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Wedding Booth Script

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Wedding Booth Script

Once Attendance is Complete aside from the bride, everyone must be at their
respective places before the wedding. (The people assigned at said room
must be responsible for making this happen and guide the clients.)

All guests aside from the appointed best man and maid of honor shall stay at
their designated seat, while the groom, priest will be at the altar, and the
witnesses, flower girls, ring bearer, and bible bearer will stand along the sides
of the carpet. The two appointed friends (maid of honour and best man) shall
be beside the altar.

After everyone is in their rightful place, the bride will enter the room after one
of the assigned people in the room will contact a moderator to inform the bride
to enter.

Once the bride is inside, she will immediately walk down the aisle.
(the bride may only turn on her camera when she has started marching.)

Music Stops

Priest: Dearly beloved we are gathered here on this beautiful today to

celebrate the union of **names of groom and bride**

Their love for one another is so great that COVID will not stand in the way.

On behalf of our lovely couple, thank you for going such great lengths you
went to witness this beautiful day.

These vows you are about to take are serious and are not to be broken, I
want to make sure you understand that, do you?

**The bride and groom will answer**

Priest: It is now time for the exchange of vows, please repeat after me (name
of the bride),

I, (state name), I promise to cherish you (name of groom), honor you, and
sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and be true to
you in all things until death alone shall part us.

And now for the groom, please repeat after me

I, (state name), I promise to cherish you (name of bride), honor you, and
sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and be true to
you in all things until death alone shall part us.
It is now time for the exchange of rings, let’s start with the bride, please repeat
after me.

With this ring I, (state name), take you, (name of groom), to be my lawfully
wedded husband, to be no other than yourself, loving what I know of you and
trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and faith in your
abiding love for me, through all our years and through all that life may bring

It is now time for our groom, please repeat after me

With this ring I, (state name), take you, (name of bride), to be my lawfully
wedded wife, to be no other than yourself, loving what I know of you and
trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and faith in your
abiding love for me, through all our years and through all that life may bring

Before we proceed, I would like to ask if there are any objections to this union,
please state it now or forever hold your peace.

(if none, proceed, if there is, please state, “Since there is an objection this
union will no longer go forth.”)

Let us proceed.

Do you (name of bride) take (name of groom) to be your lawfully wedded

husband in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and be true to
him in all things until death alone shall part you?

Do you (name of groom) take (name of bride) to be your lawfully wedded wife
in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and be true to her in all
things until death alone shall part you?

Then by the power invested in me, by solid, liquid, gas states of matter, I now
pronounce you husband and wife. You may now virtual fist bump.

**The newly wedded couple will march down the aisle together**

**while they are marching**

Priest: Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr and Mrs (last name of

** Once they finish marching**

Priest: “thank you so much for coming I hope you have a great day, please
exit the room.”)

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