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ĐỀ 9A + 15B

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1. Choose a word (A, B, C, D) that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.(0.5 pt)
1. A. artificial B. province C. special D. facial
2. A. clear B. dear C. wear D. hear
3. A. fan B. bad C. catch D. wash
4. A. prefer B. better C. worker D. teacher
5. A. buildings B. schools C. zoos D. markets
2. Choose the word (A, B, C, D) whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others. (0.5 pt)
6. A. completely B. decided C. company D. develop
7. A. average B. aquatic C. athletic D. accustomed
8. A. schedule B. report C. promise D. orbit
9. A. potential B. delicate C. apprentice D. astonished
10. A. technique B. treatment C. guidance D. plastic
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentences.
11. None of the children would _______ to breaking the window.
A. make up B. own up C. keep up D. catch up
12. “Don’t forget to ring me.” - _______.
A. I asked Jane not to forget to phone me. B. I threatened Jane to forget to phone me.
C. I suggested Jane not to forget to phone me. D. I insisted on Jane not phoning me.
13.All of _______, children except my brother Ned will be in college this fall.
A. our B. us C. we D. our
14.If nothing is done to stop the loss of topsoil our greatest national resource _______in 50 years.
A. will go B. will have gone C. will be gone D. will have be going
15. With the destruction of the national land, hundreds of plants and animals _______able to survive.
A. are no more B. no more are C. are no longer D. no longer are
16. Without a car, it takes a long time to get from _______.
A. a place to other B. one place to other C. a place to another D. one place to another
17. “You are late!” He said _______an anger voice.
A. with B. by C. in D. at
18. Beckham _______for the national team in 100 matches so far.
A. has played B. has been playing C. was playing D. played
19. He was tempted to steal the money when he saw it _______ on the table.
A. lie B. lying C. lay D. laying
20. _______ all birds, penguins are the most fully adapted to water and extreme cold.
A. Among B. Of C. In D. Out of
21. I think you are wrong – this bill is _______.
A. much too high B. high too much C. much high too D. too much high
22. My letter _______ have arrived yesterday, but it didn’t.
A. must B. may C. should D. can
23. I’d prefer to save my money _______ than spend it on rubbish like that.
A. more B. other C. rather D. better
24. He enjoys _______ activities like painting and playing music.
A. abstract B. creative C. powerful D. classic
25. Jackie _______ to travel and nobody can change her mind.
A. was determined B. has determined C. determined D. is determined
26. She wasn’t strict teacher but cheating is the one she _______ allow for.
A. mustn’t B. mightn’t C. wouldn’t D. shouldn’t
27. There is a good _______ it will rain as the sky is overcast.
A. chance B. opportunity C. possibility D. capability
28. I hear the film isn’t worth _______. I got it very bad reviews.
A. to see B. to be seen C. being seen D. seeing
29. If she hadn’t gone to college, she _______such a good job today.
A. wouldn’t have B. doesn’t have C. wouldn’t have had D. won’t have
30. “Can we get to the beach on foot?” – “You’ve got to joking! It’s almost _______ from here.”
A. a two hours driving B. a drive for two hours C. a two-hour drive D. a two
hour’s drive
31. He denied _______ in anything illegal.
A. to be involved B. not being involved C. being involved D. not to be involved
32. I’ve had the car for 15 years so it was about time I _______ rid of it.
A. took B. pushed C. got D. put
33. What is your attitude _______ smoking in public?
A. toward B. for C. with D. about
34.Have you ever anxious _______an examination?
A. for B. about C. with D. on
35.I am very _______to you for what you have done for me.
A. kind B. polite C. grateful D. thanks
36. It’s no use _______over spilt milk.
A. to cry B. for crying C. being cried D. crying
37. Yesterday he made a(n) _______to see the dentist.
A. request B. appointment C. offer D. comment
38. When will you do it? - _______.
A. As soon as a matter of fact B. Sooner than soon
C. As early as you can D. As fast as possible
39. Are you _______the conference tomorrow morning?
A. attending B. taking C. coming D. talking
40. She is a newcomer _______behavior is appreciated by others.
A. that B. whose C. her D. whom
41. The United Nations _______ about 160 nations.
A. composes of B. concludes C. consists of D. is made up
42. I remember _______ you before, but I have forgotten your name.
A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. being met
43. _______ busy with his homework, he didn’t come to the party.
A. Being B. Having been C. He was D. Because of his
44. Our business is _______ well.
A. taking B. doing C. making D. getting
45. This is such an important question that we can’t _______ thinking it over.
A. point B. use C. help D. stand
46. He cannot buy that bicycle because he has _______ money.
A. lots of B. few C. quite a little D. little
47. The children shouldn’t be left alone. They are too young to fend for _______ .
A. them B. themselves C. every other D. their own
48. We don’t want any more summer vacations _______ the last one.
A. as B. such as C. the same like D. like
49. _______ parents are doctors.
