penting lainnya dengan penekanan pada statements and other material information
perubahan material yang terjadi dalam tahun buku, emphasizing material changes that occurred during
yaitu paling sedikit memuat: the year under review, at least including:
• tinjauan operasi per segmen operasi sesuai dengan • operational review per business segment,
jenis industri Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, paling 189 according to the type of industry of the Issuer or
sedikit mengenai: Public Company including:
» produksi, yang meliputi proses, kapasitas, dan » production, including process, capacity, and
perkembangannya; growth;
» pendapatan/penjualan; dan √ » income/sales; and
» profitabilitas; √ » profitability;
• kinerja keuangan komprehensif yang mencakup • comprehensive financial performance analysis
perbandingan kinerja keuangan dalam 2 (dua) tahun which includes a comparison between the
buku terakhir, penjelasan tentang penyebab adanya 224 financial performance of the last 2 (two) fiscal
perubahan dan dampak perubahan tersebut, paling years, and explanation on the causes and effects
sedikit mengenai: of such changes, among others concerning:
» aset lancar, aset tidak lancar, dan total aset; » current assets, non-current assets, and total
» liabilitas jangka pendek, liabilitas jangka panjang, » short-term liabilities, long-term liabilities,
dan total liabilitas; total liabilities;
» ekuitas; √ » equities;
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 559
Keterangan Description
» pendapatan/penjualan, beban, laba (rugi), » sales/operating revenues, expenses and
penghasilan komprehensif lain, dan total laba √ profit (loss), other comprehensive revenues,
(rugi) komprehensif; dan and total comprehensive profit (loss); and
» arus kas; √ » cash flow
» kemampuan membayar utang dengan menyajikan » the capacity to pay debts by including the
perhitungan rasio yang relevan; computation of relevant ratios;
» tingkat kolektibilitas piutang Emiten atau » accounts receivable collectability of the Issuer
Perusahaan Publik dengan menyajikan √ or Public Company, including the computation
perhitungan rasio yang relevan; of the relevant ratios;
» struktur modal (capital structure) dan kebijakan » capital structure and management policies
manajemen atas struktur modal (capital structure) concerning capital structure, including the
tersebut disertai dasar penentuan kebijakan basis for determining the said policy;
» bahasan mengenai ikatan yang material untuk » discussion on material ties for the investment
investasi barang modal dengan penjelasan paling √ of capital goods, including the explanation on
sedikit meliputi: at least:
◊ tujuan dari ikatan tersebut; √ ◊ the purpose of such ties;
◊ sumber dana yang diharapkan untuk ◊ source of funds expected to fulfill the said
memenuhi ikatan tersebut; ties;
◊ mata uang yang menjadi denominasi; dan √ ◊ currency of denomination; and
◊ langkah yang direncanakan Emiten atau ◊ steps taken by the Issuer of Public
Perusahaan Publik untuk melindungi risiko dari √ Company to protect the position of a
posisi mata uang asing yang terkait; related foreign currency against risks;
» bahasan mengenai investasi barang modal yang » discussion on investment of capital goods
direalisasikan dalam tahun buku terakhir, paling √ which was realized in the last fiscal year, at
sedikit meliputi: least include:
◊ enis investasi barang modal; √ ◊ type of investment of capital goods;
◊ tujuan investasi barang modal; dan ◊ objective of the investment of capital
goods; and
◊ nilai investasi barang modal yang dikeluarkan; √ ◊ value of the investment of capital goods;
» informasi dan fakta material yang terjadi setelah » material Information and facts that occurring
tanggal laporan akuntan (jika ada); √ after the date of the accountant’s report (if
» prospek usaha dari Emiten atau Perusahaan » information on the prospects of the
Publik dikaitkan dengan kondisi industri, ekonomi Issuer or the Company in connection with
secara umum dan pasar internasional disertai √ industry,economy in general, accompanied
data pendukung kuantitatif dari sumber data yang with supporting quantitative data if there is a
layak dipercaya; reliable data source;
» perbandingan antara target/proyeksi pada awal » comparison between target/projection at
tahun buku dengan hasil yang dicapai (realisasi), √ beginning of year and result (realization),
mengenai: concerning:
◊ pendapatan/penjualan √ ◊ income/sales
◊ laba (rugi); √ ◊ profit (loss);
◊ struktur modal (capital structure); atau √ ◊ capital structure; or
◊ hal lainnya yang dianggap penting bagi Emiten ◊ others that deemed necessary for the
atau Perusahaan Publik; Issuer or Public Company;
» target/proyeksi yang ingin dicapai Emiten » target/projection at most for the next
atau Perusahaan Publik untuk 1 (satu) tahun √ one year of the Issuer or Public Company,
mendatang, mengenai: concerning:
◊ pendapatan/penjualan; √ ◊ income/sales;
◊ laba (rugi); √ ◊ profit (loss);
◊ struktur modal (capital structure); √ ◊ capital structure; or
◊ kebijakan dividen; atau √ ◊ dividend policy;
◊ hal lainnya yang dianggap penting bagi Emiten ◊ or others that deemed necessary for the
atau Perusahaan Publik Issuer or Public Company;
» aspek pemasaran atas barang dan/atau jasa » marketing aspects of the company’s products
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, paling sedikit and/or services the Issuer or Public Company,
mengenai strategi pemasaran dan pangsa pasar; among others marketing strategy and market
560 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Keterangan Description
» uraian mengenai dividen selama 2 (dua) tahun » description regarding the dividend policy
buku terakhir (jika ada), paling sedikit: » during the last 2 (two) fiscal years, at least:
◊ kebijakan dividen; √ ◊ dividend policy;
◊ tanggal pembayaran dividen kas dan/atau ◊ the date of the payment of cash dividend
tanggal distribusi dividen non kas; √ and/or date of distribution of non-cash
jumlah dividen per saham (kas dan/atau non ◊ amount of cash per share (cash and/or non
kas); dan cash); and
◊ jumlah dividen per tahun yang dibayar; √ ◊ amount of dividend per year paid;
• realisasi penggunaan dana hasil Penawaran Umum, • use of proceeds from Public Offerings, under the
dengan ketentuan: condition of:
» dalam hal selama tahun buku, Emiten memiliki » during the year under review, on which
kewajiban menyampaikan laporan realisasi the Issuer has the obligation to report the
penggunaan dana, maka diungkapkan realisasi √ realization of the use of proceeds, then the
penggunaan dana hasil Penawaran Umum secara realization of the cumulative use of proceeds
kumulatif sampai dengan akhir tahun buku; dan until the year end should be disclosed; and
» dalam hal terdapat perubahan penggunaan dana » in the event that there were changes in
sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Otoritas Jasa the use of proceeds as stipulated in the
Keuangan tentang Laporan Realisasi Penggunaan Regulation of the Financial Services Authority
Dana Hasil Penawaran Umum, maka Emiten on the Report of the Utilization of Proceeds
menjelaskan perubahan tersebut; from Public Offering, then Issuer should
explain the said changes;
• informasi material (jika ada), antara lain mengenai • material information (if any), among others
investasi, ekspansi, divestasi, penggabungan/ concerning investment, expansion, divestment,
peleburan usaha, akuisisi, restrukturisasi utang/ acquisition, debt/capital restructuring,
modal, transaksi Afiliasi, dan transaksi yang transactions with related parties and transactions
mengandung benturan kepentingan, yang terjadi with conflict of interest that occurred during the
pada tahun buku, antara lain memuat: year under review, among others include:
» tanggal, nilai, dan objek transaksi √ » transaction date, value, and object;
» nama pihak yang melakukan transaksi; √ » name of transacting parties;
» sifat hubungan Afiliasi (jika ada); √ » nature of related parties (if any);
» penjelasan mengenai kewajaran transaksi; dan » description of the fairness of the transaction;
» pemenuhan ketentuan terkait; √ » compliance with related rules and regulations;
• perubahan ketentuan peraturan perundang- • changes in regulation which have a significant
undangan yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap effect on the Issuer or Public Company and
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik dan dampaknya impacts on the company (if any); and
terhadap laporan keuangan (jika ada); dan
• perubahan kebijakan akuntansi, alasan dan • changes in the accounting policy, rationale and
dampaknya terhadap laporan keuangan (jika ada); impact on the financial statement (if any);
g. Tata Kelola Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik g. Corporate Governance of the Issuer or Public
Tata kelola Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik paling sedikit Corporate Governance of the Issuer or Public
memuat uraian singkat mengenai: Company contains at least:
• Direksi, mencakup antara lain: 316 • the Board of Directors, covering:
» tugas dan tanggung jawab masing-masing anggota » the tasks and responsibilities of each member
Direksi; of the Board of Directors;
» pernyataan bahwa Direksi memiliki pedoman atau » statement that the Board of Directors has
piagam (charter) Direksi; already have board manual or charter;
» prosedur, dasar penetapan, struktur, dan besarnya » procedure, legal basis, structure, and
remunerasi masing-masing anggota Direksi, serta amount of remuneration of each member
hubungan antara remunerasi dengan kinerja √ of the Board of Directors, relation between
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; remuneration and performance of the Issuer
or Public Company;
» kebijakan dan pelaksanaan tentang frekuensi » the policies and the frequency of the meeting
rapat Direksi, termasuk rapat bersama Dewan of the Board of Directors, including the
Komisaris, dan tingkat kehadiran anggota Direksi √ joint meeting with Board of Commissioners,
dalam rapat tersebut; and attendance of member of the Board of
Directors in the said meeting;
» informasi mengenai keputusan RUPS 1 (satu) » information on the resolution from the AGM
tahun sebelumnya, meliputi: of the previous 1 (one) year, covering:
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 561
Keterangan Description
keputusan RUPS yang direalisasikan pada ◊ AGM resolutions that were realized during
tahun buku; dan the fiscal year; and
◊ alasan dalam hal terdapat keputusan yang ◊ explanation for the unrealized resolution;
belum direalisasikan;
» informasi mengenai keputusan RUPS pada tahun » information regarding the AGM resolution in
buku, meliputi: the year under review, including
◊ keputusan RUPS yang direalisasikan pada ◊ AGM resolutions that were realized during
tahun buku; dan the fiscal year; and
◊ alasan dalam hal terdapat keputusan yang ◊ explanation for the unrealized resolution
belum direalisasikan; dan
» penilaian terhadap kinerja komite yang » assessment on the performance of the
mendukung pelaksanaan tugas Direksi; committee under the Board of Directors;
• Dewan Komisaris, mencakup antara lain: • the Board of Commissioners, among others
» tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris; » duties and responsibilities of the Board of
» pernyataan bahwa Dewan Komisaris memiliki » statement that the Board of Commissioner
pedoman atau piagam (charter) Dewan Komisaris has already have the board manual or charter;
» prosedur, dasar penetapan, struktur, » procedure, legal basis, structure, and
» dan besarnya remunerasi masingmasing √ » amount of remuneration for each
» anggota Dewan Komisaris; » member of Board of Commissioners;
» kebijakan dan pelaksanaan tentang frekuensi » policies and frequency of meeting of the
rapat Dewan Komisaris, termasuk rapat bersama Board of Commissioners, including meeting
Direksi, dan tingkat kehadiran anggota Dewan √ with the Board of Directors, and attendance of
Komisaris dalam rapat tersebut; each member of the Board of Commissioners
in the said meetings;
» kebijakan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik tentang » policies of the Issuer or Public Company
penilaian terhadap kinerja anggota Direksi dan regarding the assessment on the performance
anggota Dewan Komisaris dan pelaksanaannya, √ of the Board of Directors and Board of
paling sedikit meliputi: Commissioners and the implementation, at
least covering:
◊ prosedur pelaksanaan penilaian ◊ procedure for the implementation of
◊ kinerja performance assessment;
◊ kriteria yang digunakan; dan √ ◊ criteria for assessment; and
◊ pihak yang melakukan penilaian; √ ◊ assessor
» penilaian terhadap kinerja komite yang » assessment on the performance of
mendukung pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris; √ the committees under the Board of
dan Commissioners; and
» dalam hal Dewan Komisaris tidak membentuk » in the event that the Board of Commissioners
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi, dimuat does not establish the Nomination and
informasi paling sedikit mengenai: Remuneration Committee, than should
contain at least:
• alasan tidak dibentuknya komite; dan n/a • reason not to establish the committee; and
• prosedur nominasi dan remunerasi yang dilakukan • procedure of nomination and remuneration
dalam tahun buku; performed in the year under review;
• Dewan Pengawas Syariah, bagi Emiten atau • Sharia Supervisory Board, for Issuer or Public
Perusahaan Publik yang menjalankan kegiatan usaha Company that conduct business based on sharia
berdasarkan prinsip syariah sebagaimana tertuang law, as stipulated in the articles of association, at
dalam anggaran dasar, paling sedikit memuat: least containing:
◊ nama; n/a ◊ name
◊ tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Pengawas ◊
duty and responsibility of Sharia
Syariah; dan Supervisory Board; and
◊ frekuensi dan cara pemberian nasihat dan ◊ frequency and procedure in providing
saran serta pengawasan pemenuhan Prinsip advice and suggestion, as well as the
Syariah di Pasar Modal terhadap Emiten atau n/a compliance of Sharia Principles by the
Perusahaan Publik; Issuer or Public Company in the Capital
• Komite Audit, mencakup antara lain: 367 • Audit Committee, among others covering:
» nama dan jabatannya dalam keanggotaan komite; √ » name and position in the committee;
» usia; √ » age;
» kewarganegaraan √ » citizenship
562 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Keterangan Description
» riwayat pendidikan; √ » education background;
» riwayat jabatan, meliputi informasi: √ » history of position; including:
◊ dasar hukum penunjukan sebagai anggota ◊ legal basis for the appointment as member
komite; of the committee;
◊ rangkap jabatan, baik sebagai anggota Dewan ◊ dual position, as member of Board of
Komisaris, anggota Direksi, dan/atau anggota Commissioners, member of Board of
komite serta jabatan lainnya (jika ada); dan Directors, and/or member of committee,
and other position (if any); and
◊ pengalaman kerja beserta periode waktunya ◊ working experience and period in and
baik di dalam maupun di luar Emiten atau √ outside the Issuer or Public Company;
Perusahaan Publik;
• periode dan masa jabatan anggota Komite Audit; • period and terms of office of the member of
Audit Committee;
• pernyataan independensi Komite Audit; • statement of independence of the Audit
• kebijakan dan pelaksanaan tentang frekuensi rapat • policies and implementation of the frequency of
Komite Audit dan tingkat kehadiran anggota Komite 374 meeting of the Audit Committee and attendance
Audit dalam rapat tersebut; of member of Audit Committee;
• pendidikan dan/atau pelatihan yang telah diikuti • education and/or training during the year under
dalam tahun buku (jika ada); dan review (if any); and
• pelaksanaan kegiatan Komite Audit pada tahun buku • the activities of the Audit Committee in the
sesuai dengan yang dicantumkan dalam pedoman 375 year under review, in accordance with the Audit
atau piagam (charter) Komite Audit; Committee Charter;
• komite lain yang dimiliki Emiten atau Perusahaan • other committee of the Issuer or the Public
Publik dalam rangka mendukung fungsi dan tugas Company formed to support the function and
Direksi dan/ atau Dewan Komisaris, seperti Komite 376 duty of the Board of Directors and/or the Board
Nominasi dan Remunerasi, mencakup antara lain: of Commissioners, such as Nomination and
Remuneration Committee, containing:
» nama dan jabatannya dalam keanggotaan komite; √ » name and position in the Committe
» usia; √ » age;
» kewarganegaraan; √ » citizenship
» riwayat pendidikan √ » education background
» riwayat jabatan, meliputi informasi: √ » history of position, including:
◊ dasar hukum penunjukan sebagai anggota ◊ legal basis for the appointment a member
komite; of the committee;
◊ rangkap jabatan, baik sebagai anggota Dewan ◊ dual position, as member of Board of
Komisaris, anggota Direksi, dan/atau anggota Commissioners, member of Board of
komite serta jabatan lainnya (jika ada); dan Directors, and/or member of committee,
and other position (if any); and
◊ pengalaman kerja beserta periode waktunya ◊ working experience and period in and
baik di dalam maupun di luar Emiten atau √ outside the Issuer or Public Company;
Perusahaan Publik;
» periode dan masa jabatan anggota komite; » period and terms of office of the member of
Audit Committee;
» uraian tugas dan tanggung jawab; √ » description of duty and responsibility;
» pernyataan bahwa telah memilik pedoman atau » statement that the Committee has already
piagam (charter) komite; have the Charter;
» pernyataan independensi komite; √ » statement of independence of the Committee;
• kebijakan dan pelaksanaan tentang frekuensi rapat • policies and frequency of meeting of the
komite dan tingkat kehadiran anggota komite dalam 383 committee, and attendance of each member of
rapat tersebut; the committee in the said meetings;
• pendidikan dan/atau pelatihan yang telah diikuti • education and/or training during the year under
dalam tahun buku (jika ada); dan review (if any);amd
• uraian singkat pelaksanaan kegiatan komite pada • brief description on the activities of the
tahun buku; committee;
• Sekretaris Perusahaan, mencakup antara lain: 397 • Corporate Secretary, including:
» nama; √ » name;
» domisili; √ » domicile;
» riwayat jabatan, meliputi informasi: √ » history of position, including
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 563
Keterangan Description
◊ dasar hukum penunjukan sebagai Sekretaris ◊ legal basis for the appointment as
Perusahaan; dan Corporate Secretary; and
◊ pengalaman kerja beserta periode waktunya ◊ working experience and period in and
baik di dalam maupun di luar Emiten atau √ outside the Issuer or Public Company;
Perusahaan Publik;
• riwayat pendidikan; 399 • education background;
• pendidikan dan/atau pelatihan yang diikuti dalam • education and/or training during the year under
tahun buku; dan review; and
• uraian singkat pelaksanaan tugas Sekretaris • brief description on the implementation of duties
Perusahaan pada tahun buku; 401 of the Corporate Secretary in the year under
• review;
• Unit Audit Internal, mencakup antara lain: 418 • Internal Audit Unit, among others including:
» nama kepala Unit Audit Internal; √ » name of Head of Internal Audit Unit;
» riwayat jabatan, meliputi informasi: √ » history of position, including:
◊ dasar hukum penunjukan sebagai kepala Unit ◊ legal basis for the appointment as Head of
Audit Internal; dan Internal Audit Unit; and
◊ pengalaman kerja beserta periode waktunya ◊ working experience and period in and
baik di dalam maupun di luar Emiten atau √ outside the Issuer or Public Company;
Perusahaan Publik;
• kualifikasi atau sertifikasi sebagai profesi audit • qualification or certification as internal auditor
internal (jika ada); (if any);
• pendidikan dan/atau pelatihan yang diikuti dalam • education and/or training during the year under
tahun buku; review;
• struktur dan kedudukan Unit Audit Internal; 420 • structure and position of Internal Audit Unit;
• uraian tugas dan tanggung jawab; 422 • description of duties and responsibilities;
• pernyataan bahwa telah memiliki pedoman atau • statement that the Internal Audit Unit has
piagam (charter) Unit Audit Internal; dan already have Internal Audit Unit charter; and
• uraian singkat pelaksanaan tugas Unit Audit Internal • brief description on the implementation of duty
pada tahun buku; 422 of Internal Audit Unit during the year under
• uraian mengenai sistem pengendalian internal • description on internal control system adopted
(internal control) yang diterapkan oleh Emiten atau 440 by the Issuer or Public Company, at least
Perusahaan Publik, paling sedikit mengenai: covering:
» pengendalian keuangan dan operasional, serta » financial and operational control, and
kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang- √ compliance to the other prevailing rules; and
undangan lainnya; dan
» tinjauan atas efektivitas sistem pengendalian » review on the effectiveness of internal control
internal systems;
• sistem manajemen risiko yang diterapkan oleh • risk management system implemented by the
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, paling sedikit 430 company, at least includes:
» gambaran umum mengenai system manajemen » general description about the company’s
risiko Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; √ risk management system the Issuer or Public
» jenis risiko dan cara pengelolaannya; dan √ » types of risk and the management; and
» tinjauan atas efektivitas sistem manajemen risiko » review the effectiveness of the risk
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik √ » management system applied by the
» Issuer or Public Company
• perkara penting yang dihadapi oleh Emiten atau • important cases faced by the Issuer or Public
Perusahaan Publik, entitas anak, anggota Direksi Company, subsidiaries, current members of
dan anggota Dewan Komisaris (jika ada), antara lain the Board of Commissioners and the Board of
meliputi: Directors, among others include:
» pokok perkara/gugatan √ » substance of the case/claim;
» status penyelesaian perkara/gugatan; dan √ » status of settlement of case/claim; and
» pengaruhnya terhadap kondisi Emiten atau » potential impacts on the condition of the
Perusahaan Publik; Issuer or Public Company
564 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Keterangan Description
• informasi tentang sanksi administratif yang • information about administrative sanctions
dikenakan kepada Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, imposed to Issuer or Public Company, members
anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, oleh otoritas of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of
Pasar Modal dan otoritas lainnya pada tahun buku Directors, by the Capital Market Authority and
(jika ada); other authorities during the last fiscal year (if
• informasi mengenai kode etik Emiten atau • information about codes of conduct of the Issuer
Perusahaan Publik meliputi: or Public Company, includes:
» pokok-pokok kode etik; √ » key points of the code of condu
» bentuk sosialisasi kode etik dan upaya » socialization of the code of conduct and
penegakannya; dan enforcement; and
» pernyataan bahwa kode etik berlaku bagi anggota » statement that the code of conduct is
Direksi, anggota Dewan Komisaris, dan karyawan applicable for the Board of Commissioners,
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik the Board of Directors, and employees of the
Issuer of Public Company;
• informasi mengenai budaya perusahaan (corporate • information about corporate culture (if any) of
culture) atau nilai-nilai perusahaan (jika ada); the Issuer or Public Company;
• uraian mengenai program kepemilikan saham oleh • description of employee or management stock
karyawan dan/atau manajemen yang dilaksanakan ownership program of the Issuer or Public
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik (jika ada), antara lain Company, among others contains:
» jumlah saham dan/atau opsi; √ » number of share and/or option;
» jangka waktu pelaksanaan; √ » period
» persyaratan karyawan dan/atau manajemen yang » requirement for eligible employee and/or
berhak; dan management; and
» harga pelaksanaa √ » exercised price;
• uraian mengenai sistem pelaporan pelanggaran • description of whistleblowing system at the
(whistleblowing system) di Emiten atau Perusahaan 473 Issuer or Public Company (if any), among others
Publik (jika ada), antara lain meliputi: include:
» cara penyampaian laporan pelanggaran; √ » mechanism for violation reporting;
» perlindungan bagi pelapor; √ » protection for the whistleblower;
» penanganan pengaduan; √ » handling of violation reports;
» pihak yang mengelola pengaduan; dan » unit responsible for handling of violation
report; and
» hasil dari penanganan pengaduan, paling sedikit » results from violation report handling, at least
meliputi: includes:
◊ jumlah pengaduan yang masuk dan diproses ◊ number of complaints received and
dalam tahun buku; dan processed during the fiscal year; and
◊ tindak lanjut pengaduan √ ◊ follow up of complaints;
• penerapan atas Pedoman Tata Kelola Perusahaan • implementation of the Guidelines of Corporate
Terbuka bagi Emiten yang menerbitkan Efek Bersifat Governance for Public Companies for Issuer
Ekuitas atau Perusahaan Publik, meliputi: issuing Equity-based Securities or Public
Company, including:
pernyataan mengenai rekomendasi yang telah » statement regarding recommendation that
dilaksanakan; dan/atau have been implemented; and/or
» penjelasan atas rekomendasi yang belum » description of recommendation that have not
dilaksanakan, disertai alasan dan alternatif √ been implemented, alon with the reason and
pelaksanaannya (jika ada) alternatives of implementation (if any)
h. Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Emiten atau h. Social and Environmental Responsibility of the
Perusahaan Publik Issuer or Public Company
• Informasi mengenai tanggung jawab sosial dan • Information on social and environmental
lingkungan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik meliputi responsibility of the Issuer or Public Company
kebijakan, jenis program, dan biaya yang dikeluarkan, that covers policies, types of programs, and cost,
antara lain terkait aspek: among others related to:
» lingkungan hidup, antara lain: √ » environment, among others
◊ penggunaan material dan energy yang ramah ◊ the use of environmentally friendly and
lingkungan dan dapat didaur ulang; recyclable materials and energy;
◊ sistem pengolahan limbah Emiten atau ◊ the waste treatment systems of the Issuer
Perusahaan Publik; or Public Company;
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 565
Keterangan Description
» mekanisme pengaduan masalah lingkungan; dan » mechanism for filling complainton
environmental issues; and
» sertifikasi di bidang lingkungan yang dimiliki; √ » environmental certification
• praktik ketenagakerjaan, kesehatan, dan keselamatan • employment practices, occupational health and
kerja, antara lain: safety, among others
» kesetaraan gender dan kesempatan kerja; √ » gender equality and equal work opportunity
» sarana dan keselamatan kerja; √ » work and safety facilities;
» tingkat perpindahan (turnover) karyawan √ » employee turnover;
» tingkat kecelakaan kerja; √ » work incident rate
» pendidikan dan/atau pelatihan; √ » education and/or train
» remunerasi; dan √ » remuneration; and
» mekanisme pengaduan masalah ketenagakerjaan; » mechanism for filling complaint on
employment issues;
• pengembangan sosial dan kemasyarakatan, antara • social and community development, among
lain: others:
» penggunaan tenaga kerja lokal; √ » the use of local work force
» pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar Emiten atau » empowerment of local communities among
Perusahaan Publik antara lain melalui penggunaan others through the use of raw material
bahan baku yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat atau » produced by the community or by providing
pemberian edukasi; education;
» perbaikan sarana dan prasarana sosial » improvement of public social facilities and
» bentuk donasi lainnya; dan √ » other form of donation; and
» komunikasi mengenai kebijakan dan prosedur anti » dissemination of the policies and procedures
korupsi di Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, serta of anti-corruption at the Issuers or Public
pelatihan mengenai anti korupsi (jika ada); Company, and training on anti-corruption (if
• tanggung jawab barang dan/atau jasa, antara lain: • products and/or services responsibilities, among
» kesehatan dan keselamatan konsumen √ » consumers’ health and safety;
» informasi barang dan/atau jasa; dan √ » products and/or services information; and
» sarana, jumlah, dan penanggulangan atas » facilities, number, and resolution of consumer
pengaduan konsumen. complaint.
• Dalam hal Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik • In the event that the Issuer or the Public Company
menyajikan informasi mengenai tanggung jawab imparts information on social and environmental
sosial dan lingkungan sebagaimana dimaksud responsibility as referred to in point in separate
pada angka 1) pada laporan tersendiri seperti report such corporate social and environmental
laporan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan √ responsibility report, or sustainability report,
atau laporan keberlanjutan (sustainability report), then the Issuers or the Public Company is
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik dikecualikan untuk excluded from disclosing information on social
mengungkapkan informasi mengenai tanggung jawab and environmental responsibility in Annual
sosial dan lingkungan dalam Laporan Tahunan; dan Report; and
• Laporan sebagaimana dimaksud pada angka 2) • The said report in point 2) should be submitted
disampaikan kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan √ to the Financial Service Authority along with the
bersamaan dengan penyampaian Laporan Tahunan; Annual Report;
566 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
PT Elnusa Tbk
Keterangan Description
i. Laporan Keuangan Tahunan yang Telah Diaudit 568 i. Audited Annual Financial Statement
Laporan keuangan tahunan yang dimuat dalam Laporan Financial Statements included in Annual Report
Tahunan disusun sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi should be prepared in accordance with the Financial
Keuangan di Indonesia dan telah diaudit oleh Akuntan. Accounting Standards in Indonesia and audited by
Laporan keuangan dimaksud memuat pernyataan an Accountant. The said financial statement should
mengenai pertanggungjawaban atas laporan keuangan be included with statement of responsibility for
sebagaimana diatur dalam peraturan perundang- financial report as stipulated in the legislations
undangan di sektor Pasar Modal yang mengatur in the Capital Markets sector governing the
mengenai tanggung jawab Direksi atas laporan responsibility of the Board of Directors on the
keuangan atau peraturan perundang-undangan di financial report or the legislations in the Capital
sektor Pasar Modal yang mengatur mengenai laporan Markets sector governing the periodic reports
berkala Perusahaan Efek dalam hal Emiten merupakan of securities company in the event the Issuer is a
Perusahaan Efek; dan Securities Company; and
j. Surat Pernyataan Anggota Direksi dan Anggota Dewan j. Letter of Statement of the Board of Directors
Komisaris tentang Tanggung Jawab atas Laporan 64-65 and the Board of Commissioners regarding the
Tahunan Responsibility for Annual Reporting
Surat pernyataan anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan Letter of statement of the Board of Directors and the
Komisaris tentang tanggung jawab atas Laporan Board of Commissioners regarding the responsibility
Tahunan disusun sesuai dengan format Surat Pernyataan for Annual Reporting should be prepared according
Anggota Direksi dan Anggota Dewan Komisaris tentang to the format of letter of statement of member of
Tanggung Jawab atas Laporan Tahunan sebagaimana √ Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners
tercantum dalam Lampiran yang merupakan bagian regarding the responsibility for Annual Reporting
tidak terpisahkan dari Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa as attached in the Attachment, which is an integral
Keuangan ini. part of this Circulation Letter of the Financial
Services Authority.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 567
PT Elnusa Tbk
dan ent it as anaknya/ and it s subsidiaries
568 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 569
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Laporan Posisi Keuangan Konsolidasian........................ 1-2 ............ Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Laporan Perubahan Ekuitas Konsolidasian .................... 4 ........... Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
Laporan Arus Kas Konsolidasian .................................... 5 ..................... Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Catatan Atas Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian............. 6-117 ....... Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
Lampiran I: Informasi Keuangan Entitas Induk .............. 118-123 ......... Appendix I: Parent Entity Financial Information
570 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 571
572 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 573
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
kecuali dinyatakan lain) unless otherwise stated)
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, Catatan/ December 31,
2020 Notes 2019
Catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian terlampir The accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements
merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements
konsolidasian ini secara keseluruhan. taken as a whole.
574 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
kecuali dinyatakan lain) unless otherwise stated)
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, Catatan/ December 31,
2020 Notes 2019
Catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian terlampir The accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements
merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements
konsolidasian ini secara keseluruhan. taken as a whole.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 575
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada For the Year Ended
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 December 31, 2020
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
kecuali dinyatakan lain) unless otherwise stated)
Catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian terlampir The accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements
merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements
konsolidasian ini secara keseluruhan. taken as a whole.
576 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in millions of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
Ekuitas yang dapat diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk/Equity attributable to owners of the parent
Saldo laba/Retained earnings Penghasilan
Tambahan komprehensif Kepentingan
modal disetor/ Tidak lain/Other nonpengendali/ Ekuitas -
Catatan/ Modal saham/ Additional Dicadangkan/ dicadangkan/ comprehensive Neto/ Non-controlling neto/
Notes Share capital paid-in capital Appropriated Unappropriated income Net Interest Equity - net
Saldo 31 Desember 2018 729.850 435.691 134.229 2.043.161 (44.436) 3.298.495 1.705 3.300.200 Balance as of December 31, 2018
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
Catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian terlampir merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan The accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements form an integral part of
dari laporan keuangan konsolidasian secara keseluruhan. these consolidated financial statements taken as a whole.
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada For the Year Ended
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 December 31, 2020
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
kecuali dinyatakan lain) unless otherwise stated)
Catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian terlampir The accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements
merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements
konsolidasian ini secara keseluruhan. taken as a whole.
578 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
PT Elnusa Tbk (“Perusahaan”) didirikan dengan PT Elnusa Tbk (the “Company”) was established
nama PT Electronika Nusantara berdasarkan under the name of PT Electronika Nusantara
Akta Notaris No. 18 tanggal 25 Januari 1969 based on Notarial Deed No. 18 dated January 25,
dari Tan Thong Kie, S.H., sebagaimana diubah 1969 of Tan Thong Kie, S.H., which was
melalui Akta Notaris No. 10 tanggal 13 Februari subsequently amended by Notarial Deed No. 10
1969 dari notaris yang sama. Akta pendirian ini, dated February 13, 1969 of the same notary. The
yang merupakan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, Deed of Establishment, which is the Company’s
telah mendapat pengesahan dari Menteri Articles of Association, was approved by the
Kehakiman Republik Indonesia melalui Surat Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia in
Keputusan No. J.A.5/18/24 tanggal 19 Februari its Decision Letter No. J.A.5/18/24 dated February
1969, serta telah diumumkan dalam Berita 19, 1969, and was published in Supplement
Negara Republik Indonesia No. 35, Tambahan No. 58 of State Gazette of the Republic of
No. 58 tanggal 2 Mei 1969. Anggaran Dasar Indonesia No. 35 dated May 2, 1969. The
Perusahaan telah beberapa kali mengalami Company’s Articles of Association have been
perubahan. Perubahan terakhir adalah untuk amended several times. The latest amandment
menyesuaikan ruang lingkup kegiatan was made to adjust the scope of the Company’s
Perusahaan berdasarkan Akta Notaris activities, under Notarial Deed No. 31 dated April
No. 31 tanggal 11 April 2019 dari Aulia Taufani, 11, 2019 of Aulia Taufani, S.H., which has been
S.H., yang telah diberitahukan kepada reported to and approved by the Minister of Law
Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia
Manusia Republik Indonesia dan telah through its Decision Letter
memperoleh persetujuan Menkumham sesuai No. AHU-0022730.AH.01.02 2019 dated April 26,
dengan Surat Keputusannya 2019 and has been registered in the Company
No. AHU-0022730.AH.01.02.Tahun 2019 Lists under No. AHU-0067954.AH.01.11 2019
tanggal 26 April 2019 serta telah didaftarkan dated April 26, 2019.
dalam Daftar Perseroan di bawah No. AHU-
0067954.AH.01.11. Tahun 2019 tanggal
26 April 2019.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 579
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pada tanggal 25 Januari 2008, Badan On January 25, 2008, the Capital Market and
Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Financial Institutions Supervisory Agency
Keuangan (“Bapepam-LK”) menerbitkan Surat (“Bapepam-LK”) issued the Effective Statement
Pemberitahuan Efektif Pernyataan Pendaftaran Letter in accordance with the Company’s Initial
sehubungan dengan Penawaran Umum Saham Public Offering of 1,460,000,000 shares. On
Perdana Perusahaan sebanyak 1.460.000.000 February 6, 2008, the Company’s shares were
saham. Pada tanggal 6 Februari 2008, saham listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange at an
Perusahaan mulai diperdagangkan di Bursa initial offering price of Rp400 (full amount) per
Efek Indonesia dengan harga penawaran share.
perdana sebesar Rp400 (nilai penuh) per
Ringkasan tindakan Perusahaan (corporate The summary of the Company’s corporate actions
actions) yang mempengaruhi saham yang affecting its capital stock from the date of its initial
diterbitkan sejak tanggal penawaran umum public offering up to December 31, 2020 and 2019
perdana sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember is as follows:
2020 dan 2019, adalah sebagai berikut:
Jumlah saham Nilai nominal
ditempatkan per saham
dan disetor dalam Rupiah
penuh/ (angka penuh)/
Number of Par value per
Keterangan/ shares issued share in Rupiah
Tanggal/Date Description and fully paid (full amount)
580 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, all of the
seluruh saham Perseroan tercatat di Bursa Efek Company’s shares are listed on the Indonesia
Indonesia. Stock Exchange.
