Cbnetv2: A Composite Backbone Network Architecture For Object Detection
Cbnetv2: A Composite Backbone Network Architecture For Object Detection
Cbnetv2: A Composite Backbone Network Architecture For Object Detection
Abstract—Modern top-performing object detectors depend heavily on backbone networks, whose advances bring consistent perfor-
mance gains through exploring more effective network structures. In this paper, we propose a novel and flexible backbone framework,
namely CBNetV2, to construct high-performance detectors using existing open-sourced pre-trained backbones under the pre-training
fine-tuning paradigm. In particular, CBNetV2 architecture groups multiple identical backbones, which are connected through composite
connections. Specifically, it integrates the high- and low-level features of multiple backbone networks and gradually expands the
arXiv:2107.00420v6 [cs.CV] 29 Jul 2021
receptive field to more efficiently perform object detection. We also propose a better training strategy with assistant supervision for
CBNet-based detectors. CBNetV2 has strong generalization capabilities for different backbones and head designs of the detector
architecture. Without additional pre-training of the composite backbone, CBNetV2 can be adapted to various backbones (i.e., CNN-
based vs. Transformer-based) and head designs of most mainstream detectors (i.e., one-stage vs. two-stage, anchor-based vs. anchor-
free-based). Experiments provide strong evidence that, compared with simply increasing the depth and width of the network, CBNetV2
introduces a more efficient, effective, and resource-friendly way to build high-performance backbone networks. Particularly, our Dual-
Swin-L achieves 59.4% box AP and 51.6% mask AP on COCO test-dev under the single-model and single-scale testing protocol,
which is significantly better than the state-of-the-art result (i.e., 57.7% box AP and 50.2% mask AP) achieved by Swin-L, while the
training schedule is reduced by 6×. With multi-scale testing, we push the current best single model result to a new record of 60.1% box
AP and 52.3% mask AP without using extra training data. Code is available at
BJECT detection is one of the fundamental problems in Encouraged by the results achieved by pre-trained large
O computer vision, serving a wide range of applications such
as autonomous driving, intelligent video surveillance, remote
backbone-based detectors, we seek further improvement to con-
struct high-performance detectors by exploiting existing well-
sensing, etc. In recent years, great progresses have been made designed backbone architectures and their pre-trained weights.
for object detection thanks to the booming development of deep Though one may design a new improved backbone, the expertise
convolutional networks [2], and excellent detectors have been and computing resources overhead can be expensive. On the
proposed, e.g., SSD [3], YOLO [4], Faster R-CNN [5], RetinaNet one hand, designing a new architecture of backbone requires
[6], ATSS [7], Mask R-CNN [8], Cascade R-CNN [9], etc. expert experience and a lot of trial and error. On the other hand,
Typically, in a Neural Network (NN)-based detector, a back- pre-training a new backbone (especially for large models) on
bone network is used to extract basic features for detecting ImageNet requires a large amount of computational resource,
objects, and usually designed originally for image classification which makes it costly to obtain better detection performance
and pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset [10]. Intuitively, the more following pre-training and fine-tuning paradigm. Alternatively,
representative features extracted by the backbone, the better the training detectors from scratch saves the cost of pre-training, but
performance of its host detector. To obtain higher accuracy, deeper requires even more computing resources and training skills to train
and wider backbones have been exploited by mainstream detectors the detector [17].
(i.e., from mobile-size models [11], [12] and ResNet [13], to In this paper, we present a simple and novel composition
ResNeXt [14] and Res2Net [15]). Recently, Transformer [16] approach to use existing pre-trained backbones under the pre-
based backbones have also been explored and have shown very training fine-tuning paradigm. Unlike most previous methods that
promising performance. Overall, advances in large backbone pre- focus on modular crafting and require pre-training on ImageNet to
training demonstrate a trend towards more effective and efficient strengthen the representation, we improve the existing backbone
multi-scale representations in object detection. representation ability without additional pre-training. As shown
in Fig. 1, our solution, named Composite Backbone Network V2
(CBNetV2), groups multiple identical backbones together. Specif-
• Corresponding author: Yongtao Wang. ∗ indicates equal contribution.
• T. Liang, X. Chu, Y. Liu, Y., Wang, Z. Tang are with the Wangxuan
ically, parallel backbones (named assisting backbones and lead
Institute of Computer Technology, Peking University, Beijing 100080, backbone) are connected via composite connections. From left to
China. E-mail: {tingtingliang, bahuangliuhe, wyt, tangzhi}, right in Fig. 1, the output of each stage in an assisting backbone flows to the parallel and lower-level stages of its succeeding
• W. Chu, J. Cheng are with Data and Platform Technology Devision of Ant
Group, China. E-mail: {, jingdongchen.cjd} sibling. Finally, the features of the lead backbone are fed to
• H. Ling is with the Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook Univer- the neck and detection head for bounding box regression and
sity, Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA. E-mail: classification. Contrary to simple network deepening or widening,
• A preliminary version of this manuscript was published in [1].
