HW 16
HW 16
HW 16
Math S-Ar
Pedram’s Section
July D
16, 2020
174. Please do not use technology on this one. Only EXACT answers are sought.
(a) Calculate sin 45◦ and cos 45◦ exactly. Use the fact that the point P corresponding to 45◦ is
on the unit circle, x2 + y 2 = 1.
(b) Find the exact value of cos(135◦ ).
(c) Find the exact value of tan(225◦ ).
175. (a) In Figure 23, what can be said about the lengths of the three sides of triangle KOL?
(b) What is the distance from K to P ?
(c) Using the Pythagorean theorem, find the distance from O to P .
(d) What are the coordinates of point K?
(e) Using your results, determine sin(30◦ ) and cos(30◦ ).
(f) Using the three sides in triangle KOP , find sin(60◦ ) and cos(60◦ ).
30◦ P
O 30◦
Figure 23
176. (Continuation.)
(a) What are the exact values of the coordinates of the point P defined as the point of intersec-
tion of the unit circle and the line y = x?
(b) What are the exact values of the coordinates of the point Q defined as the point of intersec-
tion of the circle x2 + y 2 = 9 (this is a circle of radius 3, centered at the origin), and the
line y = x?
(c) A DVD is 120 millimeters across with a center hole of diameter 15 millimeters. The center
of the disc is at the origin. What are the coordinates of the points at which the inner and
outer edge intersect the positive x-axis? What are the coordinates of the points at which the
inner and outer edges cut a line making an angle θ with the positive x-axis?
(d) What are the coordinates of the point of intersection of the circle x2 + y 2 = r2 and the
terminal side of an angle, θ, if θ is in standard position?
177. Suppose C1 is the unit circle and Cr is a circle of radius r, both centered at the origin.
(a) If θ is an angle in standard position, the point at which its terminal side intersects C1 is
(cos(θ)), sin(θ)), by definition of sine and cosine. Why is it that its terminal side intersects
Cr at (r cos(θ)), r sin(θ))? Please argue rigorously.
(b) Why is it that the equation of Cr is x2 + y 2 = r2 ?
178. (a) How many divisors do 300, 360 and 400 have?
(b) Is there a positive integer smaller than 360 that has as many divisors as 360 does? Are you
179. Problem 178, hints at a possible reason why a full rotation is customarily divided into 360
(a) The
are the exact values of the coordinates of the point P defined as the point of intersec-
(c) A DVD is 120 millimeters across
" line with a center hole ! of"diameter!15 millimeters. The center
tion of the unit circle and ! the
2π What y = x? 2 of the points2π
of the disc is at thecos origin. are the
, coordinates coordinates
cos(2.3), ofcos − as the point ofinner
at which the and
(b) What are the exact values3of the the point, Q cosdefined intersec-
outer edge intersect2the positive 2 x-axis? What are the3 coordinates of3the points at which the
tion of the circle x + y = 9 (this is a circle of radius 3, centered at the origin), and the
inner and outer edges cut a line making an angle θ with the positive x-axis?
186. Findline
y= values
x? for the following two expressions, without any technological help.
(d) What ! are"the coordinates of the point of intersection of the circle x2 + y 2 = r2 and the
(c) A DVD 2π is 120 millimeters across with a center hole of diameter 15 millimeters. The center
terminal side of an angle, θ, if θ is in standard position?
(a) sin
of the 3disc is at the origin. What are the coordinates of the points at which the inner and
177. Suppose
1 is the unit circle
intersect and Crx-axis?
the positive is a circle
What of radius
are ther,coordinates
both centered at the
of the origin.
points at which the
! "
(b) cos
inner and outer edges cut a line making an angle θ with the positive x-axis?
(a) If θ!is 4an " angle in standard position, the point at which its terminal side intersects C1 is
(d) (cos(θ)),
What 11π are sin(θ)),
the coordinates of theofpoint
by definition of intersection
sine and cosine. Whyofisthe circle
it that x2 + y 2 side
its terminal
= rintersects
and the
(c) cos
terminal side of an angle, θ, if θ is in standard position?
Cr at (r6cos(θ)), r sin(θ))? Please argue rigorously.
