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WAH Consent and NDA Form

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Work At Home Consent and Non-Disclosure Agreement

I, Test WAH NDA, hereby declare that I voluntarily agree to the alternative working arrangement, where I will be allowed by
Concentrix to work from my home using the technologies approved by Concentrix, subject to the company’s policies and
guidelines on Work At Home and the following terms and conditions:

1. The WAH and all work-related arrangements, benefits, etc. that are directly or indirectly related to and/or conditioned on the
WAH are only temporary, and are always subject to the review and discretion of Concentrix. The undersigned employee
understands, that at any time, he/she can be directed by the Concentrix to report for work at any Concentrix premises and
workplace and that he/she should comply with such directive as part of his/her employee obligations.

2. The employee understands and agrees, that at any time, and for whatever reason, he/she can be directed by the Concentrix to
report back to work at any Concentrix premises and workplace (“Brick and Mortar work set-up”) and that the employee commit to
comply with such directive as part of his/her employee obligations. The deterioration in productivity and performance while on
WAH will result on employee’s return to a “Brick and Mortar work set-up".

3. The employee must work following the work schedule determined by Concentrix, and login to the timekeeping system.

4. The employee is required to be online, reachable and available for communication via landline, mobile phone or Skype/
Microsoft Teams during the employee’s work schedule and when home-based work is being performed.

5. Employee shall attend all meetings scheduled via bridge, video conference, or other telecommunication platforms. Any meeting
required to be attended in person by the employee will be communicated to the employee in advance.

6. The employee should only use company issued assets for business related purposes only.

7. The employee must have his/her own internet connection. Employee shall be responsible in ensuring that the internet
connection compliments the technologies and assets provided by the company. If the company provided the connectivity assets,
the employee must adhere to the conditions stipulated in Concentrix Accountability Form (CAF).

8. The employee will be accountable for any cost associated in returning the assets, including the computers and laptops, to
designated Concentrix site for break fix and other upgrades.

9. While on WAH, the employee may be asked to adopt the use of SecureCX as part of the WAH security measures. When
employee adopts SecureCX, the employee must understand and adhere to the conditions stipulated in the SecureCX consent
form and policies.

10. The employee should not have other commitments or perform other tasks that are non-work related during the employee’s
work schedule.

11. The employee is required to follow the leave policies of the Company, and is expected to file leaves appropriately.

12. Any unproductive hours, including those due to power, internet or other utilities outage shall be considered unworked hours
and are unpaid, unless employee is on paid leave.

13. The employee is prohibited from working for another organization while in WAH, unless allowed by the Manager/Supervisor
and only to such extent that will no compromise and/or hinder the employee’s work and work schedule with Concentrix, and will
not be in conflict of interest with his/her work or in violation of the company’s policies.

14. The employee shall immediately report to Supervisor/Manager any change in employee’s circumstances which has
substantial effect on this WAH arrangement.

15. The employee is still subject to, and shall continue to adhere the company’s policies and rules and regulations, including the
CODE and program specific policies or Zero Tolerance Policies, in accordance with the employment contract while on WAH. Any
violation thereof will be dealt with accordingly. Due process procedure will still be followed, but employee consents to use of
technology (emails, teleconferences, etc.) for disciplinary process while employee is in WAH arrangement.

16. The employee should be mindful of the Information Security and Data Privacy while on WAH, and shall strictly comply with
employee’s confidentiality obligations. All customer lists developed by the Company or its customers, methods of conducting
business, charges to customers and any other information obtained by employee with respect to the business of the Company or
its customers are confidential information and trade secrets (“Information”), which employee is obligated to not at any time
communicate or divulge to, or use for the benefit of, any person. In the event that employee is required by law, regulation or court
order to disclose any Information, employee shall notify the Company in writing of such requirement and assist the Company in
seeking a protective order or other appropriate remedy from the proper authority. Employee agrees that, if the Company fails to
obtain a protective order or other appropriate remedy in a timely manner, employee shall furnish only that portion of the
confidential information that is legally required to be disclosed and shall exercise all reasonable efforts to obtain reliable
assurances that confidential treatment will be accorded the information disclosed. The confidentiality obligations of employee
shall survive the termination of this WAH and his/her employment agreement.

17. Occupational Safety and Health company policies still applies. The employee should ensure that the alternative workplace is
conducive for maintenance of good health and safety. The employee shall be responsible in identifying dangers, hazards and
health risks where he/she will work from home and shall remove such dangers and/or move to a safer alternative workplace.

18. Salaries and fixed benefits of employees shall remain the same during the WAH arrangement.

19. Any dispute arising from the implementation of the WAH arrangement, will be resolved following below dispute process:
• Discussion with the immediate Supervisor/Manager
• Facilitated Conversation with People Solutions
• Department/Program Dispute Review Discussion
• Closure Meeting with the employee on the resolution of the dispute.