CBNetV2 integrates the high- and low-level features of multiple
𝑥4 RoI
𝑥2 Result
Fig. 1. Illustration of the proposed Composite Backbone Network V2 (CBNetV2) architecture for object detection.
backbone networks and progressively expands the receptive field CBNetV2 (Composite Backbone Network V2), to con-
for more efficient object detection. Notably, each assembled back- struct high-performance backbone networks for object
bone of CBNetV2 is initialized by the weights of an existing open detection without additional pre-training.
source pre-trained individual backbone (e.g., Dual-ResNet50 1 is • We propose Dense Higher-Level Composition (DHLC)
initialized by the weights of ResNet50 [13], which are available style and assistant supervision to more efficiently use
in the open source community). In addition, to further exploit the existing pre-trained weights for object detection under pre-
potential of CBNetV2, we propose an effective training strategy training fine-tuning paradigm.
with supervision for assisting backbones, achieving higher detec- • Our Dual-Swin-L achieves a new record of single-model
tion accuracy than the original CBNet [1] while not sacrificing single-scale result on COCO at a shorter (by 6×) train-
inference speed. ing schedule than Swin-L. With multi-scale testing, our
We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework by con- method achieves the best known result without extra
ducting experiments on the challenging MS COCO bench- training data.
mark [18]. Experiments show that CBNetV2 has strong gener-
alization capabilities for different backbones and head designs
of the detector architecture, which enables us to train detectors 2 R ELATED WORK
that significantly outperform detectors based on larger backbones. Object Detection. Object detection aims to locate each object in-
Specifically, CBNetV2 can be applied to various backbones stance from a predefined set of classes in an input image. With the
(e.g., from convolution-based [13], [14], [15] to Transformer- rapid development of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), there
based [19]). Compared to the original backbones, our Dual- is a popular paradigm for deep learning-based object detectors:
Backbone boosts their performance by 3.4%∼3.5% AP, demon- the backbone network (typically designed for classification and
strating the effectiveness of the proposed CBNetV2. At compa- pre-trained on ImageNet) extracts basic features from the input
rable model complexity, our Dual-Backbone still improves by image, and then the neck (e.g., feature pyramid network [21])
1.1% ∼ 2.1% AP, indicating that the composed backbone is more enhances the multi-scale features from the backbone, after which
efficient than the pre-trained wider and deeper network. Moreover, the detection head predicts the object bounding boxes with posi-
CBNetV2 can be flexibly plugged into mainstream detectors (e.g., tion and classification information. Based on detection heads, the
RetinaNet [6], ATSS [7], Faster R-CNN [5], Mask R-CNN [8], cutting edge methods for generic object detection can be briefly
Cascade R-CNN and Cascade Mask R-CNN [9]), and consistently categorized into two major branches. The first branch contains
improve the performances of these detectors by 3%∼3.8% AP, one-stage detectors such as YOLO [4], SSD [3], RetinaNet [6],
demonstrating its strong adaptability to various head designs NAS-FPN [22], and EfficientDet [23]. The other branch contains
of detectors. Remarkably, our CBNetV2 presents a general and two-stage methods such as Faster R-CNN [5], FPN [21], Mask R-
resource-friendly framework to drive the accuracy ceiling of high- CNN [8], Cascade R-CNN [9], and Libra R-CNN [24]. Recently,
performance detectors. Without bells and whistles, our Dual-Swin- academic attention has been geared toward anchor-free detectors
L achieves unparalleled single-model single-scale result of 59.4% due partly to the emergence of FPN [21] and focal Loss [6], where
box AP and 51.6% mask AP on COCO test-dev, surpassing more elegant end-to-end detectors have been proposed. On the one
the state-of-the-art result (i.e., 57.7% box AP and 50.2% mask AP hand, FSAF [25], FCOS [26], ATSS [7] and GFL [27] improve
obtained by Swin-L), while reducing the training schedule by 6×. RetinaNet with center-based anchor-free methods. On the other
With multi-scale testing, we push the current best single-model hand, CornerNet [28] and CenterNet [29] detect object bounding
result to a new record of 60.1% box AP and 52.3% mask AP. boxes with a keypoint-based method.
The main contributions of this paper are listed as follows: More recently, Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is applied
to automatically search the architecture for a specific detector.