177. In Why
Suppose Cis1itisthat
the the
unit equation
circlea andof Cr is + y 2of=radius
is axcircle r2 ? r, both centered at the origin.
187. a school of 200 students mathCrteam, consisting of 15 students, is to be formed. Two team
178. members
(a) How
If θ ismany
areanthen divisors
anglechosen doto300,
in standard 360 and 400
be co-captains. Inhave?
the point at which
how many waysitscanterminal
this beside
done?intersects C1 is
(b) Is there a sin(θ)),
positive by definition
integer smaller of than
sine and
360 cosine.
that hasWhy is it that
as many its terminal
divisors side intersects
as 360 does? Are you
In-Class Presentation
Cr at (r cos(θ)), r sin(θ))? Please argue rigorously.
(b) Why
179. Please
Problem isprepared
be178, it that
possibleof C r is x why
solutions y 2a =
to+the r2 ?rotation
following is customarily
problems divided into 360
during class.
178. degrees,
(a) Howi.e. manywhy one degree
divisors is a360
do 300, unitand
have? angles. Another possible reason is that a
(b) Is there a positive integer smaller than 360 thattheories
has approximately 360 days. There are other as well.
has as many In anyascase,
divisors dividing
360 does? Area you
188. A circle
sure? into
of 360
radius or
5 1024
is or
centered17 pieces
at the is
pointquite arbitrary.
(−6, 7). FindPerhaps
a a
formula more
for fnatural
(θ), theway would be
to divide
of the pointa full
P rotation
in Figure into
24. pieces in a way that is intrinsically related to the underlying circle.
179. Problem 178, hints at a possible reason why a full rotation is customarily divided into 360
This is what the definition of radians accomplishes:y we define the angle of 1 radian to be the
degrees, i.e. why one degree is a unit for measuring angles. Another possible reason is that a
angle that cuts off the arc of length 1 on the unit circle. (Equivalently, it cuts off the arc of
year has approximately 360 days. There are other theories as well. In any case, dividing a full
length r on a circle of radius r.) ✛ P = (x, y) a more natural way would be
rotation into 360 or 1024 or 17 pieces is quite arbitrary. Perhaps
(a) Draw the angle of 1 radian in standard 5 position as best you related
can. to the underlying circle.
to divide a full rotation into pieces in a way that is intrinsically
(b) θ what is the degree measure of an angle of 1 radian?
ThisApproximately, to two of
is what the definition decimal
accomplishes: y =define
we 7 the angle of 1 radian to be the
(c) How
angle thatmany
off thecorrespond
arc of lengthto a1full
on rotation?
the unit circle. (Equivalently, it cuts off the arc of
length r on a circle of radius r.)
180. Referring to the radian definition in Problem 179, please convert 180◦ , 150◦ , 120◦ , 90◦ , 60◦ ,
(a)◦ ,Draw
45 30◦ , πthe, 1angle
◦ ◦
1 radian in standard position as best you can.
(b) Approximately, to
181. Referring the radian definition two decimal places, what
in Problem 179,isplease
thexdegree measure
convert of anmeasures
the angle angle of 1given
(c) How many radians πcorrespond
3π x=
11πa full
−6 rotation?
radians, into degrees: , , π, 3,
12 4 6 .
180. Assuming
182. Referring to that thethe
is in radians and Figure
in Problem
without 24 using
179, please convert 180
technology, , 150
, the
, 90◦ , 60in
45 ascending
an ◦
, 30 , π , order:
◦ ◦ ◦
1 into radians.
189. A weather satellite orbits the earth in a circular
sin(1) sin(2)179, orbit 500 miles
sin(3) above the earth’s surface. What
181. Referring the radian definition in Problem please convert the angle measures given in
is the radian measure πof 3π the angle11π (measured at the center of the earth) through which the
radians, into degrees: 12 , 4 , π, 3, 6 .
satellite moves in traveling 600 miles along its orbit? (The radius of the earth is 3960 miles.)
182. Suppose
183. AssumingCthat , C3the
,C inputandislengths
7 , the Cinr are
radians and without
circles 1,using
7, technology, please put the following in
190. Find exact 1
values for of all ofofthe
labeled3, segments.
and r, respectively.
