Islamiyat Pak Studies
Islamiyat Pak Studies
Islamiyat Pak Studies
• A Curzon line is the polish-Russian frontier setup in
• Dead line is the line or boundary of a military prison, • Bond Street is located in London. It is famous for
which prisoners are not allowed to cross. tailoring and jewelry.
• Green Line is a demarcation line between the Greek • Dalal Street is located in Mumbai (India). It is the
and Turkish Cypriot communities. stock exchange market of Mumbai.
• Hindenburg line separates Germany from Poland. • Drowning Street No. 10 is located at Westminster
• Pak-Iran borderline was demarcated on 24 th Sep: (England). It is famous for the official residence of
1872. the British Prime Minister. It was named after Sir
• Line of control is b/w Azad Kashmir & Occupied George Drowning, a diplomat under Cromwell and
Kashmir. King Charles II.
• Mc Mohan line is the boundary line between India • Elgin Street is located in Scotland. It is the world’s
and China. It was demarcated in 1914. shortest street.
• Radcliff line is the boundary between Pakistan and • Young Street is located in Toronto (Canada). It is
India. It was demarcated in 1947 by Sir Cyril the longest street in the world.
Radcliff. • Vicolo della virilita is the world’s narrowest street.
• Canal Street is the widest street in USA.
Lyallapur Faisalabad.
Abyssinia Ethiopia.
Burma Myanmar.
Ceylon Srilanka.
• Duch-East-Indies Indonesia.
• French Sudan Mali.
Helvetia Switzerland.
Mogyarzaq Hungry.
Mesopotamia Iraq.
One person every 6 seconds dies from what: • What does soviet mean: Workers Council
Contaminated water diseases • In which city is the worlds oldest museum -
The length of what is approximately 1/10th Ashmolian 1679:
circumference of earth: Great wall of China Oxford
USA has most airports which country has second • To what family does the hippopotamus belong: Pig
most: Australia • In which city is the worlds oldest tennis court from
• In 1829 Walter Hunt invented what common item: 1496: Paris
Safety Pin • Who said Politics is the art of the possible 11 Aug
1867: Otto
• Who invented punched cards used in early Von Bismarck
computing 1880s: • In which country did Turkeys originate: USA
Herman Hollerith • What colour is worn for funerals in Egypt: Yellow
• 1500 paces was what Roman measurement: • An Arab horse has less what than other horses:
League Bones - one vertebra less
• Who gave the UN the land in NY to build their HQ: • In what country did red onions originate: Italy
John D Rockerfeller • What job did Ernest Hemmingway do in WW1:
• Which writer coined the word Cyberspace in 1984: Ambulance
William Driver
Gibson –Neuromancer • What was the name of the Roman God of sleep-
• What is the oldest known infectious disease: Somnos
Leprosy • What is the name of the four holy books of the
• What was invented in 1855 45 years later than it Hindus-The Vedas
was needed: • What animal always gives birth to same sex twins-
Can Opener Armadillo
• Trypanophobia is fear of Inoculations – Injections • What colour is named after a battle fought in Italy in
Chogori is better know by what boring name: K2 1859-
• Which country has the worlds biggest (on land) Magenta
National Park: • What does the name Ghengis Khan mean-Very
Canada – Wood Buffalo 17300s ml Mighty Ruler
• What was Edison’s first practical invention: Tick a • What is the most common disease in the world-
Tape for stockmarket Dental Caries Which country was the first to make
seat belts compulsory
• Which company invented the transistor radio in
1952: Sony
• What metal impurity makes rubies red and A young what is called an Eyas-Hawk
emeralds green: In a Gynocracy - who rules- Women
Chromium What type of animal is a markhor-Wild Goat
• What is dittology: Double meaning • What is the last book of the Bible-Revelations
• Which country invented the mariners compass: • What historical event was referred to as Black 47-
China Irish Potato
• How was Alexander the Greats body preserved: In Famine
large jar of honey • Tempera uses water and Egg Yoke paint with.