• We propose a general, efficient and effective framework,
NAS-FPN [22], NAS-FCOS [30] and SpineNet [31] use rein-
1. Here and after, Dual-Backbone (DB) and Triple-Backbone (TB) respec- forcement learning to control the architecture sampling and obtain
tively represent consisting of 2 and 3 identical backbones. promising results. SM-NAS [32] uses evolutionary algorithm and
(a) SLC (b) AHLC (c) ALLC (d) DHLC (e) FCC
Fig. 2. Five kinds of composite styles for Dual-Backbone architecture (an assisting backbone and a lead backbone). (a) Same Level Composition
(SLC). (b) Adjacent Higher-Level Composition (AHLC). (c) Adjacent Lower-Level Composition (ALLC). (d) Dense Higher-Level Composition (DHLC).
(e) Full-connected Composition (FCC). The composite connection are colored lines representing some operations such as element-wise operation,
scaling, 1×1 Conv layer and BN layer.
Backbone 1 Backbone 2 t=0 t=1 bone for object detection, thereby reducing the cost of manual
design. Swin Transformer [19] utilizes Transformer modular to
built the backbone and achieves impressive results, despite the
need of expensive pre-training.
It is well known that designing and pre-training a new and
robust backbone requires significant computational costs. Alter-
natively, we propose a more economical and efficient solution to
build a more powerful object detection backbone, by assembling
multiple identical existing backbones (e.g., ResNet [13], ResNeXt
[14], Res2Net [15], and Swin Transformer [19]).
Recurrent Convolution Neural Network. Different from the
Conv1 Conv1 feed-forward architecture of CNN, Recurrent CNN (RCNN) [20]
(a) CBNet (b) RCNN
incorporates recurrent connections into each convolution layer.
This property enhances the ability of the model to integrate
Fig. 3. Comparison between our proposed CBNet architecture (K = 2) contextual information, which is important for object recognition.
and the unrolled architecture of RCNN [20] (T = 2). As shown in Fig. 3, our proposed Composite Backbone Network
shares some similarities with the unfolded RCNN [20], but they
are very different. First, as shown in Fig. 3, the connections
partial order pruning method to search the optimal combination of between the parallel stages in CBNet are unidirectional, but they
different parts of the detector. Auto-FPN [33] uses the gradient- are bidirectional in RCNN. Second, in RCNN, the parallel stages
based method to search for the best detector. DetNAS [34] and at different time steps share parameter weights, while in the
OPANAS [35] use the one-shot method to search for an efficient proposed CBNet, the parallel stages of backbones are independent
backbone and neck for object detection, respectively. of each other. Moreover, we need to pre-train RCNN on ImageNet
In addition to the above CNN-based detectors, Trans- if we use it as the backbone of the detector. By contrast, CBNet
former [16] has also been utilized for detection. DETR [36] does not require additional pre-training because it directly uses
proposes a fully end-to-end detector by combining CNN and existing pre-trained weights.
Transformer encoder-decoders. Swin Transformer [19] proposes
a general-purpose Transformer backbone to reduce computational
complexity and has been a tremendous success in object detection. 3 P ROPOSED METHOD
Backbone for Object Detection. Starting from AlexNet [2], This section elaborates the proposed CBNetV2 in details. In
deeper and wider backbones have been exploited by mainstream Sec. 3.1 and Sec. 3.2, we describe its basic architecture and
detectors, such as VGG [37], ResNet [13], DenseNet [38], variants, respectively. In Sec. 3.3, we propose a training strategy
ResNeXt [14], and Res2Net [15]. Since the backbone network for CBNet-based detectors. In Sec. 3.4, we briefly introduce
is usually designed for classification, whether it is pre-trained the pruning strategy. In Sec. 3.5, we summarize the detection
on ImageNet and fine-tuned on a given detection dataset or framework of CBNetV2.
trained from scratch on the detection dataset, it requires many
computational resources and is difficult to optimize. Recently, two
non-trivially designed backbones, i.e., DetNet [39] and FishNet 3.1 Architecture of CBNetV2
[40], are specifically designed for the detection task. However, The proposed CBNetV2 consists of K identical backbones (K ≥
they still require pre-training for classification tasks before fine- 2). In particular, we call the case K = 2 (shown in Fig. 3.a) as Dual-
tuning on detection task. Res2Net [15] achieves impressive results Backbone (DB), and the case K=3 as Triple-Backbone (TB).
in object detection by representing multi-scale features at the As illustrated in Fig. 1, the CBNetV2 architecture includes two
granular level and increasing the range of receptive fields for each types of backbones: lead backbone BK and assisting backbones
network layer. In addition to manually designing the backbone B1 , B2 , ..., BK−1 . Each backbone comprises L stages (usually
architecture, DetNAS [34] uses NAS to search for a better back- L = 5), and each stage consists of several convolutional layers
Backbone 1 Backbone 2 Neck and Swin Transformer [19]) and initialized directly from the pre-
e.g., FPN trained weights of a single backbone.