Pada tanggal 3 Agustus 2020, Perusahaan On August 3, 2020, the Company has obtained an
telah mendapatkan pernyataan efektif dari effective statement from Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) atas penerbitan (OJK) on the issuance of Sukuk Ijarah
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan 1 Elnusa Tahap 1 Berkelanjutan (sustainable Sukuk Ijarah) 1 Phase
Tahun 2020 dengan sisa imbalan Ijarah 1 Year 2020, with Residual Ijarah Benefits
sebesar Rp700.000. Sukuk Ijarah ini diterbitkan amounted to Rp700,000. The Sukuk Ijarah is
tanpa warkat dan dijamin dengan kesanggupan issued without notes and guaranteed with full
penuh (full commitment) dan ditawarkan commintments and offered with 100% value of
dengan nilai 100% dari jumlah sisa imbalan Residual Ijarah Beneftis, with period of 5 (five)
ijarah, dengan jangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun sejak years from the issue date. The Ijarah Installments
tanggal emisi. Cicilan Imbalan Ijarah adalah amounted Rp63,000, or equivalent of 9%
sebesar Rp63.000, atau ekuivalen sebesar 9% annually, which will be paid every 3 (three)
per tahun yang akan dibayarkan setiap 3 (tiga) months and will be due on August 11, 2025.
bulan, dan jatuh tempo 11 Agustus 2025.
d. Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Komite Audit dan d. Board of Commissioners, Directors, Audit
karyawan Committee and employees
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, the
susunan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi composition of the Company’s Boards of
Perusahaan adalah sebagai berikut: Commissioners and Directors is as follows:
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 581
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
d. Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Komite Audit dan d. Board of Commissioners, Directors, Audit
karyawan (lanjutan) Committee and employees (continued)
Personil manajemen kunci Perusahaan adalah Key management personnel of the Company are
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi sebagaimana the above mentioned Boards of Commissioners
disebutkan di atas (Catatan 32h). and Directors (Note 32h).
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, the
susunan Komite Audit Perusahaan adalah composition of the Company’s Audit Committee is
sebagai berikut: as follows:
Perusahaan dan entitas anaknya memiliki 2.323 The Company and its subsidiaries have 2,323
karyawan (1.440 karyawan tetap dan 883 employees (1,440 permanent employees and 883
karyawan kontrak) dan 2.075 karyawan (1.425 contractual employees) and 2,075 employees
karyawan tetap dan 650 karyawan kontrak) (1,425 permanent employees and 650 contractual
masing-masing pada tanggal 31 Desember employees) as of December 31, 2020 and 2019,
2020 dan 2019 (tidak diaudit). respectively (unaudited).
582 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Laporan keuangan konsolidasian meliputi The consolidated financial statements include the
laporan keuangan Perusahaan dan entitas financial statements of the Company and its
anaknya (secara kolektif disebut sebagai subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the
“Grup”) sebagai berikut: “Group”) as follows:
Mulai Persentase kepemilikan Total aset sebelum
beroperasi efektif/ eliminasi/
secara Effective percentage of Total assets before
Tempat komersial/ ownership elimination
kedudukan/ Start of
Nama entitas anak/ Kegiatan usaha/ Place of commercial 31 Desember/December 31, 31 Desember/December 31,
Name of subsidiaries Business activities domicile operations 2020 2019 2020 2019
Kepemilikan langsung/
Direct ownership
PT Sigma Cipta Utama Manajemen data, teknologi Jakarta 1980 99,99 99,99 208.030 156.015
(“SCU”) informasi dan
Data management,
information technology
and telecommunications
PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Jasa penguliran, perdagangan Batam 1983 99,97 99,97 225,504 162.894
Konstruksi (“EFK”) dan pabrikasi pipa/
Pipe threading, trading and
manufacturing services
PT Elnusa Petrofin SPBU, depo, transportasi dan Jakarta 1996 99,99 99,99 2.287.297 1.974.247
(“EPN”) perdagangan BBM dan
bahan kimia/
Retail gas station, fuel
storage, oil and chemicals
distribution and trading
PT Patra Nusa Data Jasa perolehan dan Jakarta 1998 99,50 99,50 148.257 141.794
(“PND”) pengelolaan data eksplorasi
dan produksi migas/
Oil and gas exploration and
production data acquisition
and management services
PT Elnusa Trans Samudera Jasa penyewaan kapal laut Jakarta 2014 99,99 99,99 522.343 500.169
(“ETSA”) dan agen perkapalan
perusahaan pelayaran/
Ship rental services and
shipping agent of
shipping company
PT Elnusa Geosains Belum beroperasi/ Jakarta - 99.99 99,99 11.508 11.601
Indonesia (“EGI”) Pre-operating
PT Elnusa Oilfield Services Belum beroperasi/ Jakarta - 99,99 99,99 37.648 36.513
(“EOS”) Pre-operating
KSO Elnusa - RAGA Jasa pemeliharaan mekanik/
Mechanical maintenance
service Jakarta 2016 100,00 100,00 66.760 77.437
Kepemilikan melalui EFK
(dahulu EPR)/
Ownership through EFK
(formerly EPR) *)
PT Elnusa Daya Kreatif Belum beroperasi/ Jakarta - 99,99 99,99 10.001 10.001
(“EDK”) Pre-operating
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 583
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Berikut ini adalah kebijakan akuntansi signifikan Presented below are the significant accounting
yang diterapkan dalam penyusunan laporan policies adopted in preparing the Group’s consolidated
keuangan konsolidasian Grup yang sesuai dengan financial statements, which are in conformity with
Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (“SAK”), yang Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (“SAK”)
mencakup Pernyataan dan Interpretasi yang which comprised of Statements and Interpretations
dikeluarkan oleh Dewan Standar Akuntansi issued by the Board of Financial Accounting Standards
Keuangan Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia dan Peraturan of the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants
No. VIII.G.7 sebagai lampiran dari Keputusan Ketua and Regulation No. VIII.G.7 as appendix of the Decree
OJK (dahulu Bapepam-LK) No. KEP-347/BL/2012 of the Chairman of OJK (formerly Bapepam-LK) No.
tertanggal 25 Juni 2012 tentang Penyajian dan KEP-347/BL/2012 dated June 25, 2012 regarding the
Pengungkapan Laporan Keuangan Emiten atau Presentation and Disclosure of Financial Statements
Perusahaan Publik. of an Issuer or a Public Company.
Kebijakan ini telah diterapkan secara konsisten These policies have been consistently applied to all
terhadap seluruh periode yang disajikan, kecuali jika periods presented, unless otherwise stated.
dinyatakan lain.
a. Dasar penyajian laporan keuangan a. Basis of preparation of the consolidated
konsolidasian financial statements
Laporan keuangan konsolidasian, kecuali The consolidated financial statements, except for
laporan arus kas konsolidasian, disusun the consolidated statement of cash flows, are
berdasarkan konsep akrual dan biaya prepared using the accrual basis and based on
perolehan historis, kecuali beberapa akun historical costs, except for certain accounts which
tertentu yang diukur dengan cara sebagaimana are measured on the bases described in the
yang diuraikan dalam kebijakan akuntansi di related accounting policies of those accounts.
akun yang bersangkutan.
Laporan arus kas konsolidasian disajikan The consolidated statement of cash flows is
dengan menggunakan metode langsung yang presented using the direct method by classifying
mengelompokkan penerimaan dan the receipts and disbursements of cash and cash
pengeluaran kas dan setara kas ke dalam equivalents into operating, investing and financing
aktivitas operasi, investasi dan pendanaan. activities.
Seluruh angka dalam laporan keuangan All figures in the consolidated financial statements
konsolidasian ini, dibulatkan dan disajikan are rounded to and expressed in millions of
dalam jutaan Rupiah (“Rp”), kecuali dinyatakan Rupiah (“Rp”), unless otherwise stated.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Grup telah menerapkan sejumlah amandemen The Group has applied a number of amendments
dan penyesuaian standar akuntansi yang and improvements to accounting standards that
relevan dengan pelaporan keuangan dan efektif are relevant to its financial reporting and effective
untuk tahun periode yang dimulai pada atau for annual periods beginning on or after January
setelah 1 Januari 2020 sebagai berikut: 1, 2020 as follow:
- Amendemen PSAK 1 dan PSAK 25: - Amendments to PSAK 1 and PSAK 25:
Definisi Material berlaku efektif 1 Januari Definition of Material, effective January 1,
2020. 2020.
- PSAK 71: Instrumen Keuangan, berlaku - PSAK 71: Financial Instruments, effective
efektif 1 Januari 2020. January 1, 2020.
PSAK ini mengatur klasifikasi dan This PSAK provides classification and
pengukuran instrumen keuangan measurement of financial instruments based
berdasarkan karakteristik dari arus kas on the characteristics of contractual cash
kontraktual dan model bisnis entitas; flows and business model of the entity;
metode kerugian kredit ekspektasian expected credit loss impairment model that
untuk penurunan nilai yang menghasilkan resulting in information that are more timely,
informasi yang lebih tepat waktu, relevan relevant and understandable to users of the
dan dimengerti oleh pemakai laporan financial statements; accounting for hedging
keuangan; akuntansi untuk lindung nilai that reflect the entity's risk management
yang merefleksikan manajemen risiko better by introducing a more general
entitas lebih baik dengan requirement based on management's
memperkenalkan persyaratan yang lebih judgment.
umum berdasarkan pertimbangan
- PSAK 72: Pendapatan dari Kontrak - PSAK 72: Revenue from Contracts with
dengan Pelanggan, berlaku efektif 1 Customers, effective January 1, 2020.
Januari 2020.
PSAK ini adalah standar tunggal untuk This PSAK is a single standard that is a joint
pengakuan pendapatan yang merupakan project between the International
hasil dari joint project yang sukses antara Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) and
International Accounting Standards Board the Financial Accounting Standards Board
(“IASB”) dan Financial Accounting (“FASB”), provides revenue recognition
Standards Board (“FASB”), mengatur from contracts with customers, and the
model pengakuan pendapatan dari entity is expected to perform analysis before
kontrak dengan pelanggan, sehingga recognizing the revenue.
entitas diharapkan dapat melakukan
analisis sebelum mengakui pendapatan.
586 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Grup telah menerapkan sejumlah amandemen The Group has applied a number of amendments
dan penyesuaian standar akuntansi yang and improvements to accounting standards that
relevan dengan pelaporan keuangan dan efektif are relevant to its financial reporting and effective
untuk tahun periode yang dimulai pada atau for annual periods beginning on or after January
setelah 1 Januari 2020 sebagai berikut: 1, 2020 as follow: (continued)
- PSAK 73: Sewa, berlaku efektif 1 Januari - PSAK 73: Leases, effective January 1,
2020. 2020.
PSAK ini menetapkan prinsip pengakuan, This PSAK establishes the principles of
pengukuran, penyajian, dan recognition, measurement, presentation,
pengungkapan atas sewa dengan and disclosure of the lease by introducing a
memperkenalkan model akuntansi single accounting model, with the
tunggal dengan mensyaratkan untuk requirement to recognize the right-of-use
mengakui aset hak-guna (right-of-use assets and liability of the lease. There are 2
assets) dan liabilitas sewa. Terdapat 2 (two) optional exclusions in the recognition
(dua) pengecualian opsional dalam of the lease assets and liabilities: (i) short-
pengakuan aset dan liabilitas sewa, yakni term lease and (ii) lease with low-value
untuk: (i) sewa jangka-pendek dan (ii) underlying assets.
sewa yang aset pendasarnya (underlying
assets) bernilai rendah.
Grup telah menerapkan standar Akuntansi baru The Group has implemented new Accounting
dan penyesuaian atau amendemen tersebut standards and such adjustments or amendments
sejak 1 Januari 2020. Grup tidak melakukan since January 1, 2020. The Group did not restate
penyajian kembali atas informasi komparatif comparative information in 2019 on the
tahun 2019 atas penerapan PSAK 71 implementation of PSAK 71 "Financial
“Instrumen Keuangan” dan PSAK 73 “Sewa”, Instruments" and PSAK 73 "Leases”, therefore
oleh karena itu informasi komparatif tahun 2019 comparative information for 2019 cannot be
tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan informasi compared to financial information presented for
keuangan yang disajikan untuk tahun yang the year ended December 31, 2020. Differences
berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020. arising from the implementation of PSAK 71
Perbedaan yang timbul dari penerapan PSAK "Financial Instruments" have been charged to the
71 “Instrumen Keuangan” telah dibebankan ke retained earnings on January 1, 2020. As for
saldo laba pada tanggal 1 Januari 2020. PSAK 73 "Leases", the Group has recorded right-
Sedangkan untuk PSAK 73 “Sewa”, Grup telah of-use assets and lease liabilities as of January 1,
mencatat aset hak-guna dan liabilitas sewa 2020. The impact of the application of PSAK 71
pada tanggal 1 Januari 2020. Dampak "Financial Instruments" and PSAK 73 "Leases" on
penerapan atas PSAK 71 “Instrumen January 1, 2020 were disclosed in Note 39, the
Keuangan” dan PSAK 73 “Sewa” pada tanggal impact on the application of new standards and
1 Januari 2020 di ungkapkan pada Catatan 39, adjustments or other amendments is not material
dampak atas penerapan standar baru dan to the consolidated financial statements.
penyesuaian atau amendemen lainnya tidak
material terhadap laporan keuangan
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 587
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Ventura bersama adalah semua entitas yang Joint ventures are all entities which are jointly
dikendalikan bersama oleh Grup bersama controlled by the Group and other venturers, in
dengan venturer lain dimana Grup memilik hak which the Group has rights to only the net assets
atas aset neto ventura bersama tersebut. of the joint ventures. Investments in joint ventures
Investasi pada ventura bersama dicatat dengan are accounted for using the equity method of
menggunakan metode ekuitas yang pada accounting and initially recognized at cost.
awalnya diakui pada harga perolehannya.
Bagian Grup atas laba rugi ventura bersama The Group’s share of the joint ventures’ post-
pasca akuisisi diakui dalam laba rugi dan bagian acquisition profits or losses is recognized in profit
atas mutasi penghasilan komprehensif lain or loss, and its share of post-acquisition
pasca akuisisi diakui di dalam penghasilan movements in other comprehensive income is
komprehensif lain dan diikuti dengan recognized in other comprehensive income with a
penyesuaian pada jumlah tercatat investasi. corresponding adjustment to the carrying amount
Dividen yang akan diterima dari ventura of the investment. Dividends receivable from joint
bersama diakui sebagai pengurang jumlah ventures are recognized as reductions in the
tercatat investasi. Jika bagian Grup atas carrying amount of the investment. When the
kerugian ventura bersama sama dengan atau Group’s share of losses in a joint venture equals
melebihi nilai kepemilikannya di ventura or exceeds its interest in the joint venture, the
bersama, Grup menghentikan pengakuan Group does not recognize further losses, unless
bagian kerugiannya, kecuali Grup memiliki the Group has incurred legal or constructive
kewajiban hukum atau harus melakukan obligations or made payments on behalf of the
pembayaran tertentu atas nama ventura joint venture.
bersama tersebut.
Laba rugi yang dihasilkan dari transaksi antara Profits and losses resulting from transactions
Grup dengan ventura bersama diakui dalam between the Group and its joint ventures are
laporan keuangan konsolidasian Grup hanya recognized in the Group’s consolidated financial
sebesar bagian venturer lain yang tidak berelasi statements only to the extent of unrelated
dalam ventura bersama. Pada setiap tanggal venturer’s interest in the joint ventures. The Group
pelaporan, Grup menentukan apakah terdapat determines at each reporting date whether there
bukti obyektif bahwa telah terjadi penurunan is any objective evidence that the investment in
nilai pada investasi di ventura bersama. Jika the joint venture is impaired. If this is the case, the
demikian, maka Grup menghitung besarnya Group calculates the amount of impairment as the
penurunan nilai sebagai selisih antara jumlah difference between the recoverable amount of the
yang terpulihkan dan jumlah tercatat investasi joint venture and its carrying amount and
pada ventura bersama dan mengakui selisih recognizes the amount adjacent to “shares of
tersebut pada “bagian atas laba (rugi) ventura profit (loss) of joint ventures” in profit or loss.
bersama” dalam laba rugi.
588 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Kombinasi bisnis dicatat dengan menggunakan Business combinations are accounted for using
metode akuisisi. Biaya perolehan dari sebuah the acquisition method. The cost of an acquisition
akuisisi diukur pada nilai agregat imbalan yang is measured as the aggregate of the consideration
dialihkan, diukur pada nilai wajar pada tanggal transferred, measured at acquisition date fair
akuisisi dan jumlah setiap KNP pada pihak yang value and the amount of any NCI in the acquiree.
diakuisisi. Untuk setiap kombinasi bisnis, Grup For each business combination, the Group
mengukur KNP pada entitas yang diakuisisi, measures the NCI in the acquiree either at fair
baik pada nilai wajar ataupun pada proporsi value or at the proportionate share of the
kepemilikan KNP atas aset neto yang acquiree’s identifiable net assets. Acquisition
teridentifikasi dari entitas yang diakuisisi. Biaya- costs incurred are directly expensed and included
biaya akuisisi yang timbul dibebankan langsung in “general and administrative expenses”.
dan dimasukkan dalam “beban umum dan
Ketika melakukan akuisisi atas sebuah bisnis, When the Group acquires a business, it assesses
Grup mengklasifikasikan dan menentukan aset the financial assets acquired and liabilities
keuangan yang diperoleh dan liabilitas assumed for appropriate classification and
keuangan yang diambil alih berdasarkan pada designation in accordance with the contractual
persyaratan kontraktual, kondisi ekonomi dan terms, economic circumstances and pertinent
kondisi terkait lain yang ada pada tanggal conditions as at the acquisition date. This includes
akuisisi. Hal ini termasuk pemisahan derivatif the separation of embedded derivatives in host
melekat dalam kontrak utama oleh pihak yang contracts by the acquiree.
Pada tanggal akuisisi, goodwill awalnya diukur At acquisition date, goodwill is initially measured
pada biaya perolehan yang merupakan selisih at cost being the excess of the aggregate of the
lebih nilai agregat dari imbalan yang dialihkan consideration transferred and the amount
dan jumlah setiap KNP atas selisih jumlah dari recognized for NCI over the net identifiable assets
aset neto teridentifikasi yang diperoleh dan acquired and liabilities assumed. If this
liabilitas yang diambil alih. Jika imbalan tersebut consideration is lower than the fair value of the net
kurang dari nilai wajar aset neto entitas yang assets of the acquiree, the difference is
diakuisisi, selisih tersebut diakui dalam laba rugi recognized in profit or loss as gain on bargain
sebagai keuntungan dari pembelian dengan purchase after revisiting the identification and fair
diskon setelah sebelumnya manajemen value measurement of the acquired assets and
meninjau kembali identifikasi dan nilai wajar dari the assumed liabilities.
aset yang diperoleh dan liabilitas yang diambil
Setelah pengakuan awal, goodwill diukur pada After initial recognition, goodwill is measured at
jumlah tercatat dikurangi akumulasi penyisihan cost less any accumulated allowance for
penurunan nilai. Untuk tujuan pengujian impairment. For the purpose of impairment
penurunan nilai, goodwill yang diperoleh dari testing, goodwill acquired in a business
suatu kombinasi bisnis, sejak tanggal akuisisi combination is, from the acquisition date,
dialokasikan kepada setiap unit penghasil kas allocated to each of the Group’s cash-generating
(“UPK”) dari Grup yang diharapkan akan units (“CGU”) that are expected to benefit from the
memberikan manfaat dari sinergi kombinasi combination, irrespective of whether other assets
tersebut, terlepas dari apakah aset atau or liabilities of the acquiree are assigned to those
liabilitas lain dari pihak yang diakuisisi CGUs.
ditetapkan atas UPK tersebut.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 589
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Jika goodwill telah dialokasikan pada suatu Where goodwill forms part of a CGU and part of
UPK dan operasi tertentu atas UPK tersebut the operation within that CGU is disposed of, the
dihentikan, maka goodwill yang diasosiasikan goodwill associated with the operation disposed of
dengan operasi yang dihentikan tersebut is included in the carrying amount of the operation
termasuk dalam jumlah tercatat operasi when determining the gain or loss on disposal of
tersebut ketika menentukan keuntungan atau the operation. Goodwill disposed of in this
kerugian dari pelepasan. Goodwill yang circumstance is measured based on the relative
dilepaskan tersebut diukur berdasarkan nilai values of the operation disposed of and the
relatif operasi yang dihentikan dan porsi UPK portion of the CGU retained.
yang ditahan.
Kombinasi bisnis entitas sepengendali, berupa Business combination of entities under common
pengalihan bisnis yang dilakukan dalam rangka control, represents the transfer of business which
reorganisasi entitas-entitas yang berada dalam is carried out within the framework of reorganizing
suatu kelompok usaha yang sama, bukan entities under the same group, does not constitute
merupakan perubahan kepemilikan dalam arti a change of ownership based on the economic
substansi ekonomi, sehingga transaksi tersebut substance of such transaction, hence it does not
tidak dapat menimbulkan laba atau rugi bagi result in gain or loss to the group as a whole or to
kelompok usaha secara keseluruhan ataupun the individual entity within the group. Hence, such
bagi entitas individual dalam kelompok usaha transaction is recognized at carrying amount
tersebut. Oleh karena itu, transaksi tersebut using the pooling-of-interests method. The
diakui pada jumlah tercatat berdasarkan financial statements of the combined entities are
metode penyatuan kepemilikan. Laporan presented as if they had been combined from the
keuangan entitas yang bergabung disajikan beginning of the period they were under common
sedemikian rupa seolah-olah penggabungan control.
tersebut telah terjadi sejak awal periode entitas
yang bergabung berada dalam sepengendalian.
Kas dan setara kas terdiri dari kas, bank dan Cash and cash equivalents are cash on hand,
deposito berjangka yang jatuh tempo dalam cash in banks and time deposits with maturity
3 (tiga) bulan atau kurang dari tanggal periods of 3 (three) months or less at the time of
penempatannya dan tidak digunakan sebagai placement and which are not used as collateral or
jaminan atau dibatasi penggunaannya. not restricted.
Deposito berjangka dengan jangka waktu lebih Time deposits with maturities of more than
dari 3 (tiga) bulan tapi tidak melebihi 1 (satu) 3 (three) months but not exceeding 1 (one) year
tahun dari tanggal penempatannya disajikan at the time of placement are presented as part of
sebagai bagian dari “aset keuangan lancar “other current financial assets”.
590 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
g. Kas dan setara kas (lanjutan) g. Cash and cash equivalents (continued)
Kas dan setara kas yang dibatasi Cash and cash equivalents which are restricted
penggunaannya yang akan digunakan untuk for repayment of current maturing obligations are
membayar liabilitas yang akan jatuh tempo presented as “restricted cash” under “other
dalam waktu 1 (satu) tahun disajikan sebagai current financial assets”. Cash and cash
“kas yang dibatasi penggunaannya” sebagai equivalents which are restricted for repayment of
bagian dari ”aset keuangan lancar lainnya”. Kas obligations maturing after 1 (one) year are
dan setara kas yang dibatasi penggunaannya presented as part of “other non-current financial
untuk membayar liabilitas yang akan jatuh assets”.
tempo dalam waktu lebih dari 1 (satu) tahun
disajikan sebagai bagian dari “aset keuangan
tidak lancar lainnya”.
Instrumen keuangan adalah setiap kontrak A financial instrument is any contract that gives
yang memberikan aset keuangan bagi satu rise to a financial asset of one entity and a
entitas dan liabilitas keuangan atau ekuitas bagi financial liability or equity instrument of another
entitas lain. entity.
Grup mengklasifikasikan aset The Group classifies its financial assets into
keuangannya dalam kategori (a) aset the following category: (a) financial assets
keuangan yang diukur pada nilai wajar measured at fair value through profit or loss,
melalui laba rugi, (b) aset keuangan yang (b) financial assets measured at fair value
diukur pada nilai wajar melalui penghasilan through other comprehensive income, and (c)
komprehensif lainnya, dan (c) aset financial assets measured at amortised cost.
keuangan yang diukur pada biaya
perolehan diamortisasi.
Aset keuangan Grup terdiri dari kas dan The Group’s financial assets consist of cash
setara kas, piutang usaha, aset keuangan and cash equivalents, trade receivables,
lancar lainnya dan aset keuangan tidak other currect financial assets and other non-
lancar lainnya yang diklasifikasikan current financial assets classified as financial
sebagai aset keuangan yang diukur assets measured at amortized cost.
dengan biaya diamortisasi. Aset keuangan Investments in shares classified as financial
berupa investasi pada saham assets measured at fair value through other
diklasifikasikan sebagai aset keuangan comprehensive income.
yang diukur pada nilai wajar melalui
penghasilan komprehensif lain.
Grup menggunakan 2 (dua) metode untuk The Group used 2 (two) methods to classify
mengklasifikasikan aset keuangan, yaitu its financial assets, based on the Group’s
model bisnis Grup dalam mengelola aset business model in managing the financial
keuangan dan karakteristik arus kas assets, and the contractual cash flow of the
kontraktual dari aset keuangan (“SPPI”). financial assets (“SPPI”).
Sebagai langkah pertama dari proses As a first step of its classification process, the
klasifikasi, Grup menilai persyaratan Group assesses the contractual terms of
kontraktual keuangan untuk financial to identify whether they meet the
mengidentifikasi apakah mereka SPPI test.
memenuhi pengujian SPPI.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 591
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Nilai pokok untuk tujuan pengujian ini Principal for the purpose of this test is defined
didefinisikan sebagai nilai wajar dari aset as the fair value of the financial asset at initial
keuangan pada pengakuan awal dan dapat recognition and may change over the life of
berubah selama umur aset keuangan the financial asset (for example, if there are
(misalnya, jika ada pembayaran pokok atau repayments of principal or amortisation of the
amortisasi premi/diskon). premium/discount).
Elemen bunga yang paling signifikan dalam The most significant elements of interest
perjanjian biasanya adalah pertimbangan within an arrangement are typically the
atas nilai waktu dari uang dan risiko kredit. consideration for the time value of money and
Untuk membuat penilaian SPPI, Grup credit risk. To make the SPPI assessment,
menerapkan pertimbangan dan the Group applies judgment and considers
memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang relevan relevant factors such as the currency in which
seperti mata uang dimana aset keuangan the financial asset is denominated, and the
didenominasikan dan periode pada saat period for which the interest rate is set.
suku bunga ditetapkan.
Grup menentukan model bisnisnya The Group determines its business model at
berdasarkan tingkat yang paling the level that best reflects how it manages the
mencerminkan bagaimana Grup Group’s financial assets to achieve its
mengelola kelompok atas keuangannya business objective.
untuk mencapai tujuan bisnisnya.
Model bisnis Grup tidak dinilai berdasarkan The Group’s business model is not assessed
masing-masing instrumennya, tetapi pada on an instrument-by-instrument basis, but at
tingkat portofolio secara agregat yang lebih a higher level of aggregated portfolios and is
tinggi dan didasarkan pada faktor-faktor based on observable factors such as:
yang dapat diamati seperti:
- Bagaimana kinerja model bisnis dan - How the performance of the business
aset keuangan yang dimiliki dalam model and the financial assets held
model bisnis tersebut dievaluasi dan within that business model are evaluated
dilaporkan kepada personel and reported to the entity’s key
manajemen kunci; management personnel;
- Risiko yang mempengaruhi kinerja - The risks that affect the performance of
model bisnis (dan aset keuangan yang the business model (and the financial
dimiliki dalam model bisnis tersebut) assets held within that business model)
dan, khususnya, bagaimana cara and, in particular the way those risks are
risiko tersebut dikelola; managed;
592 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Model bisnis Grup tidak dinilai berdasarkan The Group’s business model is not assessed
masing-masing instrumennya, tetapi pada on an instrument-by-instrument basis, but at
tingkat portofolio secara agregat yang lebih a higher level of aggregated portfolios and is
tinggi dan didasarkan pada faktor-faktor based on observable factors such as:
yang dapat diamati seperti: (lanjutan) (continued)
- Frekuensi, nilai, dan waktu penjualan - The expected frequency, value, and
yang diharapkan, juga merupakan timing of sales are also important
aspek penting dari penilaian Grup. aspects of the Group’s assessment.
Penilaian model bisnis didasarkan pada The business model assessment is based on
skenario yang diharapkan secara wajar reasonably expected scenarios without
tanpa mempertimbangkan skenario “worst taking “worst case” or “stress case” scenarios
case” atau “stress case”. Jika arus kas into account. If cash flows after initial
setelah pengakuan awal direalisasikan recognition are realised in a way that is
dengan cara yang berbeda dari yang awal different from the Group’s original
diharapkan, Grup tidak mengubah expectations, the Group does not change the
klasifikasi aset keuangan dimiliki yang classification of the remaining financial
tersisa dalam model bisnis tersebut, tetapi assets held in that business model, but
memasukkan informasi tersebut dalam incorporates such information when
melakukan penilaian atas aset keuangan assessing newly originated or newly
yang baru atau yang baru dibeli purchased financial assets going forward.
Aset keuangan yang diukur pada biaya Financial assets are measured at amortized
perolehan diamortisasi jika aset keuangan cost if the financial asset is managed in a
dikelola dalam model bisnis yang bertujuan business model aimed at owning a financial
untuk memiliki aset keuangan dalam asset in order to obtain a contractual cash
rangka mendapatkan arus kas kontraktual flow and the contractual requirements of a
dan persyaratan kontraktual dari aset financial asset that on a given date increases
keuangan yang pada tanggal tertentu the cash flow solely from the principal and
meningkatkan arus kas yang semata dari interest payments (“SPPI”) of the amount
pembayaran pokok dan bunga (“SPPI”) owed.
dari jumlah pokok terutang.
Pada saat pengakuan awal, aset keuangan At initial recognition, the financial assets
yang diukur pada biaya perolehan measured at amortized cost are recognized
diamortisasi diakui pada nilai wajarnya at the fair value plus the transaction fee and
ditambah biaya transaksi dan selanjutnya subsequently measured at amortized cost by
diukur pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi using the effective interest rate.
dengan menggunakan suku bunga efektif.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 593
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pendapatan bunga dari aset keuangan Interest income from financial assets
yang diukur pada biaya perolehan measured at amortized cost is recorded in the
diamortisasi dicatat dalam laporan laba rugi statements of profit and loss and other
dan penghasilan komprehensif lain dan comprehensive income and is recognized as
diakui sebagai “Pendapatan Keuangan”. "Finance Income". When a decline in value
Ketika penurunan nilai terjadi, kerugian occurs, the impairment loss is recognized as
penurunan nilai diakui sebagai pengurang a deduction of the recorded value of the
dari nilai tercatat aset keuangan dan diakui financial asset and is acknowledged in the
didalam laporan keuangan sebagai financial statements as "Impairment loss".
“Kerugian penurunan nilai”.
Sebelum 1 Januari 2020, Grup Before January 1, 2020, the Group classified
mengklasifikasikan aset keuangannya its financial assets into these categories: (a)
dalam kategori (a) aset keuangan yang financial assets measured at fair value
diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laba rugi, (b) through profit or loss,
pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang, (c) (b) loans and receivables, (c) financial assets
aset keuangan dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo held to maturity, and (d) financial assets
dan (d) aset keuangan tersedia untuk available for sale. This classification depends
dijual. Klasifikasi ini tergantung dari tujuan on the purpose of acquiring such financial
perolehan aset keuangan tersebut. assets. Management determines the
Manajemen menentukan klasifikasi aset classification of such financial assets at the
keuangan tersebut pada saat awal beginning of its recognition.
Pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang Loans and receivables are non-derivative
adalah aset keuangan non-derivatif dengan financial assets with fixed or specified
pembayaran tetap atau telah ditentukan payments and have no quotes on the active
dan tidak mempunyai kuotasi di pasar aktif, market, except:
- yang dimaksudkan oleh Grup untuk - intended by the Group for sale in the
dijual dalam waktu dekat, yang near future, which is classified as held
diklasifikasikan dalam kelompok for trading, as well as which at the time
diperdagangkan, serta yang pada saat of initial recognition is determined to be
pengakuan awal ditetapkan diukur measured at fair value through profit or
pada nilai wajar melalui laba rugi; loss;
- yang pada saat pengakuan awal - which at the time of initial recognition is
ditetapkan dalam kelompok tersedia set as available for sale; or
untuk dijual; atau
- dalam hal Grup mungkin tidak akan - in the case of the Group may not obtain
memperoleh kembali investasi awal substantial initial investment unless
secara substansial kecuali yang caused by a decrease in the quality of
disebabkan oleh penurunan kualitas loans provided and receivables.
pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang.
594 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pada saat pengakuan awal, pinjaman yang At the time of initial recognition, loans and
diberikan dan piutang diakui pada nilai receivables are recognized at their fair value
wajarnya ditambah biaya transaksi dan plus transaction fees and are further
selanjutnya diukur pada biaya perolehan measured on amortized acquisition costs
diamortisasi dengan menggunakan using the Effective Interest Rate (“EIR”)
metode Suku Bunga Efektif (“SBE”). method. Income from financial assets in the
Pendapatan dari aset keuangan dalam category of loans and receivables is recorded
kelompok pinjaman yang diberikan dan in the consolidated statements of income and
piutang dicatat di dalam laporan laba rugi other comprehensive income and is reported
dan penghasilan komprehensif lain as "Finance Income". In the event of
konsolidasian dan dilaporkan sebagai impairment, impairment losses are reported
“Pendapatan Keuangan”. Dalam hal terjadi as a deduction from the carrying value of the
penurunan nilai, kerugian penurunan nilai financial assets in loan and receivables and
dilaporkan sebagai pengurang dari nilai are recognized in the consolidated
tercatat dari aset keuangan dalam statements of profit and loss and other
kelompok pinjaman yang diberikan dan comprehensive income as "Impairment loss".
piutang dan diakui di dalam laporan laba
rugi dan penghasilan komprehensif lain
konsolidasian sebagai “Kerugian
penurunan nilai”.
SBE adalah metode yang digunakan untuk EIR is a method of calculating the amortised
menghitung biaya perolehan diamortisasi cost of a financial asset and of allocating
dari instrumen keuangan dan metode untuk interest income over the relevant period. The
mengalokasikan pendapatan bunga EIR is the rate that exactly discounts
selama periode yang relevan. SBE adalah estimated future cash receipts (including all
suku bunga yang secara tepat fees and points paid or received that form an
mendiskontokan estimasi penerimaan kas integral part of the EIR, transaction costs and
di masa datang (mencakup seluruh komisi other premiums or discounts) through the
dan bentuk lain yang dibayarkan dan expected life of the financial instrument, or,
diterima yang merupakan bagian yang tak where appropriate, a shorter period to the net
terpisahkan dari SBE, biaya transaksi dan carrying amount of financial assets on initial
premium dan diskonto lainnya) selama recognition.
perkiraan umur instrumen keuangan, atau,
jika lebih tepat, digunakan periode yang
lebih singkat untuk memperoleh nilai
tercatat bersih aset keuangan pada saat
pengakuan awal.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 595
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Aset keuangan, selain aset keuangan Financial assets, other than those at FVTPL,
FVTPL, dievaluasi terhadap indikator are assessed for indicators of impairment at
penurunan nilai pada setiap akhir periode the end of each reporting date. Financial
pelaporan. Aset keuangan diturunkan assets are considered to be impaired when
nilainya bila terdapat bukti objektif, sebagai there is objective evidence that, as a result of
akibat dari satu atau lebih peristiwa yang one or more events that occurred after the
terjadi setelah pengakuan awal aset initial recognition of the financial asset, the
keuangan, dan peristiwa yang merugikan estimated future cash flows of the investment
tersebut berdampak pada estimasi arus have been affected.
kas masa depan atas aset keuangan yang
dapat diestimasi secara andal.
Sebelum 1 Januari 2020, bukti objektif Before January 1, 2020, objective evidence
penurunan nilai aset keuangan termasuk of impairment of financial assets could
sebagai berikut: include:
596 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Untuk kelompok aset keuangan tertentu, For certain categories of financial assets,
seperti piutang, aset yang dinilai tidak akan such as receivables, assets that are
diturunkan secara individual akan assessed not to be impaired individually are,
dievaluasi penurunan nilainya secara in addition, assessed for impairment on a
kolektif. Bukti objektif dari penurunan nilai collective basis. Objective evidence of
portofolio piutang dapat termasuk impairment for a portfolio of receivables could
pengalaman Grup atas tertagihnya piutang include the Group’s past experience of
di masa lalu, peningkatan keterlambatan collecting payments, an increase in the
penerimaan pembayaran piutang dari rata- number of delayed payments in the portfolio
rata periode kredit, dan juga pengamatan past the average credit period, as well as
atas perubahan kondisi ekonomi nasional observable changes in national or local
atau lokal yang berkorelasi dengan gagal economic conditions that correlate with
bayar atas piutang. default on receivables.
Untuk aset keuangan yang diukur pada For financial assets carried at amortised cost,
biaya perolehan diamortisasi, jumlah the amount of the impairment loss is
kerugian penurunan nilai merupakan measured as the difference between the
selisih antara jumlah tercatat aset asset’s carrying amount and the present
keuangan dengan nilai kini dari estimasi value of estimated future cash flows,
arus kas masa depan yang didiskontokan discounted at the financial asset’s original
menggunakan suku bunga efektif awal dari effective interest rate.
aset keuangan.
Jumlah tercatat aset keuangan tersebut The carrying amount of the financial asset is
dikurangi dengan kerugian penurunan nilai reduced by the impairment loss directly for all
secara langsung atas seluruh aset financial assets with the exception of
keuangan, kecuali piutang yang jumlah receivables, where the carrying amount is
tercatatnya dikurangi melalui penggunaan reduced through the use of an allowance
akun cadangan piutang. Jika piutang tidak account. When a receivable is considered
tertagih, piutang tersebut dihapuskan uncollectible, it is written off against the
melalui akun cadangan piutang. Pemulihan allowance account. Subsequent recoveries of
kemudian dari jumlah yang sebelumnya amounts previously written off are credited
telah dihapuskan dikreditkan terhadap against the allowance account. Changes in
akun cadangan. Perubahan jumlah tercatat the carrying amount of the allowance account
akun cadangan piutang diakui dalam laba are recognized in profit or loss.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 597
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Liabilitas keuangan Grup terdiri dari The Group’s financial liabilities consist of
pinjaman bank jangka pendek, utang short-term bank loans, trade payables, other
usaha, liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya, current liabilities, short-term employee
liabilitas imbalan kerja jangka pendek, benefits liability, accrued expenses, long-
beban akrual, utang bank jangka panjang term bank loans and lease liabilities classified
dan liabilitas sewa diklasifikasikan sebagai as financial liabilities at amortized cost. The
liabilitas keuangan yang diukur dengan Group has no financial liabilities measured at
biaya diamortisasi. Grup tidak memiliki fair value through profit or loss.
liabilitas keuangan yang diukur pada nilai
wajar melalui laba rugi.
Pada tanggal pelaporan, akrual beban At the reporting dates, accrued interest
bunga dicatat secara terpisah dari pokok expenses is recorded separately from the
pinjaman terkait dalam bagian liabilitas associated borrowings within the current
jangka pendek. Keuntungan atau kerugian liabilities section. Gains and losses are
harus diakui dalam laba rugi ketika liabilitas recognized in profit or loss when the liabilities
tersebut dihentikan pengakuannya serta are derecognized as well as through the EIR
melalui proses amortisasi SBE. amortisation process.
598 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Ketika sebuah liabilitas keuangan ditukar When an existing financial liability is replaced
dengan liabilitas keuangan lain dari by another from the same lender on
pemberi pinjaman yang sama atas substantially different terms, or the terms of
persyaratan yang secara substansial an existing financial liability are substantially
berbeda, atau bila persyaratan dari modified, such an exchange or modification is
liabilitas keuangan tersebut secara treated as derecognition of the original
substansial dimodifikasi, pertukaran atau financial liability and recognition of a new
modifikasi persyaratan tersebut dicatat financial liability, and the difference in the
sebagai penghentian pengakuan liabilitas respective carrying amounts is recognized in
keuangan awal dan pengakuan liabilitas the profit or loss.
keuangan baru, dan selisih antara nilai
tercatat masing-masing liabilitas keuangan
tersebut diakui pada laba rugi.
Perubahan model bisnis sifatnya harus Changes in the business model should
berdampak secara signifikan terhadap significantly impact the Group's operational
kegiatan operasional Grup seperti activities such as acquiring, releasing or
memperoleh, melepaskan, atau ending a line of business. In addition, the
mengakhiri suatu lini bisnis. Selain itu, Group needs to prove the change to external
Grup perlu membuktikan adanya parties.
perubahan tersebut kepada pihak
Yang bukan merupakan perubahan model The following are not considered as change
bisnis adalah: (a) perubahan intensi in business model: (a) the change of intention
berkaitan dengan aset keuangan tertentu relates to certain financial assets (even in
(bahkan dalam situasi perubahan signifikan situations of significant changes in market
dalam kondisi pasar), (b) hilangnya conditions), (b) temporary loss of certain
sementara pasar tertentu untuk aset markets for financial assets, and (c) the
keuangan, dan (c) pengalihan aset transfer of financial assets between parts of
keuangan antara bagian dari Grup dengan the Group and different business models.
model bisnis berbeda.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 599
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Aset keuangan dan liabilitas keuangan Financial assets and financial liabilities are
disalinghapuskan dan nilai netonya offset and the net amount presented in the
disajikan dalam laporan posisi keuangan consolidated statement of financial position
konsolidasian jika Grup memiliki hak yang when the Group has a legally enforceable
dapat dipaksakan secara hukum untuk right to set off the recognized amounts; and
melakukan saling hapus atas jumlah yang intends either to settle on a net basis, or to
telah diakui; dan berintensi untuk realise the asset and settle the liability
menyelesaikan secara neto atau untuk simultaneously. A right to offset must be
merealisasikan aset dan menyelesaikan available today rather than being contingent
liabilitasnya secara simultan. Hak saling on a future event and must be exercisable by
hapus harus ada pada saat ini daripada any of the counterparties, both in the normal
bersifat kontinjen atas terjadinya suatu course of business and in the event of default,
peristiwa di masa depan dan harus insolvency, or bankruptcy.
dieksekusi oleh pihak lawan, baik dalam
situasi bisnis normal dan dalam peristiwa
gagal bayar, peristiwa kepailitan, atau
Grup mengukur pada pengakuan awal The Group initially measures financial
instrumen keuangan pada nilai wajar, dan instruments at fair value, and assets and
aset dan liabilitas yang diakuisisi pada liabilities of the acquirees upon business
kombinasi bisnis. Grup juga mengukur combinations. It also measures certain
jumlah terpulihkan dari UPK tertentu recoverable amounts of the CGU using fair
berdasarkan nilai wajar dikurangi biaya value less cost of disposal (“FVLCD”).
Nilai wajar adalah harga yang akan Fair value is the price that would be received
diterima dari menjual suatu aset atau harga to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in
yang akan dibayar untuk mengalihkan an orderly transaction between market
suatu liabilitas dalam transaksi teratur participants at the measurement date. The
antara pelaku pasar pada tanggal fair value measurement is based on the
pengukuran. Pengukuran nilai wajar presumption that the transaction to sell the
mengasumsikan bahwa transaksi untuk asset or transfer the liability takes place
menjual aset atau mengalihkan liabilitas either:
i. di pasar utama untuk aset atau i. in the principal market for the asset or
liabilitas tersebut, atau liability, or
ii. jika tidak terdapat pasar utama, di ii. in the absence of a principal market, in
pasar yang paling menguntungkan the most advantageous market for the
untuk aset atau liabilitas tersebut. asset or liability.
Pasar utama atau pasar yang paling The principal or the most advantageous
menguntungkan tersebut harus dapat market must be accessible to by the Group.
diakses oleh Grup.
600 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
i. Persediaan i. Inventories
Persediaan dinyatakan sebesar nilai terendah Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net
antara biaya perolehan atau nilai realisasi neto. realizable value. Cost is determined using the
Biaya perolehan ditentukan dengan metode weighted average cost method and includes
rata-rata tertimbang dan termasuk semua expenditure incurred in acquiring the inventories,
pengeluaran untuk memperoleh persediaan, production or conversion costs and other costs
biaya produksi atau konversi, dan biaya lainnya incurred in bringing the inventory to its existing
yang timbul untuk membawa persediaan ke location and condition. It excludes borrowing
tempat dan kondisi saat ini. Biaya tersebut tidak costs. Net realizable value is the estimated sales
termasuk biaya pinjaman. Nilai realisasi neto amount in the ordinary course of business less the
adalah estimasi harga penjualan dalam costs of completion and selling expenses.
kegiatan usaha normal dikurangi dengan biaya
penyelesaian dan penjualannya.
Penyisihan persediaan usang dibentuk untuk Allowance for inventory obsolescence is provided
mengurangi jumlah tercatat persediaan ke nilai to reduce the carrying amount of inventories to
realisasi netonya yang ditentukan melalui their net realizable value based on the periodic
pengujian berkala atas estimasi penggunaan review of the estimated future usage or sale of
atau penjualan masing-masing jenis persediaan individual inventory items.
di masa yang akan datang.
Grup mempunyai transaksi dengan pihak The Group has transactions with related parties
berelasi sebagaimana didefinisikan pada PSAK as defined in PSAK No. 7 (Improvement 2015),
No. 7 (Penyesuaian 2015) “Pengungkapan “Related Party Disclosures”.
Pihak-pihak Berelasi”.
Transaksi ini dilakukan berdasarkan The transactions are made based on terms
persyaratan yang disetujui oleh kedua belah agreed by the parties, in which such terms may
pihak, dimana persyaratan tersebut mungkin not be the same as those of the transactions
tidak sama dengan transaksi lain yang between unrelated parties.
dilakukan dengan pihak-pihak yang tidak
Saldo dan transaksi signifikan dengan pihak- All significant balances and transactions with
pihak berelasi diungkapkan dalam Catatan 32. related parties are disclosed in Note 32.
Kecuali diungkapkan khusus sebagai pihak- Unless specifically identified as related parties,
pihak berelasi, maka pihak-pihak lain yang the parties disclosed in the notes to the
disebutkan dalam catatan atas laporan consolidated financial statements are third
keuangan konsolidasian merupakan pihak parties.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 601
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Seluruh aset tetap awalnya diakui sebesar All fixed assets are initially recognized at cost,
biaya perolehan, yang terdiri atas harga which comprises the purchase price and any
perolehan dan biaya-biaya tambahan yang costs directly attributable in bringing the assets to
dapat di atribusikan langsung untuk membawa the location and condition necessary for the
aset ke lokasi dan kondisi yang diinginkan assets to be capable of operating in the manner
supaya aset tersebut siap digunakan sesuai intended by management.
dengan maksud manajemen.
Aset tetap dinyatakan sebesar biaya perolehan Fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated
dikurangi dengan akumulasi penyusutan dan depreciation and allowance for impairment. Land
penyisihan penurunan nilai. Tanah tidak is not depreciated. The cost includes the cost of
disusutkan. Termasuk juga ke dalam biaya replacing part of the fixed assets when that cost is
perolehan adalah biaya-biaya penggantian incurred, only when it is probable that future
bagian dari aset tetap jika biaya itu terjadi, dan economic benefits associated with the item will
apabila terdapat kemungkinan yang besar flow to the Group and the cost of the item can be
bahwa Grup akan mendapat manfaat ekonomis measured reliably. Likewise, when a major
di masa depan dari bagian aset tersebut serta inspection is performed, its cost is recognized in
biaya perolehannya dapat diukur secara andal. the carrying amount of the fixed assets as a
Demikian pula, pada saat inspeksi yang replacement if the recognition criteria are
signifikan dilakukan, biaya inspeksi itu diakui ke satisfied. All other repairs and maintenance costs
dalam jumlah tercatat (carrying amount) aset that do not meet the recognition criteria are
tetap sebagai suatu penggantian jika memenuhi recognized in profit or loss as incurred.
kriteria pengakuan. Semua biaya pemeliharaan
dan perbaikan yang tidak memenuhi kriteria
pengakuan diakui dalam laba rugi pada saat
Biaya legal awal yang terjadi untuk memperoleh Initial legal costs incurred to obtain legal rights of
hak atas tanah diakui sebagai bagian dari biaya land are recognized as part of the acquisition
akuisisi. costs.
Bangunan, prasarana dan instalasi 4-20 Buildings, improvements and installations
Mesin dan peralatan 2-10 Machinery and equipment
Perabotan dan perlengkapan kantor 2-5 Office furniture, fixtures and equipment
Alat transportasi 2-5 Transportation equipment
Konstruksi baja 10 Steel constructions
Aset dalam penyelesaian merupakan biaya- Construction in progress represents costs directly
biaya yang berhubungan langsung dengan attributable to the construction and acquisition of
pembangunan dan akuisisi aset tetap, termasuk fixed assets, including financial costs, if any.
biaya pendanaan, jika ada. Biaya-biaya These costs are transferred to the relevant asset
tersebut akan dipindahkan ke aset tetap yang account when the construction is complete.
bersangkutan pada saat pembangunannya Depreciation is charged from the date the assets
telah selesai. Penyusutan mulai dibebankan are ready for use.
pada saat aset tersebut siap digunakan.
602 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Jumlah tercatat aset tetap dihentikan An item of fixed asset is derecognized upon
pengakuannya pada saat dilepaskan atau saat disposal or when no future economic benefits are
tidak ada manfaat ekonomis di masa depan expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss
yang diharapkan dari penggunaan atau arising from derecognition of the asset, calculated
pelepasannya. Laba atau rugi yang timbul dari as the difference between the net disposal
penghentian pengakuan aset, yang merupakan proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset, is
perbedaan antara jumlah neto hasil pelepasan included in profit or loss.
dengan jumlah tercatatnya, disajikan dalam
laba rugi.
Nilai residu, umur manfaat dan metode The residual values, useful lifes and methods of
penyusutan ditinjau ulang dan, jika diperlukan, depreciation are reviewed, and adjusted
akan disesuaikan secara prospektif pada setiap prospectively, if appropriate, at each reporting
tanggal pelaporan. date.
Biaya terkait dengan pembaruan hak atas tanah Cost related to renewal of land rights are
diakui sebagai aset takberwujud dan recognized as intangible assets and amortized
diamortisasi sepanjang umur hukum hak yang during the period of the land rights which are
berkisar antara 20 (dua puluh) sampai ranging from 20 (twenty) to 30 (thirty) years.
30 (tiga puluh) tahun.
Biaya yang terkait dengan pemeliharaan Costs associated with maintaining computer
program piranti lunak komputer diakui sebagai software programs are recognized as an expense
beban pada saat terjadinya. Biaya perolehan as incurred. Acquisition and development costs
atau pengembangan yang dapat secara that are directly attributable to the design and
langsung diatribusikan kepada desain dan testing of software products are recognized as
pengujian produk piranti lunak diakui sebagai intangible assets.
aset takberwujud.
Biaya-biaya yang dapat diatribusikan secara Directly attributable costs that are capitalized as
langsung dan dikapitalisasi sebagai bagian dari part of the software product include the software
produk piranti lunak mencakup beban pekerja development employee costs and an appropriate
pengembang piranti lunak dan overhead yang portion of the relevant overheads. The acquisition
relevan. Biaya perolehan dan pengembangan and development costs is amortized using the
piranti lunak diamortisasi dengan menggunakan straight-line method over 2 (two) years.
metode garis lurus selama 2 (dua) tahun.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 603
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
m. Sewa m. Lease
Grup mengklasifikasikan sewa berdasarkan The Group classifies leases based on the extent
sejauh mana risiko dan manfaat yang terkait to which risks and rewards incidental to the
dengan kepemilikan aset sewaan berada pada ownership of a leased asset are vested upon the
lessor atau lessee, dan pada substansi lessor or the lessee, and the substance of the
transaksi daripada bentuk kontraknya, pada transaction rather than the form of the contract, at
tanggal pengakuan awal. inception date.
Pembayaran sewa minimum harus dipisahkan Minimum lease payments are apportioned
antara bagian yang merupakan beban between the financial charges and reduction of
keuangan dan bagian yang merupakan the lease liability so as to achieve a constant rate
pelunasan liabilitas, sedemikian rupa sehingga of interest on the remaining balance of liability.
menghasilkan suatu tingkat suku bunga Financial charges are charged directly to profit or
periodik yang konstan atas saldo liabilitas. loss.
Beban keuangan dibebankan langsung pada
laba rugi.
Jika terdapat kepastian yang memadai bahwa If there is a reasonable certainty that the lessee
lessee akan mendapatkan hak kepemilikan will obtain ownership by the end of the lease term,
pada akhir masa sewa, aset sewaan disusutkan then, the leased assets are depreciated over their
selama masa pakai aset yang diestimasi estimated useful lives. If not, then the capitalized
berdasarkan umur manfaat aset tersebut. Jika leased assets are depreciated over the shorter of
tidak terdapat kepastian tersebut, maka aset the useful lives of the assets or the lease term.
sewaan disusutkan selama periode yang lebih Gain or loss on a sale and finance leaseback
pendek antara umur manfaat aset sewaan atau transaction is deferred and amortized over the
masa sewa. Laba atau rugi yang timbul dari lease term.
transaksi jual dan sewa kembali ditangguhkan
dan diamortisasi selama masa sewa.
604 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Mulai tanggal 1 Januari 2020, Grup From 1 January 2020, the Group has adopted
menerapkan PSAK 73 “Sewa”, yang PSAK 73 “Leases”, which sets the requirements
mensyaratkan pengakuan liabilitas sewa for recognition of lease liabilities in relation to
sehubungan dengan sewa yang sebelumnya leases which had previously been classified as
diklasifikasikan sebagai “sewa operasi”. “operating leases”. This policy is applied to
Kebijakan ini berlaku untuk kontrak yang contracts entered into or amended, on or after
disepakati atau diamendemen, pada atau January 1, 2020.
setelah 1 Januari 2020.
Pada tanggal insepsi suatu kontrak, Grup At inception of a contract, the Group assesses
menilai apakah suatu kontrak merupakan, atau whether a contract is, or contains, a lease. A
mengandung, sewa. Suatu kontrak merupakan, contract is, or contains, a lease if the contract
atau mengandung, sewa jika kontrak tersebut conveys the right to control the use of an identified
memberikan hak untuk mengendalikan asset for a period of time in exchange for
penggunaan suatu aset identifikasian selama consideration. To assess whether a contract
suatu jangka waktu untuk dipertukarkan dengan conveys the right to control the use of an identified
imbalan. Untuk menilai apakah suatu kontrak asset, the Group assesses whether:
memberikan hak untuk mengendalikan suatu
aset identifikasian, Grup menilai apakah:
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 605
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pada tanggal insepsi atau pada penilaian At the inception or on reassessment of a contract
kembali atas kontrak yang mengandung that contains a lease component, the Group
sebuah komponen sewa, Grup allocates the consideration in the contract to each
mengalokasikan imbalan dalam kontrak ke lease component on the basis of the relative
masing-masing komponen sewa berdasarkan stand-alone prices and the aggregate stand-alone
harga tersendiri relatif dari komponen sewa dan price of the non-lease components.
harga tersendiri agregat dari komponen
Pada tanggal permulaan sewa, Grup mengakui The Group recognises a right-of-use assets and a
aset hak-guna dan liabilitas sewa. Aset hak lease liability at the lease commencement date.
guna diukur pada biaya perolehan, dimana The right-of-use assets is initially measured at
meliputi jumlah pengukuran awal liabilitas sewa cost, which comprises the initial amount of the
yang disesuaikan dengan pembayaran sewa lease liability adjusted for any lease payment
yang dilakukan pada atau sebelum tanggal made at or before the commencement date, plus
permulaan, ditambah dengan biaya langsung any initial direct cost incurred and an estimate of
awal yang dikeluarkan dan estimasi biaya yang costs to dismantle and remove the underlying
akan dikeluarkan untuk membongkar dan asset or to restore the underlying asset to the
memindahkan aset pendasar atau untuk condition required by the terms and conditions of
merestorasi aset pendasar ke kondisi yang the lease, less any lease incentives received.
disyaratkan dan ketentuan sewa, dikurangi
dengan insentif sewa yang diterima.
Liabilitas sewa diukur pada nilai kini The lease liability is initially measured at the
pembayaran sewa yang belum dibayar pada present value of the lease payments that are not
tanggal permulaan, didiskontokan dengan paid at the commencement date, discounted
menggunakan suku bunga implisit dalam sewa using the interest rate implicit in the lease or, if that
atau jika suku bunga tersebut tidak dapat rate cannot be readily determined, use the
ditentukan, maka menggunakan suku bunga incremental borrowing rate. Generally, the Group
pinjaman inkremental. Pada umumnya, Grup uses its incremental borrowing rate as the
menggunakan suku bunga pinjaman discount rate.
inkremental sebagai tingkat bunga diskonto.
Pembayaran sewa yang termasuk dalam Lease payments included in the measurement of
pengukuran liabilitas sewa meliputi the lease liability comprise fixed payments,
pembayaran tetap, termasuk pembayaran including in-substance fixed payments less any
tetap secara substansi dikurangi dengan lease incentive receivable.
piutang insentif sewa.
Setiap pembayaran sewa dialokasikan sebagai Each lease payment is allocated between finance
beban keuangan dan pengurangan liabilitas charges and reduction of the lease liability so as
sehingga menghasilkan tingkat suku bunga to achieve a constant interest rate on the
yang konstan atas saldo liabilitas yang tersisa. outstanding balance of the liabilities.
606 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Sewa jangka-pendek dan sewa aset bernilai- Short-term leases and leases of low-value
rendah assets
Grup memilih untuk tidak mengakui aset hak- The Group has elected not to recognize right-of-
guna dan liabilitas sewa untuk sewa jangka- use assets and lease liabilities for short-term
pendek yang memiliki masa sewa 12 bulan leases that have a lease term of 12 months or
atau kurang dan sewa atas aset bernilai- less and leases of low-value assets. The Group
rendah. Grup mengakui pembayaran sewa recognizes the lease payments associated with
terkait dengan sewa ini sebagai beban dengan these leases as an expense on a straight-line
dasar garis lurus selama masa sewa. basis over the lease term.
Properti investasi terdiri dari tanah, bangunan Investment property consists of land, buildings,
prasarana dan instalasi, yang dikuasai Grup facilities and installations, which are held by the
untuk disewakan atau untuk mendapatkan Group to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or
keuntungan dari kenaikan nilai atau kedua- both, rather than for use in the production or
duanya dan tidak untuk digunakan dalam supply of goods or services or for administrative
produksi atau penyediaan barang atau jasa purposes or sale in the ordinary course of
atau untuk tujuan administratif atau dijual dalam business. Investment property is stated at cost,
kegiatan usaha normal. Properti investasi including expenditure that is directly attributable to
dinyatakan sebesar biaya perolehan termasuk acquisition of the investment property.
pengeluaran yang dapat diatribusikan secara
langsung untuk perolehan properti investasi.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 607
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Transfer ke properti investasi dilakukan jika, Transfers to investment property are made when,
dan hanya jika, terdapat perubahan and only when, there is a change in use,
penggunaan yang ditunjukkan dengan evidenced by the end of owner occupation,
berakhirnya pemakaian oleh pemilik, commencement of an operating lease to another
dimulainya sewa operasi ke pihak lain atau party or completion of construction or
selesainya pembangunan atau development. Transfers from investment property
pengembangan. Transfer dari properti investasi are made when, and only when, there is a change
dilakukan jika dan hanya jika terdapat in use, evidenced by commencement of owner
perubahan penggunaan yang ditunjukkan occupation or commencement of development
dengan dimulainya penggunaan oleh pemilik with a view to sale.
atau dimulainya pengembangan yang bertujuan
untuk dijual.
Untuk transfer dari properti investasi ke aset For a transfer from investment property to an
yang digunakan dalam operasi, Grup asset used in operations, the Group uses the cost
menggunakan metode biaya pada tanggal method at the date of change in use. If the asset
perubahan penggunaan. Jika aset yang used by the Group becomes an investment
digunakan Grup menjadi properti investasi, property, the Group accounts for the asset in
Grup mencatat aset tersebut sesuai dengan accordance with the policy stated under fixed
kebijakan aset tetap sampai dengan tanggal assets up to the date of change in use.
terakhir perubahan penggunaannya.
Aset yang memiliki umur manfaat tidak Assets that have an indefinite useful life - for
terbatas, sebagai contoh goodwill atau aset example, goodwill or intangible assets not ready
takberwujud yang belum siap digunakan, tidak for use - are not subject to amortization and are
diamortisasi dan dilakukan pengujian tested annually for impairment, or more frequently
penurunan nilai secara tahunan, atau lebih if events or changes in circumstances indicate
sering apabila terdapat peristiwa atau that they might be impaired.
perubahan pada kondisi yang mengindikasikan
kemungkinan penurunan nilai.
Aset yang diamortisasi atau disusutkan ditinjau Assets that are subject to amortization or
ulang ketika terdapat indikasi bahwa jumlah depreciation are reviewed for impairment
tercatatnya mungkin tidak dapat dipulihkan. whenever events or changes in circumstances
Penurunan nilai diakui jika jumlah tercatat aset indicate that the carrying amount may not be
melebihi jumlah terpulihkan. Jumlah terpulihkan recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for
adalah nilai yang lebih tinggi antara nilai wajar the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount
aset dikurangi biaya untuk menjual dan nilai exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable
pakai aset. Dalam menentukan penurunan nilai, amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less
aset dikelompokkan sampai tingkat yang paling costs to sell and value in use. For the purposes of
rendah dimana arus kasnya dapat diidentifikasi assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the
(“UPK”). Aset nonkeuangan selain goodwill lowest levels for which there are separately
yang mengalami penurunan nilai ditinjau ulang identifiable cash flows (“CGU”). Non-financial
pada setiap tanggal pelaporan untuk assets other than goodwill that suffer an
menentukan apakah terdapat kemungkinan impairment are reviewed for possible reversal of
pemulihan penurunan nilai. the impairment at each reporting date.
608 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pemulihan kerugian penurunan nilai untuk aset Reversal on impairment loss for assets other than
selain goodwill, diakui jika, terdapat perubahan goodwill would be recognized if there had been a
estimasi yang digunakan dalam menentukan change in the estimates used to determine the
jumlah terpulihkan aset sejak peninjauan ulang asset’s recoverable amount since the last
penurunan nilai yang terakhir. Pembalikan impairment test was carried out. Reversal on
kerugian penurunan nilai tersebut diakui segera impairment loss will be immediately recognized in
dalam laba rugi, kecuali untuk aset yang profit or loss, except for assets measured using
disajikan pada jumlah revaluasian yang diatur the revaluation model as required by other PSAK.
PSAK lain. Kerugian penurunan nilai yang Impairment loss relating to goodwill would not be
diakui atas goodwill tidak dibalik kembali. reversed.
q. Provisi q. Provision
Provisi diakui jika, sebagai akibat peristiwa A provision is recognized if, as a result of a past
masa lalu, Grup memiliki kewajiban kini, baik event, the Group has a present legal or
bersifat hukum maupun bersifat konstruktif yang constructive obligation that can be estimated
dapat diukur secara andal dan kemungkinan reliably, and it is probable that an outflow of
besar penyelesaian kewajiban tersebut economic benefits will be required to settle the
mengakibatkan arus keluar sumber daya yang obligation. Where the time value of money is
mengandung manfaat ekonomi. Jika dampak material, provision is stated at the present value
nilai waktu uang cukup material, maka provisi of the expenditure expected to be required to
dinyatakan pada estimasi nilai kini dari jumlah settle the obligation.
kewajiban yang harus diselesaikan.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 609
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pendapatan dari penjualan barang dalam Revenue from the sale of goods in the
kegiatan usaha normal Grup diukur pada ordinary course of the Group’s activities is
nilai wajar imbalan yang diterima atau akan measured at the fair value of the
diterima, setelah dikurangi Pajak consideration received or receivable, net of
Pertambahan Nilai, retur, diskon dan Value Added Tax, returns, discounts and
potongan harga. rebates.
Pendapatan penjualan barang diakui pada Revenue from sales of goods is recognized
saat terpenuhinya seluruh kondisi berikut: when all of the following conditions are met:
- Grup telah memindahkan risiko dan - the Group has transferred to the buyer
manfaat kepemilikan barang secara the significant risks and rewards of
signifikan kepada pembeli; ownership of the goods;
- Grup tidak lagi melanjutkan - the Group retains neither continuing
pengelolaan yang biasanya terkait managerial involvement to the degree
dengan kepemilikan atas barang usually associated with ownership nor
maupun melakukan pengendalian effective control over the goods sold;
efektif atas barang yang dijual;
- jumlah pendapatan dapat diukur - the amount of revenue can be measured
secara andal; reliably;
- kemungkinan besar manfaat ekonomi - it is probable that the economic benefits
yang terkait dengan transaksi tersebut associated with the transaction will flow
akan mengalir ke Grup; dan to the Group; and
- biaya yang terjadi atau akan terjadi - the costs incurred or to be incurred in
sehubungan transaksi penjualan relation to the sales transaction can be
tersebut dapat diukur secara andal. measured reliably.