20. For purposes of employment and WAH, employee understands and consents to Concentrix’s continuing collect, use,
retention, storage and processing of employee’s personal data in the course of employee’s employment and WAH, and to the
disclosure of the same to third parties, including clients and government agencies.

21. Concentrix reserves the right to review, amend or withdraw this WAH arrangement and require the employee to immediately
report to any Concentrix site in accordance with the business need.

Any violation of the foregoing guidelines will cause the Company to withdraw the WAH arrangement immediately. Furthermore,
we remind you of the right and prerogative of the Company to change your duties, responsibilities and work hours according to
the Company’s needs, which are stipulated on your employment agreement and the policies of the Company.

Teleworker Agreement for Concentrix Staff Working at Home (WAH) or At-home

Agents (AHA)

I, as a teleworker supporting services for Company (Concentrix) or for Company on behalf of a client, have reviewed, and agree
to comply and attest to the following terms and conditions:

I confirm, I will:
• keep my home-work location or other remote workspace authorized by Company (referred to as “workspace” from
hereinafter) dedicated to Company business during my agreed to Company scheduled working hours and will ensure it will
not be accessible by others who may be present in the household;
• to keep the workspace free of distractions, so that, telephonic conversations cannot be overheard, and Company Information
and computer screens cannot be viewed by others and not subject to workspace recording security services like CCTV, or AI
devices such as Alexa or Siri are not listening, etc.
• only use Company-provided and/ or approved hardware.
• only use Company-provided software and tools for collaboration, files storage, etc. for Company business
• not uninstall, disable, or circumvent Company workstation security software and will keep them current / updated, example,
anti-virus, anti-malware, etc.
• reboot the Company computer (laptop or desktop) at least once a week while connected to the Company network for security
update patches to be deployed to the machine.
• turn off public folder sharing and, when connecting to a new network, select “do not allow my computer to be discoverable by
other devices on the network”.
• If connecting my Company or Client provided computer to my personal workspace network, make sure I don’t make it visible
to other computers in the network.
• be sure to lock my work computer even when I step away for just a bit.
• logout of Company or Client systems and close remote connections to the Company and/or Client network once business
activities have been completed.
• maintain the Internet connection speed required. If I need to change, I will inform the Company before making changes to
ensure no impact to work.
• read the awareness mailers and complete the other educational programs asked for by the Company.
• be wary of phishing emails and other phishing attacks through SMS, websites, etc.
• be careful while approving DUO authentication requests to ensure, I approve only my own requests.
• not take screen shots.
• not send work-related emails from my personal / private email address and vice versa.
• not access my personal email, social media platforms (including but not limited to Facebook, WhatsApp, Hangout, etc.) on
my Company or client provided devices.
• not let friends and/or family use my Company or client provided devices.
• not take photos and / or otherwise upload pictures to social media or other websites, of your workspace with Company or
Client owned and/or provided system, logos, lanyards, etc.
• be aware / mindful of my surroundings to protect the confidentiality of my audio connects (Example: Conference calls, client
voice calls, etc.)
• maintain clean room environment during work hours: by prohibiting all portable devices, which includes, but not limited to,
mobile devices (i.e. phones, tablets, laptops, etc.), printers, USB storage devices and thumb drives, and other electronic
media recording devices. Exemptions to this requirement (i.e. utilizing personal system or cell phone for connection) are
granted on business requirement bases, subject to protocols in place to track and monitor the use of the portable devices
and by not keeping and using any writing material like pen, pencil, paper, etc.
• not write or move or store information out of Company or Client systems and workspace.
• safeguard the computing devices (Desktop, Laptop, etc.) and any peripherals like headsets, UPS, Monitor, hardware tokens,
etc. from theft, damage, loss and mis-use.
• be expected to meet all the standard performance KPIs while working from home
• inform my supervisor and obtain prior approval in the event that I am unable to work on any given day and in the event of any
sickness. I will take all efforts to ensure that I inform my supervisor of my situation.
• report system performance problems or downtime to your supervisor and Concentrix Helpdesk
• report any data or IT Security or Fraud incidents (including suspected incidents) or vulnerabilities observed to Concentrix
Incident Management Team @ alertus@concentrix.com
• carry only those documents / assets that are necessary for any trip I make for Concentrix’s business purpose (If asked to
travel by Company) and keep them in a secure location at all times, such as a locked/sealed briefcase, container or box.
When it is necessary for equipment or documents to remain in my vehicle, they are stored out of view in a locked area
(hidden or locked in a trunk prior to arriving at destination).

If I use WiFi, I will

• change the default administrator password on my network device (example, WiFi dongle, broadband modem, router, etc.) to
one that is both strong and unique.
• create a strong network password and only share it with people I trust
• always keep my network devices software up to date
• use WPA2 or WPA3 on my WiFi connection to encrypt my online activity
• not connect to public WiFi. If necessary, use personal hotspots or some way to encrypt my web connection.