xlk = Fkl (xl−1 + g l−1 (xk−1 )), l ≥ 2, k = 2, 3, . . . , K, (2) As shown in Fig. 2.d, when K = 2, we compose the features from
all the higher-level stages in the previous backbone and add them
where g l−1 (·) represents the composite connection, which takes to the lower-level stages in the latter one.
features (denoted as xk−1 = {xik−1 |i = 1, 2, . . . , L}) from
assisting backbone Bk−1 as input and takes the features of the 3.2.5 Full-connected Composition (FCC)
same size as xl−1 as output. Therefore, the output features of As shown in Fig. 2.e, we compose features from all the stages
Bk−1 are transformed and contribute to the input of each stage in in the previous backbones and feed them to each stage in the
Bk . Note that x11 , x12 , . . . , x1K are weight sharing. following one. Compared to DHLC, we add connections in low-
For the object detection task, only the output features of the high-level case. The operation of FCC can be expressed as:
lead backbone {xiK , i = 2, 3, . . . , L} are fed into the neck and L
then the RPN/detection head, while the outputs of the assisting g l (x) = I(wi (xi )), l ≥ 1, (7)
backbone are forwarded to its succeeding siblings. It is worth i=2
noting that B1 , B2 , ..., BK−1 can be used for various backbone where I(·) denotes scale-resizing, I(·) = D(·) when i > l, and
architectures (e.g., ResNet [13], ResNeXt [14], Res2Net [15], I(·) = U(·) when i < l.
𝑎 𝑠0 𝑏 𝑠1 𝑐 𝑠2 𝑑 𝑠3 𝑒 𝑠4
Fig. 5. Illustration of different pruning strategies for dual-backbone. si denotes that there are i stages {x6−i , x7−i , ..., x5 |i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4} in lead
Comparison with the state-of-the-art object detection results on the COCO test-dev set. Our Dual-Res2Net101-DCN achieves new
state-of-the-art bbox AP over previous anchor-free-based and anchor-based detectors while using comparable or fewer training epochs.
can be found in Sec. 4.2). During inference phase, we use Soft- segmentation annotations in Table 2. Following [19], we provide
NMS [50] with a threshold of 0.001, and the input size is set results with the backbone pre-trained on regular ImageNet-1K and
to 1600 × 1400. All other hyper-parameters in this paper follow ImageNet-22K to show the high capacity of CBNetV2.
MMDetection if not specified. Results with regular ImageNet-1K pre-train. Following [19],
3x schedule (36 epochs with the learning rate decayed by 10× at
4.2 Comparison with State-of-the-Art epochs 27 and 33) is used for Dual-Swin-S. Using Cascade Mask
We compare our methods with cutting edge detectors. We divide R-CNN, our Dual-Swin-S achieves 56.3% box AP and 48.6%
the results into object detection (Table 1) and instance segmenta- mask AP on COCO minival in terms of the bounding box and
tion (Table 2) according to whether or not the instance segmen- instance segmentation, showing significant gains of +4.4% box AP
tation annotations are used during training. Following [19], we and +3.6% mask AP to Swin-B with similar model size and the
improve the detector heads of Cascade R-CNN, Cascade Mask R- same training protocol. In addition, Dual-Swin-S achieves 56.9%
CNN, and HTC in the above two tables by adding four convolution box AP and 49.1% mask AP on COCO dev, outperforming other
layers [54] in each bounding box head and using GIoU loss [55] ImageNet-1K pre-trained backbone-based detectors.
instead of Smooth L1 [56]. Results with ImageNet-22K pre-train. Our Dual-Swin-B
achieves single-scale result of 58.4% box AP and 50.7% mask
4.2.1 Object Detection AP on COCO minival, which is 1.3% box AP and 1.2% mask
For detectors trained with only bounding box annotations, we AP higher than that of Swin-L (HTC++) [19] while the number
summarize them into two categories: anchor-based, and anchor- of parameters is decreased by 17% and the training schedule
free-based in Table 1. We select ATSS [7] as our anchor-free is reduced by 3.6×. Especially, with only 12 epochs training
representative, and Cascade R-CNN as our anchor-based repre- (which is 6× shorter than Swin-L), our Dual-Swin-L achieves
sentative. 59.4% box AP and 51.6% mask AP on COCO test-dev,
outperforming prior arts. We can push the current best result to
Anchor-free. Dual-Res2Net101-DCN equipped with ATSS is
a new record of 60.1% box AP and 52.3% mask AP through
trained for 20 epochs, where the learning rate is decayed by 10×
multi-scale testing. These results demonstrate that our CBNetV2
in the 16th and 19th epochs. Notably, our Dual-Res2Net101-DCN
proposes an efficient, effective, and resource-friendly framework
achieves 52.8% AP, outperforming previous anchor-free methods
to build high-performance backbone networks.
