Little Millet Brochure
Little Millet Brochure
Little Millet Brochure
Extension Folder- 3
with Imidacloprid @ 10-12 ml/kg of seed or
soybean/pigeon pea (2:1 row ratio) Thiamethoxam 70 WS @ 3g/kg of seed may be used.
Apply Carbofuran (Furadan 3G) or Phorate 10G at
Sothern Bihar: Little millet + pigeon pea (2:1 row
the time of sowing as soil application in the furrows
@ 20 kg/ha.
Cropping sequence
Harvesting: Harvest is done once the ear-heads
South Bihar: Little Millet- Niger
are physiologically mature. The crop is ready for
Diseases: There are no serious diseases on this harvest in 65 - 75 days after sowing.
crop, Grain smut (Macalpino mycessharmaeis) a
Yield: Grain 12-15 q/ha and 20-25 quintals of straw
common disease of little millet.
per hectare.
Symptom: The affected ovary is converted into
smutsorus, but does not increase in size than the
normal grain Compiled By:
Management: The disease can be controlled by Swarna Ronanki, Sangappa,
adopting resistant cultivars (DPI 2394, PLM 202, Ganapathy K.N and Vilas A Tonapi
OLM 203, DPI 2386 and CO 2), cultural practices
like delayed sowing and Seed treatment with
Carboxinor Carbendazim @ 2 g