People Vs Araneta Digest
People Vs Araneta Digest
People Vs Araneta Digest
On the 17th of August 1923 in the province of Bohol, municipality of Dauis. The defendant
Germiniano Araneta acting as a chief clerk in the office of the municipal treasurer of Dauis, and as such
in charge of collecting and receiving the fees for permit to kill large cattle of the said municipality of
Dauis, he collected and received the sum of P1.50 from one Crispo Penales in payment of the fee for
permit to kill a cow belonging to Baldomero Doldolea; Araneta then falsified and counterfeiting the
stub-book (sic) of the permit to kill large cattle No. 68, which is a public document previously issued to
Damaso Penales, erased the name of the latter and in lieu thereof he put, inserted and substituted that
of Baldomero Doldolea.
On April 23, 1924, a deputy auditor for the Province o Bohol, in examining the books of the
municipal treasurer, discovered that no entry had been made in the Record o General Collections of the
fee for the license issued to Baldomero Doldolea and called the defendant's attention thereto. Araneta
then explained an oversight and paid the 1.50 pesos. Some other irregularities of the same manner were
Araneta was then tried and sentenced to suffer ten years o prisión mayor, with perpetual
disqualification from holding public office, and to pay a fine of 800 pesetas, with the costs. Hence the
1. WON Araneta was a public functionary under article 390 and 401 of the penal code?
2. WON the penalty given was cruel and unconstitutional?
3. WON the court erred in treating the offense as a complex crime?
1. Yes, it is sufficient to say that it was his duty to make the collection upon the issuance of the
license and that the presumption is that he performed his duty. This crime had been repealed by
section 2672 of Act No. 2711.
2. No, the penalty was not imposed for the crime of misappropriation alone but included the
punishment for the falsification of public documents as well; the penalty prescribed by Act No.
2712 for that offense has been often applied and is, in the courts opinion, neither cruel nor
3. Yes, misappropriation of public funds is now punished under section 2672 of the Administrative
Code, while the crime o falsification of public documents by a public employee falls under article
300 of the Penal Code; one of the two offenses being punishable under the Penal Code and the
other under an ordinary Act of the Legislature, they must be regarded as two separate and
distinct offenses.
For crime of falsification of public documents, the defendant is hereby sentenced to
suffer eight years and one day of prisión mayor, with the accessory penalties prescribed by the
Penal Code, to pay a fine of 250 pesetas, with perpetual disqualification from public office, and
to pay the costs.