• What was invented 1903 - patented 1906 G C • Cannon company developed the Laser Printer
Beilder: • The name of which countries capital means good
Photocopier air-Argentina
– Buenos Aires
• What country consumes the most coal each year:
• What common word comes from the Latin for who • Tigers have stripped fur - what colour is their skin-
are you-Quiz Stripped
• Napoleon had a fear of what - Aelurophobia-Cats • What bird has the most feathers per square inch-
• If you graduate with a degree in music what colour Penguin
tassel wear- A dog is canine - what animal is ovine-Sheep
Pink A cat is feline - what animal is murine-Mouse or
• In the Bible who built the ancient city of Babylon- Rat
Nimrod The Golden Rain is the common name of what
• What was the first day of the year in the Roman tree-Laburnum
calendar-25th What countries nation anthem is Land of Two
March Rivers-Iraq
• What does Karaoke literally mean-Empty Orchestra Queen Alexandria's is the worlds largest what-
• In what country did stamp collecting start -France Butterfly 1 foot wing
• Where do the White and Blue Niles join-Khartoum - • Collective nouns - A train of what -Camels
in Sudan • Who said "The child is the father of the man"-
• What are young bats called-Pups Wordsworth
• What plant has flowers but no leaves-Cactus • Collective nouns - a streak of what-Tigers
• Who was the Roman Goddess of peace-Pax • There are over 130000 species of what on earth-
• What is a baby squirrel called-Kit or Kitten Butterflies
• If you are born in March what is your Flower-Violet • Azote was the original name of what element-
• What is the only word in English that ends in mt- Nitrogen
Dreamt • What animals cannot swim-Gorillas
• What country has a Bible on its flag-Dominican • The UIT govern what sport-International shooting
Republic union
• What is the only number in English that has letters • There are more telephones than people in what
in alpha order-Forty city-
• What is the name for 100th of a second-A Jiffy Washington USA
• 10% (by weight) of the worlds land animals are • If you landed at Arlanda airport where would you
what species- be-Stockholm Sweden
Ants • What country declared itself first atheist state in
• The milk of what creature will not curdle-Camel 1967-Albania – banned religion
• What do cockroaches do every fifteen minutes-Fart • What is the Roman numerals for 3000-MMM
• Noah's Ark had two of everything including what • What are Jean Bernard, Pierre St-Martin and
feature- Berger in France-
Windows Worlds deep caves
• The Invisible Empire is better known as what-Klu • Dallol Ethiopia has what claim to fame-Worlds
Klux Klan hottest
• The word vinegar come from French meaning • Average place 94-Where are Bay of Heats and Bay
what-Sour Wine of Dew
• In Saudi Arabia by law women may not become Sinus Aestuum – Roris-Near side of Moon
what-A Doctor • What is Canada's oldest city founded in 1608-
• Most blue eyed cats are what-Deaf Quebec
• The name of which animal means does not drink- • Narcotics comes from the Greek - what it literally
Koala mean-Electric eels - put on foreheads
• Collective Nouns - a Convocation of what-Eagles • Siddhartha Gautama became better known as
• In proportion which animal has the largest eye-Cat who-Buddha
• Collective Nouns - a Cast of what -Falcons • Where was Ice Cream invented- China
• What European countries flag is square- • What was Socrates wife's name-Xanthippe
Switzerland • What order of insects contains the most species-
• What is an octothrope-The # symbol Beetles
• What is the name of the scale measuring depth of • What sea is directly north of Poland- Baltic
coma (GCS)- sea
Glasgow Coma Scale • What is the name of the cranial bone just above
• Which 19th century battle UK / USA fought after your ear
peace signed- Temporal
Battle of New Orleans • Who led the Soviets when they invaded Hungary
• What place is nicknamed "The City of Lilies"- in 1956 Nikita
Florence Khruschcev
• In what literary work would you find the yahoos- • In astronomy what are rapidly rotating neutron
Gulliver's stars called
Travels Pulsars
• What place was nicknamed "The Pearl of the • The word Atom comes from the Greek meaning
Orient"-Manilla - what
Philippines Indestructible
• Operation Dracula in WWII freed what city- • What part of the body is most bitten by insects
Rangoon Burma The Foot 90% of bird species are Monogamous.
