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Subject Title: Practical Research 2 Grade: 12

Subject Description: The course aims to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills of Grade 12 students
through the conduct of quantitative research relative to their interests and senior high school track and strand.

Practical Research 2

(Quantitative Research)

Lessons 1: The characteristics of Quantitative research

Lesson 2: The nature of variables

Lesson 3: Research in our daily life

Lesson 4:  Hypothesis

Lesson 5: Review of Related Literature (RRL)

Lesson 6: Referencing

Lesson 7: Researching Ethics

Lesson 8: Conceptual Framework

Lesson 9:  Quantitative Data Research Design

Lesson 10: Instrument Development

Lesson 11: Guidelines in writing Research

Lesson 12: Quantitative Data analysis

Lesson 13: Statistical Methods

Lesson 14: Sampling Procedure

Lesson 15: Draws Conclusions


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Good luck, enjoy reading and doing the activity. God bless.
Lesson 1: The characteristics, strengths, weaknesses and kinds of Quantitative Research

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, the learner should be able to:

Know the nature of the research.

Understand the kinds of quantitative research.

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research.

Appreciate the importance of quantitative research.


Put a tick (/) if it describes the characteristics of a Quantitative Research.

1. Data is in the form of words, pictures or objects.

2. The data is usually gathered using structured research instruments.

3. It is not based upon numerical measurements and does not use numbers and

statistical methods as key research indicators and tools.

4. It tends to be associated with small-scale studies and a holistic perspective,

often studying a single occurrence or small number of occurrences/case studies in great depth.

5. The research study can usually be replicated or repeated, given its high


6. Data are in the form of numbers and statistics, often arranged in tables, charts,

figures, or other non-textual forms.

7. Emphasis is on discovery rather than proof.

8. The results are based on larger sample sizes that are representative of the


9. It tends to be associated with emergent research design, using a wide range of


10. Researcher has a clearly defined research question to which objective answers
are sought.

I. Introduction

“Do you check anything when you buy things? Like when there was an advertisement from Jollibee about their
new product, do you check the reviews from other people before you buy that new product?”

“When your parents decided to bought new appliances, have you observed that they are researching the internet
what is the best, cheapest and, efficient kind of that appliances.” 

To check the new products we do some inquiry or we conduct some research to know more about the item.

What is “INQUIRY” and “RESEARCH”? Is there any difference between the two?

Inquiry and research has the same goal which is knowledge acquisition or to gain more information and
understanding about a certain thing or phenomenon.

But still there is a difference between the two when it comes to the approach of getting the information.

Inquiry means “investigation”

An act of asking information

An official process to discover the facts about something

Research is a scientific, experimental, inductive manner of thinking. It follows a certain steps:

-identifying the topic or problem -Formulating hypothesis

-gathering data -Analyzing data

-Making theories -Drawing conclusions


Research is a detailed study of a specific problem using the scientific method. It involves a systematically
investigation. Another definition, it is a study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and to establish
a new conclusions.

Without research, we are flooded with information, subjected to the claims of advertisers, or influenced by hearsay.
The research helps us decipher the flood of information we encounter daily.

Questions That Delimits Research

1.What is the meaning of life? 5.Why is the future unknowable?

2.What is the origin of God? 6.Why do we fear the unknowable?

3.Is the universe finite or infinite? 7.Why are there exceptions to every rule?

4.When did time begin?

Why all this questions

delimit a research?

Because research should be:

Researchable & manageable- Data should be available and accessible. The data must meet the standards of
accuracy, objectivity and verifiability. The answers to the specific questions can be found. The hypotheses
formulated are testable ( they can be accepted or rejected) and always remember that the hypotheses are not
proved, they are only determined as true or not. The equipment and instruments for research are available and it
can give reliable and valid results.

Within the specialization of the researcher- The researcher must have a workable understanding of his/her study.

Completed within a reasonable period of time – Because information easily updates and the data gathered should
be reliable. It should be significant, important and relevant to the present time and situation, timely and of current
The results should be practical and implementable – It should be doable and applicable.

It requires original, critical and reflective thinking to solve it – the research must be novel, new or original. It can
also be from the past study or may be a replication but conducted in another place.

Quantitative Research

A Quantitative research determines the relationship between one thing and another within a population. It can be
counted and which are usually gathered by surveys from large numbers of respondents randomly selected for
inclusion. Best used to answer what, when and who questions and not well suited to how and why questions. The
aim of a quantitative research study is to classify features, count them, and construct statistical models in an
attempt to explain what is observed.

Simply, quantitative research is concerned with numbers and its relationship with events.

The quantitative research suggests that the data concerned can be analyzed in terms of numbers.