[7], [25], [26], [27], [30], [36], [44] under single-scale testing
4.3 Generality of CBNetV2
Anchor-based. Our Dual-Res2Net101-DCN achieves 55.6% AP,
surpassing other anchor-based detectors [22], [23], [31], [32], CBNetV2 expands the receptive field by combining the backbones
[33], [35], [46], [57]. It is worth noting that our CBNetV2 trains in parallel, rather than simply increasing the depth of the network.
only for 32 epochs (the first 20 epochs are regular training and To demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of our design strat-
the remaining 12 epochs are trained with Stochastic Weights egy, we perform experiments on various backbones and different
Averaging [58]), being 16× and 12× shorter than EfficientDet head designs of the detector architecture.
and YOLOv4, respectively.
4.3.1 Generality for Main-stream Backbone Architectures
4.2.2 Instance Segmentation Effectiveness To demonstrate the effectiveness of CBNetV2, we
We further compare our method with state-of-the-art results conduct experiments on Faster R-CNN with different backbone ar-
[19], [51], [52], [53] using both bounding box and instance chitectures. As shown in Table 3, for CNN-based backbones (e.g.,
Comparison with the state-of-the-art object detection and instance segmentation results on COCO. In collaboration with Swin Transformer, our
CBNetV2 achieves the state-of-the-art bbox AP and mask AP while using fewer training epochs.
mini-val test-dev
Pre-trained on Method Params Epochs
APbox APmask APbox APmask
GCNet∗[51] 51.8 44.7 52.3 45.4 - 36
Swin-B [19] 51.9 45.0 - - 145 M 36
ImageNet-1K ResNeSt-200∗ [52] 52.5 - 53.3 47.1 - 36
CopyPaste [53]† 55.9 47.2 56.0 47.4 185 M 96
Dual-Swin-S (Cascade Mask R-CNN) 56.3 48.6 56.9 49.1 156 M 36
Swin-L (HTC++) [19] 57.1 49.5 57.7 50.2 284 M 72
Swin-L (HTC++) [19]∗ 58.0 50.4 58.7 51.1 284 M 72
Dual-Swin-B (HTC) 58.4 50.7 58.7 51.1 235 M 20
Dual-Swin-B (HTC)∗ 58.9 51.3 59.3 51.8 235 M 20
Dual-Swin-L (HTC) 59.1 51.0 59.4 51.6 453 M 12
Dual-Swin-L (HTC)∗ 59.6 51.8 60.1 52.3 453 M 12
1 ∗
indicates method with multi-scale testing.
2 †
indicates additional unlabeled data are used to pretrain backbone.
Comparison between Dual-Backbone (s3 version in Fig. 6) and single Comparison between Dual-Backbone (s3 ) and deeper and wider single
backbones in terms of different architectures. Our Dual-Backbone backbones in terms of different architectures. The backbones in each
boosts the performance of CNN-based backbones by over 3.4% AP. group are sorted by FLOPs for efficiency comparison. Backbones
armed with our proposed method are more efficient than their own
wider and deeper version.
Backbone ∆APbox
single dual
ResNet50 34.6 38.0 +3.4 Backbone APbox Params FLOPs FPS
ResNeXt50-32x4d 36.3 39.8 +3.5 ResNet101 36.3 60.5 M 121 G 25.8
Res2Net50 37.7 41.2 +3.5 Dual-ResNet50 38.0 69.4 M 121 G 23.3
ResNet152 37.8 76.2 M 151 G 21.3
ResNeXt101-32x4d 37.7 60.2 M 122 G 20.8
Dual-ResNeXt50-32x4d 39.8 68.4 M 123 G 19.3
ResNet, ResNeXt-32x4d, and Res2Net), our method can boost ResNeXt101-64x4d 38.7 99.3 M 183 G 15.8
baseline by over 3.4% AP. Furthermore, CBNetV2 is not only Res2Net101 40.1 61.2 M 125 G 20.7
compatible with CNN-based backbones, but also with transformer- Dual-Res2Net50 41.2 69.7 M 125 G 20.2
Res2Net200 41.7 92.2 M 185 G 14.8
based backbones (for details, see Sec. 4.3.2).
