Lesson 11 12
Lesson 11 12
Lesson 11 12
Agrarian Reform
Reflect Upon
Evaluate the current agrarian reform program. Having experienced the plight of our farmers,
how do you think should the program be amended? You may also opt to draft a new equitable
policy that would improve the present agrarian system in general.
I think the program should be emended by giving incentives to the landowners and
support them through giving technology, production and financial support.
Extend Your Knowledge
1. What is the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program? Research more about its objective
and key features.
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program is the redistribution of public agriculture
lands to help the beneficiaries survive as small independent farmers, regardless of the
tenurial arrangement. The objective is providing security of land tenure for small
farmers. It also aimed to provide support services to its benefiaries in such forms as
capital, marketing support and infrastructure.