Pendapatan dari penjualan jasa diakui Revenue from sales of services is recognized
dalam laba rugi pada saat jasa diberikan. in profit or loss when the services are
Untuk penjualan jasa yang mengacu pada rendered. For sales of services in which the
tingkat penyelesaian dari transaksi pada service are rendered by reference to the
tanggal pelaporan, tingkat penyelesaian stage of completion of the transaction at the
transaksi ditentukan dengan reporting date, the stage of completion is
memperhatikan survei pekerjaan yang assessed by reference to surveys of work
telah dilaksanakan. performed.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Bila hasil transaksi penjualan jasa tidak When the outcome of a transaction involving
dapat diestimasi dengan andal, the rendering of services cannot be
pendapatan yang diakui hanya sebesar estimated reliably, revenue is recognized
beban yang telah diakui yang dapat only to the extent of the expenses recognized
diperoleh kembali. Taksiran rugi pada jasa that are recoverable. An expected loss on a
segera diakui dalam laba rugi. service is recognized immediately in profit or
Penghasilan sewa dari properti investasi Rental income from investment property and
dan aset tertentu diakui dalam laba rugi certain assets is recognized in profit or loss
dengan dasar garis lurus selama jangka on a straight-line basis over the term of the
waktu sewa. lease.
Beban diakui pada saat terjadinya Expenses are recognized when incurred on
berdasarkan konsep akrual. an accrual basis.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pembayaran harga transaksi berbeda untuk Payment of the transaction price differs for each
setiap kontrak. Aset kontrak diakui apabila contracts. Contract asset is recognised when
kewajiban pelaksanaan yang telah dipenuhi performance obligation satisfied is more than the
melebihi pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh payments by customer. Contract liability is
pelanggan. Liabilitas kontrak diakui ketika recognised when the payments by customer is
pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh pelanggan more than the performance obligation satisfied.
melebihi kewajiban pelaksanaan yang telah Contract assets are presented under “Trade
dipenuhi. Aset kontrak disajikan dalam receivables” and contract liabilities are presented
“Piutang usaha” dan liabilitas kontrak disajikan under “Deferred Income”.
dalam “Pendapatan diterima dimuka”.
Kriteria tertentu juga harus terpenuhi untuk The specific criteria also must be met for each of
setiap aktivitas Grup seperti yang dijelaskan di the Group’s activities as described below.
Pendapatan dari penjualan barang dalam Revenue from the sale of goods in the
kegiatan usaha normal Grup diukur pada ordinary course of the Group’s activities is
nilai wajar imbalan yang diterima atau akan measured at the fair value of the
diterima, setelah dikurangi Pajak consideration received or receivable, net of
Pertambahan Nilai, retur, diskon dan Value Added Tax, returns, discounts and
potongan harga. rebates.
Pendapatan penjualan barang diakui pada Revenue from sales of goods is recognized
saat terpenuhinya seluruh kondisi berikut: when all of the following conditions are met:
- Grup telah memindahkan risiko dan - the Group has transferred to the buyer
manfaat kepemilikan barang secara the significant risks and rewards of
signifikan kepada pembeli; ownership of the goods;
- Grup tidak lagi melanjutkan - the Group retains neither continuing
pengelolaan yang biasanya terkait managerial involvement to the degree
dengan kepemilikan atas barang usually associated with ownership nor
maupun melakukan pengendalian effective control over the goods sold;
efektif atas barang yang dijual;
- jumlah pendapatan dapat diukur - the amount of revenue can be measured
secara andal; reliably;
- kemungkinan besar manfaat ekonomi - it is probable that the economic benefits
yang terkait dengan transaksi tersebut associated with the transaction will flow
akan mengalir ke Grup; dan to the Group; and
- biaya yang terjadi atau akan terjadi - the costs incurred or to be incurred in
sehubungan transaksi penjualan relation to the sales transaction can be
tersebut dapat diukur secara andal. measured reliably.
612 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Penghasilan sewa dari properti investasi Rental income from investment property and
dan aset tertentu diakui dalam laba rugi certain assets is recognized in profit or loss
dengan dasar garis lurus selama jangka on a straight-line basis over the term of the
waktu sewa. lease.
Beban diakui pada saat terjadinya Expenses are recognized when incurred on
berdasarkan konsep akrual. an accrual basis.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 613
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Liabilitas program pensiun imbalan pasti The liability recognized in the consolidated
yang diakui dalam laporan posisi keuangan statement of financial position in respect of
konsolidasian adalah nilai kini kewajiban defined benefit pension plans is the present
imbalan pasti pada tanggal pelaporan value of the defined benefit obligation at the
dikurangi nilai wajar aset program. reporting date less the fair value of plan
Perhitungan tersebut dilakukan oleh assets. The calculation is performed by an
aktuaris independen dengan independent actuary using the projected unit
menggunakan metode projected unit credit. credit method. The present value of the
Nilai kini kewajiban imbalan pasti defined benefit obligation is determined by
ditentukan dengan mendiskontokan discounting the estimated future cash
estimasi arus kas keluar di masa depan outflows using government bond interest
menggunakan tingkat bunga obligasi rates considering currently there is no deep
pemerintah dengan pertimbangan bahwa market for high quality corporate bonds that
pada saat ini tidak terdapat pasar aktif have terms to maturity approximating the
untuk obligasi korporasi yang berkualitas terms of the related liability.
tinggi yang memiliki periode jatuh
temponya berdekatan dengan periode
liabilitas tersebut.
Beban yang diakui di laba rugi termasuk Expense charged to profit or loss includes
biaya jasa kini, beban/pendapatan bunga, current service costs, interest
biaya jasa lalu dan keuntungan/kerugian expense/income, past-service cost and gains
penyelesaian. and losses on settlements.
Biaya jasa lalu diakui segera dalam laba Past-service costs are recognized
rugi, kecuali perubahan pada program immediately in profit or loss, unless the
pensiun tergantung pada kondisi karyawan changes to the pension plan are conditional
memberikan jasanya selama periode on the employees remaining in service for a
tertentu (periode vesting). Dalam hal ini, specified period of time (the vesting period).
biaya jasa lalu diamortisasi dengan In this case, the past-service costs are
menggunakan metode garis lurus amortized on a straight-line basis over the
sepanjang periode vesting. vesting period.
614 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Keuntungan dan kerugian atas kurtailmen Gains and losses on curtailment are
diakui ketika terdapat komitmen untuk recognized when there is a commitment to
mengurangi jumlah karyawan yang make a material reduction in the number of
tercakup dalam suatu program secara employees covered by a plan or when there
signifikan atau ketika terdapat perubahan is an amendment of defined benefit plan
ketentuan dalam program imbalan pasti terms such as that a material element of
yang menyebabkan bagian yang material future services to be provided by current
dari jasa masa depan, karyawan tidak lagi employees will no longer qualify for benefits,
memberikan imbalan atau memberikan or will qualify only for reduced benefits.
imbalan yang lebih rendah.
Program imbalan pasti yang The defined benefit plans provided by the
diselenggarakan oleh Grup meliputi Group cover defined benefit pension and
pensiun imbalan pasti dan kewajiban defined benefit obligation under Labour Law
imbalan pasti berdasarkan Undang- No. 13/2003 (“Labour Law”) or the Collective
Undang (“UU”) Ketenagakerjaan Labour Agreement (the “CLA”), whichever is
No. 13/2003 atau Kontrak Kerja Bersama higher.
(“KKB”), mana yang lebih tinggi.
iii. Imbalan kerja jangka panjang lainnya iii. Other long-term benefits
Karyawan Grup memiliki hak untuk Employees of the Group are entitled to
menerima penghargaan masa kerja untuk receive long service awards, namely Ulang
jangka waktu tertentu dalam bentuk kas Tahun Dinas (“UTD”) in the form of certain
dalam jumlah tertentu atau barang, yang cash awards or goods and long-service paid
disebut Ulang Tahun Dinas (“UTD”) atau leave (“LSL”) in the form of a certain number
cuti berimbalan jangka panjang (“cuti of days of leave benefits based on the length
besar”) dalam bentuk jumlah hari cuti of service requirements.
berdasarkan periode jasa yang
Kewajiban terkait dengan UTD dihitung The obligation with respect to UTD is
oleh aktuaris independen dengan calculated by an independent actuary using
menggunakan metode projected unit credit the projected unit credit method, and paid at
dan dibayarkan pada saat karyawan the time the employees reach certain
mencapai UTD tertentu selama masa anniversary dates during employment.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 615
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
iii. Imbalan kerja jangka panjang lainnya iii. Other long-term benefits (continued)
Cuti besar merupakan imbalan sejumlah LSL is a certain number of days leave benefit,
hari cuti tertentu, yang tergantung pada subject to approval by management,
persetujuan manajemen, diberikan kepada provided to employees who have met the
karyawan yang telah memenuhi requisite number of years of service.
persyaratan jumlah tahun memberikan
Biaya jasa lalu dan keuntungan atau Past service cost and actuarial gains or
kerugian aktuarial yang timbul dari losses arising from experience adjustments
penyesuaian akibat perbedaan antara and changes in actuarial assumptions are
asumsi aktuarial dan kenyataan dan charged immediately to profit or loss.
perubahan asumsi-asumsi aktuarial
dibebankan secara langsung ke laba rugi.
ii. Transaksi dan saldo dalam mata uang ii. Transactions and balances in foreign
asing currencies
Pada tanggal pelaporan, aset dan liabilitas At the reporting date, monetary assets and
moneter dalam mata uang asing dijabarkan monetary liabilities denominated in foreign
ke mata uang Rupiah dengan kurs tengah currencies are translated into Rupiah using
Bank Indonesia yang berlaku pada tanggal the Bank of Indonesia middle rate prevailing
tersebut. Kurs yang digunakan untuk mata as of that date. The exchange rates of the
uang asing utama adalah sebagai berikut major foreign currencies used are as follows
(nilai penuh): (full amount):
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2020 2019
Dolar AS (“$AS”) 14.105 13.901 US Dollar (“US$”)
Dolar Singapura (“$SG”) 10.644 10.321 Singapore Dollar (“SG$”)
Euro (“€”) 17.330 15.589 Euro (“€”)
616 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
ii. Transaksi dan saldo dalam mata uang ii. Transactions and balances in foreign
asing (lanjutan) currencies (continued)
Keuntungan atau kerugian dari selisih kurs, Realized or unrealized foreign exchange
yang sudah terealisasi maupun yang gains or losses arising from transactions in
belum, baik yang berasal dari transaksi foreign currency and from the translation of
dalam mata uang asing maupun foreign currency monetary assets and
penjabaran aset dan liabilitas moneter liabilities are recognized in profit or loss,
dibebankan dalam laba rugi, kecuali jika except when deferred in other
ditangguhkan dalam penghasilan comprehensive income as qualifying cash
komprehensif lain sebagai lindung nilai flow hedges and qualifying net investment
arus kas dan lindung nilai investasi neto hedges.
yang memenuhi syarat.
u. Perpajakan u. Taxation
Aset dan liabilitas pajak kini untuk periode Current tax assets and liabilities for the current
berjalan diukur sebesar jumlah yang diharapkan period are measured at the amount expected to
dapat direstitusi dari atau dibayarkan kepada be recovered from or paid to the taxation
otoritas perpajakan. authority.
Beban pajak kini ditentukan berdasarkan Current tax expense is determined based on the
estimasi penghasilan kena pajak periode estimated taxable income for the period computed
berjalan yang dihitung berdasarkan tarif pajak using the prevailing tax rates.
yang berlaku.
Koreksi terhadap liabilitas perpajakan diakui Amendments to tax obligations are recorded
pada saat surat ketetapan pajak diterima atau, when a tax assessment letter is received or, if
jika diajukan keberatan, pada saat keputusan appealed against, when the result of the appeal is
atas keberatan ditetapkan. determined.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 617
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Aset dan liabilitas pajak tangguhan diakui Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized
menggunakan metode liabilitas atas using the liability method for the future tax
konsekuensi pajak pada masa mendatang yang consequences attributable to differences between
timbul dari perbedaan jumlah tercatat aset dan the carrying amounts of existing assets and
liabilitas menurut laporan keuangan liabilities in the consolidated financial statements
konsolidasian dengan dasar pengenaan pajak and their respective tax bases at each reporting
aset dan liabilitas pada setiap tanggal date. Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all
pelaporan. Liabilitas pajak tangguhan diakui taxable temporary differences and deferred tax
untuk semua perbedaan temporer kena pajak assets are recognized for all deductible temporary
dan aset pajak tangguhan diakui untuk semua differences and accumulated fiscal losses to the
perbedaan temporer yang boleh dikurangkan extent that it is probable that taxable income will
dan akumulasi rugi fiskal, sepanjang besar be available in future years against which the
kemungkinan perbedaan temporer yang boleh deductible temporary differences and
dikurangkan dan akumulasi rugi fiskal tersebut accumulated fiscal losses can be utilized.
dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengurangi
penghasilan kena pajak pada masa depan.
Jumlah tercatat aset pajak tangguhan ditelaah The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset is
ulang pada akhir setiap periode pelaporan dan reviewed at the end of each reporting period and
diturunkan apabila penghasilan kena pajak reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable
mungkin tidak memadai untuk that sufficient taxable income will be available to
mengkompensasi sebagian atau semua allow the benefit of part or all of that deferred tax
manfaat aset pajak tangguhan tersebut. Pada asset to be utilized. At the end of each reporting
akhir setiap periode pelaporan, Grup menilai period, the Group reassesses unrecognized
kembali aset pajak tangguhan yang tidak diakui. deferred tax assets. The Group recognizes a
Grup mengakui aset pajak tangguhan yang previously unrecognized deferred tax assets to
sebelumnya tidak diakui apabila besar the extent that it has become probable that future
kemungkinan bahwa penghasilan kena pajak taxable income will allow the deferred tax assets
pada masa depan akan tersedia untuk to be recovered.
Pajak tangguhan dihitung dengan Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that
menggunakan tarif pajak yang berlaku atau have been enacted or substantively enacted at
secara substansial telah berlaku pada tanggal the reporting date. Changes in the carrying
pelaporan. Perubahan nilai tercatat aset dan amount of deferred tax assets and liabilities due
liabilitas pajak tangguhan yang disebabkan oleh to a change in tax rates are charged to current
perubahan tarif pajak dibebankan pada laba period profit or loss, except to the extent that they
rugi periode berjalan, kecuali untuk transaksi- relate to items previously charged or credited to
transaksi yang sebelumnya telah langsung equity.
dibebankan atau dikreditkan ke ekuitas.
Aset dan liabilitas pajak tangguhan disajikan Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset in the
secara saling hapus dalam laporan posisi consolidated statement of financial position,
keuangan konsolidasian, kecuali aset dan except if they are for different legal entities,
liabilitas pajak tangguhan untuk entitas yang consistent with the presentation of current tax
berbeda, sesuai dengan penyajian aset dan assets and liabilities.
liabilitas pajak kini.
618 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Segmen operasi adalah suatu komponen dari An operating segment is a component of the
Grup yang melaksanakan aktivitas bisnis Group that engages in business activities from
dimana komponen tersebut memperoleh which it may earn revenues and incur expenses,
pendapatan dan menimbulkan beban, termasuk including revenues and expenses that relate to
pendapatan yang diperoleh dan beban yang transactions with other components within the
timbul dari transaksi dengan komponen lain Group.
dalam Grup yang sama.
Hasil operasi dari segmen operasi tersebut, The operating results of the operating segments,
dimana tersedia informasi keuangan terpisah for which discrete financial information is
untuk segmen tersebut, dikaji ulang secara available, are reviewed regularly by the Chief
reguler oleh Pengambil Keputusan Operasional Operating Decision Maker (“CODM”) to make
(“PKO”) untuk mengambil keputusan mengenai decisions about resource allocation and to assess
pengalokasian sumber daya dan untuk menilai performance. The Group’s CODM are the
kinerja segmen operasi. PKO Grup adalah Directors.
Kinerja segmen yang dilaporkan kepada Direksi Segment results that are reported to the Directors
meliputi unsur-unsur yang dapat diatribusikan include items directly attributable to a segment as
secara langsung kepada segmen operasi well as those that can be allocated on a
tersebut serta yang dapat dialokasikan secara reasonable basis.
Pelaporan segmen primer atas informasi The primary segment reporting of financial
keuangan disajikan berdasarkan bisnis utama information is presented based on the core
dari setiap segmen yang dilaporkan. Pelaporan business of each of the reporting segments. The
segmen sekunder ditentukan berdasarkan secondary segment reporting is defined based on
kelompok pelanggan. customer grouping.
Laba per saham dihitung dengan membagi laba Earnings per share are calculated by dividing the
periode berjalan yang dapat diatribusikan profit for the period attributable to owners of the
kepada pemilik entitas induk dengan jumlah parent by the weighted average number of shares
rata-rata tertimbang saham yang beredar outstanding during the year.
sepanjang tahun berjalan.
Biaya langsung yang berkaitan dengan Costs directly attributable to the issuance of new
penerbitan saham baru disajikan dalam akun shares are shown in “additional paid-in-capital”
“tambahan modal disetor” sebagai pengurang, account as a deduction, net of tax, from the
setelah dikurangi pajak, dari jumlah yang proceeds.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 619
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
y. Standar akuntansi yang telah disahkan y. Accounting standards issued but not yet
namun belum berlaku efektif effective
Standar akuntansi dan interpretasi yang telah The standards and interpretations that are issued
disahkan oleh Dewan Standar Akuntansi by the Indonesian Financial Accounting
Keuangan (DSAK), tetapi belum berlaku efektif Standards Board (DSAK), but not yet effective for
untuk laporan keuangan periode berjalan current financial statements are disclosed below.
diungkapkan di bawah ini. Grup bermaksud The Group intends to adopt these standard, if
untuk menerapkan standar tersebut, jika applicable, when they become effective.
dipandang relevan, saat telah menjadi efektif.
Standar akuntansi dan interpretasi yang The standards and interpretations that are
telah disahkan oleh Dewan Standar issued by the Indonesian Financial
Akuntansi Keuangan (DSAK), tetapi belum Accounting Standards Board (DSAK), but not
berlaku efektif untuk laporan keuangan yet effective for current financial statements
tahun berjalan diungkapkan di bawah ini. are disclosed below. The Group intends to
Grup bermaksud untuk menerapkan adopt these standards, if applicable, when
standar tersebut, jika dipandang relevan, they become effective.
saat telah menjadi efektif.
Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa pengungkapan Management believes that the following represent a
berikut telah mencakup ikhtisar pertimbangan, summary of the significant judgements, estimates and
estimasi dan asumsi signifikan yang dibuat oleh assumptions made that affected certain reported
manajemen, yang berpengaruh terhadap jumlah- amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial
jumlah yang dilaporkan serta pengungkapan dalam statements.
laporan keuangan konsolidasian.
a. Pertimbangan a. Judgements
620 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Mata uang fungsional Perusahaan dan entitas The functional currency of the Company and its
anaknya adalah mata uang dari lingkungan subsidiaries is the currency of the primary
ekonomi utama dimana setiap entitas economic environment in which each entity
beroperasi. Mata uang tersebut adalah mata operates. It is the currency that mainly influences
uang yang terutama mempengaruhi the revenue and cost of rendering services.
pendapatan dan beban dari jasa yang
Klasifikasi aset keuangan dan liabilitas Classification of financial assets and financial
keuangan liabilities
Grup menetapkan klasifikasi atas aset dan The Group determines the classification of certain
liabilitas tertentu sebagai aset keuangan dan assets and liabilities as financial assets and
liabilitas keuangan dengan mempertimbangkan financial liabilities by judging if they meet the
apakah definisi yang ditetapkan PSAK No. 71 definition set forth in PSAK No. 71. Accordingly,
dipenuhi. Dengan demikian, aset keuangan dan the financial assets and financial liabilities are
liabilitas keuangan diakui sesuai dengan accounted for in accordance with the Group’s
kebijakan akuntansi Grup seperti diungkapkan accounting policies disclosed in Note 2h.
pada Catatan 2h.
Tagihan restitusi pajak dan keberatan atas hasil Claims for tax refund and tax assessments under
pemeriksaan pajak appeal
Berdasarkan peraturan perpajakan yang Based on tax regulations currently enacted, the
berlaku saat ini, manajemen management judges if the amounts of claims for
mempertimbangkan apakah jumlah tagihan tax refund recorded under prepaid taxes account
restitusi pajak yang dicatat dalam akun pajak are recoverable from and refundable by the Tax
dibayar di muka dapat dipulihkan dan direstitusi Office.
oleh Kantor Pajak.
Asumsi utama mengenai masa depan dan The key assumptions concerning the future and
sumber utama lain dalam mengestimasi other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the
ketidakpastian pada tanggal pelaporan yang reporting date that have a significant risk of
mempunyai risiko signifikan yang dapat causing a material adjustment to the carrying
menyebabkan penyesuaian material terhadap amounts of assets and liabilities within the next
jumlah tercatat aset dan liabilitas dalam periode reporting period are disclosed below. The Group
pelaporan berikutnya diungkapkan di bawah ini. based its assumptions and estimates on
Grup mendasarkan asumsi dan estimasi pada parameters available when the consolidated
parameter yang tersedia saat laporan keuangan financial statements were prepared. Existing
konsolidasian disusun. Kondisi yang ada dan circumstances and assumptions about future
asumsi mengenai perkembangan masa depan developments may change due to market
dapat berubah karena perubahan situasi pasar changes on circumstances arising beyond the
yang berada di luar kendali Grup. Perubahan control of the Group. Such changes are reflected
tersebut tercermin dalam asumsi ketika in the assumptions when they occur.
keadaan tersebut terjadi.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 621
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Grup mengevaluasi akun-akun tertentu yang The Group evaluates specific accounts where it
diketahui bahwa beberapa pelanggannya tidak has information that certain customers are
dapat memenuhi liabilitas keuangannya. Dalam unable to meet their financial obligations. In
hal tersebut, Grup mempertimbangkan these cases, the Group uses judgment based on
berdasarkan fakta dan situasi yang tersedia, the best available facts and circumstances,
termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada, jangka including but not limited to, the length of its
waktu hubungan dengan pelanggan dan status relationship with the customer and the
kredit pelanggan berdasarkan catatan kredit customer’s current credit status based on third
dari pihak ketiga dan faktor pasar yang telah party credit reports and known market factors to
diketahui untuk mencatat provisi spesifik atas record specific provisions for customers against
pelanggan terhadap jumlah terutang guna amounts due to reduce its receivable amounts
mengurangi jumlah piutang yang diharapkan that the Group is expected to collect. These
dapat diterima oleh Grup. Provisi spesifik ini specific provisions are re-evaluated and
dievaluasi kembali dan disesuaikan jika adjusted as additional information received
tambahan informasi yang diterima affects the amounts of allowance for impairment
mempengaruhi jumlah cadangan kerugian losses on trade receivables.
penurunan nilai atas piutang usaha.
Grup menggunakan matriks provisi untuk The Group uses a provision matrix to calculate
menghitung ECL atas piutang usaha. Tarif ECLs for trade receivables. The provision rates
provisi didasarkan pada hari yang lewat jatuh are based on days past due for groupings of
tempo untuk mengelompokan pelanggan ke various customer segments that have similar
segmen yang memiliki pola kerugian serupa. loss patterns. The provision matrix is initially
Matriks provisi awalnya berdasarkan tarif based on the Group’s historical observed default
default yang diamati Perusahaan secara rates. The Group will calibrate the matrix to
historis. Grup akan mengkalibrasi matriks adjust the historical credit loss experience with
tersebut untuk menyesuaikan pengalaman forward-looking information. For instance, if
kerugian kredit historis dengan informasi forecast economic conditions are expected to
kedepan. Misalnya, jika prakiraan kondisi deteriorate over the next year which can lead to
ekonomi diperkirakan memburuk selama tahun an increased number of defaults in the Group’s
depan yang dapat menyebabkan peningkatan industry sector, the historical default rates are
jumlah default di sektor usaha Grup, tingkat adjusted. At every reporting date, the historical
default historis disesuaikan. Pada setiap observed default rates are updated and
tanggal pelaporan, tarif default yang diamati changes in the forward-looking estimates are
secara historis diperbarui dan perubahan analysed.
dalam estimasi ke depan dianalisa kembali.
Penilaian korelasi antara tingkat default yang The assessment of the correlation between
dapat diamati secara historis, taksiran kondisi historical observed default rates, forecast
ekonomi dan ECL adalah estimasi yang economic conditions and ECLs is a significant
signifikan. Jumlah ECL sensitif terhadap estimate. The amount of ECLs is sensitive to
perubahan keadaan dan taksiran kondisi changes in circumstances and of forecast
ekonomi. Pengalaman kerugian kredit historis economic conditions. The Group’s historical
Grup dan perkiraan kondisi ekonomi mungkin credit loss experience and forecast of
juga tidak mewakili aktual default pelanggan economicconditions may also not be
yang sebenarnya di masa depan. representative of customer’s actual default in
the future.
622 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Penyusutan, estimasi nilai sisa dan masa Depreciation, estimate of residual values and
manfaat aset tetap dan properti investasi useful lives of fixed assets and investment
Masa manfaat aset tetap dan properti investasi The useful lifes of the Group’s fixed assets and
Grup diestimasi berdasarkan jangka waktu aset investment properties are estimated based on the
tersebut diperkirakan dapat digunakan. period over which the assets are expected to be
Estimasi tersebut didasarkan pada penilaian available for use. Such estimation is based on a
kolektif berdasarkan bidang usaha yang sama, collective assessment of similar businesses,
evaluasi teknis internal dan pengalaman internal technical evaluations and experience with
terhadap aset sejenis. Taksiran masa manfaat similar assets. The estimated useful life of each
setiap aset ditelaah secara berkala dan asset is reviewed periodically and updated if
diperbarui jika estimasi berbeda dari perkiraan expectations differ from previous estimates due to
sebelumnya yang disebabkan karena physical wear and tear, technical or commercial
pemakaian, usang secara teknis atau komersial obsolescence and legal or other limits on the use
serta keterbatasan hak atau pembatasan of the asset.
lainnya terhadap penggunaan aset.
Hasil operasi di masa mendatang mungkin It is possible, however, that future results of
dapat terpengaruh secara signifikan oleh operations could be materially affected by
perubahan dalam waktu dan biaya yang terjadi changes in the amounts and timing of recorded
karena perubahan yang disebabkan oleh faktor- expenses brought about by changes in the factors
faktor yang disebutkan di atas. Penurunan mentioned above. A reduction in the estimated
taksiran masa manfaat ekonomis setiap aset useful life of any item of fixed assets and
tetap dan properti investasi akan menyebabkan investment properties would increase the
kenaikan beban penyusutan dan penurunan recorded depreciation and decrease the carrying
nilai tercatat aset tetap dan properti investasi. values of fixed assets and investment properties.
Biaya perolehan aset hak-guna disusutkan The costs of right-of-use assets are depreciated
dengan metode garis lurus berdasarkan on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful
taksiran masa manfaat ekonomisnya. lives. Management estimates the useful lives of
Manajemen mengestimasi masa manfaat these leased assets to be within 2 (two) to 10 (ten)
ekonomis aset hak-guna antara years. These are common life expectancies
2 (dua) sampai dengan 10 (sepuluh) tahun, applied in the industries where the Group
yang merupakan umur yang secara umum conducts its businesses. Changes in the expected
diharapkan dalam industri dimana Grup level of usage could impact the economic useful
menjalankan bisnisnya. Perubahan tingkat lives and the residual values of these assets, and
pemakaian dan perkembangan teknologi dapat therefore future depreciation charges could be
mempengaruhi masa manfaat ekonomis dan revised.
nilai sisa aset, dan karenanya biaya
penyusutan masa depan mungkin direvisi.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 623
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Beban akrual untuk bonus merupakan biaya Accrued expense for bonuses represents
untuk manfaat karyawan yang terdiri dari purna expenses from payment of employee benefits
jabatan, bonus kinerja dan insentif karyawan. which consist of post-employee bonuses,
Biaya yang masih harus dibayar tersebut performance bonuses and employee incentives.
didasarkan pada metode perhitungan yang The accrual is based on a formula that was
disetujui manajemen dimana tergantung agreed by management and which depends on
pengukuran kinerja keuangan maupun financial and non-financial performance
nonkeuangan. Manajemen mengestimasikan measurements. Management estimates the
jumlah yang harus diakui berdasarkan pada amount based on the existing supporting
informasi pendukung yang ada pada tanggal information at the reporting date. The amount may
pelaporan. Jumlahnya dapat berubah apabila change after if the actual financial and non-
pengukuran kinerja keuangan dan financial measurements of performance are
nonkeuangan difinalisasi. finalized.
Penentuan liabilitas imbalan kerja Grup The determination of the Group’s employee
bergantung pada pemilihan asumsi yang benefits liability is dependent on its selection of
digunakan oleh aktuaris independen dalam certain assumptions used by the independent
menghitung jumlah-jumlah tersebut. Asumsi actuaries in calculating such amounts. Those
tersebut termasuk antara lain, tingkat diskonto, assumptions include among others, discount
tingkat kenaikan gaji, tingkat kematian, usia rates, salary increase rate, mortality rate,
pensiun dan tingkat pengunduran diri. Hasil retirement age and resignation rate. Actual results
aktual yang berbeda dari asumsi yang that differ from the Group’s assumptions are
ditetapkan Grup diakui dalam penghasilan recognized in other comprehensive income. While
komprehensif lain. Sementara Grup the Group believes that its assumptions are
berkeyakinan bahwa asumsi tersebut adalah reasonable and appropriate, significant
wajar dan sesuai, perbedaan signifikan pada differences in the Group actual results or
hasil aktual atau perubahan signifikan dalam significant changes in the Group’s assumptions
asumsi yang ditetapkan Grup dapat may materially affect its estimated liabilities for
mempengaruhi secara material liabilitas employee benefits and net employee benefits
imbalan kerja dan beban imbalan kerja neto expense recognized in profit or loss and other
yang diakui dalam laba rugi dan penghasilan comprehensive income.
komprehensif lain.
Grup mengakui beban pajak kini berdasarkan The Group recognizes current tax expense based
estimasi penghasilan kena pajak periode on the estimated taxable income for the period
berjalan yang dihitung berdasarkan tarif pajak computed using the prevailing tax rates.
yang berlaku.
624 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Aset pajak tangguhan diakui untuk semua Deferred tax assets are recognized for all
perbedaan temporer yang boleh dikurangkan deductible temporary differences and
dan akumulasi rugi fiskal, sepanjang besar accumulated fiscal losses to the extent that it is
kemungkinan perbedaan temporer yang boleh probable that taxable income will be available in
dikurangkan dan akumulasi rugi fiskal tersebut future years against which the deductible
dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengurangi temporary differences and accumulated fiscal
penghasilan kena pajak pada masa depan. losses can be utilized. Significant management
Estimasi signifikan oleh manajemen estimates are required to determine the amount of
disyaratkan dalam menentukan total aset pajak deferred tax assets that can be recognized, based
tangguhan yang dapat diakui, berdasarkan saat upon the likely timing and the level of the future
penggunaan dan tingkat penghasilan kena taxable income together with future tax planning
pajak serta strategi perencanaan pajak masa strategies.
Kas dan setara kas terdiri dari: Cash and cash equivalents consist of:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Kas 1.958 2.256 Cash on hand
Bank Cash in banks
Rupiah Rupiah
Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32a) Related parties (Note 32a)
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk 260.923 253.024 PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 121.964 92.095 (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah 95.330 2.468 PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah
PT Bank Negara Indonesia PT Bank Negara Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 65.391 160.833 (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank BNI Syariah 3.393 1.677 PT Bank BNI Syariah
PT Bank Syariah Mandiri 656 620 PT Bank Syariah Mandiri
547.657 510.717
Pihak ketiga Third parties
PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk 29.087 32.781 PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk
PT Bank Maspion Indonesia 1.896 - PT Bank Maspion Indonesia
PT Bank UOB Indonesia 1.230 1.224 PT Bank UOB Indonesia
PT OK Bank Indonesia 1.028 - PT OK Bank Indonesia
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk - 1.802 PT Bank Central Asia Tbk
Lain-lain (masing-masing Others (each below
di bawah Rp1.000) 2.666 2.561 Rp1,000)
35.907 38.368
Subtotal 583.564 549.085 Sub-total
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 625
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Kas dan setara kas terdiri dari: (lanjutan) Cash and cash equivalents consist of: (continued)
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Dolar AS US Dollar
Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32a) Related parties (Note 32a)
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk 32.303 15.775 PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Negara Indonesia PT Bank Negara Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 20.434 193.909 (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 2.049 4.062 (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Agroniaga Tbk 1.745 1.717 Agroniaga Tbk
56.531 215.463
Pihak ketiga Third parties
PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk 164.377 - PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk
PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk - 25.188 PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk
PT Bank ICBC Indonesia 3.791 2.702 PT Bank ICBC Indonesia
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd 3.661 3.622 The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk 3.141 2.021 PT Bank Central Asia Tbk
PT Bank ANZ Indonesia 2.936 2.886 PT Bank ANZ Indonesia
PT Bank Mizuho Indonesia 1.822 2.024 PT Bank Mizuho Indonesia
PT Bank UOB Indonesia 1.787 3.069 PT Bank UOB Indonesia
PT Bank BTPN Tbk 1.564 3.451 PT Bank BTPN Tbk
PT Bank CTBC Indonesia 1.043 1.027 PT Bank CTBC Indonesia
Lain-lain (masing-masing Others (each below
di bawah Rp1.000) 692 832 Rp1,000)
184.814 46.822
Subtotal 241.345 262.285 Sub-total
Total bank 824.909 811.370 Total cash in banks
Call deposit dan deposito berjangka Call deposits and time deposits
Rupiah Rupiah
Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32a) Related parties (Note 32a)
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah 355.000 - PT Bank Rakyat Indnesia Syariah
PT Bank Mandiri Taspen 20.000 - PT Bank Mandiri Taspen
PT Bank BNI Syariah 10.000 10.000 PT Bank BNI Syariah
PT Bank Jawa Barat Tbk 10.000 - PT Bank Jawa Barat Tbk
PT Bank BTPN Syariah 10.000 - PT Bank BTPN Syariah
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk - 17.496 (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Tabungan Negara PT Bank Tabungan Negara
(Persero) Tbk - 9.000 (Persero) Tbk
405.000 36.496
Pihak ketiga Third parties
PT Bank UOB Indonesia - 3.000 PT Bank UOB Indonesia
PT Bank BTPN Tbk - 3.000 PT Bank BTPN Tbk
- 6.000
Total call deposit dan deposito berjangka 405.000 42.496 Total call deposits and time deposits
Total 1.231.867 856.122 Total
Tingkat suku bunga tahunan call deposit dan Annual interest rates on call deposits and time
deposito berjangka sebesar 3,30% - 6,17% dan deposits are 3.30% - 6.17% and 4.80% - 7.02% for
4,80% - 7,02% masing-masing untuk tahun 2020 2020 and 2019, respectively.
dan 2019.