A. My neither B. Either of C. Neither of my D. One of my
50. Before she applied for her present job, she _______ for a small firm.
A. had worked B. was working C. was worked D. working
51. We always _______ lots of photos while we’re on holiday.
A. take B. make C. catch D. do
52. Excuse me, is anybody sitting here? - _______.
A. No, thanks. B. Yes, I am so glad.
C. Sorry, the seat is taken D. Yes, yes. Just sit here.
53. The concert _______at 7:30 tomorrow evening.
A. started B. starts C. has started D. is starting
54. That’s the bike the engine _______needs to be repaired.
A. which B. whose C. that D. of which
55. Will you ever forget _______a good time together? And please remember _________in touch.
A. having/keeping B. to have/to keep C. having/to keep D. to have/keeping
56. The manager had his secretary _______the document.
A. typing B. to type C. typed D. type
57. _______I had had the raincoat with me this afternoon.
A. As if B. Only if C. If so D. If only
58. Had you taken my advice, you _______able to deal with the problem now.
A. will be B. are C. would be D. would have been
59. She _______ a famous singer some years ago.
A. is used to be B. is used to being C. used to be D. used to being
60. _______ that the hall was completely full.
A. So many students showing up B. Such a lot of students showed up
C. Such many students showed up D. Showing up was such lots of students
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentences.
61. –“What a beautiful hat you have! I like it.” –“________________”
A. You look nice. B. Oh. It's old. C. It's great. D. Thanks.
62. –“What can I do for you?" –“________________”
A. Thanks. I'll do it. B. Thank you. I'm just looking.
C. Yes. Do it please. D. No. You can't
63. –“What a beautiful hat you have! I like it." –“________________”
A. You look nice. B. Oh. It's old. C. Thanks. D. It's great.
64. –“____________________ " –“Yes. I’d love to.”
A. What do you like doing? B. How about something to drink?
C. What about going shopping? D. How do you do?
65. –“ When's your birthday, Lan?" –“________________”
A. It's a long time ago B. It's on December 1st C. It's in December 1st D.
It's in the 20th century
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits each blank space in the following passage.
Have you ever stopped (66) ______ why people give each (67) ______ eggs at Easter ? - The Christian
festival of Easter celebrates the return of Christ from the dead, but the festival is actually name (68) ______the
goddess of the sun, Eostre, whose name is taken from the East where she (69) ______. In very ancient times, Easter
was a celebration that winter was (70) ______ and that a new life was about to begin.
The rabbit, (71) ______ to the number of young it produces, it the symbol of life. In some parts of the
world, the rabbit leaves large (72) ______of eggs (another symbol of new life ) in the garden and children have to
find as many as they can. This is very (73) ______ Christmas when Santa Claus leave presents for individual
children. At Easter children have to be independent and (74) ______ after themselves. In this (75) ______. the hunt
for Easter eggs presents the need for young people to go out in to the world and make their own fortune.
66. A. to wonder B. wondering C. wonder D. wander
67. A. else B. person C. others D. other
68. A. for B. about C. after D. with
69. A. goes B. sets C . rises D. raises
70. A. finish B.conclusion C. up D. over
71. A. as B. since C. due D. because
72. A. numbers B. sums C. fingures D. totals
73. A. like B. unlike C. different D. similar
74. A. take B. get C. look D. carry
75. A. day B. way C. habit D. time
Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question.
Before applying to a foreign university, one should consider the disadvantages of studying abroad. First, a
student may feel lonely by being far from home and friends. Also, difficulty in understanding a foreign language
can be very disappointing and can affect the student’s grades. It can be very expensive to pay the costs of travel
and housing in a different country. Finally, if there is an emergency at home, it will be hard to get home in a hurry.
However, studying in another country is advantageous in many ways. A student is exposed to a new
culture. This culture teaches him or her about other people and other ways of thinking, which can promote
friendships among countries. He can learn a new language which may be beneficial for keeping up with research
after the student has finished studying. He can learn experience not available in his country. The student may also
get the opportunity to study at a university where a leading expert in his field may be teaching. The leading expert
can introduce the student to the most up-to-date findings of the top researchers in the field. Exposure to such
available knowledge and insights into the field can aid the student in becoming an expert as well.
76. ______ to study abroad.