• What countries name translates as lion • Countries on 2 continents Russia Turkey (Asia
mountains- Sierra Leone Europe) and
• In WW2 what was the German codename for Egypt - Africa and Asia
invasion of • Male crabs known as Jimmies
Russia-Barberossa • In WW2 the Germans launched operation
• FIDE govern what game -Chess Bernhard – what
The density of what is measured on the Counterfeit British Notes
Rngelmann scale • Kangaroos and Emus can't do what-Walk
Smoke backwards
Who would be scored on the Apgar scale- • What country had three presidents - in the same
Newborn Babies day-Mexico
Geographical dividing line N/S Korea-38th Parallel • There are 300 distinct different types of what food-
First American state to enter the union 7 Dec 1787- Honey
Delaware • What country has three capital cities Admin
Pennsylvania second Legislate JudicialSouth Africa
• Old man in The Old Man and the Sea named • Countries name means Place where one
Santiago struggles with God-
• Unit of sound named after- Alexander Graham Israel
Bell - Decibel • Ecuador was named after who / what-The Equator
• What nationality was first person in space not US • The Davis Strait lies between Canada and where-
or Greenland
RussianCzech – Vladimir Remek Soyuz 28 • Children take SATs what does SAT stand for-
• Inspecting Galvaynes Groove tells you what- Age Standard assessment tasks
of horse – it’s on its teeth • A lion and a sword appear on what countries flag-
• First space probe to land on the moon 13 Sept Sri Lanka
1959 Luna 2 • What animals are likely to die first from global
• What fish has its head at right angles to its body- warming-Polar
Sea Horse Bears
• In what country is the worlds largest pyramid • In the 19th century what was known as
Mexico – inheritance powder-
Quetzalcoatl Arsenic – as poison
• What city was known as Christiana until 1925- • What animal has the most taste buds over 27000-
Oslo – Sweden Catfish
• What fruit does not ripen after picking-Pineapple • What does the DIN number mean on photographic
• What country consumes the most coffee per capita film-Speed of film
25 Lb- • In the body what do the Islets of Langerhans do-
Finland Secrete Insulin
• In the animal kingdom what creatures are in the • What capitol is on the slopes of the volcano
order— Pichincha-Quito
Chiroptera-Bats Ecuador
• What would you do with a wandering sailor-Plant it • What is embolia-Hesitations in speech
it’s a plant • Vitamin B2 has what other name Riboflavin
• Germans call a WW1 sea fight Battle of Skagerrak • What is the biggest tourist attraction in Zambia-
what in UK Victoria falls
Battle of Jutland • In WW2 what kind of aircraft was a horsa-A glider
• Sand, Soda and what are the main ingredients of • A newborn bactrian camel has how many humps-
glassLimestone None
• What colour are the seats in the House of Lords- • Where is the worlds largest mine-Carletonville
Red - South Africa
Commons green • In the Sikh religion what is kesh-Uncut hair or
• If a doctor gave you an Ishihara test what is he
testing-for Colour blindness • At Waterloo who commanded the Prussian troops:
• Only one miracle is mentioned in all four gospels
what is it:
Feeding of 5000 • Which bird is the symbol of the Royal Society
Protection Birds Avocet
• What is the official language of Cuba-Spanish
• Which microbe produces alcohol-Yeast - alcohol is
• What new invention was shown to Queen Victoria
yeast piss
14 Jan 1878:The telephone
• In WW2 in what French city did the Germans
• A horses height is measured from the ground to surrender- Reims
what part
• What was Ghandi's profession- Lawyer
Withers - base of neck crest line
• Which is the oldest walled city in the world- Jericho
• Who was the last Emperor of France-Napoleon III • What does Magna Carta literally mean- Great
What country does China have its longest land Charter
border with: • Who built the worlds first film studio- Thomas Alva
Mongolia Edison
• Where are a whales nipples -On its back • The word nylon is made up from what- New York –
• What is measured in units called jnd-Sensitivity London