626 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Rincian piutang usaha berdasarkan pelanggan The details of trade receivables based on customers
adalah sebagai berikut: are as follows:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32b) Related parties (Note 32b)
Difakturkan 258.194 486.990 Billed
Belum difakturkan 1.660.599 1.360.945 Unbilled
1.918.793 1.847.935
Penyisihan penurunan nilai (12.284) (12.270) Allowance for impairment
Piutang usaha pihak berelasi - neto 1.906.509 1.835.665 Trade receivables related parties - net
Rincian piutang usaha berdasarkan mata uang The details of trade receivables based on currencies
adalah sebagai berikut: are as follows:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Rupiah 1.812.618 1.566.974 Rupiah
Dolar AS 504.906 683.655 US Dollar
Dolar Singapura 269 261 Singapore Dollar
Total 2.317.793 2.250.890 Total
Penyisihan penurunan nilai (167.639) (160.932) Allowance for impairment
Neto 2.150.154 2.089.958 Net
Tabel berikut menyajikan analisis umur piutang The following table presents the aging analysis of trade
usaha. receivables.
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 627
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Piutang individual yang diturunkan nilainya The individually-impaired receivables are mainly due
disebabkan karena faktor-faktor yang to factors that may affect collectability, such as
mempengaruhi kolektibilitas, antara lain probability of insolvency or significant financial
kemungkinan kesulitan likuiditas atau keuangan difficulties of the debtor or significant delay in
yang dialami oleh debitur atau penundaan payments.
pembayaran yang signifikan.
Mutasi penyisihan penurunan nilai untuk tahun 2020 The movements in the allowance for impairment in
dan 2019 adalah sebagai berikut: 2020 and 2019 are as follows:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Saldo awal 160.932 152.056 Beginning balances
Penyesuaian saldo awal Adjustments on beginning balance
atas penerapan PSAK 71 (632) - from the adoption of PSAK 71
Penyisihan 7.863 12.324 Allowance
Selisih kurs (524) (3.448) Foreign exchange differences
Saldo akhir 167.639 160.932 Ending balances
Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa penyisihan Management believes that the allowance for
penurunan nilai cukup untuk menutup kemungkinan impairment is adequate to cover possible losses that
kerugian yang timbul dari tidak tertagihnya piutang may arise from the uncollectability of trade receivables
usaha (Catatan 37c). (Note 37c).
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020, tidak terdapat As of December 31, 2020, there is no trade
piutang usaha yang digunakan sebagai jaminan. receivables used as collateral.
Aset keuangan lancar lainnya terdiri dari: Other current financial assets consist of:
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2020 2019
Pihak ketiga : Third parties:
Piutang lain-lain 16.590 17.711 Other receivables
Penyisihan penurunan nilai (13.220) (13.083) Allowance for impairment
Neto 3.370 4.628 Net
Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32c): Related parties (Note 32c):
Piutang lain - lain 15.344 - Other receivables
Piutang sewa pembiayaan - bagian lancar 29.613 30.496 Finance lease receivable - current portion
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, piutang On December 31 2020 and 2019, other receivables
lain-lain pihak ketiga dan pihak berelasi terutama from third parties and related parties mainly from
merupakan klaim asuransi aset tetap. insurance claim for fixed assets.
628 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Mutasi penyisihan penurunan nilai untuk tahun 2020 The movements in the allowance for impairment in
dan 2019 adalah sebagai berikut: 2020 and 2019 are as follows:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Saldo awal 13.083 13.473 Beginning balances
Selisih kurs 137 (390) Foreign exchange differences
Saldo akhir 13.220 13.083 Ending balances
Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa penyisihan Management believes that the allowance for
penurunan nilai cukup untuk menutup kemungkinan impairment is adequate to cover possible losses that
kerugian yang timbul dari tidak terpulihkannya aset may arise from the unrecoverability of other current
keuangan lancar lainnya. financial assets.
Penghasilan bunga dari sewa pembiayaan untuk Interest income from finance leases in 2020 and 2019
tahun 2020 dan 2019 masing-masing sebesar amounted to Rp26,673 and Rp17,765, respectively.
Rp26.673 dan Rp17.765.
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Barang kebutuhan proyek 148.008 139.559 Project materials
Barang dagangan 81.760 46.474 Merchandise inventories
Barang dalam proses 49.817 27.296 Work in progress
Barang jadi 3.298 6.708 Finished goods
Bahan baku 15 15 Raw materials
Total 282.898 220.052 Total
Penyisihan persediaan usang (9.410) (6.754) Allowance for inventory obsolescence
Neto 273.488 213.298 Net
Mutasi penyisihan persediaan usang untuk tahun The movements in the allowance for inventory
2020 dan 2019 adalah sebagai berikut: obsolescence in 2020 and 2019 are as follows:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Saldo awal 6.754 20.263 Beginning balances
Provisi tahun berjalan 2.656 1.000 Provision during the year
Pemulihan tahun berjalan - (1.501) Recoveries during the year
Penjualan tahun berjalan - (13.008) Sales during the year
Saldo akhir 9.410 6.754 Ending balances
Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa penyisihan Management believes that the allowance for inventory
persediaan usang cukup untuk menutup obsolescence is adequate to cover possible losses
kemungkinan kerugian yang timbul dari penurunan that may arise from a decline in the realizable value of
nilai realisasi neto persediaan. inventories.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 629
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Biaya persediaan yang diakui sebagai beban dan The cost of inventories recognized as an expense and
termasuk dalam “beban pokok pendapatan” untuk included in “cost of revenues” for the years ended
tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal December 31, 2020 and 2019 amounted to
31 Desember 2020 dan 2019 masing-masing Rp1,558,259 and Rp1,864,544, respectively
sebesar Rp1.558.259 dan Rp1.864.544 (Note 28).
(Catatan 28).
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, project materials
persediaan barang kebutuhan proyek telah are insured against all risks at a total insurance
diasuransikan terhadap semua risiko dengan nilai coverage amounting to Rp 99,252 and Rp88,737,
pertanggungan masing-masing sebesar Rp99.252 respectively. Management believes that the insurance
dan Rp88.737. Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa coverage is adequate to cover possible losses arising
asuransi tersebut telah memadai untuk menutup from the insured inventories.
kerugian yang mungkin timbul atas persediaan yang
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, finished goods,
persediaan barang jadi, barang dalam proses dan work in progress and raw materials are not covered by
bahan baku tidak diasuransikan karena manajemen insurance, as management has assessed the risk of
menilai risiko kerugian adalah minimal. loss as minimal.
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, tidak As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, there is no
terdapat persediaan yang digunakan sebagai inventory used as collateral.
Uang muka operasi merupakan uang muka untuk Advances for operation mainly represent advances for
sewa peralatan, pembelian suku cadang, bahan rental of equipment, purchases of spare parts, fuel and
bakar dan biaya operasi lainnya. other operating costs.
630 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Aset keuangan tidak lancar lainnya terdiri dari: Other non-current financial assets consist of:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Pihak ketiga: Third parties:
Klaim atas deposito ke Bank Mega Claim of deposits to Bank Mega
(Catatan 33a) 111.000 111.000 (Note 33a)
Bank yang dibatasi penggunaannya 31.256 25.872 Restricted cash in banks
142.256 136.872
Penyisihan penurunan nilai - (5.707) Allowance for impairment
Neto 142.256 131.165 Net
Penyisihan penurunan nilai terkait dengan efek Allowance for impairment is related to the impact of
perubahan nilai waktu uang atas klaim deposito ke time value of money from claim of deposits to PT Bank
PT Bank Mega Tbk (Catatan 33a). Mutasi Mega Tbk (Note 33a). The movements in the
penyisihan penurunan nilai adalah sebagai berikut: allowance for impairment are as follows:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Saldo awal 5.707 7.082 Beginning balance
Penyisihan (pemulihan) (5.707) (1.375) Allowance (recovery)
Saldo akhir - 5.707 Ending balance
Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa penyisihan Management believes that the allowance for
penurunan nilai cukup dengan mempertimbangkan impairment is adequate considering the estimated
estimasi waktu pembayaran klaim deposito tersebut. time of payment of the claim of deposits.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 631
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
KSO Perusahaan dan PT Waskita Adhi KSO Perusahaan dan PT Waskita Adhi Sejahtera
Sejahtera (“KSO Elnusa-WAS”) (“KSO Elnusa-WAS”)
Pada tanggal 12 Desember 2016, Perusahaan On December 12, 2016, the Company and WAS
dan WAS menandatangani Perjanjian entered into Joint Operation (“JO”) agreement.
Kerjasama Operasi (“KSO”). KSO ini dibentuk The JO is established in order to perform electrical
untuk melakukan proyek jasa pemeliharaan and instrumentation maintenance services project
elektrikal dan instrumentasi dari BP Berau Ltd. from BP Berau Ltd. The composition of
Komposisi kepemilikan pada KSO adalah 51% ownerships in JO are 51% owned by the
oleh Perusahaan dan 49% oleh WAS. Pada Company and 49% owned by WAS. As of
tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, jumlah December 31, 2020 and 2019, the carrying
tercatat investasi pada KSO Elnusa-WAS amount of investment in KSO Elnusa-WAS is
masing-masing sebesar Rp19.622 dan Rp19,622 and Rp16,660, respectively.
Untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal For the years ended December 31, 2020 and
31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, Perusahaan 2019, the Company recorded equity income
mencatat bagian laba masing-masing sebesar amounted to Rp3,962 and Rp7,714 and are
Rp3.962 dan Rp7.714 dan disajikan sebagai presented as part of other income account in the
bagian dari akun penghasilan lain-lain dalam consolidated statement of profit or loss and other
laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan comprehensive income.
komprehensif lain konsolidasian.
Ringkasan informasi keuangan KSO Elnusa- The summary of KSO Elnusa-WAS’ financial
WAS adalah sebagai berikut: information is as follows:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Total aset 64.480 49.590 Total assets
Total liabilitas 26.979 19.858 Total liabilities
Total ekuitas 37.501 29.732 Total equity
632 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Seluruh aset tetap dimiliki secara langsung oleh All fixed assets are directly owned by the Group. The
Grup. Mutasi aset tetap adalah sebagai berikut: movements in fixed assets are as follows:
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 633
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Hak kepemilikan atas tanah Grup merupakan Hak Land rights of the land owned by the Group are in the
Guna Bangunan yang hak secara legalnya akan form of Building Rights Title (“Hak Guna Bangunan”)
berakhir antara tahun 2024 sampai dengan tahun which the terms will expire between 2024 up to 2045.
2045. Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa hak tersebut Management believes that these land rights can be
akan dapat diperpanjang pada saat berakhirnya. extended upon their expiration.
Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa penyisihan Management believes that the allowance for
penurunan nilai pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 impairment as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 is
dan 2019 adalah cukup. adequate.
Penyusutan aset tetap dibebankan sebagai berikut: Fixed assets depreciation is charged as follows:
Rincian aset dalam penyelesaian adalah sebagai The details of construction in progress are as follows:
31 Desember/December 31, 2020
Persentase Akumulasi
penyelesaian/ biaya/
Percentage of Accumulated Estimasi penyelesaian/
completion costs Estimated completion
Depot bahan bakar minyak 80% 103.535 Februari/February 2021 Depot fuel
Hydraulic workover unit & coiled Hydraulic workover unit & coiled
tubing unit 65% 33.234 Juni/June 2021 tubing unit
Docking kapal 70% 13.042 Juni/June 2021 Vessel docking
Gudang 70% 9.355 April/April 2021 Warehouse
Truk tangki 70% 7.975 Maret/March 2021 Fuel transportation vehicles
Lain-lain (masing-masing dibawah
Rp5.000) 50% 12.460 Desember/December 2021 Others (each below Rp5,000)
Depot bahan bakar minyak 95% 119.602 Maret/March 2020 Depot fuel
Truk tangki 90% 28.062 Januari/January 2020 Fuel transportation vehicles
Docking kapal 90% 26.415 Mei/May 2020 Vessel docking
Lain-lain (masing-masing dibawah
Rp5.000) 90% 5.003 Januari/January 2020 Others (each below Rp5,000)
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, tidak As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, there are no fixed
terdapat aset tetap yang tidak dipakai sementara. assets temporarily not in use.
634 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, jumlah As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, the gross carrying
tercatat bruto aset tetap yang telah disusutkan amounts of fixed assets which have been fully
penuh dan masih digunakan masing-masing depreciated and are still in use amounted to
sebesar Rp1.178.287 dan Rp1.240.141. Rp1,178,287 and Rp1,240,141, respectively.
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, tidak As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, there are no fixed
terdapat aset tetap yang diklasifikasikan sebagai assets classified as held for sale or terminated from
tersedia untuk dijual atau yang dihentikan dari active use.
penggunaan aktif.
Rincian rugi penjualan/pelepasan aset tetap di tahun Details of loss on sale/disposal of fixed assets in 2020
2020 dan 2019 adalah sebagai berikut: and 2019 are as follows:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Harga jual 3.730 3.305 Proceeds
Dikurangi: Nilai buku neto (4.670) (4.312) Less: Net book value
Rugi - neto (940) (1.007) Loss - net
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, aset As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, fixed assets with
tetap dengan nilai buku masing-masing sebesar net book value of Rp1,094,368 and Rp1,033,356,
Rp1.094.368 dan Rp1.033.356 telah diasuransikan respectively, are covered by insurance against all risks
atas semua risiko dengan total nilai pertanggungan at a total coverage amounting to Rp3,119,926 and
masing-masing sebesar Rp3.119.926 dan US$1,023,849,999 (2020) and Rp751,266 and
$AS1.023.849.999 (2020) dan Rp751.266 dan US$114,372,805 (2019), respectively. Management
$AS114.372.805 (2019). Manajemen berkeyakinan believes that the insurance coverage is adequate to
bahwa jumlah tersebut telah memadai untuk cover possible losses arising in relation to the insured
menutup kerugian yang mungkin timbul terkait assets.
dengan aset yang diasuransikan.
Nilai wajar aset tetap dengan nilai buku sebesar The fair value of fixed assets with net book value of
Rp277.862 pada tahun yang berakhir tanggal Rp277,862 as of December 31, 2020 based on
31 Desember 2020 berdasarkan laporan dari penilai independent appraisal reports amounted to
independen adalah sebesar Rp427.217. Jumlah Rp427,217. The net book value of fixed assets that
nilai buku aset tetap yang tidak dilakukan penilaian were not appraised by independent appraiser as of
pada tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal December 31, 2019 amounted to Rp1,534,117.
31 Desember 2020 sebesar Rp1.534.117. Management believes that there is no significant
Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa tidak ada difference between the fair value and carrying amount
perbedaan signifikan antara nilai wajar dan jumlah of these fixed assets.
tercatat aset tetap yang tidak dilakukan penilaian
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, tidak As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, there is no fixed
terdapat aset tetap yang digunakan sebagai assets used as collateral.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 635
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Mutasi aset takberwujud adalah sebagai berikut: The movements in intangible assets are as follows:
Tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020/
Year ended December 31, 2020
Saldo awal/ Saldo akhir/
Beginning Penambahan/ Pengurangan/ Reklasifikasi/ Ending
balance Additions Deductions Reclassifications balance
Biaya perolehan Cost
Hak atas tanah 8.872 - - - 8.872 Land rights
Perangkat lunak dan lisensi 124.371 3.539 - - 127.910 Software and licenses
Total 133.243 3.539 - - 136.782 Total
Amortisasi aset takberwujud dibebankan sebagai Intangible assets amortization is charged as follows:
Tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal
31 Desember/
Year ended December 31
2020 2019
Beban pokok pendapatan 7.994 6.922 Cost of revenues
Beban umum dan administrasi 928 1.310 General and administrative expenses
Total 8.922 8.232 Total
636 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Mutasi properti investasi adalah sebagai berikut: The movements in investment properties are as
Tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020/
Year ended December 31, 2020
Saldo awal/ Saldo akhir/
Beginning Penambahan/ Pengurangan/ Reklasifikasi/ Ending
balance Additions Deductions Reclassifications balance
Biaya perolehan Cost
Tanah 50.586 - - - 50.586 Land
Bangunan, prasarana dan Buildings, improvement
instalasi 14.105 - (8.376) - 5.729 and installations
Total 64.691 - (8.376) - 56.315 Total
Akumulasi penyusutan Accumulated depreciation
Bangunan, prasarana dan Buildings, improvement
instalasi (12.815) (117) 8.376 - (4.556) and installations
Nilai buku neto 51.876 51.759 Net book value
Untuk tahun 2020 dan 2019, beban penyusutan In 2020 and 2019, depreciation expenses amounting
masing-masing sebesar Rp117 seluruhnya to Rp117, respectively, were charged to “general and
dialokasikan ke “beban umum dan administrasi” administrative expenses” in profit or loss.
dalam laba rugi.
Nilai wajar properti investasi pada tahun yang The fair value of investment properties for the years
berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019 ended December 31, 2020 and 2019 are calculated
dihitung berdasarkan Nilai Jual Objek Pajak based on taxable sale value (“NJOP”) amounted to
(“NJOP”) masing-masing sebesar Rp500.146 dan Rp500,146 and Rp434,183, respectively.
Penghasilan sewa dari properti investasi untuk Rental income from investment properties for the
tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019 amounted
2020 dan 2019 masing-masing sebesar Rp78.396 to Rp78,396 and Rp79,591, respectively.
dan Rp79.591.
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, certain
beberapa properti investasi telah diasuransikan investment properties were covered by insurance
untuk semua risiko dengan nilai pertanggungan against all risks at a total coverage amounting to
masing-masing sebesar Rp66.153 dan Rp33.181. Rp66,153 and Rp33,181, respectively. Management
Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa jumlah asuransi believes that the insurance coverage is adequate to
tersebut telah memadai untuk menutup kerugian cover possible losses.
yang mungkin timbul.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 637
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Berdasarkan penelaahan manajemen Grup, tidak Based on the review of the Group’s management,
terdapat kejadian-kejadian atau perubahan- there were no events or changes in circumstances
perubahan keadaan yang mengindikasikan adanya which indicate impairment in the value of investment
penurunan nilai properti investasi pada tanggal properties as of December 31, 2020 and 2019.
31 Desember 2020 dan 2019.
Mutasi aset hak guna adalah sebagai berikut: The movements in right of use assets are as follows:
31 Desember 2020/ December 31, 2020
beban dibayar
Saldo awal/ Saldo transisi/ dimuka/ Saldo akhir/
Beginning Transition Penambahan/ Pengurangan/ Reclassifications Ending
Balance balance Additions Deductions prepaid rent balance
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Bagian jatuh tempo 252.193 - Current maturities
Bagian setelah dikurangi jatuh tempo 64.918 - Net-off current maturities
Total 317.111 - Total
Jumlah yang diakui dalam laporan laba rugi Amounts recognised in the consolidated statement of
komprehensif konsolidasian: comprehensive income:
638 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pinjaman bank jangka pendek terdiri dari: Short-term bank loans consist of:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Rupiah Rupiah
Pihak Ketiga Third parties
PT Bank UOB Indonesia 33.537 6.439 PT Bank UOB Indonesia
PT Bank BTPN Tbk - 220.000 PT Bank BTPN Tbk
Dolar AS US Dollar
Pihak ketiga Third parties
PT Bank UOB Indonesia 76.114 13.358 PT Bank UOB Indonesia
PT Bank BTPN Tbk - 69.505 PT Bank BTPN Tbk
Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32e) Related parties (Note 32e)
PT Bank Negara Indonesia PT Bank Negara Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 1.063 - (Persero) Tbk
Total 110.714 309.302 Total
Fasilitas Loan on Note - TR dan Loan on Note The Loan on Note - TR and Loan on Notes 1 and
1 dan 2 dikenakan bunga sebesar biaya 2 facilities bear interest at the rate of cost of fund
pendanaan BTPN ditambah marjin tertentu per of BTPN plus certain margin per annum for
tahun untuk penarikan dalam Dolar AS atau withdrawal in US Dollar or Rupiah. These facilities
Rupiah. Fasilitas ini akan jatuh tempo sampai will mature up to March 31, 2021.
dengan tanggal 31 Maret 2021.
Fasilitas ini mensyaratkan Perusahaan untuk, These facilities require the Company, among
antara lain, memelihara rasio utang berbunga others, to maintain the maximum interest-bearing
terhadap EBITDA maksimal sebesar 4 kali dan debt to EBITDA ratio at 4 times and the maximum
rasio utang terhadap ekuitas maksimal sebesar debt to equity ratio at 3 times. These facilities are
3 kali. Fasilitas ini diberikan tanpa jaminan provided on a clean-basis.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 639
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
a. PT Bank BTPN Tbk (“BTPN”) (lanjutan) a. PT Bank BTPN Tbk (“BTPN”) (continued)
Berdasarkan perjanjian kredit tanggal Based on a credit agreement dated
28 November 2019, EPN memperoleh fasilitas November 28, 2019, EPN obtained facilities to
untuk membiayai aktivitas operasional dan finance the company’s operating activities and
modal kerja perusahaan yang terdiri dari working capital consisting of trade facilities (LC,
fasilitas perdagangan (LC, Acceptance, Loan Acceptance, Loan on Notes - TR) and loan
on Note - TR) dan fasilitas pinjaman (Loan on facilities (Loan on Notes 1 and 2) with a maximum
Note 1 dan 2) dengan batas maksimum combined limit of Rp100,000.
gabungan sebesar Rp100.000.
Fasilitas ini mensyaratkan EPN untuk, antara These facilities require EPN, among others, to
lain, memelihara rasio utang berbunga terhadap maintain the maximum interest-bearing debt to
EBITDA maksimal sebesar 4 kali dan rasio EBITDA ratio at 4 times and the maximum debt to
utang terhadap ekuitas maksimal sebesar 3 equity ratio at 3 times. These facilities are
kali. Fasilitas ini diberikan tanpa jaminan (clean- provided on a clean-basis.
Saldo terutang atas seluruh fasilitas pinjaman The outstanding balance of these loan facilities
ini sebesar $ASNihil (setara dengan RpNihil) amounted to US$Nil (equivalent to
dan RpNihil pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 RpNil) and RpNil as of December 31, 2020 and
dan $AS5.000.000 (setara dengan Rp69.505) US$5,000,000 (equivalent to Rp69,505) and
dan Rp220.000 pada tanggal 31 Desember Rp220,000 as of December 31, 2019.
Fasilitas TR, CTR dan IF dikenakan bunga The TR, CTR and IF facilities bear interest at the
sebesar LIBOR ditambah marjin tertentu per rate of LIBOR plus certain margin per annum for
tahun untuk penarikan dalam Dolar AS dan withdrawal in US Dollar and JIBOR plus certain
JIBOR ditambah marjin tertentu per tahun untuk margin per annum for withdrawal in Rupiah.
penarikan dalam Rupiah. Fasilitas ini berjangka These facilities are available until December 3,
waktu sampai dengan tanggal 3 Desember 2021.
Fasilitas ini mensyaratkan Perusahaan untuk, These facilities require the Company, among
antara lain, memelihara rasio pengembalian others, to maintain the minimum debt service
utang minimal sebesar 1,25 kali dan rasio utang coverage ratio at 1.25 times and the maximum
bruto terhadap EBITDA maksimal sebesar 4 gross debt to EBITDA ratio at 4 times. These
kali. Fasilitas ini diberikan tanpa jaminan (clean- facilities are provided on a clean-basis.
640 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, As of Desember 31, 2020 and 2019, the
saldo terutang fasilitas pinjaman ini masing- outstanding balances of these loan facilities
masing sebesar $AS5.396.243 (setara dengan amounted to US$5,396,243 (equivalent to
Rp76.114) dan Rp33.537 serta sebesar Rp76,114) and Rp33,537 and US$960,951
$AS960.951 (setara dengan Rp13.358) dan (equivalent to Rp13,358) and Rp6,439,
Rp6.439. respectively.
c. PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk c. PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Berdasarkan perjanjian kredit tanggal Based on a credit agreement dated July 4, 2012,
4 Juli 2012 yang terakhir kali diubah pada with latest amandement on August 28, 2018, the
tanggal 28 Agustus 2018, Perusahaan Company obtained an Indirect Credit facility for
memperoleh fasilitas Kredit Tidak Langsung guarantee and working capital purposes
untuk keperluan penjaminan dan modal kerja consisting of Standby Letter of Credit
yang terdiri dari Standby Letter of Credit (“SBLC”)/Bank Guarantee (“BG”), Letter of Credit
(“SBLC”)/Bank Garansi (“BG”), Letter of Credit (“LC”)/Surat Kredit Berdokumen Dalam Negeri
(“LC”)/Surat Kredit Berdokumen Dalam Negeri (“SKBDN”), Trust Receipt (“TR”), and post-
(“SKBDN”), Trust Receipt (“TR”), dan kredit financing working capital credit with a maximum
modal kerja post-financing dengan batas combined limit of US$50,000,000.The credit limit
maksimum gabungan sebesar $AS50.000.000. is eligible to be used by the Company’s
Batas kredit tersebut dapat digunakan oleh subsidiaries.
entitas anak.
Fasilitas ini dikenakan bunga yang suku These facilities bear interest at the rate which will
bunganya akan ditetapkan secara negosiasi be determined through negotiation on withdrawal
pada saat realisasi dan fasilitas ini akan jatuh and these facilities will mature up to July 3, 2021.
tempo sampai dengan tanggal 3 Juli 2021.
Saldo terutang atas seluruh fasilitas pinjaman The outstanding balance of these loan facilities
ini sebesar $AS75.368 (setara dengan amounted to US$75,368 (equivalent to
Rp1.063) pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan Rp1,063) as of December 31, 2020 and US$Nil
$ASNihil (setara dengan RpNihil) pada tanggal (equivalent tp RpNil) as of December 31, 2019.
31 Desember 2019.
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020, Grup telah As of Desember 31, 2020, the Group has complied
memenuhi seluruh pembatasan yang diatur dalam with all covenants as required by the loan agreements.
perjanjian pinjaman.
Tingkat suku bunga kontraktual pinjaman bank Contractual interest rates on short-term bank loans are
jangka pendek adalah sebagai berikut: as follows:
Tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal
31 Desember/
Year ended December 31
2020 2019
Rupiah Rupiah
Pinjaman pada suku bunga mengambang 6,31-% - 7,60% 6,65% - 8,99% Loans at floating interest rate
Dolar AS US Dollar
Pinjaman pada suku bunga mengambang 1,26% - 4,14% 2,16% - 2,93% Loans at floating interest rate
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 641
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Rincian utang usaha berdasarkan pemasok adalah The details of trade payables based on vendors are as
sebagai berikut: follows:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Pihak ketiga 461.330 448.171 Third parties
Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32f) 223.775 244.626 Related parties (Note 32f)
Total 685.105 692.797 Total
Rincian utang usaha berdasarkan mata uang adalah The details of trade payables based on currencies are
sebagai berikut: as follows:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Rupiah 602.484 652.929 Rupiah
Dolar AS 80.894 33.423 US Dollar
Dolar Singapura 1.219 5.403 Singapore Dollar
Euro 508 1.042 Euro
Total 685.105 692.797 Total
Saldo utang usaha pada akhir tahun tidak memiliki Outstanding balances of trade payables at the end of
jaminan. Tidak ada surat jaminan yang diberikan the year are unsecured. There have been no
maupun diterima untuk utang usaha. guarantees provided or received for any trade
Liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya terdiri dari: Other current liabilities consist of:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Titipan pelanggan 60.017 28.033 Customer deposits
Utang lain-lain 17.089 16.259 Other payables
Pendapatan diterima di muka 12.842 10.786 Unearned income
Total 89.948 55.078 Total
Utang lain-lain terutama merupakan utang pajak Other payables mainly represents regional tax for fuel
daerah atas penjualan bahan bakar serta setoran sales and non-tax state revenue (“PNBP”) for
Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (“PNBP”) terkait downstream oil and gas activities.
aktivitas hilir migas.
642 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pada tahun 2020 dan 2019, Grup menerima In 2020 and 2019, the Group received several tax
sejumlah surat ketetapan pajak terkait dengan assessment letters in relation to its claims for tax
restitusi pajak yang diajukan (Catatan 19e). refund (Note 19e).
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Pajak penghasilan badan: Corporate income tax:
Tahun berjalan 2.015 21.879 Current year
Pajak lain-lain: Other taxes:
Pajak final pasal 4 (2) 662 1.392 Final tax article 4 (2)
Pajak final pasal 15 711 586 Final tax article 15
Pajak penghasilan pasal 21 7.642 19.479 Income tax article 21
Pajak penghasilan pasal 22 382 333 Income tax article 22
Pajak penghasilan pasal 23 2.748 3.326 Income tax article 23
Pajak penghasilan pasal 25 57 20 Income tax article 25
Pajak penghasilan pasal 26 358 1.279 Income tax article 26
Pajak Pertambahan Nilai 12.258 25.130 Value Added Tax
Utang pajak lainnya 43 - Others tax payable
Total 26.876 73.424 Total
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Rekonsiliasi antara beban pajak penghasilan The reconciliation between income tax expense as
yang dihitung dengan menggunakan tarif pajak computed with the applicable tax rate from profit
yang berlaku dari laba sebelum beban pajak before income tax expense as shown in the
penghasilan sebagaimana tercantum pada consolidated statement of profit or loss and other
laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan comprehensive income and income tax expense is
komprehensif lain konsolidasian dan beban as follows:
pajak penghasilan adalah sebagai berikut:
Tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal
31 Desember/
Year ended December 31
2020 2019
Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan
badan menurut laporan laba rugi Profit before corporate income tax
dan penghasilan komprehensif lain in consolidated statement of profit or loss
konsolidasian 344.878 466.749 and other comprehensive income
Dikurangi: Laba dari pendapatan Less: Profit from revenue subject
yang dikenakan pajak final (73.653) (70.714) to final tax
Laba yang dikenakan pajak penghasilan 271.225 396.035 Profit subject to income tax
Pajak penghasilan dihitung dengan Income tax calculated at
tarif yang berlaku 51.533 79.207 applicable rate
Dampak perbedaan permanen: Effect of permanent differences:
Beban yang tidak dapat dikurangkan
untuk tujuan perpajakan 11.061 12.914 Non-deductible expenses
Rugi (laba) penjualan aset tetap (286) 145 Loss (gain) on sale of fixed asset
Pendapatan keuangan yang
dikenakan pajak final (5.497) (3.648) Finance income subject to final tax
Beban bunga yang tidak dapat
dikurangkan untuk tujuan
perpajakan 1.094 - Non-deductible finance expenses
Hasil ketetapan pajak 5.178 1.621 Tax assessment letters
Penyesuaian atas penurunan tarif Adjustments from tax rate
pajak Perusahaan (Catatan 19g) 8.510 20.033 reduction of the Company (Note 19g)
Penyesuaian atas perubahan Adjustments from changes
tarif pajak (Catatan 19g) 24.199 - in tax rate (Note 19g)
Beban pajak penghasilan 95.792 110.272 Income tax expense
644 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Rekonsiliasi antara laba sebelum pajak The reconciliation between the profit before
penghasilan seperti yang tercantum dalam income tax expense as shown in the consolidated
laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan statement of profit or loss and other
komprehensif lain konsolidasian dan estimasi comprehensive income (loss) and the current
laba (rugi) kena pajak Perusahaan periode period estimated taxable income of the Company
berjalan adalah sebagai berikut: is as follows:
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 645
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Perhitungan beban pajak kini - periode/tahun The calculation of current tax expense - current
berjalan dan taksiran lebih bayar dan kurang period/year and estimated overpayment and
bayar pajak penghasilan badan adalah sebagai underpayment of corporate income tax is as
berikut: follows:
Pajak penghasilan badan dihitung untuk Corporate income tax is calculated for each
masing-masing perusahaan sebagai entitas individual company as a separate legal entity.
yang terpisah secara hukum.
Perhitungan taksiran penghasilan kena pajak The calculation of estimated taxable income at the
pada akhir tahun menjadi dasar dalam end of year is used as a basis in filling the annual
pengisian Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan Pajak corporate income tax return.
Penghasilan Badan.
Berdasarkan undang-undang perpajakan yang Under the taxation laws of Indonesia, entities
berlaku di Indonesia, entitas-entitas di dalam within the Group calculate and pay tax on the
Grup menghitung dan membayar sendiri basis of self assessment. The Directorate General
besarnya jumlah pajak yang terutang. Direktorat of Tax may assess or amend tax liabilities within
Jenderal Pajak dapat menetapkan atau 5 (five) years of the time the tax becomes due.
mengubah liabilitas pajak dalam batas waktu 5
(lima) tahun sejak saat terutangnya pajak.