Efficiency Note that the number of parameters in CBNetV2 has
increased compared to the baseline. To better demonstrate the Comparison between Dual-Swin-T and the single Swin equipped with
efficiency of the composite architecture, we compare CBNetV2 Cascade Mask R-CNN. Swin-T composited by our method is more
with deeper and wider backbone networks. As shown in Ta- effective and efficient than its own wider and deeper version.
ble 4, with comparable number of FLOPs and inference speed,
CBNetV2 improves ResNet101, ResNeXt101-32x4d, Res2Net101 Backbone APbox APmask Params FLOPs FPS
by 1.7%, 2.1%, and 1.1% AP, respectively. Additionally, Dual- Swin-T 50.5 43.7 85.6 M 742 G 7.8
ResNeXt50-32x4d is 1.1% AP higher than that of ResNeXt101- Swin-S 51.8+1.3 44.7+1.0 107.0 M 832 G 7.0
64x4d, while the number of parameters is only 70%. The results Swin-B 51.9+1.4 45.0+1.3 145.0 M 975 G 5.9
Dual-Swin-T 53.6+3.1 46.2+2.5 113.8 M 836 G 6.5
demonstrate that our composite backbone architecture is more
efficient and effective than simply increasing the depth and width
of the network. and saturates at Swin-S. Swin-B is only 0.1% AP higher than
that of Swin-S, but the amount of parameters increases by 38M.
4.3.2 Generality for Swin Transformer When using Dual-Swin-T, we achieve 53.6% box AP and 46.2%
Transformer is notable for the use of attention to model long- mask AP by improving Swin-T 3.1% box AP and 2.5% mask AP.
range dependencies in data, and Swin Transformer [19] is one Surprisingly, our Dual-Swin-T is 1.7% box AP and 1.2% mask AP
of the most representative recent arts. Specifically, Swin Trans- higher than that of the deeper and wider Swin-B while the model
former is a general-purpose Transformer backbone that constructs complexity is lower (e.g., FLOPs 836G vs. 975G, Params 113.8M
hierarchical feature maps and has linear computational complexity vs. 145.0M). These results prove that CBNetV2 can also improve
in image size. We conduct experiments on Swin Transformer to non-pure convolutional architectures. They also demonstrate that
show the model generality of CBNetV2. For a fair comparison, we CBNetV2 pushes the upper limit of accuracy for high-performance
follow the same training strategy as [19] with multi-scale training detectors more effectively than simply increasing the depth and
(the short side resized to 480 ∼ 800 and the long side at most width of the network.
1333), AdamW optimizer (initial learning rate of 0.0001, weight
decay of 0.05, and batch size of 16), and 3x schedule (36 epochs). 4.3.3 Model Adaptability for Mainstream Detectors
As shown in Table 5, the accuracy of the model slowly We evaluate the adaptability of CBNetV2 by plugging it into main-
increases as the Swin Transformer is deepened and widened, stream detectors such as RetinaNet, ATSS, Faster R-CNN, Mask
Comparison of ResNet50 and the proposed Dual-ResNet50 on Comparison between different composite styles. Obviously, DHLC
different detectors. Our Dual-ResNet50 significantly boosts all popular acheives the best FLOPs-accuracy and Params-accuracy trade-offs.
object detectors by 3.0% ∼ 3.8% bbox AP and 2.9% mask AP.
TABLE 7 Ablation study of different loss weighs for assistant supervision.
Experimental results on the compatibility of CBNetV2 and deformable
convolution. CBNetV2 and deformable convolution can be
superimposed on each other without conflict. # Backbones λ1 λ2 APbbox
0 - 37.3
0.125 - 37.6
APbox Dual 0.25 - 37.8
Backbone ∆APbox
w/o DCN w/ DCN 0.5 - 38.1
ResNet50 34.6 37.4 +2.8 1.0 - 37.9
ResNet152 37.8 39.8 +2.0 0 0 37.4
Dual-ResNet50 38.1 40.4 +2.3 0.25 0.25 37.9
ResNeXt50-32x4d 36.3 38.6 +2.3 Triple 0.25 0.5 38.9
ResNeXt101-64x4 38.7 41.0 +2.3 0.5 0.5 38.6
Dual-ResNeXt50-32x4 39.8 42.5 +2.7 0.5 1.0 39.2
R-CNN, and Cascade R-CNN. These methods present a variety of these experiments are conducted based on the Faster R-CNN Dual-
detector head designs (e.g., two-stage vs. one-stage, anchor-based ResNet50 architecture. Results are shown in Table 8.
vs. anchor-free). As shown in Table 6, our CBNetV2 significantly SLC gets a slightly better result than that of the single-
boosts all popular object detectors by over 3% AP. The instance backbone baseline. We speculate that this is because the features
segmentation accuracy of Mask R-CNN is also improved by 2.9% extracted by the same stage of both backbones are similar, and thus
AP. These results demonstrate the robust adaptability of CBNetV2 SLC can only learn a slightly more semantic information than a
to various head designs of detectors. single backbone do.