(s is the arc All of these
length.) circles
an ascending order:
are centered at the origin. Determine the length of the arc cut off on each of the four circles by
the angle θ (in standard position), sin(1)
that sin(3) sin(4).
n ✛ p
(a) θ = 1 radian.
183. (b) θ = 2Cradians.
Suppose 1 , C3 , C7 , and Cr are circles of radii m 1, 3, 7, and r, respectively. All of these circles
(c) θ = π radians.
are centered at the origin. Determine the length of the arc cut off on each of the four circles by
(d) θ = 1θ◦ .(in standard position), given that
the angle
(e) How long an arc does θ cut off on the circle of radius r, if θ is in radians?
(a) θ = 1 radian.
191. Suppose
(b) θ = 2there is a group of 180 people. Given only this very thin context,
(c) What
θ = πcould
(a) 7 $, stand for?
(d) θ = 1◦
. #180 # 7$
(b) What could 7 · 3 , stand for?
(e) How long an arc does θ cut off on# the$circle # $ of radius
# $r, #if177
θ is
$ in radians?
(c) What is the relationship between 180 · 7 , and 180 · 4 ?
#n7$ # k 3$ # n $3 #n−m $
(d) What is the relationship between k · m , and m · k−m , assuming n > k > m?
Hint: see problem 187.
tion of the unit circle and the line y = x?
(b) What are the exact values of the coordinates of the point Q defined as the point of intersec-
tion of the circle x2 + y 2 = 9 (this is a circle of radius 3, centered at the origin), and the
line y = x?
(c) A DVD is 120 millimeters across with a center hole of diameter 15 millimeters. The center
of the disc is at the origin. What are the coordinates of the points at which the inner and
Homework 16 outer edge intersect the positive x-axis? What are the coordinates of the points at which the
inner and outer edges cut a line making an angle θ with the positive x-axis?
2 2 2
Suggested Reading are the coordinates of the point of intersection of the circle x + y = r and the
(d) What
terminal side of an angle, θ, if θ is in standard position?
Section 7.2, 7.3 from the text. Homework
177. Suppose C1 is the unit circle and Cr is a circle of radius r, both centered at the origin.
Written Submission Due: July 20, 2020
(a) If θ is an angle in standard position, the point at which its terminal side intersects C1 is
Please write sin(θ)), by definition
up solutions of sine and
to the following cosine. Why
problems, scanisthem,
it thatand
its terminal side
submit in intersects
Please write upCsolutions to ther following
r at (r cos(θ)), problems
sin(θ))? Please argue and submit on Canvas by 10 a.m. on the due date.
(b) Why is it that the equation of Cr is x2 + y 2 = r2 ?
173. (a)
178. A revolving
How many door (that rotates
divisors do 300,counterclockwise
360 and 400 have? in Figure 22) was designed with five equally
spaced panels for the entrance to the Pentagon. The
(b) Is there a positive integer smaller than 360 that has arcsasBC anddivisors
many AD have equaldoes?
as 360 length.
Are you
(a) sure?
What is the angle between two adjacent panels?
(b) A four-star
179. Problem general
178, hints at aenters by pushing
possible on the
reason why a panel at pointisB,customarily
full rotation and leaves the panelinto
divided at point
D. What
degrees, is the
i.e. why angle
one of rotation?
degree is a unit for measuring angles. Another possible reason is that a
(c) With
year the door in the 360
has approximately position
other22, an admiral
theories leaves
as well. the Pentagon
In any by pushing
case, dividing a full
the panel
rotation between
into 360 or 1024A and Dpieces
or 17 to point
is B. What
quite is the angle
arbitrary. of rotation?
Perhaps a more natural way would be
to divide a full rotation into pieces in a way that is intrinsically related to the underlying circle.
This is what the definition of radians accomplishes:
Outside we define the angle of 1 radian to be the
angle that cuts off the arc of length B 1 on the unitCcircle. (Equivalently, it cuts off the arc of
length r on a circle of radius r.)