A. There are only disadvantages B. There are only advantages
C. There are both advantages and disadvantages D. There are neither advantages nor
77. When studying abroad, a student ______.
A. is homesick and feels lonely B. spends a lot of money for accommodation and
C. cannot go home immediately in an emergency D. All are correct.
78. When studying abroad, a student is exposed to a new culture that ______.
A. has no advantages B. enriches his knowledge about people and other ways of
C. has no effects D. causes some trouble
79. At a foreign university, a student ______.
A. can learn a foreign language B. cannot learn a foreign
C. has to learn his mother tongue D. doesn’t have to learn a
80. At a foreign university, a student may ______.
A. meet his neighbour B. travel a lot
C. meet a leading expert in his field D. All are correct.
I. VERB FORMS. (1.5 pts)
Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
Dear Paul,
I (81.just/ receive) _____have just received_______ your letter since yesterday. I’m very happy (82. hear)
_______to hear______ that everybody in your family (83. be) ____is___________all well. Please (84. give)
_________give______them my regards.
Yesterday, our form teacher (85. hold) ___held____________ a visit to the paper mill near my school. It’s
very interesting (86. see) _______to see________ the process of (87. recycle) ____recycling___________ plastic
things. You know, the plastic things such as old plastic bottles, cans, and plastic sandals can (88. reuse)
________be reused_______ and (89. recycle) _____recycled__________. The recycled plastic (90. use)
________is used_______ to make toys and utensils. Next month, we are going to visit a paper-mill to see how to
recycle waste paper. Have you ever visited a paper-mill?
Write soon and share your recycling story with me.
Love Peter
II. WORD FORMS. (1.5 pts)
How does the DVD work?
When I was young, I always dreamed of becoming a famous (81)_______scientist______ _(SCIENCE).When
I was at school, I decided to study (82)___engineering__________(ENGINE) and then become a millionaire by
inventing a wonderful new (83)_______product_______(PRODUCE) which would make the world a better place.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t very good at technical subjects. Any time I operate any kind of (84)
____equipment___________ (EQUIP) something terrible happens. Machines which use
(85)_______electicity____________(ELECTRIC) such as computers or television, always seem to give me a
(86)_________powerful___________(POWER) shock. The instruction booklets are always
(87)________useless___________(USE). They never help me at all. Nowadays you need to have (88)
_____________ (SPECIAL) knowledge just to use the DVD. To my great (89) ______embrassment___________
(EMBARRASS) it is always a child of six who helps me out of my (90)______diffculty_________ (DIFFICULT).
Supply each space with a suitable preposition to complete each sentence.
106. In the most countries people drive ____on_____the right.
107. Brian asked Judy _______out__ to dinner and a movie.
108. Frank never turns ____up_____ on time for a meeting.
109. Anne’s leaving _____for____ London tomorrow morning.
110. How would the mind deal _____with____ the psychological tension?
111. His opinion is different ___from______ mine.
112. There is a police car ___behind______ us. It’s following us.
113. One should send a reply ____to_____ an invitation marked R.S.V.P.
114. There's a chance ___of______catching a cold these days.
115. There's no interest _____in____writing letters.
126. If anyone succeeds in solving the problems, it will probably be him.
=> He is the most
127. "Try to go to bed earlier", the doctor said to Mrs. White.
=> The doctor suggested
128. It seems that no one predicted the correct result.
=> No one
129. The painters have decorated the whole of the first floor.
=> We have
130. People believe that Tom went abroad last year.
=> Tom
131. If he hadn’t advised us, we wouldn’t have decided to spend our holiday there.
=> Had it
132. This is the fastest way to get to the city center.
=> There
133. Please don’t give me an injection.
=> I’d rather
134. Mr. Brown couldn’t sail on because of the strong wind.
=> The strong wind
135. The only person can answer this question is Tuan.
=> Tuan

ĐỀ 15B
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
11. A. boxes B. washes C. watches D. goes
12. A. enough B. laugh C. cough D. plough
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
13. A. study B. apply C. rely D. reply
14. A. energy B. recycle C. logical D. grocery
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each
of the following questions.
15. Furniture makers use glue to hold joints together and sometimes to reinforce it.
16. When our vacation, we plan to spend three days scuba diving.
17. The next important question we have to decide is when do we have to finish our work.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
18. Hurry up, or you won’t_________ the last bus.
A. miss B. take C. catch D. go
19. Tourists enjoy traveling ________ boat along the Mekong river .
A. on B. in C. by D. at
20. My memory is poor. I can’t learn these new words _________ .
A. in mind B. in heart C. of mind D. by heart
21. She did the test very well and I did it well ________.
A. even B. also C. too D. so
22. It rains heavily, _________ I can’t go to the movie with you.
A. because B. and C. so D. but
23. You should have a dictionary to ______ the words that you don’t know their meanings.
A. look for B. look up C. look into D. look after
24. Fifty dollars ______too much to pay for that shirt.
A. are B. is C. were D. been
25. It was an_________ day.
A. enjoy B. enjoyable C. enjoyment D. enjoyably
26. Television______can enjoi various interesting programs by selecting the right channels .
A. lookers B. watchers C. viewers D. seers
27. Let’s go dancing,______?
A. shall we B. will we C. do we D. should we
28. My teacher would rather I ______the problem by myself.
A. solve B. solved C. solving D. to solve
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
29. Mary: “Shall we have a drink when you finish your talk?”
John: “ ______”
A. No, you can’t B. All right C. You’re welcome D. You needn’t do that
30. Son: “Could you get to the park before 3 o’clock?”
Dad: “______. I’m still at the meeting then”
A. I think so B. Yes, I could C. I’m afraid not D. I’m afraid so
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word in each of the following questions.