AHLC raises the baseline by 1.4% AP, which verifies our
4.3.4 Compatibility of CBNetV2 with Deformable Convolu-
motivation in Sec. 3.2.2, i.e., if the higher-level features of the
assisting backbone are fed to the lower-level stages of the lead
Deformable convolution [59] enhances the transformation model- backbone, the semantic information of the latter will be enhanced.
ing capability of CNNs and is widely used for accurate object ALLC degrades the performance of the baseline by 2.2% AP.
detectors (e.g., simply adding DCN improves Faster R-CNN We infer that if we directly add the lower-level (i.e., shallower)
ResNet50 from 34.6% to 37.4% AP). To show the compatibility features of the assisting backbone to the higher-level (i.e., deeper)
of our CBNetV2 architecture with deformable convolution, we ones of the lead backbone, the semantic information of the latter
perform experiments on ResNet and ResNeXt equipped with will be largely hurt.
Faster R-CNN. As shown in Table 7, DCN is still effective DHLC improves the performance of the baseline by a large
on Dual-Backbone with 2.3% AP∼2.7% AP improvement. This margin (from 34.6% AP to 37.3% AP by 2.7% AP). More com-
improvement is greater than the 2.0% AP and 1.3% AP increments posite connections of the high-low cases enrich the representation
on ResNet152 and ResNeXt101-64x4d. On the other hand, Dual- ability of features to some extent.
Backbone increases ResNet50-DCN by 3.0% AP and is 0.6% FCC achieves the best performance of 37.4% AP thanks to the
higher than that of the deeper ResNet152-DCN. In addition, Dual- fully connected architecture.
Backbone increases ResNet50-32x4d-DCN by 3.7% AP, which In summary, FCC and DHLC achieve the two best results.
is 1.3% higher than that of the deeper and wider ResNeXt101- Considering the computational simplicity, we recommend using
64x4d-DCN. The results show that the effects of CBNetV2 and DHLC for CBNetV2. All the above composite styles have similar
deformable convolution can be superimposed without conflicting amount of parameters, but the accuracy varies greatly. These
with each other. results prove that simply increasing the number of parameters
or adding a backbone network does not a guarantee better result.
4.4 Ablation Studies Therefore, composite connection is the key to compose backbones.
We ablate various design choices for our proposed CBNetV2. For These results show that the suggested DHLC composite style is
simplicity, all accuracy results here are on the COCO validation effective and nontrivial.
set with 800 × 500 input size if not specified.
4.4.2 Different Weights for Assistant Supervision
4.4.1 Effectiveness of Different Composite Styles Experimental results related to weighting the assistant supervision
We conduct experiments to compare the proposed composite styles are presented in Table 9. For simplicity, we perform DHLC com-
in Fig. 2, including SLC, AHLC, ALLC, DHLC and FCC. All posite style on CBNetV2. The first setting is the Faster R-CNN
Ablation study of individual components of the proposed CBNetV2.
s3 s4
# Backbones DHLC Supervision APbbox
Single 34.6 s3 s4
s2 ResNet152
3 36.9 37.0
3 3 38.1
3 37.4 36.0 s1 ResNet101
3 37.5 s1
3 3 39.2
35.0 s0 DB
Dual-ResNet50 baseline and the second is the Triple-ResNet50
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
baseline, where the λ for assisting backbone in Equation (8) is GFLOPs of Backbone
set to zero. For the Dual-Backbone (DB) structure, the baseline
can be improved by 0.8% AP by setting λ1 to 0.5. For the Triple-
Fig. 6. Performance comparison of different pruning strategies for Dual-
Backbone (TB) structure, the baseline can be improved by 1.8% ResNet50 (DB) and Triple-ResNet50 (TB).
AP by setting {λ1 , λ2 } to {0.5, 1.0}. The experimental results
verify that the assistant supervision forms an effective training
strategy that improves the performance of CBNetV2.
4 5
4.4.3 Effectiveness of Each Component
To further analyze the importance of each component in CB- 39.0
NetV2, composite backbone, DHLC composite style, and assistant 2
supervision are progressively applied to the model to verify the ef- 38.0
fectiveness. We choose AHLC in CBNet [1] as default composite ResNet152
style. 37.0
The results are summarized in Table 10. It shows that the Dual-
Backbone (DB) and Triple-Backbone (TB) improve the baseline 36.0 ResNet101
by 1.4% and 1.8% AP, respectively. It validates the effectiveness
of our composite backbone structure (CBNet [1]). The DHLC 35.0 1
composite style further improves the detection performance of K in CBNetV2
DB and TB by over 1.0% AP. The results confirm that DHLC 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
enables a larger receptive field, with features at each level ob- GFLOPs of Backbone
taining rich semantic information from all higher-level features.