(a) Draw the angle of 1 radian in standard position as best you can.
(b) Approximately, to two decimal places, what is the degree measure of an angle of 1 radian?
(c) How many radians correspond to a full rotation?
180. Referring to the radian definition in Problem A 179, please
D convert 180◦ , 150◦ , 120◦ , 90◦ , 60◦ ,
45 , 30 , π , 1 into radians.
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Inside
181. Referring the radian definition in Problem 179, please convert the angle measures given in
π 3π
radians, into degrees: 12 , 4 , π, 3, 11π6 . Figure 22
182. Assuming that the input is in radians and without using technology, please put the following in
174. an
Please do notorder:
ascending use technology on this one. Only EXACT answers are sought.
(a) Calculate sin 45◦ and cos sin(1) 45◦ exactly. Use the
sin(2) fact that
sin(3) the point P corresponding to 45◦ 45
sin(4). is
2 2
on the unit circle, x + y = 1.
184. How far does the tip of the minute hand of a clock move in 35 minutes if the hand is 6 inches
(b) Find the exact value of cos(135◦ ).
183. Suppose
(c) FindCthe 1, C 3 , Cvalue
exact 7 , andofCrtan(225
are circles
). of radii 1, 3, 7, and r, respectively. All of these circles
185. are
Without using
centered at athe
calculator, rank the following
origin. Determine the lengthinoforder from
the arc cutsmallest to largest.
off on each of the four circles by
175. the
(a) angle
In Figure
θ (in23, what can
2π 2 be said
position), aboutthat
2π given the lengths of the three sides of triangle KOL?
(a) The
(b) Whatangles: , 2.3, from
is the distance , − K to P ?
(a) 3 3 3
(c) θThe
= 1 radian.
Using the Pythagorean theorem, find the distance from O to P .
(b) θ = 2 radians.
(d) What are the coordinates ! of"point K? ! " ! "
(c) θ = π radians. 2π ◦2 2π
(e) Using◦ your results,cos determine ,sin(30 ) and cos(30
cos ). , cos −
(d) 3 3 3
(f) θUsing
= 1 the
. three sides in triangle KOP , find sin(60◦ ) and cos(60◦ ).
(e) How long an arc does θ cut off on the circle of radius r, if θ is in radians?
186. Find exact values for the following two expressions, without any technological help.
! "
(a) sin K
!3 " 1
(b) cos 30◦ P
! 4 " O 30
11π 60◦
(c) cos 1
6 L
187. In a school of 200 students a math team, consisting of 15 students, is to be formed. Two team
members are then chosen to be co-captains. In how many ways can this be done?
Figure 23
In-Class Presentation
Please be prepared to present solutions to the following problems during class.
188. A circle of radius 5 is centered at the point (−6, 7). Find a formula for f (θ), the x-coordinate
of the point P in Figure 24.
2π 2 2π
cos , cos(2.3), cos , cos −
3 3 3
186. Find exact values for the following two expressions, without any technological help.
! "
(a) sin
!3 "
(b) cos
! 4 "
(c) cos
187. In a school of 200 students a math team, consisting of 15 students, is to be formed. Two team
members are then chosen to be co-captains. In how many ways can this be done?
188. A circle of radius 5 is centered at the point (−6, 7). Find a formula for f (θ), the x-coordinate
of the point P in Figure 24.
✛ P = (x, y)
x = −6
Figure 24
189. A weather satellite orbits the earth in a circular orbit 500 miles above the earth’s surface. What
is the radian measure of the angle (measured at the center of the earth) through which the
satellite moves in traveling 600 miles along its orbit? (The radius of the earth is 3960 miles.)
190. Find exact values for the lengths of all of the labeled segments. (s is the arc length.)
n ✛ p
191. Suppose there is a group of 180 people. Given only this very thin context,
(a) What could 180
# $
, stand for?
# 7 $ # 7$
(b) What could 180 7 · 3 , stand for?
(c) What is the relationship between 180
# $ # 7$
, and 180
# $ #177$
· · 4 ?
#n7$ # k 3$ # n $3 #n−m$
(d) What is the relationship between k · m , and m · k−m , assuming n > k > m?