31. The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt.
A. put on B. went off C. got out D. kept up
32. My elder brother failed the exam, which depressed my parents.
A. satisfied B. encouraged C. pleased D. disappointed
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s)in each of the following questions.
33. Ignoring the danger to himself, Freddie dived into the river to save the puppy.
A. Neglecting B. Overlooking C. Watching D. Noticing
34. I knew my father would discipline me for my bad behaviour.
A. punish B. reward C. congratulate D. pray
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C,or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word
or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
No writer in American literature is more famous or more loved than Samuel Longhorn Clements. (35)______in
Missouri in 1835, he grew up on the bank of the Mississippi river and later adopted the (36)_________ Mark
Twain. The village environment inspired the two novels (37)______ made him famous:"Tom Sawyer and
Huckleberry Finn" and ":Life on the Mississippi", told of his adventures on the river (38)________ of that period.
Mark Twain's life as a writer started during the Civil War. At that time he worked as a newspaper man in
Nevada and California. His short story "The celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" was an immediate
success and his new career began.
35. A. Was born B. Born C. Is born D. Be born
36. A. pen name B. surname C. name D. real name
37. A. where B. who C. whose D. which
38. A. ships B. trains C. boats D. planes
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C,or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
Television and Kids
Television is very popular and even has some benefits for kids. It helps very young children learn the letters of
the alphabet, and helps other kids learn about science, cultures, and world events.
However, researchers show that too much TV is bad for children. For one thing, there is a link between
watching more than four hours of TV a day and being overweight. For another thing, many TV shows are violent
and upsetting. Watching these shows may cause kids to be more fearful. And of course, more time in front of the
TV means less time to study. Too much TV may also be the cause of lower grades.
Experts do not agree on the solution to these problems. Some say that kids should watch only educational
programs; others say kids should watch no TV at all. And others suggest teaching them to watch TV as occasional
entertainment, not as an everyday hobby.
39. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Benefits of kids' TV shows B. Effects of television on kids
C. Why kids love TV D. Why kids shouldn't watch TV
40. According to the passage,watching a lot of TV may ______
A. cause weight problems in children B. cause children to be more famous
C. cause children to get better grades D. cause students to study more
41. The word "them" in paragraph 3 refers to ______.
A. programs B. experts C. kids D. problems
42. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. TV is always bad for children.
B. TV is only good for entertainment.
C. Kids should watch only educational shows.
D. Television has some benefits along with problems.
Mark letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original
sentence in each of the following questions.
43. This film is more interesting than that one.
A. This film is as interesting as that one. B. That film is not as interesting as this one.
C. This film isn’t as interesting as that one. D. That film is as interesting as this one.
44. Mary said,"I don’t know what Fred is doing".
A. Mary said that she doesn’t know what Fred is doing.
B. Mary said that she didn’t know what Fred is doing.
C. Mary said that she doesn’t know what Fred was doing.
D. Mary said that she didn’t know what Fred was doing.
45. He wasn’t wearing a seat-belt. He was injured.
A. Unless he hadn’t been wearing a seat-belt, he wouldn’t have been injured.
B. If he had been wearing a seat-belt, he wouldn’t have been injured.
C. If he wasn’t wearing a seat-belt, he would have been injured.
D. Were it not for a seat-belt, he wouldn’t have been injured.
46. I didn’t know that he was a liar. I now regret it.
A. I wish he wasn’t a liar. B. I regret that he is a liar.
C. I wish I had known that he was a liar. D. I regret to beileve him and what he said.
47. Nam won the scholarship; he studied well.
A. Nam, who studied well,won the scholarship. B. Nam, that studied well,won the scholarship.
C. Nam who studied well won the scholarship. D. Nam won the scholarship,so he studied well.
48. They have built a new bridge across the river.
A. A new bridge across the river have been built. B. A new bridge has built across the river.
C. A bridge has been built new across the river. D. A new bridge has been built across the river.
49. He started working as an engineer 5 years ago.
A. He worked as an engineer 5 years ago. B. He had worked as an engineer for 5 years.
C. He didn't work as an engineer any more. D. He has worked as an engineer for 5 years.
50. The bank was open until nine o'clock and the department store until ten.
A. The bank opened at nine and the department store at ten.
B. The bank closed at nine and the department store at ten.
C. The bank opened at nine,and the department store closed at ten.
D. The bank closed at nine,and the department store opened at ten.

_____The end_____

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