The assistant supervision brings about 1.0% AP increment to
Fig. 7. Performance comparison of CBNetV2 with different numbers of
DB and TB, thanks to the supervision of assisting backbones composite backbones (K ).
forming a better training strategy and improving the representative
ability of the lead backbone. Note that the assistant supervision
does not introduce extra parameters during the inference phase. 4.4.5 Effectiveness on Different Number of Backbones in
When combining the three components, there is a significant CBNetV2
improvement over the baseline. The DHLC-style DB and TB To further explore the ability of CBNetV2 to construct high-
with assistant supervision achieve 37.9% AP and 38.9% AP, performance detectors, we evaluate the efficiency of our CBNetV2
respectively, with +3.3% AP and +4.3% AP increments. Also, (s3 version) by controlling the number of backbones. As shown
CBNetV2 improves CBNet [1] by 1.8% and 1.7% AP in terms of in Fig. 7, we vary the number of backbones (e.g., K = 1,2,3,4,5)
DB and TB respectively. In brief, each component in CBNetV2 and compare their performance and computational cost (GFLOPs)
brings improvements to the detector and they are complementary with the ResNet family. Note that the accuracy continues to
to each other. increase as the complexity of the model increases. Compared
with ResNet152, our method obtains higher accuracy at K =2
4.4.4 Efficiency of Pruning Strategy
while computation cost is lower. Meanwhile, the accuracy can
As shown in Fig. 6, with the 78pruning strategy, our Dual- be further improved for K =3,4,5. CBNetV2 provides an effective
ResNet50 family and Triple-ResNet50 family achieve better and efficient alternative to improve the model performance rather
FLOPs-accuracy trade-offs than ResNet family. This also illus- than simply increasing the depth or width of the network.
trates the efficiency of our pruning strategy. In particular, the
number of FLOPs in s3 is reduced by 10% compared to s4 , but the
accuracy is decreased by only 0.1%. This is because the weights 4.5 Class Activation Map
of the pruned stage are fixed during the detector training [48] so To better understand the representative capability of CBNetV2,
pruning this stage does not sacrifice detection accuracy. Hence, we visualize the class activation map (CAM) using Grad-CAM
when speed and memory cost need to be prioritized, we suggest [60], which is commonly used to localize discriminative regions
pruning the fixed stages in 2, 3, ..., K -th backbones in CBNetV2. for image classification and object detection. As shown in Fig. 8,
Stage 2
Stage 5
Fig. 8. Visualization comparison of the features extracted by ResNet50 and Dual-ResNet50. For each backbone, we visualize the features of the
stage 2 and the stage 5 according to the size of the targets. Best viewed in color.
stronger CAM areas are covered by lighter/warmer colors. To compatible with various backbones networks, including CNN-
better illustrate the multi-scale detection capability of CBNetV2, based (ResNet, ResNeXt, Res2Net) and Transformer-based (Swin-
we visualize the large-scale feature maps from stage 2 (for de- Transformer) ones. At the same time, CBNetV2 is more effective
tecting small objects) and the small-scale feature maps from stage and efficient than simply increasing the depth and width of the net-
5 (for detecting large objects) extracted by our Dual-ResNet50 work. Furthermore, CBNetV2 can be flexibly plugged into most
and ResNet50. Compared with ResNet, Dual-ResNet based CAM mainstream detectors, including one-stage (e.g., RetinaNet) and
results have more concentrated activation maps on large objects two-stage (Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN, Cascade R-CNN, and
of the stage 5 feature, such as the ‘person’, ‘dog’ in Fig. 8, while Cascade Mask R-CNN) detectors, as well as anchor-based (e.g.,
ResNet only partially covers the objects or is disturbed by the Faster R-CNN) and anchor-free-based (ATSS) ones. Specifically,
background. On the other hand, Dual-ResNet has a stronger ability the performances of the above detectors are increased by over
to distinguish small objects with stage 2 feature, such as ‘kite’ in 3% AP. In particular, our Dual-Swin-L achieves a new record
Fig. 8 (a), ‘skateboard’ in (b), ‘surfboard’ in (c), and ‘tennis racket’ of 59.4% box AP and 51.6% mask AP on COCO test-dev,
in (d,e), while ResNet hardly activates on these parts. outperforming prior single-model single-scale results. With multi-
scale testing, we achieve a new state-of-the-art result of 60.1%
box AP and 52.3% mask AP without extra training data.
In this paper, we propose a novel and flexible backbone frame-
work, called Composite Backbone Network V2 (CBNetV2), to
improve the performance of cutting edge object detectors. CB- We thank Dr. Han Hu, Prof. Ming-Ming Cheng, and Shang-Hua
NetV2 consists of a series of backbones with the same network Gao for the insightful discussions.
architecture in parallel, the Dense Higher-Level Composition
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