1.writing Part 1
1.writing Part 1
1.writing Part 1
Chapter 1
Lesson 1 What Is Happening?
What is happening in these pictures? Write some words that tell what
you see.
_________________________________ __________________________________
_________________________________ __________________________________
_________________________________ __________________________________
_________________________________ __________________________________
Look at this picture. Then, read the sentence about the picture.
Lesson 2 I Feel. . .
How do you feel today? Do you feel happy, sad, or excited? Draw a
picture that shows how you feel.
Now, write a sentence about how you feel. Add details about why
you feel this way.
Lesson 2 I Feel. . .
Spectrum Writing Chapter 1 Lesson 2
Grade 2 Writing a Story
We use our senses to learn about the things around us. Sometimes, we
use one sense. At other times, we use many senses. These are your five
senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and tasting. How do
you use them? Look at each picture. Circle the senses you could use
to learn about the object in the picture.
Imagine that you are one of the people in this picture. Use your senses
to learn about everything around you. Write what you see, hear, smell,
touch, and taste.
In the City
What I Smell
Look at each picture. Name one sense you could use to learn about
the object in the picture. Then, write a describing word that tells what
you would learn from that sense. The first one is done for you.
touch rough
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
___________________ ____________________
Think about a place you have visited. Maybe it was a zoo or a fair. Or,
maybe you watched a parade or went to a sporting event. Write
describing words about it here.
Place I Visited
What I Smelled
Did a friend or adult go with you? Ask someone who went with you to
think of another describing word to add to your web.
Spectrum Writing Chapter 1 Lesson 4
Grade 2 Writing a Story
Now, write some sentences about the place you visited. Answer each
question. Include at least one describing word in each sentence.
What did you see? Was it very colorful, pretty, or ugly?
What did you hear? Were there many kinds of sounds, or just a few?
What did you smell? Were there many smells, or just one?
Lesson 5 Describe It
I see_______________________________________
I hear_______________________________________________________________
I smell_______________________________________________________________
I feel________________________________________________________________
I taste_______________________________________________________________
Lesson 5 Describe It
Now, think about another food that you like to eat. How does it look,
sound, smell, feel, and taste? Write the name of the food. Then, write
a sentence about that food. Use at least two describing words so your
reader can really “see” the food.
Food _______________________________________________________________
You see many places every day. What is one place you have seen
today? Draw a picture of it. Then, write a sentence about the place.
Use details to help your readers “see” the place.
Look back at your sentence. Does it begin with a capital letter? Does
it end with a period? Is it a complete thought?
What if you could create a new planet? Would your planet have
mountains? Would there be fields of corn? Would it have forests or
oceans? Where would people live? Close your eyes and imagine a
place on your new planet. Write some words that tell what you “see”
in this place.
_________________________________ __________________________________
_________________________________ __________________________________
_________________________________ __________________________________
_________________________________ __________________________________
_________________________________ __________________________________
Imagine your planet again. What colors do you see? What do you
hear and smell? What do things feel like? Write some words that tell
how your planet looks, sounds, smells, and feels.
_________________________________ __________________________________
_________________________________ __________________________________
_________________________________ __________________________________
_________________________________ __________________________________
_________________________________ __________________________________
Look back at the words you wrote on page 21. Tell about your planet.
Write one or two sentences to answer each question. Remember to
use your senses as you describe your planet.
What is the most beautiful part of your planet?
Look at the pictures. You can tell what happens first, next, and last.
Label the pictures in order. Write first, next, and last. These are called
time-order words.
First Next Last
First Next Last
Spectrum Writing Chapter 1 Lesson 8
Grade 2 Writing a Story
In a story, writers usually tell what happens in order. First, one thing
happens. Then, another thing happens, and so on. Practice telling
about things that happen in order. Use words such as next, before,
after, and suddenly.
Then,_ ______________________________________________________________
Notice how the words first and then help keep things in order. Now,
write two sentences about what is happening in these pictures. Use
time-order words to tell the order in which things happen.