646 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Mutasi aset pajak tangguhan adalah sebagai The movements in deferred tax assets are as
berikut: follows:
Tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020/
Year ended December 31, 2020
Dibebankan ke/Charged to
Saldo Saldo
awal/ akhir/
Beginning Laba (rugi)/ Ekuitas/ Ending
balance Profit (loss) Equity balance
Saldo Saldo
awal/ akhir/
Beginning Laba (rugi)/ Ekuitas/ Ending
balance Profit (loss) Equity balance
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 647
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pada tahun 2020, Perusahaan menerima In 2020, the Company received refund on
pengembalian lebih bayar pajak atas PPN dan overpayment of VAT and corporate income tax for
pajak penghasilan badan untuk tahun pajak fiscal year 2018. After being compensated with
2018. Setelah dikompensasikan dengan kurang underpayment and notice of tax collection for the
bayar pajak serta surat tagihan pajak untuk same tax periods, the net refund received
masa yang sama, jumlah yang diterima sebesar amounted to Rp204,610. The Group recognized
Rp204.610. Grup mengakui pendapatan income amounted Rp2,192 related to such refund
sebesar Rp2.192 sehubungan dengan restitusi in profit or loss for 2020. Furthermore, the
tersebut dalam laba rugi tahun 2020. Disamping Company received refund on request for
itu, Perusahaan juga menerima pengembalian reduction or cancellation to the Tax Office on VAT
atas surat tagihan pajak terkait pengembalian for fiscal year 2017 amounted to Rp427.
pajak PPN tahun pajak 2017 sebesar Rp427.
Pada tahun 2019, Perusahaan menerima In 2019, the Company received refund on
pengembalian lebih bayar pajak atas pajak overpayment of corporate income tax for fiscal
penghasilan badan untuk tahun pajak 2017. year 2017. After being compensated with
Setelah dikompensasikan dengan kurang bayar underpayment and notice of tax collection for the
pajak serta surat tagihan pajak untuk masa same tax periods, the net refund received
yang sama, jumlah yang diterima sebesar amounted to Rp21,403. The Group recognized
Rp21.403. Grup mengakui pendapatan sebesar income amounted Rp189 related to such refund
Rp189 sehubungan dengan restitusi tersebut in profit or loss for 2019.
dalam laba rugi tahun 2019.
Disamping itu, pada tahun 2019, Perusahaan Furthermore, in 2019, the Company received
menerima pengembalian lebih bayar pajak atas refund on overpayment of VAT for various tax
PPN untuk berbagai masa pajak di tahun periods in fiscal year 2015, 2016 and 2017. After
pajak 2015, 2016 dan 2017. Setelah being compensated with underpayment of various
dikompensasikan dengan kurang bayar pajak taxes and notice of tax collection for the same tax
serta surat tagihan pajak untuk masa yang periods, the net refund received amounted to
sama, jumlah yang diterima sebesar Rp347,029. For the related notice of tax
Rp347.029. Atas surat tagihan pajak terkait collection, the Company submitted request for
pengembalian pajak tersebut, Perusahaan reduction or cancellation to the Tax Office
mengajukan permohonan pengurangan atau amounted Rp8,782.
pembatalan kepada Kantor Pajak sebesar
Pada tahun 2020, EPN dan ETSA menerima In 2020, EPN dan ETSA refund on overpayment
pengembalian lebih bayar pajak atas PPN dan of received refund on overpayment of VAT and
pajak penghasilan badan untuk tahun pajak corporate income tax for fiscal year 2018.. After
2018. Setelah dikompensasikan dengan kurang being compensated with underpayment of various
bayar serta surat tagihan pajak beberapa jenis taxes and notice of tax collection for the same
pajak untuk tahun pajak yang sama, jumlah fiscal year, the net refund received amounted to
yang diterima sebesar Rp222.193. Grup Rp222,193. The Group recognized expenses
mengakui beban sebesar Rp3.640 sehubungan amounting to Rp3,640 related to such refund in
dengan restitusi tersebut dalam laba rugi tahun profit or loss for 2020.
648 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pada tahun 2019, EPN, PND dan ETSA In 2019, EPN, PND and ETSA received refund on
menerima pengembalian lebih bayar pajak atas overpayment of certain taxes for various fiscal
beberapa jenis pajak untuk berbagai tahun year. After being compensated with
pajak. Setelah dikompensasikan dengan underpayment of various taxes and notice of tax
kurang bayar serta surat tagihan pajak collection for the same fiscal year, the net refund
beberapa jenis pajak untuk tahun pajak yang received amounted to Rp156,605. The Group
sama, jumlah yang diterima sebesar recognized expenses amounting to Rp3,692
Rp156.605. Grup mengakui beban sebesar related to such refund in profit or loss for 2019.
Rp3.692 sehubungan dengan restitusi tersebut
dalam laba rugi tahun 2019.
Beban pajak final timbul dari pajak final atas Final tax expense arises from final taxes on
pendapatan jasa penyewaan ruangan kantor revenue from rental of office space and barges,
dan tongkang, serta penjualan bahan bakar. and sales of fuel.
Pada bulan Maret 2020, diberlakukan Peraturan In March 2020, a Peraturan Pemerintah
Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Pengganti Undang-Undang (“Perpu”) Nomor 1
(“Perpu”) Nomor 1 Tahun 2020. Perpu ini Tahun 2020 was enacted. The Perpu was
berlaku efektif pada Tahun Pajak 2020 dan effective appplicable in Tax Year 2020 and 2021
2021 yang menetapkan tarif tunggal untuk pajak and provided a 22% flat rate of corporate income
penghasilan perusahaan yaitu sebesar 22% tax, further reduced to 20% for Tax Year 2022
dan akan turun menjadi 20% mulai tahun pajak onwards.
Perusahaan terbuka yang memenuhi syarat- Publicly listed entitties which comply with certain
syarat tertentu berhak memperoleh penurunan requirements are entitled to a 3% tax rate
tarif pajak penghasilan yang berlaku. Untuk reduction from the applicable tax rates. For the
tahun pajak 2020, Perusahaan memenuhi fiscal year 2020, the Company complied with
persyaratan syarat-syarat tersebut dan telah these requirement and has therefore applicable
menetapkan tarif pajak yang lebih rendah. the lower tax rates.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 649
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pinjaman bank jangka panjang terdiri dari: Long-term bank loans consist of:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Dolar AS US Dollar
Pinjaman Sindikasi 428.315 677.674 Syndicated Loan
Rupiah Rupiah
Pinjaman Sindikasi 203.631 144.780 Syndicated Loan
Total pinjaman bank 631.946 822.454 Total bank loans
Biaya pinjaman yang belum diamortisasi (3.334) (4.716) Unamortized costs of loan
Neto 628.612 817.738 Net
Pada tanggal 22 Februari 2018, Perusahaan As of February 22, 2018, the Company and
dan entitas anak (EPN dan ETSA) memperoleh Subsidiaries (EPN and ETSA) obtained
fasilitas kredit sindikasi dari PT Bank Sumitomo Syndicated Loan facilities from PT Bank
Mitsui Indonesia, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia, The Bank of Tokyo-
UFJ Ltd., Cabang Jakarta, PT Bank ICBC Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., Jakarta Branch, PT Bank
Indonesia dan PT Bank UOB Indonesia. ICBC Indonesia and PT Bank UOB Indonesia.
Pada tanggal 14 September 2020 terdapat As of September 14, 2020, Transfer Agreement is
Perjanjian Transfer mengenai pengalihan made by the MUFG Bank, Ltd., Jakarta Branch
pinjaman dari MUFG Bank, Ltd., Jakarta Branch (The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., Cabang
(The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., Jakarta) “Existing Lender” to PT Bank Danamon
Cabang Jakarta) kepada PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk “The New Lender”. Therefore, this
Indonesia, Tbk. Maka dari itu, Pinjaman syndicated loan obtained from PT Bank BTPN
Sindikasi saat ini diperoleh dari PT Bank BTPN Tbk. (Bank Sumitomo Mitsui), PT Bank Danamon
Tbk. (Bank Sumitomo Mitsui), PT Bank Indonesia, Tbk., PT Bank ICBC Indonesia dan PT
Danamon Indonesia, Tbk., PT Bank ICBC Bank UOB Indonesia, which are divided into 3
Indonesia dan PT Bank UOB Indonesia, yang (three) tranches as follows:
terbagi dalam 3 (tiga) tranche, yaitu:
Tranche A Tranche A
Tranche A dengan batas maksimum sebesar Tranche A with a maximum limit facility of
$AS30.000.000 dan akan jatuh tempo dalam US$30,000,000 and will mature in 60(sixty)
waktu 60 (enam puluh) bulan sejak tanggal months since the date of agreement. The loan will
perjanjian. Pinjaman ini akan dibayarkan be paid through 48 (forty eight) monthly
melalui cicilan bulanan sebanyak 48 (empat installment starting 13 (thirteen) months after the
puluh delapan) kali dimulai setelah 13 (tiga date of this agreement.
belas) bulan sejak tanggal perjanjian ini.
650 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Tranche B1 Tranche B1
Tranche B1 dalam mata uang Dolar AS dengan Tranche B1 in US Dollar currency with maximum
batas maksimum sebesar $AS25.000.000 dan limit facilities of US$25,000,000 and will mature in
akan jatuh tempo dalam waktu 60 (enam puluh) 60 (sixty) months since the date of agreement.
bulan sejak tanggal perjanjian. Pinjaman ini The loan will be paid through 36 (thirty six)
akan dibayarkan melalui cicilan bulanan monthly installment starting 25 (twenty five)
sebanyak 36 (tiga puluh enam) kali dimulai months after the date of this agreement.
setelah 25 (dua puluh lima) bulan sejak tanggal
perjanjian ini.
Tranche B2 Tranche B2
Tranche B2 dalam mata uang Rupiah dengan Tranche B2 in Rupiah currency with maximum
batas maksimum setara dengan limit facility equivalent to US$25,000,000 and will
$AS25.000.000 dan akan jatuh tempo dalam mature in 60 (sixty) months since the date of
waktu 60 (enam puluh) bulan sejak tanggal agreement. The loan will be paid through 36 (thirty
perjanjian. Pinjaman ini akan dibayarkan six) monthly installment starting 25 (twenty five)
melalui cicilan bulanan sebanyak 36 (tiga puluh months after the date of this agreement.
enam) kali dimulai setelah 25 (dua puluh lima)
bulan sejak tanggal perjanjian ini.
EPN dan ETSA memperoleh fasilitas Tranche EPN and ETSA obtained Tranche B1 and Tranche
B1 dan Tranche B2 dengan batas maksimum B2 facility with maximum limit of US$20,000,000
masing-masing sebesar $AS20.000.000 dan and US$8,000,000, respectively.
Fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut juga mencakup These facilities contain certain restrictions for the
persyaratan yang membatasi hak Perusahaan, Company, EPN and ETSA such as, among
EPN dan ETSA antara lain untuk mengijinkan others, permit to subsist any security or quasi-
adanya jaminan dan atau kuasi-jaminan atas security for any of its assets except for permitted
salah satu asetnya kecuali untuk jaminan yang security, disposal of assets except for permitted
diperbolehkan, melepas aset-aset kecuali untuk disposal, conduct merger, consolidation or
pelepasan yang diperbolehkan, melangsungkan corporate reconstruction except with prior consent
merger, konsolidasi atau rekonstruksi korporasi, of the Syndicate, conduct substantial changes of
melakukan akuisisi atau investasi lainnya its business, enter into any derivative transaction,
kecuali dengan persetujuan dari Sindikasi, be a creditor of any financial indebtness or remain
melakukan perubahan kegiatan usaha yang outstanding any guarantee in respect of any
substansial, melangsungkan transaksi derivatif, obligations of any entity, and incur or permit to
menjadi kreditur sehubungan dengan suatu remain outstanding, any financial indebtness
utang keuangan atau membiarkan adanya except for permitted financial indebtness.
penanggungan sehubungan dengan kewajiban
pihak manapun, serta menimbulkan atau
mengijinkan adanya utang keuangan yang
tertunggak kecuali untuk utang keuangan yang
Fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut juga mengharuskan These facilities also require the Company, EPN
Perusahaan, EPN dan ETSA untuk memenuhi and ETSA to maintain certain financial ratios as
persyaratan rasio keuangan sebagaimana stated in the credit facilities agreement.
disebutkan dalam perjanjian kredit.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 651
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Saldo terutang atas fasilitas-fasilitas pinjaman The outstanding balance of these loan facilities
ini masing-masing sebesar Tranche A: each amounted to Tranche A: US$12,310,606
$AS12.310.606 (setara dengan Rp173.641), (equivalent to Rp173,641), Tranche B1:
Tranche B1: $AS18.055.556 (setara dengan US$18,055,556 (equivalent to Rp254,674) and
Rp254.674) dan Tranche B2: Rp203.631 pada Tranche B2: Rp203,631 as of December 31,
tanggal 31 Desember 2020, dan masing-masing 2020, respectively, and amounted to to Tranche
sebesar Tranche A: $AS23.750.000 (setara A: US$23,750,000 (equivalent to Rp330,149),
dengan Rp330.149), Tranche B1: Tranche B1: US$25,000,000 (equivalent to
$AS25.000.000 (setara dengan Rp347.525) Rp347,525) and Tranche B2: Rp144,780,
dan Tranche B2: Rp144.780 pada tanggal 31 respectively, as of December 31, 2019.
Desember 2019.
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, Grup As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, the Group has
telah memenuhi seluruh pembatasan yang diatur complied with all covenants as required by the loan
dalam perjanjian pinjaman. agreements.
Tingkat suku bunga kontraktual pinjaman bank Contractual interest rates on long-term bank loans are
jangka panjang adalah sebagai berikut: as follows:
Tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal
31 Desember/
Year ended December 31
2020 2019
Rupiah Rupiah
Pinjaman pada suku bunga mengambang 7,50% 8,16% Loans at floating interest rate
Dolar AS US Dollar
Pinjaman pada suku bunga mengambang 1,83% 3,40% Loans at floating interest rate
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2020 2019
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan 1 Sukuk Ijarah Sustainable 1
Tahap 1 Tahun 2020 700.000 - Phase 1 Year 2020
Biaya penerbitan sukuk yang Unamortized issuance
belum diamortisasi (2.981) - costs of sukuk
Total 697.019 - Total
Pada tanggal 3 Agustus 2020, Perusahaan telah On August 3, 2020, the Company has obtained an
mendapatkan pernyataan efektif dari Otoritas Jasa effective statement from Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
Keuangan (OJK) atas penerbitan Sukuk Ijarah (OJK) on the issuance of Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan
Berkelanjutan 1 Elnusa Tahap 1 Tahun 2020 (sustainable Sukuk Ijarah) 1 Phase 1 Year 2020, with
dengan sisa imbalan Ijarah sebesar Rp700.000. residual Ijarah Benefits amounted to Rp700,000. The
Sukuk Ijarah ini diterbitkan tanpa warkat dan dijamin Sukuk Ijarah is issued without notes and guaranteed
dengan kesanggupan penuh (full commitment) dan with full commintments and offered with 100% value of
ditawarkan dengan nilai 100% dari jumlah sisa residual Ijarah beneftis, with period of 5 (five) years
imbalan Ijarah, dengan jangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun from the issue date. The Ijarah Installments amounted
sejak tanggal emisi. Cicilan Imbalan Ijarah adalah Rp63,000, or equivalent of 9% annually, which will be
sebesar Rp63.000, atau ekuivalen sebesar 9% per paid every 3 (three) months and will be due on August
tahun yang akan dibayarkan setiap 3 (tiga) bulan, 11, 2025.
dan jatuh tempo 11 Agustus 2025.
652 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Total dana yang diterima Perusahaan pada tanggal Total funds received by the Company on August 11,
11 Agustus 2020 dari hasil penerbitan Perdana 2020 from the first issuance of Sukuk Ijarah
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan 1 Elnusa Tahap 1 Tahun Berkelanjutan 1 Elnusa Tahap 1 Tahunun 2020 was
2020 adalah sebesar Rp700.000. Sesuai dengan Rp700,000. Based on the agreement between the
perjanjian Perusahaan dengan PT Bank Rakyat Company and PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero)
Indonesia (Persero) Tbk selaku wali amanat dan Tbk. as Trustee and the Company’s prospectus, the
prospektus penawaran sukuk ijarah Perusahaan, fund will be used for purchases of equiptment and
dana tersebut akan digunakan untuk pembelian alat working capital.
dan modal kerja.
Fasilitas ini mensyaratkan Perusahaan untuk, These facilities require the Company, to maintain the
memelihara rasio total utang terhadap EBITDA maximum total debt to EBITDA ratio at 3 times, and to
maksimal sebesar 3 kali, serta rasio bunga terhadap maintain maximum interest to EBITDA ratio at 1.5
EBITDA maksimal sebesar 1,5 kali. times.
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020, Perusahaan telah As of December 31, 2020, the Company has complied
memenuhi seluruh pembatasan yang diatur dalam with all the covenants as required by the sukuk
perjanjian sukuk. agreement.
Pendapatan ditangguhkan merupakan selisih antara Deferred income is the difference between the book
nilai buku aset tetap sewa pembiayaan dengan value of fixed assets under finance lease with the
jumlah penerimaan minimum sewa pembiayaan. minimum amount received from finance lease.
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Pendapatan tangguhan Deferred income
(Catatan 32g dan 33b) 90.950 101.650 (Note 32g and 33b)
Aset program imbalan pensiun (liabilitas imbalan Pension benefit plan assets (employee benefits
kerja) yang diakui dalam laporan posisi keuangan liability) recognized in the consolidated statement of
konsolidasian adalah sebagai berikut: financial position are as follows:
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2020 2019
Liabilitas imbalan kerja Employee benefits liability
Program imbalan pensiun - Asuransi 38.521 33.882 Pension benefits - Insurance
Imbalan kerja jangka panjang lainnya 29.326 21.013 Other long-term employee benefits
Total 67.847 54.895 Total
Perhitungan aktuarial untuk tahun yang berakhir The actuarial calculations for the year ended
pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 31 Desember December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019 was
2019 dilakukan oleh PT Sentra Jasa Aktuaria, performed by PT Sentra Jasa Aktuaria, using the
dengan menggunakan metode Projected Unit Projected Unit Credit method.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 653
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Grup menyelenggarakan program pensiun The Group has a defined benefit pension plan
imbalan pasti untuk semua karyawan tetap covering all permanent employees which is
yang dikelola oleh beberapa perusahaan managed by several insurance companies.
Asumsi-asumsi penting yang digunakan oleh The significant assumptions used by the actuary
aktuaris dalam laporannya adalah sebagai in its reports are as follows:
Tingkat diskonto : 3,26% - 7,80% pada tahun 2020 : Discount rate
dan 5,42% - 8,19% pada tahun 2019/
3.26% - 7.80% per annum in 2020
and 5,42% - 8,19% per annum in 2019
Tingkat kenaikan gaji : 7% per tahun / 7% per annum : Salary increase rate
Tingkat kematian : Tabel Mortalita Indonesia 2019 pada tahun 2020 : Mortality rate
dan Tabel Mortalita Indonesia III pada tahun 2019/
Indonesian Mortality Table 2019 in 2020
Indonesian Mortality Table III in 2020
Usia pensiun Retirement age
Perusahaan, EFK, SCU, The Company, EFK, SCU,
PND, ETSA : 56 tahun / 56 years old : PND, ETSA
EPN : 57 tahun / 57 years old : EPN
654 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Jumlah yang diakui dalam laporan posisi Amounts recognized in the consolidated
keuangan konsolidasian adalah sebagai statement of financial position are as follows:
31 Desember/December 31, 2020 31 Desember/December 31, 2019
Entitas Entitas
Perusahaan/ anak/ Jumlah/ Perusahaan/ anak/ Jumlah/
Company Subsidiaries Total Company Subsidiaries Total
Nilai kini kewajiban (176.945) (48.712) (225.657) (162.721) (37.035) (199.756) Present value of obligation
Nilai wajar aset program 157.368 29.768 187.136 141.053 24.821 165.874 Fair value of plan assets
Surplus (Defisit) (19.577) (18.944) (38.521) (21.668) (12.214) (33.882) Surplus (Deficit)
Dampak batas atas aset - - - - - - Effect of asset ceiling
Mutasi nilai kini kewajiban adalah sebagai The movements in present value of obligation are
berikut: as follows:
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2020 2019
Saldo awal (199.756) (162.397) Beginning balance
Biaya jasa kini (19.413) (17.169) Current service cost
Biaya bunga (19.385) (13.495) Interest cost
Keuntungan (kerugian) aktuarial (7.198) (22.410) Actuarial gains (losses)
Imbalan yang dibayarkan 20.095 15.715 Benefits paid
Saldo akhir (225.657) (199.756) Ending balance
Mutasi nilai wajar aset program adalah sebagai The movements in fair value of plan assets are as
berikut: follows:
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2020 2019
Saldo awal 165.874 155.475 Beginning balance
Imbal hasil atas aset program 12.410 12.920 Return on plan assets
Keuntungan (kerugian) aktuarial 12.282 3.721 Actuarial gains (losses)
Iuran pemberi kerja 15.127 6.047 Employer’s contributions
Imbalan yang dibayarkan (18.557) (12.289) Benefits paid
Saldo akhir 187.136 165.874 Ending balance
Rincian aset program adalah sebagai berikut: The details of plan assets are as follows:
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2020 2019
Nilai wajar/ Nilai wajar/
Fair value % Fair value %
Instrumen pasar uang 78.531 42 82.492 50 Money market instruments
Instrumen pendapatan tetap 90.552 48 64.593 39 Fixed income instruments
Instrumen ekuitas 13.563 7 18.789 11 Equity instruments
Instrumen utang 4.490 3 - -
Total 187.136 100 165.874 100 Total
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 655
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Jumlah yang diakui dalam beban pokok Amounts recognized in cost of revenues and
pendapatan dan beban umum dan administrasi general and administrative expenses are as
adalah sebagai berikut: follows:
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2020 2019
Biaya jasa kini 19.413 17.169 Current service cost
Biaya bunga 19.385 13.495 Interest cost
Biaya bunga atas dampak batas aset - 324 Interest cost on effect of asset ceiling
Imbal hasil atas aset program (12.410) (12.920) Return on plan assets
Pengukuran kembali liabilitas (aset) - - Remeasurement of liability (assets)
Total 26.388 18.068 Total
Mutasi liabilitas imbalan kerja adalah sebagai The movements in employee benefits liability are
berikut: as follows:
Perusahaan Compan
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2020 2019
Saldo awal 21.668 - Beginning balance
Biaya diakui dalam laba rugi 15.396 13.698 Expense recognized in profit or loss
Biaya (penghasilan) diakui dalam Expense (income) in
penghasilan komprehensif lain (3.495) 15.671 recognized other comprehensive income
Iuran pemberi kerja (13.510) (5.447) Employer’s contributions
Imbalan yang dibayarkan (482) (2.254) Benefits paid
Saldo akhir 19.577 21.668 Ending balance
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2020 2019
Saldo awal 12.214 10.818 Beginning balance
Biaya diakui dalam laba rugi 10.992 4.372 Expense recognized in profit or loss
Biaya (penghasilan) diakui dalam Expense (income) recognized
penghasilan komprehensif lain (1.590) (1.202) in other comprehensive income
Iuran pemberi kerja (1.617) (600) Employer’s contributions
Imbalan yang dibayarkan (1.055) (1.174) Benefits paid
Koreksi aset - - Asset correction
Saldo akhir 18.944 12.214 Ending balance
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2020 2019
(Keuntungan) kerugian aktuarial (5.085) 14.469 Actuarial (gains) losses
656 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Analisa sensitivitas atas perubahan asumsi Sensitivity analysis on the change of financial
keuangan adalah sebagai berikut: assumptions is as follows:
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2020 2019
Kenaikan/ Penurunan/ Kenaikan/ Penurunan/
Increase of Decrease of Increase of Decrease of
1% 1% 1% 1%
Perubahan tingkat diskonto Change in discount rate
Dampak pada nilai kini Effect on present value of
kewajiban (18.563) 21.070 (17.191) 19.776 obligation
Dampak pada biaya jasa
kini (1.931) 2.244 (1.835) 2.146 Effect on current service cost
Perubahan tingkat kenaikan
gaji Change in salary increase rate
Dampak pada nilai kini Effect on present value of
kewajiban 22.621 (19.798) 19.758 (17.275) obligation
Dampak pada biaya jasa
kini 2.391 (2.054) 2.107 (1.808) Effect on current service cost
Profil jatuh tempo pembayaran imbalan adalah Maturity profile of benefit payments is as follows:
sebagai berikut:
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2020 2019
Kurang dari 1 tahun 19.689 22.277 Less than 1 year
Antara 1-5 tahun 63.395 62.478 Between 1-5 years
Lebih dari 5 tahun 1.247.916 1.146.862 More than 5 years
Imbalan kerja jangka panjang lainnya Other long-term employee benefits represent
merupakan penghargaan tertentu yang certain awards provided by the Company, EPN,
diberikan Perusahaan, EPN, SCU dan PND SCU and PND to their employees based on the
kepada para karyawannya berdasarkan employees’ length of service, namely Ulang
lamanya masa kerja karyawan, yang Tahun Dinas (“UTD”). The benefit is awarded in
dinamakan Ulang Tahun Dinas (“UTD”). the form of certain cash awards or goods which is
Imbalan ini dalam bentuk kas dalam jumlah paid at the time the employees reach certain
tertentu atau barang yang dibayarkan pada saat anniversary dates during employment.
karyawan mencapai UTD tertentu selama masa
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, liability
liabilitas yang diakui dalam laporan posisi recognized in the consolidated statement of
keuangan konsolidasian terkait dengan financial position with respect to the program
program ini masing-masing sebesar Rp29.326 amounted to Rp29,326 and Rp21,013,
dan Rp21.013. respectively.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 657
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Perusahaan, EPN, SCU dan PND menyediakan The Company, EPN, SCU and PND provide a
program pensiun iuran pasti untuk karyawan defined contribution pension plan for employees
tetap yang dipekerjakan sejak 1 Oktober 2002. hired with permanent status since October 1,
Iuran program tersebut dikelola oleh Dana 2002. The contribution to the plan is managed by
Pensiun Lembaga Keuangan (”DPLK”) PT Bank Dana Pensiun Lembaga Keuangan (“DPLK”)
Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk dan DPLK PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk and
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. DPLK PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.
Untuk periode yang berakhir pada tanggal For the period ended December 31, 2020 and
31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, beban yang 2019, expenses recognized with respect to the
diakui terkait dengan program tersebut masing- plan amounted Rp3,912 and Rp2,671,
masing sebesar Rp3.912 dan Rp2.671. respectively.
Akun ini merupakan liabilitas imbalan kerja This account represents short-term employee
jangka pendek yang terdiri dari akrual untuk benefits liability consisting of accounts for
gaji, iuran dana pensiun, jaminan sosial tenaga salaries, contributions for pension funds,
kerja dan imbalan kerja karyawan lainnya. employee social security and other employee
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, the
2019, susunan pemegang saham Perusahaan composition of shareholders of the Company is as
adalah sebagai berikut: follows:
Jumlah Persentase
saham/ kepemilikan/
Number of Percentage of
shares ownership Total
PT Pertamina (Persero) 41,10% 300.000 PT Pertamina (Persero)
Dana Pensiun Pertamina 1.087.407.500 14,90% 108.741 Dana Pensiun Pertamina
Lain-lain (masing-masing
dengan kepemilikan Others (ownership
kurang dari 5%) 44,00% 321.109 below 5% each)
Total 7.298.500.000 100,00% 729.850 Total
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, the entire
2019, seluruh saham Perusahaan telah dicatat shares of the Company are listed on the Indonesia
di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Stock Exchange.
658 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, additional
2019, tambahan modal disetor terdiri dari: paid-in capital consists of:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Agio saham 438.000 438.000 Share premium
Biaya emisi saham (18.042) (18.042) Shares issuance costs
Selisih nilai transaksi penjualan Difference in value from
saham treasuri 9.654 9.654 sale of treasury stock
Difference in value from
Selisih nilai transaksi restrukturisasi restructuring transaction of
entitas sepengendali 1.810 1.810 entities under common control
Selisih transaksi dengan Difference in transaction
pihak nonpengendali 4.269 4.269 with non-controlling interestl
Total 435.691 435.691 Total
Dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham In the Shareholders’ Annual General Meetings of
Tahunan Perusahaan yang berita acaranya the Company, the minutes of which was notarized
diaktakan dengan Akta Notaris No. 14 tanggal 8 under Notarial Deed No. 14 dated July 8, 2020 of
Juli 2020 dari Aulia Taufani, S.H., para Aulia Taufani, S.H., the shareholders agreed to
pemegang saham menyetujui untuk distribute cash dividends amounting to Rp89,119.
membagikan dividen kas sebesar Rp89.119.
Mutasi penghasilan komprehensif lain (setelah The movements in other comprehensive income
pajak penghasilan) adalah sebagai berikut: (net of income tax) are as follows:
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Saldo awal (55.288) (44.436) Beginning balance
Penghasilan komprehensif lain Other comprehensive income
tahun berjalan 3.963 (10.852) for the period/year
Saldo akhir (51.325) (55.288) Ending balance
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 659
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
PND 4.218 4.218 PND
EFK 1.057 1.055 EFK
SCU 17 16 SCU
ETSA (85) (24) ETSA
EPN (3.699) (3.605) EPN
Total 1.508 1.660 Total
Rincian pendapatan adalah sebagai berikut: The details of revenues are as follows:
Rincian penjualan kepada pelanggan dengan jumlah Details of sales to customers that make up more than
lebih besar dari 10% pendapatan adalah sebagai 10% of revenues are as follows:
660 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Rincian beban pokok pendapatan adalah sebagai The details of cost of revenues are as follows:
Tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal
31 Desember/
Year ended December 31
2020 2019
Jasa subkontrak 1.798.095 1.503.044 Sub-contract services
Gaji, upah, dan kesejahteraan karyawan 1.082.442 1.109.099 Salaries, wages, and employee benefits
Penyusutan dan amortisasi 723.183 426.174 Depreciation and amortization
Sewa 544.748 1.063.238 Rent
Bahan pembantu yang digunakan 355.057 302.716 Additional materials used
Bahan bakar 190.415 518.242 Fuel
Perbaikan dan pemeliharaan 141.927 68.141 Repairs and maintenance
Fasilitas kantor 126.452 150.933 Office facilities
Mobilisasi dan demobilisasi 112.123 110.393 Mobilization and demobilization
Utilitas 64.422 45.171 Utilities
Transportasi dan perjalanan 61.050 103.977 Transportation and travelling
Perizinan 54.996 39.008 Permit
Perlengkapan workshop 44.375 47.513 Workshop supplies
Jasa profesional 38.434 36.078 Professional service
Asuransi 29.169 22.621 Insurance
Representasi dan donasi 22.421 62.569 Representation and donation
Perlengkapan kantor 10.393 5.171 Office supplies
Pos dan telekomunikasi 8.616 6.978 Post and telecommunication
Pelatihan 7.050 3.041 Training
Perpajakan 6.049 7.033 Taxation
Lain-lain (masing-masing di bawah Rp5.000) 4.796 18.356 Others (each below Rp5,000)
5.426.213 5.649.496
Persediaan awal 90.666 76.194 Beginning inventories
Pembelian 1.612.182 1.879.016 Purchases
Persediaan akhir (144.589) (90.666) Ending inventories
1.558.259 1.864.544
Total 6.984.472 7.514.040 Total
Pembelian dari pemasok dengan jumlah lebih besar Purchases from vendor that make up more than 10%
dari 10% pendapatan adalah dari PT Pertamina of revenues are arising from PT Pertamina (Persero)
(Persero) masing-masing sebesar Rp1.389.051 dan amounting to Rp1,389,051 and Rp2,037,648 for the
Rp2.037.648 untuk tahun yang berakhir pada years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019,
tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019. respectively.
Rincian beban umum dan administrasi adalah The details of general and administrative expenses are
sebagai berikut: as follows:
Tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal
31 Desember/
Year ended December 31
2020 2019
Gaji, upah, dan kesejahteraan karyawan 203.712 225.911 Salaries, wages, and employee benefits
Jasa teknik dan profesional 21.694 15.739 Technical and professional services
Fasilitas kantor 21.504 22.566 Office facilities
Utilitas 10.841 6.020 Utilities
Office support 9.119 6.841 Office support
Transportasi dan perjalanan dinas 6.952 18.968 Transportation and travelling
Sewa 5.551 3.546 Rent
Lain-lain (masing-masing di bawah Rp5.000) 23.109 33.630 Others (each below Rp5,000)
Total 302.482 333.221 Total
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 661
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Rincian beban keuangan adalah sebagai berikut: The details of finance expenses are as follows:
Tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal
31 Desember/
Year ended December 31
2020 2019
Bunga pinjaman 36.658 47.048 Interest on loan
Bunga liabilitas sewa 33.512 - Interest lease liability
Bunga sukuk 24.325 - sukuk interest
Biaya administrasi bank 12.806 8.325 Bank administration charges
Amortisasi biaya pinjaman 1.466 1.747 Amortization of costs of loan
Loss (gain) on foreign currency
Rugi (laba) selisih kurs atas pinjaman 23.432 (16.630) exchange of loan
Total 132.199 40.490 Total
Rincian akun ini adalah sebagai berikut: The details of this account is as follows:
Dalam kegiatan usaha normal, Grup melakukan In the normal course of business, the Group enters into
transaksi dengan pihak-pihak berelasi. Entitas transactions with related parties. Entities are
dianggap berelasi jika entitas tersebut, baik secara considered to be related if the entity has the ability,
langsung maupun tidak langsung, dapat directly or indirectly, to control or jointly control or have
mengendalikan atau mengendalikan bersama, atau significant influence over the Group in making financial
memiliki pengaruh signifikan atas Grup dalam and operating decisions. Entities are also considered
pengambilan keputusan keuangan dan operasional. to be related if they are under common control with the
Entitas juga dianggap berelasi jika entitas tersebut Group. Since the Company’s ultimate parent is the
sepengendalian dengan Grup. Karena entitas induk Government of the Republic of Indonesia, the Group
terakhir Perusahaan adalah Pemerintah Republik recognized related party relationship with
Indonesia, Grup mengakui hubungan berelasi Government-related entities.
dengan entitas berelasi dengan Pemerintah.
