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Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies Issue 26, January-June 2015

ISSN 1583-1078 p. 59-64

Study of carbon and silicon loss through oxidation in cast iron base metal
using rotary furnace for melting

Sylvester Olanrewaju OMOLE1*, Raymond Taiwo OLUYORI2

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Dept; Federal University of Technology, Akure,
Metallurgical Engineering Dept; School of Engineering, Kogi State Polytechnic, Itakpe
Campus, Okene Kogi State Nigeria
E-mails: *sylvesteromole@yahoo.com; taiwo_oluyori@yahoo.com
*Corresponding author, phone: +2347033089934, +2348053043899

The projection of loss of carbon and silicon through oxidation is uncertain
phenomenon depending on the furnace used for melting, which affect the
carbon equivalent value (CEV) of cast iron produced. CEV enhances the
fluidity of molten metal as well as having great effects on the mechanical
properties of cast products. Study on the way elemental loss takes place
during melting with rotary furnace will give idea of approach to minimize the
loss. Therefore, the aim of this work is to study the magnitude of the
elemental loss with rotary furnace and means to minimize the loss. 60kg of
grey cast iron scrap was charged into rotary furnace of 100kg capacity after
preheating the furnace for 40 minutes. Graphite and ferrosilicon was added to
the charge in order to obtain a theoretical composition of not less than 4.0%
carbon and 2.0% silicon. Charges in the furnace were heated to obtain molten
metal which was tapped at 1400°C. Tapping was done for casting at three
different times. The castings solidified in sand mould and allowed to cool to
room temperature in the mould. Castings were denoted as sample 1, 2 and 3.
Final compositions of each casting were analyzed with optical light emission
spectrometer. Sample 1 has 2.95% carbon and 1.82% silicon. Sample 2 has
2.88% carbon and 1.70% silicon and sample 3 has 2.75% carbon and 1.63%

Study of carbon and silicon loss through oxidation in cast iron base metal using rotary furnace for melting
Sylvester O. OMOLE, Raymond T. OLUYORI

Elemental loss; Optical light emission spectrometer; Ferro-silicon; Carbon
equivalent value; Grey cast iron; Ductile Cast Iron; Rotary furnace


Conventional furnaces for producing ductile iron are induction furnaces of different
types, electric arc furnace and cupola furnace. Rotary furnace was developed and or modified
for the production of cast iron in order to complement, or in the absence of the conventional
furnaces. Rotary furnaces have cylindrical barrel which revolve completely at the rate of
about one revolution per minute [1]. Their capacity ranges from few kilograms to several
tonnes, there is a burner positioned at one end of the barrel; rotary furnaces are fired by oil or
pulverized coal. Combination of fuel and air generates high temperature flame which melts
and superheats the charge in the barrel.
Foundry provides components and raw materials to other industries, for this reason it
is the mother of all other industries. Foundry relies basically on imported raw materials and
processing equipment in the developing nations such as Nigeria [2]. Founding of metal
involves the production of cast components from liquid metal in which the components are
brought into final shape by allowing the molten metal to fill and solidify in the mould cavity
of suitable shape [3]. A wide range of components from domestic use to space vehicles are
produced by founding [4]. In the 1800s, grey cast iron was considered the most advanced
material of the time and was the basis for the technological advances during the industrial
revolution such as steam engines, trains and production machines [5]. Typically, cast irons are
characterized by their carbon equivalent value (CEV). This is a relationship that combines the
percentage of carbon, silicon and phosphorus to dictates the mechanical properties of cast iron
in terms of strength and hardness [5, 6].
The family of ductile cast iron covers a wide range of mechanical properties, replacing
successfully both cast and forged steel and malleable cast irons in many applications (such as
wheels, gears, crankshaft in cars and trucks) [7]. Matrix plays a key role in determining the
overall properties combination and allowing obtaining high ductility values (up to more than
18% rupture elongation) and high strength (up to 850MPa and, considering austempered
ductile iron up to 1600MPa) with a good wear resistance [7]. Matrix names are usually used

Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies Issue 26, January-June 2015
ISSN 1583-1078 p. 59-64

to designate ductile cast iron types. Production of ductile iron is achieved by adding
magnesium into suitably treated molten iron and then the graphite precipitates in the form of
spheroids [8]. It is not easy to add magnesium to liquid iron; magnesium boils at a low
temperature (1090°C), so there is a violent reaction due to the high vapor pressure of Mg at
the treatment temperature causing violent agitation of the liquid iron and considerable loss of
Mg in vapor form [9].
Induction and electric arc furnaces are not adequately available in some developing
countries especially Nigeria. The reasons are due to cost of procurement, maintenance
required from time to time and the challenge of inadequate power supply. The above
mentioned furnaces attract little or no impurities into the melt during melting, either from the
fuel used or their atmosphere. Rotary furnace which can easily be constructed locally has
drawback in terms of elemental loss in the composition of the metal produced and possible
contamination from the fuel used. This loss is as a result of oxidation of major elements such
as carbon and silicon. These two elements dictate the magnitude of carbon equivalent value
which in turn influences the fluidity and mechanical properties of the cast. It is therefore very
imperative to utilize the rotary furnace for research purpose as it is easily available. It is
important to know the way the loss in composition and the magnitude of the loss occurred, as
well as the management required for the furnace. The use of rotary furnace will contribute to
the industrial growth and improvement of the economy of developing countries, as there will
be a technological breakthrough in the spare parts production for automobile industry and
other industries.
The aim of this research was to study the functionality of rotary furnace in terms of
oxidation of the major elements present in cast iron base metal during melting. Many users of
rotary furnace have projected only about 10% elemental losses in rotary furnace which was
discovered to be more than 10 % loss with this research. The loss in major elements has made
composition control difficult during the use of rotary furnace.