For example: A study comparing the number of viewers in Commonwealth, Quezon city about their preferences in
watching a noontime show, is it Eat Bulaga or Showtime. In here, it may be approached by making a survey
questionnaire asking for the preference of viewers in Commonwealth, Quezon city. In this case, numbers are used
as data for analysis.

The quantitative Designs: Descriptive and experimental

Descriptive – the subject is usually measured once/ establishes only associations between variables. The
researcher observes the phenomena as they occur naturally and no external variables are introduced. The variable
is not manipulated deliberately nor is the setting is controlled. The researcher collects the data without making
changes or introducing treatments. The main purpose is to observe, describe and document the aspect of a
situation as it naturally occurs and there are times to serve as a starting point for generating a hypothesis.

Experimental – measured before and after a treatment. This allows the researcher to control the situation. It
answer the question, “What causes something to occur?”. Identify the cause and effect relationship between
variables. It also distinguish the effects from treatment effects.

Main Characteristics of Quantitative Research

Data is usually gathered using structured research instruments

Results are based on larger sample sizes that are representative of the population

Can usually be replicated or repeated, given its high reliability

Researcher has clearly defined research questions to which objective answers are sought

Aspects of the study are carefully designed before data is collected

Data are in the form of numbers and statistics, often arranged in tables, charts, figures or other non-textual forms

Researcher uses tools, such as questionnaires or computer software to collect numerical data.

To classify features, count them and construct statistical models in an attempt to explain what is observed

Things to keep in mind when reporting the results of a study using quantitative methods:

1. Explain the data collected and their statistical treatment as well as all relevant results in relation to the research
problem you are investigating.

2. Report unanticipated events that occurred during your data collection. Explain how the actual analysis differs
from the planned analysis. Explain your handling of missing data and why any missing data does not undermine the
validity of your analysis.

3. Explain the techniques you used 

4. Choose a minimally sufficient statistical procedure. Specify any computer programs used.

5. Describe the assumptions for each procedure and the steps you took to ensure that they were not violated.

6. Uses table and figures. Always tell the reader what to look for in tables and figures.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative Research

Strengths of Quantitative Research

It provides an allowance on the formulation of statistically sound

Quantitative data provides a macro view with all the required details and comparatively larger samples.

Larger sample sizes enable the conclusion to be generalized.

Evaluation of the multiple data sets can be done at once and that too at a faster pace and accurately.

This method is called to be appropriate when there is a need of systematic and standardized comparisons.

The manual implementations of ideas can be automated completely which can save time

Weaknesses of Quantitative Research

Quantitative Method reveals what and to what extent but often fails to answer more on why and how.

This type of research requires the model performance to be monitored on constant basis in order to ensure its
compliance with the original hypotheses.

People do research to find solutions, even tentative ones, to problems, in order to improve or enhance ways of
doing things, to disprove or provide a new hypothesis, or simply to find answers to questions or solutions to
problems in daily life. Research findings can affect people’s lives, ways of doing things, laws, rules and regulations, as well
as policies, among others. Widely, quantitative research is often used because of its emphasis on proof rather than

In recent times, research studies are gaining an unprecedented focus and attention. Then, only the faculty in higher
education has so much interest and conduct researchers, but now even the teachers in the basic education are
engrossed in researches and devote time and effort in conducting researches to improve educational practices that may
lead to more quality learning of the students. Many teachers do action researches because there is a serious need to
identify the problems of the deteriorating quality of education. By doing so, they can address systematically and make
educational decisions regarding the problems met. Innovative teaching strategies are product of research.

In the natural and social sciences, quantitative research is the systematic, empirical investigation of observable phenomena
via statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and
employ mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to phenomena. The process of measurement is
central to quantitative research because it provides the fundamental connection between empirical observation and
mathematical expression of quantitative relationships.

Health Sciences (Medical Technology, Dentistry, Nursing, Medicine, etc.) use quantitative research designs like descriptive, pre-
experimental, quasi-experimental, true-experiment, case study, among others.


Researches can help design a new product or service, figuring out what is needed and ensure the development of
product is highly targeted towards demand. Businessmen can also utilize research results to guarantee sufficient
distribution of their products and decide where they need to increase their product distribution. Conducting
researches can also help a business determine whether now is the proper time to open another branch or whether
it needs to apply for a new loan. It may also help a small business decide if a procedure or strategy should be change
to meet the requirements of the customer base. Research is important for any organization to remain in the market.
The primary function of research in ABM is to correctly determine its customers and their preferences, establish the
enterprise in the most feasible location, deliver quality goods and services, analyze what the competitors are doing and
find ways on how to continuously satisfy the growing and varied needs of the clients.