I understand, Company may lock or delete the required software / application upon discovery of any malicious activity on the
system as a step to contain or isolate the system from Company and or Client network.

I agree to allow entry into my workspace at any time during my scheduled work hours for any purpose that Concentrix reasonably
determines is necessary, including but not limited to, maintenance of equipment or audit of my workspace.

I agree to return all the Company assets (hardware, software, data / information, etc.) without any delay or demur.

Approved Process for Use of Zoom and Teams Meeting Applications For Work
at Home

1. Optional Use of video. The meeting applications must be configured for the work at home employee to voluntarily consent to
be videoed in his or her home workspace based on the understanding that the employee has the option of attending the meeting
via only an audio connection. The video monitoring option must be configured with video in the off position so that the agent
must take an affirmative action to “opt-in” to being videoed. The following notification should be provided on the application to
explain the agent’s voluntary option to opt-in to being videoed:

You may voluntarily consent to participate in this Zoom or Microsoft Teams meeting via video to enhance your engagement
experience by activating the webcam on your computer. If you choose not to activate your webcam you can still attend the
meeting via the audio option for your meeting. If you consent to attend the meeting via the video option, Concentrix reserves the
right to notify you if Concentrix personnel attending the meeting observe anything in your work space that is inconsistent with
obligations under your work at home agreement and advising you what is necessary to fulfill the relevant obligations. If you
consent to video monitoring, Concentrix suggests that you remove any personal artifacts in your work space that you would not
want to have appear on video.

2. Video as a compliance coaching tool. Attendees at the meeting can inform the employee’s supervisor or People Solutions if
they observe anything in an agent’s work space that is inconsistent with Concentrix’s clean desk policy or other Concentrix
security and privacy policies. The agent’s supervisor or People Solutions can then inform the employee what actions are
necessary to comply with applicable Concentrix policy. The optional video feature of the meeting application is not a security
monitoring application and should not be used for purposes of a security audit or to initiate formal disciplinary action against an

3. Continued use of chat and meeting applications supporting Client in call center. To the extent possible, client programs should
continue to use chat or meeting applications the programs are already using in the call center for the same purposes the
applications are being used in order to avoid making changes to the work at home environment that clients are not aware of and
therefore may require client consent under the terms of an MSA or SOW.

4. Restrictions on processing Client confidential information and personal data. Client confidential information should not be
processed using meeting applications unless the applications are only accessed and used through a VPN in an encrypted
format. Personal data pertaining to a client’s customers located in Europe cannot be processed in a work at home environment.
Personal data pertaining to Concentrix employees located in Europe can only be used in a work at home environment If: a) the
meeting application has been approved through the Privacy and Security Governance Process for Europe; and b) People
Solutions has obtained any required works council consents for employees located in Europe who support the client.

5. Using Meeting Applications to Conduct Coaching Sessions with Work at home Employees. Please reach out to your manager
on your first day of training on how to access the document “Using Meeting Applications to Conduct Coaching Sessions with
Work at home Employees”, for guidance on how to access and use call recordings to conduct work at home coaching sessions in
compliance with this approved process.

WAH Deployment Expectations and Start of Employment

Welcome to Concentrix!

As you start your journey with us, we wanted to outline a few items that will be critical to your employment as a Work At Home
(WAH) employee. We place significant value on enabling our team members in all channels to succeed, but we need your
partnership so we can provide the environment and support you need.

1. As a WAH employee, all existing People Solutions policies remain applicable to you. Please ensure you complete all
required documentation for signing and requirements for submission by the prescribed deadline.

2. For your information, setting you up for WAH will entail the following steps:
• Deployment to your home of PC and Peripherals needed for your role
• Set up of Network Login and Systems Access
• Testing of equipment and access upon receipt of PC and issuance of logins

From the time you submit your signed Job Offer and non-negotiable requirements, it may take 3-4 days for deployment and setup
to be completed. It is critical that you provide accurate information relevant to your address, mobile number, etc. to ensure that
deployment and setup proceed smoothly. All existing policies covering asset/equipment liability and systems security are
applicable to you.

3. Your pay cycle and employment will begin on the 1st Day of your New Hire Training.

I acknowledge and agree to keep my workspace contact information (Name, Address, Phone number and/or email address)
current with the Company and which Company can provide it to any Company appointed third party, when and if necessary, for
such responsible third party to prove, maintain and/or administer any equipment delivered for my workspace location.

Printed name : ​Test WAH NDA​

Date and Time : 11/06/2021, 11:17:41.654 PM GMT+8
Program: Bookingcom
Position Title: ​Advisor I, Customer Service​

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