662 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Transaksi dan saldo dengan pihak-pihak berelasi Transactions and balances with related parties are as
adalah sebagai berikut: follows:
a) Kas dan setara kas (Catatan 4) a) Cash and cash equivalents (Note 4)
Persentase terhadap
total aset/
Percentage to
total assets
31 Desember/December 31 31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019 2020 2019
Bank Cash in banks
PT Bank Mandiri PT Bank Mandiri
(Persero) Tbk 293.226 268.799 3,9 3,9 (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 124.013 96.157 1,6 1,4 (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Syariah 95.330 2.468 1,3 0,0 Syariah
PT Bank Negara Indonesia PT Bank Negara Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 85.825 354.742 1,1 5,2 (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank BNI Syariah 3.393 1.677 0,0 0,0 PT Bank BNI Syariah
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Agroniaga Tbk 1.745 1.717 0,0 0,0 Agroniaga Tbk
PT Bank Syariah Mandiri 656 620 0,0 0,0 PT Bank Syariah Mandiri
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 663
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Persentase terhadap
total aset/Percentage to
total assets
31 Desember/December 31 31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019 2020 2019
Difakturkan Billed
PT Pertamina EP 90.478 91.093 1,2 1,3 PT Pertamina EP
PT Pertamina (Persero) 33.118 165.985 0,4 2,4 PT Pertamina (Persero)
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi 29.032 55.063 0,4 0,8 PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia 26.872 107.228 0,4 1,6 PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia
PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk 25.983 13.588 0,3 0,2 PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk
PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia 15.344 - 0,2 - PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia
PT Pertamina Drilling Service 6.402 16.869 0,1 0,2 PT Pertamina Drilling Service
Nusantara Regas 5.224 5.185 0,1 0,1 Nusantara Regas
PT Pertamina Power Indonesia 3.714 - 0,1 - PT Pertamina Power Indonesia
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga 3.295 2.804 0,0 0,0 PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
Lain-lain (masing-masing
dibawah 0,5% dari Others (each below 0.5% of
modal disetor) 18.732 29.175 0,2 0,5 paid-in capital
664 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
c) Aset keuangan lancar lainnya (Catatan 6) c) Other current financial assets (Note 6)
Persentase terhadap
total aset/Percentage to
total assets
31 Desember/December 31 31 Desember/December 31
d) Aset keuangan tidak lancar lainnya d) Other non-current financial assets (Note 10)
(Catatan 10)
Persentase terhadap
total aset/Percentage to
total assets
31 Desember/December 31 31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019 2020 2019
Piutang sewa pembiayaan Finance lease receivables -
- bagian tidak lancar non-current portion
PT Pertamina (Persero) 174.458 286.221 2,3 4,2 PT Pertamina (Persero)
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga 144.622 41.018 1,9 0,6 PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
PT Pertamina EP 6.549 6.549 0,1 0,1 PT Pertamina EP
e) Pinjaman bank jangka pendek (Catatan 16) e) Short-term bank loans (Note 16)
Persentase terhadap
total liabilitas/Percentage to
total liabilities
31 Desember/December 31 31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019 2020 2019
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 665
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
666 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Persentase terhadap
total pendapatan/
Percentage to
total revenues
Tahun yang berakhir pada Tahun yang berakhir pada
tanggal 31 Desember/ tanggal 31 Desember/
Year ended December 31, Year ended December 31,
2020 2019 2020 2019
PT Pertamina (Persero) 2.694.692 2.586.687 34,9 30,8 PT Pertamina (Persero)
PT Pertamina EP 1.283.218 1.688.629 16,6 20,1 PT Pertamina EP
PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia 949.585 914.568 12,3 10,9 PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi 839.269 762.331 10,9 9,1 PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk 174.183 59.909 2,3 0,7 PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga 18.547 13.219 0,2 0,2 PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia 16.474 502 0,2 0,0 PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia
PT Pertamina Drilling PT Pertamina Drilling Services
Services Indonesia 11.889 25.001 0,2 0,3 Indonesia
PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy 5.869 46.419 0,1 0,6 PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy
PT Pertamina Power Indonesia 5.496 - 0,1 - PT Pertamina Power Indonesia
PT Pertamina Lubricant 4.735 3.903 0,1 0,0 PT Pertamina Lubricant
PT Pertamina EP Cepu 4.660 - 0,0 - PT Pertamina EP Cepu
PT Pertamina Retail 4.252 2.633 0,0 0,0 PT Pertamina Retail
Lain-lain (masing-masing
di bawah 0,5% dari Others (each below 0.5% of
modal disetor) 56.625 82.474 0,7 1,0 paid-in capital)
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 667
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Ringkasan sifat hubungan dan transaksi yang Summary of the nature of the relationship and
signifikan dengan pihak-pihak berelasi adalah significant transactions with related parties is as
sebagai berikut: follows:
11. PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama Indonesia Tbk Entitas sepengendali/ Pembelian jasa asuransi/
Entity under common control Purchases of insurance
15. Koperasi Karyawan Elnusa Manajemen kunci yang sama/ Pembelian jasa sewa
Common key management dan alih daya/
Purchases of rental and
outsourcing services
16. PT Pertamina EP Cepu Entitas sepengendali/ Penjualan jasa/
Entity under common control Sales of services
17. PT Patra Jasa Entitas sepengendali/ Penjualan jasa/
Entity under common control Sales of services
18. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Entitas berelasi dengan Jasa perbankan/
Pemerintah/ Banking services
Government-related entity
668 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Ringkasan sifat hubungan dan transaksi yang Summary of the nature of the relationship and
signifikan dengan pihak-pihak berelasi adalah significant transactions with related parties is as
sebagai berikut: follows:
27. PT Bank Jawa Barat Tbk Entitas berelasi dengan Jasa perbankan/
Pemerintah/ Banking services
Government-related entity
Pada tanggal 18 Mei 2011, Perusahaan On May 18, 2011, the Company filed a civil lawsuit
mengajukan gugatan perdata melalui with the South Jakarta District Court against
Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan kepada PT Bank Mega Tbk (“Bank Mega”) on liquidation
PT Bank Mega Tbk (“Bank Mega”) atas of deposits worth Rp111,000
pencairan deposito senilai Rp111.000 yang without the consent of the Company.
dilakukan tanpa persetujuan Perusahaan. The lawsuit was registered in Case
Gugatan ini terdaftar dalam Perkara No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel. On
No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel. Pada tanggal July 21, 2011, the Panel of Judges of the South
21 Juli 2011, Majelis Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta District Court issued an order of collateral
Jakarta Selatan mengeluarkan penetapan sita foreclosure on 2 (two) plots of land owned by
jaminan atas 2 (dua) bidang tanah milik Bank Bank Mega based on the following certificates:
Mega berdasarkan sertifikat sebagai berikut:
i. Sertifikat Hak Guna Bangunan (“HGB”) No. i. Building Rights Title (“HGB”) Certificate
95/Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan, No. 95/Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta,
tercatat atas nama PT Bank Mega Tbk; registered under the name of PT Bank Mega
ii. Sertifikat HGB No. 97/Mampang Prapatan, ii. HGB Certificate No. 97/Mampang Prapatan,
Jakarta Selatan, tercatat atas nama South Jakarta, registered under the name of
PT Bank Mega Tbk. PT Bank Mega Tbk.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 669
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pada tanggal 22 Maret 2012, Pengadilan On March 22, 2012, the South Jakarta
Negeri Jakarta Selatan mengeluarkan Putusan District Court issued Verdict
No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel yang isinya, No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel, the decision of
antara lain, mengabulkan gugatan Perusahaan which, among others, partially accepted the
untuk sebagian dan memerintahkan Bank Mega lawsuit filed by the Company and ordered Bank
untuk membayar dana deposito senilai Mega to pay the deposits fund amounting to
Rp111.000 dan bunga 6% per tahun kepada Rp111,000 and interest of 6% per annum to the
Perusahaan. Company.
Atas putusan tersebut, pada tanggal Responding to the verdict, on April 16, 2012, Bank
16 April 2012, Bank Mega mengajukan Memori Mega filed a Memorandum of Appeal to the
Banding kepada Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta. Jakarta High Court. On May 11, 2012, the
Pada tanggal 11 Mei 2012, Perusahaan Company submitted its Counter-Memorandum of
menyampaikan Kontra Memori Banding kepada Appeal to the Jakarta High Court.
Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta.
Pada tanggal 5 Februari 2013, Pengadilan On February 5, 2013, the Jakarta High Court
Tinggi DKI Jakarta mengeluarkan Putusan issued Verdict No. 237/Pdt/2012/PT.DKI dated
No. 237/Pdt/2012/PT.DKI tertanggal January 10, 2013, which reaffirmed the verdict
10 Januari 2013 yang isinya menguatkan issued by the South Jakarta District Court which
putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan ordered Bank Mega to pay the deposits fund
yang memerintahkan Bank Mega untuk amounting to Rp111,000 and interest of 6% per
membayar dana deposito senilai Rp111.000 annum to the Company.
dan bunga 6% per tahun kepada Perusahaan.
Atas putusan banding tersebut, pada tanggal Responding to the appeal verdict, on
26 Februari 2013, Bank Mega mengajukan February 26, 2013, Bank Mega filed a
Memori Kasasi kepada Mahkamah Agung Memorandum of Cassation to the Supreme Court
Republik Indonesia (“MA”) yang of the Republic of Indonesia (the “Supreme
pemberitahuannya diterima oleh Perusahaan Court”) of which the notice was received by the
pada tanggal 13 Maret 2013. Pada tanggal Company on March 13, 2013. On March 26, 2013,
26 Maret 2013, Perusahaan menyampaikan the Company submitted its Counter-
Kontra Memori Kasasi kepada MA. Memorandum of Cassation to the Supreme Court.
Pada tanggal 8 Januari 2015, Perusahaan On January 8, 2015, the Company received the
menerima Surat Pemberitahuan Isi Putusan Verdict Notification Letter from the Supreme Court
Kasasi MA No. 1111 K/Pdt/2013 tertanggal No. 1111 K/Pdt/2013 dated February 12, 2014,
12 Februari 2014 yang isinya menolak which rejected the cassation filed by Bank Mega.
permohonan kasasi Bank Mega. Dengan As such, the Supreme Court has reaffirmed the
demikian, MA telah menguatkan putusan verdicts issued by the Jakarta High Court and the
Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta dan Pengadilan South Jakarta District Court which ordered Bank
Negeri Jakarta Selatan yang memerintahkan Mega to pay the deposits fund amounting to
Bank Mega untuk membayar dana deposito Rp111,000 and interest of 6% per annum to the
senilai Rp111.000 dan bunga 6% per tahun Company.
kepada Perusahaan.
670 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Atas putusan kasasi tersebut, pada tanggal Responding to the cassation verdict, on
25 Maret 2015, Bank Mega mengajukan March 25, 2015, Bank Mega filed a Memorandum
Memori Peninjauan Kembali (“PK”) kepada MA. of Judicial Review to the Supreme Court. On
Pada tanggal 25 Mei 2015, Perusahaan May 25, 2015, the Company submitted its
menyampaikan Kontra Memori PK kepada MA. Counter-Memorandum of Judicial Review to the
Sampai dengan tanggal penyelesaian laporan Supreme Court. Up to the date of completion of
keuangan konsolidasian, Perusahaan belum the consolidated financial statements, the
menerima putusan atas PK tersebut dari MA. Company has not yet received the verdict on such
Judicial Review from the Supreme Court.
Sehubungan dengan adanya putusan kasasi In relation to the cassation verdict, the Company
tersebut, Perusahaan mengajukan permohonan filed a request for execution to the
eksekusi kepada Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta South Jakarta District Court through a letter dated
Selatan melalui surat tertanggal 13 April 2015. April 13, 2015. The Head of the South
Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta District Court then issued
Jakarta Selatan kemudian menerbitkan Order No. 10/Eks.Pdt/2016 jo.
Penetapan No. 10/Eks.Pdt/2016 jo. No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel dated
No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel tertanggal February 23, 2016 which ordered the issuance of
23 Februari 2016 yang memerintahkan a warning (Aanmaning) to Bank Mega to
pemberian teguran (Aanmaning) kepada Bank implement the courts verdicts. On
Mega agar melaksanakan putusan pengadilan March 23, 2016, the Head of the South Jakarta
tersebut. Pada tanggal 23 Maret 2016, Ketua District Court issued the warning (Aanmaning) to
Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan memberikan Bank Mega in which Bank Mega refused to pay on
teguran (Aanmaning) kepada Bank Mega the reason that it has filed a tierce opposition
dimana Bank Mega menolak melakukan which was registered in Case
pembayaran dengan alasan telah mengajukan No. 162/Pdt.G/2016/PN.Jkt.Sel.
gugatan perlawanan dalam Perkara
No. 162/Pdt.G/2016/PN.Jkt.Sel.
Pada tanggal 31 Maret 2016, Perusahaan On March 31, 2016, the Company filed a request
mengajukan permohonan lelang eksekusi atas for executionary auction on 2 (two) plots of land
2 (dua) bidang tanah milik Bank Mega yang owned by Bank Mega which have been
telah ditetapkan sebagai sita jaminan dalam determined as collateral foreclosure in this case to
perkara ini kepada Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta the South Jakarta District Court. The Head of
Selatan. Ketua Pengadilan Negeri South Jakarta District Court then issued
Jakarta Selatan kemudian menerbitkan Order No. 10/Eks.Pdt/2016 jo.
Penetapan No. 10/Eks.Pdt/2016 jo. No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel dated
No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel tertanggal April 12, 2016 which ordered the implementation
12 April 2016 yang memerintahkan of public executionary auction/sale on such
pelaksanaan eksekusi pelelangan/penjualan di collateral foreclosure assets.
muka umum atas aset-aset sita jaminan
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 671
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pada tanggal 6 Desember 2017, Perusahaan On December 6, 2017, the Company received the
menerima dari kuasa hukum Perusahaan Verdict Letter from South Jakarta District Court, in
Salinan Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta relation to the Bank Mega’s case
Selatan terkait gugatan Perlawanan Bank Mega No. 162/Pdt.G/2016/PN.Jkt.Sel dated
No. 162/Pdt.G/2016/PN.Jkt.Sel tertanggal October 25, 2017 from the Company legal
25 Oktober 2017, yang isinya antara lain counsels, whose contents include rejecting the
Menolak gugatan perlawanan Bank Mega untuk Bank Mega resistance lawsuit to the entirely.
seluruhnya. Selanjutnya pada tanggal Subsequently, on January 10, 2018, the Company
10 Januari 2018, Perusahaan telah menerima has received the letter of notification from South
relaas (surat) pemberitahuan dari Pengadilan Jakarta District Court on submission letter of Bank
Negeri Jakarta Selatan tentang penyerahan Mega memorandum appeal to the resolution’s
memori banding Bank Mega terhadap putusan decision.
perlawanan tersebut.
Terhadap Memori Banding Bank Mega, pada Responding to Bank Mega Memorandum Appeal,
tanggal 26 Maret 2018, kuasa hukum on March 26, 2018, the Company filed Counter –
Perusahaan mengajukan Kontra Memori Memorandum Appeal to Jakarta High Court,
Banding kepada Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta through South Jakarta District Court.
melalui Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan.
Sampai dengan tanggal penyelesaian laporan Until the completion date of the consolidated
keuangan konsolidasian, perkara ini masih financial statements, the case is still in process at
dalam proses di Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta. DKI Jakarta High Court.
Manajemen yakin bahwa perkara hukum di atas Management believes they will not have a
tidak akan berdampak material yang berpotensi material adverse effect on the financial position,
merugikan posisi keuangan, hasil operasi operating results or cash flows of the Group.
maupun arus kas Perusahaan.
Pusat Data dan Informasi Energi dan Sumber Pusat Data dan Informasi Energi dan Sumber
Daya Mineral (“PUSDATIN”) Daya Mineral (“PUSDATIN”)
Pada bulan Maret 1998, PND menandatangani In March 1998, PND entered into a Cooperation
Perjanjian Kerjasama dengan Direktur Jenderal Agreement with the Director General of Oil and
Minyak dan Gas (“Dirjen Migas”) No. Gas (“Dirjen Migas”) No. 242A/32/DJM/1998:
242A/32/DJM/1998: 012/PND/KTR/X100/98 012/PND/KTR/X100/98 to manage and socialise
untuk pengelolaan dan pemasyarakatan data the oil and gas data. This agreement
minyak dan gas bumi. Perjanjian ini was based on the Decision Letter
didasari atas Surat Keputusan No. 176.K/702/D.DJM/1997 dated
No. 176.K.702/D.DJM/1997 tanggal November 24, 1997, regarding the appointment
24 November 1997, tentang penunjukan PND of PND as the executor of oil and gas exploration
sebagai pelaksana pengelolaan dan and exploitation data management and
pemasyarakatan data eksplorasi dan socialization.
eksploitasi minyak dan gas bumi.
672 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Pusat Data dan Informasi Energi dan Sumber Pusat Data dan Informasi Energi dan Sumber
Daya Mineral (“PUSDATIN”) (lanjutan) Daya Mineral (“PUSDATIN”) (continued)
Selanjutnya pada tanggal 4 Januari 2007, PND Furthermore, on January 4, 2007, PND together
bersama dengan Dirjen Migas dan PUSDATIN with the Dirjen Migas and the PUSDATIN signed
menandatangani Amandemen Perjanjian the Amendment on the Cooperation Agreement.
Kerjasama. Dalam amendemen perjanjian The amended agreement stated that the Dirjen
tersebut disebutkan bahwa Dirjen Migas Migas transferred all of its rights and obligations
mengalihkan seluruh hak dan kewajibannya to PUSDATIN. PUSDATIN will receive a 5% to
kepada PUSDATIN. PUSDATIN akan 15% share from the proceeds of data
memperoleh 5% hingga 15% dari penghasilan management and socialization obtained by PND
PND yang diperoleh dari pengelolaan dan which shall be paid to the State Treasury as Non-
pemasyarakatan data dan disetorkan ke Kas tax State Revenues (“PNBP”). The amended
Negara dalam bentuk Penerimaan Negara Cooperation Agreement will be valid until
Bukan Pajak (“PNBP”). Amandemen Perjanjian March 10, 2018.
Kerja Sama ini akan berlaku sampai dengan
tanggal 10 Maret 2018.
Sejak tanggal 11 Maret 2018, PT Pertamina Since March 11, 2018, PT Pertamina (Persero)
(Persero) ditunjuk sebagai pelaksana has the right as the executor of oil and gas
pengelolaan dan permasyarakatan data exploration dan exploitation data management
eksplorasi dan eksploitasi minyak dan gas and socializatio. PND received direct
bumi. PT Pertamina (Persero) menunjuk appointment from PT Pertamina (Persero) for
langsung PND untuk pengelolaan dan those data management and socialization valid
permasyarakatan data tersebut sampai dengan until January 29, 2021.
29 Januari 2021.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 673
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
EPN dan PT Pertamina (Persero) EPN and PT Pertamina (Persero) entered into
menandatangani perjanjian penyediaan Jasa agreement to provide Depot Mini LPG
Depot Mini LPG Pressurized di Amurang, Pressurized Services in Amurang, North Sulawesi
Sulawesi Utara (“Depot Mini LPG”). Jangka (“Depot Mini LPG”). The duration of the
waktu perjanjian ini adalah 10 (sepuluh) tahun agreement is 10 (ten) years since the start of
sejak dimulainya pengoperasian Depot Mini operation of the Depot Mini LPG. At the end of the
LPG. Pada saat berakhirnya perjanjian, agreement, PT Pertamina (Persero) or its
PT Pertamina (Persero) atau afiliasinya berhak affiliates have rights to purchase the whole assets
untuk membeli keseluruhan aset dengan nilai with agreed amount of Rp107,000 or to extend the
yang disepakati sebesar Rp107.000 atau agreement for 5 (five) years with later adjusted
memperpanjang perjanjian selama 5 (lima) tariff. For the year ended December 31, 2020 and
tahun dengan tarif yang akan disesuaikan 2019, total rental income from the agreement
kemudian. Pada tahun yang berakhir pada amounted to Rp42,976 and Rp6,183. As of
tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, total December 31, 2020 and 2019, unamortized
penghasilan sewa dari perjanjian tersebut deferred income from the agreement amounted to
adalah sebesar Rp42.976 dan Rp6.183. Pada Rp90,950 and Rp101,650.
tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019,
pendapatan tangguhan yang belum
diamortisasi dari perjanjian tersebut adalah
sebesar Rp90.950 dan Rp101.650.
Perusahaan dan PT Waskita Adhi Perkasa The Company and PT Waskita Adhi Perkasa
(“WAS”) menandatangani Perjanjian Kerjasama (“WAS”) entered into Joint Operation (“JO”)
Operasi (“KSO”) dengan tanggal efektif agreement with effective date of the agreement on
perjanjian yaitu 12 Desember 2016. KSO ini December 12, 2016. The JO is establised in order
dibentuk untuk melakukan proyek jasa to perform electrical and instrumentation
pemeliharaan elektrikal dan instrumentasi dari maintenance services project from BP Berau Ltd.
BP Berau Ltd. Komposisi kepemilikan pada The composition of ownerships in JO are 51%
KSO adalah 51% oleh Perusahaan dan 49% owned by the Company and 49% owned by WAS.
oleh WAS.
Grup memiliki komitmen pengeluaran barang The Group has capital expenditure commitments
modal dalam menjalankan usaha normalnya. in the normal course of business. As of
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, December 31, 2020 and 2019, the Group’s total
total komitmen pengeluaran barang modal Grup outstanding capital expenditure commitments
yang belum terealisasi masing-masing sebesar amounted to Rp14,607 and Rp851, respectively.
Rp14.607 dan Rp851.
Grup memiliki beberapa fasilitas penjaminan The Group has several bank guarantee facilities
bank yang batas maksimumnya tergabung of which the maximum limits are combined with
dengan fasilitas pinjaman dari BNI, BRI, ICBC, the loan facilities from BNI, BRI, ICBC, Mizuho,
Mizuho, UOB dan Mandiri (Catatan 16). Pada UOB and Mandiri (Note 16). As of
tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, total December 31, 2020 and 2019, the total unused
fasilitas penjaminan bank yang belum bank guarantee facilities
digunakan masing-masing sebesar amounted to US$88,306,310 and
$AS88.306.310 dan $AS76.217.740. US$76,217,740, respectively.
674 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Ringkasan berikut ini menggambarkan bisnis utama The following summary describes the core businesses
dari setiap segmen yang dilaporkan Grup: of each of the Group’s reportable segments:
a) Jasa hulu migas terintegrasi menyediakan jasa a) Integrated upstream oil and gas services provide
pengukuran data geofisika/seismik, jasa geophysical/seismic data services, oil and gas
pemboran migas dan jasa oilfield. drilling service and oilfield services.
b) Jasa penunjang migas menyediakan jasa b) Oil and gas support services provide threading
penguliran, perdagangan pipa OCGT (Open services, OCGT (Open Cycle Gas Turbine) pipe
Cycle Gas Turbine) dan fabrikasi, pembuatan trading and manufacturing, threading for oil and
ulir (threading) untuk pemboran migas, jasa gas drilling, data and information on energy and
pengelolaan data dan informasi energi dan mineral resources management services
sumber daya mineral (khususnya eksplorasi (particularly oil and gas exploration and
dan eksploitasi minyak dan gas bumi), jasa exploitation), oil and gas data management
pengelolaan data migas, jasa pembangunan services, integrated information technology
sistem teknologi informasi terpadu, jasa development services, telecommunication
telekomunikasi, jasa penyediaan jaringan, services, network services provider, satellite
telekomunikasi satelit dan sistem komunikasi communications, and Very-Small-Aperture
VSAT (Very-Small-Aperture Terminal). Terminal-based communication systems.
c) Jasa distribusi dan logistik energi menyediakan c) Energy distribution and logistics services provide
jasa penyimpanan, perdagangan, storage services, trading, distribution and
pendistribusian dan pemasaran produk minyak marketing of oil and gas products in Indonesia.
dan gas di Indonesia.
Informasi mengenai segmen yang dilaporkan dan Information about reportable segments and
rekonsiliasi antara ukuran segmen dengan jumlah reconciliation between segment measures and the
yang diakui dalam laporan keuangan konsolidasian amounts recognized in the consolidated financial
adalah sebagai berikut: statements are as follows:
31 Desember 2020 dan tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal tersebut/
December 31, 2020 and the year then ended
Jasa distribusi
hulu migas Jasa dan logistik
terintegrasi/ penunjang energi/ Jumlah
Integrated migas/ Energy sebelum
upstream Oil and gas distribution rekonsiliasi/
oil and gas support and logistics Total before Rekonsiliasi/ Konsolidasian/
services services services reconciliation Reconciliation Consolidated
Total pendapatan 3.760.934 1.409.031 3.786.529 8.956.494 (1.229.549) 7.726.945 Total revenues
Beban pokok pendapatan (3.594.337) (1.205.987) (3.408.866) (8.209.190) 1.224.718 (6.984.472) Total cost of revenues
Laba bruto 166.597 203.044 377.663 747.304 (4.831) 742.473 Gross profit
Beban penjualan (1.923) (361) (460) (2.744) - (2.744) Selling expenses
General and administrative
Beban umum dan administrasi (156.512) (70.576) (81.028) (308.116) 5.634 (302.482) expenses
Pendapatan keuangan 13.972 8.684 6.826 29.482 - 29.482 Finance income
Beban keuangan (81.021) (4.496) (47.121) (132.638) 439 (132.199) Finance costs
Pendapatan (beban) lain-lain - neto 325.497 4.120 32.598 362.215 (315.736) 46.479 Other income (expenses) - net
Laba sebelum pajak final dan Profit before final tax and
pajak penghasilan 266.610 140.415 288.478 695.503 (314.494) 381.009 income tax
Beban pajak final (24.565) (8.720) (2.847) (36.132) - (36.132) Final tax expense
Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan 242.045 131.695 285.631 659.371 (314.494) 344.877 Profit before income tax
Beban pajak penghasilan (14.788) (17.421) (63.583) (95.792) - (95.792) Income tax expense
Laba tahun berjalan 227.257 114.274 222.048 563.579 (314.494) 249.085 Profit for the year
Penghasilan komprehensif lain 3.963 (325) 1.564 5.202 (1.239) 3.963 Other comprehensive income
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 675
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Jasa distribusi
hulu migas Jasa dan logistik
terintegrasi/ penunjang energi/ Jumlah
Integrated migas/ Energy sebelum
upstream Oil and gas distribution rekonsiliasi/
oil and gas support and logistics Total before Rekonsiliasi/ Konsolidasian/
services services services reconciliation Reconciliation Consolidated
Total pendapatan 3.847.015 988.663 4.364.089 9.199.767 (814.645) 8.385.122 Total revenues
Beban pokok pendapatan (3.578.480) (820.397) (3.909.600) (8.308.477) 794.437 (7.514.040) Total cost of revenues
Laba bruto 268.535 168.266 454.489 891.290 (20.208) 871.082 Gross profit
Beban penjualan (2.722) (798) (660) (4.180) - (4.180) Selling expenses
General and administrative
Beban umum dan administrasi (193.642) (65.396) (81.465) (340.503) 7.282 (333.221) expenses
Pendapatan keuangan 3.716 9.206 4.171 17.093 - 17.093 Finance income
Beban keuangan (24.702) (5.478) (10.310) (40.490) - (40.490) Finance costs
Pendapatan (beban) lain-lain - neto (15.347) 3.721 (5.720) (17.346) 1.641 (15.705) Other income (expenses) - net
Laba sebelum pajak final dan Profit before final tax and
pajak penghasilan 35.838 109.521 360.505 505.864 (11.285) 494.579 income tax
Beban pajak final (17.201) (5.531) (5.098) (27.830) - (27.830) Final tax expense
Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan 18.637 103.990 355.407 478.034 (11.285) 466.749 Profit before income tax
Beban pajak penghasilan (14.328) (11.877) (84.067) (110.272) - (110.272) Income tax expense
Laba tahun berjalan 4.309 92.113 271.340 367.762 (11.285) 356.477 Profit for the year
Penghasilan komprehensif lain (11.753) (1.631) 2.532 (10.852) - (10.852) Other comprehensive income
Berikut ini adalah alokasi pendapatan usaha Grup The following is the Group’s operating revenues
berdasarkan kelompok pelanggan: allocation based on customer grouping:
Grup tidak bergantung pada pendapatan dari suatu The Group does not rely on revenue from any specific
pelanggan tertentu karena jasa-jasa yang customer group due to the services provided by the
disediakan oleh Grup bukan merupakan jenis jasa Group are not being provided exclusively to a certain
yang secara khusus diberikan untuk satu kelompok group of customers.
pelanggan tertentu.
676 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Rekonsiliasi perhitungan laba per saham adalah The reconciliation of earnings per share calculation is
sebagai berikut: as follows:
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, tidak As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, there were no
terdapat efek yang berpotensi dikonversi menjadi securities potentially converted into ordinary shares
saham biasa yang dapat menimbulkan pengaruh that would give rise to a dilution of earnings per share.
dilusi pada laba per saham.
Nilai wajar didefinisikan sebagai jumlah dimana Fair value is defined as the amount at which an
instrumen tersebut dapat dipertukarkan di dalam instrument could be exchanged in a current
transaksi jangka pendek antara pihak yang transaction between knowledgeable willing parties in
berkeinginan dan memiliki pengetahuan yang an arm's length transaction, other than in a forced or
memadai melalui suatu transaksi yang wajar, selain liquidation sale.
di dalam penjualan terpaksa atau penjualan
Instrumen keuangan yang disajikan dalam laporan Financial instruments presented in the consolidated
posisi keuangan konsolidasian dicatat sebesar nilai statement of financial position are carried at fair value,
wajar, atau disajikan dalam jumlah tercatat, baik otherwise, they are presented at carrying amounts as
karena jumlah tersebut mendekati nilai wajarnya either these are reasonable approximation of fair
atau karena nilai wajarnya tidak dapat diukur secara values or their fair values cannot be reliably measured.
Grup menentukan pengukuran nilai wajar untuk The Group determined the fair value measurement for
tujuan pengungkapan setiap aset keuangan dan disclosure purposes of each financial asset and
liabilitas keuangan berdasarkan metode dan asumsi financial liability based on the following methods and
sebagai berikut: assumptions:
- Nilai wajar aset keuangan lancar dan liabilitas - The fair value of current financial assets and
keuangan jangka pendek yang mencakup, current financial liabilities which includes, among
antara lain, kas dan setara kas, piutang usaha, others, cash and cash equivalents, trade
aset keuangan lancar lainnya, pinjaman bank receivables, other current financial assets, short-
jangka pendek, utang usaha, liabilitas jangka term bank loans, trade payables, other non-
pendek lainnya - utang lain-lain dan titipan current liabilities - other payables and customer
pelanggan dan beban akrual, dianggap deposits and accrued expenses, are considered
mendekati jumlah tercatatnya. to approximate their carrying amounts.
- Estimasi nilai wajar aset keuangan tidak lancar - The estimated fair values of other non-current
lainnya ditentukan dengan mendiskontokan financial assets are determined by discounting the
arus kas masa depan menggunakan tingkat future cash flows using risk-free interest rates for
suku bunga bebas risiko untuk instrumen similar instruments.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 677
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
- Aset keuangan tersedia untuk dijual yang terdiri - Available-for-sale financial asset that comprised
dari investasi pada saham dengan persentase investments in shares with percentage of
kepemilikan di bawah 20% dicatat pada biaya ownership interest less than 20% are recognized
perolehan karena investasi pada instrumen at cost due to such investments in equity
ekuitas tersebut tidak memiliki kuotasi harga di instruments have no quoted market price in an
pasar aktif dan nilai wajarnya tidak dapat diukur active market and their fair value cannot be
secara handal. reliably measureable.
- Estimasi nilai wajar pinjaman bank jangka - The estimated fair values of long-term bank loans
panjang ditentukan dengan mendiskontokan are determined by discounting the future cash
arus kas masa depan dengan menggunakan flows using market interest rates for instruments
tingkat suku bunga pasar untuk instrumen with similar terms, credit risk and remaining
dengan syarat, risiko kredit dan jatuh tempo maturities.
yang serupa.
Tabel berikut menyajikan perbandingan jumlah The following table presents the comparison between
tercatat dengan estimasi nilai wajar instrumen the carrying amounts and the estimated fair values of
keuangan dalam laporan posisi keuangan financial instruments in the consolidated statement of
konsolidasian. financial position.
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2020 2019
Jumlah Estimasi Jumlah Estimasi
tercatat/ nilai wajar/ tercatat/ nilai wajar/
Carrying Estimated Carrying Estimated
amount fair value amount fair value
Aset keuangan Financial assets
Kas dan setara kas 1.231.867 1.231.867 856.122 856.122 Cash and cash equivalents
Piutang usaha - neto 2.150.154 2.150.154 2.089.958 2.089.958 Trade receivables - net
Aset keuangan lancar lainnya - Other current financial
neto 48.327 48.327 35.124 35.124 assets - net
Aset keuangan tidak lancar Other non-current financial
lainnya - neto 467.885 467.885 464.953 464.953 assets - net
Total 3.898.233 3.898.233 3.446.157 3.446.157 Total
Liabilitas keuangan Financial liabilities
Pinjaman bank jangka pendek 110.714 110.714 309.302 309.302 Short-term bank loans
Utang usaha 685.105 685.105 692.797 692.797 Trade payables
Liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya Other current liabilities
Titipan pelanggan 60.017 60.017 28.033 28.033 Customer deposits
Utang lain-lain 17.089 17.089 16.259 16.259 Other payables
Liabilitas imbalan kerja Short-term employee
jangka pendek 60.494 60.494 119.055 119.055 benefits liability
Beban akrual 1.047.200 1.047.200 1.004.400 1.004.400 Accrued expenses
Pinjaman bank jangka panjang 628.612 628.612 817.738 817.738 Long-term bank loans
Utang sukuk 697.019 697.019 - - Sukuk payable
Liabilitas sewa 317.111 317.111 - - Lease liability
Total 3.623.361 3.623.361 2.987.584 2.987.584 Total
Aset dan liabilitas keuangan diklasifikasikan secara Financial assets and liabilities are classified in their
keseluruhan berdasarkan tingkat terendah dari entirety based on the lowest level of input that is
masukan (input) yang signifikan terhadap significant to the fair value measurements. The
pengukuran nilai wajar. Penilaian dampak signifikan assessment of the significance of a particular input to
dari suatu input tertentu terhadap pengukuran nilai the fair value measurements requires judgement and
wajar membutuhkan pertimbangan dan dapat may affect the valuation of the assets and liabilities
mempengaruhi penilaian dari aset dan liabilitas yang being measured and their placement within the fair
diukur dan penempatannya dalam hirarki nilai wajar. value hierarchy.