Researchers are often interested in how an understanding of a particular communication phenomenon might
generalize to a larger population. For example, researchers can advance questions like “What Effect do punitive
behavioral control statements have on a classroom? What communicative behaviors are associated with different
stages in romantic relationships? What communicative behaviors are used to respond to co-workers displaying
emotional stress? (Allen, Titsworth, Hunt, 2009)

Quantitative research is used to analyze how sports may be used as an alternative way of medicating an illness. An
example is the research done by University of Eastern Finland which investigated the relationship between mushrooming
of fast food chains and obesity, as well as the intervention needed to prevent children’s obesity from reaching serious
proportions. The research focused on the children’s physical activity and physical inactivity and the concomitant impact
on the children’s amount of adipose tissue (fat mass) and the endurance fitness. The study is used to analyze certain the
effect of physical activity in weight control.


Quantitative research in medical education tends to be predominantly observational research based on surveys or
correlational studies. The designs test interventions like curriculum, teaching-learning process, or assessment with an
experimental group. Either a comparison or controlled group learners may allow researchers to overcome validity
concerns and infer potential cause-effect generalizations. Researchers are using to cope with the emerging trends in
recent times.


Relationship Questions in today’s quantitative trend tend to explore how one behavior exhibited by people is related to
other types of behavior. Examples are verbally aggressive behaviors related to physical aggression – that is, when a
person has a level of verbally aggressive behavior, does he or she tend to be physically aggressive? Are certain
supervisor communication skills related to the emotional experiences of employees?

Questions of difference explore how patterns of behavior or perceptions might differ from one group or type of a person
to another: Do people with disabilities experience emotional labor differently from those without disabilities? Do women
perceive talkativeness (or lack of it) differently form men? Do communication styles differ from one culture to the
next? (Alle, Titsworth, Hunt, 2009).

When quantitative researchers explore questions of differences or questions of relationships, they do so in an attempt
to uncover certain patterns of behavior. If the researcher discovers that a certain relationship exists in sample that
she or he has drawn form the population, she/he is then in a position to draw generalizations about patterns expected
of human behavior.

MIND CHALLENGE. Answer the following questions, follow directions given. NON-STOP WRITING.
In 10 mins., write your concise learning about the following.

1. What is quantitative research?



2. What are the characteristics of quantitative research?


3. Discuss the strengths of quantitative research.



POST_TEST. This serves as your summative test. Answer the questions below following the instruction given in
each test.

I. Multiple choice. Choose the correct letter that best describe the question or complete the statement. Write your
answer before the number.

____1. This quantitative design is measured before and after a treatment. This allows the researcher to control the
situation. It answer the question, “What causes something to occur?”.

A. Descriptive

B. Experimental

C. None of the above

_____2. This research is concerned with numbers and its relationship with events.

A. Quantitative

B. Qualitative

C. None of the above

___3. In this quantitative design, the researcher collects the data without making changes or introducing
treatments. The main purpose is to observe, describe and document the aspect of a situation as it naturally occurs
and there are times to serve as a starting point for generating a hypothesis.

A. Descriptive

B. Experimental

C. None of the above

___4. The following questions delimits the research except one.

A. What is the meaning of life?

B. What is the number of viewers in Tandang Sora, Quezon city about their preferences in watching a prime time
show, is it Encantadia or Ang Probinsyano

C. Is the universe finite or infinite?

___5. The following are characteristics of quantitative research except one.

A. Data is usually gathered using structured research instruments

B. Results are based on larger sample sizes that are representative of the population

C. Can never be repeated or replicated

II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct and F it is incorrect.

____1. A Quantitative research determines the relationship between one thing and another within a population.
_____2. In research the data should be available and accessible.
_____3. In research the data must meet the standards of accuracy, objectivity and verifiability.
_____4. Quantitative research does not concerned with numbers but with events that occur.
_____5. A quantitative research does not determine the relationship between one thing and another within a
_____6. In Experimental identify the cause and effect relationship between variables. It also distinguish the effects
from treatment effects.

_____7. In quantitative research, the researcher uses tools, such as questionnaires or computer software to collect
numerical data.

_____8. In quantitative research, you need to explain the data collected and their statistical treatment as well as all
relevant results in relation to the research problem you are investigating.

_____9. In quantitative research, you need to describe the assumptions for each procedure and the steps you took
to ensure that they were not violated.

_____10. When conducting a research, it should be completed within a reasonable period of time.
ASSIGNMENT: I. RESEARCH WORK. Research 5 different titles of research in a research reports and identify
them if they belong to quantitative research and state your reasons.

I. Identify if the research belongs to quantitative research and state your explanation.

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