Materials and method

Melting with rotary furnace

60kg of grey cast iron scrap of known chemical composition was charged into the
rotary furnace along with 0.5kg graphite and 0.2kg ferrosilicon, after preheating the furnace

Study of carbon and silicon loss through oxidation in cast iron base metal using rotary furnace for melting
Sylvester O. OMOLE, Raymond T. OLUYORI

between 30 to 40 minutes. The charge was prepared to have a theoretical carbon and silicon
composition of not less than 4.0% and 2.0% respectively, taking into consideration only 10%
elemental loss.
The furnace was heated with diesel oil as fuel; air and the oil are injected into the
furnace for burning. The furnace was rotated periodically after every 20 minutes of firing
before the charges begin to melt. When it has melted, the furnace is rotated continuously for
adequate mixing before pouring. The molten metal was tapped at a temperature of 1400°C.

Casting of the metal

Mould cast was prepared from silica sand and bentonite (clay) forming green sand.
Pattern used was a cylindrical wooden pattern of diameter 25mm from which test sample was
obtained. A refractory lined ladle was used to collect molten metal from the furnace for
casting. Three different cast samples were made from three tapping at about 10 to 15 minutes
interval between each tapping. The castings were allowed to solidify in the mould to room
temperature before removed in the mould, fettled and cleaned.

Composition analysis
A sample was cut from each casting (as sample 1, 2 and 3 in the order in which
tapping was made for casting). Each sample was grinded with emery paper of 400 and 800
grits. The grinding was done to obtain smooth and flat surfaces on the samples. Optical light
emission spectroscopy was used to obtain average composition in each sample after making
spark on three different portions on the samples.

Table 1. Composition of C, Si and P in cast metal (Sample1, 2 and 3)

Sample %C % Si %P
1 2.95 1.82 0.073
2 2.88 1.70 0.068
3 2.75 1.63 0.070

It is recommended that higher quantity of graphite should be added into any charge
prepared as it will help to minimize the rate of loss of carbon, even if the carbon yield into the
melt will be small. Inoculation is highly recommended as it will make up for the loss of
silicon in the furnace. In totality excessive heating of the melt especially when the metal has
attained tapping temperature should be minimized or possibly avoided.

Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies Issue 26, January-June 2015
ISSN 1583-1078 p. 59-64

Results and discussion

Carbon equivalent value calculation for the iron produced

CEV = %C + (%Si + %P)/3 [5, 6].
Theoretical CEV for the prepared melt = 4.0 + (2.0 + 0.088)/3 = 4.67
CEV for sample 1 = 2.95 + (1.82 + 0.073)/3 = 3.58
CEV for sample 2 = 2.88 + (1.70 + 0.068)/3 = 3.47
CEV for sample 3 = 2.75 + (1.63 + 0.070)/3 = 3.32
Based on the result above in Table 1, the resulting composition obtained from the test
shows that carbon and silicon contents have been oxidized compared to the expected value of
4.0% carbon and 2.0% silicon. Figure 1 is a chart which shows the various percentage losses
in carbon and silicon in each sample as 26.25% C, 9.0% Si for sample 1, 28.0% C, 15.0% Si
for sample 2 and 31.25% C, 18.5% Si for sample 3.

% C and Si loss


15 % C loss

10 % Si loss

1 2 3

Figure 1. Comparison of C and Si loss in the samples cast

The losses in composition by oxidation were calculated from the differences in the
values of carbon and silicon prepared in the charge melted to the value obtained in the casting
after test. From Figure 1, it is shown that the rate of losses in the elements discussed increased
as the time of firing the melt in the furnace increases before tapping. The oxidation can be
said to be due to the mode of operation of rotary furnace in which the fuel, charges and the
products of combustion are all in contact. Carbon oxidized more than the silicon despite the
fact that graphite as recarburizer was added into the charge in the furnace. This observation is
because the graphite which is a source of carbon easily supports combustion, this is why coke
can be used as fuel for melting in furnaces [10]. Therefore the rate of oxidation of carbon in
the melt is higher. Rate of elemental loss in rotary furnace is therefore a function of the period

Study of carbon and silicon loss through oxidation in cast iron base metal using rotary furnace for melting
Sylvester O. OMOLE, Raymond T. OLUYORI

(time) the molten metal is left in the furnace yet to be tapped, after attaining the required
tapping temperature. Higher time results in higher loss of elements. More time given to the
melt during super heating in the furnace and time to complete the discharge of the molten
metal in the furnace need to be controlled, in order to reduce the percentage elemental loss in
the casting.


From the results obtained, elemental loss during processing of material in rotary
furnace is a time dependent phenomenon, because sample 3 has the highest loss of carbon and
silicon, followed by sample 2 and finally sample 1 has the lowest loss. It has also been clearly
shown that using rotary furnace for melting resulted in more than 10 % loss in carbon
contrary to the believe of some users of the furnace.


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