678 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Bukti terbaik dari nilai wajar adalah harga yang The best evidence of fair value is quoted prices in an
dikuotasikan (quoted prices) dalam sebuah pasar active market. If the market for a financial instrument
yang aktif. Jika pasar untuk sebuah instrumen is not active, an entity establishes fair value by using a
keuangan tidak aktif, entitas menetapkan nilai wajar valuation technique. The objective of using a valuation
dengan menggunakan metode penilaian. Tujuan technique is to establish what the transaction price
dari penggunaan metode penilaian adalah untuk would have been on the measurement date in an arm's
menetapkan harga transaksi yang terbentuk pada length exchange motivated by normal business
tanggal pengukuran dalam sebuah transaksi considerations. Valuation techniques include using
pertukaran yang wajar dengan pertimbangan bisnis recent arm's length market transactions between
normal. Metode penilaian termasuk penggunaan knowledgeable and willing parties, if available,
harga dalam transaksi pasar yang wajar (arm’s reference to the current fair value of another
length) terakhir antara pihak-pihak yang memahami instrument that is substantially the same, discounted
dan berkeinginan, jika tersedia, referensi kepada cash flow analysis and option pricing models.
nilai wajar terkini dari instrumen lain yang secara
substansial sama, analisa arus kas yang
didiskontokan dan model harga opsi (option pricing
Jika terdapat metode penilaian yang biasa If there is a valuation technique commonly used by
digunakan oleh para peserta pasar untuk market participants to price the instrument and that
menentukan harga dari instrumen dan metode technique has been demonstrated to provide reliable
tersebut telah didemonstrasikan untuk menyediakan estimates of prices obtained in actual market
estimasi yang handal atas harga yang diperoleh dari transactions, the entity must uses that technique. The
transaksi pasar yang aktual, entitas harus chosen valuation technique makes maximum use of
menggunakan metode tersebut. Metode penilaian market inputs and relies as little as possible on entity-
yang dipilih membuat penggunaan maksimum dari specific inputs. It incorporates all factors that market
input pasar dan bergantung sedikit mungkin atas participants would consider in setting a price and is
input yang spesifik untuk entitas (entity-specific consistent with accepted economic methodologies for
inputs). Metode tersebut memperhitungkan semua pricing financial instruments. Periodically, the Group
faktor yang akan dipertimbangkan oleh peserta calibrates the valuation technique and tests it for
pasar dalam menentukan sebuah harga dan selaras validity using prices from any observable current
dengan metode ekonomis untuk penilaian sebuah market transactions in the same instrument
instrumen keuangan. Secara berkala, Grup (i.e., without modification or repackaging) or based on
menelaah metode penilaian dan mengujinya untuk any available observable market data.
validitas dengan menggunakan harga dari transaksi
pasar terkini yang dapat diobservasi untuk
instrumen yang sama (yaitu tanpa modifikasi dan
pengemasan kembali) atau berdasarkan data pasar
yang tersedia dan dapat diobservasi.
Grup menggunakan hirarki di bawah untuk The Group uses the hierarchy to determine and
menentukan dan menyajikan nilai wajar dari present the fair value of financial instruments to
instrumen keuangan dalam melakukan pengukuran: measure:
• Tingkat 1 : Nilai wajar diukur berdasarkan pada • Level 1 : Fair value measured based on quoted
harga kuotasi (tidak disesuaikan) prices (unadjusted) in active markets
dalam pasar aktif untuk aset atau for identical assets or liabilities.
liabilitas sejenis.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 679
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
• Tingkat 2 : Nilai wajar diukur berdasarkan • Level 2 : Fair value measured based on
teknik-teknik valuasi, yaitu untuk valuation techniques for which all
seluruh input yang diketahui baik inputs which have a significant effect
secara langsung ataupun tidak on the recorded fair values are
langsung memiliki dampak observable, either directly or indirectly.
signifikan atas nilai wajar tercatat.
• Tingkat 3 : Nilai wajar diukur berdasarkan • Level 3 : Fair value measured based on
teknik-teknik valuasi, yaitu untuk valuation techniques for which any
seluruh input yang tidak dapat inputs which have a significant effect
diketahui baik secara langsung on the recorded fair values that are not
ataupun tidak langsung memiliki based on observable market data
dampak signifikan atas nilai wajar (unobservable inputs).
Hirarki nilai wajar Grup pada tanggal 31 Desember Fair value hierarchy of the Group as of December 31,
2020 dan 2019 adalah sebagai berikut: 2020 and 2019 are as follows:
31 Desember 2020/December 31, 2020
Aset yang nilai wajarnya diungkapkan Assets for which fair value are disclosed
Aset tidak lancar Non-current Assets
Aset tetap *) 427.217 - 427.217 - Fixed assets *)
Properti investasi 500.146 - 500.146 - Investment properties
*) Untuk aset tetap dengan nilai buku sebesar Rp277.862/For fixed assets with net book value of Rp277,862
Aset yang nilai wajarnya diungkapkan Assets for which fair value are disclosed
Aset tidak lancar Non-current Assets
Aset tetap *) 1.772.370 - 1.772.370 - Fixed assets *)
Properti investasi 434.183 - 434.183 - Investment properties
*) Untuk aset tetap dengan nilai buku sebesar Rp1.496.422/For fixed assets with net book value of Rp1,496,422
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020, tidak terdapat As of December 31, 2020, there is no transfer between
pengalihan antara pengukuran nilai wajar level 1 dan measurement of fair value of level 1 and level 2.
level 2.
Tidak terdapat aset dan liabilitas lain yang diukur No other assets and liabilities have been measured
dan diungkapkan selain yang telah dijelaskan diatas. and disclosed other than above explained.
680 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Risiko utama dari instrumen keuangan Grup adalah The main risks arising from the Group’s financial
risiko tingkat suku bunga, risiko mata uang, risiko instruments are interest rate risk, currency risk, credit
kredit dan risiko likuiditas. Penelaahan Direksi dan risk and liquidity risk. The Directors review and
kebijakan yang disetujui untuk mengelola masing- approve policies for managing each of these risks,
masing risiko ini dijelaskan secara detail sebagai which are described in more detail as follows:
Risiko tingkat suku bunga Grup terutama timbul The Group’s interest rate risk mainly arises from
dari pinjaman untuk tujuan modal kerja dan loans for working capital and investment
investasi. Pinjaman pada tingkat suku bunga purposes. Loans at floating rates expose the
mengambang membuat Grup terekspos Group to cash flow interest rate risk.
terhadap risiko suku bunga atas arus kas.
Untuk pinjaman modal kerja dan investasi, Grup For working capital and investment loans, the
berusaha mengurangi risiko tingkat suku Group may seek to mitigate its interest rate risk by
bunganya dengan cara mendapatkan struktur obtaining loans structured with competitive
pinjaman dengan suku bunga kompetitif. interest rates.
Tabel berikut ini menunjukkan sensitivitas The following table demonstrates the sensitivity to
perubahan tingkat suku bunga pinjaman. changes in interest rates of the loans. The effect
Dampak perubahan tingkat suku bunga of changes in interest rates of the loans to profit
pinjaman terhadap laba sebelum pajak before income tax is as follows:
penghasilan adalah sebagai berikut:
Mata uang fungsional Grup adalah Rupiah. The Group’s functional currency is the Rupiah.
Grup dapat menghadapi risiko nilai tukar mata The Group faces foreign exchange risk as its
uang asing karena pinjaman, pendapatan dan borrowings, revenues and the costs of certain key
biaya beberapa pembelian utamanya dalam purchases are either denominated in US Dollars
mata uang Dolar AS atau harganya secara or their prices are significantly influenced by their
signifikan dipengaruhi oleh perubahan tolak benchmark price movements in foreign currencies
ukur harganya dalam mata uang asing (mainly US Dollars). To the extent that the
(terutama Dolar AS). Apabila pendapatan dan revenue and purchases of the Group are
pembelian Grup di dalam mata uang selain denominated in currencies other than Rupiah, and
Rupiah tidak seimbang dalam hal jumlah are not evenly matched in terms of amount and/or
dan/atau pemilihan waktu, Grup terekspos timing, the Group has exposure to foreign
risiko mata uang asing. currency risk.
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 681
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Grup tidak mempunyai kebijakan lindung nilai The Group does not have any formal hedging
yang formal untuk laju pertukaran mata uang policy for foreign exchange exposure. However, in
asing. Bagaimanapun, terkait dengan hal-hal relation to the matters discussed in the preceding
yang telah didiskusikan pada paragraf di atas, paragraph, the fluctuations in the exchange rates
fluktuasi dalam nilai tukar Rupiah dan Dolar AS between the Rupiah and US Dollar provide some
menghasilkan lindung nilai natural untuk laju degree of natural hedge for the Group’s foreign
nilai tukar Grup. exchange exposure.
Grup memiliki aset dan liabilitas moneter dalam The Group’s monetary assets and liabilities
mata uang asing sebagai berikut: denominated in foreign currencies are as follows:
Aset Assets
Kas dan setara kas $AS 17.110.552 241.345 $AS 18.868.070 262.285 Cash and cash equivalents
Piutang usaha $AS 35.796.217 504.906 $AS 49.180.239 683.655 Trade receivables
$SG 25.272 269 $SG 25.289 261
Aset keuangan lancar lainnya $AS 662.807 9.348 $AS 726.020 10.092 Other current financial assets
Aset keuangan tidak lancar
lainnya $AS 1.498.331 21.134 $AS 1.478.769 20.556 Other non-current financial assets
Aset lain-lain $AS 509 7 $AS 509 7 Other assets
€ 242.500 4.203 € 242.500 3.780
Liabilitas Liabilities
Pinjaman bank jangka pendek $AS 5.471.613 77.177 $AS 5.960.951 82.863 Short-term bank loans
Utang usaha $AS 5.735.144 80.894 $AS 2.404.331 33.423 Trade payables
$SG 114.524 1.219 $SG 523.564 5.403
€ 29.313 508 € 66.845 1.042
Liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya $AS 153.351 2.163 $AS 201.222 2.797 Other current liabilities
Beban akrual $AS 7.552.692 106.531 $AS 12.678.189 176.240 Accrued expenses
$SG 2.336 25 $SG - -
Pinjaman bank jangka
Panjang $AS 30.366.174 428.315 $AS 48.750.000 677.674 Long-term bank loans
Apabila aset dan liabilitas moneter dalam mata Had monetary assets and liabilities denominated
uang asing pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 in foreign currencies as of December 31, 2020
dijabarkan ke dalam Rupiah dengan been translated to the Rupiah using the middle
menggunakan kurs tengah transaksi yang rate transaction published by Bank Indonesia as
dipublikasikan Bank Indonesia pada tanggal of February 19, 2021, the net monetary assets
19 Februari 2021, maka aset moneter neto akan would have been decreased by approximately
berkurang sebesar Rp153. Rp153.
Tabel berikut ini menunjukkan sensitivitas The following table demonstrates the sensitivity to
perubahan nilai tukar mata uang asing. Dampak changes in the exchange rate of foreign
perubahan nilai tukar mata uang asing terhadap currencies. The effect of changes in the exchange
laba sebelum pajak penghasilan adalah rate of foreign currencies to profit before income
sebagai berikut: tax is as follows:
682 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Analisis mengasumsikan bahwa seluruh The analysis assumes that all other variables, in
variabel lain, khususnya tingkat suku bunga, particular interest rates, remain constant and
tetap tidak berubah dan mengabaikan dampak ignores any impact of forecasted sales and
atas perkiraan penjualan dan pembelian. purchases.
Eksposur maksimum Grup terhadap risiko The Group’s maximum exposure to credit risk is
kredit adalah senilai dengan jumlah tercatat dari equal to the carrying amount of each financial
setiap aset keuangan. assets.
Risiko kredit utama yang dihadapi oleh Grup The main credit risk faced by the Group arises
berasal dari kredit yang diberikan kepada from the credit granted to its customers. To
pelanggan. Untuk meringankan risiko ini, ada mitigate this risk, it has policies in place to ensure
kebijakan untuk memastikan penjualan that sales of services/products are made only to
jasa/produk hanya dibuat kepada pelanggan creditworthy customers with proven track records
yang dapat dipercaya dan terbukti mempunyai or good credit history. It is the Group’s policy that
rekam jejak atau sejarah kredit yang baik. Ini all customers who wish to trade services/products
merupakan kebijakan Grup dimana semua on credit are subject to credit verification
pelanggan yang akan melakukan pembelian procedures. For revenues, the Group may grant
jasa/produk secara kredit harus melalui its customers credit terms from the issue of
prosedur verifikasi kredit. Untuk pendapatan, invoices. In addition, receivables balances are
Grup memberikan jangka waktu kredit dari monitored on an ongoing basis to reduce
faktur yang diterbitkan. Sebagai tambahan, exposure to bad debts.
saldo piutang dipantau secara terus menerus
untuk mengurangi kemungkinan piutang yang
tidak tertagih.
Tabel berikut menyajikan analisis umur piutang The following table presents the aging analysis of
usaha. trade receivables.
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 683
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Risiko piutang usaha yang belum jatuh tempo The risk of trade receivables that are neither
dan tidak mengalami penurunan nilai untuk overdue nor impaired becoming impaired is low as
mengalami penurunan nilai adalah kecil karena the parties have a good track record with the
debitur memiliki rekam jejak yang baik dengan Group.
Tergantung pada penilaian Grup, penyisihan Depending on the Group’s assessment, specific
khusus mungkin dibuat jika piutang dianggap allowance may be made if a receivable was
tidak tertagih. deemed uncollectible.
Aset keuangan tidak lancar lainnya tertentu Certain other non-current financial assets have
mengalami penurunan nilai yaitu terkait dengan been impaired related to the impact of time value
efek perubahan nilai waktu uang atas klaim of money from claim of deposits to Bank Mega
deposito ke Bank Mega (Catatan 10 dan 33a). (Notes 10 and 33a).
Grup mengelola profil likuiditasnya untuk dapat The Group manages its liquidity profile to be able
mendanai pengeluaran modalnya dan to finance its capital expenditure and manage its
mengelola utang yang jatuh tempo dengan maturing debts by maintaining sufficient cash and
menjaga kas yang cukup dan ketersediaan the availability of funding through an adequate
pendanaan melalui jumlah fasilitas kredit amount of committed credit facilities.
berkomitmen yang cukup.
Grup secara reguler mengevaluasi proyeksi The Group regularly evaluates its projected and
arus kas dan terus menerus menilai kondisi actual cash flow information and continuously
pasar keuangan untuk mengevaluasi assesses conditions in the financial markets to
kemungkinan mengejar inisiatif penggalangan evaluate the possibility of pursuing fund-raising
dana. initiatives.
Tabel berikut menyajikan profil jangka waktu The following table presents the maturity profile of
pembayaran liabilitas keuangan Grup the Group’s financial liabilities based on
berdasarkan pembayaran kontraktual yang undiscounted contractual payments.
tidak didiskontokan.
31 Desember/December 31, 2020
Biaya Jumlah
pinjaman/ tercatat/
< 1 tahun/ 1-2 tahun/ 2-3 tahun/ Costs of Carrying
< 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years Total loan amounts
684 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Biaya Jumlah
pinjaman/ tercatat/
< 1 tahun/ 1-2 tahun/ 2-3 tahun/ Costs of Carrying
< 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years Total loan amounts
Tujuan Grup dalam pengelolaan modal adalah The Group’s objectives when managing capital
untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan usaha are to safeguard the Group’s ability to continue as
Grup guna memberikan imbal hasil kepada a going concern in order to provide returns for
pemegang saham dan manfaat kepada shareholders and benefits to other stakeholders
pemangku kepentingan lainnya serta menjaga and to maintain an optimum capital structure
struktur modal yang optimal yang meliputi utang covering debt and equity to minimise the cost of
dan ekuitas untuk mengurangi biaya modal. capital.
Secara periodik, Grup melakukan penilaian Periodically, the Group conducts debt valuation to
utang untuk menilai kemungkinan pembiayaan assess possibilities of refinancing existing debts
kembali utang yang ada dengan utang baru with new ones which have more efficient cost that
yang memiliki biaya yang lebih efisien sehingga will lead to more optimized cost-of-debt.
mengoptimalkan biaya utang.
Grup dipersyaratkan oleh Undang-undang The Group is required by the Limited Liability
No. 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas Company Law No. 40 of 2007 to allocate and
untuk mengalokasikan dana cadangan yang maintain a non-distributable reserve fund until
tidak boleh didistribusikan sampai dengan 20% such reserve reaches 20% of the issued and fully
dari modal saham ditempatkan dan disetor paid capital stock. This externally imposed capital
penuh. Persyaratan permodalan eksternal requirement is considered by the Group in the
tersebut dipertimbangkan oleh Grup dalam General Meeting of Shareholders.
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham.
Perusahaan dan EPN dipersyaratkan untuk The Company and EPN are required to maintain
memelihara tingkat permodalan tertentu oleh certain level of capital by bank loan agreements
perjanjian pinjaman bank (Catatan 16 dan 21). (Notes 16 and 21). As of December 31, 2020 and
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019, 2019, this externally imposed capital requirement
persyaratan permodalan eksternal tersebut has been complied.
telah dipenuhi.
Strategi Grup adalah mempertahankan rasio The Group’s strategy is to maintain the maximum
utang terhadap ekuitas maksimal sebesar debt to equity ratio at 3 times and the minimum
3 kali dan rasio pengembalian utang minimal debt service coverage ratio at 1.1 times.
sebesar 1,1 kali.
Rasio utang terhadap ekuitas dihitung Debt to equity ratio was calculated by comparing
berdasarkan total liabilitas dibandingkan total liabilities to net equity. The calculation of debt
dengan ekuitas neto. Perhitungan rasio utang to equity ratios is as follows:
terhadap ekuitas adalah sebagai berikut:
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 685
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Total liabilitas 3.821.876 3.228.339 Total liabilities
Ekuitas - neto 3.740.946 3.576.698 Equity - net
Rasio utang terhadap ekuitas 1,02 0,90 Debt to equity ratio
Rasio pengembalian utang dihitung Debt service coverage ratio was calculated by
berdasarkan laba sebelum pajak, bunga, comparing earning before tax, interest,
penyusutan dan amortisasi dikurangi dividen depreciation and amortization less dividend to
terhadap pembayaran pokok dan bunga. principal and interest payment. Principal and
Pembayaran pokok dan bunga tidak termasuk interest payment exclude early repayment made.
pelunasan yang dipercepat. Perhitungan rasio The calculation of debt service coverage ratios is
pengembalian utang adalah sebagai berikut: as follows:
Aktivitas signifikan yang tidak mempengaruhi arus Significant activities which did not affect the Group’s
kas Grup adalah sebagai berikut: cash flows are as follows:
Perubahan pada liabilitas yang timbul dari aktivitas Movement of liabilities arising from financing activities
pendanaan pada laporan arus kas konsolidasian in the consolidated statement of cash flows are as
adalah sebagai berikut: follows:
686 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
Dampak terhadap laporan keuangan Perusahaan The impact to the Company’s financial statements for
dari penerapan pertama kali dari PSAK 71 dan the first time adoption of PSAK 71 and PSAK 73 are
PSAK 73 adalah sebagai berikut: as follows:
Klasifikasi aset dan liabilitas keuangan Classification of financial assets and liabilities
Tabel di bawah ini menunjukkan klasifikasi aset dan The table below shows the classification of financial
liabilitas keuangan menurut PSAK 55 dan klasifikasi assets and liabilities according to
baru aset dan liabilitas keuangan sesuai dengan PSAK 55 and the new classification of financial assets
PSAK 71 pada tanggal 1 Januari 2020: and liabilities in accordance with PSAK 71 as of
January 1, 2020:
Klasifikasi Klasifikasi Saldo Saldo
Berdasarkan berdasarkan berdasarkan berdasarkan
31 Desember 2019/ 1 Januari 2020/ 31 Desember 2019/ 1 Januari 2020/
Classification Classification Balance Balance
based on based on based on based on
Catatan/Notes December 31, 2019 January 1, 2020 December 31, 2019 January 1, 2020
Kas dan setara kas/ Pinjaman yang Biaya perolehan 856.122 856.122
Cash and cash equivalents diberikan dan piutang/ diamortisasi/
Loans and receivables Amortised cost
Aset keuangan lancar lainnya - neto/ Pinjaman yang Biaya perolehan 35.124 35.124
Other receivables - third parties diberikan dan piutang/ diamortisasi/
Loans and receivables Amortised cost
Aset keuangan tidak lancar lainnya - neto/ Pinjaman yang Biaya perolehan 464.953 464.953
Other non-current assets diberikan dan piutang/ diamortisasi/
Loans and receivables Amortised cost
Investasi pada saham - neto/ Aset keuangan tersedia Aset keuangan pada 16.660 16.660
Investments in shares - net untuk dijual/ nilai wajar melalui
Available-for-sale penghasilan
komprehensif Lain/
Financial assets at
fair vale through
other comprehensive
Pinjaman bank jangka pendek/ Liabilitas keuangan Liabilitas keuangan 309.302 309.302
Short-term bank loans pada biaya perolehan pada biaya perolehan
diamortisasi/ diamortisasi/
Financial liabilities at Financial liabilities at
amortised cost amortised cost
Liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya/ Liabilitas keuangan Liabilitas keuangan 55.078 55.078
Other current liabilities pada biaya perolehan pada biaya perolehan
diamortisasi/ diamortisasi/
Financial liabilities at Financial liabilities at
amortised cost amortised cost
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 687
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
(lanjutan) (continued)
Dampak terhadap laporan keuangan Perusahaan The impact to the Company’s financial statements for
dari penerapan pertama kali dari PSAK 71 dan the first time adoption of PSAK 71 and PSAK 73 are
PSAK 73 adalah sebagai berikut: (lanjutan) as follows: (lanjutan)
PSAK 71 (lanjutan) PSAK 71 (lanjutan)
Klasifikasi aset dan liabilitas keuangan (lanjutan) Classification of financial assets and liabilities
Klasifikasi Klasifikasi Saldo Saldo
Berdasarkan berdasarkan berdasarkan berdasarkan
31 Desember 2019/ 1 Januari 2020/ 31 Desember 2019/ 1 Januari 2020/
Classification Classification Balance Balance
based on based on based on based on
Catatan/Notes December 31, 2019 January 1, 2020 December 31, 2019 January 1, 2020
Dampak dari penerapan PSAK 71 terhadap laporan Impact on the adoption of PSAK 71 to the statement of
posisi keuangan: financial position:
Saldo sebelum Saldo setelah
penerapan penerapan
PSAK 71/ Klasifikasi Kerugian kredit PSAK 71/
Balance before dan pengukuran/ ekspektasian/ Balance after
implementation Classification and Expected implementation
PSAK 71 measurement credit loss PSAK 71
Aset Assets
Aset Lancar Current Assets
Kas dan setara kas 856.122 - - 856.122 Cash and cash equivalents
Piutang usaha Trade receivables
Pihak ketiga - neto 254.293 - 632 254.925 Third parties - net
Pihak berelasi 1.835.665 - - 1.835.665 Related parties
Aset keuangan lancar lainnya - neto: Other current financial assets - net:
Pihak ketiga - neto 4.628 - - 4.628 Third parties - net
Pihak berelasi 30.496 - - 30.496 Related parties
Persediaan - neto 213.298 - - 213.298 Inventories - net
Uang muka 129.979 - - 129.979 Advances
Pajak dibayar di muka 350.353 - - 350.353 Prepaid taxes
Biaya dibayar di muka dan 23.536 - - 23.536 Prepaid expense
Total Aset Tidak Lancar 3.106.667 - (158) 3.106.509 Total Non-Current Sssets
688 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
(lanjutan) (continued)
Dampak terhadap laporan keuangan Perusahaan The impact to the Company’s financial statements for
dari penerapan pertama kali dari PSAK 71 dan the first time adoption of PSAK 71 and PSAK 73 are
PSAK 73 adalah sebagai berikut: (lanjutan) as follows: (lanjutan)
Dampak dari penerapan PSAK 71 terhadap laporan Impact on the adoption of PSAK 71 to the statement of
posisi keuangan: (lanjutan) financial position: (continued)
Saldo sebelum Saldo setelah
penerapan penerapan
PSAK 71/ Klasifikasi Kerugian kredit PSAK 71/
Balance before dan pengukuran/ ekspektasian/ Balance after
implementation Classification and Expected implementation
PSAK 71 measurement credit loss PSAK 71
Liabilitas Liabilities
Ekuitas Equity
Total Liabilitas dan Ekuitas 6.805.037 - 474 6.805.511 Total Liabilities and Equity
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 689
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 As of December 31, 2020
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)
(lanjutan) (continued)
Tabel berikut menyajikan dampak atas penerapan The following table presents the impact of the
PSAK 73 pada tanggal 1 Januari 2020: implementation of PSAK 73 on January 1, 2020:
Aset Assets
Liabilitas Liabilities
Liabilitas sewa - (528.245) (528.245) Lease liabilities - current
Sampai dengan tanggal penyelesaian laporan As of the date of completion of this financial
keuangan ini, telah terjadi penyebaran virus statements, the Covid-19 virus has spread all over the
Covid-19 ke seluruh penjuru dunia termasuk world including Indonesia, that caused uncertainty in
Indonesia yang menyebabkan ketidakpastian makro macroeconomic related to volatility in foreign
ekonomi sehubungan dengan volatilitas nilai tukar exchange rates, prices and demand. Future
mata uang asing, harga dan permintaan. developments may change due to market changes,
Perkembangan masa depan mungkin berubah inventory levels or other situations outside the control
akibat perubahan pasar, jumlah persediaan atau of the Company. A significant rise in the number of
situasi lainnya di luar kendali Perusahaan. Covid-19 virus infections or prolongation of the
Peningkatan jumlah infeksi virus Covid-19 yang outbreak may affect Indonesia and the Company’s
signifikan atau penyebaran yang berkepanjangan operation. Management will continue to monitor and
dapat mempengaruhi Indonesia dan operasi overcome the risks and uncertainties regard with this
Perusahaan. Manajemen akan terus memantau hal matter in the future.
ini dan mengatasi risiko dan ketidakpastian terkait
hal ini di masa mendatang.
690 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Lampiran 1 Appendix 1
Berikut ini adalah Informasi Keuangan terpisah The following is separate PT Elnusa Tbk (the Parent
PT Elnusa Tbk (Entitas Induk), terdiri dari laporan Entity) Financial Information, consisting of the
posisi keuangan Entitas Induk pada tanggal statements of financial position of the Parent Entity as
31 Desember 2020 dan laporan laba rugi dan of December 31, 2020 and the related separate
penghasilan komprehensif lainnya, laporan statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive
perubahan ekuitas dan arus kas Entitas Induk terkait income, changes in equity and cash flows of the
untuk tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2020, dan Parent Entity for the year ended December 31, 2020,
ikhtisar kebijakan akuntansi signifikan. Informasi and a summary of significant accounting policies. The
Keuangan Entitas Induk disajikan sebagai informasi Parent Entity Financial Information is presented as
tambahan terhadap laporan keuangan supplementary information to the consolidated
konsolidasian Perusahaan dan entitas anaknya financial statements of the Company and
pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan untuk tahun its subsidiaries as of December 31, 2020 and for the
yang berakhir pada tanggal tersebut. year the ended.
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 691
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Lampiran 1 Appendix 1
31 Desember/December 31
2020 2019
Modal saham - nilai nominal Share capital - Rp100 (full amount)
Rp100 (nilai penuh) per saham par value per share
Modal dasar - 22.500.000.000 saham Authorized - 22,500,000,000 shares
Modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh - Issued and fully paid -
7.298.500.000 saham 729.850 729.850 7,298,500,000 shares
Tambahan modal disetor 453.011 453.011 Additional paid-in capital
Saldo laba: Retained earnings:
Dicadangkan 145.971 135.228 Appropriated
Tidak dicadangkan 1.206.995 1.222.066 Unappropriated
692 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Lampiran 1 Appendix 1
Beban umum dan administrasi (156.512) (200.308) General and administrative expenses
Penghasilan bunga 13.971 3.716 Interest income
Beban keuangan (57.737) (25.385) Finance expenses
Penghasilan (beban) lain-lain - neto 135.466 62.029 Other income (expenses) - net
Beban pajak penghasilan (14.788) (14.241) Income tax expense
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 693
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Lampiran 1 Appendix 1
Untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada For the Year Ended
Tanggal 31 Desember 2020 December 31, 2020
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in millions of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
Saldo laba/Retained earnings Penghasilan
Tambahan komprehensif
modal disetor/ Tidak lain/Other Ekuitas -
Modal saham/ Additional Dicadangkan/ dicadangkan/ comprehensive neto/
Share capital paid-in capital Appropriated Unappropriated income Equity - net
Saldo pada tanggal 31 Desember 2018 729.850 453.011 134.229 1.192.592 (39.147) 2.470.535 Balance as of December 31, 2018
Dividen kas - - - (69.079) - (69.079) Cash dividend
Cadangan Umum - - 1.000 (1.000) - - Appropriation for general reserve
Laba komprehensif - - - 99.553 (11.753) 87.800 Comprehensive income
Saldo pada tanggal 31 Desember 2019 729.850 453.011 135.229 1.222.066 (50.900) 2.489.256 Balance as of December 31, 2019
Penyesuaian saldo awal atas penerapan PSAK 71, Beginning balance adjustment for
setelah pajak - - - 474 - 474 implementation of PSAK 71, net of tax
Dividen kas - - - (89.119) - (89.119) Cash dividend
Cadangan Umum - - 10.742 (10.742) - - Appropriation for general reserve
Laba komprehensif - - - 84.316 2.724 87.040 Comprehensive income
Saldo pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 729.850 453.011 145.971 1.206.995 (48.176) 2.487.651 Balance as of December 31, 2020
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Lampiran 1 Appendix 1
Kas yang dihasilkan dari operasi 267.129 55.072 Cash generated from operations
Penerimaan penghasilan bunga 13.964 3.690 Receipts of interest income
Pembayaran beban keuangan (27.701) (46.645) Payments of finance expenses
Pembayaran pajak penghasilan (153.096) (142.763) Payments of income taxes
Penerimaan restitusi pajak 205.036 368.433 Receipts of tax refunds
Penerimaan lainnya - neto 9.624 1.290 Other receipts - net
Kas neto diperoleh dari Net cash provided by
aktivitas operasi 314.956 239.077 operating activities
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 695
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.
Lampiran 1 Appendix 1
Dasar Penyajian Informasi Keuangan Entitas Basis of Preparation of Parent Entity Financial
Induk Information
Laporan keuangan tersendiri disajikan sesuai The separate financial statements are prepared
dengan Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan inaccordance with the Statement of Financial
(PSAK) No. 4 (Revisi 2009), “Laporan Keuangan Accounting Standards (PSAK) No. 4 (Revised 2009),
Konsolidasian dan Tersendiri”. “Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements”.
PSAK No. 4 (Revisi 2009) menyatakan bahwa ketika PSAK No. 4 (Revised 2009) provides that when
sebuah entitas induk memilih untuk menyajikan a parent entity chose to present the separate financial
laporan keuangan terpisah, laporan keuangan statements, such financial statements should only be
tersebut seharusnya hanya disajikan sebagai presented as supplementary information to the
informasi tambahan terhadap laporan keuangan consolidated financial statements. Separate financial
konsolidasi. Laporan keuangan tersendiri yang statements are those presented by a parent, in which
disajikan oleh entitas induk, di mana investasi dalam the investments in the subsidiary, associate entity and
entitas anak, entitas asosiasi dan entitas jointly controlled entity are accounted for on the basis
dikendalikan bersama dicatat berdasarkan atas of the direct equity interest rather than on the basis of
kepemilikan langsung dan bukan berdasarkan hasil the reported results and net assets of the investees.
yang dilaporkan dan aset neto entitas investasi.
Kebijakan akuntansi yang diterapkan dalam Accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the
penyusunan informasi keuangan entitas induk parent entity financial information are the same as the
adalah sama dengan kebijakan akuntansi yang accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the
digunakan dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan Company and its subsidiaries consolidated financial
konsolidasian Perusahaan dan entitas anak statements as disclosed in Note 2 to the consolidated
sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam Catatan 2 atas financial statements, except for investments in
laporan keuangan konsolidasi, kecuali untuk subsidiaries.
investasi pada entitas anak.
Sesuai dengan PSAK No. 4 (Revisi 2009), entitas In accordance with PSAK No. 4 (Revised 2009),
induk mencatat investasi pada entitas anak the parent entity recorded the accounting for
menggunakan metode biaya. investments in subsidiaries using cost method.
696 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k
L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 2 0 A N N UA L R E P O R T | P T E L N U S A T b k 697
PT Elnusa Tbk
Graha Elnusa 16th Floor
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B
Jakarta 12560-Indonesia
Telepon/Telephone : +62 21-7883 0850 (Hunting)
Faksimili/Facsimile : +62 21-7883 0907
Surel/Email :
Situs Web/Website :