Roots of The Word Dialogue: For Example
Roots of The Word Dialogue: For Example
Roots of The Word Dialogue: For Example
Dia + logos.
Dia means "through" and logos means "words". So, it means through words or
through conversation.
Definition of Dialogue
Dialogue means a conversation between two characters. A written composition in the
form of a conversation is also known as a dialogue. It is a verbal conversation
between maybe two or more characters. Furthermore, it also expresses the speech or
thoughts of the characters.
For Example:
So, this the easiest and most common way of writing dialogue.
a) Colloquial Way
b) Natural Construction
The dialogue writing helps the learners to express themselves in an easy and natural
construction. It means the speakers can express their thoughts in their own way.
Remember, speaking the language in a natural way creates the stream to step towards
an advanced speaking environment.
Characteristics of Dialogue Writing
Spontaneous: The dialogue should be impulsive. It should not be planned and
Natural: It should be natural. To make the dialogue natural, add some questions and
exclamatory sentences. Construct the sentences direct speech-based.
Concise: The dialogue must be comprehensive and meaningful. The replies to the
questions should be to the point.
To write good dialogue, you need to imagine the characters and their point of view.
To do so, you need to have a clear idea of the imaginary persons in your mind taking
part in the dialogue.
After imagining the characters and thought process, you need to write down the
arguments or opinions of each of them. Add at least five dialogues for each speaker.
After outlining, arrange the ideas in some logical order so that the conversation may
proceed in proper flow. Write the dialogues neatly and properly. Don't forget to
include all five characteristics of dialogue writing we learn above.
There are three types of dialogue writing. Remember, every type has the same rules
and characteristics but a different tone.
1. Formal
In this type, the dialogue is written in some honored and respected way. For example,
dialogue between teacher and student or between boss and employees.
Student A: I am good. Thank you for asking. How are you, sir?
Teacher: I am also fine. I saw your project. It was good but I need you to mention
more examples.
Student: Thank you sir for the feedback and I'll try to put more examples.
Teacher: All the best! If you need more suggestions, put them on my notice.
2. Informal
It is totally opposite to the formal dialogue writings where frankness does matter more
than in a formal dialogue. For example; between two friends.
Mike: Hey!
Ricky: Yah! Same here. It has been more than a year, I have not seen my school.
Mike: Bye!
3. Semi-Formal
It is in between formal and informal. In this type, the speaker can talk with respect and
honor as well as the speaker can talk openly. For example; the dialogue between
parent and son. For example; a dialogue between parents and the son/child, and the
dialogue between the colleagues.
Father: Good morning daughter. Daughter, why did you wake up so early today
Father: That's good. It is very good for your health as I read in a book.
Father: Bye!