Just Noticeable difference • What country is coffee originally from- Ethiopia
• A napiform thing is shaped like what-A turnip • What is the currency of Turkey- Lira
What was the first country in 1824 to legalise Trade • What does CMOS stand for in a computer-
Unions Britain Complimentary metalOxide semi-conductor
• What is the worlds longest insect-Borneo stick • Which worlds city is known as The Golden City:
insect The angel shark has what other name-The Prague Czech
monkfish • Which country contains every type of climate in the
Which creatures communicate by touch, smell and world: New
dance-Bees Zealand
• In which country did the study of geometry • In what country was the paperclip invented-Norway
originate -Egypt • Where is the only digital rolex watch in the world:
• What was the capitol of Russia before Moscow- Wimbledon centre court
Saint • Where were the original loopholes- Castle walls –
Petersburg arrow firing slits
• And who designed it-Michelangelo
attacked on Poland, it is also considered as the • The Great Wall of China was completed in 204
greatest war. is 1500 miles long. Its average height is 25
Columbus discovered America on 1492 A.D. feet and about 12 feet wide at the top.
• The Royal Majesty ship Queen Elizabeth (UK) is • The city Rome was founded in 753 B.C. by
the largest pessenger ship in the world. It is 314 romolus.
metres long and 36 metres wide. • The Muslim rule of Spain lasted from 711 to 1492
• The Cambodian language is a language, which has A.D.
a total number of 74 alphabets. • The statue of liberty (newyork) was installed in
• The Sumerian civilization is considered to be the 1886.It is 151 feet one inch high from the base to
oldest civilization of the world. torch.
• Jericho, situated in the Jorden valley is the oldest • The world is divided into 24 time zones, each 15`
town of the world. longtitude wide. the longitudinal meridian passing
through greenwich,England is the starting point and
• The maximum ever temperature of 136.4 F was
is called the prime meridian.
recorded on september 13,1922 in the city Azizia
(Libya) and The minimum temperature of -129.6 F • Christopher Columbus discovered Bahamas on 12
was recorded in the town of Vostok near Antarctica Oct 1492 A.D.
on 24th august, 1960.
• The highest rainfall for one month was recorded at
Indian town of Cherapoonje. 366,14 inches rain fell
there during the month of july 1861.
• Sierra Leone has the lowest GDP per capita of 510
US dollars and Luxembourg has the highest GDP
per capita of 36,400 US dollars.
• The Umayyad Dynasty (661-750 A.D) was the first
Muslim dynasty.
• Light is the fastest thing in the universe. It travels at
a phenomenal speed of 187,000 miles per second.
• According to the Forbcs magazine, there were 311
individual billionaires in the world.out of these, 108
belonged to USA, 44 belonged to Germany and 34
were Japanese.
• The earth is the densest planet of universe .It has
density of
5.515 time that of water.
• La Paz, capital city of Bolivia (south america), is
situated at an altitude of 3631 metres (12087 feet)
from the sea level.
• The panch Pokhri Lake situated in the Himalaya
Mountains is the highest lake in the world.
• The present palace of sultan of Brunei in the capital
city of Bandar Seri Begawan consisting of 1788
rooms is the largest palace.
• Mahavira (founder of Jainism) and Gautama
Buddha (founder of Buddism) were contemporaries
and flourished in India in the 6th century B.C.
• The three pyramids of eqypt were built from 2700
to 2500 B.C.; these are tombs of Khufu, khafra and
GAGAN: GPS-aided Geo-augmented Navigation
GAIL: Gas Authority of India Limited
GAIN: Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
GATS: General Agreement on Trade in Services
GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GCA: General Currency Area
GCC: Gulf Cooperation Council
GCM: Greatest Common Measure
GEF: Global Environment Fund
GHQ: General Headquarters
GIC: General Insurance Corporation
GIST: Graphics and Intelligence-based Script